#nadia route spoilers
mermaidchan05 · 6 months
Vesuvia Weekly: "How Did You Learn to Do That?"
“How did you learn to do that?”
“My master taught me.” 
Whenever the question was posed, that was Chimalus’ response.  It was almost instinctive at this point. Though Chimalus had graduated from “My master taught me” to “Asra taught me,” the meaning was still the same. 
After all, Asra had taught them everything.  He was the one responsible for bringing them back.  He was the one who taught them how to be a person again.  And after that, he hadn’t stopped.  He’d taught them how to read.  How to write.  He’d taught them nearly everything they knew about magic. 
So it was only natural that, when Nadia first led them to the palace stables and asked if they knew how to ride, their response was much the same. 
“Asra taught me how, once.” 
Nadia had smiled then, one of the first smiles that was meant just for Chimalus, a smile that made their heart skip a beat. 
“My, you are full of surprises, aren’t you?” she’d said. 
And in that moment, though they hadn’t fully understood why back then, Chimalus had wanted nothing more than to keep surprising her.  To see that smile more and more often. 
Which was exactly what they did, though it was hardly ever on purpose.  Since the fateful day that Nadia had come to her shop, searching for help, Chimalus and Nadia had experienced more than their fair share of surprises.  But they had gotten through everything the universe decided to throw at them.  And now, at last, things had started to calm down.  There was still much work to be done.  Still so many things that needed to be fixed.  But there was also enough time to steal away for an afternoon to have tea with friends. 
Which was exactly what they were doing when the subject of riding came up. 
“Did you ever ride, Asra?” Nadia asked.  “I seem to remember hearing something of the sort...” 
“No,” said Asra with his Magician smile.  “Well... not horses, at least.”  
Chimalus didn’t hear how Nadia replied, or if she even replied at all.  Their hand shook as they put their teacup down.  The realization crashed over them like a wave, leaving them stunned, breathless. 
Asra didn’t know how to ride.
There was no possible way he could have taught them. 
So how did they know?  How did they remember? 
In any other circumstance, they would chalk it up to simple muscle memory.  But that didn’t make sense in this case.  Not when their muscles carried so few memories in the first place.  
And if Asra hadn’t taught them to ride... who had?
Such questions were dangerous.  Chimalus and Nadia had been working towards unlocking the secrets of Chimalus’ past.  Of the life they had lost.  And while Asra had done his best to help, he admitted that there were some things that even he didn’t know.  Chimalus hadn’t shared every detail of their past with him.  There were some things, Asra explained, that had apparently been too painful or upsetting to share. 
Which meant those memories may have been lost forever.  Chimalus had, unwittingly, hidden their own history.  
How much else had they lost?  And if it was so painful, so heavy that it was a burden not even Asra could bear, did they even want to reclaim it? 
But the question pestered them.  Demanded answers.  And they had no answers to give. 
All they knew was that Nadia would remain by their side.  Whatever the past held, the two of them would face the future together.  And they had more than just Nadia.  There was Portia, of course, as stalwart a partner as anyone could ask for.  They had Asra, who had always supported them.  They had Julian, who had a knack for running into and out of trouble, which may have been exactly what they needed in this case.  They had friends.  They had family.  
Perhaps that was all they needed, whether or not they ever found the life they had left behind.  
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fox-daddy · 10 months
Kyle's route update;
I have come to a few conclusions.
1. I need to rework Kyle's route entirely from start to finish.
2. I'm throwing away the idea of him having four endings in favor of him having EIGHT?!
3. If I ever make one for Hunter that MF will have TWELVE ENDINGS AHHHHHHHHH!!!!
4. The point of giving my Mcs their own route is less because I can and more to give each M6's reversed routes a chance to become upright and each upright ending to become reversed. So double reverse is going to be like, Asra loses both his freinds and family and eventually loses Mc to themselves. Something even the Devil can't protect them from.
The basic routes for Kyle would be;
After Asra's upright ending - a person from Kyle's past forces him to have to reconnect to it; giving him the chance to either grow or have his future consumed by it.
After Asra's reversed ending - Being in the magic realm for so long slowly erodeds at who they are leaving them at a crossroads. Bend to the devils magic or become something new at the risk of losing themselves.
Nadia's upright - the sme as Asra's upright but with more of a focus on responsiblity and power of authority, who should rule and why. While Asra's focuses more on familial bounds.
Nadia's reversed - having spent so long in the magic realm Kyle has started to disconnect from who he is. An issue that doesn't go away once they've returned to Vesuvia. As he struggles to draw lines between the fool and who he really is. If he even knew who he was after the Lazaret.
If I were to fully write out the routes would you want me to try and make a tumblr game out of it?
If yes I'll do another poll for each of the route options. Dpensing on if it's used like a game or fanfic.
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dabiscrispypp · 1 year
In case we die...
Muriel x Fem Reader
(Official art)
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Warning Muriel Arcana route spoilers!
You and Muriel have finally gotten back from the portal only to find out you've been gone for a week? After the most exhausting fight you finally have a night alone after Muriel tells you he loves you, with one night left before war you make the most of each other's company...
Cw: creampie, fingering, fluffy nervous first time sex, honestly this one's real vanilla but if you've read his route you know he probably wouldn't be super kinky, especially in this scene. But it is heavily implied that if you choose the right option yall fuck. The fiction also starts with the first part of the "undress him" option in hold the line.
"I know how to undress myself" the man in front of you blushes deeply at the proposition you had given him "really cause it seems like you were going to go to bed with all your clothes on" You smile warmly at him laughing lightly, unbuttoning his heavy cloak and setting it at the end of the bed. The events of the past few days weigh heavy on your mind, yet he sits still, not protesting any of your advancements to take his clothes off... in fact, his pupils are a little blown, blush on his face, and he's looking at you more intently than he ever has. Just last night, he confessed his love to you, and this was the first time since then that you've got some time alone. You move to take his shoes off before looking down at his shirt. He's staring at your lips intently, though you move to kiss him first, straddling his lap and taking advantage of his surprise by popping the first button on his shirt. "That's cheating," he teases when he pulls away. "I was distracted..." He pouts jokingly as you continue to unbutton his shirt, pressing light kisses to his now exposed collarbone. With each button, you expose more and more of his skin, and despite the fact that half the time you have been together, this giant man has been shirtless... you can't help but feel that seeing him in this way is so much more intimate, and that makes you nervous. Soon, you're down to the last button, hands shakily fumbling to undo it and help him out of the form-fitting shirt.
And suddenly, there's only one item of clothing left... Now it's your turn to blush and stutter. It's not like you haven't been around him in WAY less. Hell, you took a bath together weeks ago. Yet now you feel his gaze on you, and for once, it makes you nervous. Now you know how he's been feeling the whole time he's been with you. Taking advantage of your newfound shyness, he does something you would've never expected HIM to do. He takes your face in one hand, kissing you... and unzips the back of your dress with the other. "Muriel!" You gasp surprised against him. "I'm not the only one that was about to sleep in my clothes" he points out, grinning at you, proud of his sudden boldness, which you had to admit was pretty hot, yet you blush a bit more realizing however that the only undergarment you were wearing was a pair of dainty purple lacey panties that Nadia had hidden for you in your costume box... just in case. It's no surprise she left them there. You weren't the only one encouraging your attempts to get Muriel out of his shell. Why you grabbed them, you weren't entirely sure... they were awfully sexy for something you would choose though, and now you felt a bit self conscious, hoping he didn't think you were EXPECTING anything from him. The dress had built-in padding, so you didn't really need to wear anything else, and you didn't want a bra strap to ruin the look that Nadia perfectly crafted you for the Masquerade. He runs his hand down your bare back, snapping you out of your constant overthinking, taking in the softness of your now exposed skin before realizing your predicament. You laugh nervously. "With everything that's happened, I never really thought to get something else to wear to bed..." Your face is bright red.
"I don't mind... anything if it's with you..." Anything... oh. OH. Is he insinuating what you think he is? "I don't mind either" your words come out confidently but your heart is practically beating out of your chest as he pulls you closer and slowly moves to take the rest of your dress off, almost as if he's giving you time to change your mind, to protest and say "nevermind goodnight!" But you don't. Instead, you let him, nervous as you are, you let him. Because he loves you, and you love him too. This grumpy, ornery, sweet mountain of a man really truly loves you, and for the first time, you can tell from the way he looks at you. Soon, you're in nothing but those lacey panties, and for the first time (that you've noticed), he stares at you in awe, taking a moment to gather his words. "I've never said this to you... a-and I'm not just saying it because we may die tomorrow... I don't always know how to say what I want..." he huffs again, still trying to find the right words, and you wait patiently, fighting the urge to cover your now exposed breasts, slightly self-conscious with how exposed you now are to him. Finally, he cups your cheek and looks directly into your eyes. "You are the most beautiful woman in the world." And when he says it, he says it with such certainty, like it's a fact and not his opinion. A deep blush sets upon your cheeks. You've always been attracted to him. You've always known how you feel about him, and as much as he has let you know that he loves you, he's never commented on his attraction towards you. "You think I'm beautiful?" The question leaves your lips, and you're not sure if it's to tease him... or to simply hear him say it again. "You are so beautiful." This time, there's no hesitation in his words, no uncertainty in his tone, just pure adoration and love, and you can't help but think of last night... when he held out those flowers to you and told you he loved you. When you teased him, telling him to tell you over and over because you would never tire of hearing him say it. When you got so excited that he said it, that you forgot to say it back until later that night. Blushing, you snap back to the present moment, more smitten than you've ever been around him. "Well, if we want to..." You stammer out the next words, "then we need to talk a couple more layers off of you..." You tug on his belt loops, signaling that you want nothing more than to get rid of his pants. Not being able to take them off with him sitting, he lays you on the makeshift bed of furs, kissing your neck... then your collarbone... then the valley between your breasts... going lower and lower until he stops, kissing your thighs and standing up to take his pants off. You're almost disappointed in him wearing underwear but flustered at the boldness of the kisses he just gave you. "How are you not nervous??" You blush deeply self-conscious about your own nerves, covering your face. "Of course I am... you have no idea how nervous I am right now... but I love you, and you haven't stopped me yet or given me any sign that this isn't what you want." He takes your hand and presses it to his chest lightly so you can feel how fast his heart is beating... and it matches yours. "I don't want to hurt you... you're so much smaller than me, but... I know you'll protest at that too, saying I need to trust you more and that you'll tell me if something is wrong. So I'm trusting you and giving myself the chance to be a little bolder." You smile finally, giving yourself a chance to be more comfortable. If Muriel himself, the mountain of anxiety and nerves, can find a way to be more confident for you, so can you.
"We both need to lose one more layer..." You sit up and pull him down towards you, whispering in his ear before kissing his neck and bringing your hand to the waistband of his underwear. He tenses but doesn't protest as you slowly start to slide them down. You try your best not to ogle how big he is, but you blush as he is now fully exposed to you. The man was big, in general. He was 6'10 and was going to have a fairly big dick to you either way he was built. Noticing you staring a bit, he starts getting a bit shy again. "You are so handsome, Muriel... don't shy away from me now..." You take his hand in yours, pulling him toward you on the bed, laying down for him. He follows your gesture and joins you, taking some time to pull up a blanket over the both of you, not wanting anyone to come in and see what you are about to be doing. It's not like being in a tent gives you the best privacy, and even with wards up, it still feels open. One layer stands between you two. One lacey pair of panties. And instead of pulling them off quickly, like you were anticipating, he stares at them before kissing your thighs once again. "These are... fancy... pretty." He blushes. "Did you wear these for me?" "Kind of... I mean, I wasn't expecting this to happen, but Nadia left them in the costume box, and I put them on and... I don't know. I got flustered at the possibility of you seeing them..." You trail off feeling suddenly shy again. "I thought they were pretty, and I guess I was hoping you would find them pretty too." He kisses on top where they rest snugly on your hips. "They're pretty... but you could wear nothing, and I would still find you pretty" blushing deeply he realizes what he said, and then laughs lightly remembering he was about to take the only thing off of you leaving you covered. "I just mean that I think you're pretty wearing anything... or nothing, " and with that, he slowly slides them down your legs, marveling at the sight before him. You, completely naked, blush on your cheeks as you wait for him in eager anticipation.
"You sure this is okay? I'm not... I'm not bad for wanting this as badly as I do..." "If you're bad for wanting this, then I'm a God damn heathen Muriel... You have no idea how badly I want you right now" You breathe heavily as he takes his sweet time savoring the feeling of your thighs underneath his rough hands. "I-I might need some guidance..." he admits rather embarrassed. It makes sense to you now that he's never done this. The man hasn't so much as he talked to a person besides asra until you came along. "We can arrange that love." You smile gently at him as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him down to kiss you. Your hearts are still pounding against your chest as you press yourself against him. Plush breasts against his chest, soft lips on his. Hands wandering each other's bodies as you enjoy what could be your last night together. His hands rest on your hips gripping them softly and pressing himself down on you, his hard cock all too present between your thighs, he moves to kiss your neck as you run your fingers through his silky hair. You breathe heavily as he starts to move his hand up to your breast, finger running lightly over your lightly hardened nipple, grinding down on you ever so lightly, brushing against your clit and stealing a light moan from your lips. You gasp and cover your mouth embarrassed, but he looks back down on you, moving his hand to pin your wrists up, not squeezing too tightly, both wrists fitting in his hand perfectly. He blushes before touching his other hand to the side of the tent, green energy pooling out of his fingers and seeping into the fabric before disappearing again. "Wha-" "Soundproof... I want to hear you make that sound again." His pupils are blown out as the candle in your tent burns out, moonlight remaining your only light outside, silver lighting illuminating the both of you. He keeps your hands pinned up as he goes back down to kissing you, letting the other hand go back to wandering your body, nervously stopping as he gets lower. "Go ahead Muri~ your doing amazing" you blush as he moves his hand down further, fingers brushing against your clit. You let out an involuntary whimper as his fingers brush your clit, pulling against him to cover your mouth, and getting stopped by his soft but firm grip on your wrists. And if Muriel is anything, he is perceptive, sharpened senses from living out in the woods for so long. He notices that was a good spot and presses slightly harder with his thumb, rubbing sweet circles on the sensitive spot, causing you to squirm lightly beneath him, breathing heavily as he makes you feel so good.
You feel a soft magic chord wrap itself around your wrists as Muriel moves to use his other hand. "Let me know if you want out of those..." he blushes nervously and holds your hips down with his now free hand as he uses his other to dip a finger into you, keeping a steady pace on your clit. This illicates a much louder moan from you, back arching "Fuck! That feels good, Muri~ You don't even need guidance." You aren't lying to him. He's doing everything right. Maybe a little practice could make it better, but that didn't even matter because you still felt good. "Muriel~" You moan out his name as a form of praise, something you're noticing he likes. The encouragement reassures him, a stark contrast from how he reacts to normal compliments. Normally, you would cover your mouth with your hands embarrassed about being noisy... but that was not an option as your hands were bound in spirals of green magic, and honestly? You didn't feel the need to get out of them anytime soon, and it felt good not to have to silence yourself. He moves his finger inside you, slowly pulling in and out, watching in awe as your face contorts into one of pure pleasure. "Mu- Muri... feels so good..." You whisper praises into his ear before you kiss his jawline, peppering his neck with light kisses before reaching his collarbone. That's when you have the mischievous idea to deepen the kiss, sucking lightly on his neck to leave a mark, blushing at the low sound in his throat as he tries to muffle his own sounds. You grin and leave a few more before he distracts you by catching your lips on his. You can feel his lips curl into a small smile as he slowly adds another finger to your pleasure, savoring the gasps and moans you make as he rocks your hips against his fingers. "Muri... I-I'm close..." Your voice comes out in a whimper as the pleasure building in your core starts to become overwhelming. He hooks his fingers lightly and gives you a few matching love marks to add to the growing collection of the night, and like a dam breaking your orgasm comes crashing down... right on his fingers, breathing heavily small tears forming in your eyes as you cum. Feeling you start to calm down a bit, he slowly pulls his fingers out of you and releases your hands from their magic binding, checking on you before continuing.
"Y-your crying... did I do something wrong?" He whipes your tears, panicked look crossing his face as you catch your breath. "No, Muri, you didn't do anything wrong... that felt so amazing... I just love you so much that I can't help but get a bit emotional. " You smile reassuringly at him, pulling him back down for a kiss, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. "I love you so so much Muri you could never do anything to hurt me or scare me" you cup his face gently letting his fears melt away as you kiss him again, this time pulling him to lay down himself. "You made me feel so good muri, it's my turn to return the favor..." You push him lightly to the bed so that he's in the spot you were in, laying on his back. "Let me know if you want me to stop love..." You straddle him once again, yet this time there's no fabric to stop yourself from lining his cock up to you. Muriel can't do anything but stare at your silhouette illuminated by the moonlight, cock growing harder at the sight. You were red-faced, hair disheveled, and beautiful in the silvery light. "You're gorgeous..." he whispers in awe as you lower yourself onto him. Intently watching your reactions as his cock slides into you almost effortlessly, though it takes a bit for you to get use to him, he is big. You watch Muriel just as mindfully, taking note of his reactions as well. The first note is that he is breathing HARD, face redder than you've ever seen before as he watches you lower yourself onto him with ease. He's also trying his damn hardest not to moan and be as loud as you were, low guttural notes caught in his vocal chords as you struggle to take him all at once. It was a challenge, and it is slow at first, but eventually, you fit him all the way in, moaning as any small movement sends a shiver of pleasure up your spine. You lean down and pull the now fallen blanket back up over you two, as to say that this display of affection and intimacy was for the two of you only, adding another level of comfort to both of your growing anxieties about this being the infamous first time. "Muriel, you soundproofed this tent for a reason... I wanna hear you, too." You tease, grinning as you start to rock your hips, stealing a low gasp from the big man. "F-fuck feels... really good." Surprising you, he's never sworn in front of you before, brows furrowing as he grips your hips tightly, moving you slowly on him. Unfortunately, the height difference between you and the big man stays apparent as you struggle to keep up with the pace he's setting. Noticing this, he stops, bunching up a pillow behind him and sitting up, helping you with the position. "You're so small, I forget sometimes that I have to help you out with things. Guess this is one of them, " he teases lovingly as he breaths harder, hitting all of the deepest and best spots inside of you with this new position. "Muri~" You whimper at the new position, feeling so full. "Sh- shut up, you..." Your lack of comeback endearing to him as you both start having troubles staying quiet. It was smart to soundproof the tent. While his moans were low and breathy, almost guttural gasps for air... Yours were way louder, and once again, he is not allowing you to cover them up. "Why would you want to cover up such beautiful noises... tells me you're having a good time." He murmurs against your neck, kissing and sucking small trails of love marks down your skin.
You were hoping to make him feel good, and you are, but in all honestly he's doing most of the work rocking you back and forth on him at a comfortable pace, savoring how lost in the pleasure he's making you. You grip at his biceps desperately, trying to ground yourself from the overstimulation, yet still wanting more... "F-faster..." You mumble weakly, and he obliges, picking up the pace, a feat that was all too easy for the muscular man, who was now losing his composure, losing himself to the pleasure himself, speeding up the pace without even realizing. "Muri! Fuck!" You moan, digging your nails into his biceps as you feel your own pleasure building up again. Both of you lost in each other's embrace as you turn into a whimpering mess, practically drunk on the way his cock was pounding into you. Crashing down on you again you cum a second time, urging him to keep going for his own release. "Wh-where should I?" "Inside. Muriel, please... cum inside me." You grip his arms more as he pushes you down one last time, doing as you said and cumming inside you. "F- fuck Muriel... you grip onto him panting as you blink away a few more tears, overstimulation causing your legs to shake around him lightly. You both sit there panting and trying to catch your breath, enjoying the warmth of each other, both sharing a few tears at this point. "I love you so much..." he murmurs to you as he holds you tightly before pulling him out of you slowly. "Wh- what if you get pr-" "I'll use magic honey." He melts at the newfound pet names you've given him and wraps his arms around you. "That was amazing... " You reassure him to let him know he didn't do anything wrong. However, when you stand to grab any spare cloth to clean up with your legs, give out, sore from the previous activities. He catches you quickly and puts you back on the bed. "I'll be better tomorrow, don't worry." You laugh a bit embarrassed at falling, legs shaking from all the overstimulation. He grabs whatever cloth he could find to help clean you up, helping you before coming back to bed, pulling you close to curl up in his arms. "I love you... good luck to us tomorrow, I would hate for that to be the only time we can do that." He jokes, only half teasingly, nerves about the oncoming war setting in a bit more, "w-we will be good, right?" You nod and press a kiss to his chest "we're gonna kick Lucio's ass tomorrow don't you worry" You grin and eventually fall asleep, waking up the next day to Asra's voice. Ignoring the incredulous stares at both you and Muriel until Julian points out your necks to each other. "Have fun last night?" He laughs eying the both of you, confusing you until you look at each other, noticing the remnants of the night before on your necks and collarbone. You swore you both could've died of embarrassment before even stepping to the battlefield.
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There's something I don't understand in Julian's route SPOILER ALERT
When Julian was force fed a plague beetle and got locked in the dungeon to find a cure. Why did he have asra's magic book with him? He doesn't belive in magic and he didn't get visions of the hanged man until he was almost dying. How did he know asra's book had information about the visions he saw before he even got them? I might have misunderstood the whole thing but if not I really would like to read ur opinion of this!
Hi friend! Here's my main guess, and a disclaimer XD
When it comes to the Arcana timeline and lore, truthfully, there's so many inconsistencies and revisions that it's not exactly the kind of plot I'd try to hold any water with. That's without the added complication of six different routes with two endings each, giving us 12 different canons for one story, and a main character written so vaguely that they could be almost any reader. Personally, I find it charming, but for people who like a watertight plot and intricate world building, it can get (understandably!) very frustrating.
To answer your question though, Julian having a magic book in his office starts to make a little more sense in the context of two key parts of his character journey: 1, the Julian we meet in the prologue is also missing memories, and 2, Julian's prejudice against magic doesn't go as far as claiming it isn't real, rather, he belittles it in an attempt to be less afraid of it.
Julian doesn't yet remember the events leading up to the masquerade when the magic book is found in his office - which means he also doesn't necessarily remember the extent to which he was involved with Asra and their search to bring MC back. The book itself, with the mark of magic on it, is implied to have information on it about Patron deals. Asra would have used to it come up with their plan to bring MC back, which means Julian likely wouldn't have been able to take it until Asra was done with it.
This also means that Julian would have been around Asra for some time at that point (long enough to form the close friendship between them and Nadia) and would have seen enough of Asra's magic research to know that it was real, powerful, and effective - and maybe an approach to curing the plague that he'd been avoiding. With source of the plague being Lucio's deals with the Devil (and others), Julian already had many of the puzzle pieces he needed to solve it and both the intelligence and drive to push through.
While the early-route Julian without his memories wouldn't go near magic and would call it silly, late-route Julian with his memories would absolutely borrow a magic book if he had reason to believe it held answers about the plague. Personally, I think that if he'd had the time to do so, Julian would have figured it out eventually on his own without contracting the plague and the near-death experience that let him interact with the Hanged Man. Being infected and confined accelerated the process by removing any other priorities he would've had and opening him to receiving help from a Patron.
The question it leaves me asking, though, is why Lucio felt the need to forcefully infect and imprison his top doctor when he already had everything in place to get a new body. Is it a testament to how cruel and twisted he could get pre-ghost form? Or was it at someone else's request, much like Aisha and Salim's imprisonment seventeen years earlier?
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pettygurlboy · 1 month
Ranking the Arcana Routes
Tbh it's been a while since I played it but I wanted to share my opinions. Contains Spoilers for a lot of the game.
Asra's Route - Asra stans forgive me but I didn't care for this one. Personally, his character is too mysterious and I got trust issues. Like I know MC couldn't physically handle the truth but I sensed secrecy and closed the app. It took a long time for me to get through his route. But the illustrations were very lovely. They're very handsome. The reversed ending messed me up though.
Nadia's Route - She's such a baddy. Love her character so much, but the route didn't really stand out to me. And Muriel and Asra becoming an item was a surprise but I didn't hate it. Got the upright ending but don't remember what happened.
Julian's Route - Felt guilty because Asra loved MC and y'know brought them back to life just for us to hook up with his...ex? Post plague Situationship? Either way I enjoyed it, probably the funniest route imo. Except in the reverse ending when he turned into a bird? For some reason?
Lucio's Route - I hate him in all the other routes and only played this one because his dogs. That being said I felt guilty that I liked this route as much as I did. They did a good job making him somehow redeemable (or just a messy twink idk) I didn't buy a lot of the options because of what he did to my boy Muriel.
Muriel's Route - He's my favorite character but the route itself I wasn't crazy about. He's so traumatized, like give this man a break. But this is a personal grievance since angst saddens me. Also some of his illustrations look wonky. Other than that there were a few good moments. I got the upright ending so he got to punch Lucio. That was nice. Bonus points cuz Asra gave us the blessing, no guilt was involved.
Portia's Route- Library scene had me blushing. Probably spent the most coins on her. I really liked this route, it would be my favorite but the ending wasn't great. Actually, I lied it is my favorite she's a cutie. She's so underrated.
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The more you play The Arcana, the more you realize how Nadia is obviously the only adult in the room. It's no mistery how her route is about convincing her that she doesn't have to do everything herself, given that the mess of Vesuvia is caused by:
Asra slacking off and not giving a damn thing about anything ("Oh great magician, my DESERT VILLAGE is out of water please help us" "I dunno, I got plans. waddaya say MC?")
Julian being a massive-I-ll-do-myself drama queen ("I'm involved in *magic stuff* even though I'm no magician and GOD FORBID I ask the f#$@%ing magician I'm f#$@%ing and their MASTER MAGICIAN FOR HELP")
Lucio... well. Lucio. (We're talking about■SPOILER AHEAD■
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This is like chapter one or two of Nadia’s route so not a spoiler. I forgot how QUICKLY things escalate with her 😂
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Propaganda under the cut!
Lucio Morgasson
He's the villain in everyone else's route, and even in his own he's STILL kind of a dick. Like, everything bad he did before the game begins happens exactly the same, and it's only when he begins that he gets better (as in he regrets his actions and tries to fix it (it being a plague. He caused a plague because he wanted more power. (Spoilers: the plague killed the MC))). All the other romanceable characters still hate him tho so that's good. The one thing he's got going for him is that in one ending, he stepped down from being the count (idk about the other)
He literally caused a plague that kills thousands of people including THE PLAYER 😭 LIKE HE LITERALLY KILLS YOU DAWG
He is simply the worst. I'm pretty sure he purposefully infected his kingdom with the plague. He made a deal with the devil maybe. Gonna be real with you I haven't finished his storyline.
imagine a guy who is both incredibly pathetic and willing to screw over absolutely everyone for fun. lots of fun as a character, absolute dogwater as a partner
He has directly tortured or somehow harmed all the other romancable characters and every other route tries to kill the mc to take over their body, is also responsible for a plague that killed a large portion of his kingdom and *spoiler* killed the MC
I'll admit I haven't played his route but that's cause he's such a pathetic icky man that I don't think I actually can. And I pride myself in completing every route. I know people like their pathetic meow meows but I want to hit him with a brick
He acts as a manchild who needs someone to guide him through life and show him the difference between right and wrong when I'm pretty sure he's in his forties or fifties. He also abuses his power to do horrible things to people he's not in a romantic relationship with, which should tell you a lot about him.
He’s a selfish asshole who is the villain in every other route and he’s a punk ass bitch I wanna kick his ass so hard his skeleton disintegrates as he fucking deserves 
Dude, he SUCKS. He's the villain in every other route. He's a horrible husband, he forced Muriel to fight for his entertainment, he makes deals that he can't pay for. He threatens and pouts and is obsessed with people loving him. I've been with the Arcana since the very beginning and he wasn't meant to be a romance option, but the writers basically went with it because there was such a demand. So embarrassing to see Lucio fans being like Lucio did nothing wrong ever. Falling all over themselves to blame his mom or Nadia or Asra or anyone else for Lucio's selfishness and shitty behavior. It was peak uwu he's A BABY fan dementia that excuses all his shitty actions because nothing was his fault. The only sane Lucio fans are the ones that are like "he sucks so much <3 I can make him worse."
He's literally described by the devs as flaming trash. He is literally only nice in his route and the main antagonist (or at the very least a jerk) in every other route. he was a very bad husband to ex-wife. he is literally - and with 0 exaggeration- a plague upon the country he ruled. he's also a grown man who calls his fuck ups "oopsies" and honestly, i love him but that gives me the ick.
Cullen Rutherford
stupid racist cop creep whose fans cry about how hes "changed" and "you can't judge him he was addicted to magic drugs" nah he still chose to be a racist cop and abuse his power over innocent people and i hate him. the writers making him romanceable in da:i after how blatantly horrible he was in da:o and da:2 is baffling but i guess they had to appeal to the part of their audience who watch those "mafia boyfriend" videos on tiktok or whatever
He's creepy in origins, though still 100% willing to kill the female mage pc he's crushing on, as well as all the other mages trapped in the circle with him. He's the second-in-command in an even worse circle in 2, listening to and defending the increasingly obviously insane meredith until literally the end. He's one of the people still pushing for the circle system by inquisition, and yes he's going through withdrawals and working through the traumas of previous games. And to be brutally honest his was the first romance i took and while i don't remember much from it, its not worth all the girls going absolutely nuts over knockoff terrible alistair.
He's basically a cop who thinks being born a certain way can revoke personhood and by Inquisition still thinks mages are monsters to be controlled, not people. He gets a fairy tale cutesy romance that focuses on his personal struggles with addiction while showing absolutely no regard to the atrocities he committed and still thinks were justified. He can be romanced BY A MAGE and his actions and beliefs are just glossed over. He believes mages are 'not people like you (Hawke) and me', but if the Warden was a female mage he canonically had a crush on her and would deliberately hang around her despite the fact that he was her *jailer*. If that Warden romanced Leliana, there is war table dialogue in which he pesters Leliana for news of his 'former' crush despite her repeated statement that she doesn't want to talk to him about her. All this shitty behavior and lack of introspection gets swept under the rug by the game, not even giving the PC the chance to really challenge his beliefs. Like damn even Fenris could apologize when he lashed out due to past trauma with mages, and if anyone has a reason to hate mages it's Fenris. If you want an ex Templar hottie Alistair is RIGHT THERE. Tbh I know Cullen is a popular romance and I'm not here to tell anyone what they can or can't do or like in a video game, I'm just saying I think he is deeply undateable
Spends the first two games as an antagonist, fervently devoted to the cause of subjugating mages, then a bunch of "character development" happens off screen and the games treat him like he's completely reformed. However he's actions make it clear he still sees mages as dangerous and lesser. Not to mention if you romance him with an elf he doesn't pay your culture more than lip service respect like most of the devout characters 
He was a total villain in the first two games who was violently prejudiced against mages and uses one single bad experience as an excuse for it (a bad experience that is pretty much exactly what he in his job subjected graduating apprentices to, mind you, but this is never brought up). Now he says he's changed, but his words and actions say otherwise. He still distrusts mages, sympathises with the rebel Templars trying to kill them, and he never owns up to the terrible stuff he did and helped others do in the past two games. He totally knew what Meredith was doing and says he doesn't, and he still tries to defend her intentions. And you have no option to call him out on it. If you romance him as a mage, he angsts about how he might have seen you as subhuman in the past but NOW you're one of the good ones, and when you ask him if he'll kill you if you get possessed, he dodges the question. And the PC is written as being almost sad that she's a mage? Like 'can you love me despite what I am??' Also if Leliana romanced a female mage PC in the first game who is still alive, he asks her creepy questions about their relationship. Fitting considering his original purpose was to be creepy to the female mage Warden. 
I hate him and want to cause chaos. Plus his VA is an asshole.
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arcanarubinaito · 9 months
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Short Story Taglist
I’ve been meaning to compile a list of content tags I will commonly use, and their meanings. This both gives me a handy reference to use when I’m finalizing everything to post—because honestly I blank out on how to tag it once I get to that point, lol—and I figure I’d post it as both a reference for my own readers and a potential resource for other minific authors here on Tumblr.
This list will be updated as needed; and if you have any tag you think should be added, please comment your suggestions!
I will not be adding tags for certain taboo subjects, as that content will never be on my blog and I’m sure those who write it already know how to properly tag it.
I will not be adding ship tags because frankly there are too many to add.
Please note that this list contains Content Warning tags.
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Spoiler Warnings
Asra’s Route
Nadia’s Route
Julian’s Route
Muriel’s Route
Portia’s Route
Lucio’s Route
Tales (Insert Specific Tale Here)
Upright Ending
Neutral Ending
Content Warning Tags
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Suicidal Tendencies
Sexually Explicit Content
Substance Abuse
Depictions of Alcohol
Mild/Mentioned Alcohol Use
Depictions of Drug Use
Mild/Mentioned Drug Use
General Content Tags
Platonic Relationship(s)
Romantic Relationship(s)
Hurt/No Comfort
Major Character Death
Minor Character Death
Slow Burn
Miscellaneous Tags
SFW (<18)
NSFW (18+)
[x] Words
Ask Box
Character Tags
Reader/OC Tags
GN Reader
AFAB Reader
AMAB Reader
Nonbinary Reader
Female Reader
Male Reader
Transfem Reader
Transmasc Reader
Self Insert
Apprentice OC
Original Character(s)
Main Six
Asra Alnazar
Nadia Satrinava
Julian/Ilya Devorak
Muriel of the Kokhuri
Portia/Pasha Devorak
Lucio/Montag Morgasson
Mercedes & Melchior
Chimes & Flamel
Consul Valerius
Praetor Vlastomil
Procurator Volta
Pontifex Vulgora
Quaestor Valdemar
Side Characters
Aisha Alnazar
Salim Alnazar
Tasya/Anastasia Devorak
Lishka Devorak
Halinka (A Warm Welcome)
Khamgalai of the Kokhuri
Morga Eirsdottir
The Satrinavas
Nasrin Satrinava
Namar Satrinava
Nafizah Satrinava
Nazali Satrinava
Navra Satrinava
Nahara Satrinava
Nasmira Satrinava
Natiqa Satrinava
Gavin (The Bazar Job)
Minor Characters
Chamberlain (One of the Palace servants. Unclear if ‘Chamberlain’ is his name or his title.)
Ludovico (Palace Guard)
Bludmila (Palace Guard)
Selasi (The Baker)
Saguaro (An acquaintance of Asra’s, from Nopal)
Tilde the Leech Monger (A leech merchant near Mazelinka’s house.)
Barth/Bartholomew (Bartender of The Rowdy Raven)
Aedile Velos (Once slept in the Palace’s haunted guest room.)
Major Arcana
The Fool (0)
The Magician (I)
The High Priestess (II)
The Empress (III)
The Emperor (IV)
The Hierophant (V)
The Lovers (VI)
The Chariot (VII)
Strength (VIII)
The Hermit (IX)
Wheel of Fortune (X)
Justice (XI)
The Hanged Man (XII)
Death (XIII)
Temperance (XIV)
The Devil (XV)
The Tower (XVI)
The Star (XVII)
The Moon (XVIII)
The Sun (XIX)
Judgment (XX)
The World (XXI)
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trashcatgallade · 4 months
The fact that Muriel and Asra are canon in Nadia's route is my favorite thing ever actually I'm so happy about it. I like Asra and Julian as much as the next person but if I were to hypothetically die in a freak accident and leave Muriel behind I'd want Asra to take care of him for me so I'm thrilled by this information
[screenshot spoilers for Nadia's route beneath the cut]
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pageofsuns · 1 year
minor muriel route spoilers
some of the lines in muriel’s upright ending got me thinking. nadia asks them how their journey was and muriel mentions bandits, which MC then says they “took care of them” and it just implies this scene in my brain of like
this cute, unassuming cottagecore couple traveling through the woods, looking perfectly harmless and pure, being threatened by bandits for all of their belongings
just for said cottagecore couple to actually be fighters trained by a warrior queen and they absolutely rock the bandits’ shit
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therowdymagpie · 10 months
The Main 6 as AJR songs(pt.1): The Click
A/N: I have no idea who is going to care about this, but character analysis through songs is one of my favourite activities and combining two of my biggest hyperfixations at the moment seems like a good way to combat seasonal depression so, enjoy this mini headcanon series.(spoiler for all routes of course)
Asra: Turning Out
Starting off, for Asra "Turning out" really strikes me as the song that could desrcibe how disoriented they must have felt during the first few months of the Apprentice's resurrection.
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These two verses could just really be talking about Asra's feelings at the start where the Apprentice doesn't recognise them and the surprise of the ritual not working the way it was supposed to. All of the questions they could have asked themselves:
"Am I ready to be their lover or friend?"
"Do you have instructions?"
"Where do I go from here?" are all things they would be wondering about how to best approach this, how can they go back to the way they and the MC were before.
And of course the themes of unexpected or unrequited love that deviates from storybooks, pop up. This is NOT a fairytale, this is a very traumatic, very fragile situation Asra is in, where they aren't a normal couple with Mc, where this is really anything but a love story, actually slowly evolving more into a romantic tragedy as they don't know how to approach the Mc. Sometimes not even as a friend or lover but simply falling into the role of a "Master" or teacher.
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Especially with this part, I can really see it as an entire internalised conversation in Asra's mind, with the version of MC they're familiar with.
Shouldn't they wait before they give up?
Don't they want to see the Mc get better?
Don't they want to wait and see if the Apprentice will love them again.?
And how everything is turning out in the end?
This is a song deep into the frustration and dissapointment coming out of a love you can't predict and at the same time a relationship you desperately want to make work exactly the way you want to, which works pretty well in this scenario.
Nadia: Burn The House Down
This song specifically i feel like fits Nadia SO MUCH. Aside from the political themes that are spread all around it, I really want to talk about lines like:
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Knowing how Pre Red Plague Era, Nadia had this toned down role in Vesuvia, blending behind Lucio's shadow as nothing more than an observer, this would be her train of doubts about her potition and if she herself as a Countess can make actual difference to better the city. It's these doubts that held her behind in fear of people once again ignoring and sidestepping her, much like how in Prakra she felt a similar way with her family.
These doubts later on also follow her throughout her own route, when she has the chance to prove herself to her city and be the leader it deserves.
As well as:
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Which just fits fits so much with the Courtiers situation and the corrupt polititians that overran Vesuvia while she was in her coma state. This also fits Lucio and how he was only parading the role of the Count while scheming, hiding, stricking deals while the only things he did for the city were to constanly keep up appearances and throw parties.
Overall the theme of stopping the circle of letting other people rule over your life and deciding to take charge and work WITH others to better the situation around you, whether political or not are all really resonating with Nadia. It's a great "pumping up" motivational song that describes her journey and personal growth as a Countess and a person.
Julian: Weak
(For those who know AJR or actually have heard this song: Come on.....what did you expect? XD)
The overarching theme of succumbing to your bad habits is LITERALLY indicative of Julian's whole route. How he resorts to drinking, punishing himself, overindulging in bad company and every other coping mechanism he uses are there in the lyrics:
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Small mention to how "one kiss, bad for me" could very well refer to the apprentice and how he has to distance himself from them, but at the same time can't seem to be able to fully detatch. He's a wanted man, there is no way that getting involved in a romance that can never be isn't going to hurt him, right?
Especially i feel like this song fits him so well exactly because Julian KNOWS all this, he's said it himself:
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Julian understands that he is ruining himself, that he is hurting others while doing it, that he should say no to the dark thougths in his mind and all the bad impulses BUT he also has convinced himself that he's not strong enough for that and keeps going back to the same bad habits.
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In the end this is a party anthem and we know Julian to be a party person himself, so he hypes it up. "What's wrong with that?" as well as the whole mood of the song could very well be him actively trying to convince everyone and himself, that...he's "weak", it's just who he is and he can't change. That way he can push people away and scare them off with how " iredeemable" he is and how he's just going to keep making mistakes. All because he just doesn't want to take anyone down with him....
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I also want to make quick reference to "Sober Up" and this lyric that's also giving strong Julian vibes with the MC helping him get out of his head.
Muriel: I'm not Famous
OK while this song doesn't melodically give me huuge Muriel vibes, the lyrics are thematical to his whole hermit situation.
This man put a magic curse ON HIMSELF that makes people forget that they even met him, except the people he gives something to remember him by, meaning the people closest to him.
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Like literally Muriel never has to worry about people talking about him, where he lives, what he likes to do, what are his habits or bother him anymore and that's described here like his personal paradise.
Which honestly makes so much sense if you take into consideration what his past used to be like. The trauma he endured by being in the Colissium and having everyone watch the worst version of himself EVERY SINGLE DAY, definetely warrants seeing almost complete isolation as bliss.
(Also noone hates him, he's our gentle giant that deserves the world fandom-wise and he's adored by everyone who DOES know him in Vesuvia.)
Honestly i feel like this song could very well be Muriel's personal diss towards Lucio, which is very funny to think about:
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Muriel is a hermit and yet he is more loved and acknoledged for who he is than Lucio will ever be (according to Muriel's route anyway). Lucio was loud, the main attraction for many, the centre of attention and yet people in the majority "judge" him and have seen all of his personal failures out on display because he chose to parade around trying to show that he was the best.
Muriel finds comfort in being unknown and has never been afraid to express that. He apprieciates the people in his life that matter which is exactly why this song fits this well.
Portia: Drama (/Turning Out)
Maybe i'm cheating with this one but I cannot talk about Portia without refering to both of these songs.
For starters, Drama: Now it's well known that Portia is an undisputed gossip queen. The woman has an entire map drawn out of secret passages scattered around the palace that STILL isn't fully finished, she knows the entire palace staff by name and she's not too unfamiliar about any street rumors or juicy stories. Point being: she goes around.
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The song describes how we can become envolved to other people's drama and get caught up in their stories so much it's addicting.
Now regardless of what perspective we see Portia from, one thing is clear: She wants excitement out her life and to get to do adventurous things of her own. Unfortunately though, because of her obligations and role she is instead "addicted" to other people's stories and shines through others.
In every story except her own she is just there, observing, seeing what happens next and contributes as much as she can because she can't be fully a part of it herself.
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Only in her own route does she get to actively be an important part of the story and the "Drama", getting out of the mindset of being a background character, take action and voice her opinions.
Tbh i haven't fully finished her route but so far i can at least understand this: Portia needs an opportunity to shine as her own person, and this song perfectly portrays that.
As for Turning Out, I just can't keep out of my head Portia saying these lines to Julian:
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I think Portia was so genuinely hurt by Julian leaving her behind in Nevivon and telling him all this would just hit SO HARD, especially since she grew up with and I think really admired him. Nevemind the fact that she was very close to losing him again with the execution , which makes these lyrics sting all the more.
That and the themes of growing up and getting your head out of stories and fairytales you read really sounds perfect for her character.
Lucio: The Good Part
Well what can i say, The Good Part is loud, energetic but at the same time just so pensive, which fit pretty good on Lucio if you think about it.
The entirety of the song and lyrics keep referring to skipping to the best part of your life and keep wondering when that actually is. Lucio is a complex character which I love but so much is apparent about him: He wants to be respected and he wants power. The thing is he isn't always going to work too hard to achieve it.
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His impentience as to when he'll be leader of his tribe is what drives him to the demon bargain that would make his parents sick and supposedly "skip" all of the proving himself as worthy of it and directly place him right on top. That behaviour later on continues with his deals with the Courtiers and then the Devil himself.
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And then later on even when he actually becomes a Count he still keeps showing off, throwing over-the-top parties and trying to give all the best things to his court and people. He keeps trying to make every moment the "Good Part" of his life constanly thinking he can go even more respected and loved as a ruler, even seeking to overthrow the Devil in some routes.
Lucio for all his skills and passion lacks patience and the ability to think ahead, jumping into situations that will get him where he wants to be all the faster. The song doesn't wholly describe his motivations and personality but it definetely hits on that particular aspect of him.
ShoutOut to familial issues:
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Annnd that's it, hoping to continue in Pt.2.
P.S Please go and listen to AJR folks they have some really deep, heartbreaking and thought-provoking stuff.
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protectmuriel · 1 year
Just your average angry rant on Muriel's route development.
Warning: it contains nothing but spoilers! And I probably missed some points and it's nothing that hasn't been said before and it's probably not very well written because English is not my native, but still.
So, I finished Muriel's route last night for the second time and it was going okay! I like the route, I loved learning about Muriel's past and his identity, I loved watching him grow and learning to trust others and himself. But then... The ending books. The freaking games? I think the first time I was too absorbed to actually stop and think, but... Are you for real?
The battle did have potential, at least a lot more potential than the final confrontation, and after all that training and Nadia's speeches I was so disappointed not to get more immersive scenes or descriptions of MurielxMC fighting together side by side beyond of a few lines like "we were like a whirlwind together" or something like that. I would have enjoyed to see Vesuvia's people fighting for more than 5 minutes, and not to have it all depend on Prakra's army. And by the way, you're telling me the /Devil/ reincarnated in Lucio –who was already depicted to be very good at battlefields– decided to build an army and it was so weak that it went down in ten minutes?
Then Valdemar summons Muriel and MC to the Lazaret where Devil! Lucio asks them for a... Fight? Honestly, the goddamn DEVIL, with all the cleverness in its deals and plans it'd struck during the main routes, who yearns to be entertained BIG time... It settles for a fight two on one? A series of simple games? It seems very out of character, even if the Devil did merge with Lucio. And the Devil/ Lucio relation is not greatly explained either (or, at least, not to me.)
The games are treated so carelessly. There's a feast during them, like the entire future of a country was not at risk. Where did they even get all that food...? Vesuvia was in ruins and people were not even working since they were focusing on training like their lives depended on it, because, well, they did. Where did all that food come from? Prakra? It made little sense.
The games were not taken seriously, either. Where was the tension? The build up? In the other routes MC has to break the Devil's chains, they have to go through so many dangerous, weird, amazing stuff and in Muriel's route it's just... Archery! Wrestling! Racing! And then puff! Puff, Lucio's gone, route over!
And what really bothered me too was that Muriel and Lucio's fight wasn't even fully written!!! We just see Lucio saying something along the lines of "We all knew you were better at muscles than me" or something like that. This was THE MOMENT I was expecting to see. Muriel facing Lucio, facing his past, the past that tormented so, so much that led him to strike a deal to be forgotten by the rest of the world, and it was treated like nothing.
Why is Lucio and Muriel's past not discussed more in depth? Lucio kept talking about it, kept insulting him, and none of it was actually used as an opportunity to do explore it. Actually, before Lucio died/ disappeared at the end, Muriel says "I know you didn't mean it, but I know you won't change either". What are you saying? He didn't mean to force kids to work for him? He didn't mean to have you chained to a coliseum? Why would Muriel say that so casually? It felt very OOC. Honestly, it could have been good, Muriel could have gotten at least SOME closure.
We also get to see so little MC development... They learn little about their past/death and have little to none exploration of his true potential. And just... WHAT happened to Muriel's curse??? It just... Disappeared????? What?? So many plotholes.
All these things have been said before, it's nothing new, but I just HAD to rant about it because everyone in this route (everyone) deserved better.
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zukadiary · 11 months
Flügel / A Kaleidoscope of Life ~ Moon 2023
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4.5-year awaited Grand Theater return on September 22 (before things) ft. my eyes dead from the unseasonable heat and yet another failed attempt to get my FLYING SAPA REFUND FROM 2020 THAT THEY STILL OWE ME.
This, unexpectedly, turned out to be the hands-down Takarazuka highlight of Tadaima ’23, and that’s… despite a play of extremely questionable content. Tsukigumi—Mugen Musou / Krung Thep—had the honor of being my last live Takarazuka before the shit hit the fan globally, and the troupe is such different vibes I felt like I stepped through a portal (not that Yukigumi isn’t, dear lord, but small theaters are always a little weird vibe-wise). I had a feeling this would be my first and last live top Tsukishiro Kanato, and she did indeed announce taidan days later. We have no shortage of 95th top stars, but, since I was a hardcore Yukigumi fan ten years ago, Reiko is the only one I’ve been closely following since her shinko days. She’s gotten so good, and every time I’ve watched her since the Romance Gekijou stream, I’ve seen in her movements and expressions that she's absolutely watched Komu on repeat in her moments of doubt. It makes my heart sing.
FLÜGEL SPOILERS (can’t believe I’m saying this again, but cw suicide, also nazis 🙄):
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Gee, you know whose take I’d love on the politics of a divided Germany? TAKARAZUKA’S,” well, maybe this show is for you! It’s the 1980s (although you wouldn’t know it till they bust a hole through the Wall… they really dropped the ball on costuming) and Jonas (Reiko) is a GDR officer who grew up thinking his mother (Shirayuki Sachika) was a nazi after she was arrested in his childhood for war crimes and they were separated on opposite sides of the partitioned country. After we open with a completely historically inaccurate scene from the Russian Afghan war (just SCREAMS Takarazuka, doesn’t it?), Jonas is put in charge of overseeing an East German concert featuring wildly popular West German idol Nadia (Umino Mitsuki), while other GDR officer Helmut (Houzuki An) is tasked with keeping an eye on them/preventing spying or something (idk, this plot doesn’t hold a ton of water to be honest). The general conflict is that Team Reiko is pro-unification, and Team Chinatsu is staunchly anti. Amidst a flurry of various activities that realistically would have gotten Jonas thrown in the gulag 1000 times over—including helping old war buddy?? Amashi Juri escape to West Germany via an underground route operated by Irodori Michiru and Haon Mika—Team Helmut attempts to dampen pro-unification sentiment by plotting a terrorist attack at the concert (in the form of an exploding microphone) and pinning it on a priest (Yumena Rune) and his band of peaceful student protestors. Thanks to Jonas and Luis Wagner (Kazama Yuno), who is Nadia’s manager and also secretly the best spy in the world or something, the mic is retrieved and the plan is thwarted. When Nadia returns to West Germany, she is moved to become a pro-unification activist thanks to the friends she made on the other side, and leads a protest that results in breaking the wall down. Helmut, unable to cope with the defeat of his ideology, takes his own life quite dramatically (so be aware of that). After travel is permitted between east and west, Jonas discovers that his mother (aging with dementia), while employed by the nazis, actually used her position to help Jews escape. Jonas and Nadia don’t fall in love, but they do look off into the sky together in hope and friendship.
I really did not care for this plot, yet somehow I also didn’t absolutely hate watching it. I think there were enough isolated highlights to make the experience worth it:
I! Love! Reiko! And I’m so happy I got to see her as top once! And her voice is fantastic lately!
Reiko and Chinatsu have an unexpectedly compelling chemistry
Chinatsu has an unexpected chemistry with me and my feelings
The final protest scene (set to a dramatic rendition of Ode to Joy) features Chinatsu repeatedly trying to hit Reiko, while Reiko just blocks all her punches and stares straight into her eyes. It’s a lot.
I had similar feelings watching Oda as I did watching Agachin; she wore those 4.5 years loud and proud. +1000 confidence, absolutely ready for her nibante era.
Nice little send off role for Ren Tsukasa, who is ABSOLUTELY BELOVED. People cheered the theater down for her, it was genuinely moving. No one in anything else I saw got that much applause except for maybe Kaiho Naoto.
This, brainchild of Kurita-sensei making her revue debut, was the revue of the year, and probably the revue of all pandemic era for me. It was fresh, it had a theme, the music slapped, it actually called back a little to Ogita-sensei who I will miss in tkz until the end of time. LET WOMEN MAKE REVUES!!
The premise is a journey through different eras of Tokyo, triggered by the turn of a magic kaleidoscope. Each era’s scene is beautifully designed, and has a little self-contained plot. The transitions are seamless, and I loved the song choices (CITY! POP! CHUUZUME!). Tsukigumi as a whole is vocally outstanding right now, and the impact was awesome. Verbal descriptions don’t do it justice! If you’re tired of Fujii/Saitou/Nakamura B throwing all their old scenes into a tumble dyer and pulling them back out in a random order, watch Kaleidoscope, even if you aren’t a fan of Tsukigumi.
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snobgoblin · 7 months
okay ill bite (/affectionate) whats the arcana about !!
!!! YES <- hook up a generator to him he is stimming- ok so I have answered this in another ask BUT I'll go into detail in this one theres the spoiler free one, this one will be 100% spoiler
OK so.... oh my god where do I even start. there's so much I do not expect you to read this LMAO but thank you for the opportunity to talk about this
ok so it's a visual novel. and you can play six different versions of the same story (volume 1 being Asra, Nadia, and Julian, with volume 2 being Muriel, Portia, and Lucio) and honestly, volume 1 is the strongest imo THATS NOT TO SAY VOLUME 2 ISNT GOOD I just love volume 1 because it's GENUINELY just the same exact story from different perspectives whereas volume 2 takes creative liberties (especially Portias route which is sad because I love Portia as a character but her route is so disconnected from the others that I don't like it that much) ANYWAY ANYWAY enough opinions let's get into the lore (actually while I'm on the topic, based on the plot of each route? honestly the best way to play would be Nadia->Julian->Asra->Muriel->Lucio <- Portia's story is disconnected from the rest so it doesn't fit into this? (which makes sense considering she hasn't been in town as long as the others so she isn't involved in their stuff) but you kind of do need to play Julian's route beforehand if for no other reason than to get a feel for Mazelinka's character and Portia's backstory)
as far as lore. I guess I will start at the beginning, Montag Morgasson (better known as Count Lucio now) is part of a tribe known as the Scourge of the South, and his mom was the leader so he was kind of entitled, he felt like he would have power handed to him when he turned 18 but that didn't happen! his mom just cut him off. so Lucio gets mad and tries to bargain with the wyrm Vlagnagog, only to mistakenly summon demon Vlastomil as Vlagnagog has been shriveled up for a while now from not getting any sacrifices. anyway Vlastomil promises to help Lucio weaken his parents via Pestilence in exchange for their hearts. Lucios dad is bedridden and Lucio kills him, but he cannot kill Morga as she's not so easily defeated. she decides to spoil him one last time by letting him free in combat, as she cannot bear to kill her own son
AND SIDE NOTE I absolutely love seeing the naming convention of The Scourge of the South like Morga gave birth to Lucio so he is Lucio Morgasson (Morga's Son) and Morga also occasionally introduces herself as Morga Eirsdottir, assuming one of her parents was Eirs, probably her mother
ANYWAY because the deal is not fulfilled, red beetles start following Lucio around (he has a complicated relationship with beetles but I won't get into that rn) and with them, the red plague. Lucio starts doing mercenary work so all over the world this plague is happening, but Lucio doesn't seem to realize it's his fault, the beetles are following him. he just keeps making deals and not fulfilling them because he doesn't understand, when you don't uphold your end of a magical bargain, it has a way of punishing you. this will come back to bite him later and he develops a huge fear of death when he realizes he'll never be able to pay off his debt, later leading him to bargain with The Devil, but we're not there yet
where were we! Mercenary work! ok so at some point Julian left Nevivon for Prakra to study under Nazali, and he ends up on the battlefield with Lucio, as a doctor. he amputates Lucios arm. during this battle, the count of Vesuvia who he's fighting for sees this sacrifice and resolves to make him the new count iirc. so that's how he rose to power (I'll go into other character backstories here in a minute)
Lucio throws a bunch of parties and bullies local homeless kids as count, two of those being Muriel and Asra. I'll explain their deal once I'm done explaining Lucio bc he truly is the central character here, he's where all the conflict comes from. just keep that in mind
he also marries Nadia, trapping her in a hopeless marriage while he has endless affairs with the other nobles. but she doesn't care bc she doesn't even wanna be married in the first place. she's just being treated as eye candy like she has her whole life and she's resigned to her fate (SAD)
so because he's staying in the same place. he catches the Red Plague. and he tries to do this whole ritual (it's really long to explain) to get a new body, but BOOM Asra sabatoged it! he put pomegranate juice in instead of Lucios blood so the ritual would fail (the ritual was to fuse Lucio with the Devil) but now he's just stuck as this ghost goat in between dimensions
the game starts three years after this takes place, and it is your job to solve the "murder" and I think that brings me to Julian because he's a pretty important piece there
so Julian, big brother of Portia, was born to a rich family, the Devoraks, but one day the ship crashed, killing his parents, and leaving salt seals to save he and Portia's life. later, pirate Mazelinka found them and took them to Nevivon to be raised by the grandmas, a loving community of elderly salt miners and here they spent their childhood. Julian was taught how to read and write by Mazelinka's girlfriend Lilinka, and Portia felt left out. she felt left out in a lot of ways, like this and then, she wasn't even old enough to remember their parents. she's just always felt left out. anyway adding salt to the wound Julian goes off to study medicine in Prakra, leaving Portia behind once again
Julian was also working during the Red Plague, under the palace head doctor Valdemar (ooooooh don't even get me started on the courtiers or ill never shut up) he was trying to find a cure, when his Apprentice succumbed to the illness. then he also caught it, and because of his near death experience, he was visited by the Hanged Man, who revealed to him the cure to the plague was to kill Lucio. so Julian escaped the dungeon where he had been locked in to focus on his cure, and he tried to kill Lucio, but by the time he got there the room was on fire. him being there, though, gave courtiers a reason to pin the blame on him later and the ritual made everyone lose their memories so he couldn't even dispute it
OK and then Asra's parents made Lucio a metal arm when he lost his, and he locked them up for it, leaving Asra homeless. here he met Muriel, who was also homeless due to his parents giving him away to save him from a raid by the Scourge of the South. their whole childhood they lived on the docks with Lucio harassing them. now, what they didn't know was that Asras parents? they made a deal with the Devil. Lucio physically could not hurt Asra. however, Lucio would threaten Muriel to do things by claiming he would hurt Asra if he did not comply. Lucio told Asra the same thing but for Muriel, using their love for each other to control them. Muriel def got the worst of this imo, he was forced to kill people and rabid animals in gladiator battle with the stage name being the name of the tribe who killed his whole family. Asra merely had to help Lucio with magical things. Muriel kept all this a secret from Asra bc he didn't want him to feel bad
God there is so much more and thats not even scratching the surface but my fingers hurt so bad from typing so I'll have to stop 😭 thank you this was fun
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(minor spoilers for The Arcana)
I use to think that any bad ending for Leander will be similar to Asra’s Reversed Ending in The Arcana.
But the more I learn about him, I think his bad endings will be more like Nadia’s Reversed Ending, and that’s the most unsettling ending in my opinion.
Like the whole “devotion, sympathy, faith” keywords are so God coded, and his flower, white lilies, are associated with Jesus Christ and Christianity.
I feel like his flower reveal post implies that you’re supposed to give devotion, sympathy, and faith to HIM because he’s God, or else he’ll strike you down(probably by poisoning you). Like in Nadia’s Reversed Ending, MC is literally is forced by her to kneel at her feet instead of standing beside her, because now they’re no longer equals. This could be a factor in Leander’s route, if all our theories about Leander being a power-hungry cult leader trying to become a God is correct.
And I still think Leander’s fatal flaw might be a God/superiority complex.
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