#nagito ramble
anonzentimes · 2 months
last asker here wahoo weehee but yeah i dont mind the ramble !!! honestly i do feel a little similar sometimes ourgh . maybe not with being in specific fandoms but especially when it comes to like . the smaller things like self inserts . the like
but anyway !!!!!! now im curious and im not too sure if you've answered anything of the sort before but i do wonder what you thought of the difference in characterization with Nagito in the games and in the anime?
not that nagito in the games r even one for one the same- same goes for the anime-
but i do know there's a difference , and i've heard so many differing opinions on how Nagito's potrayed in both, especially discussion on how faithful Nagito in danganronpa 3's character is to danganronpa 2, so i'll admit now im very interested on hearing your thoughts on him when looking at game nagito and anime nagito side by side eyes emoji
YAYY!!!!! I love getting asked to talk about him it's so fun!!! No one has actually asked this before, and I've been planning to do something on this for a bit!
Personally I think anime Nagito is actually really good! Although I think side lining him for a little bit was a weird decision, even if I understand why. But enough of that! Let's talk more about his characterization! I'll talk about what I think about Nagito's characterization in the anime and some annoyances I have with the misinterpretations!
I will admit that some of the fandom's opinions on, "Anime Nagito vs Game Nagito," kind of bother be because a lot of it stems from people not understanding his character in it's entirety in the first place.
The thing about Nagito is that he works as an amazing antagonist because he isn't ill intentioned and is just mentally screwed up. In the killing game his coping mechanisms and absolute beliefs are on display and he is at his worst, he's practically having multiple mental breakdowns and losing it. And his beliefs and coping mechanisms happen to be morally gray because he believes Anything is okay if it's for hope. With his luck cycle, coping mechanisms, and absolute beliefs that stem from both of these things we get Nagito. And when you place Nagito who thinks being trapped on the island forever without the ultimates impacting the world in any way is worse than one person surviving and making an impact on the world, he feels like he has to do something.
Basically, how Nagito acts in the anime and before the first trial is who he is when he's not mentally crumbling and I get really irritated when people try to say that in the game he was a "malicious psychopath" but in the anime he turned into "baby boy" like, just, GRRRAGHHH!!!!! IT MAKES ME FEEL LIKE HE NEEDS TO BE GATEKEPT WHEN PEOPLE DO THAT!!! THEY'RE MISUNDERSTANDING HIM SO BAD IT HURTS ☹️☹️☹️
I believe the anime's characterization is pretty great and still keeps in tact his absolute beliefs that lead him to do morally gray things for the sake of hope! I think he's very well done characterization wise in the anime. I liked the episode where he ends up blowing up the gym because he wants to postpone the test for his classmates it made a lot sense with how he thinks and his luck cycle! I also really love his encounter with Junko and Izuru. He says several good lines in the anime that are accurate and completely in character for him, and I love it!
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I think the addition that the class thought he was weird even before he was at his worst and didn't show much reciprocation is sad and adds to his tragic life. The fact that he isn't surprised when Chisa slaps him, but rather when he is shown affection gets me dude!!!
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I think it is sweet though that, his time at hope's peak is probably one of the best experiences he had until everything went wrong. He isn't shown much reciprocation but he genuinely cares for his classmates beyond them being ultimates from hanging out and knowing them so long. He has some reciprocation from Chisa and the other classmates somewhat care about him to varying degrees. I believe his overall luck cycle went, get accepted into hope's peak, good luck, gets diagnosed, bad luck, gains people he cares about in his life and some who care about him too, good luck, all of them become despairs, bad luck!
The other thing I wanted to touch upon is Bryce Pappenbrook listening to criticism about how Nagito sounds more sarcastic than intended. For a lot of the english fanbase the misinterpretation that Nagito's not honest is beyond repair especially since he's hard to understand, but I really do appreciate the effort to change it slightly. Even if people who misunderstood think there's a huge difference or even retcon with his character, I think it's a nice change that he sounds more genuine like his Japanese voice in the anime.
I think the real difference with him in the Anime versus Ultra Despair Girls and Danganronpa 2 is his role in the story. I think he's very in character, we just don't see him having meltdowns and go through his self unaware freak outs. We still see him do morally gray things and impact the plot though! In the anime he's doing better compared to the spiraling we see in Danganronpa 2 and rock bottom even more extreme beliefs we see in Udg.
Also I think the anime solidifying the fact that Nagito usually doesn't go out of his way for the ultimate's attention because he thinks he's unworthy of their time actually makes Danganronpa 2 more impactful. Because, if he doesn't try to seek the ultimates attention, then that's further solidifying the fact Nagito was interested in Hajime, he felt a connection with him even when they first met. We see him do the opposite of what he usually would just because of Hajime, and I think that's really sweet.
Nagito barely mentioning hope in Danganronpa 2's prologue is for the plot twist mostly, however, there could be multiple actual reasons for it. My interpretation is that it's because he wanted to make a good impression so he focuses on that instead, that combined with it not really coming up leads to them not really knowing what he thinks. There are hints of it and he's not purposely "hiding it" at all. Nagito is an honest person who only lies when he feels it's necessary, to further prove that point when he gets the despair disease, personality inverting disease, he gets the Lying disease.
Nagito in the prologue and in the anime are the same because he's not losing it yet, the only difference is Nagito talks slightly less about hope and his beliefs because It's not very relevant, he's trying to make a good impression, and he's focusing on keeping Hajime's attention. My favorite little thing supporting this is that he doesn't complain about going swimming. In the Dangan Island events we see him worry about it, but when he's focusing on everything else he didn't really think about it. He asks what Hajime is planning to do instead.
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In conclusion, I believe Nagito in the anime is pretty good. He serves his role well for it not being his usual one, info about what he was like adds a little more to Danganronpa 2 analyzing it, and it's nice that we get to see more of him when he's not at his worst. He's still absolutely the same person and I think his characterization is really good. I think they could have utilized him more or made him relevant to the plot sooner if they wanted, but I think the impact and scenes that he has still are great and work well since he, again, doesn't have his usual role in the anime.
One last thing while I'm here talking about the anime's Nagito, a lot of people like to make the joke that he's "hopesexual" because of the one fan service line of dialogue in Danganronpa 3 where he basically says, "Hope feels amazing," and I just. URAGGHHH!!!!!!!! I'm sorry but if someone unironically says "hopesexual" I hope that their pillow always remains warm on both sides because saying it Is ANNOYINGG!!! It's so easy to get I don't know why people do this, and I know I'm being a little over the top but it just bugs me sooo bad Like,
Hope = Absolute Good/Euphoric Feeling for him, Horny = Euphoric Feeling for him, CONCLUSION: GENERAL EUPHORIA DESCRIPTOR!! He doesn't have a hope kink and the people who make those jokes are weird especially since it's straight up wrong!! I know it's just a joke, but it still gets on my nerves regardless because some people take it seriously. Even one of his songs uses this comparison by allegorizing hope with sexual desires, conveying that both are euphoric emotions for him! >:(
Thank you for your ask and Hopefully I successfully got all of the points I wanted to across! <3
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batw1nggg · 5 months
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thatoneluckybee · 15 days
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i didn't expect this to breach containment so i sincerely apologize to y'all for this
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graveyard-society · 10 months
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hi chat guess who's back
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m-bbert · 4 months
I just got in the car and my dad just handed me a picture of komaeda????
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hajihiko · 2 years
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Spooky time
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starshinz · 6 months
nagito, who's so obsessed with you that it makes him sick! he breaks out into a sweat everytime he sees you, shivers running down his spine as he stares. he can't help it!! his face gets red and he gets all jittery when you touch his forehead, eyes glazing over as you tell him he's burning up and that he should get some rest! but he's quick to say that he's fine, and that you shouldn't waste your energy worrying about someone as worthless as him. someone as wonderful as you surely has more important things to worry about! he (rather reluctantly, because who is he to decline your wishes) allows you to take him back to his cabin and care for him.
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catboybashirs · 5 months
hello. let's play a game. i want you to describe how nagito komaeda acts in sdr2. if you use the words "crazy," "deranged," or "psychotic," you will be dropped into a pit of venemous snakes and beaten to death with hammers. let's begin
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agalnamedlunasea · 10 months
Nagito is extremely transgender to me, but when I say that I mean it like
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lightpinkstuff · 4 months
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Help he's so unserious
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hopefilledramblings · 2 months
I hate fanon kamukoma. I hateeeee it. I love kamukoma (especially non-despair) in general!! But fanon. Man.
Izuru would not want to control another person. That's what HE is meant for!! He's the one that's supposed to be controlled, not Nagito.
Nagito is "Servant" because he serves despair, and therefore hope, but really, he's always pulling the strings (see UDG). He's aware that he literally set up a death island for one (1) girl. How would he completely let go and allow someone else, especially someone with no ambitions, to control him?
He isn't like that. Yes, he's willing to give himself to hope. But even if Izuru is meant to embody hope, he doesn't, and Nagito would easily recognize that. He's a false hope. He's a tool for others to use, and he was used for despair. He's not TRUE hope.
In the scenario where the two DO end up together, it would be incredibly one-sided. Nagito would try to use Izuru just as Junko did, but now for the sake of hope. Izuru, being the apathetic one who believes he IS a tool, would simply go along with it.
This thread really explains what I mean in words better than what I can come up with and explores the hypotheticals of a relationship they could have had in canon.
However!! I'd like to share my idea of them in non-despair. Specifically an au where they both attend Hope's Peak.
In canon, Hajime and Nagito are meant to be very intertwined, especially on Nagito's side of things when it comes to him healing.
When we push away the entirety of despair, as well as Hajime's identity, things are a lot harder to work with, but it's not impossible.
Izuru, fresh out of the lobotomy and training, is disinterested in everything as usual. He sees no purpose in life and considers everything useless and boring. Nagito, however, sees meaning in hope and despair and the Ultimates' ability to overcome harsh despair. He sees a chance for Izuru, if only he'd just believe in something.
So, Nagito goes about trying different methods to motivate Izuru to make him see light in his life. He believes in Izuru and the talent he has (not knowing that it's synthetic). In return, Izuru points out the flaws in Nagito's ways of thinking, making him start to question himself and his beliefs. He's faced with someone who has near infinite knowledge, after all. But still, he keeps pushing.
Eventually, Nagito would press the right button and manage to excite Izuru. Using this event, he tries again and again, guiding him to the path of hope. Making him see things the way he does, to an extent.
Yes, Izuru is technically still being used here, but in a much healthier context than canon. If given enough work, it can become MUTUALLY healing for them. Maybe Izuru's subservient nature would want to do things in return for Nagito by helping him get out of his flawed mindset.
Their dynamic is incredibly interesting, and I wish it would be explored more... not just watered down to servant x God.
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anonzentimes · 3 months
That's also something that's really sad, I totally forgot! I didn't quite realize it until rewatching his scenes. But Bryce was clearly trying to alter his performance to be closer to the original Japanese portrayal in DR3. But a lot of English speaking fans called DR3 Nagito "out of character" for not being constantly murderous and blowing shit up all the time. And I think the vocal direction probably impacted that as well.
Now I'm not gonna say DR3 doesn't have characterization problems. A lot of Class 77-B come across as a lot shallower. Hajime's flaws, like his subtle superiority complex and entitlement, are downplayed. And Mahiru comes across as a lot more timid than she did in SDR2. But Nagito? He honestly comes out of it being reasonably consistent with his portrayals in non-Despair settings like Island Mode and the like. In fact with the 2.5 OVA, he's really the only character from the original games besides Natsumi and to a lesser extend Kyoko who comes out of DR3 with some real development and extra depth. The writing problems with him in the anime are less to do with mischaracterization and more to do with misusing him. Having him be suspended for so long to not get involved in Junko's plot until it's too late.
I don't think I have much to say other than what i said to your previous message since this is pretty much perfect, but I will say, one, holy moly again you're so great with words I'm honestly jealous and honored, and two, I think Danganronpa 3 definitely has some issues but I'm just grateful at the very least they don't butcher Nagito's character, even leaving him with some extra depth Lol.
Again, by the point Bryce tried to change the voice direction to be more accurate it was too late and some people will forever have the wrong impression! :(
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batw1nggg · 2 months
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the way hajime mustve had an obvious look on his face on that internal line about komaedas laugh because komaeda asked him what was up. im so serious what is fucking wrong with them they need to get hate crimed or die
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kingarubin · 1 year
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One Komahina and one Saiouma line that I think are very underrated and we should talk about them more.
(the Komaeda line is when you talk to him during the second FTE in the first chapter and the Ouma line is when you talk to him during the fifth FTE in the fourth chapter)
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graveyard-society · 10 months
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i was at my therapist's not too long ago, drew these on the whiteboard while on the waiting list ☺️🩷
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axollungz · 10 months
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can we pleeeease bring back this "NDRV3 r the kids of the surviving cast" au thing i'm such a sucker for it here are some of my personal headcanons
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