#n'than my love
Talking to @mynewgroove today and realized I'd never dropped my Terry origin story headcanon. Gotta write these things down so I don't forget!
Terry is a gentle Earthblood elf with a big heart, who knows a lot of coping techniques for stress. This tells me he's been somewhere really stressful. And since we met N'than in S4 and got to know his story, living among the drake riders of the Drakewood, my headcanon is this:
N'than is Terry's replacement, because Terry ran away.
Terry would've had a rough time among the drake riders, with the callous way they treat living beings and their attitude toward pain as a form of control. He would not have enjoyed playing bait for drakes, or luring them to places where they'd just get hurt and captured, or living near where they were trained, tamed, or broken, in earshot of their distress and pain, while other elves laughed and joked about it.
It would've been incredibly stressful for such a sensitive soul like Terry to live with such callous elves. They wouldn't need to mistreat him at all, they could genuinely have been doing their best for him, but the environment in which they all lived and worked was simply too full of pain - a pain that could have been avoided but was chosen, over and over and over again. ngl it's giving Senshi
So, if Terry fled the drake riders and was out on his own, and he came across Claudia on her long important quest to save her dad, he would've looked at her and seen someone who was doing less damage in the world than the drake riders were. Claudia is a gentler option, and she's trying to help!
Plus, she's funny as hell, and she can cook just about anything.
After years with the drake riders' systemic cruelty, Terry would've found Claudia to be genuinely a breath of fresh air.
Finally, somewhere he could belong, someone he could love and belong with, who loved baby dragons and adoraburrs and only took exactly what she needed from the world.
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So, The Dragon Prince season 4, huh? Well worth the wait, loved where it's going. Anyway, here's some thoughts on it, good and bad, in no particular order:
For something called "Mystery of Aaravos" there was quite a lack of Aaravos
Terry was great, we stan a supportive boyfriend
Soren's pajamas mean everything to me
Ezran's crown holds so much meaning omg
Rex Igneous reconsidering murder because of chocolate
Barius the Baker, King Ezran's Minister of Crusts and Jellies will be very busy making tarts for two kings from now on
If Crow Master is Crow Lord's #2, where in the chain of command is Associate Crow Lord?
If I had a nickel for every ATLA reference...
Soren and Corvus are dating you can't convince me otherwise
Fr tho, who vandalized Zubeia's painting?
The architect was completely in the wrong there. Let the SunFIRE Elves make fire
Ibis nooo
Stella feels untrustworthy
Omg the Zym "death" scene
Viren may be evil, but he isn't transphobic
Sir Sparklepuff my beloved
Just destroy the cube already omg
They really do say "Trees to meet you"!!!
Soren's face when he saw Viren :( our poor himbo has gone through enough
Karim really told Janai and Amaya to be "roommates"
Callum being so confident with magic
Omg Janai if you're gonna make the love of your life read your lips, look at her when you're talking!
I know we only saw them for like 5 seconds, but I miss Terry's glasses
Soren had so much growth! He went from chaining up dragons to unchaining dragons to befriending a dragon
I really hope we see N'than again
Aaravos slays at everything he does
The coins!
Yes Janai! Kick his ass!
Janai and Amaya really are sword lesbians
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willowshimmer · 2 years
My entire reaction to season 4 of The Dragon Prince Mystery of Aaravos
- Claudia at first I was like "aw" then when she tricked Rayla into thinking she threw the coins I was like "FUCK YOU" but then when Terry convinced her to give them I was like " YES GO MY FAVORITE TRANS BOY"
- Claudia be like " Guess what I have a boyfriend now unlike you" and Soren's like "JOKES ON YOU I HAVE A BOYFRIEND AND HIS NAMES CORVUS"
- Give me more Rayllum content
- and Zym
- Janaya
- My reaction to the Janaya proposal "YESS MY FAVORITE LESBIANS"
- Fuck you Karim
- I hope Viren gets a bit more of a redemption arc but after what happened I don't think there's gonna be more of that
- kinda want to know what the 7 cakes of Xadia are sounds delicious
- My fav trans boy Terry
- Really hoped there'd be more Rayllum
- We only get to see Aaravos for a couple minutes when the season is literally called Mystery of Aaravos bruh😑
- Can we get Runaan reuniting with Ethari PLSSS
- I love everyone's new designs
- Soren being my favorite himbo
- Soren and Corvus are really giving me "meet my dumb himbo boyfriend" vibes this season and they are really fruity this season
- I really like N'than like he seems really nice
- I love how Zym doesn't want to eat his vegetables relatable
- I really don't like Karim
- I love how Viren isn't even bothered that his daughter is dating a trans elf
- Claudia really gives me asexual vibes
- I love how they kept the fact that Ezran can still talk to animals
Overall I liked this season just wish we learned more about Aaravos's past and I need more Rayllum content
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mateushonrado · 1 month
What I'd like to see in the seventh season of The Dragon Prince
Status Post #11309: Now that season six has arrived on Netflix and that the third arc now back in the planning stages as season 8-10, pending a greenlight from the streaming service, here's what I'd like to see in the upcoming seventh season, which will be titled Book Seven: Dark and will air between the latter half of this year or during next year, probably summer. That said, I hope we'll get a great conclusion to Mystery of Aaravos like having Callum and Rayla getting married in a flashforward and so on.
Claudia and Terry's redemption
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While a friend of mine find the former an inconsistent mess of a character and the latter uninteresting who doesn't do much to the story, I'm in the opinion that they'll find redemption, especially the former since I doubt she'll remain Aaravos' apprentice, given that the fallen Startouch Elf himself has plans for Callum and there are moments in the recent season confirmed that she still has redemption.
She's definitely going to know the truth behind her father Viren's death by that he sacrificed his life to stop Sol Regem and Aaravos than being killed by the tyrannical dragon as punishment as well as realising that Terry was right about Aaravos' motive is revenge.
Flashback anthology episode
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What the show needs is definitely an episode in vein of its spiritual predecessors Avatar: The Last Airbender's "Zuko Alone", "The Tales of Ba Sing Se", "Appa's Lost Days" and "The Avatar and the Fire Lord" and Avatar: The Legend of Korra's "Beginnings" and "Korra Alone".
It would be a good opportunity to focus on Rayla's past with Kim'dael, Soren and Claudia's past with their mother Lissa, how Claudia met Terry like why they fall in love and what does Terry think of Claudia using dark magic, Aaravos' devouring of Janai's grandmother Queen Aditi, Callum's father Damian, Aanya and her mothers Annika and Neha, the Orphan Queen, Laurelion, Luna Tenebris, Garlath, Esmeralda Skall and so on as it could be an extra-long episode, say a 40-45 minute episode.
Return of characters
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Other than characters who are likely going to return such as those who appeared last season like Callum, Rayla, Ezran, Soren, Claudia, Zym, Terry, Aaravos, Amaya, Janai, Zubeia, Gren, Kasi, Aanya, Lujanne, Allen, Runaan, Kosmo, Astrid, Bait, Stella, Karim and Miyana, here's those I'd like to see next season.
It's very likely that Runaan's husband Ethari will return because otherwise, we won't get a reunion between Rayla's foster fathers if he doesn't. Notable characters I'd like to see returning are Ellis, Ava, N'than, Ahling (considering that he's the only one of the three attacked by Viren's forces who is still alive along with that his son Kasef, who served as his temporary successor and was allies with Viren, is dead since Florian and Fareeda were killed off in season three and it would be a good opportunity for this to introduce their successors), Nyx, Akiyu, Kim'dael, Elmer, Villads and so on.
Especially Kim'dael since I'd like to see her appear in this season because it would be a good opportunity to set her as the main antagonist of the final arc along with introducing characters from Bloodmoon Huntress and Tales of Xadia such as Suroh as well as Lissa since I would like to see Soren and Claudia calling her out for her reasons to leave them to be with their father.
Deaths and resurrections
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Given one of the recent interviews hinted that we'll be seeing a sacrifice, my guess is that we'll see something important. Given that Karim isn't so likeable, I think he'll likely bite the dust for his idiotic attempt to overthrow his sister Janai and there's a possibility that Callum will sacrifice his life and then returning back to life, given that he said in seasons four and six to Rayla that if Aaravos corrupts him to the dark side or if he gets consumed by darkness, (according to Kosmo), she would be the one doing the deed, something that she's not so sure about it.
I do think we'll see a resurrection but I doubt it'll be Viren since his voice actor Jason Simpson outright confirmed that he's permanently dead after being revived twice. I think Aaravos will manipulate Callum into reviving Viren after Claudia betrays him only to revive his daughter Leola, which could result in Callum and Rayla ultimately acting as parental figures to her in the end, not unlike how the Mandalorian became a father figure to Grogu in his titular show, how Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna became parental figures to Hotaru during Sailor Moon after her father's death and defeating Mistress 9 that led to her sacrificing herself to stop Phantom 90's wrath which resulted in her being age regressed into a baby or how Thor took care of Gorr's daughter Love in the end of Thor: Love and Thunder.
I also think Kpp'ar will be freed from his coin in which he pretends to have found redemption only for that he returned back with revenge on Viren before discovering that he's dead, resulting him attempting to kill Soren and Claudia before Rayla kills him and I think that's it.
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Se4 ep6 thoughts
I love how Soren sees the dragon and is immediately like: ✨️friends✨️? Big puppy energy. Looks so innocent!! Well that didn't go well.
No-one looking for Soren? Yikes. Wow Rayla took you long enough lmao. Not like he didn't come home last night!
Whatcha doing? while Ezran's discovering he's the new spiderman.
Zubeia will not be pleased.
Finally some thought to the freaking anonymous elf!! Did i mention how much i am loving the accent? Because yes.
Lmao Raylaa
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What is this????
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Like ig there was a different light source and they changed it later but does no-one watch this like, I dunno, a thousand times before it's released??
My distracted ass had to go make these gifs mid episode because why not. And this was my first time making one so when i clicked the tick and it didn't appear as an option in my videos from gallery i tried again. And again. And again. Then realised i had four of them in the gallery. So yeah. That happened.
Anyway continuing my watch. Lmaoo not even 6 minutes. Oops...
Poor Bait getting knocked overr. And again why can Ez see through Zym's eyes? Will we ever know?
Amaya it is not just a fricking candlee. Like I love you but show some respect please. Okay that escalated quickly. Is there no way to like, give the elf some comfort or something that doesn't involve killing? Like yes i actually get why death would be an appropriate punishment cause in their eyes extinguishing that candle is prolly worse than killing someone cause if u kill they still get to the afterlife but. I think the focus should also be on the elf and doing sth for his benefit?
Um i guess earthblood elves don't know he's the dragon prince? Cause otherwise they have some serious trouble coming. Is Callum going to save the day? This blackout transition was a bit unusual. Looked fine but not really their style?
Are we getting some info on elven politics? Masked guys? This little smile thing between Karim and one of Six Horns... he did some bribing? Hope not cause this could turn ugly. It prolly will who am i lying to.
'Don't u remember who u are' felt a little forced to me. They often have those inspiring speeches that don't feel like they belong there. Why isn't Callum flying around looking for Zym? And why wasn't he their 'eyes' to begin with?
The kiddo is back again! Kinda didn't like that was all we saw of him so welcome back!
Karim u little shit. I don't yet know what he's planning but i feel it in my bones it ain't nothing good. Best case he just wants them gone from Xadia. Hopefully.
Why did that elf go after Rayla? Because they are so-called protectors? That little Bait smile lmaooo. Another gif incoming.
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I am a pro now.
Amaya on the side of the elves yes please. But i think she'll do the same Karim did with some kind of I dunno. Not clearing her of guilt completely but sth. Yess compassionate justice pleasee. I feel like they won't listen cause it'd be too good to be true but still. Prolly Karim bribing people won't help. Still not sure if he did.
This catching dragons really reminds me of HTTYD. This boy is the next Hiccup. N'than i love youuu.
Damn for a moment i really thought she'll cut her hands off. Ig that wouldn't really belong on screen but i thought the same for blood so...
this was so good!! I loved it! I actually cried Just hope Janai didn't undermine herself and look weak in the eyes of other elves. I feel like this was also more realistic so they didn't escalate things for no reason. Just show them all trying to get along. Sometimes successfully, other times less so. In love with how Janai said compassion
This entire scene was a masterpiece idc. How the architect broke down crying from relief and stress, the shrine idea, how the elf subtly accepted this as retribution, how it drove a divide between Karim and Janai, how logical the punishment was, it will be the greatest work of my life... just. Peak animation.
I knew it! The Pit of Despair, answer to all our prayers.
Will Karim and Janai fix things or will Karim not be understanding? Again a pretty scene, and Karim doesn't look hostile so far so yayy
I wanted to ask before but how long did Rayla and Soren actually knew each other? Cause i was under the impression that Rayla left practically at the end of se3 but Soren acted like they were kinda close earlier and now Rayla sounds really distressed?
Ohh Karimm lover boyy! Is he going to usurper her? Really?
Lmaoo Soren late to the party😂😂 omgg they're so cuteeee! ✨️friends✨️ for real now
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The happiness on his face🥹
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eggbertith · 2 years
Season 4 wasn't great. I've LOVED every other season but for this one the characters were off, the jokes fell flat (if I hear one more fart joke I stg) and the huge time skip wasn't great either.
The whole season feels like they could have condensed it down to 2 episodes but they decided to add a million characters and plot lines that didn't matter.
Idk. It looks like they overworked the batter and the fluffy pancake we were promised is now flatter than a witch's tit.
I mean, still technically a pancake. So I'm not mad, just disappointed.
disclaimer: i LOVE the dragon prince, i loved seasons 1-3 and i enjoyed season 4. here's the deal, season 4 is a fun season and i enjoyed watching it. i do think, however, that the writing got a mediocre a little too often for it to be worth the 3-year wait. if you disagree with me, i am more than open to hear thoughts and counterarguments. seriously. i think discussion is healthy and it's something i actually really enjoy because i like talking. also, i'm way too tired to have people yelling at me/to yell at other people with a different opinion than me...i am a college student and i am already dying so please, be respectful. i am not trying to actively insult anyone who liked season 4 and i am also not vehemently hating on the show [criticisim != hate] i'm more than happy for the people who enjoyed the season and i really do like to hear thoughts. with that out of the way, hello anon, here's a wall of unorganized text that attempts to convey my feelings overall
since i am an actual child, i laughed at the jokes but that's beside the point. i get where people are coming from when they say they were poorly timed and/or didn't land well
but on the topic of jokes, season 4 had me laughing at a lot of things i....shouldn't have been laughing at. and honestly, it makes me feel like an asshole lol but i'm sorry some of the more emotional or intense scenes are just really goofy with the way they were executed and yes, if someone wants me to, i can go in depth with this, but for the purpose of this ask (especially since it wasn't focused on the humor in the first place) i won't give my thoughts here
i'm going to be very blunt: tdp has kind of backed itself into a corner if there isn't a twist or some sort of major consequence for rayla leaving. if rayla leaves for 2 years and nothing comes from it other than relationship drama, that's a bit yikes. i'm not saying that everything should have been resolved this season, but the show doesn't even try to tell the audience that something bigger may be happening. if there IS a bigger consequence, the show doesn't properly hint at it/set it up, and THATS where the issue is. when it gives us nearly nothing to speculate off of, we have no idea where her character or the story is going. <- this is not a catalyst for mystery, it's frustrating because everyone (especially rayla) feels out of character and for what
also, this is a nitpick, but callum letting rayla go after viren in episode 9 was not earned.
anyways, the season had to reintroduce us to the characters that we haven't seen for 3 years, and it has to inform everyone about the 2-year time skip. the time skip, in my opinion, was not done well. time skips are used to grow up the characters and introduce new characters, environments, and potential plot points for the rest of the story that is being told. the dragon prince does not do this very well. yes, there are new characters, but they aren't even necessarily relevant for the rest of the story, so it feels like wasted time. the candle woman and the n'than dude show up and then drop off of the face of the earth never to be seen again. terry is fine, but i do think it's a bit odd to give claudia, someone who has gone off the deep end, a really goofy and lighthearted boyfriend (he's just there to keep her morality in check a little bit, i.e. giving rayla the coins). i think overall, a lot of things happen in season 4, but it feels like a very small portion of said things actually set up for the future.
i've been avoiding bringing this up, mostly because i'm lazy and i don't want to find exact quotes from the show, but i'll bite. the writing for seasons 1-3 felt authentic and natural. the writing in season 4 felt so on-the-nose, shallow, and almost preachy.
"i was impressed with your vision for using the dragon queen's visit as a catalyst for growing trust and peace across the continent"
"they might be at first. but it will change when they meet her"
^ ezran says this and yup, that's enough on that topic, no need to explore it further. i think the writing overall was just so lackluster and forced compared to previous seasons. again, i could elaborate on this but i've gone on for long enough in this post so if someone wants me to just ask...might take a really long time for me to respond though getting my thoughts in order takes forever.
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