#myoan eisai
crazyfox-archives · 1 year
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A pamphlet from Kenninji Temple (建仁寺) in Kyoto, established in 1202 by the Rinzai Zen founder Myōan Eisai (明菴栄西) in 1202, featuring a monochrome photo of the main hall dating to a 1765 reconstruction
Acquired at the temple June 12, 1994
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kimkiln-teacup · 1 year
A Guide To Japanese Tea Ceremony
The term "tea ceremony" (pronounce "sadou") in Japanese refers to a formal method of making and consuming green tea. This is a fundamental aspect of Japanese culture and is well-known not only in Japan but also throughout the rest of the world. In this post, we'll explain the origins of the Japanese tea ceremony and how to hold one properly.
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Tea Ceremony History and Background
The first tea seeds were introduced to Japan during the Tang dynasty (China, 618–907), a time of intense diplomatic and cultural interactions between the two countries, and this is where the history of the Japanese tea ritual began. Beginning in the Nara era (710–794), tea plants were first developed. However, only priests and noblemen typically drank tea as a medication.
Myoan Eisai, a priest from Japan, traveled to China in 1187 to research philosophy and religion. Later, he traveled back to Japan and brought some tea seeds for his temple to flourish. He then wrote Kissa Yojoki, a book about the advantages of tea for your health. The book subsequently began to circulate widely, and ever then, tea ceremony has slowly gained popularity among Japanese Zen masters.
The tea ceremony rose to prominence as a representation of Japan's affluent elite in the thirteenth century. Only the ruling class—the samurai class—was in charge of regulating tea ceremony practices. Following then, it gradually gained popularity among the working class, first just among men. Women were not formally permitted to participate in the tea ceremony until the beginning of the Meiji period (1868–1912). Since that time, the tea ceremony has gained popularity as a distinctive aspect of Japanese culture.
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How to Organize the Ceremony
Step 1: Hosting Preparation
All of the required items must be ready before the tea ceremony may start. A cup, a wooden tea stirrer, a small tea scoop, and a few other objects make up the chabako, the set of supplies used for the tea ceremony. The host must concentrate especially during this period of preparation to become serene and a source of comfort for the visitors.
Step 2: Guests' Preparations
Everyone must wash their hands before entering the tea room. In addition to ensuring hygiene, this symbolizes washing away all cares to leave the soul pure and prepared for the tea ceremony. The host will invite the visitors inside the tea room once the tea ceremony is ready. In appreciation for the preparations made by the organizer, guests are required to bow.
Step 3: Warm up the tools
All the utensils, including cups and teapots, must be cleaned with hot water before use and dried with a soft, clean cotton towel to maintain cleanliness and keep the tea warm. Every movement made by the host while warming up the apparatus should be graceful and done with dignity.
Step 4: Making Tea
Put the right amount of tea in the cup, add hot water, and stir with a chasen or tea stirrer. To begin, swirl the tea powder into the liquid at the bottom of the cup. Place the teacup on the tatami in front of the visitors when the froth has formed and you have gently stirred the surface of the cup with your hands. Don't forget to face the front of the cup toward the guests.
Step 5: Enjoying the Tea
After being welcomed by the host, the visitor will first grasp the teacup with his right hand and place it in the palm of his left hand before bowing, lifting the cup just a little, and sipping the tea. Do not drink the entire cup of tea at once. It should be consumed in three sips instead. When you have received and sipped all of your tea, you should then bow your head in appreciation. To show respect for the host, remember to point the front of the teacup when returning it.
If you are interested in Japanese tea ceremony culture and Japanese teacups, welcome to visit kimkiln.com. A variety of Chinese and Japanese vintage teacups are available for you to choose from.
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luxury-home-studio · 1 year
Matcha Slim Reviews- Proven Matcha Slim Results Before And After
It might be difficult to shed extra pounds and become in shape, especially if you don't maintain a regular exercise schedule, a tight diet, and healthy eating habits. Online retailers sell a ton of goods that claim to aid with weight loss. Although matcha thin tea may have caught your attention, this product is superior.
But few of them actually produce results. This matcha slim review will tell you more about Matcha Slim, a powdered food supplement that is one of these efficient goods. You don't need to adopt a strict exercise regimen or alter your way of life in order to lose those excess pounds. All you have to do is consume MATCHA Slim prior to eating.
Matcha Slim is a fine, bright green powder made from green tea leaves that have been cooked, dried, destemmed, and deveined. The lengthy procedure matcha goes through doesn't affect the components that help with weight loss that are already present. The product may initially seem dubious. You can rest easy knowing that matcha slim tea and MATCHA Slim are effective. Researchers discovered that green tea and the many ways it is prepared increase our bodies' capacity to burn fat and speed up the weight loss process. To find out more about MATCHA Slim, keep reading.
What is Matcha Slim?
Matcha Slim is a powdered food supplement created by Genius Rainbow, a well-known manufacturer of natural cosmetics. It originates in green tea leaves. Matcha tea is made from green tea leaves that have been steamed, dried, destemmed, deveined, and powdered into a fine powder.
In the 12th century, a Buddhist monk named Myoan Eisai created and popularized this method of brewing green tea. He introduced the new technique to Japan. Since then, the beverage has been consumed at ceremonial and household meals in Japan.
Studies on the advantages of green tea and matcha began as a result of globalization and the West's curiosity with how Asians maintain their trim figures. Following the discovery of effective weight loss techniques by researchers, matcha and green tea gained widespread acceptance in the weight loss industry.
Genius Rainbow launched a new product line called "MATCHA Slim" to meet the growing demand for matcha and to make it easier for more individuals to lose weight. MATCHA Slim is extremely popular and frequently out of stock since, despite this, the matcha supplement market continues to be in a state of scarcity. Another crucial aspect is the absence of any negative effects with MATCHA Slim.
Genius Rainbow selects the best green tea leaves and uses high-precision machinery and tools to process them, which distinguishes MATCHA Slim from other matcha brands. For additional health advantages and flavor, they also include extracts of citric acid. The flavor of MATCHA Slim Tea is delicious.
We can ensure that every MATCHA Slim product is effective for weight loss, wholesome for consumption, and delectably flavorful because it is made from only natural and authentic ingredients. These are all the explanations for why MATCHA Slim is adored by its consumers.
How Does MATCHA Slim Work? How Good Is the Effect of MATCHA Slim for Weight Loss?
When taken before meals, MATCHA Slim initially soothes the nervous system before detoxifying the body, particularly the liver and kidneys. As a result, your body's lipids (fats, oils, vitamins, and other substances that aren't proteins) oxidize and dissolve more quickly.
Your cells then increase their rates of fat and carbohydrate metabolism, leading to secure and healthy weight loss. How effective is MATCHA Slim at aiding weight loss? It's great, in our opinion! There are no negative side effects, and your eating plan, if you have one, is unaffected. Consuming MATCHA Slim has no negative side effects.
In summary, MATCHA Slim does more than just good. It doesn’t only help you lose weight, but the powdered supplement also cleanses your entire body, making you a healthier person.
How Long Does It Take for MATCHA Slim to Work?
It will take some time and will differ from person to person for dietary or lifestyle modifications to affect metabolism rates. After consuming the energy drink MATCHA Slim, you might feel enhanced cognitive performance, higher physical energy, and increased weight loss for weeks or even months.
Some clients claimed it took them as little as one week to observe a weight loss and a month to notice some physical changes. Keep in mind that before your body converts your undesired fat into energy, MATCHA Slim makes your body flush out the toxins. Your body takes longer to begin metabolizing fats the more toxins it has before consuming MATCHA Slim.
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thedenutrifit · 2 years
Matcha Slim Opinion - ¡Comience a perder peso de manera fácil! Precio, Cómo Usar!
➢ Nombre del artículo - Matcha Slim
➢ Ubicación - Perú
➢ Clasificación - Bebida para bajar de peso
➢ Efectos secundarios: sin efectos secundarios importantes
➢ Accesibilidad - En línea
➢ Dónde comprar en línea – HAGA CLIC AQUÍ
¿Qué es Matcha Slim?
Matcha Slim Opinión , una organización de productos de belleza natural, ha creado MATCHA Slim. Este suplemento alimenticio en polvo pretende ayudarlo a ponerse más en forma. Esta bebida se elabora a base de té verde. El té Matcha se produce a partir de hojas de té verde que se han secado, despalillado y desvenado.
Myoan Eisai fue un sacerdote budista que vivió en Japón durante los 100 años. Encabezó esta estrategia para hacer té verde y la llevó a Japón. Reseñas de Matcha Slim La bebida ha sido parte de la cultura japonesa durante mucho tiempo y actualmente es un alimento básico en los hogares japoneses, así como en ocasiones excepcionales.
Por ello, se han distribuido concentrados de Matcha y té verde. Se descubrió que Matcha y el té verde ayudan a las personas a ponerse en forma y se volvieron muy populares en el mercado de la reducción de peso.
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Hoy ordene ahora – “Macha Slim”
Beneficios de Matcha Slim, según el productor
Matcha Slim está mejorado con extracto de taurina y limón, que distingue a este producto de otros disponibles;
Según el creador de la receta, el efecto alucinante de estos ingredientes regulares debería estimular el consumo normal de grasa varias veces más rápido de lo normal;
La receta de Matcha Slim debería ser una forma complicada de evitar el aumento de peso al convertir las calorías en energía en lugar de grasa.
¿Cómo funciona Matcha Slim?
Matcha Slim es una sustancia añadida a los alimentos en polvo fabricada por Genius Rainbow, una destacada organización de productos de cuidado de la belleza natural. Se produce utilizando hojas de té verde. El té Matcha se produce con hojas de té verde que se han cocido al vapor y secado.
Myoan Eisai, un sacerdote budista, conoció por primera vez el té verde con Japón en el Japón del siglo XII. La bebida ha sido un elemento básico en las familias japonesas y cenas estilizadas desde ese momento en adelante.
Las concentraciones sobre las ventajas médicas del matcha y el té verde surgieron debido a la globalización y el interés de Occidente en cómo los asiáticos mantienen sus cuerpos delgados. Tanto el matcha como el té verde se percibieron como elementos estándar para perder peso en poco tiempo.
Matcha Slim es un nuevo desarrollo que ha demostrado su eficacia en la lucha contra la obesidad
Matcha Slim podría simplificar la vida con una dieta controlada en calorías y ayudarlo a disminuir la proporción de músculo a grasa. El arreglo es 100 por ciento normal y se produce usando plantas separadas. El producto contiene sólo sustancias regulares, por lo que depende completamente de largos períodos de sistemas demostrados de actividad y fue diseñado para reducir el peso con los efectos secundarios indeseables más inconcebibles.
Está clínicamente demostrado que Efectos secundarios de Matcha Slim mejora la digestión, restablece el funcionamiento del sistema endocrino, estimula la recuperación de tejidos y reduce el hambre. Si no hay contraindicaciones, esta bebida no solo le permitirá un momento de felicidad irrazonable, sino también su salvación en cuanto a deshacerse de los kilos de más y trabajar en el cuerpo.
 Contiene grandes fijaciones que ayudan al cuerpo a perder masa delicadamente.§
 La velocidad a la que tu cuerpo digiere los alimentos aumenta, por lo que pierdes kilos mucho más rápido.§
 Da una inclinación completa y satisfactoria.§
 Se sugiere el hambre, para no tentar continuamente y toda su comprensión para tratar de no resbalar una vez más en el huracán del pasado.§
Matcha Slim - ¿Contorno delgado sin esfuerzo? ¡Normalmente!
Los nutricionistas dicen que la utilización de pérdida de peso delgada matcha es el arreglo ideal. La planificación le permite consumir reservas de grasa sin comer menos comida chatarra y ejercicios agotadores, que generalmente no soportan las personas con sobrepeso. Afortunadamente, en lugar de sentirse agravado por un estómago vacío sin fin, gracias a Matcha Slim, puede sentir la saciedad que acompaña al consumo de grasa.
<<Haga clic aquí para comprar Matcha Slim Drink para bajar de peso Ordene ahora>>
Revisión y calificación de Matcha Slim: pros y contras de Matcha Slim
Le damos a Matcha Slim un poderoso 4.5 estrellas de 5, por su pequeño paquete y costo. Matcha Slim es fuerte. No es difícil de preparar y sabe perfecto, a pesar de ser algo áspero y picante. También se puede mezclar con agua casi sin problemas.
Otras bebidas de matcha son mejores cuando se utiliza agua fría, sin embargo, no se recomienda tomarlas con agua hirviendo. En el momento en que se prepara Matcha Slim a las dos temperaturas, es un placer. No se arruina rápidamente. Estas son las críticas positivas y negativas que han hecho los clientes:
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Matcha Slim: los profesionales
Tiene un sabor sabroso.
Razonable en la mejora de las tasas de disminución de peso.
Puede incrementar los niveles de energía para algunos ejercicios.
En muchos casos se utiliza como saborizante en diferentes recetas.
Esto también funciona en su salud mental.
Hay menos posibilidades de quedar incapacitado.
Hace que los músculos parezcan más delgados, más acondicionados y mejor cortados.
Contras de MATCHA Slim
Para una cantidad tan limitada, es innecesariamente costoso
No hay descuento ni cambio de mercancía.
Solo el sabor es lo que le doy una estrella. Es delicioso pero no es impresionante. No hace lo que dice. No tiene propiedades adelgazantes. Esta es una afirmación falsa. Veneta B.
 Cuando resulta Matcha Slim: ¿Realmente funciona o es un truco?
Matcha Slim no funciona. Es cualquier cosa menos un truco o un artificio. Numerosos clientes alegres han avalado la idoneidad de la mejora. Los individuos que se quejan de no obtener resultados son exageradores. es concebible:
Estás agotado y ansioso por ver resultados rápidos.
Devorar constantemente cantidades peligrosamente altas de alimentos desafortunados.
Clientes que fueron engañados por un artículo falso.
Una dolencia que requiere tratamiento.
Tome medicamentos recetados de MATCHA que no obstruyan su bienestar
>> Pruebe Matcha Slim con descuento limitado Compre ahora <<
¿Es Matcha Slim una falsificación?
Para algunas personas, ponerse en forma con té puro puede parecer inimaginable. No con Matcha Slim Segura , que ha demostrado su idoneidad en los preliminares clínicos, pero desde el principio de los tiempos. No debemos dejar de recordar que Japón es una de las naciones con un ritmo más reducido de población numerosa.
Sea como fuere, como se mencionó anteriormente, encontrará disponible un Matcha Slim falso que, con toda probabilidad, no dará los resultados presentados por el primer elemento.
MATCHA SLIM DRINK Resultados después de dos semanas:
Etapa de desintoxicación: sus órganos, especialmente sus riñones, están tan llenos de agentes de prevención del cáncer por consumir Matcha Slim que eliminan los venenos más rápido. Habrá carreras poco frecuentes y orinar sucesivamente. Estos efectos secundarios son normales. También verá una disminución en los deseos a medida que su cuerpo retiene más agua y alimentos. Tu asimilación superior hará que te sientas más vivo.
MATCHA SLIM DRINK Resultados después de un mes:
Etapa de consolidación de reducción de peso: Matcha Slim evita que su cuerpo aumente de peso después de haber perdido grasa. Esto es válido independientemente de si comes más calorías en cada cena. Se previene la capacidad de grasa y la digestión del almidón ocurre más rápido. Los clientes de Matcha Slim coinciden en que este es el punto en el que la mejora cumple con su garantía para ayudarlo a perder entre 28 y 33 libras.
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¿Cuáles fueron las impresiones? Matcha Slim Reseña/Opiniones
Este es el principal asesino de grasa que no necesita funcionar. Mientras bebía Matcha Slim, lo más que hice fue sacar a pasear a mi perro y he perdido tanto peso como si hubiera ido al centro de recreación constantemente. Mi pecho no cuelga, que era lo que más temía. Tengo mi copa C estándar.
Disminuye las ansias de los días principales. Actualmente tengo suficiente con 2 cenas por día. No quiero comer temprano en la noche y no me siento tan desanimado como cuando estaba siguiendo un plan nutricional cuidadoso. Actualmente las prendas que tengo son demasiado grandes para mí. ¡Esta es una razón extraordinaria para restaurar el armario!
Dónde comprar Matcha Slim
Esta planificación está disponible sin solución, pero tampoco es realista conseguirla en farmacias en línea. Su compra está disponible ahora en el sitio web del fabricante, donde, después de completar una estructura simple, deberíamos obtener la primera mejora en 7 días o menos.
Web Oficial de Matcha Slim: - https://www.denutrifit.es/pe/matcha-slim-resenas/
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whitefeathermfg · 2 years
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myoan eisai
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leoteaworld · 3 years
Discover the Different Types of Japanese Green Tea & Brew Guide
Green tea has been used for centuries for their medical benefits and are even used today in modern science in alternative medicine. Green teas are not only healthy, but also incredibly flavorful and tasty. Some green teas boast earthy aromas and grassy favors which will peak your senses from the initial smell all the way down to the very last sip.
When people think of green tea, they often associate it with the Japanese. In Japan, it is a staple beverage as it is available at almost every restaurant across the region. It’s easy to stumble across some type of food or beverage that has green tea within it. From matcha green tea lattes, to ice cream, and even chocolate bars, green tea is everywhere in Japan!
Not to be confused a Chinese green tea, Japanese green teas possess unique properties in both their roots and tastes that make the tea drinking process even more exceptional. Let’s discover the many varieties that Japanese green tea has to offer. We will find out what makes this tea so unique and how to choose a tea that best fits your taste buds.  
Japanese Green Tea’s History
Green tea actually originated in China, but found its way over to Japan as it was carried back by nomadic Japanese monks. Japanese monks would travel to China to learn about Buddhism. This is where the monks originally discovered green tea. The irresistible green tea was then brought back by the Buddhist monks to Japan, where the Japanese began to add their own special twists to the brewing process. It’s thought that green tea was first introduced to Japan during the Nara and Heian era, well over one thousand years ago.
Back then, only the upper class were able to get their hands on green tea. As time went on, the production of the green tea leaf substantially increased as farmers increased their yields. Thanks to the increased supply, the demand was met and the popularity of green tea took off. Historians tell a story of a priest in the 12th century called Myoan Eisai. Eisai is credited for green tea demand increase when Eisai wrote a novel on how to properly brew and drink green tea.
In the modern era, the Japanese have made green tea consumption a part of everyday life. It is ingrained in their very culture. Green tea is even used ceremoniously in traditional tea cups. When political figured arrive in Japan, they are immediately offered green tea as a gesture of kindness and to offer a warm welcome.
Types of Japanese Green Tea
This is the most popular and widely drunk tea in all of Japan. Sencha green tea is offered in most restaurants throughout the region. It’s brewed by using the smallest tea leaves to give it its exceptional flavor and aroma.
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Sencha green tea is offered in many different forms, including a high quality variety that is sure to tickle the fancy of even the most dedicated green tea enthusiast. When harvested, the small leaves are immediately steamed to avoid oxidation. After the leaves are protected, they are packaged into cakes, balls, or spindles.
The taste walks a fine line between acidic and sweet. Sencha green tea is considered to be mild in body and flavorful in taste. Many claim that the green tea consists of hints of melon, pine, and grass. The premium Sencha teas come with a more complicated taste that really calls out each flavor in a bold flavor that is not too overwhelming.
The two different varieties of Sencha green teas are distinguished by how the tea leaf is steamed. Asamushi Sencha green tea is the way that the Japanese have been steaming green tea for centuries. In this variation, the littlest green tea leaves are steamed for around 60 seconds, giving it a soft yellow hue and particularly sweet in taste. Fukmushi teas give Sencha green tea a modern twist which requires the leaf to be steamed for a longer time. The longer steam time results in a darker color with an unfiltered appearance. This tea offers a heavier and earthier flavor.
Gyokuro tea is another Japanese variation that is harvested from the Camellia sinensis plant. It is unique in that the plant is grown in the shade in the final months before the leaves are collected. The lack of sunlight during the last month of growth inhibits the growth of cholorophyll and other antioxidants. This nutritious tea has a soft and sweet flavor and is one of the healthiest Japanese green teas available.
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The lack of sunlight is also responsible for inhibiting the production of L-theanine from morphing into a catechin. L-theanine is thought to add to a consistent feed of caffeine, making it much less jittery and helping with the dreaded caffeine crash.
Gyokuro tea is renowned for its creaminess and seaweed like long-lasting flavor. This well-balanced green tea is soft and sweet through and through.
Genmaicha green tea is unique in that the leaves are combined with brown rice kernels, giving the tea a toasted and fuller taste. Genmaicha tea offers a filling flavor similar to that of eating a bowl of chili. The brown rice removed rough flavors from the green tea leaf, making it an easier beverage to enjoy.
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Coined ‘the people’s tea’, Genmaicha tea was widely available and incredibly popular as it was the cheapest green tea option available. The combination of the cheap brown rice and the more expensive green tea leaves made the overall cost very affordable for the general public.
In the modern era, Genmaicha green tea is renowned for its taste and aroma that is unlike any other. It is also known to the people as ‘popcorn tea’ thanks to the popped brown rice. Many Japanese use this tea as a palette cleanser either both or after they eat. This tea is traditionally prepared at a more elevated temperature than traditional green teas. The extra heat helps unlock additional flavors of the brown rice kernels.
Matcha Green Tea
Matcha green tea is well-known worldwide thanks to its stone-ground preparation. The ground leaves leave behind a green powder that is renowned in the cooking world. The ground powder is used to make popular drinks suck as the matcha latte. Once again, this tea is cultivated in from plants that spend a portion of their life in the shade.
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The grinding process consists of the tea leaves being placed on bamboo mats and first steamed and then dried. The dry leaves are the smashed and obliterated to extract the popular green powder. The powder can also be extracted in a mill.
Speaking of healthy teas, Matcha green tea is incredibly healthy. Grinding the leaves allows you to ingest the entire leaf to get the most nutrients as possible, rather on having to rely on extracting the nutrients into a liquid. Matcha green tea has the incredibly high levels of L-theanine amongst other nutrients.
This tea assists your digestive system in taking up Vitamin E and other healthy fibers within the leaf itself. Saturated with antioxidants, Matcha green tea is the healthiest Japanese green tea on this list.
For Macha brew guide, you can refer to HOW TO PREPARE MATCHA GREEN TEA?
If you don’t like the jitters that are associated with a cup of coffee or other stronger green teas, then you may enjoy Hojicha green tea. This tea is infamous for its low caffeine content. It is uniquely roasted, unlike the other steamed green tea varieties. The roasted leaves are pan-fried after cultivated to keep oxidation at bay.
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The roasted profile offers a nutty flavor and is also unique in that it does not project a green hue like other green teas. The color is a light brown hue thanks to the roasting process that the leaf undergoes.
Since the caffeine content is so low, many elderly whom are concerned of heart conditions and even young children who are too young for a cup of coffee drink this variety. It’s traditionally prepared for a short time in hot water to avoid bitterness.
Kukicha green tea is truly special in that it is not brewed from tea leaves at all. This tea is interestingly brewed from the stems and stalks of the plant in hot water. Kukicha tea is also known as Bocha or stick tea because of this.
Kukicha tea that only harvested from Sencha or Gyokuro plants is referred to as Karigane tea. Karigane tea offers nutty flavors with a filling creamy sensation. Kukicha is popularly consumed to aid the digestive system.
Guricha tea is hard to come by and sought after by tea enthusiasts everywhere. This uncommon tea variety makes up for about 5% of the entirety of Japanese tea supply. Since it is so rare, Gruicha tea often sells for a very high price at auction or at the market.
Coming from the Kyushu Island found within the Ureshino region, Gruicha is known for its unique shape that closely resembles a comma. The color of this tea when brewed is a dark pine with hints of sweetness. If you’re able to get your hands on this, then you will understand why it is so sought after!
Uji Green Tea
Uji tea originates in Uji, Kyoto. It is a uniquely traditional tea that is rooted deep within Japanese history. This ceremonial tea was transported numerous times during the Meiji era. This tea would be presented to the shogun of a military to show respect. It may not be the tastiest tea available, but it still widely enjoyed by historians and those who appreciate the culture.
How Do I Brew Japanese Green Tea?
This guide refer to general Japanese green tea include variants introduced upon. To start, heat the water to temperature that ranges between 150 and 180 degrees Fahrenheit. Refer to the list below to make sure that you are brewing your green tea variation at the correct temperature. We advise that you refer to the product label for brewing instructions.
If the temperature is too high, then you may notice bitterness. Boiling the water is not good for the flavor, so avoid this. Generally speaking, follow the directions below to correctly brew different varieties of Japanese green tea:
Sencha: 140 to 158 degrees Fahrenheit for one to one and a half minutes.
Gyokuro: 122 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit for one to two minutes.
Matcha: 175 degrees Fahrenheit.
Genmaicha: 185 degrees Fahrenheit for one to two minutes.
Hojicha: 200 degrees Fahrenheit from anywhere from 30 seconds to three minutes.
Kukicha: 185 degrees Fahrenheit for up to one minute.
Guricha: 158 to 176 degree Fahrenheit for 35 to 45 seconds.
Drink Japanese Green Tea
When it comes to green tea, the Japanese are the best. The seemingly endless amounts of variety will ensure that you discover a variety that fits your palate. The cultural and traditional significance of green teas in Asia make this beverage special. So pick a Japanese green tea of your choice and be sure to enjoy it on us!
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maneesh · 3 years
Matcha is a special type of fine powdered green tea from the Japan. Due to the numerous health benefits of the green tea it's consumption has been increasing amazingly. Matcha green tea is also one of them which is also known as Chinese style green tea and fine powdered tea.
Although Matcha tea was brought from China to Japan in 1191 by Buddhist monk myoan Eisai, but it is popular as a Japanese Green tea and consumed traditionally in East Asian countries.
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teenagedonutqueen · 2 years
The very first green tea originated back in china in the late 8th century and the method of making grinded tea became so much popular in the 12th century. At this very time, a buddhist monk named Myoan Eisai brought into his knowledge that drinking matcha improved his meditation skills by bringing a state of calm alertness.
The benefits of matcha started to become more recognised all over the globe and it became a sophisticated art of Japanese tea ceremony of “CHADO”.
Sacrificing a bowl of matcha drink to buddha was part of everyday temple practices.
All these years “CHADO” continued to spread throughout Japan to not only holy and spiritual places but also to all levels of society. till this date, many schools of Japanese tea ceremony have evolved throughout the history.
The beauty of tea ceremony comes from the love the affection that is felt between the hosts and the mind of the guest. A ceremony conducted in a proper way shows the perfection of nature and human activities.
Chemical compositions of various grades of matcha were studied, with the results showing that the contents of caffeine, free amino acids, theanine, and vitamin C decreased with the decreasing price of matcha.
Zen Buddhism and methods of preparing powdered tea were brought to Japan by Eisai in 1191. In Japan, it became an important part of their routine.
Whenever i hear of matcha green tea a company called Tencha always come across my mind. Tencha is an Indian company that produces products based on matcha green tea leaves. this company offers a variety of ‘matcha’ products. I have personally ordered one of their best selling product called Tencha matcha cold blend. And oh my ! this is the best low calorie drink i have ever consumed.This 12 calorie drink ticks all the boxes if you are calories conscious person.
Rich in caffeine, check!
Rich in antioxidants , check!
Perfect pre-workout , check!
Brain fog fix, check !
When i first received the package that i ordered i was in awe! matcha cold blend costs only 475Rs. and they offer you a tumbler having a premium high quality packaging.
The process of making the Tencha cold blend is quite easy.
Fill the tumbler with 250 mL
Add 50 ml of ice
And then add the 6g sachet
shake !!
I am definitely sure that this matcha will definitely give you the kick that you need to get you going throughout the day.
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Conheça a história da cerimônia do chá japonês
A arte de preparar e servir um bom chá está no DNA dos japoneses. O país é um grande apreciador e consumidor da bebida, que está intrinsecamente ligada à cultura japonesa de um modo geral graças a uma tradição secular, a cerimônia do chá.
Popularmente chamada de Chanoyu (茶の湯) ou Chadō (茶道), que significa “o caminho do chá”, a tradição remonta a um antigo ritual zen budista difundido no Japão por Myoan Eisai, um  monge que trouxe o matcha (chá verde em pó) da China, no século 12.
Realizada até os dias de hoje, a cerimônia do chá começou a ganhar força anos mais tarde, no século 13I, com a adesão dos famosos samurais ao matcha. Logo, a erva passou a ser cultivada em todo país e a cerimônia, que sofreu algumas mudanças no caminho, foi se popularizando cada vez mais até alcançar todas as esferas sociais, incluindo as mais pobres.
Mas o que é a cerimônia do chá?
A cerimônia do chá é um ritual de preparação de um bom chá para um convidado especial. Na tradição japonesa existem dois tipos de cerimônias a serem celebradas: o Chakai (茶会), que são encontros mais simples, e o Chaji (茶事) que são reuniões formais e podem durar até quatro horas.
Em cada ritual, todos os itens são selecionados cuidadosamente, desde a decoração à louça, para que o anfitrião transmita todo o seu afeto pelo convidado. Todas as cerimônias são únicas e ocorrem quase como uma meditação.
Para Mami Fumioka, vice-presidente da Quickly Travel, uma das três subdistribuidoras oficiais de ingressos para os Jogos Olímpicos de Tóquio, a cerimônia do chá não pode ser resumida apenas ao ato de tomar chá.
“Para nós, japoneses, a cerimônia do chá pode ser considerada como a arte do caminho em forma de meditação. Uma filosofia de vida focada em um processo espiritual baseado em quatro conceitos básicos: Wa Kei Sei Jaku, que significam Harmonia, respeito, pureza e tranquilidade”, explica Mami.
Esses quatro princípios básicos, que não só podem, como devem ser assimilados por anfitrião e convidado, pregam à sua maneira um estado de harmonia plena com a natureza e com a própria vida, a compreensão das divergências por meio do respeito, a paz de espírito ao estar com coração aberto e puro e, por fim, o estado de tranquilidade adquirido no desenrolar do ritual.
Atualmente, no Japão, o costume ainda segue vivo entre os japoneses e o turista que tiver interesse em participar de uma autêntica cerimônia do chá, realizada em um templo budista, pode contar com toda a expertise da Quickly Travel.
Conheça a história da cerimônia do chá japonêspublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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healthylaura-blog1 · 6 years
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Matcha lesson nr 3: History?* 🤓 1. Matcha has evolved through a fascinating journey that first began in China 🇨🇳 , and continued to Japan 🇯🇵 🤔 2. Matcha was Buddhist monks’ daily ritual as they realised the meditational benefits of matcha 🍵, which provided them with sustained energy and a level of mental acuity that they had never experienced previously. 😅 3. Japanese Zen Buddhist monk, Eisai Myoan described matcha as a precious medicine, the ELIXIR of the immortals 💪, encouraging the Japanese to take on this tea-drinking habit for its health benefits. 😮 - Recipe: http://healthylaura.com/dairy-free/iced-matcha-latte-7-lessons/ 😉 - *This is not a academical work. So, don’t wait for academical references. 😊 - #matcha #matcharitual #matchalogist #matchagreentea #matchalover #matchatea #vegan #paleolife #foodstyling #foodblogger #foodoftheday #healthblogger #healthytreat #healthyfoodshare #foodshare #paleoeats #foodphotography #foodforfoodies #foodspotting #heresmyfood #healthylauracom
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bonniespatialstudio · 6 years
Group Research:
The Japanese Tea Ceremony:
The Japanese tea ceremony is called Chanoyu, Sado or simply Ocha in Japanese. It is a choreographic ritual of preparing and serving Japanese green tea, called Matcha, together with traditional Japanese sweets to balance with the bitter taste of the tea. Preparing tea in this ceremony means pouring all one’s attention into the predefined movements. The whole process is not about drinking tea, but is about aesthetics, preparing a bowl of tea from one’s heart. The host of the ceremony always considers the guests with every movement and gesture. Even the placement of the tea utensils is considered from the guests view point (angle), especially the main guests called the Shokyaku.
Japanese Tea Ceremony - History
China have been drinking tea since the fourth century. It wasn’t until the first seeds were brought from china to japan that japan started to grow tea. The eighth century is when the first formal tea ceremony became about, much different to the ones we know today. During this time a Chinese Buddhist priest wrote a book on the proper method of preparing tea. The book was called “Cha Ching” and taught the correct temperature of hot water and the use of tea vessels. It is said that today’s style of the tea ceremony evolved largely through the influence of this book. Tea plants started out being consumed mainly by priests and noblemen as medicine. Tea was a rare and valuable commodity from (794-1192). Had tea been native to Japan or more readily available, the tea ceremony would not have been created.
“ In 1187 Myoan Eisai, a Japanese priest, traveled to China to study philosophy and religion. When he came back, he became the founder of Zen Buddhism and build the first temple of the Rinzai sect. It is said that he was the first one to cultivate tea for religious purposes, unlike others before him who grew tea for medicinal use only. He was also the first to suggest and teach the grinding of tea leaves before adding hot water. A Sung emperor named Hui Tsung, referred to a bamboo whisk used to whisk the tea after hot water was poured over it in his book Ta Kuan Cha Lun (A General View of Tea). These two methods formed the basis for the tea ceremony as we know it today. Some hostility was created among monks who didn’t like Eisai’s newly introduced religious ideas which he had imported, but the Kamakura shogunate, who were among his first converts, helped him succeed in enlisting protection. In 1211, Eisai was the first to write a treatise on tea in Japan. In his treatise, Kissa Yojoki (Tea drinking is good for health) Eisai suggested that the drinking of tea had certain health benefits and cures for; loss of appetite, paralysis, beriberi, boils and sickness from tainted water. According to him it was a cure for all disorders, so this perhaps was the main reason that the Tea Ceremony gained such popularity.
Originally the guests were given ten cups of tea, but this number increases to twenty, thirty and eventually one hundred cups per person. If there was a great number of people attending the party, it would have been impossible to provide every guest with one hundred cups. Although followed procedures are unknown, the guests probably passed cups from one the next. This technique of passing around tea bowl probably explains why only one tea bowl is used during today’s Tea Ceremony.”
Matcha tea health benefits research - 
“One serving of matcha tea is the nutritional equivalent of 10 cups of regularly brewed green tea” 
 - According to the 8th century Zen priest Eisai, who introduced the tea to Japan, matcha is “the ultimate mental and medical remedy and has the ability to make one’s life more full and complete”. 
 - According to the National Cancer Institute of the US the health benefits of Matcha Tea depends on how it is prepared and brewed. A brewed tea of matcha tea has a lot more health benefits compared to ‘ready to drink’ matcha teas because they do not contain the same amount of key nutrients. 
 - The Matcha powder within the tea has 137 times more antioxidants than traditional green tea. Green tea contains anywhere from 25-45% of polyphenols. Polyphenols are a category of chemicals that naturally occur in plants, all together there is over 500 unique polyphenols compounds. 
 - The polyphenols found within matcha tea helps combat cell damage as well as lowering the risk for type 2 diabetes. These are just a couple example of the benefits of the polyphenols compounds that make up a large part of the matcha leaf, a persons insulin sensitivity can be boosted from these polyphenols compounds and they can even low down the rate the body digests and absorbs sugar which is why green tea and more specifically matcha tea has became so popular in the fitness and healthy industry. 
 - Matcha tea has not only become popular in the fitness and health industry but also in the everyday persons life, the matcha leaves have many polyphenols compounds within it but the main polyphenol compound is a antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) which has been linked to fighting cancer, viruses and heart disease
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cassavaroots · 7 years
Matcha: Reservado Para Guerreros e Intelectuales
Todos tenemos nuestra cura para la cruda. Lo que funciona para unos, desanima a otros. Aquí en México la “pancita” es un remedio altamente citado. Un Yakult o agua de coco también suelen ser efectivos – me han contado. También está la teoría de combatir fuego con fuego y se refinan una cerveza o michelada en la mañana.
En Japón, también tienen su cura, es milenaria y ultra respetada. Aquí conocerás al monje responsable por su existencia.
La cura es el té matcha.
El matcha es originario de China pero fue en Japón donde alcanzó fama mundial. El monje budista, Myoan Eisai fue el primer nipón que trajo las semillas y hojas necesarias para el matcha de tierras chinas a mediados del siglo XII después de un viaje espiritual.
Desilusionado con el estado del Budismo en Japón, Eisai buscó nueva inspiración en China y descubrió el método de meditación chan. Tiempo después se popularizó en el imperio japonés como zen.
La primera vez que los poderes salieron cuando el shogun (general del ejército nombrado personalmente por el emperador)  estaba enfermo y Eisai lo trató con matcha. Sintiendose rejuvenecido, el shogun le empezó a dar matcha a sus tropas, especialmente justo antes de una batalla. Los guerreros del pueblo del sol naciente eran famosos por beber copiosamente antes de un enfrentamiento y el matcha los ponía más atentos en el campo de batalla. Puedo imaginar que es más fácil mantenerte con vida en la guerra cuando no te estas sintiendo más crudo que el sushi.
Así fue como el matcha se convirtió en la bebida de los shogun y los samurái en Japón.
Eisai también entendió que el matcha lo ayudaba a concentrarse cuando meditaba. De hecho, la leyenda del origen del té según los budistas es la siguiente. Siddartha Gautama, el Buda, había encontrado un árbol perfecto para meditar en su búsqueda por Nirvana. Horas pasaron y se dio cuenta que en vez de entrar en trance, se había dormido. En un ataque de ira y desesperación, poco común en el Buda, se arrancó las pestañas jurando que nunca más se quedaría dormido. Cuenta la leyenda, que las pestañas que quedaron en el campo se convirtieron en las primeras plantas de té.
Eisai popularizó el té matcha entre sus discípulos y contemporáneos, convirtiéndose así en un ritual fundamental para los iluminados japoneses. En China, el matcha perdió sus simpatizantes y fue paulatinamente reemplazado por tés como el pu-erh pero en Japón sigue siendo una de las bebidas más veneradas.
Ven a Cassava Roots y bebe como los legendarios samurái y sabios budistas, probando nuestro matcha. Y si ayer se te pasaron las copas, prueba el matcha como tu cura infalible para atacar el día.  
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teleindiscreta · 7 years
Té matcha, el alimento del que todo el mundo habla
Fuente original: Té matcha, el alimento del que todo el mundo habla Puedes ver más visitando Teleindiscreta - Las mejores noticias de actualidad, famosos, salud, belleza, cocina, motor, música y mucho más.
Era uno de los secretos mejor guardados de Japón, pero la globalización es imparable, también para el té matcha. En el país del Sol Naciente se ha bebido este tipo de té desde el siglo XII, y anteriormente también se consumía en China, donde se establecieron los elementos clave de su producción, ya en el siglo VIII. Fueron los monjes chinos zen los que empezaron a moler las hojas en un mortero para luego mezclar el polvo con agua caliente. El batido de las hojas de té verde se convirtió en una pieza clave del ritual diario zen budista.
En Japón lo introdujo un monje japonés, Myoan Eisai, que lo descubrió en China a finales de la década de 1180, y viajó a su país con unas pocas semillas de esta planta. El matcha “es el elixir de los inmortales”, decía. A la vez que introdujo el budismo zen en Japón, promovió el consumo de matcha, que él consideraba una bebida importante para la meditación. Al final, los chinos cambiaron y prefirieron beber otros tés (oolong, pu-erh, negro), mientras que los japoneses se engancharon al té verde, convirtiendo el disfrute de esta bebida en todo un ceremonial.
Los monasterios zen en Japón adoptaron el movimiento matcha cuando los monjes comprobaron que los largos periodos de meditación se hacían más llevaderos cuando tomaban este tipo de té. Pronto traspasó los muros del silencio y empezó a formar parte de la vida cultural y artística de los nipones. Hacia finales del siglo XVI, gozaba de una gran popularidad en el país. Y fue en Kioto donde arrancó de verdad la producción de este tipo de té. A su favor tenía el clima, ya que es una región con pocas heladas y un viento suave pero constante. Hoy día, tal y como se señalan Louise Cheadle y Nick Kilby, fundadores de la empresa Teapigs y autores del libro El libro del té matcha (Libros Cúpula), la zona del sureste de Kioto es la más reconocida en cuanto a la calidad del producto que allí se recoge.
A Europa este tipo de té llegó en el siglo XVI, de la mano de los comerciantes holandeses que fueron a hacer negocios al país del Sol Naciente. Sin embargo, el Viejo Continente, al igual que China, eligió consumir otro tipo de tés. Dicen los expertos que es el alimento del siglo XXI, siguiendo las costumbres de los japoneses que han incorporado el té verde matcha a sus hábitos alimenticios, tanto en bebidas como en gastronomía. Se trata de un té fuerte, elaborado exclusivamente de hojas de té verde, la camellia sinensis, con un alto contenido en flavonoides naturales.
Una de las razones por las que es tan beneficioso para la salud es porque los arbustos se cultivan a la sombra, lo que aumenta su contenido en clorofila, que es lo que le confiere el color verde tan intenso. Las hojas se recolectan a mano y los tallos y los nervios se retiran, para proceder a molerlo hasta obtener un polvo muy fino.
Sigue siendo uno de los tesoros de Japón, aunque cada vez se consume más en todo el mundo, pero no solo como bebida sino como ingrediente en la alta cocina. Y va camino de convertirse en un producto de consumo masivo: sirva como ejemplo que Kit Kat y Oreo ya elaboran galletas y chocolates con té matcha
Fuente: Cinco días
La entrada Té matcha, el alimento del que todo el mundo habla aparece primero en Teleindiscreta.
from Té matcha, el alimento del que todo el mundo habla
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teadesigner-blog · 7 years
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Tee ist ein Wundermittel zur Erhaltung des Lebens und eine Kunstfertigkeit zu seiner Verlängerung. * Myoan Eisai #valentinstag #detoxtea #detoxwater #tea #coffee #teatime #happy @tea.designer #diet #diät #diätessen #abnehmen #fittness #gesund #glücklich #bodybuildingmotivation
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