newoffer24 · 1 year
Here are some pros and cons associated with MyHeritage:
Large DNA Database: MyHeritage has a substantial DNA database with millions of users, increasing the chances of finding genetic relatives and building a comprehensive family tree.
Genealogical Tools: The platform offers various tools and resources for genealogical research, making it easier to trace your family's history and connect with distant relatives.
Ethnicity Estimates: MyHeritage provides detailed ethnicity estimates, which can give you insights into your genetic ancestry and where your ancestors may have come from.
DNA Matches: The platform helps you find and connect with relatives who have also taken MyHeritage DNA tests, potentially leading to exciting family discoveries.
Integration with Family Trees: MyHeritage allows you to connect your DNA results with your family tree on their platform, providing a holistic view of your genealogy.
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Cost: MyHeritage DNA testing can be relatively expensive compared to some other DNA testing services. Costs may also include subscription fees for access to certain features.
Privacy Concerns: Some users may have concerns about the privacy of their genetic data when using MyHeritage, especially in light of potential data breaches in the past.
Smaller Database Compared to Competitors: While MyHeritage has a sizable database, it is still smaller than some of its competitors like AncestryDNA and 23andMe, which could affect the number of matches you find.
Limited Health Information: MyHeritage primarily focuses on ancestry testing, so it provides limited health-related genetic information compared to DNA testing services dedicated solely to health analysis.
Subscription Model: To access all of MyHeritage's genealogical features, you may need to subscribe to their premium services, which come with monthly or annual fees.
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maksimlustiger · 1 year
     Dominacja Czyja ? I po Co ? Po jaką cholerę Ktoś miałby dominować nad Kimś Innym ?
     Jednemu się zdaje , że jest Ważniejszy, Silniejszy. Ma większą siłę w mięśniach czy w rozumie ?
     Dominacja Samców nad Samicami. Najczęściej z racji większych gabarytów.
     Dominacja Panów nad Chłopami.
     Dominacja Mężczyzn nad Kobietami.
     Dominacja Bogatych nad Biednymi.
     Dominacja Intruzów nad Tubylcami.
     Dominacja Zwycięzców nad Zwyciężonymi.
     Wielkość mierzona stanem posiadania piękniejszego ubarwienia piór lub włości rozlicznych z cud zabudową.
     Wielkość Większa lub Wielkość Mniejsza w zależności od rejonu Świata i grupy etnicznej lub społecznej.
     Wielkość mierzalna w ramach parametrów czysto ziemskich lub ludzkich( jednostki matematyczne lub parametry fizykalne).
     Wielkość kosmiczna zahaczająca o nieskończoność. Niemierzalna. Parametry szacunkowe zamknięte w pięknym zapętleniu leżącej ósemki z otwarciem na .......Wszechświat.
     Rozmiar mojego buta trywialnie większy od rozmiaru butka małego dziecka lub odcisk ludzkiej dłoni mniejszy od odcisku nogi słonia afrykańskiego( nota bene nieco większego od słonia indyjskiego).
     Wielkość Patriarchatu kulturowo królująca nad Matriarchatem.
     Dominacja Bogów nad Boginiami.Choć w kulturach pierwotnych pierwsze wierzenia dotyczyły Matki Ziemi lub Bogini Płodności.
     Co obliguje Jednych do poczucie, że są Lepsi , Ważniejsi , Bardziej Znaczący ? Pochodzenie ? Siła mięśni ? Uroda ? Bogactwo ? Wiedza ?
      A może wartość mojego indywidualnego kodu Deoksyrybonukleinowego ze szczegółowym zapisem cech gatunkowych,uwzględniających pochodzenie rasy ?
      Rasa Panów. Rasa poddanych. Co sprawia, że Jedni rządzą , a Inni stoją w szeregu ?
      Faryzeusze i Pariasi.
      Elity i ustanawiany przez nie egalitarny porządek rzeczy.
      Lud i Dyktator wyznaczający reguły egzystencji.
      Bycie Trybem w maszynerii życia lub Bycie Genialnym Zegarmistrzem Całego Świata  władającym Prawami, Koncernami , Mediami( Rothschild, Rockefeller).
      Bycie Widzialnym i Niewidzialnym. Anonimowość bądź uderzająca w prywatność Rozpoznawalność.
      Bycie Ikoną lub bycie Szarym Kimś w Tłumie.
      Bo........w gruncie rzeczy Nie można Być NIKIM.
      Nawet wówczas, kiedy Ktoś dyktuje Nam Swoje Zasady Życia.
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meltdownuclear · 1 year
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Anoche me quedé dormida super tarde (a las 2 y algo am) y me desperté super temprano (a las 6 XD).
Me quedé hasta tarde hablando con Héctor. Cuando salió el tema de su terapia, no pude evitar también sentirme identificada con sus sentimientos. De hecho, hasta me puse a llorar bastante en un momento mientras chateábamos, porque escribí honestamente cómo me sentía.
Y no, no es tristeza por estar en Japón, ni estar lejos de mi familia, ni ahora depender de mí misma. No es eso, ahora mismo, es demasiado temprano para sentirse así.
Es aquella tristeza que siento por "el tema de mi ex-pareja", o así es como lo digo yo. pero creo que con el paso del tiempo es cada vez menos relacionado a él, sino algo de mí misma.
Porque tengo tan grabado que soy insuficiente, que no tengo valor alguno, que no podría volver a ser capaz de ser vulnerable nuevamente para entregar mi amor de manera genuina... que incluso si ese escenario se diera, no funcionaría, que sería un fracaso, que me rechazaría, que sería insuficiente de nuevo, etc.
No sé, está complicado. Pienso demasiado en ello, en que no soy capaz de relacionarme con personas de una forma más íntima o sentimental (romántico) - en el momento en el que algo empieza a gestarse, huyo, no sé realmente si es porque no siento nada por esas personas o porque no quiero permitirme sentir nada, no lo sé.
En el fondo me considero hambrienta de amor, deseo entregarlo y recibirlo, con todo lo que implica, como el dolor. Sin embargo, todo queda como una idea que no va más allá, una idea materializada en imágenes repentinas y efímeras que se dispersan entre otras preocupaciones...
Me desperté temprano, a las 6 de la mañana. Me duché, me vestí, estuve viendo coincidencias en el myheritageDNA. Perdí mucho la mañana, pero luego fui a comprar algo de comida (por fin) en el supermercado, el cual me dolió un poco (unos 34 euros salió) y eso que no compré ni verduras, ni carne, ni fruta.
De camino al supermercado vi unos hombres sentados en un lugar, pensé que eran unos trabajadores o algo porque vestían igual, pero no me fijé mucho en ellos. Se levantaron y se acercaron a mí, diciendo tonterías de acosadores ... no me tocaron ni nada, simplemente pasaron al lado de mí (demasiado cerca) y yo aceleré el paso. Lo peor de todo, es que me di cuenta de que eran estudiantes de secundaria probablemente, pero no de bachillerato. Estaban haciendo campana.
Después de comprar ordené un poco la habitación, me quedé frita en la cama, no había forma de despertar lol. Me desperté como a las 18hrs y he estado chateando y escribiendo estas cosas, aunque debería estudiar.
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scontomio · 1 year
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💣 Kit per il test del DNA di MyHeritage: Test Genetici per L'Ascendenza e L'Etnia che coprono più di 2 🤑 a soli 129,99€➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/kit-per-il-test-del-dna-di-myheritage-test-genetici-per-lascendenza-e-letnia-che-coprono-piu-di-2/?feed_id=117845&_unique_id=6465f8535481b&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Kit%20per%20il%20test%20del%20DNA%20di%20MyHeritage%3A%20Test%20Genetici%20per%20L%27Ascendenza%20e%20L%27Etnia%20che%20coprono%20pi%C3%B9%20di%202 Il kit per il test del DNA di MyHeritage offre risultati etnici dettagliati e copre più di 2.000 regioni geografiche, permettendoti di scoprire le tue origini e i percorsi dei tuoi antenati. Il tampone per le guance è facile da usare e i risultati sono disponibili in sole 3-4 settimane. Il servizio offre anche la corrispondenza del DNA con parenti in tutto il mondo e standard di privacy elevati. Con l'integrazione all'albero genealogico di MyHeritage, puoi scoprire la storia della tua famiglia. #coupon #myheritagedna #bellezza #amazon #testdna #scontomio
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throughthetreesblog · 3 years
Use MyHeritage DNA’s New Genetic Group Filter
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Our genetic genealogy toolbox keeps expanding. MyHeritage has installed a new filtering option on the DNA Matches page, enabling users to filter their DNA Matches to only display genetic relatives who share a specific Genetic Group.
Filtering one’s matches based on Genetic Group membership can help one identify matches who hail from a certain region – a potentially valuable clue for determining relationships. According to MyHeritage, “[y]ou can filter the matches based on the Genetic Groups in your results, or use the search field to search for any of the 2,114 Genetic Groups supported on MyHeritage.”
Let us continue to receive analytic tools that keep finding family fun.
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nandabsb · 5 years
#Repost @backstreetboys • • • • • We love sharing our #BSBDNA with you! Now it’s time to take this whole journey literally, so we partnered with @myheritage_official to explore our individual DNA. Watch the video, then go to the link in our story and use coupon code BSBDNA to get free shipping. #BSBDNA #MyHeritageDNA https://www.instagram.com/p/BwuGY9RHsNf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c1gmc6gggxmm
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fortheking16 · 2 years
Current DNA Sales - September 1, 2022
Current DNA Sales – September 1, 2022
Current sales as of September 1, 2022. Double checked all prices before posting.  The major DNA Sales going on now: 1)  LivingDNA Summer Sale up to 20% off  – https://livingdna.com/ basic kit sale price $79.00, other kits available no word on when it ends. 2) MyHeritage if you order the MyHeritage Basic kit offer https://myheritage.com/kit/ sale $59.00 (still available as of September 1, 2022). …
View On WordPress
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spiritroots · 6 years
African Ancestry Questions
I’ve shared the major highlights of what I learned from my AncestryDNA test, but I’m still left with a lot of questions about my African heritage. At first, when I looked at my results (which say >1% for Nigeria with an estimate range of 0-2%), I thought okay I guess I probably don’t have many or any Nigerian ancestors then... 
But my uncle’s AncestryDNA results say 10% for Nigeria, and I just got my analysis from MyHeritageDNA, which reports mostly Nigerian for me at a way larger 16.4%. (You can send your AncestryDNA results to MyHeritageDNA for free btw!)
I mean, in general, I’m starting to get the feeling that these ancestry tests are particularly bad at categorizing and identifying African genes - and of course that they aren’t THAT accurate overall. It’s very scientific, well-educated guesses about subjective categories on objective data. It can never be perfectly accurate, but sometimes it can get really close. So now I’m still wondering what this all potentially means for having Nigerian ancestors or not?
I know there’s no way to know for sure which ethnic groups (like Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, etc.) even if you use AfricanAncestry - don’t get me started on how it’s a problematic service - but it would be nice to know which ones are more likely by knowing whether or not we actually have a significant number of ancestors from the region that is now Nigeria.
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ephemeralvapour · 6 years
if all the companies are selling our dna you’d think you’d get the same results
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dreamstodiscover · 4 years
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Check our Link in Bio for our latest Post about DNA Testing. #myheritage_official #dna #dnatest #ethnicity #familytree #adopted #myheritagedna #wheredidicomefrom #myhobby (at Roswell, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3KOM_p0bT/?igshid=6ne02i5byj9d
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remimcquen · 7 years
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Oh shit man! Was very overwhelmed 😱😍 Also Italian, Middle Eastern and Native American. 🇮🇪🇬🇧🇳🇬🇸🇴🇮🇹 #myheritagedna #dna #ancestrydna #bloodline
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vivibuff · 7 years
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Got my DNA ethnicity test results and this one surprised me!!! I knew my love for Scotland had to come from somewhere!! #myheritagedna
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scontomio · 1 year
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💣 Kit per il test del DNA di MyHeritage: Test Genetici per L'Ascendenza e L'Etnia 🤑 a soli 99,00€➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/kit-per-il-test-del-dna-di-myheritage-test-genetici-per-lascendenza-e-letnia-che-coprono-piu-di-2/?feed_id=116234&_unique_id=6460cf633ddf4&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Kit%20per%20il%20test%20del%20DNA%20di%20MyHeritage%3A%20Test%20Genetici%20per%20L%27Ascendenza%20e%20L%27Etnia #coupon #myheritagedna #bellezza #amazon #testdna #scontomio
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throughthetreesblog · 4 years
Find Family with X-DNA
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Never forget the X factor. X-chromosome DNA - one of the most useful, controversial, and ignored sources of genetic evidence. The X chromosome, a sex chromosome, determines each human’s biological gender. The X chromosome also packs brick-wall-busting power for solving genealogy puzzles. X-DNA can even help adoptees and others with unknown parentage find their biological parents. To discern fact from fiction and make the most of X-DNA’s magical properties, read on.
A Few Simple Rules – On The Basis of Sex
·         X-DNA for Women
o   Women inherit two copies of the X chromosome – one from each parent.
o   Women pass one X-chromosome to each of their children.
o   The X-chromosome a woman gives to each of her children, in most cases, is recombined, a mixture of X-DNA from each of her own parents.
o   A woman contributes an X-chromosome without recombination – an identical copy of one of her own X-chromosomes – to her children about 16% of the time.
·         X-DNA for Men
o   Men inherit one copy of the X chromosome – always from one’s mother.
o   Men only pass their X-chromosome to their daughters.
o   The X-chromosome that a man donates to each of his daughters is an exact replica of his own X-chromosome.
The rules regulating the X chromosome create a unique inheritance pattern that follows a Fibonacci sequence. Only a subgroup of ancestors can contribute to one’s X. Use DNA Painter’s GEDCOM tool to identify one’s potential X-DNA ancestors.
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That inheritance pattern makes X-DNA an asset for adoptees and others seeking to identify unknown parents. Analyzing X-DNA can help sort and filter matches. Analyzing X-DNA can also help one build and validate relationship hypotheses. Since men only inherit X chromosome DNA from their mothers, any genetic relative with whom he shares X-chromosome DNA must be a maternal relative. Those maternal relatives may prove useful for identifying one’s mother or even more distant maternal ancestors. A woman seeking to identify her biological father should consider the amount of X-DNA shared with close relatives and other details (age difference, amount of shared autosomal DNA, etc.). While a woman’s grandmother, aunt, and half-sister will all share, on average, 25% of their autosomal DNA with her, only the paternal half-sister is guaranteed to share a completely identical copy of Chromosome X (approximately 196.1 cM of X-DNA). That paternal half-sister might prove useful for naming one’s biological father.
At AncestryDNA, genetic relatives sharing about 25% of their autosomal DNA appear in the “Close Relative-1st cousin” category. Many AncestryDNA users misinterpret the matches labelled as “Close Relative-1st cousin” as being first cousins. AncestryDNA’s “Close Relative-1st cousin” never refers to first cousins. These matches are grandparents and grandchildren. They are aunts and uncles. They are nieces. They are nephews. Half-siblings. Even double first cousins. Never expect or accept that these matches have a first cousin relationship.  On multiple occasions, I have had to inform clients that their “first cousin” was an unexpected half-sibling. Adoptees and others with unknown parentage ought to closely examine the family trees of “Close Relative-1st cousin” matches and consider the X-DNA shared among them. Since AncestryDNA neither reports nor visualizes shared X-DNA, one must employ other genetic genealogy websites and recruit matches to do the same.
 Optimize Opportunities
While 23andMe and Family Tree DNA’s Family Finder use X-chromosome DNA in addition to autosomal DNA (atDNA) to generate relative matches, AncestryDNA and MyHeritage DNA still do not. However, raw DNA data files from AncestryDNA and MyHeritage DNA include X-chromosome data. Transfer raw DNA data files from AncestryDNA and MyHeritage to GEDmatch.com and Family Tree DNA’s Family Finder to view X-DNA matches.
AncestryDNA’s raw DNA data files contain at least 28,892 X-chromosome markers (SNPs) – more than data files from any of the other commercial DNA tests. If one has the choice, choose to transfer the AncestryDNA raw data files for higher-quality X-DNA matching. Wherever you transfer your DNA data, transfer your GEDCOM there as well.
Beware of The X Chromosome Myth
“If someone matches you on the X chromosome and only on the X chromosome, then that someone should not be considered a true match.” Variations of this claim rotate in genetic genealogy circles – along with “4th cousins are really hard,” “DNA testing is just not useful for non-Europeans right now,” and “chromosome browsers are only good for ethnicity research” – and all are bogus.
Consider this example:
My paternal grandfather has two DNA matches (predicted 4th cousins) with whom he shares both significant autosomal DNA and X-DNA: Jason (18.5 cM atDNA and 37 cM X-DNA) and Sarah (17.2 cM atDNA and 30.2 cM X-DNA).
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Grandpa Christmas, Jason, and Sarah all share the same segment of X-DNA.
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Since my grandfather and Jason are men, they each only have one copy of the X chromosome; both inherited that one copy of the X chromosome from their mothers. The X-DNA segment that my grandfather and Jason share must have come from a common maternal ancestor. Comparing Grandpa Christmas’s family tree to Jason’s pedigree shows a pair of common maternal ancestors: Philemon Hawkins (1767-1856) and Mary Christmas (1775-1822) of Warren County, North Carolina and Franklin County, North Carolina. My grandfather and Jason descend from two of Philemon and Mary’s sons, Adam Hawkins and Brehon Hawkins respectively. The Hawkins brothers must have inherited this X-DNA from their mother, Mary Christmas. Remember: Men only inherit X-DNA from their mothers. Mary Christmas is the most recent common ancestor for this X-DNA segment.
Now, Sarah’s family tree shows that among her X-DNA ancestors are William Duke and Mary Green of Purchase Patent Plantation, Warren County, North Carolina.
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William Duke and Mary Green were Mary Christmas’s maternal grandparents – and her X-DNA ancestors. William Duke and/or Mary Green passed this X-DNA segment to their twin daughters, Ann Duke (mother of Mary Christmas, maternal ancestor of Jason and Grandpa Christmas) and Thamar Duke (ancestor of Sarah). See the chart below.
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Sarah and Jason share only this single X-DNA segment; GEDmatch found that Sarah and Jason share no autosomal DNA.
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Despite only sharing X-DNA, Jason and Sarah have a verifiable relationship in a genealogical timeframe. Jason and Sarah likely inherited their shared X-DNA from their common ancestors, William Duke and Mary Green.
This example not only disproves the X Chromosome myth, but also demonstrates how chromosome browsers add value beyond ethnicity research and how 4th cousins are not “really hard.” In fact, repeating these steps - pooling our DNA segment data, comparing pedigrees, and using GEDmatch’s Tier 1 tools - enabled my family to reconstruct more than half of one 4x great-grandfather’s X chromosome, laying the groundwork for future research.
Collaborating with one’s DNA matches to map the X chromosome offers several benefits. Identifying the ancestors who passed down one’s X-DNA can help determine how other unknown genetic relatives sharing this same DNA are related. Mapping DNA segments can also reveal traits that one’s ancestors inherited and passed down. Among other things, Chromosome X contains genes associated with hereditary baldness and color blindness.
Use DNA Painter’s chromosome mapping tool to track which of your ancestors passed those genes to you.
To get the most out of your X-DNA:
·         Transfer your raw DNA data file and your GEDCOM file from AncestryDNA and MyHeritage DNA to GEDmatch and Family Tree DNA’s Family Finder to access X-DNA matches. AncestryDNA raw DNA is the best transferable raw DNA data file.
·         Upload your GEDCOM to DNA Painter to identify your X-DNA ancestors.
·         Map your X-DNA and associated traits on DNA Painter.
Share this post to educate others about the probative value of X-DNA matches.
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questionably · 5 years
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My #genealogy searching is complete. What a wonderful #MothersDay2019💕 Thankful for all the Mothers in my life. Missing you #Suzanne and #Pat 💕💕💕Sending love to my newly discovered Aunt(s) and Sister (also #Moms !). Grateful for the new relationships brought forth through #DNAtesting #FTDNA #FamilyTreeDNA #AncestryDNA #MyHeritageDNA . . . . #familydna #dna #familytree #family #ancestrydna #familyhistory #genealogy #ancestrydna  #FamilyDNA #history #relatives #genes #past #ancestry #dnatest #genetics #dnafamily #23andme #familyhistorian #ancestors #familyDNA #dnatesting (at Casa De Santa Clara West) https://www.instagram.com/clemsonkelly1/p/BxX2J__FESv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1funzae5mrmhq
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