#nagito would 10000%
kreideprinz69 · 1 year
pls talk more about nagito regretting what he did to Hajime in chapt. four I also am totally normal about that. Nagito is such an interesting rival, because he doesn't HATE Hajime, but I think what he has issue with are his own feelings.
i would absolutely love to do so!
someone else made a really good analysis about nagito showing remorse for how he treated hajime, but i for the life of me cannot find it again and i've been searching for a hot minute. </3 i'll come back and link it if i'm able to find it later!
okay, so i believe a good starting place for this is taking a trip back towards the beginning of chapter 5, where nagito visits hajime in his cottage after hearing about the plan to detain him again. now as a refresher; supposedly he's there because he want's to make sure hajime comes to the hotel so he can see the whole bombing incident. he basically tells hajime that he knows about their plan, and wants hajime to come to the hotel too because he has business with everyone.
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which i would just briefly like to mention, that with the way he talks it feels like he's a bit hesitant to ask hajime to come. though i might just be reading into it a bit much, however i think it's an interesting idea to consider here. his follow up is the part of the whole scene that stuck out to me though,
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i consider nagito to be a very truthful person, at least in the sense that what he says is true, just maybe not in the way you think. so with the way he's talking in the above screenshots, i think he's fully serious in telling hajime not to take him so seriously. it sort of implies that he has eased up somewhat on being angry at hajime for the reserve course drama. at this point, nagito already has his death planned out too, so he's fully aware he's not going to have any more conversations with hajime. which is why-
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this line sticks out to me. it's always felt out of place to me, just sort of a random thing to reflect on. but knowing that nagito is aware of his limited time, i started to see this line as nagito reflecting on his time with hajime. which seems to be in a fond regard.
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this line too, from the video after the trial. which is pretty straightforward in his regret.
so yeah, just kind of piecing all of these things together, i do feel like nagito feels remorse for the way he treated hajime in chapter 4. it's notable that he wasn't attacking hajime as much during their interactions in chapter 5, compared to chapter 4. i could be reading into these interactions a bit too much, but either way i feel like it's clear there's at the very least a little guilt on nagito's part.
also to add on to the last part of your statement; nagito 10000% has issues with his own feelings, and there's no way he hates hajime, in fact that's why he struggles with his feelings so much. because he can't hate hajime. nagito's feelings, specifically towards hajime, are very complex and it runs deep. i could explain that in depth for a while so for the sake of not making this post too long and keeping it on topic- i might make a separate post for it, if anyone wants it!
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All,,, all I want is some centered Kazuichi Soda fanfiction 👉🏻👈🏻
I. I do not ask much. D-do I?
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please talk about syo or komaru or syomaru for the ask game, your takes are always so correct ( ˊ u ` )b
WAAA THANK YOU.. ;; /pos I will do all of them tbh... just give me a minute so I can make them separate posts (this one is so, so long as-is). In the meantime:
[click here for ask game link]
When I started shipping them:
Same time as Tokomaru. Tokosyomaru has always been a package ship 4 me. With that explained; this frame from UDG is what I credit as the straw that broke the camel's back (apologies 4 the yt screenshot I just can't be bothered to try and get a new one myself):
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[ID: A YouTube screenshot of the cutscene that occurs after defeating the giant Monokuma final boss of Ultra Despair Girls. Toko Fukawa is holding Komaru Naegi by the waist, who is in-turn holding her megaphone gun in a partially ready position. Toko is to the right of Komaru, and they both have angry expressions on their faces. There is a red background with action lines on both the left and right of Komaru and Toko. End ID]
If I told you Syomaru blogger sho-fukawa spent up until the final boss fight of UDG telling themself they wouldn't ship the Fukawas with Komaru would you believe me? Bc that was my experience AJNDJNKGK-
My thoughts:
Rabies Pride catgirl (Syo) x Rabiosexual (Komaru) /j
UJADNIGNSJK joking aside it's soooo hard to articulate my thoughts on these 2 they're just a massive comfort ship 4 me... They can have such a wonderful, supportive relationship 'nd I like 2 think they lean on each-other a lot when Syo fronts. Soft kisses 'nd cuddles and whatnot. <3
What makes me happy about them:
Projection stuffs primarily? Very much love thoughts abt Syo being protective over Komaru (I have sooo many animation ideas when it comes to that one confrontation scene w/ Nagito I am not kidding I have Syomaru disease), and Komaru bringing out more of Syo than their "serial killer w/ jokes" exterior or w/e I kinda forgor canon. /lh
Oh also and in non-personal thoughts I think this is forever the screenshot of all time:
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[ID: A screenshot of Komaru Naegi and Syo Fukawa, taken from the Danganronpa 3 anime. Syo, who is on the right, is holding Komaru's hands up and smiling with their eyes closed to the camera. Komaru seems to be whining, mouth open yet frowning with her eyes closed. End ID.]
What makes me sad about them:
Barely any time together in the source media. I will forever complain about how Syo & Toko's DID in general is just used as a punchline in Danganronpa, and how underutilized & underdeveloped that ends up leaving Syo. Also correct me if I'm wrong (it's been a minute since I've played through UDG), but that also leads Komaru to be written as not rlly distinguishing between Syo or Toko. :( TLDR: I haven't and never will trust the writers. <3
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Poor Syo writing 10000%, usually when people stick wayyyy too much to the "hyperactive serial killer" part of it. I don't have strong opinions on Syo being written still as a murderer like in canon, some people don't want to rewrite the canon whatever that's probably just a me-preference (if interested I can make a post talking abt my Syo headcanon thoughts later since I don't think I've ever talked abt it), but it is soooo annoying when people still leave them one-dimensional. I don't caareee if you think 1000 lines of "KYEHEHEHE" is in character you literally are not writing them with any emotions they're a flat cardboard stand that's spouting profanities. PLEASE just write Syo more like an actual individual.
Things I look for in fanfic:
If the last bullet point didn't make it obvious; good Syo writing. In general I'm not too picky with fanfic? I avoid coffee shop AUs & such and try to find works that aren't 200 words written out of character (no shade 2 new fanfic authors it's just hard 2 read), but that's not rlly specific to Syomaru. If I had to pick at my own interests: Stuff where they're protecting or caring for eachother in Towa City. Lot of material you can get out of that + I'm a sucker for one character being protective over another in a tense situation.
ALSO write Syo being soft or purring I am holding fanfic authors at gunpoint. /j But seriously Syo is all bark and no bite; they can dish out joking aggression and still be soft.
My wishlist:
No clue what OP meant with this bullet point tbh AJSDNJKSFGN. Oooo I need Syomaru plushies ooooo- /hj
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Not Men™. Also I am very much uncomfortable with Syo x So//nia personally. Other than that I don't have many strong feelings.
Picking from my polyship w/ them, my alternatives would be Syo x Kyoko and Komaru x Miu x Kaede ??? Komaru's is much more "I have no reason for this other than I think it sounds super cool" but I am a secret sucker for Toko/ Syo x Kyoko, I think it could be an interesting dynamic depending on how you play it out. A win for nblw everywhere.
My happily ever after for them:
(Post-Despair) Komaru helps Syo get a more positive relationship with the other survivors of THH, also very-specifically helping Syo be on more amicable terms w/ Byakuya and Nagito, two people who they're probably not gonna ever fully be alright around. Syo & Komaru mostly just live on their own: maybe being visited a lot by Makoto & Kyoko (this thought lying in a Naegiri universe) and potential children those two might have after the world settles to more of a normal; allowing Syo another close bond with someone. Ignoring whatever work they may have, they would mostly spend their days with each other, cuddling in silence or trying to work on some sort of project together. Sometimes Komaru will leave Syo home alone so she can visit Makoto, but she usually will bring Syo with if possible since Syo doesn't get to front as frequently as Toko. I hope that all makes sense.
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speuradair · 4 years
If nagito is ur second fav dangan boy, whos your first? and where would you put him on that scale
Shuichi is my absolute favorite!!
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
I have a thing for cute detective characters as it is, so he got +10 points to start with lmao
Also gets bonus points for the all black edgy aesthetic
And he's so nice and helpful and sweet and smart too-
Idk man I just have an intense urge to hug his arm and look at him with heart eyes you know??
10000/10, absolutely devastated that he's not real
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Loved those yandere HC’s can I request more yandere HC’s for komeada and oma from danganrompa ❤️
Of course!!! I don’t write for DRV3 currently (I haven’t been able to play the full game) so I just wrote Nagito for you. Hope that’s okay! ♥︎♥︎♥︎
『Nagito Komaeda』
•Without a doubt, Nagito’s darling- in his eyes- would be the ultimate symbol of hope. It’s very likely you have an ultimate talent because of this- although it doesn’t really matter what said talent is.
•At first, Nagito doesn’t even feel worthy of being near you. You’re too perfect; nobody can be near you, especially not him! But as he sees others getting close to you his opinion starts to shift. This isn’t safe- they’ll hurt you! They’ll try to ruin you as the ultimate symbol of hope!
•He’s utterly delusional in that sense. He basically sees you like an angel descended from heaven. Nagito is watching everything that you do from a distance, taking notes of it, and even stealing some items of yours. It’s not even small things- well, the size may be small, but they’re things that are important to you or that you frequently wear.
•If you have a ring, necklace, bracelet, or something else small and easy to lose that you wear daily, Nagito will eventually snatch it the moment you put it down. It’s actually even better if you upset because he’ll be right there to comfort you, should you go to him asking about seeing it. He’ll find it next to impossible to remain composed though.
•Definitely, 10000%, without a doubt has a stalker shrine. He’s got photos and all kinds of things related to you, from pieces of clothing to locks of hair to journals with notes about you. In all honesty, Nagito pretty much worships you as if you were some kind of deity.
•He’ll kidnap you the very minute people start getting ‘too close’. If someone has a crush on you, then they are out of the picture fast and you’re gone within the day. Being trapped with him is hellish because you’re isolated, next to never even seeing him because Nagito just sees himself as ‘so unworthy’ and as your ‘guardian’. You’ll have to literally beg him to spend time with you if you want to see anyone.
•Do not mention family, friends, anybody. The people you’re close to are at most risk of being hunted by him. The best way to stop him from harming anyone is to give him and him only your attention. You may even have some freedom permitted and he’ll do almost anything you ask, which makes the situation a bit more tolerable. But you have to know how to play your cards right.
•The worst part of all this is that you would literally never be able to tell. Nagito may seem a bit weird at most, but will likely come off as friendly; you may even just end up liking him and not realizing the truth until it’s far, far too late. The best way to avoid him is to just run and never look back before an attachment could even develop, but unfortunately, you’d never know that unless you’re reflecting on the past… and everyone knows what they say about hindsight.
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ultimatexmulti · 3 years
✵ - Okay we have too many muses buut maybe your Nagito with my Hajime
My komahina bias is about to introduce itself
Their first impression of your muse: A down to earth, quite relatable guy. Not so much in personality but rather in how Hajime carried himself when they first met; average, somewhat paranoid and, while not obvious at first, insecure (especially around the ultimates). That also made Hajime a comforting presence for Nagito, making him feel less out of place and also supported in a sense. Yet Nagito felt the other had immense potential and wanted to encourage it, even of it would mean Hajime overshadows him - he'd thrive seeing the man overcome whatever was holding him back.
Current impression:  Hope itself. It's almost an unhealthy idolization but not exclusively for Hajime's talents, as most, and Nagito himself, make it out to be. He views Hajime as a teacher of sorts, an example to learn from. His mere existence challenges Nagito's views and while it would be hard to change them, it's all appreciated.
Are they attracted to your muse?: Yes. In possibly every way you can think of.
Something they find frightening about your muse: How much of an influence he has over Nagito without even trying. On a more personal level though, there's always that nagging fear that Hajime will one day realize he's far too great to be giving Nagito the time of day. His potential is both the best and the scariest thing about him.
Something they find adorable about your muse: How awkward he can be when getting praised or in certain social situations. There's something about that small stutter and awkward smile that Nagito finds absolutely adorable.  
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: In a heartbeat. No hesitation.   
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic: 10000%. Nagito feels selfish every time he so much as thinks about it and would self-depricate to shit than accept the offer outright... won't say no though.
One word my muse would use to describe yours: Serenity you thought it was gonna be Hope eh?
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: Not really. He might joke about it though.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: He'd never be the one to initiate it but man if he isn't tempted, like, all the time.
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str-6ks · 3 years
you are not nagito komaeda
i cant take this i am nagito komaeda in the flesh, bones, and blood. no one else is me, they are just "factkins," nothing more. there is literally no one that exists in this dimension that is more me than ME. i am me. i am komaeda. youre not. your friend is not. your crush is not. thats me. sure, they kin komaeda/ but they are not komaeda. i am not a komaeda kin. i AM nagito komaeda. factkin me all you want but you ARE NOT ME. WHY WOULD U EVEN THINK YOURE ME IM ME HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS ITS NOT EVEN A GOOD THING TO BE ME. LIKE BY NOT BEING KOMAEDA THAT MAKES YOU 10000% MORE VALID OF A PERSON OVERALL. YOU ARE NOT ME. I AM. IT DOESNT EEN MAKE SENSE TO BE ME BECAUSE IM RIGHT FRICKING HERE. EVERYTHING about komaeda is the same about me that is literally me in BOTH this life and the past life and one day i will be reincarnated and in THAT life i will know exactly who i am. i cant take this i cant take people thinking thzy are me i cant take people thinking other people ARE ME BECAUDE TGET ARE NOT. IM ME. im literally me. im literally komaeda. nagito komaeda in the flesh. stop kinning me YOURE LITERALLY ONLY DEGRADING URSELF BY KINNING ME IS IT TO BE EDGY OR DO YOU JUST HATE YOURSELF? one day im going to prove it and you'll all fricking see holy cap. IM LITERALLY KOMAEDA.
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uh who smokes in each danganronpa game this is so stupid
ok off the bat here, leon is the weed man. I seriously think his room is just like punk albums and his stash. pretty quickly established his place as the spot literally, like, first night. they can use his stuff but they gotta listen to his music. the crew is leon, yasuhiro and kirigiri. you can’t tell me kirigiri doesn’t smoke. became real weird after leon’s execution. after Mondo’s execution yasuhiro and kirigiri get Leon’s pad back and debate whether to use it. they end up smoking in his room again after chapter 2, but they insist on listening to his stupid punk music. it feels wrong if it’s not in the background. after the chap 3 trial kirigiri will invite makoto to tag along a few times, but after he breaks her trusts, she uninvites him. which is ok bc he felt weird when high anyways. syo would probably also smoke with them, but toko hates it. mukuro would too in theory but she’s dead lol rip
akane nekumaru mahiru and ibuki are the main squad. mahiru is the odd duck out when sober but she loosens up p quick. they invite kazuichi bc it seems obvious but he actually gets anxious when he smokes so he declines. nagito’s the plug but he is NOT invited to hang out. related is my nagito has a box mod headcanon that’s it that’s the whole theory. hajime wants to be included but feels left out bc they don’t know lol rip. akane will smoke with him once all her other buddies are gone
komaru and syo are just 420 blazin it the whole fuckin time in udg. also think haiji towa also smokes but not with komaru and syo. he is not allowed.
the most ICONIC group of stoners this game has ever seen are rantaro kaito ryoma and himiko. would 10000% light one up in their dearly departed’s honor. kokichi and miu will join intermittently, but only when the other isn’t there. also angie is the type of religious person who thinks pot is a gift from god and it’s a sin not to smoke. but she gets weirder than usual when she’s high so she just. smokes by herself as a form of worship. kaede talks big talk about being an expert and tries smoking with the group once but she chokes on the smoke and rantaro has to tap out to make sure she’s ok
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habitself · 6 years
i cant take this i am nagito komaeda in the flesh, bones, and blood. no one else is me, they are just "factkins," nothing more. there is literally no one that exists in this dimension that is more me than ME. i am me. i am komaeda. youre not. your friend is not. your crush is not. thats me. sure, they kin komaeda/ but they are not komaeda. i am not a komaeda kin. i AM nagito komaeda. factkin me all you want but you ARE NOT ME. WHY WOULD U EVEN THINK YOURE ME IM ME HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY THIS ITS NOT EVEN A GOOD THING TO BE ME. LIKE BY NOT BEING KOMAEDA THAT MAKES YOU 10000% MORE VALID OF A PERSON OVERALL. YOU ARE NOT ME. I AM. IT DOESNT EEN MAKE SENSE TO BE ME BECAUSE IM RIGHT FRICKING HERE. EVERYTHING about komaeda is the same about me that is literally me in BOTH this life and the past life and one day i will be reincarnated and in THAT life i will know exactly who i am. i cant take this i cant take people thinking thzy are me i cant take people thinking other people ARE ME BECAUDE TGET ARE NOT. IM ME. im literally me. im literally komaeda. nagito komaeda in the flesh. stop kinning me YOURE LITERALLY ONLY DEGRADING URSELF BY KINNING ME IS IT TO BE EDGY OR DO YOU JUST HATE YOURSELF? one day im going to prove it and you'll all fricking see holy cap. IM LITERALLY KOMAEDA.
babe can these be our phucking wedding vows
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dingdongrumba · 5 years
for the ship meme, could you do nagito x nekomaru?
Oh how interesting!!! This is a first for me so I’m sorry if I don’t do it justice lmao
who reaches out to new neighbors
They’re both pretty friendly and outgoing, but Nekomaru might actually beat Nagito in this one lmao, he just gets there first
who remembers to buy healthy food
Nekomaru. Obviously Nekomaru. He’s all about healthy regimes and eating healthy. It’s Nekomaru lol
who remembers to buy junk food
I don’t think either of them are much for junk food but between them both, it would be Nagito!! Just some snacks to pass the time, Nekomaru allows a couple lmao
who fixes the oven when it breaks
Oooo I could see Nekomaru actually being a very decent repairman! If he doesn’t know how to do something, I imagine he’d be the type to take the time to actually research it!
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s)
Komaeda does, it’s just… it’s just his thing….. it’s not that Nekomaru couldn’t do it, but it makes Nagito really happy, yeah? So he’s the one that does it lol
who wakes up earlier
Nagito is a morning person but Nekomaru even more so lmao. The thing about Nagito is that he wakes up and slowly starts his day whereas Nekomaru just JUMPS OUT OF BED AND IS LIKE “YEAH!!!!! NEW DAY FULL OF NEW POSSIBILITIES!!!!” ksdfjsdkfrg
who makes the bed
Aaaw they could both do it at the same time! But then Nekomaru accidentally takes over and does most of the work lmao
who makes the coffee
I feel like this could be a 50/50 split actually. They both enjoy coffee, Komaeda maybe more so, but Nekomaru really likes taking care of Komaeda’s meals and preparing the coffee could be one of his ways of doing just that
who burns breakfast
I’m so torn for this one because on one hand, Nekomaru knows how to take care of people, and this should mean he’s actually a pretty decent cook. But on the other hand the idea of Nekomaru being so pumped in the kitchen that he accidentally burns everything is really funny to me lmao. Maybe he’s really good at making diets and following them but he’s not very skilled with the stove!
how do they let each other know they’re leaving the house
Nekomaru just,,,, shouts it skdfjdgr and Nagito calmly waves goodbye to him LOL. Meanwhile Nagito knows Nekomaru would make a ruckus if he doesn’t know where Nagito is at all times so he always makes sure he gives him a goodbye kiss when he’s leaving
how do they greet each other when one of them gets home
I think it’d be the exact same way as how they left LOL, with the added bonus of Nekomaru giving Nagito a tight hug and a quick kiss
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often
Nagito!!! Nekomaru can be a pretty romantic guy but in terms of small details and gifts, Nagito is the one that stops by to buy them the most!
who picks the movie for movie night
They pick it together! Neither of them are super big of movies in general but I think they could both reach a consensus on what to watch very easily
their favorite kind of movie to watch
Nekomaru likes to watch things that have deeper meanings and educate the audience on important matters, Komaeda likes to watch Nekomaru be passionate about those. Also dramas, Nekomaru loves tear-jerker movies LMAO
who first suggests a pillow fort
Aaaw I think Nekomaru would be really excited to do a fun activity like that with Nagito! Nekomaru knows just how important it is to do relaxing and good bonding activities with your partner and he says pillow forts are excellent to strengthen a good relationship lmao
who builds the pillow fort
That being said Komaeda builds most of it lololol, he has to be careful where to put everything due to Nekomaru’s MASSIVE frame
who tries to distract the other during the movie
Nekomaru is 10000% into whatever movie they’re watching, so it usually ends up being Komaeda the one that idly gives a kiss or two every now and again lol, it doesn’t distract Nekomaru as much as it relaxes him though!
who falls asleep first
Nagito doesn’t have very healthy sleeping habits lmao (Nekomaru eventually fixes some of them though), so it’s Nekomaru! A good night’s sleep is an important part of an athlete’s regime after all!
who is big spoon/little spoon
Well usually it is Nekomaru, again, thanks to his BIG ASS SIZE, but I could see Nekomaru asking to be the little spoon every once in a while, it’s a lil funny because of how big he is lmao but they make it work!
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