#my skin has turned dry and it only turns dry when i'm anxious or emotionally struggling
monstermp3 · 5 months
this is such an obscure reference but i'm currently feeling very much like korra in the first half of book 4 with my trauma and ghosts of my past returning in full force to haunt me in both my sleeping and lucid states
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Fred Weasley — Helplessly Part 1
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Summary: After the Battle Of Hogwarts, Fred was rushed to the muggle hospital for better treatment of his injuries. While on a coma, his soul stayed with you for a couple of months. He watches as you went through the stages. And he watches when you start to write a song, just for him.
Words: 1,459 words
Warnings ⚠ : Angst, Constant Pain™, PTSD, Genuine Heartbreak, Author Bawled so You Will Bawl Too, Happy Ending
Disclaimer: I'm just...... IN PAIN.
CHAPTER 1: When It Went Down
The Weasleys were running.
“Move out of the way!” Arthur Weasley’s shrill shout echoed through the hospital, beside him was a hospital cart, with his unconscious son on board. Around the cart were the Weasleys, all looking ragged and dusty, but themselves were the last thing on their minds. 
The first thing was this one, on the cart. You were right next to it, holding the cold freezing hand of Fred Weasley, who had been crushed by the shattered walls during the Battle of Hogwarts. While being thankfully alive, Fred was critical, one more second and he could be… no, you don’t want to go there. Squeezing the hand back and forth, begging with tears in your eyes that the hand squeeze back, rather than remaining stoic and… cold.
Shouts of doctors and nurses were tense as they took in Fred to the emergency unit, some of them stayed back to hold Arthur, Molly, George, and you from going in. “You cannot go in there, sir! Leave this to the experts, please!” You heard the doctor who’s holding Arthur back firmly said, while the red-haired man begged the doctor to let him in. 
As soon as Voldemort had been killed by Harry, the Weasleys took no more risks and Apparated straight to a Muggle hospital, for their severely injured boy, Freddie. Ron and Ginny stayed back at Hogwarts to make sure everything was alright. But Bill, Charlie, Percy, George, Molly, and Arthur couldn’t stay and wait. They have to come with you to send Fred's help.
Molly hugged you, relying on you for comfort, while simultaneously giving you comfort as well. Both of you needed it. Fred was your lover, and he was her son. “He’ll be alright, Molly. He’ll be alright.” You whispered sweet nothings to Molly, as the loving woman cried in your embrace. 
The embrace felt like hours, your tears mixed with hers ever so frequently, praying to whoever up there who listens to save your Fred.
The adrenaline slowly wore down from each of you, and you realized you were also severely injured. Every single one of you. Thankfully, there was a branch in the Hospital for Magical Healers, and so you received treatment. 
George’s ear injury had been re-opened, and he kept hearing high pitches and experiencing dizziness. Percy had bluish bruises in his arms, he was the one who dug Fred out of the shattered stones, most likely received cuts and bruises along the way. Bill had several injuries from the spells he was attacked with, yet overall, he was fine. 
Charlie had gotten a pretty deep cut along his abdomen, yet the dragon tamer had said he’s had worse. Molly and Arthur, while being relatively not injured physically, were emotionally traumatized by the sight of Fred earlier. Molly kept whispering under her breath, with a few stray tears in her eyes, “They’re just children…”
You… You had some injuries as well, but nothing could come over the fear of going back to the Great Hall and see the boy you’ve loved with all your soul, lying there almost lifelessly. 
“Y/N,” Harry called you, you were leaning against the wall catching your breath after combating with countless of Death Eaters. “What is it, H?” You replied with a wide grin, seemingly proud of your work today. Harry’s expression was grim, and he was avoiding your eyes by looking down, “It’s Fred.”
With that sentence only, you find yourself running to the Great Hall, several emotions swarming you at once. As if in slow-motion, your memories with Fred started to replay at the back of your mind. From the moment you first met him at the 9 3/4 platform, until the moment just yesterday, where he was hugging you from behind, trailing kisses on your neck while mumbling ‘I love yous’.
You can’t lose him. No, he was the light of your life.
Your breath hitched as soon as you arrived, you saw the Weasleys swarming someone, they were crying tremendously. Hermione saw you, and with teary eyes, she hugged you, and with a shaky voice she said, “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
You were frozen. No, no. It… It can’t be. You walked slowly to where they were, George was sobbing while hugging Ron. You had to drag your feet; they were suddenly very heavy to move. 
“… Freddie?”
The quiver in your voice. The pitching fear at the tip. The breathless gasp. Everything was overwhelming.
Fred Gideon Weasley there, lying on the ground, with his eyes closed, and his lips etched a soft smile.
Your legs gave in. You dropped to the ground with a silent thud. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from that face. That face that would make funny expressions to cheer you up. That face that would cry with you, so you won’t cry alone. That face that you would caress every night, counting every single freckle as if they were stars. That face, with a soft smile on the lips.
You scrambled to him, your hands were shaking, “No. No no no, Freddie. Freddie, wake up. Freddie, my love, wake up.” Trembling hands made their way to cup his cold face, the coldness made you let out a desperate, shaky cry. “Ahh, Fred... This- This isn’t funny, you git. W-wake up. Wake up, sweetheart.” 
One, two, three. And soon more tears follow. You almost couldn’t see him through all the tears clouding your vision. Some of them dropped onto him as you cradled his head, your trembling hands dusted away the dirt on his face, caressing the skin shakily. “Freddie please! Wake up! Wake up please, I’m begging you!” You were a wailing mess. You hug his head, kissing his forehead so many times, whimpering, “No... No, please. Fred, please don’t go. You’re- you’re fine, Freddie. You’re fine. I’m-I’m here. I’m here, sweetheart, you can’t leave me. You-you can’t leave me. Not like this, no Freddie, not-not like this…”
You didn’t realize somebody was sitting down across from you and Fred, you were too immersed with the emotions drowning you.
Too immersed that you didn’t hear the echoing voices around you. Until George shook you suddenly, “Y/N!!!” You faced him, still terribly crying, he cupped your face, wiping your tears. 
With teary, swollen eyes and a runny nose, he painted a giant, relieved smile on his lips, “He’s alive, Y/N. Madam Pomfrey said he’s alive!”
“W...What?” You couldn’t even let out a noise. And then you saw it. That somebody sitting across you was Madam Pomfrey, she had her hand on Fred’s left upper chest. She was smiling in relief to you, “He still has a heartbeat, dear. He’s alive.”
Your eyes opened.
A few hours ago. You didn’t realize you’ve been reliving the memories for several hours. you were now in a hospital bed, with long wires inside you, connecting you to several machines. The fluorescent lights made you squint your eyes, unfamiliar with the brightness.  
“Y/N?” A voice. There was a voice. You couldn’t move your head, it seems like your body was paralyzed as if you’ve been Stupefied. And then someone came into your vision, it was Hermione.
She let out the breath she held earlier in relief, she looked away from you and said, “Y/N’s awake!”
Your throat feels sandy, you couldn’t let out any voice. Hermione was attentive to you, she had reached a water bottle with a straw, “Here, Y/N. You’ve passed out for almost two days now. We’ve been worried sick for you.”
As you sat up, you groaned from the pain of not moving for several hours, and then you see the Weasleys, and Harry, and also Fleur. Molly was right beside Hermione, “Are you alright, dear?” You wordlessly nodded, scanning the people staring at you. Strange, everyone was in bandages. And why does it feel like someone’s missing-
And then it clicked. The main reason why you’re here in the first place. 
Your head had never turned so suddenly, your eyes widening in anticipation, dry lips moving to form coherent words, “How is he? How’s Fred?”
“Is… Is he alive?” Your voice was hoarse. The quiver in your voice was hard not to notice, and Molly quickly said, “Y/N, dear, have a drink first.”
“No, Molly. Where is he? Why is he not here?” You said loudly, you’ve grown anxious, at the back of your head you’re starting to feel the same as when how you felt at the Great Hall.
The fear was coming back, for sure, and rather fast.
“Y/N, calm down.” George reached out, putting a comforting hand on your leg. “Fred’s alright. But,” He trailed off, unsure of how to tell you.
“But what?” 
George’s eyes darted to Molly, who just reluctantly nodded before reverted his eyes to you. “He’s in a coma, Y/N.”
A/N: Just know that I sobbed terribly at this chapter, this is honestly how I think it would go if Fred has a lover in the Deathly Hallows pt 2, without the Madam Pomfrey scene. Damn, if that scene was there, I would be traumatized :D
This fic is a full fanfic btw. That means it’s going to have more chapter than 3, so I hope you love this one as much as I do! Until then! p/s: check out my other works in my masterlist, it’s in my bio!
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 08
Warning: ANGST. With capital letters. So much trauma, anger, crying and death you guys. It was so hard for me to write, it was emotionally challenging, so it might do the same to some of you by reading it. There's also swearing in it.
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Beetlejuice floated right through the wall between Rei's and Ari's room. He stretched his back with closed eyes and a huge smile, his bones cracking like dry branches in the wind.
- Oh babes you couldn't possibly imagine how happy I am right now! I heard a genuine scream coming my way! Ah man I haven't heard any of those in a decade, it sounded so... - Beetlejuice opened his eyes. The room was almost empty, only Sirius was inside. Couple of sewing patters were scattered on the floor, next to the already cut-out parts of a cornflower blue dress. BJ blinked at Ari's laptop; the podcast she was listening to has been stopped. - ...kinky. - he finished his sentence in a lowered voice.
He suddenly turned his head to the open window as he realized that a muffled voice came from outside. Sirius scuffled for a bit when he heard the noise and growled when Beetlejuice moved past him. The demon climbed out to the roof, following the noises. Ari was sitting at the farthest end, wrapped in an oversized dark green knitted cardigan. Beetlejuice almost called out to her, scolding her for disappearing when he had such great news but he stopped himself when he realized what the voices were. Ari was crying.
- Babes? - asked Beetlejuice, as he lowered his raspy voice. - What's going on? - Ari quickly turned to the demon's voice's direction. She had a used tissue in her hand. She quickly tried to cover her face with her hair but Beetlejuice saw what she was hiding. Her emerald eyes were all puffy and red, her nose was swollen and full-blooded too, and her lips looked like she didn't drink any water in a week. Her voice was cracking a bit as she started talking.
- Oh, it's nothing, Bug, just... - she beckoned with her hand. Beetlejuice heard as she tried to pull herself together. She let out a huge breath. - ...it's just my mental health issues. They're acting up again. - Beetlejuice stepped next to her as she cleared her throat. - Just gimme a sec, I'll be alright and you can tell me what you have done to my poor sister.
- Nonono, there's something wrong here. - he sat down next to Ari. Her legs were pulled close to her chest as she has enclasped them. She put her chin on her knees, showing as little of her face as she could. - You had a bad day last week when your anxiety was thriving. This is not like that. - Ari smiled lightly. Her wet eyelashes juddered, which made them glisten in the beams of moonlight.
- You really got to know me in the past couple weeks, didn't you?
- Yeah, that... and you also made me sit through 13 episodes of Therapy, which is an awful series by the way, so I'm basically a mind-scientist now. - Ari snorted while she let out a small, sad laugh. - So tell Doctor B, what's going on here, patient number one? - Ari let go of her knees and huffed out. She let her legs dangle off of the roof. She didn't look at Beetlejuice's direction, she just watched the darkness pass by under her feet.
- I... I got to know why do I hear you.
Beetlejuice scrowled and shook his head.
- I'm not following, please explain why does that makes you sad? I thought you wanted to know... - he stopped as Ari rubbed her temples and sighed. She kept her eyes closed while she was talking.
- B., of course I wanted to know! I wanna help, don't think otherwise, it's just... - she clenched her jaw, swallowed her saliva then continued. - The memories. They make me so goddamn angry and sad at the same time.
- I don't get it. - Beetlejuice sounded clueless. He didn't really know what she was talking about. As Ari clicked with her tongue, Beetlejuice moved closer to her and leaned even closer to her ear. His voice was as raspy as always, but he sounded much more sweet and kind. Almost gentle. - Maybe... Talking will help. I don't know, Dr. Phil says it does a lot. - Ari opened her eyes and breathed out. Her breath was jerky.
- The podcast I was listening to, you know, the one about the extraspecial demons, well... - Beetlejuice looked down at Ari's hands. She was sinking her nails into her fingertips. She must have been doing this for at least an hour, since some already left dark purple marks on her fingerpads. Beetlejuice put his hand over Ari's. The cold air made the girl shiver a bit but it also made her stop. - The show started with the hosts talking about how they invited a parapsychologist into the show so he could tell the audience interesting things about demons generally before they start to talk about the different types. So the guy said really interesting stuff, hands down, it really was good, but then he said that after a certain type of trauma, some people develop a weird... "ability". - she used her hands to emphasize the word then let them fall onto her lap again. She sighed. - Do you want to hear the long story of why do I hear you, or the short version? - Beetlejuice flinched his eyes.
- I prefer long and thick things so give it to me, baby. - Ari didn't react to his joke. She'd didn't even smile. She looked like she was was collecting her strength. After a couple minutes of silence, she finally started to speak.
- Bug, have you ever seen how my abdomen looks?
That was a sudden question.
- No? - he said in a kind of shy voice. He didn't wanna upset her more. She seemed just as miserable as furious. - You said no croptops until it's at least 30 °C... Why? - Ari breathed in and layed a bit back. She started to roll her olive t-shirt up on her belly.
Beetlejuice gasped and held his palm before his mouth. The tips of his hair started to turn into red and purple at the same time.
- Who... Who did that to you?!? - Beetlejuice held his hand above the three scars that Ari had on her abdomen. They were shapeless, with rigged edges and at least 5 centimeters long each.
- They've been with me since I was 17. - she sniffled a bit as she let her shirt down. She pulled one of her knees close to her chest again, and put her elbow up on it. - Don't worry, I already got used to them. I don't love them, but they're stuck with me so... - she sighed and look at Beetlejuice's direction. - You sure you wanna hear this story? I might cry. I might get furious and start screaming. You wouldn't like either.
- It's true that nothing is sexier than laughing and screaming of terror, but I'd surely get hard, seeing you deranged with anger. - Ari snorted at the demon's arousing voice. He actually just tried to cover up the fact that all he wanted was to kill whoever did that, and then hug the girl tight.
- Get ready for a love story that is basically horror at best... The kind where the hero still... Gets broken in the end. - she sighed and looked up at the stars. - This fucked up story starts half a year before I got my scars. I started dating a guy named... - she gulped and closed her eyes. - Matthias. - she opened her eyes with a sigh. - Gods, I hate to say his name out loud. It makes me wanna gag. It was a teenage love, I didn't see or didn't want to see his faults and I totally fell head over feet for him. You know what I'm talking about, right?
- Totally. - he had no clue.
- So you know, it was fun in the beginning. He was older than me, so nice and funny. He escorted me basically everywhere, and it just felt so good to be with him. - she sighed. - I thought that he was just worried when he told me I shouldn't go to a party with my friends cause "the world is filled with creeps", but later I realized that he was just simply possessive. - she sighed, sounding annoyed, and looked straight into the darkness of the night. - I started feeling anxious because of him when he started to tell me where could I go and what could I wear. "That's too showing, you can show that much skin only to me!" - she said in a mimicking voice. Then her face turned so dark so quickly. - He told me that if I wasn't acting nice, or behave, or do exactly as he says, that would make him look bad before his friends and a good girlfriend wouldn't want that. Shit, man, we've been together for 4 months only but I was so unstable because of him and massive bullying in school that I turned out to be an anxious wreck. - she clicked her tongue, got up and started to walk up and down, her bare feet tapping on the roof. - We went out one day, and during our "date" he repeatedly told me how I was not smart enough, pretty enough, ENOUGH, and he was with me just because no one else would want me. After he dropped me off at home, I started crying my heart out to my mom. - her eyes got teary again, but there was so much anger in her voice. - Gods she's such a wonderful woman. She taught me how to be brave, how to be strong enough to be myself. And at that moment she made me realize how I'm starting to lose my badass, weird but awesome self because of this stupid cabrón! - she kicked the air. Her breathing was so fast, and her body was radiating so much heat it could almost warm Beetlejuice up. She breathed out with a sigh. - Shit, I must look like a crazy person. Excuse me. I sometimes use spanish words when I'm experiencing a strong feeling. Multilingual things. Cabrón means...
- Pendejo, fucker, asshole, I know. - that sudden cut-in brought Ari down back to earth quickly. She knitted her eyebrows. - I had an argentinian girlfriend who taught me a bit spanish. I can cuss just perfectly. - he tried to sound calm. He really did. But oh boy he was not. The way the emotions changed on Ari's face made him remember some of his past traumas, and that made him feel a lot of different things at the same time. And he was also furious at this asshole of an ex.
Ari sat down again. She breathed out to calm herself down. After a minute of frozen silence, the demon started to talk.
- This whole thing is fucked up, you know. The whole being told what to do and where to go and how to look... - said Beetlejuice in a low manner. His raspy voice sounded... sad? He cleared his throat, even though, being dead, he didn't have to, it just felt good. - I'll totally regret this, but since we're doing this overly honest heartfelt shit that I normally hate, and I'm very much irritated by it, let me tell ya... - he looked at Ari as his hair turned more purple. - I can relate to you. My mother did the same shit to me. She made me feel worthless, a piece of shit that didn't deserve any love. - he sighed and looked up at the moon. He chuckled a bit, his voice went back from soft to normal quickly. - Dear God slash Satan, your emotional bullshit is contagious, Ari. I gotta stop hanging out with you.
Ari smiled lightly.
- You couldn't. You love chilling with me. - the demon scretched his stubbles and let out a tiny laugh.
- True. I'm hooked on that fine ass of yours. - Ari laughed a bit. She looked where Beetlejuice's voice came from previously, and held out her hands.
- You know, I wouldn't really feel it, it won't exactly be a real hug, but if you want to... - Beetlejuice didn't let this opportunity go, he basically jumped into Ari's embrace instantly. He almost fell over her body, and he couldn't really wrap his hands around her, but being this close felt so good. Ari's body radiated so much heat and hearing her heart pitter-patter inside her chest made him forget how she didn't even see him. They both smiled. - Thanks for telling me a bit about your origin story. I know it's hard to talk about these kind of shits.
Beetlejuice let Ari go and sit back a bit, still staying close to the girl. She let her hands down.
- I'm only this honest with you cause you told shit to me too. - the demon lowered his raspy voice. - But if you tell anyone about my problems, even though we are bffffs forever, I'll skewer you like a pig. Understood? - Ari swallowed and blinked nervously while nodding. Beetlejuice continued like he didn't say anything threatening. - Anyway, I still don't know why do you hear me. Are we getting there soon? - Ari nodded again and rubbed her cheek.
- Yeah, sure, buckle up for the worse part of the ride, buddy. - she cleared her throat. - When the next day I went over to his place to break up with him and to tell him that I belong to no one, and he doesn't have the right to tell me what to do, he hit me. He slapped me so hard that my cheek ripped up a bit. - she pulled her hair back a bit, revealing a tiny scar on her left cheekbone. - The next day he called me, told me that he's sorry and he didn't want to hurt me. I hang up on him quickly and got a new number the same day. I wanted him gone. But it didn't take him much time to get my new number. He called me a thousand times. But since I didn't answer, he started to follow me. Watching from the street while I was at school. Creeping around the studio I sang at. - she sniffled as her eyes started to get teary, but she quickly wiped them with the sleeve of her cardigan - You know, I called the cops. I told them everything. And they told me they couldn't do anything until he hurts me. - she chuckled in an annoyed way. She fuckin chuckled. - They didn't have to wait for that for so long.
- WHAT?! - shouted Beetlejuice which made Ari jump a bit. He jumped up in anger, the tips of his hair shining in bright red. - THOSE GUYS SHOULD TAKE CARE OF PEOPLE, NOT TELL THEM TO "GET FUCKIN HURT THEN WE'LL TALK"?!? - he squatted down next to Ari. - Let me guess, that son of a bitch ex of yours caused those fuckin scars?!?
-...yes... - said Ari with bated breath. Beetlejuice scraffed his fluffy hair and unshaven face. - I was walking home late from a rehearsal, mom was at work, and when I was already at our street, he stepped up to me out of nowhere, started to tell me how he's gonna change and after I pushed him, and told him to leave me alone since I fuckin hate him and I don't belong to him... He said that if I don't wanna belong to him, then I'll belong to no-one. And he... - tears started running down her cheeks. - Stabbed me. Again. And again.
- THIS... MOTHER FUCKER... - he bit his fist and started to babble. - I mean yeah sure I kinda get it I'm a bit possessive too, also creepy, but I'm pretty sure he could get an another hot goth chick and...
- HE KILLED ME, MAN! - screamed Ari into the abyss. Beetlejuice froze in his movement.
- W...What? - Ari sat still, hands covering her mouth. Beetlejuice squatted down next to her again. - Babes did I hear that right? - she shut her eyes and sighed. She let her hands go and stared down from the roof.
- Yes. - she said. Her voice was so weak. - A neighbor saw what happened and called the ambulance. I got rushed into hospital and... I went under surgery. They had to remove a part of my intestines asap... They got damaged from the stabs... And while I was knocked out... My heart decided to give up on me. And I died.
Beetlejuice sat down at the brim of the roof. He was shocked.
- I... suppose that's why you have a fixation with death? - he asked calmly. Ari shrugged and lifted her hands up.
- Partly... Other than the fact I was born on Halloween so it's basically in my blood... I think what really caused my obsession is that I remember every goddamn second of being dead. I remember seeing my body, covered in blood, and as I realized what was going on, I started panicking about how much more I wanted to do and how young I was to die. - she sighed with a light, not so real smile. She sounded so damaged. The demon could hear the pain in her voice. - 🎶And so, being young and dipt in folly, I fell in love with melancholy.🎶 - she looked at Beetlejuice's direction after she wiped her tears off with a tissue. - I was dead for 4 minutes before they brought me back. More or less. Looks like that's why I hear you. Many folks who die and come back develop this... "ability" to see or hear creatures from other dimensions. My special power is to hear demons, as it turns out. - she looked at the demon's direction. - Good for you I winded up in this house.
- I'm so happy about that. I couldn't ask for a better breather partner in crime in my dreams. - Ari heard in his voice that he was smiling. Oh if she could see his lightpink hairtips too... - What happened after? - asked Beetlejuice. Ari lifted her eyebrows a bit. - I mean, I hope the fucker got what he deserved and someone killed him. - Ari bit his lips in frustration, and sighed.
- Not exactly... At least he didn't got what I think he would have deserved. - she stretched out her legs. - While I was in the hospital for 8 months, on full-time mental and physical therapy by the way, I filed a report against him and got him arrested. I was so relieved... Then I heard he only got 3 years. - she fumbled through her hair. - Seriously, he fuckin put someone in intensive care for months and all he got was a couple of years then adiós, go on your fuckin way my man?! - she let out an angry growl. - Just because, and I quote, "he was young and could have a bright future", yes, that's what the jury said... - she huffed. - But the good thing is, right after he got out, he violated the restraining order that I got against him. He came to the house that Sofi, Rei, my mom and I lived in. You know, they moved in with us after I got out of the hospital because... For the first 5 or six months, I was afraid to go out without company. So my sisters helped a lot. They even kind of made me forget how my friends left me, because "I was acting overdramatic and why couldn't I just forget and be happy". - Beetlejuice raised his eyebrows and shook his head.
- The fuck is wrong with people... - Ari let out an annoyed chuckle.
- Oh my man, most of them are awful fellas. After this, I didn't even care that I missed my prom. - she swallowed her saliva and leaned back so she could gaze the stars. - So yeah, back to the subject, that pendejo came to our house in the middle of the night and demanded my mom to take him to me cause he wanted to say sorry because he missed me so much and wanted us to start a new chapter. - Ari rubbed her temples. - The police acted quickly this time and put him into jail for 3 more years. - she sighed. - Not that I think that's enough... But it was enough for us to find a new home and move away from him, as far as we could.
Beetlejuice waddled closer to her, and layed down as well.
- You know what's the weirdest thing about you, scarecrow? - Ari chuckled.
- Besides the fact that my best buddy is a demon? - BJ laughed a bit too. - No idea, Bug.
- That you're so full of life, and so goddamn annoyingly positive. If you wouldn't tell me, I wouldn't know you had so much shit to deal with. - Ari put her hands up in the air while shrugging.
- Look, I already know how does it feel to die. By the time I turned 19, I decided I'd try how does it feel to be alive. And when I'm not a mess, oh boy, it's so much fun! - Beetlejuice turned to his side and looked at the girl.
- You’re not a mess babes, you’re a... spicy disaster! - Ari laughed. It was so nice to hear that adorable laugh again. BJ looked straight into her emerald eyes that were gleaming in the moonlight. - You know, doll, I'm really sorry for creeping around. If I would've known, I... - he shut up as Ari gestured with her hand.
- You didn't know. It's alright. I hate being followed, but you're so goddamn chatty that it doesn't feel creepy at all. Plus, you're not human, which makes me more comfortable. It's somehow nice to have you weirdo around.
For a couple of minutes, they just laid there, both watching the stars. It was so peaceful, but something still bugged Beetlejuice and he just couldn't let it go.
- Hey, babes? - Ari turned her head to his direction.
- Yeah?
- If he ever finds you, can I kill your ex-boyfriend?
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