#n0t seri0us
laqueus · 10 months
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oh hp deskjet 2710e we're really in it now
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flufferdancy816 · 1 year
I can't believe there's someone trying to impersonate you.
Don't worry, I know you're the real one
Th4nk y0u. ¦t'$ truly a sh4me that's n0t evɘry0ne kn0ws h0w seri0u$ сrϊme Ϊďentity †heft is )=
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hearts4shadow · 7 months
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H3ll0! The n4me’s C0sm0! I 4m a tr4nsma$c, lat1n0 (brazilian) artist/writ3r who’s also 4ut1stic and g33ky :3 a$ y0u guys see, i h4v3 a typ1ng qu1rk!1! (A typing quirk is when someones likes to type in a unique and different way to make it easier to people to identify that person, but i will not include it into the stories)
my 1nt3rest$ ar3: STH (not obv lmfaoo /j) FNF, PR$K, v0calo1d, l1ly’s w3ll, gh0st and p4ls, B4BYM3TAL, and g3nsh1n!
s0metim3s, when i f33l s1lly, i pr3tend im my fav characters :3 (k1nd 0f rol3play1ng) h0wev3r, i am n0t a syst3m! If a syst3m thinks this is pr0blemat1c 4nd i sh0uld kn0ck it out, i will st0p!!
n0w that ya’ 4ll know wh0 w1ll writ3 ur st0ries, h3re is wh4t i will wr1te:
🦔🌀 S0nic > Mil3s “T4ils” Pr0wer
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Sl0w down, p4l! b3fore y0u can r3ad any furth3r, her3 is why i wr1te th3se type of stuff:
th3 r3as0n i wr1te such d4rk and d1sgust1ng stuff is that i pref3r people to read them r4ther than do it in r3al lif3, i us3 th3se typ3$ of st0ries as a c0p1ng mech4nism, im a hyp3rsexu4l. i am aw4re th3se t0pics are s3ri0us, but i am attr4cted to it, please, if 4NY of th3 foll0wing t0pics tr1gger or giv3 you disc0mfort, do n0t read the tr1gg3ring st0ries, r3ad oth3r st0ries i will writ3, st4y saf3, stay f4st!
d4rk th3mez
wlw 4nd mlm
tr4ns/nb/gn r3ader
n0n-r3ader/ sh1ppz
ag3-g4p (not th4t hug3, ex4mple: 18/19 x 23, 25 x 30)
3rot0phil1a (when someone is sexually attracted/turned on by sexual questions or themes!)
m3rintophil1a (when one is turned on by being tied up!)
t0xiphili4 (when one is turned on by being poisoned, but for my stories’ case: sleeping medicine, drugs and love potions!)
om0rash1 (just a tiny bit, not everytime)
j3rking 0ff
plushi3 fuck1ng (for just sexual relief)
n0w you kn0w wh4t you c4n requ3st! but b3war3, 3veryth1ng has lim1t$:
🔧🦊 Mil3s “T4ils” Pr0w3r > Sh4dow
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f1rst thing$ f1rst: I 4M A M1N0R! I w1ll n0t expos3 my ag3 but be aw4re, any typ3 of s3xual or r0mant1c comm3nt t0wards m3 will be bl0cked and ign0r3d. H0wev3r, if 1t is 4s a j0ke, i am comf0rtabl3 w1th it. Which l3ads m3 t0 the s3cond rul3:
US3 T0NE T4GS!! Thes3 are especially for Aut1stic pe0ple, its wh3n som3one ind1cat3s if th3y ar3 seri0usly or j0king. F0r 3xampl3:
s33 th3 littl3 ‘J’ with th3 sl4sh m4rk? th4t means “Joking”, wh3n y0u want to m4ke a j0ke th4t u ar3 h4lf seri0us and j0king 4bout, use “/hj” wh1ch m3ans ‘Half Joking”.
it 1s imp0rt4nt t0 kn0w th4t i w!ll n0t wr1t3 anyth1ng els3 th4t 1sn’t 0n th3 list of th3 th!ngs i will wr1t3. Th!s includ3s: Sc4t, n3crophil1a, ped0phil1a (13 x 17/20), inc3st, sh0ta/l0li’s.
my p4g3 is a plac3 wh3re any0ne can expr3zz th3mselfz with0ut f3ar. How3ver, d0n’t judg3 on3’s k1nk/int3rest$ h3re.
wh3n i writ3 a trigg3ring st0ry w1th d4rk t0pic$, i w1ll w4rn y0u, the r3ader, with 4 w4rn1ng bef0r3 the st0ry comm3nce$.
ag0ra par4 0s l3it0res p0rtugu3ses e br4sileir0s: Sim, 3u ir3i 3screv3r hist0ri4s em p0rtugu3s!
If i s4y/d0 som3th1ng pr0bl3matic, IMM3D1AT3LY W4RN M3!! I w4nt my p4ge to b3 s4f3 t0 my r3ad3rz.
If y0u ar3 und3r the ag3 of 11, h3ll0, littl3 on3. And w3lcome to my pag3. Th3 smut/n$fw st0ri3s of min3 are a prohib1t3d pl4ce for y0u, inst3ad, r3ad the c0mfort/fluff stori3s.
4s said b3f0re in th3 th1rd rul3: D0n’t judg3 oth3rz. Any typ3 of R4c!sm, Abl3ism, Hom0phobia and 3tc W!ILL N0T B3 TOL3R4TED!! If it !s t0ward$ y0urs3lf/ur 0wn k1nd or c0mmunity, th3n i all0w it. D0N’T BE A F00LISH MORT4L!!
y0u hav3 re4d the rul3z, n0w you sh4ll rec3ive acc3zz to th3 st0ri3z:
🦔🔫❤��� Sh4d0w > Amy R0s3
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No st0ry has b33n post3d yet, sw33the4rt, c0me b4ck her3 s00n tho! Mayb3 a r0manc3 awaits you!
🦔💝🎀 Amy R0s3 > Cosm0
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If y0u h4ve r3ad th!s wh0le th1ng till her3, tysm!
My m3dias:
cosmo_metaldeath #5364
— Thank you, and ily. <3
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nightsky-edits · 2 years
c0uld I maYbe get an edit f0r mY purple aradia timeline? 0_=
i had sharper and bigger h0rns that time ar0und (think the aradia fr0m distantquest as an example) and theY had little b0ne charms hanging fr0m them. mY paint was reminiscent 0f s0me kind 0f animal skull, but im still n0t sure what kind, s0 d0 what Y0u want f0r that 0u= and mY eYes were a bit weird, the left 0ne was all g0at like and the 0ther was n0rmal. if Y0u feel up t0 d0ing a versi0n with0ut facepaint (0r just d0 it with0ut paint in general), mY "n0rmal" eYe had s0me prettY seri0us scarring. mY hair was pretty much the same, just a little wilder and my bel0ved m0therfuckin br0ther in jest0rial b0nds, tavr0s, w0uld braid in all s0rts 0f beads and ribb0ns and such.
mY 0utfit was prettY c0mfY and basic m0st 0f the time, i had these real sweet pants that were so fl0wY theY l00ked like a skirt, and i w0uld pair it with this black camis0le tank and a c0rset belt that was purple. i w0re a shawl 0ver it all m0st 0f the time and i had these wrist cuffs that l00ked like spiderwebs, but if that's t00 hard, n0 w0rries. 0_= i w0re a l0t 0f r0saries as jewelry, just piled and layered, but they w0uld have vari0us purplebl00d signs at the end 0f them instead 0f like, cr0sses, s0 at least 0ne 0f th0se w0uld be neat if Y0u c0uld! 0u= 0h and if mY hands are visible in the sprite, maYbe add some c0l0rful paint smears/smudges, theY always had s0me paint 0n them. i als0 had my sign, capries, tatt00ed 0n my thr0at. thank y0u s0 fuckin much in advance if y0u d0 this all!! ××
Im not sure if i got everything so dont be afraid to send me another ask!
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smilingsharks · 27 days
Hey, y0u, (everything I'm ab0ut t0 say sh0uld be t00k in a j0king/n0t seri0us manner), quit letting R be attached t0 y0u, I w0uld like t0 g0 five sec0nds with0ut hearing them talk about y0u :,]
But seri0usly, they see a l0t in y0u and y0u have a l0t 0f p0wer 0ver them, d0 with that what y0u wish, just kn0w me, M, and ST are watching y0u guys interact, we have n0 issues with y0u (y0u seem nice/gen), n0thing I say is meant as a threat, we're 0nly here f0r R's (and every0ne else's) safety...just- n0t t0 share R's issues 0r seem harsher than I mean t0 be, but please d0n't hurt them, I understand y0u haven't been talking l0ng but they seem t0 really like y0u, just, Be careful with them
(S0rry f0r the l0ng ask and the rant ab0ut R, I just wanted t0- well, I h0pe y0u understand what I'm d0ing by saying all this, Als0 yes, every0ne menti0ned except f0r R is a system pr0tect0r)
(S0rry f0r l0ng ask)
You're alg! Also Hi! Nice to meet you :)
I promise I won't hurt R. I have taken quite a liking too them, (which is a little hard for me cause I am autistic), and I would never mean to intentionally hurt them, I appreciate you thinking I'm nice, and the first part was very funny! Have fun in drama class !
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lab0rc0st · 2 years
hi ! im aradia ! i have a l0ve hate relati0nship with the m00n but shes n0t interested in a seri0us thing right n0w
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sphlvrai · 4 years
[0kay! Seri0us talk time! This is amazing. Really, it is! Y0u have such dedicati0n t0 this, and I really admire it, and I h0pe y0u have a g00d life because y0u deserve it! I’m n0t super g00d at dealing 0ut c0mpliments, but I want y0u t0 kn0w I really appreciate y0u, sharing this with all 0f us. S0, uh, thanks. 💖💛💙 -Zer0 anon]
[ YOU ARE SO KIND!! im not exaggerating when i say i literally just teared up! although it being 2 am probably isnt helping that. but seriously, this is just so kind of you to say! i wouldnt be able to share this with you all if it werent for your love and support, thank you so much for everything 🥺 ]
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i cant tell if u being seri0us 0r n0t but cis is when ur n0t trans/identify with ur agab (assigned gender at birth)
I have conveniently forgotten what we were talking about. What did you say?
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laqueus · 3 months
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shout-out to the time Minnie & Ruby made an S... or maybe a very strange 5
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histaries · 5 years
👀 Why do you ribbit?
send aradiabot “👀 + a question” and she has to answer honestly. 
because i am part s0rt 0f fr0g i pr0t0typed myself with a sprite already pr0t0typed with the large head 0f a fr0g statue that br0ught its fr0g mind t0 life by being pr0t0typedand if y0u d0nt kn0w what pr0t0typing is thats pr0bably f0r a separate questi0n but i think wed all like the w0rd t0 st0p existing n0w i can c0ntr0l it by n0w but i usually ch00se n0t t0 unless the c0nversati0n is seri0us ribbit
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kinstuckhelp · 7 years
hi!! could i have some positivity for a jade who's very, very sick and scared right now? :o thanks and have a lovely day!! c:
hey jade!!!im s0rry y0ure sick right n0w :( being sick is never fun!! im n0t sure whether y0u mean s0mething like the flu 0r s0mething super seri0us but either way im s0rry :( its n0rmal t0 be scared, especially if y0ure scared bc 0f being sick.. just kn0w y0ure n0t al0ne!! its 0kay t0 be scared, every0ne gets scared, but im here f0r y0u and im sure there are s0 many 0ther pe0ple that are as well!! if y0u ever want s0me0ne t0 talk t0 when y0ure scared 0r just f0r any reas0n at all, y0u can message me @ghostspell!! i h0pe y0u feel better jade!! and i h0pe y0u have a l0vely day t00!! - m0d aradia
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
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0empty0eyes0 · 3 years
i think y0u guys d0nt realize n0w n0t seri0us i am at all times
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deadramchild-blog · 7 years
dave why
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
well this is s0rt 0f vague
is trusting pe0ple a big issue f0r me? im assuming thats the questi0n
pe0ple 0utside 0f the family? yes 0bvi0usly
in general i d0nt think s0 n0
6. What are you excited for?
n0t a l0t i an think 0f right n0w
seeing y0u in my little gift maybe 0u0
9. Is confidence cute?
i guess? it certainly d0esnt hurt!
34. Listening to?
the v0ices 0f the dead
0n a lighter n0te
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
well 0ne time i made a very m0rbid j0ke that he didnt get and it was pretty awful
it wasnt exactly a seri0us crush th0ugh s0...
im better 0ff with pe0ple that can appreciate my hum0r anyways 0u0
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
i really wanted t0 be an archae0l0gist f0r a while! 
n0w its m0re 0f a h0bby
75. Do you study better with or without music?
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
can i cheat and say the midnight crew?
i cant think 0f any0ne right n0w
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fuckewe-blog1 · 7 years
0ther time. business tr0ll came in restaurant. L00k all seri0us and imp0rtant. Highbl00d y0u c0uld tell. came t0 me at c0unter. I listen f0r 0rder. He pulls d0wn his aviat0rs. Sl0wly as th0ugh n0t get n0ticed by 0ther cust0mers. I raise eyebr0w. Ask what I can help with. He leans in cl0sely. I can see sweat. 0n f0rehead. He nerv0us. Like j0gged here in designer suit. He say in m0st deadpan v0ice. Like tr0ll fbi. "i have t0 pee."
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superromenme-blog · 5 years
Hey guys! 💘 I'am 24 years Beautiful Naughty American Girl, Very H0t & Sexy ◆i have a Clean & s0ft Pussy◆i am a classy latina w0man with a beautiful face😍 ◆and a s0ft curvy b0dy y0u will find t0 be quite addicting◆ ◆N0w i'm l00king f0r a sex partner & wh0 can fuck me difficult & satisfy me◆ ◆f0r a man to spend time◆ ◆I love to suck & sex, I have a great experience◆ ◆My Pussy Cute & Clean, My Wet Pussy Y0u can suck◆ ◆ Really I'm Enj0ying The M0ment◆ y0ur age....is n0t matter f0r me ◆ ◆ I'm Available 24 h0urs◆Never rushed u will enj0y the m0st relaxing and unf0rgettable experience in y0ur life ◆ ◀👉▶If y0u interested, Please Text my ph0ne number>> ▶ ☎ ☎☎ 484-376-2146 ☎☎☎◀ (PLEASE D0N’T CALL ME ) !! 🔷 💌🔷After ur reply i will tell u & give u m0re naked pics.🔷💌🔷 🔷💌🔷Available & Ready N0w! N0 WAIT N0 RUSH🔷💀 🔷 ☑-My service charge as bel0w-☑ 🔷💌 🔷L0west rate:- F0r a limited time🔷💌🔷 ◄⎛ 💋⎞► 1 h0urs Incall 20 USD🌿>>>>1 h0urs 0utcall 30 USD ◄⎛ 💋⎞► 2 h0urs Incall 40 USD🌿>>>>2 h0urs 0utcall 50 USD ◄⎛ 💋⎞► 6 h0urs Incall 80 USD🌿>>>6 h0urs Outcall 100 USD ◄⎛ 💋⎞► Every Night 0r Day🌿=$120Play as y0ur wish 🔷🔴🔷Services🔷🔴🔷 ◄⎛💖⎞► Best Bl0wj0b⎛💋⎞PLAY IN MY PRIVATE BED R00M ⎛💋⎞ Best Kisser⎛💋⎞ Best Time with Me⎛💋⎞ Free Sh0wer ⎛💋⎞ Specially Fuck y0ur 0wn style, D0ggy, Anal, 0ral,69 0r Any 0ther Style ⎛💋⎞ Full Service Sex (Sex with0ut C0nd0m) ⎛💋⎞Girlfriend Experience ⎛💋⎞Y0u Can Eat Me. Kiss Me Everywhere. I want t0 start 0ut talking by texting, then ph0ne number s0 0nly interested pers0n reply back... 💘💘0UT CALL IN Y0UR CITY, INCALL MY H0ME>H0TEL>CAR>0R ANYWHERE Y0U Like💘 🚫N0 DRAMA🚫-🙈 N0 RUSH 🙈- Really H0rney and very seri0us. I am free all day and night let's d0 this. C0me 0n in my r00m 0r Anywhere y0u like.... 😇 If Y0u Interested And Wanna Met With Me Then Text Me I am 0nline n0w: :📱📱 484-376-2146☎☎  Clare | nuru best massage parlour in clare | erotic massage parlour in Clare | escort in clare | body to body rub https://clare.icracker.com.au/terms/TherapeuticMassageBy : JaksonDate 20-06-2019
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