#my scary green boys with white highlights...
betamash · 1 year
Ok I'm watching Brandon Roger's videos right now and there's this character, Bobby Worst. He's like... So similar to Remus Sanders, and I'm thinking... Since Thomas and Brandon have collab before, I think Bobby Worst and Remus should hang out. Like... Look at this bitch!
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This is Bobby Worst. He's a horny terrorist.
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And this is Remus Sanders. He's a horny imaginary terrorist.
Let me know what you think...
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lovekz · 2 years
mini best friends
syn -> yours and another kid get really close with each other during daycare. but when you see the parent of this kid, you want to help out.
pos. story(?)
dilf!izana kurokawa x milf!reader
nothing to beware of!
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“mommy we can’t leave her!” your stubborn son cried out, pointing over to the younger girl with bleach blond hair.
greyish whites peaked out in highlights between her bangs and the back of her head.
“honey i’m sorry, but we have to get home.” you sighed quietly, fixing reiko’s bag that hung off your shoulder.
it was bad enough you left the stove on under the meat for dinner. you weren’t expecting your son to make a new friend.
reiko made it a common occurrence every time he met a friend at his daycare.
if a friend has a parent, the parent must be met. since the parent was met there was no way you’d say no to a playdate this weekend.
“no! if we leave her she’ll be lonely!” reiko jumped up and down, scowling at you with big brook green eyes.
you sighed and rubbed your temple, before taking a seat in one of the tiny chairs near your son. this was a fight you knew you weren’t gonna win.
reiko beamed almost immediately, dashing over to the younger girl and having a seat. she looked up at him and flashed a smile.
her eyes were a gorgeous violet.
“are you staying back today ms. l/n?” one of the workers asked, smiling at you while she held a few papers.
you nodded with a smile. “he’s made friends with that young lady over there.” you gestured, glancing at your son and his companion.
‘i bet 100 dollars he forgot i exist.’ you thought to yourself, sighing.
“oh. he met little zyre! you might be here for a while. dad comes a little late.” the worker informed, giving you a sheepish smile.
of course he found himself one of those friends.
luckily, some of the workers were nice enough to lend you a few snacks and a small apple juice.
you had to let the poor elder lady next door know the stove was on and she could use the spare key to turn it off.
she gladly did so, saving tonight’s dinner.
you checked the time, debating on snatching your son up and coming up with a lie to fill his head with.
your knees were going to hurt if you sat like this any longer.
the door swung open and a very tall lanky man walked in. he wore a business suit and looked intimidating.
his lidded violet eyes scanned the room quickly, as if looking for something.
the young girl sat up almost immediately, beaming a smile at the male. “daddy!” the girl cried, dashing over to him and latching onto his leg.
the man merely peeled the young girl off him and looked towards the boy that was staring at him.
he began sizing him up and down, causing you to stand up and shield your son from his prying eyes.
“he wet himself.” the man stated, jerking his chin up just a little bit.
“huh?” you questioned dumbly, raising your eyebrow.
the man pointed behind you towards your son, and you turned around. reiko had a wet spot forming on his pants.
you cursed quietly and lifted him up, taking him to the bathroom and pulling out a extra change of clothes you had in his backpack.
“i’m sorry mommy.” reiko whimpered softly, fat tears building up in his eyes as he helped you put his clothes on.
“it’s okay, accidents happen.” you replied with a comforting smile, grabbing a plastic bag to put the clothes in.
when he was finally changed and your hands were washed, you headed back out to the classroom to see the man still waiting.
before you could open your mouth and chew him out, he bent at the waist and lowered his head.
“i’m sorry for causing that. i didn’t mean to come off scary.” the man before you said, keeping his hands at his side.
oh. so that’s what had happened.
“oh it’s alright, please pick your head up.” you smiled, understanding his original intentions earlier.
“ko! this is my daddy!” anazyre called from beside her father, pointing up to him with a very proud smile.
almost as if he didn’t just accidentally make a boy wet himself. or even like he hadn’t slept in years and he was ready to kill on sight.
“you made a friend zyre?” the father questioned softly, looking down at the younger girl.
she nodded, letting her father go and hugging reiko with a huge smile. “he’s the best!” anazyre cheered.
the male nodded, before looking at you. “you must be an older sister? i’m izana. anazyre’s father.” the man spoke, holding out his hand.
you took it with a smile. “i’m reiko’s mother.” you informed, saying your name with confidence you didn’t think you had.
older sister? you know you had reiko at a young age but you hadn’t been that young. you’re still not that young!
izana’s eyes widened ever so slightly, before nodding. you could see that he decided not to comment anything about your age.
“okay well i should get going. zy, let’s go.” izana said, turning over to his daughter who was already heading over.
“uhm- excuse me mister!” your ever energetic called before the older man could walk outside with his daughter.
izana looked back at the two of you with a confused look.
“can me and zyre have a playdate? tomorrow?” reiko asked, rubbing the back of his leg with his foot.
you were surprised he was even balancing.
“uhm... sure.” izana agreed, nodding down at the little boy and shooting him a soft smile.
reiko practically beamed, before shoving you to ‘give the big man your number so you can talk’ with a bounce.
you chuckled and rolled your eyes, walking over to izana and handing him your phone for him to type his number in.
you pressed the green phone button and it rang immediately.
izana sent you a warm smile before heading out of the daycare with anazyre screaming ‘bye’ and ‘i’ll bring my cookies’ as loud as possible.
you had no idea this was going to turn out into a every weekend thing.
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masiy-blooms · 9 months
The Rabbit's game (Chapter 4: The knight, the solider, the poet, the mage and the ruler)
After killing some abstracted anomalies Y/n and Charlie were searching for survivors in this hellish game they found a boy with white hair and red highlights decapitating a corrupted being.
Y/n: h-hey...are you a survivor...?
???: yea....
Charlie: Thats a first mate! were growing a team by the minute!
???;heheh....the names Leo and you are...?
Y/n: Y/n and this crazy woman is Charlie...ummm if i may ask...cn you help us find salvation?
Leo: follow me...
30 minutes later Leo took them in a fancy looking airship saying it's for the survivors....as the two went in the saw strands of red ribbons everywhere and were...MOVING!?!
Charlie: Sour belt attack!!
Y/n: What the hell!?
Y/n began to shoot the ribbons with the gun they had in their satchel....it took almost forever...but they did it
Y/n: i think...thats all of them....
Charlie: *eating the mystery ribbons* Bleh! the smelled like candy but taste like bloody copper!
Y/n: c-charlie....ugh...nevermind...
The they saw a person in a black robe and did show they're face but asked them to walk to that door. and as they walked in thinking it was the exit....it wasn't but saw 5 people standing in front of y/n and charlie
They saw a boy with blue hair and was wearing a white jacket and a black and blue shirt, a girl with long black hair blue shorts and a black and red shirt and was wearing a panda mask, a young girl with yellow hair and was wearing a cute pink shark hoodie with shark slippers, a boy wearing a japanese attire while holding an oni mas, and a brown skinned girl with brown hair and purple highlights and was wearing a dark yellow and white cardigan with a red tie and green and yellow plaid skirt...and finally..the girl with pale skin..green eyes...white long hair and a small blue tophat..
Y\n: it's...the kids from the tv.....
???: sweet im already getting popular!
Charlies: state names...you
Marx: well well since your so nice ill go first! im mark the ultimate slayer of corrupted beings i play the role as the knight! the boy with blue hair said with confidence
Mui Shabana: im Mui Shabana i play the role as the poet....im the ultimate ninja.. The girl with the panda mask said in a calm voice yet skeptical
Makio gura: Hi im Makio Gura i play the role as solider! you'd think it was someone scary and tough but no im young! im the ultimate Idol! i love ramen,cute things! and waffles! said the young girl in the shark hoodie
Usagi shinda: im...usagi shinnda...i play the role as mage....im the ultimate...well...creator...and this is Shoto...he's the ultimate ghost whisperer...he plays the role as priest ... said the girl with the yellow cadigan
Shoto:........ he seems...skeptical and his stare was cold as ice...more scary than his oni mask he holds...
and the girl with the white hair looked at Y/n with an emotionless stare but with a faint smile...
Evelyn: greetings..im Evelyn waru...and we are the legendary fighters...and i play the role as Ruler the leader of my team....im so happy to see you
To be continued
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 2 years
Mimic Chapter 28
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The League of Villians...a new contender appears, and pieces are joining the game.
Words- 2063
Reader x MHA (Platonic)
Warnings: Injury, angst, death and battles
The chill air as you stand in a warehouse is clearly abandoned but at the moment used as a meeting. You see your brother leaning against a wall with some of the League members while this new individual was brought inside by Twice. The mystery man is a thin man covered by a thick green jacket with a bright purple fur collar, with short auburn hair with golden eyes. He wears a dress shirt and pants combo underneath the jacket but the main accessories your eyes drew to were the white gloves covering his hands and the magenta plague mask with golden highlights. Was he some kind of germaphobe?
The bird-man scoffs looking at your brother, “Whopper? You being sarcastic, League of Villains?”
“What? This guy’s famous?” Magne says looking confused at the new guy,
“My master showed me his picture once,” Tenko says looking at him, “He’s Yakuza. The young head of the Shie Hassaikai.” So this guy was part of the Yakuza. What did he want involved with the League? You stood to the side and watched this all happen it seemed like no one noticed you not even your brother. You were so confused, you’ve never experienced something like this when you had a connection with Tenko. He always seemed to block you off from knowing where he was but this seemed all too real to just be some crazy dream. Did he want you to see this? Maybe warn the heroes.
“A gangster?! I’ve never met one before. He’s got an aura of danger about him!” Magne squeals and you see Himiko Toga sigh sitting against a pile of crates with Mr. Compress on top.
“What makes him so different from us?” She mumbles.
“My dear young Toga…let this old-timer explain it to you. Once upon a time, the underworld was controlled by several big, bad, scary organizations. As heroes came about, these groups were exposed and slowly dissipated. Then All Might brought an end to them altogether. The dregs that never got caught went on to serve as underlings for villains. Under constant surveillance, they live destitute lives. To put it bluntly, they’re like a protected species whose heyday has passed.” Mr. Compress explains as the Yakuza leader shrugs.
“Well…You’re not wrong about all.” He says
“So you were barely scraping by mafia boy? Why come to us now? Shouldn’t you be out celebrating All Might’s retirement?” Magne questions him and he puts his hands in his pockets.
“Nah…it’s not about All Might. All For One’s fall is a way bigger deal. The emperor of darkness who ruled over the entire underworld..the guy was like an urban legend to my generation. The old guard, though…they were always gossiping that he’d up and died. Then he showed up in the flesh and got locked up in Tartarus. So now…both the light and dark sides are leaderless. The question is Who’s gonna step up to lead?” He says while looking at your brother.
“If you’re saying this, knowing full well who my master is…Is this a challenge?!” He growls at him, “The next leader…is me. I’m gathering forces and expanding our operation day by day. And I’m gonna use that power to annihilate this society of heroes.”
“Got a plan?” The Yakuza leader says holding out and you watch Tenko grow more frustrated at this man.
“A plan? Didn’t you come here…to join our little gang?” He says.
“Having a goal without a plan just makes you a daydreamer, and daydreamers don’t make for a good sales pitch,” He points at the flaws in Tenko’s plan, “What happens once you’ve expanded? How’re you gonna use these people? What’s your management strategy for this organization? Starting with the Hero Killer, Stain..then the carnal murderer Muscular..and the Death Row inmate Moonfish..all were heavy hitters operating under you, but they got beaten and caught. Almost like you didn’t know how to use ‘em right? You can barely handle the ten or so wackos you’ve got already, and you wanna recruit more? No point in amassing power you can’t control.” He says while bringing his fist to rest in his hand, “You need a solid plan to make your goals a reality. And I’m the man with the plan. So no…I didn’t come here today hoping to work for you.”
It’s silent before Shigaraki speaks up, “Twice…I’d appreciate it if you could vet applicants before bringing them here.”
“The plan I’ve got requires a ton of cash, but no one out there’s crazy enough to fund some small-time yakuza throwback. But if you guys and the name you’ve made for yourselves were involved it’d be a different story. So join me. I’ll become the next leader…and put you to good use.” He says holding his hand out.
“Get Out.” Shigaraki’s voice is rough and stern and Magne stands up revealing the large magnet hidden beneath a cloth.
“Sorry, Mafia boy. But we didn’t come together to serve anyone.” Magne uses her quirk by having the Yakuza leader be the south pole to bring him towards the large magnet to attack, “The other day…I saw a friend of mine. She’s a shy one and kind of timid, but she’s still my friend even knowing who I am and what I do. ‘People bound together by the chains of society always laugh at those who aren’t,’ She told me. I’m here because I wanna live free!” She rears the magnet to strike him while yelling,
“WE GET TO DECIDE WHERE WE BELONG!!” You see his finger touch her skin before cracks travel across her body. A large explosion as her body explodes from the hips blood raining down onto him and the floor. All of your eyes widen watching him kill her so suddenly. What the hell is his quirk!? Her legs hit the floor as more blood pour around her while he stands up trying to rub the blood off himself.
“Your side made the first move.” “BIG SIS MAG?!”
“Ugh…filthy! I hate this part.” He says disgust in his tone and Compress hops off the crates rushing toward him.
“Compress wait!” Shigaraki yells out. You see a bullet whip past you hitting Compress in the shoulder as he just reaches out for him.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” Hives quickly spread over the Yakuza member as he swipes his arm to strike Compress and give him the same fate as Magne. Your arm swipes out instinctively, red and black rivets shoot from your fingers catching onto Compress’ vest and pulling back him back. The Yakuza hand hits Compress’ arm it exploding in a spray of blood some of it hits you in the face. Compress hits the ground crying out in pain grabbing where his missing limb was. Your eyes meet Tenko’s his eyes widened in shock and almost anger, having seen one of his master’s quirks save his members to see you there shock on your face as well. To everyone else, it had looked like Compress dodged out of the way but Tenko had seen you pull him out of the way from a fatal death.
Shigaraki rushes toward the Yakuza member his hand outstretched to decay him, “SHIELD!” Someone with a similar plague mask appears right in front as all five of Tenko’s fingers touch him and he crumbles leaving one blood behind.
“That was a close one Overhaul.” A voice calls out as the wall behind the man named Overhaul bursts open filling with a multitude of other masked Yakuza appears. You slide back away from Overhaul as does your brother. “We should’ve started this way. We might’ve understood each other sooner.”
“Wait, where’d they come from?! I swear I wasn’t tailed!” The eyes on Twice’s mask widen shocked that he was followed.
“Must’ve been one of their quirks,” Shigaraki reassures him as the stand-off between the Yakuza and the League is clear.
“Too slow.” Overhaul says to one that has a white cloak and a plague mask that covers his hold face.
“Missed with one shot there…but it was still plenty effective.” The masked man says and Overhaul grimaces rubbing the invisible dirt and specks of blood off him.
“I wanted this to go peacefully, League of Villains. No way we’re coming to any amicable decisions now. And, well..losing people on both sides isn’t exactly productive. One dead for each of us..better end it there. Let’s talk again once everyone’s cooled off. We owe you an arm.” He says.
“I’ll freakin’ kill you!” Twice yells at him holding the maimed Compress.
“Can I stab him Tomura? Can I?” Toga says bloodlust written on her face her knife ready for blood.
“No,” Shigaraki says his glare stuck on Overhaul and Twice looks over at him in shock,
“Someone’s gotta pay for this!!” He yells and Shigaraki shakes his head.
“Wise choice, face-palm guy.” A tiny masked man says pointing a finger at your brother. Overhaul walks towards where you stand by the door and you step back. You freeze when your feet catch on some rumble making a noise. Overhaul turns in your direction looking directly at you. His eyes pierce through you and you feel frozen under your gaze. He couldn’t see you right? Shigaraki watches his hands twitch seeing the man looking at his sister, fear written all over her face. He seemed to look straight through you as his eyes furrowed before he pulls out a card flicking it toward Shigaraki.
“I’m not saying to rush the decision, but better make it sooner rather than later. Think about it carefully…about your organization and everything else…when you’ve calmed down gimme a call.” And with that Overhaul and the rest of the Shie Hassiakai disappear into the night leaving the League to think. Shigaraki looks down at his feet to the card with just a number before his eyes meet yours again.
“Out.” His voice is cold as Twice helps Compress to his feet as the three of them quickly leave probably to go tend to his wound. The second they are gone Tenko charges at you his hand clutching your throat and pinning you to one of the steel supports.
“What are you doing here.” He hisses keeping one finger off you his grip sucking the air from you as you grab his wrist fire burning in his eyes. Your eyes are wide as you choke out words
“I didn’t ask…to be here.” You spit back at he glares at you,
“Liar! You’re here to tell those heroes what my plans are? You’re no better than those heroes, Master was right about you!” He accuses you and you feel the hurt of betrayal. Your hands push against his chest shoving him away from you and he stumbles back surprise by this sudden strength.
“You think I planned this! You should be thanking me for saving your damn League, you could have two members blood painting the floor instead of one.” You say walking towards him and he takes steps back,
“You want me to go telling the heroes what your plans are! Want me to be the hero and you be the villain? Huh?! Am I just like your damn Master!” You yell and he is surprised by the sudden anger and his eyes widen seeing the red sparks surrounding your fist. How far did you get with All For One? Was this what master told him to be careful with? The more you gain control of One For All and All For One, the more of an opponent you would be to either heroes or villains depending on what side you reside.
The two of you stare at each other siblings on different sides but long to be together. You step back and Tenko almost steps forward to not let you leave his grasp. “I hope this is the last time we meet Shigaraki.” Your voice is cold and he shivers as you turn to walk away.
“Tenko.” He says and you keep moving and frustration takes over as he starts after you, “You call me Tenko, that’s my name! Not Shigaraki only Tenko! Say it!” His voice gets harsher coming after you.
“SAY IT!” He yells his hand reaching to grab yours when it goes through yours and it’s empty once again. Alone once again, but this time you weren’t coming back.
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Chapter 1: Hospitalized
Narrated by Momo.
Narrator: Jack-o'-lanterns and scary stuffed toys... Shadow Square brims with Halloween items with Halloween just around the corner.
Narrator: Nikki and I are skipping down the street with our hands full of goodies, excited for the upcoming festivities...
Nikki: A-Choo!
Narrator: Nikki lets out one sneeze after another, which I take as an alarming sign.
Momo: Oh no, the rain just now and the ACs in the mall!
Nikki: I'm fine, I think...
Momo: But you're shaking all over! Let's go to the hospital already, Nikki!
Narrator: Nikki doesn't want to go, but I manage to drag her to Shadow Hospital nearby.
Doctor: Your name is Nikki, right? You have a normal body temperature. Keep yourself warm and get plenty of rest. One more thing, though...
Momo: One more thing?
Narrator: The doctor turns to me with another test report in hand.
Doctor: You seem to have a fever, based on your temperature measurement.
Momo: Uh? That's absurd. I didn't even sneeze!
Narrator: I look at the report. The column that reads temperature on my report is highlighted in red. The same column on Nikki's, however, is green.
Nikki: Your forehead is hot, Momo. We need to get you checked up!
Narrator: ...And then they put me into a little cart used to carry patients. That's when I start to feel terrible.
Momo: How did I become the patient when you're supposed to be the one that's sick, Nikki?!
Momo: No way I'm going to take a shot and have medicine! I just need to rest for a day!
Narrator: I try to wriggle away from the doctor when he holds me up.
??: Boy, you sure have a lot of energy for a patient.
Narrator: When I slowly raise my head, I see a gentle nurse smiling down at me. She gives my head a gentle touch and puts a blanket over my tummy.
Narrator: She seems to have a white aura around her - like the beautiful white aura one can see around a steaming hot piece of BBQ meat.
Moe the Nurse: Do you remember me? We met once before at a different hospital. My name is Moe. Don't be scared. The shot isn't going to hurt, and I'll make it quick.
Narrator: With Moe's gentle touch and voice, the shot really doesn't feel as bad.
Narrator: Moments after Moe has left, Nikki comes back with a stack of bills.
Nikki: Momo, be good and take the shot. I will make you some BBQ when you... uh?
Narrator: I sit unperturbed in my seat, with the aura of a soldier who's fought just all too many wars. I have a cooling pad over my forehead, and I"m pressing a cotton piece against my arm.
Momo: Nikki, I think the doctor had a point. We do need to have a good rest when we're sick. And getting a shot and taking medicine aren't all that bad either.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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lserver362reviews · 1 year
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While I haven't seen all of the Disney "live-action" remakes I'm going to say I think this is the best one and should not disappoint any fan of The Little Mermaid (1989). As soon as the title came on screen I got chills just from reflecting what the original means to me over the previous days leading up to seeing this and seeing this fresh take with real people. Not shortly after that I was missing Avatar 2 and realized just how good that CGI is. The CGI throughout was solid enough but there were definitely some weird places (Eric swinging on a mast rope, the explosions in the grotto). Then I saw Javier Bardem and was absolutely shocked as I did not know he was in this, and boy did I laugh, and I didn't stop laughing whenever he was on screen. Why is he in this? He looked so silly in the end with the blankest of expressions and the wettest of hair. Funniest part of the film for me, hands down. The pacing overall was real slow but in a way where the cinematography was also too chaotic 80% of the time. I just wanted to be able to take more in in each scene. I loved the island kingdom (Barbados?) and the day in the market was of course still my favorite part. I did really like the new music there but was a little wistful for that original theme to come in in some way (www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGgDjmv5X08&list=OLAK5uy_kdasrLkkCnSUzHNU0EL3Jub5WyEMdnkYY&index=16). Kiss the Girl was a highlight and particularly well adapted to this version. Throughout this, Eric really grew on me, and I liked how we got his wants and back story. His study really made me think of the library from Beauty and the Beast. Halle Bailey as Ariel was a really really good choice but in places she felt a little too green, in some ways that worked well for Ariel's naivety and wide-eyed wonder, but other times it just felt like a subdued performance and then caused really contrasting dynamics (and I do mean that in regards to her acting as well was the singing itself). I have my qualms about losing a bit of the showtune broadway sound I'm accustomed to because she doesn't have that background, but I recognize that this is completely a me problem. I hope her versions mean to kids what Jodi Benson's meant to me and that they wear out whatever version of a cassette tape they have now, like I did listening to the soundtrack. I don't think as a kid I would've been able to relate to a voice that technical and doing those runs! (BUT maybe it's not about me, and insert the Broadway-so-white discourse here) BUT as soon as Halle said, "C'mon, Flounder, don't be such a guppy," she had me and once again, I had chills. She was a really good Ariel. I just wish this hadn't been her debut starring role (excited to see what she does next!). I really liked the costume choices (those tails, Eric's hat, all the dresses, the hair) although I wish they had recreated the date day dress from the animated film. The added songs were mostly poorly written, except For the First Time. That was a really nice addition. I wish we got a bit more of the relationship between Ariel and her dad, but I liked the relation of Ursula to Triton. Once again I ask, how does he have so many kids? and does this make Flotsam and Jetsam Ariel's cousins? I thought Melissa McCarthy did a great job and I don't know if I should've been so surprised really. I wish they had gotten a better makeup designer, read a drag queen, because I'm just left to wonder if they purposely made her eyebrows all janked up in order for her to be less beautiful? But she did what need to be done and it wasn't her fault for the dialogue and lines that got taken out (i.e. weirdly sanitized). I was very surprised that they kept the final battle scene fairly beat for beat to the original (scary!). I thought Disney didn't kill their villains anymore! I do wish that we understood what the heck was going on in her soul garden in this one a bit more, and why was she fighting with her own tentacles? (I'm asking dumb questions now-remember: kids movie). The fantastical sea creatures and the regular sea creatures were very muddled in general to me. Also getting rid of ALL the ensemble moments was unforgivable. Under the Sea is for an ensemble!!!! I did like the visuals in that sequence though. But in the wise words of Patti Labelle during the 1996 National Tree Lighting, "Where my background singers???" Some of the shots that recreated moments from the original, like the hair flip out of the water against the sun or the big moment on the rock, just hit at me as strange. I'll try to unpack what I mean by that at some point. The enduring legacy of Howard Ashman and Alan Menken really make this movie a hard one to mess up (although Lin must be stopped) and I found it a little bittersweet that Howard's dedication was almost hidden, way down, under all the credits (Please watch Howard on Disney+). Out of curiosity I did compare (I know, I know, I should stop right there) Part of Your World (OG: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXKlJuO07eM and New: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kf7Dss2gCe0 ) and I think it speaks for the whole movie itself, in that, this new version is so much slower. The original movie clips along and I really missed the original songs per minute ratio during my watch of this. I think that kind of messed with the whole tone of the movie. I don't think it settled on a tone where there's a balance of being a musical and telling a story outside the music. I like the story changes here but I wonder if it's a problem of gravitas. For (the biggest) example: the Hans Christian Andersen quote at the beginning-really, I get that it's the original original source material, but this run time is too long to try to infuse some sort of it's about the story not the music, when really the story is in the music! Give me more music and get to it faster! At the end of the day it's a story about wanting more, not just adventure per se, but to belong in the space that is full of wonder, curiosity, and love for this experience that we are gifted only once. The folks at the Austin Danger Podcast did a lovely and very eloquent review that lines up with a lot of my experience watching this film (at a 6:30 PM showing with my best friend that I met on the bus to Kindergarten, with children reacting all around us): podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-little-mermaid-2023/id1605702441?i=1000616640386
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swan2swan · 3 years
I love hearing people complain about the Raptor Squad designs and colorations and the variations and inaccuracies in a way that seems to defend the movie’s color schemes. 
Because, frankly:
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The designs weren’t that great. 
I love them all dearly, but this shot is honestly the easiest-to-identify set (left-to-right, clockwise: Charlie, Echo, Delta, Blue).
Let’s break it down:
Blue obviously has the best design because she’s the Main Character. She’s got a blue stripe which makes it easy to tell when she’s on-screen, her name matches her distinguishing feature, she’s gray overall, she’s a 10/10 design. 
Charlie is my second-favorite, but also the start of the problems: green raptor with black stripes and white jagged lines providing highlights. Not too shabby, especially because she has a distinctive lime-green coloration (in this bright light, anyway...more on that later).
Delta is a blue-green color...witrh a blue spot on her eyes and (I think) stripes on her back. Again, this is where it gets complicated: I’ve watched the movie time and time again, I’ve played with her in video games, I’ve got her toy in the other room (the good one!), and I can’t give a solid description of what she looks like. She often gets mixed up with Charlie when I’m tracking them in scenes because her color is similar. 
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I mean, look at this picture. She’s practically gray. I would almost think she’s Echo, what with the reddish tint in this shot. 
Thankfully, Echo is a different color...a red-brown-black mottled mix...but, frankly, Echo’s color is kind of ugly. 
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And here’s where the problem comes in: that random patterning. 
When I was a kid, if you told me to draw a raptor, I could whip out a scary-looking predator with stripes on the back and tail because that’s what the toys and movie designs shot toward. It became even more pronounced in the sequel with those tiger-striped raptors. Even the feathered boys in the threequel had their own distinct look, and that spotted gray female was really distinct. 
Ask a kid to draw Blue, and they should be able to make it obvious that it’s her, even without colors: that jagged stripe along her body, running from her eyes to her tail, gives her a LOOK.
The other three raptors? Nah. Again, maybe you can show off Charlie with the stripes, maybe you can do Delta with the eyespots, but Echo? I can’t replicate that pattern immediately. There’s nothing distinctive. 
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I mean, maybe kinda-sorta with the “dark top of the head and bright bottom”, but then THAT can get mixed up with Delta as soon as the lighting changes. There’s a whole scene of them running in the dark where you can’t tell them apart. 
Now, I’m not saying that they should have all been running around with one having spade-shaped markings, one with clubs, and another with diamonds...but I feel like they each should have had something Distinct, like the blue stripe. Maybe more prominent scars on Echo (she has them, but not really in anything beyond the movie and promo stills), like a Lion-King-esque eye scratch. Maybe give Charlie a stubby tail because Echo bit the tip of it off, and give Delta some patterns flaring from her eyes to her nostrils. 
Again, I get why the designs ended up being what they were: they WERE still distinctive, and the franchise wasn’t expected to be THAT big, so it wasn’t like they were thinking of creating a Power Rangers Team....but, still. 
(Also, I like the Camp Cretaceous Echo design--it looks a LOT like the Tiger Raptors, so it’s a ltitle more generic, but it feels better than this...
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...I mean, check her out:
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...the tiger stripes make her feel more old-school, like she’s an ECHO of what came before). 
Anyway, that’s just my take. 
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thestarsanctuary · 4 years
Gotta support my fellow melanin babes 😎✨
I was thinking Mello, L, and Matsuda with a punk gn!black S/O who tries to introduce them to their music and general way of life? 👀
Pronouns- just you, you, and you.
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When Mello first saw you he was intrigued. He knew what punk was obviously but actually seeing someone who was punk in person was a different story. The way you carried yourself with confidence and with your individuality oozing off of you, he was a bit smitten. So he asked you out. In the long route even if you said no- he was going to ask again anyways.
After dating for sometime you thought it would be good to reallt explain to him how you were and what it truly meant. What you were for. And you were for non-conformity. You were more politically active than most and constantly stated your disagreements with media and politics today, and even with Mello basically just staring at you- there was no embarrassment or shyness in your tone. You meant what you were saying.
Over time, Mello began to slowly absorb you and your views. ‘Anti-whatever sort of system we live in’ was what he chanted after you had gone on rants about what you believed was truly right in such a system, and it was so adorable because he truly thought that was impactful. So adorable in fact that everytime he said it you stopped everything to coddle him and embrace him. And every time, you were being fooled because he did it on purpose. 1 - Mello, 0 - You.
Now your music was not something that was hard for him to get into. He enjoys seeing you headbang or move in such ways to. Maybe you were playing classic Green Day, Circle Jerks, Misfits, whatever it was there was always something that stuck with him. He enjoyed the emotion involved- he could feel angry or frustrated or just motivated in general through the music.
Sometimes he saw you checking and would honestly be so zoned out watching you. Whether your hair was in locs. Shaved on the sides, or completely shaved off there was something about watching you and your focus on your appearance. He understood that being punk wasn’t just black clothes or objecting any modern rule, of course not. It was a way to reject the political as well as social norms of the world. And Mello loves attention and standing out so he actually started buying clothes like yours too!! He’s not completely punk but he likes trying for you.
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L is a complicated soul he is. When he first saw you he was honestly confused. Why did you look like that- were you angry? Why were you so stone-faced. And to be honest, it was a little scary to him. Once you noticed him you walked over and for a second he thought you were going to scold him but instead you smiled and held out your hand. “Y/n.” You said, and he felt his heart beat a bit faster. Let’s not focus on that though.
You began dating quite fast as he felt no reason to wait. So when you began dating is when he began asking his questions about why you dress like that and why tou style your hair in that way, and you had given him the simple answer.
“I’m punk.”
“....what is that.”
And it’s not that he’s dumb but he’s not all that impressive when it comes to subcultures. I mean he’s a detective- he doesn’t have to be. But since his s/o is one he’ll take it upon himself to research and check his knowledge and make sure it is also the same case with you since he learned not all punk’s have some sort of consensus.
“So you are doing this to show that you go against the way things are now? Like a silent rebellion?”
“Sure yeah.”
It’s simple talks like those that happen all the time because he constantly wants to know more about you, despite being able to ask you himself, he likes surprising you with his knowledge. However he also knows that some things he has to get specifically from you since you’re black and most punk represented in the media is classically white people- he wants to understand your perspective out of all this. Nobody else’s.
When you start playing your music he kind of shuts down? He just stares at you because he’s not too sure if he likes the music or not but he soon warms up to it. He enjoys The Clash the most, he likes most of what yoy play though.
When you talk to him about politics and your beliefs he tries to listen and tie it to his understanding of being punk as well but sometimes he can’t tell if it’s something you believe or it’s a common punk belief, not that it matters, but still.
Overall this is a learning experience he doesn’t mind learning for you. It doesn’t even affect him in a negative way so he has no reason to be against it I mean, he can still kiss you and feed you cake after work so what is the problem?
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Matsuda is just chilling dawg. When he sees you he is a bit flustered, he can’t lie. But he doesn’t mind it, he almost embraces it. Your whole vibe attracted him from the beginning and that was surprising because he usually wouldn’t go for punk people (he hadn’t even seen many in general if at all)
He does get the courage to ask you out after staring at you for lord knows how long, and he’s almost embarrassed at how you just smile so sweetly at him. He totally misjudged your character. Even if it wasn’t on purpose he did subconsciously think you would have a more dominant personality, but that part only truly came out when talking about what you stood for as a punk black individual. Which you did quite often.
Listen- he doesn’t mean to but when you talk about that stuff all he can think about is how attractive you are. Your face, your outfits, your stature itself was so inviting. So he DOES just start kissing you and hugging you- what about it? Not like you mind, in fact you invite it everytime, but it is kind of weird how everytime it happens this is always how it ends.
When you start bringing up trying to introduce him to what it is that you are, it isn’t to convert him but he doesn’t seem to understand that. So be bites his lip and proceeds to say,
“Ah...sorry but um..I don’t think I am fit for that- not that it isn’t cool! You’re very cool and hot and I enjoy you a lot but...I don’t think it’s for me.” He stutters with a clear blush on his cheeks and you have to laugh.
“I just wanted to show you Suda I promise.” You say and he quickly relaxes his shoulders from their hunched up position.
Matsuda is not made for punk music and it’s almost funny. He tried it- he really did. He sat there and listened for an hour but he just couldn’t get into it the way you did, and it was something you expected but that didn’t mean it wasn’t any less cute to watch him try and pretend he enjoyed it with his awkward headbops.
When you talk about politics or the current state of the world and your views it’s very little that he shares his opinions because he cannot seem to want to. I mean there you are- pouring your heart and soul into this topic- especially highlighting how frustrating it is that there is barely any black-punk rep in te media, and he give you a two sentence “I agree” response. It is never happening again is what he vowed and he kept that promise.
All in all, he loves you. He loves your appearence, the way you hold yourself, your intellence, your music, everything. How could he not? There’s no question that no matter what you tell him, he’ll listen with heart eyes and remember it 10 years later, he loves you all the much.
Wheeewwww this was a trip and I don’t know why, anyways thank you for supporting me and I am so sorry for the wait bc you were probably waiting FOREVER- anyway I tried my best with the punk concept but it seems that there is no common consensus? So this was very vague sorry :( but thank you for requesting!!
- SS <3
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phoenixblack89 · 3 years
Secret Crushes III: Cinemas, Love Notes & Cuddling
Hallo again my lovelies!
Here's part three for ya.
Part 1 Part 2
Tags: @fandomsaremykryponite @autocon23 @lilythemadqueen @writingdeadangel @boondoctorwho @darylsgirl @browneyes528
You were stressed out and panicking. 
After your sister's outburst the other day in the woods, Murphy had been avoiding you somewhat. It seemed her threat had made him back off. It rattled you to the core that maybe she was right. Maybe Murphy was an asshole. 
You sighed and flopped down on your bed and groaned. 
The weekend was dragging like crazy, as had the week at school watching her and Connor suck face while you'd glance  towards Murphy hoping to catch his eye but he was always looking away.  
You felt so alone.  
Like you'd made the biggest mistake of your life by giving the darker haired twin something so special, your virginity, allowing him to use his mouth on you like that... But he had said such sweet things... Made you believe him when he called you beautiful.... 
Your father's loud and slightly angry voice called from the hall. You groaned again and padded out of your room and leaned over the bannister rail. Your eyes took in the form of your dad's broad and tense shoulders and raised an eyebrow in curiosity.  Your sister was hugging your father happily, which was odd, considering she'd been in a foul mood since they had returned and grounded her for the month following last week's party. 
"Y/N! Get ye butt down 'ere now!" Your dad's Irish accent thick with annoyance. You sighed and walked down the stairs slowly, eyes widening as you took in the sight before you. 
Smirking brightly, the elder MacManus twin nudged his brother, glancing you up and down. An act your father and sister thankfully missed. You flushed, realising you had yet to change out of your pajamas - a pair of short, bright green shorts and a tight spaghetti strapped top that left little to the imagination. 
Your father sighed at you as your eyes flickered to Murphy, whose eyes were focused on your chest as you folded your arms. You blushed under his glare and turned to your father. 
"Go get dressed." He growled. 
"Why daddy?" 
"This gentleman wants t' take ye sister t' the cinemas" He gestured towards Connor, "however, as she is still grounded fer dat ridiculous party," your sister lowered her head in mock shame, barely able to hide her smirk. "You are going t' go wit' her. You will stick t' yer sister like glue. Yer both must be together when yer come home."
"Oh..." you reply, feeling eyes run over you once more. You glanced at Murphy, but his eyes were firmly fixed on his shoes, your head turned slightly to Connor, who licked his lips as his eyes ran down you. "Erm... I... I.... I better get dressed then."
"Go. I need t' talk t' these boys and set some firm ground rules." Your dad all but growled, which made Connor and Murphy flinch. 
You ran to your room, your sister quickly following and closing your door quietly behind you. You sighed and grabbed some clothes out of your closet, which your sister threw to the floor. 
"I need you to distract Murphy tonight." She whispered, pulling clothes out your closet and pushing them into your arms. 
"Sara... Thought you said he wasn't good enough for me and has to keep his hands off your baby sister? Huh?" Your replied, your voice muffled as you dressed. 
"Look... I'm sorry. I was kinda jealous... And it is my job as big sister to try and protect you. I'm sorry." She wrapped her arms around you and rested her head against yours softly. "Besides.... I do owe you one. For not squealing on me about the whole barn thing."
"Get off me woman! Fine... I'll try. Though I doubt it'll do any good.... He took ya warning pretty seriously." You sighed, as your sister slumped more of her weight into you. You shove her off and start putting a little make up on. Just enough to highlight y/e/c eyes but still look natural. She smiled and took it from you and quickly applied just the right amount. You glance in your mirror and smiled. 
Your sister should be a make up artist you mussed, she'd added more than you usually wore but she had brought out your features perfectly.  
You actually felt pretty for once. 
She grabbed your hand after you finished getting dressed and pulled you downstairs to the lounge where the MacManus boys sat quietly on one sofa as your dad glared at them from the armchair. He rose and gave you both a hug and shooed you all out of the house with a quiet warning to the twins to have you both home by 11pm.
Your sister laughed as Connor's hand once more left the stirring wheel to run along her thigh. You rolled your eyes as Murphy scowled at his brother. 
"Keep ye fuckin' eyes on the road man!" He growled and crossed his arms over his broad chest. You ducked your head and bit your lip, eyes raking down his shirt which strained tightly against his chest. The buttons seemingly ready to pop open at the slightest expansion of his breathing. Murphy gave you a nudge and flicked his hand towards you, a simple, white folded piece of paper between his fingers. You crossed your eyebrows in confusion as he nodded to his hand again. You gently slipped your hand across the seats and took it from him and lay it in your lap.  You gave him another look and he nodded at the note, twirling a pencil in his fingers absentmindly. 
You unfolded the note and gave Murphy a quick glance to catch his eye but he was looking out the window. 
Do ye forgive me? 
You smiled as Murphy's hand came into your view, holding the pencil between two of the slender digits. You bit your lip and took the pencil, scrawling a reply. 
Ignoring ye the last week
Why did you do that? 
Ye sister is fuckin' scary. 
Haha not as scary as dad
Aye. So do ye?
If you earn it...
Murphy smirked at you as his eyes scanned the note. He shifted his body slightly as the car rounded a corner, using the turn as an excuse to get closer to you. Sara glanced in the rearview mirror and caught your eyes. She nodded her towards Murphy and wiggled her eyebrow before smiling widely as Murphy's hand landed on your knee. You smirked at her and glanced back at Murphy as his other hand cupped your cheek softly. 
He leaned in and brushed your lips with his, not noticing his brother glancing at you in the mirror as well.  
Murphy's tongue flicked at your bottom lip for access, which you granted and gave a little moan as he ran his tongue around yours. His hand gripping your hip gently and sliding under your shirt to run his thumb across your hip bone. His grip tightening as you kissed him deeply. You parted breathlessly, his forehead resting against yours. 
"Have I earned ye forgiveness then?" He whispered against your lips. You bit your bottom lip and nodded before kissing him once more. 
"Fuck!" Connor yelled as the car swerved to the right wildly before he regained control of the car. Murphy being pushed across the seat to land with his face in your lap. You blushed bright red as he straightened and licked his lip. You both glanced towards thee front of the car and paled. Your sister's body was laid across the seats with her head dipping up and down into Connor's lap. The slurping sounds turned your stomach and you blushed in embarrassment. "Oh god...." 
"Jesus Fuckin' Christ! Could ye nat wait til we weren't wit' ya? Fuckin' hell man!" Murphy complained, covering his eyes and yours. Connor continued to moan and pant for several more minutes, the volume increasing steadily until he braked suddenly and gave a deep gutteral groan. Murphy gave a gag of disgust at his brother and his hand over your eyes tighten slightly. 
"Ye fucking idiot! Could've killed us all! Carrying on like that!" Murphy whined as he uncovered his eyes then yours, once sure your sister had resumed her seat. Sara smirked at your red face in the rear view mirror as she wiped her mouth, winking at Murphy who scoffed and folded his arms.
"Hey Murphy..." 
"If you're lucky maybe my sweet baby sister will give you one once we get to the cinema." Sara laughed, watching your face and Murphy's change colour several times.
You gave a nervous laugh and buried your face into your shoulder, leaning your too warm face against the cool glass of the window. 
Fuck.... Would he expect me to? You panicked, blocking out all sound inside the car. I can't do that! I don't know how! Oh my god... What if he does and I can't get him to cum? Oh my god... Oh my god... Oh my god! 
The internal panic didn't fade at all during the rest of the car ride, nor did it as you got to the cinema or when you were buying your snacks or even entering the theatre. It was still there as you and Murphy separated from your sister and his twin. You were nervous to say the least. 
Murphy smiled at you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, settling comfortably close as you sat in your chosen seats at the back of the theatre. You gulped as you stared at the big blank screen. 
"Ye alright beautiful? Ye tense as hell." Murphy whispered into your ear as the screen lit up and his hand ran along your arm softly. You nodded and bit your lip, nerves fired beyond relief.
"I'm fine... Its just... Never mind." You were thankful that the room was near darkness as your face turned bright red. 
"What? Tell me" 
"It's stupid..."
"If somethin' bothering ye, ye can tell me. I promise I won't laugh." He whispered, brushing your ear lightly with his lips as his hand gently kneaded your thigh. "Is it what Sara said? Cos I wouldn't ever force ye t' do summit ye ain't willing t'..." 
You nod and turn to face him slightly, your eyes not meeting his. Murphy chuckles lowly and runs his hand from behind your head to cup your cheek bringing your lips to his gently. You sigh into the kiss as his other hand trails along your thigh and cups your core gently. You pull away and glance around nervously. Thankful everyone's attention is on the screen in front of you. 
"Relax beautiful. No one's lookin' at us. Let me really earn ye forgiveness..." 
Your teeth sunk into your bottom lip harshly as Murphy's talented fingers slip under your underwear and begin to stroke your heated pussy softly, teasingly. You gasp as one briefly grazes your clit and his lip begin to suck and nip at the delicate skin of your neck. You subconsciously shift your hips to grant him more access as his fingers dip between your slicken folds. You give a little whine as his fingers explore your inner walls slowly, feeling him smirk against your neck which was sure to be a lovely shade of purple from his constant attention. You'd definitely need to wear a high collared shirt tomorrow.
Your fingers scrambled to his wrist as his thumb begins to circle your clit in time to his thrusting digits. Your other hand finds his hair and pulls him to your mouth, sealing his mouth to yours hungrily. Your toes curl in your shoes as you suddenly orgasm around his hand and nearly shriek. Luckily the loud explosion on the screen covers your shriek of unexpected pleasure. Murphy laughs as he massages you down from your leg shaking orgasm. 
"Murphy... Wow.... Fuck..." You pant, smiling softly against his chest as he pulls you into a tight hug, kissing you gently once more. 
"Ferget what ye sister said. I ain't gonna ask ye t' do that. Unless ye ready." He smiles as you snuggle against his chest and begin watching the movie, despite having missed the first 35 minutes of it due to Murphy's wonderful hands. 
It was truly a perfect date you smiled to yourself, feeling Murphy press his lips to your head once more. 
And you couldn't wait to see what else the night had in store. 
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kaito-is-baby · 3 years
Devil Town
Shoto Todoroki x Fem!Reader 
Warnings: Spoilers about Dabi's identity? (I don't think this is a spoiler anymore lmao) and a little of gaslighting from the reader if you stretch
Plot: AU where Shoto kills Touya on accident, he and Endeavor run away, they end up on a ghost town and meet the reader, this will be a series and I can promise you I have a very good mystery for the town, also this was totally inspired by devil town by cavetown, it wil have many references to the song so… if you are a fan I think you will like this <3
part 1 (previous) | part 3 (next)
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The bright rays of dawn streaming through his curtains woke Shoto up, he took his phone in his hands wondering how soon in the morning would it be to have the sun just rising now
9:00 a.m his phone screen read 
Where in the world did the sun rise so damn late?
Shoto found clean clothes on his little bedside table, the very same clothes he was wearing, the same print on the white t-shirt he was wearing was resting on the white t-shirt on his table, the same blue shirt he was wearing could be found underneath the white t-shirt and the very same denim jeans he was wearing too, they had just one diference, the new ones waiting in his bedside table were not soaked in now dry blood from his brother.
Once dressed in his new clothes he opened the door just to hear his father’s voice calling him from behing 
Deciding to ignore him Shoto hurried up to the stairs, soon finding the hostel hall and, in its reception desk, the recepcionist was waiting, her elbows on the tabble, her chin resting on her hands and a little movement from side to side from her head, he found her just like he had left her the night before, the same white striped dressing gown on her and the same 'everything is just a game' expression on her face
The girl waved at him and that was the only thing Shoto needed to take his decision
He approached the girl, ready to ask her what had kept him awake almost all night when she cut him 
“Were the clothes of your liking?” she smiled 
“Eh... yeah, yes they were” so it had been her who brought them to his room and found them in the first place “How... How did you find clothes so similar to my old ones? And... it was already midnight when we arrived, the day had just started when I woke up and they were already on my room where did you bought them?”
“I... made them?” her eyebrows curved “Look, it’s my job to make sure everyone in this town is comfortable, I gave you father clothes too and he did not complain, take them and stop asking so many questions, will you?”
“But... I have one more question” the girl nodded at him, allowing him to continue “I want to know your name” 
She giggled 
“I want to know your real name too, I guess we can’t have everything we want” 
“At least give me a false name so I can refer to you” 
“You souldn't refer to me, you should go out and meet the town's people, you will lose any interest in me as soon as you do so”
“I heavily doubt it”
“But I am sure of it” she said, focusing her eyes on the book she had on her table
If there was something Shoto was more curious about than the girl it was that book, it looked like the usual book they have on a hotel to know who is staying in each dorm but the misteryous girl and her misteryous hostel had no one else hospeding than him and his father, what else could be filling pages and pages of that book? and why would she look at it and have it with her everytime? 
"Look, you are cute, really cute, but I’m not interested so can you please leave for once?” the girl’s angry voice woke him up
“Yes, sorry, I got distracted by...” she would never tell him what was inside that book, would she ever explain anything? “its nothing. I will leave now”
Already on the door Shoto said something else before leaving the hostel “You are really cute too” It was more a muffle to himself than a sentence directed to her yet she heard it and a silly smile appeared on her face
He was shy and unused to romantic interactions
And something much worse, he was in a weird town with a death in his back, this was not the time to fall for someone, less someone even weirder than the town itself
The sun rays blinded Shoto at first, how could it be already so shiny when it had just rised?
It’s true one of Shoto’s eyes was blue, which usually make the eyes more sensitive but he had never really be blinded by the sun before 
“I guess the hostel is way to dark and my eyes were not ready for this” Shoto calmed himself 
The whole town had changed, he knew it, his father's car wasn't at the hostel door anymore and the hostel was again at the top of a slope
But this time, under the slope Shoto found what he expected to find the first time instead of a weird forest, a little town
Much to Shoto’s disgrace it was now the entrance to the town and the road he and his father were following what had disappeared this time alongside the lonely forest 
Not more than ten houses, a clock tower and a cafe 
That was what constitued this “town”
He entered the small cafe, trying to get them to give him some information about the whereabouts of the road 
Inside the counter was a blonde boy with a black highlight, laughing loudly at whatever his co worker -a big muscular man with thick lips and scary eyebrows- had said. The big guy was scary at first but once Shoto saw him baking and joking with the blonde his first impresion changed completely, he seemed like a good person
But then Shoto thought to himself, Didn't he look like a good person too? And he was a murderer and no better than his horrible father 
“I’m Jirou and I have to attend you, is there anything you want?” a purple haired girl in the same uniform as the two boys behind the bar welcomed him and guided him to his table 
“Do you have green tea?” 
“No, we got out of it just yesterday but we will have the new cargament by tomorrow!”
“Well then I guess a dark coffe will make it too” 
“Alright, tomorrow we will have your green tea ready eh... what’s your name?”
“oh! right!! you are new!!” the blonde exclamed 
“The name’s Dabi” 
“Welcome to Devil town Dabi!” A pink colored skin girl greeted him
Shoto’s cup of coffe was almost empty when a green haired boy filled with freckless all over his faces entered the saloon, standing on a girl of his same height, big eyes and red cheeks
“Denki please, could you give us some ice for Izuku’s ankle? he broke it again”
“Shouldn’t you go to the hospital instead of asking for ice?” Shoto found himself asking
“Are you going to bring them to the hospital?” A deep and angry voice asked him 
“Don't you have one here?”
“Fuck off bastard, you can’t be serious and I really hate people mocking me” The blonde boy whose deep angry voice belonged to treatened him 
“Uraraka will take me to the city tomorrow to get checked” The injured boy, izuku, affirmed
 “In this shitty town there is nothing more than stupid trees” the angry boy spoke again
“And a road in the middle right?” Shoto asked, trying to find it again 
“What are you talking about?” Izuku asked
“There was a road with a sign with the towns name that crossed the whole town”
“The whole town are 10 houses and this cafe, I think you are mistaken, there’s no road here” the girl who attended him, Jirou, clarified 
“No, there was a road and-” Shoto then found a better thing to ask “the hostel! the hostel at the end of this slope, you have seen it right?”
“Yeah, but it’s been abandoned for years now, none of us has seen it working”  The baker answered 
“I don’t think its abandoned, there’s a recepcionist working on there”
“Who?” Denki, the guy who gave the injured boy the ice, asked this time
“I... I dont know her name”
“Look bastard, if you want to make fun of someone go somewhere else I dont want to see your stupid half burned face”
“Bakugo!” the girl with pink skin reprimanded him
Shoto left the saloon after that, wondering if he was the one losing his mind and not the people on this town, his biggest hipotesis was that both, he and the villagers were losing their minds
He wanted answers and he wanted answers from that stupidly misterious girl on the hostel 
He headed to the little amount of trees near him, he remebered, alongside the road were plenty of trees, he heard his mother on the woods. He had to walk through plenty of them until he found the hostel and not a single time did he sight the damn town
Shoto walked miles, he walked through the woods for hours and yet he couldn't find the road to get out of the weird town
He heard his mother voice again, calling him, screaming at him like the day he got the scar he had on his face 
“You said something dumb again” Shoto turned to where the voice came from
Sitting on one of the trees branches there she was, the recepcionist again 
“She’s mad” She jumped back to the ground “At least that’s what they say”
The girl was even prettier at the moonlight, it was easy for Shoto to lose himself on her eyes and forget about everything she was saying 
“Who? Who says that?” 
“The trees, obviously, who else would it be?” she laughed 
“oh” Shoto tried to find what she found so logical on her answer but he did just find it irracional, there was no way the trees were speaking, not even if he himself was hearing his mom coming from one of them “who... who is mad?”
“I'd say it’s your mother, she must miss you, all of you.” Was she refering to his older brother too? “I think this is not what she expected when you left” 
Shoto gulpped
He knew well what the misterious recepcionist was talking about, he left on a mision with his father to bring Touya back and now Touya was dead and both him and Endeavor were missing with no explanation
“But we’re fine, no one’s gonna catch you here” She said, speaking from his back again, she had walked through him while he thought about his past 
When he turned around she was no longer there and so he decided to leave, it was dark at night already and he wanted to wake up soon, he needed to know more 
“Can I get an explanation to that last thing you said in the woods?” Shoto exclamed just the moment he entered the hostel, his voice much louder than he had ever expected it to come
“I... I wasn’t on the woods Dabi, I’ve been here all day” 
“You were on the woods, sitting on a branche you said something about being save here because no one would catch us and-”
“Dabi, I think you need to rest” 
“No, you already said something like that yesterday, when you came from- where did you came from when I arrived at this town? I walked trough the whole forest and didn't see you”
“I was here all day, just like every other day, every day is the same here”
“No, no you weren't, when I arrived here this place was lonely like-” Then shoto remembered what the villagers had said about the hostel “-an abandoned place...”
“Well, I’m sorry I can’t have a 5 stars hotel but I’m not even charging you so-”
“You weren’t here when I entered and arrived later, you were out there and I didn’t see you and this place smelled like... The woods sounded like...” Like Touya, like mom was what Shoto tought to himself
“Do you need me to help you get to your room?”
“No... no, I will be fine”
Shoto set his alarm at 5 a.m, the unnamed girl couldn’t be already up at those hours right? He would take a look at that book of hers and finally discover what was going on here. Was this his own personal hell? Because it sure seemed like it 
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idjitlili · 4 years
W-wait you kidnapped, Jareth?
Obi-wan x reader
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(Not my image)
Summary: Dropped into a strange world, pretty much on to a Obi-wan's lap, only for him to take pity on you. What a pity...
Word count:6237
Warnings: Kidnapping of a non-starwars character, tight pants wearing person.../ tight pants/ references to something under tight pants. Post Padme and Anakin reuniting. Some language. Age gap.
Okay, so maybe you had been in another dimension, with no intention,with a bit of a mind flip, you're into the time slip. You don't know how it happened one minute you was  sleeping, having one of those dreams when you are falling but you couldn't wake up, until you had shot awake from painful landing.
Well, the landing wasn't painful, two points of impact, under your legs and on your shoulder blades. Opening your eyes suddenly, to see a auburn haired man, his eyes bright, as they starred into yours, yes he was handsome. Some sort of cream wrap tunic, dark brown shirt underneath, hiding his chest. It was hot, very hot, how was his face no sweating, your arm now around his shoulders to prevent you from falling. No doubt your face showed shock.
"Who are you?!"
What else was you supposed to say, other than 'where am I?' It was not long at all before 'Obi- wan' the man who had caught you had taken you to some green guy called Yoda. Aliens, you would not have guessed it, well most people know there are actually aliens, there are so many galaxies. There was no earth in the place, so they had concluded it be some sort of bigger power had brought you were.
Yoda seemed nice enough, basically the Lady Galadriel of this place, insuring you that no harm would come to you. Of course, he had put the top Jedi on the job, Obi-wan, why did you have to put with the handsome ones, you'd end up red faced even if he looked at you. If he wasn't a nice person then he would've just dropped you.
In the short time you had been in this place, you had wondered why you had fallen in this place in your shoes. However, that is irrelevant, you had learnt about Jedi and siths, typical good guys versus bad boys. Not bad boys...not yet, of course I'm thinking about Din Djarin,well he's not evil.
Yoda did have a lot to say, except oh yes just so you know you've just been dumped into a foreign universe and now you are going on a space ship. You had been given a bag, with sets of clothing for you as well as some other supplies. Obi-wan being himself, not that you knew his regular behaviour, took your bag, when you were both walking towards the ship. Not that it was in view not yet.
"W-wait, so we are going into space?" Your voice laced with panic, as you speed walked next to Obi-wan to keep up.  He had let out a deep chuckle.
"Where else would we go, little one?"
"Uhm, literally anywhere else, do I not get food before we leave? I just got here! I'm starving."
The ship, now in view, was it floating? Was it just on a platform? Nope it was floating, did you just the force to do that, like an elevator? Looking at the Jedi, grinning as you both got closer and closer to the ship.
"It's not that bad, I won't let anything happen to you, nothing will if I am the one steering it anyways..." Obi-wan whispering last bit, but you still heard him, brows scrunching toward, who else would be piloting the ship? You? Never.  That when you saw him, stood on  ramp of the ship, assuming he was waiting for you and Obi-wan. His hair short, light brown and spiked. Was that a rat tail? Oh gosh. He was cute, but you could tell he was trouble.
"Oooh, Master, I thought you said no attachments." Obi-wan had scoffed at the boy, as you both got dangerously close, the boy looked at you with a smirk, his cheeks bunching up like a clown. That he was indeed.
"This is Anakin, Anakin, Y/n, she will be coming with us,"  Obi-wan looked at Anakin who still was looking at you, only at his master briefly. When he did Obi-wan's face could only be described as that face off Zoolander, Blue steel. Why was he pursing his lips, was he expecting a peck or was that just his stern face?
Of course when you held your hand out to shake his, he had took your hand in his pressing his lips to your knuckles. You looked at Obi-wan wide eyes, was this legal? Was Anakin even an adult? Only just, but still, he was not your type.
"Anakin, that's enough, what have I told you?" Pulling Anakin from you , pushing him into the ship, Anakin turns his face to you sending a cheeky grin. Only for Obi-wan to give him another shove out the ship. Obi-wan gesturing you for you to get on before him, with a small smile. "Thank you."
You weren't sure where you were going, hell, you didn't even know what planet you had just been was, but now you say in a seat gripping it, as Obi-wan began to pilot the ship, is that what it was called? Was called something different? You weren't sure, all you knew is this was scary. If you crashed there was little chance of survival, there's no oxygen in space.
Anakin sat next to Obi-wan, both focused on the darkness in front of them. You sat on seat that you could only describe as one of those joint seats at the back of a bus, an British bus. Maybe it's the same for different countries? The chair against the wall, you had strapped your bag down in the seat next you , as well yourself.
You had completely forgotten that you were wearing a baggy t-shirt with trousers, and shoes. That night you must've been so tired that you didn't change, you don't know what happened that night.  You must've looked very out of place, especially with what you had seen everyone else was wearing. Why were they all dressed as Jesus? You were surprised they were surprised they weren't wearing sandals.
"So, where are you from?"  Anakin had spoken gently not taking his face from his position, had made you snap out of thoughts.
"Y/h/c." You weren't sure if he meant planet, you had just stuck with your home country. Anakin had clicked his tongue, thinking, before he could say anymore Obi-wan had stopped him.
"She's not from this galaxy, Anakin." Obi-wan spoke like Anakin was supposed to know that, well you was wearing a shirt that literally had Keanu reeves face on it.
"Well then, how did you get here?"
"I was sleeping in my bed, and then I was falling somehow, whoa Obi-wan happened to be standing below me, and caught me, the end." Anakin had let out a loud snort turning to his master.
"No attachments, well, Master, if I didn't know better, I would say this was the beginning of something that was meant to be."  You swear you saw Anakin raise his eyebrows at Obi-wan, though you couldn't see properly from sitting behind.
"Keep your forked tongue behind you teeth." Why did that sound so familiar... Obi-wan was harsh to his Padawan, he didn't seem to be repulsed by you, maybe he felt uncomfortable by the tone of Anakins voice. W-wait did he just quote Gandalf?
After that everything was silent, for a while anyways, Obi-wan soon told you to go to the bathroom thing in the ship, you had already forgotten what he called it. Informing you that you should change into a set of clothes you were given; so that you would not stick out.
Clothing choice was good considering; you didn't know where you were going but you were glad you were given trousers for walking. Especially what you had been heard, you did not fancy being killed because you had tripped on the dress you were wearing.
The only reason they had took you to this planet was for them to negotiate with someone,  you could swear you saw one of them talking to someone on a hologram, why didn't they just do that. When you did arrive, you had to walk far into town. Security reasons, but the ship stood out more on it's own.
You were definitely not expecting to end up in pub, where else would they find a bad guy. It wasn't high tech like you had thought, it was a tavern, old fashioned. For a hot climate the bar was quite cool.
Strange that Obi-wan had made you sat at a table alone, there was a open space, you assumed for dancing, sat at a booth, you had perfect view to the little stage. Though there was no one there. Obi-wan and Anakin had went searching in the bar for the man or woman , or them, you weren't sure. You didn't understand how it was safer for you to be alone.
Twiddling your thumbs bored, the chat of bar was considerably low, it had already began to get dark. Soon enough the pub would be packed. You hadn't seen the man make his way on stage, standing in front of a microphone, while a couple of other people set up behind him. He did not look the band sort, but those other men were there to play the instruments, since there was only one mic.
It was only when the music began to play did you look up, a skinny man, stood at the microphone, his eyes the brightest blue, though his left pupil bigger than the right. His eyebrows had no ends, eyeshadow flicked up into an wing , the end facing his hairline, his cheekbones clearly highlighted. His hair huge , blond, long as well as being a mullet.
His shirt crisp white,with a leather brown vest, his sleeves puffy. The vest only went above his hip bones, beneath that was some very tight pants. They were almost leggings, the grey clearly presented his package. The boots what a slight heel on them reaching up his calves.
This man was clearly handsome, but he reminded you so much of Bowie, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him.
"There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed
Within your eyes
I'll place the sky
Within your eyes."
His gloved hands on the microphone, as your eyes were glued to him, his eyes gliding over the bar before meeting yours. His eyes eyes latching onto y/c ones, a grin spread across his face, showing his slightly croaked teeth. You quickly looked around making sure he was looking at you, glancing at Obi-wan and Anakin who were busy arguing.
"There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast
In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon"
As your eyes went back to the man, his position now moved, instead of a microphone, he had a mouth piece, a few people waltzing together on the now on the empty space from earlier, but now it wasn't empty. Your heart raced as the man continued to sing, heading your way slowly, dancing with others as he did so.
"Within your heart
As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all"
You don't what possessed you to stand up, but you did. Your feet pulling you towards the dance floor, a smirk upon the mans face as he saw you approaching him, you had blinked and with that he had disappeared. Your eyes searching the crowd, he was still singing.
"But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down
As the world falls down
Falling in love."
You were feeling embarrassed when you could not find the man, especially being on the dance floor alone. You had almost had a heart attack when someone had placed their hand on your arm. Turning around you were face to face to the grinning man, offering you his hand. Your hand in his gloved one, the other on his shoulder, his on your waist.
"I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings though we're strangers 'til now
We're choosing the path
Between the stars"
Smiling up at the man, you felt like nothing else matter, as you waltzed with him, your movements so smooth that his hair didn't even know. Maybe he wore a lot of hairspray. Your eyes never leaving his, you couldn't remember knowing how to waltz.
"I'll leave my love
Between the stars
As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down
What you did not notice was the two Jedi's calling your name, as they searched for you, only for Obi-wan to lock eyes onto you, getting Anakins attention, as he sighed. One rumb of the moustache and both of them started heading your way.
Jareth at eyes finally left yours, he had stopped singing, he had not let you go though.
"What are you doing, Y/n?" You had instantly unlaced your hand from the man, turning to face Obi-wan's disapproving glare, Anakin sniffled under his hand, glad he wasn't getting in trouble...again.
"Dancing?" You had even had a second to react when Anakin had stroked his moustache again, and the man was cuffed. Pulling you gently by the arm, you all made your way out of the bar, no doubt that was embarrassing. You had accidentally gotten the guy captured because you danced with him. Then again, Obi-wan would've spotted him singing as well, so maybe it wasn't your fault. Little nervous to why they wanted him, hopefully not for murder.
Once you did make it back to the ship, Anakin was to fly the ship, while the strange man  sat next to your bag, and you next to Obi-wan across from him. 
"I don't understand, I'll did was dance with him, he didn't try to kill me, so what's the problem?"  Obi-wan scoffed, staring at the man, not turning to even look at you.
"The problem is that he kidnaps children."
"No, I take the unwanted ones, those that are wished away." That sounded familiar, the hair, the pants, the David Bowie everything, it was clear who this man was.
"Ben, you can't speak him like that, do you not know who you have captured? He's Jareth, the goblin king!"  Jareth had just smirked at Obi-wan, quite frankly the outburst had made Obi-wan jump. No one called him Ben.
"W-well, I've heard stories of The Labyrinth."
"I'm sorry, how did I not see it before, the hair, the music, the very tight pants , the-"
"Why were you looking at his trousers?" Obi-wan now had turned to face you, his eyes eyes searching your face for answer, his voice stern, your face blushed. You really needed to stop talking about pants all the time.
"Do you want her to look at yours instead,Master?"  Obi -wan had choked his bearded face reddening. His eyes now off your face.
"Oh, I've already looked, what about some tighter pants , I must say you have lovely arse though." Placing a hand on Obi-wan's lower thigh, if his face was red before it was now, he couldn't look at you. A gentle squeeze of his thigh, and he had to excuse himself.
Once Obi-wan was out of ear range, the three of you laughed, though Anakin hadn't seen nor knew what tipped Obi-wan over the edge. However, Jareth had smirked at you, he knew very well what you had done. You had barely had known Obi-wan for four days, and he already felt like he was breaking the rules.
It was very clear why Obi-wan actually left the room, his trouser were now tight on him.
"So, love.."  You were surprised, obi-wan had taken the cuffs off Jareth in the ship and left him with you.  One of his legs , thrown over the end on table, as if it was an arm of a chair.
"Stop that." Anakin's voice stopped Jareth saying anymore.
Before you knew it, you had been talking to to Jareth the whole journey back, Obi-wan had came back shortly after; sitting next to Anakin. 
It was not like you had anything better to do other than speaking to the fae, Obi-wan just criticising Anakin. 'He's overly critical.' What do you want Anakin, a kiss on your cheek, oh sweetie you are doing absolutely amazing at killing the guys on our side.
Stepping out of the ship, Jareth now singing another song, like he was in a movie or something. You had caught eyes with about her man in robes, another Jedi. Hold on, that couldn't be Samuel L Jackson?
"Hey, Jareth?"
"Yes, love."
"Can't you just magic yourself out of this situation back to the your castle?" Jareth's hands weren't cuffed still, he had turned his face towards you with a grin, looking back at him, you felt bad he was only helping he wasn't killing people or anything. He was a lovely guy.
"Yes, I can, I was just waiting for a kiss goodbye." Pointing to his cheek, your pinks slightly pink as your pressed a kiss to his soft skin. With that you had pulled away, one last smile, he had turned dramatically, spinning his cape with him, glitter flying everywhere. Off flew a a light brown owl. He was gone.
"Mother fucker." Your lips turned up slightly trying to prevent a grin, as you turned back to the Jedi's that did not look impressed. Well, Anakin he did not care he just smiled, knowing you were probably were going to get in trouble. You literally didn't even do anything, all you did was kiss the mans cheek.
"What did you do?" Obi-wan eyes on you , his words  like a sharpened butter knife, you could say unnatural...even supernatural. This hands on his hips, pushing his robes back.
"W-what? Me? I told you he was bloody magic ;but no, you didn't listen."
"Control yourself, now come, Master Yoda requests all of you." Did he just tell Obi-wan to calm himself , he just called Jareth a motherfucker. 
The meeting with Yoda, Windu  and the three of you, wasn't with the Jedi republic. According to Yoda, this matter wasn't of importance, he didn't expect You'd been able to hold Jareth for very long. Master Windu, didn't give no shits, he was disappointed.
It wasn't like he killed a bunch of kids, not like Anakin was going to. Not just the men, but the woman and the children too. Jareth basically had loads of Goblin children living their best life's in the goblin city, that wasn't threatening. So, the Goblin king got away, why don't you go kill bloody Palpatine.
The next few weeks were not as eventful, stuck in your room bored, it was awkward to go out you didn't know anyone. Especially not Obi-wan you were pretty sure he hated you at the moment. You did not want to have to get involved with him and Anakin training. Exercise...no thanks.
You really did feel bad for how you acted towards Obi-wan, he was a Jedi you couldn't touch him like that. So, when he turned up at your room in the evening, with your dinner, it was surprising. Normally you'd get brought to dinner by one of the younglings.
Obi-wan stood in front of you with a small smile as he held the tray. The tray with two plates of dinner.
"O-oh, hi," pulling the door open with the door handle allowing Obi-wan into your room, before shutting it behind him.
"I thought maybe you wanted someone to eat with you," He did not expand further. Obi-wan was a kind man, he took a pact basically to have no family no nothing, just to protect the galaxy. With a high chance of death, he was a noble man, you couldn't think of anyone you knew from back home that would do that. You should not have gave him a boner.
Placing the tray on the table within your room, but instead of sitting down, he had lifted the whole table towards the balcony. Obi-wan has , went to Yoda before coming to your room, stating this was strictly professional nothing more. Yoda had just laughed. "Dine with her , you will."
Seeing what Obi-wan was doing, you had grabbed a chair too, onto the the stone of the balcony. The view of the planet, Coruscant was not the best, but it was better than looking at a wall. Ten again you'd be eating in a moment so you wouldn't have to look at either. Fresh are was good though.
Sitting down at the round table with Obi-wan was weird, you really felt guilty for your behaviour it was eating you up, whilst you both ate your dinners up. Looking up to Obi-wan, his eyes fixed to his plate as he struggle to cut a potato, his golden hair tucked behind his eyes.  Orange light from the setting sun shined into his hair, as well as his cheeks, his eyes glistening.  
"The way I acted on the ship, was completely inappropriate, I am so sorry, there is no excuse for my behaviour.  I admit I'm glad you are here now. I don't expect you to forgive me."
Obi-wan's eyes now looking back into yours, his eyebrows frowning together slightly, his knife and fork on his plate, as he lent back in the chair. Rubbing your sweaty hands along your trousers roughly, a small laugh let his lips.
"I must have missed something, you complimented my behind and squeezed my knee. That's hardly anything to apologise for, if anything I would've expected an apology for not listening to my orders."  That guilt did seem to fade away, mostly. Your cheeks reddening, as Oni-wan continued to look at you.
"I'm sorry for not following your orders, especially when in a pub on a strange planet."
Smiling at each for a moment before going back to your dinners before they got cold.  Not speaking fully until you had both finished eating.  
This became a daily occurrence for weeks, then months. You were still not returned home, you were stuck. You didn't feel alone not like you did when you first arrived. You did miss home very much, but nothing could be done about that. 
Sometimes, sorry, every time Obi-wan went out of Coruscant you went with. Even if it was dangerous, either you'd stay in the ship or simply go wherever with him.  It wasn't hard to see how close you had gotten to Obi-wan, the Jedi council did not like it one bit, not that you knew that.  Obi-wan had insisted that he had been assigned to protecting you and that was what he was doing. Not that was far from the truth.
No attachments, Kenobi? Okay.
What makes matters worse you had no currency, it wasn't hard to guess who would supply you with clothing's such. Obi-wan would take you to the market to buy you anything you needed. In return, well, there wasn't much you could do, certainly wasn't safe for you to go off on your own, especially not being from this universe. So, you just kept him company.
Anakin being Obi-wan's padawan he came along too, not to the market but on missions, but that was obvious. You had felt like a burden , you really did,  being reassured you weren't, Obi-wan had given you a role. A purpose. You were their healer.
Not Obi-wan purposely getting small injuries, he'd argue wit himself and sometimes Anakin, that it wasn't on purpose and if it was it was only to make you feel like you part of their team. Not that Obi-wan longed for the soft touches of your skin on his.
However, he was not expecting you to get hurt, no he would not have, he had sworn to protect you and he had failed. You had arrived on this strange planet for 'negotiations' for this clan to basically team up with the republic, but Darth Maul had gotten there first. Of course, you had been kidnapped, since Obi-wan told you to stay in the ship.
Darth held you off the floor by the back of your neck, holding the lightsaber out ready to kill you, not really just leverage. Obi-wan and Anakin in front, they really had no plan. Well, Darth Maul almost stabbed you, but you had the higher air and took a blade from your pocket and stabbed yourself. Blood pouring out of your Abdomen, as your eyes watered, your throat blocked up.
Dropping you to the floor, Darth Maul had laughed. "Oh, I like her." Obi-wan did not like that at all, seeing you face down on the cold floor him an Anakin activated their lightsabers.I could describe the whole fight sequence, but you already know Darth Maul wiggled himself out of that situation back to the Sith, not surprising, you wouldn't remember anyways, you had passed out.
The clan now on the republics side,  only because the Jedi's had saved them and promised protection.
Obi-wan had carried you back to the ship with Anakin, who began to start the ship. He felt guilty to wake you up, he would rather stitch you up when you were unconscious.The thought of hurting you plagued his heart, maybe he should get Anakin to do it. No, he couldn't go through with someone else hurting you.
Grabbing the medical kit, Obi-wan had made his way back to the bed, your body still, he would've been happy if this was Anakin. The thought crossed his mind, to stab Anakin, so he'd bloody shut up. Our tunic now drenched with blood, he could clearly see the tear in your shirt. He was not going to wake you , deciding just to cut a square out of your shirt.
You wouldn't be surprised if that shirt wasn't fashion back home, you know people wearing bandanas as shirts, here's what hot now, reveal your hip and your abdomen with a square hole! Who knows, I don't know anything about fashion, except I dress like David Bowie. Shut up , no one cares.
Your face was already laced with cold beads sweat, like Obi-wan but he felt like furnace, his long hair pushed back, his lips squished together as he grabbed the anaesthesia, pulling up your sleeve carefully before injecting it quickly. Then he had gotten to work, soon enough, you was stitched up.
Only problem was, that Sith had damaged the ship, so Anakin only got the three of you so far before having to land on freezing planet. But, it gets better, Anakin being really great, and supposedly a great pilot had hit the side of a mountain. Snow had covered the ship, you were trapped by an ocean of snow.
Of course, R2 hadn't came in this trip, just luck, only thing that was working was the heating and lights, the signal had gone. No way to contact anyone, however, someone was bound to notice in a few days something had gone wrong.
This was not going to be like without a paddle, where you'd all be in your underwear and spoon. We do not shaggy here, um? Get it before Shaggy is in that movie? 
Eventually, you had woken up, a little dizzy, probably would not have if Anakin wasn't having a tantrum. You didn't even question how you got back to the ship, your shoes tapped quietly against the floor , as you made your way to the cockpit.  Both Obi-wan and Anakin were stood in the centre of the room, Anakin point and clenching his fists, Obi-wan just stood there.
You got a feeling that Anakin was not good at keeping his emotions in check, why was he always so emotional. Obi-wan was now sipping juice, no blue milk, yuck, Anakin still shouting.
"You're jealous, master. You're afraid I am getting too powerful, you want me to fail!"  Placing his drink down, Obi-wan had caught your eyes,  his face lightened into a smile from his frown. "Mum,  you think I am ready to be a Jedi Master, right?"  His eyes soft on the sight of you, coughing slightly, you had looked back at Obi-wan who turned to you in a swing, now amused by his Padawan.
"I'm sorry, aren't I a similar age to you?" The cold temperatures from the snow, had transferred into the ship, but Anakins cheeks still burned. He just stood looking at you unable to speak, Obi-wan had laughed patting his Padawan on the back once.
"Don't worry about it; he does it to everyone. When he was younger, it was difficult to convince him to stop calling me father. Sometimes, he still does." 
"Liar, I do not. You treat me like a whore ; calling everyone my father. I do not, it was mistake!"  Anakin was overwhelmed, his voice defensive and loud as he left the room, leaving you with Obi-wan, who's lips were twitched into a large smile , as he stroked his moustache.
For a few moments you both stood in silence, before you had looked down to the ache and coldness on your lower abdomen. A hole on in your shirt where you we're stabbed, now stitched up.
"Oh yes, sorry about your shirt." Your finger tips tracing the fabric, then touching the wound, pain shot through your body, letting out a welp. Obi-wan eyes had widened, stepping close to inspect the wound again, why would you poke it?
"It's just a shirt, it's not like you don't buy them all anyways, thank you for that again, also thank you for stitching me up ,  that was you?"  Your voice quiet, under his gaze, a deep chuckle had left his mouth.
"Yes, I did, I hardly trust Anakin's flying, how are you feeling? That was very well done back there, but I do recommend you don't do it again." You had scoffed, letting out a short laugh after, Obi-wan looked at you rising his eyebrows, to warning you.
“Oh, yes, I plan on stabbing myself again, who do you think I am? Loki? Okay, maybe I’ll fake my death for attention too.” Obi-wan’s hands gently placed on your shoulders, squeezing lightly , as he looked into your eyes. His blue orbs intensely on yours, his hair neatly tucked back.
“I wouldn’t allow that, from now on you don’t stay in the ship alone, If something happens to you I’d never forgive myself, and I believe that you were sent here for a reason. Not to die.” His hands had left you , smiling at you once more, before leaving the cockpit.
Not only after that you had retired to your bed, in clothes without holes, your now many blankets covered you. Thanks to Obi-wan again, since you all spent so much time on the ship, it was necessary for situations like this. Of course, as long as the ship wasn’t blown up again.
Though the heating was working, it didn’t stop the cold from the outside. Curled up so tight in your blankets, trying to retain heat, you could not get comfortable to sleep. The cold nipping at your feet and cheeks, your nose was probably red too.
Only an hour or two from when you first got into bed, sighing , all your blankets wrapped around you, stepping out of bed. Quietly, making your way around the ship, just to tire yourself out, or to make yourself really cold. So, when you would get back into bed you’d be like ‘oooh warm’ and fall asleep.
You had meant to wake in on Obi-wan sat in his chair in the cockpit, wrapped up in his robes, seemingly fast asleep. His arms crossed, his auburn hair covering his face , neck cranked forward. He was going to have a sore neck in the morning.
Turning on your feet, slowing walking out of the room, pulling your blankets tighter. A sigh had left Obi-wan’s mouth, not loud but you heard it. Your movement now softened, you continued with tiny steps.
“I know you are there, Y/n, come back.” No doubt you almost peed yourself, hearing Obi-wand raspy voice, he had been a sleep, you felt horrible. Walking back from the door way, Obi-wan had turned to chair to look at you.
“I didn’t mean to wake, I didn’t know you was even in here.” Obi-wan opened his mouth yawning loudly, before looking back at you, snorting a laugh, at your choice of clothes.
“What are doing up?” Shifting on your feet, covered with socks, the icy floor numbing them.
“Can’t sleep, aren’t you cold?” You wondered if Anakin was having trouble sleeping too, he must’ve been fine, since he left Obi-wan in here. Obi-wan probably never meant to fall asleep, waiting for anyone to contact. Shaking his head, he had opening his arms up gesturing you over.
“Come here, darling.” Not sure on what he was going to do, yet you still walked towards him, you trusted him. You were glad if you were stuck you was stuck with the Jedi. Pressing his palm around your clenched hand that held tightly onto your blanket. His hands were really warm, like had them between his thighs. His lips moulded into a circle shape, inhaling sharply.
“Oh, I should’ve brought you more blankets.” His hand still on yours, looking up at you, a small smile on your face, your teeth felt like ice cubes, a few moments went by, you weren’t sure what he was waiting for or what you were waiting for.
“ Do you think I could stay here...with you?” Your cheeks now felt hot, the words barely a whisper, you shouldn’t have asked, it’s completely inappropriate. “I-I can go back to bed-“
“Nonsense.” Obi-wan had pulling you into his lap, okay, so maybe you thought he would’ve been like yeah and you would’ve sat in the chair next to him. You head resting against his chest, his stubble tickling upon your head. Obi-wan’s arms wrapped around you tightly, sealing the blankets. Yours around his waist, feet tucked up on the chair, as well. Obi-wan warmth surrounded you with his scent, the soft touch of his lips against your temple.
“Am I allowed to love you, Ben?” Your eyes fluttered closed, your voice barely above a whisper, Obi-wan’s heart hitched into his throat. He flirted too often and he knew it, and he knew that his feelings weren’t platonic either, he wouldn’t have spent dinner every night alone with just anybody.
“No, I suppose you’re not.” What would the council feel about this, he wished he could blame Yoda for making him guardian over you and that first dinner with you.
“If you aren’t supposed to have attachments, then what am I? You promised Master Yoda to protect me, isn’t that an attachment. Would anyone be able to tell? You have to be with me pretty sure all day anyways.”
Your words made him ponder for a moment, he knew you were right, you had already acting like you were together for a long time, not directly in front of council though. It was clear Anakin saw it too, he wouldn’t have called you mum, that was weird though. Maybe he has a kink think because he hasn’t seen his mum since he was 9.
Obi-wan looked over you all the time, brought you everything you needed, ate dinner with you, kept you warm, stitched you up, protected you from strange people. There were times where you’d turn up to his room crying, or upset or missing home, he’d comfort you. Similarly to this situation, you’d end up in his bed, not like that, you in his arms stroking your hair, pressing a kiss to your temple as you fell asleep. It was not new.
“You are right, I love you.” Looking up to the Jedi, as he smiled down at you.
“You do?”
“I do.” He may not have kissed you then, but you had time, you weren’t about to let Anakin take him from you. What mattered was you were together, even being away from your home, you had another. With Ben and a ‘son’ that was older than you.
Oh , Anakin was so cheeky when he had awoken in the morning seen you against his masters chest.
“I knew it.”
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wheres-sam · 4 years
I binge-watched the spn anime because of the brain rot
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It’s bad except for the parts that are good, and it’s pretty to look at. Here’s a comprehensive list of pros and cons. Spoilers ahead!
- more psychic kid backstories: Max (Nightmare), Lily (Darkness Calling), Jake (Loser)
- more psychic Sam
- more Azazel
- basically if you want more about the psychic/demon kids, watch the anime
- more young Winchesters
- the monsters, the superhuman abilities, the fight scenes, it all looks really cool animated. (But PSA it’s violent. It doesn’t shy away from blood and gore.)
- Sam and Jessica backstory
- more of the brothers being cute and funny together
- Missouri isn’t forgotten
- includes some Japanese legends/mythology
- the impala looks great in every scene. They did Baby good
- the “Supernatural” intro title
- the outro sketches of the boys hanging out with Baby
- Episodes adapted from the original show are different, but I like some of the changes? It’d be boring if it was an exact retelling and the visual medium wasn’t utilized. (I know I said spoilers before, but this is when they get detailed. If you wanna skip over, I’ll tell you where they STOP.)
Nightmare goes more into the abuse Max has suffered. Instead of locking Sam in a closet, Max sends Sam through the floor and covers the hole by breaking his bed in half, and it’s extremely sexy how Sam shoves the 2 halves apart with his mind. Later on Dean puts bandaids on Sam and they talk about demons loudly in front of a fast food intercom.
In My Time of Dying highlights the guilt Sam feels over Dean. In both the og and the anime John verbally blames Sam for not shooting Azazel, but where in the og Sam goes right on arguing, in the anime he reels back for a moment like he was slapped. Dean’s spirit touches Sam’s shoulder, and Sam knows immediately that it’s Dean. He doesn’t even question it. Instead of “Are you here?” it’s “I know you’re with me. I can feel it.” And I love that. Dean figures out right away he’s dealing with a reaper, and the reaper takes on the appearance of Mary to convince Dean to move on to the afterlife. Instead of a Ouija board, Sam uses a laptop to talk to Dean, and the first word Dean types is “Sammy!” Dean is so fond of his little brother and Sam is so baby.
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Rising Son is an anime only episode, but it draws inspiration from John’s journal. Dean has a proper breakdown over his dad’s death and the possibility of having to kill Sam. Ms. Lyle, Sam’s favorite teacher who turns out to be possessed, is explored. John takes Dean hunting, and in the journal Dean hesitates to shoot a buck, and little Sam shoots it thinking it was endangering Dean. In the anime, Dean’s cornered by a moose and Sam makes it explode with his mind and it’s so !!! How little Sam’s first words are, “I’m glad you’re okay. It didn’t hurt you?” The boys are covered in blood and guts and Dean’s like 👁👄👁 “Why are you here? Did you do this?” And then Sam starts freaking out a little, the shock sets in. “I don’t know. I don’t know, honest.” And he’s staring at his hands, and I am a big fan of Sam showing superhuman signs as a kid. Like in the journal, Ms. Lyle tries to take Sam. She gives Sam the illusion of a choice to come with her or stay with Dean, and Sam chooses Dean. This ep is pretty much when John figures out Sam has demon blood. He kills another hunter that wants to kill Sam.
Crossroad is based on Crossroad Blues, and I love how the crossroads demon shows up. It’s hard to describe, but it’s so neat, like she’s walking underneath Dean in this mirror world, and then the mirror world takes over the regular world, so you really get this sense of otherworldly seclusion, existing outside of time.
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What Is and Should Never Be shows Dean is a firefighter in his ‘Mary never died’ world, and Sam got to play soccer growing up like he wanted. The brothers hold each other after Dean is saved from the Djinn.
AHBL part 1. When Azazel shows Sam that he fed Sam his blood, Sam gags and slaps a hand over his mouth, and I like that reaction more than the live action. The psychic kids get to go more anime with their powers, and that’s a lot of fun. They don’t need weapons. Ava slams Sam into the brick side of a building and cuts him without touching him. Jake snaps Ava’s neck with one hand and then catches Sam in his arms. When Jake attacks Sam, there’s no gun or knife. He’s relying on his super strength, his fists. Sam throws his arms up to protect himself, and (accidentally?) pushes Jake back with his mind, and the collision creates a crater in the ground. Jake puts his fist through Sam’s chest to kill him. It’s brutal and it’s rad as fuck. These kids are terrifyingly powerful.
The Sam and Dean reunion before Sam is killed is not as emotional as the live action imo, but what the anime does intrigues me. Hurts in a different way. Because Sam is stunned after he uses telekinesis again, on Jake, and when he hears Dean behind him Sam freezes. He doesn’t look relieved to see Dean, but wary and weary. It’s Dean taking steps towards him, not the other way around, and it has to be because Sam doesn’t know if Dean saw him push Jake back. Sam doesn’t know how Dean’s going to respond to all this, to him, having powers that come from a demon, the demon, Azazel. Sam hasn’t had a chance to process anything. He’s scared. He’s tired. And the way the anime focuses on Sam’s eyes here. Gah. “Dean. Dean, I’m...” I’m sorry. I’m all right. I’m glad you’re okay. I’m a monster. There’s also this one shot between Sam and Azazel that sends me because of how anime it is.
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AHBL part 2. I love how Sam brought back to life is animated, with all the color returning to his face and a light wind rustling his hair and his lips parting to indicate his soul returning to his body. Jake attacks Dean, and, a lot like how Sam activates telekinesis to save Dean from Max in Nightmare, Sam gets a burst of superhuman strength. He rips Jake’s arm off and tackles him to the ground and beats him to death, punches holes into his body, and it’s so savage and bloody and scary, and I love it. The Devil’s Gate opening looks so cool animated. Same goes for Dean shooting Azazel with the Colt.
Not to turn this into a meta post, but I also noticed how the last couple times Sam uses his powers they’re colored green-yellow, the same colors as Mary’s ghost when she reveals herself in the anime’s Home, and I don’t know if that’s intentional, but it’s neat how it draws a connection to Sam’s biological family instead of Azazel’s blood.
The Spirit of Vegas is like Bad Day at Black Rock, but Dean has all the bad luck instead, and it shows off the silly cartoony physics that make animation fun. The boys sleep outside and split a chunk of bread for dinner. Also this lil bit of Dean’s hair tied in a bow.
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- (STOP) the brothers are pretty. I am not immune to animated Sam and Dean Winchester.
- Jensen doesn’t voice Dean until the last 2 episodes
- The English dialogue is really bad sometimes. I wish I could’ve watched the sub, but I couldn’t figure out how to change the language
- Some character designs are really different from the live action, and maybe that’s petty, but if you’re gonna change the characters diversify them? Don’t just make them unrecognizable white people
- Missouri’s design as a stereotypical witch doctor is racist
- Gordon is replaced by some British guy named Jason?? Why
- There’s an LGBT character who is not accepted by her family and, while that bigotry is always shown to be negative and she dies the hero of the episode, she still dies ://
- In the English dub Lily’s gf is made into her roommate instead. Idk about the sub
- Bobby’s pretty much a totally different character
- Sam and Dean are OOC sometimes
- Dean’s hair usually looks darker than Sam’s and it drives me crazy
- The storytelling is, overall, not nearly as good as the live action
- The non-Japanese lore in some episodes makes no sense. Sometimes it’s just plain ridiculous?? Like there’s a giant robot made of cars and scrap metal controlled by a demon? ? I wish I was making this up
- Meg’s role is severely reduced
- No Harvelles or Roadhouse
- Shadows are overused, but maybe that’s because the og show is so dark?
- I don’t mind the art style. I like the aesthetic, but I wish it was a little more expressive. It doesn’t do Sam’s puppy eyes justice.
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- Idk why they mashed season 1 and 2 together? The story feels rushed
- there’s not as much chemistry between Sam and Dean, but that’s a given without J2 on screen
- Nobody tells you!! That there’s scenes after the credits!! And some of them are important! Why are important scenes after the credits??
The anime would not be good on its own, without the heart and depth the live action brings, but it works as supplementary material you can cherry pick from. I would watch more if there were more episodes.
It hasn’t turned me off from wanting an spn anime. I’d like to see it continued or redone, with updated animation and better scripts. There’s a lot of potential in exploring more about the psychic kids and Sam’s powers, storylines that were cut short in the og show. Animation is a great medium for showing off the supernatural, getting creative and creepier with the designs, dramatic with the fight scenes, without having to worry about bad CGI. I don’t want a live action reboot, but I think a redone animated series could be a lot of fun! (As long as it’s not an excuse to make any romantic ships take over. SPN is a platonic love story, and I like it that way.)
If you made it to the end here and are interested in watching the spn anime, you can watch it for free on the CW Seed app! You can probably stream it elsewhere, but idk where!
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queenofanime · 3 years
The Girl in White
(Haikyuu x reader)
Part 1
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It is only at that moment, Kenma realizes he is holding a gold watch in his hand. At the back of the watch was a small phrase engraved:
To the angel with no wings
My love, my life,
It was clear that the watch was expensive but most of all it seemed like a valuable treasure. A treasure that wasn't his. He didn't take it on purpose, it just happened, probably when he bumped into the table out of panic. But Kenma had to admit it was a beautiful object. The watch must have had a great number of straps over the years, yet the machine itself was perfection in cogs, gold, and glass. Part of him wanted to return it, but the idea of going back to that hunted place and face whoever had that scary husky voice was a no-no. Without showing it to any of the other players, Kenma slid the watch into his pocket.
Morning came and it was time for both teams to start packing. Unfortunately for Kenma, his conscience didn't seem to want him to rest. The watch was beginning to grow heavier with every passing minute and the guilt was beginning to take over the poor boy.    
"Oi Kenma! What's this?"
Kenma's yellow eyes widen in fear when he saw non-other than Kuroo holding the said treasure.
"Oh, that looks expensive!" Taketora yelled across the room causing more unwanted attention to the duo.
"It's nothing. Give it back!" spat Kenma. Annoyance lingering in his voice. However, Kuroo wasn't satisfied with the answer, and he knew exactly how to push his friend's buttons.
"Oh? Then please share with everyone who is Martha? 'Cause I'm daying to know... Is it a beautiful girl at school? A crush?"
As soon as those words left Kuroo's lips, Kenma went from annoyed to embarrassed. Not only because his so-called friend was hinting at the idea of romance, but because he didn't know how to get out of this mess. By now everyone was looking at him; 'what was he suppose to say?' On top of that, how was he going to explain the fact he didn't even know who Martha was, let alone know if she was an angel with no wings or not.
"Uhm... uh" No constructed words could form. Kenma's cat-like orbs roamed the room trying to find an exit. With no way out of the awkward situation, he finally gave up. Ashamed of what he was going to say next, he let his vision fall to the floor. "I-I kinda... s-tole it." Kuroo's eyes narrowed at the confession, but before he could say how extremely disappointed he was, Hinata intervened. "Does it belong to the owner of the house?"
Now that comment perked the interest of everyone, including the less interested.
"House? What house?" asked Kageyama, trying to hide his curiosity poorly.
At that moment, Hinata realized the horrible mistake he had committed. Nervously laughing, he tried to brush off the question of "The King". But Kageyama's blue eyes were piercing the poor ginger boy's soul. And it didn't help to have Daichi on father-mode either.
"Well... uh funny thing" studdered Hinata while fidgeting with his hands. "Yesterday we kind of took a shortcut and um got kind of lost and..." His brown eyes traced Kenma's figure, "and it was late and we just happen to find a-a house, so we k-kind of ent-entered it."
"You morons trespassed?" ask nonother than Tsukishima, who by now was quite attentive to the conversation.
With that, Kenma lost all hope that he could get away from the awkward situation and accepted his fate.
As expected, both boys got a punishment and were chastised by their respective captains. And of course, the only reasonable conclusion ended up being returning the stolen treasure.
To say, both teams were spooked out by the setting, was an understatement. Everyone was freaking out. Hinata and Kenma pleaded to not go back there alone, and with good reason. Yet no one listened because, no one was buying that the place was creepy, in fact, some even told them they were being scary-cats, but now...
Now all the boys were staring at the abandoned playground, at the rusty swings that moved with the wind, creating an infernal screech. And there it was again, that feeling of being watched, observed every action, every move. For some reason, whenever Hinata watched the abandoned structure, he remembered the feeling of childhood. The laughter of children. But that was here nor there.
"H-how about w-we turn b-back" suggested Asahi. Although his physical features made him look like a grown-ass delinquent, Asahi Azumane was a baby at heart. And probably, the most scared. "I-I mean, Kenma c-could keep the w-watch, r-right?"
A strict stare from Daichi made him shut up, though. Yet, Karasuno's ace wasn't wrong, the place was unsettling and everyone seemed to be tense, hell, even Kuroo and himself looked doubtful, but as a captain, he had to move forward. If Hinata made it out in one piece, so could he.
After some encouraging words from Nishinoya, the boys decided to walk through the forest. The setting was quite different than the other night. The sun was up and one could see the peaceful clearings. The smell of wildlife was quite pungent, and the big, tall trees might as well be magical creatures like Titans and Giant Trolls. A small stream could be seen in the distance. Kenma wonder why he didn't hear the water before, maybe he was too tired and concentrated on the cat.
Finally, after one and a half-hour later, all males made it to another small gate. There were dirt roads leading to it as well, which indicated that there were other routes one could take. The gate had the same architectural structure as the first one and lead to a well-maintained garden. Hinata and Kenma recognized it immediately. At the back, the white antique house stood proudly. House was a little underrated since it was rather a massive white mansion, that had colossal glass windows, and no Japanese influence at all.  At the center of the garden, a fountain made of stone and moss stood. A mighty oak was near too, making the place look astonishing. However, all magical trance disappeared when they heard someone approaching.
A girl.
Dressed in a white silky summer dress. It had a touch of vintage, however, it was quite transparent, highlighting all of her curves. She couldn't have been older than 17, maybe younger. Her skin was smooth and shiny, the rays of sunshine reflected in her hair, while the soft spring breeze created movement all around her. Her eyes sparkled. She was barefoot as well. Now that, was an angel with no wings.
"Who are you?" Her voice didn't match at all with her sweet looks. It was a stern commandant voice, full of confidence. At this, all the boys flinched.
Moving slowly through the group, Kenma cowardly stood in front of her.
"I um I'm wan-wanted to um..." What was he supposed to say? 'I'm the one who stole your watch' Of course not. Kenma wasn't used to talking with girls, let alone one that was stunningly gorgeous.
"I'm, I'm Kenma K-Kozume and I uh-Yes the watch thief." The girl bluntly interrupted, which caused some snorts from Tsukishima and Tanaka.
Kenma could feel the heat spreading through his face out of embarrassment. This was clearly an unwanted situation.
"You know, watch-thief Kenma, your manners aren't great either. You should see the other person's eyes when talking to them." She continued. Although her words were harsh, she wasn't using a mockery-childish tone, no, she was just pointing out the truth without sugarcoating it. For some reason, Kenma always seems to have difficulty seeing other people's eyes and faces. He didn't really know how to interact with others, however, before he could react, a soft hand spread to his chin and lifted his gaze. The girl wasn't laughing or being mean, she was serious, observing, taking in every feature.
"Well?" She repeated. She acted very maturely for her age, something that didn't go unnoticed by the others, especially the third-year students.
He didn't know why, but instead of feeling petrified, Kenma felt a wave of confidence forming.
"I'm Kenma Kozume and I wanted to return the gold watch." His hand stretched towards the girl and handed her the object. "I'm sorry for taking it, it was an accident."
The girl observed the watch for a long time, examining it, she then, lifted her gaze towards the boy, giving it back.
"The watch belongs to Germán. You took it from him, you give it back to him."
"Germán?" The obviously wasn't a Japanese name, no it was Spanish and quite difficult to pronounce.
"My father." She answered.
"And who are you?" Asked a voice from behind. It was Kuroo, who until now, was just observing the situation unfold.
"His daughter." She responded. Unfazed by the harshness in his tone
"That's not what I meant."
"I'm well aware of what you meant." The same monotone voice responded.
Ignoring Kuroo's irk forehead mark, her gaze fell on Kenma once again. "My father is inside. You will personally return the watch to him."
Not waiting for anyone to speak, she headed inside the garden and made her way to the old mansion. Everyone else just kind of followed.
The inside of the house was just as cozy as Hinata remembered it. The Siamese cat sat on a sofa, looking at the new strangers coming in with lazy eyes.
"Um, may I ask what's the name of the cat?" The girl turned around to spot the boy who had asked the question. He was of average height, green-ish hair color, and his skin was full of freckles.
Not paying too much attention, she replied. "That's Violet. There's also a brown one named Kafka, and we have a Great Dane named Sargent."  At her comment, Hinata got extremely excited. "Whoa! You have so many pets! Can I see the dog!?" The girl was taken aback by the boy's energy but quickly composed herself. "If he passes through here you can. I'm going to get my father, so don't touch anything." Giving one last look to all the males, she headed to a carved wooden door, "Oh, and don't steal anything."
Her comment left a bittersweet taste in Kenma's mouth.
"Well, this place is something." Admitted Kageyama, who was observing a carved decorated music box with a porcelain ballerina on top. No one disagreed. The place seemed to be taken out of a fairy tale. Every ornament seemed to tell a story. The decoration of the living room defied all time and space as if it had frozen in the Victorian European movement. For a second, every player forgot they were still in Japan.
Soon, the door opened, revealing the mysterious girl and her father, Germán.  
He was a tall, thin man. His hair was brown but also grey, showing age. Even though he had wrinkles in his forehead and eyes, he clearly was a handsome man in his time. His eyes were icy-blue but there was a warmth to it. On top of that, he was well dressed.
Both teams bowed, showing respect. However, he waved his hand, "That's not necessary, young ones." His voice was sweeter than the other night. It wasn't as rough, rather calm and soft, almost a whisper.
Kenma approached and told him the situation. Asking forgiveness, for the watch. Hinata too apologized for trespassing.
"Well, I'm glad you returned it. By the way, all of you seem tired, would you like a late breakfast?"
The unexpected question from the man causes a lot of eyes to widen. Even her daughter seemed surprised.
"Oh, we couldn't accept your kindness after everything that has happened" Explained Daichi, which everyone nodded in agreement, yet, as soon as those words left his mouth, a couple of stomachs growled in hunger, including his. This caused the young girl to laugh. It was the first time they heard her laugh, and it was music to the ears. Although, everyone got flustered by the bad timing.
The man just smiled kindly.
"Cricket, would you be so kind to put out plates and heat water for our guests?" She only nodded and headed to the kitchen while he made all the boys pass to the dining room.
The table was long enough for everyone, which was kind of impressive. At the end of the room, hanging from the wall was a beautiful vivid painting of a woman. She resembled the girl but in adult form.
The table was full of fruit, and bread, and eggs, and coffee, and chocolate milk. The volleyball players ate like there was no tomorrow.
At first, no one dared to say a word, but with time, Hinata and Nishinoya lighten the mood. And soon, Germán was talking to all the boys like they were his own sons. Kenma noticed a pair of orbs looking directly at him. The girl was clearly deep in thought, journeying through some creative stream only she could sense. He also took in her features. She was very well built and good-looking yet, there was something captivating about her. A special quality that could put anyone in a trance.
Unfortunately, breakfast was cut short when the older man started coughing. Immediately the girl stood up and helped her father head to his room. It was clear he was sick, however, no one mentioned it. Sugawara and Morisuke offered to help but were shut down by the death glare of the young girl. Helping her father she left the room. When she returned, the dishes were picked up. Apologizing in a neutral tone, the girl offered everyone to head to the door.
The awkward silence returned once more, yet she paid no mind to it. By now, everyone was at the iron gate, ready to part.
"Why did you entered our house yesterday?" She finally spoke. Everyone turned their heads to Kenma, then to Hinata, then to the girl, then back to Kenma.
"I don't know," responded Nekoma's setter. "Maybe because of the mystery."
The girl smiled energetically for the first time.
"So, you like mysteries?"  
Kenma only nodded.
"You have something to do tomorrow?" her question was out of the blue, unpredictable. Before Kenma could respond, she continued. "Tomorrow, here, at 9;00 am."
And with that, she turned around and left running.
"Wait!" cried Hinata who wasn't even part of the conversation.
The girl stopped in her tracks and turned around.
"You haven't told us your name!"
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mischiefandspirits · 4 years
Doppelgänger (5/?)
Previously on Doppelgänger ~ Masterlist ~ Next time on Doppelgänger
Danny, Sam, and Tucker were just 14 when they took a look inside the portal Danny’s parents had built. From there, everything changed. They woke up with white hair, green skin, and powers they could learn to control. They were hybrids, halfas.
They were the hero Doppelgänger.
{Fright Night}
“So a trio of ghosts need to create a haunted house room,” Danny said, smirking at his partners as he dropped down on his bed.
“Think we could just stick Audrey II in there and call it a day?” Tucker asked and sat backwards on the desk chair.
Sam shrugged and sat next to Danny so she could put his head in her lap. “If I stopped pruning her, she should be big enough to give someone a scare by then. I don’t think just one thing will cut it though.”
“We could bring in some more plants for you to move around and have it be a haunted jungle,” Tucker said.
“Oh, so Danny makes a stupid bet and I have to do all the work.”
“Hey, I’m the one who gave Twoey sentience and unless you force her with your powers, she only listens to me. I think that counts for something,” Danny pointed out.
“You know, what is it with you and the non-sapient ghosts and ecto-beings?” Tucker asked. “Twoey, Cujo, those will-o'-wisp blob things that follow you around when we’re in the zone. You’d think Sam would be the one they're attracted to with her nature thing.”
Danny hummed and pressed into Sam’s hand so she’d start carding her fingers through his hair. “Well, like I said, I brought Twoey to life, so maybe she imprinted on me. And Cujo might just be able to sense that you guys hate dogs.”
“We don’t hate dogs. They're just loud and annoying,” Sam said.
“And Cujo is literally as demonic as his namesake,” Tucker added.
“He’s a good boy and this is why he doesn’t like you.”
“He trashed a lab for a toy!” Tucker said.
“And they put him down. Fair's fair.”
“Can’t disagree with you there,” Sam said with narrowed eyes. She’d launched quite the internet scandal when she’d dug up why, exactly, the old kennels she’d found the toy in were abandoned. “Back to the matter at hand though, you still haven’t explained the blobs.”
Danny blushed. “I, uh, might feed them chips sometimes when they show up while I’m cleaning the lab.”
There was a moment of silence before both his partners started snickering.
“Don’t feed the wildlife, Danny,” Sam said mockingly.
“All this time, they’ve been the ghost equivalent of pigeons.”
“Not pigeons! They're actually really sweet. Like… hummingbirds!”
“Sure, dude.”
“Whatever you say, Danny.”
“Can we just get back on topic? Sam, you’re goth, shouldn’t that make you our resident creepy person. What would go good with a living jungle and a literal man-eating plant?”
Sam patted his cheek condescendingly, but leaned back to plot. “I had something else planned, but if you guys insist on the jungle idea…”
“This has to beat whatever Dash has,” Danny said as the trio looked over the room.
Audrey II’s pot had been attached to the ceiling so her stalks could hang down, dripping -- thankfully only harmful to ectoplasm -- acid. Once the haunted house was open, she’d been instructed to snap at anyone who came near. She luckily didn’t like the taste of humans so there wasn’t any worry about her going overboard.
Sam had brought in some crawling vines and tropical plants to cover the walls and floor so she could have them tug at or trip people as they moved through the room and make it harder for people to find their way through.
Danny’s herd of blobs were drifting around the makeshift jungle, making soft lights flicker through the semi-darkness.
Tucker had set up electric field generators to give the room an eerie feeling.
The pièce de résistance, however…
“Did you get it set up?” Sam asked.
“Try it out,” Danny said.
The boys watched as she walked over to an archway on one side of the room. She walked through it, only to come out an archway on the opposite side a second later.
“Yes!” Tucker cheered, high-fiving Danny. “Thank you, Space Fold!”
Sam tested out all the other archways to be sure they had a similar effect then came over to join the boys. “Congratulations, you’ve built a cartoon hallway.”
“You’re just mad you didn’t think of it,” Danny said and she ruffled his hair.
“Well, my work here is done. Now if you’ll excuse me,” Tucker grabbed the empty pumpkin-shaped candy bucket waiting by the door, “I’m a little late to start scamming some free candy.”
Danny flinched when Sam pinched him for squirming.
“I’m almost done, you big baby.”
“Sorry if I’m a little creeped out by you sticking sharp things very close to my eyes.”
“Just be glad you don’t need contacts. There, perfect.”
Danny smiled when Sam held up a mirror. His hair was covered by a long, braided black wig that a crown of thorns sat atop. His face had been given a slight green tint while his lips were a deep forest. His smile showed off fangs that were just as long and sharp as their ghost form’s and prosthetic ears gave him the same points. Dark makeup made his eyes look sunken, which highlighted his eyes when he let the red of his ghost form glow through. His hands had been given claw-like fake nails before being dipped into blood-red paint while he’d been dressed in black and dark green princely clothes. It all came together to make him look like a ghastly elfin prince.
He stood up and turned to Sam. “Thanks, Sam. This is great.”
She frowned and shook her head. “No, more brooding.”
“I really don-”
She pointed a finger in his face. “You wanted my help. This is me helping. More brooding. Imagine all the light draining from your soul.”
Danny pushed her hand away. “You’re just using this as an excuse to make me goth for a night.”
“Only for a night, but yeah. It’s a good look on you. Now brood or I’ll leave and you can do without my plants.”
Danny rolled his eyes, then tried to channel his angstiest self.
Christmas Danny.
Sam blinked at his scowl. “Wow, I didn’t think you could even get that dark. You’re usually our resident prep.”
Jingle Bells. Gingerbread. SANTA.
Danny shoved it all down, but the scowl only lessened slightly. “That’s because your family always goes away for the holidays.”
Sam looked confused, but didn’t get a chance to ask before they heard footsteps approaching. She transformed, saying, “Showtime. Maybe lose the anger a little.”
“I’ll try.”
She disappeared and all the plants except Audrey II started to sway and glow slightly. They seemed to thicken, making it impossible to see more than a few feet into the room.
Danny shooed the flytrap’s stalks up towards the roof. “Alright, Twoey, just like we practiced. Remember, be a good girl and you get a nice big bottle of ectoplasm as a treat.”
One of the lobes nuzzled him then they all retreated into the darkness Tucker had carefully maneuvered the lights to create on the ceiling.
“This is why she likes us. We spoil her,” a voice whispered in his ear.
“I don’t… I only spoil her a little.”
Sam chuckled and he felt her drift off.
“Mr. Fenton, it’s time,” William Lancer said as he arrived at the door to the room Daniel had taken. It was painted with toxic green glowing runes and vines as well as the words, The Kingdom of Thorns.
The door creaked open slowly to reveal Daniel standing a few feet away.
Automatic door, nice touch, William noted. The boy was also in a more elaborate costume than Dashiell’s. His contacts were actually a bit disconcerting with how the light made them appear to glow. It wasn’t helped either that the normally cheerful, if downtrodden, boy had on a scowl that looked rather resentful and fell.
The boy gave a graceful bow. In an empty voice, he announced, “Welcome. May your stay be eternal.”
A shiver went up William’s spine. The boy’s voice sounded off. Echoey-perhaps, except it didn’t sound like Daniel’s voice echoing back. More like multiple someones were whispering his words alongside him. Some sort of speaker setup, maybe? But the teacher swore the voices were coming from Daniel.
Pushing down the emotions, William pointed to the door. “I hope that’s not permanent.”
“What?” The eerie expression and voice were gone in a blink. “Oh, yes. I mean no, it’s not permanent. It’s just a little ectoplasm from my parent’s lab. I have the dissolving agent.”
That… was not as comforting as Daniel seemed to think it should be. “Is that safe?”
“Yeah, sure. Pure ectoplasm is harmless to humans in small doses. You could eat the amount on there and still be perfectly fine. It’s the charged stuff that’s dangerous.”
Still not as comforting as the boy’s smile made it out to be. “Right. Shall we begin?”
Daniel gave a toothy -- fangy? -- grin and stepped to the side, gesturing William forward.
The door slammed closed once the teacher started walking, not close enough to hit, but enough that he could feel the breeze of it passing on the back of his neck. He glanced back and was surprised to see vines covering the door. He made note of it.
“You’re free to roam, but I would stick to the path,” Daniel said as William passed him, his show voice back on and just as creepy as the first time. “And I wouldn’t recommend eating anything. Or being eaten.”
William glanced back, only to see the boy was gone. But he had just heard him right behind him.
He shook his head and continued forward.
So far the room itself didn’t look particularly scary. It mostly looked like a poorly lit and abandoned greenhouse without the glass walls and ceiling. Though there was the odd lights flying about, like fireflies the size of softballs. The plants almost seemed to be moving as well, like in the wind though William couldn’t feel anything, and he swore they were glowing a bit. Some sort of paint?
“You didn’t put anything harmful on these plants, right?”
“Of course not,” whispered something in his ear and he jerked away. He looked around, but couldn’t see anything.
“No, they’re Sam’s. She’d kill me if I hurt her plants,” came Daniel’s normal voice from somewhere across the room.
“Are you alright, Mr. Lancer? You’re not lost are you?”
“No, Mr. Fenton.” He shook himself. He must have been hearing things. He took a step forward and immediately felt like he’d stepped into something, or through something. He rubbed his arms as goosebumps began to crawl up them. He made a note and quickly moved on.
After a few moments more of the random goosebumps and the feeling of vines or leaves brushing him despite being sure he wasn’t getting close to any of the plants, he reached an archway. The teacher frowned and he pulled aside the curtain to look in. He swore the passage was supposed to lead directly into the next room, but instead he found a short hallway. It appeared to be a pitch-black void littered in stars that went on forever, but directly ahead, perhaps two feet in, was another doorway with a curtain. Some sort of mirror trick?
He made another note and walked carefully through the hall. Perhaps it was the star pattern, but he almost felt weightless as he passed through. He pulled the curtain aside… and found himself in the room he’d started in? But that was impossible! And yet, the windows were on the archway’s left, just as they had been for the arch he’d come from. The chandelier hanging above, original to the house though Daniel had wrapped it in vines, was also the same one that had been in the previous room. He must have curved around, except he was sure he’d gone in a straight line.
“Something wrong, Mr. Lancer?”
The teacher jumped and spun around to find Daniel standing right next to him, staring up at him through half-lidded eyes. His head was tilted almost unnaturally to the side and he was giving his usual smile, though the sharp fangs made it feel like he was baring his teeth instead. Some of the flying lights were perched on his crown, but their shapes were indistinct which made it appear the crown was alight with swirling green flames.
“Just-just taking in your creativity, Mr. Fenton. I wish you would put such effort into your schoolwork.”
His grin grew and his eyes glowed brighter. “What can I say, I guess I have an affinity for all things ghostly and dead.” He turned on his heel and disappeared into the foliage. “I’ll leave you to it.”
If William was shaking as he moved through the room, there was no one around to tell. He kept a careful eye out, but even still it felt like more plants were brushing against him and he was in a constant state of goosebumps. Then, just as he reached the center of the room, a hand grabbed his shoulder.
He shrieked and spun around, dropping his clipboard in the process. There was no one there. He looked all around him, but couldn’t find any sign of a person.
Something creaked above him.
He slowly looked up and saw something moving in the shadows, multiple long necks and wide heads with gaping maws.
“Mr. Lancer?”
“The Iliad and the Odyssey!” William shouted, looking down to see Daniel standing right in front of him, looking worried.
Aside from his glowing crown, none of his showman’s grace was on him anymore. Not even in his voice as he glanced down and said, “Oh, you dropped your stuff.”
William’s eyes widened as he spotted the three long stalks that had lowered down from the ceiling, each carrying the heads of a horror-movie approximation of a venus flytrap. The flat lobes were all around a foot long and would have looked normal, if not huge, except for the toxic green acid dripping from their centers.
At the same time that Daniel leaned down, one of them shot forward to strike like a snake, its jaws closing around the space his head had been not a moment before. They all darted back to the ceiling as Daniel stood up, appearing his normal awkward and helpful self.
He held out William’s pen and clipboard. “Here you go.”
The teacher’s hands were shaking as he took his things from his student.
Daniel rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, I guess we might have gone a little overboard. Was it the halls? I can take those out.”
Something grabbed William’s ankle. “No! No, it was wonderful. Leave it as is. I just remembered I have somewhere to be.”
“So… does that mean…”
“Yes, Mr. Fenton. You win. Now how do I get out of here?”
Daniel pointed to the side.
There was a straight path to the door that most definitely had not been there before.
William shook the vine off his leg and walked quickly out of the open door.
Danny threw his hands up and cheered as soon as the door shut behind Lancer. He turned and gave Sam a high-five. “That was great! He didn’t even stay long enough to see Twoey in action.”
“We’re an oblivious idiot,” she said as she turned visible.
“What do you mean?”
She plucked off one of the blob ghosts nuzzling his head and shook her own. “Nevermind. Come on, we’ve got a few new ideas from that test run.”
“By the way, that line about eating ectoplasm. We haven’t actually done that, right?”
“Well, not on purpose, but you’ve seen my house. Sometimes a bit of ectoplasm ends up in the food.”
“We’re never eating at our house again.”
“Hey, it’s okay. I never let you guys stay for dinner when my parents or I cook and Jazz sterilizes everything so she never gets ectoplasm in anything.”
“Never again.”
“And besides, we’re ghosts now. Ghost food is made of ecto-”
Sam put her hand over his mouth. “Never.”
He nodded. Once she’d removed her hand and floated off, he muttered, “It’s not even bad as long as the food doesn’t come to life. Just kind of citrusy.”
“We’re going to throw up!”
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midnghtprentiss · 5 years
Royalty - Chapter One.
Olivia felt her body heavy the moment she put on the dress. It was not the type of clothing she wore at the convent, it was full of sparkles and lacy scraps. On his head was the crown that clearly showed his destiny. Queen of a man she knew and a desperate nation. In a place where she did not know.
"Majesty, we are ready to go. " One of the guards approached, bowing first.
"Just one more minute." Olivia stammered, approaching Sister Mary. "Thanks for everything, Mary. I will never forget you."
"You have no time to waste, Olivia. Soon you will be married to Prince Luke who will also be king. Win his heart and you'll be able to get through it." Sister Mary gave the girl a hug and then went on her way to the carriage.
The carriage was large and comfortable enough for a long journey. Olivia liked to travel around the country, even though she didn't do it very often. She liked to observe nature, people and places, which would soon be in her possession. The region was beautiful, full of chateaus and villages. As well as it was full of animals and plants different from what I was used to.
"Princess, we're coming. Get ready." One of the guards alerted on his horse.
The castle was beautiful. Full of flowers and flags showing that it belonged to the royal family. Some servants and royal guests were waiting for their carriage at the entrance to the castle. The moment they stopped, the door was opened for Olivia, who went down and looked around. The instant she saw Grace and Nora with their chaperones, she ran to meet him. Hugging them as tightly as I could.
"Olivia! How are you" Grace hugged her friend and then made room for the others.
"How I missed you. Did you travel well? We have a lot to talk about later. " Olivia smiled and looked at the castle door.
Queen Liz, King Andy. With his bastard son Calum. But no sign of Luke. The women quickly started walking in the same direction, but before a tall, blond boy came in.
"Majesty. " He bowed briefly before extending his arm.
" Luke! " Olivia shook her head and walked away. "You are ... Bigger. I have to admit that this new form of you has gone well with you."
"You look beautiful, Your Highness." He smiled, showing his flushed cheeks and stretching his arm so she could catch him.
"Call me Olivia, please. " She smiled, fitting her arm, going towards the rest of the people.
Wherever she went, people bow, whisper and smile. Olivia was the queen everyone expected to replace Liz on the throne. Liz had an ambition to protect her children at all costs, even if it cost her own life.
After the formalities, Olivia and her ladies were directed to their royal quarters. The walls were lined with light fabrics filled with flowers, while the ceiling with gold details had some paintings. Solid wood furniture with chandeliers. The bed with posts that held a white silk veil, made the whole environment less scary and cozy. Not as a child, but it was still cozy.
She sat on the bed, feeling the soft, fluffy fabric, letting her body slide in the middle and the mattress welcoming her in a simple and comfortable way. However, she was interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Oli, we need to get ready for your dinner. The king wants to do especially to flatter the future queen of Australia and daughter-in-law. " Nora murmured entering the room and approaching.
"I think I'll explore the castle before I do anything." The girl stood up quickly, adjusting her cottage around her body.
"We meet here in an hour, right? " She quickly agreed and walked away.
Those walls and corridors kept secrets and saw things that can never leave Olivia's memory. She and Luke used to run and play all over this place. They created a world without even leaving, but after she went to the convent, he abandoned the games and high imagination.
She walked down the steps they were running on and where Luke had tried to steal a kiss for the first time. He was so ashamed that he had to run. At the end of the stairs there was a room, where were his old rooms. The door was open and then Olivia could see that Luke was there and where there was a bed now she had a piano.
"Since when have you played? " Olivia murmured, leaning against the door.
"Hm, hi. Since you left. I didn't have anyone else to run or imagine and you know the rules with Calum." She smiled and approached, looking around.
"I remember that room. We stayed here for hours. Imagining the future where we weren't royalty and didn't even need protection." Olivia commented, running her hands over the old furniture.
"It was good and as if we were free. Nobody else comes here. Just me. It is good to be able to work on so many memories." Luke smiled, approaching. "Don't you have to get ready for the party?"
"I can do that later. I needed to come by before. " She smiled and stood up. "I didn't mean to disturb you. Anyway, it's good to know that you take care of it here."
Olivia walked out, leaving the room behind, walking down the stairs quickly. Heading towards your room.
Her ladies were already waiting for her, with some jewelry and dresses she could choose from. Olivia was an easy person to please and that was a very good quality, but when it wasn't her days, nothing pleased her.
Grace helped her to wear a green sleeveless dress with gold details all over the sleeves and shoulders, with a medium tail and lace on the front, highlighting her well-designed medium body. The crown on his head fitted into the locked hairstyle. The ruby ​​earrings that had been gifts from the English queen.
"You look stunning, majesty." A male voice had echoed through the room. He was a blond boy and a little shorter. "I'm Michael, your coast guard and if you want, I can be your friend too."
"Oh, hello Michael. You can call me Olivia." She smiled approaching the boy. " I would love for you to be my friend and faithful companion."
He smiled and bowed. The ladies left and Olivia followed, walking next to Michael who kept his hands close to his sword and his posture upright.
"Calum chose me along with Luke to be your guard. " He asked, looking through the corridors.
"I trust them to entrust my life to you. Thanks." As soon as they approached the main hall the doors were opened.
All attention was directed to the woman who passed by, no longer as a child, but as a woman. Noble people greeted her, others ignored her, but none of them could deny that Olivia was not funny. His light steps, straight posture and hands close to his body.
"Olivia, I want to introduce you to Cardinal Louis. He was sent by the Vatican. " King Andy approached introducing the man who smiled kindly.
"It's a pleasure, Cardinal. " He nodded and left.
"You look stunning, Olivia. " The queen said looking up and down as she looked. "Fit for a queen."
"Thanks. " The girl agreed and was soon called by the ladies. "Let's Dance." Olivia pulled her friends to the middle of the dance floor, dancing what they knew because of the dancing melody of the orchestra.
Luke and Calum watched them from a distance. They drew attention, but the pedestal was all Olivia's and no one had any doubt about it. Her presence in the country made some people fear war or worse. But without a doubt the salvation of the Hemmings was in the Pristol family, precisely in Olivia and in the future children that she and Luke would have.
"Can I ask for a dance? " Luke murmured, extending his hand to Olivia who took it without hesitation, passing it over the boy's shoulders. "You look beautiful, Olivia."
"You look beautiful, as always, Luke. It looks like we're going to have to get used to these events after we get married." He shook his head, turning the woman over.
"If we get married. It all depends on the circumstances my father decides." Olivia raised an eyebrow.
"You don't want to marry me, do you? " Olivia's voice sounded hard, but she wasn't surprised. "I'm doing what's right for my country, but I'm not going to wait too long Luke. Australia is my alliance, but it is not the only option."
Olivia moved away, leaving the middle of the dance floor, heading for a less busy corner. She smiled at Michael who kept a safe distance.
"Diplomacy is not easy, is it?" Calum's voice echoed through the background, making her jump in surprise.
"Good to see you, Cal. There were so many letters during twelve years that I can recognize you from afar." He smiled at the compliment, laughing quietly.
"How is your stay going? " The girl murmured, handing him a glass of wine.
"It is not as comfortable as the convent, but it will soon be. Or not." She shrugged. "I'm a part of the game here. I may stay until I marry your brother, if we get married.
" don't know much about diplomacy but I understand about Luke and he doesn't like that." Calum always tried to defend his brother and that was mutual.
"I don't know, Cal. If they don't find me useful, I have to find someone who thinks otherwise." Olivia smiled, placing her hands on the boy's shoulder before leaving.
Attention went to the king a while later to organize a toast in honor of the future queen.
"Olivia's return represents a new beginning and reconstruction of our nation. To the Queen Olivia of New Zealand." Everyone raised their glasses celebrating Olivia's life.
At the end of the party, she decided to return without the chaperones, only with Michael who maintained the same posture, just looked a little tired. Olivia offered to take a nap, but he denied it and went about his business.
"Mike, being a woman is difficult. I have to be quiet until men want me to speak, but I'm not that kind of woman" Olivia murmured, drawing the attention of the guard who crossed his arms. "I'm Olivia Pristol, queen of New Zealand and if Australia wants me to be part of the game, so be it my way."
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missantichrist · 5 years
About my Apprentice
Name: Atlas
Birthday: April 17
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Orientation: Gay
Favorite flower: Tiger Lily
Favorite food: Crab cakes
Favorite drink: Absinthe
Love Interest: Muriel
This lovely art below is by @fantasmagorias​ and Atlas is the one in the back row on the right :) 
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(Literally everything else under the cut. I just didn’t want people who don’t care about my Arcana stuff to have to scroll through all of... that ⇩)
Height: 6’2”
Body type/build: He’s thin, lanky, and muscular. Think Julian but a little bit more toned muscle, less dorito and more hourglass and instead of a pancake butt, he thicc
Skin: He’s white, but not pale. He has no special birthmarks/scars or beauty marks. Just a gangly white boy who’s become a little bronzed from living in sunny Vesuvia.
Hair: He has light golden blonde hair (lighter than Lucio’s by quite a bit, but not platinum). On one side of his head his hair swoops over like Julian’s, but the other side is shaven save for 3 braids that run around to the back of his neck. (My friend @fantasmagorias drew Atlas perfectly, including his complex hairdo. It was like he literally jumped from my brain to hers. I’ll attach that at the bottom of this post!)
Eyes: He has bright white eyes. I strongly agree with the theory I heard that each character in the Arcana’s eyes match their patron Arcana. Atlas’ is the fool, so he has white eyes like Scout!
Distinguishing features: He has very defined cheekbones, a sharp jawline and what I can best describe as curious brows. He’s definitely got a fun, mischievous look to him. Even when his face is in its resting state, he looks like he’s smirking and always has an adventurous glint in his eyes. When he smiles you can’t help but smile too, as his smile is very bright and nearly always genuine.
Clothing: Atlas makes most of his own clothes, and if he isn’t wearing something handmade, he’s wearing something Asra or Nadia got him. He’s always dressed very funky and in bright colours, like orange, blue, purple, and green. 
Default outfit -  Tits out Vesuvia! He wears a loose white tunic with brassy buttons that clasp at the waist, leaving most of his chest exposed, and a blue and purple paisley patterned scarf that no one has seem him leave the shop without. Over his top, her wears a sleeveless cardigan that drapes just below his booty that is a deep, bright royal purple with bright orange and gold embroidery. He wears high waisted pants that were originally white, but are now a light tan/beige, decorated with darker beige markings and small white beads. Around his lower waist his shirt is kept shut (so that only his tiddies are showing and not his entire front because wow what a sin that would be) by a light green sash that was “artiscally” stained with light orange and blue markings. He wears tall tattered light brown boots with tassels/fringe on them.
Travelling outfit - He romances Muriel, so his travelling outfit includes a thick cloak that was gifted to him from Nadia and a colourful blue and purple paisley patterned scarf Asra gifted him. (The cloak looks exactly like Muriel’s except the fur is bright white and rather than being lined green it is lined the same colour of blue as his scarf). He wears the same silly, tattered brown boots he always does.
Masquerade outfit - Atlas wears a wolf mask at the masquerade (this plays both into the fact that Muriel’s familiar is a wolf and the fact that the fool is most commonly represented by/with a dog). His mask is white and glittery, adorned with pearls from the waters of Prakra. He wears a long, multi-layered, flowy, deep blue skirt with gems decorating the silky inner fabric of the skirt. It looks like the night sky when light reflects off of it and moves like calm water. His top is a loose white silk that covers his back and abdomen and tucks seamlessly into his skirt and is belted with a gold sash. His arms, shoulders and neck are adorned in gold, a pattern similar to that of Asra’s masquerade outfit’s gold accents, except the gold pattern travels all the way from his shoulders to his wrists, where it is clasped in place by thick gold wristicuffs that each have a single large pearl in the center. He wears a thick gold choker around his neck that looks exactly like the wrist cuffs except neck-sized (lol). When he attends the masquerade he has his makeup done by Natiqa, who opted for a simple look with dramatic gold eyeliner and some highlight. 
Personality: Atlas is very straightforward and not afraid to speak his mind, he is constantly making silly quips and jokes; he loves making others laugh. He has what I call a “hero complex”; essentially he loves protecting and saving people. Anyone he can’t save he blames himself for. He blames himself for both Morga and Khamgalai’s death, but because of his positive attitude and his habit of pushing anything negative deep down inside him and his need to not let anyone around him feel down, he doesn’t tell anyone. 
He romances Muriel, and in his route he’s very loud and obnoxious. Muriel hated him at first, but slowly, because of Atlas’ high energy and positivity, Muriel came out of his shell quite a bit and grew to love Atlas.
But, Atlas is not always loud and high energy. He gets lost in his thoughts often and becomes quite serious, especially after being in a tough or scary situation, even though when he was in the situation, he was making jokes and laughing through his stress. (He very much so relieves his anxieties through comedy).
He very rarely gets angry, but when he does it’s terrifying. He becomes a raging inferno that nothing and no one can stop from raging on. This is because he pushes his self-hatred so far down that he’s an emotional bomb just waiting to go off.
Likes: Being a hero
Dislikes: Failure
Fears: Losing loved ones
Habits: He will throw himself headfirst into danger without thinking if he sees someone who needs help.
I keep my ocs as canon as I possibly can, that’s why Atlas has no last name. He has no idea who his family is or where he’s from. The only thing he does know about his past is that he died of the plague and that he had a mysterious aunt who he’s pretty sure has died. Pretty much, anything Asra doesn’t know, Atlas doesn’t.
As far as bonus (lemon) 😏😏 material, Atlas is a vers switch. When he’s subbing he loves being tied up and edged to the point of tears leaking from his eyes. Like Asra, he very much so enjoys delayed gratification during sex. When he’s topping, he’s a soft domme and consistently checks to make sure his partner is doing okay. But he is not gentle. He likes to hear his partner scream, being vocal turns him on *so much.*
Tagging a few Arcana sluts: @vesuviannights​ @queenofeden​ @16reapergrell66​ @fantasmagorias​ @superlemonsweet​ @kidlightnings​ @athousandstarstodreamon​ @llyrel​ @dd-d--dd-d​ @lemon-trap​ @devofuck​ @thesanguinerose​ @candygirl3473​
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