#my sister saw me give our older sister a case for her tablet
hanabeeri · 1 year
on todays episode: did i become curvier or have i not looked at myself in the mirror for a long time
my sister tried to talk me into becoming a professor. nooooo my soul would die. and besides i dont want to spend all my life in a closed room doing research :( i want to go out there and help people. im not doing things for money, but out of compassion.
my sisters husband just came to talk too skskskkdjfj is my family playing "who can get the most information out of nas" or what's going on
0 notes
stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - spencer reid x reader
summary - you lose your brother to the hands of a killer
warnings - cursing, blood, injury details, character death (not major, just mentioned)
word count - ?
note - this was kinda just a little idea i had and wanted to write it :)
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the team walked into the conference room on monday, ready for whatever case was presented. once sitting down, everyone seemed to notice that you were missed.
“where’s y/n?” morgan asked, looking over at spencer for answers. he shrugged, “i haven’t talked to her since last night.”
the second strange occurrence was that hotch motioned for garcia to sit down. he took the remote and stood in front of this team. all eyes were on their boss as he took a deep breath.
“i have to warn you, this case is going to impact us all emotionally,” hotch spoke. just as he hit the first button, pictures of two victims appeared on the screens and tablets; one male and one female. “is that?” j.j. started.
“lake placid, new york. two victims, clara smith and benjamin y/l/n. yes, this is y/n’s younger brother. she took the first flight out this morning upon hearing the news. we were called in due to the fact that benjamin had y/n’s name carved into his right arm.”
with the information presented, the team felt like a bomb was dropped on them. everyone met benjamin at least once. for spencer, he had met benjamin on multiple occasions.
“of course y/n is going to be affected by this, that is obvious but we need to be there for her. she is also most likely going to bring her in for questioning. then, she can pick whoever she wants to talk to and we go from there,” hotch spoke before adding, “wheels up in 20.”
after the team briefed on the plane and got their assignments, spencer moved away from the team and over to one of the seats in the corner. derek noticed the younger agents absence and sat down in the seat across from him.
“what’s on your mind kid?” morgan asked.
spencer rubbed he bridge of his nose before speaking, “y/n, she lost her brother to a killer. we saw how that affected hotch, i can’t imagine what’s going to happen with her.” derek leaned forward and rested his arms on the table between them.
“kid i know you’re worried about her, and you have every right to be. and i know you lost someone too, don’t act like i don’t know you and benjamin were friends. but right now, we really just need to be there for her and catch this unsub.” spencer presses his lips together and nodded. he thanked the older agent before going back to his own thoughts.
the team arrived in lake placid an hour and a half later. j.j. and hotch were going to the police station to set up, rossi and spencer were going to the morgue to look at the first victim, and derek and emily were going to where the latest victim was found. the body of benjamin remained there due to how little time had passed since he was found as well as the markings on his arm.
derek and emily pulled up to the hill overlooking the lake where benjamin was found. a couple local police officers were scattered around, checking for other evidence. however, they noticed a familiar figure,  squatting down by benjamin’s body.
you stood up upon hearing a car pull in on the dirt being you. you then turned around to see derek and emily stepping out of the suv. you kept your eyes on the grass hill as the other two agents took in your appearance.
you were dressed in leggings with a white simple tank top and your black combat boots. a tan knitted cardigan that fell long down your back and was a little oversized in the sleeves. your eyes were red and puffy, no doubt from crying.
emily took a hesitant step toward you as derek moved past you to the body. no words were exchanged between the two of you as emily pulled you into a hug, cradling your head with her hand as you pressed your forehead into her shoulder.
“why don’t you go to the car. we’re going to the police station after we are done here,” emily spoke in such a calm and reassuring voice that you followed her orders and sat in the back of the car.
the other two agents made their way back to the after just a few short minutes. the body was being brought to the morgue for further inspection. the drive back was painfully long. as emily drove, derek noticed you in the back seat visible shaking. your head was pressed up against the window as you bounced your leg.
once arriving at the police station, derek jumped out of the car to alert the team of your presence as emily helped you out of the car. she kept her arm around your waist as she led you into the building. you felt all eyes on you as you walked in. you pressed your lips together and slowly looked up at your team. off to the side you noticed your parents, talking to one of the police officers. honestly, you weren’t close with your parents at all and you already greeted them.
spencer was the first to notice the tears begining to fall down your cheeks. he tossed down the file onto the desk before slowly walking over to you. “y/n,” he spoke in a soft voice. you didn’t say anything but instead wrapped your arms around him. he pulled you into a tighter embrace, not caring that his shirt was getting wet from your tears.
the team watched on as spencer whispered something in your ear. it was inaudible to them but upon seeing him lead you over to a chair before sitting down and pulling you into his lap was explanation enough.
“when she’s ready we’ll see who she wants to interview her. for now, morgan and j.j. interview the parents. find out what you can on the personalities and social life of these victims. rossi, head down to the morgue and find out the similarities. everyone else, victimology,” hotch ordered.
it took you close to a half an hour for you to fully calm down. rossi was just walking back in the doors when you had told spencer you wanted to do the interview.
“i’m ready,” you told your boss with a slight smile, trying to put on a brave face.
“alright who with?” hotch responded. you looked around the room at your team who were all doing their own things. “you,” you responded.
hotch nodded before leading you to the interrogation room. once entering, you took a seat as your team gathered in front of the window to watch your interview. they wanted to get better information but at the same time, wanted to be there for you.
“alright y/n, just for record, what is your relation to benjamin y/l/n,” hotch asked first. “older sister,” you simply stated.
“why don’t you start out with telling me anything about benjamin. then we will go into actual questions, okay?” you nodded to hotch’s words as you mentally prepared yourself.
you took a deep breath before starting, “benjamin and i were always close, practically best friends. since we’re two years apart, a lot of my friends were his friends and the same with my friends. we never had the cliche of not wanting to be around each other in high school. when i committed to nyu, he was so proud. prouder than my parents i would say. i was just so scared of leaving him. we really relied on each other. but deep down i knew he would be fine. benjamin wasn’t exactly popular but he was so nice to everyone. kinda became what he was known for,” you let out a slight chuckle at that.
“and then when i was 20, he committed to university of south carolina. being so far away from my brother was difficult but we made a habit of talking two or three times a week. and that stuck to today. when i told him i was applying and then got accepted into the fbi acadamy, i wasn’t sure who was more excited, me or him. he told me that he knew i would be such a good agent because i loved helping people. i moved to washington, d.c. and him to new york city. i didn’t get to visit him as much as i would like but again, we called. he was only supposed to be up here on a visit. he loved meeting the team so much. him and spencer got on so well because they both had such similar interests. and it really made my so happy to see them bonding,” you spoke.
“deep down you always have a fear that this job is going to take someone you love. whether it’s a significant other and a family member. i just never thought it could happen to benjamin and i don’t know what to do. should i be mourning him or jumping right back into work? nothing feels right. i just feel so fucking guilty that he’s dead. the killer wanted me here and took away my brother because of that. my own name was carved into his arm. i just don’t know what to do,” you managed to choke out. hotch stopped for a moment, moved slightly by your speech. before he would have to ask you the tough questions, he decided to give you advice.
“when i lost hayley, i felt like there was such a big gap missing. foyet took away someone i loved. but, i had jack and the team. both kept me going and helped me grieve but also move on and continue a sense of normality. the team is all here for you as well as your parents,” hotch said to you. he was about to respond but stopped when you rolled your eyes and laughed slightly. “i doubt they really care,” you grimaced.
“excuse me?” hotch responded, confused on your comment.
you leaned forward and rested your elbows on the table. “you know know deep down you have the feeling someone doesn’t like you? with both their body language and words? that’s how benjamin and i felt growing up. our parents made sure that they were around just enough that was legal and allowed but they never really seamed to care about us. when benjamin and i both went to college, they absolutely didn’t care. didn’t get a goodbye either. didn’t even show up to our graduations. they always hated us for not visiting but benjamin and i agreed that we wouldn’t unless we both felt that it was right to do so. i’m shocked if their mourning right now,” you revealed.
derek suddenly stepped away from the integration room just as hotch was asking you more questions and went over to the phone. just as the team followed, they heard him ask garcia for records on your parents.
“i think we need to look into y/n’s parents. i got a bad feeling from them when interviewing and i think what she said might be a key,” derek spoke in a hushed voice. from there, the team dispatched.
you and hotch exited your interview twenty minutes later. you were mentally exhausted from having to recall all these memories about your deceased brother. j.j. was the only one in the station. you heard her tell hotch where each individual member of the team went. you sat down at one of the desks and looked at the case file of the first girl. she was a high school senior, you had no clue who she was or why she was the first victim.
you decided to do some digging and dialed garcia number. “hey pen,” you spoke softly into the phone. “oh y/n, how are you feeling lovie?” the technical analyst responded. “i’m coping. this is just a curiosity question but did clara have any siblings?” you asked.
“she had an older brother. he moved to los angeles from new york and is currently on a flight back home,” garcia informed your. “alright thank you penelope, you’re the best,” you said as you hung up.
“hey hotch,” you spoke softly, gaining the attention of your boss. “clara had an older brother who moved away from home. i think that this might connect our victims,” you informed him. hotch obviously didn’t like that you were doing work but he dismissed it and looked at the file. “maybe he’s punishing the older siblings for leaving their younger sibling,” you suggested. hotch nodded and with a quick ‘good work’ to you, he was on the phone and out of the room.
days later, the team had a lead. your parents had rushed to the police station upon hearing this. the unsub wasn’t working alone but if they found one, they could find the others. as the team was begining to grab their gear, you reached to your side to make sure your gun was there. instead, you found nothing but an empty holster.
“hotch where’s my gun,” you asked sternly. hotch glanced up and motioned with his head over to where rossi stood. the oldest agent had your gun secured to the other side of his hip. “you aren’t coming,” was all hotch said as a response.
“like hell i’m not!” you exclaimed.
hotch as well as the team looked at you. “you are too emotionally invested in the case. we do this to any agent who is directly linked. stay here and we will be back soon.” with that, the bau team rushed out the door and to the cars.
you collapsed into a chair and put your head in your hands. all you could do was wait.
an hour later, the team walked into the station holding a man in his early 20’s. he held a wide smirk as morgan pushed him in. you stood up, stoned face with shaking hands.
“he did it?” you asked morgan, your voice barely above a whisper. derek nodded grimly.
“oh so you must be ben’s older sister! shame mommy dearest had to kill him. i don’t blame your parents, it really was your fault after all,” the unsub taunted.
your parents? you turned around to where your mom and dad were now standing. the pieces slowly clicked in your mind. you stormed over to your mom, pushing her into the wall and holding her neck against it with your arm.
“you killed him?” you asked sharply. your mom didn’t respond but you instead pressed your arm further into her neck. “answer me!” you yelled, tears welling in your eyes. the team had never seen you so angry and aggressive before.
j.j. and spencer rushed forward, pulling you away from your mom. spencer wrapped his arm around your waist and led you out of the police station. once in a more secluded area, you broke.
sobs racked your body as tears openly fell. spencer kept you in a tight embrace the entire time. you cried for your bother. you cried over the fact that your parents had murdered their own son. you didn’t even consider them parents anymore.
it had taken you awhile to calm down. spencer’s phone had started ringing, causing you to pull away. you managed to catch a glimpse of the caller i.d. and once seeing your bosses name, you nudged spencer. he shot you a smile before standing up and answering the phone.
a minute later, he returned. “hotch wants to know if you are staying here or returning back to d.c. with us tonight,” spencer spoke softly. “d.c.,” you responded blandly. your boyfriend spoke to hotch again briefly before hanging out.
“i don’t think i ever want to come back here again.”
on the jet that night, the team was in one corner, talking quietly amongst themselves, while you were in the other. spencer was convincing you to try and sleep. he stayed by your side, rubbing soft circles on your thigh as you slowly drifted off. once you were fully asleep, spencer stood up and took a seat next to emily.
“you think she’s going to be okay?” morgan asked.
spencer sighed, “i don’t know. her brother was murdered and she found out it was by her own parents? there’s a lot of trauma there.” hotch looked at his team. “i’m making her take two weeks off minimum. then, after a psych evaluation, she can return,” he informed them. they all knew you wouldn’t want to take a longer break than you had to.
spencer looked over at your sleeping figure before standing up. he was satisfied with the teams short conversation and made his way back over to where you slept, taking a seat next to you. you immediately leaned into his side as his arm draped around you. j.j. tossed spencer a blanket, smiling at the two of you.
spencer sighed, content before shutting his eyes and drifting off beside you.
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Flavor shot: Holiday Blend- Blue Christmas: Part 1
Series Masterlist
“See you in like a week?” Cate wasn’t sure if she was comforting Spencer or herself with her words. Despite only being a week and a half ago, it had felt like months since they had admitted their love for one another. The two had spent every night leading up to this morning with each other. Alternating between Spencer’s apartment and Cate’s to make sure Shrimp didn’t get too lonely on his own, though he did prefer the quietness of an empty apartment. 
“Yeah, I’ll uh…” Spencer gestured to his gate at the airport. He had begun to walk towards it but turned on his heel back towards Cate. “Are you sure you don’t want me to go back to New Hampshire with you?” 
“Go see your mom for the holidays!” Cate gently pushed his shoulders. “We’ll be fine! I think we can stand to spend a few days apart.” she laughed as Spencer drew her in for one last hug. At least, that’s what they had said the last few hugs. With a final quick peck on the lips, Cate stepped backward, extending a hand, barely gripping Spencer’s fingers. “Tell her I said hi and that I wish her a Merry Christmas.” Cate smiled as she finally dropped Spencer’s hand. 
Their plans for the holidays were to celebrate with their respective families: Spencer was flying home to Vegas and Cate was going home to New Hampshire to see her family and she would drive back to Quantico with her car so she could have it back in DC. 
Cate’s own flight was booked for the next day. She was all packed for her 3 day trip back to her roots. Marta would be checking on Shrimp, feeding him and making sure he was all set while Cate was gone. Marta was also going to be Cate’s ride to the airport. 
Her flight was scheduled for noon, which would put her in New Hampshire around 2:30. And that’s where she stood right now. Standing with her carry-on and her tote bag, she looked for her dad’s pick-up truck in the terminal. Instead of a truck, she was surprised to see her older sister’s silver SUV. 
“Beth!” Cate’s face broke into a huge grin as she ran to give her sister a hug. The girls embraced each other tightly.
“It has been too long!” Beth pulled back and gave a stern look to her younger sister. “You need to call more.” Cate shrugged, her face flushing.
“I know..” Beth helped Cate put her bags into the trunk of the vehicle and they scuffled into the warmth of the car. Traffic from the airport to their home was brutal. Of course, that’s only typical due to the holidays. But, it gave the girls plenty of time to catch up.
“So, how’s the big city treating you? Still working with Marta?” Beth asked, giving a quick glance to Cate from the driver’s seat. 
“Yeah, it’s great there. It’s busy and it seems like everyday there’s something new.” Cate laughed. “I got a cat, too. A little orange one, his name’s Shrimp.” At the stop light, Cate showed Beth a picture of Shrimp on the couch, nestled in between two pairs of legs. Beth grabbed the phone, and zoomed into the hand that was mid-pet on Shrimp’s back.
“And who is that? Are you holding out on me, sis? You have a man and you didn’t think to say anything?” the light turned green. Beth shoved the phone back at Cate and continued driving. Cate blushed, turning to look out the window at familiar scenery.
“I did meet someone. His name’s Spencer.” Cate thought of Spencer, playing fond memories in her head.
“Am I gonna have to twist your arm to get more information?” Beth laughed, lightly punching Cate’s arm. “How long has this been going on?” 
“Officially?” Cate thought back. “A few months.” 
“So there’s some unofficial business in there? Let me guess, a one night stand and then friends with benefits but you caught feelings for each other?” 
“No!” Cate laughed. “Not like that at all… We were just friends for a while.” Beth gave Cate a pointed look to dish more details. “We’ve known each other for a year! You do the math!” Cate swatted Beth.
“Watch it! I’m the driver! Don’t you want to live long enough to see *Spencer* again?” Beth teased. The girls opted to sing along to the radio for the remainder of the ride. Beth asked a few more questions about Marta and Cate’s apartment back in DC, which passed the time quickly. 
Beth’s SUV pulled down the long driveway up to their parents’ house. Snow covered the ground and glistened in the afternoon sun. Cate grabbed her bags from the trunk, and followed Beth up the walkway to their backdoor. When the door swung open, Cate was met with the smell of vanilla and the warmth of the inside. Kicking the snow off her boots, she entered the house- filled with the sounds of laughter. Immediately, she saw her younger brother playing with their niece and nephew, Stella and Finn, but she was really looking forward to seeing her mom. Cate’s mom was found in the kitchen, baking sheets filled with cookies and dough waiting to go in. Once spotted by her mother, Cate opened her arms, which were still carrying her bags. 
“Hi, Mom.” Cate’s mother bounded over, slinging a dish towel over her shoulder. Cate wrapped her arms around her mom, tucking her head over her mom’s other shoulder. “I’ve missed you.” Cate closed her eyes and she felt like she was a kid again, back in her hometown and living with her parents. Her house still smelled the same. 
“Catherine.” Her mom said gently. She still looked the same to Cate: same pale skin, just a bit more wrinkled at the corners of her eyes, same dark brown hair, but with some grays starting to peek through. Her mother held her out at an arm’s length. “You look too thin, have a cookie.” Cate took a cookie from her mom with a smile. As she bit into it, Beth waltzed into the kitchen too. With an announcement.
“Cate has a boyfriend!” Beth looked smugly to Cate, while their mom looked between the two of them, before settling her gaze on Cate- who was coughing after almost choking on her cookie.
“Beth!” Cate coughed out.
“Wha-? Since when? See, this is why you need to call more!” Cate’s mother was now in interrogation mode. And make no mistake, she would get all the answers she wanted. She sternly held a finger pointed to Cate. “Who is he? And where is he?” 
“I haven’t even put my bags down yet and you’re already on my case!” Cate tried to diffuse the attention on her. Leaving her mother sputtering about Cate’s love life and confronting Beth for all she knew, Cate escaped upstairs to her childhood bedroom. 
It was still painted the same color green. A sheet set of stars and constellations were on her mattress, with a black comforter dressing the bed. All of her old posters still littered the walls and some frameless photographs were taped about the walls in the empty spaces. A smile was brought to Cate’s face, thinking of all the memories this room held. Cate set her bags down on the bed, and slowly walked downstairs. The ambush was partially her own fault. She should’ve kept her mother updated in her life. Cate had no good explanation for not calling her mom. 
“Okay now what is this about a boyfriend?” Cate’s mother was back by the oven, her cream colored apron lightly stained from the years of use. Cate settled into a stool at the island. Beth had disappeared into the living room to watch Stella and Finn wrestle with her and Cate’s younger brother, Robby.
“You’d love him. His name is Spencer and he’s smart, kind, and he-” Cate cut herself off, “He has a good job.” She wasn’t sure if she was allowed to disclose that sort of information. Cate’s mom raised her eyebrows, interested. 
“He sounds wonderful. Is he spending time with his family this Christmas Eve?” 
“Yes, he’s in Vegas visiting his mom for a few days.” Cate informed her mom. She played with some flour that dusted the countertop. 
“Well, you’ll have to come home sometime so we can all meet him.” Her mother smiled, placing a hand on Cate’s. Cate smiled at her mother. “Now, round up your brother and father to go get our chinese food. Wouldn’t be a Bennett Family Christmas without it.” Chinese food had been a staple for their Christmas Eve since Cate was a little girl. One year, Cate’s mother decided to try and cook a Christmas ham paired with mashed potatoes, candied yams, and homemade cranberry sauce. Well, Cate cooked just about as well as her mother, so it’s safe to say that that year, the house was full of smoke on Christmas Eve. The only thing salvageable was the cranberry sauce. Since that year, They’d always stuck to just baking cookies for Santa and ordering chinese food. 
Cate slowly walked to the living room, taking her time to relish in her home. She noticed new pictures framed on the walls of her niece and nephew. There were a few new knick knacks on shelves and hallway tables. The couches in the living room had been rearranged and the old wooden television stand was gone and now the tv was mounted on the wall. 
Beth was perched in the middle of the love seat, a blanket with a christmas pattern draped over her legs. Robby was kneeling on the ground- one arm outstretched and holding Finn at bay from a tickle attack and Stella was on his back, his other hand tickling her feet while she giggled uncontrollably. Cate’s father was sitting on the corner of their large couch, trying to read on his tablet, but getting distracted watching his grandchildren and his son play.
“Robby, Mom wants you and Dad to go get the food now.” Cate couldn’t keep in a chuckle. 
“Nice to see you too, Catherine.” Robby said as he rose from the carpeted living room floor. Their dad looked up over his glasses at Cate.
“Hi, Dad.” Cate met him in the middle as he brought her in for a hug.
“My Catie Girl, how is the big city life?” He asked, parting from her. 
“Oh, you know, busy and nothing like home.” she shrugged. Cate smiled at him. He placed a hand on her shoulder before going to retrieve his coat and some boots to get their order of food. Her brother Robby followed. 
Cate knelt on the ground, opening her arms as her sister’s children each ran into an arm. Embracing them both, Cate expressed how much she missed them and how big they’ve gotten. 
“Auntie Cate, I lost a tooth!” Stella bared her teeth at Cate, displaying a gap where there should have been a bottom tooth.  
“I grew one!” Finn smiled largely, showing a new tooth growing bigger than the rest.
“Oh my goodness! You guys are getting too big!” Cate smiled at them. She pulled her phone from her back pocket, swiping to find a specific picture. “I got a cat! Maybe one weekend you can come visit with your mom and you can meet him in person.” Stella and Finn’s eyes lit looking at Shrimp.
“He looks so soft!” Stella cooed.
“I bet he catches all the mice!” Finn yelled. 
“If there were any mice in my apartment, I bet he would.” Cate laughed. 
It became tradition for the family to sit on the living room floor, gathered around the spread of takeout boxes on the coffee table as a classic christmas movie played on their television. This year, they had voted and Cate, Stella and Finn won with their pick of The Polar Express. 
It was dark outside and everyone had piled their plates with fried rice, crab rangoons, teriyaki chicken and beef filled egg rolls. They shared laughs and stories of the year’s happenings with each other, catching up and making jokes like old times. 
Once filled plates were now over halfway done, Stella and Finn were both slowly falling asleep on the loveseat with Beth sitting in between them. The Polar Express was still playing, Cate’s parents were nestled together on the couch. Robby was laying on his side, leaning against the loveseat. Cate had her back against the couch, a christmas blanket wrapped around her. The house was peaceful and cozy with the glow of the christmas tree and the flicker of the movie. 
A knock on the door disrupted the lull in the living room. Cate’s parents looked quizzically at each other, not expecting anyone. Beth placed a protective hand on each of her children. Cate was the first to stand up, walking to answer the door. She presumed it was a neighbor, coming to wish them a happy holiday, despite how odd that would be.
Cate opened the door to a shivering Spencer, holding a large leather suitcase. A scarf wrapped multiple times around his neck and face muffled his voice.
“What are you doing here?” Cate couldn’t believe her eyes, but was happy to see the tall, long haired man. She let him into the house, closing the door behind him. “How did you figure out where I lived?” He set down his suitcase and unwrapped his scarf.
“I might have asked Garcia to track your phone for me.” his voice seemed off, but Cate would ask him about it later when her parents and siblings weren’t peering into the foyer from the archway into the living room. Cate and Spencer acknowledged them after staring at each other for a moment.
“Spencer, these are my parents.” Cate gestured to her mother and father, who were walking into the foyer. 
“Bill.” Cate’s dad reached out a hand to Spencer. Spencer hesitated, but figured shaking hands would make a better first impression than a spiel about germs. Cate’s mother on the other hand, brought Spencer into a hug.
“I’m Jacqueline, but please, call me Jackie!” Cate’s mother was as short as Cate was compared to Spencer. He had to bend his back far forward in her embrace as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He felt comforted by her motherly mannerisms. 
“Please, come in and help yourself to some takeout! Cate, take his things to the guest room and Spencer, I hope you like chinese food!” Her parents shuffled back into the living room as quick as they had nosed their way to the front door. Cate softly took Spencer’s hand and gave him a smile before starting up the stairs. 
The guest room was two doors down from Cate’s room on the same side of the hallway. The only thing in between them was a bathroom. Spencer felt like he walked into a cabin; the walls were a tan color and the bedspread was a quilt. Cate sat on the bed and patted the bed beside her. Spencer placed his things down on the chair in the corner before joining her on the bed. 
“I’m sorry I just showed up. I know you were spending time with your family and I was supposed to be in Vegas but I just couldn’t be alone tonight.” Spencer spilled out. 
“It’s okay, you’re more than welcome to stay. I want you to stay.” She rubbed her thumb over his knuckles. “Is everything okay?” His eyes began to water, but no tears spilled out.
“I, um. My mom was having one of her bad days when I got down there. She didn’t-” his voice cracked. He closed his eyes so that he wouldn’t cry. Cate brought him in for a hug. She tried to say the right thing with her limited knowledge of the situation.
“You’re not alone, Spence. It’s hard, I’m sorry.” Cate moved her hand along his back. She fought back her own tears. Now wasn’t the time for her to cry. They held each other for a few moments and when Spencer felt confident that he wasn’t going to cry, Cate led him back down to the living room where he introduced himself to Cate’s brother and sister. He picked a bit at some of the chinese food, but he wasn’t in the mood to eat. Cate’s parents could tell something was up, but didn’t pry. 
After the movie finished, Robby and Beth carried Stella and Finn up the stairs to bed. Jackie and Bill had gone upstairs to bed as well. This left Cate and Spencer downstairs in the living room. Cate was cleaning up the coffee table and Spencer helped a bit. He was the first to break the silence.
“My mom has Schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s.” Spencer said as he placed some paper plates and empty takeout boxes in the trash. Cate tried not to look at him sympathetically, but she could only imagine how hard that must be.
“Spence, I’m sorry.” Cate paused in her cleaning of the kitchen counter. She made her way over to him, taking his hand in hers. “I’m here for you.” 
“She’s been fine for a while, when I write to her it’s easier because she knows it’s me, but when I was there earlier, she didn’t recognize me at first. Usually, the fog goes away after an hour, but even after I went back in the morning she didn’t know it was me. I just. I’m not ready for her to forget me yet.” His voice trailed off to only a whisper. Cate squeezed his hand.
“You’ll never be ready for that, Spencer. You’re doing the best you can for her and that’s what matters.” Cate tried to comfort him, but knew that there was nothing she could say that would make things better.
Once the rest of the cleaning was finished, Cate led Spencer up the stairs to his room again. She gave him a mini tour quietly as she whispered who was behind each closed door and where the bathrooms were if the one in between their room was occupied. She left Spencer in the guestroom to get changed and acclimated while she went back to her room to change into some sleep shorts and a bigger shirt. 
When she got back, Spencer was sitting in the bed with the side table lamp on. He had his glasses on while he read his comfort book- the same one his mother used to read to him growing up. Cate smiled and walked in, closing the door behind her. As she slipped under the covers, she knew her mother would kill her if she found out that Cate was in bed with her boyfriend under her roof, but that didn’t stop Cate from burrowing into Spencer’s side. He raised an arm to rest over her and he began to read aloud quietly. Before she knew it, Cate was sound asleep.
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silentwhispofhope · 4 years
In It To Win It
Peering into the kaitenzushi restaurant, a traveler would be met with traditional decor with a modern twist. Friends and couples huddled around small booths, feasting on the sushi. Small computers were set at the far end of each table ready for orders with small televisions above them, each filled with potentially prizes each table could win after eating. Two rows of conveyor belts circled around the booths. One constantly being filled with common preferences while the other flew custom orders at the speed of an elemental dragon. In the far corner of the restaurant, a loud ruckus could be heard. Squeezed together, a group of teenages sat together. Each wore a signature color. To the outside viewer, they appeared as normal, chaotic kids. However, to those who knew them, they were really a chaotic team of vigilanties. This didn’t mean they had their own fair share of civilian normalcy though.
“Hey!” Exclaimed Jay, a brunet covered in blue, as Cole pushed past him to grab an oncoming nigiri. The black-haired boy quickly stuck out his tongue in response.
“You snooze, you lose,” he replied, a smirk on his face.
“But I wanted that piece!”
A girl dressed in a red, delicately embroidered dress put her hand on Jay.
“Don’t get too upset about that. We can always order one if you really want one that bad,” she pointed out.
“Thanks, Nya! You’re the best girlfriend a guy can ask for!” Jay exclaimed as his face lit up with a smile. Quickly, the freckled boy placed a quick peck on her cheek.
A groan followed suit from the boy across from him. Kai attempted to slump further back into the booth chair, pulling his red hood up and pulling on the strings. He did not want to see his baby sister kissing one of his teammates. His cringe meter was going through the roof watching the two be lovey-dovey. Kai let out a puking sound. The blond decked in green left out a small chuckle.
“Come on, Kai. It’s not like you wouldn’t do the same thing with Skylor!” He exclaimed. His red eyes glimmered with mischief. Kai ripped his hoodie off in surprise.
“No, I wouldn’t!” The brunet yelled.
The table lurched forward as he quickly stood up, rattling the dinnerware. The restaurant quieted instantly as other food-goers stared at him intently. Lloyd tried to hide his smile while Cole raised an eyebrow at him, sushi stuffed into his mouth. Kai silently looked around him and noticed the ruckus he had caused. Promptly, he sat back down, covering his face in embarrassment. The people in the restaurant slowly resumed their conversations. Kai rested his head against the table. Zane, an icy-haired blond, turned towards him.
“Your increased heart rate and blood flow to your face implies that you are lying,” he robotically replied. Kai glanced towards the nindroid from under his arms. After a moment, Zane awkwardly lifted both of his arms and gave his teammate two thumbs up.
“Ok, sure thing, Elsa.”
“I still do not understand this reference.”
Jay grabbed the tablet in the center of the table, clicking through different tabs to find the sushi he wanted. His blue eyes almost sparkled once he saw it. In the center of the screen stood a beautiful piece of futomaki: perfectly cut vegetables and mushrooms hugged by the fluffiest rice one could imagine before being delicately rolled into shape with seaweed. Jay almost drooled at the image. Nya looked over her boyfriend’s shoulder, clicking on the order button before the blue ninja could enter a food hypnosis. She briefly ruffled his hair with a smile before returning the tablet back to the center of the table. Seconds later, the secondary food track began to whirr to life. Jay eagerly peered down the track. A vibrant blur of color flew at him and abruptly stopped centimeters from his face. He could see the air around the sushi vibrate with sparkles.
“If you don’t grab that soon, I’m taking it from the conveyor belt,” Cole mumbled, mouth full of food. Jay snapped out his dream-like phase.
“No!” The brunet exclaimed as he lurched towards the sushi.
Ripping the plate from the conveyor belt, Jay attempted to block Cole from being near his exquisite futomaki. Jokingly, the earth ninja slowly reached across the table with his chopsticks. Jay hissed in response and lifted his plate in the air. In the process of doing so, Nya was squished further into the back of the booth.
“Hey!” The water ninja huffed in annoyance.
Jay apologetically gave his girlfriend a sheepish smile. “Sorry!”
Very quickly, he shoved the sushi into his mouth.
“No need to be an Oni,” Cole joked before turning towards Lloyd. “No offense.”
“None taken,” Lloyd laughed, red eyes glinting mischievously.
Zane frowned. “There is not enough evidence to suggest that all Oni hiss when upset. Not to mention that Lloyd is only half-demon, which is even a rarer case.”
The team stared at the icy blond.
“I know it was a joke, but I am merely stating that it is an unbacked stereotype, and we shouldn’t be giving Oni the characteristics of a cat.”
The green ninja sympathetically smiled at the snow user. “I appreciate the effort though. Anyways, you guys know what time it is.”
“The best part!” Jay exclaimed, voice muffled.
“Dude! Chew with your mouth closed!” Kai presed. He quickly chucked a napkin at him.
The ninja team quickly stacked their empty plates into the center of the table. Zane collected the trash they had all collected during their meal and neatly set them aside at the end of the table. The nindroid noted to himself how the older generation did the opposite. He huffed in annoyance. The group of friends glanced upwards towards the small television above their booth. On it, a neon green, cartoon ninja sat near a kindling fire. Large snoring bubbles floated above its head. There was no doubt it was supposed to be the Green Ninja. On the opposite side of the screen, a large bubbled 5 stood proudly. Lloyd turned towards Cole.
“Do it.”
Almost immediately, the black head began inserting their plates into a small slot near the edge of their table and conveyor belt. With each plate, the number on the screen counted down. Once it hit zero, the cartoon ninja jumped to life. They jumped into the air and a green tornado enveloped them. As they spun across the screen, performing spinjitzu, green light threaded through the vortex. Everyone watched intently. Finally, they stopped in the center of the screen.
“Come on, come on!” Kai muttered to himself.
Jay swallowed his sushi in anticipation. The green ninja held its cupped hands to the screen. Sparkles flew out before filling up the entirety of the screen. Like a cheesy bowling alley screen, several words flew out: $10 OFF A MEAL! The sparkles disappeared, leaving the green ninja sitting by a simmering fire.
“Aw man!” Cole cried out. “I was hoping for one of those cool action figures they have out front.”
Zane paused for a moment. “According to my calculations, this allows us to be in budget for our outing as someone ate too much.”
Cole let out an offended gasp. “Hey, I’m a growing boy!”
“You say that every time!” Lloyd laughed.
“It is very important for us to stay within budget. Must I remind you all the last time we over-spent?” Zane stated.
Jay let out a whimper as Nya patted his shoulder in sympathy. “I still can feel the burning in my thighs from Wu’s training.”
“Well, we still have several plates left for one more try,” Lloyd announced.
“Oo! Oo! Let me do it this time,” Jay exclaimed.
Jay eagerly pushed the rest of the plates into the slot. Glancing back up to the small screen, pirate characters appeared from the corners. They crept up slowly behind the green ninja. As they neared, the green ninja jumped to life, surprising the crew of evil. The team leaned into the table with anticipation. The fighter quickly disarmed the group before they could even lift a finger. The character kicked up one of the pirate’s clubs into the air. Expertly, they jump-kicked the weapon into the screen, creating a shattering effect. Words took the position of the club as it fell. The lettering couldn’t be made out. Suddenly, the shattered glass twinkled down. The air felt heavy around those at the table. With each piece, the words became clear. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE WON A SMALL PRIZE, it read.
The team let out a small cheer. A large whirring sound interrupted them. Jay eagerly peered down the conveyor belt as the team’s prize arrived. When it became still, a lime green gacha ball stood still on a plate. The lightning ninja quickly grabbed the item and set it down in the center of the table. They all stared at it for a moment.
“What do you think it is?” Kai asked.
“I’m not sure, but looking at it isn’t going to do anything,” Lloyd responded.
The blond promptly grabbed the gacha ball and opened it. He frowned for a moment.
“What is it?” Nya questioned.
Lloyd picked up the small plastic bag from inside and tore the toy out from it. “It’s a sticky hand…”
Suddenly, an idea came to the demigod. A smirk crept onto his face. Kai felt his heart drop.
He yelled. “Don’t even think about it!”
Lloyd jumped up from his seat, aiming for the brunet.
“Lloyd, no!”
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takonei · 4 years
Beta AU - Main story, Chapter 2, daily life (Part 3)
Note of the author: To write is to suffer.
Also a week ago I had a test where I had to do a 70 word max commentary on something and that reminded me of the fact that I reached 20k words with this, and I’m not even done with chapter 2 smh
Chapter 2: The wolf and the lamb - Daily life
Day 7 since the beginning of the game. 7:00 AM.
Just like a few days ago, Shuichi couldn’t sleep well due to the upcoming event and what happened te day before. He stared at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity before deciding to get dressed and perhaps join those who have already woken up.
When he finally got out of his bedroom, he saw Miu going out as well. He caught up to her.
She almost jumped at his presence. “Don’t lurk on me like that, jeez...”
That was absolutely not the case but none of them were in the mood for bickering. They walked to the dining hall in silence.
After a while Miu mumbled in a very low voice: “I’m sorry for yesterday.”
Shuichi took a while to think about a correct response. “Just make sure to talk to Kiyo about this.” She nodded.
There were surprisingly more people than expected. Kirumi, Keebo, Kokichi and Korekiyo were there.
“Good morning.” Korekiyo said, looking at the two.
“Good morning...” Shuichi responded. “No one was able to sleep, huh?”
“This morning will be stressful for all of us, it’s normal.” Rantaro’s voice was heard as he entered the room, his hands full of tablets. Ryoma was behind him with a part of the tablets as well.
They put the tablets on the table. Shuichi and Miu helped them sort the kubs pads by group. The rest of them arrived one by one to eat their breakfast.
The morning announcement rang and the only people not there were Kaito and Himiko, which was weird considering Himiko’s energetic nature and Kaito was not exactly lazy.
About 15 minutes after, everybody was there. None of them really knew if they were impatient or didn’t want to see their videos.
They separated to make sure no one would hear other videos. After watching the videos, they were ordered to go back to the dining hall.
Shuichi’s group went to his lab, Rantaro’s group to his lab, Kirumi’s group to her lab and Kaede’s group to her lab.
There weren’t any chairs in Shuichi’s lab, so they sat on the floor to make sure everyone could watch.
Shuichi asked if any of them wanted to watch their video first.
“Me. If you guys don’t mind.” Miu said, the regret in her voice.
After making sure he took the right one, he put it down for the others to watch.
Miu Iruma’s motive video What is your motive!?
Miu took a deep breath. She was faintly shaking.
“Who’s the most important person in *your* life? And now without further ado...”
A picture appeared on the screen.
Tumblr media
The kid was not older than 4 or 5 years old.
Shuichi glanced at her. her eyes were red and he could see tears form in her eyes.
“Miu Iruma, the ultimate Street artist...
Famous all around the country for her *marvelous* fluorescent paintings in the streets.
Contrary to popular belief, she wasn’t seeking fame and fortune. Her goal was to protect the only person she truly cherishes, her adopted son.”
Shuichi took a deep breath. He hoped the other videos don’t make them as emotional.
“Our team has managed to get in contact and talk to him. He misses his dear mother terribly, what kind of kid wouldn’t after all? Let’s hear the poor, lonely child’s cry for help then!”
That was just sadism at this point. No wonder Miu completely snapped after watching this. She had a hand on her mouth, holding herself back from breaking into tears.
The kid, “Kaz” as she called him, appeared on the screen, sitting on a couch. Miu closed her eyes and faced the ground.
“I don’t understand what’s happening but I believe in mom! I know she can do this! Don’t ever give up! Mom is the strongest mom I’ve ever known, I’m sure no matter what happens, she'll be able to surpass it, I love you mom!”
Kaito pat her back in confort. It was hard for them to watch this, but they couldn’t even begin to imagine how she felt.
Monokuma’s voice continued. “He believes in his mother more than anyone else. Will Miu be able to gather enough strength for him?
Ah, yes... One more thing...
Shortly after our discussion, that brat suffered an unfortunate accident.”
The others frowned.
“What kinda accident? It’s a secret! Find out for yourself. Puhuhuhuhu...”
The screen went black. Miu was clenching to her stomach. She wanted to scream.
Kiyo was most likely thinking about something to calm her down. He set the tablet aside. “We can pause for a moment if you need some time.”
She took a deep breath. A shaky breath. “Don’t- Don’t worry about me. Continue if you want to.”
Kiyo didn’t back down. “The others will understand if we spend more time in this room than we intended at first.”
She nodded, looking at the ground. About five minutes later she had calmed down enough to start another video.
“Is anyone volunteering to watch their video?” Kiyo asked.
“I... I think I can handle it.” Kaito said. He was unsure, but so was the rest of the group.
“Alright. I’m turning on the tablet.”
Once again, the screen lightened up to show the video.
Kaito Momota’s motive video What is your motive!?
Kaito took a deep breath. He was trying to hide his nervousness, but it really showed on his face.
“Who’s the most important person in *your* life? And now without further ado...”
The picture had Kaito with a motorcycle and a gold medal, with his grandparents proudly smiling at their grandson.
“Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Biker...
While he is possibly one of the most loyal member of the biker gang he considers his second family, how could you possibly forget his real one?”
Kaito clenched his fists, but said nothing.
“Thaaaaat’s right! He gave a major part of the money he earned to his own grandparents. How adorable!
I mean his parents couldn’t even do the job of taking care of their own son, yet same son takes care of his grandparents. How ironic!
... Or not.”
Kaito’s expression was unreadable.
“What kind of son would abandon his family while an unfortunate event is affecting them in the worst ways possible?
What happened, you may ask? Find out for yourself! Puhuhuhu!”
The screen went black.
There was a short silence that felt like an eternity.
Shuichi was hesitant, but he spoke first. “You okay...?”
Kaito took a deep breath and exhaled. “I’m fine. We can talk about this later, let’s just move on.”
Kiyo raised an eyebrow an stared at him to get at least a glimpse of emotion. He sighed.
“Shuichi, do you wish to see your video now or do you want me to go first?”
He nodded. “Let’s just get this over with.”
He didn’t tell the others about the feeling that something would go wrong very soon. But he couldn’t say anything. After all Kaito and Miu already showed their videos, that would be unfair for them to stop there.
Shuichi Saihara’s motive video What is your motive!?
“Who’s the most important person in *your* life? And now without further ado...”
Shuichi took a deep breath.
A picture of a middle aged man, a young woman about 20 years old and Shuichi himself appeared. He recognized them as his uncle and his cousin.
“Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Violinist...
He has made his own reputation thanks to his parents, ironic considering the fact that the the boy probably saw them less times than I saw dead bodies in a killing game.”
Shuichi winced.
“Since those ‘2popular4you’ idiots weren’t capable of taking care of a single person they left the poor child to his uncle, who took care of him like his own son. Such a nice family, right?”
A wave of nostalgia hit Shuichi. The time spent with them between concerts, the games he used to play with his cousin...
��But all good things come to an end! Those two got taken away in an unfortunate accident.
But what kind of incident? It’s for you to find out!”
The screen turned off. Shuichi was lost in thoughts. He wanted to say that he would get them back no matter the cost but yesterday’s experience made him reconsider his words. Perhaps that’s what Kaito was thinking too after he watched his own video.
He didn’t realize how long he’s been thinking until Korekiyo put a hand on his shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
“Ah- Yes, I’m fine. Just... Nostalgic.”
He faintly heard Miu say “I get you.”
Kaito looked at Shuichi with unease. Like he wanted to say something to reassure him but didn’t find the words to do so.
Korekiyo took the last tablet in his hands. “I guess it’s finally my turn.”
He took a deep breath and turned the tablet on.
Korekiyo Shinguji’s motive video What is your motive!?
“Who’s the most important person in *your* life? And now without further ado...”
The picture featured him and a young woman a bit older than him.
“Korekiyo Shinguji, the Ultimate Therapist...
Able to help people et through the worst traumas the world could inflict. A genius dedicated to heal psychological scars...
Even for his own sister who had sunken into insanity before his precious help. He dedicated his entire life to help poor traumatized sister.”
Kiyo was completely silent and unreadable, it was almost scary.
“She was already borderline psychotic without her sweet brother, but now that he disappeared... Puhuhuhuh! I can only imagine the consequences!
But the wild lady didn’t enjoy her brother’s absence very long due to an accident. But what accident? See after graduation!”
The last video was over. Kiyo retrieved the rest of the tablets. “Before you ask me, i’m fine. Seeing the rest of your videos prepared me for mine.”
He stood up. “Once again, if any of you need anything, I’ll be here.”
Shuichi stood up as well. “You sure? I don’t think that’s very healthy to put the sake of everyone else on your shoulders, even for you...”
He shook his head. “I can assure you I’ll be fine. I will talk to you if it’s necessary, since that’s what this group is for.”
Miu and Kaito joined them. “So... Should we go to the dining hall?”
Shuichi nodded. But Kiyo looked at Miu. “You two go without us, I need to talk to Miu first.”
Miu gave them a weak thumbs-up, leaving the two boys.
As they were walking, Shuichi turned to Kaito. “You heard Kiyo... If you need any help he or I can talk to you. We’re in the same boat, right?”
The biker turned to him, then smiled. “Alright bro. We’re the ‘our parents are garbage and decent people in the family took care of us’ gang, right?” He extended his fist.
Shuichi chuckled and fist bumped Kaito. “Hehe, kinda...”
After seconds of silence Shuichi was still nervous. “Do you think the others are okay?”
Kaito scratched the back of his neck. “Well I hope so... Can’t guarantee anything though.”
They reached the dining hall to see both Kirumi and Kaede’s groups. However Rantaro’s group was still absent.
They were all more or less neutral, or hiding their expressions. Kaede, however, didn’t look well. Maki was patting her back in comfort. But judging by the silence of the room, now was not the time.
Kirumi raised an eyebrow. “Where is the rest of your group?”
A voice came from behind them. “Right here.”
It was Kiyo, with Miu. They looked around and noticed Rantaro’s group’s absence as well. “I see that Rantaro, Kokichi and Himiko did not return.
Keebo looked puzzled. “I don’t really get it, they were 3 and yet they’re the last group to come.”
Kirumi crossed her arms. “Our group was the first to come, and we were only 3. Tsumugi, you said your group watched the videos all at once almost without pausing.”
She turned to Shuichi. “I assume that’s not your case?” her eyes were fixed on his’ like he was her prey.
“Y-Yes, Kiyo suggested to take a breath between the videos.”
Talking about Miu’s reaction was a bad idea, for now.
They waited the last group five minutes before they entered the dining hall. Rantaro looked nervous, Himiko was trying to hide her distress and Kokichi’s eyes were almost as red as Miu’s when they finished her video.
Kiyo hesitated for a moment but spoke anyway. “If any of you need support or therapy sessions I’ll be available. However I cannot force you. Just consider the offer available anytime.”
Kokichi nodded. Rantaro weakly smiled. “Thanks a lot, Kiyo. Your help is more than welcome.”
Shuichi exhaled a breath. But he couldn’t stop feeling nervous. What did those three even see in those videos?
Maki lifted her head. “And now? Is there anything we should do about the videos or-”
“Oh, I know!!” a high pitched voice was heard.
Monokuma popped up out of nowhere as usual.
“Sheesh, you guys were slow watching those videos, I almost wanted to break in those binge-watch sessions. Waiting was bor-”
“Get to the point already.” Rantaro ordered.
The bear laughed. “Puhuhuhuhu! I’m glad you said so!”
He jumped on the table to make sure everyone was listening.
“Watching you guys cooperate to fight despair was interesting, really! Which is why it gave me an idea... For a new motive!”
Shuichi’s eyes widened. “What?”
“You heard me, music-boy! You guys talk so much about cooperating and helping each other, it gave me a splendid idea!”
“Let me present you... The accomplice perk!”
The others looked at him nervously. No one liked where this was going.
“Here are the rules. The next blackened, if they manage to get away with their crime, will be able to take one person with them, and they will graduate together!”
This was the last thing they needed. They had just watched their videos. They knew each other’s secrets. Monokuma knew they were watching the videos. Without realizing it, they all fell into a trap they hadn’t anticipated. 
“Now do what you want with this, I just want a crime with an accomplice or something. I haven’t seen these in decades!” He disappeared, leaving everyone to themselves.
“Well fuck.” Kaito broke the silence.
“No human language can describe the disappointment I'm feeling right now.” Kiyo added, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Shuichi turned to Ryoma. He was reading something on his monopad. After a few seconds he left the room with one of the tablets, presumably his own.
“Where are you going exactly?” Kirumi asked. Ryoma didn’t give an answer. The others were confused.
They heard glass shattering, an object thrown to the ground and stepped on. Shuichi and Rantaro rushed to the kitchen and saw Ryoma, his kubs pad on the ground, shattered to pieces. He looked at them with the most neutral expression possible. “Mind giving me a hand?”
Rantaro raised an eyebrow. “You’re planning on destroying all the tablets?”
Ryoma took the large pieces off the ground. “It’s not against the school rules. We watched the videos. No need for them anymore.”
Rantaro narrowed his eyes. “At least let’s discuss it with everyone.”
They returned to the dining hall to see the others confused. “I was already planning to do this before Monokuma’s second motive. Now is just another reason to do so.”
“H-Hold on! We can’t just destroy them like that!” Miu exclaimed.
“The sooner, the better. I smashed my own tablet. Feel free to do so as well.”
Shuichi was hesitant. “What if... We want to keep at least a souvenir of the people on it? To at least give us some strength to continue...” he trailed off when he saw Kokichi walking off to the kitchen and coming back with about several sharp knives. He proceeded to destroy his tablet without a word as the others were watching. Himiko kept her gaze on the ground.
“Do what you want with your tablets, but I’m not watching this again.”
Shuichi could read a small bit of satisfaction on his face.
Kirumi took hers and did the same. “I get that some of you hold some people close to your heart, but some of us aren’t that lucky.”
Tsumugi destroyed her tablet as well. “It’s for the best.”
Shuichi looked at his reflection on the black screen. He didn’t want to forget them. He really didn’t.
Rantaro spoke up. “Miu, Angie, you two are quite skilled in the field of art, right?”
Miu nodded. Angie kept swinging her legs under the table. “Yup! Yup! Let me guess, you want us to recreate their portraits so we can destroy the tablets anyway?”
“Yes. We’ll have to do without their voices. It’s just to make sure no one watches someone else’s video outside of the groups.”
She hummed for a few seconds. “I’m okay with this, but first!”
She stood up, put the tablet on her chair and smashed it with the giant paintbrush she carries at all times. The tablet was almost perfectly broken in half.
“Done! If you need my help to create something for you, just ask!” she said almost too cheerily for someone who just destroyed the last connection she had with the outside world.
But Shuichi was more surprised to see Kiyo destroying his tablet. From what the video said, he didn’t hate his sister from the look of things. But he shouldn’t assume how he was feeling.
Rantaro himself put his tablet on the ground. He made a quick salute. “So long, partners.” he smashed the tablet several times to make sure it didn’t work anymore.
“It looks like half of us already destroyed their tablets. It’s a good start. I know this won’t solve everything but if we can get them out of the way that would be better.” he added.
To everyone’s surprise, Kaede threw the tablet on the floor to destroy it.
“I... I miss my family. I really do. But...”
She looked at the rest of the group with a newly found confidence. “I don’t want it to make me do things I’ll regret. So if destroying these will help us move forward... Then so be it.”
Rantaro sighed in relief. Maki looked at her, surprised by her -friend-’s words, but she was not mad.
Keebo smiled. “The I’ll take care of it as well.” about ten seconds later, his tablet was no more.
There were now 5 kubs pads intact: Kaito’s, Miu’s, Himiko’s, Maki’s and Shuichi’s. They all looked at each other. The peer pressure was growing, and Shuichi was holding onto his tablet more and more tightly.
Rantaro approached him. “Hey, we suggested the idea of at least keeping the portraits. You don’t have to feel pressured into destroying the tablet right now.”
Shuichi smiled. “Thank you. I just... Think I need a reminder of why I’m fighting against this killing game. So if Miu can make at least a sketch of my family portrait that would be really nice.” He looked at her with a genuine smile. Her eyes widened for a few seconds before smiling back.
“Alright, if any of you wants some family portrait, I’ll be in my lab for the rest of the day making them.”
Rantaro smiled at her. “Thank you for your service Miu.” He turned to the rest of the group.
“I’ll go with them to make sure everything goes smoothly. If any of you need Kiyo’s help or advice, don’t hesitate to ask him. I’m counting on you all to maintain this group together.”
He turned to the ones with their tablets still intact. “Miu, Kaito, Himiko, Maki and Shuichi, we’ll go to Miu’s lab for the portraits.”
“Oh! Oh! May I join??” Angie raised her hand.
Miu chuckled. “Alright, Twinkle! Show me what you got!”
They left to the street artist’s lab. Shuichi didn’t feel good going back after... The previous incident, but he didn’t have a choice. He looked at Miu, she was chatting with Rantaro. At least she looked better than after watching her motive video.
He noticed Himiko being rather silent. He decided to start the conversation. “You okay?”
The small girl lifted her head. “Oh, don’t worry! I’m just worried about... You know...”
“Your family?” he finished. But she shook her head.
“No, I’m worried about Kokichi.”
Shuichi didn’t expect this. “Oh... Right...”
“I know he isn’t a bad person... I just know it... But he is so convinced that he is I just... Don’t know what to say to him.”
Shuichi had absolutely no idea on what was on his video. He wasn’t in the right to ask, and Himiko was certainly not in the right to tell him about it.
“I don’t really know that much about him but...” he put a hand on her shoulder. “Stay by his side. It’s easy to tell he likes you, you know?”
Her eyes widened. “Really?”
He hummed. “I talked to him the other day, he doesn’t really get why you like him so much, but he doesn’t complain. I guess he is just very shy and anxious?”
Himiko clenched her fists, but more in a determined manner than an angry one. “Then I’ll help him overcome it! I know he wants to better himself, so I’ll help him!”
Shuichi smiled and ruffled her hair. “You’re a good person Himiko. I’m glad he has someone like you to help him.”
She wiped a small tear in the corner of her eye. “Oh! I’ll ask Angie to add him on my family picture!”
Shuichi chuckled. “Also, try to encourage him to seek out help to Kiyo if he hasn’t already. We have the Ultimate therapist with us. That’s quite convenient.”
She hummed. “I will!”
They arrived at Miu’s lab. Angie turned to Miu. “Soooo how do we split the work?”
Miu clicked her tongue. “Depends on how they want to stylise the portrait. Either something fancy with you, or something modern with me.”
Himiko jumped. “Angie! Can you do mine?”
She smiled. “Of course!”
They shared the work. Miu would work on the family portraits of Shuichi, Kaito and herself.
Angie took Himiko and Maki with her.
The rest of the morning was spent finding ideas. Angie may not have her lab open, but Miu had enough materials to make the portraits.
Kirumi brought them lunch so the girls wouldn’t loose their focus.
Miu’s group brought paint to Shuichi’s lab to do her work. Shuichi had gathered several music sheets and after taping them on the wall, Miu used them as a canvas.
Shuichi was very impressed by the final result. It was easy to see that Miu put her whole heart and soul into it.
“So? How’s that for you?” she proudly asked.
Shuichi felt tears in the corner of his eyes. “It’s really impressive. Thanks a lot, Miu. I’m really glad you accepted to do this for me. That means a lot.”
She looked at her with a weak smile. “Don’t sweat it. I can only get what it’s like to miss your family.”
Shuichi looked at the portrait for a good thirty seconds. Thankfully Kaito and Miu didn’t say anything.
“I think we should move on. Let’s just find something to smash this thing.” he broke the silence.
After destroying the tablet they saw Angie working on an impressive portrait with its frame, all made using origami. Rantaro was observing, since he didn’t have the necessary skills to help.
Then went on Kaito’s family portrait. Surprisingly he didn’t want something too different from reality, so Miu simply made a reproduction of the picture offered by the kubs pad.
Angie, Himiko, Rantaro and Maki left for the latter’s lab.
Kirumi had come to clean up the broken tablets. When asked where she was even putting them, she said Ryoma could use some of the components with some tools from the warehouse, but that it was fine since there was no possibility to recover the parts containing the videos specifically, or just being able to watch any video at all.
She had stayed to watch Miu paint a part of the giant walls. The portrait of her son was astonishing. If Shuichi’s family portrait was wonderful, hers was simply divine.
Kirumi had just assumed it was her little brother, so Kaito and Shuichi went along with it since it was easier to explain.
By the time they were finished, it was about 6 PM. Kirumi also took the broken pieces of Maki’s tablet.
The evening came, and everyone felt definitely better than they were at the beginning of the day after Monokuma announced the second motive. After all, all of the tablets were destroyed, which lifted the anxiety the majority was feeling.
After dinner, Shuichi, Kaito and Rantaro went outside to talk.
They were mostly relieved that Miu had managed to calm down. Kiyo even told them that she would get a therapy session the next day after the morning announcement and breakfast.
However Rantaro felt off.
“Is something wrong?” Shuichi asked.
He lifted his head to look at him. “Oh, nothing. I’m just a bit anxious about what Monokuma will come up with next. To make sure everyone gets along is a challenge here.”
He chuckled. “Even back on the front lines we cooperated more. But that doesn’t really matter now.”
Kaito smiled. “Hey, it’s not the best situation, but we can manage! Look at us today, we managed to open up even more!”
He extended his fist. “We’re doing good, so let’s just continue sticking with each other. Man’s promise?”
Rantaro laughed. “Whatever you call it. Man’s promise.” he extended his fist as well.
Shuichi was a bit nervous, but did so anyway. “Yeah. Man’s promise as you say.”
They left to go back to the dorms, but Shuichi decided to go to his lab for a while, to look at his family portrait one last time.
Even after hours it was still eye candy to him. She really had managed to capture their essence, and even his passion for violin with the music sheets used as a canvas.
After a few minutes he left his lab.
Just when he was about to go to his room he noticed Kaede, visibly nervous, leaving her room.
“You okay?” he asked.
She almost jumped. “Yes, don’t worry about me I’ll just... Go write on my notebook. It helps me relax.”
Shuichi was almost not convinced. “If you say so... Just don’t wander too much in the hallways, alright?”
She smiled. “Of course! It’s only to clear my mind. Those times have been quite stressful, you know?”
He nodded. “I know... But how can you be inspired in times like these?”
She chuckled. “You know, sometimes it’s less about inspiration and more about a way to mentally escape this cage. A sparrow may be nothing but a prey to a man, but it will fly further than the man will ever be able to.”
Shuichi smiled. “That’s a nice way of thinking.”
“Oh well, maybe I’m just rambling. See you tomorrow!” She left.
Hopefully tomorrow would be fine.
Day 8 since the beginning of the game. 7:30 AM.
Shuichi woke up feeling rested. He felt the worry slowly fading away, and more and more determined to end the game.
After dressing up he walked to the dining hall, only to see that no one was there. He couldn’t even ask himself why he was alone when he heard it.
The cursed music, and the voice he resented more than anything.
“Ding dong, dong ding!”
“A body has been discovered!”
“Everyone, please gather at the library!”
Shuichi froze.
He didn’t even think. He rushed to the basement, only to see Kirumi, Rantaro, Kiyo and Ryoma looking at the table that he could not see because of the pile of books.
He slowly approached them. That’s when he saw it.
On one of the chairs rested the inanimate body...
... Of Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate writer.
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jazy3 · 5 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 16X13
I watched the new episode of Grey’s Anatomy over the weekend. I hated the opening, but I liked the rest of the episode. This episode made me laugh a lot too and I’m glad they’ve brought the humour back to Grey’s! After last week’s standalone episode were back to our regularly scheduled program! Meredith and DeLuca are making out in bed together. Yuck. A phone goes off. It’s DeLuca’s. His incurable patient Suzanne is being moved to the CCU. Suzanne still isn’t getting any better. DeLuca says he hopes Dr. Riley can help. Meredith asks who that is. DeLuca says she’s the doctor from San Francisco that he’s bringing in to help with the case. He thought he told her.
Mer points out that they didn’t do a lot of talking last night. I’m trying to understand her actions here. DeLuca breaks up with her over his own insecurities, then refuses to talk to her about it, and then barks at her about his case and so she sleeps with him? I get that she’s lonely but come on! He treats her like crap, they have nothing in common, and he told Maggie he meant what he said. This is why I hate them together. They make no sense and yet they keep breaking up and getting back together. DeLuca tells Mer that Dr. Riley is a diagnostic genius and that he used Mer’s name to lure her to here. Again, he broke up with her because he couldn’t handle that she was better than him but now that his patient is dying, he’s fine with it? WTF? 
As usual DeLuca is only interested in Mer for what she can give him. He wants to be with her not be a part of her family. Her superiority is a problem until he can use it to his advantage. What a leech! That being said I do know people who slept with or temporarily got back together with an ex because they missed them or didn’t want to be alone or because it was easy so I do kinda get that from Mer’s perspective. It’s still dumb though. Mer thinks DeLuca’s move was resourceful luckily for him. He follows that up with, “Look at some point we should probably talk about us.” 
NOW he wants to talk? He couldn’t give Mer the time of day last we saw him. What an ass. That’s one of the things I hate most about them. When DeLuca wanted to talk Mer wasn’t interested then when Mer wanted to talk DeLuca wasn’t interested. They’re never on the same page. It’s exhausting to watch. Just move on already. Mer says they will talk about where they stand but he should go save Suzanne’s life first. They kiss and he leaves. Thank god. We get a sweet Ben and Bailey moment and then Bailey goes into work and Ben goes off to sleep all day! LOL! 
Owen comes to talk to Richard at Pac North. Richard tells him that the hospital has been purchased by the Fox Foundation. Owen thinks he’s joking. He’s very much not. Richard tells him about his and Catherine’s fight and that now everyone has to report to Grey Sloan and interview with Tom Koracick to keep their jobs. Seriously? What is her problem? Owen asks if Alex knows. Richard says he’s still in Iowa dealing with family issues. He said he called to tell him Pac North was closing and in response Alex texted him a laugh until you cry emoji with a party hat! LOL! That is so Alex! Then Maggie walks in excited for her first day! Oh jeez! They have to break the news. 
Meanwhile over at Grey Sloan it’s Schmitt’s first day back. He’s nervous. Nico’s unhappy that Schmitt is still crashing at his place. He wants Schmitt to move out and get his own place because they’re not at the cohabiting stage yet. To be fair Nico’s got a point. Levi’s never lived on his own and that’s an important step in adulthood that everyone needs to take. I’m with Nico on this one. Next we see Hayes and his boys coming down the main staircase. He introduces them to Meredith. They’re bored and disinterested as teenage boys usually are.We learn some very important information about Hayes in this scene in that he and Mer have something else in common. They’re both white parents raising black children as both of Hayes boys are black.
I find this really interesting as it adds a level of complexity and commonality to Hayes’ story and to his and Mer’s relationship. And look at that smile! Look at how her face lights up when she talks to him! Swoon! It also tells us more about Hayes’ family because this means that either his kids are adopted like Zola was or he was married to a black woman. Being a part of a biracial family comes with its own unique challenges and seeing the characters explore that I think could be really interesting. It could also be good for Zola in that she would gain older siblings of the same race that could help her through stuff that her white family members can’t. Derek always said that he wanted her to have black people in her life that could help her.
I love the idea of them all becoming a family. Derek always said that if something happened to him he didn’t want Mer to be alone which is why he encouraged her to connect with her sisters and have kids and wanted Maggie to be there for Zola. Hayes fits the bill perfectly in that he’s exactly the kind of man Meredith needs in her life and that Derek would have wanted for her and I love that! Plus, he’s got Cristina’s stamp of approval! Hayes tells Mer that his boys used to love getting a tour of whatever new hospital he was working at. Now they just want to know where the cafeteria is. LOL! Mer asks why they’re not at school. Hayes tells her it’s parent teacher conference day. Hayes tells the boys to put back whatever they’re messing with and carries on. 
After he leaves Amelia walks up to Mer and says she saw DeLuca leave the house this morning. She asks if they’re back together. Mer says she doesn’t know and asks why she’s so interested. While I’m sad that we didn’t get to see more of Meredith and Hayes this episode and that Mer and DeLuca slept together I do like that they’re building Mer and Hayes’ friendship organically. One of my big pet peeves is that following her relationships with Derek and Finn every relationship Mer had was something they threw her into. There was no build up and they always pursued her. I like that they’re building her relationship with Hayes slowly over time. They’re becoming friends. We’re seeing all that they have in common and he’s not pursuing her like a cheetah chasing a gazelle on the savannah. 
Amelia tells Mer that she’s anxious and so she’s deflecting and looking for examples of love enduring hardships. Mer laughs and says she wouldn’t go that far yet concerning her and DeLuca but the sex is great. She asks if that counts. Amelia says it doesn’t hurt. I like that Amelia and Mer are friends now. It’s so much more interesting than watching them fight. And again we’re back where we started with Mer and DeLuca. She’s having fun and enjoys sleeping with him. He’s head over heels for her and wants a serious relationship with none of the strings. The strings being her family, friends, and kids. Sigh. Amelia runs into Jo. We find out that Amelia is getting the paternity test results back today and that she’s been avoiding Link ever since he asked for the test. Jo is upset about how Amelia’s been treating Link and makes this speech about how couples need to have all of the available information because if they do they can work things out and rise. Amelia asks Jo if she herself is going through something. Jo says Alex hasn’t been returning her calls. That he said that he’s going through something and needs time. 
WTF? Seriously? Are they really going to break up Jo and Alex because the actor has moved on? That’s so dumb! Why not just kill him off then? God this is stupid. Jo says she’s deflecting because she’s anxious. Her and Amelia have that in common. I like that they’re becoming friends. Next we see Jackson asking Tom for more information. Bailey asks what’s going on. He tells her the Foundation is absorbing Pac North and its employees. Bailey didn’t know. Seriously how could Catherine not tell her? She’s the Chief of Surgery! I get that Tom is everyone’s boss now but still.
Following that Bailey walks into a patient room to find three very smelly residents. Helm and Simms are still recovering, and Brody is there helping them do research Suzanne’s case. Bailey is not amused, “Oh god lord people just because you’re injured doesn’t mean you can’t shower!” Simms replies that, “Dr. DeLuca said we could only eat and sleep.” Okay seriously? That’s abusive and also foolish. They’re still recovering! What does Mer see in this asshole? As funny as that line from Bailey was the fact that DeLuca forbade the sick residents he’s in charge of from showering until they figure out what’s wrong with Suzanne is super messed up! No one knows what’s wrong with Suzanne at this point and a bunch of smelly, tired, and sick residents are not going to be able to solve it. 
We cut to a patient room to see Suzanne’s sister telling her about how her daughter kissed someone named Taylor at school. We then find out that her sister’s been digging up dirt on DeLuca and Grey Sloan. She’s not happy. She’s seen the hospital hell article. Yikes! That’s when Dr. Riley walks in! She sets up her tablet and DeLuca is confused. Then she starts signing. The tablet is to connect her to her interpreter so she can communicate with them. She says she’s here for a consult with Dr. Grey who as you recall has no idea who this woman is because DeLuca didn’t tell her!
I love that they’re showing the different ways Deaf people working within the health care system can communicate. The Deaf community doesn’t get as much authentic representation as it should! Very cool! Dr. Riley introduces herself and DeLuca explains why she’s there. Suzanne warms to her immediately. Riley has no time for DeLuca’s nonsense and I love that! She asks him to tell Dr. Grey that she’s here already. She clearly thinks this is Mer’s case and it’s not which is going to cause a problem sooner or later. Also, there’s a big difference between using someone’s name to entice someone and saying they’re going to be working with them which is apparently what DeLuca did. Idiot. 
I loved Suzanne’s sisters comment, “Wow. The competency is just slapping me in the face right now.” She is having none of DeLuca’s crap right now and I love it! Tom comes to interview everyone. Owen tells him that since Alex took a personal leave he’s been filling in as interim chief.  To which Tom replies, “Cool story bro.” Oh Tom. He’s like an elephant. He never forgets and he never forgives. Tom tells Richard what he thinks is good news. That his job is safe. Richard doesn’t see it that way. Tom tells him that Catherine wants him at Grey Sloan enough to buy a craptastic hospital and pretend it’s an investment. Richard’s a hard no on that one. He says, “I thought I could do this because I miss Grey Sloan. Because I miss Bailey and Meredith and Bokhee and OR 2. God how I miss OR 2! But if Catherine thinks she can just move me where she wants like she’s playing chess?” 
Richard refuses to be Catherine’s pawn. Tom tries to talk him down and does a terrible job of it! “You tell Dr. Fox she can go to hell!” Checkmate bitch! You go Richard Webber! Meanwhile in the ER Levi treats an old married couple. They’re in town to attend the Seattle Ballroom Dance Championships. They won 5 Championships back in their day! It turns out the wife has cancer and it’s terminal so they’re out living their best life. They’re very sweet and it’s very sad. Maggie is interviewing to get her job back. Tom’s on his phone. LOL! He hires her back but as an attending working under Teddy because she ghosted them. 
Bailey comes to see a patient of hers who’s a foster kid that Ben brought in. He wants to know where his siblings are. Bailey has to tell them that they were taken by child services because legally she has a duty to report. He’s understandably distraught. Maggie examines Suzanne at Dr. Riley’s request. She needs another procedure. Her sister is pissed. Dr. Riley explains their approach and Suzanne agrees to the procedure. Out in the hall Dr. Riley asks DeLuca where Dr. Grey is. He says she’s in surgery. Maggie walks up and says she’s not in surgery she right there and points to her. She leaves to book an OR.
Okay it’s one thing to lie to get someone to consult on your case which is bad enough but it’s quite another to lie and say someone is in surgery in front of their sister whose your ex when they’re actually standing two metres away. What the hell? DeLuca’s defining characteristic at this point in the series is that he’s an asshole. He does whatever he wants to get what he wants and he doesn’t care about the consequences. I wish they’d just write him off already! Dr. Riley walks over to Mer. She introduces herself and says it’s good to finally meet her. Mer thinks she’s her consult from UCLA. DeLuca tries to correct her and says she’s from UCSF. She asks if Suzanne is her patient and Mer tells her she’s consulted but that’s it.
Mer says she’s at a loss and that she’s heard great things about her. She says it was great to meet her, but she has to go because she’s being paged. She leaves and Dr. Riley is livid. She calls DeLuca out on the fact that he lied to her. DeLuca says he prefers the word lured. What an ass! Dr. Riley’s had enough. She’s leaving. DeLuca really has no redeeming qualities at this point. DeLuca stops her and says that if she leaves now the case will drive her crazy because it will keep her up at night because it’s too rare, they’re too lost, and she’s too good to just walk away. He’s projecting here. That’s how HE feels not her. God he’s such an ass.
Meanwhile Tom is making Owen wait till the very end to be interviewed because Owen was an ass to him and Tom’s petty like that. Amelia and Link talk in the green room. She says she’s getting the results back tonight. She wants to know what’s going to happen with them when they get the results back. Link says he doesn’t know. She asks him if he can try to know. She says he told her he loves her and asks if that’s true and if he wants to be with her and be in her baby’s life. He says that her and Owen have a complicated history and he feels that will shape her future if Owen’s the father. Links says he loves her, but he needs to know. Amelia says okay and leaves. I’m struggling to understand Link’s behaviour here. If he loves her it shouldn’t matter who the biological father is. 
Jackson runs into Maggie and they talk about Koracick as well as Catherine and Richard’s break up. They banter and laugh. I’m glad they’re not fighting anymore. I always liked them better as friends. I hope they get back to that. Meanwhile Hayes catches up to Meredith in the hallway. The way she smiles when he calls out to her makes my heart melt! Hayes asks Mer if she’s seen his boys by any chance. She says no and asks if they’re hiding or maybe just wandering? He says they’re trying to torture him by making sure they’re late for the parent teacher conference. The way she smiles while talking to Hayes about his boys and her kids gives me butterflies! She looks radiant! THAT is what true chemistry looks like!
Hayes says that sometimes he thinks he hates them. He says he doesn’t know how Mer does it. The kids, the job, staying sane. Mer’s response is “Who says I’m sane?” She says that the city shut off her water once because she forgot to pay the bill and she didn’t even notice. Her daughter had to tell her. Oh Mer! Never change. The two of them laugh about the joys of parenting and having to juggle it all. Just then Levi calls Mer to look at some scans. Hayes says he’ll leave her to it and goes to find his boys. I love the easy rapport they’re building between the two of them and I love the way she smiles when he’s around.
Levi brings Mer in to talk to the old couple. The wife’s cancer has spread to the rest of her body. If they tried to operate it’s unlikely she’d recover. This is it. Levi is moved to tears as are we. Maggie goes to operate on Suzanne. Dr. Knox welcomes her back and Suzanne is concerned. She tells Maggie that the Taylor her daughter kissed is a girl. She needs her cool supportive Mom not her uptight Aunt. And her other daughter was already an orphan once and she won’t recover if Suzanne dies so she really needs Maggie to save her. Maggie reassures her. They’ve got her. Suzanne’s speech made me tear up. She really loves her kids. The husband of the dying woman Levi’s been treating comes to talk to him. He says Levi reminds him of his grandson and asks him if he can help a sad old man with a very big favour. Levi says he’ll do anything. My heart! 
Maggie and DeLuca operate on Suzanne. Is this guy who can barely do his job seriously trying to backseat drive the head of cardio? For real? Who the hell does he think he is? As Maggie says Suzanne isn’t here for her feelings she’s here for her hands and her expertise and that is her focus and it should be his too. That is what separates a great surgeon from a hack. Maggie gets that, but DeLuca never will it seems. Following the surgery Maggie and DeLuca come to see Dr. Riley. She decided to stay after all. Dr. Riley says that when Suzanne wakes up they need to withdraw all treatment. Dr. Riley believes the medication is masking the cause of Suzanne’s illness and they need it to present itself so they can treat her properly. DeLuca is concerned because if they do what she’s asking Suzanne could go into septic shock and die within a short period of time. Maggie thinks Dr. Riley’s suggestion is reckless and cavalier. But it’s not her case or place to decide. She leaves and tells DeLuca to follow up.
DeLuca still disagrees but as Dr. Riley points out he asked for her recommendation and this is it. Levi comes in and asks to borrow the other residents. DeLuca tells him to go in his typical dismissive fashion. Owen is still waiting to find out if he has a job. Amelia comes to talk to him. Owen is enraged but as Amelia points out Tom hates him because he stole his girlfriend. He won. He got the girl, the family, the whole Megillah. Tom’s messing with him because he’s in pain and he’s lonely. Her advice is to let him have his fun. Owen asks how she does it. Feel everyone’s feelings so deeply all the time. Owen says it must be exhausting. Amelia says it is. She rests her head on his shoulder for a minute and then leaves. This scene was not as bad as I was anticipating from the thumbnail I saw. It was actually quite sweet. 
Over in the cafeteria the residents have lit candles and put out flowers. They bring the dying woman out to meet her husband who’s in a tux. They reminisce about the day they met. He asks her to dance. His wife is worried because she doesn’t have a gown and looks terrible. Levi hands her a floral bell sleeved feather trimmed robe that she can put on over her hospital gown. Her husband tells her she looks exquisite. Helm puts on the song Moon River and the two of them dance in a candlelit cafeteria like they’re on the world’s best stage! My heart! More people come to watch them dance including the cafeteria staff, some of the nurses, Nico, and Meredith. We find Richard sitting outside on a bench. Jackson comes to talk to him. He says he’s already been to a meeting, he doesn’t want to come home to an empty house, and he’s not sure where he works so he’s just sitting there.
Jackson says he works here and Richard says it’s not by choice. They were building something at Pac North and Catherine took it all away with a phone call to the bank. Jackson says it’ll pass. It’s bad now but soon enough him and Catherine will be joking about it over coffee. Wow. Jackson really doesn’t get it. Shaking my head over here. I loved his line, “Son, After Godzilla’s done stomping all over Tokyo the Mayor doesn’t take Godzilla to brunch.” Sing it Richard! 
Next we find Meredith in the Attending's Lounge. Bailey walks in. Mere talks about how she’s feeling. She says, “There was a time when I would have made a dance floor for the dying old lady. Andrew and I broke up the night of my trial and there was a time when that would’ve meant months of drama for me. But instead I went home and went to bed and I woke up and I was just excited to go practice medicine. I used to be a romantic. I would’ve been the one to build the dance floor in the cafeteria.” And now she’s leaving the dance floors to the residents. Bailey says she’s not lacking in passion she’s just grown up a little. I’m so glad they’re friends again! Next she asks, “What would you do if Ben dumped you?” “I’d burn him to the ground.” Sing it Bailey! They’re called exes for a reason! 
That’s what Mer needs to do. Burn DeLuca to the ground, move on, and start over. I like their talk here. Mer used to be a romantic. She used to be the person who built houses of candles and did big romantic gestures. But when Derek died she stopped being that person. She deserves someone who makes her feel that way again. And no one. Not Riggs or DeLuca or Thorpe or that transplant surgeon or anyone else has made her feel that way. The way that Derek did. She deserves to feel that way again with someone who truly loves her and wants to be a part of her family. I hope she finds it. I do. I hope she finds someone that makes her want to be a romantic again. I think Hayes could be that person and I hope that we get to see it!  
Because she deserves it and that’s what Derek would want for her. He wouldn’t want her to close herself off or settle for second best or some fling. He’d want her to find love again, true love, with someone deserving of her. Jackson comes in and tells them that Richard walked because he doesn’t want to work on Koracick’s terms and honestly neither does he. He asks if they’re just going to let this happen. Bailey’s all hell no! She’s not going to sit by helpless while her family gets split apart again. They’re going to do something about this. Finally!
DeLuca’s speaking with Suzanne and her sister. They’re explaining what they want to do. Her sister is pissed. She thinks they’re giving up. She pleads with Suzanne to let her transfer her to another hospital. That’s when Dr. Riley steps in. She explains that she has three sisters. She talks about each of them and then talks to Suzanne’s sister directly. She explains that she’s too sick to be moved safely and even if they could there’s no one better than her. She explains that because she’s Deaf she’s learned to listen with her whole body and that when the medications are gone the disease can start talking so she can figure out what’s wrong with her and hopefully save her life.
With that she convinces them. Suzanne consents to the withdrawal of treatment. Dr. Riley leaves the room and DeLuca follows her. He tells her that he also has a sister and starts to compliment her. That’s when Dr. Riley stops him. She’s an only child. Daaaamn. Look at her. Getting the job done. I did not see that coming. Dr. Riley you continue to surprise me. Well done! I really like the way they’ve written Dr. Riley so far. Her Deafness is one part of her but it’s not the sole focus. As it should be. She’s a real character with complexity not a stand in and that’s cool.
We cut to the boardroom. Where Tom has just been paged by Bailey, Jackson, Richard, Meredith, and Owen. Shit is about to go down. Buckle up. They tell him the hospital board of which most of them are members has come to a decision. They’re all prepared to quit. Mic drop! “I’m sensing a but.” Right you are Tom! They explain that Dr. Fox wouldn’t really like that as she wants them here at Grey Sloan and she’ll wonder why Tom didn’t do more to protect her Crown Jewel hospital. They’ve only just recovered from the hospital hell article and as Meredith says, “We could blame me for that or we could just remember that I’m a Catherine Fox Foundation award winner and a media darling and I mean you want me here.” Like a boss! And that’s why 16 seasons later we still love her. She gets stuff done like the badass she is. 
As Bailey as Tom can’t afford to lose all his best doctors and his inability to see that could cause Catherine to rethink the whole Chief of Chiefs title, salary, and benefits. Tom concedes. He asks them to name their terms. Bailey says they’re a family. He doesn’t get to rule with an iron fist, not anymore. Their terms are as follows. Owen and Richard get their jobs back. Teddy and Maggie become co-chiefs and he finds the money to cover it. Alex and Hayes become co-chiefs as well or they all quit. Boom!
If Justin Chambers was still on the show this is definitely a scene he’d been in. Fighting for Grey Sloan with the rest of them no doubt. Their deal is this: he agrees to their terms and gets to take all the credit with Catherine. They get their hospital back and he gets to save face. It’s a win win. Tom agrees. It’s a triumphant moment! Tom leaves the room and we hear everyone cheering. It’s great for our heroes but not for Tom. It must be hard hearing everyone cheer at your destruction. Amelia’s right. Tom’s in pain and he’s taking it out on everyone else. Tom is such a complex and interesting character. Greg Germann brings such beautiful complexity to his portrayal. 
Nico and Levi are getting it on in an on call room. But soon Levi stops. He says he doesn’t just want sex. He says he wants a dance partner. He wants what that old couple have. Nico asks if he’s reciting a poem or if he’s being literal. Levi is frustrated. Nico is confused. Next we see Link in the green room. Jeez there are a lot of plants in there! They’ve definitely added more. It’s getting a bit excessive in my opinion. I mean how many plants do you need? Amelia looks through the window at him. He doesn’t see her. She takes a shaky breath then walks away. Link gets a text. It’s from Amelia. She says she’s sorry but she didn’t run the test. She needs more time. This part really pissed me off. I get that she needs more time but Amelia should have told Link that sooner. I hate that they’re drawing this storyline out. Just get the damn test already! Ugh! 
As Meredith’s voice over plays we see Jo come home to a dark empty flat. The future for her and Alex uncertain. Meredith's voice over in this episode is about time and how we're struggling to overcome the simple inescapable truth that eventually everything ends. But that for every clock that counts down another restarts and when one thing ends something new always begins. I feel like this is one of those voice overs that can be taken in a variety of ways depending on how you look at it and which ships you're rooting for. You could take it as Meredith realizing that her relationship with DeLuca has ended and that she needs to move on. Or that Amelia and Link's relationship might be ending. Or that Jo and Alex might be over. Or you could take it the opposite way. It's very open ended. 
Until next time!
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bluepenguinstories · 4 years
Remoras Full Chapter VI: Ultraviolet Reyes
Quixotic. That was one way to describe both of them. But not in the traditional definition of the word, but rather what should have been the definition: delusional, wild in their midlife crises.
But that’s how it always was, wasn’t it? At least, ever since I’ve known them. One day I showed up home from school, and there my older sister was with a strange man who she claimed to have dated since high school. That man introduced himself as “Ray Sunshine, at your service” and then took a bow. He then contradicted Sunny, saying they hadn’t known each other long, and the two of them laughed before giving a different story about how the two met. That should have been the warning sign right there.
“Mom already thinks you’re ruining your life,” I told Sunny. “Not going to college, coming and going as you please. Do you really think that’s any way to be?”
“Oh, Violette,” Sunny laughed it off. Of course she did. Ray, on the other hand, said, “don’t be quick to judge. Though rest assured, I’m every bit as much trouble as she is.”
I scowled.
“Yeah, you look like trouble all right.”
Later on, I would receive texts from Sunny saying how she had been busy raiding tombs and breaking into high security places. Then she mentioned exploits on Ray’s part, which included scamming rich people and doing deals with underground crime organizations. Did neither of them know that texts could easily be traced? No, maybe they knew and were just messing with me. That also seemed right up their alley.
Or maybe they know and want a chase. That’s also just like them.
Either way, I tried to be the model child. I felt like most younger siblings had that one older sibling that they had to compete with. Well, in my case, my job was easy as my grades were fine, I stayed out of trouble, and I managed a degree (that I often thought of as useless) in graphic design. As I waited for clients to come in, I worked part time at a convenience store. Over time, I managed enough money for an apartment for myself.
Growing older hadn’t hindered them, rather, they kept up their fantasies and built up a life that should have never been. Although I heard bits and pieces from the texts and letters (yes, Sunny sent letters. She said it was just, “dreamy” to send letters to people, whatever that meant), I was glad to be ignorant of most of their exploits.
Did I resent them? My sister and her husband? That was a hard one to answer. For I was both grateful to them when they offered for me to raise their daughter, but also resented the cause of their offer.
“I was never fit to raise a child,” Ray told me. He was a classic case of someone I couldn’t tell whether I liked or resented. He was the type to act so friendly and charming with everyone, but also had that double-edged sword to him of being someone who never seemed to take anything seriously. Lofty goals, and the worst part was, that he actually accomplished them, most of the time.
If I recall, he smiled as he opened up his greeting with that. Then again, he could have shown genuine sorrow, but my memory had him saying such a thing with a smile, as anything else seemed out of character for him.
“What do you mean?” I asked him. He and Sunny never came to visit, so I was perplexed by the visit alone.
Sunny, who had been behind him, stepped forward, and Ray moved out of the way, as if to give her the spotlight.
“I know we’re putting you in an awful position, but Ray and I talked things over.”
“What are you talking about?” I stood confused.
Always like that, never changing. Couldn’t come out with their intentions right away, had to preface it with something vague and dramatic.
“There was an accident. We were out in the snow, that’s all. We didn’t anticipate any wolves coming. No, more than that, we didn’t anticipate our poor depth perception; we thought it was instinct, muscle memory. That upon the first hint of danger, we would rush to her aid.”
“Her aid? Is Elodie okay?” Things became clearer, which made my heart rush. What kind of danger did they get that child into?
“Yes,” Sunny nodded. “She is now. Her condition could have been much worse. We stopped her from getting mauled, but her face is still scarred. After her recovery in the hospital, we kept her at home, but then she started getting feverish. The doctor said it may have been an infection from the attack. She has trouble breathing now and her voice is a little weak, but she’s still the same angel she’s always been.”
My nerves began to flare up, and I might have brought myself to a fever as well, if I didn’t explode on them. Instead, through fumes, I spoke:
“None of this would have happened if you two hadn’t been so careless!”
“I know…” Ray replied as he looked down.
“We thought it wouldn’t be so bad, y’know?” Sunny added. “We’re both so strong and capable together. We thought ‘how bad could it be with a kid?’ Believe me when I say that if we could go back and fix our mistakes, we would.”
“I’m not arguing that! But what you should have done is never had a child in the first place if you weren’t able to take care of her!” It felt like a self-inflicted wound at the moment. Like I didn’t want to say that, even though it felt like it needed to be said.
“I agree,” Ray stepped in once more. “One thing just led to another and before we knew it, we had a child. We already lived there and thought she was adorable, so we didn’t just want to give her up. At the time, we both figured that it wouldn’t be so bad and for her first few years, it wasn’t, either. All it takes is one mistake, however.”
“One mistake that nearly cost her her life!” My fists shook, but through all the commotion, I failed to notice Elodie, who had hidden herself behind some bushes, too shy to face any of us. What caught my attention was the top of her head, sticking out, as she peeked up from the bush.
“Elodie, dear, you can come out,” I softened my voice in a feeble attempt to sound calmer than I really was despite the fact that she must have heard everything.
She stepped out. “Hi,” she greeted, her voice hoarse, almost inaudible. Was that how she would speak for the rest of her life? I wasn’t sure.
I should have been glad she was alive at all, but all I could think about was how incensed I was with the couple in front of me.
“Why did you come to me?” I asked, doing my best to keep calm in front of their child.
“We didn’t want to give her up to a stranger for adoption, but we felt she would be safer with someone else. Coming to you felt like a fair compromise. You’re someone we can trust.”
“I’ve never raised a kid before…”
Of course. In my mind, all I could think was “they’re dumping their responsibilities on me.” Yet I didn’t refuse. Thoughts cried out to me, warning me that I was being manipulated. But in spite of the warnings, I didn’t refuse.
“Yes, I know we’re putting a lot on you,” Sunny began.
You can say no, my inner voice spoke.
“I would be happy to,” were the words that came out instead.
Maybe it was because I had a desire to raise another human being, but never desired to conceive, and never really gave said desire much thought, so I never quite pursued it. Was it possible that those two could sense that desire in me and took advantage of it? That was possible. But perhaps I too was taking advantage of them by taking Elodie in, as if I believed I could show them how much better of a parent I was than them.
In truth, I knew nothing about parenting, either.
Elodie made her way in with a couple of bags in hand. She saw the sofa and was quick to plop on it, bags to her side. I, meanwhile, stood in place, next to the door, the implications of the responsibilities I took in not yet dawning on me.
“How long will I be staying here?” She asked me, unprompted. I didn’t even get the chance to say “make yourself at home,” or anything that. More shocking was how clear she spoke, even through the hoarseness of her voice, as if she were more articulate than her age would suggest.
She might already know the answer to her own question.
“As long as you need to,” I answered with a smile. It was hard to tell her the truth, that she may be living here until she’s able to move out. Rather than ready, I could have said that she could stay until she wanted to go. She could stay all her life, well into old age and I wouldn’t have objected. Maybe I just wanted some kind of company.
“Will they ever come visit?”
“If they wish to.”
“Is it because they’re mad at me?”
“They’re...they’re not mad at you,” I tried to reassure her.
“I feel like they don’t want to see me.”
I sat on the sofa next to her and looked at her. Unsure what to say, I shook my head and smiled.
“They do.”
She looked down.
“Hey,” I tried to cheer her up. “We can still have fun. I’ve got board games, video games, uh...games.”
She shook her head.
“No?” I was confused.
From out of one of her bags, she grabbed some sheets of paper and held them up to my face.
“Oh! You like to draw!”
She nodded, as she flipped through each sheet of paper.
“Oh! Wanna check something out?”
I got up and motioned for her to follow me into the hallway, where my ‘office’ was (really, it was in my bedroom and a computer desk with a desktop in the corner).
“Why are we in your room?” She asked.
“Hold on,” I leaned over and set everything up. I did a little doodle with the stylus, then moved aside for her to see.
“Yeah, you can draw on it. Try it out.”
She ran over, almost tripping over herself, as she got in the chair and tried out the drawing tablet. I was glad to see her so excited about something.
“By the way, what would you like for dinner?” I asked, while she made squiggly lines in different colors.
“Not now, I’m drawing.”
I blinked, then let out a chuckle. “I meant later, silly.”
“Oh. Um. Spaghetti? No. Cheeseburgers.”
“Cheeseburgers it is.”
“No. Um. Macaroni.”
“I’ll let you think about it,” I smiled, then closed the door. As soon as I walked back into the living room, I positioned myself on the couch and began texting:
Me: I didn’t know Elodie likes to draw.
Ray: Oh yeah. Drawing, painting. She’s quite the artist. Hang something on your fridge sometime ;).
Me: Do you know anything about texting? What’s with that winky face? And why a period after? You’re so bad at this.
Ray: Maybe I am, maybe I’m not ;).
Me: Fuck you.
Ray: Fair. Very fair. Say, have you guys had dinner yet? I’m not good at timezones.
Me: You were here just a few minutes ago. No, we haven’t.
Ray: Right. Must be the jet lag. Well, whenever you guys have dinner, ask if she wants to help. She loves to cook.
Surprised, I went back into the room and saw her still scribbling away.
“Do you want to help with dinner?” I asked.
Ray, you fucking liar.
“Oh, okay. Just figured I’d offer.”
“I can make spaghetti,” she added. “And, um. Shrimp gumbo.”
“That’s quite impressive. Do you like to help cook?”
“I helped dad and it was fun. But I’m…” she yawned. “I’m sleepy.”
She set the tablet on the desk and lowered her head onto it, as if it were a pillow. It didn’t take long for her to get to sleep. I was about to smile and just let it happen when the thought popped up in my mind that she could end up drooling on it.
“Okay, okay, I think it’s time for bed,” I went over to pick her up, a feat I didn’t expect to be as difficult as it was. Who knew that another human could be so heavy?
The room in question was a guest room. Emphasis on ‘was’, as it would be her room from that day forward. Rather simple of a room, really. Just a queen sized bed, a nightstand, and a dresser.
Maybe over time she’ll add stuffed animals or decorate it in some way. Make it more hers.
Later in the evening, we settled on grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. I still got her to help in some capacity, as she shredded the cheese. While we sat and ate together, I tried to think of things to say.
“Do you want to start school?”
She shrugged.
“Well, we’ll give it a few days for you to settle in, then we can figure it out. Sounds good?”
She agreed to that, and a little after we finished eating, I bade her goodnight. Then, rather than take to my bed, I slouched over on the sofa.
“What am I doing? I’ve never done anything like this before and now I’m raising someone else’s kid. Is my house really suitable? Can I really do this? Can I…” I yawned, then passed out.
Just a few days later, she agreed to go to school. It was easy enough for her to start, with her only being six. There were some difficulties at first, which led to accommodations needing to be made. While not apparent at first, she was easily fatigued, and when it happened, she was allowed to be excused from school early and come home. Aside from that, there were her breathing troubles, which she must have been aware of, as the teacher would say she didn’t speak much.
Turned out it extended past the accident: at night, Elodie would snore. Not a usual cause of concern, but it would start sounding heavy, with coughs. It was not long after found out that she had sleep apnea, and we got her a CPAP machine.
In spite of such challenges, we made it through. Her room ended up becoming adorned with various paintings as well as print outs of drawings she made on the tablet.
Four years had passed and she was in 4th grade, and it was hard to believe that looking so far back, I would manage this long.
There was one day that has lingered on my mind, although looking back, the events weren’t of major significance. It started sometime in the middle of Elodie’s summer vacation. She would be starting 5th grade soon.
Our day started out pretty routine, as I sat on the couch early in the morning and went through email after email from indecisive clients, or some who wanted to go back on paying me. I grit my teeth, grinned and bore it, or rather, I ground my teeth and cursed under my breath as I tried to negotiate with them, but with a few of them, I just gave in, being too exhausted to put up much of a fight. Some of those pieces were already done and I sulked as at least in a few of their eyes, my efforts were good, but not enough to pay me for them.
Damn it! Say something! Demand they pay! You need that money! You put in all that time and you just got –
“Are you OK?” Elodie’s voice tore past my thoughts. I turned to her.
“How long have you been out here?” I asked, rather than the obvious, “yeah? Why do you ask?”
“I’ve been eating cereal,” she replied.
“Oh, good morning. Did you sleep well?” That was probably for the best. To change the subject and hope for the day to turn around.
She shrugged. In case I didn’t get the message, she then said, “I guess so.”
“Good,” I replied, then was about to turn back to the screen in front of me when she spoke up once more:
“Are you going to answer my question or not?” It came out almost like a growl. It startled me, but I didn’t think of her as mean. Sometimes she could get really demanding and get mad if you didn’t explain things to her. I didn’t know which parent she got it from, as both Sunny and Ray struck me as easy-going people.
Or maybe you don’t know them very well, came one thought. No, that wasn’t right. I at least knew my own sister. I knew the kind of trouble she got in and the tricks she played. I could only guess what tricks Ray had up his sleeves, but he wasn’t blameless, either. In fact, maybe he was worse. Still, like it or not, those two really were meant for each other, and I didn’t mean in a good way. There were times when I was little and mom would come home to find donuts she had bought for herself and left out eaten, or her flower vase broken, and I knew in my heart Sunny did it, but Sunny would pin the blame on me, and rather than defend myself, I would just say that it was an accident, even though I knew better.
Did I defend my sister out of the goodness of my heart? I didn’t even think I meant to defend her at all. Being as young as I was, it could have been that I believed that I really did do those things, and I just forgot. But damn, I sure fell into that trap a lot, time and time again.
“Hello?” Elodie asked again. While I was lost in thought, she grew more impatient.
“Yes. Sorry. It’s just annoying people. They’re not worth fussing over.”
Can it be that she got her attitude from me? I thought, but that didn’t make sense either. At least not in my mind.
“We should go out somewhere,” she suggested.
I looked up. “Where do you have in mind?”
“Anywhere. You need to go out. You’re stressed and it’s bothering me.”
“Don’t worry about me,” I waved my hand away. “I just need some coffee and I’ll be fine.”
“Well I’m bored and I don’t know what to draw.”
Was that what it was? It wasn’t for my sake, but for her own? Well, that was the case, then sure. We could go out. I really didn’t want to, but I usually took her places when she wanted to go. Usually just a park would be fine, and she’d sit in the grass and draw. It would be harmless to take her on a short drive and back, and maybe it would help ease my mind just a little.
It was a rather warm day out when she saw a nail salon and said she wanted to check it out. That struck me as a little odd, but I decided to oblige.
“I’m pretty sure we’ve passed by over a thousand of these places,” I pointed out. She never really struck me as someone into those kinds of things. I certainly wasn’t, anyway.
“Thousand and one. That must mean it’s a lucky one.”
I shook my head. “If you say so,” then parked the car as we both went inside.
Once inside, we were greeted by the receptionist, someone with big poofy pink hair and in her 40s. “First time?” She looked at Elodie.
“Mhm,” Elodie hummed and nodded her head.
“Well, what can we do for you two?”
Good question. Why are we here? I looked around. Busy day, it seemed. Crowded. I wished for an excuse to leave.
“Just a manicure for me,” I answered, not giving it much thought.
“Can I have purple nails and starry patterns?” Elodie asked the receptionist.
“I think we can work something out,” she smiled.
We both had to sit and wait our turns. Busy day and all. Besides, we didn’t have an appointment. When we were finally called forth, we were seated next to each other, Elodie to the left of me. To the right of me, was some oddball woman being unruly.
“Stop shivering! It makes it hard to concentrate!” The person doing her nails scolded.
“Maybe I wouldn’t be shivering so much if the A/C wasn’t cranked so damn high,” replied the unruly woman, although her voice sounded a little playful. Me, I looked up at the ceiling.
Is the air conditioning really that high? Well, it is a hot day outside, so maybe it’s necessary.
“Or maybe,” her voice turned sly. “I’m shivering because of how cute you are.”
“Shush. You’re going to make me blush.”
“All part of my evil plan.”
What kind of place did I walk into? I gulped.
That time, I looked over, not content to eavesdrop. The one getting her nails done was a tall, muscular woman with short, light blue hair. Meanwhile, the one taking care of her looked like an agitated young lady with a bun in her hair, possibly in her early 20s.
“Like what you see?” Her voice was rather low and breathy, but still had this playful air to her.
Lost in the scene, I failed to notice that she was looking right back at me. Startled, I leaned my head back. Her slight tan skin, her thick eyebrows and full lips. Those same lips creased to form a sly smile, and it was at that moment where I felt like looking any further would prove dangerous.
“I...uh...sorry. I should mind my own business.”
“Hey. What’s your name?” She spoke up again. I did my best not to look, not even through my peripheral vision. Perhaps she was talking to the nail person.
After a minute of silence, she added: “fine, keep your secrets.”
“Were you talking to me?” I turned back to her, although still hesitant to keep my gaze fixed.
“Yes. You do have a name, don’t you? Isn’t that a thing most people have?”
“Sorry. It’s Violette. Yours?”
“Hm.” Was all she said in response. I was pretty sure ‘Hm’ wasn’t her name. Instead, she held up one hand. “Look, I’ve already got one set done. Like what you see?”
Each nail had been colored light blue, similar to her hair, with little white snowflakes printed on.
“They’re really pretty,” I told her.
So was she, but I refrained from saying such. My attraction to women wasn’t something I meant to keep secret, I just never made any attempts at dating, as my mind was always focused on either my art, or Elodie. There were times when I wanted to, but I didn’t want to impose on Elodie, and I saw her as my top priority.
“Thanks,” she replied.
As soon as I turned my attention away from her, I found myself drawn back in by the next thing she said.
“Sorry about earlier,” she told the stylist, something which surprised me.
“Aw, don’t worry about it. I thought it was funny,” the stylist replied. “Most of our regulars are like that, too. Who knows? Maybe you’ll be a regular.”
“Doubt it,” she dismissed the notion.
“Flirting with an employee and it’s your first time here? How bold of you,” I chimed in.
“Reckless, I know. I just came here on a whim. Thought I’d have some fun and live a little while I’m still around. I’m just not used to socializing without it being a confrontation.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
“My work. You could say I was a janitor, except one who had a tendency to travel around. I quit today, and although I don’t see myself staying here, I don’t see anywhere else for me to go.”
“Why did you quit? I know janitors go underappreciated, but I think you guys are important.”
“It had little to do with appreciation. Believe me, I both was and wasn’t appreciated. Much in the same way that I didn’t care for who I worked for, only that I was good at my work and knew little else. But I just decided it was time for me to call it quits. It all took its toll on me. Always traveling around, cleaning up others’ messes. I never really had a life outside of work, nor formed connections with anyone.”
“Don’t be. I’m not a people person. I just wish that I was.”
“Hey,” the stylist chimed in. “I don’t have a life outside of work, either. I just go home and eat cartons of ice cream while watching cheesy horror movies all night.”
“Maybe this is my cheesy horror movie.” She looked up and closed her eyes as she smiled. It didn’t look like an amused smile, and more like she was on her deathbed and reflecting on her life.
“I’d rather think of this as the ice cream.”
“Ice cream is supposed to be cold, not people.”
Then, as if she recognized the mood she had set, she decided to turn her attention to me.
“Hey Violette, why didn’t you get any fancy patterns?”
“I don’t know what I would’ve gotten.”
“That’s no excuse, auntie!” Elodie chimed in. Was she listening the whole time? Furthermore, how often did she call me ‘auntie’?
“Oh?” She leaned forward. “You’ve got a kid?”
“Well, I’m her aunt, but yes, I take care of her.”
“What about her parents? Are they dead?”
“No. They just don’t like me,” Elodie blurted out.
“That’s not true,” I reassured her. Though it rang hollow, as I must have thought the same thing from time to time.
“They don’t talk to me. They don’t send me anything on my birthdays.”
“Huh? Is that so?” Snowflake Nails asked.
“It is,” Elodie scowled. She would have crossed her arms, too, if her hands weren’t being worked on.
“Well, I don’t like kids, myself, but you’d think a present every once in a while would be easy enough.”
“I know, right?”
“Tell you what: I’ll be your fairy godmother if you want.”
What? What kind of ideas is she putting in Elodie’s head?
“Okay! Wait. Um. What does that mean?”
“That means I don’t have to be alive to watch over you, because I’ll be a fairy.”
“Okay! That sounds good!”
“You can’t be serious,” I told Snowflake Nails (for lack of a better name, that was what I’d refer to her as).
“Sure I am. People expect things of you when you’re alive. Takes a load off of my conscience this way.”
“If you’re going to do that, you should at least tell her who you are.” And me. Enough with this ‘Snowflake Nails’ nonsense.
“Sure. I’m the blue fairy.”
I glared at her, not even bothered by her appearance this time around.
“All right. Fine. My name is Rhea.”
She got up and held out her hands, examining each finger. Then she nodded.
“Yes. I approve.”  Before she made her way to the door, she looked down at Elodie and I. “Well, Violette, it was nice meeting you and your niece. I’d say ‘see ya around’, but, well, y’know.”
“Yes, it was, uh, nice to meet you too.”
As she left, Elodie and I looked at each other and blinked.
“Who was that?” She asked me.
“Beats me. First time I met her.”
“Well, she’s our fairy godmother now,” she pointed out.
“I doubt we’ll see her again,” I added. I felt a twinge, like I shouldn’t have said that.
“That’s okay, I’m,” she yawned. “Getting a little tired anyway.”
“We’re almost done,” the stylist told her.
The stylist who had given Rhea such a fancy paint job walked over to me. “She was weird, no doubt,” she mentioned offhand. “But she gave a pretty hefty tip.”
“Uh, okay?” I didn’t see why that was worth mentioning.
“She just handed me a thousand dollars, and I said ‘that really isn’t necessary’, but she insisted, and if I’m being honest, I wish more rich weirdos were that generous.”
In any case, after Elodie got done, we found out Rhea had already paid for us as well. We thanked the receptionist and went on about our way. Neither of us ever saw her again, and part of me wondered if that little event was even worth remembering.
Since then, almost two years have passed. Elodie was going to turn 12 soon.
Ray would message now and then. Not Sunny. I found that most of all odd. She had stopped writing letters a while ago, and never once inquired about her daughter. I wondered if maybe she was off on some adventure, but even then, I felt like Elodie was owed at least something. There were times when I would try to coerce Ray into talking to his daughter, to no avail.
Ray: How have you been?
Me: Fine.
Ray: And Elodie?
Me: You can ask her, you know.
Ray: I don’t think that would be a good idea.
Me: Don’t you love her?
Ray: Yes. But it’s probably best that I’m not in her life.
Me: She thinks her parents resent her. She’s started to resent you.
Ray: I don’t blame her. I wish both of you well.
That was it. I understood that they blamed themselves for their daughter’s harm, at least that’s what I assumed it was. But avoiding her? That didn’t help her. She could have forgiven them for the accident if they had tried years ago. But what started as Elodie blaming herself for staying with me turned to wanting nothing to do with her original parents. Hard as it was to say, I couldn’t even blame her for that.
I should have known better, too. Her parents were a sore subject for her, and she was happiest when they weren’t brought up so she wouldn’t have to think of them.
Otherwise, things were somewhat normal. There weren’t many odd encounters like that one day at the salon. She attended school and got good grades, although teachers noted how quiet she would be, no one ever accused her of being unkind. I never thought to ask whether or not she had made friends, and she never told me. Maybe she didn’t, or maybe she was too private of a person to tell me. I didn’t think there was much she kept hidden, in fact, where I would have expected her to be more independent at her age, she still preferred for me to come along when she wanted to go out.
We’d go to the mall together. She’d run off to the art store and check out supplies. We’d stop by for frozen yogurt most of the time, or go to a coffee kiosk and sit down at the food court. Sometimes we’d get a full lunch there, but I didn’t find the food all that good. If she was fine with it, though, that mattered more than my own comfort.
We were at the mall once again. Crowds of people. Some with their families. Some alone. Some with friends. For the most part, we paid none of them any mind, save for the occasional “pardon me” as we tried to wade past them.
Then, Elodie pointed out one of them that caught her attention.
“Look! It’s my fairy godmother!” I let out a chuckle. “Aren’t you getting a little old for that?”
She puffed her cheeks. “That’s not what I mean! Look!”
I saw where she was pointing and saw someone who looked just a little younger than me in front of a vending machine, hunched over and shivering. Her hair was short, and a bright red.
“Damn machine ate my quarters…” I heard the woman mutter under her breath. “Good for nothing...argh…”
It looked like she was about ready to kick the machine, but she stopped and stood upright, looked around, then studied the machine while she continued to mutter.
“It’s just some stranger having problems with the vending machine,” I murmured to Elodie. “No need to pay them any mind.”
She didn’t listen, however, and ran up to the stranger.
“Hey, do you remember me?” She looked up and asked. That startled the woman as she looked down and then looked around. Then, when she turned to face Elodie again, she shook her head in rapid succession.
Oh, she’s much more shy than I thought.
“Um. No. Sorry,” the woman replied.
I approached the two of them and I caught a closer glimpse of her face – similar, near identical, even, to the one we met at the salon.
It’s not like I remember her face all that well. I’m surprised I even remember that day at all. It wasn’t like it was all that memorable, was it?
Yet the surprise must have shown on my face as I stood for a moment, stunned.
“Is something wrong? Does my appearance intimidate you?” She asked. “This isn’t good…”
“No, not at all,” I assured her. I then noticed how muscular she was: although she wore a sweater (one that said “I LOVE NO” which could have stood for Norway, or New Orleans, but I had the humorous idea that it just stood for her loving the word ‘no’), I could tell the definition and her build. I tried to take care not to study her, and soon, I was the one to apologize.
“Sorry, my niece thought you looked like someone familiar.”
“You shiver a lot,” Elodie pointed out, which I was about to tell her how rude that was, when the stranger spoke up first.
“I shiver when I’m nervous. I’m not used to being approached by people. It’s bad enough...being in a place like this…”
“I’m really sorry to hear –” I began, before being interrupted by Elodie.
“Why are you here, then?” She asked. Again, I found it rude, even if I wanted to ask that same question, myself. Rather than get offended, the stranger looked away, then back at her.
“That’s a good question. I had a day off from work and felt bold, so…”
“What’s your work?” Elodie then demanded again. It was as if she had the stranger in an interrogation.
“I’d rather not say…it’s kind of embarrassing...”
“Now really, that’s enough, Elodie,” I scolded.
“Sorry,” she looked down, before looking back up. Like she had just one more question. “What were you trying to buy, anyway?”
“I wanted a soda. I don’t know why. I’d rather something warm.”
“Hey,” I offered. “Rather than waste time getting frustrated with a machine, wanna go to a cafe? I know of a place around here that’s quieter.”
“I don’t want to impose…” Her words came out terse.
“It’s fine. It’s not like I’m inviting you to my home. But I get it, we’re strangers, and it’s probably strange of me to ask so out of the blue. You can refuse if you’d like, I wouldn’t be offended.”
Probably? More like definitely. I’m just taking pity on this stranger, though, that’s all.
“I’ll come. If it’s not any trouble with the little one.”
“I don’t mind! Auntie needs to make friends, anyway!”
Upon hearing the word ‘auntie’, the woman smiled. It didn’t strike me as sinister, but I didn’t feel any warmth behind it, either. It puzzled me, but I dismissed it as soon as I made note of it.
Rather than take the car, we walked for about five minutes once outside of the mall and entered a small cafe with few customers. Some smooth jazz music played and the whole place had a white, floral design.
We sat at an empty booth, with the stranger opting to sit across from Elodie and I. All the while, she looked in a constant near-panic state.
As the server came up to us and asked us what we wanted, I asked for a mocha with oat milk. Elodie went for a hot chocolate, and when our guest was asked what she wanted, she answered, “do you have snowberry tea?”
“Sorry, I’ve never heard of that before,” the server replied.
“Do you have peppermint?”
“I’ll have that.”
After the server left, I turned to our guest.
“If you don’t mind me asking, what is snowberry tea?” I asked.
She rubbed her hands together. Even here, she shivered. “It...I had it before. It would make me dizzy. And sweat. It made me warm. Just a little.”
“I see. Is peppermint similar?”
“I...I don’t know,” she shook her head.
“I hope I’m not putting you on the spot.”
“You’re not.”
I turned to Elodie. “How are you holding up?”
“You don’t need to worry about me all the time, really,” she assured me.
“I’m Violette, by the way,” I told the nervous stranger.
“I’m Re...Mira,” she looked around, then back down.
“Remira?” I asked.
She shook her head in rapid succession, as if a jolt was sent down her spine.
“Just Mira. Mira Image.”
“Huh. Interesting name,” I noted.
Elodie ended up doing most of the chatting as I sat there and sipped my drink while I found myself ambushed by thoughts.
What am I doing here? What happened to the mall? What are those two talking about? Is Elodie okay like this? Am I? Am I doing the right thing, talking to this stranger? Inviting her to a cafe? Would I have done that for anyone or would I have been more cautious? Well, this isn’t bad, is it? She seems harmless, if nervous. Even if it comes to pass that she took advantage of my kindness, it’s just a drink, right? It would be a minor inconvenience at best. She hasn’t done anything that could be considered suspicious, has she? Then again, I should know better than to trust a strang – no. I need to stop assuming the worst in people.
“Is something wrong?” Elodie asked, and I looked up. That whole time, I didn’t even realize that my head was lowered.
“Yes, I’m. It’s fine,” I replied.
“You’re shivering, too,” Mira pointed out. Something else that I didn’t notice. What was wrong with me?
“I must be a little nervous as well,” I assured them both. “Thank you for your concern.”
“Jeez, there’s nothing to be nervous about!” Elodie teased. “Mira told me that she’s really liked spending time with us. She said she’s not used to people being so kind to her, and most people avoid her.”
“Huh. Is that true?” I turned to Mira. She nodded as she took a sip of her tea.
“Most people hear about my job and assume I must be scary, when that couldn’t be further from the truth. If anything, I’m scared of everyone else…”
“Right, you mentioned your job was embarrassing. You can tell me, though. I won’t judge you.”
Though I likely will. Can I go a single moment without judging something? Well, I won’t voice it, at least. Everything’s fine as long as I don’t speak up.
“Well, okay...see...I was hired as a bodyguard by an eccentric man. He noticed how lonely I was and forced himself into my life, then convinced me to work for him. I didn’t really want to, but I’m not good at speaking up, so I just accepted it.”
Where have I heard that one before?
“I can relate,” I told her.
“You can?” She gasped.
I nodded.
“You might be the first one. I’ve told people before, and they assumed me to be tough or violent, when I wouldn’t even hurt a fly. I don’t like to...fight, and I may be protective of people close to me, but…”
“I understand. It must be a tough position for you to be in.”
“It is, but I’m grateful for the opportunity, all the same. Even though I feel like I was tricked into it, I find it worthwhile to take care of someone.”
“Just like with Elodie and I. Her parents...err…it’s probably best not to talk about it.”
“I’m right here! It’s fine!” Elodie crossed her arms. “Actually, you’re right. There are nicer things to talk about.”
“So Mira, when do you go back to work?” I asked.
“I should probably head back tomorrow. I’m lucky to even get some time away. He told me he would be fine for a couple of days, but I can’t help but worry. This all started because one of the locals shot his hand in a dispute. There’s no telling what might happen while I’m away.”
“Oh dear, that does sound horrible.”
“You should see Mira before she goes,” Elodie tugged at my sleeve.
“I’m not sure…”
“Come on, you could use a friend!”
“In what way?” I heard Mira mutter. I didn’t think much of it, although I should have.
“But what about you?” I kept my attention toward Elodie. I could have meant, “but couldn’t you use a friend as well?” But that wasn’t where my thoughts were. I always made her my priority, to the point where I rarely took stock in my own interests.
“I can stay home! I’ll be fine!”
“Well then,” I must have had a weak expression on my face. I still wasn’t too comfortable with the idea of leaving her home alone. “What do you say, Mira?”
She shrugged. “This is a nice cafe. I suppose a few minutes won’t hurt.”
It was settled. Elodie and I shimmied out of our seats.
“It was nice to meet you, Mira,” I told her as we left.
“You as well. Thank you for the drink,” she replied.
Before I headed out the next day, I told Elodie to keep the doors locked and call me if anything came up. It still felt wrong, but at least I did that much.
Upon arriving at the cafe, I noticed Mira already sat down, at the same booth we were at yesterday. Again, the cafe was near empty, but rather than give off a nervous look, she looked much more composed.
“I hope I didn’t keep you waiting long,” I hurried to sit across from her.
“Not at all,” she replied.
We ordered the same things as last time, and I had no reason to suspect that the mood would change.
“Are you nervous or excited about returning to work?” I asked.
“Both. Mostly, I’m thinking about how cold I will be,” she shivered. It must have been the thought alone that did her in. “Living in the arctic can be harsh sometimes.”
“You live in the arctic?”
“Yes. Though I often stay the night at my boss’s restaurant.”
“That’s funny, Elodie’s dad has a restaurant in the arctic.”
“Really now?” She leaned forward. “What a coincidence. It really is a small world, isn’t it?” She smiled.
She’s even starting to talk like him. Does she recognize that?
I didn’t yet know why, but I started to tense up.
“Um...what is your boss’s name?” I asked. If I didn’t, maybe everything could have stayed normal.
“Ray. Why do you ask?” She answered, so plain at that.
“No...no…” My heart began to race. I shook.
“What’s the matter?” She tilted her head. “It’s just a name, right?”
“It can’t be a coincidence. You must have known who we were, too.”
Her eyes widened, as did her smile.
“He likes to show others pictures of his daughter. How proud he is of her. Yet I’ve never seen her in person, and I would have never guessed that was her yesterday.”
“Why…” There grew to be a growl in my voice as I struggled to keep composure. “Was it to get to her?”
She leaned back, shocked at the very notion.
“Not at all. I mean you and your daughter no harm. I would like to think that I’m on your side.”
“What do you want?” I pressed. I didn’t even try to take a sip of my drink. I didn’t think I could stomach it. “What is the truth, then?”
“I’ve told you the truth – the thing is, I don’t like being tricked. The fact that I couldn’t find out anything about him on my own didn’t help. So I figured who better to turn to than someone close to him?”
“I-I don’t know anything!” I stammered out the words and I found it harder to hold back my agitation. “I don’t get myself involved with them! Go talk to one of his crime lord buddies if you want to know something!”
“Oh?” That must have piqued her interest. “No wonder he thinks he needs protection. He must be pretty rotten to get himself involved with such people.”
“Maybe he has a savior complex or something, I don’t know!”
She burst into laughter.
“That must be the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard.”
I didn’t know why, but I spoke out in Ray and Sunny’s defense. “They feel guilt over an accident which harmed Elodie! You have no right to speak about them that way!” My voice raised, but I tried, I tried so hard. I hated that this affected me at all to the point it did. Worse yet, Mira remained composed.
“So guilty that passed their daughter off to you.”
“I didn’t even want to take care of her!” I cried out, then burst into tears. I couldn’t believe that I would say such a thing. It was true at the time, I resented their actions, I thought I could do better. I felt pressured, though, and I could have said no, but I didn’t. I did my best with her, the best that I knew how to, and I swore, I loved her.
“I love her...I do…” My words turned quiet as I wept.
“I never claimed otherwise,” came her arid reply.
“You’re just like him,” I felt the words escape me, as a brief flash of anger return. She said nothing to that at first. Fear swept over me and I expected her to be angry in turn, but instead, she asked:
“How so?”
“You think it’s okay to trick others. You put up an act just to get what you want.”
“I do what I need to,” came her excuse. “Let me tell you something, however: there is a child I let stay with me. I do not care for her, and I do not claim her as my own, but I’ve taught her how to survive. Claim whatever you want, but I would not have approached the same situation with your niece if I were in Ray’s position. He could have taught her to be safer, along with her mother. Instead, they gave her up. Cowardly, if you ask me.”
Whether or not she had a point didn’t matter to me. I was just disgusted that I let myself get taken advantage of. Time and time again.
“With that, I’ll be on my way,” she got up.
“I thought I could have made a friend,” I muttered.
“How cute. Use a little common sense next time,” her cold words seemed to come through in a single breath.
For a little while after she left, I remained seated and struggled to regain composure. On the ride home, I shuddered and worried about how Elodie would see me, what I would say to her. Part of me wanted to lie and say something like, “she didn’t show up” or “it went fine”. Part of me wanted to tell the truth and spare no details.
I didn’t know what side of me to show to her, and that might have been what scared me most of all. Six years had been spent with her, and I swore to myself that I enjoyed every moment, even the hardest of days, and that I didn’t regret being with her. But I couldn’t deny how unsure of myself I felt, whether my actions were actually good and whether there was some proof that I wasn’t so cold, myself.
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iamsaha · 4 years
Finnegan pulled her skirt up to show off some more leg and undid an extra button to show more cleavage. She frowned. The expensive push-up bra she had gotten - after telling herself that it was a work expense - was extremely uncomfortable. As if every dollar she had sunk into it was eager to remind her that it should have been spent on something else. 
“Hey, Finn.” Roan came into the locker room, already in the process of tearing her shirt off. “Slow night.”
“Yeah? That’s good. Could use one.” Finnegan applied her lip balm, smacked her lips, and turned to face her friend. The brunette was massaging her own feet with a look of bliss on her face. “You alright?”
“Yeah I’m fine.” Roan smiled. ���The night is slow but the day was packed. Especially this afternoon.”
“Lucky me then.”
“Yep.” Roan sighed as she got up to get changed. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Finn. We’re both working the night shift.”
“Goodnight.” Finnegan hugged her friend and left the locker room. The dark hallway smelled of fried food, alcohol, and a slight hint of the lemon-scented cleaning product used to clean the floors. It was a combination of smells that Finnegan had hated at first when she first started working at Buck’s but now, after five years, it was something she could think of fondly. She thought it was weird she could do that but she didn’t question it. It’s always nice to have something to think of positively. 
“Hey, gorgeous. Didn’t see you come in.”
“Well I didn’t want you to see me before I got all pretty.” Finnegan smiled at Cooper as he stuck his head out the kitchen door. “What do you think?” She twirled for him.
“You’d turn a gay man straight, Finn.” Cooper nodded approvingly.
“Well did I?”
“Fuck you then.” Finnegan punched his shoulder and headed towards the main room. Roan was right. It was a slow night. She could count a grand total of ten customers in the restaurant’s fairly large main room. The majority, a loud group of five, weren’t even in her section. She watched for a second to see how they were treating the new girl, Shelly, as she dropped off their food. Their eyes wandered but that’s about it. Since adventurous eyes were encouraged in their workplace, Finnegan kept moving. As she passed them, one called out to her.
“How about you join us, sweetheart?”
“I’d love to but we’re not allowed to spoil our customers.” Finnegan winked at him. “Not too much anyway.” She lifted her skirt up to show off her thigh before letting it drop. That got her a cheer but otherwise the men left her alone. It was always risky pulling a move like that. Some took it as an invitation to get physically friendly. But most of the men at Buck’s were polite and knew what was allowed and what wasn’t. For the ones that didn’t, there’s a gentleman standing by the door that was very protective of his female coworkers.
“Good evening, sir, I hope you haven’t had to wait too long.” Finnegan said when she got to her first table for the night. “My name is Finnegan and I’ll be your waitress tonight. You can call me Finn.”
“It’s fine.” The man said. “Is Roan not in tonight?”
“Her shift just ended.” Finnegan frowned apologetically. “She your favorite?”
“I just had her a week ago, which was my first time here. I’m sure you can be my favorite.”
“I’m sure I can be.” Finnegan brightened up like he had just made her day and moved to stand by him, her hip resting against his upper arm. She put her arm around his shoulder and leaned over. “So what can I get started for you...?”
“Greg! That was my high school volleyball coach’s name. Had the biggest crush on him.” Finnegan said. “What can I get you, Greg?”
“Just get me a diet coke for now, Finn.” Greg said. “Haven’t looked at the menu much.”
“Well how about I suggest an appetizer for ya?”
She leaned closer and ‘casually’ pushed her breasts against the side of his head. “Our chef Cooper makes the best mozzarella sticks. I don’t know what he breads the cheese with but I think it’s drugs. And the marinara sauce that you get to dip with is to die for. ”
“Then I would love some of those.”
“I’ll get that right out for you, Greg.” She started the order on her tablet and put in what he had asked for. She squeezed his shoulder and went to the soda fountain to get his coke. On the way back she greeted customers that had just been seated. “I’ll be right with you gentleman.” She winked at them and they smiled back. She made sure to sway her hips a little extra on the remaining few steps to Greg. “Here’s your diet coke, sir.”
“Thank you.” Greg took a sip of the drink. “I think I’ll have Buck’s Burger.”
“Fries or onion rings on the side?” Finnegan asked. “Or a mix of both for just a dollar extra?”
“Neither, Finn. Trying to watch what I eat.” Greg shook his head. “Shouldn’t have said yes to those mozzarella sticks.”
“Well since you’re being smart and taking care of yourself,” Finnegan said. “You want a turkey patty for that burger instead of beef?”
“Does it cost extra?”
“Buck fifty buuuuut,” Finnegan said. “I do love a man that takes care of himself.”
“Turkey patty it is then, Finn.” Greg laughed. “You’re gonna get every penny out of me, aren’t you?”
“Well not every penny. I do want you to come back.” Finnegan grinned. “Just as much as you wanna give me.”
“Fair enough, honey.” Greg handed her the menu. “Now get this outta my sight before I get tempted by the other things on there.”
“Your appetizer will be here in a second.” Finnegan took the menu, dropped it off at the hostess’ podium, and returned to the two men that had recently arrived. “How y’all doing? My name’s Finnegan and I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Call me Finn.” She said. “Or call me sweetie if that’s what you want.”
“W-w-we’ll call you F-Finn.” One man said, trying to seem like he wasn’t staring at her cleavage. 
“Booo.” She said playfully. “How about you, sir? Will you call me Finn too?”
“I’ll call you sweetie, sweetie.” The other man said. He seemed at least a decade older than the first. “Lighten up Mike. You just hurt her feelings.”
“Oh. S-s-sorry.” Mike blushed and looked down.
“Don’t worry about it, Mike. Call me whatever makes you comfortable.” Finn smiled and patted his back. “What can I get you two to drink?”
“Got any new IPAs?” 
“Electric Jellyfish.” Finnegan said. “Has a nice citrus flavor to it and our chef swears he can taste a hint of mango.”
“Two pints of that then!”
“J-j-just one.” Mike said. “I’ll h-h-have a water. With l-l-lemon.”
“It’s your birthday, Mikey. Come on.”
“I drove us here, Jake.” 
“Ooo responsible. Love it. Happy birthday, Mike!” Finnegan smoothly interrupted before Jake could argue. “A pint of Electric Jellyfish for one cutie and a glass of water with lemon for the birthday cutie. Any appetizers?”
“Y’all still have those crab cakes? I didn’t see it on the menu but I’m hoping anyway.” Jake asked. Mike looked pleased at being called ‘birthday cutie’. 
“Wow you’re a frequent customer aren’t you, Jake? Yes in fact we do still have the crab cakes. Secret menu item now.” Finnegan smiled. “How come I haven’t seen your smile around before?”
“Was out of town for a long while, Finn.” Jake said. “Came back just for my brother’s birthday.”
“That’s so nice of you, Jake.” Finnegan crooned. “Well I’ll get those crab cakes started and be right back with your drinks.”
“Enjoyin’ those mozzarella sticks, Greg?” She asked on the way to the bar. He gave her an appreciative nod and she winked in return. It was when Sal was pouring the beer for her that she saw that another man had been seated at her section. He was wearing a hoodie and seemed intent on keeping his hands in the kangaroo pocket in the front. On her walk back to Jake and Mike’s table, she noticed the new guest take a hand out for a brief moment. Finnegan thought she saw heavy bandages but the hand was put away just as quickly as it was brought out. “Here you go. Do you know what you want to eat? Or should I give y’all more time?”
“Some more time. Please.” Mike said. “Sweetie.”
“I think you’re the sweetie, Mike.” Finnegan winked. “I’ll be back in five.”
“How about sooner because we’ll miss you?” Jake grinned.
“As you wish.” Finnegan curtsied, being sure to tip her cleavage in Mike’s direction. Birthday boy deserved it. And she wanted to earn back the money she spent on the bra. Then, she walked over to her new guest. “Hello! Welcome to Buck’s. I’ll be your waitress Finnegan but please call me Finn. What’s your name?”
“Barry.” He said, keeping his head bowed but looking up at her from under the hood. 
It worried Finnegan that he was keeping himself concealed but his table was close to the entrance. When she glanced at Brent, he nodded his head subtly. Satisfied that she’d be safe she returned her attention to Barry. “Very nice to meet you, Barry.  What do you want to drink?”
“Just water? Not even a soda?” Finnegan smiled. “Our food goes well with sugary, bubbly drinks.”
“Water is fine.”
“Suit yourself, Barry.” Finnegan shrugged. “Any appetizers or do you need more time to look at the menu?”
“Time.” Barry said. “Please.”
“Sure thing, honey.” Finnegan smiled. “I’m a fan of those beer battered fish and chips you can find in the specials but I’ll get you whatever you ask for.” Instead of patting or squeezing his shoulder like she normally would have done, she tapped the table and smiled again. Before going to check on Shelly, she walked over to Brent. “Hey, baby.”
“Evening, Finn.” Brent nodded at her and gave the slightest of smiles. “How’s your sister?”
“Awww that’s so sweet of you to remember. She’s out of the hospital now. Trying to rest up but my new nephew isn’t letting her.” Finnegan said. “Keeps wanting his mama’s milk.”
“Glad to hear it.” 
“Listen. I know you already noticed but,” Finnegan lowered her voice just in case. “Keep an eye on the guy in the hoodie, will ya? I hate profiling him like that. But him hiding his face rubs me the wrong way.”
“You got it.”
“Thank you, Brent. You are the best.” She blew him a kiss and walked over to Shelly who was attempting to balance five drinks on a platter. “Oh sweetie here. Let me help you.”
“No no. I got it. I have to practice.” Shelly frowned stubbornly. “Thanks though.”
“If you say so. How’s your table treating you? Eyes only?”
“One put his hand on my ass.”
“Which one?” Finnegan tensed. “I’ll have Brent talk to him.”
“No no it’s okay. His friend hit him for me.” Shelly shook her head rapidly. “And it’s my fault anyway. I don’t know what’s too far and flirted with him a little extra.”
“Shelly. Sweetheart.” Finnegan sighed. “It is absolutely not your fault! You understand me? The rules here are simple. You flirt. You tease your body a little. But our customers are not allowed to grope you. They come here to look at something nice and get some extra attention while they eat good food. If they want to grope a woman they can get a prostitute or a stripper willing to bend the rules. Buck’s girls do not provide that service.”
“Okay, Finn.” Shelly smiled gratefully. “Thank you. I’m gonna go serve them now.”
“Remember, Brent is there for a reason. He’s our friend not our customers’.” Finnegan headed to Greg who had just been served his burger. “Well, Greg. How’s that burger treating you?”
“Treating me better than my ex wife.” Greg chuckled. “Wasn’t sure if I’d like the turkey patty but it’s damn good.”
“Well screw her if a patty is better!” Finnegan laughed with him.
“What’s that sauce on here? Never had anything like it.”
“Well that’s Buck’s secret! Even Cooper doesn’t know what’s in it and he made you that burger.” Finnegan said, then pointed over to a shelf situated next to the bar. On it were bottles of Buck’s Sauce. “You wanna take a bottle home with you?”
Greg looked over at the shelf, then pointed at the shirt rack next to it. “I’ll come back for the burger. But I think I will get myself a t-shirt. I should get the word out.”
“That would mean so much to me, Greg.” Finnegan grinned. “What size does a big strong man like you wear? A large?”
“Extra large, sweet heart.” Greg chuckled. “I wasn’t kidding about watching what I eat. I need to.”
“Oh hush you’re handsome.”
“I said I was fat, not ugly.” Greg winked. 
That got a genuine laugh out of Finnegan. “Truer words have never been spoken. I’ll drop the shirt off in a minute.” She squeezed his shoulder and walked over to Mike and Jake’s table. “Well, gentleman. Enjoying those crab cakes?”
Mike hurriedly swallowed. “Delicious!”
Jake took his time chewing and swallowing, but he did smile at her. “Just like I remembered.”
“Wonderful!” Finnegan said. “Are you ready to order your main course?”
“Yep.” Jake said. “Mikey go ahead and tell her.”
“Oh. Uhm.” Mike’s face didn’t blush when he looked at her but his ears did turn lobster red. “I’ll have Buck’s Spicy Chicken Sandwich w-with fries on the side. A-and Jake wants the Southerner Chicken Sandwich. With fries. Fries.”
“Two chicken sandwiches for my boys, coming right up.” She placed the order on her tablet, then smiled at Mike. “I like your tattoos, Mike.”
“Th-thank you.”
“He’s a tattoo artist.” Jake chimed in. 
“Really? That’s amazing!”
“I’m an a-p-prentice still.” Mike corrected. “Not official.”
“Well you’ll need to practice on someone then, right?” Finnegan asked. “Why not me?”
“You have tattoos?” Mike glanced at her pale hands and arms.
“Where they are is a secret.” Finnegan winked but she did pull her collar to the side, slightly, revealing a hint of ink. “Write your shop’s name down when y’all pay the bill. I’ll come and check you out. See if we can work out a design.”
“C-cool. Thank you.” 
“Told you coming here would be a good idea.” Jake grinned. “You just got a customer.”
“You sure did.” Finnegan squeezed Mike’s shoulder. “Alright I’ll be back in a bit. Need me to get a refill for that beer, Jake?”
“Yes, ma’am.” Jake got up, stuffing the last crab cake into his mouth. “Gonna head to the bathroom, Mike.”
Finnegan waved at Mike, winked at Greg as she passed him, and arrived at Barry’s table. “Well Mr. Barry. What can I get for you?”
“The fish and chips.”
“Sure!” Finnegan smiled. She noticed him peek at her before looking away. “No appetizers?”
“No. Thank you.”
“Suit yourself, Barry.” Finnegan shrugged. “It’ll be out in a little bit, alright?”
“Okay.” Barry nodded. “And a soda. Please.”
“Ahh changed your mind, did ya?” Finnegan said. “What kind of bubbly goodness do you want?”
“Dr. Pepper.”
“Man of excellent taste.” Finnegan gave him a thumbs up and patted the table. “I’ll be right back with that.”
She was getting that drink when Jake approached her. “Hey, Finn.”
“Hey, Jake.” Finnegan said. “Need something?”
“Just wanted to thank you for being so nice to Mike.” Jake said. “If you couldn’t tell, he’s a little awkward around women. It’s why I brought him here.”
“Well of course, Jake!” Finnegan smiled, leaning on the counter and facing him. “And he’s not that awkward. A little shy maybe. But it’s cute.”
“I’ve tried telling him that women aren’t scary but…” Jake sighed and shrugged. “Hopefully tonight helps a little.”
“I’m sure it will. I’m glad I can help.” Finnegan grabbed the fresh beer as Sal handed it to her. “And here’s that beer you wanted.” Finnegan watched him go, then headed to Barry’s table. “One Dr. Pepper for you, Mr. Barry.”
“Thank you.” Barry said. “Finn.”
“You’re welcome.” Finnegan said. “Anything else I can do for ya? You’ve got a good view of the tv so I can change the channel for ya, if you’d like.”
“That’s fine. I have my phone.” Barry gestured with his chin at his phone. The screen was filled with text. 
“Oooo what are you reading?”
“Wheel of Time.” Barry said, tone hesitant. “It’s a series by…”
“Robert Jordan.” Finnegan finished. “I haven’t read it but it’s on my list.”
Though she couldn’t see his face that well, Finnegan was sure he looked shocked. “What? Can’t a pretty girl like me enjoy some fantasy?”
“You can. It’s just…”
“Surprising?” Finnegan laughed. “I know. I get it all the time. But I’m a fantasy nerd just like you.” She looked around then leaned over conspiratorially and whispered. “I’ve got a Brass Allomantic symbol tattoo on my waist. Do you know what that means?”
“Yep!” Finnegan cheered. “Sanderson is an absolute genius, isn’t he?”
“He is.” Barry nodded.
“Well I’ll leave you to read. Don’t wanna get in the way of that. I know how annoyed I get when people interrupt my storytime.” Finnegan stood back up normally. “Your dinner will be here soon.”
“Thank you, Finn.”
Finnegan winked then went to grab an extra-large shirt for Greg. “Here ya go, Greg. And since you were being smart and taking care of your health, the shirt is on the house.”
“Really?” Greg beamed. “Can you do that?”
“Buck is flexible with his favorites.” Finnegan said. “And I’m his number one.”
“Seems like a great guy.”
“Only ones better than him are his customers.” 
“You’re never off, are you?” Greg laughed. “With the customer pleasing.”
“Oh Greg I am always on.” Finnegan winked. “Anything else I can get for you?”
“Well I want a milkshake. But I wouldn’t want to disappoint you so I’ll just have the check.”
“Yay! Good man.” Finnegan jumped in place and clapped her hands together, pretending to not notice the attention it got from him. “I’ll be back with your check. The t-shirt will be on there, for our own inventory purposes, but you’re not going to be charged. If it seems like you were, though, let me know!”
“Thank you, Finn.”
Finnegan headed to Jake and Mike’s table after grabbing Greg’s check and dropping it off. “How are you boys doing?”
“Well I’m doing great.” Jake laughed, putting his sandwich down. “How about you, Mikey?”
“G-g-good.” Mike sniffled. He looked as though he had been crying.
“Awww Mikey… I assumed you could handle spice since you asked for it.” Finnegan held back a chuckle. “We usually do a complementary slice of cake or pie for birthday boys but we can do a milkshake instead. It’ll calm your tongue down. Vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry?”
“Vanilla.” Mike sniffled again. “Please.”
“Oh wow I’m so surprised you picked vanilla.” Finnegan smirked. 
“Could I get a milkshake too? Chocolate.” Jake asked, watching her put in the order.
“You aren’t the birthday boy, Jake. You’ll be charged for that one.”
“Really?” Jake frowned exaggeratedly.
“Yep.” Finnegan frowned in response as a fake apology.
“Ah it’s fine. Bring me one anyway. Along with the check.”
“Sure! Be back soon, boys.” She walked over to Greg’s table and, when he caught sight of her, began dragging her feet in as slowly as she could without looking stupid. “Do you really have to go?”
“My dogs are waiting for me. So yes.” Greg smiled. “I had a good time tonight, Finn. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Give your pups extra belly rubs on my behalf.” Finnegan picked up his card along with the check. “And please do come back! Hopefully I’m the one that gets to wait on you.”
“I hope so too.”
After double checking that he hadn’t been charged for the t-shirt, Finnegan swiped his card. With his receipt printed, she returned to Greg’s table, once again walking as slowly as she could to it once they made eye contact. “Here you go, Greg. Drive safe.”
“Will do.” Greg said. “Listen. I know all the attention you give us and everything is part of your job. But it’s still really nice. And it feels authentic.”
“Wouldn’t feel right to me if I wasn’t being authentic, Greg.” Finnegan said. “It is my job. But I enjoy doing it.”
“I believe you.”
Finnegan hugged him from the side, once again pressing her breasts to his head, and walked to Barry’s table. “Mr. Barry.”
“How are the fish and chips?” Finnegan asked. “As good as I promised?”
“Mhm.” Barry nodded. “Thank you.”
“I knew it! That’s what I always get when I eat here. Cooper is a genius cook.”
“I know.”
“You know?”
“He’s a friend.”
“Oh! Didn’t know that.” Finnegan raised an eyebrow. “Well that makes you family. Sort of. How come we haven’t seen each other before?”
“Been a long time since I came here.” Barry said after a few moments of silence.
Finnegan assumed it had something to do with the bandages he kept hiding. “Ah. Well. Good to have you back, Mr. Barry.”
“Good to be back.”
Finnegan felt she could get him to talk more if she pressed him but decided against it. “After my other two customers leave, do you mind if I join you? I can take my dinner break early.”
“Oh. Sure.” Barry looked up at her in shock and she caught sight of a scarred face. He jerked his head back down immediately. “If you want.”
“Dinner is more fun with company.” Finnegan said. “Want me to bring over any dessert for you to have something to eat while I do?”
“Apple pie. If you have it.”
“We sure do!” Finnegan patted the table then went to grab the two milkshakes that were waiting for Jake and Mike. Once she had those, along with their check, she returned to the boys. “Here you go! One vanilla and one chocolate. Happy birthday, Mikey!”
Mike grabbed his and began sucking on the straw immediately. Jake laughed. “He says thanks.”
“Thank you…” Mike added quietly.
“You’re welcome. Are you the type to enjoy people singing happy birthday or….” She saw the look on his face. “No. Gotcha.”
“Aw come on.” Jake threw his hands in the air. “You being uncomfortable is the best part.”
“Birthday boy gets to pick.” Finnegan put the check in front of Jake. “And birthday boy’s brother pays, right?”
“Right.” Jake sighed heavily. He took his wallet out and gave her the card and check.
“Aren’t you gonna look at the check?”
“I trust a girl that works for Buck.” Jake smiled. 
“Good policy. We’re the best.” Finnegan smiled back, then walked away to charge him. Despite her rush to get back to Barry, Finnegan checked to be sure Jake was being billed for the right items before swiping his card. Once that was done, she returned. “Remember. Write down your tattoo shop’s name, Mike!”
“I will.” Mike said. His milkshake was almost done.
“Careful! Don’t want you getting a brain freeze.” Finnegan patted his back playfully before giving him a pen to write with. “Alright then. You boys have a safe night, alright?”
“You too, Finn.” Jake said. “That’s what Brent over there is for, right?”
Finnegan laughed, gave them both a side hug, and grabbed the check from Greg’s table. She raised both eyebrows in surprise at the extremely generous tip he had left her before heading to the kitchen. “Hey, Cooper!”
“Hey, Finnegan.” Cooper didn’t look up from the burgers he was grilling.
 “Your friend Barry is here. I’m serving him.”
“Is he? Cool.” Cooper smiled. “Been convincing him for weeks. Don’t bill him, by the way. His meal’s on me.”
“You got it.” Finnegan nodded. “Any chance I can be nosy and you can tell me what he’s hiding?”
“No chance, Finn.”
“Ahh that’s fine.” Finnegan shrugged. “Tell me this though. Is he a good guy?”
“The best.”
“In that case, could you have some fish and chips sent over to his table for me? I’m taking my dinner break with him.”
“Little early for a dinner break, don’t you think?”
“Who’s gonna stop me? The only one here with seniority over me is you.” Finnegan pouted. “You gonna stop me, Coop?”
“Love ya.” Finnegan said. “I’m gonna grab a slice of pie for him as well.”
“Help yourself.”
Pie in hand, she returned to Barry. “Either you’re not enjoying your meal or you’re a slow eater.”
“Slow eater.” Barry said. As if to demonstrate, he took a single bite out of a fry that was small enough for him to eat whole.
“I’m a vacuum.” Finnegan put his pie to the side. “Thanks for letting me join you.”
“Thank you.” Barry said. “Didn’t know that happened here.”
“There aren’t any rules against it.” Finnegan said. “Just as long as we don’t go past our break time. Also helps that you’re a friend of Cooper. Wouldn’t be comfortable doing this with a customer I don’t know.”
“You don’t know me.”
“I know Cooper though.” Finnegan winked. “A friend of Cooper is a friend of mine. He doesn’t make friends easily.”
Barry chuckled. “No. He doesn’t.”
“How long have you known him?”
“Since we were kids. Fifth grade.”
“Wow!” Finnegan exclaimed. “Only people I’ve been friends with since I was a kid are my parents.”
“I got lucky.” Barry said. “How long have you been working here?”
“Five years once we get to April 15th.”
“Thank you. I love this job.” 
“Easy to tell.”
“Is that so?”
“You’re very enthusiastic and friendly.” Barry said. “Hard to fake.”
“Never underestimate a girl working customer service.” Finnegan laughed. “But you’re right. Only days I’m not genuine is when I’m not feeling alright. But if I’m good on the inside? Every smile you get comes from the heart.”
Their conversation mainly revolved around the various fantasy worlds they wished they could visit, if not live in. Even the dystopian societies had a draw to them due to the amazing magic that happened there. Barry seemed interested in anything that took him away from whatever was happening in his life. He never blatantly said it. But Finnegan could pick up on his escapist fantasies, perhaps because she could directly empathize.
“You’ve been here awhile.” Barry said, after the conversation lulled for a few moments. “You want to stay at Buck’s?”
“Saving up for grad school.” Finnegan said.  “If I get into the local school I’ll still keep working here though. Girls gotta eat, right?”
“And buy new books.”
“Yes, sir.” Finnegan smiled and tipped her glass to him. She then saw that a new group get seated in her section. “Well shit. Looks like my break is over.”
Barry looked over to where she was looking and sighed. “Ah. Okay. It was nice talking to you.”
“Booooo.” Finnegan pouted as she got up. “Only nice?”
“Great, Finn.” Barry laughed. “It was great. Could I get the check?”
“...huh?” “Coop is paying for ya.”
“He doesn’t have to do that…”
“He wants to, silly.” Finnegan said. “Next time you come in, you can pay for his dinner.”
“Yeah. I’ll do that.”
Finnegan could feel his smile. “Elbow bump goodbye?”
“Elbow bump see you later.” Barry held his elbow out and she bumped it with hers. “Thank you for tonight, Finn. I really needed it. I hope to see you again when I come in.”
“You’re very welcome Barry.” Finnegan smiled at him. “And you will if you’re lucky.” They bumped elbows again and Finnegan watched him go. She sighed, stretched, and walked to the new group of customers. “Welcome to Buck’s, gentleman! I’m Finnegan, you can call me Finn, and I’ll be your waitress tonight. How y’all doing?”
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waltzofthewifi · 5 years
Kota Chapter 1: A New Start
Table of Contents | Chapter 2 | AO3 | Fanfiction
So this story, at least at the start, takes place mainly in Paris with the Miraculous Ladybug characters. More PJO/HoO/KC characters will show up, and eventually there'll be things happening in America and at Camp Half-blood, but it builds up to that. For now, it focuses on Lacy and the MLB cast. That being said, there is a lot of references to events that happen in PJO/HoO/KC, specifically Lacy's friendship with Sadie and her relationship with her sisters Piper and Silena.
Mild amount of angst, some Lila/Bustier salt (and a very small pinch of Alya salt), lots on dealing with anger/grief (which is great because I know nothing about that), more character development than I've ever written before, and whole ton of headcanons on the miraculous, their origins, intended use, who can use it, and backstories for Fu/the butterfly and peacock miraculous. Adrinette endgame with some Lukanette, as much DJWifi as I can work in because they're cute. and mild amounts of Julerose.
There will be no redemption arc for Lila or Gabriel, but possibly for other characters. We'll see.
Lacy will eventually get a miraculous, as will some not-yet-confirmed Miraculous Ladybug characters, a few other PJO/HoO/KC characters, and few a OCs.
Oh and chapters will be much longer than my standard in this story.
Chapter 1: A New Start
Lacy Hatzi, for once in her life, was awake when her alarm clock went off.
Of course, it wasn't like she slept much that night. Her usual nightmares combined with the unfamiliarity of her new room and nerves for the day ahead of her made her restless. When her alarm went off, she was laying face down on her pillow, trying to block out the impending morning.
With a groan, she pushed herself out of bed and pulled herself downstairs.
Her dad was eating oatmeal calmly at the kitchen table, while her stepmother Elisabeth stared intensely at the coffee machine.
"Good morning, squabby," her father said, giving Lacy his most affectionate smile. "Ready for your big day?"
"No," Lacy admitted. "I'm terrified."
"You'll do fine, dove," Elisabeth said, coming up behind her. She squeezed Lacy's shoulder. "You'll see."
"You tell me that every time," Lacy replied, leaning against Elisabeth. "And it's never worked so far."
"You likes your last school," Elisabeth said. "Got along with Sadie and -"
"Elisabeth, love, Lacy has every reason to be nervous," her dad chimed in. "Starting a new school is always nerve-wracking, especially in a new country. Don't try to pretend to not be nervous."
"Right," Lacy replied. "I'm nervous. That's okay. Everyone's nervous - bad school record or not."
"Principle Damocles didn't mind your school record, Dove," Elisabeth said. "And neither did any of your teachers. Or anyone at BAG."
Lacy nodded. "Right."
Her dad stood up and placed his hand on her shoulders. "Remember to breathe."
"I'm breathing," Lacy said. She took a deep breath to prove her point. "I'm also starved. Did you find that cereal?"
Her dad chuckled. "It's next to the oatmeal."
"Thanks." Lacy walked into the kitchen, looking over the apartment's cabinets. "One question. Where's the oatmeal?"
One bowl of cereal, a quick shower, and three changes of clothes later and the start of school was almost there.
Lacy eventually settled blush pink shirt, light blue jeans, and her pink Toms. She pulled on her gray jacket and reached to pull her hair back into her usual ponytails.
She hesitated. New country, new school, should she try a new hairstyle? Her sister Piper always had her hair in such beautiful braids, and Lacy had been wanting to try it out. Making her decision, Lacy brushed it her hair out again and started on a French braid.
It didn't look as good on her as it did on Piper, but she was willing to give it a day.
Finally satisfied with how she looked - and thankful she looked like someone who had a normal sleep schedule - Lacy reached for her new knapsack. She double-checked she had everything. Textbooks, snacks, sewing kit, first aid kit, the Swiss Army knife Valdez made for her, emergency nectar and ambrosia.
None of which she needed to hide. To her surprise, her new school had a lax rule on sharp objects - something about wanting to encourage emergency supplies? It fit well with the habits she learned from Camp Half-blood, and the instructions Piper had drilled in her head.
Any big city like Paris had lots of magical threats. Stay armed. Stay aware. And don't get involved.
Getting involved was the reason she decided to switch schools in the first. Sure, it coincided with a major need for her father's job in Paris, but her family wouldn't have moved across the ocean just for that.
With Camp Half-blood running into more and more different magical beings and people, it was much more important to stay away. Especially for someone like Lacy, who wouldn't be able to hold her own the same way Piper or Clarisse could.
No, she just needed to keep her head down, even if that meant she had to leave her school, and her friends.
Still, Lacy hesitated to put her real weapon - a celestial bronze dagger she definitely didn't know how to use, disguised as a sunglass case - in her bag, even with the special pocket Piper made for it. Was it worth bringing a weapon she didn't know how to use with her?
But Piper had said to stay armed.
With a sigh, Lacy followed her older sister's instructions. Besides, monsters did have a habit of masquerading as teachers. She needed to be prepared.
Lacy secured her pack over her shoulder, flicked the lights off on her room, and headed down the steps of the apartment.
Her dad had already left, having a full day of work ahead of him, but Elisabeth offered to walk her to her new school. They lived close, and after that incident, Lacy was wary about public transport.
Elisabeth was dressed for work, in her blue slacks and blazer and black shell, but there was still a warmness and casualness to her as she walked beside Lacy. She bumped shoulders with Lacy as they walked, teasing her about every "handsome European" boy they saw.
They were technically early, but the outside of the school was already bustling with students. A teacher stood off to the side, checking something on a tablet.
Lacy felt a pang of anxiety in her chest, like an alarm going off in her head. teacher teacher teacher teacher
Lacy forced herself to take a deep breath. She rolled her shoulders a few times, trying to release the tension building in her chest.
"Are you Miss Bustier?" Elisabeth asked. Her obviously accented French reminded Lacy how grateful she was that she magically spoke French.
"Yes," the teacher replied. She smiled at Lacy. "You must be the new American student."
Lacy nodded. "Nice to meet you."
Miss Bustier smiled, and Lacy could tell that the warmth was genuine. She knew that she had been placed in Bustier's class because the teacher had a high record of helping students like Lacy, but that could mean anything. Meeting her now, Lacy could tell Bustier had a passion for teaching.
Good intentions only went so far, but it was a start.
Lacy watched her teacher's facial expressions as she talked with Elisabeth, and then she was walking with Bustier as her mom headed to the metro.
"There's no need to be nervous," Bustier told her. "Our class is really nice."
As far as you know, Lacy noted. She didn't know how fairly Bustier appraised her class. Teachers didn't always see everything.
A few moments before they reached the classroom, another girl skidded in front of the door.
"Miss Bustier! I'm so sorry I'm late!" The girl huffed.
"It's okay Marinette," Bustier said. "I know I asked you here really early." She looked at Lacy. "This is Marinette, our class president. Since you're new to the city and your parents said you were nervous about starting school, I thought you'd like to meet her."
The first thing Lacy noticed about Marinette was that her hair was in pigtails, and she looked with them. Oh, I knew pigtails would still look cute, I should have-
Marinette reached out a hand. "It's nice to meet you, Lacy."
Lacy smiled and took the hand. "You too."
"The rest of the class should be arriving soon," Bustier said. "Let's go in."
Marinette's usual seat mate was on vacation, so she offered the seat to Lacy.
"It must be scary, moving to another country," Marinette said.
Lacy nodded. "It is. But it's such a great opportunity. I try to remind myself of that when I get too homesick."
"My best friend Alya moved here recently," Marinette said. "I know she still missed her old friends for a while, but she fit in fine here too. I'm sure you will too!"
Lacy chuckled. "Thanks, but I've already heard enough pep talks today. Doesn't help with the nerves much."
"No, I guess it doesn't."
More students began filing in, some coming up and introducing themselves, others too interested in what they were doing to notice Lacy. Lacy was thrilled to meet an adorable couple - Mylene and Ivan - who always looked at each other with admiration. The romantic in Lacy awwed every time they looked at each other.
Wish I had my camera, she thought wistfully, before turning back to the front of the class just to see another student approaching her.
"Who are you?" She asked, hands on her hips.
Lacy blinked. She'd heard that attitude a thousand times in her cabin before - snotty, possibly spoiled, and definitely an incoming headache.
"Chloe, be nice," Marinette said, exasperation bleeding through her voice.
Lacy looked over the other girl - Chloe, was it? Yeah, she would fit right in with some of Lacy's sisters, with her expensive clothes, bratty expression, and face full of high-quality makeup. Better just ignore her, she figured.
"I'm the transfer student," Lacy said. "No one important."
"Obviously," Chloe replied, before heading to her seat.
"Ignore her," Marinette said.
"I was planning to," Lacy admitted.
"She's not always that bad," the blonde hair, generic-facial-expressions student in front of them - Adrien, or some other European name- commented.
The student next to him made a face. "Dude, she kinda is."
"I'm used to people like her," Lacy said. "Just duck your head and don't say anything."
"You don't have to hide here," Marinette said. "Chloe or not. Don't let her scare you."
"Sorry I'm late," another student said as she walked in.
Marinette tensed up immediately, almost like a cornered animal.
"It's okay, Lila," Bustier replied. "Just go take your seat."
Lila smiled and turned to the class, and Lacy could see a million red flags in her facial expression. If Drew had any Italian relatives, she was she was meeting one.
And then Lila looked at her, and Lacy wanted to run.
"Oh, are you new?" Lila asked.
Lacy nodded. "First day." She pulled on her jacket sleeves nervously.
"Welcome," Lila said. "I'm Lila. I'm fairly new here too."
Lacy forced a smile. "I'm Lacy."
"I'd love to show you around later," Lila said, before walking to her seat. Lacy felt herself withdraw into her seat.
"Are you okay?" Marinette asked.
Lacy nodded. "Just... reminded me of someone. That's all."
Lacy gripped the strap of her bag as she scanned the cafeteria.
"You can sit with us," Marinette offered, stepping up beside her.
Lacy nodded. "Thanks."
Most of the class sat together - three had gone home to eat, and another was calling his girlfriend, and thankfully Lila seemed otherwise occupied - and they all greeted Lacy nicely. She ended up squished between a girl named Alix and Marinette.
"I love your hair," Lacy said after they introduced themselves.
"Thanks," Alix replied. "So, what brings you to Paris?"
"I calculate there's a 90% chance her parents are Kumer boomers," another kid, Max, said.
Lacy frowned. "I'm sorry, what?"
"Kumer boomers," Marinette replied. "It's what the media's been calling all the new workers coming in. Therapists, teachers, social workers, politicians, any job that's in more of a demand thanks to Hawkmoth."
Lacy spluttered. "Hawkmoth? What kind of name is that?"
"I ask myself that every day," Alix replied with a chuckle.
"A lot of people have been complaining that no one has warned the boomers what they're getting into," Marinette noted. "The Hawkmoth situation hasn't been publicized much outside of Paris."
"Don't worry about," a student named Rose chimed in. "Ladybug and Chat Noir have the situation under control."
"Ladybug and Chat - did I step into a Marvel movie?"
"I ask myself that every day," Marinette admitted. "But yeah, they're superheroes."
"And Hawkmoth's a super villain?" Lacy questioned. "Great. I live in the same city as a super villain."
"Rose is right," Alix replied. "You have nothing to worry about. Being Akumatized sucks, but Ladybug fixes everything in the end."
"Okay, whats being akumatized?" Lacy asked. "Because that doesn't sound fun."
"Hawkmoth has the ability to create super villains out of ordinary people," Marinette replied. "By capitalizing on negative emotions."
So much for safer.
Then again, Lacy's father was a therapist. Even with everything she's been through, Lacy always had an advantage with dealing with negative emotions. Maybe she'd fly under the radar. After all, Paris was huge city - there was no reason for super villains (or superheroes) to notice her, was there?
"Besides, all the Kumer boomers are helping us handle those emotions," Rose said.
"Or replacing those who don't want to deal with it," Alix added. "A record number of teachers have quit because of Hawky."
"Thankfully, we have Ms Bustier!" Rose said. "Who's been so helpful with dealing with our emotions."
"Like that compliment thing we started with," Lacy remembered. "That was cool."
"You have the best teacher in the school," Alix added. "Trust me - she's awesome."
"So what-" Lacy was cut off by a loud boom.
"Akuma," Alix said.
"It has been a while," Marinette muttered.
"Sources say it's on the other side of - no, wait, it teleported," Max read. "It's getting close."
An alarm went off, with purple flashing lights.
"That's the akuma alarm," Alix said. "If you live close enough, you should head home."
"But where is it exactly?" Lacy asked.
Max helped her find it on the map on her phone.
"Okay, and that's about..." Lacy scanned the map helplessly. "I don't actually know where I live."
Max asked her for her address, and he typed it in.
"It's on the other side from you," Max said. "You should head home."
Lacy nodded. Most of the table had already begun scattering - Marinette had been the first person out the door - and now only her, Max, and Alix were there.
"I'll walk you there," Alix said.
"Don't you-"
"It's too far for me. I'd be stuck waiting it out here, and that can get boring fast. Besides, you're still new - I don't want you getting lost."
The walk back to her house was quick, and Lacy let Alix into their tiny living room. Alix sat down on their couch and Lacy on a box of... something.
"Sorry about the mess," Lacy said. "We haven't finished unpacking yet."
"That's fine," Alix replied. "Spend enough time on the Liberty, you get used to anything."
Lacy frowned. "The liberty?"
"Juleka's House boat," Alix replied.
"Juleka has a houseboat?" Lacy asked. "That's so cool!"
"I know, right? Plus her mom is super chill," Alix added. "Lets Juleka invite us over whenever. Some of us are going over there tonight if you want to come."
"I'll have to check with my parents," Lacy said. "But I'm sure they'll say yes."
"Great!" Alix replied. "Marinette said she'll bring snacks - have you been to her parents bakery yet? They have the best pastries in Paris."
The akuma attack lasted for 2 hours, a long time according to Alix.
"It's probably because she could teleport," Alix guessed. "Those always last longer."
The classes they missed would be made up the next day through a load of homework - "Hawkmoth's doubled our load of homework," Alix had complained. "He's truly evil." - but they still had history with Miss Bustier to end the day.
"Would anyone be willing to let Lacy work with their group?" Bustier asked. "American ciriculem doesn't focus on French history as much as we do, so I'm sure she'll be happy to have help catching up."
"She can join me and Alya," Marinette offered.
"Unfortunately, Alya already has to catch up herself after she comes back tomorrow," Bustier said.
Adrien raised his hands. "History is easy for me. I'd be willing to help."
"But you're already helping me," Lila said. "I mean, I think I'm fine by myself if-"
"Me and Nathaniel can work with her," Alix offered.
"We can?" Nathaniel asked.
Alix flashed him a grin. "We talked over lunch. I think she'd work well with us."
"Alright, now that that's settled-"
Bustier reviewed some of the major parts of the homework, and Lacy did her best to pay attention and keep notes. But paying attention was not her strong suit, so she hoped her new partners had longer attention spans than she did.
Well, she already knew Alix didn't. But maybe Nathaniel did?
When Bustier dismissed the class, she asked for Lacy to stay a little after.
"Yes?" Lacy asked.
"I was just wondering if you were okay," Bustier replied. "This was your First Akuma attack."
Lacy nodded. "I was surprised. But, I'm fine. I went home, and it didn't get close to me."
"Good," Bustier said. "The school has plenty of resources if you ever need them. Just let me know."
Elisabeth had bought tea bags on her way home to work, saying they were famous for calming people down after akuma attacks.
"Your dad is stressed from it," she said as Lacy sat down across from her. "It's no wonder they're hiring so many therapists."
"One of my classmates, Mylene, told me about he therapist she and her boyfriend went out after the first attack," Lacy added. She sipped the tea, surprised at how good it tasted. "She also said our teacher is putting in extra effort to help us stay calm."
"I've heard nothing but good things about your school's response," Elisabeth said. "Still, I can't imagine going to school like this."
"When does Dad start seeing patients?" Lacy asked.
"Friday," Elisabeth said. "I guess he knows why they're putting him through so much orientation now."
"His job must be so much more stressful here," Lacy said. "I mean, what if one of his patients gets akumatized and targets him?"
"That's part of the training," Elisabeth reassured her. "I think he's more worried about you."
"Me?" Lacy questioned.
"We moved here to get you away from this type of thing," Elisabeth said. "But he's starting to think he put you in something worse."
Lacy shook her head. "Magic like this is everywhere, it's just so much more obvious here. I left BAG not because the Egyptian demigods were there, but because I was starting to become involved with them. If I keep my head down and not befriend anyone too involved, I'll be fine." Lacy took a shaky breath. "Besides, whats the chances of me actually meeting Hawkmoth or one of the superheroes?"
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svucarisiaddict · 6 years
can you do a nick one where the reader is a detective and she ends up in a hostage situation and the hostage taker puts the gun to her head and says something like “you love her. Don’t you?” To nick and he has to admit it
//This is so long! Sorry! I’m talking 2500+words…I get a bit carried away sometimes//
Soft light started filtering through the curtains waking you from your peaceful slumber. A heavy arm was over your body holding you in place which was fine and dandy with you. Mornings like this were few and far between for you and Nick so you were relishing every second.
“You awake?” Nick mumbled as he nuzzled his nose in your hair. His hand skimmed down your bare thigh. “Cause if your not. I’m about to give you a very rude awakening.”
“Hmmm…just how rude?” You shifted your hips to press back into Nick.
“Obscenely rude,” he replied.
“Oh, how I love Saturdays.”
Nick peppered kisses on your shoulder and down your arm while his hand traveled over your belly slowly making his way to the juncture between your thighs. Nick’s phone rang and buzzed on the nightstand. He groaned as he rolled away from you to answer. “Amaro. Got it Liv. I’ll be there in 20. No. It’s okay. I’ll call her. See ya.”
“How bad?” you asked as you sat on the side of the bed before standing and wrapping the sheet around you.
“Bad bad,” Nick answered. “Rape, homicide and hostage situation.” He pulled on his boxers and started redressing.
“Jesus. Guess that answers my next question about a shower. What time is it anyway?”
“Uh, just after 6am. You finish getting dressed. I’ll get the coffee going.” He rounded to your side of the bed and kissed your cheek. “Good morning by the way, .”
“It would’ve been a lot better if Liv hadn’t have called,” you grumbled.
Thirty minutes later you and Nick rolled up to the scene. Liv and Carisi were already there and Fin was pulling up at the same time as you.
“Mornin’ guys. Didn’t you wear that suit yesterday, Amaro? Dry cleaners closed or somthin’?” He smirked.
You hid a grin behind your coffee cup. Fin knew about you and Nick but put on that he didn’t. You had a pretty great partner in Fin. Usually, Nick had an extra suit at your place. Unfortunately, the suit he had on was extra from when he stayed the previous night.
Nick nodded his head. “Yeah. Something like that.”
The three of you reached Liv and Carisi to get a briefing on the situation at hand. She gave you a quick rundown. A man followed his ex and her new boyfriend home. Raped her, killed the new boyfriend and was now holding her and her roommate hostage.
“Hey, Nick. Is that the same suit from yesterday?” Sonny asked as the group walked to the mobile command.
“Shut up, Carisi,” Nick said.
“Sorry, Sarge,” Sonny replied.
Liv eyed you and Nick but didn’t comment. “Well now that we’ve all acknowledged that Nick is wearing the same suit he did yesterday can we please get back to the case?” She gave pointed looks to you and Nick. “Okay, guys name is Jake Malone.”
Your ears perked at the name. “The hostage taker? He early 30’s, tall, red hair?” you asked.
“Think you know him?” Fin asked.
“Possibly. An old roommate had a brother by that name. Probably a coincidence,” you concluded.
“Here is his picture,” Liv said as she passed you the tablet she had in he hand.
“It is him. Holy shit,” you mumbled. Something in his eyes was different. He was always happy, the life of the party, his eyes bright, but now they just looked sad. “Has anyone made contact with him?”
“Just one phone call from the negotiator but he hung up,” Liv informed you.
“Let me talk to him. Maybe if it’s someone he knows he’ll be more open to talking,” you suggested.
“You’re not going in there,” Nick blurted out. “Too dangerous. Even more so because he knows you.”
Everyone’s eyebrows shot up in surprise at Nick’s outburst. Except for you. Right now you were shooting him daggers. Smooth, Nick. Real smooth. “Who do you think you are? Last I checked I could make my own decisions,” you snapped.
Nick pointed a finger in the air at you. “I’m your sergeant and your-” Nick stopped his speech right before he outed the two of you the squad, half the ESU and negotiations. “I’ll go. I doubt he wants to talk to a woman right now since he feels like he was screwed over by one.”
“You may be my sergeant but Liv has final say.” Crossing your hand over your chest you turned your attention to her. “So. Do you think I can handle it?”
She stood silent for a moment no doubt replaying the interaction that you and Nick just had. Liv looked between you and Nick. “Get your vest on,” she directed you.
“Your alpha male is showing,” you said in passing. You made it a point to shoulder check him.
“Really mature,” he mumbled.
“Fin you stay close to her, but out of sight,” Liv ordered.
“On it,” Fin replied. He jogged to catch up with you. “Trouble in paradise?” he asked you.
You looked around to be sure no one could hear you. “It’s like all of a sudden he sees me like some fragile porcelain doll,” you answered. “Drives me nuts.”
“He sees as more than a fellow cop now. The dynamic of your relationship has changed. Nick has always been protective but now that you two are…well together that protectiveness just went into overdrive,” Fin explained.
“You ready? We got him on the phone.” The negotiator said.
You nodded and took the phone as he passed it to you. “Jake? It’s Y/F/N Y/L/N. I’d like to come up and talk with you if that’s okay?” He repeated your name then was silent. He finally agreed but only without a gun and you had to come alone. “That’s not a problem, Jake. I’m giving my gun to my partner right now.” You unholstered your gun handing it over to Fin.
When Nick saw what you were doing he shook his head and started stalking toward you. You halted him with one look. He clenched his jaw but stayed put.
The walk up the five flights of stairs felt like it took forever. When you reached the apartment you rapped on the door. A woman opened the door with the chain attached. “I’m Y/N.” The door closed and you heard the chain slide open. You were ushered in quickly. The woman that opened the seemed unharmed physically but she was terrified. Her eyes were big as she opened the door. “What’s your name?” you asked the brunette.
“Tori,” she said.
“It’s okay, Tori. I’m gonna get you out of here,” you said in a calm voice.
Holding your hands up you made eye contact with Jake. It had been a couple years that you had seen him. His eyes were haunted.
He blinked rapidly and shook his head. “Y/N? I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did it,” he said in a shaky voice. His arm was around her neck with a gun pushed to her head.
“Cause you’re a psycho. I should have known as soon as we started dating,” the blonde said. Must be the ex, Mandy.
This was your opportunity, a little role reversal. “Okay, Mandy. What did you do him?”
The look she gave you could kill. After a beat, she understood what you were trying to do. “I-I had a miscarriage, cheated on him,” she stammered.  “I’m so sorry, Jake. It was wrong.”
“Too late for apologies. Our baby is gone. Maybe you should have thought about that before you became a slut,” he spat.
“I’m sorry you have to go through that. That was a horrible thing to do,” you empathized.
He lowered the gun. “I just want to be happy again,” he said.
“I know you do. What you went through, I can’t imagine.” You bite your bottom lip then took a deep breath. “Why don’t let these two go. So we can sit and talk,” you suggested.
His phone started ringing. “That will be my lieutenant. She wants to help get everyone out safely,” you stated.
He never broke eye contact with you as he answered the phone. “Hello? They’re fine. No. No. I won’t do that.” He took a deep breath then pushed on the screen of the phone setting it on a nearby table. “Tell him you are okay. He doesn’t believe me.”
“This is Sargeant Amaro. How is everyone?”
Fucking Nick. “We’re fine, Sergeant. Jake is calm. We’re talking.” The other women chimed in saying they were fine. “We were talking. Jake is going to let Tori go. Right, Jake?”
Jake put his hand to his head. “I dunno.”
“If you cooperate with them, they work with you, Jake,” you reminded him.
“Go. Fucking go.”
“Tori. Head out, slowly.” She nodded her head in acknowledgment. You breathed a sigh of relief when she got out the door. “Tori is coming down now.”
“Thank you-” Nick was saying but Jake ended the call.
Mandy tried to squirm out of his grasp. “Not you,” he said and tightened his arm around her neck.
“Please, Jake. I’m sorry. I-I want to come back. I was stupid-” she begged before she was cut off by Jake.
“You really think I want you back? A cheating whore?” he said with disgust. “I want someone that will stay loyal, honest…”
You knew ESU had cameras, mics, snipers in place by this time. It’s what I want too. Hard to find it these days. Seems all anyone wants is a roll in the hay, then see ya later.”
Jake eyed you skeptically. “Yeah. Or they act like they want to be with you but don’t actually make the commitment.”
You smiled. “You really seem to get me. Why didn’t we talk more when I and your sister were roommates?”
He actually gave you a smile. “I was too shy. You were older and just seemed out of my league.” Jake started loosening his grip on Mandy. “Do-do you have a boyfriend?”
“I really wouldn’t call him that,” you scoffed. “Probably using me like every other man has. Guess I’ll take what I can get. It’s really all I deserve.” Looking up at him through your lashes you said, “makes me wonder if there are any good guys left out there.”
“Those are boys. Men don’t treat women like that,” Jake stated. “You deserve better than whoever it is you’re with right now.”
“You’re right.” Taking a couple cautious steps toward Jake you said, “let Mandy go. Me and you, we need to be alone. Talk.”
The phone rang again. “Answer it,” he directed. “On speaker.”
Slowly you reached for the phone. “This is Detective Y/L/N.”
“This is Lieutenant Benson. Is Jake able to talk?” she asked.
“He’s here, Liv.” You nodded at Jake.
“Hello?” he said.
“I want to thank you for letting Tori go. What can we do for you?”
Jake looked to you. “It’s okay. Liv is a good person. She’ll help you,” you insisted.
“Nothing you can give me,” he said.
“How about you let Mandy go? We’ll help you get out safe,” she offered.
“I can stay with him. He doesn’t want to be alone,” you said. You could hear Nick in the background swearing and saying no way. Liv covered the speaker to block Nick. Once he had either calmed down or moved away she came back on the phone.
“Can you do that? Can you let Mandy go and Y/N can stay?” Liv asked.
Jake furrowed his brow. The hand holding the gun clenched around the handle and released. He was contemplating his choices. Jake nodded quickly.
You let out breath you didn’t know you were holding. “Liv? Mandy is on her way.”
“Great. That’s great, Jake. Thank you for working with us,” Liv said.
Mandy slowly slipped out of Jake’s arm. She cautiously walked to the door, her eyes flicking from you back to Jake. You heard the door the door open then click shut in short succession. Just you and Jake. Your mind raced with thoughts of how you were going to get out of this one. “Why don’t we sit?” you said.
Jake took a seat on the couch then gestured you to join him. “Tell me. This guy you’re with, do you work with him?”
“I do. Which was a bad decision right out of the block. I thought he may be different but…” you sighed. The things you were telling Jake were real feelings. Fin tried to talk you out of getting involved. But by the time he had found out you were in too deep with Nick. The scary part was you had fallen in love with Nick months ago.
“You love him?” he asked.
It wasn’t a question you had expected. “Yeah. Pretty sure he doesn’t feel the same. Unrequited love has to be one of the worst feelings in the world.”
A commotion at the door startled both you and Jake. Nick came busting through the door. Jake grabbed you and put the gun at your side. “Who the hell are you?” he screamed.
“Sargeant Amaro. Put the gun down, Jake!” Nick warned. He turned his eyes to you, clearly afraid. He mouthed “I’m sorry.”
“It’s you. Isn’t it? The one that has been playing Y/N,” Jake challenged.
“I’m not playing her. I love her,” Nick said softly. His eyes shifted to yours.
The next thing you knew Jake was on the floor holding his knee. The sniper finally had a clean shot. Nick rushed over and kicked the gun from Jake’s reach. ESU burst through the doors as Nick was cuffing him. Once he was taken out of the apartment by ESU it was just you and Nick.
Nick took your hand to lead you out the door. “Let’s get you checked out by the EMT’s”
“I’m fine-”
Nick sighed then mumbled. “Can’t you ever do anything you’re told?”
“Now what fun would that be?” you joked.
Nick waited for you until you got the all clear from the paramedics. He put his arm around your shoulders as you walked to the car. “I want to talk about earlier when I said I love you-”
“It’s okay, Nick. I know you said it because there was a gun held on me,” you gave him a tight smile. “I get it. Going through a divorce-”
Nick stopped and grasped your shoulders. “I love you, Y/N,” Nick interrupted you this time. He didn’t give you time to say anything as he leaned over and kissed you. Like a reflex, his arms encircled your body and yours wrapped around his neck.
Cheers, claps, and whistling made the two of you stop and giggle. When you turned Liv was the first person you saw. She had her fingers between her lips eliciting a high pitched whistle.
“Bout time!” Fin called.
Sonny was clapping and smiling wide.
“I think we have everyone’s approval,” Nick said with a beaming smile.
“Seems so.” You put your hand on Nick’s chest. “ I love you too, Nick.” This time you stood on tiptoe to give him a kiss much to the delight of the audience.
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chapter one of heating up the kitchen
Chapter One
 Gabbie Akechi had just got off the phone with her dad who invited her back to the house for her younger brothers birthday, which would be this weekend. She was at school a state over for her baking. She had settled in, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to go back. Gabbie the headstrong sarcastic second daughter of Kit and Mitsuhide Akechi was finally on her own and loving every minute of it. School was going well, and she had settled into dorm life and was finally happy with her life.
Having been in the shadows of her older sister Rin all of her life, she was glad of this new start. She knew her parents understood her, most of all her dad, who had adopted them four years ago right before the first of the other kids were born. She had loved seeing her mom happy, and with a biological child she had wanted for so long, but the fact she had adopted four kids when she was nineteen made it, so she didn’t date at all. Then Mitsuhide entered their lives and was a whirlwind of things that, in the end, was exactly what the family needed.
Mitsuhide didn’t just enter their lives he stepped in and helped when their mother had needed help. Rin’s boyfriend had abducted her with the help of his father, and they had left her for dead in a frozen lake in winter. It was her mothers knowledge of the area and Mitsuhide’s quick action that had saved her sisters life. Gabbie was forever grateful, but at the same time, it had left her leery of men in general. She didn’t date. She didn’t even want to date. She was eighteen and happy to be on her own, sort of.
Only one man had ever made her feel like she could be anything other than alone. However, he was also like her uncle through her father. A member of his special forces unit. Masamune Date was many things in life, but he was one of the driving factors in Gabbie’s choice of fields to go into. Masa liked to cook. He would be over and make meals for the family every weekend so they would have real food to eat during the week. Gabbie had spent the time with him while he made them. She watched him in the kitchen, and she realized she did have a slight crush on him. Masamune only thought of her as a brat. She knew that.
“What’s up?” she answered her phone.
“Seeing if you are coming home for the weekend kiddo.” The deep masculine voice said.
“Masa.” she said, “I am eighteen now can you stop with the kiddo crap?” Gabbie said as she curled up on her bed.
“I guess if you really want me to Princess,” Masa said, and Gabbie knew he was smiling as he flirted without thought. She knew better than to think anything about it.
“Yeah, I am coming home. Dad just called me.” Gabbie said.
“You don’t sound too excited about the prospect of coming home,” Masa said with a hint of concern clouding his normally playful voice. It matched his personality perfectly. He could be discussing an upcoming mission with Mitsuhide that was completely serious and be down rolling on the floor playing with one of the babies or boogs.
“I, well, I am not sure,” Gabbie said. “I mean mom and dad have their hands full. Rin will probably be there. Me coming back, the house is going to be packed.”
“Still don’t like crowds, Princess?” he asked.
“Masa it isn’t that I don’t like crowds. I just like quiet so I can think and design,” she said. “I do have finals soon, and I have to figure out what I plan on baking for them.”
“Whatever you make will be fine,” Masa said.
“Whatever.” Gabbie said with a huff. She knew the man on the other end would think anything she made in the kitchen was good because the two of them were the ones stuck with the cooking. He handled the meals, and she did all the baking for every one of the events.
“If you don’t want to stay at the house because your parents might cramp your style you can crash at my place. You know the door is always open for family.” Masa said.
“Thanks, Masa but I don’t think that would be a good idea either.” Gabbie said.
“Why not?” he asked. “We can get a head start on everything for the party if you did. Actually, I think it is one of my better ideas. You should stay with me.”
“Let me talk to dad.” Gabbie said, and she could hear Masa smiling into the phone.
“Let me know,” Masa said as he hung up. Gabbie looked at the phone and stared off into space. Now she really didn’t think that going home would be a good idea. She knew she had to deal with her stupid crush on the man sooner or later.
“Boyfriend?” her roommate Jenna asked.
“What?” Gabbie asked as she looked up at her roommate.
“Was that your boyfriend?” Jenna asked.
“No, my uncle.” Gabbie replied. “Well, sort of. He really isn’t my uncle. He is my dad’s friend from work.”
“Oh,” Jenna said as she settled into her bunk across the room. Gabbie wondered what that oh meant. She didn’t think it meant much of anything when her roommate pipped up again, “Do you even have a boyfriend?”
“No.,” Gabbie replied. “No time.”
“You could always make time,” Jenna said with a giggle.
“I really don’t have the time.” Gabbie said as she reached for her light. It was still early, but she wanted to relax and watch something on her tablet before she went to bed. She did not want to have a conversation about boys with her roommate. She flipped her tablet open, and the lock screen was her and Masa when she turned sixteen in front of the cake they had made. She thought to herself, why did I have to get a crush on him of all people.
 Masamune Date looked at the phone as he hung up. He had no idea why he offered to let her stay at his house. It had to be he understood to a point that she did need her space. Everyone at some time had been focused on Rin that she was overlooked a lot. He had tried to make sure she knew that she was important too, but he didn’t know if it was enough. He had always tried to think of her as a younger sister and take her under his wing when he found out she liked cooking as well. He was not supposed to think of her the way he did. Her hair had gotten longer the last time he saw her, the dark brown had become sun lightened, and it looked good against her pale skin. He knew for a fact he was not supposed to feel the way he did whenever she was around either.
From the first day when she took the strainer off the wall and hit him into the ground until both of them were laughing to the point of tears, he knew she was special. She was the daughter of two of his friends. He was allowed to be her uncle by proxy, he knew he could never be anything more than that.
He was twenty-six now, and his mind had turned to try and find someone he could be with for the rest of his life. All the guys had in the past few years as the pretty doctor had married his friend and coworker. All their minds had changed. Masamune wondered to himself why when he thought of the perfect woman for him, her face always popped up. Normally he accepted fate and rolled with the punches but this one time. He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. He really, really wanted to move on from her. He looked over to the bookshelf and saw the pictures he had up there. She was in almost every one of them. She had starred a major role in his life so far. It was time to change that role to something else.
He wasn’t sure what though…
 “Did you talk with both of the girls?” Kit asked as she was trying to wrangle the baby to take his bottle.
“I did,” Mitsuhide replied as he was washing one of the twins in the tub with their other son.
“So?” she asked.
“So what?” he asked back.
“How did Gabbie sound?” she asked.
“Like she was thinking,” he replied.
“Thinking?” she asked.
“I don’t think she wanted to come home, babe,” Mitsuhide said as he stood in the doorway with one baby laying down in his arm and the other toddler wrapped up in a shark towel.
“Gee, I wonder why?” she asked with a laugh. “Where is Flower?”
“Downstairs with Kissi,” he replied as he fought to get the PJs on the boys.
“Did you tell them?” she asked, eyeing him.
“I did,” he replied.
“Mitsuhide, that is probably why. I mean seriously we have a kid every year, in some cases two.” She said.
“Kit, that doesn’t matter,” he said with a smile. “Our two perfectly capable headstrong daughters both have something on their minds. Though we are the cool parents everyone else wishes they could be, it is time for our girls to find their feet and find someone.”
“Someone?” Kit asked.
“Well, in Rin’s case, he has been in her face for years. It is time to give them both a little push. Rin will probably be staying with Yuki for the weekend.” he said with his devilish grin.
“Mitsuhide, do not interfere.” Kit said, changing her tone.
“I am not interfering,” Mitsuhide said, deepening his grin. “I am pushing.”
“Same difference.” Kit said. “And Gabbie?”
“Well, she had the same issue as Rin. He was there and in her face as well.” Mitsuhide said.
“Who?” Kit asked perplexed that she didn’t see her second daughter liking someone and not telling her.
“Sweetheart think.”. Mitsuhide said as he looked at his wife.
“I honestly have no clue Mitsuhide.” Kit said, wrinkling her nose.
“Masamune didn’t just come over to make sure we ate, honey,” Mitsuhide said, flashing his grin her way again.
“Stop with that look. I am already pregnant again.” She said.
“What look?” Mitsuhide asked innocently.
“Masamune?” she asked, and he nodded.
“Are all the guys in your unit hot for our daughters?” she asked.
“Rin, I can understand she looks like you,” he replied. “It is uncanny, to be honest. However, since I have you, they focused on the next best thing.”
“And Gabbie?” she asked.
“Is beautiful in her own way,” Mitsuhide said with a smile. “As the complete opposite of you, she is a dark beauty in her own right. If I was younger, I would like her too if I wasn’t her dad.”
“I guess you are right.” Kit said as she thought of her two girls and knew they both could and would turn heads everywhere they went in life.
“I know I am right.” he beamed at her.
“But really Masamune?” she asked. “You are okay with that?”
“I will deal with it if anything ever comes of it. She may break him into a million pieces.” Mitsuhide replied.
“This should be fun to watch.” she giggled.
“This is what parenting is all about.”
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i-may-have-a-point · 7 years
Review of 14x08 “Out of Nowhere”
I FINALLY sat down last night and watched the mid-season finale. I purposely didn’t watch live, but life kept me busy, too, so sorry for the delay.  
Before I get in to my thoughts on Grey’s, I want to ask does anyone watch Chicago Med?  I kept reading that Chicago Med did this storyline, so I found the episode to compare how similar they are.  Um…guys.  In no way do I think that Grey’s Anatomy needs to “borrow” ideas from other shows, but the similarities are eyebrow raising.  I have only watched a couple of other episodes of Chicago Med, so I don’t know the characters or their stories well.  I did notice that they have characters named April and Maggie, and that was enough to mess with my head in itself, but the episode had so many similarities, I felt like I was watching an alternate reality Grey’s.  Early in the episode, all of the monitors/tablets/etc. lock out the doctors and then a cryptic message pops up on all of them stating that someone else has control of their network until the hospital pays a certain amount of bitcoin.  Granted, this may be standard hacker lingo, but it made me squint pretty hard at my screen. The wise, older, chief of the hospital gathers everyone to explain the situation, and a doctor asks how they will get things done.  Our wise chief explains that things used to be done back in the day with paper and pen and the distribution of the clipboards begins.  A male doctor who, similar to Jackson, has a trust fund and is in an interracial relationship, chimes in that he thinks they should just pay the ransom.  And while I could explain all of this away with coincidence, there was one scene that was so similar to one on Grey’s that I watched it twice to be sure.  Remember Webber’s newspaper trick for the IV bag with blood in it?  Same thing happens in the Chicago Med episode.  I’m not kidding.  So is all of this coincidence?  I don’t know, but if you have time to watch the Chicago Med episode, let me know what you think.
Alright, let’s get to it.
Unimportant thoughts:
Every time I see the interns, I wonder which ones will be killed off this season.  So far, I am liking Glasses and Sam, and I hope they stay.
Was it intentional that Maggie’s patient had the same name as her Tinder date?
The idea that April and Owen worked in a war zone, but can’t figure out how to be doctors without computers is eye roll worthy.
IT guy Tim is either the hacker or just a genuinely socially awkward person.  
Carina and Arizona have chemistry.  Sam and Deluca have chemistry.  I know the showrunners are capable of seeing chemistry.  So, why…nevermind.  
Why was that birth scene so anti-climactic?  I wasn’t worried or excited or happy or anything.  It was missing something.  Build-up maybe?
Jesse.  What are you doing, boo?  This man can act.  He emotes every imaginable feeling with Sarah. He had hilarious, genuine scenes with Mark and Ben.  Is he tanking this on purpose or is the lack of chemistry that bad?
Ben/Bailey – This story didn’t get much attention besides Ben’s workout scenes in the opening voiceover, and Bailey telling Webber she was mad he let Ben use the fire academy as a fellowship year.  The only thing I got out of that line being dropped was that if the spin off fails, Jason George has an easy way to come back Grey’s.  Always nice to have a fallback plan, I guess.  
Meredith – “You win a Harper Avery, and you barely have any time for surgery anymore.”  Meredith is annoyed at all the attention winning this award is giving her, and I’m annoyed that she’s annoyed.  I just can’t feel sorry for her that people want to praise her too much.  Amelia saying, “Not a real problem,” in response to her complaining was one of my favorite lines of the episode.  Not only because it was like Amelia channeled my inner thoughts, but also because it is another example of how post-tumor Amelia is still exactly the same person as before and the writers have changed nothing about who she is besides her relationship with Owen.  
Jolex – I love that Jo is Chief Resident, but like I said before, I don’t feel like I can feel proud of her because she basically got it by default.  We all know if Jerrika had stayed on the show, she would have been Chief Resident, and there would have been multiple scenes of characters explaining to Jo that Stephanie is the better doctor.  That said, I laughed when Jo was telling the interns not to be stupid, slow or make her look bad, to which Webber says that her speech needs work. Jo may never be Bailey, but she has the potential to be a great leader.  I think their story, both the little boy and Paul returning, was the only interesting part of the episode, and the only story worthy of a mid-season finale.  
Deluca and Sam – I’m ready for them to give us more than them having sex all over the hospital.  I want to like them, but I need more right now. At least they have chemistry though. If they are going to throw a couple together without any explanation, at least, in this case, they have chemistry.
Awkward elevator scene – This recreation of the Mark/Derek/Mer/Addison/Rose elevator scene with Owen/Carina/Arizona/April made me half-smile, until I realized in the first scenario everyone was involved in the weird relationship mess, but in the second scenario April was only thrown in because she has no other story in this episode, but the show knows she is comedy gold.  Sigh.  
Webber/Bailey/Surgical Contest- Looks like Webber is going to be running the contest.  That is unless this ransom thing ruins the contest, which I sincerely hope it doesn’t because it is one of the few storylines in the past season and a half that I have a little hope for.
Maggie/Jackson – Do the writers actually have a plan here?  We have gotten so much conflicting information here that I have to wonder.  One of two plans are being played out, but which one is it?
Plan One – The writers are actually trying to make Maggie and Jackson a thing.  
Plan Two – This is all a terribly executed plan that will lead to Jackson and April finding their way back together.
But if we look at what we have to go on, there is no clear direction or answer.  Debbie Allen said recently that this is a love triangle, Krista certainly hasn’t had many positive things to say about Japril online, and Jackson and Maggie have had more scenes together than Bokhee and Meredith. At this point If something is going to happen with Maggie and Jackson, what are they waiting for??  There are only so many chemistry tests they can do.  Especially when they are failing all of them.    And I refuse to believe that the show thinks they see some magic spark that 99% of the fans don’t.  They call them family and siblings, but then have them say vague lines that make us wonder what they are actually talking about.  It’s like the show is trolling the audience.  They know they won’t work as a couple, but people are so against it, they are just trying to get a reaction now.  There is zero chance that they posted a photo of Jackson and Maggie with the caption, “This is creepy,” and didn’t expect a reaction.  Not to mention, none of the actors are promoting this ship.  Jeanine Mason has played Sam for like an hour and she has been online talking ship names with fans.  Jesse and Sarah, aside from a couple of Jesse troll moments, only like and share Japril tweets, while Kelly either ignores it all or likes ambiguous tweets about the story. If the actors don’t even talk about it online because they know there will be backlash, why in the world would the show go forward with it?  And now we have confirmation that Sarah and Jesse are filming together again.  So, was that planned all along?  Was there a shift in the story because they saw it was failing?  Was it meant to fail all along?  Then we have Maggie and April looking for dates on Tinder and Jackson moping about not being able to buy happiness, so he buys everything else.  And hey, while we’re at it, let’s bring in a stunt double for Sarah and bring Matthew back because things aren’t weird enough right now.  And if they are trying to create moments between Maggie and Jackson, why do they keep ruining those same moments? Catherine walking in on them talking and calling Maggie his sister is believable, but the helicopter would have been the perfect opportunity to move this along.  But they didn’t. Instead we got more flat, awkward conversation until the universe literally made them shut-up.  Why is the show getting in the way of these moments unless it is intentional?  Because it sure isn’t creating a slow burn.  I have never seen a non-ship crash and burn as quickly as this one.  
So, we’ll hang in there a little longer because that’s how much we love and appreciate Sarah/April and Jesse/Jackson.  Hopefully the second half of the season brings stories they deserve.
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avidbeader · 7 years
Sneak peek of Ch. 21 of “Scattered” (Voltron fanfic)
All right, I am going to celebrate 300 followers by sharing the chapter-in-progress of “Scattered” (rated G, gen). I’ve shared the first scene already but tweaked it a bit. The other completed scene is Keith-centric. As always, feedback is most welcome.
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Lance hit on an excellent strategy of avoiding his father in the throng by hovering near his grandmother and great-aunts, all of whom insisted he was too thin and plied him with ropa vieja, tostones, and buñuelos. The younger cousins were also a good line of defense, swarming him with questions about space, aliens, and the alive-again Kerberos crew.
Late in the evening, Sara dragged him upstairs to her room and gave him her tablet so he could catch up a little on his social media sites. As he skimmed posts from friends, she leaned over and asked, “You okay?”
He glanced up at that. “Yeah, why?”
“I overheard papá telling mamá that you were going back. Did he try to talk you out of it?”
Lance nodded, the pain of the conversation returning. Blue purred in his mind.
Sara leaned in, resting her head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry. They just want you to be safe.”
“Well, no one on the planet will be safe if I don’t go back.”
She put her arm around him. “You’re serious, aren’t you? It’s just you and four other kids up there fighting an evil empire?”
“And a princess and her adviser. And some space mice. And we’ve got some aliens on our side so far. The Arusians are short people with horns and the Balmerans are rock people, but they support us. And the Metreans.” Lance shivered a little, remembering long, spidery arms. “We’ll find more.”
The tablet pinged with a message: Incoming.
“What the quiznak?” Lance frowned at the message.
“What the what?” Sara laughed and he realized what he had said.
“Sorry, it’s a rude word in Altean.”
“Uh-huh. What’s the message mean?”
A voice sounded from midair. “It means I gave you a bit of warning before freaking you out.”
Sara shrieked and Lance grabbed her to keep her from falling off the bed.
She shimmered into view and grinned that gremlin grin that never failed to irritate him. “Yes?”
“What are you doing here?”
She held out a pocket-sized device. Lance recognized it as one of the latest smartphones and took it.
“Giving your family their communicator. It’ll definitely reach the Castle across the solar system and there’s a message option that should work if we find a maximum distance and come back into range.” She woke the device and pointed to the lion icon. “They hit this and then blue for you or orange for the Castle. I added the rest of us just in case.” She handed the phone to Sara, who was staring open-mouthed. “Hi, I’m Pidge. Which sister are you?”
Lance jumped in. “This is Sara. Mina’s still downstairs. How did you get in here?”
“Cloaking device, duh.”
“But how’d you know where to come?”
“Tracking option on your cloaking device, duh.”
Lance’s expression turned offended. “You put tracking on these things?”
“So you want to get knocked unconscious while invisible and not be found? I can arrange that.”
Lance felt his face burn red and Sara had recovered enough to laugh. “I like you. How did you get to Cuba?”
“My Lion. I got all the comm devices done and figured I’d deliver them myself. How’s it going here?”
Sara squeezed his arm in support.
“Well, I’ve had the chance to talk to almost everyone who could get here, if I eat any more I’m gonna hurl, my dad tried to tell me I wasn’t going back, and my favorite band broke up.”
“That sounds—wait, what?”
Sara nodded. “They’re scared for him.”
“I get that. I mean, look what happened to my dad and brother and Shiro. Space isn’t the safest place. But if we don’t try and stop the Galra, Earth will get invaded.”
“Maybe you should tell our dad that,” Sara observed. “If he hears it from enough people, maybe he’ll realize that you all really do have to go.”
Pidge shrugged. “Is he really going to listen to a girl half his size?”
Sara snorted. “Appear out of thin air in front of him like you did us. That might impress him.”
“No,” Lance interrupted. “It’s a fifty-fifty chance whether that impresses him or pisses him off.”
Pidge leaned down, looking Lance in the face. “You need us, you call us. Okay? Otherwise we’ll see you back at the Castle. Allura said to be back by 1900 hours tomorrow your time.”
“Wait, that late? That’s over 24 hours here.”
“Let’s just say Allura didn’t remember that vargas are longer than hours.”
This time her gremlin grin didn’t bother Lance at all.
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(scene between Shiro and his mom)
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(Hunk and his family/neighbors)
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Keith was doing his best not to simply inhale the food before him.
He had forgotten just how good Sayuri’s cooking was. In the States she had experimented with a variety of ethnic cuisines, teaching Keith to be more adventurous in his tastes.
But the simple lunch of miso, rice, grilled fish, cucumbers and konnyaku was perfect. He savored the flavors and textures, already regretting the return to the ship and its constant supply of food goo when Hunk didn’t have the ingredients to experiment.
Shiro caught his eye and gave him a rueful expression as he took another mouthful of rice.
“I would like to hear more about this princess,” Sayuri commented, helping them to pace themselves with conversation.
Keith shrugged. “What do you want to know? She’s a princess. I think she’s older than me but not as old as Shiro. She’s a pretty good diplomat but better at leading, if that makes sense.”
Shiro added, “And she can handle herself on an infiltration mission.”
Sayuri nodded and suddenly focused on Keith. She reached out with a napkin to dab at his face. “You’ve got something—”
Keith shot back from her, knocking his chair over as he jumped to his feet.
Shiro rose as well. “Keith?”
Keith balled his fists as he struggled to shove away the flashback. You’re safe, you’re safe, it’s not him, you can breathe… He tried to force more air into his lungs to prove it.
He could hear their voices, as if from a distance, and a wave of dizziness washed over him.
Shiro’s voice broke through the haze. “Keith, you’re hyperventilating! Slow down!” Hands on his shoulders steadied him, guiding him back to a chair.
He felt arms around him. Sayuri was trying to speak to him. “Keith, what is it?”
He still didn’t feel like he had enough air to breathe, much less speak. Red rumbled in his mind, It is all right, my cub. It is safe, you are safe.
Her presence steadied him and he managed slower, shuddering breaths. “Sorry,” he gasped, leaning forward and putting his head in his hands. “I’m sorry.”
As Shiro’s parents made concerned noises and Shiro knelt in front of him, Keith heard a tapping nearby. He looked up and saw Pidge in the doorway.
Shiro followed his gaze and rose. “Pidge? Is anything wrong?”
“No! At least…I was just bringing your parents their communicator.” She stepped forward, bowed uncertainly, and held out the modified smartphone to Shiro’s father. “Open the lion icon. Black is Shiro, red is Keith, orange is the castle. It allows messages if we don’t answer.”
Daichi took the communicator and returned the bow. “Thank you.”
Pidge turned to Keith. “Are you okay?”
Keith hesitated, but nodded. “I will be.”
Sayuri ran her hand through his hair. “What did I do that frightened you?”
Shiro noticed Pidge’s expression shift to an “a-ha” realization. “Pidge?”
“I thought the lions told you all.”
“Told us what?”
“Darzi,” Keith interrupted. The last thing he wanted was Pidge giving the details to Shiro and his parents like he was helpless. “Darzi came close to suffocating me. I’m still a bit…jumpy…about hands near my face.”
Shiro knelt once more and moved very slowly and deliberately to lay his hands on either side of Keith’s face. Keith inhaled sharply but didn’t jerk away. Shiro spoke in a low voice. “The lions did tell us. I didn’t realize you were still having flashbacks about it.”
Keith shrugged, starting to feel crowded by everyone hovering over him. “I’ll get over it.”
Shiro looked ready to argue. Daichi gently tugged him back but circled to face Keith. “Should we find someone for you to talk to, ask the princess to let you stay here a few weeks?”
“No! We have to go back now! Every day we delay in fighting Zarkon, the stronger he gets!” Keith drew in breath to continue his argument, but paused at a sudden squeal from a bouncing Pidge.
Shiro looked at her in bewilderment. “Pidge? What’s going on?”
“That’s it! That’s how we convince my mom to come with us!”
“Okaaaay… How?”
“Her other major in college was psychology! She can be our ship’s counselor!”
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(Pidge has a plan, time to convince her mom)
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(everyone back to the castle, Allura presents her plan)
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So we’ll see if I can bang out the rest of this chapter this week…
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mysticdragon3md3 · 5 years
md3 watches Ascendance of a Bookworm eps2-4
2:45 PM 12/4/2019
Ascendance of a Bookworm Episode 2 – Life Improvements and Slates
I feel less compellted to stop the ep every few minutes to write my reaction notes, since I already watched these clips before on YOuTube.  I feel like I can finally relax and watch this series.  I should watch spoilers more often.  LOL  
I've been warry for a little while now, but I wonder if this is it...  I've been seeing AniTube vids latey alluding to "that scene" from this series.  Though I have no idea what they're talking about, it sounds like something problematic sprang up in the story.  And more and more, I wonder if it's this romance that the show is pushing between Main (I don't like that Crunchyroll spelling; my brain keeps wanting to read "main") and Lutz.  I mean, if they take that to fruition without time skips, then that means this adult lady from our world, trapped in the body of a 5 year old, will be in a romantic relationship with a 5 year old boy from this fantasy world.  O____o;;;;;;;;;;;;  I hope they don't do that.  ...But knowing how often incest has been pushed as the romantic subplot, more often in anime this past decade or so....I'm afraid that may be the case.  x__x;  I really hope I'm just being paranoid!  ;o;!  
Also, this whole shampoo/sniffing hair reminds me of when I was younger and I did understand that it's weird/intrusive if a guy does that to a girl.  Up until that point in my life, women had frequently commented on my shampoo scent and sniffed my hair.  And I just came to learn that it must be a normal thing.  Then the first time a guy asked if he could sniff my hair, my first thought was, "Well, I don't want to change my response, just because of his gender."  I had spent a lot of my childhood sexist against males, and I was trying very hard to grow out of it.  So I let him pick up a lock of my hair and sniff it.  Granted, my hair was so freaking long that even picking it up, kept him at a good 3-4 foot distance away from me.  So I didn't realize it was anything considered intimate.  But in retrospect, and after guys kept approaching me more than once in the hardware store, while I was still in my church clothes,...What kind of weirdo chases after girls running errands in a store, whenever she happens to be in a nice dress, then strikes up random conversations and asks to sniff her hair?!  In retrospect, that was weird.  And as an asexual, I am retroactively creeped-out.  
3:15 PM 12/4/2019
Well, Crunchyroll crashed during the commercial break again.  Do I have to stop watching now?  Like I did yesterday during Dr. Stone?  ;o;?  If this keeps happening, maybe I'll just watch fansubs on YouTube.  ;_;  I really don't want to though!  I'll try reloading the page and see if it'll let me skip to the middle of the episode, where I left off.  
3:31 PM 12/4/2019
She forgot her papyrus idea?
Well, I'm not going to wait through another commercial break that'll probably crash or buffer like all the others.  I'm going straight to the next episode.  And I just hope there isn't more to ep2 besides the ending theme and previews.
3:32 PM 12/4/2019
Ascendance of a Bookworm Episode 3 – The Events of Winter
omg Give Main some tools!  LOL  
Aw, poor Turi.  She should be proud of all the things she was able to help Main do, that Main so obviously couldn't do alone.  Instead she feels sad that Main is better at weaving than her. ;_;
I learned a long time ago that age doesn't matter, just experience.  Being the older sister isn't some kind of automatic hierarchy that makes you naturally better at everything vs your younger sister.  I have so much social anxiety that I've been paralyzed with inexperience for most of my life, so growing up, it was only logical to me that my outgoing sister had lots of experience and capabilities that I couldn't do.  I never felt sore at her about it.  Instead I recognized that I could rely on her to help me with the things she did better than me.  I just got lucky that the pseudo-philosophical blabbering I naturally do is for some reason very useful to her (per her words).  Sisters is a team thing, not a hierarchy.
Gotta say, there's a lot of scenes in this anime that suddenly stop.  Like I expect the characters to do an action, but they freeze instead.  I know there's a lot of limited animation and a series needs to save their budget.  But this series does it so well, that during the times when they cut corners, it's really unexpected.  Not bad, which is what makes their choices for when to place the limited animation, still good direction.  Just unexpected, after the series/episode has been able to fool you so far, with the other limited animation corner cutting it placed so well that it was unnoticable.  It didn't impede the natural flow of the episode/series so far.  It's pretty impressive.  ^-^!  Like when Turi was warming the parue tree's branch to pick the fruit, or when Lutz was about to flip the pancake/paruecake.  
I love that Main straight up called her dad's jealousy by acting innocent.  
I love when Main talks like an adult in that tiny body.  LOL  "I'm not the type of person to work without compensation."  LOL Wow.  She really had him make a crochet hook.  I thought she'd use knitting needles instead.  Ambitious!
LOL  Her dad's so silly!  LOL  
4:04 PM 12/4/2019
Ok.  No time for ending credits or ending themes.  I gotta get on with my day.  
4:58 PM 12/4/2019
Ascendance of a Bookworm Episode 4 – Forests and Clay Tablets
Back from my daily walk.  Maybe I can watch this ep without sitting and typing at my laptop?  (Feh.  Heard that one beofre. x_x; )  
"Officially going there to learn to read and write."  Yosha!!!!!!!!!
I keep forgetting Main's dad is the captain.  lol
When I first saw this scene on YouTube, I was confused because I thought clay soil was most prevalent around water.  o.o?  Isn't it that layer that's usually exposed on the sides of creeks and rivers? But in this series Main says, "He took em to a spot with very little vegetation ro drainage." I'll have to research later.  
"With books, you can learn what people in the past were thinking, and experience so much mroe than you normally could in an average lifespan."  Damn straight.  Whenever spoilsports start denegrating 2nd hand experience and blabbing on about how "you can only really learn stuff first-hand" and whatever, I always end up shouting, "Then what the hell are libraries for!?!"  Second-hand experiences have value, damn it!  "Experience so much more than you normally could in an average lifespan."
Why is their first instinct to jump onto those tablets when they didn't know what they were?!  This is why there are so many fairtales about people doing random stupid stuff, then getting cursed!
I didn't expect them to introduce magic like this.  Why is she glowing?
Well, because they owed her, now she has more hands to produce more clay.  
Damn.  Rain.  
Oh no!  No no no no no no!  As somone who as tried to speed up ceramics baking by cheating with fireplaces and ovens before the actual kiln, please don't just toss your clay tablets into a stove fire!  o~o!!!
...and kablamo.  ^^;;;;
5:28 PM 12/4/2019
Well, that's enough new anime for right now.  I've got stuff to do.  
0 notes
bojk87 · 6 years
Day 4 - Romantic beach walks
Another morning, and another nine plus hours of sleep. I think that being on holidays definitely agrees with me, though after all of the drinking yesterday, both of us are a little slower to rise this morning. Which was a shame really, given that by the time we got to the breakfast buffet, most of the good stuff was gone and we had to wait for everything to be restocked in island time.
Demolishing a few pastries and some toast while we waited for the bacon and eggs to get done was a worthwhile food investment. We tried to make a bit of conversation, but were too hungry to speak for any real length of time. With breakfast out of the way, it was time for the usual ritual of malaria tablets and figuring out what to do for the day. We were incredibly excited at the prospect of seeing some sunshine poke through the clouds and promptly decided that a nice and long romantic walk on the beach would be a great way to pass the time and certainly go a long way to help get rid of all the excess calories consumed at breakfast.
Being the responsible travellers that we are, we lathered ourselves in sunscreen then went to town on deet, our mosquito repellent friend. Hat, sunglasses and no thongs for me were the order of the day as we would be walking along the stunning beaches of Vanuatu.
We got onto the sand at our resort and saw our friends perched on the beach chairs with a drink in hand waving us goodbye and wishing us good luck. The sand felt extremely soft and nice to walk on, and I was told that this is very good for my feet. It was only about fifty meters up the beach that our first challenge came through where the beach changed from soft sand to being hard gravel.
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Gritting my teeth and moving at the speed of a ninety year old man, we walked past what seemed like an old and abandoned resort. We took some nice photos and continued the painful experience of walking on gravel with the view of getting close to the second beach where soft sand would once again welcome us. After what seemed like an eternity of fifteen minutes of walking barefoot on gravel, we finally got to the second beach that had the soft sand. Problem at this stage was that it looked like an old abandoned ship wreck where there were old boats there, glass along the beach and remains of several old bonfires.
We both realised that this entire experience was very far removed from the usual romantic beach walks that you see in all the movies and imagine yourself doing, so we decided to head back along the main street to our resort. Feeling like a true local as I walked along the road barefoot, it wasn’t long before we were back at our resort desperately craving a drink. We went back to our cottage and cracked open the last two Coronas that we had and proceeded to relax on our balcony while reading and having a cold beer in hand.
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Unlike yesterday where I was able to crack open the Coronas with no issues, these ones did not want to play ball and ended up cutting my knuckles when trying to pop the lids. While only tiny, the cuts are right on the joint which means that I feel them every time I open or close my hands. Michelle being the super planner and packer that she is, packed a full first aid kit, and was smiling with glee at the fact that she got to use it, but not so much at the fact that she had to put her beer down for a few minutes and help me to apply antiseptic cream, because you know, we are safe travellers and a little cut can go a long way. Finally then, it was time to sit back down and enjoy a few hours reading on the balcony with a mildly warm beer in hand.
That is how we spent the afternoon, until we decided it was time to have some food, and we headed out to town. Getting on a bus proved to be a harder experience today as two of the drivers had no idea where we wanted to go, or they just pretended not to speak English. Either way, the third guy seemed to understand that we wanted to go to the centre of the city, and off we were on our merry way.
We pulled up at the Brewery, ordered the nice chicken wings that we had yesterday and a few beers to help wash it all down with. We spent a few hours like this, chatting away and watching the traffic go past, absolutely stunned and confused by the fact that there was no locals or tourists drinking at one of the few bars in Port Villa. On our travels yesterday, a barkeep at the Warhorse told us that they host karaoke nights on a Thursday, so we figured we would go there, because if singing badly in front of other people while drunk doesn’t pull a crowd, we didn’t know what would.
We got some bottled water and some beer for later, and this time a bus was easy to get, so before we knew it we were entering through the doors of the Warhorse.
To our surprise and delight, there were all of five other people seated there drinking, all who looked like expats, and we were incredibly happy to see someone else at a bar apart from us. We sat down, ordered a jug of the local beer and a kilo of beef ribs, with beef being the speciality around this part of town, and sat down to see how the vibe of this place would build.
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Sure enough, by about 6:30pm there were a few families that had made their way down, as well as a few tourists, and the place started to get busy and have that buzz of conversation and clinking glasses that one comes to expect from a pub. We played a few games of pool quite badly, with both of us blaming the bad pool queues and the lack of chalk, especially when two out of the three games one of us had sunk the black 8 ball within two shots of starting the game. We had fun though, and finished off our jug just as the karaoke was about to start. On our way out the door we ran into our newly found resort friends who persuaded us to stay a while longer and listen to the local singing talent.
This meant ordering a few more drinks and claiming a spot at the bar, before the most over the top, stereotypical American cowboy grabbed the microphone and got the proceedings under way. White long sleeved, collared shirt, wide brimmed cowboy hat, old jeans, and white cowboy boots with red flames all over them is what he was wearing, all whilst holding a cigarette and beer in one hand with a microphone in the other. It was truly a stereotypical masterpiece of Americana.
So, the party got started. First up was a young girl who was probably no older than fourteen and she was determined to rock the stage. If I had my eyes closed I would have imagined that it was a voice of a rough and tumble thirty year old lumberjack who was keen to let loose for the night, but no, it was a fourteen year old white girl dressed in a local island dress that was up on stage. The assault on the ears thankfully finished, but our interest was piqued when we were told it was her brother up next. Looking slightly like an island cross between Eminem and Post Malone, her brother then continued the assault on our ears with what can only be described as a consistent pitch with absolutely no variation. It was like listening to radio static that was out of tune and out of time, and it would just not stop.
Thankfully, the next five or so songs were sung by enthusiastic expats who were barely average, but it felt like I was listening to the opera compared to what had come before. Not to be outdone in terms of effort, the brother and sister duo each had three more goes, just in case we had forgotten how badly they had sounded the first time. It was through one of the performances that I noticed that they were both wearing a cochlear implant, which made me feel like a right old twat for about a millisecond. I am all up for inclusion and good on them for having fun, but it made me realise that having tough conversations with your children is something that needs to be done at a very early age.
It was somewhere at this stage that my darling angel Michelle decided to take the stage with a Whitney Houston classic of I Want To Dance with Somebody. She was fired up and took to the mic and the stage with the gusto and zeal of a true performer. The first few verses she was a bit behind on, but that’s ok because she was doing her best to imitate Pink on stage and get the crowd involved. Walking up and down the stage and throwing her arms around everywhere unfortunately did nothing to get the crowd on her side, and after our post show debrief, we concluded that this was what made the microphones go dodgy and not allow her to do her best performance. The crowds and I were certainly well entertained, and I am glad that she proof reads these blogs before I post them up otherwise I could end up in a lot of trouble.
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With that done, we decided it was time to head home, and it was probably the first time on our trip that we had to wait for about five minutes to get a bus. We arrived home safe, and feeling tired from the day’s exploits, we headed straight to bed. Tomorrow is our last full day of our holiday, so let’s see if sunshine rears it’s head through the clouds to give us the impression that we have been on a tropical island holiday. Until tomorrow, wishing you plenty of drinks and karaoke from the islands of Vanuatu.
Your performers,
Boj and Michelle
0 notes