#my tragic little show
mettywiththenotes · 1 year
I found this blog because of BNHA but the RWBY love is a really pleasant surprise! Who are your favorite characters? Favorite ships? Which volume is your favorite? Thanks!
I'm glad you think so! I've always loved RWBY and the boost in reblogs is really because of V9 (I reblogged stuff before but that was during the hiatus. Now the story is back in motion again, the hype is real and the love is boosted even more lol)
I like all of the characters, between the antagonists and protagonists. Even with those I feel neutral about, I can still appreciate their roles a lot. But my favourite out of all of them has to be Ruby! MY BABY! I love her so much! She's a sweetheart and I love her arc and her voice and sdnhfiudsfnkds
Favourite ships are Bumbleby and Renora. I also like Rosegarden, they're pretty cute too
Ugh I'm REALLY stuck between V7 and V8 as my favorites. Atlas arc in general. Everything about it was *chefs kiss*. I'm having a difficult time picking between the two, they both have so many great scenes
I loved V7's tension more than anything else I think. How Ironwood and the teams were working together but they still didn't trust each other. The AceOps and the teams helping each other to train (and that later being the AceOps downfall). Watching Ironwood get along with everyone and then everything spinning out of control, especially when he saw the chess piece and actually saw Salem
All of that tension dragging you into the moment Ruby betrays Ironwood, the moment Penny becomes the Fall Maiden, the moment Ironwood shoots Oscar, the moment Cinder sees Ruby and then runs when she uses her silver eyes, the moment Oscar uses the cane. THE SILENCE THAT FOLLOWED AFTERWARDS. THE FEAR SPEECH. GAH. So amazing
But then... V8 with the AceOps vs Rwby battle. The Hound and how Actually Scary that was. Cinder's backstory. Penny falling from Amity. Ruby becoming more hopeless (until she wasn't, for a brief time). Ironwood getting So Much Worse. The whole scene with Ambrosius. The entire scene with Penny and Winter at the end ("You chose nothing. This was a gift." I'M STILL SCREAMING). The tragedy of it all
Just... everything about those volumes is so amazing for different reasons and I really can't pick one. sorry lol
It feels so weird to be back watching the show after so long, but now that we're in it again I'm just so excited to see what happens in V9 aaaaaaaaaa
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l-e-i-k-o · 2 months
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two lesbians who hate each other but can't get enough of one another.
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bolly--quinn · 6 months
The craziest part of the episode to me is the ice cream table exchange about Beth tbh like Morty truthfully believes that Rick would say
“This may as well be our real daughter because she’s just as real as you.”
“Put it this way. You’re all basically NPCs. Only Morty and I are real, so your side quests don’t matter. The main quest is us.” (referring to he and Diane exclusively)
And when Diane, rightfully, combats him for his thinking with
“You’re disgusting. You’re talking about our baby girl like she’s theoretical?”
Beth throws in “Welcome to the family.”
Which might be one of the most heartbreaking lines in the whole thing to me because Morty has observed Rick enough to believe that this line of thinking is entirely in character for not only Rick but for the rest of the family too. Like Morty truly believes that Rick doesn’t care about them in anyway and that when faced with this, even Beth would just respond with the belief that this is the norm, at least from Rick anyway. So much so, that he uses an outside character in Diane to call out how insane it is.
Morty believes that Rick only cares about Diane and literally everyone else doesn’t matter and that’s just so sad to me, especially when we have seen otherwise but he can’t be faulted for thinking that when Rick carries that facade with him almost always, and especially to Morty directly.
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crystal-verse · 8 months
god i want. an au where it dosn't work. where it's just arr g'raha who's woken up, and he doesn't have all these memories and all these people keep looking at him like they're mourning someone. the world has changed and time has changed and all the people he knows have changed, but he hasn't changed, he was just sleeping, just sleeping, and the world nearly ended several times and apparently he helped prevent yet another end but he has no memory of this. they want him to join the scions. he does not know these people. (he barely knows the warrior of light, now, but did he ever truly know them in the first place?) his little sister is alive and well. she looks at him like a ghost. she's changed, and she's older than him now. he acts bratty and loud and brash to cover up the fact that he does not know anything it seems, and he is tired but he was sleeping for so long, so how could he be tired?
he doesn't know these people. they seem to know him. he wonders if he'd killed someone, when it was him and not that exarch who woke up. he wonders if it should have been him who was "killed" in that way, if it is him that lives and not that man who had known and become friends with all these figures from legend. he wonders if he'll always be fated to be a historian one step back from everything, because he simply cannot be a hero.
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lucalicatteart · 8 months
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 sculpted a strange shimmery two headed snail, speckled with wild flowers on it's shell~
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luck-of-the-drawings · 6 months
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IM SO IN LOVE WITH VAMPIRES!! and boy do i love THE SUCKENING!! VERY excited to see the misadventures of sad wet cat, sharp angry cat, and the COOLEST cat i ever did see
#jrwi fanart#jrwi show#jrwi suckening#some of these were drawn with MOUSE and others were made with my COOL NEW TABLET OOOOHYEAH!!#I JUST FINISHED EP 3 AND OOOHHH MY GGOD. OHHH MY GOOOODD IM IN LOVE WITH EACH OF THESE CHARACTERS#LIKE ARTHUR OH MMY GOOODD ARTHUR FUCKIN BENNEEETTT#SO CONFIDENT SO COOL I FUCKIN LOVE THOSE JUST. UNBREAKABLY CONSTANTLY STOIC CHARACTERS#HIS LIKE CATCH PHRASE. HIS TO-THE-FUCKING-POINT BEHAVIOR#HES LIke a hard candy with TRAGIC GOO TRAPPED INSIIDEEE he is a mollusk to me and i wanna break opEN THAT SHHHEELLL BABYYYY#AND SPEAKIN OF SHELLLSS emizel oh mmy god little guy#i KNOW hes softer than he lets on. and yet i wanna see him bite and attack more people and set things ablaze#i wanna fund his research. and by research i mean arson#AND OOHH SHILLOOO lil prince shilo hes my small baby boy whos okay with death as long as he doesnt have to see#THERES SOMETHING RRRROTTEN AT THE CORE OF THIS BEAUTIFUL APPLE PIE#AND I CANT WWWAIT TO SEE WHAT COMES OF IT#ALSO FUNFACT!! im tryin to make emizel n shilo look more similar#so if u CLOSELY LOOK u will see that their hair is similar. noses n face shapes are the same. they have Heart shapes in their bangs#also unrelated but im a lil in love with deacon keller.... i just rly like cowboys.... like i just think hes neat.... yeehaww#I ALSO LOVE KITTIEESSS ALL THE LIL KITTY SOUNDS IN THIS SHOW ARE SO CUTE...#i heard 'gray cat with round orange eyes' n immediately thought of tama from jjba. yknow the stray cat? dies and becomes magic plant?yeaaaa#cant wait for more. ill scream abt what happened in ffUUUCUKKIGNG EPSIODE 3 LATER BC OH MMY GGOOODDDD!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!
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lillybearrie · 30 days
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tomaturtles · 3 months
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Hi i made a creature (used this pattern!)
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catnippackets · 6 months
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the vast majority of the art I did this year hasn't come out yet so I can't include it in here but I still managed to do at least one thing per month!! (except for August...all of that stuff is unshowable...also I cheated a bit with November since I actually finished that one in June but I posted it in November and have nothing else I can show for that month haha)
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eveningrainstorm · 16 days
People often talk about Rio Ranger as if he's the doll version of Sei but what I find super fascinating is that he isn't, not in the same way Fake Reko or the Dummies are replications of their human counterparts.
Ranger resembles Sei on a surface level — same physical appearance, just an unclear amount older; same way of speaking. But he is unmistakably different. Ranger is an incomplete being, missing his positive emotions, but even the true Ranger is Rio Laizer rather than Sei, because there's still something different.
Rio Ranger is, fundamentally, inhuman and yet desperate to be human. He was created to be jealous of humanity and despite his hatred for them, humanity is what he is always striving for. But it is something that he doesn't possess, and is forced to steal instead. He takes clothes from the dead and uses drawings on cards to feign emotion; he is the Dress-Up Doll, Rearranger, not possessor of anything of his own.
While the other dolls based on humans in the game have identity issues based on their personhood being defined by someone else, being merely a copy of another person, Ranger is not even allowed Sei's identity to base himself on — it's very likely he doesn't even know who Sei was. He does not have Sei's clothes — nondescript and tied to Asunaro as they are — and he does not have the capacity for expressing emotion that Sei had.
When comparing Ranger and Sei in terms of personality, differences are obvious. There are similarities, naturally — besides the abrasive way of speaking, there's the jealousy and desire for validation. But in Ranger, these are present to an extreme — they're all he has. (And, ironically, this is what Gashu claims to believe makes him so human, even when Ranger's inhumanity comes through most clearly in this lack of anything else.)
In Sei, on the other hand, these traits are tempered by logic, to put things in YTTD's beloved logic vs. emotion dichotomy. Despite his outwardly emotional nature, from what we see of him he appears realistic and focused on survival in a way that Kai isn't. He's aggressive and overly casual about killing people, but he doesn't express the glee at violence that Ranger does, only a fierce desire to prove himself and survive. Sei is jealous of Kai and desires Gashu's affection, but also has an understanding of the situation he's in that both Kai and Ranger lack — he can tell that Gashu doesn't care about him as much as he does Kai, and recognizes that the way Gashu treats both of them is wrong. Ranger believes Gashu truly loves him, a fact proven blatantly false by his eventual demise at Gashu's hands. Ironically, this blindness is more similar to Kai as we see him in his minisode, rather than Sei.
Of course, this understanding isn't simply a part of Sei's basic nature, but rather the fact that unlike Kai and Ranger, he has past experience to go on. Sei wasn't born into the Satou family — though his exact origins are unclear, based on his grief for his birth father and how he talks about Asunaro ("all this shady organization crap"), it's possible he wasn't even born into Asunaro at all. Before being sent to Gashu, he had his own father, one who we don't know anything about but whom he apparently loved. He doesn't accept Gashu's treatment of him and Kai the way Kai does because he has known a different father and a different way of life. This doesn't free him from Asunaro's influence — he still accepts the role of assassin they give him and resigns himself to becoming a killer. What choice does he have, after all? But he carries no illusions about Asunaro or his role in it. He knows that the training is cruel, that he is viewed only as a tool, that Asunaro is wrong even if they are also not worth resisting.
This is a major part of why Ranger isn't Sei, why he cannot be; because Asunaro is all Ranger knows. They are his creators, who he was literally built to serve. In Ranger's mind, he is not only Gashu's son and heir, but his creation, his masterpiece. And of course he wouldn't have been created with Sei's memories — why take that risk? Why give him any sort of knowledge of a life outside Asunaro or reason to be disloyal to them?
Ranger is not Sei — so why model Ranger after him? Because Ranger is the idea of Sei, what Sei was meant to be: a counterpart to Kai, a rival, a second choice. Gashu preferred Kai, once; Kai won out over Sei. But Kai has proven himself a failure and betrayed Asunaro, leaving Gashu with no choice but turn once more to Kai's long-dead competition. Ranger is, like Sei, the opposite of Kai, temperamental and vulgar while Kai is stoic and polite, and perhaps more importantly, capable of murder while Kai steadfastly is not.
And yet Ranger isn't Sei. Sei was jealous of those — specifically Kai — he saw as superior or at least as being treated as such; Ranger is this idea taken to its natural conclusion. Sei had lost everything he had outside of Asunaro; Ranger never had anything else to begin with. Sei was a human; Ranger will never be, doomed to forever long otherwise. Ranger is Sei only in the ways Sei was useful — desperate for recognition, willing to kill, a perfect rival to Kai — but something entirely different, an inhuman machine, in all the ways Sei was a liability.
Sei was human, and he knew that he deserved to have that fact respected. Ranger isn't human and gets only the wanting, desperate to be as good as a human even humanity itself is unattainable. Of course, it isn't being a doll that is actually Ranger's problem — it's Asunaro, who view humans and dolls alike as disposable. Sei's humanity didn't make him any less of a tool as far as Asunaro was concerned, it only made him more difficult to control. All Sei wanted was to be seen as an equal to Kai, a person worthy of respect — and this is what he gets, in the end: his face and voice used as a base for one of Asunaro's weapons, while his true identity and personhood remains forgotten.
Ranger has nothing to hold him back from doing his duty for Asunaro, nor does he have anything to hold onto outside of it. In that sense, Ranger is an ideal asset for Asunaro — at least until the very jealousy and hatred Gashu programmed into him goes too far, and he is, once again, deemed a failure. Ironically, Gashu shoots Ranger for attempting to kill a participant, when willingness to kill was perhaps the one true advantage Sei had over Kai.
In the end, Ranger is offered no more humanity in his death than Sei is — they are both merely pawns of Asunaro, set to die at its whims. But while Sei dies in the arms of his brother, receiving one final act of kindness as Kai refuses to kill him, Ranger has no one in either of his deaths but his creators: in his death as Rio Laizer the dubious kindness of Tia Safalin, making his final moments full of agonizing guilt, and of course in his first death, as Rio Ranger, nothing but Gashu's coldness, the bullet in his head a sort of culmination to the favoritism Sei found weighed against him, and a demonstration of just how far Gashu has come from the father who once genuinely cared for Sei. Sei was human, Ranger was not, but as far as Asunaro is concerned, they are exactly the same: tools, easily thrown away as soon as they stop being useful.
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nethnad · 7 months
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good morning everybody this is your daily reminder to read empire of glass by andy lane. right now actually. stop everything you're doing. look at these clowns. case studies in the cain instinct. prime examples in fact
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fisticuffsatapplebees · 7 months
I feel like with Tumblr, making posts surrounding one Fandom and then getting into another Fandom is the equivalent of putting out some honey for all the flies that like a thing you like and then also going "HA! Now you must listen to me tell you about my other hyperfixation! BEHOLD! MWAHAHAHAH!!!!"
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couchtaro · 6 months
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Do you get together with your friends once a week to imagine best friends you made up holding and getting held in desperation and terror as one of them rapidly turns to stone, the other flooding her with his literal life force, which manifests as a visceral compulsion to survive, in the hopes that it will somehow help her resist, offering “the closest thing to a prayer he has” as he begs his warlock patron to do anything at all, telling said patron “you don’t know her, but she’s everything” and pleading for her to live while watching her literal actual light gradually extinguish as the petrification overtakes her, all the while she is using what little mobility she still has to hurl lasers at the monsters attacking their friends who are defending them so he can focus his energy on saving her. Or are you normal
@justabitscrewy used every single one of her turns in a session-long combat to hold Phaela and RP her guts out and like. My word. I have to lay down. Let them hug. They’re goin thru it
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ID and slightly more context below the cut
Image 1: a roughly sketched digital drawing of two D&D characters. Izen, a drider, is shown in his form of dread, a defensive state designed to frighten off attackers. In this form his face is bare skull, with four pairs of hollow eye sockets and purple mandibles on either side of his jaw. Tears run down the stark bone of his face. He is wearing the bracers that Phaela decorated for him by wrapping them in ribbon. With both hands, he holds Phaela’s face. She is a tiefling woman who looks up at him with wide eyes. Izen’s prized possession, a talisman secured by a ring of straps, is wrapped around her shoulders. Her chin is tilted up as if the stone spreading up her body is a rising tide she is trying to stay afloat in. She is petrified up to her neck with only her head and extended left arm free. Both are suffused by a starry blue glow, which is no longer present in the dull stone overtaking her. She holds starlight in her free hand that she has been trying to defend them with. Her expression is a mixture of desperation, determination, fear, and guilt.
Images 2 and 3: a roughly sketched comic. 1) Izen faces us. Phaela wraps her arms around him with her back to us, her head pressed into his chest and shoulders hunched. His hands rest on her back. 2) Izen bends down to hug Phaela properly, wrapping his arms around her and resting his head on her shoulder. His pedipalps also wrap around her for extra huggage. 3) Izen straightens and lifts Phaela up off the ground, his pedipalps forming a sort of platform that she sits on. 4) Phaela curls into Izen like a child, tail hanging limply down. One of his hands securely circles her back, the other rests on the back of her neck. He rests his head on her shoulder and one of his spider legs comes forward to hold her as well. Maximizing points of contact here. 5) Phaela wildshapes into a cat just to get super extra held. She is nestled in his arms, tucked under his chin, being gently stroked. Her face is still not visible.
End image ID.
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igbeh · 2 years
i can't believe darren let ca$h tattoo a fucking hotdog on their thigh
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tatsumi-rin · 4 months
Moral Orel doesn't seem 100% like a show I'd feel seen in if you don't know me but then I remember the episode with the special ed kids and underneath the usual satire on extremist bible belt religion it reminds me WAY too much of how actual special ed departments treated me and other kids growing up.
Like the writers must HAVE BEEN THERE IN LIFE, man. I'd kill to sit down with Dino Stamatopoulos and find out what the fuck inspired him and the other writing staff that day.
#husbandothings#moral orel#bonus fun tag rant? bonus fun tag rant...apparently#in those departments you are immediately written off as a tragic forever toddler by at least 50% of the staff regardless of your disability#there's good ones but the bad ones bring the fun spicy trauma#it doesn't matter how smart you actually are you gotta draw the sad face on that boy on the comic sans worksheet at the age of 15#in your free lesson spaces that you got because of reasons#if someone tells me they're a teaching assistant or have “qualifications” in autism and special needs development i immediately distrust#because I have never met a neurotypical person with those qualifications who knows how to treat kids like humans especially autistic kids#funniest part? I was mostly in the special ed department because of my hearing and not totally my undiagnosed autism#and a little because of wonky emotional development from get this...a freaking religious school#like i see adults in the show and i see the headteacher who tried to tell my parents i should forgive the bullies because jesus would#even though the truth is way more nuanced but he just wanted to wash his hands of it#it's funnier than it should be because that teacher would fit right in to this show for that and additional reasons I won't state here#my family were atheists but thought the school would be good#the weird thing is at that time as a little kid I liked the idea of believing in god but nothing that happened proved Him to me#and moral orel hits because it resonates with the fact i genuinely believe religion can do good and it's all about the people#the ones who want to use that faith for good in the world and surviving rough crap and not to do things that would make jesus flip tables#that has stuck with me for over a decade as has the people who felt the show reinforced their christianity#but anyway
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crabsnpersimmons · 5 months
Me: [poking my writing muse] hey, hey, wanna write something? Writing muse: [squints at me with disdain at my negligence then huffs and pushes out a scrap of paper. The paper says: Angst for the raincoat chibi DCAs] Me: …why? why would you do this? Writing muse: Their cheery disposition and childlike innocence was an affront to my nature. Art muse's work uplifts while I gaze into the abyss. Writing muse: [starts tossing more scraps of paper] ...and here, some cute scenarios for those hairdressers for you to daydream about. Me: wait this is too much, i have to study-- Writing muse: Not my problem. Art muse: [smashes through the wall] DID I HEAR HAIRDRESSERS? LET'S DRAW ECLIPSE, HE'S HOT. Writing muse: Let's make 'em kiss. I already have the date chapter planned out. me: guys wait wait, i have an exam in three days, can't all these ideas wait? Writing muse: Art muse: Art: Ooh! And y'know what? Sun and Moon are sooooo Mungojerrie and Rumpelteazer coded! Writing muse: [sings the lyrics] "knockabout clowns, quick-change comedians, tight-rope walkers and acrobats" Yeah that checks out. Draw it.
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