#my translations suck :'' but I tried my best!! that song is delicious
ndostairlyrium · 1 year
Hey!! <3
3 for each of them
19 for Elanor
13 and 15 for Hawke
6 and 13 for Ankh
4 for whichever OC you'd like!
!!! Thank you so much dear!! Also I'm totally stealing your layout lol This had me listening to some tracks I hadn't heard to in a loooong time, so I'm super happy! I wish I could cook you some pasta right now ;;
3 - a boss battle song for fighting my muse
(Watch your ears if they are sensitive <<)
Elanor: This happens to be her theme song either. When she goes full berserk she's an unstoppable vulcano of that rage she was forced to repress through the years. I thought this was the most appropriate.
(youtube link) Honorable mentions: All Nightmare Long by Metallica (yt link), Steel by Battle Beast (yt link)
Hawke: A vibrant punk rock cover of a song from lgbtq+ icon Raffaella Carrà (bless her soul). It fits him, it's a banger, watch fire coming down the sky unexpectedly.
(youtube link) - the original (it's so 70s I'm gonna die and resurrect omgg)
Dark Souls Boss Ankh: Honestly, I was tempted to just browse Wagner and call it a day, but the album Cult from Apocalyptica has some serious "This boss will take you three hours" vibes so I had to just sit down and pick the most nervous track ever.
(youtube link)
The Singles
19 - a song that plays while my muse studies/works
I already stated that Elanor gives me the idea that she's into thrash, so I'll act accordingly - aka I'm brushing off the dust from my physical copy of Cowboys from Hell because that album has some serious and underrated gems that she would love << I remember doing my whole presentation on Gericault for Art History I with this album (and Rust in Peace lol) in the background, so I guess it would work for her too? Hah
(youtube link)
13 - a song dedicated to on of my muse’s ships
Already replied here
15 - a song that my muse would play at their wedding
So, it has to be stupid, right? Right? Also check this artist out, her covers are gorgeous ;;
(youtube link)
6 - a song that makes my muse want to dance
The girl doesn't dance, the girl gets in the mosh pit and makes victims.
(youtube link)
Seriously tho, she does dance pretty decently (thanks Josie for those hardcore dance lessons before Halamshiral <<), but you'll never catch her listening to valzer in her free time lol
13 - a song dedicated to on of my muse’s ships (specify ship)
Already replied here
4 - a song lyric that describes my muse
For this I'm picking Hawke:
Se dolore ti farai - If you become pain Io starò attento - I'll be careful A ricucire i tagli - Stitching the wounds Senza stringere mai - Without tighten them
Incantevole by Subsonica (yt link)
Music Meme
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
I’m Going to Take Care of You
Pairing: Thor/Fem-Reader
Words: 3502
Summary: A fun night out with the Avengers makes you realize you want something more from you friendship with Thor.
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content, size kink adjacent, fluff, SMUT, 18+
A/N: Whoo, I managed to keep it under 4000 words this time y’all. I loved writing Thor though. He’s such a sweetheart and really treats our reader right! Please enjoy and message if you want to be added to my permanent tags list!
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“I got shots, bitches!!”
You set your carefully balanced tray on the table in the middle of everyone and started distributing tiny glasses around, grinning around the table as you did so.
“Goddamn it, Y/N. You and Nat are trying to kill us” Clint groaned as he took his shot from you and looked at it like he was about to throw up.
“Suck it up Barton.” Tony scolded. “These girls are out drinking us and refuse to black out before they do. Knock it back.”
You made sure everyone got a glass before taking one for yourself and settling back on the couch.
Nat downed hers easily and gave you a knowing grin once the taste hit her tongue. Clint, Tony, and Sam tossed theirs back together and immediately started spluttering and coughing. Steve paused before bringing his glass to his lips when he saw their reaction.
“Son of a bitch, what the fuck is this?” Tony exclaimed, grabbing a glass of water and chugging it as Clint headed to the bathroom, looking like he was going to hurl. Nat clapped her hand against Sam’s back as he tried to get a hold of himself. Steve was just looking at his shot with abject horror.
“We’re in Oslo so I got us Aquavit!” You grinned at Tony as he stared at you murderously. “Oh, my god Rogers, suck it up and drink it, it’s not going to kill you.”
Steve gave a shrug and chugged it, sucking air through his teeth and wincing as he swallowed. “Jesus Christ.”
“I’ve told you a million times, Y/N, you’re the only one who can drink that shit.” Nat laughed at you as Sam waved her off, his coughing fit finally ending.
“You’re all just pussies. Where the fuck is Thor? He always appreciates new liquor.” You searched the club for that giant golden retriever of a man before you heard his deep voice behind you.
“Is that more liquor? Excellent!” he exclaimed as you turned yourself around to give him a grin and handed him the last shot. He threw it back without hesitation and gave an appreciative nod. “What is this delicious nectar? We should get a bottle.”
“Thank you, sweetie.” You said, giving the rest of the group an exasperated look as you headed over to the bar, and returned with a full bottle of the spicy liquor and two clean highball glasses. You poured yourself and Thor two hefty portions and sat beside him on the couch.
“You two are insane.” Tony said, shaking his head as you tossed your drinks back and poured two more. “How are you still standing, Y/N? You’ve had almost as much to drink as a literal god!”
You just laughed at him giddily. You were pretty drunk at this point, but there was no way you were going to let anyone outdrink you tonight, you wanted to let go.
You had just finished your fifth mission with the Avengers. You had been apprehensive when you first moved onto the compound six months ago. You of course already know Nat and Clint, but it was a tight knit group, and you sometimes felt like a spare tire.
You spent most of the first few weeks in the lab, working on your serums and formulas, doing calculations into the small hours of the morning. Tony did his best to engage you, but you both only had the most basic understandings of each other’s fields. You did develop a healthy respect for each other during that time though, and you started to feel more at home.
Nat had finally convinced you to join the rest of the team for a workout after you had been there for a month. You were concerned about losing yourself and accidentally injuring someone, but Nat almost shoved you onto the mat to square up against Steve. She sat there with a smirk as the group watched him chase you around the mat, growing more and more frustrated as you slid out of his reach over and over. When you accidentally threw him into the ceiling one handed, you were sure they were going to shut you out. But Thor started laughing hysterically as the rest of them started teasing Rogers, and just like that, you were one of the group.
Thor and you bonded the most for some reason. You made each other laugh constantly, and being able to complain about your crazy families with someone else was a relief. You’d often stay up late together watching stupid movies or drinking some new liquor or beer you had discovered. He had once mentioned that he missed the tasted of mead, and the next day you surprised him with several large bottles you had gotten from a friend who brewed it on his property upstate. Sometimes when you got drunk enough, he’d let you braid his hair in intricate styles, not feeling an ounce of embarrassment when Tony would give him shit the next morning.
You became sparring partners as he was the only member of the team who could actually get you in a hold, and that translated well to you partnering on missions.
This latest one had been a doozy, busting an arms dealing ring that was suspected of distributing old HYDRA equipment. It was a success overall but had been exhausting. Nat and you always did your best to come up with some sort of morale booster after a mission and you somehow had convinced the team that a night of clubbing in downtown Oslo would be just the thing.
“Aww shit, is this Ghostface Killah?” You asked the room as a new song started. “This is my song! Let’s dance!”
“Girl, you have the best taste in music.” Sam said as he followed you onto the dance floor while Nat tried to coax Steve and Tony to join you. Thor tossed back his drink and strode after you.
The Norse God was a surprisingly good dancer. He didn’t seem to have the hangups you noticed from most white guys about their movements.
“This is a good song!” He shouted at you over the music “It reminds me of ‘Krakemal’.”
You had no idea what he was talking about so you just grinned at him as you whipped your hair around and swung your hips, losing yourself in the music. You loved dancing.
The song ended too soon and Tony came to let everyone know that Clint had finally stopped vomiting and the group was going to head back to the safehouse. Thor threw you over his shoulder as you headed out the door, making you squeal as he gave your ass a playful slap, not putting you down until you were walking down the street. He grinned down at you and started telling you a story about a snake. You were staring at him, breathless and giddy from the alcohol and you laughed when his story reached its conclusion, suddenly realizing that you were going to sleep with him.
He walked forward to chat with Steve and Nat put her arm through yours to chat.
“Sooooo…” she said slyly. “What’s going on with you and Point Break?”
“Oh god, Nat. I’m pretty sure I’m going to let him fuck me tonight.”
She laughed at that, tossing her head back. “Jesus Christ, it’s about time!”
You slapped her arm lightly and told her to shut up.
“You couldn’t have come to this realization a little earlier, Y/N? Now Tony’s going to win the bet!”
“Fuck, you perverts bet on when me and Thor would sleep together? Was anyone else in on this?”
“I mean, it was just me and Clint to start off then Tony found out and looped in the rest of team into it. He made a spreadsheet and everything. Rogers took some serious convincing. That big puppy thought it was ‘inappropriate and mean-spirited.’ Of course, then he walked in on one of your sparring sessions where you let yourself get pinned by that himbo a little longer than necessary and turned over his money with no problem.”
“Great. You guys are such good friends.” You said sarcastically.
“Not our fault you two idiots don’t have the emotional intelligence to just get to it. I’ve gotta tell the rest of the team to make sure you guys have some privacy.”
You hissed and tried to grab her as she scampered away to talk to Tony, who turned back and gave you a thumbs up and massive grin. You slapped your palm into your face and rubbed your thumb and forefinger into the ridges above your eyebrows.
“So, Natasha told me I should come back here and talk to you. She wouldn’t tell me what about and just laughed when I asked.” Thor had a look of slight confusion on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, pulling the bottom edge of his shirt up enough to expose the top of his boxer briefs and give you a glimpse at his happy trail. You felt yourself clench and fought the urge to moan.
You arrived back at the safehouse then, and Tony and Natasha did their best to usher everyone upstairs discreetly. She gave you a wink as she followed behind Steve at the back of the group and disappeared from view.
“So, more drinks?” Thor clapped his hands and rubbed them together, heading into the kitchen as he shed his coat.
“God, yes!” You followed him, removing your own coat and tossing it onto the couch. You had no idea how to approach this without making things painfully awkward.
He found an opened bottle of mead and poured you each a glass, leaning back against the counter as he sipped at the sweet liquor.
You peered at him over the edge of your glass as you contemplated your next move. His plain white tee was just tight enough that you could see the shape of the muscles in his torso. His arms were crossed, making his thick arms flex deliciously. You wanted to take a bite out of his bicep. You moved your eyes back up to his face and found him staring back at you. Neither of you said anything as you gazed into each other’s eyes.
“Fuck it.” You said, tossing back the rest of your drink and setting the empty glass on the counter before you took three steps forward and pressed the front of you body into him, pulling his face down to yours and kissing him hungrily.
You felt his posture change as he set his own glass behind him before grabbing your hips and drawing you even closer to him. You felt his cock starting to harden through his jeans and you let out a moan. He growled softly into your mouth before bringing one hand up to the back of your neck and drawing you away from him briefly as he studied your face.
“How drunk are you, Y/N?” he asked, a look of concern on his face.
Your inebriation had faded on the walk home and that kiss had sobered you up considerably. “Just buzzed.” You told him, breathlessly.
He didn’t say anything else, just put a hand on your ass and lifted you to wrap your legs around him as kissed your neck, scraping his teeth along your collarbone.
“God, keep doing that.” You said, twisting your hands into the back of his tee as he dipped his tongue into the hollow of your throat.
He gave a low hum against your neck and you felt it resound in your core, a rush of arousal soaking your panties as you felt your cunt throb with desire.
“Not gonna make it to the couch.” He whispered into your neck, sucking softly and raising a small bruise.
“Fine.” You couldn’t focus on anything, his mouth was so good and felt like it was leaving a trail of fire wherever it met your skin.
He moved forward and lowered you onto the counter gently. He brought his mouth back up to yours and kissed you softly as he moved his hands from your hips to the buttons of your blouse. He started undoing them slowly, his thick fingers moving nimbly down the front of your torso. Once it was fully open, he slid the blouse down your shoulders and discarded it to the side.
He brought his large palms up to your breasts and kneaded them gently. You groaned into his mouth and drew him closer to you with your legs, forcing the hem of your skirt up around your waist. You ground yourself into the front of his jeans desperately.
His fingers found the clasp at the front of your bra and unhooked it as he brought his mouth down to your breasts. He pressed the flat of his tongue against one nipple before swirling his tongue around it and sucking on it softly, making you gasp.
“Fuck, just like that baby.” You scrabbled your fingers over his back as he mouthed at your breast and drew his shirt over his head. He broke his contact with your skin for just a moment to throw the tee somewhere else, then moved his attention to your other breast, laving his tongue over the nipple slowly and making your pussy clench so hard it was aching.
“Shit, Thor, I need you.” You whined at him, clenching your thighs around his hips, trying to get some sort of friction to relieve the tension you were feeling in your core.
“I need to make sure you’re ready for me, beautiful. Don’t you trust me?”
“Mmmmm, yes!” you gasped as one of his hands moved your panties aside and he brushed his fingers against your folds, making you twitch.
“Oh, good girl. I just want to make you feel good, sweetheart.” He swirled one finger through the arousal at your entrance before inserting it at a deliciously slow pace.
You clenched around him immediately, letting out a whimper as he started moving it in and out of you slowly, stretching you from the inside a little further each time before adding another finger.
Your breath hitched and you tried to buck your hips into him but his other hand moved to press against your abdomen, pinning you to the counter.
His face came back up to yours as his fingers flexed inside of you. He brushed a soft kiss against your lips as you swallowed a moan.
“I know pretty girl, but you’re going to be happy I’m taking my time in a few minutes.” His third finger slipped into you as he gave you another kiss before he moved his face between your legs.
You did your best to keep from screaming when his tongue found your clit and started drawing soft circles over the tiny bundle of nerves. He curved his fingers inside you and pressed them against your sweet spot before he stretched you even further by adding a fourth finger.
You bit your lip so hard you drew blood. His tongue had increased in pressure and speed while his fingers stretched you so good. When he started sucking you lost it. You let out a thin wail as your body went rigid with pleasure, releasing to make every muscle tremble. He kept his fingers fucking into you at a steady rhythm as you rode it out. He removed them once you had finished and you let out a groan at the feeling of emptiness.
He smiled up at you before giving your pussy a kiss and standing up, releasing his hold on your abdomen. “I think you’re ready now gorgeous.” He murmured around a grin.
You propped yourself up on your elbows to look at him as he drew your soaked panties down your legs and threw them to the side with the rest of your clothes. He then unzipped your skirt and added it to the pile before he moved his fingers to the fly of his jeans.
You felt your pussy clench as he drew the zipper down slowly and you stared at him through your lashes darkly. He bent over briefly to remove his pants and underwear and when he stood up, all the air rushed out of you as you understood his insistence on preparation.
He had the biggest cock you had ever seen. It was almost as thick as your wrist and quite a bit longer than the span of your hand. Your mouth filled with saliva as he gave it a few pumps and stepped closer to you, dragging it through your slick folds to coat it in your arousal.
“I’m going to go slow, love. You promise to let me know if it’s too much?”
You bit your lip as you nodded at him, not trusting the integrity of your vocal cords at the moment.
He bent forward over you and gave you a gentle kiss as he breached you with just his tip and you let out a sigh. He drew his hips back slowly before moving into you a little further. He continued this slow pace, pulling out just a bit and before breaching you further, waiting to feel you stretch and relax around him before he pushed into you more.
It seemed like forever before his hips were flush against yours and you were stretched around the whole length of him. You had never felt so deliciously full and you let out a low moan to let him know how good you felt.
“You’re doing so good baby.” He whispered to you and you couldn’t help giving him a wide grin that he returned. “I’m going to move, now, ok?”
“Fuck, yes please.” You whimpered as his hips started to move.
He kept his mouth on yours as he picked up the pace, exploring every inch of your mouth with his tongue.  You tangled your hands into his hair and snapped your hips to meet his thrusts, the only sounds your soft moans, the slap of flesh on flesh, and the obscene wet sucking sounds your pussy was making as his cock thrust in and out of you.
You felt your pleasure starting to coil in your core and you cried softly into his mouth, urging him on as he moved one hand between the two of you to work your clit.
You came around him suddenly, every muscle in your body vibrating as the biggest orgasm you’d ever had ripped through you body. You had to bite down on his shoulder to keep from screaming, and he growled into your ear as his paced picked up even more.
He drew your knees up to your shoulders as he kept thrusting into you. The change in position was too much for your overworked clit and you came again immediately, tears leaking down your cheeks as you tried your best to be quiet.
He saw the tears and started to slow down, a look of concern written all over his face, until you hissed at him.
“Don’t you dare fucking stop.”
He gave you a grunt that may have been a laugh and rotated your legs to your right side, the twist in your spine arching you so your chest pressed up into his, the coarse hair dusting him rubbing against your sensitive nipples and making you whine.
You felt yourself building again and you dropped your head back against the counter, preparing yourself. Thor’s hips started to stutter as your final orgasm wracked you, and he released right behind you as you twitched and fluttered around him. He bent back down to kiss you, his long hair brushing against your chest.
You opened up to him and let his tongue run against yours gently as he slowly pulled out of you, leaving you with a soft ache between your legs.
“How you feeling sweetheart?” He asked you, one hand cupped against your cheek as he watched your face, wanting to be sure he hadn’t hurt you.
“God, that was amazing.” You grinned at him, groaning as you stretched underneath him, knowing you were going to be stiff and sore tomorrow.
He gave you a swift kiss before scooping you off the counter and wrapping you around his torso. You nuzzled yourself into his neck as he started to carry you upstairs.
“Let’s get you a bath, beautiful. Make sure you’ll be able to walk in the morning.”
You laughed softly against his skin. “Mmmm, baby you know just what I need.”
“Of course I do, Y/N.” He looked into your eyes, a serious expression on his face. “I’m going to take care of you.”
You couldn’t express how happy that made you so you just hummed against his shoulder as he kicked open the door to the bathroom. You didn’t even care that you had left your discarded clothes downstairs for poor Steve to find when he woke up for his morning run.
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wendimydarling · 4 years
Title: Convenience  
Summary: Clark doesn’t like sleeping out in the cold. 
Pairing: Clark Kent x OFC Reader 
Word Count: 2546
Warnings: Sex. There is sex.
A/N: So all this lovely text got deleted after I shared it. This story was a beast, but worth it to power through and finish. The idea came from this NSFW gif here, which gave me the thought “what if Clark was an escort while he was a nomad looking for his parents?” which then translated to “what if he just parachuted into each town if he didn’t intend to stay?” 
Song drabble number ? for the 500 Event, sent in anonymously!
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Clark wasn’t saving for much, he was just looking for a place where he could remain anonymous, a place to hide from who he was. And that required a certain amount of cash put away. But it was hard to find a job when he was constantly on the road, and he was always on the road it seemed. No jobs meant no money, and no money meant no place to sleep. 
So Clark would offer out his services. He was young, handsome, and had the stamina of... well, of Superman.
He never asked for money. His preferred payment of choice was a place to crash and a shower, and breakfast if he could swing it. Though he’d never tell them that was what he was up to. Why hurt their feelings?
This particular evening, he’d come upon a small town in the middle of nowhere, as usual. Clark went straight to the local dive bar; that was the best place to find pretty girls desperate enough to take a man home. He entered the establishment and surveyed the room, a gruff expression etched into his features. Slim pickings tonight. Still, it was early, so he went to the bar, checking his wallet to see if he had enough for dinner and the drinks that would be needed. Just enough for the drinks. Fuck.
Clark ordered a beer, making kind but vague eyes at the girls staring at him from the corner. He was hoping for something a little more appetizing but beggars can’t be choosers, and either of them would be a better choice than sleeping out in the cold. He was nearing the end of his beer and had just resigned himself to his fate when she walked in.
Target acquired.
She was all legs; a pencil skirt gracefully hugged her figure and a low cut blouse accentuated her small bust. She was clearly out of place here, which meant either she was meeting someone, or she’d had a bad day and desperately needed a drink. Long dark curls hung over one of her shoulders, and she met his gaze with large, bambi eyes. He tipped his beer toward her and went back to his phone; she would not be easy prey. 
He had to make her comfortable, make her seem as though he wasn’t interested. She was pretty enough that some lug would make a move on her soon, and then Clark would step in and defend her. That typically works. She’d be grateful, offer him a beer of thanks, and then they’d get to chatting and he’d turn on the charm. She’d be putty in his hands.
Sure enough, a big ugly brute that had downed probably three beers too many sauntered up to the woman. 
“Hey, pretty lady,” he slurred, running a finger along her thigh. The woman grabbed his hand and firmly removed it from her leg, but the brute caught her wrist, pulling her close and leaning in for a kiss.
Clark watched the exchange through his glass, seeing how she’d manage. The woman tried to fight the man off but she was clearly overpowered, and her words weren’t working. Clark decided now was the time to intervene. He stepped in and clapped a hand on the idiot’s shoulder, squeezing harder than he should. The man was taken aback by his strength but he took a swing and Clark let him, knowing it would do far more damage to the brute, and would earn him some sympathy points. He pretended to fall down while the brute was thrown out of the bar, howling in pain and clutching his hand.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” 
Her large brown eyes met his steely blue as she touched his shoulder, and Clark shook his head in mock confusion, standing up at his full height to tower over her. He could hear her heart race faster, could see the blood in her veins pumping harder at his nearness. 
Target locked. 
He pressed the heel of his palm to his eye a couple of times.
“I’m fine, are you?”
“Yes, thanks to you.”
“Happy to help. No one else should bother you.”
Clark turned to head back to his drink.
“Can I buy you a beer?”
There it is. 
“No it’s alright; I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“Come on, it’s the least I can do to say thank you.”
Clark turned to look at her, a smile on his face.
“Well, if you insist.”
Claire had just wanted a drink. She hated this town, and couldn’t wait until this weekend when she could go back home. Being assigned to this town for two months had been hell, but in her line of work, shitholes like this just came with the paycheck.
But every now and then some fun would come her way. Like the man behind her. 
The man with impressive stature and beautiful black curls. The man with soft eyes, steel blue eyes that held a haunted past and an uncertain future. Steel… it’s fitting. That’s what I’ll call him. Claire didn’t want a relationship, just a good fuck, but she wouldn’t tell him that. Why hurt his feelings?
They were back at her apartment, she jimmying her key in the fickle lock as Steel held her close, his breath tickling her ear. His hands were at her hips, hiking her skirt ever so slowly up over her ass.
“Let me,” he whispered, and Claire’s knees nearly buckled. His voice was so low, so husky, and it shot fire straight through her. Steel’s fingers gently slipped over and between hers as he grabbed the key from her, reaching around her body to grasp the door knob. A shiver ran down Claire’s spine as he kissed the back of her neck. The door swung open in seconds.
Claire stepped into the small apartment. Steel followed, greedily grabbing at her waist as she toed off her pumps. He spun her around and cupped her face gently with his hands, the first brush of his lips slow, heated. He smelled like cedar and smoke, and tasted like whiskey and hops. There was a pleasant flavor to his tongue that she couldn’t describe, one she’d never tasted before on any man. 
“Where’s your bedroom,” he asked, whispering again, and Claire moaned against his mouth.
“End of the hallway.”
He picked Claire up with such surprising ease, and never in her life had she felt so small. It was as if she weighed nothing. She straddled his broad waist and his hands grasped her ass as he walked her down the hall, his lips never leaving hers. As they reached the bedroom, Claire felt his fingers clasp the zipper of her skirt, revealing her soft skin slowly as he continued to taste her lips. 
Every touch felt gentle and firm but calculated, as if he was restraining himself from something. So when her blouse was suddenly yanked open, Claire gasped in surprise. Quickly relieved of the torn garment, Steel hoisted her in the air again and tossed her onto the bed. A pang shot through her belly at the feeling of being so roughly handled, and the way he licked his lips as he stared at her like she was his prey left her loins singing. 
Steel undressed carefully as Claire stared at him, and she wondered briefly if he was even human. Every sinew, every muscle stood out from underneath taut skin, dark curls trailing down his abdomen to frame the largest cock she’d ever seen. He stared back, his eyes taking in her own petite form, decorated elegantly with the dark undergarments she’d been left in. 
He crawled to her slowly, hovering above her, trapping her in the cage of his body. His lips fell back onto hers, his hands tracing every line of her skin. Claire shivered at the touch; it had been awhile since she’d brought someone home, and she wondered how she’d forgotten the heavenly feeling of being pressed into a mattress by the delicious weight of a man. 
His lips were talented, dedicated, travelling the length of her neck to the valley of her breasts. His hot breath warmed her nipple through her bra, and he gently pulled the cup down to reveal the sensitive nub to his tongue. Claire arched her back and Steel took the opportunity to reach underneath her, unclasping her bra and holding her in that position to afford himself more access to her chest. She gasped as his lips returned to the beautiful center of her breast, sucking it effortlessly into a peak that he could flick with the tip of his tongue.
Claire writhed and moaned beneath him, gasping and mewling at the feel of his mouth on her flushed skin. He trailed wet kisses down her ribs to her hips, fingers running along her thighs, hands forcing her wider. He grasped her underwear in his teeth and pulled gently, his nose running along her leg until Claire joined him in his nakedness. Those teeth made their way back up her other leg, nipping at her tender flesh as she whined, her soft sounds begging him for more. 
Steel’s fingers discovered her sex, slipping easily through the slick that had coated her folds. Claire couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this wet, this fast, but the moment his fingers slid deep inside of her body she realized that she didn’t care. He was knuckle deep and somehow able to push so hard that Claire’s body snapped; no build up, no swell. She had been picked up and dropped over the edge, and shock rang clear on her face as she came without warning around his fingers. 
He watched her with the knowing look of a man who has done this before, a man who knew the effect he had on women. But the gleam in Steel’s eye had a dullness to it that Claire noticed, almost a sadness. It made her want to comfort him, though she didn’t know why. She lifted a hand to stroke his cheek with her thumb and he wrapped his arm around her waist, hoisting her into a sitting position. 
Claire was higher than she expected and looked down to discover that Steel was holding her literally with just his hand, impaling her core with his fingers. Shocked pleasure contorted her face as she snapped her head up to look at him, confusion and arousal striking her features. A second orgasm barrelling toward her at lightning speed the moment he wiggled his fingers against her cervix, and Claire clasped her hands around Steel’s neck, her forehead falling to his shoulder as her body convulsed. He held her close, burying his face in her hair. His lips surround her collarbone, the comforting caress of soft kisses alighting on her flushed skin as she rejoins him from the clouds.
“Well fuck,” Claire exclaimed breathlessly, and Steel chuckled, brushing her clit on purpose as he removed his fingers from her wet heat. She gasps and bucks her hips, sliding off of his lap and onto the bed. He grinned at her, flipping her over effortlessly. Claire felt like a rag doll, and it made her bite her lip in anticipation.
She watched him through hooded eyes as he tore open the square foil. How had she missed his beauty when she first saw him in the bar? Long lashes brushed his cheeks every time he blinked, dark curls hung over his forehead. He had a strong jaw, and there was a smattering of freckles over his nose that were only just barely visible in the low light of the room. He looked up at her and Claire’s heart skipped a beat at the dark lust that had taken over his amiable features. 
Steel knelt on the bed and grasped her hips, yanking Claire up to meet him. She felt the tip of his length press against her folds, but for some reason he hesitated. Claire pushed against him, whining softly and urging him to continue. Faster than she thought possible he was sheathed inside of her and she cried out, the sudden fullness bursting through her abdomen. She gasped and moaned, panting heavily as her body tried to reject him, but Steel slowly eased them down so that he was lying on top of her, holding still so that Claire could grow accustomed to his size. He kissed her cheek softly, slipping a hand underneath her to tease her opening. 
Claire shifted as Steel’s fingers cupped her mound. He spread her folds, softly stroking her clit with his middle finger as she adjusted slowly. She clenched around him, filled with an unbelievable desire to be fucked raw by this astonishing person. He thrust into Claire once, testing her, and she uttered a moan, throaty and full of need. 
“Please!” Claire whispered urgently. Steel didn’t hesitate this time; he began thrusting into her in earnest, ripping her apart seam by seam. Claire cried out each time he struck deepest, her eyes closed, face skewed in the painful pleasure of sexual rapture. She could hear Steel’s voice in her ear, grunts and growls winding the coil in her belly tighter and tighter. One of his hands laced with hers for support and the other continued to play with her folds, spurring her on to another tumble over the edge. 
Unable to move, the coil sprang open, and stars burst behind Claire’s eyes as she came. She heard Steel groan as her walls milked his cock, and he sat the two of them up suddenly. His hands grasped her hips and slammed her repeatedly down onto his pulsing length, and Claire fisted her hands in the sheets, her orgasm remaining strong. Harder and stronger, stronger than she’d ever felt a man before, he snapped his hips up into her until she felt his cock swell, releasing everything he had. Claire slumped to the bed when he was finished, exhausted beyond belief. 
Panting heavily, she turned and watched through tired eyes as Steel cleaned up. He hardly seemed out of breath and Claire couldn’t believe it; she was gasping for air. He came back over to the bed and laid the blanket on top of her, and Claire grabbed his hand and pulled. She didn’t want to be alone tonight. Steel slipped under the covers and draped his arm over her still-trembling form, brushing her hair softly from her face. Her eyes soon closed and she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.
Clark watched the woman’s chest rise and fall as she slept. Everything about her was beautiful. He closed his eyes and listened to the thump of her heart, the rush of blood sweeping through her pulse points, the sharp draft of air swelling her lungs. The gentle ambient melody of her body lulled Clark into a sense of calm, and he found that self-loathing that often accompanied his thoughts in this moment didn’t appear this time; he was peaceful for once. He snuggled into her warmth as he fell asleep with her, comforted by the soft bed and the notion of a shower tomorrow. He might also find comfort in her body again in the morning, but for now, this was enough.
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Diabolik Lovers Character Song Bonus CD ー Sweet Time [Ayato ver.]
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Original title: Sweet Time [アヤト編]
Source: Diabolik Lovers Character Song Bonus CD for buying all six volumes
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru
Translator’s note: This was so adorable, it basically had me smiling all the way through. Unlike the other boys, where they got mellowed down as the series went on, I feel like Ayato actually becomes more mature and cunning instead? In these older CDs, his voice seems much higher/more youthful and I just love his playful energy. He really is that annoying little brother who is also somehow lovable and you can’t help but listen to what he says??? 
Shuu ll Reiji ll Ayato ll Kanato ll Laito ll Subaru
“Ah-aah~ I’m bored as hell. Going to school’s a fuckin’ drag as well, but having to spend the whole day at home doing absolutely nothing is drivin’ me crazy as well. 
Aaaahー Boring...Not having any of my annoying as fuck brothers ‘round should make for the ideal situation though.”
Ayato gets up and walks over to you.
“...’Kay. Oi, Chichinashi! Do something funny! At this very instant!”
You frown.
“Haah? You can’t think of something right away? Che! There must be something at least, right!? Anything will do, so just think of some way to kill time! Try and entertain yours truly! ...You have five seconds. Otherwise, I’ll keep myself busy with your body instead. Hehe.
You blurt out something.
“...Hm? What did you just say? A takoyaki party? So you do have good ideas every once in a blue moon! Let’s hold a takoyaki party!”
 You ask him when.
“Haah? Right now, obviously? Why even ask? You have to strike while the iron is hot! Chichinashi, go check if we’ve got all the ingredients! ...Hurry up and make me some takoyaki! Huh? No way I’m making it! You’re gonna make it for me!”
*Rustle rustle*
“We’ve got all the ingredients lined up, perfect! Come on, hurry up and get to cooking.”
You start cooking.
“How much longer? Che...Tempting me with this delicious smell...I’m hungry!! ...Chichinashi! You’re too slow! Give me those picks for a sec!”
Ayato tries to flip the takoyaki but it’s not working out.
“...Fuck...I can’t do it very well...Why won’t they turn out round like Chichinashi’s...!? Argh...This is pissin’ me off! You should do it after all!”
He knocks over some plates.
You start picking up the plates.
“...Oi, you can just ignore the broken plates on the floor. Reiji will take care of them laー ...!? Oi...!”
“Did you cut your hand? You okay!? This is exactly why I told you not to bother! Oi, show me! Come on!”
Ayato grabs hold of your wrist.
“Che...You really grind my gears. Don’t make me worry like this! Geez! ...It’d be a shame to let the blood go to waste, right?”
He laps up the blood.
“Does it hurt? Mmh...Nn...”
“Don’t just bleed without my permission. It should be obvious your blood belongs to me down to the very last drop. Mm...Haah...Your really blood really is frickin’ delicious.”
You ask him to choose between takoyaki or your blood.
“Aah? Hahaha...Your blood is miles above takoyaki. Oi, let me have more. Not from your finger, but from your neck this time.”
Ayato bites you.
*Gulp gulp*
“Your blood really is the best. Hahaha...Don’t you feel grateful? I’m complimenting you this much.”
“Mmh...Haahー ...Fuck! I can’t stop...Who cares ‘bout takoyaki at this point...I’ll just eat that later.”
*Gulp gulp*
“Haah...I’ll make it hurt more and more, Chichinashi. You like feeling a little pain as I suck your blood, don’t you?”
He continues drinking your blood.
“Oi, I’ll gonna devour it all so just keep on going! Haah? You want me to go fetch a new plate ‘cause the other one broke? No need. Just feed me them directly from the pick. Put it inside my mouth. Without sauce at first, so I can check your skill level (1) based on the pure flavors only. Haha~ Aaahn...”
You feed him the takoyaki.
“...Darn hot! ..Phew, phew...
The fuck? It’s frickin’ delicious! Chichinashi, the next one! Hurry up and feed me one more!”
You feed him another one. 
“Aaahn...Mmh...Delicious! Oi, keep them coming! Hehe~ Eating them after sucking your blood really bumped up the flavor a notch!”
You chuckle.
 “...Hm? What’s the matter? I look happy? Hah? Of course I do! I got to suck some delicious blood and indulge in this scrumptious takoyaki afterwards. That’s why I’m happy.”
You note how it’s cute. 
“Haah? ...’Cute’, you say? Don’t fuck with me, Chichinashi! You really think you can get away with callin’ me that!?
 ...Che! Well, as a Vampire, drinking the blood of my prey is still the best, but I figured it wouldn’t be bad to have some takoyaki with you for a change. I’ll even make an exception today and praise you. The takoyaki you made were delicious without a doubt.”
“...Actually, I just had a great idea! Chichinashi, from tomorrow onwards, you’re making me takoyaki after letting me suck your blood every day!”
You shake your head.
“Hah? I’ll get tired of them if I eat it every day, you say? What are you saying? Don’t underestimate my love for takoyaki! By the way, I’m basically sayin’ I’ll eat your homemade cooking - Takoyaki or whatever - so just shut up and get those hands moving! Geez...”
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) When talking about things such as cooking, playing instruments, etc., you can use the word 腕 or ‘ude’, which literally means ‘arm’, to refer to someone’s ability/skill level.
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afimi-mi · 5 years
all the odd #s
Wow, interesting..! Answer as many as 50 questions... Well, let's go!
1. What is you middle name?
My middle name is Filatova! In Russian it is similar to the word "owl"! ( ˙꒳​˙ )
3. When is your birthday?
May 24! (≧▽≦)
5. What is your favorite color?
I like so many colors.. But most of all I love pink, blue and white!❤💙
7. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a Yorkshire Terrier named Casper! 🐕
Nothing that I am going to attach a photo? He's just so cute...(´,,•ω•,,)♡
9. How tall are you?
I'm the lowest of my friends.. 158 cm ≈ 5'2 (´-ω-`)
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
Oh, I don't even know..I can only remember 10 pairs 🤔
13. What talents do you have?
Probably drawing..? I'm not bad at painting..🎨
I'll also attach a couple of my works, I hope you don't mind..?(„ಡωಡ„)
15. Favorite song?
This is a very difficult question! I have so many favorite bands and songs, sometimes my favorite song is one and sometimes another. Today I'm in the mood for songs Gone.Fludd! o( ❛ᴗ❛ )o
I love the song "Crash Bash"!🎶
17. Who would be your ideal partner?
Mean a love partner..? Idate ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
19. Do you want a church wedding?
I'm not religious, so no? Sounds very interesting, though..🤔
21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
I was a very sickly child, so yes, I was often taken to the hospital.. Luckily, now everything is better (o˘◡˘o)
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
No, though once in my city came quite populary artist (he once lived here) but I missed the concert because I was sick o(TヘTo)
25. What color socks are you wearing?
Blue cute socks!! 🐻
God, I add too many pics, but just look at them!! o(≧▽≦)o
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
Even know..On the one hand, it's cool, you have a lot of money, and you can buy good gifts to friends and family, provide for the family. You will have a lot of fans who will always support you...But there will also be haters, and I'm a little shy of a lot of attention to myself...(•ิ_•ิ)
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
Lol what? You mean the sea? Not
31. What position do you usually sleep in?
I love sleeping and hugging the pillow! I have one huge one, when i sleep I like to imagine it's Idate..(*ノ∀`*)
33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
I love to drink tea and eat fruit bars! And a slice of lemon 💕🍋💕
35. Have you ever tried archery?
Just a toy. But it would be cool to try to shoot from real archery..ヽ(°〇°)ノ
37. Favorite swear word?
Oh, I don't have any favorite sweat word..I don't really like those words..
39. Do you have any scars?
Yes, I was very clumsy in my childhood. I've fallen a lot, so I still have little pale scars on my knees.. And one day I fell off the swing and I smashed my face, and there's a little invisible scar on my cheek that's almost gone!
41. Are you a good liar?
Terribly bad. I don't really like to lie, but when I try to get nervous and blush..😵
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
My English teacher was always unhappy with my pronunciation, so no..(。•́︿•̀。)
45. What is your favorite accent?
I like the sound of French and Japanese! 🇫🇷🇯🇵
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
I never really remember the prices, and the clothes I have are not branded, so it is not worth a lot.. But all I can think of is a jacket for 1500 rubles (~23$)👚
49. Are you an innie or an outie?
The translator did not clearly translate this question, so I do not know how to answer, sorry! (•ิ_•ิ)
51. Are you scared of spiders?
Yes! I'm terrified of spiders..Once I saw one in the kitchen and I almost fainted..god.. \(º □ º l|l)/
53. Favorite foreign food?
Oh..Sushi? They're delicious!(*´▽`*)
55. Most used phrased?
Um.. "You okay?", "Look at this cute dog!!", "I want summer.."
57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
Not so much! I don't wear makeup, and I have short hair that doesn't need to be braided! I'm getting ready fast enough👌
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
I'm afraid to bite lollipops because I have fragile teeth, so suck it! ( ˙꒳​˙ )
61. Do you sing to yourself?
I like to sing lines of songs when I clean or draw..Of course I'm singing in my head!
63. Biggest Fear?
To disappoint the people who believe in me the most..σ( ̄、 ̄〃)
65. Best dramatic movie you've seen?
Once I was flipping through the channels on TV and came across a movie where the story of a young girl with cancer. I watched it only from the middle and this movie really touched me.. I cried several times during the most tragic moments..! (ಥ﹏ಥ)
67.Can you name all 50 states of America?
To be honest
I don't know any of them
69. Extrovert or Introvert?
An introvert! Although with friends I turn into an extrovert ヽ(>∀
71. What makes you nervous?
There are actually a lot of things that make me nervous..When strangers talk to me, when the Internet disappears, when I can not draw something or when I see an insect..(×_×)
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
Not in public. But if he's a good friend of mine, I'll be sure to tell him when it's just the two of us
75. Have you ever started a rumor?
Probably not..? I never really talked about anyone, so no..
77. Have you ever drink underage?
When I was 15 years old, my parents poured me some beer, but it was so bitter that I still do not want to drink..Also, I was allowed to taste the wine, and it was more delicious, but I still do not really like alcohol..┐( ´ д ` )┌
79. Who was your first real crush?
Well..to tell you the truth, in class 6, I fell in love with my friend and I was very embarrassed... I was sad because no one ever told me girls could date girls and I felt like it was bad ( >.
But last summer, I suddenly remembered that, and it turns out she loved me at the time, too..But now between us only friendly feelings \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ
81. Can you roll your Rs?“
W..what is Rs...? (•ิ. •ิ)
83. How fast can you run?
I never thought about how fast I run..I had an average in gym class 。。。ミヽ(。><)ノ
85. What color is your eyes?
Gray-blue.. I like the color of my eyes..💙
87. Do you keep a journal?
Yes! I have a nice diary, I like to write there! I have a lot of stickers and decorative tape, and colored pens and glitter!✨🎉
89. Do you like your age?
Um..Probably yes? Although I want to go back to early childhood..(っ˘ω˘ς )
91. Do you like your own name?
Yes! Anya..I like the way it sounds like a kitten yawning!🐈
93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
I don't want kids in reality..I have enough children with Idate, I love them very much! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
95. What are your weaknesses?
When people say I'm good and cool or buy me a snack..But my biggest weakness is stroking my head and hugging.. ÚwÚ
97. Were your ancestors royalty?
I've always been interested in my pedigree, but I never really looked, but now I'm interested again..w(°o°)w
99. Color of your bedspread?
Pink! Love my bed..🛌
Ohh, here we go..What a long post, hope it doesn't make you uncomfortable...(´-ω-`)
Also, thank you very much! Have a nice day!!
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arcticmonkeysaf · 6 years
Translation of Alex Turner’s interview in ICON magazine 
Alex Turner, leader of Arctic Monkeys, the biggest rock band of the 21st century, and perhaps its last hope
"What the hell is this?"
We've just arrived at the location of our interview with Alex Turner, leader of Arctic Monkeys, who is absolutely awestruck. It's the first floor of the Bethnal Green Town Hall Hotel in London, an ancient Edwardian building with touches of art deco, converted, of course, into a hotel. In a room of the first floor, a photoshoot has just taken place.
"Well, I don't know, I think the people are getting married," says the press agent, attempting to explain some of the excitement it's provoked in Alex being in the space, without getting too carried away: we still have a job to do. Alex begins to run through the hall, the site of council meetings of the Bethnal Green since 1910, when the building was constructed. Nearly all civic government buildings in Spain are smaller, and certainly not as lovely as this place.
The writer of Fake Tales of San Francisco has already seated himself in the chair we suspect belongs to the mayor.
"What do you want? A fine or a wedding?" he jokes.
The press agent leaves, but the leader of the band formed in the era when teenagers no longer wanted to form rock bands can't keep still. He runs between the benches until he's standing in the spot meant for the speaker.
"A hundred pounds! Look here's £100!" He procures two rosy £50 notes. I suggest to him that we should keep them. He laughs. I decide not to insist. I say instead we should start the interview, after all we are here to talk about Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, the sixth album by the band, not to get married or chat. He stops laughing. It's a shame that Alex Turner becomes such a timid person, careful and cautious, when the tape recorder starts. Before he assumes the role of frontman of the group that launched AM four years ago and made it the best selling vinyl record of the 21st century, he permits himself one last question.
"Would you get married here?" We look around - myself still thinking about those £100 - while we get cozy in two benches in the last row. I answer no, that's it's all very interesting, but not at all romantic.
"I agree. Motion denied," he decides.
Rising to fame in the middle of the last decade, Arctic Monkeys have become a phenomenon thanks to a handful of songs a friend converted into mp3 - they say that they, despite being part of the digital age, had problems even turning on a computer - which soon began to spread on the Internet. It was the raucous, intelligent, and British response to The Strokes. Seeing them on the stage in those early days, before the premiere of their debut album, Whatever People Say I Am That's What I'm Not, which would see the light of day in 2006 and would become the fastest selling debut album ever in Britain within in its first week of release, was a tremendously peculiar experience. Four kids at 3 a.m. making a spectacular noise in the Sala Razzmatazz in Barcelona, but who could barely reach the bar counter to order a drink.
More than a decade has passed and they've recorded four albums more. A brilliant sequel (Favourite Worst Nightmare), another risky, rapturous and rocking (Humbug, recorded en the California desert with Josh Homme), a delicate and underrated return to pop (Suck It and See) and a million-dollar beast, a sex-soundtrack record called AM. And then, they stopped.
"When we stopped touring in 2014, nearly everyone in the band was about to get married, or having kids, or another kid. The end of those concerts was much like the end of another chapter. We were all 28 or 29 and it felt like everything was about to change. During this neverending tour I thought that record would be with me forever. It was the longest tour we had ever done. Now I think we extended it because we knew that when it ended it would be the end of something bigger than just a series of concerts. I expected everything to change, well, I felt that even though the numbers said the opposite, in the end we had less than we started with," remembers Turner, about the final days we would see the band together in public.
Now all living in the U.S., each of the band members went on his own path. Alex returned to The Last Shadow Puppets, a band loved by Arctic Monkeys devotees. There Turner splits responsibilities with his friend Miles Kane, a guy with impeccable taste but with terrible ideas. In 2016 the pair played the mainstage at Primavera Sound, where they were the headliners. That performance was grotesque. The image of Turner, who looked like a mix between an actor in Rebeldes and a finalist in an Elvis impersonators competition, had only a semblance of Arctic Monkeys of AM. In that context he made a bit of a joke of himself. Compared to the boy who, as an adolescent, was rejected by a second-hand clothing shop in Sheffield because he was too shy, it had gotten out of hand.
"That was..." His words are halting, he speaks very slowly, he leaves sentences unfinished and even stops a joke short if he finds the punchline isn't as funny as he'd thought. "I think what I wanted to say with that image and that attitude have been said. It's over."
Now Turner sports long hair and a beard which has been the object of controversy among his fans, who even launched a Change.org campaign for him to shave it.
"There's a lot of scrutiny around our next step, I know. We've always tried to be discreet with what we do, where and with whom. It's normal, but I don't think we do it on purpose. In this age, it's hard to keep secrets. With this record we tried and even just getting to the studio, the sound engineer goes and posts a picture of us. Everyone is so crazy these days, they act like they're Columbo. 'I saw this, I spotted that guy...'" explains Turner when asked how it's possible that a band as big as his, who will be the headliners at Primavera Sound and at MadCool, has managed to make sure that, even with only a month left until the record's launch, no one knows absolutely anything about it.
"I don't know if not getting involved in social media is something we do on purpose to protect the band, but it helps," says Turner, introducing the topic of being offline. "Maybe it's not in our DNA to expose ourselves. I've put so much into the music that I don't know what more I can do with that. I can't open a Twitter account because I think everything's there, in the songs. I'd make a fool of myself if I started tweeting. See, social media doesn't bother me, truthfully, but when you become the version of yourself you've created in the virtual world there's something there that allows people to do their worst against you. And you can also do your worst against them. The consequences of that I can't even imagine, but I don't want them."
We've had to listen to Tranquility Base in a version that downloads and is scheduled for automatic deletion the next week. The band have asked us not to ask anything personal, days after an encounter Alex had with a journalist from The Times. There is no single before the release, but there is a new logo for the band's image. The only photograph of Turner is the one taken by a guard in an airport days before this meeting and which has reactivated the fierce debate with respect to the Sheffielder's beard. It's a record release like the ones before, but Turner hardly seems like a global superstar. I tell him that one time I interviewed Beyoncé and they sat me at one end of a massive table and told me that I shouldn't even think about touching her, and that, on another occasion interviewing Chris Cornell, I had to go into a hotel room that was completely dark and had to confirm that the voice answering my questions was actually the grunge singer's.
"Would you like some water?" Turner interrupts, and, before I can respond, fills my glass.
During the hours after our meeting, the first new photo of the band is made public (they look as though they're dressed for a wedding in December of 1972 in Iceland) and they publish the details and tracklisting of their latest record, which was recorded in Paris, London, and Los Angeles, where the band members now reside. But what most strikes me is the first line. "I just wanted to be one of The Strokes, now look at the mess you've made me make," sings Turner on “Star Treatment”, a gem of a song that marks the tone of an album destined to confound all those who expected something bombastic, expansive, and hormonal. The LP has songs with titles as fabulous as The Ultracheese, Batphone, or The World's First Ever Monster Truck Front Flip. Imagine Richard Hawley going on tour with comedian Andy Kaufman and performing only in Sheraton hotels located in state capitals, or Scott Walker in the pub, singing after a Sheffield United match. It's deliciously decadent and promises to polarize the opinions of millions of their fans. Is [Turner] nervous? And, more importantly, is he confident?
"Let's see, I think I remember feeling a bit like that with this last record. I wasn't sure if it was the right album. Are we going down the wrong path? It always happens. When I showed the first songs to my manager, to the people from the record label and my colleagues, a lot of the reactions were 'It's very unique.' I thought it was unique, but not that much. I doubted whether it was the right record for the Monkeys. So, Jamie came to my house and stayed with me for two weeks while we recorded. His enthusiasm for the songs confirmed to me that it was the right choice. If this is what comes out of me, that's what it is. I think we can do what we want to do, it's our band. So there's no reason to worry about whether it's a hit or not," he says about a record that, from time to time, evokes loneliness.
"Yes, a little bit," concedes Turner. "There's always been something in me that has made me isolated in life. But until now, I don't know why, I've avoided touching upon that on a creative level. The words passed through a very long process of refinement. It's been complicated getting here. For example, that first line about The Strokes. I fought hard against it, I wanted it but I didn't want it. I thought, "Hell, I'll leave it, because I know I'll change it because it's impossible that I'll end up saying this nonsense." And it got to a point that I thought, "If I feel like this, why not say it? I should be honest."
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lesliedeestumblr · 4 years
10 moments that make life worth loving
1. driving with the windows down, music blasting, warm spring air, and the scent of freshly cut grass ... 
i was honestly going to write just the scent of freshly cut grass or smell right before it rains, but we can take it to the next level.  why? cuz we’re still stuck inside from the quarantine and just learned that it got extended. 
2. karaoke time ...
whether it’s solo in the shower/in the car, at home having a party dranky drankin, when boy starts to play old songs on the guitar (usually emo crap lol), when mom starts playing all her old cds and blasts it for everyone to hear in the house as she does chores, or getting together with friends and singing ballads like we are whitney or mariah ... OFF KEY TOO LMAO.  the best :)
3. anytime mom tries to tell a funny story or a joke
no lie, she is laughing after the first few sentences ... if she can even get past the first few sentences.  usually it’s hard to understand and it takes her maybe 15 minutes to finally tell it.  but then it takes another 5 to 10 minutes for her to try to translate the joke/story into english and the funniness getting lost in translation.  but she laughs, so i laugh ... then she pees a little and it makes me laugh more.  OR, when she finds a funny clip online and watches it religiously at least once everyday ... she has to show it to everyone and they mama.  in the beningding LMAO she’s the greatest
4. the look
when you wanna say something, but you can’t cuz it’s mean.  but you and whoever you are with know each other well enough to know what exactly they are thinking ... it’s that telepathic read your mind bullshit.  and just bust out laughing when you’re finally in the clear.  those moments are usually with hoosband ... sometimes mom and boy ... usually erasmo and heidy.  damn i miss those bitches.  also happens when it’s an inside joke.  
5. puppies
i wanted to say when you walk through the door and the pups are crying or wagging their butts all crazy and excited to see you ... but let’s be honest, they can do anything and bring a smile to my face.  they’re silly.  they’re selfless and selfish. they know how to please.  even when they’re being little turds.  they are our turds, i want them to last forever
6. friendships ... real friendships ... and real moments
some people are fortunate to have friends that they’ve had since idk ... grade school? high school? hell even college ... the thing about friendships is that as you get older, the things you value change.  if your friendship can last past all those changes in your life, i guess this works for relationships too, it’s precious.  if you can go how many fucking days/weeks/months without speaking to them, but the moment you meet up/call it’s not awkward, it’s like picking up from where you left off with a lot of shit that happened in between.  but it’s there, the way you genuinely care for someone.  knowing that there’s almost nothing you wouldn’t do for them.  knowing you can depend on them, run to them, and knowing that they will be there with open arms.  i guess you can also say it’s family.  they’re no longer a stranger, sure you don’t have the same last name or no blood relation but ... they’re closer.  you chose them, and they chose you.  it works.  i guess the stem of this post is because i went on my fb adventure and stumbled upon a post, that led to a friend who had passed away.  it still hurts, i still wonder if you actually reached out to me and i just didn’t pick up the phone cuz it was a random number.  i wish i was there, i wish i could’ve stopped you, i wish i could’ve held you, i wish many things.  i just wish things were different.  i wish a lot of things.  it’s been almost 5 years, and now i just wish you are at peace now.  i wish that you are at your happiest, because you deserve it.  
7. being a fat ass ...
being able to fucking throw down when it comes to eating.  the joy of eating something so delicious. or when you’ve been craving something for so long and you finally get to taste it.  i’m salivating just thinking of that moment, and i don’t even  have a particular food in mind.  i miss it all.  i miss going out to eat with my family to sit down at a restaurant, picking off of each other’s plates. i miss singing/humming and dancing while eating, cuz it’s just SO DAMN GOOD. i miss meat sweats.  i want bubble tea ... and i want to drive to fucking chicago if i have to ... in the damn traffic ... whatever.  suck it up buttercup, you want it go get it LMAO.  but i can’t enjoy eating alone, well maybe, hold on ... i can.  but it’s better when you are sharing that moment with someone else.
8. cooking/baking something new and having your hoosbang love it? like it?
when you realize that other people don’t cook well, and the shit you make is edible ... well past edible (most of the time) ... that’s a pretty damn good feeling.  having your hoosband say ... i want something homemade, and not frozen pizza or just getting sick of take out in general.  shit i miss hosting.  i miss cooking in the kitchen while we are having a party.  i like people eating it as soon as i’m done cooking and LOVING it, shit fighting over it because i didn’t make a lot cuz it’s new ... lol.  i miss having family parties ... i miss it all
9. game night
we don’t have a particular routine ... i just know that when we break out game boards or cards or mahjong ... we are fucking go at it. i don’t care if you are mom ... or boy ... or hoosband.  i know, that we all want to fucking win. LMAO.  we are competitive as fuck.  and maybe if mom and dad knew how to play video games on the computer ... they might be as addicted as we are.  we got it from them lol.  doesn’t even have to be with family, but don’t trust no one when family is playing uno.  and well when tony and kel come over, we all are just trying to fuck each other over lol. it’s FUN! 
10. doing everyday shit with hoosband
he’s my best friend.  we could be watching youtube videos and it would be fun.  couch shopping 2 weekends in a row ... exhausting ... frustrating ... but fun.  night fishing in lake geneva ... cold and scary ... but fun.  how can you not have fun with your best friend?  i may not be the best at showing it, and sometimes when you say the words repeatedly it may lose meaning and it just becomes a habit, but it’s true.  everyday, in almost every way, even when we wanna slap each other silly, and piss each other off on purpose ... i love you.  i really really fucking do.  thank you for loving me and putting up with me for so long ... it’s been ... 9 years?  and it’s flying by.  but 9 years is nothing compared to the rest of our lives.  let’s do this ... 
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