#nadesir x reader
sleepyfan-blog · 4 months
Author’s Note: Nadesir  part three! I hope you enjoy :D first.
This fic features Khopesh, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k ’s lovely NL! Thank you for letting me borrow him. 
Tagged: :@egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel@whorety-k 
Warnings: accidental marriage, 
Summary: You wait for Nadesir at the surf’s edge. You’re greeted by a different Night Lord. 
Three weeks later at sunset find you once again by yourself as you wander the beach. You'd hoped to find Nadesir amongst the waves, or perhaps in the shallows. You'd brought along a picnic basket full of food to share with him, as he'd expressed an interest in trying human food. You'd done some research to make sure everything that You'd brought with you was safe for him to eat, not wanting to accidentally give him something that would make him sick. 
Allegedly, astartes could eat nearly anything apart from certain kinds of toxic industrial waste… and from the forums You'd wandered into (and back out of) even that was up for debate, depending on the type of astartes. Allegedly there was a green type of astartes who thrived in polluted waters and consumed garbage and spread disease and parasites like it was their divinely mandated duty. 
You were pretty sure that was hysterical bullshit, as You'd also been warned that all night lords were vicious and cruel bastards who enjoyed tormenting and slowly killing any human unfortunate enough to meet one, no matter the circumstances and Nadesir has been a wonderful companion.
You kicked off your sandals And went wading knees deep into the surf, a relaxed sigh leaving your lips as the constant itching that plagued you whenever you were out of water for more than a couple of hours went away. None of the doctors you went to for the issue could do anything to actually help. The medicated lotions and topical steroids had done fuck-all and your skin had been biopsies several times in different spots, to inconclusive or negative results. 
You'd resorted to going swimming once a day whenever your work schedule allowed, and showering daily in the evenings, which at least allowed you to get enough sleep throughout the night. You also wore mittens to sleep to avoid scratching your skin raw in your sleep.
A deep, gleeful voice called out from the next cresting wave, a marble in his voice that you did not trust “Ohh? What's a tasty little mortal morsel like you doing here? Don't you know that dangerous creatures lurk in these waters?” A large, midnight blue mer with red ear-fibs and lightning-like patterns on his scales rumbled. He looked similar to Nadesir, but he had a distinctive scar on his lips that Nadesir didn't.
You explain earnestly “I’m waiting for someone. Are you one of Nadesir’s older brothers?” He had warned you that some of his older brothers were likely to be suspicious or wary or both of you at first, in addition to hostile. He’d given you a beautiful necklace made of shell and bone to wear the last time the two of you had met up, both as a gift and a way to prove that you and he were close, so that they wouldn't try to chase you off. You'd carved something for him out of a hardy wood and lacquered it with a waterproof sealant. Yo hoped that he’d like the gift.
THe strange Night Lord let out an amused trill, swimming closer to you, the crooked smirk on his face turning into something more thoughtful “I have several q questions little mortal, though I can guess their answers. How did you and Nadesir meet? How… Close are the two of you~?”
A bit of a blush warms yoru face and you shift a little in place before you answer “We met several months sago and I helped him out of a tight spot… every so often after that we meet up again. He gave me this last week.” YOu explain, lightly touching the hand-crafted necklace he’d gifted you. You weren’t sure as to how much detail you should give without asking nNadesir first. You imagined that being trapped in an industrial fishing net was a humiliating experience, in addition to being mildly traumatizing nd awful. You also weren’t sure the exact nature of the relationship that you and he had. Sure, you and he spent time together - some of that time was spent kissing and being physically intimate, but it wasn’t as if you and he had talked about what each wanted out of this relationship, and any plans either you or he had for the future in regards to whatever this was.
The night lord grinned, sharp teeth flashing in the low light of dusk “And just what sort of trouble did Nadesir get into, hmm? He's a fairly capable scout, though his curiosity can get the better of him.”
You hesitate for a moment, fairly certain that you shouldn’t tell this strange astartes about how your… Lover? Boyfriend? Situationship? Had gotten entangled and washed up on shore, trapped for hours until you came along and rescued him. “Oh… He just needed a hand, so I helped him out.”
“Uh-huh. Any particular reasons why he wou- off! Rude!” The night lord spluttered as a fast moving, midnight blue blur crashed into him at high speed.
You take a half-step back towards the shore in surprise before stop backing up, as the blur turned out to be Nadesir, who hissed “YOu have your own human to woo! Leave her alone, Khopesh!”
“Aww, I wouldn't steal your mortal from you, little brother! I was just curious about her, considering how much you sigh wistfully for her presence when you’re not at her side… And the moon-eyed daydreaming you do is endearingly annoying.” Khopesh purred, smirking at Nadesir as he spoke.
“You also pine for your human when you’re away from them!” Nadesir snaps back, still attempting to wrestle his older brother with limited success.
“Khopesh spluttered “I… I just… THat’s not… So? You’re the one who’s tied a sanguinary bond to his chosen human. I haven’t done that yet. I hadn’t realized you were so serious about her.”
“A what?” You ask, confused.
“A what?” Nadesir echoes, letting go of his older brother, head tilting a little as his ears fin flicked in befuddlement.
“... Well I suppose they can happen accidentally, although I’m curious as to how she accidentally swallowed a little bit of your blood, younger brother of mine. Bleeding around humans can have… Interesting consequences.” Khopesh rumbled, arching a judgmental eyebrow at both you and Nadesir - though mostly at Nadesir it seemed.
Nadesir looked as confused as you felt “What do you mean by that, Khopesh? In.. In the hypothetical situation of an Astartes bleeding near a human… Not that I would have… necessarily had cause to bleed around any humans, and particularly not my love specifically.”
“Well, you know how sometimes when a human has become so deeply loved and/or needed by an Astartes, the human is granted a lifespan similar to us, as wella s turned into a mer, so that they can spend far more of their time with their beloved?” Khopesh explains, pausing for a moment to make sure that Nadesir was following his explanation.
You’d heard stories about Mers being able to transform humans, to grant them eternal life somehow. You’d thought it was bullshit… But apparently there was truth to those myths after all. You stayed quiet, listening closely.
“Transforming a human into a mer requires that the human either consume the flesh of an Astartes, or drink a large amount of blood from an astartes. The transformation is slow and takes place over the course of several months, with the final stages causing the human to return to the site where they’d consumed flesh or blood of an astartes, where they shed any clothing they are wearing and venture into the ocean… There they shed their human form, transforming into a mer. Your human hasn’t consumed enough blood or flesh to transform, but your scent and hers are inextricably intertwined.. It is a claim and a warning to other astartes that she is yours, and if they try to poach or kill her, you will come for them… It’s similar to wedding vows for humans, though truly permanent.” Khopesh explained with an amused hum.
“Married?” You and Nadesir splutter at the same time. You’re internally reeling at the thought. You’re quite fond of him, yes. But… Married? You’re not entirely sure how you feel about that. At least Nadesir looks as shocked and surprised as you are. You’re pretty sure he didn’t meant to lay claim to you on purpose. You also… Find yourself… Not minding the idea of being his… It also means that he is yours, or at least a piece of his heart? You mentally shake yourself. Once this older brother of Nadesir leaves, you’re going to ask him out right about what sort of relationship he’s interested in pursuing with you, and what if anything he’d like to do with this… Bond between you and him. 
“I… I do feel very much for you and have been courting you! I just. Uhm. I didn’t mean to marry you before starting to date you. I was going to ask, later!” Nadesir blurted out, sinking up to his nose in the water, blushing darkly at you “If… If our courtship went well.” 
Khopesh dipped out of sight, but you could still see his dark eyes watching you and him, laughter in them as well. You ignored his watchful gaze and answered earnestly “I care for you deeply as well. If you asked me now if I wanted to marry you, my answer would be not yet, as we’ve only known each other for a couple of months. Perhaps we should come back to the accidentally married thing in a few months?”
Nadesir nodded, a small smile lighting up his handsome features beautifully “That sounds like a good idea… And not to change the topic so quickly but I really would like to know what’s in the basket you brought? Whatever it is smells really good.”
You are happy to pivot to a different topic of conversation. This relationship between you and Nadesir is very  new, and he’s one of a handful of people you’ve ever dated. You don’t want to rush things. “I brought some  human food that I really enjoy, for the two of us to share. You mentioned wanting to try some, so I brought a bunch of different kinds of snack-type foods to try.”
Nadesir beams and follows you up onto the shore as you sit down, spreading out the blanket and patting a spot for him to sit next to you “That’s wonderful! Thank you.” He murmurs, eagerly reaching into the now open basket, helping you pull out the many small dishes you’d brought.
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sleepyfan-blog · 1 month
To Travel
Author’s note: The seventh fic for Nadesir! first. Previous. Next
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @i-am-a-dragon34 @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Warnings: none? Please let me know if I missed something/if something bothers you
Summary: You have to go see your family. Vanya would like to come with you, but you turn him down for Reasons.
“Are you sure that I cannot come with you, my moon?”  Vanya asks as he looks down at you, a worried frown appearing on his face as he gently cups your face in one of his clawed hands. 
You shake your head, sighing a little “Most of my family are very… Wary around Space Marines, and while I know that you wouldn’t try and antagonize them on purpose… At least not at first, they would definitely try to antagonize you, and that would get very messy very quickly.” 
Vanya huffs, pouting a little at you “I would be able to keep my temper, no matter what your foolish family members might try to do or say in order to provoke my wrath. I’m sure it’s nothing that I wouldn’t be able to handle. I have dealt with idiots who think that because I am a Chaos-aligned Night Lord, that means that I am a mindless beast, rather than sentient and in full control of my thoughts, emotions and actions.”
There was… A lot about your family that you had chosen not to try and explain to Vanya, in part because you were quite certain that he’d be very, very unwilling to let you near any of them ever again. At least not without being in full armor and with his weapons at him at all times while you stayed at his side, in his wings, or on his shoulders the entire time. 
Yes, many of your family members were dangerous. But they generally did not pose a threat to you, who had taken a civilian job, who lived in a small town in the middle of nowhere, and did your best to keep out of the dangerous circles that the rest of your family ran around in and tried to control. “I know. But I’d rather not put you in a position where your temper is tested over and over again by other people whom I care for.” You had little doubt that Vanya would be able to handle any physical threat that your family attempted to pose at him… But going on the run with Vanya after he slaughtered half your family for deliberately provoking his temper was not something you were interested in doing. 
Especially now that you had been made aware of the fact that Astartes did have their own kind of internal investigative group. Which, really, you should have guessed was a thing, from how rigidly the loyalists (loyal to what, or to whom, none of them would ever explain to you) ran things in town. Still, the brief encounter you had with the Dark Angels had been mildly unsettling, though far from the most distressing event that had happened to you that day. 
Vanya let out a low, unhappy whine and shuffled closer to you, his wings twitching a little, as if he was restraining himself from scooping you up and hiding you in them. His fingers shift as he kneels down to be closer to your eye level. “If you are certain… Then I promise to not follow you to your family. But… Please keep in mind that should you need or wish for me to be by your side, you need only call and I will be there for you as soon as possible.” He pressed his forehead to yours, before giving you a light kiss.
You kiss him back, hugging him tightly. You did not want to go to the family reunion that your sister had half-blackmailed you into going to, but she’d found out about you getting kidnapped somehow - even though Vanya had rescued you and the other kidnapped people before the bastards had been able to get to wherever they were planning on holding yourself and the others. But she’d threatened to tell the family that you’d been kidnapped, and the absolute shitstorm that would occur, should the rest of them find out … Was not one you were interested in weathering. “I’ll keep that in mind, Vanya. I’ll be back in a couple of weeks. See you then, love. I’ll call when the plane lands.” 
Vanya lets out a low, unhappy rumble in his chest, peering down at you with deep, endlessly dark midnight black eyes. Not for the first time you silently wondered if he could see in the dark, and had a reflective layer at the back of his eyes, considering how dark they were. That and his sensitivity to bright light. “Very well… I will take you to the airport at least… Yes?”
“Alright, you can drop me off at the terminal.” You allowed. You weren’t going to let him wait with you in the airport security area… Not only was he far more likely to get antsy and try to steal you away, you did not want to explain about the fact that your family had the wealth to charter you a private plane. Vanya didn’t seem to understand money very well, but even so. It would be enough of an oddity that you suspected that he would mention it to the other Astartes he frequently sparred and trained alongside of them, and some of them understood how the mortal economy worked very, very well. 
Vanya beamed in response, a pleased purr rumbling from his chest as he scooped you up, giving you little kisses on your cheeks and forehead, his wings wrapping around your body securely. “Thank you, my moon! Thank you!” before he started rumbling at you in one of the other languages he spoke. One that you did not understand, though you were trying to learn. 
You can’t help but giggle a little at his enthusiasm, and you kiss and hug him back as best as you can. You’re half-dreading the trip, but Vanya’s fierce love and care for you has been such a wonderful, if unexpected blessing in your life. 
Vanya carries you and the suitcase he helped you pack the entire way to the airport that the plane that your family had chartered for you to fly to your childhood home in. The airport in question was one of the three in the large town that was several hours’ drive away from the small town that you’d settled in, and found Vanya in. Given that Astartes can run at the speed of most cars, you weren’t surprised that he preferred to do this, rather than squish his way into a cab next to you. 
The airport is, as ever, incredibly busy with dozens of cars driving up and dropping off people heading to the planes that they need or want to catch. You can see a handful of other Astartes in the crush of people making their way through the different doors into the building itself. Vanya is the only Night Lord you can see, but that doesn’t surprise you very much. It is mid morning, the sun is high in the sky, and there are so many people and what must be a truly cacophonous amount of noise to the highly-sensitive hearing of an astartes. 
You can tell that Vanya is starting to get overstimulated, by the way his body shifts and shakes a little- the way his eyes dart around everywhere and the way that he hovers closer to you. “Hey… Vanya, darling…” You call out, voice quiet but loud enough to catch his attention.
“Yes, my moon?” Vanya asks, eyes wide and focused on you. His wings twitch and his hands are clenching and unclenching a little. 
“Thank you for taking me to the airport. I tried explaining how busy it would be, even at eight in the morning on a Tuesday, but…” You gesture around helplessly “It’s hard to really explain it, if you don’t have the context.”
“You are welcome, my love. I will be waiting for your call once you land.” Vanya rumbled unhappily, bending over to give you a hug. He buries his face into the side of your neck.
You run a hand through his thick, dark hair, turning your head to give him a kiss on the cheek. “I will. Fly free, Vanya.”
“You as well, my moon.” He rumbles, giving you one last kiss before very reluctantly letting you go. He watches as you enter the airport building before he turned away and started jogging at an easy, swift pace that he could maintain for weeks if he needed to. He would rather have gone with you to meet your family, but would respect your wishes… Despite how difficult doing so was for him.
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 months
Author’s Note:this is mer-nadesir’s debut! I hope you enjoy the fic :D
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel 
Warnings: injuries, blood mention, poor fishing practices
Summary: You find an astartes caught up in a hooked fishing net, and help him get free.
You hear a low, warning hiss from the tangled mass of netting and hooks that washed up on your favorite beach. Something large and upset struggled within the taut metal cording and was bleeding red blood, the hissing intensifying as the wickedly sharp hooks bit into midnight blue flesh. Was it smart for you to approach this frantic, injured creature as it struggled? Probably not, but there was something very human sounding in the pained sounds that left the being.
“Woah… Hey… Just stay still and I'll get you out of this.” You call out to the being, hoping that your soothing tone of voice would help convey your intentions, if whatever this is didn't understand English.
A large eye the color of a moonless and starless night glares at you suspiciously from a gap in the netting as dagger-sharp teeth gnawed at of the entangling knots as his large head whipped sharply from one side to the other, desperately trying to get himself free “Why help? Strangers.” the astartes growled out.
“Because you need help and are in pain. Will you let me come closer to help you out of the net? Or is there someone I can contact who you do trust to get you out of this?” You asked, keeping your voice even and calm, making sure not to make any sudden movements, so as to not further distress the trapped astartes.
The large mer struggled in the net as a low and pained growl rumbled in his chest. “... My shiver is far from here. I am… Was scouting when this happened.” He stares hard at you, midnight black eyes trying to pierce through your soul. “... If you deliberately hurt me, I will come for you. There is nowhere in this world, or in any other, that I won't be able to track you down and bring you to swift and bloody vengeance.”
This was far from the first time you’d been threatened by an injured and likely anxious astartes, and it was unlikely to be the last, considering the fact that you worked in emergency medicine. “I will do my best not to hurt you on purpose without warning. If I am moving something that is likely to cause you pain, like removing the hooks imbedded into your skin and muscle, I will warn you beforehand. Deal?” You knew better than to say so that he could brace for pain - nor did you have any pain reliever on hand that would work fast enough that wouldn’t be flushed from the Astartes’ system before it could hope to have any effect on him. You’d intended on going for a moonlit stroll down your favorite beach and hadn’t anticipated meeting an astartes in physical and medical distress.
The large, midnight blue astartes stared at you for several long moments before accepting with a rough “Reasonable. I agree.”
You nod, making careful and deliberate movements toward him, telegraphing what you were doing, so as to reduce the likelihood of accidentally startling the mer. Once you reach his side you look up at him, knife in hand, waiting for his agreement for you to start cutting through the netting.
“... Begin.” He huffed after several seconds, though there was a tiny smile lifting the corners of his lips. He seemed to be grateful that you were being so careful of his potential boundaries.
You nod and carefully begin to cut away at the netting binding him in place. Every so often you give him a moment or two of warning before carefully unhooking and pulling out the metal hooks imbedded into his flesh.Once you have his arms free, you offer the knife to him hilt first, silently offering to let him continue to free himself. 
To your surprise the midnight blue astartes shakes his head and says “Continue. Your hands smaller. Better able to get hooks and knots… Doing well.”
You smile a little at his praise and continue to work on freeing the trapped astartes. All told it took you a couple of hours to ensure that every bit of rope and hook was out. You’re grateful for your medical training, which allows you to switch off the part of your brain that is absolutely delighted at the thought of being able to touch an astartes this much. Many of them large, well-muscled and handsome, and this midnight blue and dark red astartes is strikingly handsome, even bloodied and clearly exhausted. “Do you feel any lingering pain anywhere?” You ask as you resist the temptation to run your hands along his chest and tail - for purely professional reasons - some of the hooks were small. 
“Some, but I am healing… Thank you, for helping me.” The Night lord rumbled, cupping you chin with one of his large hands, pitch black eyes shining with mischief. He tilts your chin up and kisses you, his lips chapped but warm.
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sleepyfan-blog · 4 months
Author’s note: The fifth fic for Nadesir! First. previous. Next. “Blah.” Gothic “blah” english
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @whorety-k @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
Warnings: cops, emotional breakdown, 
Summary: You and Nadesir speak to Relevant Authorities post-kidnapping, and then cuddle in a safe place. 
“-and that’s when I felt her distress. I hunted the vehicle that was holding her hostage, popping the tires and tearing in through the roof. I killed the baseline who dared threaten her with a gun and left the rest for the Salamanders to deal with.” Nadesir explained to the Dark Angel Interrogator chaplain, his wings resettling irritably on his back as he stares the loyalist down. He is holding onto your hand as tightly as he knows won’t hurt you. He wants you in his arms, but you’re talking to the human police officer not far from where you and he are standing, so this is what he’s going to get for now “Given the mood the Dragons are in, if you want to talk to any of the kidnappers while they still live, you should do so now. The Dragons’ Wrath is well known, after all.”
“Do you have any idea as to why your bonded might have been kidnapped? Does she have any living enemies who might want to capture her for whatever reason?” The Chaplain asks, a concerned frown appearing on his face “This is not the first couple of times that bonded baselines have been attempted to be kidnapped while their astartes are away from their side.”
Nadesir’s wings flare open and his eyes begin to glow a furious red, his thin, long tail whipping back and forth before wrapping around your waist, yanking you to his side, a low, unhappy growl in his voice as he speaks "There have been what?” His distress skyrockets. “I thought this had to do with whatever the hell the Hydra have been up to in this area for the past several months. A pack of them tried to kidnap my bonded weeks ago, but only the once. I don’t know why they would want her, other than that she is amazing, wonderful, beautiful and talented.” 
“... I hadn’t been informed that there was an active Hydra cell in this area.” The Chaplain murmured, the frown on his face deepening.
“I was tracking one of the Hydra before I felt my beloved bonded’s distress and fear and went to rescue her.” Nadesir explained. Part of him knew that the Salamander patrol wouldn’t have let the kidnappers get far… But he couldn’t let you fester in your fear and distress, not when he could try and alleviate it. Was it possible that was done by the Hydra in order to keep him from getting one of the injured fuckers and dragging him to base to be slowly roasted on a spit by irritated Salamanders? Possibly. But he couldn’t muster up the ability to care, not with the scare that both you and he had. “The Hydra was injured, or at least feigning an injury to one of his legs.” Just in case a random brother showed up injured in the same way for treatment, it was possible that he was an incognito Hydra. Nadesir reported where he’d followed the Hydra to, before rushing off to go rescue you. “Is there anything else you needed from me in this investigation?”
The chaplain shook his head “No, if your bonded is done speaking with the investigator-baseline you may retreat to your personal nest, or to the nearby base.”
Nadesir did have a room assigned to him in the relatively small Astartes in the little town  you lived in. It was well fortified and largely unlived in, as your cozy home was usually adequate for a place to sleep and spend time together in… But as it was possible you’d been taken from there… His wingtips twitched and his tail tightened around where he’d curled it around you, a low rumble leaving him. “Very well.” He turns and scoops you up, switching to English “Are you ready to go home?”
You sigh, leaning into his familiar warmth, grateful beyond words to have his steady presence with you in this awful time. “I would love to say yes, but I was kidnapped from our home, and the police have cordoned it off as one of the crime scenes to investigate. We’re going-”
“-to be staying in the Astartes base. I have an assigned room there, as I am a permanent resident of our home town. I do have some things stashed there for extra comfort. It is safer than a hotel.” Nadesir offered firmly. Part of him wanted to make it a demand, but you could get prickly about such things. “It is much safer. Please?”
You sigh and hug him tightly. You can see the anxiety in his big, midnight black eyes, the tension in his wings, and of course, his tail rarely squeezes you this tightly unless he’s terribly anxious. You also know that you’re in shock after being kidnapped, and that when the adrenaline and emotional numbing wears off you’re going to be a complete mess. “Alright, we’ll go to the base. I’m going to need clothes for work, once I’m ready to go back.” You’ll need to talk to your shift lead about taking time off to process being kidnapped… and you’ll probably have to talk to the (ugh) police again… You feel your lower lip tremble a little and your voice hitches “Okay, we can go n-now.”
The police officer asks “Do you want to take a ride back to town in my car? With your Astartes it’ll be a tight fit.”
You flinch at the thought of getting into another car, but Nadesir speaks up before you can try and figure out what to say.
“I’m going to carry her back to the Astartes base. Astartes can run as fast as most standard cars, and with my wings, I can fly her a more direct path there. There are other humans who were briefly taken.” He also doubted that the Salamanders were going to let their humans out of arm’s reach, much less driven by car back to base, but that was their conversation to have, not his. 
“Alright then.” The officer nodded, heading to the next freshly traumatized human to speak with.
You enjoyed the flight to the Astartes base, despite the adrenaline crash causing you to start sobbing and shaking as you cling tightly to Vanya, burying your face into one of his broad shoulders, your body shaking violently from the force of your sobs. You’d been terrified when the armed kidnappers had dragged you from  your home, threatening worse than death if you didn’t comply with them. 
You had no idea why you’d been kidnapped, and had desperately hoped that Vanya would somehow be able to find you. And find you he did. The strength it took to rip open a van was… It was incredible. He was incredible, and you loved him so much. You were so, so grateful to have met him, that he’d decided to stay, despite your frequent nightmares and long working hours as a medical professional. 
“I’ve got you, beloved. There is nowhere on this world where you could be taken where I would not eventually follow and free you. I do not know who tried to take you, but I will guard and protect you more vigilantly. I just… I hope you can forgive me for being away when you were under threat.” Vanya apologizes, dark eyes filled with guilt and determination as he landed lightly in front of the base, silently showing the door guards his id and you and he being waved through. “Do you need to be seen by an apothecary?”
You shake your head “I wasn’t physically harmed… and me being kidnapped wasn’t your fault, wasn’t due to some failing on your part, Vanya. It was the fault of the kidnappers who tried to take me away, for whatever reasons they thought they had.” You lean in closer to him, hugging him tightly as he brings you to a midnight blue door with red trim.
He opens the door, revealing a sparsely decorated room, with astartes sized furniture. It did have little touches that made it clear that this room belonged to Vanya, but it was nothing like yours and his bedroom in your home. “What do you need, my love?”
“I… Hold me? And… I’m starting to get hungry, now that the adrenaline has worn off. Something mild and filling.” You ask, feeling timid and exhausted. “And something to drink. I should drink water…” though the idea of having a stiff drink was appealing.
Nadesir nodded, carrying  you over to his bed and setting you down. He gives you a gentle kiss on the lips before kneeling down and dragging a small (to him) chest out from under his bed, pulling out two boxes of your favorite kinds of granola bars, and several plastic bottles of water. “I’ve some nonperishable food stashed in here for the both of us, so eat as much as you like.”
“That’s… that’s really thoughtful of you. I’m glad you didn’t have to leave to get me food.” You respond, grateful beyond words. You were hungry, but the idea of going to the communal cafeteria in the base, or him going out to grab you something to eat outside of the base… Away from you for who knew how long, filled you with a nervous anxiety that you did not want to deal with. Nor did you want to be perceived by others right now.
“I figured if I brought you here, it was likely due to an emergency situation of some kind, since our usual nest is much more comfortable, and planned accordingly.” He explains, preening at the praise as he sits on the bed, leaning into you, one arm curling around your waist as you open one of the granola bar’s packaging and biting into it. He pulls a blanket and drapes it around both you and him, humming softly, eyes partially closed.
You pause eating long enough to crawl into his lap, giving him a kiss on the cheek before settling down in his warm, familiar, safe lap, nibbling on the food he’d thoughtfully provided for you until the post-adrenaline energy crash dragged you into sleep.
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sleepyfan-blog · 5 months
Author’s Note: This is the second part of mer-Nadesir’s fic! Previous. Next
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel 
Warnings: none
Summary: You meet up with The Night Lord you freed a little while ago.
You felt drawn back to the beach, since your encounter with the injured Night Lord. You'd done research on him after your initial encounter, and were quite surprised to read that Night Lords - at least according to the internet - were apparently viewed with deep and terrified suspicion from their allegedly violent and cruel nature. You wondered how accurate those accounts were - or if the people telling them had been taunting the mers in some way.
The Night Lord you'd encountered had been initially wary, but he'd been trapped and injured. He'd been flirty and grateful once you'd helped him get free, so not all of them were the nightmarish terrors of the deep that hysterical internet posts had ranted and raved about. Perhaps it was simply because the posters had approached the Night Lord in question incorrectly? Or maybe they'd been fucking around and found out that taunting the giant fish-man was a really bad idea, and went to whine about it online after managing to survive.
You'd not seen him again after that first encounter for over a month. Then again, from what you'd managed to gather, Night Lords seemed to prefer deeper waters and avoided most costal places unless they were having territorial disputes with different kinds of merfolk. No one could agree on how m any different kinds of merfolk there were, as they came in dozens of colors and patterns and species. You hoped that he was healing up well from the netting-wounds. 
The moon was full and hung high in the sky, and the stars shone beautifully. You'd debated for a while with yourself - as a medical professional, you could easily find work wherever it was you wanted to live, and the urge to stay in one of the small coastal towns along the coast was almost too much for you to handle. The ocean was fairly calm tonight, with the occasional rippling wave that washed up the beach. You quickly found that your feet led you to the water's edge, your sandals quickly getting wet as the warm waters lapped at your feet.
It would be really, really dumb to go swimming out in the ocean at night. You could so easily vanish beneath the waves, never to be seen or heard from again...
But still, as you looked out over the calm ocean waters, the desire to take off your clothes and go swimming out into the sea was nearly overwhelming. With how dark the night was and the brilliance of the stars, you wondered briefly if it would feel like you were swimming among the stars. 
As a child you'd wanted to know what it would be like to see those distant lights. To explore worlds beyond the Sol system. To explore the galaxy, but alas, the age of space exploration was not going to happen in your lifetime. Not for several generations at least.
You hardly notice where you are and what you're doing until a large, clawed hand lightly envelops one of your shoulders, a vaguely familiar voice calling out to you from behind and above you "It's not safe to go swimming at night, little mortal."
You blink and look up into the worried face of the handsome Night Lord you'd helped over a month ago. A small smile appears on your face as delight and relief flood through you. You reach up with one hand to touch his, lightly squeezing it "I... I know. But I really, really wanted to swim, for some reason. How are you? How have you been? Is it rude if I ask you what your name is?" You tell him your name, still beaming happily, genuinely delighted to see him again.
"I am doing well, and I have been teased by several of my older brothers for getting caught in one of the industrial nets, but I have also been learning how to better spot them and avoid them. I am Nadesir. We should head to the shore. Mortals like you do not swim very well, and there is an undertow in these waters that comes and goes unexpectedly." He responds, a small frown appearing on his face as he looks you over in concern.
"I... If you really think that's important. I'd rather stay out here for a little while, at least." You ask, pouting up at him a little, despite the fact that you know for a fact that he's right. You should go back up on the shore. But you really, really don't want to. A subtle itching that intensified and lowered at times that you'd managed to more or less ignore had finally, finally stopped. You were very unwilling to get back out of the water when that maddening itchiness had finally subsided. You were also admiring the way that the light of the moon highlighted his high cheekbones and made the endless inky pools that his eyes had turned into in the night were deep enough for you to happily drown in. 
"I... If you are sure. I will stay close by, in case something happens." Nadesir decides, still watching you with concern. He fidgets a little, pulling out a silvery-white bloom from one of his armor's pockets. "I... I found this a week ago and thought of you. Would... This is yours, if you want it."
An awed smile appeared on your face as you carefully took the flower and tucked it behind one of your ears, not really having a good place to put it, as you realized that you'd taken off your clothes in order to go swimming... Not that you found that you minded being naked in the warm waters. "Thank you, this is beautiful."
"Almost as much as you are..." He murmurs, something akin to reverence in his eyes as he looks down at you, awe and something softer in his eyes. 
"I... What? You... you're quite handsome, too." You respond, a warm blush appearing on your face as you lean into him, humming a little.
"Thank you." Nadesir rumbled, one arm gently wrapping around your waist as the two of you floated together in the ocean waters.
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sleepyfan-blog · 6 months
Hello! This is my fic master list for stuff that I have posted on here recently.
Requests are open!
Fics are below the read more
Warhammer OCs - these link to the mini-masterlist where most fics regarding this character can be found.
AU fics - these link to posts where the fic links can be found.
Raised On Terra AU: What if the Emperor was able to prevent the primarchs from being scattered throughout the galaxy?
Celestial Seas AU: mer-AU
Cato Sicarius Mind Fleas Fic
Rotten Fate - Typhus x Perpetual! Reader
Hagiel's Terrible, Awful, No Good Mission
Warp Cursed Guilliman G-man gets a "gift" from a warp entity. He's... Not thrilled.
Guilliman × pregnant!Reader: What if Guilliman was married before the Emperor found him?
Aetheric Steam the Astartes Husbandry AU with steampunk goggles
Fem!Guilliman in 40k - A what if where Roboute Guilliman is a woman. Title pending for something better
Glory - Ultramarines enjoying a serf glory-hole. Very NSFW
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