#my own cat is a shorthair and i love him but i think the admiral is a fluffy mess
HotD Headcanons pt 2 :)
Hey everyone! Here is the sort of part 2 of my hotd headcanons list! I posted Aemond and Aegon separately because I just had too many ideas for them to put all into one thing. But this one will include some for Helaena, Alicent, Rhaenyra, and the rest of the boys! Hope y'all enjoy! :)
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Definitely a cat person over a dog person. Was a little hesitant at first but after Helaena got her cat, she was all in. It’s her grand baby 
Her and Rhaenyra grew up together, Alicent had a small crush on her when they were younger. Although she never really acknowledged it as a crush, and thought of it more so as admiration. 
Prefers white wine over red, but loves a good rose. 
Stress cleans to the max!! Similar to Aemond and his smoking, it helps her think through things. When she’s got a lot on her mind you’ll find her reorganizing the bookshelf or the spice cabinet.
Definitely does wine nights with her girlfriends, her and Rhaenyra started it cause they needed to vent about their men 😭
Was a barbie girl growing up
Can make a really good Sangria, idk but I get the vibe she can make a good one. She also prefers red wine over white. But will never say no to champagne
Makes Daemon get his own closet, cause she’s a fashion icon and needs room for all her outfits, shoes, etc… as she should though…
makes Daemon help her with some of her more difficult hairstyles
Every year for Rhaenyra’s birthday he tries to bake a lemon cake for her. He always waits until she goes to bed the night before, and he tries to bake it in the early hours of the morning. He’s not too successful though… He set the fire alarm off at 5am before waking the whole house up. And once he did salt instead of sugar. But he knows she loves lemon anything, so he figured he’d still give it a shot.
Literally such a simp for Rhaenyra and I'm here for it
drinks his coffee black, no sugar, no milk/cream
when Jace and Luke were little, he'd let them braid his hair to placate them
A white claw man, and often says “ain’t no laws while drinking claws”. He also hopes that this will make him seem cool to Aegon. 
Would name the family dog some kind of pun, like Otto Von BisBark. (my high school history teacher named his dog that and I think it’s so good)
He’s got Lab dog energy. He’s a sweetie and just wants to impress people, and make his family proud. Even though he’s a little clumsy, or can be temperamental, he just wants what's best.
Luke is his best friend
Still sleeps with a stuffed animal dragon Daemon and Rhaenyra got him as a baby 
Luke, Daemon and Jace make a powerpoint trying to convince Rhaenyra that they need to get a dog. Since Jace works at the animal shelter he gets to see all the newcomers! 
Besties with Jace, but he games a lot with Aegon, so somehow he’s a close second.
Has a pet cat, but something a little bizarre. She’d have a sphynx or maybe an shorthair, the ones with the big Dobby ears. 
At the grocery store, she gets the cans with dents in them, or the slightly bruised fruits because she feels bad that they'll get thrown out. 
Really wants to leash train her cat. I mean how cool would it be to walk around campus with your cat on a leash?!
still has those glow in the dark stars on her ceiling
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sadmages · 4 years
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Got a request a bit back for jm with kittens but it got me thinking about s3 Jon and the Admiral and then I couldn’t stop
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bullseyegames · 5 years
Teacup for the Jellicle OC challenge! :D
Ooo tea... now I have many directions I could go with this but I think imma go with the first idea that popped into my head when I woke up and read this.
Her name is Serendipity, though most cats call her Seren. She is a European shorthair with mostly black markings on her back with orange on her belly and face. She has light green eyes and a very graceful disposition.
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Seren was born in Italy on a large shipping vessel. Her parents and siblings were tasked with killing the many rodents aboard the ship, but in the process she discovered what the ships cargo was. People, people from all different backgrounds fleeing to an unknown destination. She became enraptured by their different languages and smells. The way they talked, the way they sang, the way they ate, and the multitude of names they called her. She grew to love their strange and loving natures and found herself constantly abandoning her feline duty to be with them instead.
One of these passengers was an elderly woman who the few children below decks seemed to adore. She would boil water, add some dried leaves to it, and have the children drink it. She would then look deep into the empty cup and tell the children stories of times yet to come. Seren quickly learned the mixture was called ‘Tea’ and studied the woman’s methods in order to learn how it was done. Turns out Seren was a natural and she would, despite her mother’s protests, often perform this practice for her many siblings.
After a few months she learned the boats final destination was a place called England, and when they finally arrived Seren found herself torn between her family of birth and her family of chance. In the end she decided to stay on the boat with her family, but immediately found herself questioning that decision. It was only when the gangplank was up and the boat began pulling away that Seren made a leap of faith. She quite literally leaped off of the ships railing towards the ever distancing docks. By some miracle she made the jump by the skin of her claws and immediately turned back to see the stunned and saddened expressions of her family one last time as they faded into the London fog.
Still technically a kitten, Seren found herself wandering the marketplace and docks cautiously as she quickly realized how much bigger the world was compared to the boat she had been born on. After a few days of wandering she finally made her way outside of the bustling marketplace and found herself sleeping in a small crate in an alleyway. It was there that she was discovered by a large Tom who gently asked if she was alright and invited her to follow him. She blinked up at the large grey and black Tom with slight trepidation, but sensed his gentle nature finally agreeing and following him to a large junkyard not to far form the marketplace. The area was filled with cats of different sizes and colors who immediately greeted her with warm friendly smiles. They all bowed at her large guide showing deep respect and admiration for the Tom as he lead Seren towards his den. It was there she met the Toms son, a grey kitten called Deuteronomy. The two were only a month apart age wise and both became fast friends with Deut telling her stories and Seren reading his fortune with tea leaves whenever she could get them. The tribe regarded her as a magical cat due to her strange ability to accurately predict future events and she was given immense respect due to this.
Years passed, Deuteronomy grew to be the jellicle protector and then the leader in quick succession due to his fathers death in battle. He found comfort in a beautiful queen named Grizabella and they quickly gave birth to their first son, a fiery kitten who was named Macavity. Seren had chosen not to mate with any cats, instead choosing to dedicate her life to her craft and to helping others with their own mating issues. She became a sort of witch doctor/therapist for the tribe and as she grew she only garnered more praise. It was shortly after Macavity’s birth that the parents came to her to ask for a prediction on their sons future, after all he was to be the future protector and leader of the jellicles.
Seren was more than happy to oblige, brewing a small cup of tea that the few weeks old kitten drank before running off to explore. She smiled after the small Tom before looking at the leaves and feeling her heart sink. She had seen many a terrible prediction before, but never something as gruesome as this. She saw abandonment, violence, possession, rage, and so much blood. She shakily related the images to the increasingly worried parents before saying her final conclusion. Macavity’s fate was to destroy the tribe and all the cats within it, if the tribe had any hope of survival the kitten had to go. There was a stunned silence, before Deuteronomy stood and made the first order of its kind under his reign as leader. He banished Seren. Grizabella and Seren both objected strenuously but Deuteronomy would hear none of it. Seren quickly gathered her things with tears in her eyes before exiting the den that had been her home for so many years. As she stepped out she saw the other jellicles gathered worriedly outside looking at her and her packed bag. She gave a gentle smile to all present, but stopped at the young Macavity. To him she simply gave a quiet frown and a soft apology before she turned a walked out of the junkyard, never to return.
Seren soon got herself residence in a tea room a few miles from the junkyard. There she stayed, reading fortunes for any creature that brought her a little trinkets as payment. Years passed and Seren felt no satisfaction when she learned her prediction and come true. For years she stayed in the area surrounding that shop, spending her life in peace and considering what good her powers really did. She would often wonder what had truly become of the tribe after Macavity’s betrayal, but she told herself it didn’t matter anymore. Afterall, a banishment was a banishment, she could never go back.
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[Translation] VAZZROCK Play of Color Vol. 1 - Drama Track 2
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Track 2 is up~!! May I just say that those two have such a simple naming sense lol “Vazz” and “Rock”... They named their cats, Vazz and Rock. Also, this is the only track that I’ve put (cat meows/cat purrs) so many times in XD
Again, thank you to @wingusasa on Twitter for the files! Much much love to you, dear~! 
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
Under the cut, enjoy~!
Track 2: [小さな新メンバー現る!] “Small, new members appear!”
  (faint laughter from Naosuke)
(cats meowing)
AYUMU: There, there.
NAO: Here, kitty~
NAO: There, there~ Everything’s okay now. There’s nothing to be scared about anymore.
NAO: I’m so glad both of you are okay.
(cats purr)
NAO: Woah~! You’re so fluffy~
AYUMU: Th-there, there… H-here, kitty…
AYUMU: Such cute beings.
NAO: Ayumu-san, is that other cat calm now, too?
AYUMU: Yeah, he looks like he’s… (cat purrs) He’s relaxing quite well.
AYUMU: He might grow up to be a big guy. What about that black cat?
(cat meows)
NAO: Just like you see… He’s kinda irritated by his small wound but he’s pretty much energetic!
NAO: You two didn’t panic much at the vet, huh? You’re so amazing~
AYUMU: Are they siblings? Their breed and appearance look quite different…
NAO: This one’s got short fur. This thing by his neck, his paws, and the tip of his tail are white so it kinda looks like the black cat is wearing a white scarf and white gloves!
AYUMU: This kitten is very gray so… he kinda looks like an American Shorthair.
AYUMU: But, his fur is quite long. It really feels good to the touch.
(Ayumu pets the cat and the cat purrs)
NAO: (laughs) Ayumu-san, you’re making quite the face~! You’ve taken such a liking to them, huh?
AYUMU: Ah, no, I—
MAMIYA: Oh~! Both of them are so tiny. They’re so cute~
MAMIYA: I wanna gobble them up~
MAMIYA:  Imma say this, ‘kay? I was joking, Ayumu-kun.
(cat meows)
AYUMU: … Yes, indeed… I understand.
MAMIYA: You say that but… Why are you slowly backing away?
MAMIYA: Big brother’s feelings are hurt~ I took all the responsibility to take them to the vet and get them treated, so there’s no way I’ll eat them, you know?
NAO: …! That reminds me!! Takaaki-san, thank you very much!
MAMIYA: Don’t mention it. I’m used to spending money for my kohai anyway.
NAO: You two, too. Come on~ It’s your life’s savior~ Say thank you~
AYUMU: That’s right. Your sponsor is very important.
MAMIYA: Sponsor’s such a huge word… (chuckles)
MAMIYA: Naosuke’s the one who saved them first so aren’t you their life’s savior?
MAMIYA: (to the cats) You two, say thank you to Naosuke later too, got it~?
(cats meow)
NAO: Oh!
MAMIYA: Oh! They look like they understand. You guys are so sharp, huh.
MAMIYA: They look like they’re used to people but they don’t seem like pets.
AYUMU: You’re right. They’re not wearing any collars and aren’t properly groomed. My first thought would have definitely been that they were strays.
(cats meow)
  NAO: Ayumu-san, you really like cats, huh?
AYUMU: Well, yes…
NAO: Have you ever kept one before?
AYUMU: No. It was impossible since my dad was allergic to them.
AYUMU: I’ve been living alone since I started working, right? They require attention so I’ve never really kept pets before.
AYUMU: Right? (Ayumu pets the cat and it meows)
MAMIYA: You must really love animals, huh~
MAMIYA: This is my first time seeing Ayumu’s gentle face and smile.
AYUMU: Yes, I really love animals. Even before, I’ve admired the thought of having a pet.
AYUMU: I wanted to try walking a dog or having a cat rest on my lap like this.
AYUMU: It really feels good, doesn’t it?
AYUMU: Their fur feels good to touch and they have a gentle warmth.
AYUMU: Truly, it’s the warmth of life.
MAMIYA: Totally.
NAO: Here, here~! We have a cat and a dog back at home!
MAMIYA: Ah~ That seems so like you. (laughs)
MAMIYA: Naosuke, you seem like the kind who’s always surrounded by animals.
NAO: What do you mean by that?! What about Takaaki-san? Have you ever had a pet?
MAMIYA: A pet? Uh… At my grandpa’s is a dog. My parent’s home had three cats but I don’t have any of my own.
MAMIYA: Ah, I’ve had a time where I was a little swallow though~ (1)
MAMIYA: I was joking! Why are you so quick to believe me?
MAMIYA: It’s a joke that you could immediately tell was a joke, right?!
AYUMU/NAO: No, definitely not.
MAMIYA: (sighs)
  (cat meows)
NAO: O-oh! I’m sorry.
NAO: Did I hit your wound? Are you okay?
(cat meows)
NAO: (sighs in relief) I’m glad that you’re doing okay but… This wound might turn into a scar…
NAO: I’m sorry. It would’ve been better if I saved you faster.
MAMIYA: Naosuke? The wound might turn to a scar but thanks to you, that’s all he got.
MAMIYA: It’s the best case scenario. I’m sure he thinks so, too.
MAMIYA: He’s grateful to you. He’s not mad at all.
AYUMU: He’s right. The doctor said that nothing bad happened to both of them, didn’t they?
AYUMU: You did a good thing.
NAO: Did I… really? I hope that’s true.
(cat meows)
NAO: This guy was so cool!
NAO: He kept protecting the other one even if he was getting attacked by crows, too!
(cat purrs)
NAO: (gentle smile) You protected your friend from the crows, didn’t you? That’s so admirable.
NAO: This wound is the symbol of manliness, huh~!
(cat meows)
AYUMU: (to the other cat) Looks like your partner and Naosuke are getting along well, huh?
(cat meows)
MAMIYA: Looks like he’s getting along well with Ayumu, too.
AYUMU: I hope that’s the case.
  MAMIYA: (sighs) But, this flow is… It’s definitely that, huh…
MAMIYA: I feel like I can predict what happens next…
NAO: …! Takaaki-san! Dad! I want to keep them in the dorms!
MAMIYA: See? I knew that would happen. Who are you calling ‘Dad’?
NAO: (laughs) I thought you might agree more if I said that.
NAO: Let me beg again. Takaaki-san, please! I want to keep them!
NAO: I’ll definitely, definitely, definitely take care of them properly so…!
MAMIYA: (chuckles) I know those lines well. It’s the line that kids tell their moms while crying whenever they pick up a cat or a dog.
NAO: EH?! No, no, I’m different! A man doesn’t go back on his words!
NAO: Please believe me!
MAMIYA: Hmm… What should I do~?
AYUMU: … Um, Takaaki-san…
AYUMU: I’ll try to convince the other members and… I’ll take one of them as a ROCK DOWN representative so…
AYUMU: Would it still be no good then…?
MAMIYA: Even Ayumu’s gonna say that, huh…
AYUMU: I-I’m so sorry!
AYUMU: But, I think that if we have pets, it’d make dorm life better.
AYUMU: I think they’d definitely come greet you when you come home.
AYUMU: They’re warm, they’re fluffy, they’re tiny, they’re fluffy…!
MAMIYA: Are you desperate? (laughs) You said fluffy twice.
NAO: Please, please, Takaaki-san! I’m begging you!
AYUMU: I think that it’s not forbidden to keep pets at the dorm!
NAO: I’ll do better and better at work! The source for that power is here! The two of them!
(cats meow)
AYUMU: I don’t think anyone’s allergic either! Of course, I’ll be confirming that again!
NAO: The other units keep pets too, don’t they?
NAO: I heard that in another dorm, a penguin just walks around! (2)
AYUMU: Exact—A penguin, you say?!
MAMIYA: Yeah, in Gravi and Procella’s dorm. Well, theirs is so supernatural in a lot of ways.
MAMIYA: You’re right. Keeping pets is okay but…
NAO: Please!
AYUMU: Please!
(cats meow)
NAO: Takaaki-san!
AYUMU: Takaaki-san!
MAMIYA: Wait now. It looks like I’m bullying you.
MAMIYA: (sighs) Fine, I get it. I’ll just say that this was some kind of fated meeting.
MAMIYA: Destiny maybe.
NAO: Eh?
AYUMU: That means…!
MAMIYA: I’ll have to talk to Sho about it but I’ll convince him.
MAMIYA: If all members agree to take care of them then we won’t have to worry if we have to do some solo work. Since there’d be someone taking care of them.
NAO: Ye…
  NAO: Alright~! We did it, Vazz!
(cat meows)
MAMIYA: Vazz? Is that his name? So you already named him?
NAO: Yes! He’ll be VAZZY’s mascot so it’s Vazz~!
NAO: It just came to me~
NAO: This name is great, right? Right, Vazz~ It’s perfect for someone manly like you~
(cat meows)
MAMIYA: He’s really taken a liking to you, huh?
MAMIYA: What about Ayumu? Have you named the other one?
AYUMU: Let me see… If he’s named “Vazz” from “VAZZY”, I want to take this one’s name from our unit, too.
AYUMU: It’s ROCK DOWN so “DOWN”… would not be so catchy…
AYUMU: I’d prefer if it was something stronger sounding so…
AYUMU: Ah…! Rock… I’ll call him Rock.
MAMIYA: Both of them are so literal, huh~
MAMIYA: Well, it’s easy to tell so it’s good. This black cat is Vazz and the gray one is Rock.
(cats meow happily)
MAMIYA: (chuckles) Oh~ Do you guys like your name, too? That’s great then~
MAMIYA: We’ll introduce you to the rest of the members later, ‘kay? There’re still 9 hot guys left~ I’m sure you’d be surprised~
AYUMU: I think the others would be surprised, too. Since cats have suddenly arrived at the dorm.
MAMIYA: That’s true~
AYUMU: But, I think they’d be happy, too. They are after all, very nurturing people.
MAMIYA: I see~
NAO: Alright~! Eat a lot and get bigger okay, Vazz~?
NAO: It’d be a competition with me~ (Vazz meows)
AYUMU: Indeed. Then Rock should also— (Rock purrs)
AYUMU: (chuckles) You like doing things at your own pace, huh?
AYUMU: Eat and get nourished so that you won’t lose. You’ll be a great cat then.
(Rock meows)
AYUMU: Congratulations on being new members.
Translator’s Notes:
(1) Okay, I did a little research on this because the reference was unfamiliar but, apparently, [燕/tsubame”] the Japanese word for the swallow bird can also be slang for “a younger man who is involved with an older person”.
(2) To those unaware, Naosuke’s referencing Magellan, Haduki You’s pet penguin (from the spirit world) XD
※ Please don’t re-post the English translations without permission. Please like and re-blog instead of re-posting ^^
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blankdblank · 6 years
Man of My Heart
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Had an idea of The Durins assuming you have a lover just by a misunderstanding of your use of the title.
@himoverflowers,@theincaprincess, @aspiringtranslator, @sweeticedtea, @ggbbhehe4455​, @thegreyberet, @patanghill17, @jesgisborne, @curvestrology,   @evyiione, @deepestfirefun, @abiwim​
Kurdûn - heart-man, literally, also “man of my heart” or “man with heart”
Âzyungâl - lover
Working at this dimly lit bank seemed to have mainly monetary benefits at first, at least until you met the Owner’s Grandson. Thorin Durin, impeccably dressed and dazzlingly untouchable, to anyone and everyone it seems. Head to toe in well tailored, practically painted on in more than a few occasions that caused more than a few distracted bruises drawing hushed gasps and squeaks from the injuries that were promptly withheld. Day by day you managed to keep your head down while others did their best to practice their Hobbittish in hopes of speaking with you more privately.
Moving from the Shire had been hard but the money was good and there was very little to be accomplished with an accounting degree, so off to Dwarf territory you went. Returning home to your surprisingly huge apartment for the small price it cost you, the ache you felt in the half bare shelves kept growing so you did something you were never allowed to do before. On a whim after a long day at work you paused on the walk home to stop in at the local pet shop. 
True they only sold small rodents and lizards it stirred something in you, eyeing the rabbits affectionately you wavered as the memory of their kind being mainly silent and requiring a large clean up drove you from the cuddly creatures. But roaming the aisles your eye caught a familiar stern figure with a large bag of cat kibble on his shoulder with his other hand eyeing an adorably fuzzy teasing toy on a long string that did the impossible, it made the giant smile. Granted it was just a flinch of the corner of his mouth but still a smile none-the-less.
Turning to eye the wall of cat trees your hands swung behind you with one hand habitually clasping around the other wrist as one of your feet rocked on the toe of your heel behind the other as you pondered which a cat would find more enjoyable feeling a pair of eyes sliding over your back before suddenly leaving you. Turning back your suspicion was correct in that Thorin was gone, but still the thought lingered all through your walk home and soon through your lunches your eyes were glued to your phone investigating the differences between the breeds as you couldn’t help but wonder which breed belonged to the Stoic man. Short and speckled fur, long and poofy, hairless certainly would be out with the food he chose. Then the questions of snouts and temperament.
All this bringing creeping smiles to your face stirring a rippling curiosity through the bank. Lonely it had been for you yes, but for good reason. The Prince himself had claimed you and all his kin noticed and respected that, maintaining their distance waiting for your link to grow. But this change in you stirred a fledgling fear in each of them at who you might have fallen for that could possibly compete with the Prince you had not-so long ago joined the other countless women in fawning over him. 
Had he been merely a lonely daydream, did he truly mean that little to you, was there possibly a chance to win you back? 
All this had to be answered, and soon. So the youngest of his clan set out to do just that. Easing their way closer to you through the day claiming seats at your lunch table in the break rooms and fail miserably at gaining your attention with their suggestive conversations in hopes you might overhear and join in.
Today was the day. Pulled into your jeans and favorite sweater you made a daily trip to the pet store through the week to gain all the supplies you would need and now the final task. After searching online at breeds an ad for a shelter came into your attention and you joined the back of the line waiting after the line of children at the promotional adoption day. Waiting and listening to the children all voicing their hopes for the available choices, sideways gazing at you and your pleasant smile and quiet demeanor wondering why you wouldn’t bring the child you were obviously picking for to the shelter, assuming it must be a gift.
One by one they went in and left happily holding cardboard carriers with meows and slightly scared jostles with adoption papers being waved. Last in line as the workers had informed the few behind you that only dogs were left, their reluctant shift to return home left you timidly following inside to the last cage of the line with a wondering anxiety of what sort of cat had been left. No matter what you would not turn. No injury or impairment or heightened age would turn you away. Gladly you would welcome the creature into your home and bask lovingly in the company smothering it with every ounce of love and care you could muster. Next to the last cage you turned eyeing the seemingly empty cage the burly Dwarf with the poofy silver beard and long braided ponytail had pointed to. 
Curiously glancing around inside it until the Dwarves’ thick finger reached out to flick the bell pinned to the gated door. Bringing a smile to your face as pink little circles under the white tiny paws of the impossibly small kitten reached out from under the blanket inside to reach out and flick at the bell in return making you giggle. Moving closer on your toes the Dwarf smirked knowing you’d already accepted the small creature causing him to reach out to unhook the gate causing the kitten to duck back inside its hiding spot as the Dwarf held the cardboard carrier and eased back the blanket adding it to the box and the small kitten after. “We aren’t sure why, but he hasn’t grown like his Sisters. Should be nearly full sized by now. Runts nearly always need more health attention as they age.”
You smiled accepting the barely nonexistent weight of the carrier as the kitten gave a pitiful crackling attempt at a meow then ducked back under his blanket before the Dwarf closed the lid and led you back to the desk where he gripped his pen to fill out all the information before asking, “Did you have a name for him already, you can always fill it in later.”
His eyes met yours noticing your smirk remembering the heart shaped white patch around his nose against his mostly black fur, “Kurdûn”
A smirk of his own slid on his face as he added the rune to the line and passed you the paper, “Fitting name. I do hope he sprouts for you and your Hobbit ways.”
You nodded readying to turn as you said, “I’ll keep you posted if you like.”
He nodded and wished you well watching as you eagerly bounced back home gaining curious glances until the Dwarves noticed the package you were holding, bringing their own smiles out brighter at the creature and its newfound loving home.
Back home finally you were stretched out along your stomach with feet crossed swinging in the air above you with the carrier open and on its side as you patiently waited for the kitten to exit its hiding place. With food and water to coax him your fingers poked under the blanket gently tapping the creature stroking the soft fur on what you assumed to be a foot as you softly repeated his name in a calm tone. Barely an hour in a small heart surrounded nose poked out with two green eyes that followed to sit and blink at you before inch by inch creeping out to try at the food.
Nibble by nibble the food was eaten as you softly spoke to little Kurdûn, gaining his confidence and trust before your hand was accepted for gentle and brief pets. But with the chime of your clock your chin was claimed as a hiding spot until the noise hushed and he crept out again leading to you giving him the tour. Granting him some exploring time as you had dinner yourself and found your way off to bed with your new friend curling up on your pillow against your forehead.
Day by day your smile deepened and lingered urging the brothers on to learning what had brought them on. Passing through the break room after finishing your lunch you paused as a tall Dam curiously approached asking, “I have to ask, what has you so happy lately, some new âzyungâl?”
You smirked back, shaking your head you simply replied, “Kurdûn”
She smirked, “So it’s a secret admirer then?” as her friend asked in a love-struck tone, “Or unrequited?”
You simply smiled and said, “I have to get back.” Moving around them adding your lunchbox back to your cubby as the brothers that were listening in rose and went to report to their Uncle.
Glaring and scowling more than usual the Prince moved as smoothly through his normal habits trying not to focus on you without luck until once again his eyes had landed on you through your second sharing of stops in the pet shop. Eyeing your back his head turned away as an employee approached you asking in Hobbittish, “Did you need help with translations?”
You shook your head responding in Khuzdul, “I’m shopping for my Kurdûn.” Your finger pointed at the purple cans marked beef with grave, “I think he wants that one.” Smiling larger at him he nodded his head and turned away as you grabbed the beef and smiled at Thorin in passing and stopped causing his eyes to watch your dress to sway adorably around you when you turned.
“What sort of cat are you shopping for?”
You smiled taking a step closer as a Dam reached for something behind you, “Not certain of the breed. Shorthair, black and white. Yours?”
He swallowed dryly, “Black, poofy with big grey spot sort of looks like she’s wearing a coat. Big breed, got her from the shelter.”
Your smile grew, “Mine too.” You giggled nervously adding, “Not the coat part but the shelter. Though mine’s a runt so I got him as last in line but he’s perfect.”
Thorin’s mouth quirked up into a smile imagining you with the tiny creature as he walked with you to the registers as you did the same. Imagining its proud resting stance on his broad sturdy shoulders which honestly you wouldn’t mind being thrown over. Parting at the door the brief happiness your conversation had brought on stung just as deeply as it had when he heard you utter the sacred title.
What sort of man could it be to have brought you to such bliss? And how could you have such a love for a creature that didn’t belong to you? First it was his and now its yours, could it really be unrequited and your words muddled unable to separate your desires from the truth? Who could possibly not love you in return?
Smiling softly you grabbed your lunchbox and claimed your seat feeling the familiar pair of blue eyes lingering on you from the Prince as you eased the lid open and gasped before closing the lid and rested your chin in your hand covering your mouth with your fingers. Narrowing his eyes Thorin moved forward as his Nephews took their seats across from you and turned as their Uncle stopped between them. Sternly asking, “Is everything alright Miss Pear?”
You looked up at him smiling and nodding as the Brothers eyed the box curiously until Fili asked, “What’s wrong with the box?”
Kili, “Did you forget your lunch?”
Your fingers curled to free your lips to say, “Just didn’t realized something was in it.”
Narrowing his eyes Thorin couldn’t help but ask, “Your âzyungâl sneak something in for you?”
You giggled softly as his fingers reached out to flick the lid open only to see the small kitten asleep on its back on your warm stew thermos stretching its back paws up flexing his toes as the lid swung open driving the three to smile and lean in closer, “He must have snuck in when I packed it.”
Thorin couldn’t help but chuckle reaching in to gently rub the side of his face drawing another stretch as he asked, “What’s his name?”
“Kurdûn” Their eyes met yours with stunned gazes drawing you to giggle as you tapped your nose, “Because of his nose.” Making them peer in again noticing the tilted heart pattern in his fur making them all smile larger and chuckle as Fili asked, “So you don’t have an âzyungâl then?”
You giggled again, “Who told you that? I just moved here, this is one of the longest conversations I’ve had with anyone since the move.”
Thorin smirked nearly purring out, “Grab your bag I’ll walk you home for lunch.”
You smirked hoping just once your ears wouldn’t redden to a blush as you said, “You don’t have to. It’s not far I can make it there and back in time.”
Thorin narrowed his eyes, “No one leaves without approval from management so either I go with you or he stays in the box all day. Like you said, it’s not far.”
You stood closing the lid carefully and watched as he collected his own before joining you for the short trip. Holding the same easy smirk as his Nephews beamed proudly at his own progress before they went to pass the news on to Dwalin who burst out into laughter at the trouble the kitten had caused.
Climbing the short staircase Thorin waited for you to unlock the door so he could open it for you. Then to follow you to the elevator and off to your door. Smiling at the quality of quarters you had managed before eyeing the spacious apartment as you walked in to shift the sleeping kitten onto his bed at the base of his cat tree you were sure he would grow into one day as Thorin sat at your dining room table. 
Turning you raised the box sitting across from him enjoying the quiet lunch that soon grew warmer as he drew his phone showing a picture of his cat allowing you to flick through the few until you landed on one he forgot he’d taken. The pair of them in matching sweaters his Nephew Ori had knitted with small knitted hats to match with giant yarn tassles that drew loud laughs from you that burst from your unstoppable fit of giggles making his smile grow as he laughed in return stealing a glance at the picture again before offering, “Perhaps we should have a rescue play date sometime.”
Giving you a hopeful glance that grew to a beaming smile as you smirked back with a playful spark in your eyes replying, “Perhaps.”
Saw this picture thought of Thorin.
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Pt 2
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onebizarrekai · 7 years
His Plan (IBVS Errink)
Finally! I did it. Jeez, so much work- So long too. Hope you enjoy, though, I really enjoyed writing it!!
It may be almost midnight for me. Oops.
submitted by @jackalsfangs
“So, why did you want me here again?” Error asked, flopping down on the couch and huffing. This was gonna be boring. “I mean, you just wanted to meet Ink-”
“Of course! We’re going to bond.”
“Wait, what,” Ink cut in, actually majorly confused. “I thought I was here to draw cats.”
“Well, you are, but I figured we could become friends, too! All three of us.” ‘Blueberry’ shot a pointed glare at Error, who mumbled something under his breath and turned away, puffing his cheeks out.
There was the strong desire from Ink to just leave now, but seeing how much Error was bothered by it… he couldn’t help but grin, holding out his left hand for Blueberry to shake, after taking off his winter gloves. “Sounds good. Am I drawing out back?”
Blue shook his head, bending down and picking up one of the tiny kittens that had scampered over. “I’ve taken my animals inside for the winter! Who would leave them out in the cold?” He pet the small black and white creature, allowing Ink to reach over and pet it as well.
Ink shrugged, glancing over at Error, who was staring at Ink. He didn’t turn away, as he realized Ink had caught him, narrowing his eyes and scoffing lightly, Ink winking at him. Hadn’t that… happened before? But this time, Error flushed a bright red before he turned away, crossing his arms for a moment, only to bring one hand up to touch his own face gently.
Ink blinked a few times, mostly in confusion, before turning back to Blue. “I wouldn’t. I just didn’t know when you took them in or put them back out,” he explained, eyes lighting up as Blue let him hold the small kitten, about thirteen weeks old now.
“I take them in around the time it starts getting cold, but I might bring a few out if there are some warmer days.” Ink nodded in response, focused on the squirming animal in his grasp. It bit his pinkie finger gently, gnawing on it.
“Are you ready to draw? I had the perfect model… where did he go-? I’ll go look.” Blue walked off, leaving Ink with the wriggling bundle in his arms. He bent down to let it free, as it seemed to be getting a bit antsy.
He began to take off his hat and coat, as well as his winter boots. He shuffled over to the couch, sitting down on it as far away from Error as he could get. He glanced around the interior of the home, pulling the ponytail holder out of his hair and trying to make it look less messy (Error thought he looked really cute with his hair down and quickly looked away, trying to distract himself with his own hair).
Ink looked over, raising a brow. “What are you doi-”
“None of your business!” Error cut in, pulling out his phone to check his hair. But that’s even when he started questioning himself; would Ink like it? Would he care if even one hair was out of place? Was Error handsome to him?
Error’s face flushed once again as he realized what he was thinking, and he shoved his phone back into his pocket. Whatever, didn’t matter. Nope.
Ink was just leaning against the armrest now, watching a few of the cats jump all over the furniture. Some of them were pretty fluffy, leaving a little bit of fur anywhere they sat for… over five minutes? Probably. Blue had been gone for a while now. Ink sighed, resting on the back of the couch instead of the armrest, pulling out his phone to check text messages.
Nope, nothing from Cross.
How long had it been, a month? Yeah, a month.
… He turned off his phone and put it away, looking away for just a second only to feel a weight on his legs. He glanced down, his right eye twitching as he saw what, no, who, was on his legs. Error had just apparently decided it would be a good idea to lay his head on Ink’s lap.
Was that gay? That was really gay to Ink.
He shoved Error off the couch.
“Language!” Blue called down from the second floor. There was a thump and a crash, though, and- “F#ck sh#t oW!”
“You really do try, Blue!” Error called, pulling himself off the floor. He sat back down on the couch, this time in the middle, resting his arm on Ink’s shoulder and his chin on Ink’s head.
“What are you doing?” Ink asked, trying to push him off, to no avail.
“Taking advantage of how short and weak you are,” Error replied, wrapping his other arm around Ink and covering his mouth with his sleeve. “now shut up.”
Blue came back eventually with a huge gray, fluffy cat in his arms, only to find them in that same position. Ink had crossed his arms and looked a bit annoyed, but other than that, the same.
He sighed, rolling his eyes. “Error, unless you and Ink are going to suck face, could you please free him? We don’t have time for this.”
Ink gagged, while Error just kind of choked and turned red as a tomato. Ink was a bit red, too, but that was easily hidden by the thin, beige scarf he had chosen to keep on. Error quickly let go of Ink, who jumped up. “Alright so, where am I supposed to set up?” He asked quickly, trying to ignore the temperature rise of his face.
Blue just grinned, leading Ink into another room, where he had already set up a canvas, paint and a chair, along with a cat bed, which he placed the cat in. “His name is Puffball, by the way,” Blue said, watching the large cat get comfy. “You should have a few hours until he gets up and moves.”
Ink nodded, sitting himself down in the chair and adjusting the canvas placement to his liking, and began once Blue moved out of the way.
Eventually, Error decided to come in and watch, bringing a chair with him. He sat down next to Ink in the chair, watching him as he continued to sketch. He… had to admit, it was pretty good, even for just a half-finished sketch.
What the two didn’t realize, was that it had just began to snow, and the intensity was quickly picking up.
“Done!” Ink exclaimed, putting down his paintbrush and admiring his art. Error had to bite his tongue in order to hold himself back from complimenting Ink too much, but a little, “That’s good,” may have slipped out on accident, causing him to blush and stutter out a tiny “I mean-” in order to try and redeem himself. Too late.
Ink chuckled at the comment, rolling his eyes and glancing over at Blue, who was looking worriedly out the window. Well, that’s what Ink and Error thought, in all honesty he was smirking. Phase two… complete? Yeah. He turned to the two other males, now appearing guilty. “Well, sorry to tell you guys this- But it seems the snow flurries I thought would pass quickly… weren’t really flurries,” he proceeded to show the two the window, where there was so much snow falling they could barely even see a few feet out. “You guys will have to stay over, there’s no way I’m letting Error drive in this weather.”
As Error and Ink panicked a little at the thought of staying with each other, with Blue, overnight, Blue shut the blinds, picking up one of the shorthair kittens and snuggling it, trying to keep the small cat warm.
Luckily, when Error and Ink finally agreed and each texted their parents, they agreed wholeheartedly with Blue, telling them to be home as soon as they could, though.
Phase three.
Blue snuggled himself up in blankets on the couch, giving Ink and Error two blankets… total. They were sort of thick, not enough to keep them warm if they each used one, though. He watched as they eventually resorted to sharing the blankets after much debating, putting them extra close together. They seemed much warmer after that… especially their faces.
They had agreed on a movie, eventually, and were watching it with popcorn, chips, water and some sour cream & onion dip. It was an okay movie, could be better in Ink’s opinion. He did get into it after a while, gently entangling his legs with Error’s to keep them warm. Blue had lent Ink some of his fuzzy socks, and then told Error his feet were too big and he would rip any pair he tried to put on.
So Ink was just laughing internally at him as he tried to put the blankets over his feet as well, and well, failing. Eventually Error did give up, though, allowing Ink to tangle their legs together.
Before the movie ended, the power ended up going out, making the three teens groan in frustration, all of them getting their phones and turning on the flashlight.
“Bed, then?” Blue asked, tossing the blankets off of himself. Error and Ink nodded, each grabbing one blanket.
“Where are we sleeping?” Ink asked, glancing around the dark room.
Blue’s grin twitched as he tried to stop a smirk from making it’s way onto his face, but his smugness was heard even through his voice. “You and Error will be sleeping in my bed, I’m on the couch.”
“Oh, f#ck no! I’m not sleeping with him!” Error exclaimed, throwing a piece of popcorn at Blue. Blue caught in his mouth, grinning.
“You guys are my guests, I insist! My bed is way comfier than the couch!”
“Fine, I’ll sleep in your bed,” Ink blurted out, walking past him. “where is your room?”
Blue grinned, grabbing Error’s wrist and pulling the taller with him as he began to lead Ink up the stairs. “I’ll show you! Error already knows where it is, but clearly he won’t come willingly. I shall be your guide!”
Error’s face flushed as he finally gave in, only trying to pull away when they got to the top of the stairs. Unfortunately, Blue knew his friend more than most, and Error was unable to escape.
“God dammit, Blue-” Error cursed, shaking his free fist angrily at his friend, only getting a small laugh out of the blue eyed boy.
“Come on, Error, I’m doing you a favor!” Blue insisted, opening the door to his room, letting Ink in, and shoving Error in after him. “You’ll thank me later!” He assured, not even surprised that soon after, he could hear shuffling and two figures flopping onto the bed… one hit the floor soon after, but that was fine! … he hoped.
He stayed up there for a little while to make sure Error didn’t try and leave, listening to the two argue and one hit the floor every so often. He left before their arguing was done, though Blue was sure it would end soon, they sounded like they were getting tired…
“Sleep on the floor, Ink!” Error shoved him off the bed once again, spreading himself out on the king size, only to get pushed off again by the (surprisingly strong when he wants to be) artist nerd. It went on for a while, each male determined to… claim the bed as his? Yeah, sure. Are males territorial now? Maybe they’ve always been and the author’s just too lesbian to figure it out because she doesn’t hang with guys? Yep.
But whatever.
The two eventually did get tired, Ink sooner than Error because he didn’t play sports… and he had to deal with Error’s bullsh#t which was even worse than simply pushing him off a bed.
He let Error fall asleep before crawling onto the bed again, not even surprised to find that Error had barely taken up a half of the bed, and stretched out on his own side, not bothering to push Error off. Don’t poke a sleeping bear, jeez.
Ink found himself falling asleep sooner than he thought, only covered in a sheet and a sort of thin blanket. Cold, too, cause the heater was off.
He heard the bed creak a little as he drifted off, but didn’t even pay any attention to it, he was too tired.
Ink woke up earlier than Error, not surprising, but the surprising thing was how warm he was. Had the power turned on again?
He opened his left eye, finding his vision full of white… was there a cat on him? The answer was yeah, one of Blue’s fluffier cats. But there was something else. He slowly opened his other eye, surprised to find most of his vision blocked by a surprisingly familiar shade of brown.
He then started wondering what the hell he was hugging. And, well it wasn’t too obvious to figure out what, or who was holding him, therefore not hard to figure out who he was clinging onto so tightly to. He would’ve wiggled out, but the cat on top of them was still sleeping.
Should he? Nah, it would wake up soon enough. Around dawn would be when it would wake, probably, and judging by the darkness of the room, it was around 4 AM. Since when did he wake up that early… ?
He didn’t care anymore, he was still tired, he couldn’t move, so he went back to sleep.
Error awoke a few hours later, probably around 8. A miracle Ink had been able to fall asleep and stay asleep for that long. The cat was gone, so obviously Error had no reason (in his mind) not to scream, pry Ink off him, and fall off the bed. Which he did, blushing like mad.
That woke Ink up, who was pretty shook at that. He shuffled over, looking down at Error. He snorted, spotting the other’s blush. “Damn, you must’ve really liked cuddling with me or I don’t think you’d have slept that late-”
He listened to Error splutter out incoherent words, just a bunch of gibberish to him honestly. He stepped out of bed, stretching and cracking his knuckles. “Morning, by the way.”
Ink laughed quietly and grinned as Error pulled himself up, shaking and blushing. He left Error, heading downstairs, where Blue was making pancakes and giggling at something on his phone.
Ink narrowed his eyes in suspicion, but sighed, grabbing his beanie and a blanket and wrapping it around himself. Still cold. “Hey Blue, is it safe to get going yet? I kinda want to get home-”
“Nonsense! You’re at least staying to eat breakfast first. Besides, knowing Error he’ll be asleep for a few more hours,” Blue said loudly, handing Ink a plate of pancakes.
‘How is he so peppy?’ Ink wondered, sitting down at the table. 'It’s only eight!’
Ink finished up as Error was coming down, putting his plate in the sink as Error stumbled into the kitchen, looking more awake than he should’ve. Thinking that Blue would question him, he had prepared himself with an answer, but Blue just grinned up at him knowingly as he handed him a few chocolate chip pancakes. Error squinted in confusion at him, gaping as Blue held up his phone, a picture of the two sleeping together up. Phase three complete. Phase four??
“You-!” Error placed the plate on the counter, making a grab for the phone, Blue leading him in a five-minute chase all over the house. Luckily he hadn’t been making any pancakes at the time.
Error eventually flopped down onto the couch, groaning. “Blue- Give me that phone, I swear I’ll tell everyone about your crush-”
Blue giggled, bouncing around with energy. “What crush, Error? I hope you don’t think I have a crush on that Jovel boy!”
Ink was a bit confused, raising a brow at their actions as he got ready to go. “Which Jovel? Drew or Nevin?”
Error sat up, huffing, “Never mind. It’s not important. You better delete that, Blueberry!” He got up and grabbed his pancakes, as well as a fork and some syrup, drowning his pancakes in the sweet liquid and munching angrily on the breakfast food.
“No promises!” Blueberry just laughed as Error shot him a glare, putting his phone away and using up the rest of the batter on pancakes.
Ink zipped up his jacket, silently urging Error to hurry up so they could get out of there.
Error eventually finished, leaving his plate on the table and shooting another glare at Blue as he went to get ready. Blue grabbed Error’s plate and put it in the sink, walking over to them to wish them both goodbye, of course telling them to stay safe.
He did manage to swipe Error’s phone from his pocket, if only to have an excuse to go out and catch them, but doing what? Only Blue knew.
Bonus that I wasn’t gonna put in but my friend wanted me to.
He waved Error and Ink goodbye as they walked out, quickly putting on his shoes and waiting.
Error unlocked the van, hopping in on his side as Ink got in on the passenger’s side. Ink and Error both closed their doors, Ink fixing his hair while Error practically copied him and did the same, staring at the other out of the corner of his eye.
Ink glanced over as Error finished fixing his hair, snorting quietly. “Dude, what are you doing? Your hair looks fine.”
Error froze, stopping and slowly taking his gloves off to drive. Ink buckled his seatbelt, raising a brow.
“What?” they both asked at the same time, stopping to process that. Only Ink laughed, but as his eyes were closed, Error found himself leaning in and in a split second, Ink’s laugh was silenced by a soft kiss, his eyes shooting open in surprise.
It lasted only a second and Error felt all too soon he was pulling away. He stared at Ink for a moment, his face slowly heating up. “F#ck, I just did that, I’m so stupid, I don’t even know why-”
It was a surprise to find Ink’s lips pressed to his once again, but this time they both had a chance to kiss each other, not even bothering to speak as they did it again and again, both asking why and how and when.
“You know, I can see you guys.”
Blue grinned as both teens jumped, facing him. Error let go of Ink, opening the door. “What do you want?” He was a bit upset that Blue had interrupted, but he was trying not to let that through, obviously failing.
“You forgot your phone,” Blue stated, holding out Error’s phone to him. “thought you might want it.”
Error snatched it, blushing. “Thanks.”
Blue didn’t ask any questions before he went back inside, he already knew. Besides, this was his plan, his fault that it happened this early. Error didn’t know whether to be amazed or downright mad.
He went with both. Ink went with amazed.
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