#jason mallister
dr3adlady · 7 months
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February 2024 Romance Drawing Challenge
Day 15: Catelyn Stark and Jason Mallister
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Lord Jason Mallister (left) and his son Patrek
Here's my LEGO adaptation of alexandrokayart's Mallisters canary, linked below
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I could see some of the robb's bannermen stepping into parental roles, for example wyman or his son wylis if he's freed stepping into a fatherly role for Bran/Rickon when they make back to winterfell or others like Jason Mallister or Tytos Blackwood could also end up in a similar position. Also while Edmure will have his hands full with his own kid, I feel he'll want to be there for cat's children and sweetrobin (please let him live George), especially after having lost his sisters so close to one another.
Wyman Manderly is such a loyal Stark supporter that he would make a great parential figure for the youngest Stark boys. He's the one who is trying to retrieve Rickon from Skagos. And also Bran singled Wyman out among the Northern lords as the one who treated him better than the rest:
Or they could go south to fat Lord Manderly. At Winterfell, he'd laughed a lot, and never seemed to look at Bran with so much pity as the other lords. 
I bet he would like to have either Bran or Rickon under his influence (and probably would try to engage them with his granddaughters).
Jason Mallister and Tytos Blackwood also seem alright fellows but since they are lords of Riverlands they probably won't have as much interaction with the Stark kids as the Lords of the North.
Speaking of Northern Lords, what about Alys Karstark and her husband Sigorn? Both are personally indebted to Jon Snow so I bet they would be more than willing to foster one of his younger brothers in Karhold. Maybe it would the best choice for Rickon to go to a place where Northerners and free folk have mingled.
As for Edmure, I also believe that he would have wanted to be there for his sisters' children. And I really hope he can be there especially for sweet Robin. That poor child could use some relatives who actually care about him after being under Littlefinger's "care" for such a long time. Maybe he could invite his nephew to Riverrun for a long visit? Also, maybe Sansa could also be invited? (since among Cat's kids I could see Sansa being the one who would appreciate Riverlands and its culture the most).
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agentrouka-blog · 2 months
Hi! I had a few questions about Robb and Catelyn around the topic of marriage. I'll start with a big one:
Do you think that Robb was planning to marry Catelyn off to Jason Mallister in ASOS?
I was thinking that, since Robb realized he could have used Sansa as a bargaining chip to make a marriage alliance, he might have had the idea to do the same thing to the only woman in his family who is actually within his reach - his mother. To paraphrase something Tywin said in Tyrion III ASOS, Robb might use a marriage to shore up his alliances along the Trident.
I was also thinking it could be an interesting parallel if Robb was trying to marry Catelyn off at the same time that Tywin was trying to marry Cersei off, to show how little autonomy women have when the men, Stark or Lannister, are making the decisions for them, as is the norm for the head of a feudal House in a misogynistic society.
To end with a couple of other questions: I noticed every time Catelyn sees Jason Mallister, she compliments him in some way, saying that he's fierce and courteous and handsome for a man his age (late 40s?).
Do you think Catelyn was attracted to Jason Mallister? Do you think that GRRM ever intended to suggest she could be attracted to him, or that they would be compatible as a couple?
Same anon who asked about Robb maybe planning to have Cat remarry: do you think Robb would expect his mother to have children with a second husband? She's only 35 and plenty fertile, do you think he would use that to sell her to a prospective husband like Jason Mallister, like "Look, she's a widow, you're a widower, she's fertile, your only heir is drunken playboy Patrek, wouldn't you want some spares?"
Hi there!
I don't think that's a very likely scenario.
For one, Jason Mallister is already a staunch supporter of Robb and House Tully. And the marriage alliance that Tywin mentions, has a different quality:
Shae is all the woman I need just now, he thought, and Sansa's a girl, no matter what you say. "If your purpose here is to keep her from the Tyrells, why not return her to her mother? Perhaps that would convince Robb Stark to bend the knee." Lord Tywin's look was scornful. "Send her to Riverrun and her mother will match her with a Blackwood or a Mallister to shore up her son's alliances along the Trident. Send her north, and she will be wed to some Manderly or Umber before the moon turns. Yet she is no less dangerous here at court, as this business with the Tyrells should prove. She must marry a Lannister, and soon." "The man who weds Sansa Stark can claim Winterfell in her name," his uncle Kevan put in. "Had that not occurred to you?" (ASOS, Tyrion III)
Catelyn has no claim to impart. It's a very low-stakes marital alliance that doesn't buy either side much of anything. Plus, if he had intended a mutually beneficial match, he would not have planned to send her to Seagard as a glorified prisoner, essentially declaring his distrust in her, while making Jason Mallister his prison guard and thus putting them in mutual conflict. It's the opposite of a marital alliance.
Another reason is that Robb is fighting this war, on a personal level, primarily to avenge his father. He is willing to sacrifice his sisters to this goal.
Marrying his father's loving and loyal widow off to a bannerman while this war is still going is contradictory to his conflict with Cat.
Robb’s face was cold. “Is that why you freed the Kingslayer? To make a peace with the Lannisters?” “I freed Jaime for Sansa’s sake … and Arya’s, if she still lives. You know that. But if I nurtured some hope of buying peace as well, was that so ill?” “Yes,” he said. “The Lannisters killed my father.” “Do you think I have forgotten that?” “I don’t know. Have you?” Catelyn had never struck her children in anger, but she almost struck Robb then. (ASOS, Catelyn IV)
Robb will not tarnish the memory of his father by marrying off his widow, especially to an already established ally with an established heir.
I hadn't gotten the impression that Cat singles out Jason Mallister in her thoughts in any way, BUT if she had wanted to anger Robb even more, initiating the idea of marrying again, especially for personal affection, would have been a surefire and hilarious way to drive her son to apoplexy.
Thirdly, he may be angry at her and want her out of the way of his decision-making, but he still loves his mother. Forcing her into a new marriage would be downright cruel. Robb is not that far gone. He is not Tywin. I am critical of Robb myself, but this is not even serving any purpose but to demonstrate power and cruelty.
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dyannawynnedayne · 1 year
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Aurane Waters and Jason Mallister for @mallosoar !!
I am SO sorry this took so long, I forgot about it and then started working on an OC family tree lol. Here are your boys for you!
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eonweheraldodemanwe · 8 months
Preview of the new models for the upcoming skirmishes game A Song of Ice and Fire Tactics
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But why is Lynn Corbray along the guy he killed?
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dreamfyre01 · 4 months
Historia de la Casa Mallister - CDHYF
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atopvisenyashill · 4 months
listening to a podcast about house royce and ONCE AGAIN NED. you had half the first men descended houses in the realm trying to be your right hand man bronze yohn was IN THE CAPITAL why would you not ask him to stay and help you 😭
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insincerlyyours · 1 year
had a fever dream about fighting The Usurpers in a supermarket. no I don't know which side i was on but Otto Hightower was the cashier. black aly's arrows burst through chips and a flying cheeto killed jace. helaena was perpetually lost in another aisle but we could hear her. jason mallister was romancing alicent hightower. daemon and aemond were outside racing on carts. viserys just wanted some orange juice.
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isefyres-archive · 5 months
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@dcviline asked: The next time we meet, it will be in our wedding day. (catelyn @ jason)
"Aye.   At   least   this   time   we   both   know   what   to   expect."   None   is   a   stranger   to   marriage,   though   perhaps   the   only   strange   thing   is   to   be   wed   under   a   weirwood   after   the   Septon,   but   that   had   been   one   of   the   few   conditions   given   by   the   King   and   he   won't   deny   it.   But   there   will   be   no   bedding   and   no   first   time   shivers.   Although   perhaps,   a   different   kind   of   excitement.  
"We   all   deserve   someone   to   grow   old   with.   I   know   I   might   not   be   the   one   you   first   chose   but,   I   believe   we   will   be   happy."   And   he   won't   mind   growing   old   with   her.   Perhaps   a   kid   or   two   of   their   own,   nothing   can   replace   those   lost   but   he   would   not   mind   a   few.   They   were   still   young,   as   young   as   one   can   be   in   war,   and   perhaps,   they   could   be   blessed   with   one.   He   is   certain   Patreck   would   love   a   little   sibling.   Jason   looks   back   at   Catelyn,   reaching   for   her   hand.   "How   are   you   feeling?"
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jedimaesteryoda · 6 months
You often miss how similar Jorah Mormont and Petyr Baelish are in some respects.
When it was announced that I was to wed Brandon Stark, Petyr challenged for the right to my hand. It was madness. Brandon was twenty, Petyr scarcely fifteen. I had to beg Brandon to spare Petyr's life. He let him off with a scar. Afterward my father sent him away. I have not seen him since." -AGOT, Catelyn IV Yet with Lynesse's favor knotted round my arm, I was a different man. I won joust after joust. Lord Jason Mallister fell before me, and Bronze Yohn Royce. Ser Ryman Frey, his brother Ser Hosteen, Lord Whent, Strongboar, even Ser Boros Blount of the Kingsguard, I unhorsed them all. In the last match, I broke nine lances against Jaime Lannister to no result, and King Robert gave me the champion's laurel. I crowned Lynesse queen of love and beauty, and that very night went to her father and asked for her hand. I was drunk, as much on glory as on wine. By rights I should have gotten a contemptuous refusal, but Lord Leyton accepted my offer. We were married there in Lannisport, and for a fortnight I was the happiest man in the wide world." -ACOK, Daenerys I
They pursued beautiful highborn women far above their station who, and both being southron women who married northern lords. Petyr pined for Catelyn Tully, and fought a duel for her hand against her betrothed, Brandon Stark. Jorah won a tourney with the favor of Lynesse Hightower, he crowned her queen of love and beauty and managed to marry her when he asked for her hand.
Their stories have a romantic element to them with Petyr dueling for Cat's hand and Jorah winning a tourney with Lynesse's favor, but they end up being subverted with neither getting a happy ending. Petyr loses the duel and is nearly killed, and then SAed by Lysa and sent from Riverrun. Jorah's marriage didn't work out, exhausting his family's coffers to provide her the luxuries she was used to and after selling poachers to slavers, which forced him into exile. Catelyn ended up marrying Ned Stark and Lynesse ended up leaving Jorah to be a merchant-prince's concubine.
After that, they found themselves in service to women with Lysa Arryn having Jon Arryn raisie up Petyr and him later serving Queen Cersei while Jorah ending up serving Daenerys in exile. They also end up betraying the people they serve with Littlefinger having a hand in the War of Five Kings and being behind Joffrey's murder, killing Lysa and Jorah spying on Daenerys.
"I've told the khal he ought to make for Meereen," Ser Jorah said. "They'll pay a better price than he'd get from a slaving caravan. Illyrio writes that they had a plague last year, so the brothels are paying double for healthy young girls, and triple for boys under ten. If enough children survive the journey, the gold will buy us all the ships we need, and hire men to sail them." -AGOT, Daenerys VII "I'm a good girl," Jeyne whimpered. "They trained me." -ADWD, Theon
Another thing they have in common is their attitude towards children and sex slavery. Petyr took the orphaned Jeyne Poole, forced her into sexual slavery at one of his brothels as shown by the whippings she endured for refusing and mentioning "she was trained." He then sent her to Ramsay Bolton of all people, likely not being ignorant of the things he had heard about him. Jorah had no qualms selling kids into sex slavery en masse, and when Dany tells him to stop Eroeh from being raped, he initially pushes back saying the Dothraki are claiming "their reward."
"You shouldn't kiss me. I might have been your own daughter . . ." "Might have been," he admitted, with a rueful smile. "But you're not, are you? You are Eddard Stark's daughter, and Cat's. But I think you might be even more beautiful than your mother was, when she was your age." -ASOS, Sansa VII "What did she look like, your Lady Lynesse?" Ser Jorah smiled sadly. "Why, she looked a bit like you, Daenerys." -ACOK, Daenerys I
It fits their creepy attitude towards the opposite gender with their fixation on young girls after the loss of their previous interests of affection. Petyr fixates on Cat's daughter Sansa Stark who does bear a noted resemblance to her mother while Jorah fixates on Daenerys who he admits looks like his ex-wife.
For half a heartbeat she yielded to his kiss . . . before she turned her face away and wrenched free. "What are you doing?" Petyr straightened his cloak. "Kissing a snow maid." . . . "You shouldn't kiss me. I might have been your own daughter . . ." -ASOS, Sansa VII It was a long kiss, though how long Dany could not have said. When it ended, Ser Jorah let go of her, and she took a quick step backward. "You . . . you should not have . . ." "I should not have waited so long," he finished for her. "I should have kissed you in Qarth, in Vaes Tolorru. I should have kissed you in the red waste, every night and every day. You were made to be kissed, often and well." His eyes were on her breasts. Dany covered them with her hands, before her nipples could betray her. "I . . . that was not fitting. I am your queen." -ASOS, Daenerys I
Their treatment towards these girls can be described as possessive and abusive. While posing to their girls as their protectors, they basically use it to enforce control over them. They force kisses on the girls, and when the girls make it clear they don't want them, simply dismiss them and continue to push. Petyr keeps Sansa in his custody under a false identity, effectively making him her guardian and keeping her completely dependent on him. Jorah tries to isolate Dany from other men in her life from Xaro to Barristan and Daario.
The main difference in Petyr is very vindictive, and works on the downfall of houses Stark and Tully over Cat's rejection and marriage while Jorah stays loyal to Daenerys and tries to seek her favor again. Neither man really takes accountability for the consequences of their actions.
Their fixations will ultimately prove to be their downfalls. Petyr underestimates the danger Sansa potentially poses to him as she is learning from him. Jorah in a desperate act, kidnaps Tyrion, and tries to go to Meereen to regain favor with Daenerys. He likely won't like the Ironborn suitor Victarion, and his actions will likely get himself killed.
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dr3adlady · 8 months
Starting February, I've organized a drawing challenge, in which you should draw one asoiaf ship per day. Here's the list if anyone wants to participate:
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jackoshadows · 3 days
I have come across some posts/comments saying that Jon Snow will stay as Jon Snow and will never become Jon Stark. Here's the thing though - Jon Snow IS already Jon Stark! He just doesn't know it yet.
As GRRM states:
Q: I have a question, since Robb actually  legitimized Jon and named him his heir for Winterfell and the North  before the Red Wedding (granted no one knows about this and is still  alive or free, the Greatjon knows as does Edmure, but I dont see them  getting out of the Twins any time soon and Catelyn would probably die  before telling anyone) does this make Jon’s rejection of Stannis’ offer  moot? A: Edmure and the Greatjon are prisoners, true… but you are forgetting  the envoys that Robb sent to Howland Reed… Galbart Glover, Maege  Mormont, Jason Mallister… they are all alive and free. As to what is and is not moot… the key point is, only a king can legitimize a bastard……
"Precedent," she said bitterly. "Yes, Aegon the Fourth legitimized all his bastards on his deathbed. And how much pain, grief, war, and murder grew from that? I know you trust Jon. But can you trust his sons? Or their sons? The Blackfyre pretenders troubled the Targaryens for five generations, until Barristan the Bold slew the last of them on the Stepstones. If you make Jon legitimate, there is no way to turn him bastard again. Should he wed and breed, any sons you may have by Jeyne will never be safe." - Catelyn, ASoS
Robb stood, and as quick as that, her fate was settled. He picked up a sheet of parchment. "One more matter. Lord Balon has left chaos in his wake, we hope. I would not do the same. Yet I have no son as yet, my brothers Bran and Rickon are dead, and my sister is wed to a Lannister. I've thought long and hard about who might follow me. I command you now as my true and loyal lords to fix your seals to this document as witnesses to my decision." A king indeed, Catelyn thought, defeated. She could only hope that the trap he'd planned for Moat Cailin worked as well as the one in which he'd just caught her. - Catelyn, ASoS
So it is done. King in the North Robb Stark has already legitimized Jon Snow as Jon Stark. Edmure Tully, GreatJon Umber, Maege Mormont, Galbart Glover and Jason Mallister all now know that Jon Snow is Jon Stark.
They just have not managed to either get word to him (Edmure and the GreatJon being prisoners) or for reasons unknown - most probably because of the Boltons squatting in Winterfell with Northmen as Lannister hostages and Stannis engaged in a campaign in the North - have just not informed Jon about this.
This right here is strong foreshadowing for Jon Stark as King in the North through Robb's Will:
Stannis read from the letter. "Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK. A girl of ten, you say, and she presumes to scold her lawful king." - Jon I, ADwD
At this point it's clearly implied that Lyanna Mormont has heard from her mother. Maege Mormont - who is witness to Robb's last will and decree which names Jon Stark as KITN - is last seen heading to the Neck with her daughters.
Catelyn wondered if Lady Maege had reached the Neck as yet. She had taken her other daughters with her, but as one of Robb’s battle companions Dacey had chosen to remain by his side. - Catelyn, ACoK
In ADwD, Alysane mentions that two of her sisters are with their mother. Which makes it clear that she has heard from Maege.
"Sisters," Alysane Mormont replied, gruff as ever. "Five, we were. All girls. Lyanna is back on Bear Island. Lyra and Jory are with our mother. Dacey was murdered." "The Red Wedding." - The King's Prize, ADwD
Which then implies that Lyanna Mormont has heard from her mother and her declaration is for Jon Stark.
Now of course they could be talking about Rickon Stark, if Maege and Galbart Glover managed to communicate with Robett Glover and Manderly has let them know that Rickon is still alive. However, keeping in mind that Galbart Glover was also witness to King Robb's last decree which legitimizes Jon Snow as Jon Stark, it's very possible this is about Jon Stark as well.
The next paragraph just hits us over the head with foreshadowing that more or less confirms that this is about Jon Stark.
Maege Mormont had ridden south with Robb, Jon knew. Her eldest daughter had joined the Young Wolf's host as well. Even if both of them had died, however, Lady Maege had other daughters, some with children of their own. Had they gone with Robb as well? Surely Lady Maege would have left at least one of the older girls behind as castellan. He did not understand why Lyanna should be writing Stannis, and could not help but wonder if the girl's answer might have been different if the letter had been sealed with a direwolf instead of a crowned stag, and signed by Jon Stark, Lord of Winterfell. It is too late for such misgivings. You made your choice. - Jon I, ADwD
Yes Jon, the answer would have been different because Lyanna straight out just declared for YOU! He just doesn't know it yet.
Jon took a knee. The king frowned at him, and rattled the parchment angrily. Rise. Tell me, who is Lyanna Mormont? One of Lady Maeges daughters, Sire. The youngest. She was named for my lord fathers sister.
The fact that it's LYANNA Mormont making this declaration - which GRRM reminds us of in the same discussion when Jon tells Stannis that she is named after his father's sister - just sweetens the whole deal!
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aegor-bamfsteel · 5 months
In a sense, would you consider Theon Greyjoy to be Ned Stark’s son, as Jon Snow (despite his true heritage) very much is?
Well, let’s ask Theon, before his imprisonment by Ramsay:
Theon held his tongue, though not without struggle. So that is the way of it, he thought. As if ten years in Winterfell could make a Stark. Lord Eddard had raised him among his own children, but Theon had never been one of them. The whole castle, from Lady Stark to the lowliest kitchen scullion, knew he was hostage to his father's good behavior, and treated him accordingly. Even the bastard Jon Snow had been accorded more honor than he had.
Lord Eddard had tried to play the father from time to time, but to Theon he had always remained the man who'd brought blood and fire to Pyke and taken him from his home. As a boy, he had lived in fear of Stark's stern face and great dark sword. His wife was, if anything, even more distant and suspicious.
"I forget nothing." Ned Stark had killed neither of his brothers, in truth. Rodrik had been slain by Lord Jason Mallister at Seagard, Maron crushed in the collapse of the old south tower . . . but Stark would have done for them just as quick had the tide of battle chanced to sweep them together.  —Theon I, ACOK
Theon thought of seeking out the bodies of the two men he'd slain himself to see if they had any jewelry worth the taking, but the notion left a bitter taste in his mouth. He could imagine what Eddard Stark would have said. Yet that thought made him angry too. Stark is dead and rotting, and naught to me, he reminded himself. Ugly as it was, that smile brought back a hundred memories. Theon had seen it often as a boy, when he'd jumped a horse over a mossy wall, or flung an axe and split a target square. He'd seen it when he blocked a blow from Dagmer's sword, when he put an arrow through a seagull on the wing, when he took the tiller in hand and guided a longship safely through a snarl of foaming rocks. He gave me more smiles than my father and Eddard Stark together. —Theon III, ACOK
"This is craven," Ser Rodrik said. "To use a child so . . . this is despicable." "Oh, I know," said Theon. "It's a dish I tasted myself, or have you forgotten? I was ten when I was taken from my father's house, to make certain he would raise no more rebellions."
The noose I wore was not made of hempen rope, that's true enough, but I felt it all the same. And it chafed, Ser Rodrik. It chafed me raw." He had never quite realized that until now, but as the words came spilling out he saw the truth of them. —Theon VI, ACOK
And after his torture:
But if anyone spoke of him now, it was as Theon Turncloak, and the tales they told were of his treachery. This was never my home. I was a hostage here. Lord Stark had not treated him cruelly, but the long steel shadow of his greatsword had always been between them. He was kind to me, but never warm. He knew that one day he might need to put me to death. —The Prince of Winterfell, ADWD
The old gods, he thought. They know me. They know my name. I was Theon of House Greyjoy. I was a ward of Eddard Stark, a friend and brother to his children. "Please." He fell to his knees. "A sword, that's all I ask. Let me die as Theon, not as Reek." Tears trickled down his cheeks, impossibly warm. "I was ironborn. A son … a son of Pyke, of the islands." —A Ghost in Winterfell, ADWD
It’s true that his feelings toward Ned had softened by ADWD (which makes sense, given what he’s been through with Ramsay), but despite that there’s a common theme that Ned was always cold and distant, never affectionate, because everyone knew Theon was a hostage for Balon’s good behavior, and Ned would’ve had to execute him had he rebelled again. There was really no way that Ned and Theon could’ve developed the positive relationship that Ned and Jon did (despite the shadow of Jon’s mother between them, Jon looks up to Ned and wants to make him proud) given that history. He may have called him a “second father” in swearing his oath to Robb, but neither Balon nor Ned were true father figures to Theon, so he considers Cleftjaw his “uncle” (the man who gave him affection as a child). Ned considered Jon Arryn a second father, as Quentyn did Lord Yronwood, but neither had Theon’s history as a hostage against their birth family.
Now, Theon doesn’t have the same baggage with Ned’s kids as with the man himself. He saved Bran and fought alongside Robb (who in his first chapter admits to having affection for, “as for a little brother”), so it makes sense a regretful Theon would think of himself as their friend and brother. But he’d never think of Ned as his “true father” (another example of the show misunderstanding his character).
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warsofasoiaf · 1 month
Was the outcome of the battle of the Trident solely dependent on who prevailed in the dual between Robert and Rhaegar? Or perhaps to rephrase it, do we get a sense of the course of the battle independent of these two actors?
We know a little bit. We know that Rhaegar commanded his personal unit, with the other three being commanded by Barristan Selmy, Lewyn Martell, and Jonothor Darry.
The Dornish were on Robert's left flank, which means that Rhaegar placed them on the right. Lyn Corbray's father fell in battle, and Lyn himself took up Lady Forlorn and charged the Dornish lines, slaying the wounded Lewyn Martell. That suggests that the Vale troops, under Jon Arryn, were placed to Robert's left.
Jason Mallister slew three of Rhaegar's bannermen, which means they were either houses of the Narrow Sea or they were houses hand-picked by Rhaegar to serve under his personal command.
Roose Bolton counseled for Barristan to be slain, but given that Robert was present, it doesn't mean much. While Ned says that he was lucky that Barristan didn't find him, this does not necessarily imply that the Northmen faced Barristan's unit. Eddard could have just been speaking figuratively.
We don't know who killed Jonothor Darry, only that he died.
So we have an idea where Robert and Rhaegar were, and where the Vale and Dornish were. The rest is speculative. Given Robert's high regard for Eddard, it's possible he may have given Eddard command of the van, but he also may have formed four armies to match Rhaegar's four armies: under Jon, Hoster, Eddard, and himself.
Thanks for the question, Ekendall.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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dyannawynnedayne · 1 year
Terros' Next Top MILF: Round 1
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Jason: art by amuelia, AWOIAF Link
Rickard: art by poly-hebdo, AWOIAF Link
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