#my yttd liveblogging
aroace-poly-show · 1 year
oh right i forgot to liveblog yesterday oopsies
anyway yttd spoilers as usual
but my progress i did last night was unlocking the dummies' like thingies that made sure they had to stay near us, fought maple (damn girl you like midori?..you could do so much better... /lh), KURUMADA'S FUCKING STUPID AND SO IS Q-TARO AND IF EITHER OF THEM DIE BC OF IT IM GONNA BE SO MAD, shin ai is gone :(((((( i miss him, found the battery for kurumada, ranmaru made me sad when he really found out he's actually not alive anymore when he still had hope :(((( I CAN'T BELIEVE HE'S GONNA DIE AGAIN THAT'S NOT FAIR HE WANTED TO LIVE SO BADLY 😭 and uh i think,,,that was it???
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00394892 · 1 year
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what if i burst into tears
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palisadewasp · 1 year
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ALICE NON BINEY‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽
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Just finished the first chapter of YTTD and I have so many THOUGHTS oh my goodness… the writing is so good
also one of my favs died! always fun
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My AO3 (disclaimer: if you look through my bookmarks to find fic recs, know that I bookmark everything I've ever read ever, meaning if I hated a fic or only read half of it, it still got bookmarked. Just be warned)
A list of tags to block (or look through) of me live reacting to some series':
Your Turn To Die [I only did this for 3-1B] - #your turn to fuck me up
A Court of Fey and Flower (Dimension 20) [from mid-ep 2 forward] - #a court of drama and romance
A Crown of Candy (Dimension 20) [from ep 5 forward] - #a crown of corruption
Neverafter* (Dimension 20) - #nevereverafter
A Starstruck Odyssey* (Dimension 20) - #a dumbass odyssey
The Ravening War (Dimension 20) - #the raddishing war
Mentropolis* (Dimension 20) - #mentaltropolis
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blookmallow · 2 years
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so uh
i didnt mean for this to happen
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sk3l3t0n444 · 6 months
anybody remember when i started playing yttd? no? me neither, lets start over
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faerociousbeast · 1 year
my original mystic messenger experiences were so embarrassing actually. there was this one discord server i was in (they introduced me to yttd too) but anyway this one. member was like. liveblogging and sent a screenshot w zen w a message like "i dont really like him but yhis was nice" or whatever
nd i remember just thinking. Wow who the hell are you talking to that has an ANIME BOY pfp nd Why are you exposing your dms to everyone here??
and because it was called Mystic... after i FINALLY realized ohhhh this is a game maybe. i had the misconception oh maybe its like a fantasy game :D i like fantasy! ^_^ <- unaware twelve y/o
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kirexa · 1 year
I go to look at my old posts from liveblogging yttd and who do I see in the notes but my mutuals and people who I just generally see around
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aroace-poly-show · 2 years
yttd spoilers
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junkobears · 2 years
So I’m finally getting around to play Your Turn to Die/Kimi ga Shine years after everyone else played it already and recommended it, as usual for me! Just finished Chapter One Part One so here’s my thoughts on the game so far, for the three or so ol’ death game / DanRon fans still hanging around on here and following me who might be interested, haha. I’ll try to put up a liveblog post for the end of every part I finish playing through, I’m going into this, say, 99.9% blind for reference:
Surprise, surprise, so far I’m enjoying the game! The premise is intriguing so far and the low-res fan-inspired Danganronpa art style obviously is appealing to me, haha. I’m eagerly awaiting a moment where we will become the swing vote between one character being horribly executed or another one being horribly executed. Aside from that, I’m not sure I have any general theories on the nature of the death game itself at the moment...
Non-character related points that stuck out to me:
-The list of names in the bar that had all these other unknown names alongside the group we have met so far... hoping we will start meeting these people in the next chapters? We desperately need more female characters in this game for one!
-Three arms were visible in the scene when Sara investigates her room and gets kidnapped, so I think her stalker is actually multiple characters, theories on who exactly below. Comedy option is that her passed out featureless mother is actually involved in the stalking/kidnapping/murderin’ group behind the death game. She didn’t look THAT injured to me.
-I wonder if alternate routes depending on characters alive, considering the dummy bullets game, I wonder if it’s actually possible to kill anyone there and the game actually continues on? Or do you just get a game over ya fucked it moron the pattern to the bullets is bleeding obvious how the hell was that possible joke ending. But also I wonder if there are actual divergences based on who you agree with or refute often in the discussion segments. Might be a lot of extra work for a free fangame, though. On that note Joe was so cool with Sara handling the gun I almost was tempted to shoot him point blank as a warning to not be so trusting of me, haha. Sadly he was just too cutely simple to actually pull the trigger on in the end.
-The cupboard in the bar could’ve done with being more visually distinctive because that tripped me up for no joke nearly an hour before I realized it was a thing that could be interacted with. Failing this early at the basics of a point-and-click adventure game, truly shameful.
And because it’s me and I love a ranking, here’s my first character opinions from top to bottom with extended thoughts on each of them!
SARA: It's fun to have a female protagonist who gets to be both the 'everyday normal person thrown into death game' & 'group leader everyone trusts' archetypes at the same time! Let's hope she doesn't get Kaede'd... eternally live in fear of this happening! The title of this game however does not imply good things eventually for Sara. I enjoy that even with random men bizarrely trusting her Sara is still like WTF about it at the same time, so she has a lil' personality despite being the POV. But gurl her fringe with braid AND side ponytail hairstyle is not it. Hoping for symbolic haircut when she also actually gets more scenarios to start reacting too now that the actual death part of the death game has started.
KEIJI: He's wildly, unbelievably suspicious with being a policeman but refusing to use the gun in the dummy challenge (then again Japanese police are like UK police where they don't actively use guns right?), and in general just being shifty about how the group was kidnapped (yeah it HAS to be that Weird Cult I Won’t Go Into Any Specifics About Trust Me Guys!) but I’m still actually charmed by his tired & easygoing demeanour? Just like yup let’s just get on with this death game nonsense, haha. But also I definitely feel like there’s going to be more to him immediately trusting Sara and putting her in the group leader spot than “you’re cute” as well. More likely for bad reasons I feel at this point!
JOE: The spunky and goofy best bro type... who I actually really like!? At first I rolled my eyes when he popped up from behind that hedge supposedly creeping but as the chapter went on I changed my tune, Joe’s a Good Boi. I have my fears that they’ll try to set up him and Sara’s friendship as romantic later on but I also don’t get that vibe really, I like how banter-y but genuinely loyal their dynamic is at the moment. Actually feels like a proper high school friendship. Apart from that I’m not sure entirely where his character is going so I’m interested to see what he gets up too next.
REKO: She’s this high up because I absolutely adore the punk rock bitch aesthetic she is rocking 🎸 but so far she hasn’t really gotten to do much at all aside from worry about Kanna, which is pretty lame so hopefully future chapters will give her something. I have high hopes you can remain a favourite Reko!
SOU: He’s the 0.1% of this game I’m kiiiiinda spoiled on, but only in a “I know this character was popular with people who were massive Komaeda/Ouma fans back in 2017/2018″ way, lmfao. Which implies to me he’ll turn out to be a lil’ shit of some sort. The vibes couldn’t be any stronger after that opening scene with him SDR2 style as well... dunno perhaps he’s Sara’s actual stalker? He does seem strangely drawn to her so far... also the fact he conveniently got locked out of the gun game? I’m enjoying him though because I can relate to the pain of people constantly telling you to just get a job when you just wanna sleep. And honestly his design is pretty, even sometimes I can be into the problematic anime boys... don’t tell anyone 😷
SUE MILEY: Death Game Mascot Host character we always appreciate one of those, love her Madoka-esque design, and her open glee and bloodthirst for democracy. Kind of interesting she didn’t immediately punish Kai for outright attacking her and just ran away however. The fact when collecting her limbs to assemble her every character kept commenting on how ‘lifelike’ she seems also stood out to me, maybe she’s not actually a literal doll/puppet and is human? Then again they did literally build her and she talks about a master so... hmm. Curious to see where the game goes with her. Would like her to actually be the main villain in the long run despite her master.
NAO: Gives me extremely Tsumiki vibes but without the fanservice so that can only be good things to come. Love how frantically panicking she is in general and her messy artist design (though initially I was thinking florist) is SUPER cute. Also enjoy how immediately she was like “I hate Keiji but Sara you’re pretty cool please love me!” which is fun shipbait I can get behind perhaps. Otherwise she didn’t do much this chapter either, but with her mentor figure now headmelted I’m hoping for more of a focus in Part Two from Nao.
KAI: Stay at home dads are pretty progressive I suppose. I don’t really believe he’s Sara’s stalker at all like this chapter is implying but I don’t really have a particular reason why I feel this way. I guess it just feels too obvious/soon for this reveal, it’s really more a meta thought. I enjoy his dedication to his cooking utensils and refusing to let anyone wield the frying pan, the man is a Peach main in Smash Bros clearly so I can respect that.
MISHIMA: rest in pieces old man, he wasn’t particularly interesting to me but I did appreciate his scene when they’re all trying to comfort Kanna over her sister’s death and he lies pretty easily to convince her she couldn’t have done anything to save her sister, added a bit more character to his older prof shtick. But his default creep hands pose whilst being the crime of old didn’t do him any favours at all so the three votes for his death ain’t surprising. I wonder if we’ll ever get a breakdown of who voted for him later on? It’d make no sense but if nao was one of them that’d be really intriguing actually.
GIN: I apologize, small otaku child who would probably hate me for being another annoying adult who likes alcohol! No one on this cast tell him about the irony of his name. His costume design and cat plushie is super cute anyways. That’s pretty much the extent of my thoughts so far!
Q-TARO: Honestly this guy just exists and not much else... I laughed at him being the only character not immediately cool with the idea of handing a random teenager a gun and trusting her to not fuck it up and kill him at least? otherwise fast food burger man is certainly a Design Choice???
KANNA: ehhhhhhhhhh the innocent child character who the protagonist wants to protect has never been my favourite archetype on it’s own. Apart from her dunce bucket hat that reminds me of Greg from OTGW, nothing about her is really standing out to me so far. So presumably she’ll be one of the main characters to the end of the game, haha. Not sure if the shot of her wetting herself was entirely necessary also. Hoping there’s a bit more to Sue Miley’s angry retort that she was a willing sister killer, otherwise Kanna will be languishing at the bottom of the ranking for a while.
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palisadewasp · 1 year
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i'm deeply in love with you
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canon-fcdder · 3 years
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(( Of course he fucking chimes in jgbjfvnfgg — Sou, my beloved… Best Boi. A Good Lad. Every time he comes on screen I instinctively go ‘my babey’ and there is no end in sight ))
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zuble · 3 years
me yesterday: eh i like this game but idc about the characters. just move on with the story pls
me literally like 20 minutes further into the game; Gin is upset and I’m about to start throwing things.
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ambidexedition · 3 years
... every current survivor on the logic route, besides sou, voted for kanna. I don't know what this means but it frightens me
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not-bcring · 3 years
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(( I’ve already seen the end of this trial— one of them anyway —but I am still EMOTIONAL and So Scared for whatever is gonna happen next rip ))
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