#myungho fanfic
8turning · 1 year
Hi! I wanted to say the Haemin fic you wrote was so good! Can I request a Myungho x reader? Anything is fine with me and thank you if you do! ❤
Also, are you watching Boys Planet?
hi anon!! thank you for the love on the haemin fic :] this ask is a bit dated and bp is over now,, but yes i did watch and i cant wait for zb1's debut :D
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⌕ . . . ji myungho — paper rings !
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ji myungho x gn ! reader ★ fluff. ★ wc 550 ★ warnings: mild cursing. playful insults/name-calling. let me know if i missed anything!
"you're making a mess," you joke, watching as myungho cut strips of paper over and over again, never seeming to get it to whatever size he desired. "why don't you measure it?"
"no ruler," he replies quickly, eyes trained on the way his hand contorts the scissors. his gaze flicks between his hands and the end of the paper, face shifting quickly as he looks toward you. "give me your finger really quick."
because of his rushed request, you do so without much thought, popping another chip into your mouth with your vacant hand as you lay your hand palm-up for him. myungho gently takes your hand his his, flipping it so it lay flat against the edge of the paper.
with the ends of his scissors, he makes small dents into the paper to mark where he needs to cut - the faint smile that appeared on his face after was one that was hard to tear your gaze from.
"thank you," he says happily, grabbing your hand once more and squeezing it within his own before letting go. and just like that, he was back to work.
your eyes are glued to your phone once again, mindlessly scrolling through pictures and videos that were somehow "curated for you" - the sentiment was hard to believe.
myungho slices the paper, satisficed with its width now that he had your help. cutting a much smaller piece, he grabs his pen and writes "i love you ♡ " and quickly placing it in the middle of the larger strand of paper before you could catch him.
he languidly twists the paper, doing his best to create perfect triangles to make the band a bit sturdier. his note is successfully trapped and hidden within the paper, he grabs some tape to bind the two edges together.
with his pen in his hand once again, he draws a heart on the face of one of the triangles. examining the paper ring in his fingers before smiling to himself. his heart was racing, truth be told. this is the most forward thing he's done since he realized his feelings for you - his mind could barely take it.
while you were lost in your phone, myungho grabs your hand once more, isolating your pointer finger within his own and gently sliding the ring there. when he meets your eyes, it felt as if all of the air had been knocked out of his lungs. you were looking back at him with wide eyes, so close he could practically see himself in their reflection.
you look down towards you hand that was still caged within his. "you made it for me?"
he tried to shake off his nerves, resuming back to the myungho you knew all too well. "is that a bad thing to want to do?"
you shake your head, smile on your lips and you huff out a small chuckle. "of course not, stupid," you say, leaning back in your chair and examining the ring further. "it's cute."
"i'm glad you like it," he replies much more sheepishly than he would have liked - he's glad you didn't seem to notice. "wanna help me clean up as a thank you for the wonderful gift?" myungho asks, leaning forward on the desk and resting his chin on his interlaced fingers. you smile:
"hell no."
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© 8turning 2023.
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hoshifighting · 4 months
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Arranged Marriage
Synopsis: Where you and Minghao parents had this grand scheme to merge their companies by marrying you off, thinking it'd be a brilliant business move. Determined to stake your claim and keep your marriage intact, your make a bold move during a business party— planting a lipstick-stained kiss on Minghao's lips and yanking him by his tie, leaving no doubt that he's yours and yours alone.
Word Count: 5.5k
Warnings: Smut, throat fucking, blowjob, fingering, penetrative sex, public make out, jealous kiss, angst, forced marriage, mentions of diets.
You're standing there in this fancy white dress, all sparkly and shiny, making your way down the aisle to where Minghao's waiting. He's looking all sharp in his suit, with his hair on point and a little smirk on his face. But as you're walking towards him, you can't help but remember the last time you two really talked was at some boring company event.
Now here you are, about to say your vows like you actually mean them. But deep down, you know it's all just a bunch of lies. You and Minghao both know it. It's all for show, to make your parents' company look good. And the worst part is, everyone at this big fancy wedding knows it too.
The party's huge, like a wedding and a business conference all mashed together. People you've never seen before are milling around, probably part of some shady business deal your parents cooked up. It's like this whole thing isn't even about love or unity anymore. It's just one big networking event disguised as a wedding.
But you go through the motions anyway, smiling and nodding like everything's perfect. You exchange vows that are as fake as the smiles plastered on both of your faces. And as the night goes on, you can't shake the feeling that this whole thing is just a sham. A pretty, expensive sham, but a sham nonetheless.
You watch as people schmooze and mingle, making deals and connections left and right. And you can't help but wonder if this is what your future holds too. A life of pretending, of smiling for the cameras while behind closed doors, it's all just business as usual.
But for now, you paste on your best fake smile and dance the night away, pretending that everything's okay. Because that's what you do when you're part of a family like yours. You put on a show, no matter what's really going on behind the scenes.
You're feeling suffocated by the crowd inside, like the tightness around your waist is almost causing claustrophobia. So you slip away to the backyard, sneaking a slice of cake from the waiters. Your mom had you on some ridiculous diet for a whole week leading up to this wedding, all so you could look "good" in your dress.
You plop down on a wooden bench, the dress spreading out in a big poof around you. Just as you're about to take a much-needed bite of cake, you're interrupted by a voice.
"Why isn't the bride inside enjoying her own party?" The voice belongs to Minghao, hands in his pockets as he stands there, looking at you.
You scoff, shooting him a look. "I'm sure no one's noticed. They're all too busy discussing the stock market or whatever." Your tone is sharp, the underlying tension between you and Minghao palpable.
Minghao snorts, clearly not impressed by your response. "Yeah, well, maybe if you spent less time worrying about your parents' company and more time actually enjoying life, you wouldn't be stuck in this mess."
You bristle at his comment, feeling a surge of anger rising within you. "Oh please, like you have any room to talk. Last time I checked, you were just as tangled up in all of this as I am."
Minghao's expression darkens, and for a moment, you worry you've gone too far. 
With that, he turns and walks away, leaving you alone with your thoughts and a half-eaten slice of wedding cake. You watch him go, feeling a mix of frustration and something else you can't quite name. Maybe it's just the champagne talking, but for a brief moment, you can't help but wonder what life would be like if you weren't tied down by expectations and obligations. 
You stare at Minghao, disbelief written all over your face as you take in the sight of the one hotel room your parents booked for the both of you. A single queen-sized bed sits in the center of the room, effectively splitting the space into two halves. You shoot a glance at Minghao, and from the look in his eyes, you can tell he's just as shocked as you are.
The tension between you is palpable as you both stand there, sharing silent but deadly gazes. Finally, you break the silence, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, isn't this just perfect? Our parents booking us one room to 'get used' to each other. As if this whole shit wasn't enough already."
Minghao lets out a scoff, shaking his head in disbelief. "Yeah, because nothing says 'happily ever after' like forcing two strangers to share a bed on their wedding night."
You bite back a retort, opting instead for a more diplomatic approach. "Look, I think it's only fair that I take the bed and you can sleep on the couch."
Minghao raises an eyebrow, his expression incredulous. "And why is that?" he asks, his tone dripping with sarcasm.
You roll your eyes, feeling irritation bubbling up inside you. "Because I'm the bride, for one," you retort, "and two, I've been on my feet all night, walking around in a dress that weighs a ton and heels that could rival skyscrapers. I think I deserve a decent night's sleep."
Minghao lets out a short, humorless laugh. "Oh, please. Do you even know how exhausting it is to be the groom? I've been dealing with people all night, pretending to be someone I'm not, just like you."
You narrow your eyes at him, crossing your arms defiantly. "Fine," you say, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips, "then let's settle this once and for all. Who's more tired: the bride who's been carrying around twelve kilograms of dress and heels all night, or the groom who's been putting on a show for hours on end?"
Minghao looks at you for a moment, the corner of his mouth twitching as if he's trying not to smile. But then he shakes his head, a look of resignation crossing his face. "You win," he says, finally relenting, "you can have the bed."
You smirk triumphantly, feeling a small sense of victory despite the absurdity of the situation. And as you crawl into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin.
The next day rolls around, and before you even have a chance to properly wake up, you're thrown into a meeting. Brunch with both families sounds nice in theory, but when Minghao's dad starts putting papers on the table and declaring, "Let's get to what matters," you realize this isn't going to be a typical family gathering.
You try to maintain a facade of composure, but the discomfort gnaws at you like a persistent itch. So you do what you've gotten used to doing – you look down, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room.
Minghao notices immediately, and you can feel his gaze burning into the side of your face. His cheeks flush with embarrassment from his father's directness, but you can't bring yourself to look up and meet his eyes. The weight of expectation hangs heavy in the air, and you can practically taste the tension swirling around the table.
As Minghao's dad starts talking about business deals and partnerships, you try to focus on the sound of his voice rather than the sinking feeling in your stomach. But no matter how hard you try to block it out, you can't shake the feeling that you're just a pawn in someone else's game – a game you never asked to play.
You steal a glance at Minghao, but his expression is unreadable, his mask firmly in place. And in that moment, you realize just how alone you really are in this world of high-stakes deals and empty promises.
You're lounging on the couch, the TV blaring in the background, but your mind is miles away. The penthouse feels emptier than ever, despite being filled with all the trappings of luxury. You and Minghao live under the same roof, yet it feels like you might as well be living on opposite ends of the earth. Separate rooms, separate lives, with only a perfunctory "good morning" or "good night" exchanged between you.
The loneliness weighs heavy on your chest, suffocating you with its presence. You long for something more, something real, but it feels like an impossible dream in this gilded cage you've found yourself trapped in.
You're lost in the numbing glow of the television when your phone buzzes with a notification. It's Minghao, informing you of a press conference he's scheduled for later that night. You furrow your brow, puzzled by the sudden announcement.
But it's his last message from the previous night that catches your attention. "Can you at least put on your best smile tonight?" he'd asked, a request that feels more like a demand. And you can't help but feel a pang of frustration at his presumption.
You make your way to his room, finding him hunched over his computer, the glow of the screen casting harsh shadows across his face. You lean against the doorframe, crossing your arms as you watch him for a moment before speaking up.
"What do you mean by that?" you ask, your voice tinged with a hint of annoyance. "Put on my best smile? What's that supposed to mean?"
Minghao looks up from his computer, his expression unreadable. "It means exactly what it sounds like," he replies coolly, his tone clipped. "We both know how important appearances are in our world. So why not make an effort for once?"
You roll your eyes, feeling the anger bubbling up inside you. "I think you mean that you want me to play the dutiful wife once again, to plaster on a fake smile and pretend like everything's fine," you snap, the bitterness seeping into your words.
Minghao's jaw tightens, and for a moment, it looks like he's about to argue back. But then he sighs and runs a hand through his hair, looking suddenly tired and defeated. "Look, I know this isn't what either of us wanted," he says, his voice softer now, tinged with regret. "But it's what we have to do. For our families, for the company."
You scoff, shaking your head in disbelief. "Is that really all that matters to you? The company? "But fine," you say through clenched teeth, pushing yourself away from the doorframe. "I'll put on my best smile tonight. But don't expect me to enjoy it."
You sit in the backseat of the chauffeur-driven car, your gaze fixed on the passing landscape outside the window. The skyscrapers blur into a haze of steel and glass, a stark contrast to the turmoil swirling inside your mind.
Minghao breaks the silence with a casual remark, his tone tinged with amusement. "You don't look like someone who agreed to the terms of our agreement," he observes, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
You let out a frustrated huff, tearing your eyes away from the window to glare at him. "Yeah, well, maybe I need some time before I can fully commit to this whole acting profession," you retort, your words dripping with bitterness.
Minghao presses his lips together, trying to suppress a laugh at your expense. The corners of his mouth twitch with amusement, but he manages to keep his expression neutral as he looks away, pretending to be absorbed in the passing scenery.
You bristle at his reaction, feeling a surge of indignation coursing through you. "What's so funny?" you demand, your voice sharp with irritation.
Minghao shakes his head, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Nothing," he replies casually, his tone disarmingly nonchalant. "I mean, take all the time you need… Just try not to look too pitiful when we walk through those doors." 
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms defensively over your chest. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."
As the chauffeur stops and opens the door for you, signaling your arrival at the event, Minghao's voice cuts through the silence.
"Hand," he says simply, holding out his hand towards you.
You raise an eyebrow, shooting him a skeptical look. "Excuse me?" you reply, not quite sure you heard him correctly.
Minghao's lips twitch into a smirk as he repeats himself, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "I said, hand," he repeats, his tone playful yet insistent.
You fight the urge to roll your eyes at his audacity, but begrudgingly, you reach out and grab his hand, almost aggressively. His grin widens as he intertwines his fingers with yours, the touch surprisingly delicate despite the underlying tension between you.
As you and Minghao step into the event, hand in hand, you can feel the weight of your parents' surprised stares on you. Their eyebrows shoot up in disbelief at the sight of you two holding hands, a rare display of unity between the two families.
Minghao squeezes your hand gently, a small smirk playing on his lips as he catches your parents' reaction. "See?" he murmurs softly, leaning in close to you. "It's easy. A little thing like this makes them happy."
You can't help but feel a surge of resentment bubbling up inside you at his words. Easy for him to say, you think bitterly. He's always been the one who effortlessly falls into line, who knows exactly how to play the game to get what he wants.
But despite your inner turmoil, you force a tight smile and nod in agreement, not wanting to cause a scene in front of your parents. "Yeah, easy," you echo, your voice strained as you try to keep up the facade.
As the long-winded speeches from the ambassadors drone on, you find yourself sinking deeper into your chair, exhaustion weighing heavily on your shoulders. Minghao leans in close, his voice a soft whisper against your ear as he asks if you want something from the bar. You shake your head, declining his offer with a tired sigh.
He nods in understanding and excuses himself, disappearing into the crowd for a moment. But as the minutes drag on and the speech finally reaches its conclusion, Minghao still hasn't returned. Your eyes scan the room, searching for any sign of him, and that's when you spot her – a woman leaning in close to him, her body language oozing with flirtation.
Your stomach churns with a mix of anger and disbelief. What does she think she's doing? That's your husband she's flirting with, for crying out loud. You glance down at your wedding ring, then back at Minghao, then down at your ring again, the weight of it heavy on your finger.
You can feel the heat rising in your cheeks as you stand up from the table, your movements cautious as you make your way over to them. Fuck, you hate that you're doing this right now, but you can't just sit idly by while some random woman tries to make a move on your husband.
Minghao's eyes widen in surprise as he catches sight of your determined gaze, and for a brief moment, you almost feel guilty for interrupting. But then you remember who you are – his wife – and the guilt fades away, replaced by a steely resolve.
"I have a wife," Minghao's voice cuts through the air, firm and unwavering, as you approach him and the woman who's been flirting with him. His words send a jolt of surprise through you, momentarily halting your steps.
But before you can even react, Minghao continues, his tone tinged with irritation, "And she's storming over here, so please, just leave me alone."
"Hi, Hao," you greet Minghao as you finally reach him, unable to hide the hint of irritation in your voice. "You took a long time. What happened?"
Minghao's eyes widen slightly at your abrupt approach, and he stammers for a moment before the woman beside him interjects, "Oh, she's your friend?"
Minghao's response is immediate and almost defensive. "No, I don't know her," he says quickly, his tone betraying his discomfort.
You can't help but suppress a smirk at his awkwardness, feeling a small surge of satisfaction at seeing him squirm. "Nice to meet you," you say smoothly, extending your hand to the woman. "I'm Mrs. Xu."
The woman's eyes widen in surprise as she takes your hand, clearly caught off guard by your assertive introduction. "Oh, um, nice to meet you too," she replies, her voice slightly shaky.
You turn your attention back to Minghao, noting the relief in his eyes as you come to his "rescue." Poor Minghao, you think to yourself, feeling a twinge of sympathy for him despite your earlier annoyance. He clearly didn't know how to handle the situation, and the sight of you coming to his aid seems to help him breathe a little easier.
The woman walks away, leaving you and Minghao standing there in the aftermath of the awkward encounter. You turn to him, your expression a mix of frustration and concern.
"Come on, Minghao," you begin, your voice low but firm. "You need to know how to handle situations like that. What if people who know our family saw that? It could cause all sorts of rumors and complications."
Minghao's jaw tightens as he meets your gaze, a flicker of defensiveness in his eyes. "I didn't ask for her to approach me," he retorts, his tone defensive. "I told her I have a wife. What more do you want from me?"
You let out a frustrated sigh, running a hand through your hair as you try to keep your temper in check. "I just want you to be more aware of how your actions reflect on both of us," you reply, your voice tinged with exasperation. "We're married, Minghao. That means we have to think about each other's reputations and how our behavior affects them."
Minghao's expression softens slightly at your words, but there's still a stubborn set to his jaw as he crosses his arms over his chest. "I know that," he says, his voice quieter now, more subdued. "But sometimes things happen, and I can't control them."
You shake your head, feeling a surge of frustration rising within you. "That's not an excuse, Minghao," you say firmly. "We both have to do better if we want this marriage to work. We have to be a team."
Minghao's lips twitch into a smirk of his own, a challenge flashing in his eyes as he steps closer to you. "Oh, is that so, Mrs. Xu?" he replies, his voice dripping with mock innocence. "And what exactly would it take for me to earn back the privilege of being called by my first name?"
You roll your eyes, unable to suppress a laugh at his cheekiness. "Maybe if you stopped getting yourself into awkward situations with random women at parties," you shoot back, unable to resist the opportunity for a playful jab.
Minghao feigns offense, placing a hand over his heart in mock hurt. "Hey now, that wasn't entirely my fault," he protests, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Besides, you were the one who came to my rescue, remember?"
Minghao's playful grin falters as you shoot him a pointed look, hands firmly planted on your hips. "Am I wrong now? What should I do then?" you challenge, your tone laced with frustration.
He shrugs, his expression sheepish as he searches for an answer. "You need to make them know I'm your husband," he suggests vaguely, a glimmer of uncertainty in his eyes.
You narrow your gaze, a surge of determination coursing through you as you follow his line of sight to the woman who had been eyeing him earlier. She's still watching him, her gaze lingering a little too long for your liking.
"Fine then," you declare, your jaw set in determination. Without another word, you reach out and grab Minghao by the collar of his shirt, pulling him closer to you. Before he can protest, you press your lips to his in a firm, possessive kiss.
For a moment, Minghao freezes, his hands hovering uncertainly in the air. But then, as if realizing what's happening, he responds eagerly, his hands finding your waist as he pulls you closer, his fingers tangling in your hair as the kiss deepens.
You trail kisses along his neck, feeling a low hum of satisfaction reverberate through him. His hands tighten around your waist, pulling you closer as you continue to explore the sensitive skin of his neck with your lips.
When you pull back slightly, his eyes meet yours, a hint of mischief dancing in their depths. You reach up and gently tug on his bottom lip, a silent invitation for him to surrender completely to the passion between you.
Minghao's lips part in response, his eyes darkening with desire as he leans in to capture your mouth in another searing kiss. You can feel the heat of his body against yours, the intensity of the moment threatening to consume you both.
As you finally break the kiss, your lips swollen and tingling with the taste of him, you look at his face, satisfied with your handiwork. His lips, jaw, and neck are adorned with smudges of your red lipstick, a visible testament that being arranged or not, he is your husband.
With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you reach out and grab Minghao by the tie, tugging him gently but firmly in the direction of the exit. His eyebrows shoot up in surprise at your sudden assertiveness, but he follows your lead without hesitation.
As you walk through the party, you make no effort to hide the fact that you're leading Minghao out by his tie. You want everyone to see, especially that woman who dared to flirt with him earlier. With each step, you feel a surge of satisfaction knowing that you're marking your territory, making it abundantly clear to anyone watching that Minghao belongs to you.
People turn to look as you pass by, their curious glances met with a confident smile from you and a sheepish grin from Minghao. You hold your head high, your grip on his tie unwavering as you guide him through the crowd.
Finally, you reach the exit, and with one last glance around the room, you pull Minghao outside, the cool night air washing over you both. Alone at last, you turn to him with a victorious smirk.
"Well, that was fun," you say, a hint of laughter in your voice as you release his tie. "But I think we've made our point. Shall we get out of here?"
Minghao chuckles, shaking his head in amusement as he takes your hand in his. "Absolutely," he replies, a warmth in his eyes as he looks at you. "Anywhere you want to go, Mrs. Xu."
As soon as you step through the door of your home, you're wrapped up in a frenzy of passionate kisses with Minghao. Clothes, shoes, and his tie fly off haphazardly as you stumble towards the nearest surface, unable to keep your hands off each other.
Between kisses, Minghao pulls back slightly, his lips brushing against your neck as he speaks. "I didn't know you were that jealous," he murmurs, a hint of amusement in his voice.
You hiss in response, your breath catching in your throat as his lips trail along your skin. "I wasn't jealous," you protest, your voice tinged with frustration. "I was just...rescuing you, you bastard!"
Minghao laughs at your outburst, the sound sending shivers down your spine. "Hmm, just like a predator," he teases, his hands roaming over your body with a newfound confidence.
You scoff at his comment, a smirk playing at the corners of your lips. "You've seen nothing yet," you reply, meeting his gaze with a challenge in your eyes.
Minghao's eyes light up with excitement as he looks at you, a playful glint in his eyes. "Yeah?" he asks, his voice low and husky.
"Yeah," you confirm with a smirk, pulling him in for another kiss.
But then, his hand moves to the top of your head, gently guiding you downwards until your knees find the ground. You look up at him with a mixture of desire and anticipation, your breath coming in shallow gasps as you eagerly await his next move.
With a shaky breath, Minghao pulls himself free from his pants, his cock standing proudly before you. You wrap your hand around it, feeling the heat and hardness of him beneath your touch. A wicked grin plays at your lips as you tap the tip of his cock against your face, biting your lip in anticipation.
Minghao lets out a shaky moan at the provocative sight before him, his eyes dark with desire as he watches you. "Fuck, you're so damn sexy," he groans, his voice rough with need. "You know exactly what you're doing to me, don't you?"
You smirk up at him, your hand still wrapped around his cock as you tease him with your lips. "Mmm, maybe," you purr, your voice dripping with seduction. "But I want to hear you say it. Tell me how much you want me, Minghao."
His breath hitches as he meets your gaze, his fingers tangling in your hair as he guides you closer to him. "I want you more than anything," he confesses, his voice thick with desire. "I need you, baby. Please, show me how much you want me too."
You eagerly lower your mouth onto Minghao's throbbing cock, sucking greedily as you take him deeper and deeper into your mouth. You can feel him thrusting his hips, the need for more driving him to move against you.
Your hands slide down to his thighs, giving him the freedom to move as he pleases. His fingers tangle in your hair, guiding your movements as he sets the pace, his hips rocking against you in a rhythm of his own making.
As you take him deeper, you close your eyes, relaxing your jaw to accommodate his length. Minghao's voice breaks through the haze of pleasure, his words a gentle reminder of his concern for your well-being.
"Tap if you need to breathe," he murmurs, his hand tightening in your ponytail as he continues to move his hips.
You press your hand against his thigh in affirmation, letting him know that you're okay as you continue to take him deeper, your throat working to accommodate his length. Minghao lets out a low groan of pleasure, his hips moving in tandem with your movements as you both chase the pinnacle of ecstasy.
Between thrusts, Minghao's voice fills the air with a husky whisper. "God, you feel so fucking good," he moans, his words driving you to take him even deeper. "You're amazing, baby. Just keep going, just like that."
As Minghao's cock throbs in your mouth, you feel a surge of pleasure coursing through you, your senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment. Drool drips from your chin, a testament to your eagerness and arousal, as you continue to take him deeper, your mouth working tirelessly to please him.
With each throb of his cock, you can feel the tension building, the heat of his arousal radiating through you. Your eyes roll back in your head, lost in a haze of pleasure as you surrender yourself completely to the ecstasy of the moment.
And as Minghao's cock pulses in your mouth, you know that you've pushed him to the edge, his release imminent. With one final throb, he cries out your name, his body tensing as he spills his cum into your waiting mouth.
You swallow eagerly, savoring the taste of him. You moan softly as Minghao's lips meet yours again, the taste of him still lingering on your tongue, and he slowly guides you towards his room.
As you fall onto the bed, Minghao's fingers trace lazy patterns along your inner thighs, making you squirm beneath his touch, unable to hide your arousal as he gazes down at you with dark, hungry eyes.
"You're so wet…" he murmurs, his voice thick with desire as he continues to tease you with his fingers.
Minghao's lips curl into a smug grin as his fingers trailing lower until they reach the damp fabric of your panties. With agonizing slowness, he begins to peel them away, revealing your glistening folds to his hungry gaze.
"Tell me what you want, baby" he whispers, his voice a low growl in your ear as he leans in close. "Tell me how you want me to make you feel."
You arch your back, aching for his touch as you meet his gaze with a sultry smirk. "I want your fingers inside me, Minghao" you breathe, your voice dripping with desire. "I want you to make me come so fucking hard"
Minghao's eyes darken with lust as he hears your words, his fingers finding their way to your slick entrance. With a wicked grin, he plunges his slender fingers deep inside you, his touch sending sparks of pleasure shooting through your body.
And then, just when you think you can't take any more, he finds it – that deep spot that sends electric jolts shooting through you. Your pussy clenches around his fingers in response, a desperate attempt to hold your orgasm.
But Minghao isn't finished yet. With a wicked grin, he leans in close, his hot breath ghosting over your ear as he whispers his intentions. "You're not going to cum yet," he murmurs. "Let me hit that spot with my cock, then you can cream around it as much as you want."
Your breath catches in your throat at his words, with the promise of what's going to come. With a nod of agreement, you bite your lip in anticipation, eager for the moment when Minghao will fuck you with his cock.
As Minghao positions himself above you, his gaze locked with yours in a silent promise of pleasure to come, you sneak a peek at his cock. It's long, with bulging veins and dripping with pre-cum, making it clear he's rock hard and ready to go. The contrast with his slender body just makes it look even bigger.
Before you can even think of a response, Minghao speaks up, his voice low and husky. "You ready for me, baby?" he asks, his eyes smoldering with desire.
You open your mouth to reply, but before you can get a word out, his cock is stretching you out, leaving you breathless and speechless as he fills you completely.
As soon as Minghao finds your g'spot, your pussy immediately tightens around him, milking him with such intensity that he has to hold himself back from coming right then and there. His pretty moans only serve to heighten your own arousal, making it even harder for you to hold back your impending orgasm.
"Fuck, you're so tight," he groans, his voice strained with pleasure as he tries to control himself. He hopes that you'll stop clenching, but as soon as he hits that spot again, he hisses in response, the sensation driving him wild.
Realizing that he's in danger of cumming too early, Minghao decides to focus on fucking you in just the right way, hitting that spot with precision and intensity. He squirms, desperate for you to climax first, knowing that your pleasure will only fuel his own.
With each thrust, each movement, the pleasure builds between you, reaching a fever pitch that threatens to consume you both. Minghao's hips move in a steady rhythm, his cock driving deeper and deeper into you with each thrust, his own pleasure mounting with each passing second.
And then, finally, it happens. You reach the peak of ecstasy, your body shaking with the force of your orgasm as pleasure washes over you in relentless waves. Your pussy clenches around Minghao's cock, milking him for all he's worth as he loses control, his own release crashing over him in a tidal wave of pleasure.
With a tired groan, Minghao collapses beside you, his body spent from the intensity of your shared passion. He turns to you with a lazy smile, his eyes twinkling with satisfaction.
"If I'd known all it took to get you to kiss me was making you jealous, I would've done it ages ago," he teases, his voice laced with amusement.
You roll your eyes, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of your lips. "I wasn't jealous," you protest, crossing your arms over your chest.
Minghao raises an eyebrow, his expression incredulous. "Imagine if you were then" he scoffs, his tone teasing. "I don't think we'd be here right now if you weren't just a little bit jealous."
You huff in mock indignation, but deep down, you know he's right.
ou nudge Minghao playfully, a smile dancing on your lips. "Well, lucky for you, a little jealousy was all it took," you quip, teasing him.
He chuckles softly, his eyes sparkling as he gazes at you. "I guess I'll have to remember that for next time," he replies, his voice tinged with amusement.
You laugh, shaking your head in mock exasperation. "Oh, so there's going to be a next time now?" you tease, raising an eyebrow.
Minghao grins, leaning in closer to you. "Count on it," he murmurs, his voice low and husky as he brushes his lips against yours.
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atinystraynstay · 5 months
Tolerate It - Xu Minghao
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Synopsis: Watching the love of your life be with the wrong person should be classified as cruel and unusual torture. While you loved to see him smile, you hated the fact it was because of someone else.
Pairing: Xu Minghao x reader
Inspired by: Tolerate It - Taylor Swift
Genre: Angst - unconfessed feelings, arguments, jealousy, friends to lovers, ft. Wonwoo, Jun, and Mingyu
Word Count: 3.4k
Living in a city sometimes felt constricting. For the longest time, you always dreamed of living in a major city where there was always something going on. However, coming from home work to loud shouting, blaring car horns, and constant movement all around got overwhelming. And you weren't the only one that felt that way.
You were grateful for the opportunities thrown your way. However, sometimes you just wished you take a step into peace and quiet.
It was Minghao that suggested that everyone should take a trip to the woods. He found a company where you could rent out a company, which was perfect for you and your group of 14 friends. But it seems you miscounted. This whole time, you had no idea that Minghao was planning on bringing his girlfriend as his plus one. You didn't even know you were allowed plus ones!
At the moment, you were in the kitchen washing the dishes after the meal Minghao, Joshua, and Mingyu cooked up together. Minghao, Seokmin, Hoshi, and Cheol took it upon themselves to start a bonfire. They believed it was the only appropriate way to kickoff your weekend getaway. Well, Minghao wasn't helping much. He was more so keeping his girlfriend company, having his arms wrapped around her and holding her close. It made you sick to your stomach.
"You know, if you stare long enough, they might get an idea you're watching them like a hawk," Wonwoo commented.
You didn't even noticed he slipped into the kitchen. However, you noticed he had yellow rubber gloves on and was there to keep you company. To be honest, you wanted to dot he dishes by yourself to sort through your thoughts, but you knew Wonwoo was always a good person to confide in. You smiled appreciatively before stepping aside, allowing him to have access to the pile that filled the sink.
"So, I'm taking it you didn't know she was coming?" He asked. "No, not at all. I didn't know until I got out of Cheol's car," you confessed, a hint of sadness in your voice. "Trust me, none of us knew except Minghao. This was apparently his idea of trying to get us to meet her." "By tricking and trapping us here?"
You both shared a laugh at that idea. It made you feel a bit better that you weren't the only one blindsided. Normally, Minghao was so upfront with the group about his feelings, so you were confused why he's kept her hidden for so long. You only knew of her by him mentioning that he was going on a date with a new girl that Dino set him up with. And the poor maknae already got an earful from you.
"I always thought you two would end up together," Wonwoo commented.
His gaze was locked on the dishes submerged underneath the bubbly water. Your gaze was locked on him. Your eyes were a bit wide, not sure if you heard him correctly. However, he glanced out of his peripheral to see your eyes locked on him. "So you're not denying that you like him? Or did I just make things awkward because you guys are best friends?"
You were at a loss of words. How the fuck did Wonwoo figure it out? Who told him? Or were you that painfully obvious.
There was no denying that you had feelings for Minghao. How could he when he treated the world with kindness? How could anyone not be attracted to him when he looked like he was crafted by the Gods? His visuals and his heart of gold set your heart ablaze easily. But you two were friends. Nothing more, nothing less.
He made that part obvious by being with someone else.
Wonwoo let out a chuckle. Putting the last dish in the drying rack, he grabbed the towel to dry off his hands. "Don't worry, y/n. Your secret is safe with me," he vowed. He pressed a kiss to your forehead before he walked away, leaving you motionless in the kitchen.
Everyone was gathered outside in a small circle around the fire. Seugncheol and Hoshi looked at the fire with pride at the fire they created. All the rest of the guys were chatting, either drinking beer or coffee depending on the guy. You were sandwiched between Jun and Wonwoo.
Unfortunately, you had a front-row view of Minghao and his girlfriend. Her heart twitched with ache as she sat on his lap. Every few seconds, he would take the time to ensure the blanket was wrapped around her body.
"Stare long enough and he's going to notice," Wonwoo whispered. "Or worse, she might."
If you could, you'd hit him on the shoulder. But it would cause too much attention to the others, which knowing them, they'd pry until your secret was let out. You silently thanked him though as his voice caused you to turn your head.
"Could always just blame the fatigue from traveling." "Wow, look who is using their brain," Wonwoo teased.
You rolled your eyes before leaning back fully in the lawn chair. You had your legs curled up to your chest. Sure, you were decked out in sweatpants, a hoodie with a long sleeve shirt underneath, and a beanie, but it wasn't enough to keep you warm. The fire wasn't aiding at all.
"Geez, y/n. You're practically turning blue," Jun chimed in.
Before you could protest, you were being lifted into the man's lap. You stared up at him, disbelief that he actually moved you but also that he pulled off a move like that. Where was the shy boy you met a few years ago?
He winked at you before wrapping the blanket around you. You weren't sure where it had appeared from but then put two and two together when you saw a pouting Mingyu making his way back to the group from inside.
"Hey! That's not fair," he whined out. "Oh come on, Gyu. The baby is called," Jun called out, motioning down towards you.
Mingyu didn't even notice that you had migrated from your spot to Jun's lap. He softened his pout at the sight of you bundled up like a burrito, your face barely showing thanks to the beanie and dark blanket.
"Okay, you got me there. Y/n, is too adorable to get made at," Mingyu chuckled. He swiftly made his way back to his seat, placing himself where you used to sit which was beside Wonwoo. Much better for everyone. "Sweetheart, do you want a s'more? I'm a pro!"
You nearly popped out of Jun's lap in excitement at the offer. The guys around you laughed as Jun wrapped his arms around you, tightening his grip slightly so you wouldn't go rolling off of his lap.
"I'm taking that as a yes," Jun laughed before kissing the crown of your head.
Your eyes widened slightly at Jun's actions. You peered up at him but all he did was wink. Wonwoo was sitting back in amusement, as the rest of the group didn't really seem to blink twice at Jun's antics. Jun was the type of guy who opened up more as he got comfortable around people.
Yet, you couldn't help but ponder on it. Was it a friendly kiss? You couldn't deny the blush that was coating your cheeks as Jun openly showed rare affection in front of the rest of the group. Did it mean something more?
"Hold on, y/n, how do you like your marshmallows?" Your internal investigation was interrupted by Mingyu calling out to you. You turned over to see Mingyu trying to get the marshmallow to stick to the skewer. Fearing the worst, Wonwoo was on supervising duty.
"As gooey as possible! I don't want it to drop into the fire, but get really close," you smirked, knowing it would be a challenge for him. "Whatever the princess wants, she gets," he declared.
You and Jun chuckled as Mingyu got to work.
These were the moments that you longed for since the trip was proposed. For the first time since arrival, you felt relaxed. It helped that Jun was allowing you to curl in his lap like you were a cat.
For Minghao, this was a moment he didn't expect. His eyes were locked on you and Jun, trying to figure out the puzzle between the four - Jun, Mingyu, Wonwoo, and you. Was there something going on? Did he miss something? "Babe? Baby? Helloooo, Earth to Hao?"
He jumped as his girlfriend called out to him. She had a slight pout on her lips as she gazed up at him. Minghao blinked a couple to reorient himself before he finally looked down at the woman in his lap. Woah, I've never just zoned out like that before.
"I was telling you all about what Sasha told me the other day. Weren't you paying attention to me?"
Part of him longed to be apart of the group. I mean, that's how envisioned this trip going. He thought everyone could come together as one group, not break into two smaller groups. Sure, that happened sometimes with a group as large as this but he didn't think that would happen when they were all meant to be hanging out together now. But he didn't want to be a rude person, so he quickly shook his head.
"Sorry, sweetheart. I think the fatigue of driving today is starting to catch up to me."
She raised an eyebrow and just stared at him for a moment. It was like she was trying to decipher if he was lying or not. However, she just shrugged before talking more about her inner circle.
Has she even talked to my friends once since arriving? Did she even make an effort to do so?
It made Minghao curious, especially when you, his best friend, were able to easily blend into his friend group. He even thought you were better friends with some of the other guys than he was. But that was just a testament to what a great person you are.
One by one, the group began to dwindle and head inside for sleep. You were still outside with Jun, Mingyu, and Wonwoo whereas Minghao and his girlfriend were inside in the kitchen. He was probably making his nightly tea to help ease him to sleep.
"You're welcome, you know," Wonwoo announced.
Picking your head up off Jun's lap, you raised an eyebrow. You were getting sleepy yourself, so you were contemplating going inside or staying a bit longer. However, Wonwoo's statement woke you up and caught your attention.
Chuckling at your confused state, he sat up a bit straighter. Jun and Mingyu shared a knowing look which just further drew in your curiosity.
"Oh you know, for making Hao jealous?" Wonwoo explained. Your eyes widened as you glanced between the three guys before landing on Wonwoo. Your eyes narrowed on him, about to pounce but was eased down by Jun's hold. Note to self: never discredit Jun's strength again.
"You promised not to tell," you hissed. "Angel, it's not hard to put the pieces together," Mingyu added. "Yeah, I mean, we kind of knew you might have a thing for him but seeing you be a bit quieter around the two of them just confirmed."
You dramatically threw your head back. That's it. Your life is over.
"I think I speak for the rest of the guys when we thought you two would end up together."
Your head instantly sprung back. You groaned slightly from the head rush you caused yourself. Jun snickered before allowing his fingers to trace against your arm, comforting you.
"Don't just be mean and say shit like that, Jun." At least Wonwoo didn't deliberately spill your secret, I guess.
You just didn't know you were that obvious to the others.
"Y/n, I mean it. You guys have a special bond. Not only is it apparent that you care about him on a deep level, but he does for you too. I guess we all just thought you were close friends, but we all saw how your personality shifted when she started coming around." "But he's not into me, guys. If he was, he would have said something by now." "Do you think maybe he was waiting for you to say something first?"
You frowned slightly at that idea. I mean, as much as you were waiting for Minghao to confess, you could have confessed as well.
You looked over to see Jun and Wonwoo glaring at Mingyu between them. Mingyu was rubbing his arm, looking at you apologetically. The sight alone caused you to smile and relax a bit.
Deciding it was time to go inky ou tapped on Jun's arms. Getting the hint, he loosened his arms from around you so you could stand up. You stretched for a second.
"I guess we'll never know, boys. But what I do know is that I am exhausted and ready to shower to get the smoke smell off of me."
A chorus of goodnights echoed behind you as you said goodnight yourself and head towards the cabin. As much as you loved a good campfire, you didn't want to bring the smell in with you to bed.
Silently, you moved the sliding patio door to the right so you could slip in.
"I don't get why you are so distracted. Back in the city, you always have your attention on me." "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I also was hoping you would take this trip to get to know my friends? I don't want you to feel like you have to just talk to me." "So what? I'm not as important to you as your friends?"
Yikes. That wasn't what you were expecting to talk into you. You figured the house would be silent and you'd be the one making the most noise as you tried to navigate back to your room.
It got quiet as you quickly closed the patio door, not wanting to allow any chilly air or critters into the cabin. You turned around to be greeted by two pairs of eyes staring at you. One was trying to stare into your soul, almost as if she wanted to burn a hole right through you. The other was softer, almost apologetically and shameful.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. I'll see you both in the morning."
As quickly as possible, you scurried out of the kitchen as you desperately wanted to escape the tension inside.
"And you're still paying attention to other people more than you are wanting to pay attention to me!"
While you had your suspicions about what might be driving a wedge between the lovers, you didn't want to stick around and speculate. Now that you had a small group of supporters cheering for you and Minghao to find your way to each other, you were positive they'd fill in the dots if they also overheard anything.
Your priority right now was to get in the shower and curl back underneath the covers.
You jolted in your bed, your sleep interrupted but he sound of the slamming door. You were sure it had woken up the rest of the house too. Luckily for you and your nosey self, your bedroom window overlooked the front of the house. Quietly, you moved over towards the window.
To your surprise, Minghao's girlfriend was the one responsible for the noise. She had her pink duffle bag thrown over her shoulders. With no Minghao chasing after her. You watched as she climbed into the car already waiting for her, the smoke from the exhaust pipe lifting into the air.
Her voice was muffled but loud yet you couldn't make out the words that she was exchanging with the driver.
Where was Minghao? Was he okay?
You quickly got out of bed, but tried to be light on your feet. In a house of 13 men who were just as nosey as you, you had to be very quiet to not ring any silent alarms. You weren't really in the mood for a line of interrogation seeing that it was in the middle of the night.
Just as you were about to slip out of your room, you heard movement coming from the other side of the door. You halted your movement.
Knock knock knock
You were holding the breath you didn't even know you were holding. From underneath the door, you saw the shadow of two feet. Not much to indicate who was at your door.
"Y/n, I know you're up," Minghao said, his voice soft. He didn't sound angry or heartbreak, especially for a guy who's girlfriend (even if you could still call her that) stormed out of the vacation cabin.
It didn't take much longer for you to grasp the golden doorknob and twist it open.
Before you, you were greeted by the sight of Minghao. He was leaning against the doorway, wearing grey sweatpants and a matching grey hoodie. You were convinced Minghao was created by the universe as an apology for the patriarchy.
"You couldn't have made things easier for me?"
You stepped back, allowing Minghao into your room. He nodded before walking in, heading towards your bed. He sat on the edge but leaned back on his elbows. He was almost too calm for your liking.
Knowing that the other boys may have been alerted by Minghao's presence, you quickly closed the door behind you from prying eyes. You looked at him curiously, your heart pounding. Make what easier for him?
"I may be your best friend, but I am not qualified to be your couples' therapist," you said. "Come on, y/n. I know you're into me. Or are you really going to tell me you are into my best friend without telling me?"
Caught redhanded. Dammit.
You opened your mouth to try to defend yourself but nothing was coming out. Your lack of a response confirmed his suspicions, and actually made him believe Jeonghan who had overheard your conversation with Wonwoo earlier in the kitchen.
"Come here, darlin,'" he called out to you.
Without thinking about it, you made your way over towards the man presented on your bed. With each step towards him, your heart pounded faster. It didn't help that he had his eyes trained on you the entire time.
"I thought best friends weren't supposed to lie to each other," he frowned. "I wouldn't say it was necessarily a lie, Hao."
He scoffed as a playful smile was adorn on his lips. Once you were close enough to him, he pulled you in close. You were standing in between his legs as he peered up at you. His hands slowly began moving up and down your arms.
"But you weren't quite exactly truthful with me. How long did you think you could go without confessing to me?" "As long as possible if it meant keeping our friendship." With one hand on your wrist, the other hand moved up to tuck the loose strands of your hair behind your ear. "Good thing I don't want to be your friend anymore."
You swore you could hear your heart shatter into a million pieces at the statement. What did his girlfriend, or whoever she was now, say to him? "Because I don't think friends can do this."
Pulling gently on your wrist, Minghao seemingly eliminated any space between the two of you. He pulled you close enough so your knee hit your bed before leaning up to kiss you. You couldn't even resist. This was what you always wanted, to be his.
You kissed him back, gently moving so his back hit the bed and you were on top of him. Minghao smiled into the kiss, clearly happy about the reciprocation. His hand left your wrist to hold your way, the other cradling your face. You didn't even have time to move your hands onto him before he moved you over so he laid beside you.
The only sound in the room was the sound of your lips smacking against his. He was just as good of a kisser as you imagined.
Slowly, you pulled back. He offered a gentle smile as you did the same, but he could see there was something on your mind.
"You don't need to worry. I ended things with here. She pointed out that I was eyeing you all night, in the way maybe a best friend shouldn't," he confessed.
Your hands gently moved to cup his face. Hearing that news, you couldn't help but let your smile grow wider.
"Now who was the one who could've made things easier?" You teased.
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yveaart · 3 months
you know other girls? — w seventeen pu !!
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he was talking about buying a tiger pajama at the local department store
his eyes growing wider with determination, trying to persuade you to go matching with him
“soonyang would’ve never said no to me” he said sulking, slowly trying to guilt trip you into the purchase
“who’s soon— you know other women?”
it was your time to steal the tiger gaze from him, because whatever this was, you made him feel like prey.
“THEN BUY THEM WITH HER THEN” you stormed out
“so i can buy them?” he slightly grinned
he was talking about good dancers and how he would like to work with them, and even create his own little projects
“oh i heard that she was good at b-boyin-“
“she? mhm..”
he sat there closing his eyes as if it would prove anything to you.
“so you know other women huh?” you snickered at him
“no baby i only know you” he told you as he almost went on his knees
“no no no no, you never bow. anyways you can’t dance with me anyway” you laughed at him
“so i went to a nail tech since i want to see how they do my nails, and i heard there would be some awesome charms as well”
he was so excited explaining his new set while showing you his nails as he told you the story
“she did it so well, we should go together next time”
he was really happy about it, but what if you just
“she? you know other women?” you looked up to his eyes
his eyes was shocked and reverted to his “wtf is this bitch on” face
“literally more than half the globe are women, we all came from women. if i asked you if you know other men would you forget about your father?!” he was on a rampage
“hao i was kidding, these sets are gorgeous” you gave him a toothy grin to stop him from scolding you
“i got this other project, for another drama but the company is still signing contracts”
“omg that’s great, i’m so proud of you” you said genuinely
but something in you didn’t want to let junhui go in peace 😁
“i requested for less kissing scenes…. because you know..” he was getting a little bit shy, he just wanted to tell you that he didn’t like doing them but it was part of his job
“kissing? what do you mean? you know other women??” you could pull up your own acting skills just to give him a little scare
“wha- i- no..?” he was so confused to say the least, now you just started giggling at him
“i’m kidding, i trust you baby” you smiled at him
and he does deserve that trust because you heard from his manager that he’s been wiping his lips every time a kissing scene ends and says “i’m so sorry y/n” three times after that☹️
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jae-bummer · 1 year
Blocked Contacts
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Request: can you please do #15 with a protective hao? like he gets snarky with the ex and drops his funny one liners. thank yooou! :)
15) You and your bias run into your ex.
Pairing: Seventeen The8 x Reader
Genre: Fluff/Angst
TW: Ex repeatedly contacting Y/N and showing up at their apartment.
Days off with Minghao were few and far between. With your opposing schedules and general life responsibilities, it was seldom you were both sharing your small apartment at the same time. When days free of responsibilities presented themselves, it was usually a gift.
Today, however, was not.
Cursing to yourself, you shut your laptop and pushed it away. You knew a disgusted expression was plain on your face as you looked up to Minghao who was casually eating his morning yogurt.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he said calmly, dragging his spoon along the bottom of the container.
"I don't know," you sighed, dropping your face into your palms.
He remained silent, the sound of metal hitting glass the only thing in the kitchen.
"If I do, I'm worried I'll get mad, and honestly, I don't want to waste that energy on him," you grumbled.
"Him?" Hao asked, trying to keep his tone casual, but you knew his curiosity had been piqued.
"My ex," you muttered, finally lifting your head. "THE ex."
"Ah," he hummed, looking back to his food. "What's he up to?"
"No idea, but he tried to message me."
"Sudden shortage of children to steal candy from?" he smirked. "Absolutely no puppies left to kick?"
"Hao," you chuckled, shaking your head. "He's not a cartoon villain."
"Forgive me, love," he sighed, leaning over to kiss you on the temple. Moving toward the sink, he dropped his spoon and spun back to face you. "But I've never met the man, so I have to go off of what you've told me."
"I hadn't realized I was giving such glowing reviews," you mused.
"Come here," Hao grinned, extending his arms, complete with grabby hands.
Narrowing your eyes at him, it took only a moment to give in. Shuffling over, you slid against his thin frame, and wrapped your arms around his waist. Nuzzling into his chest, you let out a content sigh as he rested his arms on your shoulders.
He kissed your scalp before setting his chin there. "Why are you so bothered?"
"Why aren't you?"
Hao had never been particularly jealous. He was confident in who he was, as well as your feelings for him. In his head, he had nothing to worry about, so why let an emotion as petty as jealousy creep in when he could keep it locked down?
That being said, he was human, and had gone off of his peaceful rails on occasion. This mostly happened when it came to your attention. If someone was actively trying to take away your time with him, he would have a problem with it. You were his. He had no patience for anyone who acted adversely to that.
"If I was bothered by every man who sought out to contact you, I would be incessantly grumpy," he hummed. You could hear the smile in his voice. "And at this point, I'd likely want nothing to do with any of my members and I'd be planning their demise right now."
"I kind of assumed you were planning one of their impending dooms at any given time," you teased.
"Now who's the cartoon villain?"
"Y/N," Minghao sighed, looking over his shoulder at you.
"Oh, so the noise is bothersome?" you laughed, dropping your phone on the coffee table. "I thought you had lost your hearing."
Pausing the program he was watching, Hao pivoted himself to face you instead of the television. "I know this is a novel idea, but have you heard of manner mode?"
"I know this is a novel idea, but have you heard of me not giving a shit?" you smirked. Pointing to your phone accusingly, you added. "Plus, I'm not the problem here."
"Well, you have my attention now," he accepted. "What's up?"
"I didn't respond to the message I got this morning," you reported. "So, homie apparently got ahold of my number somehow."
"Then block him."
"You, my love, are a genius," you beamed. "But don't you think I did that?"
Minghao rolled his eyes before scooting closer to you and picking up your phone. His face immediately warped with shock. "What is this?"
"All of the numbers he's created to contact me," you continued. "There's been at least ten at this point."
"Who does that?" he gasped, scrolling up and down. Clicking into a message, he began to read. "Why can't we just talk, Y/N? It's been so long. I've changed."
"Apparently not enough to realize I don't want to talk to him," you muttered, crossing your arms.
"Maybe it's time we start locking down you phone," Hao sighed, placing your phone back down as it continued to vibrate.
"Locking down my phone?" you asked, furrowing your brow.
Minghao pinched the bridge of his nose before continuing. "Yeah, it's common amongst idols. If someone isn't in your contacts, your phone simply will not allow them to call you."
"What about doctor's appointments?" you questioned, feeling increasingly nauseous about the new security suggestion. "Or if someone gets a new number? What am I supposed to do then? I don't have a manager to handle those types of things, Hao."
"I know," he groaned. "It was just a thought."
"Why should I have to change my life because he's an asshole?" you grumbled. "Isn't there anything we can do?"
"Short of what?" Hao chuckled, obviously frustrated. You hated that you were making this a problem for him too. Hated even more that you knew he wanted to protect you but didn't quite know how. "What do you want me to do? Hunt him down and beat some sense into his brainless head?"
"I mean, that wouldn't be entirely unappealing," you joked.
"Right," he deadpanned. "Your old boyfriend is a psychopath, and your new boyfriend is in jail for assault."
"You pretty much have a built-in gang," you grinned. "Surely at least Mingyu would be down to-"
"Kidding!" you gasped, winding your body around his. "I just want him to go away."
Hao immediately melted into you, always the first to comfort when things were going sideways. "Want to order take out and forget outside communication exists?"
"That sounds lovely," you sighed. "I'll close my eyes and let you hide my phone."
"Perfect," he smiled. "No promises that I'll remember where I put it though."
"Even better."
You wiggled from side to side on the couch, contentment flooding through your bones. Minghao had wrapped you up in one of your softest blankets and put on one of your favorite reality shows before cuddling beside you. "I'm not sure why you watch this."
"And yet here you are," you hummed. "Brain rotting beside mine."
"I do it because I love you," he sighed. "But also, who is that? And why is the other girl yelling at him?"
"I can restart the episode, Hao," you laughed.
"No, no," he muttered, crossing his arms. He was quiet for a moment before he furrowed his brows. "Why would she do that?"
"Okay, I'm restarting-"
*Buzzzzzz* *Buzz Buzz*
"Is that the food?" you gasped, whipping your head toward your boyfriend. He grinned back before springing up.
"My food," he cackled. "Who said I was sharing?"
"Hao!" you gasped.
Giggling to himself, he began unlocking the handful of locks on the door before pulling it open. Swinging yourself around, you peeked over the back of the couch, eager to see what he had picked. Instead, you were surprised when he kept the door cracked and angled himself to hide whoever was on the other side.
"Well," you heard him say calmly. "This isn't my delivery."
"Who are you?"
If you hadn't continued breathing, you would have assumed your heart stopped. How had he found you? Better yet, how did he find the audacity to show up to where you lived with your new partner?
"I'm the person who lives here," Hao said slowly. "Do you have my chicken order or no?"
You knew that Hao was fully aware of what your ex-boyfriend looked like. He was simply toying with him at this point.
"Where's Y/N?"
You felt dizzy with anxiety. Why would he show up here? Sure, he was a supreme jerk when you had dated, but you never thought him capable of his behavior today.
"Who?" Hao asked, his voice all innocence. If you weren't hiding in the living room, fearing for your life, you would kiss him.
"I know they're here, man," your ex insisted. "Just let me see them."
"I have no idea who you're talking about," Hao said plainly. "They have a pretty name though."
If you were in better spirits, you would have giggled.
"Just-" you heard your ex begin to struggle as if he was attempting to move Hao out of the way, but your boyfriend stood firm.
"I would think before trying that again," Minghao said quietly, his tone venomous.
"I just..." your ex trailed helplessly. "I messed up. I want to make it right. I took time and realized that I really love Y/N."
"What's your name?" Hao asked, tilting his head.
"Jae," your ex said quietly.
"Funny," Minghao hmphed. "I haven't heard your name leave their lips. Not once. Plenty of other things though, my name included. Mostly in the dead of night, often loud enough for the neighbors to hear."
"So they're here?" Jae perked up.
You could hear Minghao sigh in defeat. Clearly, the bone head wasn't listening to him.
"They must have forgotten all about you," he said slowly. "Pity."
Backing away from the door, Hao slowly began to shut it. "I'll make one thing clear, so if you're going to clean the shit out of your ears and listen, now is the time. If you're not off my doorstep by the time my food delivery gets here, I will be calling the police.
And if you don't stop contacting Y/N, I'll make sure you'll have bigger problems than getting arrested."
"Are you threatening me?"
"I don't know what you mean," Hao said lightly, the door only open a few inches now.
"You just said-"
"You must have misheard," Hao sighed. "Anyways, tata, have a nice day."
Slamming the door and locking it immediately, Hao spun to look at you. "Baby?"
Having ducked back onto the couch, you tried to reclaim any semblance of calm. "Yeah?"
"You okay?"
Taking a deep breath, you popped up again and attempted a smile. "I think so?"
"I'm sorry," Hao said, immediately crossing the room toward you. Pulling your face toward his torso, he hugged your head while you were still sitting.
"What do you have to be sorry for?" you asked, looking up at him. He had done so much for you in the past day, let alone since you had been together. You didn't know if you could possibly love him any more than you did in this moment.
"That was the last thing I wanted you to have to experience," he sighed. You could tell the exchange had shaken him up more than he wanted to admit.
"Well," you said, looking up at him through your lashes. "You were extremely hot."
"Was I?" he chirped, tilting his head.
"Being assertive suites you," you grinned.
"Unfortunate," he hummed. "Because I wasn't a fan."
"That's fine," you said happily, burying your face into his stomach. "I wouldn't have you any other way."
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bitchlessdino · 1 year
TPC: Minghao is the master of Beer Pong
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Pairing: Minghao x afab!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 1.5k
tags: cocky!minghao, manhandling, oral (reader giving), rough, fingering, wall stuff, choking (on cock and without), balls in mouth 😭, cum swallowing, dirty talk, heavy degradation, praise kink, unprotected sex, creampie
Summary: Winning a game of beer pong is no easy feat, so he insists he and his pong partner finds the nearest closet to celebrate.
author note: did i have a plan for this? no. but enjoy minghao being a menace
Tag list: @iwouldbangchan @1uvlywon @just-here-to-read-01 @candidupped @minnie-mouser22 @shiningstar-byulxx @90s-belladonna @misssugarlips @tommolex @hoeforhao @homerunhansol @dkakapizzaboy @junhui-recs @svtup @buffhoshi @meowmeowminnie @caratochan @lovebot4han @lovelyhan @gibbysupremeacyisreal @cuntdino
Losing is not an option for Xu Minghao, even if you are his beer-pong partner.
Beer pong to most is a mere drinking game, but to Minghao, it is one of the many things he could brag about being good at and he likes knowing that he’s better at things than some people. It is simply his vice.
He admits when you volunteered to play a game as his partner, he was the slightest bit worried you’d skew his unusually positive results, but he’s Xu Minghao. He did exactly what needed to be done and as expected, his reputation precedes him. 
He was launching balls like a skilled master, landing every shot when it was his turn, filling every one of the opposing cups in pristine precision. Eventually, he is nothing short of a victory, and a victory meant a reason to celebrate.
“S-shit, you’re so much better than imagined you’d be.” 
Your hands are flushed around his girth, while your mouth is unremorseful as you cover every inch. His body relaxed on the wall behind him, heavily depending on the single lightbulb above your heads to focus on your glossy gaze that stares back at him in hunger.
Usually, beer isn’t enough to get Minghao’s mouth running, so that impelled him to make the game a bit more interesting by adding kaoliang liquor in a few of the cups. Not that it mattered when he started drinking straight from the bottle. You, however–a lightweight having your fair share of losses–drank two or three of the cups, resulting lack of inhibition when it came to your beer-pong partner, who couldn’t look more edible than the microwave burritos you were also craving.
He throws leisure jerks back at your throat, guiding you with his fingers through your hair that is wrapped in knots around his knuckles. The initial pain from the grip subsides with his filthy praises as he fully darkened glower watches you take him inch by inch. You muffle your moans in your venture, nails digging into the flesh of his thigh, and in the right light, Minghao can catch the delectable glisten of your drool falling out the corner of your lips.
“That’s right. You want to drain my balls down your throat, don’t you, filthy slut?”
Minghao isn’t himself with the alcohol in his system–or so he is rationalizing in his head–so the dirty talk is all coming from his ass, but if he knew any better, he’d think you’re enjoying it. A smile stretches so wide on your face, a giggle can’t help but escape from his. He adores seeing you work so hard, especially for his benefit.
He sees and feels your head bob in response, and in turn, he groans, thrusting back into your narrow pipe. His balls hit your chin, plugging the entry of oxygen, and your mascara runs down your cheeks from tears that finally shed.
“You’re taking my cock so fucking well,” his thrusts get harder, pushing himself down deeper, and the whines suppressed around him release in vibrations up his length. Minghao shudders violently. “Fuck, you little…stupid…slut…”
It’s interesting how bad you are at beer pong considering you quite literally are taking him balls deep, puffing your cheeks up similarly to a chipmunk storing away nuts in their mouth. It is impressive, shocking, yet so enthralling. He holds you by the back of your head, stilling your mouth over his entire structure, and his thick, viscous cum runs hot down your throat. He clenches his abdomen, holding you down, and still fucking your mouth until breathing becomes a foreign action even through your nose.
You cough when Minghao pulls out of you, his cum trailing down your chin and neck. He makes sure you're okay, pulling you up from the ground. The warmth in his eyes gives you whiplash, having you nod without even considering what words had left his lips. It’s in that split second before he pins your chest against the wall, hand cushioning against your ass.
“Think it’s your turn. Time for your reward.”
The tip of his digit glides up the curve of your posterior before his entire hand rams down your pants and tugs them off to expose your bare cheeks. The draft within the closet you’ve hidden away hits your skin before Minghao’s palm does, making yelp from the stinging of your flesh. You latch forward to the wall you’re embracing, his digit gliding over your arousal-moist lips and coating himself in a thin film.
“Shit, my cock made you that wet? How cute.” He swats your ass again, his moist thick lips catching the nape of your neck.
You moan his name, drunken and horny, and that same digit plunges into your core as his body presses against you. You feel his cock—once depressed from climaxing—start to inflate again and nudge against your back. You’re trembling, but don’t fear what’s to occur.
“Aren’t you glad we won,” he asks, pushing another finger inside. His knuckles press into the plush of your ass, the distance closing between him and your g-spot. You gasp, clenching around him desperately. Sounds of anguish overtake you as he bites against your neck, fingers competing with the speed of light. “You get to have me finger fuck you just. Like. this. That’s what you wanted, isn't it? Have you come apart around my fingers after you’ve eaten my cum?”
You swallow your affirmations, embarrassment written all over your face until he slams you forward, and your burning cheeks squish harder against the cold wall in front of you.
“You’re not going to answer me? Slut?”
“Yes.” You manage to breathe out.
He scoffs. “You gonna be a good slut and take my cock after you’ve had your fun?”
“Y-yes, Minghao.”
His breath is hot against your neck, pace accelerating. “So. Obedient.”
You can feel his smile send shivers down your spine, crying his name while you are whimpering for more. You’ve become one with the wall and don’t remember a life before it, too lust blind to focus on anything else. Meanwhile, Minghao memorizes every sound you make, determined to ingrain it into his internal storage for future occurrences to reference. His mind boggles at the kind of specimen you are, so malleable and edible he wants to make every part of you shake with ecstasy. He’d kill to be the one to give you the most intense orgasm you’d ever have and he is eager to try.
He withdraws his fingers when you’re seconds away from climaxing and replaces them with his cock, fucking yours at the same pace his fingers once did. “Hao!”
Your whimpers come out high-pitched to the point of nearly shattering glass if any existed in this cramped space. Minghao’s chest—completely gotten bare without ever getting noticed—burns against your skin. You feel the slickness of his tongue run up your neck before claiming your lips, his free hand forcing you to turn your head to him by your chin.
“That’s right, you take my cock,” he mumbles. Hot pants leave his tired body, but his legs not showing him giving out. His body slammed your front harder against the wall, so hard already imaging the type of bruises he’s left behind. “You like me…fucking you deep and hard…just like this?”
“Yes, yes,” You squeak, your body not even getting a second to take a break from his manhandling.
Although he was lean, he was toned, powerful, and had a grip stronger than any industrial glue in existence. The strength Minghao had in his arms and thrusts were unlike anything you expected and you couldn’t be happier to find out you were wrong.
“Pussy so good and wet for me, Shit.”
Although it feels amazing how he handles you, you crave harsher treatment, one that would leave you sore the following day and immobile the next. Knowing Minghao’s ego, all he needed was little encouragement. He couldn’t risk ending without a proper burial of him inside you. “Fuck me harder, please…I need more, let your cock give me more…I want you spilling inside me please.”
“Greedy little fuck,” he says through gritted teeth and forces himself to take faster strokes, now holding you by the neck.
The pressure of his fingers digs into the column of your neck and works its way to cutting off your airways. You claw at the walls, your eyes begin to roll back to your skull, and clenching for dear life as you take in his vigor. It hurts, it’s bliss, it’s heaven.
“Stupid. Fucking. Slut.”
You cum without warning, gushing around his length warmth, pushing your ass up against him with a low groan. That was his breaking point. Vulgar words escape the same way as his fat climax does, harsh and unforgiving, he fills your inside like it’s his canvas. All you can feel is pure heat and your legs begin to buckle before he holds you back up, caressing your legs. 
“Shit,” you mutter, hand over your chest feeling your heart. “That…that was good.”
There’s a lingering silence and somehow you’re able to sense the tension in his form. “Good. Just good.”
“Great, Hao. It was great,” you emphasize.
“Well, good if you think that was great, but we’re not done. I’m not done.”
“But hao–”
“I said I’m. Not. Done. Not until I give you the best damn orgasm you’ve ever had.” He presses you up against the wall in that familiar way, dark eyes glaring back at you determination, fueled by spite.
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jaemified · 11 months
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SNOWED IN ! - xu minghao [MASTERLIST]
“whos the cute barista on the second floor?”
pairing; barista!hao x receptionist!fem reader
genre; smau, fluff, drama, forced proximity, enemies to lovers kinda (haos uninterested at first)
warnings; swearing, drinking
[estimated] wordcount; 4-6k total
status; on hold! [7.25.23-0.00.00]
synopsis; when an unexpected storm comes over seoul, you and all of your coworkers are snowed in your workplace with no way out, yet you want to make the most of whatever time you have with minghao.
updates; every saturday-monday! (bare w me</3)
notes - tbh theres gonna be a lot more writing parts then a typical smau would have
- profiles !
the baristas | the waiters | the clerks
- chapters !
i ) first time?
ii ) indirectly direct
iii ) forced proximity
iv ) easily annoyed
v ) are you even trying?
vi ) spilled wine (secrets)
vii ) everyones talking about one chance
viii ) free from the snow not the heart
ix ) uncertain realizations
x ) we love cliches [FIN.]
view teaser below the cut !
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serenhoshi · 2 years
𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
Feeling angsty here ;) 
For context: You and your s/o have the biggest fight you’ve ever had since you know each other (even before getting married). You’re tired and want to go out to clear up your mind, taking off your ring in the process. He sees it and...reactions below :))
He’d get more angry than anything. Visibly upset as well, he’d point at the ring while staring straight into your soul with a callous tone. 
“What do you think you’re doing right now? Why did you take it off?? I’m not done right now, you’re not leaving. Put it back on.”
As angry as Seungcheol, clearly. But doesn’t show it as much. His stare would be neutral, so you’d have no idea of what hes thinking about. Maybe a bit whinier than Seungcheol? But overall he’d say similar things.
“What are you doing this? Huh? Take it back, you have to wear it.”
You taking off your ring would make all his anger vanish INSTANTLY. He’d stare in shock and not say anything for a few seconds, his face visibly paler than before. Then he’d get close to you, his head moving from left to right as a no motion, taking the ring and puttin it back on you. His voice shakes a bit, and is way softer.
“Don’t do this, please. Let’s talk through this calmly, I’m sorry.”
It would take him some time to realize what you had done, you were already putting your shoes on when he woke up from his trance. He’d block the door with his body, ring in hand. He wouldn’t know what to say yet, it would take some time for him to arrange his thoughts correctly. But he knew that he wouldn’t let you leave, not like that.
“You forgot this, please stay..”
It’s kinda hard to guess how he’d react tbh. On one hand he could get angrier, screaming at you and pursuing you to put the ring back on your finger himself. On the other hand he’d be like Joshua, cooling down instantly, and begging you to stay with him to think about this together. You chose which one seems the best to you.
“Please please please wait- don’t go, i swear i’ll do better!”
Probably the first one to leave the room, he’d lock himself up in your shared bedroom, and would most likely cry because he simply doesn’t know how to handle things. After some time he’d go back to the living room, and would see your ring, set on the table. He’d automatically call you, fidgeting the ring in his hand, completely stressed out.
“Y/n? Where are you?? Should I come pick you up? Please come back, we should try to talk about it, please.”
He would act as if he didn’t care, but deep inside hes so scared. He’d let you leave so you get some time to cool down, but when he saw you take off your ring he automatically felt tears blur his vision. You get no news from him while you’re out, he’d lock himself in his studio, occupying his mind while producing music. You see each other once he gets back home from the studio.
“Hey,, I think we should talk, don’t you?”
Wouldn’t let you take the damn ring off. He’d rush over to you and grab your hands to provide you from it. He’ll look at your straight in the eyes -and that’s when you notice that he started crying- and apologize, so SO many times. His voice is shaky and he caresses the back of your hands while begging for you to stay with him.
“I am so, so sorry for my behavior, please forgive me, i’m so sorry, i love you so much, please stay, i’m sorry.”
He’d react a bit like Woozi; he’d give you time to cool down, for him as well. It’s very rare that you get into bit arguments, you normally just talk things out but here it heated up quickly. In contrary to Woozi, he’d text you, maybe after an hour or so, to know where you are and if you’re safe. Once you get back home you actually have a calm talk as you did in the past.
"I’m glad you came back, I was really worried”
Dokyeomie would cry his eyes out. This poor man was conflicted between anger, sadness, and fear. He wanted to prevent you from leaving, so bad, but his ego and bitter anger wanted to make him ignore you, and give you the silent treatment. Out of all the members he’d be the hardest one to make up with, he thinks ignoring you and sulking is the better solution because time will calm everything down. You’re the one who will come up to him to talk, but if you don’t have your ring on then he refuses to talk.
He automatically takes your hands in his to prevent you from taking your ring off, looking at you straight in the eyes. Any trace of anger has disappeared, and he looks sincere, calm, almost soothing. He’ll bring you to the sofa so you both sit down and let the tension disappear. He won’t force you to talk, you both can stay silent, as long as you’re both here and you cool down.
“I’m sorry for everything. Let’s just calm down and not do anything we might regret, okay?”
He’d continue his angry speech even when you took your ring off, setting it on the kitchen counter. He’d take the ring and follow you closely, putting himself between you and the door. He’d stare at you, his eyes dark and visibly fuming with rage. He’d take you hand and forcebly put the ring back on your finger. Then he’d talk, his voice a bit calmer, but still showing irritation.
“Don’t take it off. You annoy me very much right now but not enough to divorce. I still love you a lot.”
Would stop talking and his face would get pale, worry taking place on his face. He’d run to you at the entrance of the appartment, and trap you against him. His arms placed around your waist and his face in the crook of your neck. He’d cry a bit, and whisper apologies.
“I’m sorry, please don’t leave me, i love you, please stay”
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lil-elle · 6 months
Sorry this took so long omg 😭
8TURN First Kisses
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pairs: 8turn x gn!reader
genre: crushes/pining, fluff, first kiss
word count: 1.3k
content: kissing
a/n: ahhajbwvusbusuvevu theyre so cute ☹️
Would be determined. Knows what he wants and knows how to get it
But he'd also be a gentleman, his lips approaching yours slowly a day giving you a chance to pull away if it's not what you want
Right before his lips touch yours he'd whisper “Can I?” and if you nod or say yes, his lips would be pressed to yours so fast
Definitely a good kisser. Seems like he'd have experience. The way his lips move gently against yours, not too aggressive but with a slight neediness to them, would just drive you insane and have you gripping his shirt
He wouldn't do it for too long, wanting to take things slow and make sure he doesn't overwhelm you. Would just smile and rub his thumbs against your red cheeks once you two pull away
Definitely a little shy. Probably trembling slightly and maybe stuttering a little as he approaches your face and asks for permission to keep going
One he gets that permission, his kiss would start slow, his hands sliding up to hold each side of your face as he melts against your lips
Would just love being able to feel the heat on your cheeks and your heartbeat, reassuring him that he's not the only one that was nervous and excited for this
Would be short and sweet, he's just so respectful :((( would just smile happily at you making you just die because he's so charming and precious
This is just the first kiss though. By the time you get to your second kiss he'd definitely have found his confidence, kissing you firmer and letting his hands sit on your waist or hips
It'd come so naturally. You'd just be joking about something together while hanging out, or shoving each other playfully, giggling. Suddenly he'd pull you towards him and his lips would be on yours, still smiling as he kisses you
You'd just immediately melt into it, so comfortable that you wouldn't even hesitate before reciprocating
He'd wrap his arms comfortably around you and your hands would rest against his chest as his lips press softly to yours over and over
After pulling away, he'd tease the hell out of you, calling you cute from blushing so hard and kissing your red cheeks and nose
You'd just tease him back, saying that he's the one that couldn't hold back from kissing you and he's the one with a face redder than a chilli pepper. Your jokes would just leave both of you giggling again and your lips would find each other again not very long after
He'd definitely have taken you out on a super romantic dinner date. Either that or invited you over where he'd set up his own romantic dinner in his living room. Candles lit, soft music playing, rose petals. The set up would have you giggling from how cliche it is
You'd sit down, eat and just chat. Making jokes, him saying little cheesy pick up lines every now and then. You'd catch him looking lovingly at you when you giggle, making your heart race
He'd eventually ask you to dance, and it'd start slow but suddenly it'd be like a whole tango and he's dipping you, leaning over you and pressing his lips hard and clumsily to yours
It'd be quick but leave your lips tingling, staring up at him with stars in your eyes as he blushes a bit from the dramatic display
You'd sit back down and eat dessert but it's like the whole atmosphere between you would've changed. Suddenly you're both hyper, loud, chatty, and just so comfy and happy together
It'd definitely be while you two are on a romantic walk or something, strolling alone together through the cool evening breeze, his hand eventually creeping into yours and intertwining your fingers
He'd suddenly stop and turn to you, grabbing your other hand and pulling you against his chest. He'd slowly look down at your lips, making sure you noticed and you'd be quick to close your eyes, picking up the hint
He wouldn't waste any time placing the most perfect, soft, romantic kiss to your lips, being respectful about taking things slow but his lips still moving against yours in a way that showed you he was needy
He wouldn't go too far being out in public, but once you get back to the dorm he'd be kissing you again in more of a way he wanted to, whispering to you how he's loved you for so long, his hands on your waist
The only reason he'd stop is because another member would catch you two, making you embarrassed and making haemin secretly annoyed
He seems quite handsome and smooth on the outside, but one the inside he'd be so shy and nervous, almost forcing you to make a move because he simply wouldn't
His hands would be shaky but he'd be trying to play off his nervousness with charming words in his deep voice, the shake in his voice and red tint on his face giving away his true feelings
His breathing would get heavy as you lean closer, starting to close your eyes. He's so nervous because it's actually his first kiss, despite him seemingly like he'd be popular with the ladies
It'd be so perfectly clumsy, his lips slightly off centre to yours as his hands pat your arms, making you blush even harder
When he pulls away, he wouldn't be able to say anything at all, just stare, dazed. His brain would be in overdrive, trying to calm himself down while also screaming on the inside. When he finally snaps out of it, he'd bring your hand up to his lips, staring into your eyes as he kisses your knuckles and confesses
Wouldn't even do it on purpose. You'd just be talking to him and he'd tease you and you'd pout. He'd think you're so cute, he'd just grab your face and start planting kissed all over it, his finally kiss landing on your lips and causing you to squeak in shock
He's not a bad kisser either. You'd think he must've watched lots of videos on how to kiss, your train of thought then wandering to the possibility of him wanting to kiss you for a while
When he finally pulls away, you're stunned and watch as he slowly realises what he just did. He'd be frantically apologising, trying to explain himself with a face so red you fear he might have a fever. It'd be so charming, so him
You'd grab him by the collar, pulling him down to you and kissing him again, his eyes going wide at your sudden bold action
When you pull away, he's the one that's dazed, but in the end you both ended up incredibly red and embarrassed, staring at each other in silence
He's just a little guy with a little crush ☹️🤏His kiss would be so completely cute and innocent, soft and gentle, his hands shaking with nervousness and his whole face bright red
It'd be so sweet though, a kiss that makes you really feel so loved. Afterwards he'd be shy for a moment before proceeding to absolutely litter your face with kisses
He'd kiss your forehead, nose, cheeks, chin, jaw, all over your face. He'd just be so overwhelmed with his love for you, his heart beating in a way he's never felt before
I fear he'd also become quickly addicted, sneaking tiny pecks from you whenever he could.
You and all the members would just be all together. You'd be on the couch watching TV and suddenly he'd come up behind you, his arms around your shoulders, and start talking so lowly in your ear with his deep voice. He'd ask you about something trivial like what you want to eat before turning your face to give a peck to your lips. The members would just be so completely shocked. Their cute little maknae????? Doing that?????
@hyunromi @chocoeon @hyunukitty @minjaezed @ihyeokzu @cake1box @chiiyuuvv
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thedensworld · 10 days
People's Person | X.Mh
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Pairing: The8 x reader
Genre: angst, fluff
Summary: You never had a person. You were always be the people's person.
Note: The8 refers as Seo Myunho
Welcome to the #densworld Minghao🤍🌼
You had to walk from the office today. On your way to the bus stop, your stuff was robbed—your phone, wallet, and bag were gone. Exhausted, you didn't have the energy to chase after the pickpocket, especially after being scolded by your anger-issues-ridden manager. Today, you lost everything, and it seemed like even the heavens wanted everyone to know by throwing down the rain.
Wet and tired, you trudged back to your apartment. You stood in front of your unit, unsure of what to do as you entered the passcode for the third time, but the door still wouldn't open. You leaned in and rested your forehead against the door, weakly banging on it in frustration. A tear escaped your eye, soon followed by another, until they were streaming down your face in a marathon of sorrow. You sobbed quietly, sad and cold, with the clock pointing to 11 p.m. You desperately needed rest.
Your body slid down to the floor as you reflected on the day. You woke up late and were mocked by your toxic colleague. Your manager kept asking you to revise your design just because he was having a bad day and you seemed like the perfect punching bag. You got robbed and soaked on the way home. This couldn't be worse.
As your sobs subsided, you stood up and noticed someone watching you from the side. It was your next-door neighbor, standing in front of his unit with a canvas in his hand—the painter next door. You wiped away your tears and bowed politely to him. As you considered crashing at a friend's house, still deciding who to call, you began to walk away slowly, sighing as your feet throbbed with pain.
"Hey," he called out, stopping you in your tracks.
He hesitated before speaking again. "I don't know if it's proper to ask, but I can't just let you go in this condition." He motioned toward your drenched clothes and tear-streaked face. "How about drying your clothes at my place? Or maybe a cup of warm tea? I could call building maintenance about your door; something seems wrong with it."
You blinked at his offer, unsure of what to say or do. He looked at you for a moment longer before quickly shifting his eyes and hurrying to open his unit.
"If—if you're not comfortable being with me, I can step out for a while. Or... or maybe if you still want to go, you can take my umbrella." He handed you his umbrella quickly.
You looked at the umbrella, torn. Deep down, you wanted to dry your clothes more than anything; that would be the most comfortable thing at the moment. And a warm cup of tea sounded heavenly. But he also handed you the umbrella, making you wonder if he preferred you to leave. You thought for a while before shifting your eyes back to his.
He gasped and quickly took the umbrella back. "No... You can dry your clothes at my place. Please, you might get sick."
The sincerity in his voice was unmistakable. After a moment's hesitation, you nodded. The thought of warmth and dryness, even if just for a little while, was too tempting to pass up. As you followed him inside, you felt a small spark of hope flicker within you. Maybe today wasn't a complete loss after all.
"Here.." He put down a cup of warm tea he just brewed while you were drying your clothes. Still couldn't believe that you were now wearing your neighbor's hoodie and sweatpants, something that you would never expect.
"Thanks." You murmured almost whisperly.
He sat across from you on his little dinner table. "I called the building maintenance staff, no one is on shift tonight, so you have to wait untill next morning." He explained and you nodded.
"Do you have anywhere to sleep for tonight?" He asked next and you wondered if you had.
You looked at him and asked to borrow his phone to call one of your friend. He handed it and you immediately called her. Eunha was your college friend, however due to working time you two were barely hanging out these days.
"I'm sorry, Y/n.. My boyfriend is here, so.."
"It's okay, Eunha.. Have a good night."
You closed the call and he looked at you in hope. However you shook your head. "I think i crash sauna, tonight." You said to him and smiled.
Your smile quickly dropped, you have no money with you.
"You can stay here actually, i barely sleep at night so the bedroom is vacant." He said, his eyes wondering to the unfinished paint stood near his window.
You woke up at 6, pretty early to start the day. However, today you didn't go to work after sending a notice email to your manager about being sick, using your neighbor's laptop, of course. You walked out of the bedroom quietly, but you saw your neighbor was awake, still sitting on his stool with a painting palette in his hand. He sensed your presence and turned his head.
"An early bird, aren't you?" he joked before continuing to paint.
You put on your dried clothes and joined your neighbor in the kitchen.
"Sorry, I'm a bit messy. Hope you don't mind," he said, motioning to his paint-stained clothes.
"At least they're not wet," you mumbled, which gained a chuckle from him.
"What can I help with?" you asked.
"Here, you can take over this while I change," he said, handing you the stirrer. On the stove, there was a pot with chicken soup inside. When had he made all of this?
After a while, he came back, freshly changed. He informed you that the maintenance staff would be coming in ten minutes. The two of you ate in silence for a bit.
"Yesterday..." he started. Your eyes shifted from your food to his face. "I didn't see you on the bus."
Your brows raised in confusion, and he noticed that. "Usually, I see you get off the bus around that hour."
You clicked. At 8, the bus you usually took would drop you off, and you would see him take it on a different route from the bus stop. The only routine you had shared with him.
"Where are you going at that time usually?" your curiosity piqued, then you realized it might be impolite to ask such a question. You immediately told him that he didn't have to answer that.
"No, it's okay," he chuckled. "I actually go to my studio every night. However, I forgot to bring some stuff last night, so I decided to come back and work at home."
You hummed and nodded in acknowledgment.
"You work in some company?" he asked.
"Yes, at a publisher. I work as their graphic designer."
"Usually back home at that hour? That's pretty late. Got busy?"
You shook your head slowly. "Actually... it was a really bad day. I don't know if it's proper to say this, but I don't think I can handle it by myself."
His eyes filled with concern as he listened.
"Yesterday was pretty awful," you continued. "My manager barked at me because he had a bad day. Then, I got robbed on my way home, so I don't have my phone or any cash. I couldn't take the bus and didn't have anywhere to crash. I—"
His eyes widened, and he immediately put down his utensils. "Hey, take it slow. It's okay, you can tell me everything."
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your emotions. "I just want to express my gratitude. You... you made my day a little bit better yesterday."
He smiled warmly. "Glad to hear that. And you're welcome."
His kindness and the simple act of listening made you feel lighter, as if the weight of the previous day's misfortunes had been lifted, if only just a little.
A few knocks were heard, signaling that the maintenance crew had arrived.
"Morning, sir. The lock next door is fixed. It's ready to have the passcode changed," one of the workers announced.
You looked at your neighbor and smiled politely. You bowed slightly before turning to leave his place.
"I'm Myungho. Seo Myungho," he said quickly, almost as if he didn't want you to leave without knowing his name.
You turned your head slightly and smiled warmly. "I'm Ji Y/N. Thanks, Myungho."
As you walked out, a warm feeling settled in your chest. Despite everything that had happened, maybe today would be a little bit better. The kindness of a stranger—now no longer a stranger—had made a difference. You felt a spark of hope and the comfort of knowing that, even on the worst days, there were people willing to help.
Maybe, just maybe, things would start looking up from here.
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hoshifighting · 7 days
virgin!minghao x reader
warnings: first time experience, handjob, smut, penetrative sex, cock riding, oil, body fluids (cum), massage...
minghao always had a way of making you feel like you were on cloud nine. this man never disappointed when it came to making you happy. the dates, the long car drives, the gentle way he woke you up in the mornings, the thoughtful gifts—everything was just perfect. and it went both ways. he adored when you cooked for him, played with his cousins, and watched the world around you with that special glint in your eyes. even the clothes you bought for him because they reminded you of him made his heart flutter. your energies just matched perfectly, and you both knew that when the right time came, things would naturally fall into place.
one evening, you were giving him a massage with some fragrant oil. minghao’s body was completely relaxed under your touch, and he watched you with eyes full of love. if he were in a cartoon, you were sure hearts would be floating out of his eyes. you moved your hands from his shoulders down to his abdomen, feeling the defined lines of his muscles under your fingers. as you massaged his thighs, your hands gradually worked their way to his inner thighs, and you noticed minghao breathing deeply.
your eyes glanced at the towel covering his cock, noticing the hard outline and a small spot of precum. you bit your lip at the sight, and when you looked up, you found minghao gazing at you with a sly look, though his cheeks were flushed red.
"are you going to massage me here too?" he asked, his voice full with shyness.
you smiled, asking softly, "are you sure?"
he nodded quietly, his eyes filled with trust.
slowly, you removed the towel, the soft cloth brushing against his cock and making him shiver. your oiled hands slid effortlessly over his length, making it easy to stimulate him. you sat on his legs, your hands pumping his cock and gently caressing his balls. minghao’s whimpers grew louder, and you felt the fabric of your panties get even wetter at the sight and sounds of his pleasure.
"is this okay?" you asked, your voice low and husky, wanting to ensure he was comfortable and enjoying every moment.
minghao’s eyes fluttered open, and he managed a breathless, "yes, it feels amazing."
you continued your ministrations, your hands gliding up and down his cock, applying just the right amount of pressure. his hips started to move in time with your strokes, and you could feel his cock throbbing in your grip. the intimacy of the moment, the connection you both shared, made it even more special.
minghao’s breathing became more erratic, his body tensing as he got closer to the edge. "y/n," he moaned, his hands gripping the sheets beneath him.
you leaned down, your lips brushing against his ear. "let go, minghao. i want to see you cum."
with a final few strokes, minghao’s body arched, and he let out a deep, guttural moan as he came, his cum spilling over your hands. you continued to pump him gently, helping him ride out his orgasm until he was completely spent.
"sit on it," he asked, his voice husky with need.
you widened your eyes, concerned. "minghao, you'll be sensitive..."
he cut you off, a desperate edge to his tone. "no, i can take it. please, ride me."
how could you deny him? you stood up and began to undress, slowly peeling off your clothes while minghao watched, his eyes dark with lust and anticipation. his cock was already drenched in a mixture of oil and cum, making it glisten in the dim light. you climbed onto the bed and positioned yourself over him, feeling the heat of his body against yours.
with a deep breath, you lowered yourself onto his cock, the slickness making it easy to slide down. minghao arched beneath you, raw pleasure crossing his features. the feeling of your walls around him for the first time made him want this moment to last forever.
you began to move, riding him slowly at first, letting him adjust to the sensation. his long cock hit all the right places, and you could even feel the veins pulsing against your inner walls. minghao's hands gripped your hips, guiding your movements as you both got lost in the rhythm of your bodies.
"fuck, you feel so good," he groaned, his head falling back against the pillows.
"you too, baby," you replied, your voice breathy as you moved faster, grinding your hips to take him deeper.
minghao's eyes fluttered open, and he watched you with an intensity that made your heart race. "i can't believe this is happening," he murmured, his hands moving to cup your breasts, tweaking your nipples and sending jolts of pleasure through your body.
you leaned down, capturing his lips in a heated kiss, your tongues tangling as your movements grew more frantic. the room was filled with the sounds of your moans and the wet, rhythmic slap of your bodies coming together. every thrust, every grind, every touch was perfect.
"i'm close," you panted, feeling the familiar coil of pleasure tightening in your belly.
"me too," minghao managed, his voice strained with the effort of holding back.
with a few more thrusts, you felt your orgasm wash over you, your walls clenching around his cock as you cried out his name. the sensation pushed minghao over the edge, and he came with a loud moan, his grip on your hips tightening as he filled you with his warmth.
you collapsed onto his chest, both of you breathing heavily, your bodies slick with sweat and oil. minghao's hands rubbed soothing circles on your back as you both came down from the high of your shared pleasure.
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robinhobiii · 10 months
a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.
Assassin! Minghao
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A skilled assassin and never missing a single hit. That’s what Xu Minghao was. A man with few words and lets his weapons do the talking. So, it comes as a surprise to his other members when a cute and bubbly Y/n appears by his side on his off days.
They’re total opposites. Everything was polar opposite. From their clothes, music tastes to even their preferred food. Even though she was shy, she could talk so freely to him. His stoic face never changing as she smiled and talks about her day. At first his members thought it was to mess with them. But the more she came around, the less they thought about that.
Now they wanted to know, what was attracting them to each other? They understood the concept of opposites attracting but, they really couldn’t believe it. One of the most ruthless man they know on the team, was letting a pastel princess talk about her dilemma between a pink and white dress or lavender and white dress. It was almost outrageous at this point.
“Hao, so should I get the pink one or the lavender one?”
“Why not get both?” He said stoically.
“Huh? Both? I don’t have that kind of money to get both.”
“I’ll buy it.”
. . .
It was unknown to the boys on how those two met.
“Maybe, they met at the same bar?” Soonyoung suggested.
“No, no. They must’ve met at that one mall he likes going to.” Seokmin said.
“That expensive ass mall??” Seungkwan chipped in.
“Yeah, he’s always there to get his collection of black clothes.” Seokmin finished.
“No, obviously they met at one of his missions coincidently and now they’re inseparable.” Seungkwan said with a look of satisfaction.
Minghao snorted quietly as he heard their convo. That’s not how they met.
Minghao was currently in the frozen yogurt shop after just assassinating a politician and he was staring at his phone. He was waiting for the line to progress and looked up to see that the employees were putting the toppings in the containers.
“Sorry miss, there’s no more m&m’s.” The teenager smirked.
Y/n looked flustered because she just saw them restocking it. She couldn’t find the correct words to say. He saw it as well and he didn’t know what possessed him to defend her.
“We just saw you restock that huge bin of m&m’s.” His voice sent shivers down everyone’s spine. His lanky statue was helping his intimidating look.
“O-oh, are you two together?” The teenager suddenly stuttered out.
“Yeah, would you hurry up.”
Soon they both walked out with two frozen yogurts, one with m&m’s and the other with Oreos.
“Uh, t-thank you for helping me back there.” She shyly said.
“It’s nothing.” He said as he started to walk away.
He turned around to face her. She smile softly and Minghao was convinced that was what an angel looked like. “I can’t just let you go without repaying you. You payed for my cup. Let me repay you somehow”
He smirked. “So, a cutie like you can talk for yourself.” He chuckled. “Sure.”
And that’s how they met. She’s been stuck to him since then. He didn’t mind as she added that sunshine he’s been missing in his life. Innocent ole y/n of course didn’t know what he did for a living. Of course she questions and he said that he worked for the company “Highlight,” as a consultant in financial department. She don’t really believe him since he was covered in tattoos. He could tell that she didn’t believe but he didn’t push, because it was the truth. He did work as a consultant in the morning at Highlight. At nighttime though, that was a different story.
. . .
“Hao, we should see the fireworks tonight.” She said as she stuffed her face with chips.
He smiled at her puffed up cheeks and brushed the extra crumbs away from the corner of her lips. She blushed as the turned away.
Soonyoung looked at him with wide eyes.
“Eissa, you just said you don’t want to go.”
“Well now I do.”
“I’ve been telling you since last month and you’ve been saying no.”
“I want to go now.”
Soonyoung simply squinted his eyes. “Y/n, would you like to join me and the others on a trip to Busan?”
“Sure! Who else is going?” She smiled softly.
“Me, Seungkwan, Seokmin, Hansol, and Channie.”
“Sounds fun, when are you leaving?”
Minghao looked like he was going to murder him. “No”
Y/n looked at him confused and Soonyoung simply smirked.
“She won’t be going, unless I go. And quite frankly I don’t want to go on a trip with you morons.”
“She can come if she wants to. You’re not her guard dog. Y/n wants to come, so let her. You don’t own her.” Soonyoung said with that same smirk.
He knew that he was pushing his luck with Minghao, but he wanted to know where Minghao’s and y/n’s relationship stood. And by the looks of it, Seokmin and Seungkwan will be owing him his $100.
Minghao scoffed. “She’s mine. She’s my person and she knows me the best. And I know her the best. So I know she doesn’t need to spend time with you jerks.”
“Ouch, could’ve been more nicer, hao hao.” Soonyoung mocked.
Minghao stared daggers at him and walked away by grabbing y/n’s hand.
“Let me know by Friday y/nnie!!” Soonyoung yelled out as they walked out of sight.
. . .
Okay, maybe he liked her more than a friend.
He liked how their hands would accidentally brush against each other when they sat next to each other. Or how she would cook for him when he was too tried from work. Being with her felt a little too domestic and he was getting too used to her. He wants to be showered by her sweet affection.
She remembered that he really like tea and bought him a tea set with new tea cups. So naturally, he bought her a designer bag since he saw her eyeing it on her phone. Or one time she remembered that he didn’t like iced water with his food, so he took her to China to try all sorts of food with him. He remembers that she was very flustered and try to talk him out of going but he secretly took her there. Some (his members) would say that he kidnapped her there, but he didn’t see it that way.
He was enamored by her and wanted to be by her, protect her, love her. Her sweet laughs that would linger in his head and how he would be stuck in a day dream while on missions. When Seungcheol heard that he was almost a second late in killing targets, he was not too pleased. And so he said those forbidden words.
“You need to leave her.”
“I’m not going to.”
“She’s becoming a distraction to you. You’re named one of the best assassins for a reason.”
“The day you leave your wife, is the day I’ll leave my beloved y/n. ”
There was silence in the conference room. The other members shocked into silence. Minghao and Seungcheol were similar in a sense that they were too stubborn. Though Minghao was more quiet about his stubbornness, he was a lot bolder when it came to his decision.
“You can’t ask me to leave y/n, when you yourself are married. She means the world to me like how your wife means the world to you.”
“Very well then. You make a good point, but it doesn’t take away from the fact that you’re distracted. You’ll need to fix that, other wise there will be severe consequences.”
. . .
Y/n was pacing around her living room. It’s been two days since she’s heard from Minghao. She was getting worried by the second and wanted to make sure he was fine. There was an increase of violence since two of the biggest mafia families were at war currently. Police advised people to make sure that they locked their doors and no one should leave their house after 10:00 pm. she sighed and was deciding if she should go to his apartment. It was almost 10:30 and she knows she shouldn’t be out but she was worried for him. She looked at her door.
Ah, whatever. She’ll be quick.
She quickly entered his apartment. Luckily there was no activities outside so she was able to make it to his home. However, he was not home. When she rung his bell, he didn’t answer, so she let herself in. She looked around and found him no where in sight. She sat down on his couch and called him again. He of course didn’t answer. To calm her nerves a bit, she decided to watch some tv.
She began to flip through some of his channels. Some channels would be interesting for 5 minutes before she moved on. She landed on the news channel. Just as she was about to skip to the next channel, something peaked her interest.
“There’s been a three way accident on the high way tonight.” The reporter said.
“The accident was so severe, that three lives were taken. The others were severely injured and were taken to the hospital. One of the cars was a black Bentley with the number 8 engraved on to the tire rims.”
She froze.
Minghao has a black Bentley. And his favorite number was 8. Heck, even his friends called him “The8. ”
Y/n was hysterical. She was crying hysterically. No wonder he wasn’t picking up his phone. He was gone and she didn’t even tell him how she felt about him. That made her cry more. He cared for her and all she wanted to do was to return his love the same way. She doesn’t know how long she was cry for before she heard:
“Baobei, why are you crying?”
Great. Now she was imaging his voice. She can’t believe she was already loosing her mind. So, it made her cry even more.
“Baobao, look at me.” Suddenly his fingers pulled her chin up and she met his eyes.
Minghao . . ? Was here? In the flesh..?
She leaped into his arms and nuzzled her face into his neck. Her crying got worse.
“Why are you crying? Hm? Can you tell me who made you cry?” He said as he caressed her head.
He was confused. “How so, beibei?”
She couldn’t make a coherent sentence and babbling on. Minghao rubbed his hand on her back.
“I thought you died!” She finally said.
He remained silent. “You didn’t answer my calls for two day, so I came over and didn’t find you here either. So I wanted to watch some tv to relax and I see that there’s been an accident with a black Bentley with 8 engraved on it. . And you have a Bentley and I know your favorite number is 8. It made too much sense. It was awful, hao.” She cried out.
He consoled her more before moving her to his bedroom and sat her down next to him. He wrapped his arm around her and said “I’m sorry for making you worry. There was some issues with the financial department at the office. I couldn’t back to you, I’m so sorry bao.”
“I’m glad you’re okay.” She said as the cry was slowly settling down. “I would’ve had so many regrets if you did leave.”
“Why’s that?”
“I. . I really like you hao. You make me feel so special and so protected. I want to be with you always. I wanted to tell you that even though I know you don’t really like me back. I still appreciate your kind actions.”
He was shocked. The beautiful girl he’s been crushing on, likes him back?
He chuckled softly before pulling her chin up again. “Who said that I don’t like you either. I don’t just let anyone put pink eyeshadow on me with glittery rhinestones.” She smiled softly at his words.
“I let you do anything to me because I love to being your presence. I like that satisfied smile you get when have your way with me. Y/n, you make me want to be a better man.” He wiped away the remaining tears and said “I really like you too. And I’ll never leave you.”
With that, he placed a warm kiss on her lips.
. . .
There were multiple cars chasing him.
“Hyung, they’re gaining on me.”
Seungcheol was huffed before he said, “drive further down, Mingyu and DK are already waiting for you.
As he was going a 115 mph on the high way, a cat suddenly appeared. He may kill people for a living, but cats, were the only exception. He braked a little too hard, cause the cars behind to crash into him. Luckily, his driver door wasn’t hit so he quickly got out as the smoke bled into the air. Made his way towards the rugged road and walked into the forest. With some miracle, he was able to make it to Mingyu and dk.
“Hao, your arm!” Seokmin yelled out. His arm was slightly bruised and was bleeding a lot.
“Just go! They’ll try to find me.”
He went to Joshua, who patched him up, and got prescribed medicine from him. The underground hideout was quite chaotic as they were trying to delete him walking out the vehicle and trying to track who was following Minghao. “I gotta go.” Minghao said as he carefully stood up. “I’m going to head out and shower.”
Seungcheol nodded as helped his brother walk to the door. “Be safe.”
. . .
Y/n was laying her head on Minghao shoulder. Their hands were intertwined and Minghao brought them up to his lips to give her hand a kiss.
“Ha! I told you so!” Soonyoung said excitedly.
Seokmin and Seungkwan grumbled in disappointed.
“I really that it was a joke between them.” Seungkwan whined out.
“I shouldn’t have listen to you.” Seokmin pouted out. “I was right the first time and I was influenced by you.” He whined again.
“Me?! You just like following everything I say! That’s your own fault, not mine” Seungkwan said offendedly.
“I’m not a follower!”
“Yes you are!”
“Nuh uh!”
“Yuh huh!”
“Nuh uh!”
“Yuh huh!”
“Seungkwan, I’m going to take you through hell. Take it back.”
Minghao snickered at them. He looked down at y/n where she also met his eyes. They both smiled and he pulled her in closer.
He kissed the side of her head and said “I won’t ever leave you, bao.”
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animeniacss · 3 months
So Close Yet So Far - Mingyu x Reader - Chapter 19 - What Have I Done?
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Synopsis: Your college friend, Kim Mingyu, has had a grip on your heart since the first day you met. Over the past few years, as you acquired more friendships and memories, those feelings only grew. However, recently, Mingyu has seemed a bit more distant, at least when it comes to any ideas of romance. It only gets worse when rumors fly that he's off to Japan to receive a marriage proposal! Unsure what to do, you wonder how you can keep Mingyu by your side without jeopardizing your friendship or your growing feelings. You never expected that waking up one drunken morning next to two hot angels would be your ticket into Mingyu's heart.
Genre: Romance, College!AU, Modern Fantasy, Comedy, Angsty
Length: approx. 6.8k words
Chapter 19 - What Have I Done?
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Mina’s desperate attempt to say your name one more time fell on deaf ears, because you simply repeated your comment: “Don’t. Talk. To. Me.”
“Please, I just have to...”
         “What? What else do you need to take from me?!” You asked. “That’s it! We are done here! You wormed your way into our lives and took everything from us. What else do you want?!” You motioned to the two men on either side of you. “Them?!”
“Woah, wait.” Jeonghan said quickly under his breath.
“My friends?! My college degree?!””
         “No, please.” Mina gulped. 
         “No, you don’t get to say please to me for anything! I cannot believe I let myself get fooled by you! The minute you told me you came here to be Mingyu’s wife i should have know not to trust you! But I’m an idiot, I will admit. The really thought you and I could be friends. But I was wrong. So now you have everything you came here for and you still ask me for more!? Give me a break!” 
         “Hey…” Joshua gripped your shoulder. “Take it easy.” You sniffled, feeling all of the tears you were holding back in the hallway with Mingyu finally begin to spill. 
         “I’m sorry.”
         “No you’re not!” You snapped. By now, the entire room had gone silent, staring at you. Mr. Kim and Mr. Miyou were stunned to silence, watching in shock. “How can you possibly be sorry? I can’t accept your apology!”
         “You need to listen, I-.”
         “I’m done listening! Listening to you got me here in the first place!” You sniffled. “It’s okay if you never liked me, but you claim to love Mingyu and yet you make him suffer like this! I just can’t understand!” Mina finally fell silent, unable to stop you long enough to utter a full sentence. “And you invited me for what? To suffer? It’s cruel after all I did to befriend you and try to see you beyond our feelings. And yet despite all of this, for some reason, I came because I wanted to see if he was truly happy. I just want him to be happy.”
         Mina pursed her lips together. She heard her father approaching, along with hotel security. Joshua and Jeonghan immediately took your arms.
         “We got her.” Joshua said quickly.
         “No need to make a bigger scene.” Jeonghan added. You turned to Jeonghan, who motioned to the door. “Let’s go, okay?” You nodded, before your eyes finally fell to Mingyu, who was standing just behind Mina, his father standing at his side and keeping him from getting closer. You shook your head. 
“Don’t invite me to the wedding.” You said simply. Mingyu’s mouth immediately closed as he watched you walk out, Joshua and Jeonghan on either side of you. The hotel security followed behind, seemingly making sure the three of you actually did end up leaving. When the door closed behind him, Mingyu ran a hand through his hair.
     “Ohhhh God. I fucked up, I fucked up so hard.” He gasped to himself. All he could see was your teary eyes and red face, a sight he would never unsee for as long as he lived. 
              “Don’t let that girl get you down.” His father said, a supportive pat too his shoulder. “Seems she’s crazier than we thought.” Mingyu couldn’t look at his father as he walked away with Mina’s. It took a few seconds for the rest of the party to devolve into its previous chatter, the music slowly replaying upon his father’s request. He watched as Mina immediately turned on her heel, heading down to the other side. Her friends from home immediately got up from their spots and swarmed her, comforting her from that ‘scary encounter’. Mingyu turned to the rest of his friends, and his expression only got more pained when he saw their looks of disapproval. “What do I do?” he choked out. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.” 
                “End your engagement.” Seungkwan said simply.
               “End the engagement.” Hoshi repeated.
               “My father will-.”
            “Don’t end it.” A voice behind them alerted all of their attention. Jihoon stood there, hands in his pockets.
            “Pardon?” Minnie asked.
          “Whos side are you on again?” Seungkwan asked. Mingyu watched Jihoon approach him, patting his arm since he couldn’t reach his shoulder. His lips tightened at the realization of the height difference, the one thing that could bring Mingyu any slight bit of amusement in this moment.
        “Don’t dig yourself into any holes. It’ll work out just fine. Just give it some more time. For now.” He pointed to Mingyu’s eyes, which Mingyu only realized now were red and wet with tears. “Keep that expression.”
        “What?” Mingyu tried to turn back to Jihoon for more information, but he too strolled out of the party room, the doors once again closing behind him. He sighed, chewing the inside of his cheek when he heard his name called one final time. He turned his head, seeing Mina reapproaching him. He gasped for a breath of air, shaking his hair.
      “Yes?” he asked. Mina rubbed her eyes, sniffling. Mingyu kept his hands at his sides, despite the natural instinct to offer her a tissue. “Are you alright?”
         “I am. I think I deserved some of that…” she said softly. After a second of scanning the area, her eyes finally landed on his, and widened when she saw how upset he was. “You’re crying?” she asked softly.
         “Can you blame me?” he asked, finally raising a finger to rub his eyes. 
         Mina sighed. “I want to go home.” she said. “I’m exhausted.” Mingyu turned to his friends, who simply turned back to the table, forcing themselves out of the conversation. He looked to the door you strolled out of a few minutes ago. Sighing, he nodded.
         “So do I.” he said softly. He knew, however, the car he was going to get into would not take him home, but to the buidling he shared with Mina. He felt as though he deserved it. 
🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶So Close Yet So Far🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Mina sat on the bed in her room. She could hear Mingyu getting ready for bed himself in the other room, as he always did. She sat for a minute, listening to distant rustlings down the hall before rising up and heading down there herself. The hallway felt longer than it usually did tonight. She walked towards the door, reaching out and knocking on it once. Twice. Three times. When there was still no answer, Mina called out. “Mingyu?”
     After an eternity of silence, the door propped open. Mingyu rested himself on the door frame, and Mina felt herself take a second to take all of him in. He was in a loose tee shirt and sweatpants, his hair still a bit damp after a shower. This would be the part of the fairytale where he would smile down at her with his infectious grin, pulling her close to him and whispering sweet nothings about how amazing the night was.
     But as Mina recalled earlier in the evening, this was no fairytale. Mingyu’s smile was long since erased from the pages of her mind, and no matter how hard she tried, only blurry memories came to her now. Mingyu crossed his arms, resting his side against the door frame. Instead, he greeted her with puffy cheeks, and bags of exhaustion under his eyes that weighed his entire face down. “Yes?” He finally asked.
   “Uh.” Mina was suddenly at a loss for words. All she could picture was Mingyu staring you down in the hotel hallway. His eyes prickling with tears as he tried everything he could think of in the moment to suppress them. She knew what she wanted to say to him, she had been practicing it for weeks specifically for tonight. Why don’t you join me? We are engaged, after all. The words seemed so easy to say, but why were they stuck in the back of her throat? She opened her mouth one more time, and saw Mingyu patiently waiting for her to speak. I can’t. She thought, already anticipating the answer she feared most. She shook her head. “Never mind.” She finally said. “I’m sorry. Goodnight.”
        Mingyu nodded as Mina made her way back to her room. She heard him close his door only after she closed her own. Resting against the back of the door, she felt her legs give out all of the energy she had been trying her best to maintain through the day. Her feet were still throbbing from her heels, unable to support her anymore as she sank to the floor. Pulling her legs to her chest, she buried her head in her knees.
         When Mingyu’s smile did form clearly in her mind, you were at his side. Fighting over photos during the fireworks, playing chicken in the ocean, nestled close during breakfast the last morning as he tried to steal some of your bacon. 
         It’s okay if you never liked me, but you claim to love Mingyu and yet you make him suffer like this! I just can’t understand!
It was a cruel irony, but it was one Mina felt she deserved after what she has done. The pain in your voice sat like a dagger in her chest, and she curled up into herself in hopes to push that feeling away. 
   “What have I done?” she muttered to herself. “I’ve ruined everything. I’ll never see him smile again…”
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         Only son of Kim Law Firm celebrates new engagement – Christmas wedding in the works!
        You scoffed at the news title that was plastered on the front of the newspaper that morning and every morning since, tossing it into the garbage so you no longer had to look at the photos of the two together. It made you sick.
     It had been a month since the engagement party, and school already back into the swing for the new fall term. Mingyu had yet to show up on campus, and once again the rumors as to why began to spread. Only this time, they were backed up by evidence. Where they even rumors in that case?
     “I bet his new wife doesn’t want him on campus with some other girls…”
      “I thought the same thing! I wouldn’t let my husband anywhere near his first love. He’s probably taking all online classes.”
      “That’s so sad. He made my Korean law class just a bit more bearable, even if it was just the back of his head I saw…”
    “Why is this happening again?” you sighed, resting your head on the table of the library. You and your friends had agreed to meet up in the library that afternoon after the lunch rush came to an end. The rumors continued to follow you, latching onto you and sucking the life from your veins like vicious and toxic mosquitos on a hot summer day.
   “Don’t listen to them. They have no idea what they’re talking about.” Minnie assured, patting your shoulder.
  “Yeah.” Hoshi said. You finally lifted your head up when you heard footsteps approaching. Looking over, you saw Joshua and Jeonghan taking their seats beside you. They hadn’t mentioned Mingyu since you three left the engagement party, nor had they checked their symbols on your hands. You knew better than to ask, though each day you were itching to know even more. Maybe it was those pesky mosquitos leaving bites.
    “Please tell Jeonghan he’s in charge of dinner tonight.” Joshua said, his light-hearted comment causing you to look at him.
      “I cooked last night. You need to start pulling your weight.” Jeonghan sneered, poking Joshua’s head as he snickered in amusement.
       “I did breakfast.” He reminded. You rolled your eyes, closing your textbook. The duo was still playfully bickering until you quickly motioned your book in their direction. They flinched a bit, eyes wide as you simply set the book down and reopened to your page. “Hey!” He pouted. 
      “I’m not in the mood. You both want to keep staying at my house, you figure out the cooking.” You could practically hear the duo whine, and it only made you smirk as you flipped through the pages. 
    “You’re not a very nice tenant.” Joshua teased, but immediately looked away when you shot daggers in his direction.
Despite what had happened, and the duos hesitance to talk about it, you three had found a pretty comfortable routine in your apartment. One cooks breakfast, the other cooks dinner, and you always have a delicious meal waiting for you after a long day. At first the duo did it to help you as you got over your emotions. However, it remained this way even a month later. None of you complained. Well, until now. “I think we should get something to eat tonight, anyway.” You said. 
      Hoshi gasped, leaning forward. “Dinner party at your house?” he asked.
    “What?” Despite the shock of the question, a grin formed on your face.
  Minnie’s eyes widened. “I’ll bring the drinks.” Minnie cheered.
  “I’ll grab snacks.” Seungkwan said, and Hoshi agreed to help.
  “ Chicken .” Joshua and Jeonghan beamed. You laughed a bit.
        “Uh, okay then. We can study, then.” Closing your textbook seemed to seal the deal. The idea of having plans tonight made you feel pretty good for the night ahead. You scanned the table as everyone seemed to chat with one another about the night ahead, seemingly more excited the more options were thrown onto the table. However, for some reason, you pictured the night ahead, a thought creeped into your head. One thought that you assumed had long since abandoned you. 
              I wonder what Mingyu’s doing tonight….
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       “We’ll be right back!” Joshua called, both him and Jeonghan already out the door. You waved them off, taking the time alone to set up some snacks for your friends when they arrived. The group chat was buzzing with everyone sending texts about their arrival. Hoshi kept spamming the chat with photos, and you smiled at each one came into view.
          Prawn-flavored chips.
          Ice cream.
         Seungkwan’s face.
         A blurry picture of Seungkwan’s face.
         Hoshi giving a piece sign.
           Jihoonie would totally love that last one. You snorted at Minnie’s text as it flashed onto the chat. Both Hoshi and Jihoon frantically began telling her through text that she needed to mind her business, and it only made you laugh harder. As you finished setting up the last of the snacks in bowls, you sat on the couch. Immediately after sitting, your eyes came face to face with the dust-collecting snowglobe on your book shelf. You exhaled. “I’ve been meaning to put those away.” you mumbled to yourself in hopes it would finally give you the motivation to do so. It didn’t. Instead, you were brought back to when Mingyu first gave that to you. 
         “Wow, how cute!” Mingyu smiled as you took it into your hands, examining it. “Is this the Statue of Liberty inside?”
         “Yeah.” he said happily. “It’s much bigger up close.” You laughed a bit, shaking the globe and watching as the fake snow danced around it. “I hope you like it.”
         “I love it!” You gasped. “I feel like I’m really there just by looking.” Mingyu smiled a bit as you shook it once again, continuing to circulate the little snow particles inside. “It’s so cute…” you breathed again in excitement. 
         “Yeah…” Mingyu breathed, looking at your expression brighten the more you shook the globe. He coughed into his hand. “Hey, uhm…I wanted to tell you something.” He said. Your eyes shot up to him, sparkling in excitement as you waited to hear what else he had to say. “Ah.” Mingyu laughed nervously to himself. “I-.”
         “Hm?” You cocked an eyebrow. 
         “...Want to see pictures of Time Square? It’s huge.” When he held up his phone, you gasped, nodding in excitement. Mingyu scooted closer to you, holding out his phone as he began scrolling through the pictures.
         A small smile formed on your lips as you remembered the excitement you had as he showed you pictures of New York, telling you stories of him time seeing all of the major buildings in the area. It was fascinating. “He must have wanted to tell me how he felt then, too…” you mumbled to yourself, chuckling a bit at the realization that was just a little bit to late. Eyes fell to the windchime above your balcony entrance, and the same thing: Mingyu gave it to you, tried to confess, yet got cold feet and simply told you about his trip. Again, the smile forming on your face was widening, and you chuckled.
         “...I really need to take this stuff down.” you said again, biting your lip. Before you could do last minute spring cleaning, you heard a knock at the door. Thinking it was Minnie or Seungkwan, you hopped up. “Coming!” you called. You picked up your phone, taking a minute to scan through the constant flow of messages to see if one of them said they had already arrived. None did. “Huh.” You pursed your lips, heading to the door anyway. Another knock, and you picked up the pace. “Sorry. Coming!” you called once again.
           Reaching forward, your hand gripped the doorknob, turning it and pulling the door towards you. As it swung open, you looked ahead to see a familiar head of long, black hair. A familiar porcelain face and a familiar set of moles decorating that face. Déjà vu raced through your brain, a marathon being ran in a matter of seconds. “Mina?” you finally managed to gasp out.
       “Hey.” She smiled softly. “Bad time?”
You stared at Mina in awe for a few seconds. “What…” you felt your breath catch in your throat. “What are you doing here?” You asked. Mina seemed to think of her answer for a second.
        “I wanted to talk to you.” She finally chose to say. “Is this a bad time?”
        “Uh, yeah.” You said. “My friends are coming over and-.”
        “I’ll be quick. I’m sorry. I know I always drop by at the worst time and leave a mess behind.” You felt the sadness in her voice as she said that despite her forcing out a laugh. That only made it more obvious. “Please.” She said.
        “…Okay.” You finally said, motioning her inside. Mina nodded, taking her shoes off before padding into the apartment. You motioned her to the couch, where she sat herself down. “Do you want something to drink?”
        “Oh, no. It’s okay.” She said. You watched as she looked around from her spot on the couch. Her eyes fell on every Knick-knack and souvenir she could find. “I think this is the first time I’ve actually been in your apartment for as long as I’ve known you.”
        “Yeah…” you sat down on the chair, looking at her. “Now, what did you want to talk about?” Mina seemed shocked when you didn’t continue to entertain her with some small talk, but it made her smile.
        “Right. I didn’t expect to come in and be treated like a friend after everything.” You watched Mina open up her purse, pulling out a small white envelope and handing it to you. She saw you hesitate, but it only made her push it closer. “It’s not what you think.” She finally said. You took the envelope into your hands, pressing the paper just a bit to see if it would provide a clue as to its contents. “Promise you won’t open it right now.” She said.
        “Why?” you asked.
        “Just my request...” She said simply. You arched an eyebrow.
        “Well, when will I be able to?” you asked. Mina laughed a bit.
        “When I leave, if you want.” You scoffed a bit at the vagueness of the response, setting the envelope in your lap. You looked up at Mina again, wondering if that was the end of the conversation. You could hear your phone buzzing on the table. It was only a matter of time before your friends arrived, and you were hoping Mina would be long gone before then. “I want to say one more thing before I go.”
        “Okay.” You said simply.
        “I’m sorry. Truly.” You had to suppress a laugh, looking away for a minute to collect yourself. “I’m serious. I’m sorry.”
        “You had to come all the way here for that? It could have been a text. You said that when this whole thing started. You said it at the party. Yet, you don’t seem that sorry considering you’ve continued forcing Mingyu to live a lie.” Mina nodded.
        “I know.” She said. “I’ve tried making the best of our situation. I thought once Mingyu started classes again, and interning with his father at the firm, he would start to feel better about the entire thing. I thought it would take his mind off of…” when she trailed off, you had to chew your bottom lip. Mina sighed before continuing. “But it didn’t work. It only made things worse. I’ve spent this entire two months trying to make everything feel as normal as possible. At every corner, I’ve failed.” She sighed. “But I think I’ve failed from the very beginning. I joined the game midway through and thought I could win. I told myself I wouldn’t cheat, but I snuck myself to the finish line at the very end. And now I feel dirty.”
        “You should.” You covered your mouth when those words escaped your lips. Mina looked shocked only for a second, eyes darting up at you. “That wasn’t-.”
        “No.” she said quickly. “You’re right. I shouldn’t be proud of how I acted. I told myself I would win Mingyu’s heart fairly. I didn’t want him to be with me for selfish reasons. But when I saw you and him so happy in Jeju, watching him put all of his efforts into you, and knowing that I foolishly chose to help you win, jealousy hit me out of nowhere. I acted brashly and I’m sorry.”
        “…It’s nice to know that you’re just as ashamed of your actions as the rest of us were.” You said. “I really thought we were going to be good friends like you promised.”
        “I know. I burned that bridge on my own. I’m sorry.”
        “But there’s nothing apologizing will do now.” You said. “You did what you did and now you’ve won. Mingyu is yours. He’s chosen you.” Mina chuckled a bit to herself, the comment seeming to hurt her more than you would think. “...Am I wrong?” you asked curiously. 
Mina glanced at you. “I…I can’t say.” Mina said simply. “I can only say that my methods weren’t…what I wanted them to be.” 
        A snort. “If he thinks any of that was true after everything we’ve been through, then he might not have really loved me at all.”
        Mina smiled. “You’re all he talks about.” She said. “Even now. Every story I manage to get out of him, or hear him talk about to someone else, is a story that has some connection to you.” Hearing that made you finally go quiet. “I’d be jealous if it wasn’t the only time he smiled recently.”
        You leaned back in your seat, finding the right words before you allowed yourself to speak. Was she trying to make amends? Or was she trying to gloat? You felt a weird tingle of guilt course through your veins. “Mina.” You finally said, and she looked over. “I need you to promise me something if you intend to see this marriage through to the end.” Mina watched you get up, walking over to the little snow globe collecting dust on your bookshelf, picking it up and brushing it with your hands. “Promise you’ll be good to him. He’s a good man who doesn’t want people to get hurt. He only gets mad when it’s for those same people that he really cares about.” Mina watched as you passed her the little snow globe. “As you know, he always buys gifts. After a while, when time passed and wounds heal, he’ll probably start buying you gifts. You should act surprised every time, it makes him happy.”
        Mina brushed her fingers along the globe as well, a few extra dust particles fluttering down onto the floor as she did so. “You did something selfish but I don’t think you’re inherently bad. He’ll come around one day.”
        Mina didn’t believe those words you said for a second, but you didn’t think you believed them either. You just wanted to end the conversation before the lingering feelings began creeping up on you once again. Feelings you long since tried to forget. Déjà vu was a vicious beast, it seemed. Mina finally rose from her spot on the couch, handing you back the snow globe. She watched how delicately you took it into your hands again, smiling down at it briefly before setting it away once more. “I should get going. I’ve held you up long enough. Thank you for talking to me.”
        “Sure.” You said softly, walking Mina to the door. You opened it once more, watching as she walked out. She turned to you once more.
        “Bye.” She said. You only waved, nodding your head as Mina finally made her way to the elevator. You only watched her depart for a second, before closing the door. Silence reentered the apartment, only the sound of your feet padding against the floor as you picked up the white envelope. You shook your head, opening the side table drawer and sticking it beside the TV remote, slamming it closed. “Yeah, right.” You muttered to yourself. When you felt your eyes begin to water, you walked back over to the snow globe, holding it in your hands. You shook it a few quick times, watching as the snowflakes fluttered around the plastic Statue of Liberty. The memory again flooded your mind and you smiled to yourself. 
         A loud bang from behind you startled you, your hands jolting up in shock. A scream of shock erupted from your lips and you watched as the snowglobe fell to the floor, the glass shattering around your feet. 
         “Hey! We are here!” Hoshi called, foot extended outward. He and Jihoon’s hands were filled with bags of snacks, hence his extended foot to open the unlocked door. The duo walked in just as you knelt to the floor. “Hm? Sorry, did I scare you?” Hoshi laughed sheepishly. You did not respond however, your hands frantically picking up the Statue of Liberty. In your rescue attempt, your finger nicked one of the glass shard, and you cursed under your breath. 
         Jihoon set his bags on the table, walking around the couch to you. “Hey. Are you - oh.” He watched as you looked up, smiling a bit.
         “Heh. Sorry.” you said, feeling your eyes water. “You guys scared me.” Jihoon and Hoshi shared an expression, one of pity you couldn’t see behind your watery eyes. However, you did see Hoshi come to you side, resting his head on your shoulder and rubbing your arm as Jihoon knelt down and began picking up all of the glass shards. 
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        “Try it.”
        “No, Jihoon.” Jeonghan said for what felt like the billionth time. He motioned a can to Joshua.
        Joshua cocked an eyebrow as he looked down at the fallen angel before him. He was holding a beer out in their direction. Jihoon’s smile only got wider as he motioned it closer.
        “Absolutely not.” Jihoon scoffed, leaning back in his seat as he cracked the beer open himself. He pouted a bit, putting the drink to his lips and taking a sip.
        “I’m going to need eternal drinking buddies! Come on. It’s not that bad.”
        “No.” The duo said again. When Jihoon tried to encourage them again, they both responded by sticking pizza into their mouths to avoid the conversation. It made you laugh a bit.
        “You have plenty of drinking buddies right here.” You said, patting Hoshi on the shoulder. He set his beer down, already red in the face as he looked up at you. “Right, Hoshi?”
        “Aaah, yeah.” He smiled, completely unaware of what you were even talking about. Jihoon immediately leaned forward, handing him a water. “Aaaah, for me? Awwwww, Wooziiiiiii.” He giggled, and Jihoon couldn’t hold back his amused smirk.
        “Take it, dummy.” He said. It took a second, but Hoshi popped open the bottle and took a long sip, which you saw finally relaxed Jihoon. The night had been pretty eventual so far, the group eating and drinking the night away as they chatted about anything and everything. Studying, the reason for the late-night visit in the first place, was put on the back burner for loud laughter and snacking. It was much better this way. The current event was watching a very drunk Hoshi and an almost as drunk Seungkwan encourage the entire group to play a game of ‘Hongsam’.
        “Not when you’re that drunk.” Minnie said, grinning behind the head of her bottle. Hoshi shot up.             
        “Yes Hongsam.” He sang, wiggling his hips.
        “Everybody Hongsam.” Seungkwan stood up and did the same thing, hoping it would encourage the group to join in. However, when he noticed he was the only one doing it, he blinked. “Hey now….” And the room erupted into laughter.
        “Absolutely not.” You said behind laughter, sipping your beer.
        “It kind of looks like fun.” Joshua said.
        “Then you play.” You grinned. Joshua smiled at you as you took another sip, letting out a deep sigh. “Man, it’s hot in here. I’m going to get some fresh air.”
        The idea of you leaving the area perked Joshua’s ears to that instead, forgetting the game even existed. “I’ll come too.” Joshua said quickly, following you out the door. Jeonghan’s eyes, which were amused watching the drunk duo goof off, shot to Joshua as he watched his friend follow behind you, opening the door to the balcony and allowing you to step out first. He didn’t even look back, instead just closing the door behind the both of you.
“It’s about time.” Minnie said, making Jeonghan look over.
“With Mingyu out of the picture, I was waiting for the moment Joshua would finally grow a pair and confess. Seungkwan owes me ten dollars!”
“I do not! I do not bet with the likes of you.” Jeonghan bit his lip as the room continued to fill with playful banter, his eyes locked on the balcony. He could only see the both of you a bit, the curtain blocking most of his view. Jihoon noticed the angel’s sudden change in demeanor.
        “You sure you don’t want that drink?” he asked only more time, but only got an annoyed glance in response. “Okay…”
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        “I thought you were going to play Hongsam.” You said, looking to Joshua as he joined you outside. He rested his elbows against the balcony.
        “I’m not going to be the only one entertaining those two.” He joked, and you had to laugh a bit. You looked down at the world below from your balcony, before taking another swig of your drink. “Besides, it’s nicer out here.” Joshua glanced to your hand which Hoshi and Jihoon had bandaged after your cut. “Are you okay?”
“Hm?” you looked down at your bandage, a bit of dried blood poking through. “Oh, yeah.” You assured. Maybe it was the drinks, but guilt began bubbling deep into your chest as you spoke up once more. “Joshua. I’m sorry I messed everything up.”  
        “What?” Joshua looked over at you.
        “I couldn’t get you guys back into heaven. Now, you’re both stuck here until I get with Mingyu. That’ll never happen now.” You let out a dry laugh, and Joshua frowned.
        “We’re the ones that knew the risk from the beginning. Don’t blame yourself. We could have done more, too.” He sighed. “I could have.” 
        “But still-.”
        “I said don’t blame yourself. Jeonghan wouldn’t want you to, either.”
        “Okay.” You sighed, defeated. Joshua watched as you finished your beer, setting it down on the floor of the balcony. Your elbows loosened, allowing your hands to dangle a bit over the balcony, eyes staring straight ahead. “Are you guys going to live here forever?”
        “Do you want us to?” he grinned a bit when he heard you laugh.
        “It definitely is less lonely with you two here. But we’ll have to actually invest in nicer beds and maybe more space.” Joshua was now that one to laugh. “Let’s go house hunting.”
        “That means we’ll need jobs.” Joshua sighed. “I never thought an angel like me would be sending out job applications on earth.” You smiled as Joshua playfully dropped his head loose on his neck. “Oh, how the mighty fall.”
        “For someone who calls Jeonghan dramatic, you’re really dramatic.” Both of you shared a laugh in the cool night air. Joshua glanced over at you one more time. He bit his lip for a second, before finding himself unable to hold back as he asked you a very important question.
        “Can I hold your hand?” Confused and stunned expressions led him to clarify. “I want to see my symbol…”
        “Oh.” You laughed nervously, turning to him. Joshua watched you extend your hand to him, which he gently took into his own. He stared at it for a minute, as if he was thinking. It made you smile. “Did you forget how to do it?” you asked playfully.
        “Heh. No.” He assured. His thumb rubbed over the back of your hand for a second, before he finally closed his eyes. He felt what little angel power he had in his body to summon the contract seal. Is it even there? He thought to himself. If it’s not, there is absolutely no going back. One of his eyes popped open, studying your expression. You were looking back out at the skyline as you waited. The moonlight sparkled along your features, your eyes dancing along to the stars in the sky, studying each one. He felt himself grip your hand a bit tighter when you smiled, seemingly catching a constellation in your sights. I won’t be able to go back. If it’s not there, if it’s red, I’ll use this as a chance to tell her-.
        “Uh…Joshua…” the nervousness in your voice made Joshua’s eyes pop open, his cheeks flushed as he tried to pull himself from his thoughts. So much for his chance, he was to flustered now. He followed your gaze, your wide and curious eyes now staring directly at your hand. His eyes followed, and immediately, he saw the little check floating above your hand. “It’s….”
        “It’s white.” He breathed out, a mix of relief and shock. Immediately, the both of you looked up at each other, eyes wide. Joshua gripped your hand, looking down at it once again. “It’s white! It’s white again!”
        “What does that mean?!” You shouted.
        Both of you went silent, turning back to the living room. Joshua wasted no time fling the balcony door open, the loud thud of the large door crashing against its hold startling the entire crew.
        “JEONGHAN!” You both shouted, making him immediately hop out of his seat.
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        “I’m home.” The sound of the sink running in the kitchen signals for Mina to make her way down the hall. She heads that way after taking her shoes off. When she pokes her head in, Mingyu only looks in her direction. “Hey.” She smiled sweetly.
        “Hey.” He points to the fridge. “I saved some of my lunch, if you’re hungry.”
        “Ah.” Mina smiled a bit. “Thank you. That’s thoughtful.” Mingyu nodded, turning back to the sink to finish with some of the dishes he had started with. Mina rested against the door frame, watching his back silently. “Mingyu.” She said, but he only hummed. “Remember when we went to the cherry blossom festival in the spring?”
        Mingyu nodded his head, not once looking up from the bowl he was scrubbing. “With my friends? Yes.” He said. Mina nodded.
        “Would you want to go again next spring?” Mingyu shrugged at the question.
        “Maybe.” He said. Mina nodded. Mingyu then stopped the dishes, finally looking back in her direction. She instinctively stood up straight. “Oh.” He motioned to the kitchen table in the corner by their bay window. “I took the liberty of skimming through some of these when I got the mail. I was curious.” He picked one up, flipping through it casually before turning the page in her direction. Her eyes followed his finger as he tapped on a set of beautiful Christmas flowers. “These are nice.”
        Mina felt her heart speed up, eyes sparkling. He’ll come around. “You think so?!” She asked. Mingyu nodded, and Mina looked at the burgundy red flowers nestled in beautiful green leaves. The wintery background of the picture only enhanced the Christmassy vibes of the flowers. Mingyu turned the page back to him, smiling a bit to himself as he nodded.
        “I’ve really fallen in love with this color in the past year…” he said. Mina’s smile dropped as Mingyu set the magazine down on the table, making his way back over to the counters. Mina watched him grab a sponge and start to wipe some of the counters down. She looked over at the flowers once more, trying to recall where she had seen that color before. The more she thought about it, the more images flashed into her brain.
        “She does look so pretty in that dress.” Mina whispered to herself.
        “What?” Mingyu looked over, eyebrows furrowed together as he tried to figure out what she was whispering about. He saw Mina closed the magazine and set it back down, an obvious look of discomfort on her face. “Hm? Are you okay?” Mina walked over to Mingyu without an answer, taking his hands tightly. He dropped the sponge that was in his hands, glancing down at it for a second. “Hey.”
        “Let’s go on a trip.” She said quickly. Mingyu arched an eyebrow, but Mina was already dragging Mingyu out the door, slipping on the fastest pair of shoes they could as they made their way to his car in the garage.
        The drive was quiet, but not in a way Mingyu had found himself used to in the past. Mina looked out the window the entire trip, hands in her lap as she gripped her pocket book. Mingyu sighed, running a hand through his hair as he turned the next corner. 
         “She really did think she was talking to you.” Mina said, the sudden sound of her voice causing Mingyu to look over at her. She turned to him. “At the beach house.”
         “Ah….” he nodded. Mina sighed.
         “I was right on the balcony. I saw it all. Jeonghan came to get her, and she said goodbye to Mingyu.” Mingyu gripped the wheel.
         “Why are you telling me now?” he asked curiously.
         “I thought you should know.” she said simply. “I know it really hurt you, and her. Not only that, but it hurt Joshua. He didn’t do anything wrong. I was jealous.” Mingyu nodded his head.
         “Thank you.” he said. Mina smiled a bit, looking down at her pocketbook. She admired the cherry blossom keychain that jingled with every bump Mingyu hit on the drive, and she took it gently into her hands. 
        “How cute! Thank you Mingyu!”
        “I figured you’d like it since you seemed to enjoy the festival.”
        “I didn’t buy you a gift.”
        “Don’t worry. It’s from friend to friend. Thank you for being so cool with everything at breakfast.”
        “No problem…”
        “I’m hoping next year I’ll be able to take my friend to the festival. We can go together. She’s been telling me how badly she’d love to see them in person.”
        As Mingyu pulled up in the driveway of his father’s home, Mina was relieved to see her father’s car also there. Mingyu slowed the car in the driveway, and when it came to a stop, Mina was already out of the car. He watched her speed walk up the driveway, bag gripped tightly in her hands. Mingyu slipped out of the car as well, beeping it to ensure it was locked before following after her. “Mina!” He called, but there was no answer.
        Mina walked past every single worker in the house as they greeted her, Mingyu quickly following behind and saying his own greeting to them followed by a frantic slew of ‘sorry’. “Mina.” He called again. “What are you doing?” He was horribly confused to what had her locked and loaded right as they pulled into the driveway. However, when he saw Mina turn down a very familiar corridor with a very familiar set of doors at the end of the hall, Mingyu felt dread in his stomach. “Mina.” He called again, but it was too late.
        Mina swung the doors of the office open, alerting both her father and his own. Mingyu hurried behind her, finally alerting her attention to him for a second. “What are you doing?” he asked. She only offered him a smile, before turning to her and Mingyu’s fathers.
        “What’s the problem, honey?” her father asked, standing up from his spot.
        “Father.” She took a deep breath. “I’d like to end my engagement.”
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chlmvqn · 3 months
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-~ calls ~-
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description: being in a long distance relationship with your boyfriend, minghao, has never been easy. what happens when he suddenly leaves you on read and doesn't reply to you for hours? pairing: xu minghao (the8) x reader genre: fluff warning: vocal affection from hao ; a healthy relationship ; ldr ; a very understanding relationship author's note: jun has a short appearance in this one! also, feel free to leave some requests:))
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you lay on your couch, staring blankly at the ceiling. you were stressed as it is. with exams coming up, assignments piling and your bills ready to kill you, your head has been filled with negativity for a few weeks now. your mind has been packed with nothing but trouble.
and you didn't know what to do.
another thing that had been bothering you was why your boyfriend, minghao, hadn't texted you for exactly 7 hours already.
yes, you're very well aware that his schedule is pretty tight, but he could at least reply to your messages. you weren’t a clingy girlfriend or whatsoever, it just seemed unusual that he hasn't texted you back until now.
every once in a while, you would take a peek at your phone, hoping to see a pop-up notification from your lover.
but nope.
you sat up to get a snack from the kitchen. since you didn't know how to cook, you just heated up some leftovers from yesterday's meal.
your meals and routine aren't exactly healthy-- resulting in your body being so.
grabbing a plate from the drawers, you placed it on the counter and went to get some coffee. you sat on the stool, enjoying your small snack whilst scrolling through your feed.
you still couldn't help but feel uneasy knowing your lover hasn't contacted you for hours. finally having enough, you called him.
you always avoided calling him since, again, you're aware of how busy he is and how strict his university is when it comes to distractions.
minghao– or in which you call him, hao, was in another state. the both of you used to live in the same place, but ever since college, he moved out and went to his dream university. yes, it did cause some conflict between the two of you-- the both of you didn't even talk for a week and a half. Hao was aiming to be an artist, and that really inspired you to work hard, kinda. his goal was one of the hardest ones to achieve, and his determination and passion for it made you fall in love with him. so why stop him pursuing his dreams?
the ringing kept echoing in your ears, it drove you crazy.
why aren't you answering?
finally hearing a click sound, you couldn't help but arch your lips upwards.
"hao?" you call out.
"wayen? hey!" a different voice answered you.
"jun? why'd you answer minghao's phone?" you question the man on the other side of the phone.
jun was one of minghao’s most trusted friends, his best friend even. he and jun were chinese, giving them an instant click. although hao had a big circle of friends, you’ve noticed that he really was closer with jun than the rest.
you heard a laugh. "well, you see,"
after jun explained what happened, you couldn't help but grin from ear to ear. your heart beating very loudly, your stomach getting butterflies.
as what jun said, minghao was procrastinating, more than usual.
he tried to finish his responsibilities as soon as possible so that he could spend time with you. it seemed like minghao was missing you deeply as well.
and as soon as hao opened your messages, he passed out on the floor.
what kind of person doesn't take care of himself?
you were still on call, waiting for hao to wake up. your camera was on as it was facing you while you were reading a book.
you heard a muffled voice and a groan.
"good morning, sleepyhead." you greeted him.
"wayen?" he asked.
you gave him a hum before picking up the phone.
"how are you feeling?" i asked him with a sweet tone lacing in my voice, along with a small tilted smile.
"a bit lightheaded." he massaged his head a bit.
the both of you talked for a while and caught up with what you guys were doing recently. he really was busy, busier than you even. you don't know how he can handle all those projects by himself.
"hun," he called out.
he breathed in. "sorry for not being interactive recently.” you shook your head vigorously. "dear no, don't apologize.”
you gave him a sincere smile.
"i understand that you were busy. yeah, it hurt a bit, but it's fine now!" assuring him with a hand holding up a thumb's up.
minghao gave you that rare, heartwarming smile, not until it was interrupted by a bark.
"bopul!" you called out to his dog, aka, you and hao’s baby.
a white fluffy pup immediately jumped onto hao's lap, wagging his cute tail. "hey, honey~" you cooed. receiving a bark in response.
"y'know, i sometimes think you love bopul more than me." he teased.
you shrugged. "probably."
the two of you talked for a few more hours, until it was time for you to go.
"hey, hun?" he stated. "before you go, i wanna tell you something."
you stopped what you were doing and listened to what he was saying. "hm?"
"please don't hesitate to call."
you were surprised at what he said.
"i wanna hear your voice from time to time y'know." a light chuckle came out from his mouth. his ears were turning as shade of red as well. hao has never been the vocal type, he’d always show his affection towards you with his actions, so hearing this from him made your stomach do flips.
"ah," you said. "are you sure? i don't really wanna call much since you're busy and stuff."
minghao raised a brow, "huh? yeah i'm busy pretty much everyday, but i still wanna spend time with you."
he paused. "texts aren't enough.
you smiled heartedly at him. "i'll be sure to call you once i get back from my lectures."
"i'll be waiting. i love you."
"i love you even more."
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renaiswriting · 1 year
Whispers of Strength
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Pairing: Xu Minghao/Reader
Summary: The idea of having your best friend tell you, "I told you so," once again was infuriating, but you were sick and he was all you needed.
Warnings: slightly angst (but like- barely, you won't even realize it's there) with soft/happy ending (?) | FLUFF
Word count: 4.2k
A sneeze was heard loudly echoing through the walls of the darkened room. It was around seven in the morning, and you were still in bed. Your alarm had stopped dreaming about ten minutes ago, but you couldn't find the willpower to get up and start getting ready for your classes.
 The rest of the space shared with your roommate was awash in complete silence; there was no doubt that Minghao had left the bedroom a few minutes ago.
 Unwilling to turn on the light on your bedside nightstand, you fumbled with the surface of your nightstand, finding a used handkerchief that you had left there in the early morning after struggling to sleep.
 It seemed that no matter how much you blew your nose, one side of it was always completely unable to breathe.
 Around four in the morning, you gave up, opting to breathe with your throat (something that was completely uncomfortable because you're not used to breathing that way).
 After all, the cold air you had been exposed to the day before and the effort you had had to make to let oxygen into your body had ended up killing your throat, and now even breathing the smallest amount of air made you almost start crying.
 A new sneeze came violently through your body, shaking you completely as it left your organism. At the burning sensation in your throat, you closed your eyes tightly, accepting the discomfort with resignation.
 It was tiring; it felt as if thousands of knives were cutting the inside of your throat at the same time.
 The screen of the phone that had been charging all night on your bedside table lit up, revealing that Minghao had sent you a message.
 Minghao: You're on your way? I forgot my book for Economics III.
 If the idea of skipping class had even appeared for a millisecond, it was completely gone.
 I couldn't skip class now that Minghao had spoken to him.
 Because skipping classes would mean having to tell Minghao that she was not going to attend, and it would involve having to admit that she had made a mistake.
 Minghao had entered the same university as you in the same year. You had been studying the same major and attending the same classes from day one, but you hadn't seen or heard his name until you both found yourselves in the same dorm.
 Minghao had requested a roommate change due to having constant problems with the one he had before, and you, being forced to get a new place to sleep that wasn't expensive, had no choice but to sign up for the college dorms.
 Minghao had been the quietest person you had ever met, and that was a lot coming from you, who within three years had talked to, at most, about five people.
 Was it any surprise that you had never seen him? Not really.
Making friends has been an extraordinarily difficult task for you ever since you were a little girl. For many years, you forced yourself to try to meet different people and keep in touch with them, but you soon discovered that if you didn't write to them, they never did. 
And so you gradually began to drift further and further away from everyone, keeping only three friends who had shown that they cared about you as much as you cared about them.
 So, at the beginning of your university career, you had promised yourself to focus more on your studies than on making friends, so you went to class, took notes, and when you finished, you hurried straight to the library to continue studying in complete silence for another three hours.
 At first, living together was really awkward. Minghao didn't seem to know how to deal with you, and you didn't know how to deal with him.
 And it was even more awkward when you passed each other in class because neither of you knew whether you should greet each other or just ignore each other. 
Luckily, the relationship started to improve as soon as finals came around because both of you had a lot of studying to do and each of you had your own doubts.
 They began to meet in the living room, sitting late at night reading and rereading the same books.
 That's how they went from awkward roommates to roommates. 
Your friendship began to forge when Minghao found you sitting in the bathroom with the door open and your phone in hand, crying uncontrollably.
 That had been a bad week; not only were you extremely busy with all the group work and homework due in the various classes, but also the first exams had started, and you had failed one. So receiving a text message from your (at the time) boyfriend telling you that the relationship had come to an end was not in your plans, and as expected, the situation got the better of you.
 Minghao stayed by your side all that night, making you tea and watching those movies you loved so much, and he didn't share your feelings towards them.
 Becoming friends with Minghao meant that you had basically been adopted by the group of friends he had, and that meant that every two or three weeks they would get together somewhere to eat and take some of the stress out of college.
 And it had been one of those get-togethers that had brought about the current state you were in at those moments.  If there was one thing Minghao always took pride in, it was telling you how right he was with everything he advised you:
 "Don't drink five cups of coffee before you go to take your exam because you're going to feel like going to the bathroom the whole time."
 "Don't lend money to that person; you barely know them."
 "Don't put so much spice in that food; it will hurt your stomach."
 And in every one of them, he had been right.
 So, when Minghao looked at the weather on his phone and noticed the low temperatures, I sighed deeply.
 I had been thinking about wearing a certain outfit for almost a week, but it wasn't warm at all, and the solution of putting a jacket on top, which Minghao proposed, was not to my liking.
 "The cold is psychological." You spoke to the reflection on the other side of the mirror. From there, her eyes connected for a few moments with Minghao's, sitting on your bed.
 "And the fever you're going to get is also going to be psychological." Minghao responded by rolling his eyes. "Don't be stupid; you're going to get sick."
 "But you all look ugly!" I cried in frustration, walking over to my various coats and studying them one by one.
 "Wear one of mine," Minghao shrugged, too intent on what was happening on the phone in his hands, "it's not that much trouble."
 The topic wasn't touched on again; Minghao seemed satisfied with the 'I'll think about it later' answer, and you just prayed that miraculously the sub-zero degrees would disappear. 
 "Which one are you going to want?" Minghao asked, entering your bedroom with a knock on the door. In her hands, she carried three different coats, all black.
 "None," I replied, still finishing touching up my makeup, "thank you."
 Minghao frowned, "But it's getting five degrees below zero." Minghao reminded you incredulously, "What are you going to wear?" 
"I'm going to go like this; inside the restaurant, it's not going to be that cold."
 "Yeah, but in the ten-minute walk to get to the restaurant, it's going to be cold." 
"It's only ten minutes; how bad can it be?" 
Minghao rolled his eyes, muttering "whatever'.
It was worse than just bad.
 Even today, underneath the warmth wrapped around your body from the blankets, you could feel the cold you had experienced the day before.
You: Where is it?
You: "I'll be there in half an hour."
 Once again, you blew your nose; it was already red and burning every time the handkerchief touched the irritated area.
 You looked as horrible as you felt. 
You were just praying that the makeup would cover up any traces of discomfort.
Minghao was sitting in his usual seat; his hand was extended in the air, catching your attention.
 He had reserved the seat next to you so that the two of you could sit together.
 Your head was throbbing and your body felt weak, but you were determined not to let Minghao notice your condition. So you walked quickly to the seat next to his, pretending that the ragged breathing and sloppy movements were only because you were still tired and not because of the discomfort you felt.Taking a step felt like walking on the sand at the beach, only this one weighed about seventy pounds and stuck to your feet.
 "Did you bring it?" Minghao asked as soon as your body settled into the seat. You nodded in response, still not confident that your voice came out at all well. You had tried talking out loud in the bathroom before, and it seemed as if a demon was struggling to speak.
 You pulled a large book out of your backpack, relieving the bag of the extra weight it didn't usually carry.
 Minghao sighed in relief, stowing it in his own backpack.
 While he was distracted, you pulled out a handkerchief from inside your backpack, quickly wiping your nose, and hiding it back in your jean pocket in time to talk to Minghao. 
Luckily, Minghao filled much of the conversation, leaving you with the job of reacting or mumbling occasionally to his stories. 
The economics III professor entered the classroom, and everyone automatically fell silent. 
As the professor began to speak, you discreetly reached back into your bag and pulled out the pack of tissues you had hidden, realizing that the tissue you had grabbed earlier wasn't going to be enough for the rest of the class and that the professor had no intention of slowing down today's class just because you were feeling under the weather. 
The professor asked a question that your brain didn't pick up on at all; you just weren't there. 
Physically, you were there, but your brain didn't pick up on any of the difficult words your professor was saying. 
Your notes reflected it; they were a mess. 
You hadn't even managed to make a coherent sentence; most of them stopped mid-sentence because you couldn't keep up. 
Minghao looked at your notes, trying to find some word he probably hadn't been able to understand, but he frowned as he looked at your notes. 
This was unusual. 
Usually you even wrote whenever the teacher took a break or took a breath, so why were you a mess today? 
"I read this before," you excused yourself, "it's all in the book."
 Which you weren't too sure would do any good since you hadn't even touched that book in the last week, but Minghao seemed to agree with that answer as he quickly rushed to write down what the professor was saying.
Suddenly he stopped speaking, his eyes traveling to the faces of the students in front of him. 
You settled into your seat, sitting up straight and adjusting your posture. 
You could make out a cough forming in the back of your throat, so you quickly cleared your throat softly, disguising the tickle that threatened to trigger a coughing fit at any moment. 
Minghao looked at you with a worried expression. "Are you okay?" he asked. 
You quickly smiled at him, shaking your head. "I'm perfectly fine," you reassured him, your voice sounding louder than it really felt. "I'm still very sleepy." 
Minghao nodded, looking at your face for a couple of seconds before dropping the subject and turning his attention to the class. 
You reached for your water bottle, hoping that the cold liquid would help quell the feeling that you were about to start coughing. 
Taking a deep breath, you scolded yourself. 
It was just a cold; for God's sake, it wasn't the end of the world, and it was stupid how much it was affecting you. 
You stirred in the seat, trying to find a comfortable position to ease the persistent muscle pain.
As you attempted (and failed miserably) to keep your mind in the present, your brain was constantly repeating the same thing over and over again.
"He warned me about this; why was I so stupid? I should have listened." 
"Next time, I'll not be this stubborn..." 
"Just a little longer, I can make it through the day; just one more hour...  
The painkillers you took on your way to your class were not helping at all; it felt as if you hadn't taken them at all.  A sudden wave of dizziness washed over you; everything was moving.  You stopped writing for a second, until it got better.  Minghao turned to look at you, noticing you were not writing anything down. You send him a smile in return, forcing yourself to focus on the teacher's words and desperately trying to appear engaged.
The class finished with their teacher reminding them to read the next two chapters of their book for the next class.
"Shall we go home?" You asked, already rushing to the exit.
"Oh, Jeonghan asked to study together at the library this morning, and I told him we would be joining them, but if you don't want to-" 
"Oh, no, yeah! Yeah! Let's go!" You forced a cheerful smile, hoping your eyes didn't give away how dead you were actually feeling.
"You sure? They will understand if you want to go home." Minghao asked you once again just to make sure.  In response, you nodded, already heading to the library.  "Wait!"  Minghao rushed to grab your wrist and say, "We should eat something; I'm starving, aren't you?"
If anything, you were feeling like you were about to throw up because of how bad you were feeling.  but you nodded nonetheless. 
"You have barely touched your food." Minghao commented with a frown.  Today was slightly better than the day before; the sun was kindly warming everybody under its rays.  The group had agreed to move from the library to the concrete seats and tables outside so they could all have a small lunch and talk for a little bit before starting to study.
"I'm still kind of full from breakfast." You replied, your fork moving the noodles from side to side.
"Breakfast happened almost five hours ago; you can't possibly be full for that long." Minghao replied, at the same time that Jeonghan moved closer to you, his hand coming into contact with your forehead.
"You're hot."
"Thank you, I know." You replied, biting your lip seductively at him and pushing his hand away from your forehead with a smack.
Jeonghan's hand came back to your face, this time holding your chin and moving your face from left to right. "Your cheeks are red as well; I think you might have caught that virus that's going on around campus."
"What virus?" Mingyu asked. Your tallest friend was finishing his own lunch, liking his fingers, and eyeing the food you had in front of you.
"The one everybody is talking about, Seungcheol got it last week." Jeonghan replied. "He has been throwing up once every hour."  Minghao frowned, checking your forehead himself.
"I'm fine, just not hungry." You replied, pushing your food in Mingyu's direction.
"Nah-ah," he shook his head, "if you're sick, I don't want to have it." 
You tipped your tongue. "Such an ungrateful brat."
"I've got finals next week; I can't be throwing up!" He defended himself. "Trust me, if you weren't sick, I would eat it."
"You should probably go back home and sleep." Minghao suggested.
"I told you I'm fine!" You snapped, closing your eyes for a second to control your emotions. "I'm totally fine; I just want to study and get over it. Please"
Mingyu sighed, "Fine, but you're buying us coffee. If we're putting up with this attitude, this is the last thing you can do for us."
You bite your tongue, shutting down the need to tell Mingyu to go and fuck himself.  "Fine."
"Race 'til the bus stop! Let's see who gets there first!" Mingyu shouted, taking advantage of his long legs.
 It wasn't fair; in two strides, he had outpaced the others.
 Jeonghan started running as fast as he could, as did Minghao.
 You took a deep breath; your body was screaming for you not to.
 It was already under too much stress from whatever it was battling at the time (a virus or a cold, or at worst, both) for you to demand that it use what little energy you had left in a race.
 But you knew that if you didn't run, others would again insist that something wasn't right.
"I won!"  Mingyu sang happily; he was the only one standing up; Jeonghan was laying down on the ground, trying to catch his breath; and Minghao was sitting with his legs wide open, both breathing quickly.
"No shit Sherlock." You commented sarcastically, sitting next to Jeonghan. "At least give us a chance."
"I would usually do it, but today you weren't even trying." Mingyu frowned.  You rolled your eyes. Running has only made you breathe with your mouth, and the cold air that was entering your body only caused more harm.
"What do you mean?"
"You're sick." Minghao said calmly, "Just as I told you." He reminded you, looking straight into your eyes.
"I don't know what you're saying." You denied.  Minghao shook his head. Taking his own scar from his neck and softly wrapping your own neck with its warmth.
"Stop it; you sweated it!" You faked disgust.
"Stop acting like a five-year-old." He said it coldly.
You froze in your spot, stopping to try to take the scarf off your neck.
You could feel Jeonghan and Mingyu's eyes on your discussion. You felt your cheeks and eyes turning from pink to red in embarrassment.
"I don't."
"Yeah, you do," Minghao replied calmly. "I told you to wear a jacket, and you didn't."
"Stop acting like my dad." You complained, standing up as the bus started coming near the bus stop.
You went first, trying to get as far away from Minghao as possible, hoping that both Jeonghan and Mingyu would understand it and save your ass from Minghao's nagging that was just waiting for you.
 But of course, they were completely assholes and chose to sit together two rows behind both of you.
Minghao paid for his ticket, walking towards you.You avoided looking at him for the first five minutes, knowing he was looking at you—or the window, since both were in the same direction—in the reflection of the window.
"I'm sorry for reacting that way." Minghao whispered near your ear, not wanting the people next to them to listen to their conversation. "I didn't want to upset you."
You looked at his reflection for a couple of seconds before choosing the words you were going to use.
"I know," you started, turning to face him, "and I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier."
"If you were feeling that bad, you could just tell me; I would have given you my notes after class."
Minghao looked sad.
and seeing your friend sad made you feel sad.
"I'm sorry, it's just that the whole "I told you" thing is so annoying."
"But I did, in fact, tell you so."
 "I know!" You exasperated. "I know you did! You always do, and it's insufferable. For me, it is. I feel like I can't make any mistakes because, at first sight of them, you're the first one to point them out." You left it all out.
 "I don't." Minghao said, looking confused. "I didn't say that to make fun of your mistakes or anything like that. Never. I just want to point out that I did tell you because most of the time you just shut people down as soon as they say something you don't like, but sometimes you need to hear that."
 "You're stubborn, extremely stubborn." He continued. "And that stubbornness will get you hurt or sick sometime." Just like right now."
 Your emotions were all over the place, and now, at the slightly rice voice from Minghao, you were ready to boil your eyes out. 
Minghao saw your watery eyes, stopped talking, and painted his face with worry. 
"Don't cry, oh my god, I'm sorry, please don't cry."
Minghao wrapped his arm around your shoulders, awkwardly bringing you closer to his body, trying to comfort you by hugging you.
 "I'm sorry.  "I'm such a dick; you're already sick; please don't cry."
 You wanted to tell him that it was okay, that you were in fact mostly crying because of how horrible you felt and how exhausted, both mentally and physically, you felt, but instead, you rested your head on his shoulder, letting the tears run freely on your face and wetting Minghao's hoodie.
The warmth that Minghao's body emitted was comforting; it was like having your own personal sun. 
The sweet smell from his shampoo invaded your nose, making you feel safe in the familiarity of the smell.
 It was nice to let all the tears out. It was like finally acknowledging how awful you had been feeling since you woke up. 
It sucked. 
Minghao brushed your hair, cleaning your cheeks from the old tears. 
"We're almost home." He whispered, noticing that you were way calmer now that you had let everything out. 
You nodded, closing your eyes and focusing on Minghao's delicate touch on your hair, trying to come back to reality. 
The bus stopped, and you both went down, walking towards your shared dorm.
"I'll prepare you a bath." Minghao said, letting you take your time taking your shoes off.
 "It's okay; you don't have to."
 "I want to; it's my "I'm sorry for being a shitty friend" way to apologize."
 "But you're not a bad friend." You corrected him.
 Minghao smiled, disappearing into the bathroom.
 You went to your bedroom, looking for your favorite pajamas. The only thing you wanted to do was take a bath and sleep for the rest of the day.
 Minghao called you, letting you know everything was ready, leaving the bathroom all to yourself to enjoy the rose bomb bath he had.
 The water was warm, and it smelled so good.
 It felt so good in your sick body. 
Your muscles are finally relaxing.
 You stayed there until the water started to get cold, and as you started to get dressed, the smell of chicken soup hit you. 
Minghao was waiting with the table seated.
 "This is my mom's famous chicken soup," he told you, filling your glass with more water. "She always made me drink it whenever I was sick, so enjoy it; it's delicious."
 "Wow, he's so humble; he compliments his own food." You joked but tried it anyway, your empty stomach welcoming the food with eagerness.
 "So?   How's it?"   Minghao asked, looking attentive to your every move.
 "Delicioso!"   You answer in a terrible accent.
 "Is that Spanish?" Minghao asked, confused. 
"It's really, really good!" "It brings the Spanish out in me!"
Minghao laughed, saying, "There's more if you want; you should really eat well; you barely ate today."
You nodded.
He was right.
"Stay tomorrow; I'll take care of taking good notes so you can study later, okay?"
"But I'll feel better tomorrow."
Minghao rolled his eyes. "You'll go to class and spend two hours attempting to take notes while your mind is everywhere but the class; let your body and mind relax for tomorrow. It's just one day; it won't hurt."
You were about to start an argument, but you remembered the words Minghao told you earlier.
"Okay."   You replied instead, "But make sure everything's in Korean, please, or at least let me know in advance if there's anything in Chinese. I can barely deal with a second language while sick; I don't think I'll be able to deal with one I don't speak at all."
"Sure thing, let's watch a movie." Minghao proposed, deciding that it would be best to watch it in your bedroom, just in case you fell asleep.
"What do you want to watch?" You asked him while getting comfortable under the blankets.
"Whatever you want." Minghao replied, logging into his Netflix account from his laptop. "I'm fine with whatever." 
"Mean girls?" you asked.
Minghao nodded, watching the movie.
You knew Minghao wasn't a big fan of that movie, but you appreciated the fact that he was watching it with you. 
"I want to cuddle," you confessed; this was something your mom always did when you were a kid, and we're feeling particularly sick.
Minghao didn't say anything; he moved behind you, doing as you asked.
"Thanks."    You mumbled.
"Don't fall asleep; we haven't even gotten to the pink Wednesday part yet." Minghao joked.
 "Tomorrow is Wednesday; we should also wear pink." You said your mind was half awake, half asleep.
 "The only oink thing you're going to wear tomorrow is going to be your pajamas, but sure, let's do it." Minghao agreed.
 You smiled.
 Your eyes were burning from exhaustion.
 And without thinking twice, you let your kind shut down, allowing your body the rest it wished for the whole day, feeling safe in Minghao's arms. 
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jaemified · 1 year
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last - xu minghao
"i dont want our first time to be our last."
pairing ; xu minghao x fem!reader
genre ; suggestive (haaahahhahaa), est relationship, hao and reader are graduates (kinda)
warnings ; implied mature themes, first time together but not first time overall
wordcount ; 0.7k
synopsis ; youre going to the states for college, minghaos pursuing his dream in korea. and hes gonna miss you, badly.
note - hao is so bf in this pic help
read below the cut !
"i got accepted into pledis, and ive decided, that i want to take the chance ive been given." minghao told y/n, letting her down easy.
'huh', she thought. it finally made sense to her now, why hed been slightly more distant then normal, and why now, with 2 months left of summer before her freshmen year of college, that he decided so abruptly that they needed to meet up.
"so thats it? youre going to korea, and im going to california? im glad youre doing what makes you happy but, why couldnt you have told me sooner? theres not much time left and we both know long distance relationships never work, i mean most movies end with the main characters being across the state, but across the world? 9066km is way to far-"
minghao cuts her off with a soft kiss, his hand moving up to her shoulder, grip growing tighter with every passing second.
the loving kiss which was meant to shut his talkative girlfriend up began to rise into something a little more.
"you worry a lot, you know?" he playfully scoffed while he leaned back, resting his forehead against hers as he moves the same hand which once rested on her shoulder, up to the back of her head.
"im just, really, really gonna miss you.." y/n whispers, before pulling him again once more by the collar of his dress shirt.
minghao lowly whimpers as y/n slightly nips at his lower lip with her teeth, then goes in for another kiss with minghao licking her own bottom lip, asking for her to let him in during the process.
pulling away, he pushes y/n down onto the bed, adding pressure onto her lower stomach with his own body weight before he goes to hover over her.
she reaches up to run her fingers through his hair, tilting her head to give minghao more access to her neck as he leans down, licking and sucking to find that one spot where she knows splotches of red would be left for her to remember him by for days.
y/n sighed as she listened to the wet sounds of minghao kissing on her neck, biting back a whimper as he reached the one spot on her neck he loved marking the most.
moving one arm down, he leaned onto his right arm while pressing his lower body into the girl below him, slightly grinding his bulge into her clothed heat through it all.
"youre so good to me, hao." she mutters into his ear, leaving a small peck on the side of his head.
he just mumbled something incoherent in response.
with his free hand, he swiftly unbuttoned the top portion of y/ns blouse, slipping his hand under her little black bralette he would always praise her in as he would watch her get dressed.
before he could do anything else, y/n quickly held minghaos wrist. as soon as he felt her hold around him, he pulled his hand back and sat up. "whats wrong? did i hurt you? he questioned with a genuine but concerned tone, using a soft voice that always managed to have y/ns head spinning.
"not at all, its just, youre leaving, and im scared."
"dont be scared, my love. im here for you, you can tell me anything. do you not want to? its fine if you dont, we can stop-" "hao, im okay. its just.." she interrupts him, then pauses.
"i dont want our first time to be our last."
"i understand. just know i still love you."
"i love you too. but, i want to. it just feels like we are already saying goodbye even though we havent left yet."
"we arent saying goodbye. just see you later. even so, its not for another 2 months."
"but what if you meet someone better then me? what if she treats you better then i ever can? what if-" minghao stops her mid sentence with yet another kiss on the lips, but shorter then the first.
"theres no one better then you. ill visit you when i can. and when i do, we can do anything you want. fast, or slow." "ew." "you cant say ew just as im about to fuck you."
"youre right."
"you dont have to, y/n. you can back out now, its not to late."
"no, im ready." she gives him a reassuring smile.
"then, let me take care of you tonight. ill go soft on you."
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