#n/v crit
md-confessions · 4 months
Sorry if I sound rambly, but
For the story Liam wanted to tell, he needed N and V's relationship, also, Nuzi was the plan by episode 3 at the latest, the pilot/heartbeat at the earliest. V's treatment of N is required to why N and Uzi connected so much, both N and Uzi were disliked by pretty much everyone in their lives (especially J and Khan in the lives of the Disassembly Drone and the Worker Drone, the former is straight up an Abuser, both physically and emotionally, it's hard to deny it, while Khan says Uzi is a disappointment in public tv like it's nothing, which is kinda abusive IMO. Not even when N was a worker he was free of abuse, the Elliots and other humans aside from Tessa treated him like he was nothing but mere scrap) and they found comfort in each other.
While she cared for N and didn't wanna have him hurt, much less wanting him to remember how his life went downhill, she did it in the worst way she could, she pushed and neglected N for at least 2 decades if we're presuming the DDs were in Copper-9 back when Uzi was a pill baby. (Uzi is canonically 18-19, maybe 20)
V was a stepping stone in N's development, not only as a character but also his relationships, he originally was a traumatized man that was scared to stand up for others, I'd argue his feelings for V were partly due to him still having faint memories of the Manor days but also the fact V didn't abuse him physically like J did, it's sorta like an abused child. They might flock to their "less abusive" parent.
This changed when he met Uzi Doorman, a Worker Drone who had gotten into the corpse spire, while he thought he was some sort of Disassembly/Worker Drone hybrid thing made to blend in with the Workers, but when they got to talking, she wasn't like J or V, she showed him kindness and he showed her kindness back, it's something both have not had for pretty much their entire lives, we also get to see the scene with the heart gun during the V and N/J and Uzi fight, another example of how N still had feelings for V at this point. By the end of the pilot, N hasn't developed his personality much, but he at least has someone to rely on, Uzi.
In episode 2 we get to see N try to keep Uzi and V from fighting during the intro, with the scene where N drags Uzi behind him after V accuses Uzi of her backstory being bullshit, also with later context, V was the liar, she probably knows why the Solver sent them there yet she hid it, trying to act all cool and stuff.
By the end of the episode Uzi becomes scared of N, which causes N to become worried he might have lost his only friend, V just says she hates him normally but this is worse, the only concern is in her face, and it's mild concern. V looks at the broken chain, which leads to the next episode.
And episode 3 is a major part of their relationship, it is where it's revealed V still cares for N and her treatment of him was a way of trying to protect him from the solver stuff, she has a reason and justification for her actions now, it's not just "I don't care about him" V's role in this episode is as its secondary antagonist (just behind Doll) This episode has a very important moment for their relationship, At the start, V demanded N to get her and him suits for the Prom, and get Uzi to let them in and kill all the Workers, V makes fun of Uzi by saying she doesn't have any friends, and then shoot her in the head, N is against this plan, already a sign he's starting to learn to stand up for himself by refusing to free V for "Prom Murder" and he starts talking about his dreams, talking about how they possibly grew up in a haunted mansion, V shows actual concern for N (for the first time in the show, at least directly), asking him and Uzi to stop prying into the Solver business.
She tries to barter with N to free her, she promises she'll only kill if necessary, though she says "You and Me, N" implying she'll still kill Uzi. Before V flies off to go commit mass murder, N tries to get her to talk about her past and work together with him, though she decapitates him, she says she knows what's best for him, even if he hates her for it. This moment outright confirms that V definitely cares for N and just doesn't want him getting hurt, even if it means she has to do it by extreme means.
And then the whole main episode happens, Uzi discovers the plan, Uzi and N reconcile, Uzi's feelings for N probably blossomed here, yadda yadda yadda, Lizzy says V is hot, yadda yadda yadda, Doll fight, yadda yadda yadda, Chica-bow V shoots Doll.
Later while exploring Doll's home, the two Disassembly Drones find the corpses of Yeva and Adam (fan name for Doll's father, I am not calling him Doll's father everytime I mention him) and when V sees the corpses, after Doll used her powers to remind her of her actions, she doesn't care much and the most she says is "they didn't taste good" which leads to N saying "V, you kinda suck" this is something N would have never said in the pilot.
N finally starts to doubt his feelings for V, at this point he doesn't have his memories of the manor, so to him, he's pretty much only ever had those feelings due to the fact she was the least abusive to him, and she literally cut his damn head off, I get why he'd be doubting if he even actually loved V at all.
Episode 4 is also important, it's where N's completely learns to stand up for himself, pretty much part of the reason why Uzi went freaky deaky is because V pretty much gaslighted and antagonize Uzi into thinking N didn't care about her and how if she died he wouldn't care. (Something she for a fact knows isn't true, as seen with N between Heartbeat and The Promening and Uzi didn't even die, imagine if she did) V is still trying to keep Uzi and N away, since from last episode, V knows that Uzi has the solver and she's scared N might get killed by Uzi due to it.
At a later point Uzi turns an arrow into some weird fleshy homunculus and V for a second looked panic, she immediately drew her weapons as she saw that. V went to go chase after Uzi while N tried to stop V, the two argue, at this argument, N finally is honest about this whole thing where V is hiding shit from N and Uzi, it's scaring him, V uses cryptic language to refer to a certain "thing" that will leave them alone, N then finally stands up to V, he berates her about her treatment of him, asking what she's so afraid of, he explains how V keeping him in the dark about this is scaring him and Uzi, N reminds V that Uzi is a kid, like them, to him, V has no reason to fear Uzi. N doesn't know about Cyn and the Solver and stuff due to the Solver wiping his and J's memories.
This argument comes to halt when N asks "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" V's face goes from anger to worry, N tells V to look after the campers as he goes investigate what's going on with Uzi.
After Uzi murders 2/3rds of her whole class V comes into put down Uzi, the Solver Drone pleads with the Dissasembly Drone to let her live, V refers to Uzi as "Cyn" saying "New Body, same Horrors?" in V's point of view, Cyn is the one behind this, not the solver, for all she knows Cyn IS the solver itself. Uzi pleads with V, asking if she can talk with N, the only person that could calm her down, and as shown later, if V had allowed N to come and comfort Uzi, things probably wouldn't have gone as bad, some campers might still have died but V still got her ass kicked.
V gets her ass kicked by Uzi Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, N comes to the rescue and after Uzi stabs him with the nanite tail she goes back to normal, N throws her into the sky and the two Dissasembly Drones talk, N tells her "what did I tell you about antagonizing her" before he goes comfort Uzi, telling her they'll take baby steps, together. After V sees N and Uzi hugging, she goes from being on edge to calming down slightly, at this point she notices maybe N doesn't need her anymore, maybe he's fine with just Uzi supporting him.
At the end she looks at Uzi and N, worried, a lot of people think she's jealous but I don't think so, I think she's still got that worry that Uzi go haywire again and get N killed, but it could also be due to N and Uzi now looking into the Solver, together.
Episode 5 is mostly a flashback episode (technically) and it shows that N and V, at one point in the past had mutual feelings for each other, as throughout most of that episode N and V are their past selves, they're silly little teenagers who got a mutual crush on each other, I'd argue this is the closest eNVy ever got to being canon. The solver uses V to do weird robot surgery on N and turn him into a Dissasembly Drone, and N gives V back her glasses so she could grab the scalpel, V hesitates and slowly recites the Golden Retrievers have gentle mouths thing, cute moment, sadly the Solver decides to ruin this moment by slamming V into the wall and trying to give N a lobotomy.
Episode 6 is V's (presumable final episode) in this episode V seems to care for both Uzi and N, though there isn't a big V and N moment before the big one (there's more Uzi and V in this episode before the big one)
Ok now lets talk about the big one, AKA: V's sacrifice at the end of the episode, so pretty much throughout the entire episode the reason why V defended Uzi so much against the sentinels, Alice and Beau is because she noticed how much she mattered to N, and it's part of the reason for the sacrifice in my eyes, I wouldn't say she did it exclusively for that though, I feel like you could read it as a form of suicide (I know this took a dark turn but) V has pretty much lived a horrible life, form conception down to this moment, as said before, she has noticed that N needs Uzi, and from V's POV, she has done her purpose, she finally trusts Uzi, the reason she didn't get in the elevator wasn't just because she couldn't, it's because she didn't want to.
I think The Genius page on Eternal Dream is not only an amazing Breakdown of V's character but also the song itself.
N and V never directly do anything in episode 7 (as V doesn't appear herself aside from the Solver posing as her), when Nori tells him to hide the fact she's actually alive, N refuses, saying she won't hide anything from Uzi anymore. Not only is he hiding the fact "Tessa" wants him to kill her, but also, he doesn't want to do the same mistakes V did when trying to protect him.
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man i really need to like... write up a post about the undercurrents of queerphobia going on with how five is written, mostly aro/homophobia and transphobia. tbh i think i'm going to make separate posts for the two, for a few reasons; one of them is that the transphobia part delves a lot into the reading of the mogadorians' narrative as a metaphor for radfem BS, and that one's gonna take some deep dives into several other characters as well as straight up the series as a whole. it also runs through Major Central Themes for five himself, so there's that.
the aro/homophobia, though... i'm not really sure what to make of the fact that it's there, given that he otherwise doesn't seem like they're trying to portray him as a gay stereotype. and who knows how intentional it is; i get the feeling they didn't exactly sit down and rub their hands together about Time to Write a Malicious Depiction of a Gay/Aro Kid--especially since i doubt they knew what aro even was--but conscious or not i feel like both of those things were a factor in the resulting background radiation. but there are a lot of things, most of them small ones, that start to form a picture when you put them together, and some of them stick out more than others in ways that feel weirdly pointed.
anyway that's going to be interesting to go into, but for starters his backstory involves scaring off a guy harassing him on the street who was about to beat him up after calling him a homophobic slur, so lmao
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kujiba · 8 days
【Go on and Love Me】
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୨୧ — ꒰ male!reader | he/his prounouns | Sagau | Genshinimpact
୨୧ — ꒰ Streamer!Reader who gets sidetracked by people's donations/chats making the genshin characters feel jealous
Ft. Xiao, Wanderer, Kinich, Traveler
A/n: inspired by la2yn0va hsr fic
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(Name) happily smiled at another donation sent to him after recently completing a natlan quest
"Thanks for the 20 bits donation!"
He thanked the chat with a wide smile, the chat which was filled with people commenting every second flooding the entire screen making (Name) shift his focus to answer their questions about himself.
This cute interaction made (Name) feel warm and lovely in the inside, being able to interact with fans who admired him.
You know who wasn't happy? A dark headed male inside a screen wasn't that happy unlike (Name). Why were these people gifting you so low? Most of all why was (Name)'s attention not on him anymore?
He had to pull alot of strings to make his own crit rise up since (Name)'s luck on the Vermilion domain was absolutely dog shit.
(Name) — Hm? My favorite character in genshin?
Xiao — You called?
Xiao unintentionally blurted that out without any thoughts whatsoever, but when he did realize and saw (Name)'s confused face along with the chat going wild.
Without any choice Xiao did his idle animation to hide his face away from you, he used his mask so that Xiao won't face you for a while since he was in a very vulnerable state
(Name) — New mail? Sweet 300 primos!
(Chat) — Fr? I didn't get any new mail from hoyo yet.
(Name) — Well.. Free primos is free primos
If (Name)'s happy then he'll rest easy today. Hopefully no rumors circulate about what happened earlier.. Self aware fanfics are crazy these days.
Wanderer stared at (Name) blankly, he was too busy thanking people with countless of donations to even realize they were still in a boss fight farming material's for upcoming characters.
Wanderer became (Name)'s fan ever since he saw him at that temporary event named 'Unreconciled Stars Event Quest The Crisis Deepens'.
Smug mf since he made (Name) hit hard pity for him. But was kind enough to give you his c1 after 140 wishes
(Chat) — Why don't you change your main (Streamer Name)?
An irk mark appears on Wanderer's face but wasn't that visible on screen.
Is this swine telling (Name) to replace him with someone else? Hard pass. He was already stolen from (Name)'s attention and now these nobody's are trying to persuade him into maining some other weak random than him.
Just so happen that (Name) spotted a chest nearby and happily went over to open it, Wanderer took this opportunity immediately
(Wanderer) — Unnecessary.
(Chat) — Is it just me or is his voice rougher than usual?
Damn right it's rougher since he just wanted to vent his anger out on any enemies on sight
The chat won't know but what he had said was directly targeted at them, if only he could say every insult known to man right now
So (Name), keep your eyes on him only and no one else, then maybe he'll make his attacks stronger if you comply
(Name) — Well to answer your question earlier chat, no I don't think I'll be changing my main anytime soon. Wanderer's pretty fun to play with.
After (Name) finished talking he took a closer look at Wanderer's face, but his eyes swore Wanderer had a tad bit of pink on his cheeks
His eyes must've been starting to break with the amount of streaming his doing
(Name) had just began to prep for his stream of the week and now he was currently adjusting the Traveler's artifacts to try out a new build
You know what's crazy though? His builds are pretty shitty.
He has the absolute worst luck in artifacts plus in leveling up pieces, most of which usually goes to defense or HP%
But he still hits about 800k regularly with the Traveler! How could he do such thing with only 44.6% Crit rate!?
(Chat) — 1 MILLION?? (Name) are you doing hacks?
(Name) — What? No! Guess my Traveler's just really op
The Traveler is a smug motherfucker
Of course the Traveler wouldn't hit such high numbers without using a...slight adjustment to the system
Sure their pieces are pretty bad but they'll accept anything (Name) had given them! How could they just shake off his hard work on griding for their ascension and talents?
Whenever the Traveler sees (Name)'s shocked expression during the massive crit's appearing on his screen they are damn right happy and overjoyed they managed to satisfy their grace!
(Chat) — Your builds are bad af tho lolol
(Chat) — Why main the Traveler? They're a pretty bad character to main, you should go for Nuevillete or Alhaitham.
The Traveler's good mood immediately faded into dust once he saw the chats text
Are those no lifers saying that they're not fit to be (Name)'s vessel? They're the most perfect one!
What could Nuevillete or whatever character have that they don't? Could they switch elements? Don't think so
If they wanted bigger numbers, the Traveler will show them big numbers all right, if you want them to hit 10 million they're gonna make it happen with just one click
(Name) — Thanks for the suggestion chat but I'm going to stick with the Traveler, I'm already wayyy too attached
The Traveler's mood once again took a 360 and smiled softly at what (Name) said to them, their stomachs fluttering with delight
(Name) is attached to them? No other compliment or praise could ever reach what the Traveler was feeling at the very moment
Their grace! Oh their grace... If only they could just grab onto you and drag you here where you rightfully belong
Kinich is an upcoming playable character but many in the genshin community have fallen head over heels for him
Yet he couldn't careless about them, after all just being near (Name)'s presence even though it's just by the Traveler's vessel already makes him nice and comfortable
(Name) — Day 10 of saving up for Kinich let's goo
(Chat) — Woah already 200 wishes? You're quick man
(Name) — Can't help it lmao, Kinich seems fun to play and he's really pretty!
(Chat) — He seem's boring though
(Chat) — Dude the dialouge is slightly glitching wtf
The dialouge's glitching is caused by Kinich's embarrassment and rage, he was previously just about to talk till he heard (Name) sing praises about him! How could he not accidentally stutter and mess up the dialouge!?
But on the other hand, the hell did that person meant by he was boring? He wasn't even released yet! This caused Kinich to panic mentally if whether or not you'll change your mind about pulling for him
He stared at you from the screen, clenching his fists tighter by the second. Just a small bit more... Just one more step and he'll be released, then he could really be by your side now.
(Name) — Aw man, hold on chat I gotta pause the stream to fix this glitching
(Name) eventually had to exit the game to try and see what the problem was with his device or if it was overheating again
Meanwhile Kinich was still standing there re-adjusting his thoughts about what just happened. His feelings were all a mixed bag at this point, he sighed rubbing his temples slowly
Ajaw eventually came to his side while looking at him weirdly like he had done something wrong
(Ajaw) — Wow.. Just wow
(Kinich) — Shut up...
To rightfully apologized the system eventually sent 10 wishes in (Name)'s game mail which he was confused at first but eh, more wishes for c6 knich!
Once he becomes playable Kinich would definitely spoil (Name) with high numbers and crit's. He would just have to deal with Ajaw's yapping in the meantime..
So don't get distracted over what those 'Chat' people say about him!
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A/n: likes and reblogs are appreciated! Have a nice day(ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚
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narwhalandchill · 7 months
hsr 2.1 kit leaks
ok idk how but even w the preliminary aventurine kit leaks i didnt register before seeing a comment on how he would actually just shred in herta+himeko FUA teams for PF too and im just? obsessed actually i Love this
like PF is already in that weird place where sustains are kinda good still but kinda useless but aventurine being an actual FUA sub dps in addition to his shielding is just? so fucking good and will go so well with the never ending follow up after follow up death spiral that himeko and herta inherently bring to PF it should be a massacre 💀💀 i cant wait
anyway his kit looks sick i rly love how its designed. ACTUAL sub dps potential in a sustain finally 😭😭 and how much crit rate (40%) he gets just from reaching 3600 def is just? so delicious. obviously the fact that he will want crit, def, spd and possibly eff res too means you kinda need to invest hard into his build to rly get the most out of him but i love that blonde fucker so. yeah ill commit. i farmed my ass off for my fu xuan to be as stacked as she is i Will do it again 🫡🫡
the eff res hes giving to the team is actually massive too ?? CC immunity to himself when his passive effect is up? shields on skill no ult dependency and shield stacking on teammates being attacked and FUAs (and like. hes not dependent on FUA teams lmao its just going to boost him) just like that???
AND hes fast as fuck somehow like what 😭😭😭😭 bro looks stacked as hell i hope he stays strong. aventurine with that 106 speed rly out there running from the consequences of his antics 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️💀
anyway wow im hype for this bastard i Cannot wait for his animations
as for acheron im. somewhat interested? but not like too pressed abt it for now. her stacking mechanic seems interesting and ive already seen the asset leaks for her red ultimate state (which is like 700% better than her base design) but if you only see that design for a v short time idk how much itll motivate me to get her.
the lack of LC options definitely hurts like. all i realistically have for her is s3 GNSW but thats on kafka rn. ig if i got acheron i prolly wouldnt be running them at the same time but its still food for thought ig
also she really copied neuvillettes homework for that nihility team passive HSJSJSKSKF idk how i feel abt it like w our current cast it kinda feels pretty tricky to genuinely get a strong team going for an actual max stack team for acheron. like run her with pela and what? guinaifen? ig we will see what shes all abt
ig i just dont feel as much of an incentive for a lightning dps for now w kafka but eh i might go for acheron still. i do have a guarantee tho so it might be nice to save it for aventurine straight up bc then i could maybe go for his LC since it gets him even more sub dps potential but who knows
ig only gripe w aventurine (which isnt that big of deal rly) is the current lack of FUA charas like idm building ratio eventually even having daniel (and them having such heavy synergy is very funny. renheng could never 💀) n i could see myself maybe getting topaz even if im not a huge fan of her character (tho i do think shes well written; my mixed feelings r a result of her being complex) but idk. i hope we get more leaks for upcoming FUA charas.
obviously theres xueyi but her FUAs arent That frequent and unironically i wouldnt Want someone like aventurine w his likely frequent FUAs on her team eating away the toughness bar from her so itd only really work against enemies who are quantum weak but not imaginary. but worth thinking abt still. at least herta n himeko will be a guaranteed PF synergy for him so thats hype
and most important of all: def mainstat with double crit we are so back. relics with double crit that half rolled into def we are so back. etc etc etc
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nothingrpgzone · 3 months
Oludammi, and the Griffon's Territory
Oludammi, the Back-End of the Ass
Animal Aspirant, Crocodile
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Death-Cleric Rukh-Vile
Init: +2; Atk: Staff +2 Melee (1d4); Crit III/1d10; AC 10; HD 3d8; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Magic, Grisly Demise: SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +2; AL L
Magic: Rukh-Vile can cast the spells Ray of Enfeeblement, Curse, and Spider Web with a result always being 16. There is a 4% chance that it fails with any single cast but may drain the life of any allied barbarian to make sure the spell succeeds.
Grisly Demise: Upon death the ground beneath Rukh-Vile opens up, and a serpent of terrible black flames drags him to an underworld unseen.  All ignitable things within 5’ catch fire. The fire deals 1d6 damage each round and naturally extinguishes on a roll of a 1.
Keep in mind these are dry grasslands.
Init: +2; Atk: Claw +3 Melee (1d3+Paralysis), Bite +1 Melee (1d7); Crit U/d8; AC 12 (tough skin); HD 3d5; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Undead Traits, Silence, Complex Origin: SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +0; AL C
Paralysis: A ghoul’s touch causes paralysis, rendering the victim immobile for 1d6 hours (DC 14 Will Save to avoid)
Undead Traits:  Entirely immune to paralysis, mind affecting spells, cold damage, and critical hits.
Silence: Ghouls make no noise while moving.
Complex Nature: There are many ways one could become a ghoul. Roll below to discover the types of ghouls.
1d10 Appearances
Vulture headed humanoids.
Normal, except for their black tongues.
Dessicated humans, their taut skin hardly containing bones.
The mouth continues, down past the neck all the way to the shoulders. Mouth lined with razorteeth.
A circular bronze plate where a face should be.
A bundle of bandages. On unravel it is clear all there is underneath are jaws and a black heart.
The humanoid form fails as locust carapace burgeons from underneath.
Where the fingers once were blood stained bronze blades cut their way out of the stumps.
A flayed and bleeding thing. It doesn’t mind.
Where eyes should be lies only more mouths.
1d6 Ghoulish Origins
Ate human flesh to survive.
Raised by a long dead sorcerer king.
It was never human.
Once used a magic weapon.
Partially consumed by a ghoul.
Heavenly Warlord Nadromaean
Init: +6 (1d16); Atk: Battleaxe +1d8 Melee (1d10+1d8); Crit V/1d30; AC 14 (scalemail); HD 6d12; MV 25’; Act 1d20+1d16; SP Crit Range, Might Deeds: SV Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +2; AL C
Crit Range: Nadromaean crits on an 18-20.
Mighty Deeds: Nadromaean can use mighty deeds. Below is a mighty deed table for judge’s ease.
3) Leg Sweeper. The victim must make a Ref save against the attack roll to stay standing.
4) Whirling Chaos. The battle axe is a mighty arc. The attack can target up to three individuals in range, with damage distributed equally (any remaining damage after the division is inflicted towards the first target).
5) Heaven’s Warrior. All allied barbarians gain a +1 bonus to attack next round.
6) Maker of Mutes. The battleaxe catches the mouth. The tongue is destroyed.
7+) The Mightiest Blow. The battleaxe utterly destroys any armor worn. Wearers of magical armor may make a luck check with a d14 to avoid destruction.
Mask Society Member, Crocodile
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Init: +0; Atk: Claw +2 Melee (1d6); Crit M/d8; AC 15 (tough skin); HD 2d7; MV 20’; Act 1d20; SP Blindsense: SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1; AL N
Blindsense: Molemen can navigate entirely without sight via their keen hearing and ability to detect vibrations. Any attempt to Sneak Silently around them is made with a -8 penalty. If they are deafened they are treated as being blinded.
Priestly Butchers
As acolyte DCC RPG (pg 432)
As peasant DCC RPG (pg 434)
The Eagle Fiend, Cyrruss
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Init: +7; Atk: Claw +4 Melee (1d5+2), Bite +4 Melee (1d5/1d14); Crit M/d10; AC 12 (agility); HD 4d10; MV 60’; Act 1d20+1d14; SP Stealth, Sneak Attack: SV Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +0; AL N
Stealth: A tiger gains a +12 bonus to being hidden in underbrush.
Sneak Attack: If a tiger makes a bite attack against an unaware target it inflicts 1d14 damage.
Vision Bees
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
The Griffon’s Territory
Init: +0; Atk: Slam +3 Melee (1d8); Crit M/d8; AC 15 (Bark Skin); HD 3d10; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Enthralling: SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +2; AL C
Enthralling: Anyone attracted to women must make a DC 13 Will save upon seeing a dryad, on a failed save the beholder becomes hopelessly in love with the dryad and wishes to leave the world of man and wander into the woods.
Init: +1; Atk: Weapon +2 Melee; Crit II/d6; AC As Armor; HD 1d6; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Unearthly Allegiance: SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1; AL C
Unearthly Allegiance: Elves can invoke a patron as determined by the judge. This starts as a 1d10 check but gains a +1d bonus to invoking for every other elf nearby.
Init: +6; Atk: Claws +7 Melee (1d10), Bite +5 Melee (1d8); Crit M/d14; AC 16 (agility); HD 8d10; MV 40’ or 80’ fly; Act 1d20+1d20; SP Swooping, Variations: SV Fort +5, Ref +9, Will +3; AL N
Swooping: If the Griffon charges while flying the damage dice gains a +2d bonus.
Variations: Griffons have myriad forms, when encountering a griffon roll 1d5 on each chart to determine what constituent parts the beast is made of.
Bearded Vulture. The griffon’s bite breaks bones on a damage roll of 6+, causing a permanent point of strength or agility loss, as the bone never heals right.
Golden Eagle. The griffon gains a +1d bonus to saving throws vs magical effects.
Osprey. The griffon can hover in place for a round while flying.
Philippine Eagle. The griffon gains a +1d bonus to HD.
Turkey Vulture. The griffon is immune to disease and poisons.
Cheetah. The griffon’s speed is doubled.
Cougar. The griffin counts as double its size when grappling. 
Jaguar. The griffon gains a 50’ swim speed.
Lion. The griffon makes morale checks with a +5 bonus.
Tiger. The griffon gains a +3d bonus to damage die for sneak attacks.
Hollow Trees
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Will be described in the future Monsters.MD conversion.
Mountain Ghost
Init: +15; Atk: Claws Unseen +2 Melee (1d8); Crit U/d6; AC 18 (impossible to see); HD 1d10; MV 40’ fly; Act 1d20; SP Undead Traits, Incorporeal, Fog of Undeath: SV Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +3; AL N
Undead Traits:  Entirely immune to paralysis, mind affecting spells, cold damage, critical hits, and non-magical weapons.
Incorporeal: The mountain ghost can move through solids as if they were air.
Fog of Undeath: A black cloud follows the mountain ghost, anyone nearby cannot see more than 15’.
Init: -1; Atk: Throttle +2 Melee (1d4 cumulative); Crit U/d10; AC 18 (immunity to pain); HD 5d12; MV 20’; Act 1d24; SP Undead Traits, Mummy Rot, Stench of Death, Vulnerable to Fire, Death Feaster: SV Fort +5, Ref -2, Will +6; AL L
Undead Traits:  Entirely immune to paralysis, mind affecting spells, cold damage, and critical hits.
Mummy Rot: Any successful attack inflicts Mummy Rot, causing them to suffer 1 Stamina damage per day (DC 12 Fort save to avoid). This damage can only be healed via powerful magic.
Stench of Death: Anyone who angers the mummy begins to reek of death, unbeknownst to them. They suffer a -4 penalty to Personality checks for the following 6 days.
Vulnerable to Fire: A mummy takes double damage from fiery attacks.
Death Feaster: If something dies within 100’ of the mummy it gains 1’ of height and 1HD.
Init: +0; Atk: Punch +1 Melee (1d3); Crit I/d6; AC 10; HD 2d4; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP Unknown Spells, Peculiar Fate: SV Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +1; AL N.
Unknown Spells: The sorcerer knows 1d3 spells entirely unknown to the mages of the bronzelands. All spells are cast with a +4 bonus.
Peculiar Fate: Upon reaching 0 hp the sorcerer begins to boil as they turn to green smoke.
1d5 Spell Suggestions
Elemental Wytchfire (Tales from the Magician’s Skill Volume 1), MM: 17 Stolen Knowledge. 1% chance the spell summons the queen of brands who attempt to steal it back. Daog’s Dying Wish (Goodman Games Yearbook 8 The Year That Shall Not Be Named), MM: 54 No change. Cosmic Lotus Magic (Supernatural Star Seeds Dice), MM 34 Thunderstruck. Lightning accompanies the casting of the spell.
Arnhoult’s Sequestrious Digitalia (DCC Dying Earth), MM: 58. No Change. Houlart’s Visceral Pang (DCC Dying Earth), MM: 52. No Change. Inside Out and Over (DCC Dying Earth), MM: 1 At great cost. The casting of the spell kills one person known by the sorcerer.
Personal Energy Attack (The Necromican, 1979), MM: 82 Terrible to Behold. A looming figure of pure darkness with piercing eyes appears over the sorcerer. Spell of Piercing Gaze (The Necromican, 1979), MM: 86 Mystic Twin. A face appears on the chest of the sorcerer for 1d3 rounds, it has it’s own 1d20 action die to cast spells. Sonic Scream (The Necromican, 1979), MM 79 Plague of Rats. Rats pour from the sorcerer’s robes, softening the next attack by 1d4 damage.
Lightning Bug (Blackstaff’s Book of 1000 Spells, 2020) MM; Accidental Alchemist. One random item within 20’ turns to lead, another to gold. Spirit Mask (Blackstaff’s Book of 1000 Spells, 2020), MM: 34 Thunderstruck. Lightning accompanies the casting of the spell. Fog of Viscidity (Blackstaff’s Book of 1000 Spells, 2020), MM: Planar Blink. The sorcerer phases in and out of existence for 2 rounds, providing a +4 to AC and -4 to attacks. There is a 1% chance they are permanently phased.
Cone of Air (Troika!), MM: 8 Count of 10. The sorcerer loses a finger every time they cast the spell, suffering -1 Agility for two fingers lost. Light (Troika!), MM: 25 Terror Inducing. All animals within 50’ of the sorcerer attempt to flee for 1d14 rounds. Tongue Twister (Troika!), MM: 82 Spell Killer. The casting of the spell drains the life force of a distant planet.
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familyabolisher · 2 years
your essays and the lit crit u do on tumblr rly make me feel excited abt literature and gives a sense that doing this sort of intellectual work n analysis even if 'silly' (silly is good of course) is actually possible, valuable and doesn't have to be tied to being in academia. legit a balm for the soul
thank you so much!! this is so nice, i'm v invested in finding ways to meaningfully participate in literary criticism + literary pedagogy outside of the academy & its attendant ideologies myself so this is great to hear :~)
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zartophski · 1 year
Regrettably I have no silly D&D content for your Monday/Wednesday needs this week because someone (it is me I am the problem) may have done an oops during last week's pain and suffering session, so we will simply go back in time a week
[Future commentaries will be denoted by pain and suffering campaign and complete bullshit campaign for clarity]
Go back in time a week to...
~ The instadeath bard incident ~
(This one is a long one I apologize)
A week after undead head soccer and misty stepping, here is where the party stands:
V - New PC incoming; formerly the barbarian (third dead PC from the previous week), formerly the bard (second dead PC- party killed for killing the first PC)
S - the fighter; formerly the artificer (first dead PC- killed by the bard)
D - the rogue
A - the paladin
N - the wizard
Me - the monk
So, we are introduced to V's new character. And this is where we take a left turn off a cliff, because V IS NOW PLAYING THE RESURRECTED(???) PC OF S. She is a druid now. Instead of an artificer. COOL. DEFINITELY NO MINDFUCKS THERE.
And we're wandering through the woods semi arguing about where to take the Not Hand of Vecna, which is the demonic disease AOE infesting hand of the deceased lich warlord from 600 years ago and is not the Hand of Vecna.
We run across this ghost bard in a swamp playing a sad song about his death at the hand of the evil death ray cow. He wants us to spread his final song so he can move on, and also we can loot all the shit he and his party died with when they unknowingly ran into the territory of the death ray cow.
RED ALERT: MASSIVE DM BAIT (we risked it anyway)
Actually though like we knew full well what we were doing and risking we just really did need a leg up, and we knew that I had an invisible mage hand, the rogue had a +9 to stealth, and the druid had pass without trace available, so we figured we could stealth our way through it.
The DM is rolling distraction from our ghost bard buddy, perception from the death ray cow, recharge on the death ray (3 rounds, recharge on 5 or 6), and we're rolling stealth.
Round 1 goes off in a horror show fashion that should have been our hint to fucking leave, with the rogue rolling a crit fail dirty 20 for stealth, the death ray cow rolling a 24 on perception, and the bard thankfully crit succeeding on the performance to distract the cow. The death ray fires, he's absolutely immune to necrotic damage, now we have recharge rounds.
Round 2 and 3 go off without a hitch as we collect some stuff, the rogue rolls like. base 19s on stealth, the druid and I are vibing on our checks, the cow is fucking up perception, the bard is doing well enough on distraction, We're *jamming.*
Round 4. The bard performance is okay, ish. The DM accidentally, while I'm making my turn, actually rolls a successful death ray recharge. But fairly so, dismisses the recharge because it wasn't on the turn, we're all ahead of the cow in the initiative order. AGAIN, A MASSIVE COSMIC UNIVERSE HINT TO RUN. The rogue rolls another crit fail dirty 20 on stealth. The cow's turn. The death ray recharges. The cow beats the perception roll.
The save for this death roll is a FUCKING DC 16 Con or take 8d8 necrotic. If you fail by 5, you take 64 necrotic flat out.
The rogue is instadead. (We are level 5 and cannot long rest without specific circumstances and DM approval, so we have constantly failing HP.) PC number 4, everyone!
It is at this point that the roll20 dice are declared homophobic once again, and then we force the DM to jail the LGBTD20 for further homophobic activity (rolling a successive string of crit successes and 19s for six rounds in a row).
LAter everyone points the target at my character as I am the only surviving PC to attend every session, and then we engage in a long discussion about if the Not Hand of Vecna should be considered ableist or not and how it would work with amputees and prosthetics. Normal post session activities, you know?
I hope I'm right in imagining the death ray cow to just. be a normal-looking cow that shoots lasers when you look at it wrong.
rest in pieces to the rogue tho, this campaign sounds brutal. lots of death going around, 100% agree the homophobic dice are to blame here.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Me, wrapping up writing the diluc match-up: hoo, okay, we did good. We're going okay! Time to play genshin before drawi–
Kazuha: *refuses to crit*
Me: L-listen my comrade I swear it's nothing personal
Kazuha: f a l l e n l e a v e s–
Also lowkey fricking scary I can't see the notifs rn hAHAHHA–
Tumblr media
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transfreakish · 4 months
[very c*nsored, to avoid being in s*arches]
z*onist or neutral
under 16 (nothing personal, just a boundary!)
pro/c*mship ,, (no)m*ps/z**s ,, pro-harmful p*ras or pro-c*ntact/anti-r*covery ,, dis*bility f*tishists ,, those who s*xualize r*gression
radqueer ,, gender crit*cal ,, sw*rfs t*rfs or r*dfems ,, tr*scum/tr*nsmed ,, against neopr*nouns or xenog*nders (which should be obvious?) ,, against h*sbians, th*ysbians, sh*gays, etc ,, against it/its pr*nouns
anti-cl*ster b ,, believe in “narc*ssistic ab*se” or anything similar ,, those who use d*sorders or d*sabilities as insults ,, against PROPERLY AND THOROUGHLY RESEARCHED self-dx ,, users of the terms “sysm*d”/“tr*umascum”
avid sysc*ursers (more specifically, i hate being involved in any sort of conflict, so please dont try to ask my opinion on shit or include me in any of it and youll be fine; i am a m*dically r*cognized did syst*m, and thats all anyone here needs to know, thanks!)
as someone with a v*sual imp*irmant and chronic m*graines, any posts from me may be bolded/italicized on and off like this to highlight certain parts; i am sorry if this is hard to read for others, but as this is a personal collection that happens to be public, i am prioritizing my own acc*ssibility.
i identify with the words “q*eer” and “f*g”. i will not cw/tw usage of either of these. i also will not cw/tw use of the word “cr*pple”, as a phys*cally dis*bled person who reclaims it.
activity will be on and off a lot of the time.
i am prone to spam reblogging; i try to space out queueing posts from a blog if a mod states discomfort with anyone doing so, but if i mess up, i am genuinely sorry!
as said multiple times here, PLEASE dont post anything connected to this blog to any sort of “cr*nge collecti*n”, such as “cr*nge comp” videos, any subr*ddits such as f*kedisord*rcr*nge or didcr*nge, any forum or site of a similar nature, and all other things like this that could even remotely fall into that category that i didnt name. i am not mentally well (yes, i am getting pr*fessional help), and being posted to these would be highly str*ssful to an unbearable extent due to p*ranoia and past tr*uma of being a target of extreme h*rrassment (ie multi-platform chasing and d*xxing) and stalking. please respect this very simple boundary by leaving this blog alone if you find me cr*ngy, hate me or anything i post, or speculate that im faking anything (though any issue posted about here is either something i have a diagn*sis for, am actively seeking/working on assessment or diagn*sis for, or is simply being saved because i know someone with the d*sorder or d*sability who would enjoy a post). i would not say all of this or c*nsoring things so extensively if i was not very serious and worried about this. if you’ve read this with ill intent but decided against taking action, thank you so much for being kind, i do appreciate it, have a very nice day. :]
(c/nsor/d so it wont sh/w up in s/arch/s, since this is a p/rson/l c/llecti/n; th/s isnt a typ/ng qu/rk, its a s/fety prec/ution while still being r/adable and acc/ssible for me.)
m/sc : m/sc or m/sc-al/gned, or using m/sc or b/y or similar as pr/fixes or s/ffixes.
f/m : f/m or f/m-al/gned, or using f/m or g/rl or similar as pr/fixes or s/ffixes.
n/u : n/u or n/u-al/gned, or using any pr/fix or s/ffix that indicates unal/gnment, andr/gyny, or g/nder n/utrality.
m/lti : al/gning with m/ltiple of the above.
b/sic : g/nders that can typ/cally fall w/thin the g/neral g/nder sp/ctrum.
n/uro : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to neur/diverg/ncy or m/ntal h/alth.
phys : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to disab/lity or phys/cal h/alth.
w/rd : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to phr/ses or w/rds.
w/b : g/nders c/nnected to anything d/gital, techn/log/cal, or int/rnet-re/ated.
an/mal : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any sort of an/mal.
col/r : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to col/rs.
emot : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to emot/ons.
m/sic : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to m/sic, s/ngs, instr/ments, etc.
med/a : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any med/a not already included in other t/gs.
th/ng : g/nders ending in the s/ffix “thing”.
b/di : g/nders with the s/ffix “b/diment”, or being the emb/diment of s/mething.
fo/d : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to anyth/ng coms/mable or r/lated to that.
c/te : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to things that are considered c/te or s/ft.
sc/ry : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to things that are considered sc/ry or unsettl/ng.
d/vine : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to anyth/ng rel/ted to div/nity, ang/ls, or th/mes of rel/gion or (un)hol/ness.
ae/ : g/nders infl/uenced by or c/nnected to a sp/cific aesth/tic, sty/e, subc/lture, etc.
em/ji : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to a sp/cific em/ji or comb/nation of em/jis.
fr/ak : g/nders c/nnected to th/mes of being unus/al, un/que, we/rd, off, or “cr/nge”.
gensr : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to ones s/xual or rom/ntic ori/ntation.
xxx : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to potenti/lly m/ture or ad/lt th/mes.
c/nine : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to d/gs or other c/nines.
f/line : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to c/ts or other f/lines.
h/rror : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to the h/rror g/nre in some way.
fl/ra : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to fl/ra, f/ngi, and other gr/enery in n/ture.
aq/a : g/nders influenced by or c/nnected to w/ter and th/ngs that live in it.
bug : g/nders influenced by or c/nnected to any sort of ins/ct or sp/der.
w/rld : g/nders inf/uenced by or c/nnected to other th/ngs in n/ture, such as l/ndscapes, the we/ther, etc.
t/y : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to more “f/n” inan/mate obj/cts, such as pl/shies, d/lls, t/ys, or other such th/ngs.
cl/th : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to sp/cific art/cles of cl/thing or acc/sories.
inan/mate : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to var/ous inan/mate objects not covered above.
act : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to acti/ns or anyth/ng sim/lar, such as car/ers or h/bbies.
g/me : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any sort of g/mes or ch/racters from them.
l/ve : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any type of l/ve, affect/on, etc.
s/bst : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any type of s/bstance (ie c/garettes, alc/hol, w/ed, etc).
m/at : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to m/at, the b/dy in a more v/sceral way (ie b/dy h/rror), g/re, and s/milar th/ngs and th/mes.
str/nge : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to anyth/ng str/nge or offp/tting, such as l/fe and de/th, d/cay, or l/minal sp/ces.
inh/man : g/nders infl/enced by feelings of not being h/man, or h/manity displ/yed in an unn/tural way.
b/ast : g/nders infl/enced by or c/nnected to any s/rt of cr/ature, m/nster, or oth/rwise myst/cal, paran/ormal, or nonex/stent thing.
m/sc : g/nders not fitting any of the above categ/ries.
v/sil : l/bels re/ating to v/sility; s/mething, in some way, affecting an add/tional, m/ny, or all areas of ones ident/ty.
ald/rn : ald/rnic; l/bels for one who w/shes to have featur/es or a b/dy that d/viate from what is exp/cted from n/rmal h/man st/ndard or pr/sentation.
or/ent : any l/bel rel/ting to s/xual, r/mantic, or other or/entations of attr/ction.
alt/rh/man : l/bels rel/ting to ident/fying outside of h/manity, such as alt/rhumanity, nonh/manity, th/rianthrophy, end/lics, etc.
m/ntal : fl/gs, l/bels, or id/ntities r/lating to neur/diverg/ncy, being aut/stic, or a m/ntal illn/ss.
d/sab/lity : fl/gs, l/bels, or id/ntities r/lating to phys/cal d/sability.
0 notes
geraudbenoit · 10 months
Exploiter l'astrologie pour le développement personnel : un voyage de découverte de soi
pacte sur notre présent. Cette conscience de soi permet aux individus de s’embrasser authentiquement et d’accepter à la fois leurs forces et leurs faiblesses.
Identifier les thèmes et les leçons de la vie :
L'astrologie peut d←voiler les th│mes et les le￧ons g←n←rales qui sont int←gr←es au parcours de vie d'un individu. En examinant les aspects et les transits plan←taires, des mod│les ←mergents, mettant en lumi│re les d←fis r←currents, les opportunit←s de croissance et m↑me les ←v←nements potentiels qui changent la vie. Cette compr←hension permet aux individus de surmonter les obstacles de mani│re proactive, de faire des choix conscients et de maximiser leur potentiel de d←veloppement personnel.
Nourrir l’intelligence émotionnelle :
L'astrologie encourage les individus ¢ explorer leurs ←motions avec compassion et introspection. Chaque signe du zodiaque et placement plan←taire porte des ←nergies et des qualit←s sp←cifiques qui influencent nos exp←riences ←motionnelles. En comprenant ces influences, les individus peuvent d←velopper leur intelligence ←motionnelle et apprendre ¢ g←rer leurs sentiments avec plus de conscience et de r←silience.
Outils astrologiques pour la croissance personnelle :
Th│mes de naissance et astrologie natale : Un th│me de naissance, ←galement connu sous le nom de th│me natal, d←crit l'emplacement unique des plan│tes au moment de la naissance d'un individu. L'analyse du th│me natal facilite une analyse approfondie des traits de personnalit←, du but de la vie et des voies potentielles de croissance personnelle.
Transits et progressions : Les transits et les progressions font r←f←rence aux mouvements actuels des plan│tes par rapport ¢ la carte natale d'un individu. En comprenant ces influences plan←taires, les individus peuvent anticiper des changements importants dans leur vie, apprendre ¢ tirer parti des opportunit←s et relever les d←fis avec plus de clart← et de perspicacit←.
Retours solaires : un graphique de retour solaire est calculé pour le moment exact où le soleil revient à sa position natale. Ce tableau offre un aperçu annuel de l'énergie et des thèmes qui façonneront l'année à venir d'un individu. Grâce à cet outil, les individus peuvent obtenir des informations précieuses sur les domaines d’intérêt pour leur développement personnel au cours d’une période spécifique.
Intégrer l'astrologie dans les pratiques de développement personnel :
Journalisation et réflexion : La tenue régulière d'un journal et la réflexion sur les connaissances astrologiques permettent aux individus d'enregistrer des schémas, des pensées et des expériences. Cette pratique permet une compréhension plus profonde de soi et favorise la croissance personnelle grâce à l’introspection.
M←ditation et pleine conscience : L'int←gration de l'astrologie dans les pratiques de m←ditation et de pleine conscience peut am←liorer la conscience de soi et la connexion spirituelle. En nous accordant aux ←nergies astrologiques, nous pouvons aligner nos intentions et nos actions sur les rythmes cosmiques.
Rechercher des conseils astrologiques : consulter un astrologue ou participer à des ateliers et des cours adaptés sur l'astrologie peut fournir un soutien inestimable et des conseils personnalisés pour le développement personnel. Ces professionnels peuvent déchiffrer les complexités astrologiques, offrir des informations et aider les individus à tirer le meilleur parti de leur voyage astrologique.
Embrasser le voyage vers la croissance personnelle :
L'astrologie nous offre une feuille de route vers la découverte de soi et le développement personnel. En explorant notre composition astrologique unique et en devenant plus à l’écoute des énergies cosmiques qui influencent nos vies, nous nous embarquons dans un voyage transformateur vers la conscience de soi, l’acceptation et l’autonomisation. Adopter l'astrologie comme outil de croissance personnelle nous permet de relever les défis de la vie, de capitaliser sur les opportunités et, en fin de compte, de créer une existence épanouissante et utile.
L'astrologie, considérée sous l'angle du développement personnel, devient un outil puissant de conscience de soi, de croissance et de transformation. En adoptant les idées de l'astrologie et en les intégrant dans nos vies, nous nous ouvrons à une compréhension plus profonde de nous-mêmes, de nos thèmes de vie et du potentiel de personnalité. ​
Pour plus d'informations:-
astrologie d'entreprise
programmes de développement au leadership
astrologie évolutive pour la transformation personnelle
astrologie pour les ateliers de développement personnel
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md-confessions · 5 months
As much as I love eNVy, I'm glad that their relationship remained platonic.
at the mansion, I think it would've been cute if they got together since they were the only ones to care for one another besides tessa (and maybe J towards V? idk they barely interacted) but obviously they never got the chance to thanks to the AS.
I think their relationship is an amazing representation of how sometimes a relationship doesn't always work out romantically in the end but it doesn't mean it's the end of the friendship. They still both care for eachother but they clearly know a romance between them won't work out anymore like it would have before and that's ok!!
obviously I still enjoy eNVy ship art and such, this is purely an opinion regarding canon
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crystalelemental · 11 months
Fire High Score event information is up, and that means teambuilding. Unlike Electric, Fire is a type I respect and invest in, so I feel like this one I can do better at.
MU Torchic, Anni N, Serena vs. Kiawe (needs Sp Def drops) Condition is "Strike pairs lose 80% of their stats." So Tech it is.
This is by far the shakiest of the fights, because I personally think MU Torchic sucks ass as a support, but it's literally all we have to work with. I am hoping, foolishly, that Anni N can manage its HP needs with Noble Roar. If the Eevee Day stuff runs into the end of this, I may try with a 3/5 Eevee Lucas. The spread debuffs will really accelerate N's offensive presence, which might be better than relying on survival. The goal is fairly simple. Serena can hit all foes with Sleep, stalling out a few extra turns while N debuffs and Torchic caps its needed offenses. Once we get to Blue Flare spam, N has Pep Rally and Sp Def debuffs to offset the stage's gimmicks. Because of resilience, I expect Serena to contribute little beyond some target DPS on Overheat. If we can hit 350 strength on this one, I'll feel good about it. Torchic will want to use Flamethrower for some burns, since we get an extra 1k from a burn landing.
Kiawe, Leon, Silver vs. Blaine (Evasion and Ground weak) No conditions. Just a straight brawl.
Blaine's team is 100% weak to Leon, so this feels like the obvious call. Kiawe is the best Leon partner among the supports, being able to top off crit rate and hopefully offenses without another use of TM. Leon's Max Move on Ground will give the team added Sp Def bulk, which hopefully assists with survival. The one thing about Leon is that his sync sucks. I am supplementing that with Silver, who has a pretty solid sync nuke, and supplies Sun. Admittedly, I am not in love with this solution, but it's the solution I have on hand right now. And who knows, maybe Sun-boosted Inferno is just better than the on-type damage. At least until he rolls SEUN. If we can get 400 strength, I'll be happy with it. I'm probably not going to be happy with it. In fact. If Serena works out up there. I'm putting Eevee Lucas over Silver. It'll likely achieve comparable results, but it gets the Main Character condition in.
Evelyn, Hilda, NC Leaf Vs. Flint (needs Burn and pre-sync) No healing. *sigh*. Okay, so there goes the Potion support for Evelyn.
The condition fucks Evelyn up like crazy, but she's the strongest raw defensive booster in the type. NC Leaf's debuffs also feel ideal here, minimizing the damage we're likely to take. Hilda may not have Potion, but she's self-sufficient on boosting and has a decent spread nuke for after Leaf's first setting the rebuff. I am hopeful we can achieve 500 Strength here, but lack of healing may hinder us.
Marley, SS May, Lodge Irida Vs. Chili (needs Def drops) -2 move gauge. Alright, deal.
Now this one I am substantially less confident in. Marley is EX, but even with that, she's frail as sin. Which seriously limits our potential for higher strength clears, because she's just gonna die. SS May is not know for her speed of debuffs. However...that's why Irida's here. Irida has flinch, which is a wonderful tool to stall out those extra turns for May to kick things apart. Irida can also supply some really nice secondary DPS in Flare Blitz when we get down to the wire, and has a solid 50% burn rate for that extra 1k points. Marley will want to grid Flag Bearer to maximizing Atk for the team. Much like MC Torchic, I feel like this is not a team built for true success, so if we can hit 350 I'll be satisfied.
SS Morty, SS Hilda, Ethan Vs. Flannery (Need Sun) 80% reduction in ally sync nuke. Motherfucker.
SS Hilda's the only sensible solution. Given her raw DPS on V-Create, this is the highest base damage we can toss around. I am choosing, very hesitantly, to go with Ethan and his Eruption. But I am, at a moment's notice, ready to swap him for SS Red. While I hate to say it, Red has better move damage, and Ethan is Rock-weak so he might just die against Flannery. But god I am hoping I don't have to use Red. Please game, you can't make me do this. Red would be a good call though. He doesn't really need his sync beyond transforming, so Supports are good here. NC Leaf with Role Cake is probably great on this too. Given Morty's defensive profile, I am very much hoping for a 500 strength clear here. The main problem I have with this team is the Burn. While I don't think he's great due to the lack of sync damage, Silver could supply more Sun and has a 50% burn rate, so maybe I'll shuffle him here over Ethan? Though Ethan's Flamethrower isn't a terrible burn rate.
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mccarthymolly · 2 years
hmkhmmhmuhkhmuhmkhmuhjmj hmkhmuh bl hm k n crit hmkhmuhk hm m
Brucebruce y n nt like n. Bl cul v rights hmkhmuhhmuh
Hm. Scold n bk on trk?
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d-uceusclay · 2 years
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cat-soap-opera · 2 years
i kinda wanna do one of those “send me ur art n i’ll give u critique” things at some point, i think itd be fun.
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comradegeorge · 3 years
you can just tell which of the people criticizing/supporting hasan are armchair socialists/communists
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