#my tera
sunclown · 4 months
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Zs’s little baby duck
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ezombieart · 1 month
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bunch o' vampire the masquerade sketches
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idolomantises · 3 months
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Bugtopia: Episode 33 is out now! 🐜🦋🛗
[Webtoon / Patreon]
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ohmyarda · 1 year
Wild Magic Sorcerer is honestly a cute run for a Gale Romance
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Also, some of the dialogue with wild magic, I love it so much.. (see below)
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mishelkie-art · 2 months
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Been working on some sketches of my mer!Zoro, since he's one of my favorite designs. What started as me figuring out what his markings look like under his bandana turned into some of them ending up a bit more uh... sluttier than I imagined 😅😆
And then, while drawing these, I started to spiral and wonder what Tera and Arashi would look like as well, what traits Zoro inherited from each parent. Well, all this pondering resulted in new mer designs!
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I had already designed a human form of Tera which is on my insta, so all she really needed were some tweaks, but I hadn't drawn Arashi yet so I had to come up with his from scratch. Originally I had wanted to take more inspiration from Kurogane from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (sole reason being he and Zoro share the same English VA lol) and while I could see human Arashi wearing a similar outfit, I decided to make his overall look more distinct. I made him a blunette since a lot of the Shimotsuki have blue or blue-ish hair, and, like Zoro and Ushimaru, Arashi inherited Ryuma's huge-ass forehead 😂
Obviously, Arashi is a tiger shark, and originally Tera was going to be a leopard shark, but I ultimately decided to make her a thresher shark instead as I think the long tail matched her hair. This now makes Zoro half-tiger/half-thresher. Her eye color is a little detail I enjoy, as in fics I often find that people can't decide if Zoro's eyes are gold or silver, I prefer silver personally, but I made Tera's eyes gold in reference to that lol
I also wanted Tera to have an obvious sun theme, to go along with the Shimotsuki's moon theme. If I remember correctly, Shimotsuki Village was founded after the people from Wano drove off bandits, and Tera is the daughter of bandits, sooo... what if she was the child of the very bandits that were driven off? Maayybe there was a little Romeo and Juliet thing going on with her and Arashi? Maybe a diamond-in-the-rough bandit's daughter met the descendant of Wano's sword god and it was the greatest romance in One Piece history?!! Lol I just think it would be so funny if Zoro's parents were pretty much a Disney couple. She's the Megara to his Hercules, the Aladdin to his Jasmine, the Eugene to his Rapunzel 😆🤣🤣
Bonus for those who made it though my rant:
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Other designs
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nonetoon · 1 year
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Evil Baby 😈
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littleivyart · 3 months
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cathianemelian · 11 months
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Link(totk)ber 25 : Fairy
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jackie-mae · 5 months
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warning for Vague-ish TOTK spoilers!
Want to get better at posting my sketchy work (Which is like 70% of my work lol) So here's some doodles of mostly getting my zelda designs into better working order! Zelda the first is my favourite so far my absolute beloved~
Ft. my absolute Struggle at getting my BOTW/TOTK Zelda's colour palette to even out ;-; I'm very pleased with what she landed on tho :3
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dronebiscuitbat · 21 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 79)
Uzi was sitting on the couch, burying her face in an aeronautical engineering book for the umpteenth time. Sketching out ideas for heat shielding on a notepad, Tera on her lap, inquisitivly watching her mother draw and holding onto her bat plushie.
If she was being honest with herself (which, of course she wasn't) she would admit that it was somewhat difficult now for Tera to sit on her lap like she used to, her baby bump was now fairly obvious, she could still… somewhat, hide it underneath her hoodie, but even then if someone was paying close enough attention they would notice that something was different.
And it was of course at this moment, V crashed into her apartment. The door whipping open suddenly and startling both girls out of their shells. Tera chirped loudly and Uzi very nearly cursed.
“Back, took pictures.” V said bluntly, making Uzi take a deep breath to surpress the urge to beat her over the head with whatever she had in her hand. (A notebook, it wouldn't hurt, but still.)
“Okay. A. Thank you.” Uzi hummed, before her face fell “B. Bite me! You didn't have to scare the crap out of me!” She grumbled, standing up and resting Tera on her shoulder. V smirked, before her eyelights shifted down to Uzi's midsection.
“Huh. You can actually tell now.” She commented, which immediately made Uzi feel self conscious, she wouldn't lie and say that the visible change to her body wasn't off-putting.
“It hasn't been that long since you saw me.” Uzi pouted, turning slightly away from her ‘freind’. V clicked her tongue.
“How are you holding up?” V asked, ignoring her statement and tone much, much softer.
“Fine. Still don't know why you care so much.” Uzi replied, and V looked at the floor for a moment before Uzi got several pictures sent to her over short range, she filed them in a folder titled ‘MYSFLESH:/’
“’Fine’ isn't an answer.” V pointed out, crossing her arms, her attitude was normal grating on Uzi's nerves, but with everything else she had to stress about, it was genuinely beginning to piss her off.
“It's the only one you're getting. Now if you're finished doing everything in your power to make my day harder. I need to look over these pictures.” Uzi turned away, from the door, a sure way to tell V to fuck off, but unfortunately that did not happen.
“You're carrying, N can't be here all the time. It's… It's my responsibility to fill in when he's not here.” Uzi tensed up at V's words, hitting her like a sack of bricks.
“Your responsibility?” Uzi parroted back at her, whipping around to glare into V's visor. “Why is it your responsibility?”
V, for once, looked genuinely nervous about what she was about to say, her tail pressed flat against the floor.
“I don't-” She growled at herself, as if she was fighting her own programing. “It just is! I don't know how to explain it!” She finished, exasperated and throwing her clawed hands forward, showing more emotion then Uzi had ever seen.
“It's unbearable!” Her tail suddenly sprang up, kinking in several places before it went back into its default position. “I don't wanna be here either, but it's so much worse when I'm not!” She yelped, like a dam that had just cracked.
Uzi stepped back, alarmed at the sudden outburst. V began to pace back and forth.
“I-I think the worst part is that I don't entirely hate it! I want to! But you're not actually terrible, you're stubborn as hell and get on my nerves-” V grunted, whatever was making her agitated seemed to suddenly deflate, making her stop her pacing and rest her head within the palm of her clawed hand.
“Ugh. Freaking- God Dammit. I don't actually hate your guts, and I do actually care if you live or die. Happy?” V finished, a small golden blush displaying on her visor, crossing her arms.
Uzi took a moment to process, before snickering into her hand, making V blush harder and growl irritability.
“Do not.” V warned, but now her threats were empty, they always were, but now there was no pretending otherwise.
“Aww. V, that's like, the nicest thing you've ever said to me.” Uzi smirked, watching at V's tail thrashed like whip, displaying her discomfort.
“I don't know what you're talking about.” V replied, breifly looking away before her eyes came to glance at Uzi from the corner of her visor, Uzi was smiling.
And so was V.
“Alright. Alright. Settle Down!” Khan was standing up a stage set up in the WDF training course. The aforementioned equipment haven been deconstructed and put away, the rows of seating in it's ‘stadium-esque’ design being perfect for holding a bunker wide meeting.
Speaking of bunker-wide, every drone that made their home within the bunker was scattered throughout the seats, a rainbow of different eyelight colors staring back at him, even so seeing everyone in front of him made what he already knew more obvious.
There weren't a lot of them left…
The soft murmur of voices quieted, and Khan cleared his throat, looking back behind him to the other two drones with him. Uzi, sitting with her legs crossed and arms crossed, refusing to look ahead at their audience. And N, who was standing at stiff attention at her side, for once, Tera was not with them. Instead, V was looking after her, offering almost immediately.
He turned back to his audience, taking a deep breath.
“Thank you all for coming. I know everyone is curious on why I called this emergency meeting. So I won't waste time.”
He nodded to N, who nodded back and lifted his hand. A large yellow hologram of Copper-9 appeared above them, enough for everyone to see, it drew so much power from N's systems his eyelights and headband dimmed and he winced.
“This is our home, we've worked, fought, and made lives here for over a hundred years, not always independent, but always here.” Khan’s voice wavered.
“Right now, however, this is what our home looks like.”
With some effort on his part, N's hologram changed, one hole opening up, then another, and two more, until the surface of the planet was reminiscent of Swiss cheese, pockmarked full of holes. Images provided by V's scouting trip.
And out of each one, tentacles reached up out of them, pulsing and wiggling wildly, the audience gave a collective wince, several people gasped. And a few straight up burst into tears.
“After through study, it has been determined that twenty percent of the planet has already been consumed, the rest will follow within six months… give or take.” He continued, the waver in his voice was obvious now, but he powered through. N changed the hologram again, letting a fleshy substance cover the frozen surface of Copper-9.
“My daughter has come up with a plan; one that I will let her explain.” He suddenly turned to Uzi, N's hologram fading out and his glow returning to near normal, though an exhausted look flickered across his face.
Uzi took a deep breath, replacing her father's place on stage, feeling the mic attached to her shirt, heavy as lead.
“I know I don't have the best reputation.” She started, her voice croaking slightly. She balled up one of her hands, all the eyes boring into her as she felt her core speed up. “You all know me as Khan’s outcast, rebellious daughter, the one that brought the murder drones into the bunker.”
And so, so much more
She thought internally.
“But believe me when I tell you I want every single person here to make it out of this situation alive.” She nodded at N, who gave her a small smile before, with another wince, brought up another large hologram.
This one was of a shuttle, large enough to fit the entire bunker, though still very much only a concept.
“The cause of the infection is currently unknown, but the flesh that's spreading across the surface is deadly, contact with it causes rapid assimilation, and a loss of all bodily autonomy.” She paused for a moment, realizing she was speaking as if she was reading out of textbook.
“Zombification, in layman's terms.” She clarified, the audience was dead silent, but with another steadying breath and an even tighter grip on her own palm, she continued. “Our best option is complete planetary evacuation.”
There was a murmur through the crowd, one that Uzi was expecting.
“I hear you. This is our home, we've always lived here. And that kind of change is scary.” She was happy she had pre-written this speech with the help of her dad, otherwise, she would have definitely flubbed something up by now.
She had to give credit where credit was due, Khan knew how to write a speech.
“But leaving is a chance at survival, more then that, it's our chance to truly divorce ourselves from our past as nothing but tools for our creators.” At that she could hear several affirmative mumbles, she thought that might have been a good addition, there were many old drones that still remembered being slaves.
“From today, my plan is to build an escape shuttle, reverse engineering the landing pods already here to head to somewhere where we can start again.” N's hologram showed an image of a landing pod, before switching to a new planet, one covered in greenery instead of ice.
“Without all of us working together, this won't work, so I'm asking each and every one of you to pull together for this. Not for me, but for your family, your neighbors, your friends. And help make this a reality.”
She finished, finally, feeling satisfied with what she had said.
“Those in favor. Head down to the right of the stadium. Those opposed, to the left.”
Despite at this point needing to sleep for several sunlit days, N gave a last hologram, two arrows pointing left and right.
Uzi took the opportunity to check up on him, walking back towards him with a concerned frown.
“You okay? I know you haven't been sleeping well, and that took a lot of energy.” With everyone gathering below the stage, Uzi felt safe enough to place a hand on his chest. He gave a small smile.
“I'm good.” His hand came up into a thumbs up even as Uzi could see the ‘low charge’ symbol blinking at the corner of his visor. “You passed out this morning, I should be asking you.”
His hand came to rest on her baby bump, giving her a very tired grin as the hologram flickered slightly. “Baby has you exhausted too, I'm really proud of you for making this speech.”
She blushed, taking another glance around to insure no one was watching them.
“Let's just hope it was worth it..” Uzi blinked, did… did she just say that twice? Because it was either that or… the mic was still on.
She gasped, looking down at the mic attached to her, still blinking green, showing that it was indeed on. She looked back up at N, who looked equally as shocked. And she quickly turned it off, looking back at her dad, who had apparently been trying to get her attention this entire time, and now was just smiling sheepishly.
The stadium was dead silent.
Like a character in a horror movie, she slowly went to check on the rest of the stadium, the seats now all empty. She peered over the side and-
Not a single person was present on the left, every single drone voting in favor of Uzi's plan, when she was noticed back within view, she got cheers, she could hear congratulations mixed in with the “you go girl”s and straight cheers.
She began to tear up a moment of relief hitting her before the mortification she just announced her pregnancy in front of the entire bunker caught up.
She looked back at N, his hologram now gone, while he shrugged his shoulders with a smile, although a look on his face that was asking ‘are you alright’
No was the answer.
But even still, the plan was set in motion.
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front-facing-pokemon · 3 months
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#fuecoco#i gotta say i didn't really care for this thing at first. it was one of my least favorite starters right next to grookey when it was first#revealed. and normally i'm a big fan of fire starters. but this guy didn't do it for me#and this design still doesn't‚ but i do appreciate skeledirge. it's very cool‚ i love the fire hat and the día de los muertos design#it really feels like tpc have been going all out on making pokémon that Fit The Region since gen 8#which is pretty cool. i like it. and i definitely think paldea has some very fun vibes. but i dunno if i'd say it's one of my favorite#regions pokémon-wise or layout-wise. it was their first shot at open world‚ and i think it shows#the older regions with more limitations definitely shone more because they worked better in those limitations#paldea just feels like a big open empty sandbox at times. which is fun to explore‚ but doesn't feel too civilized compared to something#like… unova. where there's a city on every fuckin route corner and they're all so full of life and personality#like i could not remember any of the paldea town themes for the life of me. i can remember their names for the most part#but that's basically just because the facilities that get used a lot are spread out between them. for example: i remember medali#specifically because it's where i go to change a pokémon's tera type. i remember mesagoza because it's the main hub city#i remember levincia because of the posters. i remember montenevera because i think the hyper training guy is there#but not because like. i remember driftveil because YAAAAAAAAAAAAA#y'know. even galar had a better region design than paldea#that's not to say i think paldea is BAD. like i'm not a scarlet/violet hater like every other pokémon “fan” on the internet#i've put like 200+ hours into that fuckin game. i still LIKE it. but my heart still holds a soft spot for kalos and the like
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loveswirl · 6 months
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littleivyart · 4 months
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Bili the bugbear and Mimi the mimic
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luttare · 1 year
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nitefise-art · 2 years
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It would be many months before Clavell could bring himself to terastalise his Pokemon again.
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dronebiscuitbat · 1 month
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 71)
Patrol was both the easiest and the hardest job N had. Most days it was a whole lot of nothing, walking around the market, hallways, and residents, people watching. At this point it was mostly friendly smiles he got when people saw him, and he was always sure to give one back.
Today was looking to be much of the same, the only slight bump he had run into was a group of teenagers having magnets they weren't supposed to, of which he confiscated and sent them on their way. It wasn't exactly illegal for adults, but for minors it definitely wasn't allowed, and needed to be confiscated.
There were lines under his eyes, stress made him look way older then he was as he leaned up against a wall in the market and took a long drink out of his oil container. His hands were marked with tiny bites from his daughter, and he smiled lightly as he touched them.
As much as he was stressed, he was also content with how he was building his life. This morning he had kissed Uzi goodbye on his way out the door and did the same to his still sleeping daughter in her arms.
The night before, he'd taken them both up to the nest and they'd taken turns reading to her as she fell asleep, and then spent the rest of the night talking about nothing, meaningless talk that went nowhere but everywhere at the same time.
It was… perfect. For the most part.
He sighed with a small smile as he took a final sip of oil, topping up his reserves to full before stashing it away in his pocket, when something caught his eye.
A couple of drones sneaking into an abandoned hallway. Which were common in the bunker, but usually closed off with ‘DO NOT ENTER’ signs… not that anyone ever paid any attention to them.
Rolling his eyes, he followed them silently, he wouldn't be surprised if he had to confiscate more magnets or an even harder system altering substance, it wouldn't be the first time.
“Where are we going?” One of the drones asked the other, who was holding their hand while leading them forward, they had dark blue eyelights and was wearing a fisherman's cap with sunglasses perched on them, a grey tank top, and tan cargo pants.
The drone in front of them laughed, wearing a leather jacket and his auburn hair slicked back into a greaser classic, he had vibrant orange eyelights and a blush on his face.
“You'll see.”
N continued to follow them, not so close that they'd notice but close enough that he could still hear and somewhat see them, it was convenient that the very traits that made him good at killing drones also made him excellent at his job now.
Once the two drones were well away from the market and any other person, they stopped in one of the only well lit rooms back in the neglected portion of the bunker, it looked like someone had put up some decorations, paper flowers of blue and orange, and some similarly colored streamers in the shape of hearts.
N suddenly felt he shouldn't be here.
“Martin? You set up all this?” The one with blue eyelights asked, clasping their hands together in front of them, smiling from visor to visor.
“Yeah, you like it Link?” Martin asked, looking nervous but still smiling at the other drone. Link wrapped him in a hug, smiling wildly.
“I love it! But what's the occasion?” Link pulled back with a dark blue blush, looking into Martin's visor, the other drone had a soft look on his face, one N was sure he'd worn every time he looked at Uzi.
And then got down on one knee.
“Link I-I, We've been together for so long now, and I… I never want to wake up in the morning without you being next to me.” He pulled out a little box from his pocket and opened it, inside was a necklace with an orange gem, held inside a silver border.
“You've changed my life, and I want to change yours.”
Link had tears in their eyes, their mouth wavery as they realized what was happening.
“Will you marry me, and be my better half?”
Link jumped into Martin's arms, causing them both to crash into the floor and Martin to laugh wholeheartedly, he put the necklace around Links neck, before grabbing it to pull them in for a very passionate kiss.
“Did you get me a long necklace just so you could do that?” Link asked with a smirk as they pulled away.
N backed away slowly, leaving the happy couple alone while he went back to the market, even he was blushing a bit, feeling bad about eavesdropping on what was obviously a special moment.
Marriage wasn't something he often thought about. His relationship with Uzi was perfect as is. She was already his partner, his ‘better half’. And asking her to be felt… redundant. Of course she was the one, there wasn't, couldn’t be, anyone else. So he'd never seen the point.
She said it best herself, they mate for life.
Still though, the entire situation had him wondering if that was something she might want. It was certainly something her dad wanted for them, but he was more worried about what she wanted.
It was best to ask about something like that right? If he just popped a question like that out of the blue that would be really sudden and off-putting, especially if she didn't want to. But how did he ask a question like that?
Did he even want to?
He would do anything to make her happy, and if she wanted to get married he would be all for it. A big celebration to celebrate how much they loved each other sounded… romantic actually. And extremely fun, now that he was thinking about it.
Maybe he did.
He blushed a little at the thought of calling her his wife. And more at the thought of her calling him her husband.
But they hadn't talked about it at all really. They'd talked about spending the rest of their lives together. But not about actually getting married, which felt a little silly now that he was paying attention.
He'd need to bring it up. He would bring it up, just… at the right time.
We watched as that same couple passed him again, hand in hand as they walked back through the market, they looked happy, extremly happy.
Uzi was home alone. Finally.
V was nowhere to be seen, hopefully bothering Lizzy instead of her. And that left plenty of time for her to binge watch a new anime, she had a few hours before N came home, so a few hours of uninterrupted watch time.
She'd been doing her best to keep herself stress free, which today meant sitting covered up in a blanket with a warm container of oil and a plate of assorted drone building materials with Tera asleep in her crib.
Tonight, she'd probably ask N to bring them back up to the nest, where a lot of her stress really did seem to melt away. She wasn't sure if it was the location or what, but there she could just get lost in the moment for hours, where no one could truly bother them.
She'd even begun to write in an empty book, it wasn't a journal, it was just… her life, written out in words, though maybe embellished somewhat, part creative, part actual history, of how her and N met, of her dad and what she could remember of her mom, and the weird, solver bullshit and how she'd dealt with it.
It was partly for her, partly for her kids, both of them would have the solver, and she wanted to leave tips on how to control it better instead of being thrown in on the deep end like she was.
Hopefully, she'd be there to teach them herself, but the book was there, just in case.
She ran her hand over her midsection, not any larger visually but it was heavier, contributing to her loss of balance, she idly wondered what they would be be like, she hoped they would be more like N then her, he was patient, and loving, and the best partner she could ever ask for.
“I hope you're just as excited to meet us as we are to meet you…” She hummed, blushing slightly as she realized she was talking to her unborn child like every doting, expectant mother out there, it wasn't even like they were developed enough to truly hear her either.
She looked at her core, the color a lavender that almost bled into pink, by what color her core was now, she could safely say the neural network inside would be a very light color, white; or a pale yellow.
Good, Tera already shared her eye color, N deserved to have one of his kids to look like him. She imagined a tiny toddler with silver hair and pale yellow eyes, the spitting image of N.
Would she want more kids after?
Maybe. That would entirely depend on how painful of an experience this ended up being. While she was utterly exhausted, there was also something in the back of her mind telling her that this was what she was built for. And while she didn't quite believe that, it was a rather nice thought.
That she was built for N.
A sweet sentiment, if logically impossible.
She couldn't put into words how much she loved that man. How something as simple as his hand on her shoulder would have her leaning into him, or how his voice was so calming it was so easy to get lost in…
That was so sappy. But it was true.
Every single day she fell deeper in love with him, even when he came home exhausted he still made time to be with her, to be there for their daughter and drowning them both in all the affection he had to give.
He was a great dad, and an even better life partner.
Part of her wondered if the pregnancy hormones were partly to blame for her increased reverence of him, but recently, she'd just been feeling… so hopelessly in love. It was a good thing that were already together, otherwise she might just explode.
It was gross and sappy and so, so perfect.
The door opened;
“Hey honey, I'm back.”
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