#myun translations
asordinaryppl · 1 month
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 3: Fake Remnants
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Former Wolf A: Zen-san, this chicken is the shit!
Zen: Glad to hear that.
Omi: I made this quiche over here.
Former Wolf B: It’s crazy tasty!
Former Wolf C: Do you do take out? My wife keeps tellin’ me it’s unfair I’m the only one that gets to taste this…
Omi: I could wrap this up for you so you can take it home later.
Former Wolf C: Thanks!
Ryo: …
Omi: Do you want something to drink, Ryo?
Ryo: …
Omi: Ryo?
Ryo: Ah, sorry!
Omi: What’s up?
Ryo: … I don’t want to rain on everyone’s parade right now, I’ll tell you later.
Former Wolf A: Woahh, feels like my stomach’s gonna explode.
Former Wolf B: Thanks so much!
Former Wolf C: I’ve been dying to meet up with the rest of you Wolves lately.
Former Wolf A: I know, right.
Ryo: … Everyone, there’s something I gotta tell ya.
Former Wolf B: What’s up?
Ryo: … I heard some strange talk goin’ around.
Omi: Is that what you were talking about before?
Ryo: Yes.
Ryo: Some of the younger guys were talkin’ about it, nasty brat has been causing trouble and usin' the name “Wolf”.
Ryo: They heard ‘bout “Wolf” from me, so they asked me if it's my junior or something…
Former Wolf C: Ain’t it just one of those times when team names overlap?
Former Wolf A: It’s not like this name is anything rare.
Ryo: That ain't the end of it. It seems they're also callin' themself “Nachi” of “Wolf”.
Omi: —
Former Wolf A: Are you serious…?
Former Wolf B: Don’t fuck with me. What is this bullshit! Even if it’s just some brat playing a prank, there’s shit you don’t get to do!
Former Wolf C: If someone’s lying using Nachi-san’s name, I’ll catch ‘em and beat ‘em to a pulp!
Former Wolf A: They’re not gettin’ away with this!
Omi: Did you hear any other details about this imposter, Ryo?
Ryo: It seems there are times when they fight alone, and times when they fight with a group.
Ryo: What happens each and every time is that they call themself the remnants of “Wolf”, and then walk away...
Former Wolf D: Damn brat, what kinda stupid shit are they up to…
Former Wolf E: They probably just heard the legend of “Wolf” bein’ the strongest in Western Tokyo, and just started spoutin’ all this for fun.
Former Wolf A: This ain’t a joke. They really think we’ll just let this slide!?
Former Wolf B: Brats like those, you gotta hit where it really hurts–
Former Wolf C: You got that right!
Omi: Wait. I’ll use my connections and try to look deeper into this. Don’t do anything rash, you guys.
Former Wolf A: Omi-san…
Former Wolf B: Got it.
Former Wolf C: You gotta let us know if you get into any trouble!
Ryo: I’ll also try to find a little more info.
Omi: Yeah.
Omi: …
Zen: … So, about that imposter.
Zen: I’ve got a dancer here who’s a recently reformed troublemaker, and he’s got some good knowledge of street thugs.
Zen: Want me to have him look into it?
Omi: So you heard all that?
Zen: Got me sort of curious.
Omi: I’m sorry for getting you roped into something that has nothing to do with you… It’d be a great help.
Zen: It doesn’t “have nothing to do with me”. They’re using “his” name, aren’t they?
Omi: … You’re right.
Omi: Just what kind of people would pretend to be Nachi? And for what reason…?
Zen: Beats me. But if they’re spending all their time in petty fights, they’ve probably got some pent-up frustration.
Zen: I get how kids like that feel, so I want to help out in some way.
Omi: Thank you very much.
Zen: A lot of Gentiana’s shows incorporate sword fights. Former delinquents who’re full of moxie can often become immediate assets.
Zen: The guy I just told you about is like that. If he's got no one watchin' out, he could get involved with the remnants
Zen: So, this isn’t someone else’s problem.
Zen: Reminds me, we had a proper training space built for our shows’ dancers.
Zen: Up till now, I had our live-in dancers clear out the tables in the hall and lay down mats to practice on…
Zen: It was too cramped for actual tumbling and serious action scenes, though. So I decided to have a practice area with all the necessary equipment built.
Omi: Talk about taking the initiative.
Zen: Well, we're thrivin', so it was worth it.
Zen: If you guys want to use the space for any action-oriented practice, all you gotta do is let me know.
Zen: I’ll lend it to you whenever it’s available. Let your Director know too.
Omi: Thank you very much.
Omi: (... The people from first gen really are kind. I suppose that’s their way of encouraging us for the New Fleur Award.)
Omi: (I’m worried about the “Wolf” imposters, but first… I have to make sure “Picaresque Returns” is a success.)
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aoharushiyo · 3 months
[masterlist] the recipes for... | kurama ushio novel translation [18trip]
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Foreword: Ushio often uses fandom slang or terminology. These have been appropriated to English-speaking fandom terms to the best of my ability. While his novel does not contain explicit spoilers for the main story, it reveals much-needed context for how he acts.
Content Warnings are present where necessary at the beginning of each chapter.
Track 1 | Chocolate Pudding Track 2 | Gâteau au Chocolat Track 3 | Chocolate Ganache Track 4 | Orangette Track 5 | Fondant au Chocolat
Translation: en Proofreading: aca, dimi, kimi, myun, jay, jelly
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shunin-gumis · 16 days
Designs of Happiness - Track A14
L4mps Main Story Translation
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Title: Imposed Blessings
Characters: Nagi
Summary: Nagi is working alone at his shop after abruptly leaving the Friday Film viewing. The protagonist chases after him, and he finally explains his unique predisposition.
Thank you aca @463ce6, jes @arcanecrayonn myun @/myuntachis and Niri for helping me with proofing!
Also a gentle request from me, please do listen to the chapter in-game alongside the translation if you don't do so already, the voice acting is very precious 🥺🥺
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Location: Flower Laundry
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Sonia: Nagi-shan, here ish all the flowers you can use! 
Nagi: …Oh no. This isn’t nearly enough.
Sonia: You came back all of a sudden from HAMA House, sho you have no right to complain! 
Nagi: Sorry. Please get whatever’s left in the storehouse too.
Sonia: Aye aye, Shir! Geez, I’ll bring back as much as I can!
*bell jingles*
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Customer A: ‘Scuse me! Sorry for popping in last minute—
Nagi: Oh, that’s alright. What can I do for you?
Customer A: Just a quick question– Does the laundromat here accept IzuPay? 
Nagi: IzuPay… Ah, we don’t use that here yet. There were plans to add it as an option but it was delayed… Sorry about that.
Customer B: Darn… out of luck, huh. I guess it makes sense, not everyone would bother getting the ward’s special payment method.
Nagi: Other digital payment options are still available, and we accept cash too.
Customer A: Huh? Can’t believe there’s a laundromat that still takes cash… 
Customer A: I thought they’d all be gone with the ‘Valley of the Sky’ or somethin’. POTHARU! and all that. 
Customer B: Hey, don’t be rude… He’s standing right there, and that scene is long since over. Um, sorry about that. 
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Nagi: …It’s fine. 
Nagi: (Right. I guess the film viewing would be over by now, too.)
Nagi: (...Why did I have to think about that now?)
Nagi: (I wouldn’t have lasted much longer in that situation… Just thinking about it gives me chills. I’m sorry I didn’t stick with Toi till the end, but I had no choice, I had to leave for everyone’s sake—)
Sonia: I’ve prepared the flowers for you!
Nagi: Thanks. —Let’s go, we need to leave right now.
??: Um, excuse me… 
Nagi: Oh, yes, welcome—
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Momiji: Good evening… again.
Nagi: …… 
Momiji: Do you mind if we talk for a bit, Nagi-kun?
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Momiji: …… 
Momiji: (I can’t believe he ran out of HAMA House during the viewing… I guess he must’ve hated it that much, huh…)
Momiji: (Maybe I was being too naive in thinking that he’d open up with enough time…) 
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Nagi: …… 
Nagi: (I can’t believe she noticed I’d left… I might have messed this up worse than I’d thought. She must be annoyed with me…)
Nagi: (No, I shouldn’t jump to conclusions, maybe she’s just here to check up on me. I clearly suck at communicating with others, so that might have gotten her worried…)
Nagi: (Still, it doesn’t change the fact that I troubled the Chief… I’m worth less than a plant louse that preys on flowers. I mean, even plant lice are useful to ants, yet I’m…)
Nagi: (No one would want a Ward Mayor that’s worth less than a louse.)
Nagi: (I wanted to take responsibility and see this job through to the end, but…)
Momiji: …You see, Yodaka-san just informed me earlier. 
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Nagi: Yes?
Momiji: That you haven’t slept at HAMA House even once, Nagi-kun.
Nagi: …… 
Nagi: (So he knew. He’s too sharp to slip past, huh.)
Momiji: …… 
Momiji: (Ah… He’s tensed up.)
Momiji: (I wonder if I should’ve approached it more delicately…)
Momiji: (I’d readily help him if he’d just let me know what he’s having trouble with, or if there’s something he’d like changed… But what if he says that he never wanted to be a Ward Mayor in the first place? Hrm… What should I say…)
Nagi: …… 
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Nagi: (She looks really troubled… I feel guilty that she’s worried over someone like me.)
Nagi: (I should just explain everything, even if it makes me uneasy. I know it’s the right thing to do, but… If I really just blurt everything out, she’d probably think I’m some kind of weirdo.)
Nagi: (But if I keep quiet any longer, she might feel hurt instead. What should I do…)
Nagi: (...The cyclamen at the storefront just caught my eye… In flower language, they mean “resignation” and “words of parting”...)
Nagi: (And next to it are the anemone, meaning “abandonment,” and the calendula, “sorrow of parting.”)
Nagi: (I see… I get it now.)
Momiji: Um… 
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Nagi: (I should… brace myself.) 
Nagi: …… 
Nagi: …If I don’t hand out flowers, it rebounds. 
Momiji: Huh?
Nagi: The other side of the Yajirobe*. 
Momiji: Uh?
Nagi: This is just a theory of mine.
Momiji: O-Okay… 
Nagi: I believe that, just like with human emotions, if a person experiences great fortune or misfortune, then they will eventually have to return to a neutral state.
Momiji: Uh huh...?
Nagi: In my case, the rebound is especially strong. If I experience any fortune, then misfortune is sure to follow soon after. 
Nagi: That’s what happened when I got caught in that bee trap before; I’m sure it’s because I’d won a set of tissue boxes the day before, at a raffle in the shopping district.
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Nagi: This is my theory on the phenomenon I call “The Yajirobe of Fortune and Misfortune.”
Momiji: I-I see... It’s like when people say bad luck doesn’t last forever, or how something good is bound to follow after something bad… Is it like that?
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Nagi: …Are you a genius? I feel embarrassed for making up a whole theory now. I’ll just use your explanation next time.
Momiji: No, no, I understood what you were trying to say with your Yajirobe theory.
Nagi: …To avoid having the Yajirobe go crazy, I need to avoid any situation that might make me happy, intentionally or not. 
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Nagi: Even a single slice of cake is too much for me. That sort of kindness… is too much happiness for me to bear. 
Momiji: (So he’s saying the cake made him so happy that he had to avoid accepting it, and even ran out of the dorm just so he could avoid inviting misfortune…)
Nagi: But sometimes, no matter how careful I am, the happiness just piles up anyways.
Nagi: That’s when I bring these out.
Momiji: Flowers…?
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Nagi: My special ability– Flower Power: Imposed Blessings*.
Momiji: …Um?
Nagi: By imbuing flowers with the energy from my accumulated happiness, I can impose the excess onto others. There's no limit to how many flowers can be handed out. The only debuff I have to suffer is embarrassment.
Momiji: (Oh…)
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Momiji: (Is that why he was handing out flowers in the middle of the street the first time I met him…?)
Momiji: (Honestly, I’m not sure how much of this I’m supposed to believe… But at the very least, I can tell Nagi-kun is being serious about this.)
Momiji: I…see. So if you give away your flowers—
Nagi: The misfortune’s rebound gets weaker. 
Momiji: –The misfortune’s rebound gets weaker…… Right. 
Nagi: (As expected, she looks really confused.)
Momiji: Um, let’s see if I got this right– You felt that joining HAMA Tours, and living at HAMA House would—
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Nagi: Accumulate a debt of happiness.
Momiji: Which is why you left.
Nagi: Yes. Something like–
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Nagi: Something like working together, and living alongside others, just like a ‘family’... There’s no way to predict the amount of happiness I’d receive from just being there.
Momiji: (The amount of happiness…)
Nagi: Being surrounded by happiness like that… Holding hands, and shouting POTHARU together with everyone—
Nagi: It wouldn’t surprise me if an earthquake hit right after, and HAMA House ended up as a pile of rubble…! 
Momiji: …… 
Nagi: (She looks stunned. I guess that’s expected.)
Nagi: (It was just impossible for someone like me, who’s always avoided other people, to suddenly work with others and live alongside them.)
Nagi: (She probably thinks I’m a weirdo. It’s not something you can wrap your head around. It’s a natural reaction.)
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Nagi: (I’ll just get myself fired right here and now, so I can return to my old lifestyle. A life with no big waves, just the mundane everyday.)
Momiji: I understand your situation now.
Nagi: …… 
Momiji: Can I have all your flowers, then? 
Nagi: …… 
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Nagi: —Huh?
Momiji: You just have to reduce that, um, debt of happiness, by giving away your flowers, right?
Momiji: But it’s probably difficult for you to find people to give flowers to on a daily basis, huh?
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Nagi: …Is that… where this conversation is supposed to go?
Momiji: I think so?
Momiji: Then um, maybe your costs increase because you have to give out more flowers?
Nagi: No, that’s not really a problem. I can get a good discount if I buy it in bulk, so… 
Momiji: I see. Then, it’s just a problem of who you can give your flowers to. Accosting strangers to give them flowers is probably taxing for you, and confusing for the other person too.
Momiji: But, since I know what’s going on, I can take as many flowers as you want to give away.
Nagi: I… I guess that makes sense. 
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Nagi: Wouldn’t it be a bother to you…?
Momiji: Of course not. You can never have too many flowers! I mean, flowers give a feeling of a fresh beginning, you know? They’re always nice to have.
Nagi: …… 
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Nagi: Here.
Momiji: Oh! A flower! Thank you very much. You popped that out like some kinda magician!
Nagi: …Flowers have always been a part of my life, before I’d even realized it. That’s why, it’s always there, right beside me, where I can reach for it whenever I want.
Momiji: Still, what a large flower! What’s it called?
Nagi: Peony.
Momiji: Aw, it’s so pretty! And it smells so good too!
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Nagi: —......
Nagi: Next, this one.
Momiji: It has such a unique shape… What’s its name? 
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Nagi: Serruria.
Momiji: It’s so peculiar and cute! I wonder what I should decorate with it… 
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Nagi: Here.
Momiji: This is a crazy amount! It’s starting to look like a huge bouquet at this point!
Nagi: Here.
Momiji: Oh dear, the colors are clashing…!
Nagi: Here.
Momiji: I can’t see in front of me anymore…! *giggles* But—
Momiji: Thank you, Nagi-kun!
Nagi: I should be the one saying that.
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Nagi: Thank you for taking on my happiness, Chief. 
Yajirobe is a term used for Japanese balancing toys. The mechanism involves balancing the main body at a fulcrum and making sure it doesn’t tilt too far in either direction before it’s balanced again, swinging back like a pendulum.
The name of Nagi’s ‘special ability’ literally translates to “imposing happiness/good fortune onto others through giving away flowers” which is super long hence why it got changed. He’s the type to make up silly names anyways.
Flower Language:
Peony Bashfulness, Shyness
Serruria Yearning, Beautiful heart
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ichinisankaku · 1 year
Backstage Translation - Master of Triangle Hunting (Part 2)
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Kumon: Ah, found one!
Muku: I've found one too. Over here!
Daniel: Huh, there really are triangles in places like this. Aaaalright then, I'll also...
Found one! It's over here.
Yuki: Huh, guess I missed that one.
Tenma: Not bad, Daniel.
Kazunari: Just what I'd expect~! It's a super cute triangle!
Cogimyun: Myu~n·· triangles, where are triangles myun··?
This is round myun·· and this, isn't one either myun··?
Myu·· can't find any at all myun··.
Misumi: Cogimyun! How's it going? Found any triangles yet~?
Cogimyun: Sorry myun·· Cogimyun isn't good at finding them myun··.
Misumi: It's alright! Look for some with me, then!
Come on, keep hold of my hand~ And let's go search over there!
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Cogimyun: Are there triangles here myun··?
Misumi: Yep! Look here~
This Kitty's ears, and that ribbon! That's four triangles~!
Cogimyun: Myu··?
Myumyu··! It is myun··! Misumi-kun, you're really good at triangle hunting myun··.
Misumi: Ehehe~ I'm always looking for triangles, after all~
Ah! There's other triangles we'll be able to see now that it's this late! This way, Cogimyun!
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Misumi: Look! On the roofs, there's shining triangles.
Cogimyun: Myumyu··!
Misumi: Ahaha, the triangles are pretty, aren't they~
Cogimyun: They're really pretty myun··! Triangles you can only see at night myun··.
Misumi: Ah! Cogimyun, your wheat accessories are also triangles!
Cogimyun: Myu··!? Cogimyun has triangles too myun··?
Misumi: Yeah! They're super cute triangles that suit you perfectly~
Cogimyun: Myumyu·· Cogimyun's glad myun··.
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Misumi: We found lots of triangles~! Ehehe, it was fun, wasn't it~
Cogimyun: Cogimyun had fun too myun··.
Myu··!? B-but, Cogimyun didn't manage to find any triangles myun··!
What should she do myun··.
Misumi: It's alright~
You looked for triangles with me, so the triangles I found are also triangles you found!
Thanks for finding so many triangles with me, Cogimyun! Pet pet~
Cogimyun: Myun·· thank you myun··.
Misumi: Plays and rehearsals also become more fun with someone else, so if there's anything you don't know, you can ask me anytime.
Cogimyun: Cogimyun's glad myun··. She'll do her best to put on a play with you myun··.
Misumi: What is it?
Cogimyun: Your eyes·· have triangles, myun··!
Misumi: Wow! You noticed the triangles in my eyes!
That's amazing, Cogimyun! Ahaha, just like I thought, we're triangle friends!
Thank you hug~!
Cogimyun: Triangle friends myun··?
Misumi: You searched for triangles with me, so we're triangle friends!
Cogimyun: Misumi-kun and Cogimyun are triangle friends myun··. Cogimyun's so happy myun··.
Misumi: Hey, let's go look for triangles together again sometime!
Cogimyun: Of course myun··!
Part 1
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kiitahthewolf · 1 year
Kitty Besties - Daily Norms (not really a comic)
Date Made: May 2022
Device: iPad
Program: ibisPaint
Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/KittahtheWolf95/status/1523117635134758914?s=20
[The pet owner is Lumine as indicated in the post from the link above and the image, but in the last part, I didn't elaborate. I basically forgot. The owner is still Lumine. Also, keep in mind that while Kittaglia is not necessarily an OC because it's basically Childe as a cat, his personality is well my HC as a cat. I am not certain how to explain it ^^;;]
Part 1 Summary: Kittaglia is a chonky kitty (he is fluffy, not chubby). He likes to play and get attention. Adventurous and is best friends with Monyan, who is not completely an indoor cat but prefers napping over exploring. She is the older cat despite being smaller.
Today, Kittaglia wants his belly rubbed by their owner, Lumine and uses his special moves to lure her in for tum-tum rubies.
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Translations: C: Loomie! Belly wub! Pwease! Jaxie want tum-tum rubbed! Me a good, fluffy, chonky boy! L: (n_n) Aww~! Lil AJ want some attention~?
Part 2 Summary: His attempt almost worked, but then suddenly the other kitty, Monyan, appeared. She stared at Kittaglia with her usual unreadable expression, confusing both him and Lumine.
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Translations: C: Eh? Nyan? **Kittaglia notices, from the corner of his eyes, Monyan seated next to his pillow paradise** L: Hm? Monyan? M: **stares** D < D
Part 3 Summary: Out of nowhere, Monyan, carrying glints of sparkles in her eyes, hopped on top of Kittaglia's tummy. Staring at him unreadably, Monyan seated herself on top of his tummy.
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Translations: C: (O_O)!!! NYAN!? **Kittaglia was startled when she suddenly hopped on his tummy without any warning** M: Myun. **Monyan stares at him with delight** ✨ D < D ✨ L: (O.O;;) M-Monia? **Lumine was confused by her behavior**
Part 4 (end) Summary: Monyan immediately curls up on top of Kittaglia's tummy, snuggling comfortably into his soft, fluffy warm fur before snoozing off. Kittaglia starts whining in response, especially because he knew that he not only can't get his tummy rubs but that he also wouldn't have the heart to push her off. Contrary to his discomfort, Lumine found this adorable.
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Translations: M: **Monyan sleeps comfortably on top of her chosen warm, soft, fluffy pillow** ( ) < ( ) K: Nyooo! Get off!! Want Loomie luvs! Nawt Pillow! **Kittaglia flails and whines, unable to get rubbies from their owner** )V' 0 )^,, L: Awww~! How adorable~! She luvs you! You both have a good nap! **Lumine decided to leave her kitties to have their naptime, much to Kittaglia's dismay**
Part 5 (Bonus) Summary: [Made by kannaarts on Twitter (https://twitter.com/kannaarts] Ultimately, Kittaglia got too comfortable amongst the pillow heaven, and the soft warmth emitted from his kitty bestie snuggled on top of him. He ended up falling asleep. At some point after, Kittaglia turned in his sleep, cuddling his kitty bestie. Lumine, their owner, found this so precious that she couldn't help but take a picture of her precious babies.
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clear-ear · 1 month
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Chakra - さてこそ (1981)
[transliteration: satekoso | translation: That's Why]
Genre: art pop, progressive pop, new wave, zolo, techno kayō
Length: 44:38
If anyone asked me to pick an absolute all-time favorite album, I would be hard-pressed not to answer with this choice. さてこそ is an explosion of good energy and synthesized beauty. Through the years, it has never let me down or disappointed me to pick it up and listen to it again. The creativity behind each song on this masterpiece can't be overstated: Mishio Ogawa and producer Haruomi Hosono express a high degree of musical proficiency while keeping most of the songs light and fun.
It is difficult to choose a favorite on this album, as nearly every song has some variant magical quality about it. My legendary favorite has always been Free, with its periodic ascending synthesizer and orchestral scope. However, シュンシュン (myun myun | the whistling sound of a kettle), おちょーし者の行進曲 (o chō-shi-sha no kōshinkyoku | March of the Fools), and いとほに (itohoni | Two-strand) have recently been capturing my heart with how deliberately playful they are. Despite this playfulness, さてこそ retains a deep ethereality that might even render it psychedelic to some ears. This album earns my highest recommendation to anyone who wants to expand their listening palette, as I'm nearly certain everyone can find something charming about it.
Links: YouTube | Spotify
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Love For Love's Sake Ep 4
This episode gave me whiplash.
Cha Joo Wan did a great job with Yeo Woon, but I don’t get how Yeo Woon went to depressed kid who’s basically “?” towards Myung Ha to being an adorable lovesick puppy towards him. Also, wasn’t it established he had to wear his old shoes during this race, or did I misunderstand something?
In the same vein, in ep 3, Myung Ha yelled for Yeo Woon to run. Unless it wasn’t translated, he didn’t here.
I really felt bad for Sang Won. And I’m hoping someone will do a meta or something about how subby he is. I like exploring BDSM dynamics in fanfic, but I’m not qualified to write about them in metas.
Sang Won might be a spoiled asshole, but he is trying to do better. He genuinely likes Myung Ha, and he is mostly going about it in the right way. I’m not trashing anyone who likes the Yeo Woon/Myung Ha ship, because, ship and let ship is something I instinctually adopted when I first discovered internet fandom. To bring up a controversial fandom, I used to be big Ronmione shipper, but I never agreed with calling Harmony shippers delusional.
Part of why I ship Sang Won/Myung Ha, though, is Sang Won just liked Myung Ha for being Myun Ha. Yeo Woon was a depressed kid mourning his grandmother, and Myung Ha has been a nice and supportive, if puzzling and abrupt, fixture in his life. Sang Won might not particularly like his own ‘friends’, but he does have people he can easily hang out with. There are people who, maybe not for the right reasons, would instantly agree to date him if he asked.
Myung Ha is basically the only person Yeo Woon can really see at the moment. I have no doubt he could find a girlfriend or boyfriend if he expanded a little effort, but he’s not even willing to expand effort to find friends at this point, which I understand. I’ve been there. The point is, Myun Ha is all, hey, I’m here, I’ll buy you ice-cream and shoes, I’m a connection to your dead grandma, you don’t have do or be anything to impress me, and there’s nothing truly objectionable about me.
For a friend, this is great. I just don’t think it’s at a point where romance between two such people is a particularly good idea.
To Myung Ha’s credit, though, he is trying to helping Yeo Woon expand his social circle.
Onto something else that I don’t think I fall into the fandom with: I don’t like it when response to homophobia is nonconsensual kissing. I did not like or agree with Myun Ha doing that.
I swear I’m not one of those puritans who thinks violence is fine but anything sexuality-related is mature and taboo. In most cases, I’d rather see a kissing or sex scene than a fight one. However, in this instance, it being fiction, I cheered on Sang Won punching the bullying after declaring himself gay.
In real life, I wouldn’t go as far as to say I condone it, but I can definitely sympathise and understand with people punching homophobes and Nazis. Forcing a kiss, however, is sexual assault, and no matter how horrible, no person ever deserves that.
Also, damn, Sang Won is brave. Credit to Oh Min Su, even knowing it was a scene, if people suddenly surrounded me like that, I would instinctively flinch and hunch into myself. Defiant Sang Won might have legitimate masochist tendencies, but this wasn’t about that. This was him showing who he truly was without any shame despite knowing there would be painful repercussions.
It’s sad no one important was there to see it, but then, even with his feelings toward Myung Ha, this was about him, not anyone else. Showing who one is when no one who will appreciate it is around is a truly scary thing.
So, it seems the author friend was semi-openly, at least, preparing for doing this to Myung Ha. The fact Myung Ha didn’t have a lot more questions about answering those questions could be a result of things not being shown at the moment; maybe the author friend did give him a plausible reason that wasn’t I’m going to put you in a virtual world for reasons.
But the fact he isn’t questioning things now is weird. Either he’s now realising his friend lied to him, or he knows what exactly is going on but is hiding it from the audience. If the former, why not more of some kind of reaction?
For all this episode was whiplash-inducing, at least, there was the continued adorableness of Myung Ha and his teddy bear Kyung Hoon.   
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eesirachs · 2 years
hey im crazy interested in theology but my environment has never rlly fostered it and ive really only gotten as far as the book of revelation. do you have like an extensive list of stuff you've learned about/read/are interested in?? like the real historical deep dives? i know the basics but i want to really learn the details and the fringe stuff but i don't even know what im looking for. just like. anything to do w theology especially catholic. if you have the time though of course so np if not!! thank you either way:))
i am happy to make a list! below i've condensed an mdiv and half a doctorate in theology. if you need any particular recs, any pdfs, or any syllabi on a subject, dont hesitate to pm me. ofc some of these broad categories overlap. i've tried to keep this to books and not articles because that would overwhelm me
coogan & chapman historical & literary intro to the hb; trible god & the rhetoric of sexuality; christine hayes' yale divinity school lecture series; bellis & kaminsky jews, christians, and the theology of hebrew scripture; near eastern archeology (journal); ex audito (journal); robert alter (translations); walter brueggeman; anchor bible series; john barton critical companion to hb
early christianity
(primary sources): gnostic texts; irenaeus; ignatius of antioch; eusebius; ambrose; jerome; augustine; nestorius; cyril of alexandria; capadocian fathers; dionysius; bede; meister eckhart; aquinas (secondary sources): norris christological controversy
martyrs & mystics
(primary sources): perpetua & felicity; blandina, queen pulcheria (read of her from nestorius); julian of norwich, hildegard von bingen; macrina; quintilla & priscilla (montanists writ large); theresa of avila (secondary sources): mandelker & powers pilgrim souls; beverly lanzetta womens body as mystical text; patricia donahue-white reading divine maternity; estelle jelinek tradition of women's autobiography; bernard ginn the varieties of vernacular mysticism; anne jensen god's self-confident daughters; peterson handamiden's of the lord; peter brown the body & society; epstein & schraub body guards: the cultural politics of gender ambiguity; gilliam clark the female man of god; herbert musirello the acts of christian martyrs; taylor petrey resurrecting parts; many will also recommend caroline bynam holy feast & holy fast and rudolph bell holy anorexia--i do not recommend these but they may be essential context
feminist, womanist theologies; asian theologies, mujerista theologies, disability theology, ecotheology
(keep in mind that some of these are first and second wave feminsim and do not reflect theological standards of inclusivity) rosemary ruether sexism and god talk; elizabeth johnson she who is; delores williams sisters in the wilderness; monica coleman making a way of out no way; m. shawn copeland enfleshing freedom; melanie harris ecowomanism; mary daly beyond god the father; jacquelyn grant white women's christ and black women's jesus; elizabeth johnson women, earth, creator spirit; katie canon katie's canon; marit trelstad cross examninations; monica coleman ain't i a womanist too?; virginia fabella & sun ai lee park we dare to dream; ada maria isasi-diaz en la lucha, daphne hampson on autonomy and heteronomy; kwok pui lan introducing asian feminist theology; elizabeth schussler-fiorenza in memory of her; phyllis trible texts of terror; eboni marshall turnman towards a womanist ethic of incarnation; lai ling elizabeth ngan ways of being, ways of reading; kelly brown douglass the black christ; chung myun kyung struggle to be the sun again; carol christ rebirth of the goddess; sallie mcfague models of god; mayra rivera decolonizing epistemologies; crscy john we dare to dream; karen baker-fletcher sisters of dust, sisters of spirit; sharon v betcher spirit and the politics of disablement; darby kathleen ray deceiving the devil; rita nakashima brock & rebecca parker proverbs of ashes: violence, redemptive suffering, and the search for what saves us; readings in ecology and feminist theology; elizabeth johnson ask the beasts; kwon pui-lan postcolonial imagination & feminist theology; kelly brown douglas sexuality & the black church; marcella althaus reid indecent theology; monica r. miller in ain't i a womanist too?; the oxford handbook of theology, sexuality, and gender; isasi-diaz in our own voices: latino/a renditions of theology
critical theory and carnal hermeneutics
richard kearney carnal hermeneutics; emmanuel falque the metamorphosis of finitude; jean-luc marion god without being; elaine scary the body in pain: the making and unmaking of the world; bataille eroticism: death and sensuality; thomas lacquer making sex; jean-luc nancy on being; emmanuel falque the wedding feast of the lamb; noel carrol the philosophy of horror; monster theory; jean-luc nancy corpus; lacan's fifth seminar; jean-luc nancy being with the without
the medusa reader; richard kearney stranger's gods and monsters; gerard loughlin alien sex; barbara creed the monstrous feminine; daniel stephen hey the malady lingers on; julia kristeva powers of horror; yi fu tuan landscapes of fear; jacques derrida the animal that i am; elizabeth klaver images of the corpse; foucault the abormal; rene girard violence and the sacred; adams christ and horrors; kristeva stabat mater; philip johnston shades of sheol
queer theory
pak su yon coming home/coming out; gloria anzaldua speaking in tongues; tina beattie queen of heaven; dale b martin sex and the single savior; joseph marchal bodies on the verge: queering pauline epistles; rhiannon graybill are we not men? unstable masculinity in the hebrew bible; queer theology: rethinking the western body
t&t clark handbook to early christian meals in the greco-roman world; peter-ben smit fellowship & food in the kingdom; pitre brant jesus & the last supper; mary douglas food & the social order; mary douglas deciphering a meal; panayotis coutsoumpos, paul and the lords supper; reta halteman finger of widows & meals; hal taussig in the beginning was the meal; david grummet material eucharist
aesthetics & art
bal mieke contemporary art, preposterous history; jo cherylo exum between the text and the canvas: the bible and art in dialogue; richard taylor how to read a church; david gordon finding beauty where god finds beauty: a biblical foundation of aesthetics; rosalind hackett art & religion in africa; steven pinker on mentalese; thames & hudson the reenchanment of art; elizabeth grosz chaos, territory, art: deleuze and the framing of the world; griselda pollack psychoanalysis and the image; john berger ways of seeing; james elkins the object stares back; james elkins pictures & tears; helene cixous stigmata; gaston bachelard the poetics of space; james elkins on the strange place of religion in art; theodore adorno aesthetic theory; gilles deleuze pure immanence; david morgan the sacred gaze
(primary sources): hans boersma heavenly participation; calvin institutes; hubmaier balthasar; luther; edward schillebeeckx christ the sacrament of the encounter of god; alenxander schmeman; tertullian de baptismo; aquinas summa contra gentiles; zwingli (secondary sources): gustaf aulen eucharist & sacrafice; r swanson unity & diversity in the church; john behr the trinitarian being of the church; paul f bradshaw (prolific in this subject); yngve brillioth eucharistic faith & practice; clifford dugmore the mass & english reformers; gayle felton this gift of water; j fisher christian initiation; edward kilmartin the active role of christ and the holy spirit in the sanctification; jack lewis baptismal practices of 2nd and 3rd century church; andrew mcgowan is there a liturgical text in this gospel?; john mckenna eucharistic presence; frank meige sacramental semiosis; kyle pasewark the body in ecstasy; h. m. riley christian initiation; herman sasse this is my body; e. j. yarnouth anaphoras without institution narratives; kimberly belcher hope efficacious engagement; brightman the english rite
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12loona · 2 years
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[FAB] 220626 | Yves update - Yves 🦢
Yves-myun. Anyway Yves-myun. ?: “Isn’t that Cogimyun’s ear?
English translation © ot12fb
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k-hiphop-trash · 4 years
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It was founded on June 26th 2019.
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Real name: Kim WonSik (김원식).
Nicknames: Ambidextrous Rapper, Lava, Lucky Boy.
His stage name Ravi means “charming”.
His favoucolours are black and white.
His hobby is body training.
Among the members of VIXX he sleeps the most.
His most valuable belonging is his lyrics notebook.
He is allergic to dust.
He enjoys drinking coffee at night.
Heloves doing graffiti.
Hehas several tattoos including: “YOLO, You Only Live Once” on his chest; an angel on his left side; “Love attracts love to the wearer”.
He was born on February 15th 1993.
He was born on Jamsil Dong.
He is 183 cm.
His bloodtype is O.
Hehas a younger sister.
He founded his own hiphop label GROOVL1n on June 2019.
He won the 2020Brand of the Year Awards: Idol Variety Star.
He is part of the k-pop group VIXX and part of the sub-unit VIXX LR, were he is a rapper and dancer.
He went to Seoul Jamdomg Elementary School, Jamsil Middle School, Jamsil High School and Howon University with a master in Musicology.
He is a very good MC and is a fairly good freestyler.
Ravi’s ideal type is a pretty and self-conscious woman.
His motto is “You Only Live Once”.
His favourite artists are Kanye West, A$AP Rocky, Chris Brown, Drake, Big Sean and August Alsina. He is also a fan of G-Dragon.
He became part of VIXX because he was one of the winners of the show “Mydol”.
He features on Chad Future’s new music video “Rock the World”.
He wrote the song “What U Waiting For” thinking of the members.
Park MyungSoo offered him to work together when he was impressed after his cover of the song “Fire” on his show “Park Myun Soo’s moving TV”.
He participated in SMTM4 but was eliminated.
He wrote VIXX LR’s “Beautiful Liar”.
In June 2018 he produced a song for the girl group ELRIS.
To promote one of his albums he held a guerrilla concert at Gangnam station.
On April 2nd 2017 he uploaded a picture of a French Bulldog to his Instagram officially introducing “Buttie”, VIXX’s new member. His nickname is “BADA$$”.
He debuted as a soloist on 2017 with his mini album “R.EAL1ZE”.
He is part of the group “Parka Friendship”, including Taemin (SHINee), Kai (EXO) and Timoteo and SungWoon (HOTSHOT). His song “Ravi Da Loca” mentions their name to express his gratitude towards them. He says his best friends are Taemin and Kai.
He appears in Brian Joo’s MV “Let This Die”.
If he were a girl he would go out with N among the VIXX members because he is really nice and reliable and he would probably not be a cheater.
He is the 3rd idol with more songs registered to his name.
He won the golden medal in bowling with Ken on the Idol Star Athletic Championship 2018.
Jellyfish anounced on May 24th that he would be leaving the company but will still promote with VIXX.
He cares a lot for the members of GROOVL1n.
He has a YouTube channel with a mini series were he interviews different artists.
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His real name is Jeon WooSung (전우성).
He was born on September 3rd 1999.
He is 178 cm.
He was born in Seoul but lived in Pohang for a long time, which is why he considers Pohang his hometowm.
He started rapping at 18.
He debuted in 2018 with his single “Gang Move”.
He joined GROOVL1n on 19th September 2019.
He is part of NFL crew.
On Februa 1st 2020, he released his first EP album “Saviour from the Hell pt1” with a music video for his title song “WASSUP”.
He rapped for 2 years before applying for SMTM at 20.
He was a contestant on SMTM777, SMTM8 and SMTM9.
He used to play piano when he was young but his fingers didn’t straighten well so he learned to play the piano and the flute.
He got his first tattoo at age 20 on his face which says in kanji “better safe than sorry”; meaning you have nothing to worry about if you are prepared. He also has a chain tattoo on his left arm that has the birthdates of the members if NFL Crew.
In SMTM9 he was a member of team Giriboy&Zion.T with Wonstein, Lilboy and Skyminhyuk.
He made it to the mic slection stage on SMTM9, but decided to drop out due to his panic disorder. Due to this, rapper Skyminhyuk performed a solo stage on his place.
He appeared talking to Ravi, the CEO of his label, about his mental health and Ravi showed lots of interest and preocupationfor his well being.
His career role model is JTONG.
He uses English on his songs because it sounds nice and looks good.
He used to go everywhere, including SMTM recordings using public transportation, but since signing with GROOVL1n he goes on the label’s car. He says this is one of the many benefites of having a label to back you up.
He also said that during the two first times he participated in SMTM he looked rough and grubby, nothing like in SMTM9. He also said that he once asked for new music equipment and the company bought it for him in a short time.
He likes clear weather and dislikes rain and snow.
He loves football and his favouclib is Pohang Steelers from K league and Arsenal from Premier league. He has a friend that play on Pohang FC and his favourite Arsenal player is Hector Bellerin.
In order to learn and understand English he uses the translator and watches translated songs.
He featured on Ravi’s single “ASURA” along with other GROOVL1n members that was released on December 7th 2019.
He’s worked with artists like Mckdaddy, DSEL, Eptend, Wonstein, LilBoi and others.
With his upcoming album he wants to break the strong image that a lot of people get from his rapping.
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His real name is Oh InSeob (오인섭).
Nicknames: Cold Valley, Coldy.
He was born on July 7th 1993.
He was born on Iksan, North Jeolla.
He is 182 cm.
He has 2 older sisters.
His bloodtype is O.
He went to Korea University.
His first music tour was with Ravi.
He debuted on July 22nd 2019 with his single “Ruined”.
He collaborated with Ravi and Xudo on the track “Fashionable (prod. gXXD)”.
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His real name is Park ChiWoong (박치웅).
Hewas born on January 29th 1994.
He debuted on August 14th 2019.
He is from Seoul.
He collaborated with Ravi and Cold Bay onthe track “Fashionable (prod. GXXD)”.
He was an underground R&B artist.
He collaborated with Ravi on his song “Hoodie”.
He says his name is hard to pronounce in English so you can just call him C.W.Park.
He already completed his military service.
His stage name, Xydo, comes from: “Try” in English is “시도하다” in Korean. The pronunciation “Shido” is similar to Xydo and he wanted a name without preconceptions, so he chose Xydo.
He says music is his best friend and that he can share it wether he is happy or sad.
He isn’t sure of how long he’s been pursuing music.
He likes songs made to express himself.
About his music: he does want his music to be tied up in one place and doesn’t want to categorize it into any genre. However, if he were to do this, he would say R&B and Pop.
He says he wants to be different from other artists and says that he wants to show his own colours.
He likes Jamie Foxx, Miguel, Nao and wants to work with Ruel.
He likes watching movies, specially ScyFy, and if the weather is good he likes to play basketball.
To people that wants to pursue music: finding your true self is the most important and he is still doing that himself.
He says having international fans is awesome and that it suddenly feels like his world is wider and brings a new perspective. He also wants to visit any place were there is a fan of his no matter how far.
One song he recommends: “I like many genres rather than just one thing. From what I’ve listened to lately, I would like to recommend “Remember Me” by Umi.
A song of his that he recommends: “Lee Sang”, because everyone tries to do something they want. I think there were times when it felt like something was getting farther and farther away.
When he feels down and feels about to guve up, he tells himself: “Believe in myself”.
A song he’s proud of is: “Drawing”, because there were a lot of difficulties in making the song but he overcame them.
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His real name is Nicholas Choi and his Korean name is Choi SeokBae (최석배).
He was born on February 28th 1992.
He is from Pasadena, California.
He went to University of Southern California.
He was a member of MKIT Rain.
He is a member of 42 crew.
He is 162 cm - 169 cm.
He has an eyebrow piercing.
He likes to die his hair red.
The name Nafla means”Natural Flavour”. A friend of his thouht of this name after drinking something that said “100% Natural Flavor”.
He joined Groovl1n on December 22nd 2020.
He has a tattoo on his left arm.
He has collaborated with artists like Babylon, Dumbfoundead, Dynamic Duo and Woo Taewoon.
He would like to collaborate with Frank Ocean.
He went to Universit with Killagramz. They used to exchange messages through Facebook.
If he wasn’t in MAKIT Rain, he would like to be signed in 1llionaire.
As of 2016 he lived on his studio.
He has been friends with Ravi for a while.
After Show Me The Money he remained good friends with Kid Milli and often jokes around that he is a member of Mkit Rain.
He founded MKIT Rain with Loopy.
Some Mkit Rain members were involved in a marihuana scandal when they were caught smoking it, Nafla was one of them. He later made an Instagram post apologising for his behaviour. However, his charges were dropped since it was the first time he committed an upinfraction regarding this matter.
During his 60 second evalua in SMTM, The Quiett said it was the first time such a good quality rap and performance was shown on national tv.
When he gets dresses, he chooses his hat first and coordinates the outfit to compliment it.
His top favourite rappers (2016) are: #1 Gaeko, #2 Beenzino, #3 E-sens, #4 Lobsta, #5 G-Dragon.
He and Loopy met in a bathroom during a concert in the USA.
The car he won in SMTM777 was given to Loppy as a present to thank him for everything he had done for him.
He won SMTM777 with team Giriboy&Swings.
According to Loopy, Nafla was thinking about leaving MKIT Rain for a while and his leave was officially confirmed through Instagram on early December 2020.
He won Best Mixtape of the Year 2015 with “This & That”.
Nafla has a lot of respect for Just Music, specially Swings and Vasco.
Nafla was involved in a diss with CJamm. Neil, who was in the same crew as him, Young Creation, dissed CJamm and somehow Nafla got involved. It was nothing serious and there weren’t any bad feelings afterwards.
During SMTM777 he was selected as the leader on the group battle and every of his team members said he was really nice and helpful. Regarding this, he said he was happy to have Loopy by his side because he has a lot of experience and helped him a lot.
Source: https://kprofiles.com/chillin-homie-profile-and-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/ravi-vixx-profile-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/cold-bay-profile-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/xydo-profile-facts/; https://kprofiles.com/nafla-profile-facts/
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gizkasparadise · 4 years
kdrama rec/review: into the ring
Series: into the ring Episodes: 16 Genres: politics, comedy, romance, slice of life, some drama (not a ton) Spoilers in the Rec: minor ones/for the set-up If You Like, You’ll Like: parks and rec but if it was about 15% hornier and had inhaled a bunch of helium, women who top, and underdogs fighting for good causes or whatever 
Rank: 9/10
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seo gong myung is a civil servant, punches in and out of work directly on time, and has the vibe of the kid in class who reminds the teacher that they forgot to collect the homework. initially part of the planning and finance division, he ruffled one too many feathers by holding the higher ups accountable and got demoted. now, he sits at a desk and answers civil complaints from an anonymous, online nemesis--who goes by the alias of The Tiger Moth.
goo se ra goes by the alias of the Tiger Moth and files constant civil complaints. unable to hold a job and lacking in Credentials, she spends a lot of her time getting riled up about lost causes, chasing down people who litter, and barking at civil servants because she’s an underdog, god damn it. finally, one job opportunity that lines directly with her interests appears: running for office to represent her district
inevitably gong myung and se ra’s paths cross. and they fight motherfucking crime
mostly through documents
but still
fighting motherfucking crime 
goo se ra
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the main heroine of the story, se ra is the perfect candidate for public office: she’s passionate about civil affairs, stand her ground, and she really cant hold down any other job. motivated by the high yearly income (which amounts to about 50k in USD, the world is a nightmare), se ra sets out to secure her spot representing the district she’s lived in her entire life. 
justice first, think later. living embodiment of do no harm but take no shit. tops. big time.
gong myung
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a mid-ranking civil servant, gong myung is seemingly content to live a straightforward, dry life while wearing a satchel until ser ra essentially bulldozes her way into it. very much a letter of the law type of guy, he gets caught up in se ra’s campaign and the chaos that follows it and finds his life changing because of it.
you think he’s going to be an asshole but he’s actually a precious little nerd man. will cradle se ra’s closed fist as gently as a baby bird because he is s o f t. overestimates his ability to seduce away someone’s financial records.
jo maeng deok
a long-established politician and a classmate of se ra’s father. he’s got some backstory with other characters but i dont want to spoil. major asshole. 
kim min jae
se ra’s boyfriend of 9 years who works as a secretary for jo maeng deok. puts work over love and willingly walked away from se ra’s sexy anniversary party so something’s clearly wrong with him, morally. his actor played the sweet, tragically dead boyfriend from be melodramatic which caused a lot of cognitive dissonance 
yoon hee soo
fabulous councilwoman who is also an attorney who also has amazing hair. a little ambivalent about her own moral code, but i mentioned the hair, right? great hair.
goo young tae and kim sam sook
 se ra’s parents. i feel like anything i say will ruin some pleasant surprises, so just know that they are awesome and i love them and it’s clear chaos is an inherited trait. 
kwon woo young, jang han bi, and  kim ja ryong
se ra’s #squad who become her campaign team and motivational support, consists of a young mother trying to get back into her finance career, a former judo champion with a tragic past sports match, and a literal child who just kind of hangs out with them after se ra stops being his babysitter 
this might just be a translation/cultural exchange issue, but there were points where i was completely lost as to what was happening with the #Politics side of things--mainly in the back half. sometimes the politics plot wasn’t as interesting to me because of that
Reasons to Watch.
it’s just so goddamn weird? the filming style is something i haven’t seen in a kdrama before, and it fits the tone and characters so well. there’s such a consistent style of humor throughout that i loved, and the reaction shots alone can be so A+++
the characters fail sometimes. but it’s not a desolate thing. it shows that they’re scrappy and they come back after every defeat. the tone/message of the show is consistent from start to finish in a way most shows don’t do
but really it’s about the otp. it’s all about the otp. here’s so many subversions of typical kdrama tropes. i will attempt to demonstrate with some examples, some spoilers ahead:
se ra sees gong myung with another woman late at night. sounds like it’s time for MISCOMMUNICATION. but no, he comes up to her and literally says “I don’t want to be misunderstood” at the end of his explanation (keep in mind they weren’t even dating yet)
despite being like 4 feet shorter, se ra pushes gong myung against the wall with sexual tension multiple times. lmao and his knees legit buckle. i love them
the couple gets together about halfway through, stays together, and are a gd team throughout
gong myun is willing to be her secretary, and there’s no drama about him feeling emasculated over it
also there’s just so many adorable things about their body language? se ra often stands in front of/physically shields gong myung from things or people and he does the same (although less often, because se ra #protects), and the aforementioned cradling of her fist like a baby bird. they’re just. real cute. real real cute. and it feels like an original dynamic. 
Final Thoughts.
justice first, think later!!
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aoharushiyo · 3 months
the recipes for... | track 5 ― fondant au chocolat
Translation: en Proofreading: aca, dimi, kimi, myun, jay, jelly
"PatiBattle? Are patissiers going to battle...?"
And so, that evening…
After I got home and had some snacks, I happened to glance at the TV that the Robo-Mama had needlessly put on for me.
"PatiBattle? Are patissiers going to battle…?"
I had time to kill, so it was really just by accident that I happened to see the anime that was airing on the TV.
I couldn't take my eyes off the screen.
"Wow, this looks cool…"
I'd discovered something.
"This is crazy…!"
I had… discovered something amazing. PatiBattle. Chiyoda Reito. It was like I'd been crossed by fate and destiny.
I watched in rapt silence. Something felt like it was clicking into place inside of me. PatiBattle was everything that I desired from the bottom of my heart: a story packed full of excitement, youth, and friendship. My heart couldn't stop pounding in pure excitement.
Before my eyes, colour returned to the ashen grey remains of my world after the fire had incinerated everything. "Aah…"
Seeing the protagonist and his rival compete against each other, and then exchanging praises and hugging each other after a good match brought me almost to the point of tears. Suddenly, I remembered what Muu-chan had told me earlier.
"I'd like to give you a hug."
It was then that I realised… I'd thought that I'd hated everything in the world― but there was still one thing I loved dearly: Muu-chan. I'd regained one thing that I loved.
In the blink of an eye, the credits were already rolling. The original author's name was shown in the credits, so I supposed it must have originally been a manga. Following my curiosity, I found myself ordering the volumes online before I could think better. While I was madly typing away on my phone, Robo-Mama aimlessly peered at my screen.
"…Hey." "…" "Recently, you've been turning on the lights while you do chores, and you turn on the TV now, too." "…, …" "Are you… looking out for me?"
"This is just between you and me, but… I don't really hate you that much." "…" "Do you want me to try and get you a part that lets you talk? If there even are mouthpieces that can be installed onto older models…" "…"
At that point in time, it was natural that Robo-Mama couldn't talk. All she could do was blink her sensor eye. Besides, her barrel-like cylindrical model meant that she didn't even have a neck, but…
…But it really did seem like she was nodding in reply.
"Okay, got it." I thought, maybe I could ask someone at the robotics factory nearby.
"Maybe I could try making sweets, too."
Not only did I regain something I loved that day, I had also found new things to love. I started to think things like I could try this, or I could try that.
"Since this Reito guy seems cool and he's good with chocolate… let's try making chocolate desserts."
I was able to meet Reito, the character who I love above all others. I was able to find the ultimate hobby in baking sweets. And all of it is thanks to PatiBattle.
"…Every time I look at him, my chest feels fluttery… What could that mean…?"
…That was the sort of childhood I had.
I was back in my room, decked to the nines with all of the nuis and merch that I could never put in my dorm room. As I closed my copy of Shounen Dive, I let myself sink into a million fantasies.
"It's still so good no matter how many times I read it… Even though I got spoiled by those annoying idiots, it didn't take away all the fun…! Besides, Reito and Minoru partnering up really is a genius move for the story! Even though Ouji will definitely get jealous…"
The freshly made fondant au chocolat resting on the table beside me was giving off a wonderful aroma. I had taste-tested some crumbs earlier, so naturally, I was quite pleased with the fact that I had made such exquisite sweets. Tomorrow, I'll give some to Muu-chan and his sister.[1] I couldn't wait to see their happy faces.
Just like that, my bad day from overhearing those spoilers had turned into a wonderful day, thanks to my daily sweets-making.
"I've got high hopes for all the fanfiction writers… May there be tons of fic about Reito gently consoling a depressed, jealous Ouji…"
Honestly, I prefer spicy food, and I don't like sweet foods that much at all. But I still want to keep baking sweets.
"Aah… I can't wait for Sanseiu-sensei's newest work…! I hate the crowds at conventions, but if I could meet them and shake their hand… or not. At the very least, I've got to give them sweets as a gift…"
Even despite everything, I want to be able to touch, too. I want to be able to hug someone else, and be hugged by them back… …But I can't do that.
"Now then, time to see what new posts there are today… Ugh, there's already ReiMino here? And… blocked."
Instead, I'll make the most delicious, satisfyingly sweet desserts so that one day, I can give them to the people I care about.
"What? They're rerunning that pair tapestry from last time!? And you can't even pre-order? It's like they want to see a fucking bloodbath out here!"
If they like my desserts, then it'll be like touching their hearts instead. Isn't that already the same as a hug?
"Crane game limited nuis… Alright, guess I'll have to just rescue each and every Reito from the grasp of those claws."
That's why I'll keep making the sweetest, most delicious chocolates.
A few hours later, I wrapped up the fondant au chocolat and stuck a sticky note on it with instructions: Just heat it up in the microwave when you want to eat it.
Now that my work was done, I decided to return for PatiBattle seconds, but just as I settled in, something flashed before my eyes.
"Huh? What?"
Right before my eyes…
[ PatiBattle! Hiatus Announcement ]
…A sentence straight from the depths of Hell.
"Huh…? Huh? Hah??"
The sound of every single cell in my body simultaneously being annihilated echoed in my ears.
[1] Ushio specifies Muneuji and 姫 hime, which means 'princess'. Muneuji calls his little sister by this nickname, so it's very likely that Ushio is referring to her!
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
Designs of Happiness - Track A08
L4mps Main Story Translation
Title: ep.2 What you have
Characters: Yodaka
Summary: As the bar closes up for the day, Yodaka feels a certain way about their mundane day-to-day… 
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Thank you aca @463ce6, jes @arcanecrayonn and myun @/myuntachis for helping me with proofing!
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Location: Ten Nights of Dreams BAR
Yodaka: I wonder, has the rain stopped yet?
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Yunyun: Ah~ I was thinkin’ about that too.
Yodaka: It’s difficult to tell since we don’t have any windows.
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Chouun: According to the precipitation radar, the rain should stop in 30 minutes.
Yodaka: That’s impressive, Chouun. I didn’t know you had a function like that.
Chouun: Yes, Yodaka-dono.
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Yunyun: What are you on about, boss~? Chouun’s a state-of-the-art pet robot, y’know~? You’re like, the only one who’d use ‘em as a glorified jukebox. 
Yodaka: Perhaps I should request weather reports from now on too.
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Chouun: …Understood.
Yunyun: Huh… No wonder we didn’t have many customers today.
Yodaka: I think we can call it a night. Would you mind switching off the signboard outside?
Yunyun: Sure thing~
Chouun: …Yodaka-dono. What would you like to do about the music?
Yodaka: Please continue playing it as is.
Chouun: Understood.
Yunyun: And that’s that for closing up… Oh, right! I forgot to tell ya– That wallpaper in the bathroom? It’s seen better days. 
Yodaka: I’ll contact the vendor tomorrow morning.
Yunyun: I’m countin’ on ya, boss~ Oh, and while you’re at it, mind replacing the freezer, too? That thing’s been here since forever, even before we took over. I’m telling ya, it’s on its last legs.
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Yodaka: I see. I’d been quite fond of it, but I suppose we should have it replaced before it causes problems.
Yunyun: Yay~ I totally looked into some options already, I’m way too good at my job~
Yodaka: How very diligent of you.
Yunyun: Like, look at this one! There’s also this, and maybe even that one… There’s even models that can produce pure ice, ain’t that just wild!? We don’t need to go outta our way to buy ice cubes any more!
Yodaka: Hm…
Yunyun: Ah, the price tag’s givin’ you cold feet, huh?
Yodaka: You could say that.
Yunyun: Speaking of which~ What happened to that deal from before?
Yodaka: Hm? What deal?
Yunyun: You know the one~ From that beautiful and busty CEO~
Yodaka: Ah… You mean her… 
Yunyun: She’s been dropping by here all the time ‘cuz she’s got her eye on you— She even offered to franchise our bar, and she seemed pretty hyped about it too!
Yunyun: With her backing, the investment’s gotta be some crazy amount! I wonder where we should open up our next store~
Yodaka: We won’t have to worry about that. I turned her down.
Yunyun: Wha–!? Are you for real?
Yodaka: Of course. 
Yunyun: Wait, whaa– C’mon! I mean, I kinda knew you’d be like this, but!
Yunyun: What a waste~ That’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance y’know~~!
Yodaka: …..
Yunyun: I mean, that prez was a total hottie. I could like, totally see hearts in her eyes whenever she was lookin’ at you, Yodaka-san.
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Yunyun: I’m totally sure that she had the hots for you! You could’ve just gone for the gold!
Yodaka: For the gold?
Yunyun: Marrying into wealth! That’s like, my dream y’know~
Yodaka: This is the first time I’m hearing of it.
Yunyun: Aw man~ I mean, if we open up more shops, that means more employees, right? Then we could hire some cuties who’ve got a little extra in the chest department~ And then I’d make ‘em fall for me with my charms~
Yunyun: And I’m saying me, not you, mmkay~?
Yodaka: Haha, of course.
Yunyun: I coulda totally built my harem heaven right here y’know? And you’d be loaded with cash too, no doubt about it~
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Yunyun: This could’ve been my ticket to a super-duper happy life and yet…! Why’d you gotta dash ‘em all like that, you big dummy!
Yodaka: .....
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Yodaka: “To know you have enough.”
Yunyun: Enough of what? Beer?
Yodaka: This is a famous quote from Lao Tzu. He was one of the founders of Taoism, one of the three popular religions in China.
Yunyun: Huh… Never heard of ‘im.
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Yodaka: “To know you have enough is to know true enrichment.”
When one is satisfied with what they already have, that is when that they become enriched in both body and soul. It is one definition of happiness.
Yodaka: It’s important to learn to be happy with what you have, and to not be too greedy. I completely agree with this sentiment.
Yunyun: I mean~ Are you sure a teaching from some old fogey of years past is gonna hold water in the present?
Yunyun: It’s definitely better to have money than to not, and I know for sure I’d be happier havin’ a pretty lady hangin’ off my arm than bein’ all on my lonesome!
Yunyun: I’ve got a point, right!?
Yodaka: Leaving aside women… Even that CEO had said that having money isn’t enough to guarantee your happiness.
Yunyun: Eehhh~!?
Yodaka: I’ve had many opportunities to wine and dine some capable company owners. And yet, they all had similar opinions on this matter.
Yodaka: That they should have quit while they were ahead. After they hit a certain degree of success, rather than being happy with their progress, they can only worry and stress about how to make it bigger, and better. 
Yunyun: Hm~ Sounds like some first world problems to me~
Yunyun: So you’re saying to be happy with what I have?
Yunyun: Wait, is this some kinda plot to tell me you’re not gonna give me a raise!?
Yodaka: Haha, of course not. It’s simply a ‘plot’ to tell you that we can get a new freezer, but just a regular one. We’ll continue to buy our ice cubes from our usual supplier.
Yunyun: Fiiiiine…
Yunyun: Well, I already knew how much you like your vintage stuff from the moment we set up shop here.
Yodaka: …..
Yodaka: I must ask you, however. Are you not happy now?
Yunyun: Eh.
Yodaka: Time that is flowing slowly, peacefully, as we wind down for the day. Within a bar full of old but trusty equipment and peeling wallpaper. 
Yodaka: A quiet and relaxing atmosphere. The moon that comes out to greet the sun.
Yodaka: Quality jazz music playing in the background and… Conversation with a good old friend. 
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Yunyun: …..
Yodaka: I think that these carefree days spent with you, in our cozy bar, is when I’m the happiest… What about you?
Yunyun: Well… That’s… 
Yunyun: That just ain’t fair, askin’ me somethin’ like that.
Yunyun: Can’t say I’m not happy…
Yodaka: I’m relieved to know you feel the same as I do.
Yunyun: *Sigh*... You truly are an incorrigible flirt… 
Chouun: …Yodaka-dono. Are you certain that I am fulfilling my role here?
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Chouun: If you would update my software to the latest version, with the addition of some extraneous parts, I could be 8 heads tall to help serve customers as well.
Yodaka: Yes, you’re doing just fine as is. Thank you.
Yunyun: I mean, a Chouun that’s 8 heads tall? That’d just be scary… 
Yodaka: Let’s update the playlist for tomorrow.
Chouun: Understood, Yodaka-dono. What kind of selection would you prefer?
Yodaka: For tomorrow… Let’s see.
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Yodaka: Play the kind of music that would put a certain worrywart of a bartender at ease. 
"To know you have enough" is one translation for the saying 吾唯足るを知る by Lao Tzu.
The ideal human proportion is considered to be 8 heads tall.
Whenever the term 幸福 (happiness) comes up in these "flashback" episodes it's highlighted in green.
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ichinisankaku · 1 year
Backstage Translation - Master of Triangle Hunting (Part 1)
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Izumi: Great work guys! Let's take five.
Kumon: Got it!
Misumi: Gotta get some water~ ...Hm?
(Over there... is that Cogimyun? Wonder where she's goiiing.)
Cogimyun: Myu·· um·· "The musical fairies'·· vigouw··"[1]
Myu·· that's not right, myun··. Try again myun··.
"The musical fairies'·· vigour·· is amazing··" myu··.
Misumi: Are you practicing your lines~?
Cogimyun: Myumyu··!?
Misumi: Oh no~ Are you alright?
Cogimyun: S-sorry·· myun··. Got surprised myun··.
Misumi: I’m the one who should apologise for suddenly calling out and scaring you. Sorry about that.
Were you practicing your lines, Cogimyun? You’re such a hard worker~!
Cogimyun: Myu·· everyone is so good at acting myun··.
But Cogimyun still can't say her lines right myun··.
Cogimyun wants to catch up to everyone, so she thought, "she has to practice more" myun··.
Misumi: I see~ Uuu~m...
I know!
Cogimyun, wait here a minute! I'm gonna talk with the others!
Cogimyun: Myu·· talk··? About what, myun··?
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Kazunari: Breaks over! Gather round y'all.
Now, what to do next~...
Misumi: Over here! I think we should hold a triangle hunting tournament next!
Kumon & Muku: Ooh!
Cogimyun: Myu··!? We aren't continuing rehearsal myun··?
Daniel: What's triangle hunting? Sounds kinda fun!
Misumi: It's where you search for triangles! It's REALLY fun~ For example...
Look, here on Daniel! Triangles!
Cogimyun: That's amazing myun··! Daniel's ears are triangles myun··!
Daniel: Oh, they are!
Cogimyun: B-but, is it alright to not rehearse··?
Tenma: It's important to relax like this from time to time.
Muku: Playing like this can also be part of rehearsals.
Yuki: It feels like everyone just wants to mess around, but. Well, good ideas and presentations can come to mind while relaxing.
Kazunari: Triangle hunting in Sanrio Puroland is gonna be mega hype!
I bet there'll be toooons of super kyute triangles~!
Kumon: You should join in too, Cogimyun! It's fun once you get the knack of it!
Cogimyun: Myun·· she'll do her best··!
Misumi: Okay, let the triangle hunt~ staaart~ now!
About Cogimyun's speech patterns - first off, as reflected in the translation as well, she refers to herself in third person, ends all her sentences in myun, and uses two central dots as ellipses. Not reflected is that she talks almost entirely in hiragana with only a few very simple kanji, which tends to give a kind of childish and cute impression (though I'm sure you all already knew the latter (*´▽`*)) The main exception is names, where she'll use the proper katakana or kanji (like ダニエル for Daniel, or 三角くん for Misumi-kun) Additionally, as you may already know, Misumi also tends to use more hiragana than other characters! Though it's not nearly as much as Cogimyun, and I beliiieve is more to represent his slow way of talking? And opposite to Cogimyun, it's mostly reflected in him always using hiragana for names (like だにえる for Daniel)
Part 2
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ericmun · 5 years
190419 ‘4 Wheeled Restaurant’ Shinhwa’s Eric Highly Praised by Lee Yeon-Bok, Lives up to His Nickname “Three Meals A Day E-chef” + EP.1 (Comprehensive)
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Eric, Shinhwa-member-turned-chef-apprentice for chef Lee, showed his skills and proved his worth of his nickname ‘E-Chef’ from Three Meals A Day.
Before leaving for America, Lee Yeon-Bok showed his enthusiasm for Jajangmyeon to the producers through an interview saying, “I want to try Jajangmyeon wherever we go. This style of Jajang-Myun only exists in Korea. I was most curious about how it will be received in China. But now I’m curious about how it’s going to be like in America. I’ve never seen an American eat Jajangmyeon. Let’s try it out even if it fails.”
As soon as they arrived in America, they went to see ‘Bok’s Food’ truck which is named after chef Lee Yeon-Bok. He was all smiles after seeing a bigger kitchen compared to the kitchen from last season. The producers upgraded the size of the food truck. There are now four stoves. Lee Yeon-Bok showed his satisfaction by saying, “This is well made. The truck got bigger. The interior is upgraded a lot compared to the one we used in China. I think we’ll be able to work more comfortably.”
‘Bok’s Food’s first menu were Jajangmyeon and Tangsuyuk. The crew sold Jajangmyeon for $7, Tangsuyuk (crispy sweet & sour pork) for $9 and the combo of both for $15. Producers announced that the initial capital is 2 million wons (approximately USD $1,800) and all profits will be donated to charity organizations. The first spot for the food truck was LA’s ‘Hermosa Beach.’ The beach is popular among locals for restaurants and pubs. It was also featured in the movie ‘La La Land.’
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The dark horse of this episode was the new kitchen assistant Eric. In a pre-production interview, Eric revealed, “To be honest, coming up with new recipes for ‘3 Meals a Day’ was really tough, especially the setting up. But this times Chef (Lee Yeon-Bok) is here, I’m here to learn more.”
When Eric met his ‘LAN cable mentor’ Lee Yeon-Bok, he listened and learnt carefully to every words his mentor said. He was pleased to learn Lee Yeon-Bok’s dumpling recipe. “This recipe is impossible just by looking it up on the internet”, Eric said.  He was highly praised for his quick learning and cooking skills by Lee Yeon-Bok.
Also in the pre-production interview with the producers, Eric said that he and his wife, Na Hye-Mi, visited Lee Yeon-Bok’s Korean-Chinese restaurant about four years ago. He said, “I personally made reservation and waited for a month. I was looking for a chance to meet him. So when I saw him outside, I asked if we could take a photo together.” Their relationship continued into ‘3 Meals a Day’ when Eric asked Lee Yeon-Bok for his advice on cooking. Eric still admires him as his ‘LAN cable mentor.’
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As a kitchen assistant and Lee Yeon-Bok’s right hand man, Eric was busy running and learning. Eric learned how to boil noodles, how to pour Jajang sauce evenly and how to put cucumber garnish for topping from his master.
He was also seen tiptoeing over the counter to watch Lee Yeon-Bok when he was far away, showing his passion. Yeon-Bok reacted to Eric’s passion and progress. He improved his knife skills day by day and Lee Yeon-Bok praised him “Oh that’s good, really good.” While watching Eric, Heo Kyung-Hwan also praised, “This is why everybody is saying Eric Eric.”
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Source: Newsen, News1, OSEN Translation: EricMun.tumblr
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msmemaaaa · 6 years
YAHO! Eric’s AguTV update!
The video title: (Turn on the subtitles) Making a YouTube video with Gopro. Shopping at Emart. Thank you for ads!
He’s shopping for the ingredients of the next recipe. 
The video is now subbed! Thank you subbers!
Eric’s description on the video:
Here comes a new teaser. This was filmed only with GoPro, nothing else. It gave me a big thrill to shop, with my GoPro hidden in my jumper, on a Saturday evening when a lot of people are shopping. I actually talked a lot at the grocery store, but a lot of noise was created as the jumper brushed against the camera. It is an old model, so I shouldn't expect too much about the quality of the audio. You'll see a lot of image noise as the light level was low, but it kinda gives a unique feature to a video created by an amateur. It's also not too bad with indoor lighting. I paid about 160 dollars for the used GoPro, and I created a full-HD YouTube video, so it was not a bad deal, I guess. Anyways, have fun and wait for the video with my recipe! I'm really happy with this recipe that I'll introduce to you in the upcoming video. Have a great day and keep up the good work! 
 p.s. I have ads on my videos. Thank you, my subscribers!
and, Eric is putting a poll on the video!
click the (i) on the top right corner as in this screencshot
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and you’ll get the poll.
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It’s in Korean, so my translation:
Do you have any recipe for ramen noodles?
Curry ramen
Seaweed soup
Bibim Myun (Spicy Noodles w Vegetables)
Hot Chicken Flavor Ramen
I participated & chose ‘curry ramen’. I wished if there were <seafood> option :D
Go participate you too! ^^
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Eric’s channel’s success brought ads to the channel & he can add polls too! congrats Eric!! 🎉🎉🎉 so everyone, please, don’t skip the ad, okay? :D
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