md-confessions · 4 months
Sorry if I sound rambly, but
For the story Liam wanted to tell, he needed N and V's relationship, also, Nuzi was the plan by episode 3 at the latest, the pilot/heartbeat at the earliest. V's treatment of N is required to why N and Uzi connected so much, both N and Uzi were disliked by pretty much everyone in their lives (especially J and Khan in the lives of the Disassembly Drone and the Worker Drone, the former is straight up an Abuser, both physically and emotionally, it's hard to deny it, while Khan says Uzi is a disappointment in public tv like it's nothing, which is kinda abusive IMO. Not even when N was a worker he was free of abuse, the Elliots and other humans aside from Tessa treated him like he was nothing but mere scrap) and they found comfort in each other.
While she cared for N and didn't wanna have him hurt, much less wanting him to remember how his life went downhill, she did it in the worst way she could, she pushed and neglected N for at least 2 decades if we're presuming the DDs were in Copper-9 back when Uzi was a pill baby. (Uzi is canonically 18-19, maybe 20)
V was a stepping stone in N's development, not only as a character but also his relationships, he originally was a traumatized man that was scared to stand up for others, I'd argue his feelings for V were partly due to him still having faint memories of the Manor days but also the fact V didn't abuse him physically like J did, it's sorta like an abused child. They might flock to their "less abusive" parent.
This changed when he met Uzi Doorman, a Worker Drone who had gotten into the corpse spire, while he thought he was some sort of Disassembly/Worker Drone hybrid thing made to blend in with the Workers, but when they got to talking, she wasn't like J or V, she showed him kindness and he showed her kindness back, it's something both have not had for pretty much their entire lives, we also get to see the scene with the heart gun during the V and N/J and Uzi fight, another example of how N still had feelings for V at this point. By the end of the pilot, N hasn't developed his personality much, but he at least has someone to rely on, Uzi.
In episode 2 we get to see N try to keep Uzi and V from fighting during the intro, with the scene where N drags Uzi behind him after V accuses Uzi of her backstory being bullshit, also with later context, V was the liar, she probably knows why the Solver sent them there yet she hid it, trying to act all cool and stuff.
By the end of the episode Uzi becomes scared of N, which causes N to become worried he might have lost his only friend, V just says she hates him normally but this is worse, the only concern is in her face, and it's mild concern. V looks at the broken chain, which leads to the next episode.
And episode 3 is a major part of their relationship, it is where it's revealed V still cares for N and her treatment of him was a way of trying to protect him from the solver stuff, she has a reason and justification for her actions now, it's not just "I don't care about him" V's role in this episode is as its secondary antagonist (just behind Doll) This episode has a very important moment for their relationship, At the start, V demanded N to get her and him suits for the Prom, and get Uzi to let them in and kill all the Workers, V makes fun of Uzi by saying she doesn't have any friends, and then shoot her in the head, N is against this plan, already a sign he's starting to learn to stand up for himself by refusing to free V for "Prom Murder" and he starts talking about his dreams, talking about how they possibly grew up in a haunted mansion, V shows actual concern for N (for the first time in the show, at least directly), asking him and Uzi to stop prying into the Solver business.
She tries to barter with N to free her, she promises she'll only kill if necessary, though she says "You and Me, N" implying she'll still kill Uzi. Before V flies off to go commit mass murder, N tries to get her to talk about her past and work together with him, though she decapitates him, she says she knows what's best for him, even if he hates her for it. This moment outright confirms that V definitely cares for N and just doesn't want him getting hurt, even if it means she has to do it by extreme means.
And then the whole main episode happens, Uzi discovers the plan, Uzi and N reconcile, Uzi's feelings for N probably blossomed here, yadda yadda yadda, Lizzy says V is hot, yadda yadda yadda, Doll fight, yadda yadda yadda, Chica-bow V shoots Doll.
Later while exploring Doll's home, the two Disassembly Drones find the corpses of Yeva and Adam (fan name for Doll's father, I am not calling him Doll's father everytime I mention him) and when V sees the corpses, after Doll used her powers to remind her of her actions, she doesn't care much and the most she says is "they didn't taste good" which leads to N saying "V, you kinda suck" this is something N would have never said in the pilot.
N finally starts to doubt his feelings for V, at this point he doesn't have his memories of the manor, so to him, he's pretty much only ever had those feelings due to the fact she was the least abusive to him, and she literally cut his damn head off, I get why he'd be doubting if he even actually loved V at all.
Episode 4 is also important, it's where N's completely learns to stand up for himself, pretty much part of the reason why Uzi went freaky deaky is because V pretty much gaslighted and antagonize Uzi into thinking N didn't care about her and how if she died he wouldn't care. (Something she for a fact knows isn't true, as seen with N between Heartbeat and The Promening and Uzi didn't even die, imagine if she did) V is still trying to keep Uzi and N away, since from last episode, V knows that Uzi has the solver and she's scared N might get killed by Uzi due to it.
At a later point Uzi turns an arrow into some weird fleshy homunculus and V for a second looked panic, she immediately drew her weapons as she saw that. V went to go chase after Uzi while N tried to stop V, the two argue, at this argument, N finally is honest about this whole thing where V is hiding shit from N and Uzi, it's scaring him, V uses cryptic language to refer to a certain "thing" that will leave them alone, N then finally stands up to V, he berates her about her treatment of him, asking what she's so afraid of, he explains how V keeping him in the dark about this is scaring him and Uzi, N reminds V that Uzi is a kid, like them, to him, V has no reason to fear Uzi. N doesn't know about Cyn and the Solver and stuff due to the Solver wiping his and J's memories.
This argument comes to halt when N asks "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" V's face goes from anger to worry, N tells V to look after the campers as he goes investigate what's going on with Uzi.
After Uzi murders 2/3rds of her whole class V comes into put down Uzi, the Solver Drone pleads with the Dissasembly Drone to let her live, V refers to Uzi as "Cyn" saying "New Body, same Horrors?" in V's point of view, Cyn is the one behind this, not the solver, for all she knows Cyn IS the solver itself. Uzi pleads with V, asking if she can talk with N, the only person that could calm her down, and as shown later, if V had allowed N to come and comfort Uzi, things probably wouldn't have gone as bad, some campers might still have died but V still got her ass kicked.
V gets her ass kicked by Uzi Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, N comes to the rescue and after Uzi stabs him with the nanite tail she goes back to normal, N throws her into the sky and the two Dissasembly Drones talk, N tells her "what did I tell you about antagonizing her" before he goes comfort Uzi, telling her they'll take baby steps, together. After V sees N and Uzi hugging, she goes from being on edge to calming down slightly, at this point she notices maybe N doesn't need her anymore, maybe he's fine with just Uzi supporting him.
At the end she looks at Uzi and N, worried, a lot of people think she's jealous but I don't think so, I think she's still got that worry that Uzi go haywire again and get N killed, but it could also be due to N and Uzi now looking into the Solver, together.
Episode 5 is mostly a flashback episode (technically) and it shows that N and V, at one point in the past had mutual feelings for each other, as throughout most of that episode N and V are their past selves, they're silly little teenagers who got a mutual crush on each other, I'd argue this is the closest eNVy ever got to being canon. The solver uses V to do weird robot surgery on N and turn him into a Dissasembly Drone, and N gives V back her glasses so she could grab the scalpel, V hesitates and slowly recites the Golden Retrievers have gentle mouths thing, cute moment, sadly the Solver decides to ruin this moment by slamming V into the wall and trying to give N a lobotomy.
Episode 6 is V's (presumable final episode) in this episode V seems to care for both Uzi and N, though there isn't a big V and N moment before the big one (there's more Uzi and V in this episode before the big one)
Ok now lets talk about the big one, AKA: V's sacrifice at the end of the episode, so pretty much throughout the entire episode the reason why V defended Uzi so much against the sentinels, Alice and Beau is because she noticed how much she mattered to N, and it's part of the reason for the sacrifice in my eyes, I wouldn't say she did it exclusively for that though, I feel like you could read it as a form of suicide (I know this took a dark turn but) V has pretty much lived a horrible life, form conception down to this moment, as said before, she has noticed that N needs Uzi, and from V's POV, she has done her purpose, she finally trusts Uzi, the reason she didn't get in the elevator wasn't just because she couldn't, it's because she didn't want to.
I think The Genius page on Eternal Dream is not only an amazing Breakdown of V's character but also the song itself.
N and V never directly do anything in episode 7 (as V doesn't appear herself aside from the Solver posing as her), when Nori tells him to hide the fact she's actually alive, N refuses, saying she won't hide anything from Uzi anymore. Not only is he hiding the fact "Tessa" wants him to kill her, but also, he doesn't want to do the same mistakes V did when trying to protect him.
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towel-eater · 9 months
NJUziVhadizzyoll that it that’s the post
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suna1suna1 · 21 days
Never Like in the Books | MD Oneshot
Finale spoilers!
N/V (kinda, one-sided)
N/Uzi (Background)
Just a little bit of angst, but it's not too sad I don't think. I have a goal for after this, and it's semi-related to this fic I posted yesterday
V didn't like talking about it much, but she was a book nerd. She enjoyed reading a lot of things, but... weirdly enough, she hated sad endings. Maybe it was because they reminded her too much of her own life. Her and N's story had ended the moment the Solver had come into their lives. They just didn't notice. 
Well, V didn't think N had ever noticed that it had even started. 
Not that it mattered now. At least she could escape into books, where no one disappointed you. Where the hero always got whomever they were in love with, always had more people in love with them than they knew what to do with. In books, V could escape herself. Could escape the memories and the Solver and... Become a little closer to whom she used to be. 
She looked up from her book to find N sitting on the floor next to her in the landing pod, grinning. "Watcha reading?" 
V narrowed her eyes, more out of habit now than any real malice. Uzi had been the primary Solver host for a while now, and she seemed to be keeping it well under control. That, and Cyn was dead. She no longer had any reason to keep N at arms length, but she still caught herself doing it. 
Not that it had ever really worked. N had a weird way of worming his way into everyone's hearts. Except J's, though V had never understood her hatred of him even in the mansion. 
"Nothing," she replied. "Just some trash I found in their bags." V gestured to a couple of frozen human corpses she'd dragged into the pod. One of them had been wearing a cute skirt that was surprisingly in decent condition, and if Lizzy didn't want it, V certainly did. 
The "trash" in question was a dystopian YA novel, and honestly, it was pretty decent. The characters were okay, and the plot was cool. All in all, she would rate it a solid three point five out of five. 
N tilted his head to try and get a look at the cover. "Could I borrow it when you're done with it?" he asked. 
V shrugged. "Sure. But isn't Uzi trying to show you that one manga where like, the humans have to eat other humans and stuff? I don't know, I wasn't listening when she tried to tell me about it." 
"She is! But we can't find the next volume." 
"Oh, that's always the worst." 
N groaned. "Right? And we left off on a huge cliffhanger!" 
"What was it called again?" V asked. If she knew the name she might be able to help them find a copy somewhere. 
"I... I forgot." 
V laughed quietly. "Don't let Uzi catch you saying that," she said. 
N chuckled, then his smile faded. "You haven't really been around much. Are you doing okay, V?" 
Wow... That was abrupt. 
V sighed. "Kinda?" she said. "It's... weird that Cyn's just... gone. You know? I spent... so long doing everything I could to protect you from her, to appease her just so she wouldn't kill you. And I guess... I feel... kinda useless now. Like, my whole reason for holding on, for still existing, is gone." 
"Well, that's kinda cool, isn't it?" N said. "You get to choose what you want to do!" 
V smiled and shook her head. "Yeah, but that's just it. I have no clue what I want to do. Well... Actually, I do know, but it's not happening so like... Who cares?" 
"I do," N replied. "What is it?" 
V looked at him, and she immediately realized that was a mistake because he was giving her the damn puppy eyes. She sighed. "It's nothing," she said. "Like I said, it's not happening." 
"You don't know that!" 
"Yeah, I think I do, N." You're already with her. "Can I read my book now?" 
N seemed to deflate, and even though she'd seen that look over and over again through the years, it still made her core feel like it was breaking in two. "Okay," he said. "You still up for that scavenging run later?" 
V nodded and turned back to her book, and N stood up and left the pod. 
Yeah, she got enough sad endings in her life. What was one more onto the pile? 
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conniewoof · 1 year
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Omg it’s Oilcookie! Yea it’s literally just a scene from a fic I read used as my art for the the prompt, atleast I think I interpreted it right…. I’ll learn tomorrow cause I can’t stop doing these days EARLY! 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。 (hi Twitter)
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van1lla-cake · 24 days
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drew some drones that do the murder
the full lineup:
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mochiiniko · 1 month
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emmachen1003 · 16 days
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cherbearsz · 2 months
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me and the bestieeeee
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em-bandaid-boy · 23 days
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I huave brainworms.....
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md-confessions · 5 months
You would think Dizzy shippers and Vizzy shippers would fight like Envy and Nuzi shippers do, right?
Well you would be WRONG.
Vuzi, Dizzy and Vizzy shippers are all best buddies :D
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Things Tessa would have loved doing if Cyn hadn’t freaking killed her:
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Uzi in general.
Finding out that N and Uzi are dating.
Telling embarrassing stories about N in front of Uzi.
Stealing clothes and hair from all the skeletons on Copper 9 to play dress up with the drones.
N being tall enough to carry her on her shoulders.
Riding V’s pet sentinel. (She’d definitely call it a dingo)
Telling everyone V used to wear glasses and embarrassing her.
Watching horror movies with N, V, Uzi, and J.
Forcing J to be friends with the others against her will.
Being Uzi’s “I’ll help you bury a body and not ask questions” friend.
Going to drone prom and tearing up the dance floor.
Just… just finally being able to be her weird self without fear of judgement and having friends as creepy and strange as she was and… THIS GIRL DESERVED TO LIVE, DAMNIT!
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seraphont · 3 months
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good thing dogs are canonically immortal, never ending airbud movies
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yume-esmeray · 3 months
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Some human(?) designs I cooked up for some of the Murder Drones characters.
Details on my designs! - I gave the Disassembly Drones some bat features on them like their faces since they are technically vampires. - Uzi's scar is a reference to her wound from the pilot! (it will disappear eventually cuz of her Solver abilities)
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dontfrickindoxme · 21 days
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umblrspectrum · 5 months
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i love learning cursive just to write text for exactly one character
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