sandraghart · 2 years
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Relaxing time~
Little drawing of my OC Mysth!
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freshfrenchangel · 5 months
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A misty morning walk in the garden.
New post on my Flickr(credits).
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danielleurbansblog · 1 year
Review: To Charm a Killer
Synopsis: When a third witch vanishes from Vancouver, the witches of Hollystone Coven spin a charm to catch the killer. But spells ripple with repercussions, and in the ensuing chaos, an innocent seventeen-year-old girl gets caught up in the charm. As obsessed with the killer as the killer is with him, High Priest Estrada vows to find the man and stop him. Then, at their Samhain ritual, Hecate…
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maximuswolf · 10 days
Mysth - Feathered Sun [Downtempo House]
Mysth - Feathered Sun [Downtempo House] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jAt7LPPFqc Submitted September 12, 2024 at 08:04PM by limanaid https://ift.tt/duMXRYK via /r/Music
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ethaneine · 4 years
yo vivo, en mis propios recuerdos. aun me veo, aun me encuentro. aun sigo siendo… yo.
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rp-kat · 5 years
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Ethelyn - No Glory to the God
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thereadingcafe · 3 years
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butch-bakugo · 2 years
Your pain your systemhood dose not invaildate other's joy in their systemhood AND your joy in your systemhood dose not invalidate other's pain in their systemhood.
Systemhood is not inherently easy nor is it inherently hard. Its not inherently anything other than your brain's reaction to intense trauma and no one inside or outside of the community can tell you how to feel about it.
You wanting to only talk about the parts you enjoy about systemhood is not glorifying or romantizing your own disorder. Same as you wanting to only talk about the parts you suffer with about systemhood is not damning or demonizing your own disorder. Your allowed to feel and express how you experience this disorder and its not your fault nor responcibility to dispell or repell myths and stereotypes about it.
You have a violent persecutor? Cool, as long as your trying to get them under control and they arnt hurting others then you are ok to talk about it. You have a little with the mind of an adult? Cool, as long as you arnt telling all the singlets that its ok to have sex with a system when a little is fronting then its fine.
As long are you arnt romantizing the hard parts and demonizing the good ones dosent make you a "bad system" or a " poor representation". Bad representation should be kept to talking about split and other bad fictional systems, not for real life living systems.
You can feel like systemhood is a disabling disorder that you want a cure for asap and wish it never happened to you and you hate it....
and you can feel like systemhood is a wonderful blessing that you like having and find emense joy in your systemhood and never plan on seeking out a cure. Hell, not even no cure, you could also never seek out a diagnosis and you'd be fine.
As long as you arnt telling other systems how to feel about their systems or fake claiming, live your life and love yourself. Of course dunk on the fukn endos and other people perpatraiting mysths about systemhood like systemhopping and "natural systems" and such but we need to have more internal community love than infighting.
Seriously, love yourself and love your system. Y'all deserve it.
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dantix · 7 years
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Furr 33:3 Introibo ad altare Dei #photography #misty #mysth
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Telling the facts about Vaping from Mysths
Vaping is increasingly becoming common today. With vaping you get to choose the liquid or the substance you wish to vape as they come in different flavors and types. However there is a lot of myths that surround vaping . People might fear something that they do not understand and for that reason, they might develop conclusions that have no basis and pass them onto others. The article  is going to look at some of the myths that you , may come across on vaping that is not factual. Vaping appear to be similar to smoking and many people wonder whether it’s better  than smoking. The answer here could very depending on your perspective, vaping is less harmful than smoking so it is better . more info.
Vaping has its own risks but to be safe it is wise not to do either. The content of the vaping juices is not that clear and no one can say with a surety of the ingredients apart from the manufacturers themselves. Popcorn lung has been said to be caused by vaping among other causes, but the truth behind  it is yet to be established for many people. This information has some truth behind it because most vaping juices have the chemical diacetyl which causes popcorn lungs and learn more.
If you are vaping you need  to  make sure that you  are well informed with the relevant research . Knowing the right brands could be lifesaving eventually. Secondary vaping comes with some risks too, if you are vaping you need to make sure that you are not causing harm to those not indulging and click here. When it comes to children who are impressionable you need to be very careful especially with how you store the e- cigarettes and the other products you need.
Vaping doors being okay is a myth that is very misleading, in some states it is illegal to vape indoors. Just to be safe traveling travelling to new states you need to treat the E-cigarette like normal cigarettes and only smoke in designated zones and discover more. Vaping done as a hobby is not true, people do it professionally and will even come together to express themselves and show off their skills. click here
The e-cigarettes can even be customized for the people who bear them to express themselves. The biggest of the myths would be that of who can buy a vape pen today. While most stores will have policy of requesting for ID before selling  anyone a vaping product many schools are reporting that children  get the access to pens, it appears they have found a way round the law.
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sandraghart · 2 years
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Little portraits of my main OCs I did for fun~
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leipzigermama · 3 years
"Das kleine böse Buch 4 - Teuflisch gut!" von Magnus Mysth
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Da geht man mit seinem Sohn nichts ahnend in eine kleine Buchhandlung und plötzlich steht er mit einem ganzen Stapel an Büchern vor einem. Vollkommen überrascht musste ich in dem Stapel den neuen Band vom kleinen bösen Buch entdecken. Da war die Freude auf allen Seiten wirklich groß.
Mehr unter:
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metalindex-hu · 4 years
Kira – Peccatum et Blasphemia (2020)
Kira – Peccatum et Blasphemia (2020) - http://metalindex.hu/2020/12/26/kira-peccatum-et-blasphemia-2020/ -
A Kira egy relatíve friss név a palettán. A 2015-ben indult zenekart azonban az underground kipróbált, előzőleg több helyi csapatban bizonyított muzsikusai alkotják, így a demos korszak esetükben kimaradt, 2017-ben jelentkeztek első korongjukkal. Az Ancient Lies névre keresztelt -bár esetükben ez utóbbi kifejezés abszurdnak hathat- CD egy kisebb lengyel kiadónál jelent meg. Az akkori trió, azaz Groshek dobos, Nameless gitáros és az énekes Mysth egysége az első lemez után meg is bomlott, a két hangszeres mellé az énekes távozását követően három új figura csatlakozott. Második nagylemezüket már ezzel a megújult felállással készítették. A Peccatum et Blasphemia a lengyel Ossuary Records kiadásában október elején vált elérhetővé. Elég egy kósza pillantást vetni a borítóra, majd a számcímekre, és az ideológia háttér nyomban a pokol tüzénél is világosabbá válik. A muzsika pedig a képi és szövegi világnak megfelelően szennyes, de lehetőségeihez mérten széles zenei horizontot átfogó black/death metal.
Egy rövid introt követően – melyben Héphaisztosz kovácsműhelyének hangjait idézik meg – robban is az első gránát a Lucifer’s Herald fékevesztett csörömpölésével. A négy percnyi vágta után viszont leültetik a tempót a lemez leghosszabb nótájával, az One Gram of Your Soul-lal. Ez a többnyire vontatott szerzemény az előző tétel után elsőre idegennek hatott, azonban ebbe a nótába is sikerült váratlan begyorsulásokat integrálniuk. A lengyelek helyében ezt a számot az anyag első harmada helyett a korong végére illesztettem volna. A Necrosciene csapkodós kezdésével viszont helyre áll a világ rendje, itt csak a középrész lett visszafogottabb, a nóta alapvetően egy black/death tombolás, melybe szaggatósabb, thrashes riffek is befértek. A zenekarra jellemző változatos tempókra épül a Temple of Suffering is, mely kapott egy vontatott levezetést is. Hasonló szellemben folytatódik a Lord of Hallucinations, ez a korong másik nagyobb lélegzetű darabja. Ez a terebélyes, hömpölygő szerzemény doomos gitár dallamokat is tartalmaz, a vége pedig Destruction-ös riffekkel, vijjogó szólókkal megpakolt száguldás. A nóta utolsó harmada alapvetően thrash-sel kevert black metal. Az egyenesebb vonalú alkotások az album második felén kaptak helyet, itt már  kevésbé jellemző a kísérletező kedv, a szélsőségesebb sebességingadozások után ez a rész már a középtempós és a gyors dalok terepe, elvétve egy-egy hangulatosabb kiállással.
A záró szerzemény pedig Angelripperék Silence is Consent-jének átdolgozása. Jó döntés volt, hogy a lengyelek nem egy nyilvánvaló korai Sodom klasszikust tettek magukévá, hanem a kevésbé magasztalt Get What You Deserve lemezhez nyúltak ihlet forrásaként. Az eredetileg két és fél perces dalt sikerült a maguk képére formálni, melynek eredményeként a szerzemény egy több, mint három perces Kira nótává transzformálódott át.
A lemez megszólalása nyers és élettel teli, nincs fényesre polírozva a felvétel, és stílusidegen elemeket sem csempésztek a nótákba. A hangszeresek mindent bemutatnak, amit a műfaj megkövetel, az énekhang pedig többnyire azonos hangon előadott fröcsögés, olyan érzetet kelt, mintha Hellishdust a suttogás és a károgás határán balanszírozna; a jövőben érdemes lenne a torokkínzások palettáját tovább szélesíteni. A Kira tehát kreatívan állt a black/death műfajhoz, második lemezükön mindent felvonultattak, ami ebbe a zord muzsikába belefér. Akit érint ez a műfaj, tudja, mi a dolga!
Az ajánlót írta. Andris
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thealigalaxy · 5 years
13 Year Slumber
So I woke up recently in my life and I want to capture this experience while it is still fresh in my mind. On August 21, 2019 I woke from a 13 year slumber. I have photos from a conversation with my husband in which I told him I am awake. And I haven’t been for 13 years. At first he was unsure of what I meant by that. After all I’d actually never spoken to him from this perspective before. I had waited a few days to speak up as I tried to comprehend just what was happening as less and less amnesia overtook me. I felt so proud and grateful that I cried. My last clear recollections were of sometime in 2005 and 2006. For a few days prior I was awakening gradually. I would hear in my head concerned voices saying assorted things. She is waking up. Ali is awake. And me telling myself internally my name is Ali. Seeing glimpses of memories from 13 years ago. Like it was yesterday. Like I was still in my late twenties when I’m now approaching 41. At least my body is. They would flicker with my consciouness only to get covered in a fog of amnesia. 
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But on the 21st, I told my husband. And since that time I have largely been aware of time and memory. Even when others come forward, I soon have that memory content in a way. I can see the experience and I have to tell you that it is remarkable to have this experience.
Having DID is something I feel proud of and in awe of mysThe ability I found in my early life to keep a safe space in my mind. To overcome countless hurdles to make it to this day. 
I woke up from what I believe is the largest amnesia episode of my life and I am happy to be alive.
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ethaneine · 4 years
A veces con los ojos cerrados , podemos ver un camino más agradable.
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rp-kat · 5 years
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Ethelyn - Impure Incitements
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