#naegiri one-shots
hopeymchope · 10 months
Naegiri One-Shot: Lyrical - "What Can You Lose?"
Lyrical - What Can You Lose? on AO3
Lyrical - What Can You Lose? on Fanfiction.Net
Summary: Late one night, Makoto Naegi is pacing the halls of Hope's Peak when he hears someone playing the piano in the Music Room. Upon investigating, he eventually learns that he and Kaede Akamatsu are being kept awake by similar struggles.
Intro Note: Happy Naegiri Week 2023, everybody. The story below (under the cut) takes place in the "Ultimate Talent Development Plan" timeline where the cast of V3 is the 79th Class of Hope's Peak.
I hope you don't mind taking your Naegiri with a side dose of Saimatsu...
In the Music Room at Hope's Peak Academy, Kaede Akamatsu was seated at the piano with her eyes closed. She was playing a slow, somber-sounding piece of music without looking at the sheet propped up in front of her. And she was so focused on what she was playing that she didn't notice when the door to the room opened.
Makoto Naegi cleared his throat loudly, which got the desired reaction from Kaede. She stopped playing immediately and spun around to see him standing by the door, gently shutting it behind him.
Kaede blushed, thrown off by the visitor. "Oh!"she said. "Uh, h-hi, Naegi-senpai! I-I was-"
"Sorry if I'm interrupting," Makoto said, smiling politely. "I just heard the music, and I-"
"-Wondered who was playing the piano at this hour?" Kaede finished, smiling back as she attempted to regain her composure.
"Of course I suspected it'd be you, Akamatsu-san," Makoto told her. "You're the first person that comes to mind when I hear the piano playing in here. But also because that music didn't sound something Maizono-san or Mioda-senpai would play. Compared to their tastes, this sounded far softer and a lot... well, sadder."
Kaede beamed when she responded. "You're right about that. It's a piece by Stephen Sondheim - he was a famous American lyricist and composer. He wrote the music for a lot of famous Broadway shows like Into the Woods and Sweeney Todd. Plus he did the lyrics for West Side Story and Gypsy." She began to speak faster, her eyes lighting up. "He has so many awards and so much respect that theater musicians call him a god of the industry, and he was an incredible jazz-style pianist, too! Oscar Hammerstein was a surrogate father to him and mentored him, so he was brought up by one of the all-time greats in musical theater, surrounded by the most extraordin-... uh, extraordinary... "
She cut herself off and closed her eyes. After a deep breath, she said "Sorry" in a soft voice. "I can get carried away when it comes to music."
"Don't be sorry," Makoto told her. "I love your passion. It's awesome — admirable, even! Besides, trust me: I know how easy it is to get worked up when you really feel gung-ho about something."
Kaede regarded him skeptically. "I realize I don't know you that well, senpai, but... I somehow have a hard time picturing you getting 'worked up' or 'gung-ho.' What brings that out in you?"
He glanced sideways and laughed a little. "I suppose what mostly gets me going is unfairness? As in, things that feel... unjust."
"Well, the song I was just playing is from a movie that might be up your alley, then," Kaede said with a grin. "It's an American film based on a 1930s comic strip from their newspapers - Dick Tracy."
Makoto shrugged. "Can't say I'm familiar."
"It's about this old-fashioned, good-hearted detective who always follows the rules even as he goes up against all these weird, grotesque gangsters who break every law in the city," Kaede told him. "Sondheim didn't work on many movies, but he won an Oscar for his work on Dick Tracy."
"It's about a detective, huh?" Makoto said, looking up at the ceiling. He blinked a couple of times, thinking to himself before he returned his attention to Kaede. "So why does the song sound so sad?"
"Oh, right" Kaede said, sounding as if she only now remembered him observing that earlier. "Well, it's called What Can You Lose, and it's about this character whose been carrying feelings for someone else for a while, but he doesn't know if they've noticed or cared. He's trying to figure out whether he should just tell her."
Makoto face momentarily appeared shocked. But after the shock passed, his expression became determined. "I see," he said. "Would you play it for me?"
Kaede smiled gratefully. "Of course! Although I have to admit it loses something without the accompanying lyrics."
Rubbing his chin with one hand, Makoto pushed to add, "Then could you sing it, too?"
"Wha-what?!" Kaede blurted through sudden laughter. "I'm... I'm not much of a singer! Besides, it's designed as a duet."
"You're being modest," Makoto suggested sympathetically.
"I'm not!" Kaede responded emphatically.
Makoto chuckled to himself again "This duet - do you mean it has parts for both a guy and a girl?"
"Yes... "
"Then I'll do the male vocals," Makoto suggested, smiling warmly. "I'm not any good either, so you should feel more comfortable that way."
As he moved to stand behind and to the side of her spot on the piano bench, Kaede looked befuddled. "I mean, I guess I do sing along with the piano sometimes... in private, that is. And I can carry a tune decently, sure. But this? This is just-"
Makoto interrupted by saying, "Look: I really want to hear it. Okay?"
Kaede stared, shaking her head slowly as she paradoxically said "Okay... "
She turned, cleared her throat, and tried to focus on the sheet music in front of her. "Can you read music, though?" she ventured.
"I can read enough, I think," Makoto said uncertainly, rubbing the back of his head.
"Okay... " Kaede repeated, quieter this time.
She did her best to ignore the boy standing there as she began to run her fingers over the keys.
When the time came, Makoto's voice came out as a firm but unpolished tenor:
What Can You Lose? Only The Blues... Why Keep Concealing, Everything You're Feeling? Say It To Her... What Can You Lose? Maybe It Shows, She's Had Clues — Which She Chose To Ignore Maybe Though She Knows, And Just Wants To Go On As Before... As A Friend, Nothing More. So She Closes The Door.
Then Kaede's voice came in with its sweet, high pitch.
Well If She Does, Those Are The Dues...
And together, they began to share the lyrics.
Once The Words Are Spoken, Something May Be Broken Still You Love Her; What Can You Lose?
But What If She Goes? At Least Then You Had Part Of Her... What If She Had To Choose?
Leave It Alone... Hold It All In... Better or Boned Don't Even Begin With So Much To Win... There's Too Much To Lose.
Shortly after she finished playing the last few notes, Kaede smiled and sat back, taking a deep breath before she spoke. "Um, sorry for my voice cracking," she said. "I did warn you that I'm not much of a singer." She turned back to look at him.
Makoto was looking away from her now, his back to her. "Uh, yeah, same here?" he said awkwardly. His voice wavered as he continued, "I kinda choked on those lyrics a couple times... "
"I thought you sounded very sweet," Kaede assured him. However, the look on her face had shifted to one of her concern as a result of both the tone in Makoto's voice and the fact that he was still facing away from her. "I don't want to pry or anything," she ventured, "But... are you okay?"
"Damn it," he muttered emphatically, speaking mostly to himself. He turned back towards her and rolled his eyes — making it evident that they were welling with tears. "Guess I lost it somewhere along the way."
Kaede's hand flew up to cover her mouth in shock. "Oh god, you don't have anxiety about performing, do you? You really didn't need to do that! I tried to-"
Makoto waved away her concerns, laughing nervously. "No, it's not that. The song just... really struck a nerve." He wiped the tears from his eyes using the sleeve of his hoodie.
Hearing that, Kaede lowered the hand from her face and brought her hands together in front of her. "Isn't that beautiful, though?" she asked, enthused all over again. "The way that music can make people feel so strongly... " She closed her eyes and sighed. "It can be challenging, cathartic, or even make us confront emotions we've been avoiding within ourselves."
Makoto was slightly confused by her sudden enthusiasm in this face of his tears, but he just scratched his cheek lightly and nodded a bit. "I guess that's true, yeah," he muttered.
Seeing his reaction, Kaede's smile turned sheepish. "Sorry if that came out kind of weird," she offered. "Guess I got carried away again. People don't call me the 'Piano Freak' for nothing."
Makoto sniffed, still fighting back his emotions. Nevertheless, he managed to smile back at her. "Like I said before, your passion is a great thing," he told her. "There's nothing 'freak'-ish about it. That's just rude and uncalled for."
"Thank you, senpai," Kaede said genuinely. "And, truth be told, you caught me playing this song because... I can relate to it, too."
His smile tightened. "Then I'm sorry to hear that," he said. "Is that what's keeping you up so late?"
She avoided his gaze. "Something like that," she admitted. "The same questions keep running through my head."
"Then we're in the same boat," he expressed with a sympathetic smile.
Keade looked back at him, regarding him silently for a moment before speaking again. "Frustrating, isn't it?"
"Yeah... " Makoto said softly. He seemed to be looking through her, his mind wandering for a few seconds. However, his expression soon brightened. "But hey," he suddenly added, speaking more clearly. "Maybe your person is just clueless."
Kaede turned to look back at the piano and fingered a couple of keys idly. "I sort of doubt it," she said over the tink-tink sounds. "Picking up on clues is kind of his whole thing."
"Well that sounds painfully familiar," Makoto said, deadpan.
"Yours too?" Kaede asked, looking back at him with genuine surprise. Suddenly, she spun around in her seat. "Wait, don't tell me!" She held both hands in front of her as if she could psychically freeze him in place before she went on: "You're trying to let them know how you feel without explicitly saying it, and they're someone who's usually great at reading people. But even so, they haven't reacted to what you're doing. So now you can't tell if they're really uninterested or just totally oblivious in this one way." Her hands dropped into her lap. "Is that it?"
At that, Makoto had to laugh. "Aside from the fact that I'm trying my hardest not to send any signals, that's exactly what it's like with her. Besides, I'm a pretty open book. I'm probably sending her signals whether I want to or not. And if that's true, what would it mean?" His face fell once more. "Has she avoided confronting my feelings because she wishes they didn't exist and would prefer not to deal with them?" He paused only a second before answering his own question: "I think that's a solid probably." His smile returned, though now it was a smaller and sadder one.
Kaede mirrored his expression. "You can't be sure of what she's thinking. You shouldn't give up hope."
"I know," Makoto said, giving her a nod. "And I won't. Despite my best efforts, I just... I can't seem to shake that hope. I can't stop wanting more between us."
Kaede stood up from the piano bench. "Why do you want to shake it?" she asked, looking back over her shoulder at him.
Makoto shoved his hands into his pockets and looked away. "To protect myself, I guess. Like the song said: 'There's too much to lose.'"
After turning around to face him, Kaede gave a solemn nod. "I get that."
He looked back at her. "You can't bring yourself to tell him either, huh?"
Kaede's eyes drifted upward as she drew in a long breath. "I... " she began. "I... I've stepped right up to that line, if you know what I mean. I've been at the door, and I gave it a good, long look," she said, barely suppressing an embarrassed giggle over her own metaphor. Then she paused, lost in thought for a few moments. Quietly, she concluded "It feels like I've done everything but tell him."
"Sometimes it's hard to notice what's going on right in front of us," Makoto suggested.
Kaede threw him a lopsided smile. "Speaking from experience?"
"Not romantic experience — but yeah," Makoto admitted, chuckling ruefully.
"Can't that apply to your person, too?" Kaede asked. She clasped her hands behind her back. "Isn't there a chance she can't see the forest for the trees?"
He immediately shook his head. "No. At least... I don't think so."
"You can't be certain, though."
"Of course not," Makoto said.
She shifted her stance, moving to fold her arms in front of her. "How long have you known this girl?"
"About a year and a half now," he responded.
Kaede leveled a concentrated gaze at him. "Do you mind if I ask you something kind of personal?"
Makoto blinked rapidly, surprised by the sudden shift in her tone. "I mean, uh — maybe?" he said, feeling nervous. "It depends."
"On what?" Kaede pressed, her face relaxing.
He raised one hand up to his chin. "Just... ask yourself whether you'd be comfortable with me asking you the same thing. And if so? Fire away."
She froze, letting her eyes drift around the room as she considered that. "Okay," she murmured to herself once before repeating it louder: "Okay. Fine."
Makoto's brow furrowed as he unconsciously tensed his body in anticipation.
Kaede's face returned to the concentrated look she'd had a moment before. "We've been talking vaguely about what we feel or whatever, but level with me here: Are you in love with this person?"
In response, Makoto closed his eyes and let out a ragged breath. "I try not to think about that," he said quietly. "I've been doing my best not to put a label on what I'm feeling, if that makes any sense."
Kaede turned her head slightly. "But if you had to?"
He opened his eyes again and slowly nodded. "I think... yes. No, that's wrong — I don't just think it." He sighed heavily. "I am. And I've probably known I am for a long time, on some level."
Kaede relaxed both her expression and posture. She smiled sympathetically before gently asking, "Don't you think she deserves to know that?"
Makoto lowered his head and raised his right hand to cover his eyes. He drew his fingers together slowly, pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes shut tight. "You're... probably right," he said weakly.
Still smiling, she went on: "Even if she can tell you're crushing on her, that doesn't mean she knows how deep your feelings are. Besides — you already admitted you aren't certain whether she knows any of it." She looked down at the floor. "I think you should tell her," she concluded.
After dropping his hand from his face and raising his head to look at her again, Makoto smirked. "You should follow your own advice," he said.
She looked back and him and scoffed. "Easier said than done."
"Of course," he agreed. "It's always easier to tell someone else to go out on that limb than to do it yourself. But now it's your turn."
"Huh?" Kaede said, visibly confused.
"I mean it's your turn to answer the question you asked me," he clarified. "Are you in love with him?"
Kaede visibly flinched at the question. "Urrrrrrr... "
Makoto smiled a little. "Come on," he said teasingly, "You knew this was coming."
Casting her eyes downward again, Kaede spoke haltingly. "I.. don't know. Really." She cleared her throat. "I like him a lot... the time we spend together, it means so much to me." Starting to look up, she shook her head once. "But I've only known him a few months!"
Makoto's hand was again poised below his chin with his other arm wrapped underneath.. "There aren't time constraints on these things," he said softly. "There's not some required waiting period on your feelings. And you don't have to decide what you feel before some arbitrary date passes, either."
She shut her eyes. "Good!" she declared a bit louder than she'd intended. She reopened her eyes and lowered her voice before going on: "I'm just lost because... I've never been in love with anyone," she admitted. "Unless I am now, I suppose." She reached across her body with her left hand and grabbed onto her right forearm before looking back at Makoto. "Have you?" she asked. "Did you feel this way about someone else before her?"
Despite opening his mouth, Makoto hesitated before answering. After a long pause, he simply said, "No."
Kaede's face scrunched up in confusion. "Then how're you so sure you are now?" she demanded.
Makoto smiled gently and chuckled. "Look, I obviously don't know much about this stuff," he warned. "Coming to me for advice about love is like asking Iruma-san for etiquette tips."
She laughed. "I hear you," Kaede said. "But you sounded so certain. So, how?"
"I can only tell you what I believe," he said. "So maybe take this with a grain of salt." He took a deep breath as he gathered his thoughts. "So... I believe love is one of those things that... when you know, you just know. At least that's how it is for me. When you made me confront and define my feelings, it seemed really obvious." He half-shrugged. "But that doesn't mean it has to be the same for you — or anybody else for that matter. Besides, does it really matter what you call your feelings or how you define them? Don't pressure yourself to make it something specific."
Kaede listened quietly while shifting her weight between her feeet as he spoke. When he was finished, she nodded. "I guess you're right," she said. "And maybe I'm just stuck because I've had-" She cut herself off and looked sideways. "Heh — no, forget it. You'd just laugh at me."
"I swear to you that I won't," Makoto said sincerely.
Kaede looked back and smiled gratefully. "Well... I had this idea in my head of what it would feel like to be in love one day, you know? I always thought it would feel, to me, kind of like the first time I listened to Robert Schumann's 'Fantasie in C,' Opus 17. Does that... ?"
Makoto was already shaking his head. "Sorry, but I don't know it."
"No, that's okay," Kaede said, laughing a little. "I should play it for you some time. It's a solo piano piece that's somehow grand and intimate at the same time. Powerful yet gentle. Frantic but tender." She looked away. "He wrote it for the love of his life. And to me, it sounded like what love must feel like. At least that's what I thought. But what I feel now is... this is completely unrecognizable."
He gave her a sympathetic look. "I'm not sure if anyone can expect or predict what it'll feel like until they're in the middle of it," he theorized. "I just mean... different people experience things differently."
"Makes sense," Kaede said.
He tilted his head. "One more question," he said. "How would you feel if he suddenly wasn't in your life anymore?"
Kaede's face fell immediately. "Horrible... " she said, nearly whispering. "Devastated?"
With a fresh smile, Makoto nodded once. "Maybe you can start there," he suggested.
Her eyes darted back and forth as though searching for his logic. "Start with what?" she asked.
"Start by telling him that," he said simply. "It's more than enough."
She grimaced. "I don't know... " she said. "But... maybe." She looked around the room, considering.
"Just think about it," Makoto said gently. He gestured towards the clock on the wall. "Though maybe you should save the thinking for tomorrow? It's pretty late. We should both be trying our best to sleep."
"Yeah, I know you're right," she conceded. "I hope we can think more clearly in the morning." Smiling once more, she warned him, "This isn't the end of this, though! I'm going to keep encouraging you until you finally tell her everything."
"Oh, yay?" he said uncertainly, lightly chuckiing. He began to move towards the door. "But I'll be cheering you on, too," he added. When he reached the door, he looked back over his shoulder. "And thank you. For the talk, I mean."
End Note: I originally wrote 2/3 of this story in the summer of 2021 before abandoning it. At the time, I decided it wasn't a very good or interesting premise. And honestly, I'm still not sure it is... but when I saw this year's "Lyrical" prompt for Naegiri Week, my mind came back to this one, and I thought "Wouldn't it be nice to have something to post this year?" So I spent a few days completing this story and polishing it up. I hope it was worth your time.
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vampelune · 2 years
ill have peace when people realize that theres barely any romantic implications beyond waifubait with hajime & chiaki in sdr2 (hajime is even like “what is up with this girl” multiple times because she cant hold convo, love her) meanwhile there’s immediately romantic implications between hajime & nagito
hajime and chiaki’s relationship is not inherently romantic beyond it being a boy and a girl who care about each other, and people thinking that needs to be romantic. it makes more sense as an important friendship. because chiaki is important to and cares about ALL of her classmates in the same way.
but ultimately chiaki COULDN’T save hajime. not in dr3. it’s true that a vision of her manages to talk hajime out of his despair in chapter 6. but the REAL chiaki could NOT save him from himself, because she has a fundamental mismatch and doesn’t truly understand his feelings on worthlessness and lack of talent. she has a talent, she even says to him that it’s “harder” to be talented than not, and she’d prefer it. that’s completely ignoring his feelings on the matter.
while it can be argued that dr3 shows more romantic implications between them, it’s also where she’s least compatible and helpful for him. she can’t understand why he’s so upset about talent, so she can’t talk him out of his mindset and prevent him from doing the project. even if she doesn’t know that’s what her words are doing, she still fails.
i won’t say komaeda would talk him out of it, because i don’t think many people could. hajime hates himself deeply enough to become another person, it’s hard to talk anyone out of that mindset. but komaeda understands hajime in a way no one else does - because everyone else in sdr2 is talented, and doesn’t really ride or die for the whole “talented vs untalented” dichotomy, but they don’t not participate in it. 
komaeda isn’t really talented on the other hand, and he even wishes he wasn’t, and treats himself like he isn’t. because he believes he doesn’t deserve the title. just like hinata, he believes strongly in the worth of ultimates and the worthlessness in comparison of those beneath them - like himself and hinata.
komaeda’s worldview is nearly the exact same as hinata’s, just pushed a bit further and a bit more twisted. hinata’s worldview isn’t any more healthy than komaeda’s, either - a healthy worldview doesn’t lead to you lobotomizing yourself. they understand each other in a way no one else in sdr2 can because they both have this inferiority/superiority complex about talent.
that’s why the narrative revolves around them so much. their stories begin and end with each other.
chiaki is important to hajime, yes, but not in any romantic sense. they’re friends. and that’s fine. a male and a female character don’t have to be romantic to be deeply important to each other. danganronpa is not above putting an m/f ship as endgame, this is obvious with naegiri, and if that was ever the intention with hajime and chiaki they would’ve. but instead we see a literal scene where hajime leaves his memory of chiaki behind and moves on from her, as he needs to, as they all need to, carrying her memory with him but not living in the past, and as he leaves her he joins nagito instead.
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and this is the FINAL shot of them. to end the series.  i think it’s pretty clear what they intended with this.
essentially, nagito and hajime complete each other. they are soulmates. end of ramble
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ultimatemissadhd · 10 months
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Day 5 - Travel
The link to the fanfic to this prompt:
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zenonaa · 1 month
I find it interesting looking at stats and stuff on my fics. As a fun thing, of my top 20 (most kudos) fics -
13/20 have togafuka in them. Only 7/20 have togafuka as the only romantic pairing in them.
7/20 have naegiri in them. Only 2/20 have naegiri as the only romantic pairing in it.
15/20 feature m/f, 5/20 feature f/f and 7/20 feature m/m.
1/20 was posted in 2013, 2/20 were posted in 2014, 7/20 were posted in 2015, 3/20 were posted in 2016, 3/20 were posted in 2018, 4/20 were posted in 2019
4/20 were multichapters. One of those were a series of unrelated one shots.
Top spot is a one shot.
3/20 are NSFW.
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danganronpa-21 · 1 year
This is for this ask game!
Ooh, that’s a good question that I wasn’t expecting to get. Let’s roll!
When I started shipping it if I did:
I remember in about 2017-2018, the early days for me in the DR fandom, I had a little triad of just cute Makoto ships. I was most partial to Naegiri, but between all of the hints surrounding Naekusaba in IF and Monochrome Answer for Naezono, I found I could enjoy all of them to some degree.
Then there was this boom that increased the fanbase by quite a bit, and suddenly the shipping culture became much more intense. There started to be some harassment on every end, but I remember seeing a chunk from Naekusaba fans towards Naegiri fans (and possibly vice versa, but I didn’t end up seeing it). That put a bitter taste in my mouth, and I grew to associate the pairing with that negativity, so I stopped shipping it.
These days I’m much more neutral on it, as the rude fans seem to have withered away, and now it’s just the chill ones like you who are hanging around! :)
My thoughts:
I think they’re a solid, believable pairing, and with the climate surrounding them being brighter now, I’d love to get back to feeling at least a little bit of affection for them. They’re both interesting characters and have a good capacity to measure up against one another, and especially with each of their connections to hope and despair, their relationship can play into the themes of the game. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you twice that I love when relationships are relevant in that way.
I’m also surprised that they’re not more popular? I know Naegiri and Naegami are probably Makoto’s biggest ships, but I’m surprised to see that there’s not more going on with it. Especially since Mukuro is a character that people want to see more of in canon anyways, I feel like these two deserve a bit more love… If I didn’t have so much in my backlog, I might’ve liked to write a one-shot or two 😅 Oh well, I suppose that’s something I’ll have to do another day!
What makes me happy about them:
The fact that Mukuro fell for Makoto because he was the first person to ever really genuinely smile at her… it’s bittersweet at times, because you feel bad for Mukuro, but the fact that this was all it took for her to fall in love is far too cute!
This really just sets a basis for the warmth in the relationship, because you know that there is going to be so much of that sweet, sweet slowburn in their relationship. It’s going to tinge every interaction they have for awhile, and that’s just awesome. I think no matter what happens, even as they grow closer, Mukuro and Makoto will always have that shyness to their romantic relationship. Everything will just be tender and kind between them, and they’ll both just feel so lucky to be loved by one another. I think that’s what makes me happiest about them — knowing that they’ll know the other loves them no matter what.
What makes me sad about them:
The fact that Mukuro was actually so close to asking Junko to spare him according to IF. She cared for Makoto that greatly that she would be willing to defy her sister, the one person in her life that she actually genuinely felt connected to (even if their relationship was super unhealthy). And the fact that she decided not to makes it hurt even more, because you can see that based on her and Junko’s relationship and what’s said in Danganronpa 3… It’s not necessarily out of fear of what Junko would do if she asked. It’s out of love for Junko that she decides she won’t ask. Makoto is the one thing that could thwart her plans for despair by Junko’s own admission, so if Mukuro asks to take Makoto out of the equation, she’s potentially ruining her sister’s happiness. And she still sees herself as the only person who truly understands Junko, so she thinks better of asking.
But the fact that she wanted to still remains.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
This goes for most fanfics where there’s “romantic competition”, but I hate, HATE the villainization of anyone else trying to romance Makoto. It’s never done well, it’s always just turning Sayaka or Kyoko into this nasty, awful girls which neither of them are. They wouldn’t try to hurt Mukuro or sabotage the relationship even if they did greatly care for Makoto. The worst thing I can see happening from them is that Kyoko would maybe be suspicious of what Mukuro’s intentions are with Makoto — but that’s about it. I feel like otherwise, Makoto and Mukuro would be left to their happiness, which is really why I hate seeing it happen in fanfic.
Things I look for in fanfic:
Because they have so much pain and missed moments in their story, I think if I was to look for fanfic about them, it’d have to be fluff and family stories. After all that the both of them have been through, I feel like in fanfic, I would just want a healthy dose of them living in a happy, healthy way. Therapy for Mukuro to help her realize her worth, maybe becoming a hairstylist like that one potential ending mentioned. Therapy for Makoto as well, and realizing just how important he is, and maybe deciding to become a teacher as an echo of his Danganronpa 3 ending. If they have a family, I could see them maybe having one kid, but only after being absolutely certain that they’re ready. Just stuff like that is what I think would draw me in most about fanfic about them, so I’d say that’s what I would look for.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
No surprises for Makoto — if not Mukuro, then I’d love for him to be with Kyoko.
As for Mukuro herself, I’m honestly much less sure. Self-love is my reflexive answer, but it doesn’t give very much… So maybe I could see her being cute with Sayaka. After all, if there’s one thing that Sayaka values most of all, it’s her loved ones, and her cheerful, bouncy nature pairs up nicely against Mukuro’s more subdued shyness. I could also maybe see a similar case with Aoi.
My happily ever after for them:
Whoops, technically already answered that in one of the other questions. Eh, I suppose I can just elaborate!
So like I said, I’m thinking therapy, marriage, and just one kiddo. I’m thinking of this being the IF timeline for them, where they escape the school much earlier with no deaths. The two of them join up with Future Foundation just like the others do, but Mukuro is definitely placed on intern status with severe supervision, like Toko but even more carefully monitored. She’s not crazy about it, but she understands why things are the way they are, and so she doesn’t mind. Besides, they seem to pair her up with Makoto a lot, thinking of him as “a good influence” for her. This regular pair-up is probably why the two of them start to grow closer, and why Mukuro eventually becomes more of a despair-informant as time goes on.
When Makoto is thrust into the 2nd Killing Game of his life, Mukuro is not there — not being a branch leader or their proxy like Kyoko and Aoi, she is left out of the game. Of course, that only means that Byakuya has to go in guns blazing with Mukuro at his side this time. When they are eventually able to free Makoto from the game, Mukuro is delighted and, in the heat of the moment, declares her love. Makoto is stunned, but accepts, and the two share a kiss.
After that, they and their friends decide to move to a settlement that is being rebuilt. Makoto talks of rebuilding Hope’s Peak, and Mukuro is hesitant but agrees, deciding that she won’t help so as to not scare people. She does, however, offers hair cuts, care, and styling in the settlement’s marketplace where others also offer their services. After a few years of dating, Makoto eventually asks Mukuro to marry him, and she is delighted to say yes.
The two have a small, but intimate wedding where they invite all of their friends. I’d like to think that Mukuro even tears up a little as Makoto recites his wedding vows to her, and he’s all too happy to hug her at the altar and comfort her through her tears. The ceremony is just beautiful, and is their own personal slice of hope.
As for that kiddo of theirs, they probably don’t have it until closer to being thirty. Mukuro wants to make sure that she’s the perfect mother for the child, so she gets all of the advice from other moms that she can. Makoto is pretty confident that she’s going to be amazing, so he doesn’t worry at all, but he does try to follow in her footsteps a little bit and get advice. Once they start trying, it takes a few months, but Mukuro eventually becomes pregnant with a beautiful baby boy. Once he’s born, they dote on him like no other, and he is raised knowing that he is very loved. They dub the boy Akimitsu, meaning “bright light”.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon:
In most relationships, I am in support of little spoon Makoto because I think he would really enjoy it… but I think he would big spoon for Mukuro, because really, how much has anyone really hugged this poor girl? She’s a bit embarrassed and shy at first, but quickly discovers that she loves her little backpack boyfriend.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity:
Hmmm, good question… I feel like once they’re together, the two of them spend some time sharing interests and indulging in them together. So, I feel like their favourite non-sexual activity is trying things! Maybe one day they bake, the next day Makoto teaches Mukuro how to play video games, and then the next Mukuro shows Makoto some of her favourite physical training exercises. They just love to work together and connect on things, and I think that they’d spend their lives together always learning new little things about each other.
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sprinklenoodles · 9 months
So, I already know I wanna write a christmas centered little one-shot (like 1k-2k words) but I'm not sure about who yet.
I know I want to include Byakuya, but I'm not sure who the other character(s) should be... So, I'm making a poll :D
The options that I listed are basically the three I write about the most. I am open to any other characters though! They do have to be from THH (or Kijo, but he's an exception)
You can also comment a specific scenario, though I do plan on making a poll on that when I know who I'll write about!
I won't write any ships with Byakuya though. I headcanon him as aro. The ships I do ship are Naegiri, Ishimondo, Sakuraoi and Leosaya. So, if you want I can include any of those, though they obviously won't be the main focus!
So, yeah! Vote if you want or leave your choice in the comments since I'm very bad at deciding things myself :D
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celeste-hiro · 11 months
Wrote a fluffy Halloween date one shot for Halloween. Celeshiro with some minor Naegiri.
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weirddancer14 · 1 year
College AU Naegiri one-shot and Saimatsu one-shot. Makoto and Kaede bond over a simple fact: detectives are hot
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//This is a bit of a weird question but it's something I would really like to know.
//How would you guys feel if I started making more NSFW content?
//I don't mean for the blog. Pretty sure Tumblr would snipe me if I did. What I mean is how would you guys feel if I started writing more stories like the one I did for Naegiri Week last year?
//I'm asking this purely because I want to experiment with what kind of content and writing I can put out, not because I want to get your or my rocks off or anything. Naegiri Week was the first, and currently only, time I have ever written an NSFW fanfic, and I'm not opposed to giving it another shot.
//I feel one of the things about those sorts of stories is that you don't need to worry about the writing being comprehensive so long as you button down on the you-know-which.
//This is a genuine question, I'm dead serious about this.
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Hihi! This is Mod Chihiro! <3
This is some info on my posts! >,<
✅ Will Do:
❌ Will NOT do:
Proships (udg children x adult)
Toxic ships (abuser x victim, victim x abuser, etc.)
Incest (Chiaki x Chihiro, Kokichi x Maki or Kokichi x Celestia, Korekiyo x Sister, etc.)
Saiouma (discomfort) Most Kokichi ships, Chihiro x any woman.
Chi using she/her pronouns. (Unless in the script people are not aware of Chi being a boy, I will not do transgender Chi or use she/her pronouns when Chi is out.)
❌ Characters I will NOT write
Haiji Towa
Characters I don’t know well (I’m not able to name, but I will tell you if I don’t know them well! <3)
✅ Characters I WILL write
Basically every Danganronpa character. Though for some I may have a tougher time writing, I’ll still be able to do them!
Please know, I will NOT write smut or ships for udg kids, I will just do fluff with them hanging out w/ characters PLATONICALLY.
💕Ships I ship
Chihiro x Kokichi (Fujiouma, Chiouma.)
Hajime x Nagito (Hinakoma, Komahina.)
Kiibo/K1b0 x Miu (Kiiruma.)
Shuichi x Kaede (Saimatsu.)
Fuyuhiko x Peko (Fuyupeko.)
Mikan x Chiaki (Nanamiki.)
Korekiyo x Kaito (Momoguji.)
Kamukura x Nagito (Kamukoma.)
Leon x Mondo (Leowada.)
Mukuro x Genocide Syo (Syokuro.)
Celestia x Sayaka (Celesaya.)
Sonia x Gundham (Sondam.)
Sakura x Aoi (Sakuraoi.)
Makoto x Kirigiri (Naegiri.)
Ryota x ‘Twogami’ (Mitworai.)
Mahiru x Hiyoko (Soapies.)
Akane x Nekomaru (Akanidai.)
Tsumugi x Angie (Shironaga.)
Gonta x Ryoma (Goshi.)
Kirumi x Maki (Kirumaki.)
-🌸I’ll try my best to answer everyone, and I’ll try to get all requests done! Please know I will say no to certain things, so please don’t be offended if I do say no. Other then that, requests open!-
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hopeymchope · 10 months
........this seems like a good time to mention that last December I was working on a Naegiri one-shot for Naegiri Week 2022. But I didn't get it done in time.
In fact, I still haven't finished it.
It is now Naegiri Week 2023.
(And that's not even getting into The Yearbook. CHRIST.)
I'm a creative failure, clearly. And I'm sorry.
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96percentdone · 2 years
Every danganronpa ship that you ship
damn you're gonna make me go back in time huh. okay. the problem with all of these is i try not to think about dangan ronpa lately lmao cause I don't like who I was back then even if I still have some affection for the series. also because ship is a vague word i've limited it to "dynamics i would/have consumed/made content for"
Naegiri: the original ship i had. dr3 truly made everything more complicated you hate to see it.
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Kirihina: this one came about out of spite in dr3.
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sakuraoi: these bitches gay good for them
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komahina: honestly probably still my one true love in this fandom. good for them. also they got a bingo how iconic. also by friends with benefits i actually mean like. "rivalry ust something might have happened in a closet neither is ready to unpack yet" dynamic. especially in post canon scenarios lmao.
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kuzupeko: look man i don't know what to say other than i thought sdr2 chapter 2 slapped. didn't everyone. what do you want from me.
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kuzusouda: okay all i will say about this one is that i shipped this WELL before dr3 happened if you kNOW about my old ask blog you KNOW what went down over there. that is ALL.
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kamukoma: it's just like. dark komahina. what was i supposed to do. not. not be interested? I ALREADY LIKE KOMAHINA LEAVE ME ALONE. IZURU IS FREE REAL ESTATE ANYWAY LOOK IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THE WAY THAT KAMUKURA IS A REFLECTION OF HINATA--//gets shot before I can finish my thesis. double bingo.
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Oumasai: no bingo for the v3 otp. that's rough. anyway why would anyone be surprised i liked this one when i like komahina. it's komahina at a 45 degree angle: there are fun parallels that compel me, but the difference in evolution makes it more fun.
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tenmaki: is this dynamic real? no. but do I think that it would be cute? yes. mutually good for each other even. gym buddies. 10/10
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Crossover: this only exists so we all collectively acknowledge the elephant in the room. presenting with my longest deep sigh ever...
Oumakura: also by friends with benefits i do in fact mean enemies with benefits. do not get it twisted. i can't believe this got a bingo.
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ultimatemissadhd · 10 months
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Day 3 - Laughter
fic to this fanart:
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zenonaa · 2 years
‘“Mould,” she said again. The professional smile she plastered on came across as patronising. She twitched her fingers through her tightly curled hair. “We have been able to secure you all an exclusive suite in the village, but due to the limited number available, I’m afraid your group will have to share. You will have different bedrooms with their own bathrooms, but you will have the same communal area. Again, my apologies.”’
Fandom: Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School, Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fukawa Touko/Togami Byakuya, Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto, Fukawa Touko & Naegi Komaru Characters: Togami Byakuya, Fukawa Touko, Naegi Makoto, Kirigiri Kyouko, Naegi Komaru, Hagakure Yasuhiro, Asahina Aoi, Genocider Syo | Genocide Jack Summary: Byakuya and Touko wind up having their honeymoon at the same resort as Makoto and Kyouko. Something seems to be on Touko's mind, and Byakuya is determined to find out what.
Comments: Commissioned by @notattumbr20! This is a sequel to Entwined: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16227020 but you don’t have to have read it to understand this one. Just know they had a very wild wedding.
💓 Commission me here! 💓 💖 Please like, reblog, leave kudos and/or comment on AO3 💖
Byakuya Togami would say the strangest event to transpire the previous year was when during his wedding, a tank driven by five off-brand Monobears showed up along with two strangers claiming to hail from the future. At least, he would say that if all information pertaining to the event wasn’t classified for the next sixty years. Therefore, the strangest event to transpire the previous year was when his wedding with Touko somehow was double booked with Makoto and Kyouko’s wedding. Same day, same time, same venue.
Four months later, he found himself in a situation threatening to become this year’s strangest event.
“It was luck,” said Makoto, a narrow aisle separating his seat from Byakuya’s.
“Dumb luck,” muttered Touko, next to the window, on Byakuya’s other side. 
“Don’t put down my win as ‘luck’.” Komaru pouted. She was in the middle section of seats, beside Kyouko who was next to Makoto. Next to Komaru, a nameless passenger napped, having fallen asleep an hour into the plane journey. “I had to recite the longest Kamen Rider name perfectly to win those three tickets. That requires serious skill.”
“T-Tickets to the same resort where we're having our honeymoon!” Touko dragged her fingers down her face. “On the same day!”
That was the strange event. Komaru phoned in to a radio show and won three tickets to the same Jamaican resort where Byakuya and Touko arranged to spend their honeymoon. So much for him and his wife having any peace and quiet while there. Byakuya’s scowl cut deeper into his features. In contrast, Kyouko looked amused.
“It is rather extraordinary that this occurred,” said Kyouko. She rubbed her chin. “Of all times and locations...”
“It’s unlikely, but not impossible. It’s like Kamen Rider Diend once said.” Komaru wagged a finger. “‘If you have the motivation, I don't think anything in this world is impossible.’”
Touko threw her head back and groaned. “You are forbidden from making any more references to that cursed franchise. W-We’re not even off the plane yet, and you’re already ushering a grey cloud over me...”
“Aw, come on. It’ll be fun. This will be like when we used to share a hotel room in Towa,” said Komaru brightly, making Touko huff.
“Fortunately, this time we won’t be sharing the same room... or the same bed,” grumbled Touko.
While the two women continued their sisterly bickering, Kyouko turned to Makoto and Byakuya.
“What made you choose this resort, anyway?” she asked Byakuya.
“The brochure said it was ideal for those who appreciate seclusion and seek adventure.”
Her eyebrows rose. “I would have thought you have had enough adventure for the time being.” 
That could be said for all of them. Hopefully, they wouldn’t be forced to defeat any tanks controlled by robot bears or partake in another killing game at the resort. Byakuya clucked his tongue instead of answering and turned his focus onto his book, trying to ignore the voices around him. He had ridden private jets throughout his childhood, and each conversation that took place on this plane was another needle in his personal bubble. 
A little later, Touko rose, mumbling about needing to go to the bathroom. Komaru jumped up and followed after Touko. Byakuya eyed the back of Touko’s head for a few moments, but knowing she was in safe hands with Komaru, he returned his attention to his book.
This was not some book plucked off a shelf in an airport bookstore. That morning, Touko had given him a handwritten book written specially for him to read on their honeymoon. Its blank, navy cover bore no title, no hint to the genre, and Touko hadn’t told him what it was about either. Her favourite genre to write was romance, while he preferred mystery and thriller genres. So far, it seemed contemporary, wrapped in lyrical prose.
Byakuya had just turned to the twentieth page when Touko and Komaru returned from the bathroom. Komaru shuffled past Makoto and Kyouko to reach her seat, while Touko remained standing, peering down at Byakuya.
She scrunched up two handfuls of her skirt. “Byakuya...”
Something seemed to be bothering her. He frowned. “What is it, Touko?
Taking a deep breath, Touko straightened up and opened her mouth, only to be interrupted by another, familiar voice.
“I thought I heard you, Touko-chi!”
The group’s heads whipped around toward the speaker. Sandals slip-slapped against the strip of carpet as along came Yasuhiro Hagakure, already dressed for the beach in a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, beaming and waving.
“H-Hagakure-kun?” spluttered Makoto, as surprised as the others. “What are you doing here?”
“Are you on a honeymoon too?” asked Komaru.
Yasuhiro parked his knuckles onto his hips and declared loudly, “Yep, that’s right!”
Even though as far as Byakuya knew, Yasuhiro wasn’t married. A round of laughter left Yasuhiro’s lips before he leaned down and lowered his voice, raising a hand to a corner of his mouth.
“Asahina-chi and I felt left out and wanted to go on holiday too, and the cheapest package was for married couples,” he explained in a hushed tone.
“So Asahina-san is on this plane too?” asked Kyouko with a frown. Yasuhiro nodded. Byakuya glanced at Kyouko.
“Why do you ask? Are you going to offer her your condolences?” asked Byakuya, and Yasuhiro’s smile fell off immediately.
“Don’t be mean!” Yasuhiro jabbed the air.
“So you married Aoi-chan for a cheap holiday?” Komaru blurted.
“Yes. No, I mean,” Yasuhiro stood tall for a moment before bending down again and adding quietly, “if anyone asks, we married four months ago.”
The rest of the group exchanged looks, none of them containing smiles. Komaru and Kyouko soon left their seats to find Aoi in another part of the plane while Yasuhiro remained where he was, chatting away to Makoto, seemingly oblivious to the weird stares from some of the other passengers.
“Won’t you have to share the same bed?” asked Makoto.
Yasuhiro shook his head. “We agreed to flip a coin each night. The other person sleeps on the couch.”
Listening to their conversation slowly drained the life force out of Byakuya. He shifted his gaze to Touko, who was still standing, her feet rooted to the spot. Her brow was furrowed as she stared forward, lips pursed, eyes unfocused.
“Touko?” said Byakuya.
She twitched, breaking out of her trance. “Y-Yes?”
“You were about to tell me something?”
Her shoulders slumped.
“A-Ah...!” She released her skirt, moving her hands to her lower stomach, and passed by the front of Byakuya to return to her seat. “I... the toilet stinks.”
The honeymoon could only become more romantic from here, surely.
“W-What did you say?” Byakuya stared in wide-eyed horror at the receptionist as she fumbled with a stack of papers.
“Mould,” she said again. The professional smile she plastered on came across as patronising. She twitched her fingers through her tightly curled hair. “We have been able to secure you all an exclusive suite in the village, but due to the limited number available, I’m afraid your group will have to share. You will have different bedrooms with their own bathrooms, but you will have the same communal area. Again, my apologies.”
Byakuya wouldn’t have been surprised if the rose gold ceiling collapsed in on them, or if the check-in office’s tiled walls flaked. He wouldn’t bat an eye if the planks in the wooden flooring rotted and curled like dead leaves. Makoto stepped forward to stand at Byakuya’s side.
“It’s all right,” Makoto told the receptionist. “We don’t mind sharing.”
“Don’t speak for all of us,” Touko hissed, but there was little else they could do. The outbreak in mould had hit all the overwater cabins clustering around one of the piers, and Byakuya certainly didn’t want to stay there while it was infected.
“It’s not a big deal, honestly. We’ll only go to the suite to change clothes and sleep,” Makoto pointed out.
Kyouko’s head bobbed once. “Makoto is right. The majority of our time will be spent at different attractions. There’s snorkelling, hiking, bamboo rafting...”
Each strenuous suggestion drained another shade of colour from Touko’s already pale face. 
Komaru grabbed Kyouko’s shoulder, grinning widely.
“And there’s a beach! The sand is so white it almost looks like snow,” Komaru chimed in. “I want to make sand angels... and swim... We’ve got to check it out before we do anything else.”
“We need to unpack first,” Byakuya reminded her. “Then we can consider what to do next.”
Fortunately, only a five minute walk separated the check-in office from the village area where a sky-blue hotel was separated from the sea by a patchwork of swimming pools and a lip of beach. As Komaru had claimed, the sand was very pale. They checked into the hotel, and riding up the elevator, Byakuya wanted nothing more than to lie on his bed and process the turbulent day so far.
The honeymoon could only become more romantic from here, surely. When the elevator doors opened, Byakuya stepped out with the rest of the group and turned to face down the corridor. Then he froze.
“Yo! You’re at this hotel as well?” Yasuhiro called out. Next to him, Aoi waved. He gave a bark of laughter. “Seems like you’re the ones stalking us, ‘right?”
Great. Their suites were on the same floor.
“The cabins we were going to stay in had mould,” explained Komaru. “It works out better this way though. I can stay with you two whenever Kyouko-chan and oniisan want some privacy.”
Yasuhiro laughed while Makoto and Kyouko cringed, blushing a bit. Byakuya opened the door to their suite, and he was about to go inside when Yasuhiro spoke.
“You guys want to go to the beach with us? Me and Asahina-chi are going to babe-spot there - and hunk-spot too in my case, but you guys can build sandcastles or sunbathe instead.”
‘Babe-spotting’ and ‘hunk-spotting’ did not sound like honeymoon activities. Also, Byakuya doubted Yasuhiro would have any success, giving his orange trunks a disdainful look. Cartoon aliens. Seriously?
“We’ll come!” chirped Komaru. “Let us drop off our suitcases in our suite and grab our beach gear. We’ll be ready in five.”
Komaru hooked her arm around Touko’s, sealing Byakuya’s wife’s fate. Byakuya glanced at a window. Cloud-white paint framed a bright blue sky. Perhaps it would do him good to visit the beach after spending seventeen hours cooped up on a plane, rather than trade one small enclosed space for another.
Ten minutes later, they were outside, walking down a path with the Sun beating down on them. The beach near the hotel was sprinkled with tourists, so they trooped along until they stumbled upon a secluded beach with no one else present. To access it, they descended a path carved into a rock wall.
“Does the sand feel like snow, Komaru?” asked Makoto while he and Kyouko unfolded deckchairs. His trunks must have belonged to the same brand as his favourite hoodie, because not only were they the same olive colour but they had the same red emblem on them too.
“Nope.” Komaru hopped from one foot to the other, dressed in a plain navy one piece swimsuit. “It’s definitely sandy sand. Argh, what do I want to do first? Swim? Volleyball? Build a sand castle?”
“Are you five?” asked Touko, wrinkling her nose as she tugged on her dark blue sarong skirt. By now, they had all seen the scars on her thigh, but she still preferred to keep them obscured.
Komaru turned to her. “Did you build sandcastles when you were five, Touko-chan?”
“No. I’ve never built a single one, ever.”
“Then we have a lot to catch up on,” Komaru announced. She jerked her thumb at herself. “Tell you what, me and oniisan will help you build your dream sandcastle.”
“We will?” asked Makoto, looking away from the beach umbrella he was setting up.
“Duh! We were both formidable sandcastle builders when we were little.” Komaru dashed over to the canvas bag she had put down when they arrived. She picked it up, and with the handle dangling from her elbow, she then grabbed Makoto’s wrist and dragged him away. He released the umbrella after a few unsteady paces. “Come on! For Touko-chan!”
Despite her grumbling, Touko followed after the pair. Kyouko bent down with a sand anchor, drilled a hole in the sand, then picked up the umbrella and inserted the end of the pole into the opening. Aoi ran off next, making a beeline for the sea and soon turning into a yellow speck in the water. Yasuhiro whipped out a metal detector from his bang and began zigzagging away across the sand. It seemed the babe and hunk-spotting would be happening later. Hopefully when Byakuya was not there. He had been roped into being a wingman on too many nights out to willingly go along with it again.
After Yasuhiro’s departure, Kyouko and Byakuya were left alone. Byakuya took his book out of his bag and settled onto one of the deckchairs. On the edge of his vision, Kyouko claimed the seat next to him, shaded by an umbrella. Her black bikini contrasted starkly with her pale skin.
“I’m surprised you’re not on your feet, keeping busy,” she remarked.
He opened his book on the page with the bookmark and started reading. She cocked her head to one side.
“It’s a pleasant change to see you unwinding a little,” she added.
“And it’s unusual to see you talking so much,” Byakuya stated. “Often, trying to coax non-monosyllabic answers from you is like rousing a hedgehog during its hibernation.”
“The change in location must be bringing out other sides to us.” Her voice took on a cool edge. “As well as that, it’s not like this is an anime, so we don’t have to worry about tentacles emerging from the water, real or robotic. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.”
Heat flared in Byakuya’s cheeks, and it wasn’t caused by the beaming Sun overhead. With a glower, he pointedly held his book in front of his face and resumed reading. 
In the novelette, the wife of the main character had recently become distant toward him, being vague about where she came home from. Byakuya wondered whether she was having an affair. But then Byakuya wasn’t sure Touko would write that for him as a honeymoon gift. 
There had to be more to it.
As he continued through the book, he could hear Touko, Makoto and Komaru chattering away.
“The moat isn’t wide enough,” fussed Touko. Byakuya glanced over. She was standing over the Naegi siblings, who were both on their knees, armed with plastic spades and buckets. “Do you want us to get invaded? And the prince’s bedroom has to be next to my sleeping quarters.”
“Who exactly is going to invade? A sponge and a starfish?” asked Komaru.
“And what if it’s a princess?” added Makoto.
“Shut up. It’s my story,” Touko whined, jaw clenched. Makoto and Komaru looked at each other, eyebrows raised.
Byakuya frowned at them, and his gaze was still fixed in their direction when the tide licked at the shore, leaving behind a crab that headed straight for the sandcastle. A dramatic shriek ripped from Touko’s lips as she jolted. She turned sharply, left then right, before snatching up one of the twigs that comprised the moat bridge.
“G-Get back!” Touko brandished the stick at the crab, which had stopped in front of the bridge. “You... You freeloader!”
The creature raised its claws and snapped them threateningly. Gritting her teeth, Touko bent down and tried to whack it with her stick, but the crab weaved out of the way, dodging her strikes, before trying to catch her weapon in its claws. Komaru sighed.
“Only Touko-chan would start beef with a crab,” she lamented, facing her palms toward the sky.
“Don’t you snap at me, you little bastard!” Touko snarled before swiping at the crab again, just missing it as it scampered away. After half a dozen steps, it changed direction and lurched toward her, leaping onto her arm. She shrieked, stumbling back and thrashing her limbs. The crab flew off almost immediately, landing safely in the sand a short distance away, while Touko fell onto her backside. 
“Are you all right?” asked Makoto while Komaru crouched down next to Touko.
“I’m fine,” mumbled Touko, rubbing her lower back. A crease tore through Komaru’s brow. She looked like Touko had been thrown through a window rather than just sat down heavily. Like Touko herself was made of glass, when Touko was the strongest person Byakuya knew. 
With all the time Komaru and Touko had spent together in Towa and afterwards, Komaru shouldn’t have looked so worried. Then Kyouko started to stand up, and Byakuya realised something was wrong. He materialised at Touko’s side before Kyouko could set one foot onto the sand.
“Are you sure?” he asked Touko as she rose. She shook off Komaru. His hands tingled with the impulse to hold Touko up.
Touko bit her lip. All she had to do was say ‘yes’ to confirm that she was.
Instead, she said, “Byakuya, I - ”
She sneezed. Her head tipped back. Moments later, she tilted her head forward, now with a long tongue hanging out of her mouth. 
Exit Touko Togami. Enter Genocider Syo.
“Huuuuh?” Syo’s eyes darted about. A small crinkle formed in her brow as she quickly processed her surroundings. “Let me guess, we’re honeymooning?”
Byakuya nodded. She beamed at him but when her gaze drifted over to Makoto, her expression sobered.
“What the hell are you sluts doing here?” she asked.
“It’s a long story,” replied Makoto, scratching the back of his neck. “Komaru called into a radio show, and - ”
Syo interrupted with a loud snort, imitating a snore. 
“Whatever, we don’t have the word count for a recap!” She turned to Byakuya and smiled again. “Come on, hottie! Let’s go play in the waves and I’ll show you my bikini bottom!”
Without waiting for a response, Syo yanked off her skirt, revealing her bikini bottoms, then grabbed Byakuya’s hand and dragged him into the sea.
Komaru facepalmed with a groan. Makoto shook his head and Kyouko cupped her chin, thoughtful.
The evening Sun splattered yellows and reds across the sky, which would soon turn purple like the love bite on Byakuya’s neck. He adjusted his shirt’s collar, studying his reflection in the bathroom mirror. During dinner at a restaurant, where Byakuya ate brown stew fish, Syo had sneezed so Touko fronted again. Once she gathered her bearings, she wolfed down her jerk chicken and drained her coconut of its water, and then she went with Kyouko, Aoi and Komaru to the hot tub.
As for Byakuya, he retired to their hotel room, settling down on the bed and reading more of the novelette. However, as gripping as Touko’s prose was, and always was, Byakuya’s mind kept straying to his wife. During the meal, she had seemed unfocused. Distracted. She went to the restaurant toilets twice, claiming her stomach was still adjusting to being on solid ground again. He had asked her what she wanted to tell him at the beach, and she had claimed she wanted to give him a tour of the sandcastle.
Touko was a good liar. She would be, having spent her childhood explaining away bruises to teachers and placing herself away from where bloody crime scenes had taken place the night before.
Yes, she had become very skilled at lying, but he had grown up reading others’ body language, whether they be shady business people, siblings or his own father. He had become skilled at discerning whether people were being honest with him. If he hadn’t, he would have been scammed, kidnapped, assassinated long ago.
While he did think she wanted to give him a tour of the sandcastle, he suspected she had wanted to tell him something else as well. What, exactly, he didn’t know.
The shared hot tub was in the communal area, accessible from either of the adjoined bedrooms. Grey tiled flooring and cream walls housed a vaguely oblong hot tub, and floor to ceiling windows gaped Jamaican evening sky. Byakuya had glanced into the room once when they first arrived. 
From the bed, he couldn’t hear any conversations the women may have been having. Not that he was trying to eavesdrop. He was trying to read, but he couldn’t stop a sudden loud voice breaking through.
“You knew?” Komaru.
“Sh!” Touko. “Keep your voice down. I don’t want the whole hotel to know. A-And Byakuya might be in the other room...”
His brow furrowed.
“Maybe he has gone sight-seeing.” Komaru again. “Hold on, I’ll check...”
Byakuya definitely had not gone sightseeing. If they caught him, that would put a stop to their conversation. Footsteps splattered in the other room, growing louder, faster. His curiosity burned too brightly for him to want to be discovered, or leave. He had to act quickly.
He sprung off the bed. Looked around. No time to hide in the bathroom. His eyes flitted about, landing on a nearby floor lamp with a black shade. With no time for second thoughts, he put it over his head, stood ramrod straight, and held his breath.
The door opened. One second. Two seconds. Three. Four. Then five. 
“Nope, he’s not there,” said Komaru, and Byakuya soon heard her footsteps recede. What he didn’t hear was the door click shut.
He pulled off the lampshade. As he suspected, Komaru hadn’t closed the door properly, and the miniscule gap proved enough to allow him to hear them better than before.
“... I still can’t believe you worked it out already,” said Komaru.
Byakuya could hear Kyouko’s smirk as she replied, “I am a former detective, after all. So Togami-kun doesn’t know?”
The mention of his name deepened his frown.
“I haven’t found the right time to tell him,” replied Touko. “Whenever I try, s-something or someone interrupts. It has to be the perfect moment. No surprise intrusions from friends, no crabs... Argh... W-What if I never tell him?”
He envisioned Touko clutching her head, a pained expression on her face.
“What should I do?” asked Touko. “W-What if each time, the moment is spoiled and I have to try again? And again, and again, and again, and - ”
“Touko-chan!” Komaru. “I know you want it to be perfect, but sometimes things won’t turn out that way and that’s okay.”
“She’s right. There is only so much you can do to influence a dice roll. The most you can do is hope,” said Kyouko. “Then, it is up to you to adapt to the situation given.”
A door creaked. Byakuya flinched, but then he realised it wasn’t his door moving. The other door to the communal area had opened.
“Sorry, I didn’t realise you were all here,” came Makoto’s apologetic voice. “I’ll come by later.”
Water sloshed. Kyouko replied, “Don’t leave. The others were about to head off, so you can join me.”
“Were we?” said Aoi.
“You are all going to find Togami-kun,” explained Kyouko. When she spoke next, Byakuya imagined a blush blooming across her face. “Meanwhile, Makoto will bring some champagne and I will stay here with him, if you don’t mind.”
By the time the other women entered Byakuya and Touko’s hotel room, he was long gone.
Byakuya arrived at the secluded beach they visited earlier and unfurled his towel. Beyond the rock walls enclosing the area, rhythmic bass pumped out of the village. Ahead of him, the dark sea pawed at the sand, the last rays of the day’s Sun kissing the water’s creases and his black jacket.
Holding his phone in one hand, he shone its torch onto the pages of his book. At some point, Touko would inevitably show up to talk to him, probably flanked by Komaru and Aoi, so he tried to read as much as he could until then.
He heard familiar voices when he reached the final quarter of the novelette.
“I see a light down there! I think it’s him.”
Despite hearing Aoi’s voice, he pretended no one had spoken. That he only heard the sea’s whispers.
“Go on, Touko-chan,” urged Komaru. All three of them were there, it seemed.
“B-But...” Touko faltered.
“Touko-chan.” Byakuya pictured Komaru grabbing Touko’s hands and staring at her with the same determined expression Makoto sometimes put on when giving one of his friendship speeches. “One time, while we were in Towa City, I was crying because I wanted everything to be normal again, and Genocider Syo told me she had a piece of candy in one hand, and two pieces of candy in the other.”
“I don’t want to hear your inane - ”
“If I guessed the hand with two pieces of candy in it, I could have them both. However, if I chose the hand with one piece, I had to try again.” Komaru acted as if Touko hadn’t interrupted. “I got really unlucky, because I kept choosing the hand with one piece, but when I was about to give up, I chose the hand with two candies. Sounds great, right?”
There was a pause.
“... the two pieces had crumbled and were drenched in her sweat. She laughed and gave me the one uncrushed candy and told me sometimes, you can never get the best outcome, and sometimes when you reach your goal, it’s not as great as you imagined. You frustrate yourself on the journey. Sometimes... it’s best to take what you get, like Kyouko-chan said. So this isn’t the romantic scene you imagined. But you can do it, Touko-chan.”
“Yeah!” Aoi chimed in. “We believe in you, Touko-chan!”
Touko whined. “Stop it, both of you. It’s too dark for you to be so bright. I can’t stand here any longer... you’re b-blinding me...”
Byakuya knew that was Touko’s way of excusing herself. He stared at the book without reading it, waiting for Touko to walk down the path zigzagging down the stone wall until she joined him on the sand. She panted as she stopped next to him, trying to catch her breath.
“How did you know I would be here?” he asked calmly without looking up.
“I had a hunch,” she replied. “Has the honeymoon been to your liking so far?”
“It hasn’t totally lined up with what I envisioned, but I am enjoying myself, yes.”
“Good! I know what you mean... b-but if you keep chasing after a certain outcome, by the time you get to it, it may have become rotten.”
There was Genocider Syo’s analogy.
“Not all things rot,” he said.
“I know. My love for you never did. Never will.”
His heart fluttered. He pushed up his glasses, face warm, and finally turned his head, peering up at her. A gentle smile was cradled between her lips. She wrung her hands.
“Byakuya...” Her grin became brittle. The light from his phone touched her face, and he could see her knitted brow, the hesitation tensing her jaw.
“Touko.” He stood up. His gaze didn’t yield its hold on her. “Something has been bothering you since we left the airport. What is it? Are you unhappy about how the honeymoon has been panning out?”
She stirred, widening her eyes. “No!”
Her fidgeting hands clasped together as she shuddered. Then, hardening her features, she reached out, grabbed his wrist and placed his hand onto her stomach.
Seconds stretched by. His eyes flicked up after the pregnant pause.
“... Do you have food poisoning?” he asked, straight-faced.
That would explain her behaviour on the plane. The frequent trips to the bathroom and the queasy looks on her face. Touko wouldn’t have wanted him to know in case she thought it might spoil the honeymoon. Nonsense, of course. He would have been fine spending the holiday in their room, by her side while she recovered. She could lay her head on his lap while he read, and he could hold her hair back when she vomited.
“No,” said Touko. “It’s not that.”
Byakuya’s lips pressed together in thought, until realisation sparked like a phone screen suddenly switching on in the darkness.
“You’re pregnant,” he murmured.
“Y-Yes!” She broke into a large smile. “I had a positive pregnancy test the night before we set off. A little Byakuya... is in me!”
Touko clutched her stomach. He stared at her, withdrawing his hand.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.
The energy radiating from Touko fizzled out a little. “I wanted everything to be perfect when I told you. Every single aspect... had to be flawless... b-but I would rather have a delicious sweet than two covered in sweat... unless it’s yours, of course.”
Having heard Genocider Syo’s story, Touko’s allegory made more sense than it would otherwise. Still. Even if he hadn’t heard it, he would have gleaned what she meant. Touko smirked, her expression growing more serious when Byakuya placed his hand against her stomach again. The conglomerate would have called this an heir. A business investment. A venture. Just as easily as they would call this a nobody, a failure, an outcast. With Touko’s parents, she had been seen by her mothers as a shackle, a prison bar, a punching bag. For her father, a plaything. 
His hand trembled slightly.
“Our child,” he whispered. He slipped his arms around Touko and he pulled her into his chest. She squeaked, but he soon felt her arms curl around him.
“Byakuya?” she mumbled into him. He held her tighter.
“Stay.” Stay here, with him. Not just now, but evermore. “I will protect you.”
He knew about the traumatic circumstances around her birth. Her parents’ affairs, her deceased half-sister born at the same time as her, who perished in a medical accident shortly after their births. His throat was full.
“I will protect you and our child,” she promised just as quietly. Her fingers dug into him. She had been with him when they visited his family home and found his mother’s corpse on his bed. She was there when he awoke at night, seeing tears he wouldn’t allow anyone else to see, as he choked on nightmares about the annihilation of the conglomerate. “Stay with me.”
Byakuya shifted back a little and cupped her chin with one hand. Touko rose onto tiptoe. Their lips crashed into each other’s cheeks, noses bumping, glasses clacking and falling askew, but then their lips stumbled until they connected and the two melted into the sand.
Muffled music from the village harmonised with their heartbeats. There was sand between Byakuya’s toes, in every crease of his body, in his clothes, and there would be for weeks. A sharp breeze nipped at his exposed skin. Every time he breathed between fervent kisses, a crust of salt slicked the inside of his mouth. None of that mattered though. As long as he could feel her presence, and she his, they didn’t need to keep throwing dice.
He glided his lips down her neck, one hand roaming onto her waist. “Let’s go back to the hotel,” he mumbled.
They stood up, twining their hands, slightly breathless. As they approached the rock wall, Touko asked, “Did you finish my novelette?”
“Almost. When we’re back in our room, read me the rest,” he said, though he suspected he knew how it would end. But while the story in the novelette would conclude, and the sea would wash away their imprints on the sand, their story would continue, together, and forever. 
A high bar had been set, but the honeymoon could only become more romantic from here.
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danganronpa-21 · 2 years
Just Leave a Comment Fest 2022
I wasn’t sure at first how I wanted to express all of my comments, because while this is very much a good faith-based reporting system, I’ve seen a lot of people posting their totals with link recommendations to all of the stuff they commented on! And I think that’s awesome, so I’ve decided to divide it up by my two main fandoms.
So this is the Danganronpa one, and the other will be the Fire Emblem one. Overall, though, I got a grand total of 25. I know a lot of people have been doing numbers like this or higher in a day, but I’ve been a bit more sociable this week, so I’ve made my goal for next year to increase that number a lot more! Even if I didn’t average as many as others, though, I’ve gotten about 14 replies so far from excited authors, and that warms my heart.
So without further ado, here is my list of Danganronpa recommendations based on “Just Leave a Comment Fest 2022” (and please be warned of spoilers!):
• “Reconciliation” by peachykeane - A Mahiru & Fuyuhiko is a Gen one-shot, focused on Mahiru and Fuyuhiko’s attempt to reconcile with one another following the end of Super Danganronpa 2. In particular, the discussion follows Natsumi, and Mahiru coming to understand what she meant to him. The fic does an excellent job of establishing tone and theme, and ultimately presents a very in-character interpretation of events.
• “The Unfortunate Origin of Jun’ichi Maizono” by Capnii ( @capnii / @kazukibou ) - A fankid one-shot about one of the children from the Kazukibou series, Jun’ichi Maizono, as he tries to fight for success as an idol in the post-Tragedy world, trying to carve out a place for himself with an identity not based on his close relation to Sayaka… especially when the relation actually isn’t that close at all. Please note that this story does contain grooming, but its depiction is not glamorized nor romanticized. Overall this is a great introduction to Jun’ichi as a character and provides a nice springboard to anyone looking to get into the Kazukibou series. Full of charisma and smiles, I think Jun’ichi is a character who’s story is sure to charm you.
• “It’s a Togami Thing” by ScribbleTeaaa - A one-shot centred around Byakuya Togami and an exploration of him dealing with his aroace identity. The story does a great job of juxtaposing Byakuya’s personality and backstory with the intended exploration, making the portrayal feel quite natural and strong. I don’t think I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading an aroace fic focused just on the aroace character, so enjoying this made my heart quite happy.
• “The Fool” by zenonaa - A Mastermind Yasuhiro one-shot, originally written for the “I Am the Mastermind” zine. This short piece follows a chess game between Jin Kirigiri and Yasuhiro Hagakure. The composition of “The Fool” is deeply effective, with every sentence packing a bigger punch than the last as you creep further and further through this unnerving story, trying to figure out where exactly this is going to go next. I actually went into this one not knowing it was a mastermind story, but damn, was it good. I particularly loved the author’s careful word choice and metaphor; it was truly inspired.
• “The Trouble with Mice” by On_The_Fr1tz - A multi-chapter non-despair AU story about Hiyoko Saionji who, after a failed birthday party for herself and a commotion at a baby Chiaki Nanami’s, decides that she wants to try and become a better person. This a somewhat short multi-chapter, but based on what I’ve read so far, more words might not be needed. The author has a great grasp on the characters and the relationships between them, and balances Hiyoko’s canon personality well — you both sympathize with her and understand why all of the others dislike her, and want to see if she really can succeed in her quest to make her life better. This one was an instant bookmark for me, and I’m sure it will be for a lot of you, too.
• “Naegiri 2022 Collection” by Weirddancer14 - Title is self-explanatory, it is a series of Makoto/Kyoko one-shots based on the prompts for this year’s Naegiri Week. I haven’t had the chance to read all of the ones in it, but I did get to read at least two, and boy were they fun! The dynamics between several of the characters are well-executed, and the best points of Makoto and Kyoko’s relationship are captured with ease. It is chock full of sugary sweetness for the couple, whether it’s dancing together or sending cute texts, so you’re guaranteed a good time no matter which story you pick.
• “Survivor’s Guilt” by redoxchai - A Kyoko/Makoto one-shot, this time… with angst! Don’t worry, neither of them die — it’s a realistic depiction of their feelings post-Killing Game and during the Hope Restoration Program, leaning more towards Makoto’s perspective, but still adding in a healthy amount of Kyoko’s. I really loved how this fic confronted Makoto’s non-hope-related emotions, and let him go through his feelings in an open, interesting way that let the reader really feel like they were in on things, and then further share the relief when those feelings were out.
• “A Pleasant Unplaceable Scent” by ScribbleTeaaa - A Makoto-centric one-shot about his grief after the death of Sayaka Maizono in the first trial. I actually didn’t realize that this was the second piece I got from the same author until I started making the list, but I guess you can say that this is a vouch for them writing some good stuff! This fic was powerful, making you really feel for Makoto and the life that was lost in Sayaka. He didn’t just lose someone as the contestant in the Killing Game — he lost someone that he cared about, someone who was his friend. This is captured with a degree of skill, and made for an overall appealing story.
• “Two in One” by Potato_of_Regrets - A Toko & Syo one-shot that gives a more personal relationship between the core identity and the alter, making it less about the murder and more about the little ways that each girl’s life imprints itself upon the other. Given that the depiction of DID in the actual games is so rocky, this story was amazing at showcasing the relationship as something much more concrete and natural. It scratched an itch I didn’t even know I had, and I think it’s definitely one that I will keep coming back to.
• “The Ultimate Detective and the Ultimate Hope Gaiden: Christmas with Shuichi!” by wiifan2009 ( @wiifan2009 ) - A Shuichi/Fanchild OC one-shot written for Christmas, centred on the Gaiden series. This fluffy fic starts out following Makoto, Kyoko, and their four children as they celebrate Christmas together, but then turns romantic when Shuichi Saihara, dear friend to their eldest daughter Kiki, comes over to drop off his present. It then turns into a bit of a “will they, won’t they” Christmas romance. This story is heavy on the shiptease, but evokes a great many cozy feelings in your heart that even if you’re reading it past Christmas, you won’t really mind the lack of thematic relevance. I don’t know if I would say that it’s the perfect place for start if you’re just getting to know Kiki and her family, but what I can say is that if this story has inspired you to start, you’re in for a loooot of fun content (some of it beta read by me!), so there will never be a dull moment no matter what works you choose to read!
• “Sondam: Eldritch Dinners” by Weirddancer14 - Another occasion where I caught the same author twice, completely by accident! AO3 is funny like that. This one is a Sonia/Gundham one-shot about the two of them making dinner together. It’s chock full of fun little character moments, integrating headcanons naturally, and using each of its sentences to evoke the right emotions. When Gundham is explaining how to cook the recipe to Sonia, each sentence is written close to his tone, showing off the drama and importance of getting the recipe right to him. And the story is all like that, all beautifully written couple’s fluff that will satisfy the needs of any Sondam fan.
• “Tu Fui, Ego Eris (But I’ll Make You Wait)” by Moiloru ( @moiloru ) - Another Makoto/Kyoko one-shot (yes, I have a Naegiri addiction, but that’s neither here nor there), this one is about Hope’s Peak first year back at school, while Makoto is making the opening speech and reflecting on everything they have lost to now come so far. While Kyoko attempts to comfort him afterwards, the fic showcases a series of small nuances and complicated emotions affiliated not just with their situation but their relationship as well, making for a particularly intriguing story. Of course, we do get our sweet ending, but the emotional power all the way there is sure to draw you in until that nice finale.
And with that, we have gone over aaaaaall of my Danganronpa readings for Just Leave a Comment Fest 2022! Hopefully you found something cool new to read, and are thinking you might want to join in come next year.
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shirophic · 3 years
close nights | mm!naegiri fic
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here’s the mastermind!naegiri fic i promised  BAAHAHAHA VERY INSPIRED BY SONGS AND THERES A FAMILIAR QUOTE AT THE END IM PRETTY SURE MOST OF YALL HAVE HEARD ngl i feel like it went too quick but honestly idc give me feedback warnings: mentions of death, blood, stabbing, major character deaths
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The night was cold, colder than usual.
Kyoko Kirigiri entered the security room, sighing as she sat down in the cool, blue chair. As she scanned her eyes across all the different cameras, quite a few things were on her mind. The 4th trial had ended, with alter ego’s death replaying in the minds of the students. Despair rotted within the students as fear shook them. Alter ego was their only hope, and now they were crushed.
Kirigiri watched as Asahina sobbed in her pillow, Hagakure trying to calm himself down, Togami reading as if nothing happened, Fukawa having a panic attack... Kirigiri bored her eyes into each of the footage from the cameras. Careful trying not to miss anything. Up until she reached a certain CCTV footage caught her eye. 
A boy holding up a sign. The boy was Makoto Naegi, Ultimate Lucky Student. Kirigiri knew better than that, she was the Ultimate Detective for a reason. She knew that talent was a deception, after all, what kind of talent is the “Ultimate Lucky Student”?
Kirigiri knew his real ultimate was despair, a sickening depth of darkness, tearing down others. 
To put it down to simpler words, It was his specialty.
Kirigiri never really understood the reason for despair. Sure, without despair there is no hope, but what was the real meaning behind it? Her ultimate was the Ultimate Detective, aren’t detectives supposed to be fighting against despair in the name of hope? Oh well, she was pretty much forced into this.
Turning her attention back to the green-eyed boy, she noticed there were words on the sign, with a grinning Naegi as he tried to stand tall enough to show the message.
“What an idiot. How did he become the Ultimate Despair again?”
The sign said “Come meet me in our special spot! Wear something pretty!” with a lopsided smiley face.
Once holding it for about 10 more seconds, he ran with the sign. Kirigiri had no idea what he had stored in that deceptive of a mind, but probably something not good.
- - -
As Kirigiri strode over to their “special place” Naegi was setting up something. Something like a room filled with candles and roses.
Rose petals and rose vines adorned the walls and floors. Candles were set up as yellow light shown in the darkness. Vodka and other drinks were lined up on a table, all set up for the night. Sure, it was cheesy, but something he put too much effort in. About a minute passed until Kirigiri arrived, Naegi staggered to fix his tie and suit, waiting at the entrance. As he looked up to meet with her eyes, he paused in amazement.
Kirigiri was wearing a deep purple dress that went just above her ankles with long gloves. Purple heels allowed her to have a little more height against Naegi. And her hair was up in a ponytail, with a purple bow to match. In all words, she was stunning. Naegi stood there agape as he looked at Kirigiri (respectfully of course.)
“Well? Are you just going to stand there looking like a reincarnation of Kuwata’s hair? Or are you going to explain what this is?” smirked Kirigiri, Naegi could have sworn he saw Kirigiri blush.
“Ah yes of course..” Mumbled Naegi as he looked down. “I.. I wanted us to take some time alone with each other, seeing as we get too caught up with the killing game and making sure none of them finds out about… about us..” spoke Naegi, softly.
Kirigiri’s smirk softened, seeing a side she saw many times, but not like this. Was this a confession? Perhaps a prank? She had known the boy for far too long to just not expect this wasn’t one of his other little pranks.
“Well then… In that case, let us take some time with each other.”
With that, Naegi and Kirigiri spent time talking and letting out their struggles. “It’s hard to keep track of what I've said and what I've not! It’s like I have to create a mental script..”
“You.. don’t have a mental script?” “You do!?”
As the night went on, Naegi played some music.
“Oh.. Isn’t this Lacrimosa?” questioned Kirigiri.
“Yea! Sometimes it calms me down when times are rough for me,” exclaimed Naegi.
Kirigiri didn’t respond as she looked like she was lost in thought.
“You’re thinking about your past again, aren’t you?” whispered Naegi.
Kirigiri turned to glance at Naegi, a stoic but slightly saddened expression on her face, “You.. You don’t need to worry about me. I can handle myself perfectly fine, just some… memories.”
Naegi examined Kirigiri for a while before standing up and lending Kirigiri his hand.
“Hey, I’m no doctor or therapist but, maybe a waltz will get it off your mind,” suggested Naegi.
Kirigiri opened her mouth for a bit, but completely drew a blank. Eventually, she surrendered and took Naegi’s hand.
They danced to Lacrimosa until it came upon an end.
Naegi slightly lifted his head to Kirigiri’s lavender eyes, yet couldn’t make out what was in them, sadness? Regret? Anger? He’ll never know.
Kirigiri had many thoughts as she slowly danced with Naegi, but she held them off for the time being, as they both wanted time together. And she didn’t want her depressing thoughts to ruin it.
Kirigiri and Naegi made eye contact as their thoughts disappeared, only focusing on each other now.
Kirigiri suddenly stopped, being aware of her surroundings and what she was doing - dancing. And with whom she was dancing with. “I.. Don’t you think it’s a bit… well, late for this?” Kirigiri questioned, “I wouldn’t want to be caught, god knows what they’re up to…” Naegi paused and chuckled for a bit. “We’re the ones in charge, aren’t we? Where is their god now?” Kirigiri looked down, not saying anything. “Where is their god now?” typical Naegi…” “if you don’t want to do this right now, why not grab a drink with me?” Kirigiri looked at Naegi with slight amusement, “why the niceties now?” but gave in, as her throat ached with thirst.
Naegi laughed quietly, then led Kirigiri to the food and drinks stand. Naegi grabbed a bottle of vodka and poured 
“Hm, don’t you think we’re too young to be drinking?” “We’re 18 now, did you forget? Oh yea, Junko erased your memories as well.”
Kirigiri got lost in thought as she remembered the previous ultimate despair Junko Enoshima was the previous despair. Keyword: previous. Naegi and Enoshima had been partners for quite a while, a feared duo. After “The Tragedy” and after class 78 got converted to a new school for a safe shelter, Enoshima and Naegi were already putting their plan into action. They made sure everything was sealed and “safe” and after about a year, Enoshima forced them into the killing game. Unbeknownst to the other 15 students, Naegi was also in this plan from behind the scenes. And after the first death (Ikusaba), Naegi and Enoshima got into a fight.
- - -
An angry Naegi burst through the doors of the security room, opening to a gleeful-looking Enoshima.
Naegi never had any thoughts on Ikusaba, she was just another pawn in Enoshima’s plan. But she always had to make things complicated for him.
“Enoshima!” Naegi yelled, “How could you just let Ikusaba die like that? Do you know how risky that was.. If they found out-”
“Which they won’t, honestly Naegi you’re too paranoid,” Enoshima said unbothered. “And If they did I’m sure you can just kill them off like a fly.” 
Naegi had a dark look on his face, “And what would be the explanation for that? Tell me.”
“Oh! Togami just pissed me off! So I killed him in cold blood, upupupupu!”
Enoshima took a stand, an annoyed look displayed on her face. 
“Look Naegi, if you’re just going to argue about the past, fuck off, it can’t be changed and you know that.”
Naegi quietly chuckled, which turned into full-on laughter.
“AHA- HAHAHAHA, you think I’m just going to accept giving up like that? Well unbeknownst to you, Enoshima, I have a few cards up my sleeve as well..”
Naegi swiftly threw a card at Enoshima’s face, giving a fresh cut to her cheek. Enoshima looked at Naegi in disbelief, gently touching her face.
“H- How dare you,” Enoshima said, bewildered.
Naegi looked at her in amusement, “Was that not entertaining for you enough, Enoshima?”
Enoshima growled, spitting at Naegi. 
“Fuck you,”
“Pay me.”
Naegi quickly moved behind Enoshima, slicing the back of her neck, then putting her up against the wall with a knife under her chin, complimenting her facial features.
“Well now, the shorty finally decided to grow some balls, huh?” Enoshima teased, wincing as the cut behind her neck burned.
“You know damn well I grew some balls ever since I even started our little plan. Have a nice time in hell, Enoshima.” Naegi sneered, looking up at the despair twin.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be saving you a seat.”
Naegi then sliced her neck, pink blood dripping from the knife and onto Naegi’s hand.
Naegi hummed, dropping Enoshima on the floor, disgust filling his senses. “As much as I love bringing people into despair, the stench of blood is disgusting.”
Naegi then washed his hands and ordered monokuma to clean the mess up before heading towards his dorm room, pretending as if nothing happened.
- - -
“Hello? Earth to Kirigiri?” Naegi waved his hand in front of Kirigiri’s face.
Kirigiri was brung back into reality, realization striking her that she was lost in thought. 
“O-oh, Naegi. Sorry, I was lost in thought… again.” Kirigiri said rather embarrassingly, glanced at the shot she was holding, and gulped it down.
“It’s okay Kirigiri,” Naegi spoke as he had doubt in his eyes. He then took a shot, shaking his head.
“Hey Kirigiri, I know I invited you here myself but, there’s another place I wanna show you, care to join me?”
Kirigiri pondered for a minute, should she really go with a murderer who killed the ultimate despair only just to become the ultimate despair himself? Kirigiri sighed, he couldn’t kill her because of her secret anyways. Kirigiri remembered how desperate he was to know the secret.
- - -
(beginning of chapter 3)
Naegi whined as he followed Kirigiri around pleading. 
“Oh Kirigiri pleaaase!” he begged, “Let me know your secret!”
Kirigiri stopped and looked at Naegi, “why do you want to learn my secret so much?”
Naegi scoffed, “Well obviously because you’ve mentioned it once before and never told me! I thought I was your best friend..”
Kirigiri shook her head and continued to walk towards the physics lab, a click in her steps.
- - -
Oh well, it’s not like she has much of a choice.
Kirigiri sighed and followed Naegi, hoping that it would mean something good.
- - -
Naegi led Kirigiri up to the roof of the school, looking back from tie to time with a smile on his face.
Once on the roof, Naegi invited Kirigiri to sit down. The area was outgrown, plants growing everywhere. Fires all around the building, blazes and flames of fire all around the base of the school, the sun setting with a red aura.
Smoke filling Kirigiri's senses, she coughed. “W-Where are we Naegi?” she said as she looked at Naegi. Naegi’s face was lightened with red, orange, and yellow hues as he grinned down upon the world, eyes sparkling with delight.
“We’re.. We’re at the top of the world,” Naegi smiled.
Kirigiri glanced at Naegi with a confused expression but stoic eyes as she looked Naegi up and down.
“Quit the act, why did you bring me here?” Kirigiri demanded.
Naegi turned around, surprised. “Kirigiri, I just wanted to spend time with yo-”
“Stop, I know you’re lying to me. Spit it out.”
Naegi sighed with an annoyed tone and looked Kirigiri directly in the eye.
“I want to know your secret.”
Kirigiri was disappointed, but not surprised. Naegi was an awfully ambitious person and would go to extraordinary heights to get what he wanted, but Kirigiri was awfully stubborn.
“And exactly why should I tell you? For all I know, you could kill me instantly after.” Kirigiri doubted.
“Well for one, you can get out alive!” Naegi laughed, “But you’re not getting away this easily, Kirigiri.”
Kirigiri carefully examined the options she had; A: make a run for it, B: punch him and run, C: tell him and live. She knew with plans A and B he could easily either send monokuma after her or just kill her himself. And with plan C he could also be lying. So in all, it’s a win-lose situation.
Kirigiri sighed and made up her mind.
“I’m not telling you, whether you kill me or not. And besides, even you don’t know the secrets of this school, you need me.”
Naegi examined her closely again, then swiftly took out knives, throwing them all at Kirigiri. Which she dodged them all, even catching one. She threw the knife aside and stepped forward towards Naegi.
“You know you need me, you can’t do anything without me. Give up.”
Naegi growled, “shut up, shut up, shut up!”
With a few knives cutting Kirigiri’s dress and skin, she fell on the ground, backing away from Naegi.
She winced in pain as she looked up at Naegi, her vision blurring as she tried to make out what to do. Naegi stopped in front of her, playing with the knife in his hands before kneeling down in front of her face, lifting her chin up with the knife.
“You know Kirigiri, you’re an intelligent person with lots of room for improvement. I never wanted to come to this conclusion, but if you’re not going to work with me here, we’re going to have a problem.” threatened Naegi.
Kirigiri glared up at Naegi, keeping full eye contact.
“I’m not giving in, no matter what little tricks you have in store.”
Naegi rolled his eyes in annoyance, then putting his knife hard against her neck, “if you oblige, I’ll make your death quick and painless, if you don’t - well then you’re gonna have a fun time suffering.”
Kirigiri stared at Naegi in silence watching as her blood dripped down from her neck and onto everywhere.
Naegi then grew tired of waiting and sliced Kirigiri’s throat leaving her dead blank face the last expression she’ll ever make again.
He then stood up and started walking towards the exit down back to the school, when he heard something.
“I-Ikusaba… she’s alive, an…” Naegi whipped around, anxious, as he urged Kirigiri to continue. “And… she’s o-out for you..”
Naegi was stunned into silence. Ikusaba.. was alive? And she wanted vengeance? Naegi was very confused about this whole proposition. This was Kirigiri’s secret? Naegi then looked at Kirigiri again waiting for more information. But to no avail, Kirigiri’s eyes rid of the light and grew dead.
Naegi then started pacing around, wondering what to do next. Should he try to find Ikusaba? Should he kill Ikusaba once and for all? Should he-
Naegi was then interrupted by a figure in the shadows. He turned around to look who it is, but he couldn’t make out who it was until they stepped into the light.
“Naegi,” a cool monotone voice spoke, “We meet again.”
The figure then stepped into the light - a face known too well.
Mukuro Ikusaba. The other despair twin. Also known as the ultimate soldier. The last time Naegi and Ikusaba met was when they were putting the plan into action and putting the students in the classrooms. After that they barely interacted.
Naegi knew Ikusaba was dangerous. Her talent gave it away, after all. She knew tons of different strategies, and while Enoshima liked to say that the strategies were hers’ - spoiler alert: they were not.
Turning back to reality, Naegi began thinking of different tactics to well ah, slaughter his close friend.
Ikusaba read Naegi like a book, and took out her dagger - to which Naegi replied to taking his own out as well.
“Impressive, I saw what you did with Kirigiri. You’ve worked on your reflexes.” complimented Ikusaba. “But you’re no match for me.”
“You think so?”
“I know so.”
“Alright, let’s dance.”
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