#my overall take is she seems resentful
sm-baby · 5 months
What do u think about Gooseworx’s recent post of her answering someone who asked, “If a character from the circus were to punch Caine who would it be?” And she replied Pomni (and Zooble)
HONESTLY I VIBE WITH POMNI NOT LIKING CAINE although I so dearly wish they got along ToT My favorite little guys,,, don't fight,,,
With the lack of any character writing in the pilot, I based their dynamic in the beginning, where Pomni wasn't bothered at all. I thought that at most she thought he was weird, but was overall pretty neutral with the guy the same way everyone else seems to just be "oh he exists" with Caine!
HOWEVER, I had not considered the END of the pilot where Goose described her look as "being furious with him"
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See- this behavior makes SENSE as he is the antagonist and she is the protagonist. Even If it isn't exactly a hate or dislike, there's at least resentment which-- who could blame her! BRO KEEPS GASLIGHTING HER- HLDKHFADLK
wahh!! i have so many theories! I'm hyped for any dynamic between them!! My sweethearts!
I vibe with this! Im happy! because this means that their dynamic isn't boring. There's potential for more character interaction or conversations that 👏ATLEAST 👏ISN'T👏BORING👏 I want them to having scenes together that drive the story, or compliment each other's character writing-- i- GRR... GRR!! POMNI AND CAINEEE POMNI AND CAINNEE ILL TAKE ANYTHING I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH I WANT MY FAVS TO INTERACTTT
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temis-de-leon · 7 months
Replaced MC AU/AU - V. 2
Characters: demon brothers, fem!MC and flirty! fem! NES (MC x NES)
Intro – gn!MC , fem!MC x male!NES (Part 1) , male!MC x male!NES (Part 1 , Part 2)
Masterlist , about the NESs
CW: rejection, abandonment, women flirt hard from my experience but this is mild i think, suggestive but also mild, lession 16 mentioned, MC is not stupid and deserves to vent, no comfort in this one folks, my favouritism is showing
A/N: Jesus Christ guys. On another note, for those who couldn't be tagged: please check if you can fix the problem! I don't mind sending you a private message, but it's easier this way :)
It was a surprise for Lucifer, somehow, seeing someone like MC so content with someone like NES. When one smiled, the other frowned; sweet and spicy; beauty and brawn. The brothers had naively thought having MC share her room was bound to cause problems, but how wrong they were.
Four months into the second year of the program, the two girls had already merged their closets, creating a unique style with their combined clothing. They’d also decided to use one of the beds for storage, sleeping together in the other. The first time that happened and all of them had to face Belphie’s resentment, Lucifer had feared for NES’s safety and even considered confining his brother in the attic again. Thankfully, and surprisingly, the younger demon had opted for the pettier option: ignoring MC altogether and treating NES like a rotten piece of furniture.
He was probably hoping for MC to feel guilty enough to completely ignore NES and come crawling back to him, but, as different as they were, both humans quickly became two peas in a pod, always walking hand in hand, shoulders brushing while exchanging secrets that no one else was allowed to hear.
Overall, the whole situation had become a recurrent topic in the brothers’ groupchat and, while Lucifer wanted to remain as nonchalant as ever, it was impossible to hide his opinions on the matter.
He wasn’t happy.
None of them were.
Mammon wanted her gone.
He wanted her gone now.
Who did she think she was, stealing MC’s attention from him and acting like she didn’t know what she was doing? Sitting next to her at every meal, massaging her scalp during movie nights and waking her up at odd hours because she liked ‘those late night talks’ in the kitchen?
What type of talks were ‘those’? MC could have them with Mammon; she didn’t need NES! She had him, after all. Her first man!
“Well, I’m her first woman then” answered NES the time they argued over who was gonna sit next to MC in class.
Who did she think she was?!
“Are you okay, Mammon? You seem upset”
And there she came, the bane of his existence, already dressed up in her RAD uniform and dragging MC by the hand. Both of them looked tired and Mammon realized with primal horror that no noise had come from the kitchen that night.
“Why are you so tired?! MC!”
Her only answer was a yawn, so NES gave herself the right to talk on her behalf; but not before handing MC some food for breakfast, of course. 
Although half of it was burnt, Mammon still hoped MC would like it.
“Oh, we were up for a long while, barely slept at all. Right, MC?”
She nodded, happy under the pampering, but her eyelids were half closed and she didn’t seem to notice she was eating her favorites. 
Mammon stared at them in shock and distraught before sparing a glance at Lucifer, who was too occupied checking his DDD and drinking his coffee to pay attention. Had he really looked at him, though, he would’ve seen a twitch in his brother’s forehead and a stillness in his eyes; he wasn’t reading at all.
“Then maybe MC and I could take a nap after class”
They all looked at Belphie, who had started to show an unusual interest in going to RAD those last few days. He was smiling like a kid in a candy store, already gawking at the idea of spending quality time with MC, or, at least, what he considered quality time.
His expression dropped, however, when MC shared a complicit glance with NES and smiled apologetically.
“I’m sorry Belphie, but I already made plans with NES”
“We’re going to Majolish” added said girl with a sly glint in her eyes “MC saw some clothes and wanted an outside opinion” 
Belphie looked downright offended, but not as much as Mammon felt. What did she mean they were going to Majolish because MC wanted an outside opinion? He was there! He was literally a model!! Hell, even Asmo would've been a better choice!
“I’ll go with you!” he announced, not asking for permission “I’m a professional, you know? You should be thankful I’m even considering wasting my time on some dumb humans!”
The youngest demon rolled his eyes, but NES’s expression briefly flickered and that was almost enough for Mammon. Beside him, at the head of the table, Lucifer sighed. 
“Do what you want, but if you end up third wheeling, that’s on you”
MC laughed, neither confirming nor denying anything. NES watched over the brim of her mug, challenging them with unsaid words.
Mammon wanted her gone.
Famine woke Beel up, like always, so he went to the kitchen, like always. It’d been MC’s turn to cook that night and he was pretty sure she’d stored some leftovers in the fridge for him. It was nice, being remembered even when she was too occupied with NES to pay them attention anymore. It brought some comfort, as well as a small smile to his face.
But much to his chagrin, the kitchen light was already turned on when he arrived, and his mood soured when he saw what was happening. Beel’s heart dropped and plummeted through his guts, deepening the black hole in his stomach. MC was leaning against the counter, creating some concoction in a bowl, while NES hugged her from behind. Both of them waved at him when he made his presence known, getting no greetings in return.
“Hi, Beel! I left food in the fridge for you!”
He wanted to be happy and thank her for the trouble, but he wasn’t able to think properly, not when NES’s face was snuggled into the fluff of MC’s hoodie, hands sneaking around her waist and disappearing under the material.
What was she doing? Should he stop her? But MC looked so cozy… not uncomfortable at all. His throat closed at the same time his stomach roared loud enough to fill the silence in the kitchen.
“Beel, are you okay?” 
“You seem upset”
MC looked worried, but NES’s words crammed his mind. She’d said the same thing to Mammon that morning wearing the same self-satisfied expression.
Ignoring his needs and his emptiness, Beel turned around and left them alone.
MC was seething. Her thoughts were a mere blurr and a sting in her throat left her unable to speak her mind the way she wanted to do it.
Was he serious?
Were they serious? Those self-righteous hypocrites! 
“We think it’s for the best, MC” spoke Lucifer like she was a child too slow to get his point.
“She’s playing with you, honey! She’ll hurt you!”
The gall. The audacity. The… ugh!
She stared at Asmo baring her teeth, never a threat to them, but a gesture so uncharacteristic of her that it was impossible not to treat the situation seriously. The common room was silent, yet MC was sure every single one of them was able to hear the violent thumping of her heart.
“We’re doing this for you”
“FOR ME?” she screeched at Belphie.
A scream would’ve made her feel better, but she guessed the high pitch got her point across good enough, her anger reaching every corner of the room. The brothers stayed silent, eyes wide open and muscles tense, waiting for her next movement. Not even when she got up from her seat and paced they spoke.
“MC, lower your voice”
Lucifer glared at her, the red in his eyes glowing dangerously. MC wanted to keep going just to spite him, begrudgingly giving up in the end. She was close to crying out of frustration and her throat hurted, so screaming would only hurt her more.
“You were the ones that insisted so much on having another human exchange student” she reminded them, stopping in front of the fireplace and basking in the warmth for some comfort, pointing to the eldest brother with clenched jaws “You said it would improve the program!”
“She’s holding you back, distracting you and using you for her own entertainment!” intervened Satan before Lucifer could speak.
“Oh, because you were so altruistic last year! Treating me with all the respect I deserved! Totally not threatening me all the time or even killing me for selfish reasons! You’d never do that to me, would you?!”
They lowered their gaze, suddenly very embarrassed, and MC felt a part of her healing. Then she saw Levi’s glassy eyes and Beel’s defeated expression. Neither Mammon nor Belphie weren’t even looking at her anymore. And she could live without Belphie’s half-hearted apologies, but not without the brothers under a pact.
“I believe this is enough, MC. Calm down and we’ll talk again in the morning”
Lucifer got up, his voice completely neutral, but his eyes pleading and desperate. He started to close the distance, but she got away, walking towards the door without breaking eye contact.
“You were so on board with this, Lucifer!”
The tears swelled in her eyes. Hot tears breaking her a little more, fuelling her anger. 
“Do you really think I’m not aware of what she’s doing? We share a room, you morons! I've lived with her more than I’ve ever lived with you!” 
There was silence again, four of them looking at her with visible pain and the other three leaning against each other.
Fuck it then.
“It’s all good and awesome when you’re the ones in favor, but when I’m the one having fun, suddenly NES has to go away?! Do you hear yourselves?! I’m so done with you thinking I owe you anything at all, let alone my fucking soul! Half of our pacts weren't even born out of friendship, so hear me out and hear me well! Get your heads out of your asses and for once in your life: LEAVE ME ALONE!”
MC walked away, closing the door at full force and leaving them behind in more ways than one.
How could they ever get over this?
Taglist: : @stfuchaase @k1-an @meggs-wonderland @kkeromenoo @va109 @marvelous-maniac @cruzerforce4256 @blarsh @marathedemonoverlord @junni-berry @arylleb @b-a-m-2006 @jonielunar @piercedddriver @cosmidaydreaming
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lacedinweb22 · 1 month
I don't wanna let you go ❦︎
inspired by Enhypen’s “Bills” - Miguel O'Hara x fem!reader (angsty chapter from my Wattpad series Vampire Next Door)
Miguel’s mother wasn’t gentle. His personality attests to that.
She was abusive, resentful, lacked any empathy, just overall shitty. Not much of a mother at all.
Miguel didn’t thrive at home, but he did thrive at school.
Though he was sarcastic, talked back to any authority (to be fair, he usually had a point), and had a hell of a mouth on him, his teachers gave him the validation his mother didn’t—academic validation.
He was a genius, really, and school was his distraction from the hell hole he lived in.
High school was far too slow-paced for him. And university, he found slightly challenging, but when he looked around to see everybody else was really struggling, having breakdowns, begging for his tutoring, he realized he found his courses quite easy. He realized he was different…
socially and academically.
He’s only ever had three friends, Vel being one of them.
He surprisingly found a friend in the hard-shelled vigilante, an acquaintance, someone he could banter with, argue, fight. They were there for each other.
Is it impossible to turn back time? No time.
So when he realized in addition to you possibly being hung up on some girl you used to live with, his own acquaintance had made a move on you, he came in swinging.
He reflects, remembers:
“I know you already hate me… already don’t trust me, but I need to tell you something else,” you muttered.
“Dios, what?”
“Vel… has been flirting with me. When you left, after she hurt herself, she… she kind of admitted her feelings to me.”
“Vel? Vel. Vel as in Velvet, Vel as in—”
“Yes, Mig. The only Vel we both know.”
“Oh god.”
“After I cleaned up her messes, after I patched up her knee? After I—”
“I know.”
“And you did what? You said what?”
“I was kind of in shock, and I know— I can’t believe I didn’t see it coming… I just, I said I wanted you, and that’s when she brought her up. She said you were in the way like my roommate’s boyfriend was. Struck a nerve, struck several, so I left.”
One day, the invoice that you stuck on me, the pain that became my share,
He nods.
“Funny. Thought you were still hung up on her, thought you were going to abandon me and move back with her, meanwhile, the only real threat was my own fucking friend. Adds up.”
I’m sure I paid for it.
He shakes his head, forehead resting on his own big hands. He doesn’t look up at you.
He realizes he has mommy issues, abandonment issues, every issue in the book really.
Getting closer to you scared him. He worried he was a burden, that you’d have to deal with all of the weight that came with him. But you were reassuring, seemed like you could handle it, like you wanted to handle it.
You made him trust again, made him a better person.
He sits on the fire escape, slouched, head hung in thought.
It takes everything in him not to go to your bedroom window, just right there, he wouldn’t argue, he’d just embrace you. It’ll fix everything he thinks.
But he doesn’t. Instead, he sits, continues to think.
He never really had space for insecurity, or reason for it really, being at the top of the class with no threats ever, made him secure in himself, gave him a strong sense of confidence.
Besides… maybe the insecurity stemming from the rejection and neglect from his mother—but he refused to count that. He accepted their fucked relationship at a young age, and decided he’d become smart, build his way out of there. Fuck her. He didn’t need her. It was a lost cause,
but you, he could never give up on you. He does need you.
New emotions, love, being loved by you, this, however, brought forth a new sense of insecurity.
For once, he didn’t have control over everything, over himself.
He seeks your love, attention, wants to make you feel loved, understood, and the idea that you could find someone else to do that, made him insecure, made his heart race, body temperature hot.
Maybe his mom did have something to do with this, Vel always said so anyway. Maybe for once she was right. He feared you’d abandon him—emotionally, physically—the way the one person in the world who was meant to love him abandoned him.
He wonders how he—
Your window slides open. He turns back to see you. You look exhausted—he hates to think he’s to blame—tired, and still beautiful.
The sad way you say his name makes his stomach drop. You sit on your window sill, fiddling with your jacket.
“I’ve been thinking.”
I thought about it, it’s not paid.
He looks up at you, desperate to know what you think.
“Maybe… maybe we need a break, maybe we just need time apart,” you say, weakly.
He exhales, like he’s been punched in the stomach.
You continue, “Maybe I’m still not healed from her, and I know—I see that it hurts you.”
You sniffle, tears rolling down. You rest your head against the brick wall.
“I don’t want to let you go,” you sob, gently.
He wants to hug you, but it’ll only make this harder.
The price of parting keeps getting more and more expensive. I just wanna let it go.
Maybe he deserves to be abandoned. Maybe you’ll both hurt less this way.
Why don’t you just let me go?
He wonders if this is permanent, if it’s really the end, but it only makes him feel dizzy. He stands up, wipes the tears he didn’t realize were falling, and gives you one last look,
“If that’s what you want.”
The right price I only learned through tears. 
ughhh angst
anyways yeah shocker I'm an Engene ❀*ੈ  go stream Romance: Untold
time-skip chapter coming soon ₊ʚïɞ 
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
Just fully read Azula In The Spirit Temple, and I gotta say, it definitely is an improvement from her characterization in The Search and Smoke and Shadow trilogies; this comic understands her character more than those trilogies combined.
There is something I don't believe I fully like, which is the notion that she 'rejected redemption' from the spirit. That thing seemed to be overall a Lotus Eater Machine rather than something that actually was trying to help her Zuko gets Iroh and Azula gets a giant centipede disguised as an old woman that makes her have hallucinations —something she struggled with in the past— and give her 'redemption' through fake dreams and fantasies and lies. I doubt that thing had any good intentions at all, but anyway.
I do love things about the comic: there were some parts that reminded me a bit of Zuko before his redemption arc, and that while the comic doesn't redeem her and doesn't say she'll be redeemed, she's not approached as an unredeemable person either.
One of the things I loved was that flashback of Azula firebending for the first time and being seen by Ozai and Ursa doing so, and the implications later. Ozai was seemingly excited, Ursa wasn't. Take into consideration that Azulon arranged the marriage between them was to make a powerful line of benders. Azula and Zuko were children of the second son and they weren't originally born to rule, they were born to be weapons.
So Ursa looking serious and afraid —and young Azula looking confused, probably thinking her mother was scared of her— while Ozai is elated upon realizing that his daughter is a firebending prodigy and the implications is great, most of all when the spirit later shows Azula a warped version of the memory where Ursa looks actually happy and proud. Azula was like 'no, that wasn't how it went, my mother wasn't proud, she was scared of me, scared for me.' Because Azula herself realizes that her mother was scared of the path her father was going to make her take.
And then we have a few moments later Azula talking to her mother again, and her telling her mother that. That deep down she resented Ursa not just because she thought she loved Zuko more than she loved her, but because she thought she protected Zuko over her as well, that she saved him from being killed-- and then left. Azula tells Ursa that she abandoned her, that she wasn't there to protect her from Ozai and prevent him from turning her into his weapon, that she didn't have a choice and that if Ursa had been there to protect, she wouldn't have turned out-- like that.
Of course, I feel sympathy for Ursa, and Azula is hypocritical and refuses to take responsibility for her actions several times, blaming others for them or for leaving her. But in this comic we see for the first time something that's been obvious for many of us but wasn't acknowledged yet, and Azula acknowledges it herself: that she was an abused child. That Zuko wasn't the only victim of Ozai, she was his victim as well. That she felt neglected by her mother, and that while Zuko had had both Ursa and then Iroh to support him, Azula didn't have anyone to protect her from Ozai shaping her into his firebending weapon. And it's confirmed that Azula doesn't like being a monster, she hates it, and wishes someone had helped her. Azula wishes her mother had been there to help her and protect her from Ozai the way she felt she protected Zuko.
And it is shown, too, that Azula doesn't really hate Zuko, either. Or even Iroh. Otherwise, neither of them would have appeared in the dream the spirit gave her of the perfect scenario from her—her whole family happy and together, and proud of her and loving her. Zuko doesn't even have his scar; in her perfect world, she has a good relationship with her brother and he was never burnt by their father.
Even later, when she's shown fighting and arguing with an hallucinated version of Ty Lee, Azula doesn't even actively try hurting her; she manages to knock Ty Lee out and when the spirit asks her 'are you going to kill her?', Azula is startled by that suggestion and says 'why would I do that?', which shows that deep down she does care about Ty Lee. And Mai, in a way. Messed up, but she wouldn't want to actually hurt either of them, and it was already obvious in the show how much their betrayal affected her. Despite her messed up approach at it, it was clear and continues to be clear that Azula cared about them and did think of them as her friends. In her messed up way, again. And even now, she doesn't even entertain the idea of truly hurting Ty Lee.
And while she does reject 'redemption' (I still think that thing didn't truly want to redeem her tbh), she also-- kind of does choose it? Instead of attacking the Fire Warriors for betraying her, when she finds them-- she just looks at them being happy together, and instead turns around and leaves. She chooses to let them go and go on her own way, in a similar way Zuko let Appa go.
The comic did well with Azula's characterization of being a person who's hurt many people and done awful things while also acknowledging that she is also a kid, an abused one, that she wasn't born a monster and she dislikes being one and that she wishes someone had helped her, or acknowledge that she was hurt, too. It's shown that while she doesn't acknowledge this, she still really needs help.
It was good reading it, really. I don't think it necessarily means Azula will be redeemed in the future, but I don't think it means she won't be, either. Yeah, she messes up her chance at 'redemption', but Zuko had to be dragged crying and wailing by Iroh into doing the right thing several times, and he himself rejected his own redemption and betrayed his uncle in The Crossroads of Destiny. So Azula rejecting redemption now doesn't mean that in a future she couldn't still be redeemed. Zuko did get worse before he got it right.
Again, Azula in this comic reminded me a bit of pre-redemption Zuko several times and I find a few parallels between them. Honestly, while not perfect, I feel like this comic could be kind of read as Azula's equivalent to Zuko Alone in some way.
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greenqueenhightower · 3 months
ok so I saw that alicent is pregnant… and she'll give birth to Maelor or take moon tea and abort the baby…pls tell me that it’s all a bad dream :(
*Spoilers Ahead* Oh, dear anon, I wish I could tell you it’s all a bad dream 💚
I saw the leaks as soon as they came out and for days I’ve been discussing them with friends and mutuals. If it gives you any consolation, we know only that Alicent will feel her stomach in episode 4, ask the maester to prepare 🌙 ☕️ , and then drink it secretly. I’ve read all kinds of interpretations for this, but please be reminded that this is all we’ve got in terms of the leaks; the rest is speculation. Three scenarios are floating around:
a) Alicent takes the moon tea as a form of birth control. This implies that it’s not the first time she’s taken it, and it’s her regular habit to take some after she’s had sex with Criston. I think the way the scene is set up and delivered in episode 4 will determine whether Alicent has asked for moon tea before (What is her reaction? Does the maester seem to have prepared this before for her? Does he speak as if she’s asked him to make moon tea for the first time?).
b) Alicent takes moon tea as a form of abortion. The way “Alicent feeling her stomach” is interpreted is that her pregnancy is advanced (although idk how that can make sense given that Alicent and Criston have been having sex for a few weeks?) or that she fears she might be pregnant because she has failed to take moon tea this whole time and she might be experiencing the early symptoms of pregnancy like nausea, fatigue etc (which would make her pregnancy around 2-4 weeks, but certainly not at a stage when she can feel anything in terms of movement. Perhaps she’s touching her stomach out of concern and fear for what she has to do.)
c) Alicent takes the moon tea, but she stays pregnant nonetheless, and this pregnancy results in the birth of Maelor. The speculation gets wonky after that. I’ve read all kinds of things, that Alicent tries to kill herself by the lake as we see in the trailer (I’d hate that!) and even that she marries Larys to conceal the bastardy (since Criston’s vows as a white cloak are for life and they can’t get married, and if he’s found out to be the father he’ll be executed).
My overall reactions:
I would be fine with Alicent taking the moon tea as a form of birth control or abortion if the show does not melodramatize this moment or exploit it to give Alicent further reasons to resent herself and additional “sins” to atone for the whole season. Please, writers, let her move beyond that characterization and give us further insight into her psyche and a well-rounded portrayal of her character.
In case her pregnancy is advanced, taking the moon tea can be extremely dangerous (we know this because it almost killed Lysa) so I wouldn’t want to see this pain inflicted on her. We also know that there are religious qualms for those who adhere to the faith of the seven regarding moon tea (Margaery was convicted because Pycelle confessed he brewed her moon tea six times) so I wouldn’t want my girl to go on hating herself for something like that.
Most importantly, giving Alicent a bastard child and making Maelor a bastard would be character assassination for me. I’ve read that the writers might go down this lane for the Rhaenicent parallels and to further highlight the tragedy and her “hypocrisy” but it just doesn’t make sense to me. It also highly affects both Alicent’s and Maelor’s arcs in S3. Therefore, I am hesitant to believe that the writers would so deviate from canon to show us Alicent pregnant with baby Maelor. Does this mean they can’t if they want to? No, it doesn’t, but the chance, at least to me, is very slim.
I hope I’ve alleviated your fears somehow! Let us see what actually happens.
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baiwu-jinji · 6 months
I highly reccomend reading some of the changes in the revised version, as some arcs became very different there, in particular the Brocade Immortal arc and the Fangxin Guoshi arc, with more context added into LQQ and LW's characters in particular (and also more Hualian moments hehe).
As for QR, the changes on the chapters he first appeared on where, instead of HC making them arrive to QR's lair, LQQ was instead convinced by HC to confront QR... Who was near the royal masouleaum, and in this version anyone considered a "traitor" to Xianle ends up being severely weakened there, and this includes LQQ and XL, which made QR able to chain them, beat XL up and force them to fight eachother basically. Other changes on QR in the revised version include:
-QR working with resentful spirits from Xianle instead of human Xianle rebels and trying to haunt/kill LQQ since the beginning, as well as them killing all of the royals, King included (XL hacked their bodies to pieces to prevent ghost shenanigans from happening and that's where the misconception that he's the culprit began in the revised version). XL later sealed QR for a bit after this too.
-Instead of calming down a little after XL ascended (on XL's request), QR was said to become even worse after that in this version.
-Overall more manic. The idea of his obsession having incestuous undertones probably comes from some lines that were added, like "If you keep looking at me like that, I'll say things I shouldn't.", which are accentuated in the audio drama (which is based off the revised version), but I think your interpretation on this is more likely.
-QR was using a decoy in the masouleaum, but after he was beaten by HC, XL and LQQ, he was too weak, so he convinced a suicidal, alcoholic gambling addict to give him his body... And that man was Guzi's father. Viewing Guzi as a burden at first, he ambushed XL after the lantern festival so he could take care of them.
-No inn scene apparently.
The rest didn't change much as far as I'm concerned. This revised version really makes the whole "XL as QR's subconscious father" subtext more evident to me, from QR constantly calling himself his "little brother", pleading XL to stop HC from beating him in the masouleaum (right after he beat up XL no less), to wanting XL to take care of him and Guzi after he got his new body (and while it may just be my interpretation, I really felt like QR was probably envious of LQQ and his bound with XL too, as explained in a previous ask).
Overall MXTX seemed to make him more unlikable, probably to hammer home the "toxic fan/hater" subtext of his character, but she didn't completely remove his more human elements either, so his character arc is thankfully mostly the same.
Hi! Thank you so much for outlining the changes regarding Qi Rong, and if we all agree that Qi Rong is a stand-in for toxic fans, then it's a little...worrying that MXTX depicts him as even more vicious and unlikable than before, because this would probably mean that her views on toxic fans hasn't softened over the years despite the fact that she has left social media for so long, and the damage and hurt they brought upon her probably still hasn't gone away...
I'm assuming people have heard that MXTX returned to JJWXC yesterday, announcing that she won't be working on the 4th novel she originally planned, but she's not retiring from writing either. In the meantime, TGCF has be unlocked on JJWXC and the revisions to the novel have been updated. I will start reading the revised chapters promptly, and share with you guys any thoughts I have :)
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ghostcatssecretblog · 27 days
Attack On Titan: Modern AU
(Or as I call it the highschool sweet heart au.)
Some of you may have seen my post based on my Attack on Titan Modern AU! But I've only ever posted photos. (I have more on my tiktok. Feel free to check it out)
So I'm gonna share my notes from this AU and my personal take on the characters in a modern universe.
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Some starter notes:
I tried to bring elements from the original story over, but obviously, it's not just a complete modern retelling, and to be honest, I mostly focused on Eren bc like...that's my boy. I have some thoughts on the others and they're listed below but I don't touch on everyone bc I just don't have enough thoughts about them.
The modern AU does not take place in our world. It's still theirs, so the setting and map is the same just...modern. You can honestly take this as a reincarnation AU.
So let's go!
• Eren's mom died in a car accident when he was nine. He was there to see it but luckily was mostly unharmed. His mom however died due to the impact.
• His father is a doctor, and because of this, he is rarely ever home, so his brother Zeke has to take care of him. Zeke is overly protective and tries to prevent Eren from doing things he considers to be reckless.
• Zeke and Eren have a weird relationship because while Zeke is the one who raised him and took care of him, Eren resents the fact that Zeke mothers him so much, especially as he gets older and tries to have more freedom to do what he wants with his life.
• As kids Armin, Mikasa, and Eren stuck together. Eren defended them from bullies, but the trio always managed to find themself in trouble. Mostly due to Eren always getting into something or starting fights of his own.
• He was already a bit of a trouble maker, but when his mom passed, he seemed to spiral. Zeke, only being 20 when he started taking care of Eren, means having to juggle college, a job, and raising a child. Needless to say, Eren went unsupervised a LOT in middle school.
• During freshman year of high school, Eren started attending Scout High, where he met a lot of his friends. He struggled at first but eventually formed a rag-tag group that only grew. One of those is Arte, who, like Reiner and Berthold, is a year above him. Their friendship was rocky at first, but they eventually came to an understanding.
• During freshman year, he joined the soccer team. By junior year he became captain.
• During sophomore year, the changes slowly began. Zeke became more overbearing, pushing Eren to be sneaky, and his father was around less and less.
• Then the incident happened. It was during a house party At Historia's right after homecoming. Everything was fine at first until Reiner made a foul comment about Eren's mom being dead. A fight broke out between them, resulting in Reiner having to go to the hospital. Because Arte, and a few others vouched for Eren and said that Reiner instigated the fight Eren got left off easy but was made to go to therapy and was put on probation.
• During junior year of high school, Eren becomes more reckless and starts to isolate from his friends more. He hangs out with the wrong sort of kids (Floch and Samuel), gets into fights more often, skips class, and overall stops caring as much. He picks up skateboarding as a hobby.
Extra notes:
• While he plays soccer he also does skateboarding as a hobby.
• He's into metal bands such as 5FDP and SOAD.
• His grandparents (dad side) are very conservative. They also don't approve of Grisha divorcing Dina and Marrying Carla (partially bc she was younger than him). They tend to favor Zeke and consider Eren to be nothing more than a trouble maker.
• In contrast to Eren's more middle class suburban life, Arte grew up your stereotypical white trash sort of home with a neglectful mother and an alcoholic father
• They grew mostly isolated, living too far from the city to make friends and considered too much of an odd kid to make any at school.
• That is until middle school. When they met Winnie.
• Winnie comes from upper class. She's rich but considered the back sheep of the family and because of this her and Arte become close friends. Closer than friends even
• But in 8th grade they split. Winnie wanted to stay in public school to be with Arte but Arte pushed her away, ensuring Winnie would go to boarding school. Art thought she was better off there.
• Arte then attends the same highschool as Eren their freshman year.
• Arte is friends with Annie (both are lower class and have bad parents) and Hitch - designated sunshine and rich girl of the group.
• Absolutely loves automotive and English classes. They help fix Eren's car on the regular.
• Their relationship when they first meet is weird and mostly bickering. Very friend/enemies through Eren's freshman and Sophmore year.
• Around his junior year he's getting in a lot more fights. Arte helps patch his face up in the boy's bathroom. There's a heart to heart and they become actual friends soon after.
• Arte Annie and Hitch start hanging around Eren's friend group more - leads to Armin and Annie dating.
• For the rest of Junior year Arte and Eren end up sneaking out (arte sneaking into his room, going to the skatepark, wandering the neighborhood, late night McDonald's runs)
• Eventually they end up dating but it's a bit of a slow burn bc neither wants to admit they like the other.
• Arte keeps Eren as far away from their home life as possible bc they don't want him seeing how awful it is but also bc they're fairly certain if he were to their dad hitting them Eren would end up in prison for murder
• Eren does find out via seeing the scars and bruises on Arte and loses his shit
• The one time he did catch Arte's dad putting his hands on them Arte had to drag him back into the car to avoid a fight.
Extra notes:
• AAH have matching friendship bracelets
• Likes music like Radiohead, Nirvana, Deftones...
• They go to football games (hitch is a cheer leader) and Eren's soccer games together. As well as Parties, homecoming, prom (Arte asks Eren for their senior year and vise versa for his), haunted houses, carnival, etc.
• Arte stays over at Eren's a lot bc bad home life.
• They also get Eren into smoking weed. Zeke does not approve.
• Arte graduates first but takes a gap year to wait on Eren so they can apply to colleges together (with zekes help)
• During this time Arte temporarily moves in with Zeke and Eren.
• Unfortunately neither knows what they want to do with their life atm
• I really feel like Eren would be the kinda person to go to a lot of protest though. He probably organizes half of them.
• Arte -> Enginering Major
• Eren -> Social Justice Major
• Zeke and Yelena are married. They end up moving to Liberio, Marley and try to take Eren with them.
• Eventually end up getting dog together named Titan. He's a chow and Tibetan mastiff mix
• He still lives with his grandpa
• His parents are alive they just travel a lot for work so he doesn't see them very much
• It's part of the reason he wants to see the ocean and travel.
• Ends up a marine biologist
• Armin x Annie !
• Takes a lot of IB classes in High-school.
• Likes softer music. I'm thinking Cavetown vibes.
• Her parents are alive! Yay!
• Her, Armin and Eren all lived in the same neighborhood. Armin and Eren were friends first and she joined them when her family moved into the neighborhood.
• She almost had a little brother but he didn't make it. Thus, she projects big sister energy onto Eren and Armin.
• Listens to Lana del Rey and Mitski. Unless she's working out, that is.
• Ends up a physical trainer after highschool.
• Jean x Mikasa bc that boy adores her and would actually give her the domestic life she craves.
Friend groups:
1. Eren Armin Mikasa
2. Jean, Sasha, Connie and Marco are all friends.
3. Annie Hitch and Arte
4. Reiner and Bertholdt
5. Historia <3 Ymir
Porco, Piek, Marcel aren't really ever relevant but I imagine they go to a rival school in Libero. Porco is on the boy's soccer team and he and Eren have beef bc of it.
• Reiner's issues in this AU stem from growing up in a conservative household. His mother is reglious and his dad went out for milk...
• He's also a closeted homo. His feelings for Historia are merely him hetero-compensating. Hence, his issues towards Eren, who is very openly Bisexual. (Also idk but there's homoerotic tension there. Have you seen them fight??)
• But by college he figures his shit out. He's a changed man! I like to think he ends up dating Ploam's OC Logan.
• Anyway, just imagine your stereotypical closested football joke but then he grows up, gets him a bf and a shelter dog and LIVES HAPPILY
• Kinda already summarized her in the previous notes but
• She's still adopted in this au. Her dad still sucks. Her and Arte have bonds bc of it
• AruAnnie! They get cats when they get older. Colossus the maincoon and sphinx (idk what to name it)
• I like Yama's take on her music taste. She definitely listens to Evanescence and Avil Lavigne.
• Professional MMA fighter after Highschool
I don't really have thoughts on Bertholdt, and I'm sorry I just don't have any thoughts on him :p
Sasha and Connie are still best friends! I think It would be really cute if Niccolo was from the same school as Porco and Piek and Sasha met him during a bake sale and liked his baking so much he went into Culinary after HS and ofc eventually got his own restaurant. Sasha is a food blogger and is constantly posting his dishes on the gram which just brings in most business for him. (Listen I need these two TO BE HAPPY)
Marco doesn't die! For once, omg. He and Jean become good friends. He, just as with the show, that starts Jean's character arc. Instead of dying, he ends up having to move away but it forces Jean to realize he needs to open up and make friends with other people too.
That's all I have so far! But feel free to ask questions about the AU!
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atouchofireland · 1 month
PR Perception & Consequences: Luke Newton
[This analysis is from the perspective of a lover of story with a Masters in Publishing & Writing, with ties to a publicist with 20+ years experience.]
I didn't watch Bridgerton until a while after s2 came out. Partly because I hesitate with new shows and mainly because I hate waiting years between seasons.
I LOVE Derry Girls because it clicks with my mainly Irish family. So, I knew who Nicola was as Clare before watching Bridgerton, but nothing else.
That leads into the LN assumptions.
From what I can tell as a general viewer of the show and Social Media, he came from musical theater and Disney stuff in the UK before landing the Colin role in his mid 20's.
During this time, aka 2019/2020-2023, LN had a gf named Jade for that whole time.
Media reported that they'd broken up some time at the end of filming in June 2023. Then, there is some reports saying he got with his current partner, mere months later in at least 8/23 if not sooner. (Nic is known for keeping her even longterm relationships a secret, but Luke's previous gf would post a few pics and vids here and there.)
This is where PR should've started to protect his image before the first premiere and press tour even happened.
At this point, late 2023, Luke has not posted even a hint of his supposed app gf anywhere. Then he leaves for a 6-month world tour with his friend, of 5 years that he has easy chemistry with, but now they both are not with longtime partners.
LN leaned into the romantic press interviews with his friend because he was comfortable with her and it promoted the show.
Here's where his friends as PR shows dumbass judgment.
I believe I saw something about the app gf attending the 1st premier in London, before the tour, but it wasn't paparazzi-d. Whereas, after the WT, the 1st LN news was pap photos with this girl at the after party 2nd half premier. Basically, PURPOSEFULLY taking the romance illusion away from the couple that the actors built for the months leading up to this.
Bad PR leads off from here: self-described introvert Luke goes to Milan with 'gf',' fair enough it's fashion week. But, THEN he's BACK in Italy on "holiday." Getting paparazzi pics of him they didn't even get on his World Press Tour. Then possibly in Greece, continuing some vacation? So much of this shit makes zero sense both PR-wise and normal person-wise.
For example of good PR capitalizing on lead roles: Nicola is on a movie rn, she's part of A-list representation, she's possibly a future bond girl. Johnny Bailey was shooting a drama, Wicked, and his Bridgerton cameos at the same time. Simone is starring in a motion picture out soon.
The rumors of LN's friend Rory running his socials is horrible because: 1) Rory seems like a douchebag who wants more shirtless pictures of himself on his non-famous account than of his gf. 2) He puts Luke's skinny "similar to his gf" wannabe influencer gf on his instagram without hyping up any on Luke's actual work and projects.
This all gives off the vibe of this friend being resentful, taking advantage of Luke breaking up with his longterm gf and deciding to get more built for the show, and convincing him he needs the "hot rebound" for himself and image. As always, that gross straight man is wrong. All his friends say he's so sweet and quiet and genuine.
How I perceive him from his own press: Had a supportive, longterm gf who was also an aspiring actor as they were both coming up in their early 20's. LN started working out so much to get lean & abs to feel on-par with the other Bridgerton guys. Him and his gf grew apart, maybe even felt resentment, while LN was shooting so long for BS3. Shooting raps.
This is the overall perception that makes me and I think many others so mad: Luke had a sweet, curvy, talented gf for 4 years. And he was a thicker tall guy, not fat, not skinny, not ripped but amazingly curvy in the male way that's rare. He got all built for Bridgerton when Nic refused cuz it isn't necessary for the characters. And after all this real-life and on-screen romance with a mid-size woman, after becoming a "muscly man," he shows up with a stick-figure wanna be dance influencer.
His actions of allowing his pr/friend to paint him as if he gets "hot women" now that he's "desirable" is what makes me fucking sick about the perception of him and I think this is why so many Bridgerton fans in the SM sphere got the ick.
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the-copycat-hero · 12 days
In my mind, Monoma knows how to pickpocket, do sleight of hand, roll a coin across his knuckles, all that good stuff :D I also hc him to have voluntary nystagmus. No particular reason, I just 100% think Monoma would use that skill to freak people out
Also I hc him to be friends with Hatsume Mei. Each time he visits he brings a whole packet of papers, diagrams, analytics of quirks and how they relate to their costumes, and Mei def eats it up EVERY TIME. She also has him try quirks she needs for the equipment whenever possible. They’re smart kids :>
What do you like seeing most in monoma fics/fan work and what do you want to see more of? Any relationships (romance or gen) you like? Also I’m very curious about the Monoma family 👀 Clearly they don’t seem to keep in touch. What does Monoma say when he’s asked about them? Is it something he keeps under wraps or are most of his friends aware
!!!!!!! Big Brain Takes! Massive!
sleight of hand (and other assorted part trick) Monoma is near and dear to my heart, and i could definitely see him being able to do Some Sorta Nonsense with his body like voluntarily vibrate his eyes. i could see him being double jointed, too. (he is a Bendy Boy.)
ALSO the fact that Monoma and Hatsume never interacted in any meaningful way will haunt me until i die. they are so smart, and they are such freaks (/pos). their aura would have been so powerful. maybe too powerful? i guess Hori had to nerf them somehow.
as far as fanworks go, i am a massive fan of any fic that has Monoma showcasing his quirk. (for example, Learning Curve has a fantastic scene with a training exercise/mock battle that i frequently go back to because it is So Peak to me.)
as far as things i'd like to see more of, i'd kill for more introspective pieces of Monoma learning how to adjust after the war. (let me see him talk to Bakugo, who he watched die! let me see him talk to Aizawa, who tried to protect him!!!) i'm hoping some more of that will come with time as the anime draws closer to the end, but i suppose we shall see.
romance-wise, i'm big on Monoshin and have been since season 2. the fact that it used to be a rarepair floors me. (really played the long game on that one). that being said, i could honestly read about Monoma with almost any other student, his personality is just that much fun to me. apart from Monoshin, i've been seeing quite a bit of Timebomb and Monoma/Pony on my timeline, and i find both so incredibly charming.
platonically: Kendo. Shinsou. Tokage. Mei. Honenuki. Bakugo (especially after the war). ERI. Vlad and/or Aizawa. slap Monoma in an interaction with any of them and i am Locked In.
FINALLY, the Monoma family. (man, the Monoma family.) @smallvictorianchildwhofoundwifi and i have constructed pages upon pages of lore for these human disasters, but i'll try to keep it brief:
Monoma's dad (still need a name) - only ever agreed to have a child in the first place because his side of the family was pressing for it. resents Neito for reasons that i'll probably dig into later - but as long as Neito isn't actively making a mockery of the family name, his dad really can't be bothered to think about him.
Monoma's mom (Hiromi) [PRE WAR] - had Neito when she was young (around 21 years old) because, again, her husband's side of the family was insistent. she adored him at first sight; however, she has had to make a lot of changes to appease her husband's side of the family over the years, and it has turned her into a harsher, colder person overall. every once and a while, she'll be struck with fondness for her son, but it never lasts for long before she goes back to being made of ice. maybe also unconsciously resents Neito some for marking the end of her old life.
Hiromi (cont) [Post-War] - determined to reconnect with her son after almost losing him in the final battle. has made so many mistakes that it seems impossible, but Neito got his tenacity from someone, and it certainly wasn't his father.
Monoma's class knows next to nothing about his family. even Kendo, who has known Monoma for a long while, has precious little information to go off of.
some of the girls in Monoma's class stumble across a picture of Monoma's mother from one of her last modeling shoots, but when they ask him about her, Monoma just tells them that he has his mother to thank for his dashing good looks and leaves it at that. Ittaka - Monoma's old caretaker (and pseudo-older sister) - comes to visit him once, and his classmates briefly think that his real mother must have died until Kendo corrects them (because she may not know much about the Monomas, but she knows that they are all still kicking). but that's about all they've got.
tldr; trying to wrangle a straight answer out of Monoma regarding his family is impossible.
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the-gayest-show · 2 months
just finished all the remainder of the episodes of fop a new wish that i didn't finish (so crocker to the future to lost in fairy world) and i really liked it!
overall, banger after banger this show really is a fun one, nickelodeon better give em a s2 PLEASE THIS IS THE ONLY CURRENTLY RUNNING SHOW I HAVE-
episode reviews below!
Crocker to the Future: genuinely loved all the parascience things. I do 100% feel like that award for preserving in the face of adversity or whatever truly belonged to Crocker. my guy was at this for like. 10+ years! AND THAT"S JUST THE OG FAIRLY ODDPARENTS!!! MY GUY WAS ON HIS "fairies are real!!! trust me!!" thing for ENOUGH TIME FOR FOP A NEW WISH TO TAKE PLACE!!!!!! i'm so glad he (sort of) got to have the award in that ghost containment thing.
AJ in the episode was interesting but honestly major L for AJ. I thought he'd be like the next einstein, not a parascience mf. maybe Timmy Turner fucked him up a bit, who knows...
Battle of the Dimmsonian: Genuinely felt bad for Peri here. Like DUDE. You are stuck with this asshole kid (Dev I love you but be nicer plss) who just sorta demands things from Peri like all the damn time? poor kid. Reminds me of what Remy Buxaplenty had with his godparent but at least wandisimo had a semi-similar personality so it kind of worked. Not saying that Peri and Dev don't work, it might since Dev has been shown to be nice underneath but I can't stand the blatant mistreatment for now.
But also, damnnnn he IMMEDIATELY recognizes his parents and goes "oh shit" it's crazy how he managed to do that when they're fidget toys on a kid's backpack.
I also liked the whole back and forth thing ("Mom? Dad?" "Son?" etc), Cosmo being the only one to not do that is so true for him.
I wonder if Peri not seeing Cosmo and Wanda was intentional, we'll see!
Patty Possum's Party Playground: I almost thought this episode was gonna be like Five Night's At Freddy's or somethign with the animatronics but I guess not! I liked Patty Possum, she's so rad! I can defo see why Winn liked skateboarding after that. I love Cosmo and Wanda being certified idiots in this episode. They took "you can't use magic" seriously (as seriously as "oh Wanda shrunk into the claw machine so we could actually get a prize" can be) and stuck BOTH of their wands in the claw machine. If there's anything I love about this show, it's Cosmo and Wanda being two halves of a whole idiot. Truly can't function without magic fr fr I liked the gag of Hazel's dad literally being punctual as hell. That scene where he's like "oh it only takes 29 min and 30 seconds to get there" and then it hits 7:30 and he's panicking is so real (what if I headcanoned him as autistic. what then? just like me fr fr).
A Date To Remember: A really cute episode where Hazel essentially has to compete against Cupid (who looks like a baby now, I guess they got rid of his looks from the main series and gave them to Peri lol) [look how they untwinkified my boy /j] to make sure Hazel's parents fall back in love again. The ending where the parents think it was just another puppet show was crazy, wasn't expecting that tbh!
It seems like their dynamic is basically just over protective coddling parents vs their son who really doesn't like it. But despite what I used to think before seeing this episode (that maybe Peri had some kind of resentment or something) it doesn't seem that way? Peri seems to like his parents overall and maybe even might enjoy the affection (if it weren't for the godkids there), but I get why he turned off the tracker and such. My guy wants independence! You go boy! Them sneaking in to Jorgan's office was really funny and stuff. I hope we'll see them all together in the next episodes because I like their dynamic and want to see where it goes!
Dev and Hazel were great here too! Dev is still kind of an ass to Peri but not as much which is an improvement! I like how he gets that "dimmadome face" or whatever it was called where he basically looks as deranged as his dad. Like father, like son I guess. Dev and Hazel actually having fun together is a step up from where they used to be, it seems like they solved their argument somehow. Dev sort of took that to mean that they weren't friends anymore, poor thing.
Dev taking advantage of the loopholes is so smart lol, Peri having a crisis and his parents like "AWWW, baby's first loophole wish!" is crazy.
The rule that "you can only go to fairy world if you're being tested by jorgan" doesn't really make sense if you think about original FOP though. Timmy got to go there almost recreationally! Dude probably attended like 90% of all fairy world events and shit and he was the talk for the town for an entire episode! Make it make sense!!!
Overall tho I LOVED these and they were enjoyable af. Would watch again. Judging by what I saw for descriptions of the next episodes, Peri's anti fairy (or Foop, now known as Irep, which if you ask me doesn't have the same ring to it) will be working with Dev? Crazy. Anyways yeah I had a lot of fun and woah this post got kinda long
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meanbossart · 10 months
Can you tell me more about how you would make Gale worse? ❤️😌
Im assuming you mean like, how perhaps grittier sides of his character could have been expounded upon? Note that i havent had the full gale experience since i've never romanced him, but it would be pretty dope to explore more of his bitterness towards mystra and this kind of buried hunger for power that he clearly has, which i frankly believe is born from hurt as much as ambition. He seems to very quietly but sincerely want to get revenge from Mystra for - well, mostly good reasons, but i do believe that the heartbreak affected him the most. Like he perhaps had a wake up call at some point that he never had the upperhand in the relationship (cus i mean, she's a damn godess) and that's something he has difficulty coming to terms with.
It's overall pretty interesting to me how beyond a godess, the kind of resentment he harbors for her really seems at times to be as simple as the feelings you would have towards an ex. I think he struggles to realize just how over his head he was with that whole arrangement. It would be fun if, when allowing for his character to go unchecked, that really became a type of senseless hatred toward a woman he once loved that dictates everything he does. We see a little bit of that, but I wish we saw more.
In a lot of ways I see Gale as the polar opposite of Astarion. While Astarion will manipulate people into loving him to get what he wants, Gale will just allow himself to become head-over-heels over anyone that gives him as much of a crumb and expect the devotion to be equally intense. And simultaneously while Astarion (prior to gaining confidence in his autonomy) will abide by anyone's will as long as they are useful to him, Gale is very quick to perceive betrayal where perhaps there is none. These are defense mechanisms both characters developed to protect themselves after what they have been through, of course - neither is inherently more evil than the other.
Though, once again, I would argue that Gale is perhaps the playable character who holds the most fault for his own circunstances, and yet the one who has the hardest time ever taking responsibility for it. This, when paired with the fact that he is the most morally good character from first glance makes him very interesting to me, and i wish we got to see more of that resentful side of him that seems to have such a difficult time looking inward.
DISCLAIMER: a) Gale in my first ever playthrough had an accidentally "evil" character arc that obviously shaped my base impression of him a ton. and b) im a little drunk so hopefully this makes any sense LOL
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dremerie · 3 months
Let's talk about it!
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I overall think this episode is really strong and follows on pretty nicely from its predecessor. I actually think I prefer this episode to full moon, it felt better focused with less tangents. The episode was allowed to stay consistent with its focus which I feel was really important.
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I feel like the dialogue between blitzø and Stolas, particularly in the first scene, was really well executed and had good tension. It was nice to see Stolas maintain his frustration while in clear anguish over the situation.
I feel like the writers do a good job of showing how both are affected by the conflict, though, if I am to be a little critical (it could just be me) but it seems they are leaning more sympathy towards Stolas than Blitzø.
I do think Blitzø is more flawed in the vacuum of the relationship (with his ingoing problems with relationships), but in this case, his fears over the aspect of Stolas' position could be explored more and I hope they have Stolas reflect on how that impacts Blitzø
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I loved the humour in this episode. It was more subtle and didn't take away from the tone of the episode. I especially liked the twist of the characters from ep1! I also found it funny how Blitzø's words on that apology list seemed more accurate in spelling and grammar than usual 🤔
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I especially loved the ending. Though I wish we could have gotten more about Verosika and her specific history with Blitzø, I feel like we were given what we needed.
I like how they characterised Verosika in this episode. Though she is evidently very resentful, she takes the time to actually talk to and reasonably criticise Blitzø.
Her talk of their relationship works as a nice parallel to the present relationship between him and Stolas, giving good advice for how Blitzø can be better with the people he has now, which leaves him, quite rightfully, letting Stolas have fun without him.
I really hope they maintain this level of space between the two for a little to leave room for independent growth rather than a rushed rekindling. Time will tell! Overall I really enjoyed this episode and think it's one of my favourites in the season.
Let me know what you thought below!
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old-29 · 1 year
By; .O.L.D.
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It had been a tough summer for us Conklins. My sister, Belly, called Jeremiah which is how we learned that Conrad went missing. As much to my sister’s dismay, I tagged along with her and Jeremiah when they decided to go search for him.
The thing is, I’ve been in love with Conrad since I was kid. I liked him before Belly did. I had told her one night that I liked Connie which was mistake on my part because she started to notice him more. Noticing him more led her to becoming in love with him.
Conrad and I were always so close, he made me feel so included as I tended to be left out of most activities that Jere, Steven and Belly were apart of. I also had a lot of differences compared to them which is why they never included me in anything. For example, they thought it was weird when I decided to read instead of going to the beach . So, with certain choices like that, they never really invited me to tag along. However, Conrad was always there for me and he taught me how to tie knots, he’d read with me, he let me talk to him about things that made me happy, he would watch movies with me, he even won me this cute elephant stuffy, that I named Einstein, at the boardwalk when I was sick and couldn’t go. He was just always there for me. He was my favourite person. Therefore, when I found out that he went missing, it was my turn to be there for him. However, with everything that happened this year, I was nervous to see him.
When Conrad and my sister started dating, I strayed away from Conrad. I avoided his calls, I never answered his messages and when he tried to start conversations with me in person, I was very dry. So, we ended up loosing touch. I was hurt, even though he didn’t know why. It just hurt seeing him and my sister so happy. That’s why I thought it was so out of the blue when Conrad broke up with Belly at prom. I had such a crappy night that day. I had to watch the love of my life take my sister to prom and then I had to listen to my sister cry about how the love of my life broke her heart. The thing was, Conrad was off all night and I had to keep reminding my sister that his mom was dying and to give him a bit of a break. I couldn’t imagine how it would feel if our mom was dying. However, I wasn’t expecting him to break up with my sister.
As much as my sister wanted me to stay home and so did my anxiety tey, I couldn’t get over the fact that Conrad was missing. I promised Susannah that I would look after him when she passed away and I will always keep that promise. It was a very awkward drive up there and I felt like I was just used by Jeremiah to make the situation less awkward. He kept asking me questions that he had no interest in asking me in all the years I have known him. Eventually I just put my headphones in and left them alone with their problems. The interactions between Belly and Jeremiah were super awkward to be around.
After last summer, I’ve had a lot of resentment towards my sister. I was super happy when I originally found out that she was with Jeremiah. They seemed like they would make a very good couple but at the end of summer I found out she kissed Conrad. I don’t just hold the resentment towards her kissing Conrad but also because I feel like it was a shitty thing to do if she was with Jere. She was making things messy, like Steven said. Her choices and behaviour made me angry and I couldn’t even hold a conversation with her without being mad. So overall, the tension on the drive up to Cousins was horrible.
However, even though this summer was super stressful, it was also super rehabilitating. Conrad and I became close again, Jeremiah, Belly and Conrad worked things out, Steven and Taylor got together and we even became close with Jere and Con’s cousin, Skye. Belly and I even smoothed things over with our relationship. Although, my relationship between Conrad felt different in a really amazing way. Our stares would linger far more than they should, he was more touchy with me and I swore at the party, before Milo and Stevens fight, we almost kissed. I thought this summer brought us closer together. Which brings us to today.
Yesterday we found out that Conrad got into Stanford but because he missed a week before his final, he didn’t think he’d be able to pass which meant no Stanford. Thus, we pulled a famous all nighter. I was so proud of Conrad, so proud, and I reminded him every five seconds. We even had a group dance party in the kitchen. It was a nice night.
Now we are on the way to Brown in support of Conrad. I want to make sure that his Stanford dream comes true. A studying Conrad and I are in the backseat while Belly and Jere are in the front.
“She’s a good girl, loves her mama!” Belly, Jere and I sang loudly.
“I’m trying to study!” Conrad exclaimed.
“She’s a good girl, crazy about Elvis.” Belly sang while looking at Conrad.
“Loves horses and her boyfriend too.” I sang while I tapped Conrad’s nose.
He gave me one of his luxurious smiles which just melted my heart. I would do anything for this boy, he made me so happy.
As we pulled into Brown, my nervousness got worse. I was nervous for Conrad. This week must have been a lot of pressure. Dealing with the house being up for sale and dealing with the thought of school. I could just feel the weight on this boy’s shoulders. It must have been the same for Conrad because he grabbed my hand and squeezed it.
“Hey”, I began to whisper, “you are going to do great! I’ll walk you to the door ok?”
“Ok. Thank you guys, I really appreciate it.”
“Of course man, go kill it.” Jeremiah said.
“You’ll do great Con!”
Whenever my sister talked to Conrad, I got rushes of jealousy. Sometimes I wonder if there is still something there between the two.
“Alright guys, I’ll be back eventually.” I said as I got out of the car.
Conrad walked over to me and held my hand.
“You should tour around Brown. You’d love it here, y/n/n! They have a huge library that you’d spend a lot of time in.”
“I was actually going to apply here, but you’re going to Stanford so maybe I’ll apply there!”
He chuckled.
“I just wanted to apply where you go so that if I get in, I’ll know that I’ll always have you. You’re my favourite person, Con.”
“You’ll always have me. I’m always a phone call away. You’re my favourite person too so I don’t want you to worry about loosing me.”
He turned to look at me and didn’t say anything, instead he hugged me
“I’ll be right here when you walk out, ok? I promise.”
“Yes ma’am! Also, thank you. It really means a lot that you stuck around. ”
I held out to that promise. I toured Brown a little bit. It was super pretty, he was right, I would love it here. It felt like a Gilmore Girls moment at Yale. I even got to check out the library and it was so cozy. I decided to spend the rest of the time reading under a tree. I could really picture myself here. I must of zoned out because the next thing I know I’m being called by Conrad.
“Earth to y/n!”
“Con, sorry, how’d it go!?”
“Are you ready to visit me in California!?”
“Conrad!!! I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it.”
We hugged for what felt like a very long time which I didn’t mind. I was so proud of him. He was off to great places this boy.
“Let’s go tell Jeremiah and Belly! They’ll be so proud of you!!”
I wasn’t even paying attention to where I was going because I was too busy paying attention to Conrad’s smile. He looked so proud of himself! All of a sudden, his smile faded and when I looked at where he was staring, my mouth dropped open. My sister and his brother were making out. My heart dropped for two reasons. One, this must hurt Conrad judging by his facial expression and two, if he is hurt by this, he still must love Belly.
Conrad cleared his throat. Jeremiah and Belly looked like they saw a ghost.
“Y/n, could you give us all a minute?”
I walked back to the courtyard. I was curious on why Conrad didn’t want me around for what he wanted to say.
Conrads POV:
“You told me no, Belly.” I said.
“What?” Belly looked very confused.
“At the party, when I asked if I could tell y/n how I’ve been feeling. You told me no.”
“Yeah I did but-“
“Out of respect I didn’t and my chest physically hurts to not be able to say how I feel. How I’ve felt for a very long time. I just don’t get how I can’t tell y/n how I feel but you can make out with my brother!? Screw this.”
I was so mad. I’ve been in love with y/n forever but I only dated Belly because I thought I had no chance. I know that sounds terrible but I thought that if I could move on and be happy, it wouldn’t matter. However, a week before prom y/n called Belly and because Belly was in the shower, I picked up the phone and it was a conversation that made me realize that I couldn’t keep pretending. So I let Belly go. I know I should have told her before prom but I couldn’t find a way to say “hey, I’ve been in love with your sister since forever and now I have a chance so I have to break up with you” and on top of everything, my mom was really sick. It was a tough situation and I had a lot in my mind which altered my mood at prom. For the longest time I was crushed by the fact that I wasted an opportunity with y/n. However, I eventually found a way to tell Belly about my feelings for y/n this week and when I asked for her blessing, she said no. Now she’s making out with my brother.
“Con, you can have her. I only said what I said because I was extremely drunk and wasn’t really thinking straight. It was a rough night at the party, everything was getting destroyed at the house. Me saying no to you about y/n was a mistake because I don’t mean it, I know you’ve been in love with her for a long time. Dating you was holding you back from what you truly wanted. I should’ve let you go sooner and I’m sorry for that. Now go to her!”
So I did.
Y/n’s POV:
I was standing there in the courtyard for what felt like hours. All the resentment I had for Belly came back and I was hurt all over again. This situation made me realize that no matter what, I wouldn’t have a chance with Conrad. I was about to make my way back to the car when I noticed Conrad approaching me angrily.
“Conrad, are you ok?”
“I broke up with Belly because of you.”
“Oh.” My face dropped, I didn’t want to be the reason for his unhappiness.
“No! No, no, that came out wrong. What I meant was, when you called Belly, but I picked up and you told me you liked me, I couldn’t- wait, you don’t remember?”
“No I don’t, I-“
And it all came flooding back to me.
“That was you on the phone!?”
It was a party that I didn’t want to go to. Taylor asked me to go to a party but I also just found out that Belly was bringing Conrad to the prom and I was super bummed and didn’t want to go. Taylor knew that I’ve had a thing for Conrad and she promised to never tell Belly.
“You can’t just sit in your room, crying while you watch ‘My Girl’, it’s not good for you. So, get ready and I’ll be there in 20 minutes.”
So I got ready and let’s just say I got extremely drunk. I normally never drink so all the alcohol I consumed hit hard.
“That’s it, I’m calling B-belly and telling her how she i-is annoying.”
“Y/n, don’t-“
“Dialled. Go back to Milo.”
“Hey, y/n/n.” the other side of the phone said
“Listen Belly, you win ok!?”
“No, y/n, it’s Con-“
“You can have anything you want! Anything. I just want Conrad.”
I was sobbing at this point.
“I miss him. I know you are with him but I love him so much Bells. I wish that he chose me over you. I-I know that’s a shitty thing to say but I’ve wanted him my whole life. I just want Conrad,Belly, please. I’m begging you.”
With that I hung up the phone. What I didn’t register was that it was Conrad. I thought it was Belly. We never talked about the incident after and I thought it was just because she didn’t care what I wanted which made me resent her more.
“I broke up with her because of wanting you and this summer when I asked-“
“You want me?”
I was on the verge of crying. I’ve been looking forward to this moment for years and I never thought I had a chance.
“O-of course I do, y/n. I have for years but I always thought that you never wanted me. I’ve been in love with you forever.”
“You don’t love Belly anymore?”
“If I loved her, I’d still be with her. Y/n, you’re the only one I’ve ever wanted.”
He walked towards me and gave me the most passionate kiss ever. It held so much emotion. His hands cupped my face while mine grasped his shoulders. Our lips were in sync. Everything was perfect. It was better than I expected what a first kiss would be.
“I love you, Con.”
“I love you too, y/n, now let’s get you home.”
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icedragonlizard · 5 months
Kracko's opinions on all the Dream Friends
Note: This is all purely my headcanons.
Kracko famously hates Kirby and wants him dead. What does he think about all of the dream friends? Does he hate them all, too?
Here are his opinions on them:
Bandana Waddle Dee: Bandee being one of Kirby's best friends is enough for Kracko to hate him a lot. Yes, Kracko is legitimately petty enough to hate people for simply being really close to Kirby. It also doesn't help that Bandee joined Kirby in beating Kracko up before, and has even talked madly at him for being so mean to the pink puff.
King Dedede: Kracko and Dedede used to be friends. Used to. They were friends back when Dedede wasn't friends with Kirby yet. But once he became friends with Kirby, he and Kracko stopped being friends. Kracko felt betrayed by Dedede at that point. Nowadays, there's nothing but anger and resentment all around in this dynamic. One time, Dedede criticized Kracko for being so stubborn and hateful about Kirby. That boosted Kracko's bitterness towards Dedede more.
Meta Knight: Before Meta Knight was friends with Kirby, Kracko didn't mind him. But once he did become friends with Kirby, the cloud's opinion of him worsened. It worsened even more when Meta Knight challenged Kracko to a fight multiple times and handily kicked his ass every time. Kracko is pissed off about Meta Knight. He also gets annoyed when Meta and his crew take the Halberd on a flight.
Rick & Kine & Coo: Kracko's thoughts on these guys can be summed up by "go fuck yourselves". He's mad at them for assisting Kirby in beating him up during the events of Dream Land 2. It doesn't end there, as they've also become judgmental to him for being so spiteful and mean-spirited to Kirby. These guys heavily get on Kracko's nerves. And by the way, he also has very similar opinions for Nago, ChuChu and Pitch.
Marx: Let me tell you that Kracko DESPISES Marx. To be honest, this might actually be his second most hated person after Kirby. The reason why is because Marx constantly makes fun of Kracko's hatred for Kirby. He also pulls aggravating pranks on him. Kracko has snapped and ruthlessly struck Marx with lightning more than once. But because Marx literally survived impacting onto Nova, he never dies to Kracko's lightning. And it doesn't stop Marx from trolling him.
Gooey: Kracko doesn't like Gooey for being a close buddy of Kirby's, but this is someone he really can't get himself to have an actual hatred for. Partly because Gooey never agitates him in any way. Unlike most of Kirby's other friends who fight Kracko, criticize him or make fun of him, Gooey doesn't do any of that. Kracko ignores him, really.
Adeleine: Very mixed feelings here. On one hand, Kracko likes that Adeleine is a Cloudy Park resident as that's his favorite place on Popstar, and he appreciates the fact that she seemingly admires him enough to have a painting of him that she can summon into sentience on a whim. But he HATES that she's buddies with Kirby. That causes him to resent her. However, the fact that she seems to like him makes him come to his senses a little bit, and so he doesn't attack her.
Ribbon: Kracko does not like Ribbon at all. This is because Ribbon really looks up to Kirby and has yelled at Kracko for being so mean to him. She even became bold enough to try to challenge Kracko to a fight to "make him back off from Kirby", although other people quickly stopped this. Still, Kracko thinks she's a little pain in the ass.
Dark Meta Knight: As Kracko can exist in any dimension and was present for the events of Amazing Mirror, he was temporarily allies with DMK during that. But that ended afterwards. Then at one point, because DMK is an aggressive son of a gun that loves to fight, he once picked a fight with Kracko and it got worse from there. Kracko resents DMK for that, although these two seldom interact overall.
Daroach: Kracko has a lot of hatred for Daroach and his entire squad of squeaks because of Mecha-Kracko, which he hates Doc the most out of them for being the one to create that, and he just hates the rest of the squeaks out of association. Unlike Adeleine who has a sentient painting for Kracko because she actually thinks he's cool, the squeaks made Mecha-Kracko seemingly just because they can. It pisses Kracko off as he thinks they were trying to replace him with it.
Magolor: Kracko hates Magolor nearly as much as Marx. This is because, much like Marx, Magolor also makes fun of Kracko's hatred for Kirby and pulls pranks on him for it. Kracko has angrily struck Magolor with lightning more than once, but it has never killed him. It also drove Kracko insane when Magolor rammed him with the Lor Starcutter one time. What a totally insufferable person, Kracko thinks.
Taranza: They were allies during Triple Deluxe when Taranza got Kracko to fight Kirby. However, post-TDX when Taranza moved over to Kirby's side, Kracko felt betrayed. He grew to loathe Taranza as a result. One time, he got pissed off about the spider wizard enough to even try to attack Royal Road's castle (Taranza's home) out of spite, but then Taranza threatened to get Kirby to beat him up. Damn it!
Susie: Kracko hates Susie a lot for both her bad and good deeds. He hates her for the HWC invasion on Popstar, but he hates her even more for then turning around and becoming friends with Kirby afterwards. That's the worst of both worlds for Kracko. He was once pissed off about her enough to the point he tried to attack the HWC's main headquarters out of spite, but failed miserably as the HWC's army easily beat him and fended him off. Susie scoffed at him for it.
The Three Mage Sisters: By the time of Star Allies, Kracko's hatred for Kirby was so great that he allied with the cult as he attacked the dream friends in Gabbel Moon. Then post-HiAD when the mage sisters befriended Kirby, he felt betrayed. He hates them. He's especially petty at Zan Partizanne as he wants to "best" her in electrical strength and to beat her up for Kirby's friend. This is a one-sided feud, as Zan is annoyed by Kracko rather than hating him back.
Wow. What a big hater this cloud is. I think he should seek help LOL.
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munchkinmarauder · 7 months
My review of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver
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Overall I'll give it a generous 4/5 stars and I'm excited to see where this series takes up but I do have some gripes with it
Also lots of stuff from Orlando's AITP X-Men Monday interview pops up so check it out as we may have some hidden clues on what's next
Spoilers below
Overall a good set up issue with some fun moments. Some of my fears were exaggerated but some of those expected fears did mean I didn't enjoy the issue as much as I hoped. However I'm fault happy overall and keen for the rest of the series
The good-
- a series with the twins as coleads has been long overdue. I'm so happy to see it finally happen. Fun fact this is the first marvel series to be headlines by a sibling duo.- for the most part the twins dynamic and fight felt like a proper sibling fight. You could feel the weight of their long history and the multitude of things left unsaid and resentments.
- it's nice to see Wanda being the one clearly at fault for a fight between them for a change
- while the twins are little orange I appriciate the commitment to showcasing the twins as visible people of colour. It was long needed. I do think they (and Luna and Tommy should be more visibly brown). I also am enjoying the art and the use of the vibrant colours in general.
- I like the mystery being set up with why the twins are being targeted and the twist that while Magneto did write the letter he wasn't the one who sent it. I'm not as curious at the letter contents as I thought I would be. It seems he's being cruel because he's a dick to Pietro but let's see. I also really am excited to know why it's both twins and the combination of them together that has the giver upset. Lore and power upgrade for born twins? I hope so. Wanda being a universal threat is a given so I am way more curious about what they'll do with Pietro
- I think it was a good move to make a joke about is or isn't Magneto the bio dad at the start and shoot it down. I would love for the retcon to be undone I just don't think it has a place in this story about the bond between the twins. Magneto doesn't need to overshadow the series more than he has already for what it's worth I do think the comics are leading up to a Magnet fam reunion with most of its members appearing in major comics this year.
- it being acknowledged that Magneto was cruel to Pietro, killed him and treated the twins unequally. I have gripes with this I'll set out below but given how biased Orlando is towards Magneto this was good to see.
- the Luna, Tommy and Monet cameos made me so happy! I'm glad Orlando seems fond of Luna and I hope she and Monet join Tommy in helping Pietro. Even if the ladies are just cameos it's still a nice touch.- I liked the contrast where the fuming twins lash out with their powers. Wanda destroys her shop and Pietro is ranting but checking up on loved ones while he does so. They are each others ying and Yang.
- we're lucky the Wizard is a drama queen cause his snipers seem pretty competent and if they'd used regular bullets this series would be automatically over lol. I do also think the Wizards team called Pietro to upset him. Futher and not Wanda to ensure the twins wouldn't be able to contact each other.
The bad
- the writing for Wanda was better than Pietro. This feels more like a Wanda series so far but it's early days so let's see. Even though Wanda is the one initially in the wrong she seems to be treated more sympathetic by the narrative and of course she has more page time than her brother.
- Pietro's past appearances in SW made me a bit unsure about how Orlando will write Pietro, his takes in the comic themselves are quite superficially though he talks about Pietro very passionately in Interviews. Nothing really changed that opinion here.
- we didn't get enough of the twins interacting and this is supposed to be a series about their relationship. It would have been nice to have a little more of them getting along so the fight felt more impactful. An infinity comic with the two might have been a good idea.- I hate the Pietro fears Wanda thing Orlando introduced as well as the Pietro manipulated Wanda for HoM. I don't think Steve actually read that comic because Wanda herself in that comic said all her brother was doing was protecting her cause the X-Men and Avengers wanted to kill her and Magneto was willing to let them. Having Wanda say this was off-putting. Had it been purely in angry it would be somewhat forgivable but Orlando has expressed this sentiment in his other SW books
- Orlando's insistence on the adopted family angle and portraying Magneto as a complicated but good man who took the twins in with Wanda as the worshipful daddies girl and the victim blaming as Pietro was cold to him. That man was abusive to both his children. He would let them die for his cause and had abandoned them multiple times. Wanda pre retcon had many an issue and gripe with him. The twins are justified in their issues with him and no one should have to forgive their abusers. Magneto is a fascinating character and I loved the pre retcon dynamic with the twins as it was so tragic and full of irony and it only really works if theyre blood related. This painting of them as a happy chosen family is detrimental to all characters involved.
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drghostwrite · 4 months
Hi again.Love your stuff. Could I ask for a OUAT one where reader is with zelena (romantically) and the readers pregnant and maybe gives birth. I just love your pregnancy ones and I was hoping maybe a little angsty but overall all good! Thanks!!
Omg yessss!!! okay…okay, here we go I wrote this and definitely added so extra angst bc yk the whole mommy issues and abandonment and resent towards Regina thing. So basically it’s where Regina and Zelena make up BUT there is still some distress there and they fight about it and reader goes into labor, also Zelena freaks out and gets nervous and first person she calls is Regina so all around it’ll be great.
Our Happy Ending…
Pairing: Zelena Mills x preg!wife!reader
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******************************************************** you were sitting at the dinning room table scrolling through some documents on your laptop when her heard the loud creak and slight slam of the the front door. You listened as heels clicked across the floor, you turned in your seat watching as Zelena ghosted right past you to focused on something that preoccupied her mind. Before you could stand up under the heavy weight of your bump she came back into the room, you sat there smiling up at her.
“Darling. ” She smiled at you, coming close to kiss your lips running her hand over your bump.
“How are you my love?” You grinned back.
“I should be asking you that question… you look absolutely stunning, you’re glowing…”
“mmhmm” you laughed into her kiss, she could feel your toothy grin under her lips as you pressed her forehead to yours. The moment was serene feeling your baby move under your hands, your hearts beating in sync the quietness between you was calming.
“help me?” You said putting your hand in hers as she moved her hand to your leg, standing in front of you, “I’ve been sitting here and my back is killing me.”
“want me to help?”
“help, only if you wanna carry the bump next time… this thing is heavy.” She motioned for you to turn, kicking off her heels as you both stood eye to eye.
“just trust me…” she slid her hands under your bump and you braced against her thinking it would hurt, that was until she lifted, the tension in your back releasing your muscles relaxing.
“omg, Zelena…” you moaned out.
“see love, just trust me.” She let out a deep chuckle in your ear.
“I just…” the moment was interrupted by your phone ringing.
“whoever it is can wait.” You said ignoring the phone, as she ran skilled hands over your body pulling you closer, your bump pressing firmly into her torso and she kissed you.
Brrr…brrrr… your phone rang again.
“oh God, I’m so sorry…” you said resting your forehead against her neck, a hand in her chest.
“it’s okay just see if everything is okay…”
you picked it up and answered, Regina was on the other end.
“hey Regina…” you turned and looked at your wife who rolled her eyes and scoffed, you knew she wasn’t happy, “yea… okay…yea… no I can have it done… well no…” you chuckled and a few minutes later hung up and went into the kitchen to find your wife very annoyed.
“what was that all about?”
“work, life, work again.” You playfully scoffed.
“hmm…” she said still not looking at you.
“baby what’s wrong?”
“what’s wrong?… you spend more time with her than…”
“oh don’t go there…”
“don’t go there?… I’m sorry was this a mistake, did you happen to marry the wrong sister?”
“Zelena where the hell are you getting this from?”
“where… she gets everything, our mother, the castle, Queen, Mayor, the Charming family dream squad…”
“are you serious right now?!” You snapped, wincing back feeling a cramp.
“Serious, of course I’m serious I’ll be damned if I lose the love of my life and my unborn child to her…”
“Dammit Zelena, you’re not gonna lose me, or this baby…”
“all my life I have wanted this, you, the baby, a good life and it just seems like everywhere I turn she’s there… and I don’t want her to take this too.” She said her voice cracking as she let out some frustration.
“Okay, so you think what I married you to have your kid so I can just run off with her.…”
“no that’s not what…”
“not what you meant?”
“No I just-she gets everything... I just wish I could’ve had that life, she grew up with everything and now it feels like she’s getting you.”
“okay well…listen” you ran a hand over her back, “ I wanted you not Regina, not a queen, you… yes she’s your sister and my boss and one of my best friends but she’s not my wife, she’s not the love of my life or the mother of my child… I chose you because I love you and I will choose you everyday of my life, in every story.”
“I-I just, I’m sorry…”
“taking it out on you and the baby, you didn’t deserve that.”
“no but i can see why, i do spend a lot of time with her but once this baby is here, that’ll all change, no more late night early morning calls or going into work, none it’ll all stop… because we’re more important.” You said motioning between the two of you and the large bump you’ve been sporting recently.
“I’m sorry darling.” She leaned soft silky lips meeting yours.
“you can make it up to me later…” you flirted.
“mm I’m sure I can.” She smirked back, kissing your lips a little harder before you pulled away.
“okay i need to go sit down.”
“Are you okay? Is the baby?” She turned more towards you, a hand going immediately to your swollen stomach.
“I’m not sure, I’ve been having pains and sitting in these chairs hasn’t helped.” You tried turning to waddle away.
“pains? Y/N are you having contractions?!” Her voice slightly raised in concern.
“no I think it’s just a false alarm, the past few days have been a lot and they aren’t even intense.”
“Y/N, if you’re going into labor…”
“I know, I know…but I don’t think…” you stopped dead in your tracks when you felt it, the small gush of liquid, looking down to see the dark stream in your maternity jeans.
“okay maybe…” you turned back around.
“oh bloody hell I knew it, let’s go hospital now.” She turned and ran to get your hospital bag rushing to the car, you heard tires squeal as the car pulled out, she’d definitely improved her driving the past couple years. One thing she forgot though, you.
“Oh my God I’m so sorry.” She said running back into the house and helping you out to the car.
“it’s okay love just…” the first strong contraction hitting you full force, “oh that hurts, aren’t you a midwife...”
“I’m not delivering this baby… we’re going.”
“just please do me a favor,” you shifted in the seat holding the seatbelt tightly as you other hand grasped for hers, “be careful and take a breath, this is a good thing, we’re having a baby.” She reached over running a soothing hand over your thigh as another contraction took over your body.
“we are love we’re having our baby.” She squeezed your hand, and moments later you found yourself in the birthing room, lights dimmed as you tried to relax, your wife had stepped out. She was a hot mess right now and it was probably best she got some fresh air.
heels clicked as they made their way down the hall, Regina rounded the corner, hair pulled up, in a white tee, black vest… more relaxed than usual.
“Hey sis, what’s wrong?” She asked worried seeing the distress on Zelena’s face.
“Y/N went into labor…”
“And that’s a good thing, you ready to be a mom?”
“no, Regina I’m not ready, I’m scared, I’m the wicked witch of the west I don’t get this kind of happy ending… something is bound to go wrong, what if I lose her or the baby or both!”
“no no, calm down, take a breath… breathe… this is a good thing, it’s okay to be scared. It makes us good parents…”
“Does it really?” Your wife scoffed sarcastically and an expression soft and genuine fell of her sisters face.
“I was terrified when I adopted Henry, but I wouldn’t trade it or him for the world. And Y/N is going to need you, you’re both going to need each other, but you’re going to do great, you’re going to be great moms and you have people here to support and help you… and by the way we can have happy endings, villains can change, we can get happily ever after’s… Y/N will be okay, the baby will be okay, you’re going to be a great mom.”
“I’m going to be a mom…” she looked at her sister tears in her eyes.
“Yea, now go, help your wife and bring me my little niece or nephew I’ve been waiting too many months.”
“Thank you.” She hugged her quickly.
“you’re my sister Zelena, I would do anything for you.”
back to you in the delivery room, you groaned through another contraction, staff filling the room as your wife rushed in to be at your side, “Okay Mrs. Mills it’s time to push.”
“God this hurts…”
“I know but you’re so close mama, I can see the head, just a couple more.” That gave you a little more motivation to get through the pain, before there was another searing pain and you screamed out, “something’s wrong, something’s wrong.”
“No it’s normal… that burning your feeling, means baby’s is crowning.” Zelena coached you through the contractions.
A few more pushes and you were holding your little bundle to your bare chest as the nurses immediately laid your baby on you, looking up you saw tears in her eyes as she looked down at your baby.
“Hi there little one, we’ve waited so long to meet you.” Zelena reached out a finger stroking the baby’s cheek.
“is it a boy or girl?” She asked, no response so she looked up. She saw as the color drained from your face, the midwife sharing a look with the nurses.
“Zelena… I-i don’t feel so good.” You said handing her the baby.
“wh-what’s going on?”
“she’s hemorrhaging we need some room to work…” the midwife moved quickly a nurse pushing her out of the room and taking the baby.
a few moments later and the Charmings, Regina, Belle and Gold, Hook were in the waiting room as your wife nervously paced, a green patch had been growing up her neck, her eyes crackling with power as she thought about losing you. A nurse nervously came down the hall into the waiting area, “Zelena Mills?”
“Yes?” She spun on her heels, scaring the young woman.
“So she had a minor hemorrhage but we got it under control, she resting now but she’s stable and in good condition… baby is currently getting cleaned and weighed, but all signs seem good.”
“boy or girl?”
“girl… she has a full head of dark hair and the most gorgeous eyes.”
“her moms eyes, I was hoping.”
“well mom is okay, baby girl Mills will be brought back to the room shortly.”
“oh thank- oh my God, ca-can I see her?” She asked relief washing over her as she realized you were okay, the nurse nodded and showed her back to your room. The door slowly opened revealing your wife’s silhouette in contrast to the hallways lights vs the dark room.
“Hey darling….” She said coming close to you.
“Hey,” you whispered grabbing her hand and pulling her closer, she slid into the bed behind you as you curled into each other.
“so we have a baby girl…”
“and she’s absolutely gorgeous and has your eyes.”
“hmm.” You sighed happily.
“I thought I was going to lose you but you’re safe now.” She squeezed you a little tighter.
“I’m not going anywhere, we have a baby girl to raise.”
“true, a little girl that we have to give a name.”
“hmm… can I think on it, I’m so tired.”
“you did great darling, get some rest we’ll decide later.” She listened as you breathing slowed and fell into a rhythm, she ran a soothing hand through your hair as you laid against her, she watched as the nurses came and checked on you letting you sleep and brought the baby by to be there when you woke up.
Everything she had ever dreamed up was sitting here in front of her in the hospital room, a wife she loved and adored and a little pink bundle that she would give her life for if that’s what it took, she had found her happy ending and it was just a new beginning.
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