#myles mooton
eonweheraldodemanwe · 8 months
Preview of the new models for the upcoming skirmishes game A Song of Ice and Fire Tactics
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But why is Lynn Corbray along the guy he killed?
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tweedfrog · 2 years
In a modern au where somehow all of these people are alive at the same time and the ages work out conveniently—Alicent, who is getting out of her shitty Targ marriage, becomes great friends with Elia, who also left a shitty Targ marriage, her distant cousin Baelor’s new girlfriend.
Alicent sets up Elia and Baelor (She is somehow baelors great aunt despite being 10 years younger liek ???) While Aemond is frantically trying to hit on Elia and slide into her dms because he simply can't let a pretty dark haired milf slide out of his grasp.
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vivacissimx · 5 months
I know you have analysed them a lot but what is your fav part of rhaelya? And what's a fic idea you would like to write about them?
oh Rhaegar & Lyanna are the reason I joined fandom for the first time, so you know my love for them is special 😅 as for my favorite part: I have probably talked about this before but I'm very touched by the concept of 'human connection in a hurricane.' It's about how chaos causes panic & panic can overwhelm us but it's true purpose is clarity. In the mire of asoiaf political intrigues and betrothals, Rhaelya represents that clarity. In general, I find Rhaelya to be more similar than not (for all the icefire chatting). What do you do when you love your father but he's the reason you can't go home? If the people who love you can't help you or save you, does that turn you cruel or empathetic towards the world? When do/don't we trust?
There is also the obvious which is that Rhaegar & Lyanna fall in together because the other is what they admire. It may seem like a random & sudden pairing but really there's a mirroring from the beginning. Rhaegar sings a song to an audience which doesn't understand—Lyanna cries for a reason her family doesn't get either. Their coming together is about hiding the Knight of the Laughing Tree's identity and in that moment they see each other. Lyanna jousts for Howland—Rhaegar does it for Lyanna. Ostensibly the latter are chivalrous acts (defending the weak/honoring the maiden) but because they're not performed within the usual paradigm as expected these actions are a) reviled and b) reveal what truly motivates the two: Compassion. Justice.
I am also partial to the complication of returns/how leaving a place that is no longer safe is a love story/the moments that beg you to run headlong into them and you, human as can be, make that choice. All of these are part of Rhaelya's story. It's true that Lyanna left her family who she loved. People will say ah she was young, she was stupid, she was blinded by Rhaegar's charisma; but again, this is a moment about clarity. About certainty. Justice is about what happens in the future. Lyanna ran to the future & left behind only those whose love mattered less than their ability to possess her.
Rhaegar I have recently longposted about so it's clear how I formulate him. On the Lyanna part I've definitely said this but basically once the war kicked off there was no way for him to transport Lyanna anywhere without further endangering her and/or him family with Elia—you need to understand that Rhaegar loved his children to understand him at all. That he loved his mother, his father, had seen them broken down & turn apathetic or even cruel towards the world. You need to understand that Lyanna represented a shining light of hope against this backdrop for him. I am also one of the people who believe that Rhaegar & Lyanna's sexual relationship only started after Brandon/Rickard were executed so clearly this is a complex but also painfully simple story about the human heart for me. I love people at their most human. Affirming people's dignity during suffering or crisis is an ethical duty I feel I have towards others. And GRRM did exactly that for Rhaegar and Lyanna, so how can I not love them? I'd ship Rhaelya if I was born in a small Bavarian village in 1753, etc etc.
As for the fic I'd love to write, there are two:
Rhaegar riding through the Riverlands on his way to the Ghost of High Heart. He's with Myles Mooton, Arthur Dayne, Richard Lonmouth, Oswell Whent. They stop at the Inn at the Crossroads. Everyone's laughing and drinking, Myles is flirting with the one pretty barmaid while Rhaegar is ContemplatingTM—Bess is her name. Bess boasts about all the ladies and lordlings who stopped at their inn recently & gives a description of what sounds like Brandon and Lyanna Stark. They enjoy riding out on their lil horses. But, Bess says, the Northern lord didn't like the look of our little lordling so they didn't stay long & haven't been bacj. The girl was kind though! She gave a few coins for the boy after slipping away from her wroth brother. Suddenly, Rhaegar's tuned in and the little lordling is trotted out...
A toddler with black hair and blue eyes. Soon after, the plans change.
Their first meeting including Rhaegar nerding out a bit over meeting a crannogman after Howland uses lite magic to try and help them escape. Benjen & Howland trying to take responsibility for being the KOTLT and failing. Lyanna not just a winter maiden but a stubborn Northern bitch hardened by winter (it's the iron underneath baby!!). Sussing each other out during a long silent stare down. Maybe somebody even cracks a Joke? That kind of thing.
OK long answer 💀 sorry but I can't help myself!
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rpgadverts · 5 months
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Ewan Mitchell (or open face!) Wanted as Myles Mooton on an ASOIAF AU board
Rhaegar Targaryen's squire, and heir to a powerful house in the Riverlands - a marriage has recently been arranged between Myles and Melissa Blackwood (a once childhood sweetheart) to consolidate power in the Riverlands ahead of the oncoming Rebellion.
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warsofasoiaf · 2 years
It is said in the text that Rhaegar was supposedly forming his own court on Dragonstone, where he allegedly spent most of his time with Elia and tried to gather allies to eventually seize the throne from Aerys. Who do you think might have participated in that court? Since political and military support was the main objective, it is assumed that these were notable nobles whose support would be advantageous to Rhaegar. Do you think it's possible that sons of great houses like Ned and Robert participated at some point? Perhaps Oberyn, as Elia's brother and representative of Dorne? Or is it more likely that he invited members of minor houses to avoid drawing the king's attention, and left the most important ones to be persuaded during the tourney at Harrenhall?
I think the latter, primarily the people that would be invited would be the houses sworn to Dragonstone and using minor houses as means to surreptiously contact the Lords Paramount. Traveling to the Crown Prince's home is not easy, since you have to charter a ship to do so and you probably don't want to do it via King's Landing. But I think Rhaegar, if he was doing this, would have started with his own entourage. Myles Mooton is his squire, so Myles is a great resource to inform him how things are in Dragonstone. Invite Lord Mooton to Dragonstone to visit his son and to see his prowess with a blade, and from there confirm what Myles has observed. Same with House Lonmouth for the Stormlands. If anyone asks questions about why the Mootons and Lonmouths are visiting Dragonstone, they're visiting their sons and seeing how they've progressed in the muster yard and riding grounds.
It's all speculative, though.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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ASOS; Steel and Snow: 08 DAENERYS I (pages 105-121)
After a while at sea, Jorah makes a convincing argument to buy a slave army, and then proves himself to be a disgusting pervert.
Ser Jorah snorted. "Along with a thousand others at some harvest feast. Next you'll claim you squired for him." "I make no such claim, ser. Myle Mooton was Prince Rhaegar's squire, and Richard Lonmouth after him. When they won their spurs, he knighted them himself, and they remained his close companions. Young Lord Connington was dear to the prince as well, but his oldest friend was Arthur Dayne."
Connington? why does that sound familiar? Connniiin- isn't that the name of the guy who's with Young Griff (aka Maybe baby Aegon, Jon's older half brother)??
"- Until one day Prince Rhaegar found something in his scrolls that changed him. No one knows what it might have been, only that that boy suddenly appeared early one morning in the yard as the knights were donning their steel. He walked up to Ser Willem Darry, the master-at-arms, and said, 'I will require sword and armor. It seems I must be a warrior.'"
I'm guessing the same thing that had him so obsessed with the Prince That Was Promised prophecy that he neglected Elia and took Lyanna, thereby starting the Rebellion.
It's interesting that he's remembered/retold as saying "must be" like it's a requirement, like he's either decided actively to fit himself into a role in the prophecy, or like he thinks The Call has/will come knocking and he's going to have no choice so he might as well do it now.
"So I see. Dracarys?" All three dragons turned their heads at the sound of that word, and Viserion let loose with a burst of pale gold flame that made Ser Jorah take a hasty step backward. Dany giggled. "Be careful with that word, ser, or they're like to singe your beard off. It means 'dragonfire' in High Valyrian. I wanted to choose a command that no one was like to utter by chance."
Oh that's so cute, she's actively training her dragons. And smart thinking too, choosing a word that's not going to drop in casual conversation.
I like that a lot better than D&D's decision that the dragons just magically knew that Dracarys means "Breath Fire Now."
"Khaleesi, has it occurred to you that Whitebeard and Belwas might have been in league with the assassin? It might all have been a ploy to win your trust."
To what end, Jorah?
If they wanted her dead, all they had to do was let the manticore sting her, they didn't need to save her unless they were certain the plot was about to fail, and as far as I could tell, it only failed because they stopped it. Because 'Whitebeard' crushed the manticore.
If they wanted her dragons, they've been on the ship for at least a week, and they've had plenty of opportunity to poison everyone and secure the dragons.
So then what? They're shipping Dany off to some new place to sell her to some new man?
What exactly do you think the ploy is, Jorah?
Or are you just worried you'll lose your place as her right hand man? That she'll realise she can rely on people who aren't you to groom guide her.
... DAAAAAMN... The Unsullied are Hardcore. I do not remember the tale of the Three Thousand of Qohor from the show, I might have just not been paying attention at the right moment, or D&D could have failed at their job once again. Anything is possible.
The Unsullied would have wailed on Xerxes and the Spartans. ...huh, wonder if that was inspo. cause, just fyi, the 300 was based on real historical events, which I think everyone actually knows.
"What use are wealthy friends if they will not put their wealth at your disposal, my queen? If Magister Illyrio would deny you, he is only Xaro Xhaon Daxos with four chins. -"
I don't necessarily care for Jorah, but he has a good point.
"- and north of Valyria the Smoking Sea is demon haunted. -"
👀 hmmm, sounds like they need three men in a Chevy Impala. ngl, I've been watching some youtubers doing ghost hunting and stuff the past few days, so my immediate reaction that that like was "!!! Let's go!!!"
Would love to know if legit demons, or just greyscale 'lepers' and rumours.
"And my vest-" she stated to say, turning. Ser Jorah slid his arms around her.
*Smacks Jorah across the head with a steel chair so hard he staggers across the room* NO!
"I should not have waited so long," he finished for her.
*smacks him again until his nose breaks*
She, is 15 you sick fuck!!! STOP KISSING HER!!! She trusted you to keep her safe and you're taking advantage of her!! It is even worse that he's been wanting to do this since probably she was 13. he is roughly three times her age, by the way, in case anyone was wondering, what with him being roughly 30 years older than her.
*breaks both his legs*
GRRM! turn your location on. I just want to talk.
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foro-golden-blood · 20 days
Se busca: Doncella, Bruja y Barba
Lady Jaelynn Bracken
Jaelynn es la séptima y última de los hijos del matrimonio entre Lord Jonothor Bracken y Lady Celia Pyper.
Es descrita como una joven inteligente, excelente con los números y apasionada por la lectura. Como toda dama, ha sido educada para ser capaz de administrar una fortaleza, ser una buena anfitriona y, desde luego, tener un comportamiento intachable en sociedad; sin embargo, de puertas adentro tiene intereses nada convencionales.
Y es que, ¿cómo no tenerlos, habiéndose criado al cuidado de la Vieja Udda? La anciana bruja lleva en Seto de Piedra más años de los que cualquiera podría contar. Se dice que un antiguo Lord Bracken la acogió en su casa para protegerse luego de que un Blackwood amenazase con lanzarle una maldición. Y ahí ha permanecido, medio coja y medio loca, asegurándose de asustar a los niños para que hicieran sus deberes y durmieran a horas adecuadas. Udda tomó un interés en Jaelynn desde que naciera al ver en ella potencial para las artes oscuras.
Onrol Jaelynn fue prometida a Myles Mooton, heredero de Poza de la Doncella. La idea es que ese matrimonio sea una tapadera para el Mooton (quien está enamorado, como muchos otros, del Príncipe Rhaegar, para quien hace de escudero) con, ojalá, un embarazo rápido que permita al pj asegurar su futuro como Señora de Poza de la Doncella, a la vez de permitirle la libertad de desarrollar la trama de Jaelynn como guste. El user de Myles está, incluso, dispuesto a permitirle un amante, siempre y cuando se lleve la cosa de forma discreta. Hay apertura para acordar lo que surja.
Dejo mi discord para más detalles y dudas: oiiizys
Una búsqueda por aquí!
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jcinktinder · 2 months
Wanted on Still The Fates - a Robert's Rebellion AU (except Robert isn't rebelling this time) - a 9 month old A Song of Ice and Fire / Game Of Thrones site!
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Mace Tyrell - Himbo, wife guy, lord paramount without any of the hard work wanted for his wife, Alerie, and mother, Olenna!
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Myles Mooton wanted as a squire for Rhaegar Targaryen, and politically ambitious marriage in the Riverlands.
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Dacey Mormont wanted as best friend /  lady in waiting for Lyanna Stark after she leaves her family behind and goes south with Rhaegar and Elia.
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rpings · 5 months
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Ewan Mitchell (or open face!) Wanted as Myles Mooton on an ASOIAF AU board
Rhaegar Targaryen's squire, and heir to a powerful house in the Riverlands - a marriage has recently been arranged between Myles and Melissa Blackwood (a once childhood sweetheart) to consolidate power in the Riverlands ahead of the oncoming Rebellion.
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allthingsroleplay · 5 months
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Ewan Mitchell (or open face!) Wanted as Myles Mooton on an ASOIAF AU board
Rhaegar Targaryen's squire, and heir to a powerful house in the Riverlands - a marriage has recently been arranged between Myles and Melissa Blackwood (a once childhood sweetheart) to consolidate power in the Riverlands ahead of the oncoming Rebellion.
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yourstruly-sephie · 2 years
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𝐓 𝐡 𝐞 𝐋 𝐚 𝐝 𝐲 𝐨 𝐟 𝐭 𝐡 𝐞 𝐋 𝐚 𝐤 𝐞
𝟐𝟕𝟖 𝐀𝐂 | 𝐆𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐧’𝐬 𝐑𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐭
Nyrella wrapped her arms around her delicate frame as she stood in front of the giant window. The window was built of glass—polished and clear to see the alluring view of tidal waves crashing against the cliffs, where the castle stood. It was still dark outside, a mere two hours before dawn arrived. The sky was pitch black when she came, but as time flew by, the sky slowly colored itself a shade lighter. It was currently a dark gray along with a cluster of dark clouds illuminated by the moon's gleam. The ocean's surface glistened under the soft light as it moved, yet it was the only thing the bare eyes could spot. The ocean was not blue and crystal as they are in the daytime, but was endless and void—dark enough to eat any piercing light.
There was a cold chill that breezed through the empty drawing room. Nyrella hugged herself a little tighter, pulling the fabric of her thin shawl to cover like a blanket. It was not like her to wake up at such a time, but she could not sleep. She tried to, yet she constantly thrashing around the entire night, trying to find a comfort position on the soft mattress and silk sheets. There was no hope of sleeping now, so she decided to stay awake, waiting for her other company to do so as well. It would be hours before they did—most of them are not morning people.
"Ny? What are you doing here?" A tired voice croaked behind her. Nyrella jumped slightly in her place, turning sharply on her heels to spot the sudden intruder to her peaceful lone time.
Rhaegar was in his small clothes. His long elegant silver-blonde hair was disheveled like a crow's nest. He held a candle holder with his right hand, holding the warm light of the fire in front of him. He looked worn out, even though he was the first to turn in for the night. He always looked tired.
"You scared me," Nyrella said as she laid a hand over her heart. She felt another chill through the room, clinging to the thin shawl for warmth.
Rhaegar took the opportunity to stride forward, rubbing his eye with his other hand. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked her as he stopped in front of her.
She hummed a response. Close up, Nyrella noticed how dark and purple his eye bags were by the candle's light. It was worse than prior days. "You should go back to sleep, Reg. You have a long day ahead," she laid her hand on his elbow, rubbing soft circles.
"And you don't?" Rhaegar amused. His lips twitched upwards at the corners.
"All I will be doing is staying in the castle walls without any company, while you and the others go out to hunt for a few days," Nyrella remarked.
Rhaegar hummed, "Right. The Hunt." He had forgotten momentarily that later on the day, he and the rest of his companions would leave for a hunting trip. It was Jon's idea—a somewhat idea of a getaway. "Why don't you accompany us then?"
Nyrella straightened up, a puzzled expression written over her features. "Me? I thought I was not allowed to go?"
"There are some dangers that come along with hunting, but it is a valuable experience. You've been practicing your archery and sword lessons, right?" Rhaegar said as he shifted his stance.
"Yes, I have," the Targaryen princess confirmed. She did not miss a day, despite being on the road and keeping it a secret from everyone. She had let Barristan in on her training, and he became a great mentor to improve on her skills. She was better than she started.
"Then, you are prepared," Rhaegar answered. "These walls might protect you, but you will be safer under my watch along with Arthur, Jon, Barristan, Richard, and Myles."
"Like I need any man to be safe," she rolled her eyes. "Will the others be okay if I go? I do not want to intrude on the bonding experience."
"They cannot turn you away, that is for sure. They will not mind it, especially Myles."
Nyrella did not expect to blush this early on the day. She tilted her head lowly, hiding her face from Rhaegar's gaze. "Well, Jon, he will make a fuss," she shifted the focus of the conversation.
Rhaegar sighed, "that he will as always, but you will just need to ignore him until he eventually stops complaining."
"Why now?"
"Now what?" Rhaegar tilted his head.
"Why are you letting me go? You never let me come with you or the others? What made you change your mind? Me practicing archery and sword fighting is not the only reason, is it?" Nyrella tried to make sense of everything.
"There is not another reason," he responded, but Nyrella could tell he was holding something back from her.
She slowly nodded her head to signal her understanding. "I should begin packing then if I am to join the hunt. You should go back to sleep as well, you still look tired."
"I will," Rhaegar returned the smile, "you should go first. I want to stay here for a moment."
Nyrella hesitated to leave. "Are you well Reg? I've noticed you've been more exhausted." And distant. She noticed many changes in her brother's behavior since she arrived in Summerhall. Of course, he was melancholic in his birth place, but it remained still, even when they left the burned castle. It was the way he looked into the distance with a void expression as if he was in deep thought along with a frown to pair. Or how unexpectedly, he would remove himself to be alone. He worried her.
"I'm fine, Ny, really. All I need is rest," was Rhaegar's answer. Yet, it did not feel like the truth, far from it. He was good at lying and hiding things, but he could not hide or lie to her this time. She noticed, and his denial confirmed it.
She had two choices: confront him now or wait. "Okay," she smiled at him, "please don't stay up for too long." She decided on the latter. Somewhere deep inside her, she felt this was not the best time to force him to reveal what was bothering him. It felt too important for a passing conversation. It felt important. She would have to wait for the perfect time to talk to Rhaegar again.
"I cannot believe he let you go with us," Jon came to Nyrella's side, huffing a puff of air to the side of her face. Nyrella rolled her eyes, ignoring his childish attitude. She continued to tighten the straps of the leather bags on her horse's saddle.
"Rhaegar and I talked about you making a fuss," she shook her head in disappointment. "You could have at least proven me wrong," she pulled the last strap securely, before turning to face the redhead.
"I am not making a fuss," he crossed his arms over his chest and squinted towards Nyrella's direction. "I am genuinely curious because this—"
"Was meant to be a bonding experience among men," Nyrella finished his sentence, "yeah, yeah, I know. I heard you tattletaling to Richard over the by the stables. Not very discreet I should add on, and not very nice."
"Sneaky, you are..." Jon continued to talk.
Nyrella sighed, trying to conceal her irritation from her friend. She turned back to her horse's side, trying to distract herself from Jon's gambling and rambling. She tried her best to ignore him. Then, from the corner of her eyes, she spotted a glimpse of silver striding from her right.
"Arthur," she rotated to the Kingsguard, shining a smile to him. Her sudden acknowledgment made the Dornishman cease in his tracks and interrupted Jon.
"Princess Nyrella," Arthur bowed his head. "Is there anything I can do for you?" He stood tall once again as he asked the question. Under the peaking light that jutted through the dense cloud, Arthur looked every inch of the knight he was. The sunlight bounced off his silver armor, almost coloring the steel, gold. His dominant hand laid comfortably on the hilt of Dawn, and in his other, the standard helm of the Kingsguard. There was not any other knight that could outshine Arthur, not even the Prince of Dragonstone.
"Not at all, ser," Nyrella responded. "I want to ask if you are well? Have you finished packing for the hunt?"
Arthur approached the duo. He nodded towards Jon's direction, acknowledging his friend's presence. He, then, caught Nyrella's gaze. A tightness in his chest formed. "I am well. Thank you for asking. I just finished packing, and I am on my way to the garrison to meet your brother."
"Why is Rhaegar in the garrison?" Jon furrowed his brows in curiosity
"Safety measures. He wants them on alert, if anything were to happen during our departure to the woods."
"That is very like my brother," Nyrella chuckled. "But, I am certain nothing will happen while we are hunting. Everyone in the party are capable hunters, not to mention capable swordsmen."
Arthur hummed, nodding his head, "to assure you, Princess. It is a tedious procedure that your brother must follow."
"And is wearing your heavy armor procedure as well? You are too overdressed for the occasion," her tone was playfully dangerous. If Arthur was not careful to tread waters, he would fall harder for her. It took all his strength to shake her allure.
"Kingsguard procedure. I must be on the ready constantly to do my duty to protect and defend you and Rhaegar," Arthur stated bluntly.
Nyrella nodded, her smile faltering slightly. She expected him to return her playfulness. "Of course," she said meekly. "Will you be riding with Jon and I to the hunting grounds?" There was hope in her eyes.
Arthur averted his gaze, looking behind Nyrella, where the castle's gate was. "Unfortunately not," he answered with the same tone he kept throughout the conversation, "I will be riding with Rhaegar and Barristan."
"Oh," disappointedly laced in her response. She rubbed her arm awkwardly, feeling embarrassed.
"I suppose Myles would gladly ride with you," Arthur suddenly followed, yet his eyes were still averted. He swallowed the hard lump in his throat. It felt like treason for him to say such a thing.
Nyrella tilted her head back to look up at him. She blinked a few times, confused by the suggestion, "Ser Myles?"
"Yes," he clarified. "I believe he would be honored to be by your side through the journey."
"I don't under—"
"Thank you Arthur," Jon intruded in the conversation, feeling a thick tension rising around them. He laid a hand on Nyrella's shoulder, "you should go to Myles and ask for his answer?"
Nyrella was hesitant to move from her spot, but Jon willed her to go. With enough persuasion from the redhead, Nyrella took her leave towards the stables, bidding the gentleman in her presence a farewell. The men watched Nyrella's figure walk into a distance, then disappear around a corner. A silence fell over Jon and Arthur, but the dense air was gone.
"Spiteful of you to consider Myles," Jon amused, raising a brow at his dark-haired friend, who carried a solemn expression.
"I was not—"
"Do not deny it Arthur. I know you well. Why did you lie to her?" Arthur snapped his eyes to Jon.
"You don't lie often, but when you do, it's unnatural. But I'm not talking about that, why did you lie to her? You clearly wanted to and—"
"Because I have to," Arthur took the chance to cut off his friend midway. He took a pause, exhaling deeply and his hand combed through his hair, disheveling it in the process. "I did not want to lie to her, but I have to," he repeated.
He closed his eyes, taking a deep inhale. "I have to let her go, Jon. She is not mine, and she never will. So it is best if I distance myself away from her."
Jon chuckled, "An amusing joke, Arthur."
But the Kingsguard did not make a move to laugh or show any emotion of amusement. His expression was stone and serious. Jon, cleared his throat, "maybe not," he muttered lowly under his breath.
"I shall go now," Arthur turned to leave but Jon grabbed his arm, stopping him from going to the garrison.
"I apologize, I did not mean to jest," Jon mended, "you cannot give up on her so easily, not for Myles or anyone that is."
Arthur shook his head, "Giving man hope is a dangerous thing." With that, Arthur pivoted on the balls of his feet and walked away with the heartbreaking tightness in his chest.
The entourage was a small one, consisting of the Prince of Dragonstone and the Lord of Griffin's Roost. Next, the Knight of Maidenpool and a squire of House Lonmouth. Then, accompanied by two deadly Kingsguards. Finally, the one and only princess of the Seven Kingdoms. All seven individuals were on the road towards the nearby forest that was owned for centuries by the head of House Connington.
At the head of the group, Nyrella rode on her horse with Jon on her left and Richard on her right. Myles had turned the offer down to ride by her side since Rhaegar had asked him first and he could not break a promise to the heir. There was a considerable gap between her and the rest of the riding party. The Princess was a free rider, experienced through her months of traveling throughout the lands her family had conquered eons ago. The feeling of wind in her hair, and kisses of the cool air were feelings she loved so much. Jon and Richard tried their best to catch up to her, but as they drew closer Nyrella galloped faster on her steed.
The hunting grounds were not faraway as Jon had said an hour ago, predicting it would be another hour or two for them to arrive at the destination. It fascinated Nyrella at how quickly the environment changed as she continued to journey south. Griffin's Roost was a castle perched on a huge cliff that overlooked misty waters of Shipbreaker Bay. It reminded her of Casterly Rock, but she did not mention the bit to Jon, fearing it would offend him to be compared to the Lannisters he despised so much. However, unlike the gold and emerald castle of the lions, Griffin's Roost was surrounded by stone, sharp ridges, and mountains.
Yet, just south, everything stone and cold turned warm and filled with forest green. Lands were more forgiving and fertile, a place where life could grow and breathe. As Nyrella came to a trot with her steed, the tree leaves along the dirt road were falling over her and landed randomly close to her—sometimes on her. Her eyes were focused above her, extending an arm to catch a falling leaf that came her way. At first she was only grabbing the empty air, however, somehow the leaf changed direction and fell elegantly on the palm of her soft hands. She smiled, bringing the specked leaf of green, brown, and yellow closer to her face.
"Caught yourself dinner?" Jon jested as he trotted by her side. She could tell he had to gallop a distance to catch up to her because he was a mixture of scents—drenched sweat and natural odor.
"No, even better," Nyrella ignored his mocking. She held up the leaf that was around the same size as her hand. She grinned at him, "A token for my first hunting trip."
"You've got to be mad if that is to be your token to remember," Jon gawked at her with wide eyes.
Nyrella didn't care what he thought. The Goddess of the Winds, one of Valyria's many gods, had gifted this to her and she will treasure it. "I'd rather have this than some bloody boar pelt," she told the redhead.
"A mad woman you are," Jon sighed. Then, suddenly, another pair of trotting hooves came their way. Their eyes shifted behind them to see the Lonmouth squire sweating profusely as he eased to a stop on Nyrella's left.
"You alright Richard?" Nyrella questioned with a slight raise in her brow. "A good run isn't it not?" She poked fun at him.
The squire blushed a deeper red than he already was. "Yes of course, a great distance to gallop. I do not know how you did it so easily Nyrella." He huffed out a big exhale, trying to steady his breathing.
Nyrella laugh echoed through the trees, which made Richard blush further and made him want to hid behind the thick fringe of his dark hair. "Maybe I am part horse," she amused.
"That explains well why you laugh like one too," Jon commented at the sidelines. Nyrella's mouth dropped at the insult. She turned to her, the red-haired lord, and swatted her hand at him.
"Rude, you are!" She continued to hit him on the arm, but Jon only laughed louder.
"Easy now horse girl, easy," Jon held his hands in surrender. Nyrella retracted her hand, glaring at Jon with a distaste.
Their fun ceased when a series of hooves came galloping their way. All heads turned to the rest of the riding part behind them, and they all had the same confused expression. Rhaegar was at the head of the group, slowly stopping his dark stallion a couple of feet away from Nyrella's own steed. Nyrella gripped her reins in one hand, signaling for her horse to turn and face her brother's. "Is everything alright Reg?" Nyrella was worried something would happen for all of them to be here in such a hurry.
"We heard a scream," Rhaegar explained with worry in his eyes, "we came as fast as we could. Did anything happen?"
"A false warning," Jon called out to the Dragon Prince, "it was only your sister's snorting."
Nyrella turned a shade pinker, "shut up Jon." She looked at her friend, glaring at him with anger.
"You had us worried Nyrella," Myles cut through the conversation, "Rhaegar over here thought you were being mauled by a mountain lion."
The fair-haired princess looked over at Myles, who was smirking as usual. His smile reminded her of someone else's smile, but she could not put a finger on who. She scrunched her nose at the knight, sticking her tongue out, "there are no lions here, ser. Neither wolves nor snakes. There are only elk, deers, and stags in these woods. A safe place I consider."
"I would not be so sure dear sister," Rhaegar responded as he steadied his horse, "Stags are dangerous. They are known to kill many, daring to come close to them."
Somehow that sent shivers all over Nyrella's body or maybe it was the wind, trying to frighten her. "A stag cannot kill a dragon—nothing can kill a dragon." Her words felt like a promise.
Rhaegar smiled at his sister, "big words to say. Come on now, let us all continue moving along our journey." He slightly pressed the side of his horse, signaling the steed to move forward. Nyrella gave him a way to move past her, then once he did, she turned and followed after him.
This time, Rhaegar was ahead of the group, while Jon, Nyrella, and Richard rode behind him. Then, the two Kingsguard and Myles make up the rear of the entourage. Yet, there we're still a huge gap between each of the riders, but no one had the energy to close the distance. Except for Myles. He nudged his horse forward, falling into step with Ser Arthur's horse. The Knight of Maidenpool wanted to talk to someone to fill the boredom of the journey.
"How do you find the Stormlands, Arthur?" Myles questioned his Dornish friend with a small smile. Arthur was not in the slightest mood to be in conversation, especially with Myles.
"The region is different from places I've known and been to," Arthur answered truthfully, "I am not used to the storms."
"Get used to it," Myles chuckled, "when we arrive at Storm's End, the storms there are deadlier than the ones at Griffin's Roost."
"You've been to Storm's End?"
"Once," Myles recalled, "it was the first time I met Nyrella. It was her seventh nameday celebration held by her great aunt, Rhaelle Targaryen, before she died the following year."
This was new to Arthur's ears. He turned to Myles with curiosity filled eyes. He wanted to hear more of this story. "You've known Nyrella for that long? A decade?"
"In passing, yes. She is the princess of the Seven Kingdoms, which means she does not concern herself with the members of vassal houses and her circle was limited during her youth. I was lucky enough to be Rhaegar's squire to know more about her than her titles. I will never forget the day when I saw her at the tourney. I was ten namedays, and struck by her Valyrian beauty and poise. Barristan could tell you more about it. He received her favor." Myles told what he could with a mellow expression as his gaze looked into the past.
"I wish I could have been there to witness her younger self," Arthur responded, a tinge of sadness in his answer. Everyone, except for him, had known Nyrella and had stories about her, which he wished he could have had his own memories.
"You are not missing much," Myles assured Arthur. His eyes landed on Nyrella's back, a fond smile widened on his thin lips, "she is the same as she was."
"I am not following," Arthur questioned, leaning closer, eager to hear Myles' answer. If he was not careful, he would have slipped off his saddle and landed on the hard ground.
"The Nyrella you know now was the Nyrella in the past and will be the Nyrella in the future. People do change overtime, but the person they truly are on the inside will remain the same." Arthur listened to the passion in Myles's answer. He observed how the knight's eyes never left Nyrella's back, fearing if he looked away the vision of her would disappear with the wind. Myles' eyes sparkled brightly when he spoke her name or heard it from someone else's mouth.
Arthud should have never talked to Myles. In fact, he regretted it, because just by looking at the knight, Arthur knew that Myles was also in love with Nyrella. It broke Arthur because he never had the chance. Myles was free to express his love to Nyrella, and he was not tied to his duties and honor, the way Arthur was. Myles has the chance to be with Nyrella, to marry her, to have children, and to make her happy.
Dusk was setting fast from the faraway horizon. Through the dense forest, thick with tall trees and shrouded with their greenery, the vast skies were colored with the most vibrant colors of oranges, red, pinks, and the lingering hints of periwinkle blue. The experience of witnessing a sunset in the forest was a different feeling filled with enchanting mystery and the calm deposition.
As the others made camp in a small clearing inside the heart of the forest, Nyrella and Jon were entrusted to gather wood for the fire tonight. Jon offered to carry the scrapes of wood that Nyrella could forge around their surroundings.
"Are you sure you do not want my help?" Nyrella turned to look at the red-haired lord. "I could take some—" she reached out, but Jon swerved her hand.
"I am alright Nyrella," he assured her as he took a step ahead of her. "Just keep up and look for more wood, we are going to need lots if you want to stay warm the whole night or do not want wild lions stalking you at night."
Nyrella jogged to keep up with Jon's long strides. It was easier to overtake Jon on horseback than on foot. "There is not much usable wood around here," she said as she picked up a twig on the floor, "we should go further into the forest."
Jon knew these woods like the back of his hand. He spent a considerable amount of his childhood hunting these grounds with his father. "Maybe we could get as far as the lake," he twisted to turn to the fair-haired maiden.
"There is a lake?" Nyrella piqued in curiosity. "I have never seen a lake before, well not a lake in the middle of a forest."
"Come on, I'll show you," he fastened his pace, and Nyrella had no choice but to continue her jog.
"Is it a big lake? Can we fish in it? You think there are mermaids?" Nyrella blurted out many questions after questions.
"Childish you are Nyrella," the redhead responded amusingly. "You almost eight- and-ten namedays and you believe there are mermaids in the lake?"
"Well are there?" she asked with a pitch in her voice. It sounded like hope.
Jon shook his head, "The lake is big and even deeper. There are no fish in the lake, along with your mermaid friends."
Nyrella saw a big piece of wood in the distance, she quickly jogged to the log before Jon could stride over. She lifted the heavy wood with both hands, "this weighs a ton." She walked over to Jon, and placed the block in the piles of wood in his arms.
The pair continued to walk further into the forest. "Maybe we all could spend the day tomorrow at the lake," Nyrella made the consideration, "we all would need a bath after hours of hunting."
"Perhaps, you will have to tell your brother," Jon replied, stepping over a small stream.
Nyrella lifted her gown, and jumped over the water. "Rhaegar is smart enough not to disagree with me, and everyone would appreciate it, especially Myles. He talks about the lakes in Maidenpool filled with all types of fish such as red salmon."
"You spent too much time with Myles and even more time talking about him," Jon acknowledged with a slight distaste.
Nyrella blushed a crimson, "is there anything wrong with Myles? You two are friends."
"Don't mistake my distaste as dislike for Myles. I think of him as a great friend, it is all in good jest. But, I do not think he is handsome enough for me to talk about romantically as you do."
She blushed even redder, "I-I think he is handsome."
"More handsome than Arthur?" Jon turned around to face her, stopping in his tracks and looking straight into her eyes.
Nyrella stopped as well. "I cannot answer that."
"It is a simple answer: yes or no," Jon explained to her, "so tell me. Who do you think is more handsome, The Knight of Maidenpool or The Sword of the Morning?"
A silence befallen between them. Jon's clear and crystal azure eyes bore into her like blue fire—cold that it felt like it burned hotter than regular fire. Nyrella shook her head, averting her gaze from him. She continued the walk, passing her redhead friend. "I cannot say," she muttered.
"That is my problem with you, Nyrella," Jon blurted out. Nyrella stopped in her tracks again, turning to her friend, who already was looking at her.
Nyrella tilted her head slightly, not catching his words correctly, "I beg your pardon?"
"You heard me," Jon said, "you are not able to make decisions. You have feelings for Myles, that I can see and feel, but you also have feelings for Arthur, which I know for a long time. But, you cannot choose which one to give your heart to. Do you know the gravity of the consequences?"
Nyrella did not appreciate the sudden attack from Jon. "And you are mad at me because I simply cannot choose?"
Jon sighed, "I am not mad at you Nyrella. Frustrated is all. It would be nice to know how you feel about them."
"You said it all. I do have feelings for Myles since the day I merged paths with him to Summerhall. For Arthur... he has a spot in my heart, always. Maybe the reason why I cannot choose is because I fear of losing them."
" It is not fair to string them into believing. At some point you will have to choose," Jon revealed to her the hard truth she knew all along.
"Why does it matter if I choose one over the other? If I chose Myles, a part of my heart beats for Arthur. If I chose Arthur, I cannot have him as I want to. He is bound by his vows, and I cannot take that away from him. No one benefits from this. And... do I really have a say on who I get to be with? I don't, not at all in a man's world. So call me selfish all you want Jon, but let me have this sliver of freedom until someone decides to take it away." Nyrella exploded, overwhelmed by emotions. It was unfair for Jon to criticize her.
"I am not picking an argument with you," Jon tried to calm the situation down, seeing how worked up Nyrella was, "I am only looking out for them."
"They do not even see me the way I see them," she said, feeling the surge of tears brim her lavender eyes.
"Just stop, Jon," Nyrella spoke up, "This conversation leads to nothing but an argument. I'm going back to camp, and you can find more woods."
Nyrella embraced herself tightly. She was not in the mood to continue into the forest and see the lake. Jon ruined the happiness and tranquility she felt. Now her mind was running thoughts of both men—Myles and Arthur. Second guessing if she was selfish to have feelings for both of them. Was she?
The next day, nothing changed. Emotions boiled over, but no one dared to approach the thick tension that loomed over the group. Nyrella stayed away from Jon, and vice versa. Arthur put a distance between himself, Nyrella, and Myles. All the while, the rest of the hunting party tried their best to keep the peace, fearing something bad might happen. Rhaegar was on the edge, observing with a careful eye as he shifted between the different people. He did not imagine this to happen, and he had not one clue as to what happened.
With everything going on, the first day of hunting was unsuccessful. All of them came back to the camp ground without a big game, only a few rabbits for tonight's dinner. The sun was still at its highest, and the humidity was pleasant enough.
"Don't hold," Myles advised Nyrella as she was practicing her archery form.
Nyrella rolled her eyes playfully, "I know. It was the first lesson I've learned." She disengaged her bow, and showed Myles the scar on hand.
Myles took her hand in his, observing the faint scar across the palm of her hand. He dragged his index finger along the line, "When did you get this?" He looked up to meet her eyes. There was slight sadness and worry in them.
Nyrell took her hand back, and smiled assuredly at him, "It was my second day of archery. I didn't know better and I held on, until I felt the string dug through my hand. When I released, I also hit Rhaegar right at the arm. But afterwards, Arthur tended to my wound, and now I have this faint scar."
She remembered that day fondly. Rhaegar was furious at her, Jon was laughing like a mad man, and Arthur... he was sweet to her. He noticed first how her palm was dripping with blood, and how he wrapped the cloth bandage gently around her hand. He did his best not to hurt her while he did, and he reassured her through the entire time.
Then, a sudden clap through the air, made her snap from the memory. Nyrella and Myles turned to the middle of the camp, to where Rhaegar was standing on top of a wood block. "I think we should all go to the lake," he announced with a wide smile. Nyrella looked around, seeing that everyone was looking at the Prince with confused expressions.
"There might be fish there for us tonight," Rhaegar added to his statement. There are no fish in the lake, Nyrella rolled her eyes.
"I would not mind spending the rest of the day at a lake," Myles replied to Rhaegar. He then turned to Nyrella, "what about you?"
Nyrella shrugged her shoulders, "I guess it would be nice."
"Great!" Myles shouted out with glee, which made everything turn to him. "We should go to the lake," he agreed with Rhaegar.
Rhaegar clapped his hands again, not waiting for anyone else to disagree with him. "Alright. Arthur, Barristan, and I will go first to make sure the spot is clear. Jon," the Prince turned to point at the redhead, "you led the rest down." With that Rhaegar jumped down from the wood block, and went to grab his things.
Nyrella excused herself from Myles, walking towards the direction of her brother. "Let me go with you," she blurted out, not wasting a second longer.
Rhaegar pivoted on his heels to face his sister, "No. you at going with Jon," he stated sternly.
"Why can't I go with you?" She crossed her arms over her chest, slightly irritated with Rhaegar's stubbornness.
Rhaegar shook his head, strapping his sword around his hips, "because I know something happened between you and Jon. You two need to settle your differences."
Nyrella let out an exasperated breath, "You cannot force us to get along so easily. It is unfair."
The Dragon Prince secured the strap of his sword's sheath, "Talk to him and make amends." And with that Rhaegar walked away from Nyrella without another word. She clicked her tongue in annoyance as she watched him greet Barristan a few feet away.
"Are you okay Nyrella?" A deep voice spoke behind her.
Nyrella spun around quickly, "Arthur." The annoyance was gone when she saw the Kingsgaurd, a small smile brightened her face. "I am all good. I see you have discarded your heavy armor."
Arthur lowered his head as he chuckled, "Rhaegar advised me not to before he announced we are to go."
"So you knew that he would do this? I mean with Jon and I?" Nyrella questioned.
Arthur hummed guilty, "yes, but I advised him not to. But there is nothing I could do to change your brother's mind, even if I could. I hope you are not angry with me."
Nyrella shook her head, "No, it is not your doing. I—"
"Arthur! We must make haste!" Barristan's voice boomed, interrupting Nyrella completely.
"I shall take my leave then," Nyrella smiled brilliantly like the Dornish sun at Arthur. "Don't drown," she told him lastly, then she left walking to her tent.
Arthur's gaze trailed after her, a hint of a smile graced his face. "I won't," he muttered to himself, letting the wind take his words up to the seven heavens.
In an hour's time, the camp was left with four people. Richard was checking through their materials before their departure to the lake. Jon was sulking in front of the ashes of the previous night's fire. Myles was chattering with Richard about his journey to his knighthood. All in the while, Nyrella was in her own tent, changing into one of her lighter dresses. It was white gown made with the fine fabric of organza. It moved delicately through the air as she twirled. The perfect attire that would not pull her down as she played in the waters of the lake.
As she came out of the tent, all three men snapped their focus on her. They were waiting for her. "Are you ready Nyrella?" Myles came beside her with a kind smile.
She returned the smile, nodding in agreement, "I'm—"
"Let's go," Jon cut off Nyrella as he got up from where he sat. He did not blink an eye at Nyrella and Myles, walking west into the forest.
Myles, Richard, and Nyrella took a minute to themselves to watch the redhead stalk into the thick trees. "Is he alright?" The knight asked Nyrella as they started to follow Jon was a good distance between them.
Her lavender eyes scanned the way Jon's shoulder slumped, "I hardly know."
"Is everything alright with you two?" Myles questioned shifting his eyes between the Valyrian princess and the Lord of Griffin's Roost.
"Is it obvious? Rhaegar advises me to talk to him, make amends as if it was easy," she sighed exhaustingly.
"You should let him come to you first," Myles offered, "there needs to be two people in order to make amends. You are willing, but is he? He has to show you that he is in the wrong as well."
Nyrella didn't think of it that way. "You think he will approach me?"
"He will. Jon is from the Stormlands, so it wounds his pride to apologize first," Myles gave hope to Nyrella. He nudged her side playfully, wanting to see that bright smile of her's.
The four of them continued to walk through the forest for a half an hour.
For half an hour, the four of them walk deeper into the forest. Slowly, the blue skies turned slightly darker, transforming into warmer colors of dusk. The forest trees and the wildlife sang a white noise that needed a careful ear to listen to their calls. The scent of the earth became the regular perfume that coated the group's aroma. The forest was a shelter from a busy world they were used to. A moment to be one with nature.
Just then Jon came to a sudden stop, which made the others stop as well. Nyrella peeked over Myles' shoulder, her brows knitted in confusion. She thought her eyes were deceiving her because instead of a view of lake waters, she saw a view of nothing—air. All four of them were standing on a cliff.
"Where is the lake?" Richard rested his hand on top of his hip, trying from the long walk. Jon came closer to the cliff, his eye pointing to the bottom.
"There's your lake," he answered. Then, he waved down below, "Rhaegar, Arthur, Barristan! Up here!"
Nyrella walked to the edge of the cliff, but Myles grabbed her arm. She snapped her head towards him, and he gave her a worried look, "careful now, I don't want you falling."
She rolled her eyes at him, ignoring the warning in his voice. She peered over the edge, spotting clearly three figures down below. Rhaegar was knee-deep in the lake, Barristan sat on a boulder, and Arthur was standing by the dry side, where the lake water meets land. She waved at them like what Jon did, "We'll be down there soon enough!"
She saw Rhaegar cup his hands around his mouth, "The water is great! But be careful up there!"
Nyrella nodded, but she knew he could not see her from where she was standing. She took a step back from the edge of the cliff, until she was beside Myles again. She looked at Jon, "we should go down now."
However, Jon raised his brow. "This is the way down," he answered with great certainty.
Richard, Myles, and Nyrella became quiet faster than the flicker of light. They were taken aback, not quite sure they heard Jon clearly or if he said it was a jest. Yet, the longer they observed the redhead, the farther their stomachs sank.
"You are fun now, Jon. Come on let us go down now," Myles tried to make light of the situation.
"Then go ahead," he gestured to the cliff, "be me guest to go first." There was a glint of mischief in his eyes, his innocent smile hiding his amusing grin.
"You must be teasing us," Nyrella felt her heart thunder with anxiousness, "we cannot possibly jump that far down."
Jon crossed his arms across his chest, he raised his brow, "it is only a fifty foot drop and the lake is more than fifteen feet deep. It is safe to jump."
Nyrella blinked. This was crazy talk, she thought to herself. She took another step back from the cliff, fearing that she might slip. She could not believe that Jon wanted them to jump into the lake.
"So who is going first?" Jon asked as he took his oversized tunic off. His azure eyes flickered between the three other people, who wore fearful faces.
"I'll go," Richard volunteered. Nyrella watched as the squire took his tunic off with a quick pull. He eargered himself to the every edge of the cliff, his toes dangling in the air. Nyrella held her breath for him. She wanted to tell him not to jump, to prevent him from going. But she was too late.
In the matter of a blink, Richard's figure was gone from her sight. She made a run to the edge, leaning her head over to see him free falling through the air, and in a count of three, his body hit the dark waters of the lake with a huge splash that echoed through the forest. In a painful few seconds, Richard's head reemerged from the water, a shout erupting through his chest. Nyrella exhaled the breath she held. Everyone around her rejoiced in excitement, all the while Richard swam to the lakefront.
"Your turn Nyrella," Jon said.
Nyrella huffed a breath, shaking her head in absolute disagreement, " I am not going to jump. There has to be a way other than this."
"It will be over in a blink of an eye," Jon continued to push, "unless you are too much of a coward."
"A coward?" Nyrella was fuming with fury. She was not angry at Jon for how he talked to her yesterday, but now she had a good enough reason to be angry with now. She did not like the way he pressed her buttons. "I am not a coward," she stood her ground.
Jon grinned, "then prove it."
Her mind was scrambling with many thoughts, overwhelming her senses. She turned back to the cliff, inching closer to the edge like how Richard did it. Her legs felt weak and shook uncontrollably. Nyrella looked over the cliff, observing the great distance she would need to fall before hitting the surface of the cool water.
"Be careful Nyrella," Myles suddenly warned. Nyrella was spooked by his words, slowly turning to him with all the color from her face gone.
"You scared me," her voice was shaky and in a higher pitch than before.
Myles gave her an apologetic look, "sorry."
Nyrella apologized, and turned back to the cliff. Her body and mind screamed for her to stop, to not jump, to go find a safer route down. "I-I cannot go. I cannot jump," she found her voice.
She whipped her head to look at the remaining people up there with her. Myles wore a sympathetic expression, while Jon's cockiness was still present, but if she cared to look closer, there was a glint of guilt that flashed over his blue eyes.
However, just as she went to take a step towards the duo, the grip of her bare foot slipped on a patch of damp moss in front of her. In an instance, she lost her footing and the center of her balance. Her arms were spread open, moving frantically to find her balance again. She heard the pounding of her desperate heart loudly through her ears like thundering drums of doom. A scream escaped her mouth as she reached her arms forward trying to grab the air. "Myles! Jon!" she yelled frantically to them. But, she was too late like when she was too late to call for Richard to stop.
Nyrella plummeted. The sight and calls of her friends were gone, left behind as she fell towards the water below her. She was screaming, but she could not hear herself. She tried to grasp the air, but the more she fought back, the faster she fell. The rapid wind dried out her eyes as life flashed before her eyes. She took her last breath as the world closed in on her.
Arthur watched in horror as Nyrella's body hit the surface of the water with a terrible splash. Unlike Richard's jump, a dead silence echoed through the walls of the forest. As the water ceased back together and the seconds passed dreadfully, there was no sign of Nyrella.
"Ny!" Rhaegar started to shout. "Ny! Ny! Ny!" his voice cracked with anxiety. Then, everyone followed, screaming her name with desperation. The shouting of Myles and Jon were heard from above yelling for Nyrella's name as well. But Arthur, he did not stay and yell for Nyrella.
Without another thought, he ran to the lakefront. His friends were shouting, calling for his name, but he did not look back at them. Their cries fell on deaf ears. Arthur plummeted into the cold, dark waters. He ripped through the water, swimming to the place where he saw Nyrella's body hit the water. The water stung his eyes, fighting to keep them open to search for any signs of her. Every second he was underwater, he felt his heart sink deeper. Arthur was far from the surface of the water, and sooner or later he would need to go up for air. But he could not leave. He had to find her.
He fought through the burning sensation of his eyes and the pressure that built up and pressed on his chest. His head started to feel faint from the lack of breath he had in his lungs. Everything was going against him. However, he continued to persevere. Suddenly, at the corner of his eye. He saw the glimpse of silver hair floating below him. There she was. Nyrella floating deeper and deeper into the depth of the lakes' clutches. Arthur immediately swam to her in a few strokes. He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her securly against his body. Then, he swam back up to the surface of the water.
Arthur was gasping for air when he came back up. He blinked away the water from his eyes, and he looked at the unconscious Nyrella in his arms. "Nyrella, please, listen to me," he spoke to her as he lightly shook her. But to no avail, she was limp in his arms. Arthur cursed underneath his breath. He positioned himself behind Nyrella, placing her arms underneath her underarms. He cradled her body close to his, backstroking back to dry land.
Rhaegar and Barristan met them at the lakefront. The Dragon Prince helped Arthur pull Nyrella's unresponsive body to shore. Rhaegar wiped the wet hair from Nyrella's face, "Nyrella! Stay with us! Please wake up! Please!" he was cupping her face as tears ran down from his face.
"We need to revive her," Arthur commanded as he pushed Rhaegar out of the way. He placed his ear to her chest, hearing a faint heartbeat. The Kingsguard did not waste a moment to catch his own breath. He pushed Nyrella to her side as he used his open palm to clap her upper body. However, she was not breathing or ejecting water from her lungs.
"Damn it," Arthur cursed to himself. He laid Nyrella on her back, and he started to compress her chest repeatedly.
"Come on Nyrella," he said to her unconscious figure. "Please, please, stay with us," his voice cracked as he continued to perform chest compressions.
Her body was cold and pale. No color left on her face. Nyrella did not move. She was still like the surface of the lake's water.
"Nyrella, please, please stay with me," he continued. The hot tears brimming at the edge of his violet eyes. It broke him to see her like this.
"Please, I beg you, Nyrella, please," he pleaded. "I can't lose you."
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luchibelle · 5 years
Rhaegar's friends
��Well, I saw him twice or thrice, but I was only ten when Robert killed him, and mine own sire had me hidden underneath a rock. No, I cannot claim I knew Prince Rhaegar. Not as your false father did. Lord Connington was the prince’s dearest friend, was he not?”
ADWD, Tyrion VI.
Tyrion, you are wrong. Rhaegar's best friend was Arthur Dayne, although JonCon was a good friend of his.
Myles Mooton was Prince Rhaegar’s squire, and Richard Lonmouth after him. When they won their spurs, he knighted them himself, and they remained his close companions. Young Lord Connington was dear to the prince as well, but his oldest friend was Arthur Dayne.”
ASOS, Daenerys I.
Jon Connington had been Prince Rhaegar’s friend.
AFFC, Jaime III.
The Red Keep had its secrets too. Even Rhaegar. The Prince of Dragonstone had never trusted him as he had trusted Arthur Dayne. Harrenhal was proof of that. The year of the false spring.
ADWD, The Kingbreaker (Barristan III)
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tweedfrog · 2 years
Since Arthur accompanied Elia to the sept I imagine he accompanied her back home too? What was the trip back home like for him 😂? I think you mentioned somewhere that Rhaegar only found out about the divorce after he saw Elia (throwing her new bachelorette party) packing and celebrating. I find it very amusing that even though Arthur was the first person among Rhaegar’s faction to know about the divorce he didn’t take it upon himself to deliver that memo 😂.
The trip back home was Arthur thinking "FUCK my boss is going to kill me" + this gif:
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But i actually included Arthurs whereabouts in the fic in this section where Elia describes the people in the viewing gallery for the trial:
"It’s rapidly filling up with whichever courtiers her ladies have managed to quickly get word to, and she’s happy to see they aren’t only Dornishmen either. Mace Tyrell is crammed up uncomfortably against Jason Mallister, and Matthis Rowan is deep in conversation with Nestor Royce. But wherever she looks she is pleased that she cannot see any of Rhaegar’s close friends or advisors.
Tywin Lannister, newly re-instated as Hand, Jon Connington that love-struck cretin, Richard Lonmouth, Myles Mooton, and the Kingsguard are no-where to be seen. They're probably comforting Rhaegar in whatever corner of the library he’s sulking in. Ashara must have already tricked Arthur and locked him in some room as she’d promised because Elia can’t see him anywhere either."
So Ashara managed to trick him into a side room of the sept and lock him in there for the duration of the trial. Thats why Elia specially requested Arthur as her guard that day. Because she realized he was the only kingsguard who they could probably manage to lull enough into a false sense of security that they could trap him and not have him go running to Rhaegar.
Anyways when Arthur finally finds Rhaegar its definitley something like this
Rhaegar: *sigh* "2 wives and now 2 sons when i needed 2 wives and 2 daughters. Oh Arthur what am I to do?"
Arthur: "Bro dw. You wont have one of those problems for much longer anymore."
Rhaegar: "......"
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thetudorslovers · 5 years
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"Myles Mooton was Prince Rhaegar's squire, and Richard Lonmouth after him. When they won their spurs, he knighted them himself, and they remained his close companions. Young Lord Connington was dear to the prince as well, but his oldest friend was Arthur Dayne."
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rpgadverts · 6 months
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Wanted on Still the Fates - ASOIAF
Myles Mooton: Squire for Rhaegar Targaryen and Childhood Sweethearts Arranged Marriage plot.
Gwynesse Harlaw: The older sister of Rodrik the Reader and Alannys Greyjoy
Devan Blackwood: Tytos Blackwood's heir, for now, and second oldest Blackwood child, from the most functional family in Westeros.
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warsofasoiaf · 1 year
Do you think that Jon Connington was jealous of Arthur Dayne? Since Ser Arthur was considered to be the closest friend to Prince Rhaegar and Jon coveted such closeness
Arthur Dayne is only mentioned once in Connington's chapter and it has nothing to do with any form of jealousy or other negative animus. However, Jon Connington said that Elia "was never worthy" of Rhaegar, so assuming that he would have some form of negative feelings toward others who had a closeness to Rhaegar isn't off the mark.
The question would be whether Connington separated platonic closeness from romantic - he may have resented Elia not for mere closeness but for the specific romantic relationship that she had with Rhaegar. If he does separate them, then he doesn't necessarily have to hold any jealousy toward Arthur Dayne, Myles Mooton, or anyone else who would have a close, non-romantic relationship with Rhaegar. That would be the logical conclusion, but we aren't always logical when it comes to the emotional sphere.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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