#and my dreams have been crazy..... dreamt of people in my life who have brought me anguish and regret
monstermp3 · 5 months
this is such an obscure reference but i'm currently feeling very much like korra in the first half of book 4 with my trauma and ghosts of my past returning in full force to haunt me in both my sleeping and lucid states
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fazedlight · 4 days
Dreams (Nia character study/brainia)
It started with a dinosaur. 
A… purple dinosaur.
Of all the things for a teenager to have recurring dreams about, Nia couldn’t fathom for the life of her why Barney was haunting her. Sometimes his green spots would overwhelm him, or glow white - other times, he’d be completely blue. She’d watch in bewilderment before waking up.
Then he started showing up playing the theme song on some sort of flute - I love you, you love me - and she felt like she was going insane.
The sleepless nights were starting to get in the way.
All she wanted to do was write about fashion - to share with the world how this form of self-expression was so inherent to being alive, to help people understand that how we present ourselves was an art form in its own right.
All she wanted to do was impress reporter Kara Danvers. Yet there she was, complaining about coffee on her clothes to a stranger who turned out to be her idol, only to later fall asleep at her desk.
Why am I like this?
She didn’t catch the name of the man in the pizza shop. Truth was, she was entirely too pissed off about the whole incident to think that far ahead, and her sleep-deprived brain was too exhausted to make the swerve from thinking about the pizza shop owner’s bigotry to figuring out how to flirt with a stranger.
But she did feel a tug of interest that day, and she was kicking herself in the aftermath. Why did I tell him to find me?, she lamented, I should’ve just given him my number.
The mystery didn’t last long, as the stranger reappeared - A friend of Kara’s? Small world - rattling off her address and phone number and other personal details as he reached for a scone. “Why didn’t you call?” Nia asked, laughing.
“You told me to find you, not call you.”
Nia smiled. Another person might’ve found the response creepy, but she found it oddly charming.
The dreams were only getting worse. Random shapes and images, or moments that would repeat in real life the next day, or horrific happenings that Nia prayed weren’t real.
Still, the cracks in her shell didn’t start appearing until she found Kara Danvers knocking at her door. Somehow, the blonde’s calm and compassionate demeanor finally let Nia open up - and so Kara became the first person Nia told about her suspicions, that the dreamer powers had come to her. What will Maeve think?, Nia lamented.
Nia wilted under Kara’s optimism, realizing the blonde thought far too much of her abilities. “My dreams aren’t like you think,” Nia asserted. “I don’t even know what’s going on.”
But Kara had a solution for that, too. Brainy strolled in - calling her by an old traditional naltorian name, which Nia found astonishingly odd - and offered to help her.
What surprised her most - more than Kara’s compassion or Brainy’s ability to trigger her dreams - was that she had been able to help in the fight against Agent Liberty.
She supposed that was something.
That was not the first date she had expected.
In fact, it hadn’t been a date at all, which had left her in a rather dour mood.
Me? A superhero?, Nia thought, reflecting on Brainy’s proposal. That’s crazy.
Someone brought coffee for the team at Catco. One was even her go-to sugar-free vanilla latte. 
That wasn’t the part that bothered her. What bothered her was the “Barney” written on the cup. Suddenly those dreams she hadn’t thought of in years came back to her. Like the dinosaur? “Who’s Barney?” she asked to the room.
“Barney Fife,” Brainy said, “is my name among humans.”
Fife? Like a flute? The damn psychedelic dinosaur flashed in her mind, and she suddenly realized why it would at times shift from blue or green. Oh for fuck’s sake.
There was no more running from it.
She dreamt of spiders and black ink and poison. And then her mother had died, and she was forced to reveal herself to save the town. As Maeve bitterly threw her biology in her face, Nia found herself feeling more alone than she had ever been. There’s no turning back now, she mourned.
Life will never be simple again.
She couldn’t believe that her idol - in the form of reporter Kara Danvers - could also be Supergirl.
Stranger still was realizing the weight that Kara had on her shoulders, the secrets she carried. Nia had never thought about the burden of heroism, but she supposed she was going to find it out first hand. “Help me train,” she asked Brainy.
It became a burning desire, to honor her mother and heritage - something she could hold onto in the face of her mother’s death and her sister’s rejection. The walls she had built up to avoid even acknowledging her powers seemed to collapse in one fell stroke, and she found herself pushing to the edges of what was possible as the dreamer. Far too quickly, she knew, but if she could just be useful…
But that wasn’t in Brainy’s syllabus. It wasn’t the pace she should be training at. “And now you’re astral projecting,” Brainy said, “That jumps months of training.”
“I know, I’m sorry,” Nia murmured, “I just… I move too fast because that’s what I do.”
“That’s what heroes do,” Brainy asserted, “Leaping before one looks is part of the job description.”
Nia eyed him curiously, realizing she had misread the situation. Brainy wasn’t frustrated. If she didn’t know better, she’d think that was admiration in his eyes.
She thought things were going well. Until James ended up in the hospital. What use are these powers if I can’t even keep my friends from getting shot?, Nia thought.
She watched as Brainy’s own guilt ate at him, his own fears bubbling to the surface - how he couldn’t protect James, how he almost couldn’t save Kara, how he didn’t want to become the evil mastermind that his family was hoping for.
She kissed him.
But Brainy broke away. “You and I can never be together,” he said. It didn’t really make sense, but all Nia could do was watch him leave. Sometimes a dream is just a dream.
“What are you doing?!” Nia asked, as Brainy locked her up again. What’s going on with you?
“You have to go through the portal,” Brainy said nonchalantly. “Once you’re on the other side, astral project.”
“Brainy,” Nia shouted,  “You can’t do this-”
She continued calling his name as he closed the container… but he was gone.
She had faked her own kidnapping, then gotten actually kidnapped when she was abandoned by Brainy, then finally managed to astral project and pass on a message - ending up facing a reactor in the middle of gearing up to commit a genocide against her mentor’s people.
It was not a good day.
Nia sprinted to the other side of the reactor, ignoring Brainy’s statistical analysis as she forced a surge of power in the hopes of matching J’onn, trying to overwhelm the reactor into shutting down.
She could hear Brainy, hear the odd cadence of his voice change, going from the cold facade that he had adapted when he locked her into the container, to a confused series of mumbles about Socrates and Monty Python, until he finally seemed to snap.“Stop! Stop what you’re doing!” Brainy shouted desperately, his cadence sounding normal again. “What you’re doing doesn’t make any sense!”
That’s what heroes do, Nia thought as she struggled, unable to reply to him as she focused on pumping energy into the reactor. Leaping before one looks is part of the job description.
She couldn’t move from her spot, couldn’t check the progress of the reactor. She could only try to cause as much power to surge as she could, knowing that J’onn was just across the way, trying to do the same. Is this where we die?, she wondered briefly. Will we save Argo?
The mystery didn’t last, not as Brainy’s words began to break through again. “You’re amazing!,” he shouted, and she almost smiled through gritted teeth. It’s working, she thought, we’re winning. “You’re astounding!” Brainy continued to shout, the joy rising in his voice as he paced. “You’re astazing, Nia Nal… and I love you.”
It was then that the sparks became overwhelming, and all three of them collapsed onto the floor as the reactor blew. The core is self-destructing, she thought gratefully, trying to catch her breath.
Nia turned to Brainy, and was surprised to find him looking overwhelmed. He smiled back warmly. “When this is over,” he said, “I would like to ask you on a proper date.”
Nia’s heart skipped a beat. “Yes, I’ll go on a date with you.”
“I have not asked yet,” he clarified, rising to his feet. “Back to battle?”
Nia bit back a smile. “Of course.”
Nia collapsed onto her couch. What a day, she thought, reflecting on the superfriends’ debriefing. “Not every day is like this one,” J’onn had said.
The dizzying moment of the evening had definitely been when Kara - the person she looked up to most, both as a reporter and a neophyte vigilante - had pulled her aside. “Thank you for saving my people,” the kryptonian had said.
Nia smiled at the memory.
She heard a knock at the door, and groaned slightly as she dragged herself off her couch. Maybe that’s the pizza I ordered, she thought, but she felt the briefest flash of a dream - that damn dinosaur again.
She opened the door, finding Brainy on the other side, holding a bouquet of roses. “I am proposing we spend an evening together,” he said, as Nia smiled and took the flowers. “I am thinking of dinner, and… a movie,” he continued dramatically. “Nia Nal, would you go on a date with me?”
Nia grinned. “Yes.”
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blu-joons · 3 years
The First Married Morning ~ Kim Seokjin
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The stir from behind you was enough to bring you to open your eyes, staring around at the unfamiliar surroundings that you found yourself in. There was however, one thing that was more than familiar to you, the feeling of Jin’s arm wrapped tightly around your body.
A pair of lips pressed to your cheek as Jin noticed your eyes opening, leaning across to peer around and take a look at the smile on your face.
“Mrs Kim,” he whispered, scattering several kisses against your shoulder, “welcome to the first morning of the rest of your life, and the best week of your life.”
“That sound so weird,” you chuckled as Jin repeated the beginning of his sentence, “I feel like I’m slightly in a dream right now.”
His head shook, everything felt completely real, and incredible, as far as Jin was concerned. “We really did get married yesterday, even if it does all feel like a fairy tale.”
Your head nodded as you recalled the events of the day before, barely able to remember arriving at your hotel in amongst all the adrenaline of the day.
Your wedding had been something that you’d dreamt about for so long, Jin saw the hard work and dedication that you put in to try and make the day perfect. And perfect it was for you both, and all of those who chose to celebrate with you.
“It’s not quite hit me yet that you’re actually my wife,” he pointed out, “it all feels very official.”
You could feel Jin’s head reaching underneath the duvet to find yours, instantly beginning to twirl the wedding band that was around your finger as he found it. Your head shook at the sensation, barely able to comprehend the significance of it all.
“I’m a very lucky girl to get to call you my husband,” you whispered, “not many people can see that they’ve truly found perfection to spend the rest of their lives with.”
“Why didn’t you include that in your vows yesterday?” He joked, “my parents would have loved hearing you say that.”
Your free hand pushed gently against his chest, continuing to shake your head at the smirk that appeared on his face.
“Some things never change with you, even though you’re a married man.”
“You shouldn’t want me to change, my humour is why you put a ring on it.”
He brought your hand up and into your face to remind you that things were official between the two of you now. As soon as your eyes fell on the ring, your smile grew. It was a novelty that you knew was definitely not going to wear off for a while just yet.
Jin chuckled as you fell silent, “go on, tell me you love how much I can make you laugh Y/N.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about Kim Seokjin.”
His eyes widened at the sound of his name, leaning forwards to press a kiss to your lips before muttering, “Kim Y/N,” as he pulled away.
“That sound so strange,” you blushed as your eyes met his.
His head nodded, moving his arm to wrap back around you, “it sounds good to me, I definitely could get used to hearing people address you in that way.”
“Me too, it’s got a ring to it,” you chimed, rolling your eyes at the smile on his face.
“I don’t know why you keep rolling your eyes, you married me, remember?” He chuckled, leaning across yet again to press a kiss against your rosy cheeks.
Despite hearing it many times over the past day, none of it quite had sunk in just yet for you. “Don’t remind me that I’ve got forever with you now.”
“You’ll love it,” he teased, tickling gently against your waist, “you’ve loved me for many years now, so what’s the rest of our lives?”
As much as you loved to tease him, the idea of forever with Jin was most definitely something that appealed to you. He filled each day you had with happiness, which was all that you ever wanted, especially now that you had it for the rest of your lives.
“Think of all the things we get to do together now that we’re married,” Jin smirked, “for starters, we get to introduce ourselves as Mr and Mrs, that sounds pretty cool.”
“At the moment it just feels like a dream,” you pointed out.
Jin’s head nodded in agreement as he allowed the words to fall for his lips a few more times. Each time he spoke, his smile grew wide, and his heartbeat became faster, overwhelmed by the feelings of being able to finally call himself a husband.
“The best dream ever,” Jin added onto your whisper, “I definitely don’t think I’m going to stop repeating that for a little while just yet.”
I’m not going to complain if I hear you say it for a little while too,” you chuckled.”
Jin’s head nodded, shuffling closer towards your body and allowing his lips to whisper the phrase into your ear again and again. It was only when you pushed him away as you felt your cheeks darken, did he stop, noticing how embarrassed you became.
“Does being Mrs Kim really have such an effect on you?” He quickly began to tease.
“Don’t start teasing me now, it’s unfair, I’m your wife.”
His shoulders shrugged back at you, “that’s exactly why I can tease you. I know that I can tease you endlessly, but the ring on your finger still means that you’re mine. You might just regret marrying me just yet.”
Your head shook, pressing your hand to his cheek, “there’s no way I’d ever regret marrying you, that’s why I said I do to begin with.”
“I don’t think I’ve actually said thank you for saying I do yet,” he whispered, turning his body so that the two of you could lay face to face. “So, thank you.”
Your eyebrows knitted together back at him, “why would you thank me for marrying you? I should be the one thanking you for marrying me and putting up with me.”
“Marrying you was the easiest decision in the world,” he smiled, “but how you’ve managed to deal with my crazy life still blows my mind to this day.”
“I do it, because I love you,” you quickly assured you, “your life might be pretty crazy, but that doesn’t change the person that I fell in love with, and coincidentally the person that I’ve chosen to spend the rest of my life with too.”
His head shook, pulling you closer towards him, allowing his lips to rest against the tip of your nose. It was an action Jin had done a thousand times before, but somehow, as a husband, it had a whole new, significant meaning to him.
“The first day of the rest of our lives,” he mumbled, “but there’s nowhere else I’d rather be then tucked up in bed with you here right now.”
Your head nodded in agreement, “as nice as getting married was, it’s left me exhausted. Spending all day in heels has killed me.”
“Then let’s just stay here today and do nothing,” Jin suggested, “because as of right now, we really do have forever to do all the adventuring we want, I’m sure one day of resting won’t do us any harm.”
“A nice relaxing day with my husband, what more could a girl want?” You questioned, “because I definitely can’t think of anything.”
“Let’s shut off from the rest of the world and enjoy our time together,” Jin whispered, “it’s not often we get time to ourselves.”
“As husband and wife, I think it’s only right we get to do what we want to do now.”
“I couldn’t agree more.”
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The Prodigal Daughter Chapter 1
Summary: As the secret daughter of Jason Gideon, you’ve always had a certain proclivity towards profiling. After finishing the Academy, you finally have your chance in the BAU- only months after your dad’s passing. Will it all be too much? Will you find yourself sharing another proclivity with your father for a certain genius with big puppy dog eyes?  A/N: Hello! This is my first fic in a very long time, but this story idea has been living in my head for upwards of 6 or 7 years! Please go easy on me, and I hope you enjoy! a big thanks to @candlesandsoftrain for being a great beta! Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
 Category: Fluff/getting to know you games with the team Content Warning: nothing in this chapter except lots of flirting, tension, sexually charged drinking games, etc. Later chapters will include NSFW Word Count: 4000+
Chapter 1
The years moved by much too fast for your liking. You were older than you were willing to admit, and the years had been hard. Time moved so oddly- it was so difficult and slow when it was happening, but when you looked back, it was as if it sped by like a freight train.
Today was your first day at your new job-  you were 27 and you’d been waiting your whole life for this day to finally come. After hearing stories about your father all through your life; catching the monsters in the dark as well as those that hide in plain sight… you wanted to be a superhero too. And lucky for you, you had a certain proclivity towards reading people. So, you became a profiler. And after years of grueling school, training and fighting to earn your place with no one knowing the legacy in your blood line, you did it.
No, those weren’t tears in your eyes… it was just dusty in the bullpen, that was all. You could feel him everywhere. You knew this was where he lived and breathed and worked for so much of his life. Your mom never understood how you ended up being so understanding about never seeing him, while your brother spent so much of your lives incredibly bitter and angry at him for “abandoning” you both. You always told Stephen that dad spent every minute of every day trying to make the world a safer place for the two of you to grow up in. And now you could finally continue his life’s work.
You caught a few pairs of eyes looking at you when you entered the bullpen for the first time, walking through like you’d been there a million times before- because in your imagination, your dreams, you had. Dad was always so descriptive with his words, and it was never hard to get lost in his stories.
You walked right to the Unit Chief’s office, knowing that Agent Hotchner was already in there waiting for you. You were supposed to have your first meeting on Monday, but when the team didn’t get back in time from their last case- a strangler in Minnesota, he had called you and you rescheduled to accommodate those dang annoying serial killers. Now it was Wednesday, and you could feel the tired energy in the room. It was filled with the sounds of scribbling pens and pencils on paper, the groans and squeaks of chairs as everyone tried to stay comfortable while doing their paperwork. You spotted a few very attractive people around you, but tried to keep your eyes forward as you headed for your destination.
After knocking on the door, you heard a shuffling of papers as a low, gritty voice welcomed you, “Come on in.”
“Hello, Agent Hotchner. Nice to see you again.” You offered your hand, which he took with his baseball mitt sized one. It was rough and strong, and reminded you of your fathers when you were young. You could tell these hands had seen a lot of conflict.
“Y/N , you’ve grown up a lot since last I saw you.” He had a kind smile on his face, which surprised you, even after all this time. Aaron Hotchner was always such a serious man, even when you were younger. “And please, call me Aaron. You know that.”
You chuckled in response. “I know, but it feels weird to call you that now that you’re my boss.”
“Hotch will do then. Morgan will give you quite a hard time if he hears you calling me ‘Agent Hotchner’, I can promise you that. Sit, sit. Let’s get through all the necessary annoyances so I can properly introduce you to your new team.”
After all of the finalized paperwork and introductory nuisances, Hotch finally stood up, indicating it was time to enter the bullpen again, but with a promise of introductions to your new team. You felt a small pang in your heart. You wished your dad could have been here to do this instead of Aaron. He took notice of your second of discomfort- something you were sure to get used to quickly working with profilers.
“Y/N, he’s here… in you. I know how proud he would be of you.” He said to you with a hand falling to your shoulder.
With a smile, you accepted the comfort, turning to look at him again. “Would you mind… could we see Uncle Dave first? I think it would make me feel a little better to have him next to me for this.” That damn dust was at it again. You were fine, really. You’d been preparing for this emotion for months now- there was nothing to surprise you.
With a gentle smile, Aaron- no, Hotch, you remembered- nodded. “Of course. Follow me to his office.” It didn’t escape your notice that, as you followed him, you were on your way to your dad’s old office. Each step brought you to a place you’d heard about, thought about, dreamt about, but had never seen. But when you walked in behind Hotch, you knew this was nothing like your father would have kept it. It just screamed Rossi.
“Y/n! If it isn’t the smartest and brightest star from the Academy, falling right here into our laps at the BAU!” Dave cheered as he saw you, shooting up from his chair and almost running to you, pulling you into his arms while Hotch closed the door to offer you all some privacy.
“Uncle Dave, you can’t believe how amazing it is to have you here on my first day.” You said into his shoulder, holding him close. He was always such a big supporter of your career- there every step of the way whenever your dad couldn’t be. You always said that you were lucky- god blessed you with a loving, mildly helicopter mother, and two superhero dads so fight all the monsters for you.
“You’re gonna be great, kid. Unless your academy grades and reputation were all a lie to get you out of their hair!” He laughed, low and warm.
You giggled, pulling back from him and punching him lightly in the arm. “Rude.” You took a deep breath, and both men noticed that you were preparing yourself to say something important. “Aaron, Uncle Dave... I made it here on my own, with my mother’s maiden name and no one knowing who my father is. I am so proud to be the daughter of Jason Gideon, and I miss him every day… but I think I want to keep my birth last name a secret for now, if you’re both okay with that. They legally changed my name when I was a baby, and while I would be so proud to have his last name again, I’m- just not ready to hold up his legacy just yet.” You explained to them, hoping they understood. Your parents had decided very early on that they didn’t want you to have the last name Gideon. It was just- too dangerous. Your father had put away too many bad people, especially people that preyed upon little girls, to risk your life that way. So while you thought of yourself as Y/N Gideon in your mind, you’d never said it out loud before. Not once.
“Of course, kiddo. Whatever you want, we’ll follow your lead. Hopefully Garcia can’t find anything with your last name, but we’ll have Kevin keep an eye on her search history in case she finds anything. But if you’re worried about anyone finding out, I would tell her and promise her to secrecy though. Because if super tech genius finds out before you tell her… everyone will know.” He explained, and you laughed. You’d heard about Garcia. Your dad used to drive her crazy. You considered Rossi’s advice and nodded, understanding and deciding to think on it.
“Ready?” Hotch said after a moment, gesturing to the bullpen, where you could see several people grouped up at a desk, staring into Rossi’s office with curiosity and perhaps a little bit of uncertainty.
“As I’ll ever be.” Rossi squeezed your hand and you smiled at him, a big toothy smile shining back at you. With two men you knew you’d already trust your life with by your side, you walked out of the room knowing that these people who you already knew so much about would soon also hold your life in their hands. “Team, I’d like to introduce you to the new member of our team, Y/N L/N. She’s transferred in with top marks from the Academy, and she’s been highly recommended by all of her professors.”
You blushed at his compliments, rolling your eyes at him. “I didn’t have the highest marks in ALL of my classes. Shooting targets took me a while.” You smile, waving at the team awkwardly. “Hi everyone, it’s an honor to be here with you. I’ve heard so much about all of you. You’re all pretty famous around the bureau. I can’t wait to meet you all and get to know you as my team instead of people I’ve been idolizing for 10 years!”
Everyone laughed, and a tall, dark and handsome man walked forward with a giant grin on his face. “Hey, Y/N, I’m Derek Morgan. You are welcome to continue to idolize me as much as you’d like.” You could have snorted, he was so much like your dad described.
“Nice to meet you, Agent Morgan.” You said with a mildly flirty smile, holding your hand out to him happily. No worries for you, you were definitely going to like your job if you had him to look at all the time.
“That’s enough touching for now, little newbie,” a big beautiful blonde said from behind him. “That is my man-candy you’re ogling and groping, thank you very much.” There was no venom to her words, just something that you could only describe as adorable teasing. She was so colorful, it was almost as if there was a light shining around her. She was just a glowing ball of sunshine… You knew you’d be fast friends with her. “I’m Penelope Garcia, resident tech Goddess and most loyal beck and call gal.”
You took her hand and shook it, before doing a slight curtsy, earning you a giggle. “An honor to meet you, Tech Goddess Garcia.”
“Ignore her, they’re perfect for each other because of their over inflated egos.” You heard a blazé voice coming from the other side of Derek Morgan. “He’s eye candy for us all, much to her dismay. She’s never been one for sharing. I’m Emily, one of the few normal ones here.”
“Normal, pfft. She’s far from normal. You should hear her talk about her cat. Jenniffer Jareau, but my friends call me JJ.”
You took both of their hands in firm handshakes, grinning at them both. “Nice to meet you, and thank you for the permission to ogle, Agents. As far as normal, I sure hope not. Normal is vastly overrated.” You grinned at them. Damn they were cute. Was this whole team models who decided to become do-gooders and join the FBI?
“Halloweentown, 1998, said by Debbie Reynolds.” A small voice in the back of the group piped in, confident in words and speed, but somehow… demure and shrouded in uncertainty, too. The team parted so you two could see each other, and you swear your heart stopped beating for a few seconds. In front of you was the prettiest, most adorable, hottest guy you’d ever seen. He had a sexy professor thing going on, but simultaneously looked like he was an anxious teenager, terrified of being bullied by this newcomer.
You longed to hold him and protect this stranger from the rest of the world and heal any wounds he had succumbed to in the time before you. He was staring at you too, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights, pupils a little bigger than you can only assume they would normally be. After a snicker broke you both from the weird moment, pretty boy smiled a little and gave an awkward wave. “Hi. Doctor Spencer Reid.”
Oh. God. Your heart stopped a second time, and you swore, this is what a stroke felt like. You’d heard about Spencer for the last ten years. Your father loved him almost as much as he loved you and your brother. Maybe even more sometimes. The BAU resident genius, IQ of 187, eidetic memory, born in Las Vegas and wasn’t allowed in most casinos due to his card counting ability. Ability to empathize and love in a beautiful and incredible way- your father adored him, and because of how he spoke of him, you… you’d always had a crush on this faceless idea in your head with his wild mop of hair and tall, lanky frame. You had a general picture from all these years, but nothing had prepared you for this.
“H-Hi. I’m Y/N. N-Nice to meet you.” You said, trying your hardest not to sound like a little school girl with a crush on her teacher. You’d just met the man, for god sakes. You heard another snicker, and this time you knew it was from Morgan just from the proximity of the sound and the testosterone you could feel from the gesture. You tried to ignore your flaming red cheeks, and held out a hand a second before remembering that he hated being touched by strangers. A big germaphobe, always calculating the risk of what contact could mean for him. But before you had a chance to pull away, he reached out and took your hand, giving it a squeeze. You must have looked as shocked as you felt, but no one else noticed because everyone was staring at Reid with the same expression you were wearing. And to be honest, he looked just as surprised, if not more so.
Garcia made a breathy squeak sound, and somehow, that broke the tension of the moment, and you and Reid pulled away at the same time, both looking like you’d just been shocked by electricity. You stretched your hand out, staring at it, feeling on edge all over again, thinking about how good his hand felt in yours, and how good it would probably feel other pla-
“Well, I hope you all will be on your best behaviors, and treat Y/N like you would want to be treated as a newcomer in a team like ours, seeing what we see.” Hotch finally broke the silence. “Y/N, if you have any problems, come find myself or Rossi and we’ll help sort them all out.” Nodding, you looked at him and smiled, suddenly very embarrassed that your boss and your uncle just witnessed all of that. As profilers, they were going to come to so many conclusions, and each was more embarrassing than the last.
“Pretty boy and pretty girl, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-” You heard Derek sing-songing and he walked away, looking like the cat who got the cream. He was interrupted only when Emily punched him quite hard in the arm, looking at you with a wink and a smirk as she headed back to her desk as well. You tried to avoid looking at the genius again, but it was… difficult to say the least. You wanted to memorize everything about him. You wanted to pick his brain and listen to every fact he’d ever memorized. You wanted to experience him in all the ways your father had gotten to and more.
You watched as the team dissipated and then your eyebrows furrowed. “Rossi?” You asked, stopping him in his tracks as he was headed back to his office. “Where’s my desk?” He looked over his shoulder at you and you could tell he was holding back a shit eating grin as he pointed with his thumb to the desk directly across from Reid.
Fuck. You both looked at each other… or well, you looked at him, and he looked away like he’d been caught doing something and sat down, looking at his paperwork blankly. As you headed to your new desk, you’d give anything to know what was happening inside that massive brain of his.
Staring at your empty desk, you imagined what you could put there. Pictures of your family, pictures of your friends and your cats… One day you would put up a picture of your father… one day. For now, you grabbed your briefcase from your side and opened it up. You started unpacking some of your first day necessities; pens and notebooks, little toys and bright objects to remind yourself that there is good in the world. Your pile of books out; you always kept at least ten books on you at all times. One for every kind of mood you could be in- and at least three that you hadn’t read yet and were planning on.
As you prepped your desk, you could feel those eyes on you, analyzing your every move. You wanted to look up and see if you could find what he was figuring out within those eyes, but you tried to keep busy so you wouldn’t embarrass yourself again.
“Another book nerd, I see.” You heard that deep, caramelly sweet voice behind you. Derek sat on your desk right next to you and smiled a toothy smile at you. “Pretty girl likes to read, huh?”
Smiling at him, you raised a brow. “Reading is an exercise in empathy; an exercise in walking in someone else’s shoes for a while.” You were about to quote the originator, but someone else beat you to it.
“Malorie Blackman. British children’s literature writer and science fiction author.” Your head snapped to the person in front of you, who wasn’t looking at either of you.
Smiling at him, you nodded, and then turned to Morgan. “Yup, Malorie Blackman. Empathy is a huge part of the job, right? Reading allows us to experience a million different perspectives- which, as proflers, is necessary to catch the bad guys. I read so I can try to understand as many perspectives in this world as possible.”
Derek looked a little impressed, at least, and you couldn’t get a read on the gorgeous mop of brown hair on the desk across from you. Derek picked up one of the books still on your desk, not organized in your little library yet. “I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings?” He comments, and you catch Spencer’s eyes flick up at the title, curious.
“It’s my favorite. Not only do I love birds, but I’m a very big Maya Angelou fan. I’ve… always kind of felt like a bird stuck in a cage. Flitting about, trying to figure out what to do with my life and who I am... No book has ever made me feel more seen or understood as a human being.” You caught those big, interested eyes and you almost felt like you might have shared too much. You’ve always been an open book, but somehow, the way he was looking at you made you feel more vulnerable than you had… ever.
Derek nodded and smiled, putting the book down on your desk. “Well, lady genius, I’m going to try and get everyone to get together tonight for drinks, would you be interested in getting to know us in a more fun environment, or would you rather just go to the library with Pretty Boy over here and nerd out together?” He teased, making both of you blush.
“I-I don’t know. I’ve spent all of the years of my adulthood studying and sleeping and working to get here, so I haven’t really… spent a lot of time at bars?” Admitting that wasn’t the best feeling, but better to be honest than try to make up a lame excuse.
“Do I hear we have a light weight to peer pressure?” Derek said, loudly enough to catch the attention of everyone else. JJ and Emily looked enthused, and Rossi poked his head out of his office to chime in.
“Someone’s convincing Miss nose in a book Y/N to go out for drinks tonight? I’m in and I’m buying!” That was met with an uproarious approval from everyone on the team, with the exception of Reid, who was just looking at you, seemingly waiting on you to decide.
You bit your lip, noticing how Reid’s eyes fell to your lips in reaction. Well… if you could spend more time with the prettiest boy you’ve ever seen looking at you like that more… “Well… I guess. Sure. Sure, okay, I’m in.” You finally agreed, everyone whooping and hollering in celebration at you giving in. “Doctor Reid? What about you?” You looked at him through your eyelashes, and you could swear you saw his eyes dilate more.
“Oh, pretty boy barely ever comes out drinking with us anymore. He’s always holing himself up in his apartment- books from floor to ceiling, books in the fridge, freezer, on the bed, in his drawers and closets…” Derek teased, reaching over to Spencer and ruffling his hair.
Reid looked at Morgan and shoved his hand away and tried to fix his hair, rolling his eyes. “I do not have books in my freezer. That would be a terrible spot to put them, it would completely ruin the delicate spines.” You smiled at him in support, and he sat up a little straighter. “I… I’m in. For tonight.” He looked right at you when he said it, and you couldn't help but feel a little flutter in your stomach at the idea that he was going just to get to know you.
Morgan seemed to be thinking the same thing, and the face he gave Reid as he stood up and sauntered away said more than he needed to outloud. Once Reid looked away from Morgan, your eyes met and you both smiled again. “You’re a fan of Maya Angelou?” He asked, nodding towards your book.
“I am. I was always drawn to books that had birds on the covers, but then I actually read it and realized how beautiful it is on the inside.” You held the book in your hands gently. It was a mutual love, one your shared with your dad.
“The number of bird species in a person’s surroundings correlates directly to happiness levels.” He said, smiling at you like you were the most interesting thing in the world. The attention should have made you uncomfortable, but it just made you feel warm… important.
“Really?” You searched his eyes, wondering how much information was in that brain, stacked away for use when necessary. “That’s so interesting. I thought most people found birds annoying because of all the noise.”
He shook his head. “On the surface, they think it’s annoying, but once one becomes used to the sounds all around them, they find the background noise comforting. Most people find absolute silence much more disconcerting.”
“Absolute silence, for sure. But comfortable silence between two people who find solace in each other… I think that’s my favorite background noise.” He looked at you as you spoke, a small bit of hope flickering in both of your faces. You’d felt… alone, since your fathers spirit left this world months ago. It had been so hard to be at school and unable to go to his services, terrified of people finding out who your father was and that information altering your career. You hadn’t even applied to the bureau until you had your recommendation letters in order- you didn’t want Aaron giving you any false starts just because he knew. You liked to visit his grave once a month and tell him all the things you wrote in your letters to him. You carried around his private notebook as a reminder of the people in the world he saved, the people you wanted to save. You clutched your briefcase close, knowing you couldn’t put it in your desk with Reid watching you so closely. You’d find time to slip it in later, when no one was looking. With that eidetic memory, you knew he’d recognize it immediately, and you didn’t want his curious gaze to ruin your secret just yet. You wanted the team to form their own opinions of you before they knew... because the moment they knew, everything would change.
Next chapter
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badapricot · 3 years
Lovely Writer: Special 1
This is a rough translation of the first Lovely Writer special. There are 8 in total and other side stories that the author compiled. I’ll try to post 1 a week since they do vary in length, and some are a lot lengthier than this one.
This special is from Nubsib’s POV and it’s about Nubsib remembering his feelings for Gene after seeing him on Facebook, and becoming fixated. Nubsib is 15 at the time and Gene is 20.
At that time, I was in the ninth grade.
Since middle school, my parents had sent me to study abroad with my brother. Because of the wealth of my family, this was never an inconvenience. But living alone in a place that wasn’t your home country required a lot of adjustment, mainly doing everything on your own. You had to learn things that you’ve never seen and known. 
This was one of the methods of teaching the sons of the Thanakitpaisan family.
It was their luck to have a son who was mature since childhood. It didn't take long for me to get used to the culture there, where I went to parties, attended sports clubs, worked a part-time job, and even had typical American teen sex. Being Asian did give me some advantages, when it came to distinguishing myself from the others.
I could only smile when talking to the many blonde women who bragged about our experiences in bed, amongst their group of friends. After some time, I felt differently about it.
"Yes?" I leaned back on the sofa, and raised my head from his screen when I heard my name.
Neung came downstairs. He was wearing a thick gray cardigan with a scarf. "I’m going to go meet a friend. You're not going anywhere today, right? "
"Okay, I might be coming back late. Please get my package when it arrives. You’re not going out with your girlfriend, right?”
"We broke up.”
"Huh?” Neung frowned. "You dumped another one? Again? You know, you don’t have the face of a womanizer.”
Neung opened the door of the house. For a moment, the cool outside air blew in, until the hot air from the heater disappeared. I didn’t care much about either, and stayed looking at my phone screen.
I’m not a womanizer.
It’s just that every time I got together with a girlfriend, something felt wrong. I knew I wasn’t in love with the first girl. The others, I didn’t like particularly much. Sometimes the girls didn’t like me much either, and only wanted a partner themselves, so we’d eventually separate.
It was true, that I was only in the ninth grade. But sex here was too normalized. It had become so normal that I’d become bored. When sex became so commonplace, all excitement was lost.
Mom: (send picture)
Mom: I’ve sent you Thai ingredients that should be delivered soon. They’ll be waiting for you.
Mom: Today, I went to see Aunt Run, do you still remember the house next door? Today is the Aunt's birthday. All of her sons have come home.
Mom: I saw it and I missed you and Neung.
I looked at the message that popped up, from the other side of the world. It was dark here, but over there it was probably in the middle of the day. It was time for them to eat.
Mom: Do you remember Gene? Gene and Jap are all grown up.
After reading my mother’s message, it was natural to think of the past. I missed it. During my childhood I would run and play with him everyday, and just the same, Gene would play with me almost every day.
I still remembered “P’Gene” clearly after all these years.
We were five years apart. But we somehow became closer than me and my own brother. Since I moved out of the house, we never saw each other again. We didn’t have any more contact with each other.
When my mother talked about that time, I felt nostalgic.
I moved my finger to type to ask for a picture from my mother. In the end, I sent a simple sticker. I sat on the sofa in the living room for awhile before retiring to my bedroom to shower.
In my warm bedroom,  so different from the night air outside, I picked up my phone again. I went to Facebook to catch up with everything back home. My finger kept scrolling through my news feed, my face blank. I started to feel sleepy, but before I could fall asleep I saw a status.
I wasn’t friends with the person who posted. But I was friends with his mother, who was tagged in the photo.
Jap Jarernpipat posted a picture.
This year, my mother has lost another year, haha.
In the picture was a group of six people. The background was a wide garden and a long table. Both of my parents, and Auntie Run and Uncle Teep were there. But the one that most caught the eye was the man in the lower right corner.
The other person grinned until his eyes were crescents. His hands were raised, flashing a peace sign. His hand held a cake tray with a delicious golden egg. The corner of the mouth was stained with white cream, like he was teasing someone. He was smiling, which made his cheeks round and full.
I couldn't take my eyes off of him. For a second, there was a strange numbness in my fingertips and toes.
I didn’t need anyone to tell me who that was.
He was still wearing a white uniform shirt. It had been many years since we’d met, if counted by age. Gene would have been in university for three years.
Usually, I was the kind of person who didn’t care about the people around me, or anyone else. But this time, I couldn't control my fingertips. I clicked onto Jap’s Facebook page.
Chasing him down, I found a status posted with the person I was looking for tagged.
Jap Jarernpipat posted a picture
My brother brought me to the movies. What kind of crazy alien movie is this? I might puke, but maybe you guys on Facebook will like it.
The post was from three days ago. One was a picture of a cinema ticket on the top floor of a department store in the heart of Bangkok and the other was of P’Gene in a T-shirt and jeans. He hugged a bucket of popcorn. His hand was holding a large glass of water, lifting it up to his lips and sucking. It was a funny candid photo that many of his friends on Facebook commented on to make fun of him.
...but for me, the only word that came to mind was “lovely”.
I didn’t know why I was doing this but I pressed “save that image”.
Jap Jarernpipat posted a picture
My stupid little brother, you make the whole house look bad.
They were in a garden in the corner of the house that felt familiar to me, but was a little fuzzy. They were in front of a flower bush that had been trimmed into a square. Gene was sitting down, with his butt on the ground. A blue hose fell next to him, the hose spraying in another direction. It made him wet all over soaking his shirt, the thin material clinging to his body.
Both of his arms were behind him, to support his body. Therefore, his shirt and body were stretched, so I could see two small nubs contrasted and poking through his white shirt.
My eyebrows furrowed together, and I frowned.
I cursed when my body immediately had a strong reaction, just from the one picture.
I pressed the comment section, when I saw the high number of comments.
Jiranon Jarernpipat: Jap stop posting pictures of other people.
(Reply) Jap Jarernpipat attached video clip.
I clicked play immediately.
"Ow, P’Jap!”
“Hahaha, why would you say you’ll help me water the plants? You can help if the grass is dead.”
“Can you turn off the water for me first? Why are you recording?”
P’Gene raised his white hand. He wiped the water from his face, and pushed himself off  the ground. His shirt clung to his body, so I could see everything. He had the voice of a man, but he was still so cute.
Finally, the clip ended.
There were still a lot of other videos that Jap posted pranking Gene, all of which stopped me from becoming bored. I saved all of them to my phone and computer. In the end, when more and more accumulated, I created a whole separate folder.
That night when I fell asleep, my brain was filled with pictures of the boy next door, who I hadn’t seen in years.
Another morning, days later, I woke up frowning, and I had to gently breathe out. I’d dreamt of P’Gene again. Since seeing that picture that night, there hadn’t been a day where I could go without seeing his face.
I knew Gene’s Facebook. But he didn’t update much, except to change his avatar or cover photo. But Jap’s Facebook page had tons of pictures of Gene. So I was still able to look at Gene’s pictures and progress in life everyday, like some kind of psychopath.
Even when I closed my eyes to sleep sometimes, I still saw his pictures.
I didn’t want to be this way, but I couldn’t control my subconscious.
I always saw Gene lying in my wide bed. He would smile at me, his cheeks soft and reddish. His hands would hold on to me, and his mouth would gently say, “Sib.”
It was a fantasy that any teenage boy would have. But it wasn’t a woman. Instead, it was the boy next door, who always loved and saw me as a brother.
I circled back to look at his pictures every day. In the end, the feeling accumulated like a huge mountain of snow.
I want to meet him in real life.
I want to hug him.
I want to smell him. 
I want to kiss his mouth. I want to do to him what I do in my dreams.
Since the day I saw his picture and until today, my thoughts and feelings had become more and more intense. So intense, that sometimes I was afraid of myself.
I’d already decided how I’d deal with this.
“Will you finish school here?” Neung had packed all his bags and was ready to go because he finished his studies. I leaned against the door frame, looking into his room.
“Actually, it’s nice here too, you know.”
"No, I'm going home."
“So you’ve changed your mind then?”
I nodded.
“Well, our house is nice and of course, our parents miss you too.”
"I'm not going to be here anymore, don't bring any women into the house...but you're not dating any girls lately. So it's fine."
I sent off my brother, who took a taxi straight to the airport to go back home to Thailand. Personally, I still had a year to complete my studies.
In the past, I had never thought or worried about how fast or slow time would pass. But now, I felt jealous of my brother.
Back at the house, I picked up the phone. I was still for a while. Maybe it was because Neung had returned to Thailand, but I felt like chasing pictures wasn’t enough anymore. My fingers moved before I could decide to send a message to someone.
Nubsib tanagijpaisarn: P'Jap.
Nubsib tanagijpaisarn: Do you remember me?
I wanted to talk to someone who could tell me everything about P’Gene. 
I wanted to learn everything about him.
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New beginnings [P.P]
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A/N: I guess I’m unofficially back or in other words I got too excited that I finished a fic and wanted to post it. I was inspired by the picture of Tom in a graduation cap and I really wanted to write Peter’s graduation which hopefully we’ll see in the movies. Anyway enjoy and now I’m gonna go hibernate until I can actually write the next chapter of tale as old as time. 
I’m also looking for a new beta reader for my fics so please let me know if you’d be interested! 
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
WC: 2.9k
Warnings: some angst and tears but mostly fluffy fluff
Peter took a deep breath as he looked at himself in the mirror. It almost felt like a dream version of himself staring back as he looked at the black robes and graduation cap that sat on his head. He’d dreamt and wondered about this day for so long and now it was finally here. His high school graduation. 
His eyes flickered over to the photo frames that stood on his dresser, two men stared back at him and Peter imagined their proud faces. He wished with all his heart that they could see him walk across that stage or give his speech. 
“They’re still here with you and they’d be so proud Peter.” 
Peter turned as he heard his aunt’s voice from the doorway. He sniffled and nodded, not realising that tears had started to form in his eyes. May wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close. He melted into the familiar comfort and hugged his Aunt just as tightly back. 
“Thanks May.” 
She pulled back and adjusted his cap, smiling proudly at her nephew. He’d been through so much even death and yet here he was, valedictorian of his class and ready to graduate. 
“I’m proud of you too.” 
Peter could sense May began to cry and he quickly shook his head with a laugh. “If you cry, I’m gonna cry and then neither of us will get to the ceremony on time.” 
She gave a watery laugh and patted his cheek, taking a deep breath. “You’re right. I’m gonna go get the car ready.” 
“Thanks May!” He called after her as she left his room, closing the door behind her and leaving Peter once again to his thoughts. He rehearsed his speech again and then again, nerves growing in the pit of his tummy. 
Just as he was leaving his phone buzzed. He worried that it would be an alert of some kind but Peter was pleased to see your name staring back at him with the words “Good luck!” and a dozen heart emojis underneath. He smiled wide as he headed to the car and met May, suddenly feelings less nauseous than before. 
May tried to speak to Peter on the drive but he could only focus on one of two things: you and his speech. He imagined what you would be wearing and the smile that could instantly make him feel better as it lit up a room. May noticed a pink tint forming on Peter’s cheeks and smiled to herself as she saw you waiting for him outside the school.
“Ready?” She looked over at her nephew and smiled, sighing softly. May couldn’t believe how much Peter had grown and how far he’d come in such a short time. He wasn’t the scared kid she knew anymore, he was braver and stronger and he’d faced everything that life had thrown at him. He deserved this moment of happiness. 
Peter nodded and took a deep breath, his hands tightly clutching the cards on which his speech was written. 
“You got this.” May encouraged with a smile. “And it looks like it’s not just me cheering you on.” She nodded to where you were standing, waiting patiently for Peter. He looked over and the smile that broke out on his face was wide enough to squash all his fears. 
You were wearing a pretty mid-length dress under your gown with a pair of sneakers and your hair perfectly styled underneath your cap. You looked beautiful. He told you so as he walked up to you, both of your eyes lighting up with happiness as Peter hugged you, practically picking you up off the ground. 
Peter always made you blush with his compliments and he’d love it when your cheeks went red because of him. He thought it was the cutest thing. Even on your worst days, Peter would always tell you why he loved you and why you were the best thing that ever happened to him. 
You and Peter had been dating for a little over a year now and there wasn’t a moment you would change. Even through the hardships and the fights, every moment with Peter was worth it. The biggest challenge had been college acceptance letters. 
Peter had got accepted into Empire State University and you had chosen to go to Columbia. Luckily it was only a 25 minute drive but even you both knew how crazy college would probably get. You’d heard about relationships, not even just the long distance ones failing because of the workload of college plus with Peter’s spidey duties there was added stress but you had both made a promise to try your hardest to make it work. You couldn’t lose each other, not after everything you’ve been through. 
He was always amazed by how perfectly your hand fit into his as if it were made to be held by him. You noticed as you walked closer to where the ceremony was taking place that Peter’s grip became tighter and his palms became sweatier. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” 
Peter looked at you and took a deep breath, nodding. He smiled as you cupped his cheek, leaning into your touch as it comforted him. 
“Thank you princess.” 
He leaned in and captured your lips in a sweet kiss, letting himself get distracted by the taste of your lips and the way they moved against his own. As he held you close he felt his nerves fade away and he felt he could take on anything. You were his anchor as his whole body felt on edge. 
Peter had never been one for public speaking. Sure he would give speeches as Spidey when he needed to and even though he was still awkward and nervous, he was hidden behind a mask and no one would be able to make fun of him the next day. 
As if you had read his mind, you placed your hand on his arm and kissed his cheek. “Pete, it’s the last time you’re gonna see most of these people so who cares what they think. Just keep your eyes on me, you got this.” 
Your words brought comfort to Peter as he held onto the cards for his speech. He could feel the kiss on his cheek lingering and it made him feel stronger to know he had you to support him. You took his hand in yours once again and smiled before leading the way to your seats, right next to MJ and Ned who both gave Peter a thumbs up.
He waved at May a few rows behind them and smiled, remembering to focus on his breathing as the time drew nearer. He tried not to focus on how many people there were or the different sounds that made him on edge. You knew that when Peter was nervous his senses started to make him feel on edge so you squeezed his hand and leaned into his side. 
Peter noticed your small gesture and focused instead on you; the smell of your perfume, the hum of your heartbeat and the way the sun was catching your face in a serene way. He calmed down almost instantly but it didn’t last long as soon after his name was called by Mr Harrington. 
“I’d like to welcome your class valedictorian, Mr Peter Parker.” 
The crowd of people applauded and it took Peter a moment to process as you pushed him lightly onto his feet. With one last squeeze of your hand, he pulled away and gave you a nervous smile as he walked up the small stairs to the stage. 
Peter stood behind the podium and placed his cards down, his eyes fixated on them for a moment before he looked up at the audience. He took a deep breath, trying to stop the shake of his hands as he gripped onto the podium. 
“Woo Penis Parker!” 
It didn’t take two guesses to know who was shouting in the crowd but Flash was quickly shut down by MJ who kicked him in the shin. Peter smiled at that before his eyes found yours and he felt the anxiety in his mind quieten just enough for him to start speaking. 
As he spoke and delivered his speech about gratitude and learning, his eyes rarely left yours. He rambled a bit off text as he thought of funny anecdotes to tell about his time at Midtown and he noticed the proud smile on your lips as well as the tears that had started to gather in your eyes. 
“My time at Midtown has been interesting for sure. I’ve done things in the past 4 years that I would never have dreamed of and at one point I wasn’t even sure if I’d make it here.” 
You sniffled, remembering when Peter had gone to space and left you and May worried and how the blip had almost threatened to tear you apart. You remembered the night that you first saw Peter after the battle, his face was bruised and the marks of cuts still lined his face but he was more broken beyond that. The emotional scars he’d suffered were far worse than any physical ones. 
He used to lay in your arms and cry most nights and whenever he slept he’d wake with terrible nightmares. Sometimes he’d space out or have flashbacks that left him shaking but you held him through it all. 
“I wouldn’t be here without my friends,” Peter gave a subtle nod to MJ and Ned who smiled back at him. “My family,” He looked over at May who was wiping her eyes with a tissue and Happy who was smiling back at him. “And my love.” His eyes finally met yours once again as he smiled wide. You felt a tear slip down your cheek but you didn’t even care as you smiled back. 
“I am proud to be standing here as your valedictorian and you should all be proud of yourselves too. Part of the journey is the end and tomorrow will mark the start of the new ones we take wherever they lead.” 
Peter smiled as he finished his speech, being met with loud applause from the crowd. You made sure to be extra loud and even gave a whistle which made Peter laugh. His cheeks were red but his smile was brighter than the sun as he walked off of the stage and came back to his seat. You wrapped your arms around him tightly and kissed his blushing cheek. 
“I’m so proud of you baby.” You whispered as you both sat back down, Peter’s smile widening at your words as he took your hand and squeezed. 
The rest of the ceremony went by slowly as you both waited for your names to be called. You watched MJ sigh as she went to grab her diploma but you could tell she was excited and that there was the hint of a smile playing on her lips as you, Peter and Ned all cheered for her. 
Ned almost tripped up the stairs as he got his but quickly laughed it off and happily accepted his diploma. His family cheered just as loud as his friends and Ned walked off the stage with a wide smile, being careful not to trip again. 
When it was your turn, you could feel the pace of your heart pick up, every nerve in your body was tingling. Peter kissed your cheek before you got up and made you blush as you went to accept your diploma. You swung the tassel of your cap to the other side and did a little bow which made Peter and your supporters in the crowd cheer even louder. You didn’t know if you wanted to laugh or cry more as you walked off stage. 
Peter almost looked startled when they finally read his name. He got up quickly and walked up onto the stage, feeling more confident than he had before his speech. He smiled at the teachers and members of staff as he passed them before shaking hands as he got his diploma. He smiled out at the crowd focusing on you and May as you both cheered him on. 
Peter wished he could freeze the moment, the two most important people in his life smiling proudly at him and he knew that if Tony and Ben could be here they would be too. And for the first time in a long time, Peter was proud of himself as he stood on that stage. 
Soon enough all the names had been read and the ceremony was coming to a close. There were so many mixed emotions as the principal said the last words of his speech about moving on and wishing luck to all the graduates. It felt strange, like a dream. This chapter of your lives was really ending. 
Peter watched all the graduation caps being thrown up into the air, it almost felt like slow motion as they fell to the ground signifying the end of his high school years. He was grateful and sad and happy all at once. Yeah there had been bad times but the good times far outweighed them. 
He smiled as stole a kiss from you as you parted to go be with your own families. Peter headed towards May and Happy, accepting hugs from both of them. 
“You did so good, honey!” May ruffled his curls, making Peter roll his eyes fondly. “Happy cried too.” 
Happy gave May a look before looking back at Peter with a laugh. “Your speech was really good Peter.” 
“Thanks, both of you.” Peter smiled at them, he owed a lot to both of them especially May who had raised him. She hugged him again tightly and kissed his head before noticing you walk up to the three of them. 
“Congrats Y/n!” May pulled you into the hug with Peter, making both of you laugh. Peter was the first to pull back, his cheeks almost bright red as he gave his aunt a knowing look before asking if he could go with you. May nodded but not before kissing his cheek. 
You swung your hand with Peter’s as you walked away with a giggle. Peter lifted your hand to his lips and kissed it, making you blush. You smiled and giggled with Peter as you walked away from everyone else, soon stopping at a nearby tree which you instantly recognised. 
When Peter had first asked you to be his girlfriend, you were sitting under this tree reading as you sat between his legs on a warm summer day. You remembered the small shake in his voice as he asked you and how his smile had widened as you said yes. It was as easy as answering your own name.
Peter showed you a little tool knife which had his uncle's initials engraved and smiled. “I thought we could officially make this our spot.” You smiled wide and nodded, squeezing his hand before he started to carve both of your names with your help. 
You both smiled proudly at your work, Peter tracing his fingers over the carving of your names with forever written underneath. “It’s perfect.” He turned to face you and cupped your cheek, brushing his thumb over your cheek, “just like you.” 
You blushed and leaned into his touch, smiling softly at your boyfriend. Both of you felt so lucky to have each other especially after the blip. You never wanted to take each other for granted and you made sure you never did. 
Peter’s hand slipped into his pocket and pulled out a small box, looking like it contained a ring. You looked at him with wide eyes in shock. 
“P-Peter, I- are you-?” 
Peter furrowed his brow before realising what you were saying, his eyes going as wide as yours. He quickly shook his head and blushed with a laugh. “N-no. Maybe one day but no I’m not proposing.” 
You smiled at the mention of the future you hoped with Peter and let out a small sigh of relief. After all, you had only just graduated high school. That was a big enough life milestone for today. 
“This is a promise ring.” Peter spoke as he opened the box, showing you a beautiful silver ring that was engraved, For me, there is only you. “I love you Y/n, i don’t know what i’d do without you and I don’t want to be without you. These past few years have been crazy for sure but you’ve been my anchor through it all. This ring is to remind you that even though we might be in different places and we might not be able to spend as much time together as we want, I will always be yours. It’s only you, always has been, always will be.” 
You sniffled and wiped away a tear that escaped from your watery eyes. “Pete I-” You shook your head, feeling speechless as you held out your hand and Peter slipped the ring onto your finger. You didn’t know what to say so you said the only words that made sense in that moment. “I love you.” 
“I love you too princess, so much.” Peter caught your tears before pulling you in for a kiss, locking his lips effortlessly with yours. 
Peter knew that he’d lost a lot in such a short time and the pain of those losses might not ever go away but he had you and May, his friends and a new journey ahead of him that he was ready to take. Saying goodbye to a chapter of his life was hard but he had to focus on what laid ahead. After all, as a wise man once said; part of the journey is the end.
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Third-first kiss - Raeda oneshot
Summary:   Raine and Eda finally are reunited  
Rating: Teen and up audiences
Tags: Mutual pining, fluff, yearning
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33629347
 Raine wouldn't wake up and that was driving Eda crazy. The tattoo had paralyzed them and to get rid of the red vine-like stuff, they had to scrape the tattoo with fire magic, their wrist still healing from the burn, wrapped in bandages and healing herbs. They briefly woke up when rescued, just to register what was happening and then passed out, to stay 4 days like that, and that was making her bite her inner cheek and lips, walk around the house like crazy and check on them every ten minutes or so.
 When asked about who they were (besides a coven head) Eda just blurted out that they were old friends, but King and Luz obviously caught on something more intimate than that for the way she would touch their cheek and gently rubbed it (then feel bad about it and get away from them for approximately 7 minutes and 34 seconds), and the way she kneeled besides the couch they were in and softly ask then to please, please wake up.
 Eda wouldn't deny she was losing hope over being reunited with them again. Of course she wouldn't get nice things, nothing never worked out for her. She was cursed, not only as the Owl Beast, but to be alone forever, because she just wasn't good enough for things like this. Not good enough to have someone as sweet as Raine with her.
 "Hey, Eda." Luz called her "How are they?"
 "Their breath is steady.... Also heartbeat. But they haven't woken up yet." She muttered, looking at their face. God, they were so lovely without their glasses. They sure got old, but they still were cute (and hot) as hell, Eda hated to admit it. They seemed to get old in a much healthier way than Eda (after all, the curse made her look older than she was) and they still had that spark of life they had when Eda dated them back in their young years.
 God, they were so handsome.
 King sat down beside her, with a book on demonics that Luz checked out from the library for him.
 "We decided to check on them with you! I brought a book."
 Eda sighed, petting King.
 "Thank you, King."
 When the night fell, Luz got her sleeping bag and put it near the couch, and Eda installed her blankets beside her. King cuddled on Luz and fell asleep quickly, and Luz, who had promised to stay awake to make company to Eda, ended up dozing off.
 But Eda couldn't sleep.
 She decided then to talk to the Owl Beast, to make sure they wouldn't freak out and turn into owl beast when Raine eventually ditched them (because that was what Eda had sure about Raine, that after that terrible breakup,they would never love her again) and she would have to be Raine's friend and ex. Agh, thinking about it before didn't make the possibility any better. She closed her eyes.
     Owl beast?     She called, afraid.      Listen, you know Raine. Last time they broke up with us, you freaked out and that made them go away. Raine saying they don't want to be with us isn't the end of the world, ok? Please, let's try to remain calm. I don't wanna lose them again.  
 The owl beast seemed to pay attention. They made an agreeing sound that was a deep snarl, they were talking more lately, even on regular days.
 She ended up dozing off while that, sitting down, with her head near Raine's arm.
 She dreamt of Raine again. The dream was less real than the ones she had drugged, but they were still real enough to make her heart ache at the possibility of being together with Raine again. Now she had her own owlets (adopted, not hers hers, but still her owlets and she would kill for Luz and King), and she dreamt of a calm life with Raine. Maybe even another adopted owlet, if they wished for. She would do anything to make Raine stay, she would be honest at every step she took, she would tell the truth and the truth only, she didn't care what, she would do it---
 There was something playing with her hair when she woke up. She barely registered, thinking it was King.
 "Eda? Is that you?" The voice was hoarse, kinda weird, but Eda would recognize that voice anywhere. She woke up quickly, looking at Raine.
 "Raine?" Her voice trembled with emotion, almost becoming a sob.
 "Good morning, Calamity." They muttered, coughing a bit "Missed me?"
 "RAINSTORM!" She sobbed, jumping on the couch to hug them, ending up on top of a very giggly and blushed Raine "Oh my god I missed you so much I thought I was going to--- I thought I would never see you again, Raine, oh my Titan, I will hug you tight and never let go again." She was interrupted by sobs, Raine hugging back tightly as well, huge tears streaming down their face.
 (The last time she saw tears this size was when they had a fight while drunk)
 But now they were happy to be reunited, and when they stopped the reunion, Eda blushed and got away from them.
 (But not that much, she couldn’t stand the idea of being distant once again. A hand still was on their cheek)
 "Sorry, I got carried away."
 "Hey, it's no problem." Raine muttered, blushed as well.
 (Raine couldn't deny that this was the person he most loved on the world and they would do anything to have her again)
 "Do you need something? Water, food,  violin, to kill who hurted you?" She joked. Old Eda was back, smiling widely and still wiping tears.
 (Gosh, she was so pretty, so breathtaking.)
 "I would like some food and water. I am feeling like the saddest raisin you have ever seen." Raine chuckled, trying to look around. Eda helped them to sit up on the couch, by hugging them and slowly bringing them up.
 (The contact made both blush and Raine was holding back from kissing her)
 Luz woke up during that, and she gasped.
 "THEY'RE AWAKE!" She commemorated it.
 "Awake and apparently alive." Raine smiled, recognizing Luz from Eda's picture. They saw King snoring on her lap. Eda went to the kitchen, to get Raine a decent meal, and came back with what used to be their favorite meal when they hung out together. Raine smiled and took the plate, slowly eating, since they had spent 4 days with food, testing the waters slowly about what would make them feel good or bad. The food was being accepted, apparently, so they kept eating, in silence.
 (Eda couldn’t be more than 10 feet apart for them for too long)
 (Raine wouldn’t stop grabbing Eda’s hand when she was around)
 Slowly, the mood in the house got better. Raine was recovering from being knocked out, slowly going back to stand up and walk around the house. They still used the couch to sleep.
 (But Eda was sleeping on the floor next to them every night)
 King and Luz witnessed the long stares at each other, the soft touches, the tension between the two, something that Luz would call “Pining” from her human fictions, and King thought that was the most annoying thing ever.
 Raine would laugh and Eda would give them the most in love expression ever, then they would blush and look away.
 (They looked like teens having their first crushes)
 Luz and King were just seeing this mutual yearning between the two, which was very fun to watch but was getting embarrassing pretty quickly.
 “Agh, my back.” Eda stretched, making a worryingly loud cracking noise, and Raine rubbed their neck, also trying to get rid of the pain they were having because of the couch. They smiled weakly, having their breakfast.
 “We are getting old.” They said, and King huffed.
 “There are easier ways to sleep next to each other, you know.”
 This made both of them blush, and Eda sipped her apple blood loudly, Raine looked at their breakfast with an entirely red face, trying to make it less noticeable.
 “King.” Eda just said that, as a warning.
 “What? You guys have been on this for 2 weeks, I think Eda’s nest has enough space for two. Then you guys won’t be in pain everyday because of sleeping in places that aren’t made for sleeping.”
 “King we-- Huh, I don’t want to talk about this now.” She was blushing in a deep red tone. Raine quickly got up from their chair, almost knocking over their own mug.
 “S-sorry.” They put the mug on the table again. “Huh, I will be going, uh, STUFF.” They couldn’t talk right, quickly leaving the kitchen.
 Eda sighed, looking at them leaving, still embarrassed.
 “I CAN HELP WITH THE TUNNEL OF LOVE.” Hooty suddenly yelled, making Eda jump on her skin, and blushing more “I AM AN EXPERT ON MAKING PEOPLE DATE.”
 “No! No tunnel of love!” Eda shouted “Last time it almost didn’t go right!”
 “Yeah, it’s better to let them go at their own time.” Luz said, looking at Hooty “Sorry.”
 "It's okay!" Hooty yelled and then left.
 It's not that Eda didn't want Raine. Eda wanted Raine a bit too much, she wanted to kiss them, to cuddle them, to have every inch of them for her and for her only. That was her Rainstorm, and she would do      anything     to get them back.
 Later, Luz said she was going to hang out with Amity, while King was passed out on the couch. Eda was fixing dinner, and Raine was sitting on the kitchen table, and everytime they and Eda crossed their eyes, they blushed and looked away. Hooty appeared on the window, looking at that.
 "You know, my idea of a tunnel of love is still up if you---" Eda didn't let him finish the sentence, quickly closing the window on his face.
 "Those old house demons, am I right?" She let out a shy laugh, red all over her cheeks and now ears too. She was finishing to fry some meat with vegetables and make pasta for them.
 "Yeah, hum, those house demons." Raine muttered, looking at Eda. This took some seconds to end, with both looking away "So, hum, you're a single mom?"
 "Yeah, apparently. After you, no ex wanted a cursed girlfriend, you know." Eda laughed it off, but it really bothered her "I apparently couldn't get pregnant as well, and well, I thought King was a pet at first. He's trying to contact his real family…. Then Luz just came into my life. She still is going to go back to her real mom, but…. I am happy to have them here for the time being."
 Raine nodded, now the self-sacrifice made sense. Many things were spiraling onto his head, Eda would make them dizzy.
 (Like it was the first time having a crush)
 "You know, there's nothing sexier than a single mom." They teased.
 "Is that flirting, Rainstorm? Aren't we too old for that?" She snorted, getting a noodle from the pan to test if it was ready.
 "Just if you are too old for that." They looked at her, dreamy expression and thinking about how they could finally be together, even if they weren't in a relationship.
 "I haven't had a partner for 3 years now, I think I am doing well by myself." She noticed what she said and tried to correct herself. "I mean, I suppose that if someone was really nice, they could stay. I am not set in stone, like you know."
 "Oh, so you're waiting for your enchanted prince?" Raine smirked, playing with some napkins on the table.
 "No! That was when I had like, ten! I have changed since then. But you know me, I…. I always wanted a big family until… This happened." She pointed at the gemstone, which was entirely black "And since I can't use magic anymore, well, things got harder. Luz taught me glyphs, but they aren't as powerful.
 "I can imagine that not being the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles anymore sucks." Raine gave her an understanding look, not pity, but understanding. It made Eda feel safer.
     See, Owlet, we're being comforted. Doesn't that feel good? Doesn't it feel safe?     She silently told the owl beast. She was getting better at talking to them without much effort. And Owlet sounded a lot better than Owl Beast, less scary.
 "Yeah, but I'll fix it as I can, you know? Since Luz and King came into my life, things have gotten better. I am not more mature, and well, you tell me the difference."
 "What's a heart without responsibility?" Raine muttered, smiling "I am so, so happy you have grown as a person."
 (Raine couldn't stop thinking about the when they reunited, while she met the BATs and at some point during the time Eda joined them and Raine wss captured, they ended up making out in some alley, like teens again, hidden, and then they didn't touch the subject anymore)
 "C'mon, not all the credit for me. I learned with you that I shouldn't keep secrets. And talk about stuff." She was finishing mixing the pasta with the sauce, getting it on two plates. "King and Luz had a part in it. I started to deal with the curse better….. And well, now I can turn into Harpy Eda? It's like me but 100% hotter."
 "Woah, I can't even begin to imagine how you would be able to be hotter than you already are." Raine grinned, that was to bring her self-esteem up.
 "Silly witch. I can show you later. When we rescued you, I was like Harpy Eda but I don't think you had the time to see it."
 "Unfortunately, no, I was busy." They joked.
 "Too busy to witness my hottest version? Damn, that must be some serious business." She sat on the table with them, plates ready. Raine thanked Eda for the food, starting to eat slowly, and they ended up in silence until they finished the pasta.
 "Hey, Eda?" They muttered, now red "King is probably right, about the bed thing. Maybe you should go back to using your nest." They took a deep breath, looking at the empty place "And if you don't mind…. Could I sleep with you? I mean that's totally okay if you don't want to and it's totally okay if you think that's too much, I can--"
 "Of course, Rainstorm. Well, a nest isn't a mattress, but…."
 "You say it as we didn't share it like, a million times before." Raine smiled, and they hoped that sleeping on the same bed could end up making them re-tie.
 That was a bad plan, they thought as the sleeping time was almost there. Luz had come back home, rambling about Amity but all that Raine could think was that it was an extremely bad idea to ask Eda to sleep with her. That was the worst idea they ever had and it would blow directly into their face when---
 "Hey, Rainstorm? Are you ok?" Eda asked, worried. They were clenching their fists and entirely red. Luz had moved to her bedroom with King already, saying that she would get ready to sleep.
 "I-- I just was t-thinking…. Huh, I a-asked to sleep with you but n-not that way, I mean, unless you want??? I am sorry sorry I am just an anxious mess!" They hide their face, rubbing their eyes.
 Eda blushed as well. Well, she thought they would just sleep as friends, but now it was more than obvious that Raine was thinking about more than just the friendly cuddling.
 "Raine, it's ok! To be honest, it's cute." She was being sincere, and she took their hands out of their face. "You're cute."
 Raine gently squeezed her hands, looking at her skin. Both had hands that were worn by time and by their experiences. They felt old, but still somehow in a young way. Raine liked to feel the roughness on her hands, and the little scars she had from working as a trash collector.
 "I missed you, Calamity."
 "I missed you too, Rainstorm." She muttered, close to their face. They could feel her breath mixing with theirs and the heat emanating from her skin, that felt so right, their heart skipping a few beats, their mind a mess from many feelings mixed about this.
 They couldn't deny, they      wanted     it. Not like a small desire, but as something taking over their whole body and mind. They      needed     her.
 "Can we go to the bedroom?" Eda whispered. If she was going to have their third-first kiss, she was not going to do it in the living room with Luz's abomination track homework there. It had to be soft and cute. They were finally reuniting after all of those years. It had to be special.
 They silently climbed the stairs, holding hands and giving each other caring looks. Soon, they were in the bedroom, and Eda found pillows for Raine, and laid down on the nest, turned to each other and exchanged tender touches and cuddles.
 "I thought this would never happen." Eda muttered, with a finger going through Raine's arm "When was the last time we laid down in peace? Like, without the lingering feeling of 'this relationship isn't going to last?'. It feels like an eternity."
 "We just pushed that last 2 years because we were afraid of breaking up, didn't we." Raine sighed.
 "I would say that it doesn't matter now…. But it does matter. I am sorry for never telling the truth and pushing you away." Eda whispered, not looking at them "I wanted to protect you, I couldn't understand why someone so sweet as you was with such a monster like me."
 "Eda, you weren't a monster. You were just a hurt person. I felt so bad for abandoning you when  you most needed me…." Raine closed their eyes, trying to control the tears. They felt bad to this day because of it.
 "Hey, hey. It wouldn't be healthy for us to continue going like that, ok? It's not your fault. We grew as people because of that, and… and I think that right now, we can try to build something better." She looked at them, hopeful of a positive reaction. Raine didn't answer, pulling them closer and kissing her like that was the thing they most desired in the world and they would die without it.
 (That was how they felt about it)
 Eda kissed back, surprised but with the same intensity, getting Raine closer, all the closeness didn't seem enough at this moment. That was supposed to be a cute third-first kiss, but Eda didn't mind that it was hungry instead. She discovered she was hungry to have them again as well, she wanted them up close and personal, she wanted everything they had to give, she loved Raine, and Raine loved her and that was the truth and the only thing that existed right now, even the bedroom seemed to disappear around them while they finally got the proximity they yearned for so long.
 When they stopped to catch their breaths, Eda only smiled.
 "Wow." Raine agreed, blushing and hiding their face on Eda’s chest. Eda cuddled them, grinning ear to ear.
 “So, can I call you my partner?”
 “Only if you accept to be my girlfriend.” Raine muttered.
 What a beautiful way to end their day.
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malienessan · 3 years
This is for @theredquilt who very successfully argumented a win in the GMS Day 1 Bingo, arranged by @goldenlionsilverfox . The request was for something spooky, and this is what my brain came up with.
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Link has been hearing things in the walls of the Creative House. But why doesn’t Rhett hear it?
What’s in the wall?
For some time, Link had been hearing something in the walls of the Creative House. Not every time he was there, but often enough to consider it disturbing. He had convinced Rhett to get the exterminator there, thinking it might be mice in the walls. That wasn’t the case, there were no infestations in the house.
But the sounds kept disturbing Link. There was like an insistent scratching in the wall between Link’s office and the Jack-and-Jill leading to the Skyn Wallz room, as if something was trying to make its way out. He hadn’t told Rhett that the exterminator guy was there because of a specific sound, he was afraid that Rhett would think it was his depression that made him hear things.
His depression was, for now, under control, Link felt happy and content with his life. And happy people didn’t hear things in the walls, right?
And yet, Link did.
When he and Rhett decided to spend a weekend at the Creative House, Link decided that he would simply shut the sound out of his head.
The wives were taking the kids to North Carolina for a long weekend, Thursday to Sunday, and the guys thought it would be a great opportunity to get the creative juices flowing.
Thursday evening, everything was ok. No strange scratching sound, not even once. They churned out the outline for a pilot, getting all sorts of great ideas, working until the middle of the night and then slept in their separate beds in their separate offices.
Friday night, however, was not so peaceful. The sound had started early, when the sun came up. First just a little, like a cricket crawling along a wall. But as the day progressed, the sound grew in intensity, it sounded like a mouse, a rat, a raccoon and when nightfall came, Link couldn’t even be in his office. It sounded like someone was clawing their way out of the wall, slowly, undoubtedly. And if Link put his head to the wall, which he only dared to do once, he could feel the vibrations of the wall being shredded to pieces.
It was then that he broke down, went to get Rhett and told him all about what he had been hearing. It only confirmed what he had been afraid of.
“Link, there’s no sound, I swear.” Rhett looked at him with concern. “Nothing at all. Can you hear it now?”
Well yeah, it sounded so loud that it almost drowned out Rhett’s voice. Link only nodded, almost crying.
“Look. You can sleep in my room tonight, we’ll drag your bed there, and tomorrow we’ll call your doctor, see if you need to check your meds or whatever.” In an unusual physical display of affection, Rhett put his arms around Link, letting the shorter man rest his head against a strong shoulder. They would get through this.
Said and done, they made room for Link’s bed in Rhett’s office and somehow managed to make it feel like a sleepover, something they hadn’t done in too many years. They closed every door they could, to try and shut out the scratching, and almost succeeded. If Link put a pillow over his head, he could barely hear it.
In the middle of the night, Link woke with a start. His heart was beating heavily, he was certain something had scared him awake. He listened for the sound, it couldn’t be heard. And neither could he hear the faint sounds of Rhett sleeping, which frightened Link a lot more than the scratching noise. Where was he?
He was just about to get out of bed and go looking for Rhett when he saw him coming through the door. He shut it behind him and turned towards Link, his eyes gleaming in the dark.
“Link? Why are you up?”
“I think I had a bad dream. It’s alright, got a little worried when I couldn’t hear you breathe.”
“Oh, Link. Here, let me help you relax.”
Without asking, Rhett sat down on the bed behind Link and started rubbing his shoulders. Link thought about asking what he was doing, but it felt so good that he just let it happen. Those big, strong hands, working on Link’s tense muscles. It was… wonderful, was the word he searched for. His head lolled forward, letting Rhett work him over, trying to suppress the small moans he felt build in his chest.
“Link… relax, let me take care of you…” Link felt Rhett’s breath against his neck and then the slight scratch of his beard.
“Rhett, what are you doing?” Link made as to move away but was held in place by Rhett’s firm grip.
“Link, bo, just let me do this, please?” He ended by kissing that sensitive spot at the back of Link’s neck, making Link shiver all over. “It’s been too long, we should have done this a long, long time ago.”
Rhett placed kisses over Link’s neck, letting his big hands slide down Link’s back, giving comfort and lighting small fires in the pit of Link’s belly. Soon, one snaked around Link’s midriff, almost tickling, but never wavering, until it had grasped Link’s hard dick through the pajama pants.
“Aah… oh, Rhett, are you sure?”
“Mmhmm, I sure am.” Rhett smiled against Link’s neck. With assertive movements, he let his hand slide under the hem of the pants, grabbing hold of the long, smooth dick, letting his thumb slide through the beads of precum coming from the slit. Link shuddered.
“Rhheeeettt…” He couldn’t stop the moan but felt desperate, was he gonna cum in his best friends’ hand without even kissing him? Link twisted in Rhett’s arms, trying desperately to turn around and finally, he could look his friend in the eye and kiss him. It was… better than Link could ever have imagined. Rhett’s soft lips, the scratching of his beard against Link’s chin, his tongue licking its way into Link’s mouth.
Rhett smiled at him, taking a new grip of the still hard cock and with a few smooth moves, brought Link to the edge.
“Will you cum for me, bo? Then you can sleep again.”
Link tried to object, wouldn’t Rhett want anything in return? But he only shook his head, they could do that tomorrow, or any day after that. This was how it was now.
Rhett kissed Link, jerking his wet dick just right and with a moan, Link came, so hard it made the world spin. He was vaguely aware of how Rhett put him back in bed, and pulled the quilt over him, and then Link slept.
The next morning, Link woke up, feeling happy and content. He was a little sticky, in the nether region, and figured he would get up and have a shower. He could hear Rhett in the shower and decided to traipse over to his own office. When he got there, he stared in shock. There was a big hole in the wall, as if something had burst through. He fled, running in panic back to Rhett’s office, yelling for his best friend.
He couldn’t hear the shower anymore and when he looked through the door to the bathroom, it was empty, no signs whatsoever of anyone having a shower. He ran back and then he heard Rhett calling to him from the living room.
“Link? Link! What’s wrong?” As Link rushed there, he was met with the sight of a newly woken Rhett on their living room couch. “Are you alright?”
Link stared at him.
“Ah, yeah…? What are you doing here?”
“Well, you talked in your sleep, so loud that I couldn’t sleep, and I couldn’t wake you. I decided to sleep here instead.”
“But… But what about last night, what we…?”
Rhett looked at him, confusion evident on his face. “Last night? We what?”
Link just turned around, running back to his room, looking at the broken wall again. He was crazy, he must be. He must have gotten out of bed that night, busted the wall somehow and then dreamt the whole episode about Rhett. It was time to call the doctor. Defeated, he got a towel from the dresser and went to take a shower.
As he stood in front of the mirror, getting ready for the shower, he thought he saw movement behind him. The shower curtain moved. Link thought he would faint when it was pulled to the side and Rhett stepped out. But it wasn’t really Rhett. It had eyes that gleamed at him.
“Hey Link. Thanks for letting me out of the wall.” When the thing smiled at him, Link started to pass out. He could vaguely hear Rhett calling out for him, the real Rhett, as the thing in the mirror turned its head towards the bathroom door, a grin on its face.
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Mistakes - Topper Thornton
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Word Count: 2599
Warnings: death, swearing.
A/N: So I had to look up Topper’s mother’s name, and found out that apparently he is a professional surfer??? Did I miss this the countless times I’ve watched the show???
It was three day’s before Topper was getting married. It was going to be the biggest wedding on the island. Finally, the Thornton and Cameron family coming together. This wasn’t for business, or blending families, this was simply the will of love between two people. Topper and Sarah had been together, broke up and then got back together when they came home from college. Topper went to university out west, studying pre-law while Sarah stayed home and got her nursing degree. It was about five years they weren’t together. Topper moved back home to finish his degree and started to work for law firm on the island. To say that Cynthia and Ward were ecstatic was an understatement, they had already started making business plans around their kids’ marriage. Cynthia invested in Rose’s real-estate, and Rose helped her find a new office for her clinics. Cynthia also helped Sarah get a job at the hospital.
Nothing was being left behind. When Topper and Sarah announced their engagement to everyone the planning went crazy. The engagement party was held at the country club and no expense was spared. It was obvious Rafe wasn’t getting married any time soon, and Wheezie was still too young. Sarah loved planning all the events and getting the photo’s done. She was happy to being doing all of this with Topper by her side. At one point in time, Topper was over baring for Sarah, almost too invested in pleasing her. When they were in high school the relationship didn’t work because they were on two different pages, they had two different needs. When Sarah left for college, she had a couple boyfriends but nothing really lasting, when she moved back to island, she ran into Topper at the Heyward’s grocery store and he asked her out for coffee to catch up. The rest being history.
Topper on the other hand had a serious relationship that he left out west. Y/N was everything to Topper at one point in his life. He had grown from his relationship in high school. Learning from his mistake he always tried to not be clingy towards her. She was a history major, planning on becoming a teacher. Y/N loved kids, she always dreamt of having plenty of her own. Topper and Y/N were together for almost four and half years. Y/N thought she was going to marry Topper, never imagining her life with anyone else. They had made plans together. Moving back to the Carolina’s when they both finished school. Topper working at law firm for a while before starting his own practice, Y/N working at the high school he went too, or maybe the elementary school. They both wanted kids, Y/N wanted more then him, but they could compromise. They wanted to buy a nice house by the water, teach the kids how to surf, have a garden, maybe a dog. Everything was planned, until it wasn’t.
Y/N’s mom got sick her last year of university. Her mom had been sick a lot when she was a child, always spending time at other family’s houses growing up. She was an only child and her dad left when she was a little girl. When Y/N got the news that her mother was sick and needed her help, she didn’t question transferring to a university closer to home. In all honesty she thought about dropping out, being with her mom full time. The doctor told Y/N that this was her last fight. They thought she might’ve had 5 good years left, if they were lucky. When she told Topper this, he held her while she cried. He didn’t know a lot about her childhood, just assumed she like to keep that private, but that night she told him everything. Maybe she should have waited to bring up leaving, but she had to get everything off her chest that night. “Top, she only has a couple years left. I need to spend those with her. I need to be there for her.” Y/N tells him through tears and sniffles. “Wait, what do you mean? You’re not leaving, are you? Y/N/N, we have plans.” Topper was upset that she could so easily replace him. Not thinking twice about it. “You can come with me; we can do this together. I’m not sure if I can do this without you. Please Top, come with me. I need you.” She looked into his eyes and got the answer she wasn’t looking for. She saw anger and hurt. This wasn’t the Topper she fell in love. The one that was so kind and thoughtful.
That was where things ended. He wasn’t changing his life, not the life they wanted for her. It was selfish of him, but they had plans. So they went their separate ways. Topper always kept an eye on the obituaries from her hometown. A couple years after being with Sarah he finally saw it. Y/N’s mom had died and left everything to her. He sent a card and donation, wondering if she ever got. He even paid all the funeral expenses. In some way he was trying to make up for the hurt he caused her. That next day he proposed to Sarah. When they were sending invitations to everyone, Sarah asked if his list was ready. They had the same friends so they only people extra he wanted to invite were some colleagues and old university buddies. He kept one invitation for himself though. Not telling Sarah why he wanted and extra one. He wanted to send one to Y/N, but he wanted to send more then just an invitation, he wrote her letter, wanting to get things off his chest before claiming his love to another women in front of a church. He knew it was wrong to send it, but he didn’t care. He figured you’d moved anyways after your mom died. You always said you hated your hometown. He sat down at his desk grabbing a pen and just started to write.
Dear Y/N,
I don’t know why I’m doing this. I can’t being to imagine what you must be thinking right now. I could take a swing at it though. Maybe your think what the hell is he writing me letter for. He broke my heart; he tore it into a million piece when I needed him the most. I don’t know why I did that to you. I think maybe because I got so scared you were going to leave and move on without me. I had pictured our life a certain way for so long that I didn’t want it to go any other way. I fucked up Y/N. I fucked you over when you left. I read about your mother online. I should have been there with you to get through everything. I should have been there with you, to hold you when you cried for her, to help make the big decisions. I donated to the charity you picked out. The school meal program, the was sweet. You can see that I’m getting married, to Sarah of all people. She’s a nurse now, working at the hospital with my mom. Things have gotten better with my mom. Things aren’t so bad between us. She loves planning this wedding, her and Sarah are like kids in candy store with the details. I finished law school; I’m working at firm here on the island. It’s nice to be home, I’ve enjoyed surfing on the east coast again. Sometimes I look around and I wonder if things would have been different if you stayed and we did this together. I wonder if you would have liked it here or maybe you wouldn’t because you hate storms, and we get a lot of hurricanes. I want to apologize Y/N. I want to say I’m sorry for hurting you the way I did. I’ll never forgot the look on your face that night. It keeps me awake at night. What I did to you Y/N, it was wrong, and I wouldn’t blame you for ripping this letter up and not giving me second thought. But if you don’t if you read this know that I’m inviting you to the wedding. I want you there, and not in some vengeful way, but as someone who I still want to have there. I understand if you don’t want to come but I hope you find it somewhere in your heart to change your mind.
Yours truly, Topper
It was sunny that day. Y/N had run to the post office on her break at work. She had finished her degree a year late, opting to take a year off when her mother first got sick. She got three good years with mom. They did everything on her bucket list. They went to Italy, then went rock climbing. Her mom took a cooking class, but most importantly she watched her daughter get married. When Y/N moved back home, she had no time for men. She wasn’t over Topper and wanted to put her full focus on her mom. After a while things got better and her heart started to hurt less. She wasn’t looking for a relationship, but when a new teacher started at her school her boss asked her to help him out. Evan was great. He was funny, kind and smart. He listened to everything she had to say. He heard from other teachers what was going with her mom and he became her support person. He proposed after only eight months of being together, but the two of them were so happy. It was different happy then Topper. He didn’t make her feel the same way but she had to come to terms with the fact the no one was going to make her feel that way. It wasn’t fair to Evan to expect him to be someone he’s not. When he proposed it was the best day of her life. You guys did rush the wedding, but only because Y/N wanted her mom to be there. That was the last thing on her bucket list. To see her little girl, get married. Evan and Y/N didn’t take a honeymoon because a few weeks after the wedding her mom had finally passed. Y/N was devasted, she was hoping by some miraculous discovery they would cure her. It was a poor girl dream that didn’t come true. Y/N had planned the funeral with the help of Evan. When Evan went to pay for the funeral, the pastor told him it was already paid for by an angel donor. When he talked to her about, she assumed it was someone in the town that knew her mother.
When Y/N saw the letter she recognized Topper’s hand writing. It was like a child’s, scribbled and almost unreadable. She could only read it from years of helping him study for tests. Her heart stopped for the second time in her life. Sitting in her car reading the words he wrote to her brought back a lot of painful memories she sooner forget. She was so angry with him for bringing the past up but was happy to know that he had moved on from her. She never doubted that he would, after being so cruel to her, she began to wonder if all those years were just lies. Some sick joke to him. Though no matter what he did, Topper Thornton always held a special spot in her heart. She looked at the wedding invitation that went sent along with the letter and wondered if she should go. She could be spiteful and bring Evan with her making Topper fell some sort of pain. She didn’t think he could ever feel the same pain as she did. If it weren’t for Evan she would be alone right now.
Weeks turned into months and Y/N never told Evan about the letter she received. At first, she thought she wouldn’t go. Not giving Topper the validation that he still had some hold on her, but then she thought it might bring her closure to see him getting married. Maybe it would be like officially closing that chapter of her life. That’s what brought her to place she is now. Sitting in a plane on her way to North Carolina to watch the man she once so dearly loved get married. She brought a simple dress not wanting to stand out, as she clearly wasn’t going to know anyone. She had only been this nervous a few times before. Waving the flight attendant over for a drink, liquid courage is what she needed. She wasn’t going to make a scene. Just sneak in the back, watch them say their vows, and sneak back out. She didn’t even book a hotel room opting to leave right after. She told Evan that she was meeting a friend out there from college which wasn’t a complete lie.
After the longest flight of her life, she caught the last fairy boat to Topper’s hometown. She drove through town in a rental car. It was small but cute. She found herself picturing the life she could’ve had. All the things Topper told her about his childhood. She even drove by the school reminiscing on the time she spent with Topper. With 10 minutes until the wedding she parked the car outside the venue. Just breathe Y/N, they’re so many people here he wont even notice you. Twisting the ring on her finger she pulled herself out of the car and towards the church. Sitting in the back Y/N listened to people talk. All of them speaking about Topper and Sarah when they were younger, how he couldn’t have found anyone better. She noticed that he’s not up at the alter. She remembered that he always wanted his mom to walk him down the aisle, saying it just made sense.
Y/N was pulled from her train of thought when the music started to play, watching as the door opened. Her heart stopped; there he was. He had aged. He let his beard grow out a bit, and his hair was lighter. He looked so handsome in his tux. His mother looked the same as always, stern but happy. Then the wedding party came out three bridesmaids and three groomsmen. You recognized one of them being Rafe Cameron. You met him a couple times with Topper, they were best friends, but he was heavy into the drugs. He didn’t look strung out though. When ‘here comes the bride’ started everyone stood and turned towards the door. When they opened again a beautiful woman stepped out with her father. She looked stunning, the dress was simple and delicate and looked like it matched her personality. Y/N felt jealous of her, she wanted to be the one wearing the dress. Looking up at Topper, he looked like he was going to cry. That’s when it happened, he looked around the room to take the moment in, he saw her standing in the back looking at Sarah. He didn’t think she would come but he was glad she did. She looked older, but happy. She changed her hair colour, finally got the bangs she always talked about getting. Looking at her and then back at Sarah, Topper knew he was making the biggest mistake of his life. He wanted to run but knew he couldn’t hurt Sarah like he did Y/N. He couldn’t break two girls hearts’. So, with that he kept his eye on Sarah and forced himself to make the biggest mistake ever.
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Parallels | Chapter 18
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Characters: OC! Violet Grace Dawson, Luke Patterson, Julie Molina, Carrie Wilson, Bobby Wilson, Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer, Flynn nolastname, Willie nolastname, Nick Danforth-Evans, Dirty Candy 
Guideline: Sunset Universe is the universe in which Sunset Curve is famous and Violet is friends with Carrie, Julie and Flynn. Candy Universe is the universe in which Dirty Candy is more famous and Sunset Curve has broken up. 
Song(s) used: When The Sun Goes Down - In The Heights | Make You Believe - Little Mix 
Warnings: Lots of crying, bit of angst, goodbyes
Words:  3,983
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The tension during the rest of rehearsal was real. No one really knew what to say, so they just kept themselves busy with the music they were making together. Today might just be the very last time they’d be able to do this with Violet. 
That same night, Violet had dreamt about a song. Something in the pit of her stomach told her it was Rose’s song, but she wasn’t certain anymore. It was a hazy dream. As though the connection she had with her universe was fading. 
“Can’t believe I didn’t notice it wasn’t actually you,” Luke said when he and Violet were the first ones in Julie’s garage. He knew she was going to be early, so he had come early, too, as he wanted to have a chance to talk to her, alone. 
He’d startled her ever so slightly as she was busying herself with the song she had written with the memory of the hazy dream in the back of her head. Though hearing his voice and seeing his gorgeous face and bright eyes immediately calmed her down. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Violet replied softly whilst Luke took a seat next to her on the piano stool. A spot they’d found themselves in a lot of the time. 
“It’s okay,” he said. “I understand it wasn’t easy to tell anyone. I probably wouldn’t have believed y–” A soft jolt went through Violet again, shutting him up straight away. “Sorry.” 
Violet shot him a smile, telling him it was all good. She didn’t quite know what to say to him. Today was their last day together, she could sense it in the pit of her stomach. And there was so much she wanted to say before she went away for good. There was so much she wanted to tell him. 
“Have you figured out how to get back yet?” he then asked solemnly. He didn’t want her to leave, he liked this version of Violet a lot better than the bitchy, sassy girl he’d had a crush on since Middle School but wasn’t reciprocated. 
She softly nodded her head and showed him the song in her notebook. “I think it came to me in a dream, but I’m not sure anymore. My connection with the other universe seems to be getting weaker…” 
“Make you believe again?” he asked, scanning the paper. 
“Mmh,” she hummed. “I think because my unfinished business was getting the band back together, I made you guys believe in music again…” she trailed off because there was more to her theory, more than she wanted to say. More than she could say. 
Luke let out an airy chuckle, “Well, you made me believe something else too.” His eyes landed on Violet with that sweet, tender smile plastered on his face. She had been wishing for Luke Patterson to look at her like that for years. 
His eyes then flick down to the piano, that same smile playing on his lips. Violet could swear there was a slight blush coloring his cheeks. Then, as Violet felt her heart clench, Luke’s voice floated through the garage. 
“When the sun goes down You're gonna need a flashlight You're gonna need a candle”
With a small smile on  her lips, Violet responded. 
“I think I can handle that”
Luke chuckled at this, looking back up at Violet. 
“When you leave town I'm gonna buy you a calling card”
As the next words rolled off Violet’s lips, Luke felt his heart beat faster. 
“'Cause I'm falling hard for you”
Violet let her eyes fall on the garage door, reminding herself of what was awaiting her. The two of them then bounced back and forth, responding to each other’s sentences. 
“I go back today”
“And I will try to make my way”
“Out west to California”
“So we've had this summer”
“And we've got each other Perhaps even longer”
Luke suddenly got up from the stool, capturing Violet’s attention again. His voice sounded stronger, more powerful. So powerful, it sent shivers down Violet’s spine. 
“When you're on your own And suddenly without me Will you forget about me?”
“I couldn't if I tried”
Luke grabbed Violet’s hands, pulling her up from the stool as well and guiding her towards the middle of the garage. 
“When I'm all alone And I close my eyes”
“That's when I'll see your face again”
“And when you're gone You know that I'll be waiting when you're gone”
Violet pulled him closer, to make sure the message she wanted to convey came through to him. 
“But you're here with me right now”
“We'll be working hard, but if we should drift apart”
Tears pooled Violet’s eyes, thinking about not seeing Luke anymore. Not this Luke. 
“Lemme take this moment just to say”
“No, no”
“You are gonna change the world someday”
“I'll be thinking of home”
She took a step closer towards him, their chest pressed together as their voices blended together into a gorgeous harmony. 
“And I'll think of you every night At the same time”
Not being able to withhold himself anymore, Luke’s hands reached up to Violet’s cheeks, pulling her closer until their lips collided in a passionate, long-awaited kiss. The world seemed to spin around them as their lips moved in sync. Her hands had to grip at his shirt as she was afraid she’d fall if she didn’t. 
As they came back up for air, Luke pressed his forehead against hers. Their voices floating through the garage once more in a soft mumble. They only had eyes for each other. As though they were the only people in the world. 
“When the sun goes down When the sun goes down When the sun goes down”
The loud, ear-piercing squeals erupting from the garage doors caused the two of them to snap up out of their dream-like state. At the door stood all six of their friends. Alex and Bobby had their hands pressed against Reggie’s mouth while the girls were jumping up and down in excitement. 
The leather jacket-clad boy pushed the hands of his friends off him, “FUCKING FINALLY!” he screamed out, flailing his arms in the air. “Pardon my French,” he then added, a little more subdued whilst straightening his jacket. 
A blush spread across Violet’s cheeks. She hadn’t wanted to kiss him. She did. But she also didn’t. She was leaving today and she wasn’t going to see him again anytime soon. This kiss was going to haunt her for the rest of her life, knowing she wasn’t going to kiss him ever again. 
“I found a way to get me back,” she then said, moving away from Luke and back to the piano where she had left the notebook with the song scribbled down in it. “I think – the dream was a bit hazy. But I do believe this was a song Rose wrote to get herself back.” 
Julie perked up at this and made her way to Violet, who showed her the song. “My mom wrote this?” she asked in a whisper. Violet nodded. “Would you mind if I kept this? You know, after…?” She didn’t even have to finish that sentence for Violet to hum in assent. 
“So, guide us through it,” Alex told her, climbing behind his drum kit. 
She had to heave in a deep breath before she could start explaining the song. She started with the beat, then the rhythm, then the melody and then she went through the lyrics with the girls. 
“How does this work then?” Flynn questioned after they had received the information. “You’re just gonna disappear and the Violet from this universe is just gonna appear?” 
“I don’t know,” Violet sighed. “We’re gonna have to let the universe do its work. All we can do is try…” 
“Can I… say something, before you go?” Julie asked solemnly. After receiving a nod from Violet, Julie continued. “I wanna say thank you… You brought me closer to my mom, in a way. You brought me and Carrie back together. You gave me the best summer ever, since my mother died last year. You made me believe in the power of music again. So, thank you, Violet.” 
A teary smile etched its way to Violet’s face. She didn’t quite know what to say to that, so instead, she wrapped Julie up into a tight hug. “You are amazing, Julie Molina. Never stop shining,” she whispered before the two broke apart. The both of them had tears streaming down their faces. 
The next person to wrap her up into a hug was Flynn. It was abrupt and Violet didn’t have enough time to register who had scooped her up, but the cotton candy perfume that wrapped her up was a dead giveaway. “Thanks for bringing my Julie back,” she whispered. 
“Thanks for bringing me back,” Violet whispered back and then it was Carrie’s turn to hug. “Thanks for this crazy adventure, Care.” 
“Thank you,” Carrie responded. 
Then, Bobby, Reggie and Alex hugged Violet at the same time. “Thank you for bringing the band back,” Alex said before pressing a kiss to her hair. The boy had always towered over her, which she had loved. Especially when he hugged her. Because he’d always kiss the top of her head. 
“You guys gonna continue as Sunset Curve again?” Violet asked when they pulled away. 
“No,” Bobby replied. “We’re gonna go on as Violet Sunset. You’ve brought us back together, it’s only right we honor that.” 
A wide smile broke on Violet’s face whilst tears rolled down her cheeks. “Take enough breaks from each other, yeah? And talk to each other when something’s bothering you. I don’t wanna be hearing you breaking up again, okay?” 
The three boys nodded their heads, all three of them with tears pooling their eyes. 
“We’re gonna miss you, Violet Dawson,” said Reggie, wiping his tears with the sleeve of his leather jacket. “A whole lot.” 
As the boys stepped aside, Luke moved over towards her. He was already crying, which had Violet crying even more. “You’re gonna change the world someday,” he whispered with a small chuckle while grabbing her hands. “Like you changed mine.” 
“I’m gonna think of you every day, Luke Patterson. Don’t ever forget me, okay?” 
He smiled, “I couldn’t if I tried,” he responded before dipping down and kissing her. The saltiness of their tears mingled with the passion and love in their lips. It was a bittersweet feeling. Kissing him. Saying goodbye to him. 
“Shall we do this?” Luke then asked when the two pulled away again. 
Violet gave him a nod before he pressed a kiss to her forehead and grabbed his guitar again. The others took their spots again, ready to start playing this song. They didn’t even know if it was going to work, but even if it didn’t, they had another great song they could add to their setlist for the next gig. 
Violet counted the girls in as the first part would be a capella. Their voices blended together perfectly, bouncing off these garage walls for the very last time. 
“Ah ah ah Ah ah ah Ah ah ah I'll make you believe again”
The boys then chimed in on their instruments whilst Julie took the first verse and made it hers. 
“Down on your knees She made you feel like you're worthless You just don't deserve this, no no How does it feel? To think that you gave all you could Wish you did but you would”
Carrie then took the pre-chorus for her account while Violet prepared herself for the chorus by wiping underneath her eyes. She probably looked like a raccoon by now, but she wasn’t sure if she cared.  
“I'll be the ears you talk to The doors you walk through The arms to hold on to You're safe with me”
Flynn and Violet joined in with Carrie and Julie on the chorus. While Julie interacted with Reggie and Flynn with Bobby, Violet focused on the space ahead of her. She couldn’t look at Luke. Not right now. It would hurt too much. 
“Your hearts been stolen Eyes weren't open Trust is broken But I'll make you believe again Make you stronger So we'll live longer You've lost your faith in love But I'll make you believe again”
In a moment of weakness, she turned her head to her left, where Luke stood. His eyes flickered with both love and sadness. She finally grabbed the mic from its stand and turned towards him completely, singing the next verse. 
“Where do you run? Who do you turn to, it burns you cause you though that she was the one She threw it away Left you with nothing but pain You won't feel love again”
Leaving this universe was going to burn. This was her place, these were her people. It made her realize that she had been born in the wrong universe. A universe where she felt out of place all her life. While this universe was one where she felt right. She felt great. She felt at home. 
This wasn’t the right thing to do for her, but it was for the other Violet. They had to restore the balance. They had to switch back. There was no going back now. 
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 A knock to his bedroom door caused Alex to startle a little. He was working on a song by himself, being inspired by Violet’s songwriting and felt the need to create something himself. And then the angel herself stood in his doorway. 
“Am I interrupting something?” she asked with a smile. 
Alex smiled. “No, not at all, come in!” He patted a spot on the bed as an invitation for her to sit down. “I’m working on a song,” he said proudly. “Would you mind checking it out and bestowing me with some of your wisdom?” 
Violet smiled and leaned over, so she could read along with him. 
Tell mе, am I broken? I can never lеave Biting on my tongue and Checking if it bleeds Oh, is it lost on me? All the things I believe Something like an omen I can never keep Moving on and on, so very bittersweet Is it lost on me? All the things I don't need
“This is amazing, Lex,” she whispered. “It’s raw, it’s real. Definitely has a ton of potential to become a big hit.” 
The smile on Alex’s face was wide and bright and warm. “Thanks, but I don’t think it’s something we’re ever gonna  be allowed to put on an album.” 
Violet knew immediately what he meant. Their management was shit. Neither of them was allowed to come out, all four of them hiding in the shadows without ever being able to completely, unapologetically be themselves. 
“You need a new manager,” Violet told him matter-of-factly. 
Alex chuckled. “I don’t think –” he started his sentence, but Violet didn’t let him finish. 
“No, Alex, I’m serious. I know you guys tried really hard to get a manager in the first place, but this isn’t what a manager should be like. You should be able to live your life the way you want to, with Willie. Being out and proud to the world because that’s who you are. And who you are is fierce and amazing and fantastic.” 
A single tear rolled off Alex’s cheek. “I’m gonna miss you, Violet,” he whispered before wrapping his arms around the girl’s body. He buried his face in her neck whilst she rubbed soothing circles on his back and tried not to cry herself. 
“I’m gonna miss you too, Alex,” she whispered back and then, “Promise me you’ll talk to the boys about finding a new manager? About coming out to your fans? About being the authentic you?” 
The boy nodded his head while disentangling himself from the hug. “I promise. Thank you… For making me believe there’s still good in the world.” 
Violet smiled at this. That was exactly what she needed to hear. 
“Let’s get to the music room, yeah? Time for this bitch to get back home.” She proudly pointed at herself at the word ‘bitch’ before getting up and reaching out a hand towards Alex. 
Intertwining their pinkies together, Alex and Violet made their way down to the basement where everyone else already was. A nervous flutter went through her stomach. She was going to have to say goodbye to this lot. The people she had come to love. The people that had become her best friends. Even more so than the people in her own universe. 
“Hey guys,” Violet started, capturing everyone’s attention. They all looked at her with interest and solemn flickers in their eyes. Except Luke. He was scowling. She knew he hated her for having to leave. He hated her for lying to him. For keeping a secret. For making him fall in love with her and then disappearing. “Before I go… I just wanted to say thank you for making me feel at home here. Especially you girls, I know I said some things that I didn’t mean and that it wasn’t easy for you to believe me. So, thank you for making this adventure a little more bearable.” 
“Thank you for giving us the best summer ever,” Julie replied before leaping up towards Violet and wrapping her up into a hug. Carrie and Flynn followed her example, throwing themselves into the group hug together. 
Giggles filled the space while tears rolled down their faces. These girls had found a special place in Violet’s heart and she was going to miss them even though they were back home, too. It wouldn’t be the same. 
Violet carefully pushed the girls off her, facing the boys now. “I just wanna say one thing to you boys: get a new management team. Stay true to yourself. Be yourself. Keep writing absolute tunes and travel the world. If I ever do get back here, make sure you’re on your world tour, yeah?” 
The boys chuckled and even Luke let out a small huff. 
“We’re gonna miss you, Vi,” Reggie stated and opened his arms for her to walk into. He wrapped her up into a hug, then took a step aside for Bobby and Alex to do the same. When they broke apart, the boys stepped aside and Luke appeared in front of her. 
Her heart skipped a beat upon seeing him. He still looked angry. He didn’t even look at her. This wasn’t how she wanted to say goodbye to him. Not with him being mad at her. 
“Luke,” she started softly. This was the other’s cue to move to the other side of the rehearsal space, just so the two could have some sort of privacy. “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. I’m sorry for all the hurt I caused. I’m sorry for–” Luke swallowed her last words by pressing his lips to hers. 
It was sudden and Violet wasn’t sure what was happening at first until his arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. She melted into the kiss. She melted in his arms. She completely melted into him. 
All the sexual tension, the jealousy, the daydreaming about him,... it all washed away with one kiss. 
“I had to do this once more before you left,” he whispered, pressing his forehead to hers. “I know you can’t stay, but please, come back when you can?” he asked but his voice could barely carry. These were words just for Violet. No one else should be hearing them. 
“I’ll try,” she whispered back and wiped the single tear off his cheek before it could fall. 
There was so much more they wanted to say to one another, but no words could ever possibly describe it. So instead, Luke wrapped Violet up into a hug. Her arms snaked around his waist, her face buried in his neck as did his in hers. She inhaled his scent one last time. He pressed his lips in her neck to taste her one last time. 
Soon enough, the others engulfed the couple into a group hug. All of them were crying. All of them felt the pain and sadness of a goodbye. This was the hardest goodbye they ever had to endure. Harder than saying goodbye to family before heading off on tour. 
This was goodbye forever. 
“Okay, let’s do this,” Violet whispered, disentangling herself from her friends. 
Wiping at their eyes, everyone took their spot and their instruments. Violet guided them through the song a few times. Explaining the chords and notes. Explaining which verse was whose. All while her chest hurt and she felt like crying even more. 
This was the last time they were ever going to sing together. The last song as a band. The last song ever. She didn’t want it to end, but as they went through verses and choruses, the end came nearer and nearer. 
“I'll be the ears you talk to The doors you walk through The arms to hold on to You're save with me”
Violet felt a tingle in her toes. Would this be the feeling she felt before zapping back to her universe? 
“Your hearts been stolen Eyes weren't open Trust is broken But I'll make you believe again Make you stronger So we'll live longer You've lost your faith in love But I'll make you believe again”
The boys slowed down with the instruments as Violet’s voice chimed through the amps. The girls quickly joined into a beautiful harmony that sent shivers down everyone’s spine. 
“I'll give you the strength that you need to forget I'll be the last thing that you would regret Make you believe in love again”
The tingling feeling in her toes rose up to her legs, then her stomach to eventually nestle in her chest. It felt as though Violet was floating through the air and she had to shut her eyes. She was scared that if she kept them open, everything would disappear in front of her. 
“Ah ah ah Ah ah ah I'll make you believe again”
“Oh oh oh Oh oh oh”
“I'll make you believe”
The tingle in her body disappeared and when Violet opened her eyes again, she wasn’t in Julie’s garage anymore. She was in a spacious room, surrounded by the people she knew best; Flynn, Julie, Carrie. Even the Sunset Curve boys were there. The actual Sunset Curve boys. She knew she was back. Luke wasn’t wearing his comfort flannel anymore and wore a sleeveless shirt instead with the orange beanie she had come to love. 
“Oh oh oh Oh oh oh I'll make you believe again”
The confused looks on their faces told her they weren’t sure if it was really her or her parallel self. They exchanged glances with one another, trying to figure all of it out. 
“Your hearts been stolen Eyes weren't open Trust is broken But I'll make you believe again Make you stronger So we'll live longer You've lost your faith in love But I'll make you believe again”
“Oh oh oh Oh oh oh I'll make you believe”
“Oh oh oh Oh oh oh I'll make you believe”
The boys quit playing their instruments, so it was just the girls’ voices that carried through the room. The four were facing each other and judging from the way Violet was looking at them with that proud, ‘I missed you’ smile on her face, they were pretty certain it was her. 
“Ah ah ah Ah ah ah I'll make you believe again”
Violet lowered her microphone and panted from exhaustion. “Gosh, I’ve missed singing with you.” 
“It’s really you?” Carrie asked. “Our Violet?” 
“Yeah,” Violet whispered. “It’s me, it worked. It actually worked.” She was a little surprised herself. 
“Welcome home, Violet,” said Alex from behind his drum kit. 
Home. She was home. 
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jalapeno-princess · 4 years
Chapter 5: Yours, Mine and Ours
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Mark Tuan X Reader
Final chapter of the “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” series
Genre: So much sweet, cheesy, adorable, heartwarming fluff (and quite a bit of horny ass Mark) (Some sexual content but nothing too crazy...I think)
Word count: 23K (Of course I had to go all out for the last chapter guys good luck)
A/N: Here’s the finale! The last chapter for our favorite couple. God, I can’t fathom just how sad I am that it’s actually over. I genuinely loved writing this story and I feel as though it has helped me progress in my writing (although there is a lot of repetition and parts that don’t make sense, I love how the entire series came out. Thank you so much for all of your love and support for this specific work of mines. I was so overwhelmed with how much positive comments I’ve received for this story in particular. (Dude when am I going to find me a man like the Mark I write in this story I’m going to die single and alone hahaha). Anyways, I feel as though I could have wrote this one much better because it is the last chapter but who cares! I just wanted to put it out for you guys and I’m so excited to be starting a new series. Happy reading everyone. Who knows, I might just end up writing a couple of one shots based on this couple some time in the future.
“I don’t get it, why am I here? Don’t get me wrong Y/n, you’re like a sister to me and I would do anything for you—but out of all of our friends, why did you choose me to come wedding dress shopping with you? I saw on Instagram that the guys are out at the arcade; your fiancé literally put on one tux and called it a day. This is the fifteenth dress you put on and it doesn’t seem like we’re going to be finished anytime soon. Isn’t this something you do with both his and your mothers? Or your girlfriends—“
You rolled your eyes at the older boy’s numerous complaints and made your way back in to the dressing room to put on the next gown. Mark had proposed to you over a month ago and out of the many wonderful memories you’ve made together so far in your relationship—that night had to be the best night of your entire life.
“Will you do the amazing honor and continue to make me the happiest man on earth by marrying me?”
There were so many different thoughts running through your mind—how long has he been planning this for? How long has he had the ring for? What made him choose this night in particular to ask you such a life changing question? Did anyone else know what his plans were? Watching him look up at you with nervousness yet adoration in his eyes made your heart flutter.
You’ve had the incredible opportunity to see Mark get all shy and flustered whenever it came to you for so many years now and he’d only get more timid as the two of you got older. He might have been a very outgoing and outspoken person; as a leader of multiple sports teams, he would always have to be upfront and command others to do things. However, you were the only person that he would submit to—well, any time other than when it came to the bedroom.
Your boyfriend was completely captivated by you and in his eyes, every little thing you did was magic. You already knew your answer; you’ve known your answer even before you could comprehend what it meant to get married. As kids, you and Mark would play house; he was the husband and you were the wife. Most boys hated playing house and it was obviously because they found the game boring and considerably “girly”. Mark on the other hand enjoyed doing anything domestic with you and he confessed once that he enjoyed playing house with you so much because he’d get a taste of what your future together would be like.
At the prime age of eleven and honestly—even before then, you’ve dreamt about marrying Mark. If only your five-year-old self could see how far the two of you have come. What you and Mark had was rare; people would always tell the two of you that you were “too young to know what love was” and that your relationship was just “puppy love”. You wondered how the people who doubted your relationship would feel if they knew that your boyfriend of fifteen years was currently on bended knee, asking for you to spend the rest of your life with him.
You brought one hand down in to his hair while cupping his cheek with the other hand. He immediately leaned in to your palm and hid his face against your thigh; you had a feeling he assumed your sudden skin ship was a bad sign with the way he was preventing himself from looking up at you.
“Look at me.”
He shook his head in disagreement—probably because he was extremely nervous for your response, but you reached for his chin and lifted it up so that he was making direct eye contact with you.
“Mark Yi-En Tuan, it would be my honor to marry you baby. God I sound so formal—but I want nothing more than to finally be called Mrs.Tuan. I can’t—I can’t fathom how happy I am right now nor can I even find the words to describe how much I love you, with every fiber of my being and how happy I am to be the lucky girl who gets to love you and is loved by you. You mean everything to me Mark—you are my everything and I can’t wait to walk down the aisle and set our love in stone. I love you so fucking much I can’t even express it in to words. You’re otherworldly my love. I’m so fucking excited.”
You sank down to your knees and allowed him to place the ring on your finger to which he clumsily missed a couple of times because he was too busy staring at you with so much excitement and adoration. Before he could say anything, you brought his face in between your hands and roughly smashed your lips against him. He smiled gently in to the kiss; humming contently while melding your lips together. In all your many years of being in love with him for, this had to be the happiest you’ve ever been; you were completely over the moon.
He lowered his hands down to your waist and gripped on your hips all but gently while bringing you on to his lap. The two of you made out for a couple of minutes; the desire to be as close in proximity with each other as physically possible was seeping through your veins. You wanted him to feel just how thrilled you were to finally become one with your boyfriend.
Once you felt his excitement through his sweats graze against your thigh, your cheeks were flushed with pink. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t excited at the idea of celebrating your engagement—you couldn’t get your hands off of the devastatingly handsome man sitting in front of you. As soon as he pulled away to catch his breath, you let out a soft whimper; earning yourself the most adorable high pitched laugh that never failed to make your heart flutter.
“When did you—how did you—wait, babe, did you tell my parents? Does anybody know?” He scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment while looking everywhere around your shared bedroom but at you.
“I uh—the guys know—um, but I didn’t get around to telling anyone else. I was meaning to do it, but I wanted to ask for their blessing to marry you in person. Since we don’t plan on going back home for another two months, I made a plan to act as if I had yet to ask you and see what they thought about it—that’s if you said yes. But let’s be honest baby, you were going to say yes to me even if I proposed with a ring pop.”
You scoffed playfully at his words before shoving him. A part of you was actually quite nervous to hear how your parents would react to Mark asking for your hand in marriage—even if your parents loved the older boy and knew that the two of you were destined to spend the rest of your lives together, you were both still so young.
Hell, you were both in college working shitty ass jobs; you knew your mom wanted you to be financially stable before making the choice to get married and start a family. But all of that didn’t matter right now. All you cared about was the fact that Mark was just so excited to marry you that he couldn’t wait to ask—no matter how much he might have been going against your parent’s wishes.
“Wait, Mark—the ring. It’s so beautiful—honestly, it’s so perfect. But I’m sure it must have costed you a fortune. You know I would’ve been content with one of those rings you get from cereal boxes—“
He covered your mouth in attempts to keep you quiet and placed a sloppy kiss on your jaw. This man was honestly all you could ever need for the rest of your life—Mark Tuan in more or less words had to be the most imperfect perfect human being that you’ve ever met.
“You know you deserve the entire world and more. I’m marrying you for that specific reason—I’m going to give you everything you deserve baby. My girl deserves nothing but the best. Damnit y/n, look at how soft you’ve made me—oh I mean, you make me really fucking hard a lot of the time—99.9% of the time, but I’m such a lovesick fool for you and I love it. I would do anything and everything for you. You should know that by now. I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t the cheapest thing I’ve purchased, but I’ve been saving up money since the time we were in elementary school. I’ve known from the beginning that I was going to marry you one day, so twelve-year-old me started up a piggy bank and put every single dollar I got—from my allowance to birthday and Christmas money in that jar. I missed out on the PS4 because I wanted to buy you the ring of your dreams baby and trust me—seeing that beautiful smile of yours right now, it was so worth it. However, if you want to show me your gratitude by sucking me dry or even buying me the ps5 if you’re feeling generous, be my guest.”
Tears began to brim at your eyelids as you listened to him talk about how he wanted to provide you with nothing but your hearts desires even at such a young age. Most boys at the age of ten don’t even think about marriage nor was anyone in a relationship other than you and your boyfriend. What did you do to deserve such a golden-hearted, selfless, loving, caring and generous man to call your fiancé? God, you were never going to get tired of calling him your fiancé.
“We don’t have to get married just yet if you’re not ready. I’m sure you want to finish college first or at least until we can actually afford a decent wedding but if I’m being honest with you baby, I don’t care where we get married. We can go to fly to Vegas tomorrow and get hitched if that’s what you want. I don’t care if we have hundreds of guests or only ten people there—I don’t care if we have flower arrangements or a ten-tiered cake. All I need is for you to meet me at the altar. But I’ll do whatever you want me to do—I’ll take our engagement at whatever pace you want to. However, I’m taking our love making session tonight at my pace—I hope you’re ready.”
You felt your cheeks warm up as you remembered how Mark took you up against almost every surface in your apartment right after the proposal. He wasted no time practically ripping your clothes off and worshipping your body in the most erotic way.
Although sex wasn’t the most important aspect in your relationship, it had to be in the top five of your favorite things you did with Mark along with cuddling, going grocery shopping, baking something together that you’d see on Cake Boss and going to bed in his arms. But it was more than just reaching an orgasm and feeling the delicious stretch his cock would bring to your pussy—sex was extremely intimate.
No matter how rough, dominant and animalistic Mark could get during every single love making session, he’d find himself whispering multiple love confessions in your ear while intertwining your hands together and kissing you all around your face and body.
As you put on the next dress, you found yourself not able to take your eyes off of it once the employee came in to help you zip it up. To say this dress was beautiful had to be an understatement—it was everything you could ever dream of in a wedding dress. You didn’t care if it was cliche; ever since you were a little girl and watched every single Disney princess movie there was, your dream was to get married in a princess gown; one made of tulle and took up most of your walking space.
The top was a v-cut and showed off just enough cleavage that didn’t reveal too much yet could still be considered exceedingly sexy. You began to tear up—even if you and Mark both agreed that the two of you wouldn’t rush with the wedding arrangements and that you both wanted to focus on finishing school before getting married, you were still so excited getting to look around for dresses, accessories and anything that had to do with the wedding.
“I obviously chose you for a reason BamBam. You have an eye and taste for fashion that none of the other guys possess. Don’t worry, I’ll treat you out to lunch right after we’re finished. We can go anywhere you want to go. By the way, I um—I was actually going to ask if you wanted to be my man of honor. I don’t really have any friends other than the five of you and my fiancé. I was going to ask my sister to be my maid of honor, but she volunteered to be the photographer. If you don’t want to or if you’re against that idea, I can choose someone else—“
“Don’t you dare—that spot is rightfully mine! I’ve always known I was your favorite and I don’t blame you, I’m pretty amazing. Now hurry up and let me see the next dress!”
You let out a soft chuckle and took one more look in the mirror; smiling at how the dress fit you perfectly—as if it was made for you specifically. Right as you walked outside, BamBam’s eyes widened in shock while his jaw dropped. If this was his reaction, you couldn’t wait to see Mark’s—that’s if you decided to go with this dress.
His expression made it obvious that the dress was one that he must have liked; he never said much about the other fifteen dresses you tried on so far. Either that or he just really wanted to hurry up and go get some lunch.
“Y/n—you look beautiful. Like an actual princess. Mark is a very lucky guy. Wow—I can’t stop looking at you, you’re glowing. Wait, I value my life—I didn’t say anything. You heard nothing.”
Your laughter filled the waiting area that the two of you were occupying at the moment; knowing Mark’s jealous and territorial tendencies, BamBam did not want to face his wrath if he were to find out what the younger boy said about you—even if it was all in good fun. Being the youngest, both BamBam and Yugyeom found themselves doing things they knew would get under Mark’s skin just because they found entertainment in driving their eldest friend crazy.
However, all the boys knew not to do anything to or with you that was crossing any boundaries; they would never hear the end of it. One time, the naive boy who was currently accompanying you jokingly intertwined your hands together while you all went out to eat dinner and you found yourself going along with it to get a rise out of Mark. Your fiancé tried his best to conceal his jealousy; even if everyone knew just how protective and extremely territorial Mark was when it came to you, he didn’t want to make it obvious that he was bitter over your interactions with his friends or rather—their interactions with you.
Mark didn’t say anything out loud about what he thought of the skin ship between you and BamBam, but you could tell he was upset when he bought ice cream for everyone but BamBam. He also confronted you for your playful and flirtatious behavior back at your shared apartment which led to extremely kinky and passionate sex—he wanted to take out his irritation and jealousy out on you while ramming himself deep inside of your tight pussy. You weren’t going to lie, a jealous Mark was a rough and dominant Mark—anytime he showed that he was jealous or felt intimidated by another man it just solidified that he was afraid to lose you and that he loved you so much, he hated the idea of someone else taking you away from him.
No matter how many years the two of you have been together, how many memories you’ve shared with each other or how many times on a daily basis that you remind him exactly how much you love him and only him—that didn’t stop him from thinking negatively but it was only because you meant the entire world to him.
Sometimes he’d gaze at you while you were asleep and thanked whatever power it was that put the two of you together because God knows he would be nothing if he didn’t have you.
“Thank you BamBam. I think—I think this is the dress. I can’t stop smiling, I love how it looks and feels on me and I love how I feel wearing it. Should I keep looking around or should I put it on hold?” He stood up and walked over to where you were standing in front of the mirrors and helped you fix the dress before gently squeezing your cheek.
“This is the one. You said so yourself, this dress is your dress—I think you look unfathomably stunning and I know Mark’s going to both cry like the emotional ass we all know him to be and get hard as a rock—I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up starting your family on the night of your honeymoon—ow! I’m being serious, we all know how horny the two of you are I’m surprised you don’t already have children—I hope you know I plan on ringing up your bill to pay for the abuse I’m receiving. Oh, and I plan on getting tipsy, so be prepared.” You scoffed sarcastically before giving him a teasing smirk.
“I can’t wait until it’s your turn to go through something like this—“ He shook his head in disagreement before you could even finish your sentence.
“I don’t see myself getting married if I’m being honest. Unless I find someone who looks at me like the sun shines out of my ass the way your fiancé always looks at you and loves me the way you and Mark do with each other, then I plan on staying single for the rest of my life. The two of you are really lucky to have found one another. I don’t know if he’s ever told you this nor do I know if I should be admitting this to you right now so please do us both a favor and keep this between the two of us—but Mark told Yugyeom and I that he would give up every single person in his life—everyone—our friends and even his family just to have you in his life forever. He claimed that he could live without any one of us which I found extremely rude, but he made it completely aware that he needs you. You’re like his lifeline or some sappy shit like that. Honestly, I think you and Mark were made for each other. You’re so cute together it’s disgusting.”
He let out a chuckle when he saw tears forming as he continued his heartfelt speech—but it was the truth. The two of you have know each other for almost the entirety of your lives. Everything you did, everywhere you went—so did Mark and neither of you would have it any other way. Right after you went back inside of the dressing room and changed in to your clothes, you went up to the receptionist and put the gown on hold.
The two of you made your way to BamBam’s favorite restaurant—one that was extremely fancy and renowned, which also meant expensive; but it didn’t matter. He did you a huge favor by coming with you today, the least you could do was treat him to a meal. BamBam wasn’t wrong when he confirmed the fact that he was your favorite out of all Mark’s friends. Each boy held a special place in your heart, they all treated you like you were a member of their family—but your relationship with BamBam was just a little more tight knit.
Lunch was filled with laughter, playful banter and him nonchalantly hinting towards wanting to be a godfather to one of your kids when you and Mark actually did start having children—he also snuck you some wine and a couple of mojitos when the waiters weren’t paying attention which led you on the path of inebriation. Mark sent you a few text messages hinting towards wanting you to come home as soon as possible because he missed you and wanted to spend the rest of the afternoon just lazing around on the couch together.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t a lightweight and that you were completely all there mentally because you were the complete opposite of mentally stable. BamBam knew he made a mistake of allowing you to drink as soon as you began laughing at nothing. You never really drank; especially because you were still underage and didn’t believe in breaking the law, but there were a couple times when the guys would come over with a couple of beers or wine coolers and you’d find yourself drinking one or two every now and then.
It never got you drunk enough to the state you were in right now and BamBam could only hope you would sober up once you got back to your apartment or else he would get in trouble with your fiancé. Watching you drink more than you should have actually sobered BamBam up pretty quickly so he was able to drive you home. The car ride went faster than expected but it was probably because alcohol slowed down your thinking. For all you knew, he was driving for over half an hour but it felt like five minutes as he pulled up to your building.
“Let me know when you get upstairs and tell Mark I said hello. Have a nice evening y/n, I’ll see you next week!”
You didn’t know how you did it, but you walked up three flights of stairs without stumbling. Sure, you weren’t completely drunk, but walking seemed like the hardest thing to do right now. Once you finally made it up to your unit and walked inside, you placed your things on the counter and smiled softly to yourself when you saw Mark sitting on the couch.
“Hey baby! I’ve missed you, how was dress shopping?”
He was currently shirtless and wearing a pair of gray sweatpants; a very lethal combination especially because he’s been working out a lot more these days. You could feel warmth building up in your core at the sight of him—he was so attractive and it’s as if the alcohol heightened your senses—you wanted to pounce on him.
“It was good—I um—I actually found a dress I really like—how about you? BamBam was um—complaining that you um—arcade—“
Slowly and hesitantly, you sauntered towards the couch and found your place on top of his lap. You didn’t know why you were now extremely horny—well, you were always in the mood for sex with Mark, but normally it took a little of sexual tension and flirting to get to that point. What exactly was in those drinks that BamBam gave you?
You looked up at him with your glossy eyes and Mark knew in his gut that you were drunk. The way you kept repeat the word um and your body movements confirmed his suspicions and he was mentally cursing BamBam for allowing his sweet, innocent—well, innocent when it comes to following the rules—fiancée to drink alcohol—especially in an environment where you both could have gotten in trouble if you were caught.
He wasn’t going to lie though, drunken sex with you was on the top of his list of the many kinks he had. From what a few of his teammates would tell him, drunk sex had to be the best mind of sex next to make up sex and reunited sex. By the way you were grinding all but gently against his pelvis, he had a feeling you were just as turned on as he now was and he had no intentions of stopping you.
“Be honest with me, you drank alcohol didn’t you?” You didn’t even hesitate in nodding your head and he let out a snarky little chuckle at your eagerness before grabbing your ass and massaging both cheeks.
Since he was completely aware of your insobriety—you found no point in continuing to pretend that you weren’t tipsy and began to leave sloppy kisses along the juncture of his neck while running your finger along his hardened abs. It didn’t take long for you to feel his hard on press firmly against your clothed entrance and it only motivated you to quicken your pace.
“You are so sexy Mark—fuck—“
Hearing a moan fall from his pretty lips led you to roughly smashing your mouth against his. BamBam had a point; how were you not a mother yet? You and Mark could never keep your eyes nor your hands off of each other, no matter how tired you and your fiancé were after you came home from work and school, you both always seemed to have enough energy to relish in your love together.
“Have you seen yourself? You look so fucking good y/n I don’t know why I even allowed you to leave this morning. I know I told you this outfit was so cute on you earlier but I just know it will look cuter on the floor—ah shit.”
You secretly slipped your hand inside of his pants and palmed him through his underwear; grabbing and squeezing on his cock through the soft fabric. His dick was stiff at this point and you could feel your mouth water at the thought of blowing him. He let out a whimper as you got off of his lap and was right about to complain until he saw you lower yourself with your face just inches away from his penis.
“I plan on sucking you dry—then I’m going to bounce on this cock and I want you to fuck me from behind. Am I clear?”
Mark’s eyes widened in shock at your command; normally, he was the dominant one in bed with you occasionally taking the lead whenever you felt like it but it was extremely rare to hear you tell him what you wanted him to do to you and honestly—your dominance drove him insane. He nodded profusely; wanting to show you how much of an animalistic and lewd effect you were having on him.
The two have dabbled in drunken sex before, but it was always your boyfriend who had a little too much to drink. You never really drank to the point where your mind wasn’t all completely there before and Mark was more than excited to see how dirty and naughty things were going to get between the two of you. If you were already being so forceful and commanding, he couldn’t imagine how much more dominant you were going to be. To Mark’s dismay, your movements were slow—too slow for his liking.
“Y/n, please—“ You looked up at him and feigned innocence.
“Please what baby?” The glare he sent you, knowing exactly what he was asking for sent chills down your spine. He let out a growl from the back of his throat and all but gently pulled at your hair.
“Don’t get me wrong, I can’t wait to fuck the living shit out of you and I’m all for a dominant y/n, but if you don’t hurry up and shove my dick down your throat I will make it my responsibility to make you immobile for the rest of this week. Am I clear?”
You rolled your eyes at his words; scoffing quietly at his mimicking, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t enjoy it. You began rubbing your thighs together to enforce any kind of friction against your throbbing core. The coil in your stomach began to twist the longer you continued to tease him; dragging your fingers painfully slow against his throbbing veins and fondling his balls.
Whenever you were either swallowing him whole or giving him a hand job, you would receive just as much; if not more pleasure from watching his facial expressions and hearing his breathless moans. It never failed to rile you up and get you extremely turned on. He hissed when he realized what you were doing—as much as he loved it whenever you would tease and mess around with him—play with him and drive him to the brink of insanity, he was not having it right now.
He’s been thinking about you the entire day; some thoughts were cute and romantic, but most thoughts were dirty and naughty; most of the thoughts were the different kind of positions he wanted the two of you to experiment with.
“Y/n, please—do anything, I’ll be a good boy, I promise—ah—ah—shit!”
You did both you and your fiancé a favor by finally pulling his underwear down to his knees before grabbing his cock at the base and grazing your thumb along his slit. Bringing your index finger up to his tip, you swiped off some of his precum and brought it in your mouth; sucking your finger clean of him.
“Shit—shit, you’re so fucking hot.“
Anytime Mark complimented you; no matter what it was about or referred to, your stomach would fill with butterflies. You didn’t know what you liked hearing more—him telling you that you were the most beautiful goddess to walk this earth or that you were the sexiest woman he’s ever laid his eyes on and that his favorite place to be was in between your thighs. You licked a stripe along his hardened cock, running your hands along his length and leaving a sloppy kiss on this tip before finally taking him in to your mouth completely.
He let out a loud, wanton moan at the feeling of your warm mouth encompassed around his cock—bringing him as far down your throat as you could without gagging. You wasted no time bobbing your head up and down—moaning against his girth every time you felt his tip touch the back of your throat.
His reactions—the many praises—erotic grunts—dirty words—they only made you want to go faster. You hollowed your cheeks, trying to keep your mouth as tight as possible to give him an immense amount of pleasure against his length while you continued humming softly at every tap of his cock against your uvula. His grip on your hair was tight; he yanked and pulled every time you sucked a little too hard. However, you were well aware by the sinful noises falling from his lips that he was really enjoying this—as he did every single time you found yourself on your knees.
Switching back and forth from his dick to his balls, you could tell Mark was close—he had a tendency of tensing up at the endless amount of pleasure you were generously giving to him. Unlike a lot of horror stories you’ve heard about or read online, you genuinely enjoyed giving your boyfriend head. It might have been just the tiniest amount of painful, but hearing and seeing the effect you had on him made the pain worth it.
“Damnit—I didn’t want to come just yet—fuck—“
His warm, creamy liquid was shooting in squirts against your tongue and you swallowed it up entirely before releasing him with a loud pop. You placed a soft kiss against his tip before making your way back up to him.
“God, I can’t even—give me a second would you?”
Your laughter filled the room at the sight of how visibly exhausted he looked; it wasn’t something you weren’t used to though. No matter what it was the two of you did together during your love making sessions, whether it was sucking the life of him, bouncing on him like a rabbit or letting him take you from behind, Mark was notorious for never being able to last long. In the beginning, he was embarrassed that he could reach an orgasm in less than ten minutes, but the longer the two of you would experiment in location, positions, with toys and just taking turns with who would be the dominant one and who would be the submissive one for the night—he realized that there was nothing wrong with the fact that he could cum in a matter of minutes. In fact, he was proud to say that you were just so good to him he couldn’t contain his excitement or his load for that matter.
“I know I say this a lot, but you’re actually going to be the death of me you know that? Come to think of it though, I wouldn’t mind having the cause of my death being sex or particularly getting a heart attack while your pretty mouth is wrapped around my cock or while I’m in the middle of railing the shit out of you. However, I’m very adamant on spending the rest of my life with you—but I’m not complaining. Getting my dick sucked by such a professional is a dream—your mouth is as beautiful as it is so fucking naughty.”
He pulled you up to him and stole a sweet kiss from your lips—gliding his tongue along your bottom lip all but gently. His teeth clashed against yours as he melded his mouth at an angle that was easier to kiss you in. To his dismay, you pulled away to get a better look at him and playfully pinched his cheek.
“You’re an idiot you know that?” He rolled his eyes at your insult before squeezing both of your butt cheeks.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever. But I’m your idiot and you love me.”
“That I do.”
He beamed up at you before flipping you on top of the bed and hovering over you. His lips found your neck and he began to attack your nape with sloppy kisses.
“Let me return the favor.”
He was about to make his way down to your entrance which he knew was probably soaking at this point when he noticed you shaking your head in disagreement. This shocked him; you were just as much a fan of receiving head as you were of giving—but he wasn’t going to question it. Were you already worn out? He felt bad; you took such amazing care of him and literally blew his mind—it was only natural for him to want to give you that same experience.
“As much as I want your pretty little tongue slurping against my folds while you bury your long, skinny fingers inside of me, I want something else to fill me up. Having you in my mouth only made me want you deep inside of my cunt baby. You can eat me out later. Now—now I need you to fuck me like you hate me.”
The growl that came from the back of his throat went straight to your core—if you weren’t already wet, you would be drenched here pretty soon. He pinned you to the bed and smashed his lips against yours. He gave you no warning as he yanked your blouse off—nearly tearing it at the bottom; earning himself a glare that he simply laughed off.
“I’ve bought you many outfits after ruining them—this time is no different. I just need to see you bare—naked and writhing just for me. I want you—all of you y/n and I can’t help myself—fuck—I’m very blessed to have the honor in seeing your tits every single day but I’m never mentally prepared for what the sight does to me and my overbearing hormones.”
One by one, both his and your clothing items were scattered throughout your room; his mouth encompassed one of your breasts—licking and sucking on your nipple, bringing it in between his teeth while massaging your other breast with his free hand.
“Such a beautiful, beautiful girl with such pretty—pretty titties. My perfect little baby. I’m going to wreck you my love—that’s a promise.”
For hours, you and Mark loved on each other’s bodies—going down on one another, dry humping him and allowing your juices to seep down his leg, riding his cock while he hid his face in between the valley of your breasts, allowing him to take you up against almost every single surface in your apartment, letting him fuck you on all fours while he roughly shoved your face in to the pillows and finally ending in missionary so that he could chant many love confessions while sinking himself in and out of your tight walls.
Once the two of you both tapped out from exhaustion, he started to run you a bath and prepared your things; a pair of clean underwear, your blow dryer and one of his oversized shirts that practically swallowed you whole. He carefully picked you up bridal style and joked about how you should get used to being carried like that since it was likely that the two of you would be tying the knot pretty soon.
Your fiancé took his place inside of the bathtub and brought you down with him; leaning against the tub and allowing you to get comfortable while he grabbed your shampoo bottle and lathered some of it inside of your hair.  
“If I knew how fucking amazing that was going to be, I would have given you alcohol a long time ago. You’re so fucking horny when you’re drunk. You’re also a lot rougher and lewd—I think you’re a lot more libidinous when you’re tipsy and I fucking love it. I’m getting you drunk at least once a week—I think that’s why you literally sucked me dry of all that I have.” You giggled softly before reaching for his hand and placing gentle kisses on each fingertip.
“Baby, look at me.”
You did as you were told and turned around to face him; giving him the softest and most adorable smile he was sure he’s ever seen. There was no way you were real; you were too damn perfect to be real. You had to be a figment of his imagination; yet here you were. Skin on skin; kissing him feather-lightly, running your fingers through his hair, tracing his features and looking at him with so much love and adoration to the point where he was sure he could melt in to a puddle. You hummed in curiosity and brushed back some of his hair while giving him your undying attention.
“I can’t wait to finally marry you. I’m 100% sure our wedding day is going to be the best day of my entire life—especially our wedding night. I wouldn’t be surprised if you end up pregnant the week after—ow! I’m being serious!”
“We literally just had sex for over four hours yet you’re still so horny—you’re a work of art you know that?”
“Well I mean—look at you. You’re an otherworldly goddess, it’s only natural for my dick to be hard 24/7. You’re constantly on my mind at all hours of the day, and in my wet dreams--fine—I’ll be more romantic—I’m serious though, I’ve been wanting to marry you as soon as I understood what marriage was. I can’t even describe how happy you make me—I know I tell you all the time but I don’t think that it’s enough. It’ll never be enough. From what I’ve heard from my aunts, uncles and even my parents, marriage can be rough sometimes. Both partners have to put in the same amount of effort to make a marriage work and I get that. But I also think that when you really—truly and genuinely love your person—then you can get over any obstacle. We’ve had many disagreements in the past and we’re both stubborn as hell, but I’d like to think our little disputes and moments spent apart only strengthen the love we have for each other. I wouldn’t want to go through this life with anyone else but you. I’m telling you—God made you for me and me for you and I pray to him every single night, thanking him for giving me the--my greatest blessing. You.”
You were in tears at this point and playfully began to hit at his chest for making you emotional, but each word did wonders to your heart. He was right; he confessed such heartfelt words to you every single day, but each time he did so, it’s as if he grew more and more sentimental as the days went on.
“I’m going to have to get professional assistance in writing my vows; there’s no way I’ll be able to top whatever it is that you have in mind to tell me. You’re already such a poet during intimate times when it’s just you and I alone, what more when we’re in front of all our families and friends, confessing your true feelings for me on the day we finally become one—in a legal sense but technically in a spiritual sense too. Damnit Mark Tuan—I hope you know that I expect you to be sweet like this even when we’re in our eighties and I’m all old, wrinkly and can barely move around without a cane.” He laughed against your shoulder blade and pressed a gentle kiss there while running his hands along your arms.
“Trust me babe, I only get cheesier as I get older. My love grows for you the longer we’re together for. I don’t care if your boobs sag to your knees or if your arm fat sinks to your elbows, I just know you will still be the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on and I will remind you every single day until my last breath.”
The two of you sat in the tub for half an hour more; helping the other clean up while sharing fleeting kisses, words of love and adoration, cheeky little touches here and there—mainly the cause of your fiancé and just promises for the future. After you both decided it was time to get out, he grabbed your towel and started wiping you down; drying your hair as much as he could before moving on to himself. You put on the clothes he gave you and began your nighttime routine, brushing your teeth and putting on moisturizer before heading back in to your room.
Mark came out not too long after and plugged in the hair dryer; motioning for you to sit on his lap in order to help you dry your hair. He ran his fingers through your wet locks gently as he moved the blow dryer all around, putting it on the lowest setting so it wasn’t too hot against your scalp. It was the little things like this; doing something for you that you could do by yourself in order to help you out and making sure that you were comfortable and relaxed while he was doing it. Small gestures like these only proved his irrevocable love for you.
“Thank you Mark.” He placed a soft kiss on the top of your head before motioning for you to get off of his lap—but he gave you no time to do anything before pulling you tightly against his body and wrapping his arms around your lower back.
“Of course babe. I love doing these things for you. I’m sure I wore you out, so it’s the least I can do. But I genuinely enjoy being able to do such domestic things for you. I love taking care of you, it’s like my second nature. Now, let’s get you to bed—we have to be up early to pick my parents up from the airport tomorrow. I don’t need my dad giving me snarky looks if he sees you limping. They can stay at a hotel y/n—it’s fine. I’ll pay for it. I don’t think they will appreciate hearing the noises we’ll make nor am I willing to give up your pussy for an entire week so—hit me one more time and we’re going another round don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
As the months went by, you and Mark only grew closer and closer if it were even possible. There were the occasional arguments here and there—him leaving the toilet seat up when you would always nag at him to put it down, you leaving your dishes in the sink instead of washing them right after you were done using them, him being a little too loud as he played his video games and you leaving the light on while you were studying in the middle of the night—there were even situations where Mark would sleep on the couch because you refused to sleep in the same bed as him.
Sometimes you would sit and think that maybe you rushed in to the engagement a little too soon; you might have known with your entire soul that Mark Tuan was the man you were going to spend the rest of your life with, but the stress that came from planning a wedding only added fuel to the already intense fire. However, your fiancé was very good with giving up his pride and apologizing first.
Although, if you just so happened to have started the argument or were the cause of why he was angry, then he wouldn’t take the full blame and instead admit where he was wrong in the situation while mentioning what you could do differently too. Mark wasn’t the type to give you flowers to show that he was sorry; flowers were meant for happy, celebratory or intimate moments. Normally after a fight, he would write you a letter and buy you some of your favorite food—one time he even got you a cake that said sorry on it because he was truly sorry.
He would also show how apologetic he was with his head between your thighs; having you pull on his hair as he got you to sing for him with his teeth nibbling on your clit and his tongue lapping up the juices along your folds. It broke your heart whenever he’d question if you still wanted to marry him—but you knew it was a habit of his to feel insecure whenever the two of you would argue.
Almost twelve years of a relationship and your fiancé still questioned his position in your life every now and then. It made you feel as though you weren’t as verbal or physical as you should be with professing your love to him. There was nothing you could really do other than to reassure him that yes—you still wanted to marry him. Even during times where you gave each other the silent treatment or the cold shoulder, you still wanted to marry him.
Arguments, disputes, yelling at each other to the top of your lungs, not being able to look at him because you were so upset—they weren’t going to change the way you felt about Mark. You would rather fight with him than to be happy with someone else. When Mark was in his last semester of college, he received a letter that you were sure could change his life forever.
One day while he was at work, you went to check the mail. Nothing ever really came in other than bills for doctor’s visits, letters from both your parents, postcards from Jinyoung while he was studying abroad in France and care packages from Jaebeom filled with snacks from Korea. However, there was an envelope addressed to him from the major league baseball association.
Automatically, you found yourself running back to your apartment in order to send Mark multiple text messages about what you discovered. He hadn’t text back immediately and you understood it was because he was at work, but you couldn’t contain your excitement. You might not know exactly what was waiting in that envelope—for all you knew it could have just been a regular subscription to a magazine or something but you couldn’t help feeling as if it was something more than that.
You came to the decision that you would clean up around the house to take your mind off of the glee that was building deep inside of your chest. You also felt the need to cook some of Mark’s favorite food just in case there was a need for celebration. Anyone who knew of your fiancé were well aware that he loved baseball. Mark ate, breathed and slept sports; specifically, baseball.
He preferred football, but right after Jackson got a concussion in their sophomore year, you talked him in to dropping the sport in the fear of him getting badly hurt. He dropped all the other sports and focused solely on baseball. Mark was talented, there was no doubt about it. Everything he put his heart in to—he was such a talented baseball player and that alone was an understatement. Not only was he undoubtedly an all-around player; an amazing catcher, pitcher, hitter and shortstop, but he put in extra time and effort perfecting his performance.
If the letter was what you hoped and believed it was, then you were over the moon for him. When he finally arrived to your shared apartment a few minutes after 8, you flung yourself at him and waved the envelope in front of him.
“Open it, open it, open it—“ You pouted against his lips as soon as he connected them with yours but allowed him to deepen the kiss.
“Hello to you too. I know you’re probably dying to know what the letter says, but I’ve been dying to have you in my arms all day so let me have five minutes to really take you all in and change before we get to opening it okay?”
You released a soft sigh but nodded in agreement before intertwining your fingers together and leading him over to the couch. He sat down and pulled you on top of his lap—wrapping his arms around your waist out of habit and placing a soft kiss against your bare shoulder blade.
“Tell me about your day my love.”
“Well, I finally turned in that paper that was driving me to the brink of insanity and I’m going to sit in agony for the rest of the week waiting for my professor to give me my grade. BamBam called me about going with him and Yugyeom to pick out a gift for his mom’s birthday this weekend, work was work—boring as usual. Then I come home to this letter and now you’re preventing me from getting to read it—“
“Does it really mean that much to you? I think you’re more excited than I am babe—“
“It does and I am. So can I open it?” He laughed at your enthusiasm—you were always so relentless whenever it came to something like this; so Mark was well aware there was no point in trying to prolong the situation.
“Fine, go ahead. I wish you were this enthusiastic about sex—“
“Mark—babe—oh my God—they want you—THE MLB WANTS YOU! Look, look!”
You practically shoved the letter in his face before getting off of his lap and bouncing around like a little kid on Christmas. He was right; it wasn’t even you who was being given the offer, yet here you were, running all around your living room like a maniac.
Watching and supporting him at every single practice and game he attended since the beginning of his high school career—seeing his eyes light up every time he won a game—being nominated as team captain for every sport he played, you were just so happy for him. Whenever something wonderful happened to either of you, the other one just so happened to be just as delighted—this time was no different.
This was something huge—out of the millions of aspiring baseball players you were sure spent just as much time practicing and putting in work in the hopes of becoming a professional baseball player, your boyfriend was one of the lucky ones who was contacted rather than contacting them. That meant they must’ve been watching him his entire baseball career.
His grades were impeccable—it honestly astounded you how he did so well with school while working full time and going to practice for hours on end. Mark was an otherworldly being—there was no way he was human. He was too good to be true. When you took a look at him, he had a blank stare on his handsome face.
Usually you were really good at reading his facial expressions and you could tell what he was feeling by looking at his body movements, but right now—you had no idea what he could be thinking or what he was feeling and it worried you. Maybe this was his way of taking it all in; he wasn’t loud and overbearing the way you were whenever something good happened. He celebrated in silence, it’s just who he was. You made your way in between his legs; bringing one hand in to his hair while cupping his cheek with the other.
“Talk to me babe, what are you thinking?” He looked at you and gave you a soft smile before shrugging.
“I can’t—I can’t believe this. This is so cool—I’ve been wanting this since I was a little kid. I’ve been watching baseball for years and every time the Dodgers had a game, I told my parents that I wanted to be a professional baseball player. Not once in my entire life would I ever have thought I’d be given an offer, this is crazy.”
You smiled at his words; even if he didn’t say anything, you were sure this had to be a big deal to him. He brought his baseball bat with him everywhere when you were kids. He’d also always wear a baseball cap even against your pleas when you’d go on your dates back in middle school. Baseball was in his blood and he was going to be able to have a career that he actually would enjoy.
“So, how are you supposed to accept the offer? Do you call them? Email them? Should we go to the stadium tomorrow—“
“I won’t be accepting the offer.”
Your eyes widened at shock at his sudden revelation. Did he just say he had no intentions on getting back to them? Was he crazy? Being awake for almost 24 hours had to be the reason behind his confession. There was no way he was going to give up such an indescribable opportunity. You were sure if Jackson were to receive the same letter, he’d be jumping at the chance and he would have the same reaction you currently had.
“Mark, you can’t be serious. Maybe you should think about this a little longer. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. This is your dream babe, what if you end up regretting your decision down the line—“
“I’m already living out my dream baby. You are my dream. I’m months—maybe even weeks away from marrying the woman of my dreams. I’m a few months away from graduation and I already have a couple of job offers lined up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so grateful that they would even consider me and I just know everyone’s going to be disappointed with my decision, but think about it y/n. Training is a solid year, and what if I end up playing for a team outside of California? What if Denver wants me, or Nevada, or Oregon—“
“Then I’ll follow you wherever it is babe. Don’t give up because you’re afraid of us being apart. We’re older now, we’re wiser and we know the sacrifices we have to make in order to be happy together. I will go wherever it is that they want you to go. I don’t care if we end up going somewhere boring like Idaho, I’ll be right there by your side—your number one fan like always; shouting your name and cheering you on from the stands. Don’t worry about me or our future together—I—we’ll be perfectly fine. I just want you to be happy Mark.” He gave you a toothy grin before pulling you back on to his lap and left a peck on your cheek.
“God, I really am the luckiest man in the entire world. You’re so wonderful y/n. I—I love you so fucking much. Thank you—your endless support means everything to me—you—you mean everything to me. But my mind is already made up. I’m thinking about the long run; MLB isn’t the same as college or high school baseball. Contracts get messy—and when we start having kids, what if they have me switching teams and we have to move again? I couldn’t do that to them. What if you get a job in California that you end up loving only to find out that we have to pick up and move again? This isn’t just my future we’re talking about—it’s yours, ours together and our family’s when we finally start having kids. Plus, I don’t want to end up hating the sport of something bad happens. The last eight years have been amazing, but I don’t think I want to be physically overworked anymore. I want to enjoy life—not spend every moment worrying about taking the team to victory. Baseball is extremely competitive; I don’t think I want to put up with all that unnecessary bullshit. I know it’s upsetting to hear, but just know I won’t regret a thing, okay?”
Hearing his explanation as to why he didn’t want to take up the offer made a lot of sense. You couldn’t force him to do something he didn’t want to, especially when he had his many reasons as to why he wouldn’t want to spend another five to ten years being told what to do by coaches who probably couldn’t care less about him other than the money he’d make for them. You hid your face in the crook of his neck; breathing in the scent of his cologne and leaving a few wet kisses against his collarbones. “I support every decision you make. I trust you Mark—I know you’re doing what you think is best for everybody—damnit, I wish you would do something for yourself for once, but maybe this is for you in disguise. Why don’t you go take a quick shower and I’ll make you something to eat?” He hummed contently against your cheek and pulled you down with him on the couch; allowing you to hover over him while placing his hands not so innocently on your butt.
“That would be nice, but let me hold you for a little while please? I wasn’t lying when I said I missed you—“ you playfully shoved his shoulder as your cheeks warmed up hearing how whipped he was for you.
“You saw me this morning clingy—“
“Yeah, but that was this morning. I feel like we hardly ever see each other these days. I can’t wait to finally graduate, we’ll have much more time to spend together. More time in positions like this—with less clothing—or none at all really.”
His laughter made your heart flutter and you found yourself laughing along with him. For someone who was 23-years-old, his laugh was so high pitched—it never seemed to change and that was one thing you were glad about staying the same.
The next few months came and went within a blink of an eye. Nothing really big happened other than attending your fiancé’s last few college baseball games and searching for wedding venue, but like Mark had mentioned before, he wanted the both of you to be ready—free of stress before you finally got married.
On his last day of school, the two of you along with Jackson, BamBam and Yugyeom went out to a bar in celebration of Mark and Jackson’s last few days before heading in to the real world. The three older boys teased you about how they hand plans on taking Mark to a strip club and that’s when you retaliated with the idea that you were going to ban them from the wedding.
It was in times like these—laughing about your past together and remembering all the good memories that seemed so far away now that made you sad about how fast time flies by. Although Mark’s group of friends who were considerably family to you claimed that they would make sure to keep in touch with you and your soon-to be husband. BamBam even hinted towards moving in with the two of you once you were to buy a house to which Mark was quick to shut him down.
This was the fourth graduation of his that you had the honor of attending and just like the last three ones, you found yourself crying tears of joy. Your boyfriend never failed to make you so proud; he always wanted to be the best he could be—even if it meant staying up to study, staying back an extra hour at practice to work on his pitching and taking on extra credit. Mark was a firm believer in regretting the chances he didn’t take, so he made the most of every single endeavor he took on.
When Mark broke the news to his family about not accepting the offer to become a professional baseball player, they weren’t too pleased. They witnessed how much of an amazing athlete your fiancé was, he had to be crazy not to accept something so big like becoming a professional baseball player. However, after Mark explained himself, his family were a little more understanding. Sure, it all sounded good on paper, but then again, what if things didn’t end up the way he assumed that they would?
What if scandals were made up about him or even about you since he would be somewhat in the limelight? A part of him began to grow curious about what could actually happen if he were to sign a contract with the league, but he was sure things could get messy if he were to try and leave before his contract ended.
Unlike Mark’s family, his friends didn’t take the news lightly; especially Jackson. The younger boy was very vocal about how much of a mistake he believed his older friend was making. Ever since the first time they met, both Mark and Jackson had dreams to make it to the big league.
Unfortunately, Jackson focused solely on the athletic aspect and not on his grades, so recruiters immediately decided that he wasn’t who they were looking for, even if he was just as amazing player as Mark was. Your fiancé was patient with Jackson; taking each and every jab, listening to each and every complaint—but he did grow frustrated after a while. What did no one understand about making decisions for other people in your life, not just yourself.
Jackson wasn’t a selfish person—well, he did care about himself quite a bit, but that’s because he worked extremely hard to get to where he was. However, he didn’t have anyone to worry about the way Mark had you. It really didn’t matter to him what anyone had to say anymore, you were supportive of his decision and your opinion was the only one that mattered to him.
“Congratulations baby, I’m so proud of you. You never cease to amaze me you know that?” He gave you his signature award winning smile and allowed you to give him the multiple leis you both made and bought for him before pulling you in for a brief, chaste kiss.
“I mean, you remind me at least three times a day, but I don’t mind hearing you say it again.”
You cupped both of his cheeks with your hands and grazed your thumbs gently just below his eyes. Like always, you and Mark were in your own little worlds, smiling adoringly at one another, holding each other protectively, stealing wet kisses—you both gave no attention to anyone around you. Neither of you knew just how long you stayed like that; just basking happily in the other’s presence, it’s as though you were caught in a trance that none of you could break out of.
If it was your choice, you’d take your fiancé home and order a bunch of his favorite foods in celebration of his huge milestone, but you didn’t want to be rude and have him all to yourself before the rest of his friends and family could come and congratulate him.
“I would tell the two of you to get a room, but there’s really no point. I just know you both are the type to make out in church—freaky asses. You’re getting condoms from me for your wedding gift.”
You playfully shoved Yugyeom and rolled your eyes at the sound of the three other guys bursting out in laughter at his immature comment. Yeah, nothing’s changed at all.
“Wow, we’re all getting old guys. The two oldest of all of us are college graduates and we’re not far behind what the fuck? Time needs to slow the hell down, there’s still so many college parties I have yet to attend.” The five of you continued to stay and talk for a few minutes until Jackson finally came over to join in on all the madness.
“Shit dude, we’re fucking college graduates, can you believe it?”
The two of them did their handshake they’ve been doing from the time they were kids before pulling each other in for a hug. Looking at all five of them, you wish you could freeze this specific moment in time. You remembered how much it sucked when they all went away for college, especially because most of your best high school memories were because of them.
Now you were all going your separate ways again—even if you knew you were all going to stay friends for the long run and that you would make plans to meet each other again every so often, it wouldn’t be the same. You could only hope the next chapter in your life and in Mark’s was going to make up for all the change that you could have done without.
“I still won’t forgive you for not taking on the offer, you could have made it big dude and I could have used you as leverage for getting promotions and shit, but I guess I can see why you said no. Your pussy must be magical y/n—ow!”
“She was just as upset with my decision as you were, but I have another person I have to include in my future plans Jacks, this isn’t just my life or my future we’re talking about. It’s hers too and I’m going to do whatever I can to make her life easier, even if it means making such huge sacrifices that others might not agree with. I don’t mean to get all sappy, but all my decisions that I make are with y/n in mind. What is best for her—for us as a couple. What will keep her safe, happy, healthy—I care about her well-being and her happiness more than I do my own. I hope one day you’ll be able to experience a similar kind of love and then maybe you’ll be able to see why I did what I’m deciding to do.”
You reached for his hand and intertwined your fingers with his; squeezing them ever so softly while bringing his hand up to your lips and placing a soft kiss against his wrist. Hearing Mark explain to you that he did not want to join the MLB because of how difficult it would be having to move around so much and then hearing him tell his friends that he cared about making decisions based on what he felt would benefit you brought you to the brink of tears.
That man really did love you, there was no other explanation for his selflessness. You wanted to feel bad that he gave up such a once in a lifetime opportunity that so many other guys his age would have accepted in a heartbeat specifically because he didn’t want to put you under the stress of being a spouse of a professional athlete—but you knew if you were in Mark’s position, you would have his same mindset. You cared more about him than you did yourself—so you completely recognized the idea that all he really wanted was to have you by his side at all times. What was the point of having your dream job if your dream person was thousands of miles away?
“Well—when you put it like that—nah I still think you’re dumb as hell but that’s only because I know I will never find anyone who could love me even half as much as you and y/n love each other. God made you specifically for the other and I just want to know, GOD WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE MY TURN?”
You all burst out laughing at Jackson’s complaining but you did find his words very heartwarming. It always intrigued you whenever someone would describe your relationship with Mark from their point of view. It’s as though everyone had the same opinion—you were two peas in a pod—best friends who had the amazing honor of becoming lovers and were seemingly so obsessed with each other.
“Okay, let’s get drunk at y/n and Mark’s place so we don’t have to worry about getting kicked out of a bar for falling asleep—“
“Hey, what if y/n and I already had plans? You guys can’t just invite yourselves over without our permission—“
“Oh we all know you’re going to fuck once you get home. You have the rest of your lives to have sex you nymphomaniacs, spend some time with us before we all start settling down and no longer are able to anymore.”
Just like everything else in your life, the time seemed to go by faster than you would have wanted it to. Mark decided to give himself the summer to relax and enjoy the last few moments as a recent college graduate before going on the hunt for a job in engineering.
Some days, you went to look around at wedding venues, flower shops and even catering companies because you were growing more and more serious about speeding up the date of the wedding. You were just so excited to finally marry the love of your life, neither of you seemed to care that you weren’t financially ready to pay for a wedding.
Other days were spent traveling all around New York, making the most of the last few months you had left there. You only had a semester and a half left of college left as although you were going to miss the fast paced and upbeat life in the big city, you were more than happy to finally return back to California.
Most days, Mark stuck on to you like glue; he always needed to be around you—holding you as you swept the floor, prepared lunch, hung the laundry or even as you took a shower, he desired to be in close proximity with you. The two of you hardly ever fought anymore—there was nothing really to argue about; even if there were a few things that he did that would get on your nerves and you knew there were things you did that probably got under his skin, you both learned to completely dismiss whatever it was that bothered you. It wasn’t worth getting mad over.
If something did seem to be the matter, your communication progressed and it was easier now to tell each other when you didn’t like one another’s habits. You ended up transferring to UCLA in your last semester when Mark received an offer in downtown Los Angeles to work at one of the biggest tech companies in the state of California and just the entire country in general. It didn’t bother you to have to transfer on such short notice, there wasn’t much you had to do to send over your information anyway.
Mark felt guilty knowing that you were sacrificing so much in order to be with him; attending college in New York when you could have just stayed with your family while waiting for him to graduate from college—waiting in multiple lines at the cashier’s and registrar’s offices to get the specific documents you needed for your transfer, having to pack up all of yours and Mark’s things in less than a week so that you would be able to fly back to Los Angeles in time for Mark’s orientation at his new job.
Not once did you complain about having to do any of these things for him nor did you ever disclose how exhausted you must have been, but that was just who you were. You did things for the older boy without hesitation because of the eternal love you held for him and because you knew he would have done the same for you in a heartbeat.
Little did you know, your sacrifices would pay off for the not so little surprise he had waiting for you back home. Leaving New York was bittersweet; you have developed fondness over the lively city; the night life was a lot more fun than California’s and it actually snowed—something you were genuinely going to miss.
The flight back went by faster than you expected; although, most of that time was spent with your face hidden in the crook of Mark’s neck as you slept most of the day away, tired from the last bit of packing that you did. Thankfully, Mark took care of everything else, dragging both your luggage and your carry-on along with pulling your lethargic body through the airport.
He also bought you some snacks for the plane ride that obviously went unopened, but you scarfed down as soon as the two of you landed and called yourselves a taxi. You were quick to pick up on the fact that Mark seemed excited about something; he was playing with his fingers as his leg began to jitter—he began taking a look at his phone every so often and you were too busy focusing on his now suspicious demeanor to realize that the driver was taking you down a road that you weren’t quite familiar with. He looked at you with a gentle smile and softly squeezed your hand while placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I love you.”
No matter how many times he’s said that four letter word, your entire body would end up in flames every single time. You playfully pinched at his cheek and hid your face in the crook of his neck to hide the fact that his words were making you feel all warm and bubbly inside.
“I love you too.”
When the car came to a halt, that’s when you took a look outside and you furrowed your brows in confusion. Did the driver make a mistake? You were currently in front of a house you’ve never seen before; it was a beautiful house in a nice looking neighborhood, but it was unfamiliar to you. Where were the two of you exactly?
Mark didn’t give you a second to even let out a word—he made his way out of the car to pay the driver and thank him for the ride. He grabbed both your bags and headed towards the house without even looking to see if you were treading right behind him. He quickly opened the gate and continued to make his way to the front door and in the corner of your eye, you saw the names on the mailbox that brought you more curiosity.
“Mr. and Mrs.Tuan.”
“Babe! When did your parent’s get a new house?” He stopped in his tracks once he made his way up the three steps and turned around—sporting the biggest grin on his face.
“They didn’t. We did.”
Your eyes widened in shock at his sudden revelation. Was he serious? This house was yours? But how—when—
“I can feel you overthinking baby. Get over here and I’ll explain everything.”
You were feeling so many different emotions; excitement, confusion, elation—more positive feelings than negative, but you were soon overwhelmed with happiness and the desire to look around.
“This—this is our house?” He nodded happily before reaching for your hands and swinging them back and forth.
“Yeah. This is our house baby. I remember you going in to detail about the house of your dreams many times—there’s two floors, six bedrooms, three bathrooms, a dining room, a backyard and you even have a walk-in closet—“
You jumped on to your fiancé all the while wrapping your arms tightly around his waist and began leaving wet, fleeting kisses all along his jaw and the nape of his neck. He pulled you closer to his body and laughed softly at your multiple reactions.
“Wait, when did you do all of this—how can you afford this Mark? This is a house—I’m sure it costs at least half a million dollars—why—who—I can’t even speak right now—“
The sloppy kiss along with the cheeky squeeze against your butt stopped you from continuing to stutter—you were just that speechless and in awe at the thought of him pulling all kinds of strings in order to purchase the two of you a house.
Not just an ordinary house—the house you’ve been designing in your head and even on paper for longer than Mark could even remember. He placed you down so that he could give you a tour of your new estate and reached for your hand; pulling you in the direction of the kitchen. He was so excited to show you around; it boggled your mind that the place was fully furnished. Every piece of furniture matched so well with the colors of the walls; the fridge and cabinets were stocked with all of your favorite foods and snacks.
The bathrooms had such pretty curtains and towels; engraved with both your initials—it was so much more than you could have ever asked for. As he showed you every single room, you felt tears brim at your eyelids when talked about your future kids and how he purchased this specific house so that they were all going to have their own rooms once the two of you finally got around to expanding your family. You were well aware that the two of you were going to settle down one day soon and start having kids, but knowing that he made decisions based on what would be best for your children—it did wonders on your heart. Your fiancé was really the most considerate and remarkable human being you’ve ever met.
“The room downstairs is the guest room and I made it that way for a reason; BamBam and Yugyeom wouldn’t shut up about getting their own rooms here. I don’t know why I told them about this house; I’m genuinely shocked that they’ve actually kept this a secret from you. But then again, I did promise that I’d put aside a room for them. However, I said room, not rooms. Plus, I don’t want them complaining about not getting any sleep while they’re here—what? Why do you always look at me like that whenever I insinuate that we’re going to have sex? You act like you don’t have fun when we make love—your kinky ass always hints towards sucking my dick almost every day don’t act like you’re innocent. Now, to the last and the best room in the house; our room.”
He motioned for you to open the door all the while biting his lips nervously. The entire house so far was in more or less words perfect beyond belief, but you knew that he wanted this room to be your favorite. Right as you opened the doors, your jaw dropped—you were at a loss for words. The walls were a light blue shade—one of your favorite colors.
There was a queen size bed in the middle of the room and a couch right in front of it. There was a long mirror right next to the closet, two separate desks; one you assumed was yours and the other one being his, a vanity—the same vanity you’ve had your eyes on for months, a few pictures of the two of you scatted all across the walls and a night stand. Your mouth practically dropped to the floor in disbelief—you were still having such a hard time processing the idea that this house belonged to you and your soon-to-be husband.
“Wait baby—before you say anything, go check out the closet.”
You were a wreck at this point; the tears kept falling from your cheeks and Mark’s laughter echoed throughout the room. He’s done so many things for you in the last decade—things that were by far life changing and sometimes hard to wrap your mind around the idea that someone had the ability to love another person the way Mark irrevocably and profusely loved you.
But this—buying the two of you a house at the age of 24-years-old—a house that was one right out of the movies—one that a couple your age with jobs that the two of you had could only fantasize of having—this had to be the best thing he did for you so far and you felt in your chest that it would be hard to top. Once you opened the door to your closet, you gasped at just how spacious it was.
Sometimes you and Mark would watch house renovation shows in your free time and you’ve talked about wanting to have a walk-in closet. He made snide remarks about you having so many clothes that you never even used and how it would be best for you to have a space big enough to put all your clothes so you could actually see what you owned; but you would have never considered it to be this wide. You walked around and smiled slightly at how much of a dream this all felt—but the grip on your hips made it all the more real that you were going to live here.
“So, what do you think?”
You spun around and playfully thumped him on the forehead when he laughed at your emotional state before roughly smashing your lips against his. You were still trying to form the right words to explain exactly how you were feeling and how wonderful your fiancé was to even plan everything on his own. He deepened the kiss—humming contently as he felt you nibble on his tongue while smiling against his lips.
“I can’t even—God Mark—you—you’re so wonderful I can’t even fathom it in to words. I love it—I love it so much—this house is everything I could have wanted in a house and more—It’s perfect—almost as perfect as you—I still can’t believe it holy shit I’m so fucking happy—and I can’t wait to start living here with you—what did you do to get it? Did you sell a kidney or something—“
“You’re such a silly girl you know that? Babe, we all know I’m saving my kidney for you—I would only ever give my kidney to you. Hell, you can have my heart if you needed it—it’s yours anyway. But try not to need it right now, I kind of want to live as long as I possibly can to enjoy life with you. I might as well just tell you everything because you’re probably going crazy thinking about how I went about with this entire thing. I’ve been planning on getting us a house even before I proposed to you. I had to put a down payment of $20,000 which I took from scholarships and what I made at the coffee shop—my parents helped pay for the furniture and I’m currently taking a loan from the bank to pay for the first few months of mortgage until I can find an actual career. I know we were going to get a house sooner or later, but I wanted to surprise you. You’ve sacrificed so much for me—for us to be together. You were back and forth from California and New York—you left your family and everything familiar to you just to be with me. Then you left your last semester at NYU just to follow me back home—you never complained once about any sacrifice you made because of my decisions. You did everything in a heartbeat and I couldn’t come up with a way to show you or even tell you how grateful I am for you and how much you mean the entire world to me. I told you I’d take care of you didn’t I? I know it must be hard for you, so it was the least I could do. There’s so much more you deserve and so much more I want to do for you, but I was hoping a house would suffice for right now. Don’t worry your pretty little head about anything else okay? I’m really glad you like it. I tried to get all the furniture you wanted, but we can go shopping maybe sometime this week if there’s something you want to return or replace—“ You shook your head in disagreement and placed a quick peck on the corner of his mouth while bringing one of your hands up to his hair and running your fingers through his soft, brown locks.
“Everything is perfect—I’m still in shock—really, everything is amazing. Thank you baby—thank you so much. You didn’t have to do this just yet though, I would’ve been content with a studio or a one bedroom apartment until we could actually afford something as amazing as this house—“
“Should I call the bank and tell them to cancel the loan—“
“Don’t you fucking dare Tuan I will end you.” The two of you erupted in laughter at your hostility as he picked you up and threw you on to the bed all but gently.
“I’m kidding baby. I know, I’ve actually thought about doing that—but then I thought about how excited you would have been—how you are right now when you were to actually see the house and I’m happy I decided to go along with purchasing it. Now that we got around to exploring the place, how about you and I break in the bed?”
Normally, you would roll your eyes at his suggestion, but you found yourself flipping your bodies over so that you were hovering on top of his lap. You began to grind your clothed core against his pelvis—earning yourself a breathy groan from the handsome boy as he brought his hands down to your ass.
“Do whatever you want with me Mark—tonight is all about you babe.” The growl that fell from the back of his throat went straight to your pussy and you found yourself biting your lip at the tight feeling in your lower stomach.
“Fuck—I just bought this bed—ah whatever, we can just get another one tomorrow. I’m going to wreck your pretty little cunt babe. If it’s any consolation—I pictured taking you up against every surface in this house after my parents sent me the photos. God y/n, I’m so fucking in love with you—but tonight I’m going to fuck you as if I despise the shit out of you.”
Mark landed a job at one of the most prestigious construction companies in California as a civil engineer. He genuinely enjoyed it; although it wasn’t the easiest job in the world, it paid well and the hours weren’t all too bad. He was also told by his manager that if he were to do well, he could get promoted in less than a year and there were many opportunities for him to become someone prominent in the company.
You were currently in your last semester of college and you were offered a teacher’s assistant position at the elementary school just ten minutes away from your house. You and Mark got to spend more time with each other now that your schedules no longer collided; most of your classes were online and he finished work at around 5 o’clock—so the two of you found yourselves trying out new recipes together that you’d see on the food network, driving all over California—watching movies at the theater, going to the arcade, grocery shopping and all kinds of other fun activities that neither of you used to have the time for.
Both your families would come over for dinner; and it was the first night that your parents came over did your fiancé break the news of the engagement to them. Just like they reacted when they first heard about your relationship back in middle school, they weren’t exactly surprised. You and Mark always made decisions before talking to anyone about your plans, but the two of you were old enough to make choices for yourselves. If your mom was upset, she didn’t show it nor did she say anything until after dinner—but she was genuinely so happy for you and couldn’t stop raving over how excited she was for the two of you to get married.
Your rowdy group of friends; specifically, Jackson and BamBam came over more times than Mark would have wanted them to. You were fine with the guys coming over to visit as much as they felt like, but Mark was very vocal about how he wanted to spend as much alone time with you before you were to settle in to your career and before your family of two turned in to three—four—five—or however many children you both decided on having one day.
“Just say you hate having us over because you can’t fuck with us around. I have no problem with that; free porn, plus y/n is sexy as hell. She gives porn stars a run for their money—“
“You’re banned from ever coming back here again Wang.”  
You and Mark were just about done with wedding arrangements and you didn’t realize just how fast the days were going by. It wasn’t until you and Mark were cuddling in bed one night after you returned home from dinner with your sister did he remind you that your wedding was less than one week away. Since all the planning started over a year ago and you had pretty much everything set—your dress, his tux, your bridesmaid’s dresses, his groomsmen’s suits, a reservation to the hotel you were having your reception at, the cake, the flower pieces, the DJ, the centerpieces and receiving back all of the invitations with an RSVP from every single person you invited, you were both good to go. All you had to really worry about was messing up your makeup because you were positive you’d end up crying an ocean of tears. Literally.
“You’re going to be Mrs.Tuan in less than a week—are you excited? Because I know I am—I can’t wait to see you walk down the aisle looking like the most ethereal goddess to walk this earth. We both know I’m going to cry—so just be ready for that. I can’t believe it’s almost here. I’ve been waiting fifteen years for this moment. I can’t wait to put the ring on your pretty little finger—and I’m even more excited for the honeymoon—“
“Of course you are, horndog. Sometimes I feel as though you’re only with me for the sex.” You giggled at his fake hurt reaction as he put his hand on his chest and gasped in disbelief.
“I’m with you because you’re the love of my life and because I’m so madly in love with you. The sex is just a bonus—an extremely great bonus.”
“You’re insatiable.” He beamed up at you and cupped your cheek in his palm; grazing his thumb right above your brow.
“And you love me for it.”
“I do. I really do.”
As much as you didn’t want the wedding to come just yet because you knew once it did arrive, it would go by so quickly and you just wanted to revel in it as much as you possibly could. The night before your wedding, Mark’s friends begged you to allow them to have a bachelor party to celebrate his last night as an unmarried man—and you actually allowed it.
He deserved to have fun; but under one condition—he had to allow you your fun too. Your sister alongside his two older sisters planned a bachelorette party for you. It was only you, your sister, his sisters and a few of your cousins, but you all had an amazing time. They all snuck you a few drinks here and there, you ate all of your favorite foods and danced along to some of your favorite songs.
They even surprised you with a few male strippers—but it was all in good fun. His sisters made sure to send him a few videos of you enjoying yourself—allowing one of the dancers to give you a lap dance and he would not stop calling all three of you once receiving the photos and videos. He claimed that the guys pulled the same stunt on him—Jackson, against your wishes ordered a few strippers to stop by their hotel room, but Mark did not let any of the strippers near him in fear of upsetting you.
You however, were having a great time knowing that he was probably growing angry with the idea of another man getting so close to you—in proximity that only he should be allowed to. It was selfish of you—but you loved seeing your fiancé get all riled up in jealousy—it was a huge turn on and you were excited for the punishment you knew you’d receive once you were both to return home.
“Y/n.” You looked up at Mark’s sister in curiosity at the sudden call of your name.
“I’m so excited to have you as a sister-in-law. My brother—he really loves you. I think we all knew this day was going to come since the day he came home with the biggest grin on his face, telling us that he made a friend at A+ and that she was such an amazing artist. Then I got to witness how bashful he’d get whenever someone would bring up your name in conversation. He even had me go shopping for rings with him to get a woman’s opinion on what would be the perfect ring. I’m sure a lot of people have told you this already, but the two of you were made for one another. I believe that wholeheartedly. Your love—the love you have for each other—it’s one to be envious of. You’re perfect for one another—the term soulmates isn’t even a good enough word to describe what you and Mark have. I wish you both nothing but happiness, health, wealth and success. Welcome to the family.” You wiped away a stray tear before pulling her in to a hug.
“Thank you Tammy. That’s so sweet of you to say. Your brother means everything to me and I can’t even tell you how much of a positive impact he’s had on my life. I’d be nothing without him. Truly nothing.”
You all continued to celebrate for one more hour until everyone felt that it would be best for you to get some rest before your big day. Your soon-to-be husband had other plans however. Once your sister dropped you off—Mark gave you no time to even put your bag down before he pressed you up against the door.
“Hmmm, someone missed me.” He attacked your neck with sloppy kisses and sucked all but gently right below your ear.
“I did—can’t say the same about you though. What a naughty girl. Did you have a nice time having a half-naked man grind himself against your lap—“
“Don’t act like the victim babe. I have social media too you know. Should’ve told BamBam to block me before uploading videos of you receiving a little dance of your own. Plus, it was your sister’s idea to get strippers. I had no clue that they were coming tonight—“
“I’m sure they came in more than one way with how lethal you look. Whatever—that doesn’t matter, I’m the one who gets to love on this beautiful body of yours. By the way, once I’m done rearranging your guts, I’m calling the both of them and uninviting them.”
He roughly picked you up and threw you over his shoulder; slapping both of your ass cheeks as he made his way to the bedroom. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t gleeful for what was to come. You loved it when Mark would remind you exactly who you belonged to.
“Wait, I know we’ve joked about someone having to push me in a wheel chair down the aisle but I swear to God Mark if I can’t walk tomorrow I’m filing for divorce.” He rolled his eyes at your comment before pinning you down to the bed and reconnecting his lips to your pressure point just above your collarbone.
“Fine—I’ll go easy on you tonight. I can’t say the same about tomorrow night though. Good luck with getting out of bed once during the entire honeymoon. Actually—spending an entire week with you indoors doing nothing but each other sounds perfect—“
“You’re getting papers on Monday.”
“Babe!” You laughed against his lips; he was always so gullible. You let out a soft moan when you felt his hands go in to your blouse as he dragged his nail along the valley of your breast; flicking at one of your nipples before cupping both of your mounds with his hands.
“Fuck it—who cares if you have to be pushed in a wheelchair—I need to ruin you.”
The entire night was spent showing each other just how excited you both were to be finally tying the knot. He spent a lot of time with his face in between your thighs, bringing you to heaven three times before you tapped out from exhaustion. You also rode him to the point where he had to physically lift you off of his cock or he was sure he would cum faster than he would like to.
The next morning, you woke up with a pleasurable pain in your legs, but it wasn’t unbearable. You were surprised when you woke up to an empty bed, but your question of where Mark could have been was soon answered when you smelled what you thought was pancakes coming from the kitchen.
After picking up his discarded shirt from the night before and putting it on, you made your way downstairs to the kitchen and found your fiancé wearing nothing but his boxers. The sight made your cheeks warm. You slowly made your way over to him and placed your chin against his shoulder blade—leaving a kiss there before bringing both hands around his bare abdomen.
“Good morning handsome. That smells good. What’s the special occasion? You never cook—“
“Hey, that’s not true. I cook all the time—“
“Instant ramen doesn’t count Mark.” He scoffed before turning to face you and gave you a peck on your nose.
“I’m going to remember that the next time you ask me to make you ramen. Today is a special day, I’m finally marrying my best friend. I just wanted to give you a glimpse of what married life is going to be like—for the first week. Don’t expect this on a weekly basis though. I know I love you more than life itself and I know I’d do anything you’d ask me to, but I cut the line at cooking.”
You hummed against his chest and held him for a few seconds before he released you from his embrace and asked for you to prepare the table. You both ate in silence; stealing glances from each other every now and then, but you were just basking in the other’s presence. Sometimes, you preferred staying in the peace and quiet with Mark. You were able to appreciate him better that way. Once you both were finished with breakfast, you stole a few kisses and got ready to head over to the hotel.
The entire drive was filled with so much laughter and fleeting kisses every time Mark pulled up to a stop light. It didn’t take too long to arrive and right as you both got out of the car, he lazily wrapped his arms around your lower waist and placed his chin on the top of your head.
“The next time we see each other, we’ll be exchanging our vows and making the most important promise to one another. I’ll see you soon baby. I love you y/n. I love you so much babe.”
With a few more kisses all over your face, he sent you on your way to your sister’s suite. Everyone in the room was so frantic; your mother looked as if she was about to throw up with how she was pacing all over the room.
“There you are! You’re almost twenty minutes late.” You apologized profusely; giving her the excuse that there was traffic, but your mother wasn’t born yesterday.
“You and Mark can go a few minutes without sucking each other’s faces off. Now go change in to your dress so that the makeup artist and hairdresser can start working on you. I think guests are already on their way.” Your sister gave you a knowing look and laughed softly to herself while you took the seat next to her.
“How are you feeling? I’m still having a hard time processing that you’re getting married before me, but we all knew Mark was going to propose sooner rather than later. I’m surprised the two of you didn’t get married right after high school. Everyone and their mother’s know how much the two of you are obsessed with each other and that is an understatement. I’m really happy for you y/n. You may be moments away from becoming a married woman, but you will always be my little sister. Never hesitate to come to me if and whenever you need me okay?”
She let out a giggle when she saw tears brimming at your eyelids and reached over to wipe them away. “If you’re already crying at my words, what more when Mark reads his vows?”
Hair and makeup took less than an hour and you couldn’t stop staring at yourself. You never really thought much about yourself. Sure, you thought you were decent looking, but you knew there were many more beautiful girls in the world you wished you could look like. Mark never let you talk negative about yourself though. The minute you said anything negative about yourself--he’d bring you to a mirror and point out every single thing about you that he loved, which was everything about you. Every freckle, birthmark, dimple, scar, curve--he loved it all.
But right now, you felt so beautiful. Everyone in the room began to cry; Mark’s mom, your mom, your sister and his sisters. They all raved about how gorgeous you looked. However, once you put on the dress, their compliments grew.
“You look like a princess y/n. You’re so pretty. Mark’s definitely going to cry, I’m so excited.”
You laughed at Grace’s comment and thanked everyone before walking over to your mom. Her makeup was ruined at this point, but she didn’t seem to care. She pulled you in to a hug and ran her fingers through your hair.
“Where did the time go? I still remember the day you finally told me about Mark after hiding him from me for months. Now you’re just a few minutes away from marrying him. You look stunning my baby girl; absolutely gorgeous. I’m so, so happy for you and I know you’re in great hands. I trust that Mark will take good care of you. That man loves you, I say that with so much confidence. I’ve seen the way he looks at you and he might not have wanted me to tell you this, but he actually called me up on your junior prom night right after you came home upset and he was sobbing. He begged me to make sure you would take care of yourself and that he was sorry for what he put you through. I know you love him just as much. I’ve never met two people who wholeheartedly belonged to each other the way you and Mark were destined to be together. Just remember, I don’t care that you’re going to be a married woman, you will always be my little girl. If anything ever happens, you can always come running to me baby. But I know Mark’s it for you, so I have nothing to worry about. I love you y/n. More than you will ever know sweetheart. Now, I think it’s time for you to get married. Shall we?”
Your heart felt as if it was going to jump out of your chest. The bridal party made their way down to the third floor and to your surprise, BamBam was waiting right outside the door. “The man of honor has arrived--oh my God--y/n--”
“Hey Bam. You look great!” He smiled bashfully and politely thanked you before looking at you up and down; his jaw dropped but he quickly closed his mouth before grabbing at one of your hands and bringing it up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of it.
“Wow--you look--wow, I’m a fucking genius. I knew this was the dress. You look so beautiful, you could honestly pass off as a Disney princess. Ah, I better stop looking at you or else I won’t hear the end of it from your soon-to-be husband. Now let’s go. As much as I want to say I can’t wait for the two of you to hurry up and get married, I’m fucking starving so the sooner you walk down the aisle, the sooner I get to stuff my face with crab legs and you won’t hear a word from me.”
BamBam could sense your nervousness, but deep down he believed it was more excitement than it was any kind of negative emotion. When you made it down to the chapel, you watched your cousins and Mark’s friends one by one make their way in to the room. You laughed when BamBam lined up next to one of your brothers and linked arms with him.
You heard your dad before you got the chance to see him. There was only two times you’ve ever seen him cry; once at your grandmother’s funeral and the second time during a fight that he had with your mom. Apparently their marriage was on the rocks at that time but you were too young to understand. It came as a shock to you when your sister told you about it when you were eighteen, but they both decided that it would be best for them to take couple’s reconciling classes in order to rekindle their marriage and their marriage only grew stronger after a few months. He released a long sigh before brushing away the many tears running down his face.
“Hi daddy.”
“Hi princess. You look so beautiful. Mark’s a very lucky guy. I still can’t believe my baby is getting married. You know, you’re still so young y/n. Marriage is a huge deal, it can wait--” You gave him a knowing smirk and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.
“I love him daddy and I know he loves me. I don’t think I can wait much longer to finally be his wife. Don’t worry, this doesn’t change anything. I’m only fifteen minutes away. I’m sure Mark would be fine letting me come and stay with you and mom every so often. I’ll always be daddy’s little girl and you will always be my favorite man.”
“You got that right. Are you ready darlin’?” You beamed up at him and nodded in agreement.
“More than I will ever be.”
“Then let’s do this.”
Watching everyone’s gave avert to you made your heart rate pick up and you didn’t even think that was physically possible. It was already beating a mile a second; but seeing everyone beaming at you while some of your relatives wiped away some tears made it all the more real--you were getting married.
Once your eyes landed on Mark; your breath hitched. He was the handsomest man you have ever laid your eyes on. You’ve known that for years now. You’ve seen him in suit and tie at least seven times, but something about how he looked right now--maybe it was because this was your wedding or because he got a haircut and his hair was pushed back with gel, showcasing even more of his handsome features made your stomach fill up with butterflies.
His eyes began to tear up and you giggled softly as he let the tears fall freely while he watched you walk closer and closer to the altar. The boys were making fun of him; mocking him silently, but you saw tears building up in both Jackson’s and Yugyeom’s eyes. You snickered softly to yourself before returning your attention back to your fiancé. As soon as you made eye contact with him and saw how much love and adoration he held in his eyes, you began to tear up yourself. Before you knew it, you were standing in front of Mark and the pastor. Your dad’s grip on your wrist only tightened and you couldn’t stop the laugh that fell when the older man told him it was time to let you go.
“Take good care of my y/n Mark. I might really like you, but I won’t hesitate to slash your tires if you hurt my baby. Congratulations to the both of you.”
As your dad made his way towards your mom, Mark reached for your hands and intertwined them together with his.
“Hi.” He whispered softly; not taking his eyes off of you at all.
“You look so beautiful my love. I can’t stop looking at you and I don’t think I will any time soon.” You grazed your thumb against his wrist as a way to calm down your racing heart and to nonverbally hint to him that he needed to stop with his heartfelt words or else you’d end up breaking down in front of everyone. 
“Thank you. You look handsome as always.” 
The two of you were too busy taking each other in to realize that everyone had been waiting for you both--even the pastor. It wasn’t till you heard him cough did you break out of your Mark induced haze.
“Hi there. It seems as though the two of you were off in your own little worlds for a second there but that’s totally fine. I don’t know either of you that well, but I can already tell by this interaction alone that you must have a love for the ages. Now, dearly beloved, we are gathered here to celebrate the union of Mark Yi-En Tuan and y/n y/m/n y/l/n.” 
Everything the pastor was saying seemingly went through one ear and out the other. You and Mark could not stop making silly faces at each other and even if the older man noticed the two of you fooling around, he didn’t say anything. 
“Now, for the vows, who would like to go first?” You looked up at Mark and gave him a knowing smirk.
“I will. Knowing you, you have a speech prepared that I won’t be able to match, so to prevent me from making a big fool out of myself, I volunteer to go first. Mark Tuan, there are not enough words in the English dictionary that can describe what I feel for you. Every moment spent with you--it’s like my entire body is on fire. I don’t know what I did to deserve you--I don’t know what world war I must have fought in my previous life, but I’d do it again and again if it meant having you as my person in every single lifetime. I love you with every breath that I take. I’m happiest when I’m with you. Hell, you’re the main reason for my happiness. There’s a quote--”Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” You and I, our love story is so rare. So special. Sure, there were times where I was afraid we weren’t to make it--but I was so afraid at the thought of losing you. I was going to do anything and everything in my power to make sure you and I stuck together. No matter what life throws at us, you and I are endgame baby. You’re my entire world Mark Tuan. You’ve changed my life in ways that I never thought was possible. You’re my best friend, my soulmate--the only man I have ever loved--sorry dad, you know what I mean.” Everyone, including the pastor laughed at your apology. 
“I’ve loved you for more than half of my life and I plan on loving you for the entirety of it. Even when we’re old and wrinkly, fighting over oatmeal and cream of wheat. I don’t care what happens to us in the future; as long as I have you, I’m set for life. You are all I could ever want and need baby. Thank you for every single thing that you’ve done for me, I will never be able to thank you enough for your many sacrifices and simply just for loving me. But I will spend the rest of my life returning that same love. I love you, I love you, I love you and I’ll never get tired of saying that. Ever.” 
Mark was in tears at the end of your speech--he was practically sobbing at this point and you had to stifle back a laugh for his sake. He was always such an emotional guy, but you loved that about him. You placed kisses on both of his cheeks earning yourself some boos from Jinyoung, Jackson and Yugeyom. He mouthed that he loved you and squeezed both your hands before starting his vows.
“Fifteen years ago, I was at A+, playing dominos with a few of my friends, when I noticed someone sitting in the far back of the cafeteria all by herself. I actually noticed you a few days before approaching you and I’ve never told you this before, but I was afraid that you’d tell me to go away. However, when I finally built the courage to approach you, I was mad at myself for not doing it sooner. You were such a bright, bubbly little girl and I found myself wanting to spend as much time with you as I possibly could. I loved being around you; I loved hearing your contagious laughter and being the reason behind it. Watching the passion you had for drawing; seeing the way your eyes lit up whenever someone complimented your art, it tugged on my heartstrings. Seeing you happy made me happy. I loved you before I even knew what love was. I think the first time I realized that I had more than friendly feelings for you was the day that I tripped and fell on the sidewalk, ultimately scraping my knee and you ran to your teacher, asking for a bandaid and helped me up before patching up my cut. You always did everything for me without a second thought. You moved thousands of miles from California in order to be with me. You’d stay up late no matter how exhausted you were just to talk to me. You missed out on parties, family gatherings and even vacations just to fly up to New York and be with me. I could ask you to do the most insane thing--bungee jump, sky dive, zip line or even to runaway with me and I know you’d do it in a heartbeat. Every time something good happens to me, you’re the first person I want to tell the good news to and if something bad happens, I want to run to you and have you hold me; telling me that everything is going to be okay. You deserve the entire world and so much more y/n and that’s what I plan on giving you. I’d go through hell and back--I’d run to the ends of the earth just to make you smile. I would do anything you’d ask me to, be whoever it is you want me to be, go wherever you want to do. My heart is yours. It’s always been and it always will be. My heartbeat increases whenever we’re together--but when we’re apart, it’s like i’m living but not existing. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know I say this a lot, but I really don’t know what I would do without you. I need you y/n. You’re the reason why I wake up with such a huge grin on my face. You’re the reason for my entire existence. You’re my person and I am yours. Forever yours. I love you y/n, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
You looked around and saw that there was not a dry eye at all in the crowd. Every single person, including those that you’ve never seen show any emotion was teary-eyed. You playfully smacked Mark before wiping away at your tears.
“You asshole. See what I meant. You always had such a way with words, I don’t know why I said anything at all.” He giggled profusely and so did everyone else at your comment.
“Do you Mark take y/n--”
The pastor giggled at his eagerness, but didn’t correct him before attempting to ask you the same question.
“Okay. Do you y/n take Mark--”
“Wow, this is the first time in my thirty years of being a pastor that I wasn’t able to finish my speech. The two of you are adorable. I wish you nothing in the best with your marriage and any future endeavors. Well, with the power vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss the bride.”
Mark wasted no time bringing your face between his hands and smashing his lips against yours. They were salty and wet from the tears, yet the kiss was wonderful nonetheless. He continued to kiss you; ultimately bringing your bottom lip in between his teeth and sucking on it all but gently. As much as you wanted nothing more than to continue kissing your husband, you had to remember that you weren’t alone.
“Mr. and Mrs.Tuan would like to invite you all to the grand ballroom for dinner.” Mark tugged on your hand and led you down the aisle, this time--a newly married woman.
“Mrs.Tuan, I like the sound of that.” You smirked.
“I do too. It has a nice tone to it.” 
 The dinner went off without a hitch. Both BamBam and Jackson gave their best man and man of honor speeches; both making you cry as much as you did laugh. Everyone seemingly had a wonderful time; congratulating you and your husband all the while dancing to the upbeat music that the DJ played ad eating the amazing food the hotel had to offer. 
Mark didn’t even hide the fact that he was turned on with how you looked. He kept commenting on how beautiful you looked, and how he couldn’t wait to take you upstairs and rip your dress off of you. When it was time for the first dance as a married couple, Mark pressed you tightly up against his body and wrapped his arms around you protectively while kissing your cheek and your forehead repeatedly.
“This feels like such a dream. You’re my wife--I will never get over calling you my wife. Nor will I ever get over how ethereal you look right now. God, tonight is genuinely the best night of my entire life. Nothing could ever prepare me for this moment. I hope you had just as a mind blowing day as I did. All I care about is how it was for you.” You stole a kiss from his lips before placing your head against his chest.
“It was perfect. Everything that involves you always turns out perfect. Thank you baby. I will never forget this day or how beautiful and loved you’ve made me feel. Now, as much as I love this dress and how I really want to make the most of tonight, I think it’s time you take it off of me. You’re not the only one who was suffering tonight babe. You look so damn sexy--”
“Yup, we’re going upstairs. I don’t even care if anyone picks up on what we’re going to do. I need you right now. Come on baby, it’s our first time making love as a married couple, we have no time to waste. Fuck, I can’t wait to have my way with you. I need you to know what your vows did to my heart--and my cock,”
Both BamBam and your husband were right; it came as no shock to you less than three weeks after your honeymoon when you found yourself hovering over the toilet, throwing up anything you consumed the night before. You assumed that it might have been food poisoning; Mark had a tendency to leave perishable food out for a while without telling you, so you just assumed that maybe the pasta he bought for you could have been spoiled. However, the nausea and sickness went on for the rest of that week and it only ever happened in the morning.
The two of you relished in your marriage every single day on your honeymoon. The day after your wedding, you headed over to the airport to prepare for your flight to Europe. You and Mark had a hard time deciding on where to spend your honeymoon. He wanted to go to Hawaii, and you wanted to go to Greece. You don’t remember how you both agreed on Italy, but you ended up really liking it.
In the morning, you would explore Italy and all of the beautiful architecture and delicious food the city had to offer. Once you arrived back in to your hotel room, neither of you could keep your hands off of each other. It’s as if getting married only caused the lust you had for each other to grow deeper. You went at it like rabbits--going rounds and rounds and only tapping out when you were both exhausted beyond belief.
You never kept track of your periods before; since you were on birth control, your period was very irregular. It came two to three times a month and then there were months that you didn’t even get your monthly gift. But you realized that it’s been quite some time since Mark went to the store and purchased you pads and a quart of ice cream.
It didn’t take you long to realize that there was a big possibility that you were pregnant. You didn’t want to tell your husband of your suspicions just yet; you didn’t want to get him too excited. Mark has been asking you to try for a baby the entirety of your honeymoon. You were just as excited to start having children as he adamantly was, but you wanted to graduate from college first before taking that huge step in your marriage. Plus, you wanted to enjoy married life even just for a couple of months before getting pregnant.
Pregnancy was a beautiful experience; this you knew was true from what you’ve heard from your mom, Tammy and Mark’s mom, but it was also very tiring, physically and mentally. Your body would change completely in the nine months of your pregnancy and you didn’t want your child to feel the stress you received from college while they were in your belly. You were also afraid of postpartum depression--the last thing you needed was to be afraid of hurting your baby before you could even really get the chance to spend time with them.
When Mark was away at work, you decided to head over to the grocery store and grab a few things; laundry detergent, grilled chicken, shampoo, conditioner, hangers and a couple of pregnancy tests. You ended up purchasing three; wanting to make sure your suspicions were true. A part of you was completely over the moon; sure, you weren’t quite ready to have a baby just yet, but if you were pregnant, you weren’t going to be too upset. In fact, the more Mark brought up starting a family, you found yourself wanting to give in to him.
Once you got home, you placed the groceries on the counter and made your way in to the guest bathroom; not wanting to wait another moment before finding out the news that could soon change your and your husband’s life forever. You peed on all three tests and placed them all on the counter. Waiting three minutes to hear the beep felt like hours. You began pacing back and forth across of the bathroom, wanting nothing more than to hurry up and get the results before you grew impatient. Finally, after a few moments, all three tests sounded off and as soon as you flipped all three over, you covered your mouth out of habit.
All three tests were positive. You were pregnant.
The smile that quickly rose on your face felt so natural. You were going to be a mother and Mark was going to be a father. It was hard to wrap your mind around; there was a fetus growing inside of you. You were going to be responsible for someone else other than your husband and yourself. As much as you were craving to tell Mark of the news, you decided to wait until he got home so you could celebrate together. However, you weren’t sure as to how you should go about with confessing the fact that in less than ten months, a baby that you made out of the intense and passionate love you had for each other would come out in to the world; in to your lives.
Being a very simple person, you placed all three tests on the counter in your bathroom and waited for his reaction to seeing them. Mark came home from work three hours later; you didn’t know what felt longer. Waiting for him to come home, or waiting for the tests to beep. 
“Hey baby. How was your day?” You didn’t want to give anything away, so you just shrugged before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
“It was okay. Better now that you’re here. How was yours?”
“Rough. I don’t really want to talk about it. I’m going to go change and then we can watch a movie or something. Why don’t we order take out? I’m sure you must be tired, so I don’t want you having to worry about anything else.” You nodded at his suggestion and he left a kiss on your forehead before making his way upstairs. You sat down on the couch, patiently waiting for him to finally head in to the bathroom and find the tests. 
After almost ten minutes of sitting in agony, you heard him yell your name and before you could head upstairs, he came running down the steps; almost tripping on the rug. 
“Y/n--baby--is this--are you--” You beamed up at him and nodded vehemently.
“Yes. You and I are going to be parents Mark.” He picked you up and spun you around; it was obvious that he was elated with the news. His excited reaction took a huge weight off of your shoulders, not that you were worried at all. You knew he’d be so joyful hearing that you were pregnant. He began kissing you all over your face; your cheeks, both your eyes, your nose, your chin and finally, your lips.
“Oh my God, I can’t believe it. I’m so excited, me and my favorite person--my person--we’re having a baby. I’m so happy y/n! Shit, nine months though, that seems so far away. I want to meet them now. There’s so much we have to do. We have to start setting up the nursery, we have to call and tell our parents--wait, should we start saving for their college tuition--”
“Mark, we haven’t even started paying our own off. Slow your roll there baby. I know you’re excited, trust me, I was freaking out even when I came to the realization that I might be pregnant. Every time I’d see you with your nieces, I’d always picture how you’d be like with our own kids. You’re already such a wonderful uncle, what more as a father? I’m going to start having to see my gynecologist now and I’m going to warn you, I heard pregnant women can get pretty cranky, but I’ll try my best not to take all my anger and frustration on you.”
He placed one of his hands on the back of your head while running his other one over your stomach. “Ah, there’s a baby in this beautiful tummy of yours. That’s so crazy. I’m sorry babe, I know you’re going to suffer a lot, but don’t you dare for one second think that I’m not going to be here for you. I’m going to do everything you need me to do. You’re hungry for taco bell at 2 in the morning? I’m on it. You have cramps? I’ll make you a heating pad. You have a paper to write but you’re too tired to do it? I got your back. I will attend each and every single appointment that you have. If you think I’m already clingy right now, just wait and see what I’m like now that you’re pregnant. You’ll probably get tired of me, but I don’t care. I’m going to remind you at least ten times a day just how breathtakingly beautiful you are every single day and how thankful I am that you’re carrying our baby in your tummy. I know the process is going to be extremely exhausting and I want you to know that I wish I could carry the burden for you, I hate seeing you in pain. But you’ll never be alone in this you hear me? God, I’m so, so excited. I love you so much y/n. I don’t think I could ever tell you in words just how much. Words will never be enough. I can’t wait to start this journey with you. This is only the beginning for us baby.”
5 Years Later
“We’re home! Zachary? Mark? Babe where are you?”
You waddled in to your house with your eldest daughter Mia skipping blissfully right in front of you. The two of you had just returned from her parent teacher conference and to your surprise; it actually went really well—not that you expected otherwise.
The first thing she wanted to do as soon as her teacher told her that she was one of the top 3 students in her class, was to tell her daddy of the good news. From the time she was born, she and your husband were magnets; two peas in a pod.
It was obvious with the way Mark spoiled her even before you gave birth to her that she was going to be a daddy’s girl. You knew that she loved you—but it wasn’t as much as she loved Mark. She always chose her daddy in almost every situation; whether it was choosing between what you and Mark wanted to eat for dinner, who was the one to take her to the store, who picked her outfits for school and if you couldn’t agree on a movie, she would go with Mark’s choice.
When you received the notice that parent teacher conferences were coming up, you and Mark playfully argued over who was going to go with Mia. As much as you felt like the two of you should have gone together, one of you had to stay home to take care of your two-year-old son Zachary.
To your delight; Zachary was the definition of a mommy’s boy. In fact, he wasn’t too big a fan of Mark just yet. It did bother your husband seeing as how he wanted Zachary to be his little mini me—all he really desired as a father was to get him involved in sports and to have the young boy play some video games with him once he was able to hold the xbox controller with both hands—but the adorable little toddler refused any kind of affection from his dad nor did he let Mark do anything for him.
You joked around that it was because he saw the way Mark always had to have his hands on you and he took it as his dad trying to harm you or cause trouble towards you. Zachary was extremely protective and territorial whenever it came to you—it was a trait he took from your husband other than being a carbon copy of Mark. Knowing that Mark and Mia got along better, you used that as your excuse to force him to go, but then he counteracted with wanting to bond with your son and attempt to get the little boy to like him.
“Daddy, Zach—where are you guys?”
You placed your bag and keys on the counter and right as you were going to try and call out both their names one more time, Zachary came running naked in to the living room with a bunch of bubbles in his hair from which you assumed was shampoo and the sight made you giggle softly to yourself.
“Hi momma.” You looked down at him with a look of curiosity on your face but you were trying your best to stifle back a laugh.
“Hello my love. Why are you naked? and where’s your daddy—“
“Zach! Get back here bud, you’re not done with your bath—oh—hi—when did you guys get home?”
Mark’s clothes were soaking wet and he didn’t look too happy. He didn’t have to say anything; you knew he must have been helping Zach in the bathtub but the little boy was probably giving him a hard time.
“Mommy, please help me. Daddy doesn’t know what he’s doing—he didn’t put bubbles in the bathtub and he didn’t bring in my sea animals like you always do. He’s so boring mommy.”
You tried your best to lean down to his level; there was an obstruction making it hard for you to move around as much these days, but it wasn’t anything you weren’t used to. You placed a soft kiss on his cute little cheek before cupping his face in between your hands.
“Why don’t you go back in to the bathtub and mommy will be right up okay? I just have to talk to daddy and then I’ll go grab everything you need. How does that sound?” He gave you the most adorable toothless grin before carefully making his way back in to the bathroom. Mark walked over to where you were standing with his head down and shoulders slumped in embarrassment.
“How are you so good at this? That boy worships you and never stops talking about you. I mean—I know I do the exact same so I don’t blame him—but it’s like he hates me. I suck at being a father.”
He pulled you in to his embrace and placed a few kisses on your lips while hiding his face in the crook of your neck. You brought one hand in to his hair; running your fingers through his soft locks ever so gently and bringing your other hand up to his neck in attempts to comfort him. Mark was an extremely sensitive guy; which just so happened to be one of his characteristics that you loved the most about him.
Seeing him cry or show any kind of emotional reaction just proved that he cared and that he had a heart of gold. However, you never thought you would see him so shook up over the thought of his son not liking him.
As a parent, it had to be disheartening to think that one of your children couldn’t care less about you, but you didn’t want it bothering him completely. He’s told you on multiple occasions that he felt as if he was a terrible father and that he didn’t know what else to do to get the little boy to like him—he felt defeated. You made it a habit to remind him on a daily basis that he had to be the best father in the entire world and that both your kids were very lucky to be blessed with him as their dad.
“Hey, you’re doing the best that you can—that’s all that matters. Don’t say things like that—you know that’s not true. You’re the most amazing father and an even more amazing husband—you’re nothing short of perfect Mark. He’ll come around sooner or later baby. We have another one coming out here pretty soon—so maybe things will change once the third baby arrives. I know you’re extremely happy that it’s a girl this time.” He nodded rapidly against your neck before lowering his hands down to your butt and playfully squeezing both cheeks.
“Hmmm, I can’t wait till our second little princess arrives. I miss holding you without this basketball of a baby bump in the way. I also think it’s my turn to be inside of you again, it’s been so long—ouch! What? I’m being serious y/n, I miss making love to you so badly I don’t understand why we can’t—we did many times with your last two pregnancies. Your gynecologist did say that sex is good for the baby—you know what? I think you better go help Zachary before I go against your wishes and take you up against this counter as payback for all these bruises you’ve given me.”
His words sent electricity through your veins. It was true—you told Mark that you didn’t want to be intimate when you reached the end of your second trimester only because you didn’t want to put your baby at risk. This might have been your third pregnancy and you felt confident in the way you handled yourself—but your doctor informed the two of you that your baby was growing in a different way; he told you to be extra careful with how you took care of yourself this time around or else you could be having a c-section when it was time for you to give birth.
Your husband did not take the news lightly; he tried his best to get you to reconsider but then again—he didn’t want to put you nor the baby in a dangerous situation. It wasn’t only the sex that he missed—although, he loved feeling your walls wrap tightly around him and hearing you chant his name like a mantra never failed to drive him to the brink of insanity. He felt as though he did a great job professing his love for you while burying himself balls deep inside of your pussy.
It was also the best stress reliever to come home to after a long day at work—but he was just going to have to be content with fleeting kisses and cuddling until you were completely healed from your pregnancy. He just missed being able to do the things you used to do together that you were no longer able to do since you weren’t physically able to do so.
He missed sitting in between your lap while he played video games, he missed going hiking and swimming with you, he missed getting to do all these fun activities together with you. He just missed you. If you were being honest, it wasn’t only your husband who was suffering though; you craved him—feeling his body pressed up against yours, having him hide his face against your neck while reaching his high—you missed being one with him to the point where you tried to talk yourself in to letting him have his way with you.
You were currently seven and a half months pregnant with your third child and you honestly couldn’t be more happier. Settling down with the man of your dreams—the love of your life—your person, and starting a family one day was all you could ever want for yourself from the time that you were a little girl. Not too long after you first had Mia, Mark practically begged you to start having more kids as soon as possible.
You’d be lying if you said parenthood was easy—it was exhausting and sometimes you felt as though you weren’t cut out to be a mother. There were many sleepless nights for both you and your husband—days where she would cry and neither of you knew the reason. Breastfeeding her wasn’t all that easy either—especially when her teeth began to come in and you both were so scared of hurting her while burping her after she drank milk.
However, you and your husband got the hang of things after a couple of months of the same routine and a lot of advice from both your families. When Zachary was born over two years ago, raising him was a breeze. He also was an easier baby to take care of; he didn’t cry as much as Mia did. All he ever really did was eat, sleep and poop. Now that Mia knew that she was having a younger sister—she was very vocal about helping you and Mark take care of her after you were to take her home from the hospital.
Sometimes you felt as if everything was too good to be true. Not only did you have the most wonderful husband who you were so lucky to have in your life for over twenty years now, but you had the most adorable, caring, creative and crazy little kids who were both very smart for their ages. There were nights where you would look at Mark in adoration while he slept and constantly thanked the higher power that brought the two of you together.
Your life in more or less words was perfect—you couldn’t ask for anything better. You were afraid that one day, you would wake up and see that this was all just a dream—a figment of your imagination. Some dream life that you made up because your reality wasn’t what you wanted it to be—but the more you looked at both your children and at Mark—spending time with them no matter what it was that the four of you were doing, it only made things all the more real. This was your life and you weren’t going to take it for granted.
“Keep your hands to yourself horndog oh—and I’d watch it if I were you. Mia is a very intelligent little girl. I’m sure she’s old enough to understand how babies are made. I can’t even count on my fingers how many times the kids have almost walked in on us having sex. I promise, once Sophia is born, I’m all yours and I will make up for having you wait so long. By the way, our munchkin has something she wants to show you.”
There were times where you and Mark could get lost in your own little worlds and completely forget about your surroundings. It was extremely irresponsible of the two of you and you were both trying to work on it—but that just showed how obsessed you were with each other. Sometimes you would be in the middle of making out in the kitchen and you’d feel a tug against your skirt—breaking you both out of your steamy moment.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love our children with every fiber of my being, but they are the biggest cockblockers—“
“Hey, they’re the product of our love and your failure to keep it in your pants. I don’t blame you though—I’m a sight for sore eyes if I do say so myself.” He playfully rolled his eyes at your sarcasm and stole a quick kiss from the corner of your mouth while walking towards Mia.
“That’s the understatement of the year. You’re so fucking sexy—especially while you’re pregnant. You’re completely lethal. Come on y/n, what about a blow job at least—you’re killing me here. You know, I don’t say this as much as I should, but I just want to say thank you. Actually, I could never thank you enough for blessing me with the most wonderful family and the most beautiful kids. I know I say this a lot—I’ve said it many times in the last two decades but I mean it and I will always mean it for the rest of our lives. You and I were made for each other. We’re way passed soulmates baby—the term soulmates isn’t even enough to describe what you and I are.”
The tears were slowly building up in your eyes and you weren’t exactly sure how he was going to go about with his speech, but if you were already such a mess after only a few sentences, what more when he finished telling you everything he wanted to say? It reminded of you of your bachelorette party when his sister told you the same exact thing and you could feel his words having the same effect on your heart as Tammy’s did at the time.
“I know—we’ve hit a couple of bumps in the road in the duration of our relationship and we went through situations where life wasn’t all that good to us. There were so many things that changed in my life—going away for college—giving up my career in sports to focus on our relationship—having to switch jobs because my first one wasn’t giving me the benefits and pay that they claimed they would; that they said I deserved—I went through so many changes but you were the only thing that stayed constant. People say that home is a house—a roof above your head with windows, doors, bedrooms, bathrooms and a kitchen. I didn’t realize it until I was older and left for college—but a home is so much more than that. A home can be a pair of the most beautiful eyes—arms that make me feel so safe and so loved—a body—such a breathtakingly beautiful and extremely fucking sexy body—kisses that are so addictive—like my own personal drug. I genuinely believe that home is where the heart is—my home is wherever you are. Wait no—you are my home y/n. You’re the only thing that I want to stay the same in my life. It was always you—and it’s always going to be you baby. I meant it on the night I proposed to you—I meant it in my vows and I mean it right now. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me—well, other than our babies, but you—God I was never able to give you a genuine explanation to how much I love you and I don’t think I will ever be able to form the right words that would describe even half of what I feel for you. But I love you—with every breath I take—every beat of my heart—every kiss that we share—every time we relish in our love together—you’ve had my heart from the day you allowed me to take a look at your art. Something so near and dear to you—something you never allowed anyone, not even your family to see. But you let me without hesitation. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for our growing family—which I want ten kids at the least so we better keep popping them out one after the other. Spending the rest of my life with you is all I could ever wish to do.”
You began to playfully punch his chest while the tears streamed down your cheeks and the sobs fell from the back of your throat. When the two of you were younger, Mark wasn’t as much of a man with words as he was with actions. Sure, he never went a day without telling you that he loved you. Even on the days that you two would get in to an argument, he never let you go to sleep without telling you those three magical words. But he preferred to show you that he loved you rather than to say it.
Anyone could tell you that they loved you—but only people who genuinely love you would go through great lengths to show it. However—these days, it seems as though he’s been making you cry on purpose by confessing to you all these heartfelt messages. It didn’t take a lot for you to cry—especially because your hormones were all over the place right now—and every time Mark would explain in detail what you meant to him and how he would be nothing without you—it always elicited tears and ugly crying noises. He always laughed though; he loved seeing the affect his words had on you.
“Shithead. You know what speeches like that do to me. God—I—I love you. That’s all I’m going to say. There’s no point in trying to top your confession. I don’t think it’s even possible. You outshined me on our wedding day and I didn’t even want to read my vows after how beautiful and fervent yours were. But I love you Mark Tuan—I love you—I love you—I love you. You’re my best friend and the owner of my heart. I would go through hell and back for you. You mean the entire world and more to me. Thank you for loving me baby. Thank you for being you. I don’t know what World War I must have fought in my past life—but I would do it again and again if it meant being the lucky person who loves you and is loved by you in each and every single lifetime. Being your wife and the mother of your children is the best job in the world. Damnit you ass, I didn’t want to cry at all today. You know what—I need to have you in any way I possibly can—if you’re a good boy, I’ll suck you dry after we tuck the kids in. Mia baby—show daddy what you got from school so I can go help Zach. I can’t wait to see your reaction.”
He beamed at your offer and let out a muffled moan—but his expression was quick to change once you brought up seeing his reaction. He looked at you in curiosity but you just kept quiet while leaning closer in to his chest. Mia went to grab her backpack and took a seat on the hardwood floor. She had a soft smile on her face; obviously delighted with whatever she was going to show Mark. Once she pulled out the item you were referring to however, she looked at her dad worriedly—in fear of a negative reaction.
“A teddy bear—and some—flowers? Who gave you that? I didn’t know teachers gave away gifts like those—“
“It wasn’t her teacher.” The smirk on your face didn’t make your husband feel all too good. In fact, it gave him an idea of who it could have been from and he immediately clenched his jaw before shaking his head in aggravation.
“Nope. No way. No. Mia baby, you’re going to go back to school tomorrow and give this back to whoever was brave enough to give it to you in the first place.”
Seeing your daughter frown because of Mark’s response tugged on your heartstrings and you were quick to pinch at his bicep in annoyance; earning yourself a piercing glare. “Mark—“
“Let me guess—someone has a crush on our princess. It doesn’t surprise me, I always knew she was going to break some hearts one day, but not this soon. She’s only five y/n—“
“Hey! I was five when I met you. I was also five when I started having feelings for you. I think it’s adorable babe. I’ve seen them interact—Ethan genuinely seems to care about her. It reminds me so much of you and I. Come on Mark—don’t be such a hard ass. I’m sure my dad reacted the same exact way when he found out about you, but that didn’t stop us did it?”
He whined before looking back and forth between you and Mia. You were right—in most situations you were always right and he accepted it. But as of right now, he wanted nothing more than for you to be wrong. You and your daughter looked at each other menacingly—both of you began to pout at him—something you knew would get him to give in. Being Mark’s weaknesses had to be one of the only traits you had in common with Mia. You used it against your husband on multiple occasions and it always worked because he was never able to tell either of you no.
“Mark—she likes him too. Remember how people used to tell the two of us that we had no idea what love was? That we were too young to start dating? Now look at us—we weren’t even old enough to cross the street without an adult let alone start a relationship, but we have a love for the ages. If my parents or even your parents were to tell us back then that we weren’t able to be together—do you really think we would be living out our lives the way we are now?” He shook his head in disagreement before releasing a frustrated sigh.
“No. But y/n, she’s my baby girl. It’s different. I know how young boys are—I was one. I didn’t start having those kind of thoughts of you until we were both in high school—but we weren’t necessarily all that innocent back in middle school. I didn’t even know what sex was but I knew that it wasn’t normal for my penis to get hard whenever we would make out. I don’t want anyone taking advantage of or hurting my baby. I don’t care what happens to me—I’d do anything for you and for our children. Even if that means spending my life behind bars. It actually scares me to think of the lengths I’m willing to go in order to protect you all but I honestly wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.”
No matter how many times you’ve witnessed Mark get all soft for your daughter, it always sent so much warmth to your heart hearing and seeing how much he loved that little girl. As a father, seeing your daughter start taking interest in boys was likely to make your skin crawl. You were sure that even when Mia were to enter her twenties and even her thirties, Mark would have this same reaction. He just didn’t want her growing up so fast so soon. Parents weren’t supposed to have favorites—and it didn’t matter how many kids the two of you ended up having together; Mia was his first baby and she would always have a special place in his heart.
“Fine—whatever. I give up! You win! You always win because I can never say no to you. I want to meet this boy tomorrow. I’ll take Mia to school. I want his name, address, date of birth—“
“Social security number, blood type—“
“Both his parent’s names, where they work—“
“Mark Yi-En Tuan, I know I just confessed my love for you—but I am willing to take back my words—“
“You wouldn’t dare. You’re stuck with me forever you beautiful pain in my ass. I get it—you and I started our love story very at a very young age, but that doesn’t mean I approve of our children doing the same. I’ll think about it—if Mia’s happy, I guess I’ll have to learn to accept it. But don’t think I’m going to let this slide—I’m adding this on to you owing me orally which—you promised to blow me off once the kids go to sleep tonight so get that cute little butt of yours in the bathroom and help Zach with his bath so you can finally help me with the problem you caused in my pants.”
This earned your husband a lighthearted eye roll and a not so gentle shove against his rib cage. Right as he was going to retaliate, Mia came running over to the two of you and motioned for Mark to pick her up. He lifted her up without a struggle; like she was as light as a feather and placed a soft kiss on her cheek.
“Daddy, my teacher says I’m one of the top three students in her class!” He beamed at her excitement before spinning her around in elation—your daughter’s laughter filled the kitchen as she gently hit at his chest to put her down.
“Good job baby girl! I’m so proud of you! You’re such a smart kid, you get that from daddy—ow! You get your sassiness and abuse from your mom. Why don’t you and I go get some ice cream as a reward? Don’t worry babe—I won’t forget to get you some. Since you ended up eating almost all of mine the last time, I’ll purchase an entire quart for you this time—Mia let’s get out of here before daddy faces any more of mommy’s wrath and not in the way that I would prefer.” Mark pulled you against his chest and placed a couple of sloppy kisses on your mouth before picking up your daughter and walking towards the door.
“Hey daddy, mommy said to ask you about how the two of you met.”
A smile crept on your face as you heard of her question and began to hastily walk down the hall. Mia was still kind of young to understand the concept of love and relationships—but then again, so were you when you met Mark. Love had no age.
She began to ask you questions in the car about how old you were when you were introduced to her father and you took that opportunity to have Mark explain it for you. You honestly didn’t know how to bring the subject up to her without having her asking why it was wrong for her to like someone at her age. Since Mark was the one who didn’t seem all too fond of the idea—you were going to make it his responsibility to tell her of your love story.
“Oh—um—well, you see—your mom and I—we met back in—well—uh—babe, did you maybe want to help me out with this?” Your laughter echoed throughout the hallway at the nervous intonation in his voice. It was obvious he too had no idea how to go about responding to such a difficult question and the thought made you chuckle.
“That’s all you my love. I need to go help Zachary. Good luck! Drive safely and don’t come back without my ice cream! I love you!”
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ddudumemes · 4 years
(( collection of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY SIX sentence starters taken from TRACKS NINE - SEVENTEEN of TAYLOR SWIFT’S eighth studio album ‘ FOLKLORE ’ . ))
009.  THIS  IS  ME  TRYING  . ‘  i’ve  been  having  a  hard  time  adjusting  .  ’ ‘  i  didn’t  know  if  you’d  care  if  i  came  back .  ’ ‘ i  didn’t  know  if  you’d  care  if  i  came  back  ... i  have  a  lot  of  regrets  about  that .  ’ ‘ could’ve  followed  my  fears  all  the  way  down  .  ’ ‘  maybe  i  don’t  quite  know  what  to  say ,  but  i’m  here  in  your  doorway  .  ’ ‘  i  just  wanted  you  to  know  that  this  is  me  trying .  �� ‘ this  is  me  trying  .  ’ ‘ they  told  me  all  of  my  cages  were  mental .  ’ ‘  i  got  wasted  like  all  my  potential  .  ’ ‘ my  words  shoot  to  kill  when  i’m  mad  . i  have  a lot  of  regrets  about  that .  ’ ‘  fell  behind  all  my  classmates  and  i  ended  up  here  .  ’ ‘  at  least  i’m  trying .  ’ ‘ it’s  hard  to  be  at  a  party  when  i  feel  like  an  open  wound .  ’ ‘  it’s  hard  to  be  anywhere  these  days  when  all  i  want  is  you  .  ’
010.  ILLICIT  AFFAIRS  . ‘  make  sure  nobody  sees  you  leave  .  ’ ‘  tell  yourself  you  can  always  stop  .  ’ ‘  what  started  in  beautiful  rooms  ends  with  meetings  in  parking  lots .  ’ ‘  that’s  the  thing  about  illicit  affairs  .  ’ ‘  it  dies  a  million  little  times  .  ’ ‘ you  leave  no  trace  behind  . like  you  don’t  even  exist  .  ’ ‘  take  the  words  for  what  they  are  .  ’ ‘  they  show  their  truth  one  single  time  but  they  lie  a  million  little  times  .  ’ ‘  don’t  call  me  kid .  ’ ‘  don’t  call  me  baby .  ’ ‘  look  at  this  godforsaken  mess  that  you  made  me  .  ’ ‘  you  showed  me  colours  you  know  i  can’t  see  with  anyone  else .  ’ ‘ look  at  this  idiotic  fool  that  you  made  me  .  ’ ‘  you  taught  me  a  secret  language  i  can’t  speak  with  anyone  else  .  ’ ‘ you  know  damn  well ,  for  you  ,  i  would  ruin  myself  .  ’ 
011.  INVISIBLE  STRING  . ‘ i  used  to  read  at  centennial  park  ,  i  used  to  think  i  would  meet  somebody  there .  ’ ‘  were  there  clues  i  didn’t  see  ?  ’ ‘  isn’t  it  just  so  pretty  to  think  all  along  there  was  some  invisible  string  , tying  you  to  me  ?  ’ ‘ a  string  that  pulled  me  out  of  all  the  wrong  arms  .  ’ ‘ something  wrapped  all  of  my  past  mistakes  in  barbed  wire  .’ ‘ one  single  thread  of  gold  tied  me  to  you  .  ’ ‘  cold  was  the  steel  of  my  axe  to  grind  for  the  boys  who  broke  my  heart .  ’ ‘  hell  was  the  journey  but  it  brought  me  heaven  .  ’ ‘ it’s  cool  , baby  , with  me .  ’
012.  MAD  WOMAN  . ‘  what  did  you  think  i’d  say  to  that ?  ’ ‘ does  a  scorpion  sting  when  fighting  back  ?  ’ ‘ they  strike  to  kill  ,  and  you  know  i  will  .  ’ ‘ do  you  see  my  face  on  the  neighbour’s  lawn  ?  ’ ‘  fuck  you  , forever  .  ’ ‘ every  time  you  call  me  crazy  , i  get  more  crazy  .  ’ ‘  what  about  that  ?  ’ ‘  when  you  say  i  seem  angry  ,  i  get  more  angry  .  ’ ‘  there’s  nothing  like  a  mad  woman  .  ’ ‘ what  a  shame  she  went  mad .  ’ ‘  no  one  likes  a  mad  woman  .  ’ ‘  you  made  her  like  that .  ’ ‘  you’ll  poke  that  bear  ‘til  her  claws  come  out .  ’ ‘ i  breathe  flames  each  time  i  talk  .  ’ ‘ they  say  “ move  on ”  but  you  know  i  won’t .  ’ ‘  women  like  hunting  witches  too  .  ’ ‘  it’s  obvious  that  wanting  me  dead  has  really  brought  you  two  together  .  ’ ‘  you  took  everything  from  me  .  ’ ‘  she  should  be  mad  ,  should  be  scathing  like  me  but  no  one  like  a  mad  woman  .  ’
013.  EPIPHANY  . ‘ keep  your  life  ,  son  .  ’ ‘ just  a  flesh  wound .  ’ ‘ sir  ,  i  think  he’s  bleeding  out .  ’ ‘  some  things  you  just  can’t  speak  about  .  ’ ‘ with  you  i  serve  .  ’ ‘  doc  , i  think  she’s  crashing  out  .  ’ ‘  only  twenty  minutes  to  sleep .  ’ ‘  you  dream  of  some  epiphany  .  ’ ‘ just  one  single  glimpse  of  relief  to  make  some  sense  of  what  you’ve  seen .  ’
014.  BETTY  . ‘ i  won’t  make  assumptions  .  ’ ‘ i  think  it’s  ‘cause  of  me .  ’ ‘ when  i  passed  your  house , it  was  like  i  couldn’t  breathe  .  ’ ‘  you  can’t  believe  a  word  she  says .  ’ ‘  the  worst  thing  that  i  ever  did  was  what  i  did  to  you  .  ’ ‘  would  you  have  me ? ’ ‘  would  you  want  me  ? ’ ‘  would  you  tell  me  to  go  fuck  myself ? ’ ‘  would  you  trust  me ? ’ ‘  it  was  just  a  summer  thing .  ’ ‘  i  don’t  know  anything  , but  i  know  i  miss  you .  ’ ‘  i  know  where  it  all  went  wrong  .  ’ ‘ i  hate  the  crowds ,  you  know  that .  ’ ‘  i  saw  you  dance  with  him  .  ’ ‘  she  pulled  up  like  a  figment  of  my  worst  intentions  .  ’ ‘ i  slept  next  to  her  but  i  dreamt  of  you  .  ’ ‘ i  dreamt  of  you  .  ’ ‘ the  only  thing  i  wanna  do  is  make  it  up  to  you .  ’ ‘  will  you  have  me ?  ’ ‘  will  you  love  me  ?  ’ ‘  will  you  kiss  me  on  the  porch  in  front  of  all  your  stupid  friends ?  ’ ‘  will  it  be  just  like  i  dreamed  it  ?  ’ ‘  you  know  i  miss  you  .  ’
015.  PEACE  . ‘ our  coming - of - age  has  come  and  gone .  ’ ‘ i  never  had  the  courage  of  my  convictions ,  as  long  as  danger  is  near  .  ’ ‘  it  lives  in  me .  ’ ‘ no  ,  i  could  never  give  you  peace  .  ’ ‘  i’ll  keep  your  brittle  heart  warm  .  ’ ‘ all  these  people  think  love’s  for  show  ,  but  i  would  die  for  you  in  secret .  ’ ‘  you  got  a  friend  in  me .  ’ ‘  would  it  be  enough  if  i  could  never  give  you  peace  ? ’ ‘  your  integrity  makes  me  seem  small .  ’ ‘  i  talk  shit  with  my  friends .  ’ ‘ i’d  give  you  my  sunshine , give  you  my  best  .  ’ ‘ the  rain  is  always  gonna  come  if  you’re  standing  with  me  .  ’
016.  HOAX  . ‘ this  has  broken  me  down  .  ’ ‘ this  has  frozen  my  ground .  ’ ‘ stood  on  the  cliffside  screaming “  give  me  a  reason  ”  .  ’ ‘  your  faithless  love’s  the  only  hoax  i  believe  in .  ’ ‘ no  other  sadness  in  the  world  would  do .  ’ ‘ i  am  ash  from  your  fire .  ’ ‘  you  know  i  left  a  part  of  me  back  in  new  york  .  ’ ‘  you  knew  the  hero  died  so  what’s  the  move  for  ?  ’ ‘  you  knew  it  still  hurts  underneath  my  scars  from  when  they  pulled  me  apart .  ’ ‘ you  knew  you  won  ,  so  what’s  the  point  of  keeping  score  ?  ’ ‘  what  you  did  was  just  as  dark  .  ’ ‘ darling  , this  was  just  as  hard .  ’ ‘ my  kingdom  come  undone  .  ’ ‘  you  have  beaten  my  heart .  ’
017.  THE  LAKES  . ‘ is  it  romantic  how  all  my  elegies  eulogise  me  ?  ’ ‘  take  me  to  the  lakes  where  all  the  poets  went  to  die .  ’ ‘  i  don’t  belong  .  ’ ‘ i  don’t  belong  and  , my  beloved  , neither  do  you .  ’ ‘  those  windermere  peaks  look  like  a  perfect  place  to  cry .  ’ ‘  i’ve  come  too  far  .  ’ ‘ tell  me  what  are  my  words  worth .  ’ ‘  i’ve  come  too  far  to  watch  some  name  dropping  sleaze  tell  me  what  my  words  are  worth .  ’ ‘ i  haven’t  moved  in  years .  ’ ‘ i  want  you  right  here  .  ’ ‘  with  my  calamitous  love  and  insurmountable  grief  .  ’
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meowmerson · 4 years
Can you write a Tomione doctor AU? I’ve always thought it would be really cute if they were surgeons.
perhaps…………………a nurse/patient AU????????????? :)
(only because i was trying to think of a story for doctor tomione but my brain kept going back to this so i hope its ok, if it s not you can send me another ask DEMANDING A SURGEON AU and i promise i will brainstorm an idea)
(also uh im sorry i made it really long)
It’s the tail end of the night shift when she sees him, although the first time is fleeting. Fleeting, but not irrelevant. 
He’s flanked by six guards from the prison. He looks like he’s in pain, and quite a lot of it. He’s wheeled in on a hospital bed to room 119 and she watches from the reception desk as he and his entourage of prison guards pass her by in almost slow motion. 
“What timing,” Lavender said with a cheeky grin, “Your shift just ended. You’ll miss out on all the fun.”
“Your idea of fun,” Hermione corrected, completing her chart for the night, “My idea of fun involves going home, having breakfast with my daughter, taking her to school, and going to sleep,” She put her pen down and smiled in the face of Lavender’s pout, “But enjoy the day shift with the clearly dangerous criminal.”
“Tell Rose I said hi,” Lavender said. 
Hermione went home and did exactly as she said she would. She paid the babysitter, laid down in Rose’s bed for a moment before gently waking her. She smiled at her 3-year-old daughter across bowls of cheerios and listened to her talk about what she dreamt about the night before. Then she dressed Rose, brought her to pre-school, kissed her goodbye, and returned home. She fell asleep in her scrubs, and didn’t dream about the man flanked by prison guards. 
Hermione worked nights for a few reasons. The biggest one was the amount of time she got to spend with her daughter - she could always skimp on sleep to spend more time with Rose, but she couldn’t exactly skip work, and if she only worked while Rose was sleeping (save for a few precious hours at night) it meant she would never need to miss a school play, a birthday party, pancakes on sundays, or pillow forts in their living room. She could see all of that. 
Nights were quieter too. No visitors, some patients slept but some didn’t, Lavender only worked day shifts so Hermione only ever saw her for an hour at most if their shifts overlapped which was about as much of Lavender as she could take. And no visitors, god Hermione hated visitors. 
She worked 3 nights a week, sometimes 4 if she needed the money and they had an overtime shift for her. She was always tired, always a bit stressed, and her hair had never looked worse than it did in motherhood, but it was all worth it for the time she got to spend with her daughter. 
She had to remember that, when she had nights like this one. 
“Apparently he hasn’t urinated in a week,” Neville said, “He had a pretty severe blatter infection and sepsis but is steadily getting better,”
“Why hadn’t he urinated?” Hermione asked, and Neville shrugged. 
“They think it might be an escape plan, so uh,” he none-too-subtly leaned to the side to peer at the guards outside room 119, “They’re keeping an eye on him.”
“How is he?” She asked.
“Horrible,” He answered, “Right bastard, gave Lavender hell all day on his first day in, didn’t sleep all night, then we gave him to Minerva–”
“Well, surely she set him straight,” Hermione interjected.
Neville laughed, but there was no humor in it, “Yeah well, she handled it fine, but she also said if we give him to her as a patient again she’s going to retire.”
“Shit,” Hermione sighed. She thought of Rose, asleep in her bed and thought of seeing her in the morning and waking her up for breakfast, “So naturally you give him to me.”
“Well,” He shrugged, looking sheepish, “It was either you or me, so…”
“So you sweet-talked the charge nurse into giving you an easy night?” Hermione quirked a brow and Neville just grinned. Hermione sighed, picked up the chart, and turned to face Room 119. 
There were only two guards now, not six, and they nodded at her as she entered. 
Tom Riddle sat on the bed in a room of his own, he looked pale, with dark circles under his eyes, and he fixed his eyes disconcertingly on her the moment she stepped through the door. 
“My name is Hermione,” She said, putting gloves on at the door, “I’ll be your nurse tonight.”
“Is that so?” He asked. His voice was deep, but gravelly. He must be exhausted, she thought, if he truly hadn’t slept since he arrived. 
“How are you feeling?” She asked, but before he could answer she added, “I hear you haven’t slept since–”
“How can I sleep?” He cut her off, “Sitting in a hospital bed with a new nurse every few hours asking me the same inane questions?”
Hermione paused, observed him for a moment. She had dealt with plenty of difficult patients, was used to biting her tongue and slapping a smile on her face. He kept staring at her with dark eyes, his jaw clenched, and she knew what she was in for. 
“Well, Mr. Riddle,” Hermione said with a smile, “I will endeavor not to ask the same inane questions, then.” She stepped closer, made a vague gesture in his direction and asked, “May I?”
He was receiving fluids, antibiotics, seemed stable, she just needed to check his blood pressure to be sure. The fact that he obviously hadn’t slept wasn’t a good sign and certainly wouldn’t help in his recovery. He nodded once, tersely, and she glanced back at the guards at the door. 
“Is it because of the guards that you won’t sleep?” She asked as she took his blood pressure. His brow twitched, but he didn’t look away from her face.
“If I said yes, would you take them away?” He asked her. She looked up from her work to meet his eye and tried to figure out if he was making a joke. 
Either way she laughed, shook her head, and said, “I think we would both love that, but no, unfortunately not.”
His blood pressure was low, but according to his chart improving. It would probably help if he slept. She met his gaze, he was still watching her. “Your blood pressure is low.” She told him, “You should sleep.”
“I should sleep?” He echoed, his brow rose like he was talking down to a child, “Close my eyes, and dream?” He looked almost crazed, she thought. She wasn’t sure if that was the lack of sleep, the time he spent in prison, or maybe it was just who he was. Either way, she didn’t move - it was always better not to react when a patient became angry. “Let the medication take effect, while the rest of you skirt around me like an animal in cage–”
“Sir–” She interjected, but he spoke over her. 
“While men with guns fantasize about the possibility of turning those very guns on me while I sleep and while I continue to be denied visitors that I would typically be allowed to see simply because I am unwell–” She sighed and made to move away as he worked himself up, but he grabbed her arm. She met his eyes again “–Don’t pretend to be concerned for my health, nurse,” He spat, “Shut your mouth, treat me, and keep your inane thoughts to yourself, lest I lose my temper.”
“Hey!” A guard from the door called, took a step into the room. Hermione held out a hand to stop him, “Miss–” 
“Please let me do my job!” She said, turning to hold a hand out more firmly against the guard at the door. He hesitated, shifted his weight on his feet. “Return to your post, please.”
The guard very pointedly looked at the place where Mr. Riddle’s hand was on her arm. Hermione looked at that same hand, then back at the guard, and she hoped she was communicating every ounce of annoyance she felt in that stare.
The guard returned to his post. 
Hermione’s gently pried Tom Riddle’s fingers from her arm. “It was merely a suggestion,” She said and met his eyes with a smile, “Stay awake if you wish.”
He was stable, so she turned to leave the room. The guard stopped her at the door. “Hey, uh–” He said, glancing into the room and back at her, “Could I get a sandwich?”
She looked him up and down. 
“It’s just, we’ve been here all day, I’m pretty hungry.”
“No,” She snapped, “We don’t give sandwiches to the guards, they’re for the patients.”
“Well, he’s not going to eat it.” He said, gesturing toward Room 119 with his head. Hermione, taken aback, glanced into the room and saw Mr. Riddle’s eyes fixed on her before she looks back at the guard.
“Don’t ask me again,” She said, and walked away. 
That night, she had Mr. Riddle with the temper and the armed guards, Mrs. Sprout with the lovely disposition recovering from a severe allergic reaction, and Mr. Crouch the drug seeker in the hospital for a broken leg who wouldn’t stop screaming for opiates, and Mr. Riddle’s stupid fucking guard who kept asking her for sandwiches.
It was a long night. 
“What is he in for, anyway?” Padma asked, looking toward Hermione for an answer. She didn’t have to specify who - obviously she meant the one with the guards. Hermione shrugged - she really didn’t know.
“Like everything.” Neville said, pouring himself a coffee while Padma patiently awaited her cup. “He’s in jail for life for everything from selling weed to killing people and chopping them up.”
“No way,” Padma said.
“Yes way,” Neville took a sip from his coffee and shrugged, “You heard about him - he went by Voldemort.”
Padma gasped, turned and faced Hermione with wide eyes and a wide-open mouth, “Hermione, you’re treating Voldemort,”
“I’m treating a very irritable prison patient” Hermione corrected, “And not for the first time.”
“He was all over the news last year!” Padma said, clearly distressed, “He’s crazy - and I heard he didn’t piss for a week to be sent here, this is probably all his plan or–”
“Padma, drop it.” Hermione snapped. “There are two guards outside his room, a guard at the lifts, a guard at each stairwell and at the front entrance of the hospital. Mr. Riddle is in a hospital bed recovering from sepsis.” She stood up, “I suggest we all stop panicking and help him to recover, like it’s our job to do.”
She left the break room and glanced toward Room 119 and saw only one guard.
“Excuse me!” She called, hurrying toward the singular guard, “Excuse me,” She said again, peeking into the room. Mr. Riddle was still awake, watching her as she appeared in the doorway. She looked at the guard, “Where the hell is the other one?”
“Miss, please calm down.” The guard said. 
“Where is he?” She asked again, “Where has he gone - doesn’t he have a job to do?”
“He stepped away for a moment.”
“Stepped away where?” She demanded.
“Calm down, nurse,” A voice said, and she turned her head to see the guard approaching with a sandwich in his hand. 
“Where did you get that?” She asked quietly, a familiar feeling of annoyance mixed with rage in her chest, the kind that only comes after a long night of work on very little sleep.
“The vending machine downstairs.” He said, shrugging. He started to open the package, but Hermione snatched it out of his hands. 
“This nurse has a name,” She said, “It’s Hermione Granger, and I expect you to use it. And no one,” She lifted the sandwich to eye level, right in his face, “Is going to be eating any sandwiches here except for Mr. Riddle, as he is the patient. The rest of us will do our jobs and eat when we’re done.”
The guard laughed, “Okay, okay, just give me back the–” He reached for it and she snatched it away. His smile fell off his face. 
She marched into the room, tearing open the package and thrusting it toward Mr. Riddle in his bed. 
“He doesn’t want it!” The Guard protested.
“Yes he does,” Hermione snapped, and turned back toward Mr. Riddle in the bed, who was staring oddly at her. “Don’t you, Mr Riddle?”
He just stared at her. She thought maybe he would have another temper tantrum and start yelling. “Take it,” She encouraged gently, “Please.”
To her surprise, he did. He took the sandwich and took a bite, watching her all the while. 
She smiled. 
“There,” She said, turning back toward the guard, “Don’t leave your post again or I will inform your superior.”
She left the room, grateful that Mr. Riddle didn’t have another one of his outbursts this time. 
Her shift was nearly over anyway. 
When she returned home, she laid down in Rose’s bed minutes before she was meant to wake. 
“Mummy?” Rose murmured.
“Good morning,” Hermione whispered.
“I dreamed you were a kangaroo.” Rose said.  Hermione laughed. 
“Were you a Joey?” Hermioned asked. 
“No,” She said, “I’m a Rose.”
Hermione laughed again, “A Joey is a baby kangaroo,” She explained. 
“Oh,” Rose said, and then, “Can we have cheerios?”
Hermione loved these moments more than anything.
She watched Rose over bowls of Cheerios again. She would gladly spend every morning, every moment like this. She thought of the loneliness she felt when she first found out she was pregnant, the boundless love she felt when she held her in her arms for the first time, the feeling in her chest like she was going to explode with happiness when the nurse handed over her baby, wrapped in a white blanket.
She dreamed of a life where she could have this always, no interruptions. 
She returned to work the next night. 
“Why the hell do I have Riddle again?” She asked when she looked at the assignments for the night. Lavender was there, the tail end of her shift, and she raised her eyebrows and looked away. “What?” Hermione pressed. 
Minerve spoke up, “He asked for you.”
“He what?” Hermione balked. 
“Fucking screamed about it,” Lavender muttered, “I tried to bring him something to help him sleep and he slapped it out of my hand and said he wouldn’t take anything from the hand of a whore.”
“He said what?” 
“He’s crazy,” Lavender said, “Fucking crazy, good luck Hermione, you’ll need it.”
And she left like that, clearly furious. Hermione looked to Minerva, but Minerva said nothing, simply raised her eyebrows in the way she always did and left to start her rounds. 
The guards outside the room were different than the night before. They nodded to her as she entered. Mr Riddle watched her, looking more tired than ever. 
“Miss Granger,” He greeted. 
“Mr. Riddle,” Hermione replied, smiling, “I heard you were asking for me.”
“You’re my favorite nurse.” He said. 
“Already?” Hermione asked, “Well, it sounds like you aren’t giving anyone else much of a chance.”
“I liked seeing you with McLaggen yesterday.” He said. Hermione wasn’t sure what he meant, and that must have shown on her face, because he said, “The guard.”
“Ah,” She nodded, and added, “You know, this version of you doesn’t exactly match up with the man who apparently slapped medication out of a nurse’s hand and called her a whore.”
“That nurse,” Riddle said as Hermione read over his chart and set about checking his vitals, “goes between speaking to me like I’m a child, and speaking to me like I’m a war criminal.”
“Sometimes you act like both,” Hermione said. 
Mr. Riddle snapped his eyes to meet hers, and it took that for her to realize he finally hadn’t been staring at her. But he was now. Hermione blinked, and then realized what she just said. 
“I hope you won’t start slapping me and calling me a whore.” She said, a poor attempt at a joke.
He smiled then, and it struck her that despite the dark circles around his bloodshot eyes, despite his pale skin and gaunt cheeks he really was sinfully handsome. “You wouldn’t like that?” He asked. 
“No,” Hermione said firmly, and trying to change the subject she asked, “Are you hungry?”
“I am,” He said, but before she could be too pleased by his cooperation, he continued, “But first I have a question.”
“Yes?” She prompted. 
“How old are you?” He asked. 
She smiled. Such a random question, such a strangely serene patient. “I’m 27.”
“You look older,” He said, and she couldn’t help but breathe out a short laugh. “I don’t mean any offense,” He continued, “I mean that you don’t hold yourself like most people your age.”
“I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean.”
“The way you look. Like someone who has a large amount of responsibility and wisdom. A teacher, a scholar,” Hermione was taking her gloves off when he said, “Or a mother.”
She paused. She watched him for a long moment in silence. The guards stood silently outside the door.
“I apologize,” Mr. Riddle said, “I am only trying to make conversation. 
“Are you a father?” She asked him, and he laughed. Twice she’d seen him smile now. 
“No,” He said, “I never had time.”
She thought about what Padma and Neville said in the breakroom, thought about the armed guards at every exit. She wondered why he was asking her these questions, why he was here, why he had forced himself to become ill enough to end up in the hospital, she wondered…
“I have a daughter.” She admitted. Because here he was a man, receiving treatment, and she refused to treat him like an animal. 
“Does she look like you?” He asked her, “Or her father?”
She smiled, a bit tightly, and didn’t answer. 
He did a funny thing then - hie eyes narrowed just a bit, he tilted his head, and his mouth twisted in what wasn’t quite a smile but couldn’t be defined as anything else. 
“I’ll get you something to eat.” Hermione said, “Do you want something to help you sleep?”
“Not yet,” He said, “I don’t want to sleep while you’re here.”
Her stomach twisted at that, and she a strange, nervous feeling made her hands twitch, as if there was something humming just underneath her skin. 
“I’ll bring you some food.” She said. 
“Thank you, Hermione.” He said. 
The guards watched her as she left the room. 
He was the easiest patient she ever had. 
He let her run his IV, administer the antibiotics, check his vitals, all without any complaints, just a few odd questions. He didn’t ask about her daughter again, perhaps because he noted that she became uncomfortable when he did. Instead, he asked what her parents did for a living, he asked where she was from, he asked irrelevant things like her favorite flower and how she took her tea. 
He was much chattier than she expected him to be. 
“Miss Granger,” Minerva said in the break room, using her surname as if she was a patient. She always did that. “How has Mr. Riddle been?”
“Fine, actually.” Hermione said. “The guards are more difficult than he is, although the ones tonight aren’t so bad. They’re quiet.”
Minerva raised a single eyebrow and said nothing else. 
Hermione gave Tom Riddle a sleeping pill at the end of her shift, and he took it with a smile.
“Do you have to go?” Rose asked. 
It was 7:00pm. The babysitter had just arrived and Hermione was dressed in her scrubs ready to go to work for the third night in a row and Rose was crying. Hermione brushed her daughter’s hair out of her face and felt her heart wrench. 
“I’m sorry, darling,” She said, “I’ll be back in the morning, just like always.”
“But I want you to read me a story,” Rose sniffled, snot running out of her nose. She wiped at it messily with the back of her hand. “I want you to read me a bedtime story.”
“I’ll read you a story in the morning, I promise.” Hermione said, “I’ll come back home, just like always, in the morning. When you wake up I’ll be right there next to you.”
She never once wished that Rose’s father was around - he didn’t even know he had a child, and Hermione would keep it that way - but in moments like this, she always wished she wasn’t alone. Maybe it would be easier that way. 
Rose wouldn’t stop crying. Hermione had to shut the door on her crying and begging her mother not to leave. 
“Again?” Hermione snapped as soon as she saw the assignments for the night. “Again? Seriously?”
“Stop complaining,” Lavender snapped, “Everyone knows he’s an angel with you.”
“Why are you still here?” Hermione snapped back, and Lavender glowered back at her. 
“I’m just leaving,” She said, “He has given me hell ever since he woke up, so good fucking luck.”
She watched Lavender storm out, but the only thing she really took from that conversation was that he finally got some rest. She looked at Room 119, saw the guards outside the door. McLaggen, the annoying one, he still wasn’t there - it was the same guards from the night before. 
She started toward the room, and the guards watched her closely as they always did. They nodded to her as she entered the room.
And she stopped short. 
A tall, blonde man was sat by Mr. Riddle’s bed. He had one of Riddle’s hands clasped between his, and looked as if he was saying something quite passionately before Hermione interrupted. 
Visitors weren’t allowed on the night shift. 
Tom Riddle wasn’t meant to have visitors at all.
“What the hell is this?” Hermione asked, quietly, let the low tone of her voice fill the room that was silent except for the steady beating of Mr. Riddle’s heart monitor. 
Tom Riddle blinked at her, and said nothing. 
“No visitors.” She said firmly, and turned toward the guards, “Why the hell does he have a visitor?”
The guards looked at each other, and then her, and said nothing. 
She turned toward the blonde man, feeling as if she was in a dream or on a TV show, something that couldn’t be real life, “Get out.” She snapped, “No visitors - what part of no visitors do you not understand? Who let you in here?”
“Nurse,” The blonde man snapped, holding up a finger as if to say ‘wait, one second, “Give us a moment.”
“No, I will not give you a moment.” Hermione snapped, “No visitors. Period. You need to leave.” She turned to the guards, “Excuse me?” She threw up her hands, hoping they would soon understand the ridiculousness of the situation. “Get him out.”
The guards walked in, finally, and said, “Sir, it’s time to leave.”
“No, it is not time to leave.” The blonde man snapped. He must come from money, Hermione thought, that was the only thing that would explain his tone. “We are having a private conversation, so if you don’t mind–”
“Abraxas,” Mr. Riddle interjected. “Do as Hermione asks.”
First, the blonde man - Abraxas - screwed up his face and looked at Mr. Riddle like he thought he was crazy. Then he looked at Hermione, and back at Tom. His expression changed, flattened out, like he suddenly understood something, then he turned his eyes back to Hermione and stared. 
He just stared and stared, his expression unreadable, in a way that made Hermione acutely uncomfortable. 
“Goodbye, sir,” She said, then turned to the guards and said, “Could you both do your job, please?”
“No need,” Abraxas said, his tone quieter, less snobby, less snippy. “I’ll see myself out.”
He reached down and clasped Mr. Riddle’s hand once more, but said nothing. Then he left.
Hermione shut her eyes and took a deep breath, tried to shut the anger away. She felt on edge tonight, it started with the way she left her daughter and was only made worse with all this bullshit. She turned on the guards again, who were returning to their post. 
“No visitors.” She snapped, “At all.”
One of the guards nodded tersely. Neither said anything. 
She turned back to Mr. Riddle, who was watching her patiently from his bed. 
She shouldn’t mention it to him. She knew he could get nasty, she shouldn’t try his temper, she should try to have a nice night at work, but she couldn’t help herself. “You know you aren’t allowed visitors.” She said.
“I know.” He agreed, “I apologize. He always visited me in custody - it is a wasted effort to try and explain to him that anything should be different here.”
“Seems its a wasted effort to explain anything to him at all.” Hermione snarked, pulling on her rubber gloves. Mr. Riddle chuckled.
“You aren’t wrong,” He agreed, and watched her very closely as she approached the bed, “You seem agitated.”
“How are you feeling?” She asked, ignoring his observation. 
“I am steadily improving,” He said, “How are you feeling?”
“I’m doing just fine,” She said, moving to take his blood pressure. He caught her arm, far more gentle than the last time he touched her. 
“Hermione,” He said her name quietly, reverently, it made her stop in her tracks for a moment. “I can tell that you aren’t.”
She met his eyes then. She had no desire to entertain whatever delusions he was experiencing, whatever it was he thought was going on here. She wanted to get on with her job and return home to her daughter and let him be dragged back to prison. 
“I am frustrated that the patients of this hospital are incapable of following basic instructions, and concerned about how incapable the guards outside your room seem to be at doing their job.” She said, “I would like to check your vitals, and then go about my job. I have patients other than you, Mr. Riddle.”
His jaw clenched. He let go of her arm. 
She went about her business, and he let her. No questions, no comments, no interruptions. It felt strange, charged, she found that she preferred it when he asked her odd questions. 
Abruptly, she felt guilty. Not because she felt like Mr. Riddle didn’t deserve to be told off, because she believed that he did. But it was her job to be his nurse, not anything else, and she had no business telling him off when he was being nothing but polite. She always hated the idea of someone being treated like a burden, or an animal, or anything other than a person in need of human interaction, and who was she to tell off the patient when it was the guards and the nursing staff who allowed it to happen in the first place?
“My daughter,” She said after a long stretch of silence, “She was crying when I left. I hate to leave her like that.”
“It must be difficult,” He said, not missing a beat, as if he was ready for her to break the silence. “Raising her on your own.” 
“Yes,” She agreed, “It is. I wish I could be with her all the time.”
“You are a good mother.” He told her. 
She stopped her work, raised her head to meet his eyes again. He was always staring at her so intensely, in a way that made her hair stand on end. 
She couldn’t help herself when she asked him, “Why do you have armed guards all throughout the hospital guarding you?”
He smiled, “Because I’m a prisoner.” He told her. 
“I can’t imagine you committing a crime so terrible you need to be brought in by six guards.” She admitted. 
He smiled, and said nothing else. 
And something about the way he looked away from her then, looked toward the guards, still smiling, like something about this whole situation was deeply amusing that made her think; it truly wasn’t so far fetched. 
And remember the way he acted to people other than herself, remembering the way he somehow had a visitor with the permission of the guards and the nursing staff, she wondered why she had thought it was far-fetched, even for a minute.
She needed some air. 
“Are you hungry?” She asked.
“Yes,” He answered, “But not yet.”
A strange answer, but Hermione just nodded and left the room. 
The guards, as always, watched her as she left.
Hermione researched Voldemort on her break.
Neville wasn’t wrong, he was in prison for life. He was found guilty on counts of Assault, kidnapping, theft, robbery, murder, and multiple drug charges. He was the kingpin for the Death Eaters, which as Hermione understood from the news she read, was an organized crime unit that participated in predominantly drug and arms trading. 
If the hospital was an escape plan, as was the original concern, she wondered how someone like him could take so long to carry out his plan. She wondered why he was still there, sitting in his hospital room surrounded by prison guards, sitting patiently, as if he didn’t have any plan but to get well again. 
She called the babysitter to check on Rose. She was asleep in her bed. 
Hermione took a deep breath and returned to work. 
“You don’t work tomorrow night.” Mr. Riddle said when she was checking on him after her break. 
“No, I’m not.” Hermione said, “Did you ask someone if I was?”
“Yes,” He admitted, “You’re my favorite nurse.”
Hermione smiled. “Try not to call any other nurses whores and you should be just fine.”
“I can’t help it,” He said, “It does make me angry when I have a nurse who isn’t you.”
“That’s rather childish, don’t you think?”
“You know, we’ve met before.” He admitted, and that abruptly caught Hermione’s attention. 
“What do you mean?” She asked, quietly, as if they were telling secrets. 
He lowered his voice to match her tone, “Once, you looked after a gunshot wound for one of my friends,” Hermione furrowed her brow, shaking her head, she was sure she would remember meeting him. “Before that, a colleague who nearly lost their leg,” 
“Mr. Riddle–”
“But that wasn’t the first time.” He continued. His gaze was decidedly intense now. Hermione felt helplessly caught up in it. “The first time,  I came to the hospital on business.” He reached out, wrapped his fingers around her wrist, “You were a patient, and I was in the wrong room.”
She didn’t know what he meant. She didn’t remember. 
“I held your daughter in my arms,” Hermione felt something heavy settle in her chest, something cold, “You were half asleep. You asked me to hand her to you, you didn’t know who I was. I realized I was in the wrong room but I couldn’t bear to leave.”
“Why were you there?” She asked, her voice was shaking slightly, try as she may to conceal it. 
“I was waiting for someone,” He said.
“To threaten them with their baby in your arms?” She guessed. He had that strange expression again, his eyes slightly narrowed, his head tilted, and she knew she was right. “What are you doing here, Mr. Riddle?”
“Right now,” He answered, his voice soft, “I’m looking at you, wondering how many more times we should cross paths before I finally begin paying attention.”
She moved away, feeling unsettled, afraid. She turned, and the guards were stood at the doorway as if nothing was happening at all. 
“Mr. Riddle, are you hungry?” She asked.
“Yes,” He answered, “But I don’t want hospital food.”
“I’m afraid thats all I can offer you,” She said, “I’ll let you get some rest.”
She left him like that. She didn’t check him again for the remainder of her shift, and then she left. 
She went home, and made good on her promise to Rose to read her a story in the morning. 
Rose was coloring at the table while the TV was on that morning. Hermione stayed awake despite the long night shift before to have more time with her daughter.
No matter how many channels she switched through they all had the same message. 
Voldemort escaped from Hogwarts Medical Centre at 8:22am. 
Police had yet to make a statement. 
No one knew where he was. 
“Mummy,” Rose called, looking up from her coloring book, “Can we bake muffins today?”
Hermione tried to shake the uneasy feeling that had settled deep in her gut. She smiled at her daughter, and thought of the nurse that had so gently handle her daughter over to her that first night. The man who wasn’t really a nurse at all. 
“Of course, sweetheart,” Hermione said, and she smiled. 
She switched off the TV.
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Coffee Shop au part four
(Segment one of three)
If I forget to tag something important please tell me.
(Present day)
(Small warning Acylius does use those he tortures for food for other demons and non mortal creatures to consume so if you have a problem with that then um just keep scrolling I guess ^^; )
What was this…that strange feeling of disappointment at seeing Black Hats chair being vacant; after all he’d only been there twice so it was not as if he was a regular customer, especially as they’d only been open for two days.
Why should the old demon stay until closing time anyway, just because he did it on the first day didn’t mean he’d do it again today, he had no reason to stay…Black Hat had been rather forward though, kissing him like that, not that he was complaining but , he wasn’t one to just play around and be used.
Friends with benefits was one thing, at least you knew where you both stood, and yet still, why did it feel so familiar, an old dream perhaps, after all who didn’t at least have one wet dream about the great Black Hat doing sordid things to your body right.
Especially with tentacles, while wearing priest robes.
Yes he had his kinks, but damn you if you tried to shame him for them.
He huffed, shoulders going slump, no this was ridiculous , feeling sad just because that idiot of a Gremlin just upped and left without so much as a good bye, Hat didn’t owe him anything and he didn’t owe Hat anything either.
Clearly he was crazy, he had finally fucking lost it, thinking of The Great Lord Black Hat owing him a good bye and a kiss on the cheek as if they were lovers, he’d just met the bastard.
No he needed to either relax or worry if the destroyer of worlds was going to ruin his café that’d he’d always wanted with his mischievous downright evil antics.
Acylius was currently grinding up their latest victim, a man who’d been abusing Nicodemus’s workers (don’t worry if you don’t know who that is I won’t be bringing him into this unless I need him for like filler scenes)
Body parts in neat piles on the counter top, ‘pork’ pies were on the menu tomorrow, this was Black Hat’s island so even the people knew some places the menu would cater to demons so if they saw the chalk was in red they knew it was demon cuisine, though of course there was always the daring person who’d ask for it anyway in which a waiver definitely had to be signed.
Hey, wasn’t going to be Acylius’s problem if they decided to off themselves on food that probably wasn’t for human consumption.
This particular man had been a pig and he was serving sow next week.
Vile beings needed to meet a vile end.
This was going to be a long night, he could manage though, at best he could manage on two nights of sleep during the week.
Currently the head of the meat sack was animated and still alive, the man was so far gone he’d reached that point of acceptance that this was happening and nothing could be done, so seeing his body being prepped for pastries and such was more amusing than anything.
“I’m a Legion demon Jake, that’s your name right?”
“So, anyway as I was saying I’m a Legion demon in this day and age that means nothing to most unless you are perhaps ancient or still follow the old ways, I have nothing to offer thee Great Lord Black Hat.”
Jake watched as the demon deboned, removed a hand and of his shaved one of his arms before washing it down to make sure all the hair was gone before slapping it into the mince meat maker.
“Last I heard your kind was like some kinda lucky charm right dude?”
“Yes, but he does not need that from me, if we did anything he would be interested in me for all of five minutes and bail, he is all shadows and darkness, I will literally spend weekends in my boxers eating cheese puffs if the week has been hard enough, hardly a turn on for someone like Black Hat.”
Acylius snapped while working on another piece.
“I dunno, some beings like to see their partners being able to feel that chill around them, but hey that’s just my jam you know, anyway stop whining, this guy is old as shit right, you don’t know, your Legion demon shit might actually put a huge boner in his pants.”
Jake taunted, smirking as he watched his killer bristle up, oooo hooo sensitive much.
You know those scenes in anime’s where the other character suddenly gets really tall, shadows where their eyes should be and their hair seems to just be blowing in the wind and there’s that broken glass sound sometimes.
That’s Acylius’s reaction as his mouth turns into a ground out grin that’s splitting wider and wider along where the scars are, ironically that injury is the reason he can smile this wide now when the demon in him starts to show.
Jake was going to die, he was already he dead he knew it so why not torment him just a little more and get it over with
“Awww no I know what it is baby demon, you want a daddy you can suckle on and-
Acylius brought the meat tenderiser down on Jake’s head repeatedly until there was only pulp left, brain matter and blood were splattered across his apron with a few deep scarlet streaks going across his cheek, how brightly the red stood out against the snow white skin.
He was staring at the mess he’d made, panting softly, pupils thin and biting his lip, alright maybe he’d enjoyed that a little too much, he frowned though when he saw the pies had been covered to, well perhaps they would still be salvageable.
Scraping the remains of the head into the bin marked biohazard he pulled the bag out and set it down getting rid of other pieces he no longer required, tomorrow non human waste disposal would be picking up the remains anyway.
Demencia had caught the show and was leaning on the door.
“Looks like you got a little too into that Lulu, sure you don’t want to tenderise me on the surface.”
(NOTE, Acylius’s nick name Lulu was made last year in November 2019 because my friend had trouble pronouncing his name, so I tried to think of a name that he’d only let close friends and loved ones call him and that’s where that comes from, not Helluva boss, just thought I’d point that out as there’s a Lulu world and Loo Loo land)
“Not now Demencia, I’m not in the mood for your jokes.”
Acylius ran his fingers through his hair, regretting it once he remembered oh yeah covered in blood; a shower would definitely be needed before bed.
“Ah I see, so the head got sassy huh?”
Flug, because yes reminder Acylius is Doctor Flug, paused at the backdoor and pouted
“Might have, he also said some very offensive words that I did not appreciate.”
Demmy folded her arms, shaking her head and smiling
“Well you showed that head who’s boss, now hurry up binch I want my cookies and hot chocolate, it’s late.”
Flug lovingly gave her the finger as he walked out the door while telling her she had two hands she could do it herself.
The back alley was dimly lit, not that he couldn’t see or choose to focus his vision to see clearer but sometimes it was nice just to appreciate light that softly glowed and curled around corners to take in the world in all different ways and settings…oh he missed rain, there hadn’t been any in nearly two months now, he missed how things glowed, street lamps became brighter and car lights so red and vibrant against the grey trailing along winding roads of shimmering black.
Perhaps it would soon when the snow had melted, he’d go for a long drive and listen to the rain hitting the roof of his car, patting against the windows, listening to the quiet tick, tick, tick of the vehicle when he switched on the indicator.
Yeah just drive out the middle of nowhere, strip down and run in the rain or just let it soak into his clothes as his breath streamed out in wispy clouds…
Ears twitching he heard a late party of drunks making their way home, he watched them pass by, they were completely unaware of him, if he were perhaps a rabid sort of demon they would be easy pickings, but that was not his game, at least not tonight, there was no scent that told him a wrong doing had been done, just a group of friends heading home for bed.
Snow had fallen in the tracks left by the bustling day life of the people around here and now in the silence he wondered was he lonely, Demencia’s offers had sometimes had been all too tempting simply out of need for comfort and to be close to someone, sometimes it seemed she needed it just as much as he did when they’d just lean on each other and complain about their day.
Looking up he found someone watching him from the shadows, well more saw a pair of eyes, completely yellow, no white to be seen, oranges and reds, as if he were looking at the sun, shivering as a breeze rolled through he pulled down his sleeves, goose bumps rising, a tingling down his spine, just the little things that reminded him he was alive, he was not afraid of what lingered in the shadows, there was no sense of danger.
Perhaps they were a Legion fan , someone caught off guard by his appearance, after all Flug knew his scars could be quiet unsettling to some people…though come to think of it he did sense an air of fear about this being, still they were wide and unmoving.
Really the sensible thing to do would be to just go inside and ignore this creature, yet something kept him there a longing to talk to it, placing the garbage into the bins he smiled just a little
“You know stranger, you remind me of someone…someone I feel like I should know.”
Acylius’s ears lay flat as he heard them softly whimper, it sounded so sad.
“I am sorry, I was not being offensive I assure you, this person I speak of was very kind, at least he was in the dream, I dreamt when I was little , funnily enough a night like this, Mother had locked me out…”
He held one hand in the other looking at them, fingers curling around his thumb
“My fingers were so cold and red I could barely feel them, or the rest of myself to be honest…heh you probably do not want to hear the tired ramblings of an out of date demon.”
“No, please continue.”
There was silence again, that whispered voice, it comforted him, made him feel at ease, this indeed truly was a strange day.
“Mother had locked me out, I didn’t cry or beg her to let me back in, I knew she would not open the door, so I laid down cheek to the snow, despite being almost numb my face burned, my face…”
Tracing along his scars as he recalled the moment could not help but wince
“I had to be careful still they had barely healed by that point, but I remember how good the cold felt on them, red and angry they seemed to only be satisfied when pressed to the freezing earth, I knew that night or at least believed I was going to die and…I was alright with that until I saw a pair of eyes just like yours.”
Acylius took a step forward only stopping when he saw this being step back
“They were gold, I thought they were so beautiful , I thought maybe the angels we were told about were not so bad if they could come for something like me, his claws hands reached down for me but I didn’t see his face, all I heard was that I was coming home with him and his name…his name was…”
Acylius held his head in his hands, scrubbing them down his face
“His name was Cruentus.”
When he looked back at where the eyes had been there was only darkness, the demon in the dark had disappeared so quickly he wondered for a moment if they’d even been there.
No, nope, nope, that dream was not real, that being was not Cruentus, it was all coincidence and he was just exhausted, yes that was it, perhaps he should sleep tonight, or maybe he’d snacked on too much of Jake while he was working, or had too many sugary treats either way, it was pies in the fridge and off to bed.
Opening the back door he locked it behind him, ignoring the fact Demencia was chomping on one of the pies, after all she knew what was in them if she wanted to eat it that was up to her, his mind was elsewhere.
“Mmmm you tenderized this one good, Legs, nice and juicy.”
Usually her friend would react to that name, at least grunt or gently nudge her and tell her not to call him that, something was clearly bothering Acylius.
Demencia asked gently, placing a hand on his shoulder, only for him to turn and pick her up by the front of her shirt, snarling as he did so
“Do not call me that name!”
Looking down at him, Demencia could really see something wasn’t right here, was he remembering something to do with that name, like it had always annoyed him, but that glare, the disheveled hair and fangs all bared …honestly in another situation he would be hot as fuck…alright she was already thinking he looked hot as fuck but this was not the time or place.
Touching Acylius’s face lightly, she watched as his ears flicked, his breathing was ragged, his eyes returning from being solid blue to having pupils and irises again, her hands were warm and comforting and he found himself leaning into them, lips pressed against her palm…she was there to ground him in his bad moments and he could never thank his friend enough for that.
“You mind setting me down you tree.”
Demencia laughed softly.
He carefully set her back down and pulled her in for a hug
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I would never hurt you, never.”
Nuzzling against his chest and wrapping her arms around him, patting his back
“Hey, hey now, none of that you dumb tree, I know you have gaps in your memory, did you remember why do you don’t like that name?”
“Hate, I don’t just dislike that name, I hate it…all I can hear is someone called Vincent and they make me curl up and die, I have no face only a voice, if I ever heard it…I would know…”
Flug was quiet, taking in just how small she was against him, reminding him how small most were against him like this, his talons formed, slowly stroking her hair, playing with the fuchsia overlay, down to her neck where it faded to lime green, such an interesting choice of colours to wear in ones hair.
“You already know I just appeared back into existence, as if the world itself birthed me, I was somewhere forgotten…and seeing Black Hat today, I think…no it is a stupid notion to think he could see me as anything.”
He kissed the top of her head, thankful that she had not let go, Demencia was the one being who never seemed to be afraid of him, who he knew he could trust and rely on in these moments where memories were trying to break through the surface and suffocated when they could not make it.
“I am a Legion demon, no more than a trinket in the end, I am a nothing in his world and I am okay with that, I have a nice peaceful life and a coffee shop just like I always wanted…”
He sat with her on the counter, as she sat on one of his thighs
“This is just a hug, you don’t need more right?”
Demmy enquired, slightly hopeful because who didn’t want to climb him, honestly, he was an idiot for not seeing he didn’t need to be some grand demon to be wonderful.
“Yes, just a hug…I wish I could say I grew up in a loving home with Christmases like in the movies, that I could tell you my life’s story, talk about a time I scraped my knee when I was small and had a mother who put cute cat plasters on me just because I like cats.”
She listened and let him stroke her hair, it’d always calmed him to pet soft things, so perhaps she might use shampoos that were just a little pricier than she’d usually buy simply to make sure her hair was soft for these broken moments no one else saw.
Even though he was not sobbing, made no notion he was crying, the damp warmth on her shoulder told her otherwise.
“I want to tell you the times my Father took me for ice cream, my first kiss with the person I fell in love with, something…anything, but there’s nothing there.”
She listened attentively until he had nothing left to say, carefully taking his hand from her scalp; Demencia held his face and looked at him
“Damn Sillyus, they really did send you back with nothing more than a leaflet.”
“I suppose, but I have so much to thank you for, when you found me on that street, I only remembered enough to get by, to survive, but you helped me to settle into this time and be a part of the modern world.”
Acylius kissed her forehead before pressing his to hers, eyes closed as he whispered
“I’m so tired of being lost, of being unsure of what I am, who I am, I just want to bake, make coffee and kill people in my basement, I think fortune smiled on me for a moment when you found me, I think I might just give you the world if you asked.”
“Awww come on dude, sounds like a love confession here, I have bills to pay off and knew there was a darker side in me, you’re the Sweeny to my Lovett.”
She teased fondly, lightly smacking the back of his head, smiling as he managed a laugh
“I guess I could agree platonically with that.”
“But honestly Slender Man, babe if you wanted to plant your tentacles and leave your seed in me I wouldn’t say no.”
Acylius rolled his eyes and shook his head, using a tea towel to wipe his face
“Honestly woman you are bloody hopeless.”
“Yeah but you love me all the more for it.”
She grinned punching him playfully on the shoulder
“Perhaps I do, but I am not as hot as you like to say I am, I hide my face, I hate when people look at my scars and pity me.”
Demmy raised a brow and climbed off of his leg, flicking his forehead
“I know you like to hide your face behind glamour and tricks but you’re beautiful even if you don’t see it dumbass, I’m starting to wonder what the fuck happened outside that had you coming back in as if someone stole your last apple crown and there’ll never be another one again on the face of the planet.”
She put the kettle on and took out the upside down pineapple cake; this was definitely a cake and tea situation
“First of all, do not say such blasphemous things, life would not be worth living without apple crowns, second of all…I think, I know I said there’s nothing there but I think I might have had a memory about my childhood involving Cruentus.”
Demencia nearly dropped the mug she was holding, setting it down she turned to face him
“Holy fucking shit, you mean thee fucking Cruentus, Hellhound butler, Hell Knight, works for the brooding clearly wants you to nail his ass Black Hat, that Cruentus…ahh I hear he has eyes like the fucking sun.”
Acylius gave her a deadpan look, hands on hips as he stood, looming over her, trying to look seriously only for it to falter
“You Demmy are just horny on main.”
“So what if I am? Gonna call me a slut like my last partner?”
She swatted away his playfully prodding hand.
“No, I never understood why it’s perfectly fine for men to have as many partners as they wish but seen as something terrible when a woman just wants to enjoy her life the same way, society is mad…also no more jokes on Black Hat you wicked beastie.”
Demencia would be lying if she didn’t admit his ability to shift from one mood to the other sometimes made her head spin, but it was clear he’d needed that moment to talk, shrugging she turned back to the kettle
“Alright, alright I’ll behave at least for now, I mean it’s clear the big bad doesn’t want you, how could he possibly want you…even though anyone with eyes could see he kept checking you out and every single coffee you brought him in hopes your stupid number was on it somewhere.”
Demencia couldn’t help but stifle a giggle at his sounds of huffing and frustration and heard him sit at the table, she did know there was stories, legends really by this point of Cruentus having a son, but you literally had to pour through footnotes and any books that might have had more information had been removed from shelves and privatized under the order of Black Hat himself.
End of segment one
(I'll try and type up segment two tomorrow)
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rahuswife · 3 years
The Grey Aliens Know about Rahu 👀
I’ve been hesitant to write about this because things are already pretty crazy enough, lol. But I’ll start by saying that from the age of 3, my daughter started waking up in the middle of the night screaming that aliens were taking her to their spaceship and giving her shots. This went on for a while and I started asking her questions about them. She told me that had big black eyes and were skinny, they would come through the window (not even opening it, just walking right through) and then give her shots (like at a doctor’s office). They would also have her play with human-grey hybrid looking children. I started getting alien abduction books and sure enough her experiences matched up with what I was reading.
She also talked about having another mom a lot. This was very confusing but apparently she saw one of the female greys as like a mom (later she was informed she was her mom in her last life when my daughter was also a grey for a short period of time). There was also a “grandpa alien” that was old, tall and somewhat of a hybrid himself. I myself have had some bizarre dreams in my life and my sister eventually told me after I told her about my daughter’s experiences that she saw a grey outside our bedroom window when she was 4 years old and I was 3. It scared her and she hid under the blankets. Of course she didn’t know what she was seeing until many years later.
My daughter has always had full recall of her abduction experiences. I have partial and they always seem like dreams. But recently she told me that she was taken again and was excited because we went over a year without seeing them at all (because of their hybrids I think they were avoiding Earth or taking people because of Covid).  Usually when she and I were taken we would both remember, me as a dream but I would ask her about her dreams and she would tell me, oh I got to see the greys and sure enough, I had dreamt about them too that night.
So anyway, she told me that grandpa alien told her that he wanted to talk to her about Rahu. He told her that he was a good father (better than hers who has been pretty absent most of her life) and that he wished us a good marriage. My daughter said she was so surprised that they knew about Rahu that she was too distracted about it when they sent her back to play with the hybrids.
What I hadn’t yet told my daughter was that Rahu and I had a daughter. I experienced for several weeks all of the signs of pregnancy, except for swollen breasts. Then in a dream I got to see our daughter after having some cramps that day so that’s when I knew she was born. She had a black snake-like or somewhat kind of looked like a mermaid with no fins and a human face, but with arms. Rahu honored my request to see her again after that as well in another dream. He was teaching her how to do things like swim. I asked him to name her too, and he named her Ashwini. (Funnily enough that is a star used in Vedic astrology but I completely forgot about it because I don’t pay any attention to the stars in astrology, lol). I was just as surprised as she was that the greys would even know about Rahu, but then I remembered that they are a very advanced spiritual race. They can even bring deceased relatives to talk to you. After my father passed away, they brought him to speak to my daughter and he told her that he was going to reincarnate soon. So I’m guessing they can communicate with the Gods too?
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Mistakes Topper Thornton (Alternate Ending)
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Word Count: 4178
A/N: So someone asked me to do a part two, so I did a different ending instead. Send me some request, because I’m going to spend the day tomorrow writing!!
It was three day’s before Topper was getting married. It was going to be the biggest wedding on the island. Finally, the Thornton and Cameron family coming together. This wasn’t for business, or blending families, this was simply the will of love between two people. Topper and Sarah had been together, broke up and then got back together when they came home from college. Topper went to university out west, studying pre-law while Sarah stayed home and got her nursing degree. It was about five years they weren’t together. Topper moved back home to finish his degree and started to work for law firm on the island. To say that Cynthia and Ward were ecstatic was an understatement, they had already started making business plans around their kids’ marriage. Cynthia invested in Rose’s real-estate, and Rose helped her find a new office for her clinics. Cynthia also helped Sarah get a job at the hospital.
Nothing was being left behind. When Topper and Sarah announced their engagement to everyone the planning went crazy. The engagement party was held at the country club and no expense was spared. It was obvious Rafe wasn’t getting married any time soon, and Wheezie was still too young. Sarah loved planning all the events and getting the photo’s done. She was happy to being doing all of this with Topper by her side. At one point in time, Topper was over baring for Sarah, almost too invested in pleasing her. When they were in high school the relationship didn’t work because they were on two different pages, they had two different needs. When Sarah left for college, she had a couple boyfriends but nothing really lasting, when she moved back to island, she ran into Topper at the Heyward’s grocery store and he asked her out for coffee to catch up. The rest being history.
Topper on the other hand had a serious relationship that he left out west. Y/N was everything to Topper at one point in his life. He had grown from his relationship in high school. Learning from his mistake he always tried to not be clingy towards her. She was a history major, planning on becoming a teacher. Y/N loved kids, she always dreamt of having plenty of her own. Topper and Y/N were together for almost four and half years. Y/N thought she was going to marry Topper, never imagining her life with anyone else. They had made plans together. Moving back to the Carolina’s when they both finished schools. Topper working at law firm for a while before starting his own practice, Y/N working at the high school he went too, or maybe the elementary school. They both wanted kids, Y/N wanted more then him, but they could compromise. They wanted to buy a nice house by the water, teach the kids how to surf, have a garden, maybe a dog. Everything was planned, until it wasn’t.
Y/N’s mom got sick her last year of university. Her mom had been sick a lot when she was a child, always spending time at other family’s houses growing up. She was an only child and her dad left when she was a little girl. When Y/N got the news that her mother was sick and needed her help, she didn’t question transferring to a university closer to home. In all honesty she thought about dropping out, being with her mom full time. The doctor told Y/N that this was her last fight. They thought she might’ve had 5 good years left, if they were lucky. When she told Topper this, he held her while she cried. He didn’t know a lot about her childhood, just assumed she like to keep that private, but that night she told him everything. Maybe she should have waited to bring up leaving, but she had to get everything off her chest that night. “Top, she only has a couple years left. I need to spend those with her. I need to be there for her.” Y/N tells him through tears and sniffles. “Wait, what do you mean? You’re not leaving, are you? Y/N/N, we have plans.” Topper was upset that she could so easily replace him. Not thinking twice about it. “You can come with me; we can do this together. I’m not sure if I can do this without you. Please Top, come with me. I need you.” She looked into his eyes and got the answer she wasn’t looking for. She saw anger and hurt. This wasn’t the Topper she fell in love. The one that was so kind and thoughtful.
That was where things ended. He wasn’t changing his life, not the life they wanted for her. It was selfish of him, but they had plans. So, they went their separate ways. Topper always kept an eye on the obituaries from her hometown. A couple years after being with Sarah he finally saw it. Y/N’s mom had died and left everything to her. He sent a card and donation, wondering if she ever got. He even paid all the funeral expenses. In some way he was trying to make up for the hurt he caused her. That next day he proposed to Sarah. When they were sending invitations to everyone, Sarah asked if his list was ready. They had the same friends so they only people extra he wanted to invite were some colleagues and old university buddies. He kept one invitation for himself though. Not telling Sarah why he wanted and extra one. He wanted to send one to Y/N, but he wanted to send more then just an invitation, he wrote her letter, wanting to get things off his chest before claiming his love to another women in front of a church. He knew it was wrong to send it, but he didn’t care. He figured you’d moved anyways after your mom died. You always said you hated your hometown. He sat down at his desk grabbing a pen and just started to write.
Dear Y/N,
I don’t know why I’m doing this. I can’t being to imagine what you must be thinking right now. I could take a swing at it though. Maybe your think what the hell is he writing me letter for. He broke my heart; he tore it into a million piece when I needed him the most. I don’t know why I did that to you. I think maybe because I got so scared you were going to leave and move on without me. I had pictured our life a certain way for so long that I didn’t want it to go any other way. I fucked up Y/N. I fucked you over when you left. I read about your mother online. I should have been there with you to get through everything. I should have been there with you, to hold you when you cried for her, to help make the big decisions. I donated to the charity you picked out. The school meal program, the was sweet. You can see that I’m getting married, to Sarah of all people. She’s a nurse now, working at the hospital with my mom. Things have gotten better with my mom. Things aren’t so bad between us. She loves planning this wedding, her and Sarah are like kids in candy store with the details. I finished law school; I’m working at firm here on the island. It’s nice to be home, I’ve enjoyed surfing on the east coast again. Sometimes I look around and I wonder if things would have been different if you stayed and we did this together. I wonder if you would have liked it here or maybe you wouldn’t because you hate storms, and we get a lot of hurricanes. I want to apologize Y/N. I want to say I’m sorry for hurting you the way I did. I’ll never forgot the look on your face that night. It keeps me awake at night. What I did to you Y/N, it was wrong, and I wouldn’t blame you for ripping this letter up and not giving me second thought. But if you don’t if you read this know that I’m inviting you to the wedding. I want you there, and not in some vengeful way, but as someone who I still want to have there. I understand if you don’t want to come but I hope you find it somewhere in your heart to change your mind.
Yours truly, Topper
It was sunny that day. Y/N had run to the post office on her break at work. She had finished her degree a year late, opting to take a year off when her mother first got sick. She got three good years with mom. They did everything on her bucket list. They went to Italy, then went rock climbing. Her mom took a cooking class, but most importantly she watched her daughter get married. When Y/N moved back home, she had no time for men. She wasn’t over Topper and wanted to put her full focus on her mom. After a while things got better and her heart started to hurt less. She wasn’t looking for a relationship, but when a new teacher started at her school her boss asked her to help him out. Evan was great. He was funny, kind and smart. He listened to everything she had to say. He heard from other teachers what was going with her mom and he became her support person. He proposed after only eight months of being together, but the two of them were so happy. It was different happy then Topper. He didn’t make her feel the same way, but she had to come to terms with the fact the no one was going to make her feel that way. It wasn’t fair to Evan to expect him to be someone he’s not. When he proposed it was the best day of her life. You guys did rush the wedding, but only because Y/N wanted her mom to be there. That was the last thing on her bucket list. To see her little girl, get married. Evan and Y/N didn’t take a honeymoon because a few weeks after the wedding her mom had finally passed. Y/N was devasted, she was hoping by some miraculous discovery they would cure her. It was a poor girl dream that didn’t come true. Y/N had planned the funeral with the help of Evan. When Evan went to pay for the funeral, the pastor told him it was already paid for by an angel donor. When he talked to her about, she assumed it was someone in the town that knew her mother.
When Y/N saw the letter, she recognized Topper’s handwriting. It was like a child’s, scribbled and almost unreadable. She could only read it from years of helping him study for tests. Her heart stopped for the second time in her life. Sitting in her car reading the words he wrote to her brought back a lot of painful memories she sooner forgets. She was so angry with him for bringing the past up but was happy to know that he had moved on from her. She never doubted that he would, after being so cruel to her, she began to wonder if all those years were just lies. Some sick joke to him. Though no matter what he did, Topper Thornton always held a special spot in her heart. She looked at the wedding invitation that went sent along with the letter and wondered if she should go. She could be spiteful and bring Evan with her making Topper fell some sort of pain. She didn’t think he could ever feel the same pain as she did. If it weren’t for Evan she would be alone right now.
Weeks turned into months and Y/N never told Evan about the letter she received. At first, she thought she wouldn’t go. Not giving Topper the validation that he still had some hold on her, but then she thought it might bring her closure to see him getting married. Maybe it would be like officially closing that chapter of her life. That’s what brought her to place she is now. Sitting in a plane on her way to North Carolina to watch the man she once so dearly loved to get married. She brought a simple dress not wanting to stand out, as she clearly wasn’t going to know anyone. She had only been this nervous a few times before. Waving the flight attendant over for a drink, liquid courage is what she needed. She wasn’t going to make a scene. Just sneak in the back, watch them say their vows, and sneak back out. She didn’t even book a hotel room opting to leave right after. She told Evan that she was meeting a friend out there from college which wasn’t a complete lie.
After the longest flight of her life, she caught the last fairy boat to Topper’s hometown. She drove through town in a rental car. It was small but cute. She found herself picturing the life she could’ve had. All the things Topper told her about his childhood. She even drove by the school reminiscing on the time she spent with Topper.
She still had a little while until the wedding. She thought she would be running late, but also didn’t want to show up to the church any sooner than she had too, if she was going to show up at all. She decided to head down to the beach. It was a thinking place for her. A place to be alone and collect her thought. She drove down the coast of Outer Banks seeing sign that congratulated Topper and Sarah on their big accomplishment. Y/N remembered Topper telling her about his life growing up, about how you either had everything made out for you or nothing at all. He was one of the lucky ones, his mother being a doctor at the hospital. His father was politician and was always gone on business.
 Y/N passed a bunch of yacht clubs and beaches on her way down the coast. She saw one spot by a hotel that must had been the reception area. “What a nice idea” Y/N thought. Topper loved the ocean, she always joked he was half fish. It was their favorite place to go. She kept driving until she got to a scolded area of the beach were no one was. She got out of the car and started walking towards the water. Her dress wasn’t so it was easy for her to walk in the water.
 Topper had stopped by the country club to make sure all the last-minute details were under control. Sarah had asked him to make sure there was enough champagne and bubbles for the send off to the honeymoon. He had assured her before that everything was ready to go, not to worry about, but did it anyways to appraise her mind. When he got to the venue, it was like it was someone else party. Like he was looking into this made-up scene in a box. He didn’t have his tux fully on yet, not wanting to wrinkle it. Instead, he was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and sweater.
 Topper had waited his whole life for this day. He had never seen his mother happier then when he asked for her help buying Sarah a ring. She could barely keep it a secret from Ward. At this point Topper didn’t know if he was doing this out of obligation or because he genuinely loved Sarah Cameron and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. Of course, he was ready to settle down with someone, but was he just settling with Sarah? He decided to take a walk on the beach. One of the only places he could work out what he was feeling. He started heading towards the light house, knowing he could be gone long.
 He had walked not even half a mile when he saw her. He couldn’t tell at first, but it was her. He couldn’t miss that brown curly hair any where’s. He had to look twice to make sure it was har and not his mind playing tricks on him. Y/N was standing not even half a mile away from him. He couldn’t believe she got his letter and didn’t just throw it away. All of sudden Topper was nervous. He didn’t know what to do. Should he go over there and talk to her, should he ignore her and continue like she wasn’t there? He could turn around, she hadn’t seen him yet, he could walk away and never think about her again. But he couldn’t let her walk away, not again. He mustered up every bit a of courage he had and walked over to her.
 “Y/N?” He asked a small part of him hoped the women turning around wasn’t her. Just a miss understanding. She jumped a little. Turning around “Hey Topper, I-uh-I got your letter.” She spoke quietly.
 Y/N didn’t know what to do. He still looked so handsome, just like he did when she left. His eye blue eyes were paler. He looked tired, probably from planning a wedding. He was built differently though, not as fit as he once was but still strong. The two looked at each for what felt like ever. Topper couldn’t believe it, she looked more beautiful then when she left. She still had the kind doe eyes, and caring smile. A type of smile that would warm the saddest person’s heart.
 “I didn’t think you would actually come, I figured you were still mad at me.” He spoke up, not looking her in the eye. This was a conversation Topper always wanted to have with her, but never had the right words. “I had to get everything off my chest Y/N/N. I didn’t know if I could marry Sarah with all that in the past. I should have never done that too you. It was unfair and cruel.” He looked up meeting her eyes for the first time. Topper knew he still loved Y/N, he loved Y/N so much that it wasn’t fair to marry Sarah.
 “I figured that’s why you wrote the letter. You were never great with speaking how you felt. I didn’t know what to do when I got it. I was so angry at you Top. You left me when I needed you the most. I was so scared for my mom, but I knew if I had you by my side nothing would bad could happen, and then you left.” Y/N said to him. She promised herself she wasn’t going to cry, but there was no holding back the tears now. “Did you know my mom died? Did you know I held her in my arms while she took her last breath? Do you know how that felt?” She was screaming at him.
 Topper knew he deserved this, she deserved to get it all out. He could imagine the pain he caused her from leaving. “I did know she died. I donated in her name, and I paid for the funeral.” Topper spoke. “I didn’t want your money Top! I wanted you! I wanted you there, standing beside me! That whole time, all I wanted was you! I was married! Do you know how bad that is? That I wanted you, the man who broke me, not the husband who loves me.” Y/N was so frustrated, almost hyperventilating. Her words took Topper back, he didn’t know she was married. “I didn’t know you got married Y/N/N, that’s great I’m sure he’s great”- “Yeah he is. He’s a wonderful man, he’s a teacher like me, and he didn’t leave me. He stuck by my side through everything.” Y/N spoke quietly. She knew none of this was true. Sure, Evan was great, he was kind and caring, but he wasn’t Topper. Maybe Y/N settled too soon trying to appease mother. Giving her mom one last good memory. She looked back at Topper he was crying. He was crying for the wrong girl. He was crying for Y/N, for his past that he screwed up. Y/N looked out on to the water trying to settle her nerves some how, trying to hold herself back from speaking.
 “You know what the worst off all this Top is?” She spoke not looking away from the waves.
 “Do you want me to start this list?” He asked half heartily trying to make her laugh, which she did. He missed that laugh so much.
 “I still love you.” Topper looked at her. He almost had to ask her to repeat herself because he thought he miss heard her. “I still love you Topper, and I don’t know what I was thinking coming down here. I don’t want to start trouble or anything, but I need you to know all this before you marry Sarah. And I’m sure she’s great, but I love you.” Y/N spoke, finally turning to look at him. She knew it was wrong to tell Topper all of this. It wasn’t fair for her to confess her love for him hours before he was getting married to another women.
 Topper stood there in shock. He never thought he would hear those words come from her. Not after he broke her heart. He had an obligation to marry Sarah though. Plans had been made, people had showed up, she was probably getting ready with her friends right now. It made him sick to his stomach thinking about how much he still loved Y/N. Would it be fair to marry Sarah even though he loved another person? He was drawn from his thought again when Y/N spoke up, her voice shaky.
 “I’m not sure why I still love you, you broke me Topper, but everyday since then I’ve loved you. When I was getting married, I wanted to be you, it was always you for me. I know you’re the one for me, you’re still the one.” She was crying at this point and hurt Topper to see her like that, he always hated seeing you cry.
 Y/N looked at Topper, searching his facial expression for anything that would make him fight for them. She started to walk away, figuring that he didn’t love her back. How could he? He was getting married. “I still love you too Y/N/N.” She stopped dead in her tracks, whipping her head around to look at him.
 “What I did to you was inexcusable I should have fought for you.” Topper spoke walking towards her. He grabbed her small hands in his to stop them from shaking. “I forgot how beautiful you looked at night.” He whispered only for the two of them to hear. She looked down blushing. He could always make her heart flutter with his complements. He lifted her chin up to look him in the eye, wiping her tears.
 “I’m willing to fight for this if you are. I want you Y/N, not Sarah. I don’t know what we’ll do, we can leave, tonight. Go somewhere no one else knows us and start new. I don’t want to imagine my life without you.” Topper told her. He knew it would hurt Sarah, but she would move on. He also knew that a dead marriage would hurt both more.
 “What about Evan Top? I have a life back home, a job, I can’t turn around and leave it.” Y/N was more scared than anything. “I have some money put away, and you can get another job. I’ll get another job.” That was enough to sell Y/N. Maybe this was crazy, but it was going to be worth it for him. “Okay let’s go, tonight Topper. I don’t want to waste another second.”
 Topper was so happy, he leaned down and kissed Y/N with all passion he had. A kiss he should have been sharing with Sarah. He missed kissing Y/N, the way her lips were soft and plump, and always tasted like vanilla. She kissed him back, missing the feeling of his skin touching hers. They were making up for lost time. Nether rushing anything, just becoming familiar with one another again.
 After pulling away the drove back to Topper and Sarah’s apartment packing a few of his belongs putting them in her rental car. Next stop was his office to pick up his files for cases he was working on. As they drove towards the fairy, Topper kept looking over to her. “Are you sure you want to do this Topper, it’s not to late to turn around?” Y/N asked almost sacred of the answer. “I’m sure if you are love.” He said looking over to her before focusing on the road. She took his hand in hers, “I’ve never been so sure of something in my life.”
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