#n i enjoy that shit lmao
crqstalite · 1 year
also yalls fics got me doing actual analysis again like girl my english professor WISHES i wasnt bullshitting on my hw assignments
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Let's have a party
There's a full moon in the sky
It's the hour of the wolf
And I don't want to die
I'm so happy
Dancin' while the grim reaper
Cuts, cuts, cuts
But he can't get me!
I'm as clever as can be
And I'm very quick, but don't forget:
We've only got so many tricks!
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insufferablemod · 1 month
wowgh.... my first free day in weeks tomorrow.....
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altschmerzes · 2 months
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gxlden-angels · 8 months
Ur girl calling me trinity the way I Father her Son when my Holy Spirit fills her
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lucky7i · 7 months
#"despite everything that happened dee- and yknow the events falling upon you thats happened- i still consider you Bondi regardless if youre#“technically in the club or not so- i just hope wherever you go you remember that”#whata fuckinh emding i guess it could’ve been worse and i enjoyed the highs and downbad lows#icant with these emo shits and drama queens today i cried and laughed sm (cried more)#its always when i have things to do irl after and my eyes are like @@#time for a hot shower and sleep for 2 days now#war is over#< bro think he did something#wow what a journey#rip dukes n jess's gifti TT^TT shes with og vb tulip and paragone now the girls are home#I’m glad he went with the tutorial dee mentore ending leaving until someone needs him with some hints and not very closed ending >> sideeye#barrys such an emo himbo goldfosh lmao the literal ending it with a bang was hot and tragicsweet#hs last memory connection with dee Clueless#🖼️🃏#i loved every last convo that was had with people- the bad and good and the painful and healing#i wish there was one with tj tho ): he called him when he thought it was his last moments in prison god i love that phonecall#wait right ill take their little chat at the gas station ⍢ it was so sweet#chip fey and ed and collin & bbs convos#and he’s been and always will be bondoi gladge#him pulling lots of new pple on their feet for years then either they exceed to great things and move on and away from him#or the city eats them and he never see them again and in all cases he ends up alone again#^i daydreamed about him saying something like that to b im glad he did#the way b speaks to him and how the club spoke to him is fascinating i want to talk about it and analys it#god not me analysing literature years after collage#and i know she was scuffed lmao but coppa looked like she said goodbye to dee too before she got into the car and idc ill take that#the two that i'll miss sm more than anything with barrys story and 4.0 dee and coppa#i think the john thing's so funny especially the “gaslighting himself that dees name was johnathon the intire time” in mc lmao but#🤲🕯️🩸 reunion in aus 🙏 🩸 rekindling 🕯️🩸 max prison or petty crimes 📿🛐 that part revival 🤲🩸🛐 its right there hes righthere 🌀😵‍💫#dare i say the same dee with the same memories continues 4.0 with a new page and even closer with everyone 🚛 🏭 the copium overload#I also cant wait for more suffer and joy in 4.0 yippeee
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ivnscribbles · 3 months
leaving secondary school & no longer doing English classes has made me realise that I actually really like English Lit just the stress of a timed essay made me loose my shit so bad that I fully did not want to go to classes for 4 years.
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boyfriendyke · 1 year
trigun stampede is insane cuz it's like. knives shows up in episode three. EPISODE THREE. i've finished 19 episodes of the og trigun and i havent seen knives outside of flashbacks. wdym youre putting him in episode three.
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appsa · 3 months
...what mediocre jack black gay sex movie?
This one called the D-Train
They dont talk abt it in the trailer but jabdkf the plot twist is that jack black banged the cool actor guy and nearly ruined his marraige and lost his job because of it. The movie is v fascinating to me cause its not overtly Homophobic??? But the overall effect is homophobia, but it does it in a kind of compelling way and thats so funny to me. It comes soooo close to saying something interesting, but fails to do so because its conclusion is just so Weird and came out of left field (for me). So yeah its weirdly compelling in a "studying the psyche of a straight-but-not-homophobic white man whos coming to terms w being a normie" kind of way
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necra-loid · 4 months
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you WILL look at them
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mangostar · 2 years
Tbh I'm surprised there's still nothing abt a warrior cats movie or show?...like you'd think itd be popular enough to at least get something
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brittlebutch · 7 months
going two layers deep in a fantasy to 1) a world where the bird trading cards from that make some noise prompt are real and then 2) world where they have insect trading cards of the same variety
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danifart · 10 months
i should make a relationship chart for my shep i think. not custom shep cause i havent even finished ME1 with that fucknut, but like. the default one that i took creative loyalties with
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apoapsis · 2 years
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hey all! looking for cheap art pieces of your favorite characters/ships? or maybe even as a gift for a friend for the holidays? consider my art!
                                      [ paypal: [email protected] ]
criteria for purchasing art:
- you must be 18+ to request ns.fw art - all transactions are done through paypal - what you see is what you get
will draw:
- fandom characters [irl movies/shows and book characters may be difficult] - animals, scenery, and space-scapes - furry, anthro, etc. depending on complexity - ns.fw and specific kinks (ask me and i’ll tell you if i will or won’t) - “mascots” or personas (i will not draw portraits of real people)
won’t draw
- illegal content (underage/b.estiality/racism etc. The Obvious No-No’s) - “hate” art of people’s original characters - mecha (its just really fuckin hard) - ship art of minors with adults (ew?)
still interested? prices below the cut! :)
available tiers:
“doodle” sketch [base price: $12] this is my preferred tier, so i’d prefer to sell these the most! these will be completed the fastest and are the most comfortable for my style increments: +4 for fullbody, +2 per add. character (if over two), +5 for “detailed” bg, +12 for ns.fw
line art [base price: $16] more or less just a “cleaned-up” doodle, with more care towards cleaner lines. these aren’t really my favorite, but that’s because I hate cleaning my lines increments: +10 for fullbody, +4 per add. character (if over two), +10 for detailed bg, +12 for ns.fw
flat colors or colored line art [base price: $18 / $22] prices vary exclusively on the colors requested meaning: mono/bi/achromatic (0-3 color palettes) are $18 “full” color (anything outside of my color style or custom palettes) is $22 increments: +12 for fullbody, +4 per add. character (if over two), +12 for detailed bg, +14 for ns.fw
shaded+colored line art aka “paintings” [base price: $30] okay these are really hard to complete under a deadline as this tier requires the highest level of time and effort, so i may be selective with these based off of how complicated the piece seems to be. addendum: depending on the complexity, i may ask for half payment up front to ensure that you intend to purchase the final piece. i will refund your money if you genuinely decide you don’t like the progress made before you purchase the final product.  your patronage will always mean more to me than money. :)
increments: +15 for fullbody, +8 per add. character (if over two), no detailed bg, +18 for ns.fw
                                 [paypal: [email protected]]
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discoreptile · 10 months
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Wee ha
#Arright here I go again I gotta do some of these when I gotta vent#posting this on the 17th of August#So the elestral thing is going alright. My focus has shifted a LOT there but I'm still working with em#But the majority of my work comes from another client now. It's another one of these things that I'd love to make by myself#But someone else is making it and wanting me to do the art and music. It's gonna be huge. What a life it is. Anyway#This gif is from yet another project I started recently. Separate from Smile More HoaM and anything else. I keep fucking doing this#But this one's strange. It reflects my current working skills I've built up all these years. A multimedia experience that has a start n end#featuring all your favourite elphame characters in a new style. I'm enjoying making it but there's one problem#I haven't worked on it in like a month and a half#Work is piling up. Pixel art is something I don't do for myself anymore#It's not even a case of “as soon as I have time to myself my fingers can't move" it's that I just do not have any spare time lmao#I meet Ashley once or twice a week. We still play digimon a lot but we're taking this month off since she's petsitting and can't go out lat#My flatmate has basically taken the summer off work since his job pays well enough for him to do so#so having him around to play games with is nice. Feels awkward taking baths with him in the house tho lmao#He is kind of the only reason I take breaks. I got pikmin 4 and it is incredible. Genuinely might have replaced Digimon World as 1st place#Mum took Andy and I to Netherlands recently. It was incredible. I played in a local digimon tournament and ate shit#Have just been so excited about travelling lately. Ashy taking me to manchester soon and I think we'll go london next spring or sooner#Worried I'm overdoing it with the tags so I'll sign off here. Work is stressing me out but it looks like big things are happening.#OH MY GOD I HAVE STOPPED BLEEDING BTW. Like almost altogether. Haven't in like a month. The trick is in the big box I rest my feet on.#It's too tall. I tried replacing it with a pile of folders half as tall and my bleeding fucking stopped. No crohn's disease or anything.#Just a big stupid fucking box. Anyway see you
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nomaishuttle · 7 months
its literally so insane that my brother has like parents who arent young like thats insane... they were 34 when they had him... they were 20 when they had me which like isnt Insanely young but its still young yk. young enough that ppl r like Omg yr parents r so young ! when i say how old they are... but theyre gonna be 40 next year WHICH IS CRAZY. 40 year old parents hes like a kid from a disney channel show.
#and that mf lives in a house my parents own. Not for long lmaooo anyways.#<- bc my parents r prolly gonna lose the house bc my dad lost his job bc he assaulted somebody again. AWESOME FAMILY ! but anyways.#but its crazy. n my mom has been planninh a disneyland trip 4 ages... why r my family becoming like. almost middle class its scary ... guys#go back 2 being poor im scared and also thats so unfair that they waited until like a few months b4 i moved out to start marginally#getting their shit together. go girl give me NOTHING !#but like its crazy how different our lives will be. like my parents relationship i Highly fucking doubt its gonna get better LMAO theyll#probably get divorced once they lose the house. god willing at least. but yk...#and hes got like Adult siblings.... me in talking abt myself. i left the house the same year he started kindergarten. its insane. and im#not gonna be there to see him grow up. Kills my .#i do like. idk. i want 2 try n stay out here but i also. sometimes i do judt think abt going back home just so i cn be closer to him#but. yk. thats not rly feasible rn. so.#hopefullyyy next year theyll all be able 2 come up n visit me for the summer... since ill have my own place#my like Prayer is that maybe in a couple years him n annie and lamp could start spending the summer with me.... thatd be rly cool#lamp idk what their plans r i think theyre gonna stay down there#weve talked a bittt abt them moving up here and it seemed like theyd enjoy that ? but theyre rly close with annie as well so idk...
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