tsahin07 · 2 years
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Mymeating Beach Club'da https://www.instagram.com/p/CiQlFu5MJqe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Voyager. Now that’s a kettle of fish. Obviously watch/enjoy whatever you wish, but I do recommend also checking out SFDebris’ reviews of the episodes (he’s the rwde of Voyager). He is a lot smarter and more eloquent than me.
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Putting these two asks together since my thoughts on both are all jumbled! 
Now, I want to emphasize that I’ve only watched the first 16 episodes (Season One + Season 2 premiere), so idk if Voyager is going to go seriously downhill later on, but right now I do really like it. And not in a, “Lol yeah compared to the other crap on it’s good, I guess” way, but in a completely honest, “It has its flaws, but is overall a solid, compelling show with lovable characters” way. Out of curiosity I watched SFDebris’ review of “Phage,” though I’m afraid I didn’t agree with it. The only part were I was like, “Yeah okay” was pointing out that they had the Doctor using a keypad when he supposedly wasn’t solid, but that’s precisely the sort of continuity error that, in an otherwise strong show, I’m willing to shrug off. For all the major points, it sounds like SFDebris is concerned primarily with the show he wants Voyager to be, rather than the show Voyager actually is. Which I know sounds familiar--I’ve heard that criticism leveled at my own work: “You just want RWBY to be a totally different show”--but the difference is that Voyager is a part of an established franchise, following three other TV shows, an animated series, and a collection of films. It’s not an original show (like RWBY) that can take itself in any direction the story may need/claim to want (again, RWBY). It has a brand and those established characteristics seem to be bumping up against SFDebris’ critiques: 
Hating Neelix as a character - You’re supposed to hate him. Or at least find him frustrating (I don’t personally hate him) because that’s what all the characters are grappling with too. From Tuvok forced to have an awkward conversation while Neelix is in the bath to Janeway dealing with him taking over her dining room, Neelix’s conflict revolves around how others learn to accept him. Star Trek as a franchise is about “Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.” Voyager begins with the problem of how the trained Federation officers are supposed to work with the more violent Maquis. Difference doesn’t just create “Wow, you’re so amazing!” reactions, it also includes frustration, disagreement, and outright hostility. Creating an outsider character with a kind heart but incredibly overbearing personality is a great way to test the other characters’ convictions. Do they actually care about all life in the universe? Or do they only care about life when they personally find it palatable? Having Neelix around is a great reminder for them--and the viewer--that just because someone annoys you at times doesn’t mean they’re any less worthy of love, respect, and companionship. It also doesn’t mean they don’t have something to offer: he keeps the crew fed even if his cooking is horrible, he provides information about this area of space even if he sometimes gets it wrong, we roll our eyes at the “Morale Officer” stuff, but Neelix does provide much needed perspective for characters like Tuvok. If Neelix made fewer mistakes, stopped bugging the crew, became a “cooler” character for the audience to root for rather than be frustrated by... a lot of the point of his character would be lost. 
Frustration about discoveries not carrying over to the next episode - AKA, the crew finds inanely powerful, alien tech and then (presumably) never uses it again. This would indeed be a big problem in a serialized story (like RWBY) but Voyager maintains much of Star Trek’s original, episodic nature. Though we have continuity in the form of them inching towards home and evolving as characters, the world still resets to a certain point at the end of each episode. This is what allows Star Trek to explore so many different questions and have so many different adventures. If you demand that serialized continuity--this character needs to have an arc to deal with this traumatic experience, the crew has to follow the thread they just discovered, our Doctor needs to do something with the new tech they just found--then you lose the variety that Star Trek is known for. Instead of a new story each week (or, occasionally, across two weeks) you’ve got a single story spanning months. Neither form is better or worse than the other, it’s absolutely a preference, but there’s a very specific, structural, intentional reason why the characters “forget” about the things they’ve discovered and, at times, experienced. Unlike Ozpin forgetting that he has a nuke in his cane for seven volumes, or Ruby forgetting to use her eyes at crucial points, Star Trek deliberately sets things aside to ensure there’s room for new ideas and questions next episode. 
Janeway doesn’t kill the Vidiians to get Neelix his lungs back - No Starfleet captain would. At least, not during this period of Star Trek. Sisko has development in that regard (making morally gray choices), but that’s built into the heart of the show from the start: he’s on a station, not a starship, that is jointly run by the Federation and the Bajorans, and built by the Cardassians. The rules of the Federation always had a tenuous hold there and Sisko as a character always pushed the boundary of the Federations expectations (Q: “Picard never hit me!”) Janeway, in contrast, is 100% a Federation captain and, more importantly, has explicitly told her crew that they will be operating as a Federation vessel, despite being so far from home. That’s the conflict between the officers and the Maquis. That’s why Tuvok accepts the alien tech in “Prime Factors,” recognizing that Janeway can’t. That’s why Seska is a compelling antagonist, pressuring the crew to abandon their ideals for survival. The series (or at least that first season) revolves around questions about identity and whether they’re willing to give that identity up now that they’re out from under the Federation’s thumb. Overwhelmingly, they choose not to... which would make murdering the Vidiian a complete 180 for her character. We’re not necessarily supposed to agree with Janeway’s choice, we’re supposed to acknowledge that murdering another sentient being is not some simple choice to make, especially when you’re a leader devoted to a certain set of ideals. We’re supposed to recognize the challenges here (many of which SFDebris doesn’t acknowledge) like how you’re supposed to keep a prisoner for the next 75 years when you’re already struggling to feed and take care of the crew you have, or the fact that they claim to take organs from dead bodies and this was a rare time when they couldn’t. (It’s only in “Faces” that we learn this is complete BS and they actively kidnap people to work as slaves and then be harvested.) The frustration that Janeway doesn’t act here stems from wanting her to be a character who is, fundamentally, not a Star Trek captain. 
Granted, I only watched one review, but that’s what the whole thing felt like: wanting a series that’s not Star Trek. Something without a token, challenging character, without hand-wavy science, that’s more serialized, and doesn’t adhere to a “do no harm” code. (I just started “Initiations” and Chakotay asks a vessel to stand down three times, while actively being attacked, before finally retaliating and then he tries to reestablish communications and then he warns them about their engine and then he beams them aboard his shuttle. That’s what Star Trek (usually) is: that idealized love of life, even when that life is actively hostile). And like, that’s obviously fine! As you say, Flawartist, “watch/enjoy whatever you wish,” but just based on this one review I wonder if SFDebris just wants something other than Star Trek. 
I think one of the reasons why I feel passionately about this (beyond my love of context and recognizing when shows are actively trying to accomplish something specific) is that I went through this with DS9. For years I heard about how horrible the show was. It’s trash. It’s a mess. It’s not TNG, so don’t even bother. Or, if you do, be prepared for disappointment. There was this whole, strong rhetoric about how silly it all is--Star Trek is, by default, silly, so supposedly only the Shakespeare loving, archeology obsessed captain is sophisticated enough to save it--and then... I found nothing of the sort. I mean yeah, obviously Star Trek is silly as hell (that’s part of its charm), but DS9 was also a complex, nuanced look into everything from personal agency to the threat of genocide. There’s so much wonderful storytelling there... little of which made it into my cultural understanding of DS9. And now I’m seeing the same thing with Voyager. When I did some quick googling I was bombarded by articles saying how bad it is and now I have an ask comparing it to a show I don’t think has even a quarter of the heart the Star Trek franchise does. Which is is not AT ALL meant as a knock against you, anon. I’m just fascinated by this cultural summary of Star Trek: TOS is ridiculous but fun if you’re willing to ignore large swaths of it, TNG is a masterpiece and that’s that, DS9 is bad, Voyager is bad, and to be frank I haven’t heard much of anything about Enterprise. It’s weird! Because I watch these shows and I’m like, “Holy shit there’s so much good storytelling here.” Is it perfect? Not on your life, but it’s trying in a way that I can really appreciate. It’s Star Trek and Star Trek (at least at the time) meant something pretty specific. Criticisms about divisive characters or idealized forgiveness feel like walking out of a Fast and Furious film and going, “There was too much driving and silly combat. Why didn’t they just fix the situation in this easy way?” Because then we wouldn’t have a film about lots of driving and silly combat! If you make all the characters palatable, make Janeway harder, extend the impact of all the discoveries, remove the ridiculous science that doesn’t make any sense... then you don’t have Star Trek anymore. 
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mymeatapp-blog · 6 years
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Découvrez les excellentes merguez Bœuf et Agneau. Produit idéale pour vos barbecues en famille. #MyMeat #Boucher #Boucherie #Drive #Livraison #Toulouse #Viande #Agneau #Boeuf #Veau #Poulet #Dinde #Plat #Food #Instafood #Nourriture (à Toulouse, France)
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monketron · 6 years
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smalltowntexasbbq · 4 years
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Smoked side cut beef ribs. I typically grill these but today did a 3 hour smoke with no wrap. Outside color with the salt and pepper rub came out how I expected and that smoke ring is so pink. Love these. #smalltowntexasbbq #texasbbq #smokedmeats #beef #beefribs #sidecutribs #flankenribs #tablitas #costillasderes #smokering #bark #meatporn #foodporn #mymeat #offsetsmoker #postoak (at San Angelo, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_izA0-hcq9/?igshid=3tasmtaoy3ya
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gadunkie · 7 years
Today is turkey day
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im gon.. make like a drum... and beat it...
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validtrollnames · 5 years
Mymeat Ishuge is a valid troll name
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fuckoffimdeadretard · 6 years
iBeat myMeat
-stevve jhobb
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
I’m surprised you didn’t talk about this more. Salem: Bring him to me…I mean, I COULD ensure you get him by going with you, walking you with a like a dog leash buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut, I’m not really feeling it. I’m an immortal, invincible witch who can easily destroy Atlas by attacking WITH my forces, but I still need a nap. It’s almost like if I was smart enough to actually do any of that I’d win, good thing for the good guys that I don’t!
Oh I know. Frankly, at this point everyone should work under the assumption that the criticism “Why isn’t Salem doing anything??” is attached to any and all discussions of Volume 8, by default lol. It really is egregious that they had Salem go through her whole ‘If you want something done right, do it yourself’ revelation, amassed an army of flying monkey grimm (which, we should note, the fandom has consistently used as a justification for why Ironwood’s plan is supposedly stupid. If we believe they’re such a threat to escaping into the atmosphere they should be an incredible threat to people hanging out on the ground), she comes in on a giant whale that could probably swallow huge chunks of the Mantle population in a single gulp, her enemies are right below her and she could go kill/kidnap/torture them herself, ensuring results... but nope. Looks like she plans to just sit there and continually let others do her work for... reasons. 
And you know, maybe I’m wrong. I’m very conscious of how writers normally use trailers: part of the point is to mislead and withhold crucial information so that the season is still a surprise. So perhaps Salem will attack. Maybe she’s off doing something even more nefarious while her bloodhound grimm looks for Oscar. Maybe she does follow him down into the city, obliterating anyone who gets in her way. We can’t actually know until the volume airs, but at this point I’m not going to pretend that it’s likely. Chances are RT made their villain too powerful, have been unable to come up with persuasive ways to stand against her, then had her outright attack a city that our heroes occupy... so now the only way they can think to get an outcome other than “Everyone dies” is by making Salem stupid. Because if they followed through on their setup then that’s it. Salem is here, the group doesn’t have a plan, and she should flatten them. But because they don’t want that to happen Salem must inexplicably never use too much of her power. She’ll hang out in her whale grimm. She’ll continue using subordinates like Cinder. The flying monkey army is nowhere to be seen. The cold is no longer killing people, etc. Again, maybe things will be better than they appear in the trailers, but right now it looks like RWBY is continually retconning some things and ignoring others in an effort to ensure that the group continually comes out on top. That’s not how you write a heroic victory. 
Remember how we were told that Cinder was obsessed with getting revenge on Ruby, Ruby passed out right in front of her, and then Cinder inexplicably went after Weiss instead? The whole show is like that now.  
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mymeatapp-blog · 6 years
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Découvrez les délicieuses brochettes de poulet soigneusement préparées pour vos grillages. #MyMeat #Boucher #Boucherie #Drive #Livraison #Toulouse #Viande #Agneau #Boeuf #Veau #Poulet #Dinde #Plat #Food #Instafood #Nourriture (à Toulouse, France)
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wienners · 6 years
Okay but #me@mymeat !! More like #ayygetready snhchdhjajs Danny!! AHAHHAHAHAHAH
Sorry Wh...
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maris0chka · 6 years
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iamlovekillz · 6 years
#mymeat #dontaskquestionschief https://www.instagram.com/p/BnQ4edHhFJX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=s1bl8jqkktqz
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lewistse · 7 years
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打邊爐時感受到怨恨的視線 #很想要吧 #tabbycat #gingercat #catfaces #catwatch #hungrycat #meat #pieceofmeat #mymeat #cat😼 #cats_of_instagram #someoneiswatchingyou
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asslesscap · 7 years
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