thornhands · 11 months
I always forget how much I love Chema. She's my favourite after Tana (Imp Agent) and also the oldest (43) of my starter toons.
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stacieoverman · 8 years
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Namaste y'all 😉🙏🏼 #namesta #namestay'all #texasstyle (at The Woodlands, Texas)
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Hvala našem kupcu na slikama naše Dizajnerska garnitura ATLANTIS XXL sa LED rasvetom
NATIVO™ nameštaj Beograd Srbija
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maxiskindahere · 4 years
Note to self - Parrlyn
Just breathe - The Prom
in which Anne demands to be able to take her gifriend to the prom which has negative backlash
Note to self: Don’t be gay in London. Big heads up! that’s a really stupid plan. there are places where it’s in to be out! Maybe... San Fransico or.. well there about.
But in London? if you’re not straight. without a doubt. Guess what’s bound to hit the fan. Just breathe, Anne. Not everyone is that repressed
Just breathe, Anne. It wouldn't be high school without a test. Just close your eyes and count to ten.. Go to your happy place and then try not to combust.... Just breathe.
“Hey Anne!” Henry tudor yells out as he walks towards the girl, Francis Dereham by his side “Who's this girl you're gonna bring to the prom, anyway? I didn't know we had more than one lesbo in town” Henry asks the girl snobbishly, “You don’t know her. she’s new here.” Anne quickly states as she tries to get past them
“Like, an exchange student?” Henry asks in fake curiousity, Anne sighs before mumbling “Maybe” Henry smirks before wrapping an arm around Anne’s waist “Well then why don't you like, exchange her for a guy?” He asks her flirtingly
Anne shoves him off her and races down the hall, her heart beating fast.
Note to self:
People suck in Indiana.
Leave today. Pray the greyhound isn’t full
Who knew asking out a girl to the prom eould go over just like an atom bomb? And make things much worse with your dad and mom and who'd have ever thought that could be possible?
Just breathe, Anne. Picture a beach with golden sand, just breathe, Anne... Picture a Xanax in your hand. Try journaling... Or start a blog. Just end this inner monologue! Seethe if you must
But just breathe
“Okay, I just got off the phone with the state's attorney, Like I suspected, she thinks this is a civil rights issue. This is a big deal, Anne.” The principal, Catalina de Aragon, Cathys mother, says
“Oh shit!...Sorry” She says in a panic, Catalina smiles softly at her “We'll get through it, take a sec, relax, come in when you're ready.” She says softly before exiting the halls
leaving Anne alone once again
Just breathe, Anne. Remember that thing called oxygen. Just breathe, Anne. Look at the crazy state you're in
Just smile and nod. Although they're jerks say namesta and pray it works.
And like we've discussed... Just breathe
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djevilninja · 5 years
Snap out your dreams and prayers of takin' a king's paper; Ask another rapper how it feels to lose his whole gangsta. Youse a no-namesta - ya little mans is no threat; You make me upset I might stank ya.
Ja Rule feat Ashanti, Nas and 2Pac - The Pledge (Remix)
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danielle7910 · 7 years
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#positivethinking #positivevibes #namesta #peaceofmind (at Los Angeles, California)
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awriterfox · 6 years
Let’s Talk About Health Baby
So I have just completed 30 days of Yoga challenge in January and it has really made me stop and reflect on the practice. Now if you’re rolling your eyes, I totally understand. I was right there with you as one of those people who never wanted to hear the term yoga or have someone tell me namesta ever again. I associated it with the stereotypical hipster vegan that you really didn’t want to spend time with (nothing against hipsters or vegans, but you know the caricature that I am referring to, the one that is the prototype for millennial these days). However, I am also rather...frugal out of necessity with my money, so when I went to my annual physical last year and wasn’t thrilled with the number on the scale, joining a gym really wasn’t in the cards. What is one of the easiest exercises that you can find for free on YouTube? Yoga. So last February I shimmied into some yoga pants and got my downward dog on.
I loved every minute of it and have continued to find it a very enjoyable practice.
Now, it is definitely a practice and definitely a lot harder than you’d think it would be, but once you get the hang of it, it’s a rather calming and helpful routine to get into. While the health and spiritual benefits are listed on the blogs of people far smarter and well researched than I am, for me it’s a way to keep my mind occupied without having to think about everything else I have to do. I have never been one to be able to mediate as my thoughts instantly start bouncing from topic to topic, I can’t turn off my brain. However, with yoga while you need to focus on the cues that are being given, you really don’t have to think about it all that time. It gives you time to reset, recharge, and also stretch parts of your body you didn’t even know were sore. And let me tell you, even if you think you’re flexible, you aren’t nearly as flexible as you think you are.
Now I am not the most athletic individual, sports were never something that held my interest, but I was still able to go through the motions and only fell a couple of times. By doing yoga, I have found that my balance is not as good as I thought it was, it is harder to keep your back straight then you think it is, I round my shoulders, and hold my shoulders in a tense position, and my upper body strength is nonexistent. However, it has also given my realistic and individualized body goals I can reach toward in a healthy mind frame. It isn’t about having a flat stomach or a sculpted ass so much as being able to hold the Dancer pose or finally manage the elusive Crow pose. As someone who has a very turbulent relationship with their body, it’s helpful to have healthy things to focus on other than the number on the scale.
There are a lot of free online Yoga videos and programs you can do and I suggest trying a few out to find the instructor and delivery method that works for you. I personally follow Yoga with Adriene because she has the perfect balance of physical, spiritual, and humor in her practices. Also, she is like the physical embodiment of a ray of sunshine and has a super cute dog Benji that appears in the videos from time to time. However, her approach might not be for everyone, much like yoga isn’t for everyone, so try a couple different channels out before you give it up all together. The nice thing is that you really don’t even need a mat to do yoga, just somewhere with enough space to sprawl and stretch and the ability to set aside 20-50 minutes for yourself. While I don’t think I have been completely brought into the yoga fold, I have definitely been converted and I’m pretty sure I’m healthier for it.
So, there’s my yoga story that no one asked for. Now, I am going to attempt to do the Crow pose without face planting.
May this message find you well ♥
- A. Fox
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108malaproject-blog · 5 years
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Happy Sunday! We are at the Pinery market! Orange 18 come say namesta #108malaproject #pinerymarket #pinery #grandbend #farmersmarket #sunday #craftontario #sundayfunay #killingit #travelsluts #meditation #meditationmala #yogajewelry #summerishere (at Pinery Market) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzDjIyXHMau/?igshid=jwkb4h2insmd
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Downward dog I may not be as agile as my sister, but my a.m. downward dog stretch does wonders to work out the kinks in my wrinkles. Nameste.
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pinjaassassin18 · 7 years
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Why do I do things for others, because it's the right thing to do, I hope that they see a good deed and maybe will repay it to the next person, all we have are the ones around us that will pick us up when we need it the most, no one should ever feel alone. When it's the small things in life that actually make you smile and appreciate others around you. The other night I had dinner with a friend and she said, "our family has this tradition when we sit down for dinner we say what we were thankful for that day. I'm thankful I got to spend all day with my daughter and son in our PJ's and the power didn't go out. What about you?" I stupidly said "I enjoyed driving in the snow" #gooddeeds #namestae #dogood #bekind #corona #snowday #personaltrainer #personaltraining #nutrition #eathealthy #lifeisgood #family
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neelamsharma02-blog · 4 years
Dil Se...……………...Neelam Sharma
In search for a purpose...….
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 Raman was an 11year old lad, living on the streets of Mumbai. He didn’t know who brought him there, who was his parents, where he hailed from. His four friends were his family and Meera Aunty used to feed them all with whatever money they used to make out of beggary. Like other kids, he was also trafficked and forced to beg, but he had no qualms about it. He never bothered to find out the answers of his very existence. Meera Aunty always used to tell him that God sends people on this earth for a purpose and it is people who figures out their purpose in life.
He was born with dusky complexion and sharp features. He had twinkling brown eyes and was relatively taller than other kids of his age. He was blessed with unusual wits and quick reflexes. Despite of all the setbacks in his life, he seemed to embrace life and romance with it every moment. He wanted to grow up as a Bollywood hero, which made him cultivate mimicry and dancing skills from his early age. He was the one who used to get maximum alms by entertaining people with maneuvering the latest dance steps. He used to collect money my mimicking famous Bollywood personalities and uttering their dialogues. He found bliss in amusing people. His charm can engross thousands of people. People cheered him up for his outstanding performance. It seemed he was living his dream every moment. He was popularly known as Cheetah.
One Monday morning, an NGO blew the lid off the begging racket. Raman with other children were rescued and were housed in government run juvenile houses. That did not bring any relief to Raman’s tormented life, but has given him nightmares for life time. Raman was repeatedly sexually assaulted and sodomized by Hassan.  Hassan was the handler of juvenile house, and he was a badass. When Raman resisted, he was beaten and tortured. Raman’s life was taking a hideous turn, he forgot to smile and amuse people. He spent a sleepless night thinking of Meera Aunty who taught him finding the purpose in life. He has always thought that he was born to entertain people. He has dreamt of people flocking him to autograph.
But dark clouds have pervaded his life and he could not see a streak of hope. Raman was broken and traumatized and this incident had a devastating consequence in his life. Raman decided to spill the beans and went to the person-in-charge of juvenile house to report against Hassan.
Mr. Bali (person-in-charge) was a potbellied person in his late 50s. He seemed approachable and considerate.
“Namestae Sahib”, Raman greeted him.
Mr. Bali lifted his gaze from Newspaper he was reading and signaled him to sit. Raman made himself comfortable on an old wooden chair which creaked when he sat.
“How are you Raman? Is something bothering you? “, asked Mr. Bali.
Raman was scared and struggled to blurt out the whole incident. He was sweating, fidgeting and eyes downcast. Before the words could come out, tears made his presence on his cheeks.
“Sir, you are running late for meeting”, a known voice came from the door.
Hassan reminded Mr. Bali.
“Hassan, I would take some time”. Retorted Bali.
Sir, google map is showing traffic more than usual, and this could make you late for the meeting. Hassan reminded Mr. Bali.
Mr. Bali put his hand on Raman’s hand and comforted him.” Don’t worry, I would see you in the evening, till then Hassan will take care of you.” Bali consoled him and left for the meeting.
Raman’s faced turned pale as he looked at Hassan. Hassan passed a devilish smile and said” Don’t worry, we’ll have fun tonight, you asshole”.
Raman was petrified with a mere thought of what Hassan would do with him tonight. The very thought made his shudder. With jitters down his spine and racing heart, he decided to make his escape before tonight by hook or crook. Juvenile house was expanded with high, pale yellow walls. He checked every possibility to flee and found a small revolving gate at the back of the building which could be jumped easily if remain unguarded. It was 7:30 and the guard has moved away. It was the only opportunity before him to run away from the dark night awaiting him tonight. He jumped off the gate and ran, ran like Cheetah. For a month, Raman did not speak to anybody, an entertainer was turned into a quiet depressed boy. He did not tell the incident to any of his friends. One fine morning, he decided to take control of things instead of being a victim of it, thinking that would make his life return to normalcy. He started stalking Hassan and kept a hawk eye on his every move. He found out that every Friday Hassan used to pay his visit to his paralyzed brother. 
Raman started collecting empty liquor bottles while picking up rags, he filled up four bottles with gasoline and stuffed them with a piece of cloth.  On Friday, when Hassan came out after visiting his paralyzed brother, Raman hid himself behind the bush with four gasoline bottles. As Hassan sat in his car and started the engine and moved some yards, Raman lit the gasoline filled bottles and threw on his car one after the other. Soon the car engulfed in a fireball and caused blast which ripped Hassan into pieces. There was a panic all around. People were running to safeguard themselves, so was Raman. Nobody had an inkling that eleven-year-old Raman could lead to such devastating consequences.
Raman thought this would set him free from the atrocities he had faced in juvenile house, but this has stolen away his innocence and smile from his face.
Ten years later
 Raman was sitting quietly near the sea shore, gazing sun set. Cold breeze was kissing his face and his feet were dangling in the sea water. He could see the sea meeting the horizon of sky at the far end. He looked back at his journey pondering how badly he had fostered his dream of being a hero someday, and how life has thrown him into the dirty business of drug trafficking. He was getting drowned in the quagmire and felt suffocated. He reminded of Meera Aunty and felt her sitting next to her and saying” God sends people on this earth for some purpose and it is people who figure out their purpose in life”.
He kept wondering the real purpose for which he happened to come to this planet………………
With Luv,
Neelam Sharma,
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2desihomemadefood · 4 years
The most popular food in India like Dal chawal or Dal Bhat...
You understand how important meal food for Indians & Everybody....
Yahi Tu Hain desi Khaana....
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iamnepali · 5 years
Can't Type Anything in Windows 10 Search Bar Solution | 2019
Sorry for bad sound i have no idea that happen to my recorder i am trying to fix it keep supporting jay nepal                        Namesta 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Wellcome to our channel This video is only available in the Nepali language. In This Video You Are Going To See That Fix Can't Type in Windows 10 Search Bar (Cortana & Search Not Working) Step 1 Open Run And Type shell:startup Step 2 keep it Stell open And do another thing Step 3 Go to This pc and then c drive / windows / System32 Then Search ctfmon.exe Step 4 Copy ctfmon.exe and paste it to startup folder Then fell that your problem has been solved... And also check out my other video also i am sure that you will learn new things from our video so share with your friends and support our channel jay nepal 🇳🇵 check out our other videos
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danielle7910 · 7 years
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#namesta #speakitintoexistence #balance #peaceofmind #patience #positivevibes #positiveenergy #love (at Los Angeles, California)
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