#n e ways i snuck on my phone for u anon i love u
birbwithlove · 4 years
How the hell do you have confidence in yourself. I have never learned how to do that. In my whole life. Never had it. Shake during interviews lol. Can't stop it. I'm pathetic. I hate fearing everything and wish I was someone else.
Anon, my friend, do I have some stories for you. Here is my pre-teen self confidence issues and how I said fuck all that mess.
Back in like... freshman or sophomore year of high school (so I was around 14-15 y/o) I couldn’t look at anyone in the eye. If I walked in the streets I would keep my head down and walk around people, and that would make my walk to school like 20x longer and more painful. I would apologize to people bumping into me, I would apologize for getting in the way, etc, etc. I live in nyc so this happened quite frequently + there’s always someone on the street you’re walking, esp during rush hour.
Then one day I was in the middle of my walk and some asshole bumped into me hard enough for my shoulder to bruise, and just before I could apologize, he called me a bitch for getting in his way. I was pissed for the whole week. I hadn’t been this angry in a hot minute. After that, I was like ’why the fuck am I moving out of the way, apologizing to people, when they 1) are too busy with their own lives 2) don’t care 3) caused it?’
Then this led to the whole self-realization of what made me so “meek/nervous” all the time. I didn’t like people looking at me. I didn’t want people judging me by my appearance, by how I walked, by how my arms swing, etc etc. I didn’t want to be looked at. I didn’t want to be judged by people who only get one impression of me. That was my whole issue, at the very core of it, summarized into one sentence.
Now, this realization happened late fall, meaning winter came to bite everyone’s ass. In the winter, I always use a scarf, and I realized well, if I really don’t want to be looked at, then lemme just cover half of my face with my scarf. My nose won’t get cold, and people won’t have to look at me. Fantastic.
After that, I started looking straight ahead. I knew the potholes and cracks of the streets and sidewalks pretty well so I kept my head up and high, looked straight past the person, and at first I acted as if I was in an impatient rush. People moved out of my way and I didn’t have to bump into anyone. I don’t know if the scarf made me more intimidating to them or if it was just the fact that I started standing straight, but it worked. And after winter, I had trained myself to not look down anymore. I still didn’t want people looking at me, but it was easier now that I was used to not looking at anyone. Because as long as I don’t look at them, I won’t know if they’re looking at me or not. By acknowledging what made me uncomfortable, I created my own gradual step into my own self confidence, using my scarf.
And in doing so, I became a different person.
“Shake during interviews lol. Can't stop it.”
My very first interview was when I was 15 applying to a well known park in my city, and when I first applied, I had wrote “lol” at the end of my answers to, like... every other question. My interviewer had a fun time reading my answers to me, and at the time I was Super Embarrassed, but now when I go to my more “professional” interviews, I think back to that and I’m like “ok, there’s no way I can do worse than that (fun fact, I did in fact do worse than that, and I still got the job I had been applying for anyways). I’ll be fine. Who cares.” (Also, later on when I got to meet my coworkers, they told me this internship was highly competitive and they only accepted 20 people. I was like how the fuck did I get in then when i was so ‘unprofessional’???)
I haven’t met a single person who wasn’t nervous before or during interviews. I had a friend tell me that he had an interviewer who was more nervous than he was!! That interviewer said it was his “first time doing an interview, so please be gentle with me.” (it sounds weird in English but that’s the best translation I can do lol)
If you can’t stop shaking but you want to control it, I would suggest finding another way of releasing that pent up energy. For me, I used to go to the bathroom or a private area and just start jumping and shaking out my hands or punch the air. It was funny as fuck, but it worked. You might find that helpful? Or maybe you can calm yourself down by running your hands under cold water (not hot, hot is painful, cold is more soothing in a way).
I'm pathetic.
Nah. I’ll say this right now. You’re not pathetic. Don’t call yourself pathetic either, cuz you’re not, and you shouldn’t lie to yourself. If you can’t stop calling yourself pathetic/degrading or undermining your value, then come to me and I’ll be the one to tell you you are not pathetic. HMU whenever you’d like, my friend.
I hate fearing everything and wish I was someone else.
I feel you on this. Or, I should say, I felt you on this. For me, I stopped fearing everything when I realized I straight up don’t give a fuck. I can’t give a fuck. What’s the worst thing that’s gonna happen to me? Will they judge me in a negative light? Who cares, who the fuck do they think they are judging me? Are they any better? Can they do the shit I do? Nah. Do they know me? Nah!! So what I accidentally knocked over your fake plant, I put it back together with my bare hands and I presented my fire ass resume/cover letter. What’s more important?
Interviews, generally, are 30min-1hour. One hour before my interview, I get ready. If I’m feeling really nervous, I put up my “front” of someone well put together, who knows how to dress (thanks youtube fashion bloggers, specifically bestdressed), who has the confidence and friendliness of a golden retriever, and I keep that shit up for the entire interview. It’s 30min-1hour. I can do it. I become a whole different person who doesn’t fear shit and take no shit, either. Afterwards, the moment I’m out of the building or in the train station, I’ll drop the front and shake and wipe my sweaty clammy hands on my pants and call it a day.
You wish to become someone else? Why don’t you? What’s stopping you, in the end? You wanna dye your hair but you’re scared of what people will say? When I was minding my own business with my dog in the park, my scarf over my nose, a random woman came up to me just to say it wasn’t that cold out and I should take down my scarf. I said, “what, did you want to see my pretty face that badly?” She got tight and left. That’s her own fucking problem.
People, in the end, will probably judge no matter what you do. Why don’t you become the person you want to be? Like I said before, my biggest fear at the age of 15 was people judging and looking at me. Now I’m 20 and that’s like. My least concern lol. Granted, it took 5 years of me building up my confidence and shit, but now I’m here.
I will also say that I have a sister 11 years older than me, so she encouraged me to be the more chill, confident, independent, badass nonbinary gal I can be. And she always says: At an interview, the worst that can happen is that they say no. And if they do, then they don’t deserve me/you anyways!!
Anyways this is my advice, from one previously nervous wreck to another. Hope this helps. Like I said, come to my inbox whenever you want. I may be 20 years old but I got the advice of an 80 year old. love u friend.
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saturngrqy · 4 years
hey love! I have a request if ur down :)) I use she/her pronouns, I love the vibe of a jealous/needy Grayson when at a fancy event for wake heart and maybe some guys are talking to u since u look so good and he's like uhh no tnx
 HI my love! Thank you so much for sending in a concept:) I hope u like it!
I smoothed my dress down, grabbing the white cotton napkin from the table before pulling it over my lap. The waiter arrived to me and Grayson’s side, offering us both a glass of water. We both took a glass, before he asked if we both wanted something to drink. 
“What would you like to drink?” He asked, staring down at me with a slightly creepy smile. 
“I- uhh,” I answered, feeling slightly uncomfortable by the way he was pressuring me to answer. Luckily, Grayson was quick to notice, and grabbed the waiter’s attention.
“She’ll have a coke, and I’ll just have a lemonade,” Grayson answered sternly.
The waiter turned his attention back to Grayson, taking note of his demeanor, scrambling down the order before running off. 
I looked at Grayson, raising my eyebrows. He just nodded towards the waiter off in the distance and rolled his eyes. I turned back around, turning to Kristina, sparking a conversation about this new show I started watching. 
All of a sudden, the waiter returned with a tray of drinks. He quickly handed Grayson his lemonade before facing me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I quickly tensed up, shrugging my shoulders up around my ears. He set the coke down before dragging his hand across the top of my back. 
“Is there anything else you would like?” He asks me.
“No, thanks,” I replied, coldly. His smirk faded, walking off back to the kitchen. 
I dozed off, staring at the soft glow of the clarity candle in the middle of the table. A strong, firm hand snuck onto my thigh, under the table. I turned to Grayson, seeing he was already staring at me. 
“You ok?” he mouthed. I nodded before facing my plate again. His fingertips danced up and down my thigh, softly, to calm me down. 
“As you all know, this new line of candles are very special to us. We added crystals for healing, and Ethan and I both have positively effected from crystals in our lives. We worked so hard on this line, and we can’t wait for you all to try them,” Grayson spoke into the mic, before walking off the stage, waving, following Ethan. 
“Excuse me ma’am,” I hear a defeaning voice from above me. I turn around to notice the same waiter from before. 
“Yes,” I answered, sighing. 
“Would you like a refill of your coke?” He questioned, staring down into my eyes intensely. 
I shook my head awkwardly, looking back down at my lap. I looked around in search of Grayson to discover him, Ethan, and Kristina were all off by the stage, talking to other people, probably other owners of fragrance lines. “fuck,” I cursed under my breath, realizing I was alone to fend for myself around the creepy waiter. 
“Um, no,” I said. 
Suddenly, he brought up a tray of sweets and desserts, picking up a small plate of strawberries dipped in chocolate. 
“What about this? The strawberries match your pretty dress,” He gestured down at my dress. My dress was satin and blood red, flowing tight around my waist with a slit over my left leg. I looked down at it before looking back up.
“Um, really I’m fine thank you-”
“Excuse me? She said she was fine now leave,” A stern, deep voice says from behind me.
I turn around to see Grayson, towering over the small scrawny waiter. I stand up and walk behind him, his hand finding my waist, shielding me from the waiter. The waiter however, ever the man, stands proudly, smirking up at Grayson.
“I don’t know man, that dress is hard to stay away from,” he glares. 
A scoff exited Grayson’s lips before Grayson harshly grabbed him by the arm, dragging him out to the hallway. 
I watched from a distance, noticing all the watching eyes. I sat back down, feeling defeated that I caused a scene and couldn’t just get rid of him myself. 
“You ok?” A soft, Australian accent asks.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just a bit uncomfortable,” I look back at Kristina. 
She gave me a reassuring look before engulfing me in a hug. I hugged her back, sitting back down. I picked at my food with my fork, waiting for Grayson to get back. I was ready to leave at that point. I shielded my face from all the watching eyes from other tables, getting out my phone to text Grayson, but just as I was about to, he sits back down next to me, quickly pulling me in to hug him. 
“Are you okay, my love?” He whispered into my ear, placing a soft peck under it. 
“I’m fine, just ready to go home,” I answered. 
He grabbed under my forearms, pulling me up, before dragging his hand down my right arm, pulling my hand into his firm grip. 
“Hey E, we’re gonna head back. If anyone asks where I am, just say I had an emergency of some sorts I don’t know,” Grayson shrugs. Ethan nods, waving us off. Grayson and I walked hand in hand to the elevator. 
As soon as the door closed, Grayson pulled me into yet another hug, but this time he was holding me as if I would drift away if he let go. 
“I’m fine, Grayson, I promise,” I tell him.
“I know, I just hate when other guys hit on you, especially when I’m right there. You’re mine,” He says sternly, but then places a gentle kiss onto my forehead. I pull away, smiling up at him, before giving him a firm peck on his lips. I cup his cheeks with both my hands. 
“I’m yours.” 
a/n I hope you like it! Thank you for sending this in anon! Ily:)
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galaxypotato · 4 years
W e l c o m e , h u m a n s . I found a request on my friend's profile(@ketsxeki ). There is no killing game in this, they just at Hope's Peak :p
Pairings: Teurteru x fem!busty! S/O
Warnings: None, just Teruteru being himself.
"I cannot wait until you guys can see my girlfriend. She's so beautiful," Teruteru bragged once again about you as he thought about you and your beautiful body( S E L F L O V E ).
Everyone groaned before Mahiru spoke up. "No offense Teruteru, but none of us believe you have a girlfriend."
"Wha-" he sputtered in response. "You don't?!"
"No, you could never have someone who loves a perv like you!" Hiyoko laughed.
"Now, now," Sonia lightly scolded the short girl. "There's no need to be so mean. But," she turned to Teruteru. "Not to be rude, but we do not believe you." Everyone else mumbled words of agreement to Sonia's statement
"Fine!" Teruteru huffed. "You all will see! You will regret saying those things!" He stormed into the kitchen to start dinner.
A couple of minutes later, he brought out the dishes to the others, but he took his own food to his room to eat alone. Teruteru was still in a bad mood that everyone else did not believe his drop-dead gorgeous s/o was a real person.
He went to get another fork full of food, when he realized he had already ate all of the food on his plate. He didn't even notice that he wolfed down all his food in his anger.
He got up from his desk, since he did not want food on his bed if he spilled any(people make mistakes), opened his door, and made his way to the kitchen to wash the dishes. Once he was done with those, he decided to hit the hay, but when he got to his room and got ready for bed, his phone buzzed.
He unlocked his phone to see it was a text from you. It read, "Heya, handsome! How was today?"
He smiled and started to type. "It was good, but my classmates do not believe that I have a girlfriend. Would you come in tomorrow to see me and prove them wrong?" He snuck under the covers with his phone and yawned.
Thats when his phone buzzed again. "Of course!" You had responded. "I can't wait to meet them! Night night, hun. Sweet dreams, love you ❤"
He smiled at his phone and sent a good night text back to you before resting his phone on his nightstand. He snuggled into the covers more and went to dreamland.
The next morning, his alarm went off. He shot up in bed, remembering that you were coming to Hope's Peak Academy today!! He pressed a button on his clock to shut it up and jumped out of bed, making an effort since it's been a couple of months since he saw you.
He ran past Mahiru and Hiyoko. "Where's the fire?" Hiyoko sneered. Teruteru ignored her and ran to the entrance of the building, where you were waiting.
"Hey, babe!" You bent down a little, arms open wide for a hug.
"Sweetiepie!" He ran straight into your arms, making you giggle as he peppers kisses all over your face. Your nose? Kissed. Your cheeks? Kissed. Your forehead? Kissed.
He sighed, content as he buries his face into your neck, breathing in your scent, your chest pressed against his. "I almost forgot how pretty you are," he mumbled against your skin.
"Awwwwww, babe," you cooed. "You're too sweet. Shall we go meet your classmates?"
Teruteru stayed silent for a moment before nodding and pulling away from the hug, taking your hand and walking with you to the classroom.
"Whoa! Who is that?" Kazuichi exclaimed once he saw you. He noticed you holding Teruteru's hand. "Are you his s/o?"
"Yeah. My name is (Y/N), nice to meet you all."
"These," Teruteru started, pointing at your bust. "Are mine. Stay away from them."
You chuckled. He was always a bit protective since you were the only one who gave him a chance. "Yeah," you agreed, nuzzling Teruteru's cheek before kissing his nose. "I'm all yours"
I hope you like this anon :3
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daebak-dreams · 6 years
♡Yandere! BTS♡ When You’re Being Bullied By Jealous Fan-Girls
Anon Asked:  YAY REQUEST ARE STILL OPEN! How would yandere bts react to you being bullied? ( maybe by some fan girls who want the boys to themselves, maybe some rude jerks, idk... ) Thank you and welcome back luvvvv~💜
Ooof! I’ll do the jealous fan girls~ Those girls bullied the wrong person! Thank you dear! Enjoy :-)
After their performance, the boys were allowed to meet and mingle with their fans. This didn’t thrill him too much, as all he wanted to do was take you home, and spend the rest of the afternoon with you, but he was obligated to do otherwise. He greeted everyone with a smile and small waves here and there, while glancing here and there, in your direction to make sure you were doing alright, and of course you assured him with a smile. 
A few minutes passed, and him and another member, went towards the back to retrieve some boxes of goodies to hand out, but when he came back, his smile was now gone, as he stopped in his tracks. He watched, with a tight expression, as you stood there quietly, while a girl who seemed like a fan,was loudly ridiculing you, asking why someone so handsome, would fall for someone so ugly. He dropped his shoulders, feeling his emotions drain as he walked over to where you and the bully was, letting the box drop to the floor, as he grabbed a hold of her wrist, starring at her with glazed eyes. Of course, she squealed with joy as she turned to see it was Jin, who was touching her, but soon, panic took over her as his grip became tighter and tighter against her skin, with a blank expression.
“What do you think you’re doing? You oon’t talk like that to (YN) ever again..”
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You and him were inseparable. You went wherever he went, no matter where it was. He knew he had work to do, and as the leader, the work was twice as hard, but he still wanted to make sure you were nearby. Knowing how some fan could get and were, he didn’t want you being alone in fear of going as far as doing something malicious to you. Even so with you so close, he could still do what he needed to with out a problem. Though, he finally reached his tipping point, during one interview he took part in. 
Everyone was gathered around, getting prepped as they sat on stage, going over what they were going to say and the questions that were to be answered. Just before the cameras started to roll, the two of you shot a smile to each other, giving him the boost he needed to start. You watched from behind the cameras as he talked and laughed. You couldn’t help but smile at some of his cheesy comments. Just then there was a loud sound from the crowd as a group of girls started to yell your way, cursing at you. You couldn’t manage to turn but you felt your smile falter abit. Namjoon tried his best to stay cool and composed and continue on, but once they started to threaten you, he just had to get off set, and get out of there with you in his arms. He ripped the sound equipment off of him, and walked over to you and whisked you away, out the back door, leaving everyone sitting there, stunned.
“Are you kidding me...?”
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He was already in no mood to be messed with, as they went through their concert. Through the whole time, all he thought about was you. He knew you were there to support them, but worried, knowing that there would be some spiteful fans, in the mix and worried about them knowing that you were there, and they would find and harass you. It had happened before, and although they were people who supported him, the group, and their music, he just couldn’t stand by and watched the one person who meant the most to him, get emotionally ripped to shreds, especially when he wasn’t there, and those fans still decided to act innocent the next minute after what they just did.
The boys started to exit the stage, making small talk as they walked, but Yoongi was elsewhere as he scanned the area, trying to see if he could find you and soon enough there you were, standing near the exit, being harassed yet again by it seemed, the same group of girls. The other members saw his body react, as his walking came to a slow stop and he tensed up, getting ready to jump off stage and charge at them, but they held him back. He thrashed about, and cursed loudly, but knew that if they let him go, all hell would break loose.
“GET OFF ME! You see what the fuck their doing to (YN)?! I have to do something!”
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He finally got a day off, and he was going to spend it with you. Though you decided that the two of you should stay in with some snacks and a movie, he thought it would be better to take you out. He was sad for how much work had consumed the time he was supposed to be sharing with you, and wanted to treat you to something nice. You deserved to be treated like a queen. After pouting here and there, giving you his puppy dog eyes, you finally agreed to letting him take you out. He excitedly told you, he had wanted to take you shopping before dinner, so you could pick out a few nice outfits of your choice. Though, as you went to the mall, you never did get through it, to get to dinner.
He lingered nearby, but still gave you room to look around at a store that you liked. He smiled brightly at you while he watched you excitedly looked through the racks of clothing to the wall of other items. Suddenly, he felt someone tug on him, which made his face drop in surprise. When he saw the BTS shirt, he knew she was a fan. The girl beamed at him, but once she saw you, her face fell into a disgusted expression. she then realized that J-hope was still standing there, starring at her in confusion as she still held onto him and smiled again. She then started to tug on him with a “Oppa can we take pictures? Oppa! why are you with such an ugly girl. She’s not good enough for you Oppa.” This upset him, and made him frighteningly hostile.
“Don’t you talk about her that way. And don’t touch me. I’m not your Oppa.”
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You and Jimin were out, spending the day together, enjoying yourselves as much as you could, before he had to go back to the busy week that consisted of practices and interviews. He was in heaven, being able to be alone with you all day long without any interruptions. He didn’t care if people starred as he lingered around you, with his arms tightly wrapped around your waist while he smiled lovingly at you, taking in the scent of your hair. Yes there was fans that ran into you two, but they didn’t say or do much, wanting to be respectful, and just gave a hello, or asked about his day, and went on with theirs.
He didn’t mind this, as long as no one came between you two or the time he spent with you. It wasn’t until, he ran into a few bad apples, as the two of you stopped to get a treat. He told you to sit at one of the benches that the shop had outside, as he went inside to get you something sweet to eat As you waited for him, two girls approached you, knowing very well who you were. They didn’t like how you dated Jimin, and let you know just how they felt with their harsh words. Once Jimin came back, the girls stopped and smiled politely at you, then at him. But he wasn’t dumb at all, as he saw the whole ordeal from the window as he payed for his purchase. All he could do was flash a fake smile, and let it fade as it was his turn to tell them how he felt.
“Get away from my girlfriend...Now..I don’t want her tainted from ugly girls like you.”
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As much as he loved you, there was always that worry of something happening to you because of his status as a celebrity. If he could, he would’ve chosen you, over his job, but he too didn’t want to let down the boys, or the fans. Still he kept a closer eyes on you because of this. But he grew much more anxious by the day. Especially, as he stumbled upon a few nasty comments directed towards you. Now he really was on edge, worrying that someone would be so angry that they would direct their anger towards you, and hurt you in the process, so he kept you close, not wanting the worse to come. This upset the agency, but wanted Tae to be at his upmost best.
Though, during a photoshoot, some fans snuck near the set, and decided it would be funny to mess with them, including you. As Taehyung looked around, wondering where you were, his eyes almost popped out of his head as he saw three girls, pushing you around, you towards one, who pushed you into the next girl across from her. You pleaded for them to stop and tried to push them off, but it was three against one. That is, until Taehyung cut in, pulling you from them only to hold onto you tightly as the manager and a few others went over to roughly escort the girls away. All he could do was sob as he hold onto you, wanting to make sure you were alright, but also wanted to make sure that you wouldn’t live him either because of this.
You’re Kookie “B-baby! Come here, Are you okay? It’s okay, I’m here now. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry..”
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It was the day of a big music awards ceremony, and he wasn’t happy one bit. While all the boys in the vehicle, laughed and talked, he sat in the back with his eyes starring down at the phone that he tightly clutched in his hands. He knew that you were going to be there, but he was upset that you two weren’t able to ride in the same car as him. It worried him, and he spammed your phone with many text messages, getting more and more frustrated as he wondered why you weren’t replying right away. Terrible thoughts crossed his mind as he wondered if maybe you got into an accident on the way there, or maybe you hated him for something he did or said that he couldn’t remember. He became erratic and couldn’t sit still in his seat. 
That was until the vehicle pulled up to the entrance of the stadium that he saw the reason why you didn’t get back to him. A fan he had seen linger here and there plenty of times before, was standing next to you as she dangled your phone from you.The girl had known that you were dating Jungkook from some sources and wanted to torment you for claiming his as yours. As the anger that he bottled up in the way, let loose like a bottle of pop, as he pulled the seat belt away from his body in a hurry and tired to force the door open, but fumbled as his hands shook. The members sat there worriedly and tried to pull him back in calming down, not wanting him to cause a scene in front of the press and their fans.
“What the hell?!”
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I hope you liked it!~
-Admin Bonbori
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yourblogsnamehere · 7 years
do all of the ask me things I wanna learn bout you
Thank you, anon! Also this is long as F U C K
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? Good morning, probably.
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?She’s my girlfriend
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?If we’re talking life-threatening drugs, like heroin or something, I’d absolutely care. But if it was just weed, no.
4. Is your last name longer than six letters?It is exactly six letters
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?Sober, as I have a crippling fear of alcohol.
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?I think so??
7. What does your last received text say?Goodnight love you! (My dad)
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?More than I can count tbh
9. Where was your last kiss at?It was in the school parking lot
10. When is the last time you saw your sister?I don’t have like,,, a human sister, but I have a dog who i call my sister. And I’m lookin at her rn
11. What do you drink in the morning?Water. Once in a blue moon, chocolate milk, but I usually stick to water.
12. Where did you sleep last night?My bed
13. Do you think relationships are hard?Depends on who you’re with. My first relationship was tough because we were always trying to impress each other. But the one I’m in now is pretty effortless.
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?Hell yeah
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?Nope!
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Sunny.
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?N, o
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?Pajama pants they are very fluffy
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?More than likely
20. Does anyone like you?I mean, I hope my girlfriend does
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?Nope!
22. Is the last person you kissed gay?She isn’t gay, but she is queer and likes girls, so
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?Yes
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?Yes, I want tattoos so bad
25. In the past week have you cried?Yeah
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? Miniature Pinscher (my dog)
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?Out of. Do people actually dry off in the shower?
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?Nope
29. Do you think you’re old?No
30. Do you like text messaging?Love it.
31. What type of day are you having?Eugheugehhgeheuge
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?Y E S i’m really gunning for a nose piercing
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?Warm
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?My dad.
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?Relationship
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?I’m pretty complicated (not to sound like a manic pixie dream girl)
37. What song are you listening to?I am not. But I do have Young and Menace by FOB stuck in my head
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?Absolutely
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?Yes
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?Long-ass-story short, she makes me feel safe and calm, and she’s beautiful both inside and out
41. When did you last receive a text message?Last night at 10:57
42. What is wrong with you right now?I think I’m just really lonely
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?She is my girlfriend of one year and my best friend of around six years.
44. Does anyone disgust you?A few people
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?Nope.
46. Are you in a good mood right now?Eugheug
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?My mom
48. What color shirt are you wearing?White
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?Yes
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?I’m trying to avoid giving up on someone
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?Not at all
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?I don’t think so
53. Do you like rain?Ye
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?It depends on the degree of their drinking. If it’s casual drinking, absolutely not. But if it’s becoming an alcohol problem, I’ll start to get worried. I also have a crippling fear of alcohol as I’ve mentioned
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?Yeah
56. Do you like to cuddle?Y e s i d o
57. Are you shy?Depends on who I’m talking to
58. Do you get along with girls?Mostly
59. Have you dated the person you texted last?No, he is my father
60. What do you carry with you at all times?My phone
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?Hell yeah
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?I’ve done it before, and my current relationship is way past five months
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?Yes
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?Absolutely!
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?I got to play with my gf’s hair a little
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?17, 18, and 18
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? Do them myself
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? I really don’t like either, but I guess zebra print??
69. Do you have any stickers on your car? I have no car
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? Lil Wayne
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? iPhone72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? Quite a while ago. I don’t love Pizza Hut tbh
73. Do you like diet soda? (Boisterous Rhode Island accent) GET THAT SHIT OUTTA HEA
74. What color are the walls in your room? Light pink at my mom’s house, blue stripes at my dad’s house.
75. Are you 16 or older? I’m 17, yeah
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? No
77. Do you have a job? Noo, o
78. What are your initials? H P A
79. Did you ever have braces? I did. For three years.
80. Are you from the south? Nope
81. What does your last status on facebook say? I don’t want to know
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? Not really
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? I’m fortunate enough to be close to both
84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? Nope
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? Beauty and the Beast
86. Do you smoke? Noooo
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? Flip flops for comfort, high heels for aesthetic
88. Is your phone touch screen? Yes
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? I usually leave it natural, which is wavy in most spots and curly in a few spots
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? No i love my parents too much
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? Lake. I’ve done it before, and it was gorgeous
92. Have you ever made out in a car? Yes
93. …Had sex in a car? Not yet
94. Are you single or in a relationship? Relationship bb
95. What were you doing last night at midnight? Probably crying or watching youtube videos
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? New Years??
97. Do you like the camera on your phone? I like the snapchat camera
98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? Nope
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? nO
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? Nope.
101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? No
102. Name your favorite Kesha song: C'mon and Dinosaur
103. Do you have any tan lines right now? I think I have permanent tan lines on my hips
104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? Cowboy boots aren’t really my thing, so no
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