#my youngest sibling is also an artist but i don't know about any of her characters
keeps-ache · 10 months
OH (one of) my siblings is learning to draw now !! this is very cool and swag, the only thing that isn't is that he is trying to learn from me fhsvh
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 26 days
My TF2 Kid AU
This is a TF2 Alternate Universe where everyone is kids between the ages of 4 to 12 and everything is different so i hope you like it and i have done other alternate universes like a fantasy one, a cowboy one, wild animals one, a bug one and other things, anyway, let's get to the universe
Backstory - In a town called Fortress Town lived 12 kids who come together and mess around together and have fun together, the kids lived in a col de sac called teufort street and it's one of the oldest streets in america, the oldest kids who live in the col de sac were the twin mann brothers, redmond and blutarch and helen, redmond and blutarch are 13 years old being teenagers so the kids don't see them much but helen who is 12 sees them all the time and she kinda of the manager of the col de sac while the mann brothers are the bosses of the col de sac, helen likes to boss and she controls on what happens in the col de sac and what the kids are allowed to do when the mann brothers aren't around, the other kids don't really mind her as she barely has any strict rules but she can be a princess sometimes which is why the other kids minus one don't really want to mess with her, when the mann brothers are around, helen sticks to them like glue and the brothers use the other kids to pull pranks on each other as they have a love-hate relationship.
Now for the kids
Scout - Scout who is 4 is one of 8 brothers with him being the youngest, all his brothers are half brothers and they are all older then him with 5 of his brothers already moved out to start their own lives while the other 3 still live at him, he has a single mother who spoils her boy equally while working a very strict job which she likes as she's a workaholic, Scout likes playing with the other kids but they don't really want him around as he's young and they don't want to be responsible if he gets into trouble or has a accident, the ones Scout likes to hang out with the most is Pyro as they get each other and Heavy who he sees like a older brother and Heavy doesn't mind him.
Soldier - Soldier who is 7 is a foster kid, he was abandoned as a baby at a orphanage and he been living in his current foster home since he was 3, his foster parents are fine but it's his foster siblings that he doesn't like as they are all boys and they all bully him as they are older being over 13, but Soldier has learnt to stand up for himself since he was 5 but more in a violent way as he ends up biting, scratching, punching, kicking and smacking his foster brothers if they bully him, his parents don't know what to do with him half the time so they put him in time out while they punish the foster brothers for bullying him making then really good and responsible parents, when Soldier is allowed out, he mainly hangs out with Engineer and he likes hanging around with him as he is calm, intelligent and patient, the pair met when soldier were 3 at kindergarten and the pair have been inseparable since.
Pyro - Pyro who is around 4-6 is a strange child, he adores fire even though he knows he shouldn't mess or play around with it, he's very artistic, he acts like a girl sometimes and he lives in a house outside the col de sac that looks run down and burnt down, when the others ask about his parents, pyro would always say that they have gone out but the kids have never seen them but they don't care as long as pyro is happy and well fed with the kids bringing him food sometimes which he is, he also for some reason sees Soldier and Engineer as his substitute parents as they always seem to care for him like parents do and they protect him sometimes too, lastly, he likes to hang around with Scout a lot as he sees him like a brother he never had and he feels safe around scout.
Demoman - Demo who is 5 is one of the kids who moved into the col de sac from a different country with him being from scotland, his a friendly kid but his parents always want him to have a job so he always gets sent around to the other houses in or out of the col de sac to ask the adults if they can let him do a job, the adults always let him either mow the lawn, clean the gutters, water the plants, clean the car and he always end up getting a good amount of money for it, also demo hasn't lost his eye yet so he has both eyes but he will end up loosing it when he is 8 to a wild animal attack.
Heavy - Heavy is the oldest kid of the 9 friends being 10 years old and he is a big guy but a teddy bear at heart, he is the second kid being from a different country being from russia and he lives with his single mom and his 3 sisters, one is 4, one is 2 and the third one is on the way with his mom being 6 months pregnant, Heavy likes to protect his family as he's the only male in the house and his dad died during the war so it felt like it was his job to protect his pregnant mom and almost 3 sisters, Heavy likes to hang out with the others kids with the ones he sticks to the most is Scout and Pyro as he has a instinct to protect the pair and Medic as he sees him like a younger brother as they get on really well.
Engineer - Engineer who is 7 lives with his dad and grandad and he comes from a line of engineers with his dad being a mechanical engineer and his grandad being a steam train engineer, Engineer hopes to be like then when he grows up so he has been working hard learning about engineering and has even built some really good inventions which both his dad and grandad were really proud of, the other kids were proud of what he could do as well so they made him the group's mechanic and they always ask him to make stuff that could help with the pranks ageist redmond and blutarch, Engineer likes to hang out with Soldier the most as he feels happy and safe when Soldier is with him, he is also the only one who can calm Soldier down if he goes into his outrage mode which what Engineer calls it when Soldier attacks someone mainly his foster brothers, he also gets Pyro hanging around with him and Soldier sometimes and Pyro can be cute when he wants to be.
Medic - Medic who is 8 moved into the col de sac from germany when he was 2, he's a single child to his parents who are both doctors and he's usually home alone due to his parents being so busy, he's learn to look after himself though and he hopes when he gets older, he wants be a doctor like his parents and he has learnt some doctor things from his parents where he's become the group's doctor, medic can be a little over the top sometimes but he loves birds mainly doves, he even has his own pet dove named archimedes who is dumb but very happy, Medic likes to hang around with Sniper the most as they have a common ground with animals and they like to lightly tease each other, Medic also likes to hang out with Heavy sometimes both having a brotherly bond and they talk about many different things with Sniper joining in sometimes.
Sniper - Sniper who is 6 moved into the col de sac from australia with his parents, his parents are older parents being in their late 40s so this makes sniper a single child due to that reason, Sniper is a introvert kid but he has really good eye sight and he is very good at climbing trees, he's also really good with a slingshot and very good at skipping rocks across the lake, Sniper also has a pet owl called Sir Hootsalot that he rescued and restored back to health when he was 4 after it had its wing almost broken as a chick, the owl has since stuck by Sniper and it's his him and Medic started to get along, He goes along with Medic the most but he also gets along with the others as he is a good listener.
Spy - Spy who is 9 moved to the col de sac from france when he was a year old, he moved here with his parents and much older brother who was 16 at the time, Spy's brother is now 25 and moved back to france to live with his grandparents which are Spy's mom's parents and the reason is that it turns out, Spy is Scout's uncle after Spy's brother had a one night stand with Scout's mother when Spy was 5 so now Spy has to hang around with his nephew half the time and he with his parents are the only ones who know about the one night stand and Scout, Spy is very sneaky and he is very good at helping out with the mann brother's pranks, he also gets on well with the others but he hangs around with Fiona Pauling the most as she has connections to helen.
Miss.Pauling - Miss.Pauling who is named Fiona and who is 5 years old is Helen's right hand assistant, she follows Helen everywhere and Helen uses her a lot but Fiona doesn't mind as she admires Helen like a big sister, Helen uses Fiona as a messenger for the other kids, a planner, a door mat and a slave and Fiona will do what Helen tells her too, Fiona is also the younger adopted sister to Helen after Helen's parents adopted Fiona as a day old baby after her mom abandoned her at the hospital, Helen was 7 when her parents brought Fiona home and at first, she didn't care about her but after she saw that Fiona admired her, she decided to use it to her advantage so since Fiona was 2 years old, she has always been in Helen's shadow and she doesn't mind.
That's all for now, i hope you like this AU and i'll see you all later 😋 also if you have any other Alternate universe ideas i should do, let me know as i have a feeling i'm starting to run out of au ideas 😁
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black-suns-rim · 1 year
On Human!Black Momba and her four kids, do you have any headcanons on them?
Yeah, I do actually. It's been a while since I've touched the human AU. Let's start with Momba first.
Black Momba was her stage name when she used to be a professional boxer, but her friends call her Momba as a nickname and throwback to when she used to box. Her career was cut short due to her having to take care of her kids and her living situation. She had a short moment of fame, which gets her recognized from time to time. Her current profession is being a personal trainer. She likes to spend her free time at the gym or with her kids. Momba does like to sometimes get into illegal boxing matches for extra cash. It's how she found her current boyfriend, "Bruiser" (who belongs to @thenomadclan )
Side note, I don't have any human names for them in this AU just yet. Lol. So I'm just go8ng by their yautja names
Her oldest kid, "Midnight," is an adult. She is a professional artist and works as a concept artist for film industries and game companies. She also does freelance art off to the side. She works hard to help support her mom and her siblings. She has a boyfriend that she's been dating for 6 years. Midnight and her boyfriend live in a house together that's in the same city where her family lives. Midnight does visit her family often for events and holidays.
I know I said momba has like 4 kids in this au, but I'm reducing it down to 3 since one of them was more like a comedy character than an actual oc back when I made this au with my friend. So, I'm moving onto the middle child, "Kub"
Kub is a young adult who works in a repair shop. The shop itself is somewhat sketchy, but it pays well and hasn't had any scams or set-ups. Kub mostly works on fixing computers, phones, tablets or other devices. The repair shop also has a branch and area to fix up cars, but that's the sketchy part. It isn't an official car place, but it gets the job done with top quality thanks to Kub who is also good on fixing vehicles. Kub also uses his money to support his family. Kub also still lives with his mom, but has a girlfriend.
"Nomad" is the youngest of the siblings, still in high-school (he skipped a few grades because of how advanced he is). He was adopted by Momba when he was only just a baby. Nomad looks up to Kub, learning about technology just like his brother. The two of them are really close despite not being related to each other. Nomad also takes after momba. He likes boxing and working out with her.
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meowdred · 11 months
hi i wanted to ask bc i’m always curious about other peoples orkneys takes: if mordred is the second youngest, who’s the youngest? (& if you want to share any other opinions you have on the orkneys, order of siblings or otherwise, go ahead :) but no pressure)
HIIII!!!! thank you so much for your question !!!! i'm sorry this is going to be super super long i have a lot of thoughts about the orkneys (guy who named himself after biblical cain and loves complex sibling dynamics)
of course gareth is the youngest, but generally it goes like this for me
gawain - eldest obviously. there's this line from alliterative morte that i'm really fond of that sums how i think of him really well
"like a berserker he fights in a frenzy for fierceness and heart; fights and cuts down all who stand before him and never did fortune so favor the brave"
++++++ eldest brother syndrome. eldest daughter syndrome, even. i think with having morgause as his mother + the death of lot he was put in the place of taking care of his younger siblings and tried his best to be the role model for them... i was always really fond of a teenage gawain taking care of an infant gareth while leading agravaine and gaheris as children to bed. he's super repressed and has a lot of angst... but i think one of his key traits is his devotion to his family (which of course includes arthur as well... who i think he found a paternal figure in, in the lack of emotional connection from morgause and lot's physical absence)
i think mordred came into the family later on but by then he'd be an adolescent and gawain would be fully integrated into the kotr which fuels his outsider syndrome tbh and the struggle w/ his family. i do think gawain really tried his best to reach out to him though because that's still his baby brother.... and it's one of the reasons why i like the idea of mordred killing gawain instead as opposed to lancelot haha i think it makes the betrayal 100x more agonzing and heartwrenching. plus the fact that they're family hits different for me. but anyways.....
agravaine - second eldest and has bad middle child syndrome, but i also read the wicked day by mary stewart when i was younger and it shaped my view of the orkneys a lot so i'm also fond of the idea of him being twins with gaheris... either goes though. i think agravaine is the second saddest in the orkneys apart from mordred, but for different reasons i think... there's a lot of bitterness in his heart. largely due to growing up with gawain's shadow over him i imagine
gaheris - either twins with agravaine or the ultimate middle child. surprisingly i don't have a lot of opinions on him ? i think. in my ditched retelling (different from lideri and closer to medieval arthuriana) he used to be really close with agravaine but they grew distant as they grew older. i liked making him an artist for some reason i think it's cute + i had the idea that he actually didn't die, he was the remaining orkney after the battle at camlann so he had to rule over orkney something he wasn't prepared for in the slightest
gareth is the youngest. i love making him the baby of the orkneys. i think gawain spoils him to death, i borrowed this from mary stewart again but i also like to think that he wasn't spoiled by not just gawain but also by morgause because of his likeness to her, though i don't think he's similar to her at all personality wise esp when he grows up. he has the image of a young awkward teenager to me haha and he struggles in his place amongst the orkneys. he also has a similar issue with gaheris wherein he feels at odds with his siblings esp their conflict bc the orkneys is dramaland. i don't know if you ever read the brothers karamazov but gareth for me is similar to alyosha where he acts as the glue for the orkneys, which is why when he dies gawain loses his shit
there's also clarissant... who i think is along the same ages as gareth and mordred. though i haven't thought much yet for her bc i only started thinking of her recently i like the idea of her being a lady knight though
and well.. there's mordred.... don't ask me i have a lot of opinions on that guy.
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15 and 19 for any next gen kid/s of your choice
Wohooo! So since you didn't specify I am gonna answer for all the Roller Crew kind who I have a rounded idea about (All the Kids have names and birth years, but not everyone has a distinct personality in my mind yet).
So we'll be talking about the three Perida kids: Oscar, Aurora and Laura, plus Victoria Arias, Stella Balsano, and Ivory Alvarez who are the oldest children of Pelfi, Lutteo, and Simbar respectively.
How is their clothing style?
This was hard at first, but in the end, I ended up making some mood boards. Right now I am imagining the kids in the year 2047, so Victoria is 20, Oscar 18, Aurora and Stella 16, and Laura and Ivory 15
So lets to this from oldest to youngest
So, first Victoria. She is the daughter of Delfi and Jazmin is her godmother, so she obviously would be very stylish and probably little bit more daring clothing
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Oscar was alos kind of hard, because well, I have never been a guy, so planning an outfit for him was harder. But in the end, I landed in, a casual but still put-together vibe. He is very well-raised, and a gentleman obviously, so that would b something he would wear. Not every guy wears just slacks. Also, the sports jackets that Gastón wore to not run in genetics. He abandoned them once he hit uni himself
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Aurora has been another thought one, because I think she wouldn't be overflowingly girly, but definitely not a tomboy either. One thing about her that I know is the she would prominently wear golden jewelry
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The way I imagine Stella is that she does resemble Luna in looks and spirit quite a lot. I don't this she dresses up quite as horrendously as Luna did, but she definitely would still prefer bright colors and some star imagery
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The way I see bot Simbar's kid is that their personalities wise they are similar to Simon, while the girls really look like Ambar. And for Ivory, I really think her style would be very princessy, especially while she is younger.
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And we have Laura. While I said that her sister isn't uberly girly, but Laura really is.
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These flat lays are just examples of what they would wear
What are their main interests?
So lets tackle Oscar, Aurora and Laura first, since they are the Gastina kids.
They all are pretty big nerds, they love Star wars and Harry Potter etc. Obviously big readers all of them. None of them really get into writing passionately, but you bet they slay an essay at school.
Oscar is really into science, mainly biology and chemistry and wants to be a doctor (Influenced by one of Gastóns cousins). He also is into "Extreme" sports, in a safe way, meaning rock climbing and ropes courses (This does drive Nina crazy, just a little bit). Things to do with heights. Never says no to a Roller coaster. He also loves animals a lot..
Aurora really likes mysteries and solving them. Math and physics are her strong suit, and her literature class, especially argumentative pieces. She is also really interested in different languages and has a bit of a goal to be able to speak four languages before she graduates college
Laura is the artistic one. She skates, draws and has some interest in playing the guitar (Matteo gives her occasional lessons). She's also a hopeless romantic. She's straight A student like her siblings but isn't exactly passionate about any form of science.
Then the rest
Victoria really feels pretty similar to Delfi. She's into media and stuff like that. There is a little small feeling I have that maybe she could have an interest in screenwriting, which develops once Delfi transition more movie and Tv production. She also does contemporary dance
Stella is really like Luna, like I said above, so she obviousky loves to skate, but also is an avid reader. She also loves to bake, something she picked up from her grandma obviously
Ivory also skates and sings in a choir. She also loves dressing up, and sometimes plans her outfits days ahead
And there we go, obviously this whole post excluded Lucas, William and Olivia Arias, Milo Balsano and Esme Alvarez, but including them would have taken way too long and I don't have a rounded vision on them yet
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kiwikarpart · 1 year
My Color Wheel
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It's far from the prettiest color wheel, but I expected that it wouldn't be from the start, so I used it as an excuse to experiment with my art style a bit(that's why there are inconsistencies in shading, rendering, line weight, etcetera). I'm still glad that I did it despite the lackluster quality because I have a hard time letting myself be loose with my art. If I attempted to make this with my perfectionist mindset, it would've taken 3 times as long to finish without getting me any closer to what I want my art to look like. So if you're an artist that wants to try making a color wheel but are afraid you won't like how it turns out: don't be! Use the challenge to try out a certain brush, shading method, color palette, whatever! You might not love the final result, but you will get something out of the experience.
Before I end this post, I want to talk about the characters in this wheel and why I picked them[WARNING: LONG].
Flare: Tbh, I don't have a strong connection to Flare, she's not even my favorite Panel de Pon character. What I do like about her is her official artwork and character themes, the girl's got confidence, sass, and a banging critical theme. I also really wanted to draw a character from Panel de Pon because there's so much to love about the franchise despite lacking on official content (I'd be upset at IS for that, but I can't blame them too much when any original IP that wasn't Fire Emblem or Advance Wars didn't sell well).
Daisy: You don't need me to tell you who Daisy is. All I really need to say is that I love her for the same reason every other Daisy fan loves her. Saying Daisy rules because of her (relatively) bombastic personality is nothing new, but that really is why I like her so much. That's also why some people hate her, but that makes me appreciate Daisy more. I think it's great to have a character that people either love or hate in a franchise with simple characters.
Mew Pudding: Despite Tokyo Mew Mew aging like milk imo, I wanted to include a character from it because it was the 1st magical girl series I read, and I love magical girl shows SO much! I drew Pudding because she's my favorite girl in the group. As a kid, it was just because she's funny, but as an adult the juxtaposition between her role as a caretaker for a bunch of little siblings and the youngest member of the Mew Mews was pretty interesting. Dare I say, she would've been a better protagonist than Ichigo.
Rina: I couldn't hop off the magical girl train yet, especially since Mermaid Melody was my 2nd introduction to the wonderful world of magical girls. Most Mermaid Melody fans prefer Luchia or Hanon, but as long as I can remember my favorite was Rina. I never got a chance to re-read the series so I can't remember why, but knowing what I know about myself now, the reason might've been...formative.
Frosty Puff: Probably the most obscure character on this wheel, due to the triple whammy of being a minor character in one generation of a series most people don't care about. No disrespect to the Strawberry Shortcake fandom, I like looking at your posts here, but to the general public, Strawberry Shortcake stonks are pretty low right now. That didn't stop me from drawing Frosty Puff though, because of...well she...ok I admit it was just because of her design. As far as I know, Frosty Puff never got any meaningful characterization. But I was really hyper fixated on the 2003 Strawberry Shortcake era when I started this, and I wanted a character in cyan that wasn't showing up everywhere. Her in-show design doesn't have a drop of cyan, but her official doll's hair did so I merged the two.
Undine: If you don't know who this character is, that's fine :] but it also means you haven't read Sleepless Domain, and it's worth it just for her. Won't elaborate because there are a few twists and turns I don't want to spoil, but if you want to see more magical girl stories for a slightly older audience, check it out.
Amethyst: I drew Amethyst from Steven Universe because of the small arc she has involving Jasper. The 1st time I watched it, I really resonated with Amethyst for a reason I couldn't articulate. Something about her struggling with then coming to terms with the genetic differences between her and Jasper was surprisingly real, and I shared her frustration with Jasper being this seemingly unbeatable opponent...then I watched it again and realized some of the stuff Jasper said was REALLY ableist. That might have something to do with it.
Caitlin: And to top it all off, my favorite psychic user in the pokemon franchise. Won't go into it because this post got way too long, but I think her backstory makes her a certified badass.
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gutsfics · 2 years
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Meet My ILITW MC: Devi Casil
DOB: October 3, 1999 (current age- 23) Date of Death: September 30, 2017 (age- 17) Date of Reanimation: Mid-September 2021 Series: It Lives LI: Noah Marshall Pronouns: He/him
Fun Fact: He didn't talk at all for just over six years after Jane died.
Devi is good-natured and cheerful and he loves to joke around and make people laugh, although he can be a bit immature at times (i.e telling Cody to gargle his dick and balls). Although he's very friendly when approached, he tends to keep to himself. He also bottles his emotions up to hell and back. He is severely traumatized from Jane's death and should see a therapist about it. He has not.
He's very artistic and his favorite classes in school were any and all art classes. He also knows a lot about plants from his parents and is really good at foraging.
He doesn't make promises often any more, but he takes them very, very seriously.
He is bisexual and genderqueer.
Devi is the youngest of four, and was a surprise baby. His siblings are ten, nine, and seven years older than him. He has two sisters, Mona Lisa and Sloane, and a brother, Cab. His parents are named Ares and Toshiko (敏子). They own and run a landscaping and floral arrangement business together which they opened when Devi started grade school, although Ares was a stay-at-home-dad when the kids were young enough to need him home 24/7. Toshiko has a doctorate in botany from the University of Tokyo. Because he has three fairly older siblings, Ares and Toshiko's parenting style was pretty relaxed with Devi and they kind of essentially just let him do whatever. Sometime after ILITW but before ILB, his parents become aware of the Power, although they don't know much about it and do not know that he isn't fully gone.
Depending on which ILW ending I'm writing for at any given moment, Devi and Noah may or may not be happily married & running a restaurant together.
Death and Revival
The moment Devi learned that the ghost was Jane and not Redfield, he knew he had to be the one to take her place, to make up for his broken promise. Like in canon, he asks Jane to let him have a fair fight with Noah, but unlike canon he does this to snap Noah out of whatever kind of hold Jane had on her so Noah wouldn't blame himself for his death. Him making a conscious choices to replace Jane is part of the reason why he has an easier time holding onto his humanity than Jane and Redfield did.
If Devi had been more lucid as a ghost, he would have told Noah not to try to bring him back, and that he should move on and let him be dead in peace. But he wasn't so he didn't/couldn't. However he is grateful to have a second chance at life, even though he was brought back in the middle of everything going to complete shit. Devi's Cool New Body does not have his piercings, dyed hair, or stick and poke tattoos, but he does have a scar across his face from the knife fight with Noah from his left cheekbone to just above the right corner of his mouth. Although he does recover from being dead in decent time, he never really fully recovers and he starts using a cane by his mid 20s.
No matter which ILW route I do, he is always my ILITW MC. He is also always Redfielded with the exception of a single au wherein Noah sacrifices himself by pushing Devi away.
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magnolia-sunrise · 5 days
The way you explore Bastien’s sense of identity through his presentation reminds me of an OC of mine, so they might see eye to eye in at least some respects! My guy Evan (he/him) is a fat trans man who figured out he was trans a little late into his teenage years because he was too preoccupied being the third parent to his three younger siblings. Eventually this fact about himself was too strong for him to ignore, though, and thus he quickly began the process of socially transitioning and gradually sought medical transition as well. He changed names several times throughout this period (Callum, Beck, Rory, and many others among them)
His parents… They weren’t *un*supportive, but in the very least his mother, who saw a lot of herself in her oldest child, indulged his desire to transition while never quite shaking his deadname out of her vocabulary, you know? Especially with him changing names *so* often, it’s just *so* hard to remember which one is right these days. And Evan wanted to maintain a relationship with his parents for a long time (honestly what he wanted was to stay close to his siblings, the youngest of whom is 13 years younger than him). It wasn’t until after he met his eventual spouse, Isador (he/she), who called him by the right name consistently, who encouraged him to experiment and figure out what he liked about being trans, and who showed him what supportive family looks like (Isador was raised by her grandmother who absolutely loves the hell out of her grandkid), that he eventually got the courage to confront his parents. This eventually leads to him going no-contact with said parents, although his siblings reach back out to him on their own
It takes a WHILE for Evan to feel comfortable circling back to femininity for himself, and to feel totally comfortable in his body even then. He grows out a beard and dresses in layers to kind of hide how his body looks underneath. He pushed his feminine hobbies and interests to the side Hard when he started socially transitioning, because he convinced himself he Had to, and instead leans hard into new hobbies like handiwork and cars. Once again he’s content to simply push through the feelings as though they’re small, until they’re too big to ignore. Years down the line, after he and Isador are married, he can admit to himself that Christina Aguilera may still be one of his favourite artists. After they have a daughter together, he comes back to the mending skills he learned as a kid in order to fix her dolls — and maybe even make her some, when he feels brave enough
Evan also tends to be good at reading people and social settings, and if he knew Bastien to any degree, I think he’d be thrilled to see how their sense of personal style and the way they carry themselves changes over time. It’s good to see :)
(Wolfgang and Isador would also absolutely queen out. That’s a separate thing skhdjssjg)
(sorry for getting to this a bit late i got this ask as i was heading out!)
helloooo Evan(and Isador!!) so nice to meet them :") <3 !
really really love how much care and love you put into his story and the realistic and long identity journey (some of the family stuff really hits so hard).
i don't post about this stuff much since its not relevant to the story and i like exploring my characters identities in relation to each other but Bastien left his family when he was fairly young to get himself out of that town and that deeply supressive environment and off to med school as far away as possible, and they've been no contact pretty much since. he used to be a twinkish dyke, and then a dykish twink early on in university and that environment was really fundamental in experimenting with gender and sexuality for him. he was also really lonely, and unsure of anything - getting himself DIY testoterone and then waffling whether he actually wanted to go on it, then waffling about some of the changes, then waffling about top surgery (so he spent some years walking around with mustache and tits) just. a lot of anxiety and stress all the time, they preferred to just put their studies ahead of anything else and only engage in sexuality in terms of one night flings on campus. then after one dramatic event and a shoulder injury, continuing studies was no longer an option and his life just. shattered.
this is where Matteo came into his life in a bigger way, and immediately he was someone really attractive because he seemed so confident, his life figured out, future lined out. it was intoxicating to be in the presence of someone so self assured without a care in the world. who in turn also accepted Bastien - at least back then, when he was a depressed twink Matteo could "save"- and motivated him. but ultimately it was like jumping from one form loneliness and isolation into another form of it, now depending on his cis partner, surrounded by Matteos cis rich friends. his body still changing, gaining weight, feeling unattractive to his partner and locked into specific way of gender and sexuality expression, losing sense of his identity and what they even wanted to do with their life. its so alienating.
all this is to say-- i think if Bastien knew somemone like Evan early on, he would have really loved to have a friend like that - someone going through similar experiences i feel like they could have found a lot of strength and support in each other :") i think if they stayed in touch and friendly over the years, they could have been really positive influences on each other and maybe Bastien would not have such deep seated issues opening up to other people and even to himself. lost in the thought imagining the happiness Bastien would feel visiting Evan's family and seeing the pure love and joy there and what it took to get there its just :"))))) maybe he even would have the strength to leave his unhappy relationship seeing what it's like to be *actually* really accepted when seeing how Isador loves Evan :"))
thank you for sharing!!
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As It Should Be ~ Lucy x Caspian
A/N: Hello lovelies, so this is well out of my wheel house. But thanks to Shadow and Bone I am well and truly back on my Ben Barnes Bullshit. Which included re-watching the Narnia movies and then I had some feels. I'm completely ignoring the books and this is way AU but I couldn't get it out of my head. So if there's any Lucian shippers out there, this ones for you. Spoilers for the movies.
Summary: Lucy had not been ready to leave Narnia. And Caspian had not been ready for her to go. Perhaps fate still had a plan.
Characters/Pairings: Lucy Pevensie/Caspian (everyone is of age, time works funny between the realms); Edmund Pevensie, Aslan
Warnings: Fluff, a little bit of angst, pining, spoilers for the movies.
Word count: 5800 (I don't know how it happened. I just had a lot of feels)
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Caspian’s voyage on the Dawn Treader had been a success on all counts. But in spite of his resolve to be a great king of Narnia and to treasure the lands and people he had been chosen to rule, the young king was sorrowful on their return journey. His crew had known better than to question him when he returned alone from Aslan’s country. Drinian put a comforting hand on his shoulder, and Caspian clasped it for a moment before giving him a meaningful nod. Drinian got the Dawn Treader sailing for home while Caspian ducked below deck for just a moment to mourn the loss of his friends. When he returned, his smile was not quite so bright as it had been when the king and queen of old had been on the ship.
The crew was happy to be going home, but they also felt the loss of their companions quite acutely. It had taken no time at all for them to love Lucy and Edmund. The younger of the Kings and Queens of old were kind and hardworking and had immediately treated them as old friends. Narnia they supposed was their great love. And while Eustace had taken some extraordinary circumstances to warm up to, he too was missed, and they all found the ship far too silent with Reepicheep’s running commentary.
Their return took nearly six months as they returned all those who had been taken by the mist to their home islands. So, while the crew was joyous to be returning home after nearly two years, everyone was weary when they finally docked on the shores beneath Cair Paravel. Drinian directed the landing team, as more sailors came to help them unload. Caspian gazed up at Cair Paravel in all its glory. It had been mostly restored before he departed, but now, it was back to its true grandure, he wished Lucy and Edmund could have seen this.
He had only a moment before his advisors were upon him, welcoming him back and informing him that a feast was already being prepared for his return. They clamored for his attention, luckily with good news. They each were reporting that peace remained and things had grown even more bountiful in the past six months. Caspian listened carefully making notes on what to discuss with them tomorrow, before finally excusing himself to clean up before the feast.
After what could only be described as the most delicious meal he’d ever had, Caspian took his time reacquainting himself with the halls of his castle. During his time away, the team in charge of the interior restoration had finished all of their projects, which included the portraits of the Pevensies at the height of their rule. He inspected each one closely, trying to find the familiar features of his friends in the older faces.
For the most part he could see it. Although it was odd to see them at that age - all older than his 23 years. Well, all but Lucy. She had been just shy of 21 when they tumbled back through the wardrobe. She was the only one who never mentioned how hard it was to go from being an adult back to being an 8 year old. But he suspected that she struggled more than she let on, though she would never tell her siblings while they suffered their own distress. His thoughts lingered on the youngest of the great kings and queens. He couldn’t help but wonder if his dear friend would look the same when she reached 20 again.
Her portrait hung beside her sister’s and one could easily spot the differences. Susan held a quiet beauty, befitting her title of Gentle. But even the stillness of a portrait could not tame Lucy’s wild beauty and adventurous spirit. He knew well the twinkle of excitement the artist had captured. It was one that never failed to bring a smile to his face.
Caspian had been captivated by Lucy during their time on the Dawn Treader. More than he’d been willing to admit, even to himself. Though he suspected Edmund had seen it. He’d even expected a brotherly talk at one point, since Peter was absent. But he merely smiled, and took every opportunity to let them be together. Drinian had also made more than a few subtle comments, but Caspian had chosen to remain silent.
While the young prince had had eyes only for Susan upon their first meeting in terms of amorous intentions, Lucy’s unwavering faith and goodness had endeared her to him. When she stood across the river with only a dagger in her hand, facing down an army with a smile he could see why she of the four was the Valiant. She was amazing, even at age 11.
Her return 3 years later, had only deepened that opinion. She had matured and Caspian found himself lost in her. He’d been telling the truth when he told her that he hadn’t found a queen as beautiful as Susan, but what he left out was that there had been none as fierce as her either.
The pair had spent every possible moment together – stargazing, checking maps, telling stories. He loved her stories. Queen Lucy the Valiant had truly been a queen of her people. While her siblings had often been on the frontlines of battle, Lucy had always been protecting the people – evacuating them, learning from the healers how to dress wounds that didn’t require her cordial. She was the most beloved of the four, even in the stories Caspian had heard before he met them. Though she would refute that claim a thousand times over.
Other stories were filled with tales of dancing with fauns and dryads. Mr. Tumnus was a frequent character, and Caspian could hear the heartache in her voice when she spoke about him. He would often take the opportunity to squeeze her hand in comfort, which she also responded to with a grateful smile. Edmund would often join in, offering tales of his own or teasing Lucy.
One time in particular, he felt the need to remind her of the time a suitor had come to court and she had been so used to dancing with the fauns during their revelries that she panicked when he had offered his hand for a formal dance.
“All you could hear in the ballroom was Tristan grunting and Lucy apologizing,” Edmund chuckled.
Lucy’s cheeks flamed red and she glared at her brother for a moment, before a smirk slid across her features.
“At least I didn’t end up in a fountain after my first kiss,” she shot back.
Edmund’s cheeks tinged ever so slightly, but his expression was wistful.
“She was lovely. And it was worth it. I hope she had a good life.”
“I’m sure she did. But I’m sure she missed you.”
The siblings shared a look, regrets and memories flowing through their minds. Once again, Caspian was struck by how much life and loss these two “children” had experienced.
Later that night, after confirming their course with Drinian, Caspian was ready to retire to the barracks area for a few hours of sleep. But as he passed his quarters which he had given to Lucy, he heard humming. Moving as quietly as he could, he neared the cabin, noting the slightly ajar door. Caspian couldn’t help the smile that crossed his lips as he watched Lucy dance to her own tune as she looked in the mirror, the steps somewhat disjointed. He slipped inside, leaning against the doorjamb, making sure she couldn’t see his reflection.
“Would you like a partner?” he finally asked.
Lucy jumped at the unexpected voice, whirling as her cheeks filled with color upon realizing she’d been caught.
“Caspian! I was just… Edmund made me remember and I thought I’d practice.”
“In case we have a ball on the Dawn Treader?” he asked, grinning wildly at her.
“Of course. I’ve been to many balls on ships,” she giggled before sobering slightly. “No, but there’s dances back home. And I’ve never been, but I suspect they don’t much care for the type of dancing the fauns and dryads do.”
The mention of home twisted in Caspian’s gut, but he pushed the thought away. He would enjoy what time he had with her. Each moment was a gift.
“Well, I don’t know how they dance in your world, but it always helps to have a partner. May I?”
She nodded, uncharacteristically shy.
He snapped to attention and made a formal bow, which made her laugh but she curtsied anyway before taking his hand. He pressed a quick kiss to her knuckles, before placing her hand on his shoulder. His right hand fell to her waist, he his left clasped hers firmly.
He wasn’t positive, but they both sounded breathless.
He began to hum, counting the beats by gently tapping his fingers against her side. He gave it a count of 8 before he began to move. It was rough at first, they were both out of practice… and nervous if he was being honest. But after a few crushed toes, they found their rhythm and soon they seemed to float. Caspian waltzed her around the room, twin smiles adorning their faces. Before they knew it, they were simply swaying in place gazing into each other’s eyes.
“I wonder if Susan is dancing like this with her naval officer,” Lucy wondered aloud, regretting it the moment it slipped past her lips. “Oh, I’m sorry, Caspian. I wasn’t thinking.”
He chuckled and shook his head.
“Don’t worry, Lucy. I’m not upset. I’m happy that your sister is moving on with her life. No one deserves to be alone.”
“But you’re alone,” Lucy pointed out.
Not cruelly, more confused by his logic.
“I’m not alone right now. I’m with you.”
And I will take that, he thought to himself. Just this moment and whatever else I get.
“Susan and I are worlds apart. In more ways than one,” he added slyly.
Lucy gazed up at him, no longer swaying at all.
“Caspian, I-“
At that moment, the ship lurched sending her crashing into his arms. It lurched again and sent them both to the floor. A storm had reached them and they heard the crew members racing about on deck. They shared one more moment before sprinting into action.
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“Your majesty.”
His chief advisor’s voice jostled Caspian from his memories.
“Lord Pallburn. How can I help you?”
“You requested updates on the refugees and the five lords.”
“Of course. We shall speak on the way to my chambers.”
Caspian shot one last look at Lucy’s portrait before leading his advisor away.
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Lucy sighed quietly as she watched the happy couple spin around the dance floor.
Years ago, on a ship a world away, Lucy had been held like that. Her thoughts strayed to Caspian and his near obsidian eyes. She had thought of him often in the years since. She wondered how long it had been for him.
Was he married by now?
A father?
Her heart couldn’t bear that last one. She had to believe Caspian was alive and well and happy or she wouldn’t be able to carry on.
She shook the thoughts away and returned to the view in front of her.
Susan was absolutely radiant in her wedding dress. Her smile lit up the room as Tom held her in his arms, leaning down for a peck as the song ended. They held hands as they exited the dance floor to chat with their friends.
Peter had his younger daughter, Jane, balanced on the top of his shoes as he moved them about in a decent facsimile of a waltz. Lucy smiled as she remembered her oldest brother doing the same with her when she was much younger.
Edmund was sitting with his girlfriend Margaret and their cousin Eustace laughing quite merrily.
With the exception of her cousin, Narnia had taken on the golden tint of a fond memory. But a memory none the less. Her siblings had been content to leave it at that. Lucy could not find it in her to do the same. Narnia had always felt more like home than this world. A fractured childhood would do that to you she supposed. After all she had grown up in Narnia first.
She still knew their customs and constellations better than England’s. But she knew it wasn’t just that. Her heart lay in Narnia, or rather with the King of Narnia. Caspian had a way of making Lucy feel seen when others didn’t.
“Enjoying the party, Lu?”
She nodded as she looked to Edmund who had slipped into the seat beside her.
“It’s wonderful. Everyone is having so much fun.”
“I’m having fun,” she insisted, knowing Edmund could see right through her.
“Talk to me.”
She looked again to the dance floor, eyes flitting from couple to couple.
“Do you think that I could ever find that here?”
Lucy nodded again.
“What makes you think you won’t?” he pressed, avoiding her question.
“I can’t imagine finding anyone to share my life with like that. There’s so much I couldn’t tell them. I don’t know how you all do it.”
Edmund hummed in response.
“Narnia meant everything to me. It made me who I am, but the only one who needs to know about it for it to be real is me. And I’m lucky enough that I got to share it with you, and Peter, Susan, and Eustace. Margaret doesn’t need to know what made me the man I am. Only that that man is someone she wants to be with.”
Lucy regarded her brother carefully for a moment. He’d clearly put a lot of thought into this and she appreciated it.
“I guess that makes sense. I guess I’m not ready to admit that Narnia is my past. Even though I have to.”
They were quiet for a moment.
“Is that the only reason you think you won’t find love here?”
Lucy knew where he was going with this, and finally she sighed – more an exhale after holding one’s breath.
“I think I loved him,” she whispered, not needing to specify who “him” was.
“Loved?” he clarified.
“Love,” Lucy corrected.
“He loves you too for what it’s worth. I could see it. Clear as the Northern Sky.”
“I don’t think it matters much. We’re worlds apart now. He’s probably married by now. I’m not sure how I managed it, but it seems I’ve left my heart in Narnia.”
Edmund wrapped an arm around her shoulder and tugged her into his side. She leaned her head heavily against his shoulder.
“What has been lost, can be found. We just need to have faith about these things. You taught me that.”
Lucy smiled at the reassurance.
“Thank you, Edmund.”
“Anything for you. Would you like to dance? We can even pretend we’re at Tumnus’,” he offered.
Lucy shook her head, but smiled more genuinely than she had all night.
“I think I’m going to take advantage of the gardens, and get some fresh air.”
“It’s not like there isn’t air inside,” he joked making her roll her eyes.
“I’ll be back soon.”
Edmund nodded and squeezed her once more before letting her go.
“Be safe.”
Lucy slipped through the crowd unnoticed, as usual. After a few minutes walking through the gardens she happened upon the entrance to a hedge maze. Looking back at the lights of the reception, she took a deep breath and hurried into the maze, following the turns at random.
It couldn’t possibly be big enough for her to actually get lost.
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Caspian perched on the rail of his balcony, one knee up as his back was pressed against the palace wall twirling Lucy’s dagger in his hand. If anyone entered his chambers they wouldn’t be able to see him unless they stepped outside. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back against the stone enjoying the cool breeze off the Eastern Sea. He had chosen this room specifically for the view of the water. It had always calmed him, and now it held an even more special place in his heart.
In the morning, he would return to his duties as king and this journey would leave the forefront of his mind to make room for diplomacy and logistics. And if his advisors had their way, finding a queen. But for now, as the wind whipped around him, he could imagine that he was back on the Dawn Treader. And if he listened closely enough, he could hear Lucy’s familiar humming. He allowed his mind to run wild with memories.
When the humming only grew louder, even after shaking himself from the sweet memories, Caspian grew concerned. Alert now for possible danger, he scanned the grounds for the source of the sound.
The beach was clear. As were the cliffs to the north. But as he turned his gaze to the south, a flash of auburn hair in the garden maze caught his eyes. She was deep within the heart of the garden without alerting the guards which was no easy feat.
Fastening his sword belt on, he sheathed Lucy’s dagger which she had gifted him on the shores of Aslan’s country.
“I think you’ll need this more than I will.”
“It shall never leave my side.”
You shall never leave my heart had remained unspoken.
Not wishing to alert the guards, Caspian scaled down the side of the castle, jumping from the lowest window and rolling to his feet.
The wind was carrying the humming to his ears quite clearly, as though it was actively helping him find the intruder. At the edge of the maze he took a deep breath before stepping inside. He allowed himself to be led through the turns by the voice, although he was nearly certain it must be a trap. Surely it was a siren or some spell luring him with his heart’s desire. But still he pursued her.
A few times it seemed they were just on the other side of the hedge from each other, but he would round the corner and find only a dead end.
Finally, he caught a flash of lavender fabric whooshing around the corner and he sped up as well as he could while maintaining his stealth. Lucy’s dagger fit comfortably in his hand. Peeking around the corner to ensure she was coming, he waited until she had passed by before leaping out and grabbing her, the dagger pressed against her throat.
“Who are you? And what are you doing here?”
She froze in his arms.
The woman squirmed in his grip enough to see his face and in his surprise he let her.
“It is you. How on Earth did you get here?” she asked.
“Lucy?” he mumbled as he released her and she turned to look at him, giving him his first good look at her.
“Yes, it’s me. I know I look a bit different. But goodness, you haven’t aged a day,”
“Lucy,” he repeated before dropping the dagger and pulling her into his arms, burying his face in her neck.
She held him just as fiercely as if he would disappear if she let go for even an instant.
“I missed you so much,” he murmured. “I thought of you every day.”
“As did I. How long has it been for you?” she asked as she lifted her head to look at him, unwilling to break their embrace any further.
“Six months and thirteen days.”
Lucy huffed out a little laugh.
“Is that all?”
Caspian already knew it had been much longer for her. Years, he guessed, given how much she looked like her portrait.
“How long?”
“Six years. Four months. Eleven days.”
She’d been counting. In spite of knowing that Aslan’s plans for Narnia did not include her.
“Oh, Lucy,” Caspian sighed.
Years. She had thought of him every day for years. The knowledge made his heart beat faster.
“It’s okay. You’re here now. How on Earth are you here?” she asked again.
Caspian glanced upward, just to ensure he hadn’t been transported to her world, but sure enough his stars remained, twinkling down at him.
“Lucy, you’re in Narnia.”
Whipping her head around to gain bearings she didn’t know she’d lost, Lucy’s expression clouded with confusion.
“But how? I was at the wedding. I just stepped out for a few minutes –“ She paused and shook her head with a serene smile. “Things never happen the same twice,” she murmured. “Or four times I suppose. I’m not sure how it’s happened, but I am glad to be home.”
Caspian’s heart both clenched and soared at the word home. But he was still stuck on the earlier revelation.
“You were at a wedding?”
His mind raced as he took in her demure dress and artful curls.
Six years, his mind screamed. Even if she had thought of him, of course she would have found someone else in that time.
“Yes,” she affirmed absent-mindedly. “Of Susan will be so cross I’ve left her wedding.”
“Susan’s wedding?”
“Yes.” Lucy’s face dropped. “Oh, I’m sorry, Caspian.”
“So you are not married?” he asked, ignoring the apology.
Lucy’s laughter was a balm to his soul.
“Goodness, no. Not even close. The closest I’ve come to marriage was holding hands with Dennis Macmillian when we were 17. And even that was mainly because I was slipping on the ice. I’ve never even gone for a stroll with a boy.”
Caspian smiled, pulling back just enough to offer her his arm.
“Well then, please, allow me. It would be a shame to waste such a lovely Narnian evening.”
“So it would,” she agreed, looping her arms through his. “Tell me everything I’ve missed,” she insisted as they walked deeper into the maze.
“There’s not that much to tell you. We’ve only just arrived back to Cair Paravel this morning. It took us several months to return everyone to their homes before we could return. Beyond that, I’ve just received reports of peace in Narnia.”
“That’s wonderful, Caspian.”
“I’m sure your time has been far more interesting. Tell me everything.”
“Longer doesn’t always mean more interesting.”
Caspian shot her a look of disbelief.
“I’m telling the truth. After the Dawn Treader we stayed with Eustace until the end of the War. After that, once Susan, Peter, and our parents returned, I went back to school. I learned how to become a nurse.”
“Did you now?”
“Mhmm. Top of my class even. It’s been fascinating to learn, although I still think the healers here have a better bedside manner. And goodness have there been days where I wished for my cordial on the job.”
“It sounds intense.”
“It is. But I love it.”
Her smile confirmed it.
“It suits you,” he agreed.
“Besides all that, not much has changed for me. I spend most of my time working or with my family, though that’s been difficult of late.”
“Difficult? Why?” he asked with a furrowed brow.
“They’ve all become convinced I’m doomed to become an old maid. Well, not everyone I suppose. Mainly my parents and Susan. Peter would prefer it that way, over protective as he is. And Edmund, well he just wants me to be happy.”
Despite her comments, the fondness she had for her siblings still shone through.
“I’m sure they all want you to be happy.”
“I know that. I just wish they wouldn’t keep trying to set me up. I think falling in love should happen naturally.”
She glanced up at Caspian who was watching her closely.
“As do I. So it sounds to me that you’re turning suitors down left and right.”
“Hardly,” she scoffed. “Although I think Susan believes that she’ll have a better chance at marrying me off now that she’s officially taken. They’ll have to settle for the lesser Pevensie sister.”
Caspian narrowed his eyes at the assertion, footsteps coming to a halt as he turned to face her.
“In what way lesser?”
“In every way,” Lucy laughed humorlessly.
“You are Queen Lucy the Valiant. The most beloved Queen Narnia has ever seen,” he reminded her, continuing on before she could argue with him. “You are amazing. You are in no way lesser.”
His words made her smile but it didn’t reach her eyes.
“That may be who I am here. But in my world, I’m just Peter and Susan’s little sister. An afterthought.”
Caspian hated to hear her talk about herself like that.
“Then everyone in your world must be fools. You are valiant and beautiful in every world.”
Lucy found herself unable to hold his intense gaze.
“I’m not beautiful like Susan.”
He lifted her head up with a finger underneath her chin, forcing her to look at him.
“Perhaps not. But you’re beautiful like you. And brave. And kind. And loving. And a million other wonderful things.”
“No one’s ever seen me the way you do.”
“It’s an honor to know you this way, Lucy.”
He reached up cradling her cheek before sliding his fingers into her hair.
“I love you.”
It was a relief to finally say it out loud, and her smile was well worth it.
“I love you too, Caspian. I have for a long time.”
He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. When he pulled away, he leaned his forehead against hers.
“I was so scared I’d never see you again,” she whispered.
“I was too. I was certain that I’d lost my chance. But you’re here now.”
“I am.” She looked around and somehow he knew she was looking for Aslan. “But I still don’t know why.”
“I’m sure Aslan has his reasons.”
“He usually does,” Lucy agreed with a smile. “I’m sure we’ll figure it out in time. For now…”
“For now, I’m just going to be grateful. And enjoy every second of my time with you.”
“I like that plan.”
They walked through the gardens for a time before Caspian escorted her up to the castle.
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Sure enough they spent the next few weeks enjoying their time together. In fact the entire kingdom rejoiced at the return of their queen. But with no indication as to why she was there, soon a quiet anxiety crept in.
Neither Lucy nor Caspian were willing to make too many plans when they didn’t know when she would be returning, so instead they focused on ensuring Narnia was well taken care of. Lucy helped Caspian reinstate the High Council so that every type of creature was represented. Caspian watched in awe as the land flourished and now that everyone had a voice they found it even easier to keep peace. In fact, many days it seemed there wasn’t much ruling to do at all. So he spent more time with his people than ever, which he loved.
And he grew to love Lucy more every day. He knew at some point that she would have to leave, to return to her family, but he also knew that he couldn’t bear to be without her. His decision was made, although he was sure that many would consider it selfish.
Which is why a year after she arrived, Caspian led Lucy into the maze he had found her in.
“This is quite lovely. We haven’t done this in a while. What brought this on?” she asked as they walked.
“Well, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately. And I have a question for you. And I thought this would be the best place to ask it.”
She tilted her head in question, noting the slight nervousness in his voice.
“What kind of question?”
“An important one.”
They had reached the center of the maze and Caspian led Lucy to sit on the edge of the fountain that contained a stone carving of Aslan. He hoped it would bring them the Great Lion’s blessing.
He took both her hands in his as he sat beside her on the edge of the fountain.
“Lucy, my love, ever since I first met you, you have been a source of strength and someone who I have never failed to believe in. On our first adventure I learned never to overlook you, and I am eternally grateful for learning that lesson. Because it allowed me to see you for who you are on our second adventure. On the Dawn Treader, I fell in love with you. And the day I had to say goodbye to you it felt as if my heart would never be whole again. But by the grace of Aslan, you were returned to me. And I have spent the past year falling more and more in love with you. I’m not sure how long we have left in Narnia, but I don’t want to waste another moment without asking you to be my wife.”
She gasped as Caspian shifted down onto one knee.
“There is no other I would bind myself to. I love you, Lucy Pevensie. And my only wish is to have you by my side for as long as you’ll have me. Will you marry me?”
“Of course.”
She tackled Caspian to the ground in a very unladylike move, and kissed him soundly.
“Of course I’ll marry you.”
Caspian’s smile was brilliant as he reached up to cradle her face before pulling her down for another kiss. They reveled in their new engagement alone for a while longer before deciding to return to the castle.
They were nearly out of the maze when they saw a flash of golden fur.
Lucy took off after the lion and Caspian was right on her heels. He couldn’t help but wonder at the timing.
They made it back to the fountain and found the lion himself in front of his stone counterpart.
“Aslan, it is you.”
Lucy launched herself at him, burying her face in his fur.
“Hello, dear one.” It came out in a deep rumbling laugh.
Caspian knelt before Aslan, keeping his eyes on the ground.
“Rise, King Caspian.”
“Aslan, what are you doing here?”
“I’ve come to talk to you about your future, dear one.”
Caspian felt unease coil in his stomach.
“My future here or…?”
Lucy took a step back to stand next to Caspian taking his hand in hers.
“That is your decision to make, Lucy. Your heart longed for Narnia when you returned home. You had not been ready to leave it behind. Is that still true?”
She looked to her betrothed and considered her words carefully.
“I could leave Narnia. But I cannot leave my heart. I cannot leave Caspian. Not again.”
Aslan turned his massive head towards the king – looking at him expectantly.
The king lifted Lucy’s hand to kiss her knuckles, looking to her as he answered.
“Narnia was the only home I ever knew. But Lucy is the only home I will ever need. I would leave Narnia if she wished me to. If you would allow it,” he added as he finally turned to face Aslan.
“Caspian?” Lucy gasped at him.
Aslan seemed to nod so Caspian continued, looking back to his love.
“Lucy, in the past year we’ve changed Narnia. It is ruled by its people. As it should be. They don’t need a king. But I need you.”
Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes, but there was no mistaking her smile.
“Are you sure?”
“I am,” he assured her.
Lucy kissed him for a moment, before turning to Aslan.
“Aslan, is it possible?”
He huffed a laugh and nodded with a shake of his mane.
“Yes, dear one. It is possible. All is as it should be with Narnia thanks to you. But you both must be sure.”
They shared a look before turning back to Aslan.
“We’re sure,” they said in unison.
“But we must not abandon Narnia this time,” Lucy insisted. “I want to say goodbye properly.”
“Of course. You two can stay as long as you like, you have earned that. When you are ready return to this fountain and take the path behind it.”
They both peeked around as the hedge directly behind Aslan’s statue opened up. If she listened closely Lucy could hear the music of the reception.
“You’ll be returned to when you left,” Aslan answered her unspoken question.
Lucy hugged him again and Caspian joined in this time.
“Thank you, Aslan.”
“Thank you, for all you have done for Narnia. It is better for knowing you, dear heart.”
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Lucy and Caspian were married after six months on the day before they stepped down and allowed the high council full rule over Narnia. Surprisingly, no one begrudged them their decision. Narnia was happy and they saw that they could rule themselves and be their own heroes.
Two years to the day after Lucy arrived, they said their final goodbyes to the land that had given them so many gifts, the dearest of which was each other.
Hand in hand they entered the maze and followed the turns to the center. With one last look at the great stone lion, they walked through the hedge behind him, coming out into a dark night. Lucy was once again in her lavender bridesmaid dress. Luckily she had had the foresight to have a suit made for Caspian so he would blend in.
“Shall we?” she asked, excited to see her family after so long. Well so long for her. Just moments for them.
“Are you sure I shouldn’t just wait here until after the wedding? How are we going to explain me just turning up?” Caspian asked, daunted by the new world around him.
It was louder than Narnia, and undeniably strange. Lucy cupped his cheek, and kissed him.
“The evening is nearly over. The others will want to see you. You were at the other party and we ran into each other in the garden. You’re an old friend from our time with the professor. And I insisted that you come say hello and congratulate Susan in person.”
“You’ve thought about this,” he teased, considering the plan in his head.
“Of course. It was the first thing I thought when you threatened me with my own dagger,” she reminded him with a mocking look.
“Oh really?” Caspian chuckled, quirking an eyebrow at her.
“Yes. Right after ‘he’s here. Maybe I get to be loved after all’.”
“You are so loved, my valiant Lucy. And I shall love you forever. In every world.”
She smiled up at him, blissfully happy.
“And I you, Caspian.”
They shared one more kiss before walking hand in hand back to reception. Everything was as it should be.
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed this. I've got loads of Ben Barnes feels lately and this is how I'm dealing with it lol. Thanks for reading!
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i wanted to let u know not to worry about the art thing! just don’t do it in the future! everyone makes mistakes :) <3
Okay, I'm stopped worrying ab it anyway. 1. Don't tell me what to do unless you're Roger bc I would throw myself off a cliff for him. 2. Do you get the fact that I was at school and literally did not have time to find the author? Bc if you don't then I'm gonna explode. 3. My entire life is a mistake and I'm surprised I haven't been put in a mental hospital.
4. Refer to number 1. I don't listen to anyone except my little sibling and Roger.
5. I just won't put any other art on here except my own bc y'all get your panties in a knot just because some junior in highschool didn't have time to find the artist and give more credit.
6. Probably not gonna post my art on here cause then y'all will get your panties in a knot bc it looks like I stole some kid's art even though I don't leave my house for anything except school and the youngest people in my house are twin 11 year old girls who don't even draw.
7. Please don't bring up the art thing, I'm done talking ab it because its done and over with.
8. On god, that art thing made me wanna delete the post all together or just delete my whole tumblr from existence.
9. I'm not trying to be mean in anyway, this is just a rant and I've been stressed all week and I just needed time to breathe but I got a Discord social life, Wattpadders to fill with more lotf and koopaling bs, and now a Tumblr situation that I had to deal with. I also have a band concert to prepare for and I may or may not have a bowling match to prepare for bc I don't even know if I wanna do it because one of the bitches doesn't even shut tf up and she's a dumbass freshmen who hasn't even done bowling for a year and made varsity jus bc her fugly, rude, disgusting, shitty ass uncle is the fucking coach. While I have been on the team for 3 years as of now and I'm still on JV so however that works, I'm done caring about it.
I'm not trying to sound offensive in anyway shape or form, I just want this week to be over or my life to end shortly, whichever comes first. God has been trying to kill me for 17 years with a little bit of my own fucking help so I'm either ready to fight him or become him, whichever comes first.
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hobbysognodilibri · 2 years
I just saw your Tsukkiyama children OCs they're adorable eudhdjdjs
You mentioned Daisuga's kids how many are they?? Did you give them like a lot just to torture them??
Also you put the picrew but do you also draw? Would love to see how you draw those kids <3
Hope you have a good day <3
Heyyyy!! Thank you so much!!! Hope you have a great day too!!!
First thing first... I don't really draw, here the artist is my sister, not me 😅
But I should have some doodles of the kids somewhere, might post them later!
Soooo... Busted, I did give them many kids (4) but in my defense Daichi canonically has 4 younger siblings and Suga has a younger brother, they have a great babysitting support system!!!
I used this picrew for afab characters and this one for amab characters
1.Yuki Sawamura Sugawara
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Pronouns are she/her and is gay
Born April 19th 2020
Is a pretty calm person but is always happy to join her siblings mischief
Plays as a wing spiker for Karasuno and is captain in her 3rd year
Is in a relationship with Mizuki, Tsukkiyama's oldest daugher
2.Anka Sawamura Sugawara
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Goes by she/they pronouns and is bisexual
Born September 27th 2021
Is much more energetic and mischievous than any of her siblings, but can be serious when she wants to (almost never)
Doesn't play volleyball but is the Karasuno female volleyball club manager
Is in a relationship with Yasuko, Sakuatsu's oldest daughter
3.Eichi Sawamura Sugawara
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Pronouns are he/him and is pansexual
Born January 13th 2023 (not born yet woops)
Is the only serious one of the bunch and pissed by it. Still kind and patient with his siblings
Plays as a wing spiker for Karasuno and is captain in his 3rd year
Didn't picture him in a relationship but things might change, he's too sweet to not have a partner and be all cute together I'll figure something out alfhdslnc
4.Kai Sawamura Sugawara
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Pronouns are they/he and is pansexual
Born June 30th 2024 (not born yet woops pt.2)
Is the cutest of them all (obv they're the youngest) and really kind and calm (weird considering they're Suga's child)
Plays as a setter (finally Suga's pride and joy!!!) for Karasuno and is captain in their third year
Again, didn't picture him in a relationship with anyone but you can never know what happens🤷‍♀️
Aaaaaand finally done!
If you want send in asks about this stuff bc I'm bored and wanna talk about them (and bc I'm trying to ignore the fact that I have a really big exam)
Also if you're curious about details and shit about characters I already posted about ask ahead bc, once again, I'M BORED AND WANNA TALK ABOUT MY OCS
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zukoshotleafjuice · 4 years
Do you have any headcanons about gaang grandchildren and if they all lived how each one of them would be to them? We don't see much about them here
okay SO i love the gaang grandkids - and actually we see quite a bit of them in the legend of korra, probably just as much as we see the kids.
canonically, all the gaang members who had kids also have grandkids :)
so, for the headcanons:
- in canon, aang never met his grandchildren. however, canon is fake and these headcanons will assume he lived and they’re all best friends
- aang, ikki and meelo get into the wildest shenanigans. tenzin complains that aang brings out the worst in his kids but aang always insists it’s worth it - besides, tenzin was always too serious
- constant air scooter races. aang lets the kids win every single time and this always results in meelo running around, screeching that he defeated the avatar. tenzin rolls his eyes but doesn’t quite have the heart to burst his bubble
- he encourages jinora’s spiritual and serious side, teaching her the more obscure airbender myths that her hyper younger siblings aren’t as interested in. they meditate together and discuss the spirit world and the things aang has seen in his role as the bridge between the humans and spirits.
- we know literally nothing about rohan since he was a newborn in LOK, but I like the idea that he’s a bit of a dreamy, artistic free spirit. more like jinora than meelo, but even more prone to getting lost, wandering around with his head in the clouds. aang loves rohan’s imagination and creativity, and definitely introduces him to artists in republic city
- katara and jinora get along like a house on fire. they’re very similar people - jinora is an airbender, but as a kid she would watch katara waterbend and secretly practice her movements. katara passes on water tribe traditions to all her grandchildren, but they resonate the most with jinora. she loves listening to the stories and the mythology of the water tribe, learning about tui and la, about the moon spirit who was her grandmother’s friend and who promises to watch over jinora and her siblings as long as they live
- ikki loves it when katara braids her hair. she wears hair loopies all the time, even though they’ve long been out of style in the water tribes. her grandma likes them, so ikki knows they must be cool. ikki and katara go penguin sledding together every time they’re in the water tribe - it’s ikki’s favourite activity and she’s never quite sure why katara tears up slightly every time they do it. katara also teaches ikki SWT cooking - it’s very meat centric and tenzin isn’t thrilled with his airbending kids eating meat, but katara always reminds him with a glare that those kids are as water tribe as they are air nomad
- zuko has the best relationship ever with his grandson iroh. when he found out that izumi was planning to name her son after uncle iroh, he straight up sobbed
- zuko ends up being a very uncle-iroh like figure to his grandson iroh II. lots of sage advice, tea-making and pai sho sessions. zuko sees a lot of himself in his grandson - they have the same impulsivity, reckless streak, ruthless determination and voice. he recognises that iroh II needs that same guidance and voice of reason to help him channel his intensity, turn it into something productive. it’s too easy for people like them to turn to self-destruction when things don’t go their way, so zuko makes sure that iroh II knows how to develop healthy coping mechanisms so that he never ends up suffering the way zuko did
- zuko’s a little unsure when iroh chooses to go into the military, but he sees how well he takes to that life. he’s the proudest grandpa ever when iroh II gets the title of the youngest general in history
- toph has the most complicated relationship with her grandkids. it’s not strained, but it’s not too close either given that she retired to the forest and became a hermit when they were very young. but we see in korra that opal has only fond memories of her grandmother and clearly loves her a lot.
- toph shows affection brutally. she’s never brutal, exactly, but she can be stern in the best way possible. she always makes sure her grandkids know to never take shit from anybody, to always get back up and never to let anyone talk down to them. she’s insistent that opal, especially, learns this - opal is naturally shy and reserved, and toph is determined that nobody ever takes that as an excuse to talk down to her
- opal’s a little insecure about the fact that her mother and grandmother are such famous earthbenders while she is a non-bender. when toph hears about this, she ruffles opal’s hair and says “don’t be silly, kiddo. my best friend’s a non-bender, and he’s the strongest guy i know”
- she then threatens to end the life of anyone who gives her granddaughter shit for being a non-bender. nobody dares say anything to opal after that
- as toph feels herself growing older, she starts returning to zaofu and republic city more often. she spends more time with her grandkids, becoming their go-to advice person and resident eccentric old lady.
- bonus: i love the concept of bumi having an airbender daughter before he develops airbending himself. it would create a really interesting family dynamic since the child would have to spend a lot of time on air temple island with tenzin. also it would help bumi feel more connected to his airbender roots. this is the most out there headcanon but it’s my emotional support headcanon and i love it. it actually has nothing to do with your ask but i felt the need to share anyway
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satoisms · 3 years
Given ig cos I have no idea what fandoms you are into dhsjkh
I’ll tell you:
The first character I first fell in love with: mafuyu. instant love. and i've loved his precious floof son for over 2 years now. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: honestly??? kasai. like i was meh on her but i do enjoy her character and it lowkey does annoy me how ppl still focus on chapter 6 but ignore chapters 7 and 12 and were like what??? at chapter 43 now??? come on. The character everyone else loves that I don’t: i thoroughly find the entire cast of given interesting and like each one to a certain degree. so for each cast member i do have a bit of love but if i were to name one i don't feel as much for is... yuki. and like i find the guy super hecking interesting and his importance to mafuyu's life, but there's just so little info on the guy that makes it difficult to know what he was really like. all we know that's concise is he was the centre of the childhood friend group, he was mafuyu's boyfriend and first friend, he and mafuyu were hella codependent, at a point he spent all his free time with the band and doing jobs so had zero time for mafuyu, and ofc he isn't around anymore. i want to know more abt him but most of what we've gotten is from either the rumours from jr high or hiiragi and shizu's pov and both had polarizing views of him. the best take we could get is from mafuyu but he hadn't opened up about him much at all so henceforth he's a mystery. i'm intrigued but the combination of lack of proper info on him and his fanbase being highkey really hecking toxic i just feel wary. The character I love that everyone else hates: kasai. please can we move past her telling ritsuka abt the rumours about yuki and idk look at her apologizing and even being the reason ritsuka went to visit mafuyu while sick instead? like she's the one who suggested it. The character I used to love but don’t any longer: uhhhh i like every character. i guess maybe... my favour for shizu has kinda faltered a tad bc of current events. though i also feel utmost concern for him bc he just seems like he's not in a good or healthy headspace rn and i worry. plus the guy's one of the youngest of the cast so he has room to grow too. The character I would totally smooch: i would smooch p much the entire cast but most importantly i would smooch the living daylights out of kedama. best floofer. deserves more love honestly. The character I’d want to be like: stopping to look at the cast uhhh... probably a die between the uenoyama siblings. ritsuka is honestly such a good guy who looks out for everyone and wears his heart on his sleeve and even helps out those who aren't that nice to him. yayoi for her empathy and honestly??? ability to just be open abt feelings and stuff. i'm shy as heck let me not be shy pls. The character I’d slap: in a loving way i'd slap ritsuka to tell him it's okay to let others know he's hurting and to stop overworking himself. the poor guy is wasting away bc he's doing all-nighters and is blaming himself for everything like pls boy stop. it's not your fault. A pairing that I love: ritsumafu is my brainrot haha. i love the pairing so much why else have they been my artistic muse as of late? i also love the other canon pairs in given and also have a soft spot for yayoi and aki haha. A pairing that I despise: any pairing that has ritsuka paired with anyone that isn't mafuyu and similarly any pairing that puts mafuyu with anyone that isn't yuki or ritsuka. i just... the thought of that makes me uncomfortable. it's not for me.
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dreamculture · 7 years
A Conversation with Cowgirl Clue 1.10.18
DREAMCULTURE: I read that you're one of five kids, where do you fit in that and growing up did any of your other family members or siblings influence your love for music or did you take that up on your own?
COWGIRLCLUE: Actually me and my siblings are so different. They're supportive of my music but they don't understand it very much so its been like my own path honestly. Like when I was a kid my older brother and I ,he's my full brother my other siblings are half, my older brother and I we’re close in age so we were wearing diapers and dancing to Madonna when we were kids but like you know, we like music we love it but our music taste is super different.
DC: So in school you'd walk around with headphones and things like you got your first job at age 13. Do you like doing things independently like this is what you're gonna do or do you sometimes rely on other people for help or influence?
CLUE: I mean if its around and inspiring, its definitely great to have a support system, if its not its also good to stay confidant in who you are and being true to yourself. Yeah when I was in high school I didn't have a lot of friends because a lot of my friends were older and graduated so I just hung out in the art class and wore my headphones, discovered new music.
DC: Growing up in Austin, who were you listening to and what kind of shows did you go to?
CLUE: Well I was going to a lot of my cousins shows cause some of my cousins were in bands. I moved around a lot but I was definitely one of the youngest or at least it seemed like one of the youngest people going to shows. Now its totally different cause everyones very young. I was probably the only sixteen or even seventeen year old at shows. I was one of the only people with x’s on my hands but now its totally different. Its super cool.
DC: Was going to shows a big part of your life or did you go to just have fun?
CLUE: I definitely went out of curiosity like whats it all about whats its like whats it like seeing something live like the sound. But there were a ton of artists at the time that I loved so much and I never got to see them live and looking back I'm like ughhh you know? Like will my dad or my mom drive me and like yes sometimes but sometimes no or not at all so it just kinda depended on the time.
DC: Did high school and college guide you into where you are with music now? I know know you started music at 18.
Clue: Well i started DJing pretty young maybe even before I was 18 I think I was maybe 17 but yeah in some ways I think it more helped my mentality maybe not so much with music but it helped me have a motivational mindset. I also took a lot of dance classes which help me now. I didn't realize at the time but it helped me branch out of my shell. In a ways it was good.
DC: You went to college in Olympia and lived in a punk house, what was that like?
Clue: It was cool. It rained a lot so thats why I'm no longer living there anymore cause that does affect your mind no matter how many people wanna tell you that it wont. Olympia is a great place and also a terrible place at the same time. Living in a punk house is cool for like what it is. The rent was cheap, I got to play my music as loud as I wanted, I got to stay up as late as I wanted, and I got to paint my walls black and white striped but at the same time it wasn't always the cleanest place.
DC: Moving onto your music now, you currently live in California. Whats it like being apart of the California music scene compared to other places you've lived and preformed?
Clue: I don't know if its the scene, well I mean yeah theres a lot of people that are very supportive in general but I think thats more of a time thing like I was saying I feel like the younger audience is more brace now than it was before when I was younger. I feel like my music has changed and so I don't know if its the atmosphere thats changed and helped but I don't know maybe its a combination of everything.
DC: When and where did you play your first show?
Clue: My first show... well I played some of my first shows in random bands. Like I would make a band and we would play a show at a friends house and then it'd be done and we'd never play again. I don't even remember who was in my different bands. But my first time DJing my friend was like “Hey do you wanna DJ my birthday party?” and I was like sure and then it just developed from there and now I'm here in Denver it's great.
DC: Where have some of your favorite places to preform been?
Clue: I honestly just like preforming it really doesn't matter as long as the sound system is good I like playing anywhere.
DC: Do you ever get stage fright or anxiety before you go on?
Clue: Yes and no, it depends on if I get to the venue and I don't have a lot of time to soundcheck thats really terrifying, its actually extremely terrifying. I mean I always get stage fright cause thats just normal.
DC: Going on to your lyrics, how do you come up with them for your songs?
Clue: My only EP that I put out was very personal and I played off a lot of metaphors but the album I'm working on now which is my first album, I want it to be more relatable so I'm thinking about more relatable scenarios and less of an intimate setting but also intimate too, and visual lyrics that are visually stimulating are always really good too.
DC: Your 2016 SXSW performance was one of the first performances I saw of you , since then you've accomplished so many cool things like your song "Jewel" was used in a Volcom trailer and you've also done things with Volcom in the past and have been doing things with them like when you took over their snapchat story, how did all these things come about?
Clue: Just really putting out content and meeting new people in music constantly. Never saying no to anything and not having a huge ego will really help you. Just art in general or anything that you wanna accomplish and thats what is helping me right now.
DC: Into your style, its unique and you have your Clue Wear. When did you decide you wanted to start making your own clothes?
Clue: Actually that manifested this past year. Its a lot of work because I hand paint jackets. I was supposed to put it out last year but i haven't yet cause I'm still working on things but its something I'm recently trying out so we'll see how it goes.
DC: I was curious where did your genie aesthetic come from?
Clue: Thats a really good question no ones asked me that before. When I was DJing I guess if I really think about it I came up the name Geniefactory because I felt like if you were some sort of entity and you're changing the space of a room it would kind be like a genie. Smoke represents music like filling the room and changing the atmosphere so thats why I went with it when I really put thought into it.
DC: I know you're into crystals, the moon, plants, things like that and of course your boots! Is there anything you're currently really into?
Clue: I really like stuffed animals they make me feel happy because they just are brainless and cute and thats what they're there to do, to make you feel better.
DC: Last but not least, you're putting out a new album in 2018, what else can we expect from Cowgirl Clue in the new year?
Clue: Shows lots of shows. The new album which I don't have a name for yet and those are pretty big things honestly maybe some music videos too who knows we'll see!
,,,Thank you Ashley for sitting down with me to talk and being the amazing artist and human being that you are!,,, ,,,Thank you to all that have read you can find Cowgirl Clue's music on Bandcamp, Spotify, and Youtube.,,, ,,,Also be sure to see Clue live on her upcoming tour supporting The Garden!,,,
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