nami331 · 6 years
I forgot how satisfying it is- writing for so long that you lose track of time
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emiibunny · 6 years
SO AFTER A LONG AWAITED...UM...WELL ILL LEAVE THIS HERE! its not as good as the others lol BUT HERE IT IS! @nami331 @windaura
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leorysxi · 7 years
I’m curious!
!! Thanks for the tag @kakihoden and @incorrectmidc ♡ [x][x]
Person I dislike: 1) "what’s the nicest thing you can do for him/her?" Acknowledge that they exist. Because otherwise, I'd give them the cold shoulder (this is only if I really dislike them tho). 2) "the worst?" Depends on why I dislike them :) It's probably talking behind their back tho. Even if I dislike that person, I'd rather not skew others' perception of them... 3) "what food will you give that person?" Toothpaste oreo ^^ ...Nahh, I won't really do that =3= I won't give them any food if I am not obliged to.
Person I like: 1) "nicest thing you can do?" Make something for them! I'm the old-fashioned sort who likes to make and give handmade stuff, like artworks, a card, something DIY, or baked goodies; basically, something I can make with my own hands. Tho, whatever I do, the nicest is to pleasantly surprise them :D 2) "the worst you’ve done/you can do?" Lie to them. Or hurt their feelings. Or both at the same time. 3) "food/anything you can give?" Uhh I can't cook unless cup noodles and burnt food counts lol So I'd buy something they might like or bake them something :3
Tagging the other nicest people 'round here ♡ (sorry if you've alrdy done this tho haha): @aquisces-arts, @arimii, @astridapples, @confused-tofu, @juzbijou, @lustfullyleocrawford, @midnightuglystepsister, @nami331, @oh-my-otome, @trixtzu, @spyrothetimelord, @theempresskaizer and all ya nice folks out there :]
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707-saeyoungchoi · 8 years
*peeks into the ask box* we can be friends too, if you'd like.. ^^ let's make sure you have lots of smiles!
Sure! I’ve been smiling all morning thanks to you guys, you’re all so nice. I expected like 1-2 people to want to be friends with me, I never expected all these people to want to I don’t deserve you guys TvT 
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nami331 · 8 years
Midnight Valentine: SOULMATE SOIRÉE
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Chapter XI: The Land of Flowers
Part 2
Half an hour later, the boat docks in Carallia.
Almost immediately, the country’s reputation of being “prosperous”, “relaxed” and the “land of flowers” becomes very apparently true. Everywhere, there are bundling markets, thick crowds of shoppers, and both townspeople and nobles seem to be integrating with each other as if the social gap isn’t there in the first place. As far as can be seen, people are laughing, chatting, walking with each other and relaxing, from couples to families to workers.
And along with this, everything, everything, is consumed by flowers.
The princess stares in awe, eyes circling around her gradually. Roses line the lamps up the streets, and wreaths of flowers are strewn over anything and everything. From the stalls selling varieties of items to the fronts of shops, colourful flowers have been hung, draped or tied to all things possible, creating a lush, inviting, breath-taking paradise of natural beauty. Even in the midst of the town, it doesn’t feel like it, with stretches of fertile, jade grass separating roads and shops.
The town has very obviously taken Valentine’s Day seriously, as well; as Sid and the princess stroll through the streets, holding hands tightly, they can see couple after couple meandering, wandering aimlessly in a blissful haze of love and complete relaxation. Here, promise rings are bought, loving gazes fixed together as they’re fitted onto the fingers of their owners. A little bit away, a young couple both turn to one another, hands behind their backs. At once, they produce bouquets of twelve roses each, their cheeks flushed but grins blindingly bright. They fall about with kind laughter, accepting the mutual gift from their other half, before they set off down the street again.
By this point, the princess is absolutely glowing. Sid’s almost in pain with how hard his heart is pumping, insides churning and clenching at how elated she looks. Her palm is warm against his, fingers curled around his own tightly, almost clinging onto him.
“Sid,” She finally breathes out, sounding almost like she’s choked up with emotion. “This is amazing. It’s so beautiful. It’s incredible.” She turns to him, her gorgeous eyes shining with a thin layer of tears. “Thank you. I know I’ve already said it, but I’ll say it again. I’m so grateful for this. It’s perfect.”
A wave of satisfaction, and another, slightly less powerful, boost of pride washes over him. He’s glad, admittedly a lot more than he ever thought would be possible, that she’s enjoying herself so much and loves Carallia so obviously. He’s wanted to bring her here for a long time, but he had to build up his trust with Giles, Leo and Alyn before they would allow it. He worked hard, putting in much more effort into his own work as well as palace business, in order to do so.
Now, though, he realises that it’s all worth it. He’d do it again and again, a second and third time, a fourth and a fifth, forever. To be able to see such pure happiness in her and know that he’s the reason why she’s feeling such joy… it’s the most gratifying thing he’s ever felt in his life.
He squeezes her hand lovingly, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the knuckle of her own. “Yeah. I’m glad you like it. You’re welcome.” Glancing around him again, he smirks in satisfaction, musing, “I’ve wanted to bring you here for ages. Giles wouldn’t let me without an escort, so I had to be real nice to him to convince him.” His gaze returns to her, and he can feel his own skin flushing, just like her own. “But it was worth it, right?”
She nods fiercely. “Yes!”
He grins again, eyes honing in on his second surprise for her. “Good. Come on.”
Laughing at her surprised squeak when he tugs her forward, he leads her through the crowds, heading straight for a large stall full to the brim with flowers. The man and woman running it spot him approaching, and immediately, they start to speak to each other excitedly, expressions animated. Sid stops before them, the princess confused but curious at his side.
“Hey. Here to pick up my order.” He tells them with a nod. The man’s head bobs up and down, and the woman looks delighted, eyes flicking back and forth between the princess and Sid.
“It’s all ready for you. Oh, my. You’re such a beautiful couple!” She focuses on the princess, gushing, “You look absolutely beautiful, Miss! Your dress is stunning!”
The young monarch’s cheeks tint with a rosy dusting, but she laughs lightly, responding, “Thank you so much! The flowers here are amazing! The colours are so vivid and bright.”
The man, having stepped behind the stall momentarily, returns now. His hands are behind his back, and he practically bounces over, chirping, “There’s a lot of technical nonsense like keeping them in the right conditions, but most importantly of all, you have to love the flowers. If you don’t treat them with the utmost care and respect, it’s impossible to produce flowers in their most beautiful condition.”
Sid lets go of the princess’ hand now, instead raising it to clamp it over her eyes. Her strangled shout of shock earns laughs from the two at the stand, but the man swiftly hands the bouquet behind his back to Sid, who takes it with his free one. The collection of flowers, all in perfect condition, stand out from the rest. They’re a collection of blue flowers, since she told him a while ago that she’s come to love blue a lot more as a result of being with him.
Shifting so the flowers are hidden inside his coat, he removes his hand from her eyes, taking her right one again. She blinks up at him, still seemingly processing what just happened, but he just smirks and gently pulls her away from the stall; he’s already paid for the flowers, but he doesn’t want to give her them out in the open like this.
“Thanks.” He tells the two store venders over his shoulder, giving them a grateful nod. “I appreciate it.”
“You’re welcome! Have a lovely day together!” The woman replies kindly, almost looking in awe at the two. The man tucks her under his shoulder, waving.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” He calls after them.
“Thank you!” She says, mimicking the wave with her free hand.
Sid guides her through the town again, using the quickest route to get out of the thick of it. They eventually come out of the town and into a more forested, hilly area, where Sid navigates his way up a fading path. The trees, flowers and vegetation are lush and vibrant around them, rich in colour and life, untouched by human hands. The smell of bark and moisture is deep but somehow soothing to him, and once they move further in, the noise of the town fades into a distant murmur. Eventually, all that’s left is the chirping and singing of birds on branches, and the wind whispering around the leaves.
Finally, he reaches his destination. They break through the trees, coming out onto what is a steep hill that used to be a cliff, the face of it nearly overgrown with plants but still visibly made of rock. It’s high up, and when they walk to the edge, it’s possible to see all of Carallia stretching out below them. The princess looks out in amazement at the town they just walked through, then to the side, toward the area of town they didn’t get to. Carallia Palace is visible in the distance, bright and gleaming in the sunshine, and the sea embracing the city spans out before them, still and calm with the gentle weather.
And when they look behind them, through the trees, they can see the rest of the region. Another country is vaguely able to be seen a good distance away, in a flatter part of the land.
“Hey.” Sid murmurs, the flowers now hidden behind his back. He lets go of her hand once more, lifting it to cup her face, fingers holding it tenderly. He gives her his trademark smirk, but his eyes are twinkling with a loving kindness, and a rare, sweet shine, one that takes her breath away every time. She beams up at him, the joy in her face as clear as day. He leans down, kissing her forehead very tenderly, in a moment of more muted affection. Then, he pulls back, finishing, “Happy Valentine’s Day, princess.”
He brings the flowers around now, handing them to her. She gasps quietly, staring down at the collection in awe. Just that expression alone is enough to make his insides warm pleasantly. He points to each type of flower, explaining what they are. “There are bluebells, globe thistles, lupine and perennial geraniums. Flower language and meanings are fiddly, but when you pick the nice ones, bluebells mean delicacy and loyalty, globe thistles mean patriotism and heroism, perennial geraniums can symbolise gentility and elegance, and lupines show imagination.”
“Sid… they’re beautiful. How did you find them all?” She asks incredulously, fingering the petals of the globe thistles very gingerly.
“I’m an information dealer. Finding out stuff like this is a breeze.” He answers dryly, but he’s smirking. He narrows his eyes, studying her body language and coming to the solid conclusion that she’s happy. “You like ‘em?”
Her head bounces up and down, features all but glowing with happiness. “I love them, Sid. They’re so beautiful. Tha-”
Before she can say it again, he dips down, taking her face in his hands. She stops short, then releases a muffled sound of confusion when he kisses her deeply. He breathes in her scent, savouring her warmth and the feeling of her mouth against his, all the while holding her gaze. Both of their eyelids are partially closed, further enhancing the love and passion in their eyes. He pulls back slightly, just enough to murmur against her lips, “This is the second surprise. There’s one more after this.”
She blinks. “Another one?” A very, very slight frown appears on her face. “I only have one surprise for you.”
He finds himself laughing at how worried she is over something so silly, planting a hand on her hair and ruffling it playfully. “Hey, don’t make that face. I’m spoiling ya this time, since you’ve been working so hard and doing so many hours lately. Stop worrying, will you?” When she huffs, cradling the flowers against her chest, he rolls his eyes. Bending over to rest his forehead against hers, he swallows back his pride, admitting, “Anything from you means a heck of a lot to me, so stop sweating it. I’m happy seeing you happy.”
She swiftly finds her smile again, but it’s more teasing now, and he can feel him skin warming once more. He straightens up and turns to stare out at the city, and she steps up beside him, leaning into his arm. He curls it around her waist instinctively. She laughs softly, the sound like a tiny piece of heaven to him. “You’re such a softie, Sid, behind all the tough bravado.”
He pinches her side lightly, drawing a yelped shriek from her. He snorts. “Watch it, princess.”
The next few hours are spent with the two touring the town, taking in all of its sights, from landmarks to shops, to restaurants and flower fields. Soon, the sun is dipping toward the horizon, nearly ready to kiss this side of the earth goodnight, the sky a blazing war of amber and indigo around it. Sid takes her back into the middle of town, escorting her to the town square. There, couples are gathered, many talking excitedly and animatedly, hands clasped or arms around each other, some in tender embraces.
It’s so open and blatant, it takes Sid aback just a bit. He was told that people here are “relaxed” and that affection was a common sight on Valentine’s Day, but this is something else.
Still, he carries on, not stopping until he reaches the centre of the crowd. Now amongst the many bodies stood in the square, they’re anonymous, just two faces in a sea of many more. He nods to himself, glancing down at the princess. She’s still studying the people around her intently, apparently just as surprised by the displays of intimacy as he is. He grins at her wide eyes, then brings a hand up to cup her face. Her head swivels around, and she seems to realise that she was spacing out, blinking.
“What’s going on? Is this some sort of festival?” She asks, voice both curious and incredulous. He strokes his thumb over the soft skin of her cheek, explaining,
“It’s a tradition here. During the day, the couples will go around and shop together, although they have an emphasis on buying flowers since that’s the main industry here. Then, when sunset hits, everyone gathers here and waits for the sun to touch the horizon.”
He tips her chin up and to the side, so that she’s looking toward where the pier is. In the distance, a monument stands tall and proud, a large orb with a gap in the centre. It’s laden with all types of flowers and decorations, and inside the circle is a silhouette of what looks like two angels, their wings spread wide, hands joined. The space under their joined wings and above their entwined hands, a diamond of vision amidst the black, allows them to see the sea and horizon. The sun is very gradually falling toward it.
He leans down, murmuring into her ear, voice low and rumbling out of his throat. “When it touches, you’ll get your last surprise.”
He could get drunk on her scent alone, the smell of rose and vanilla perfume almost driving him insane. When she visibly trembles before him, his body flushes with despite, and his voice drops to a low purr while he simultaneously attempts to keep his thoughts – and words - clean. “Legend says Carallia was created by angels, and that they bestowed the gift of fertile land on it before they left the earth. The country has never once experienced a drought or problems with growing things.”
She gives him a shocked look, tilting her head. “Is that really true?”
His lips twitch into a smirk. “Don’t know. That’s what the locals say, at least.”
“That’s amazing. It’s such a wonderful story.” She breathes out, staring off at the angels before the flaming sky. Then, she jerks around, gasping out, “The surprise! I almost forgot!”
He snorts, watching her reach into her bag, where her bouquet is propped up inside. “You only just remembered?” He ruffles her hair playfully, only finding himself more amused when she sends him a half-hearted glare. “That’s my girl.”
“Shush.” She huffs, pulling out a long, thin box, all black with an indigo ribbon wrapped around it, forming a silk bow in the centre. She holds it out to him, a beaming smile appearing on her face. “Here. This seems like nothing, considering everything you’ve done, but-” Seeing his look, telling her to stop apologising, she sighs lightly. Then, she shakes her head, carrying on in a firmer voice. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Sid. I’m glad I got to spend the day with you.”
Something in his chest aches at the sincerity and kindness in the way she says it. There’s so much love and adoration in her eyes, it’s almost unbearable. He could stare at her all day, every day, just watching the expressions she’s capable of. There’s never a moment when she’s not breath-taking.
Realising that he hasn’t responded yet, he lets a real, genuine smile grace his lips, features shining with rarely expressed joy. “Thanks, princess.” He places his hand over hers around the box, feeling the warmth in her flesh despite there being a breeze. His natural teasing side makes a swift return, and he briefly leans down to whisper, “We can give each other all sorts of surprises later, in your room.”
“Sid!” She cries out, mortified. He howls with laughter, straightening up and taking the box from her. Tugging the ribbon lightly, he removes it, then takes the lid away to peer down at its contents.
He expected chocolate, simply by logic, and he’s right.
At the same time, he’s completely wrong.
The chocolates have all been made, somehow, to be in specific shapes and have certain features. He can’t stop himself from gazing at them in amazement, studying the one that looks exactly like Jess, albeit without the white of her fur. Another looks like a wine glass, one resembles a crescent moon, a heart shape here, a star there… all seemingly crafted with a precision tool by hand, each tiny detail carved into the chocolate with the utmost care.
His stomach clenches, and love rolls through him once more.
Every time I think she can’t get any more amazing, she goes and proves me wrong again.
“You made these?” He asks, still staring down at them, but he’s smiling now. She nods mutely, and immediately, he sees that she’s nervous. Plucking the heart one from the box, he seals the lid with the ribbon again, meeting her gaze with his own intense one. “They’re amazing, princess. Seriously, I’ve never seen chocolates like this before.”
She grins, eyes lighting up with pride and joy. She takes the box and put it back in her bag. As soon as she has, he slides his hands around to cradle her face, the sun now millimetres from the horizon. The chocolate is still pinched between his finger and thumb, but she doesn’t look like she has even noticed. He rests his forehead against hers, his smile tender and loving.
“Thank you. I don’t know how, but every time I think I can’t get any crazier for you, you go and prove me wrong again and again. I love you, so damn much. I swear, sometimes it hurts, how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Her lips part, eyes swiftly moistening with elated tears. She brings her own hands up to hold his face just as gently, uncaring now of everyone around them, oblivious to them all.
“You’re welcome, Sid. I love you too, so, so much.” A peal of beautiful laughter escapes her. His heart twinges. “It hurts me as well, so we’re the same. Let’s spend forever together, and then we won’t hurt anymore.”
Forever, with the girl that I’m in love with. I can do that.
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“Deal.” He nods, glancing to the side. Cheers and shouts of excitement sound all around them, almost deafeningly loud.
“Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!”
The sun’s reflection inches toward its own position in the sky, just about touching, the slightest connection between the heavens and the earth finally made. Sid places one side of the chocolate between his teeth, offering the other to her. Her cheeks burn, just like his, but she copies him and allows her teeth to close around the sweet. Her eyes close. His follow.
“Five! Four! Three! Two! One!”
The pair bite down, each taking a piece into their mouths. The taste of chocolate, different to anything they’ve ever experienced, blossoms out on their tongues, sweet and rich but slightly creamy, then curbed with the slight sharpness of alcohol. The taste, mixed with the burning of liquor, is intoxicating, and just one piece sends pleasure washing through them both, so strong and sudden that it’s almost overwhelming.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!”
The second they’ve swallowed the chocolate, their lips come together, hard and fast, passionate and raw with the intensity of their emotions. Love swells between them, swirling and enveloping them like the taste of the chocolate, and for a long for seconds, all they can sense is each other. The screaming of other couples fades away. The buzz of excitement in the air is numbed, lost to the molten heat coiling in them. The breeze cases to exist. All they can feel is the other in front of them, their skin touching, their bodies so deliciously close.
They don’t even notice as petals are release by couples around them, fragments of colour and life flowing around their blissful oblivion.
All of this happens in mere seconds. When they have to break apart to breathe, they’re both flushed crimson, but they don’t move away from each other. They don’t move a muscle. The princess gazes up at him with lidded eyes, swirling with want and adoration. “I love you.”
He smoothes his thumb over her jaw, returning the deep stare with just as much desire. “I love you too.”
The rest of the night is lost to a haze of chocolate, alcohol and dancing in the town square. The flame of their love doesn’t dwindle once, not even when they return to the palace and stumble into her room.
The sun may have set their hearts alight when it fell into the fire, but it continues to scorch them both, the embers always simmering away into their forever.
The end.
Lloyd "Sid" Grandier by @cyikemen
Written by @deathbymidnightcinderella
Illustrated by @nami331
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nami331 · 8 years
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Happy birthday, Keith 💚 my darling lion~
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nami331 · 8 years
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So I haven't posted any art in a really long time it feels like, and today happens to be @cyikemen's Alyn & Leo Crawfords birthday! Happy birthday, you wonderful adorable man! (and to your precious brother too) I took the very first CG in Alyn's route and modernized it a bit, and it took a very long time but I'm so happy with it <3 Leo is next, @lustfullyleocrawford (; ((Alyn belongs to Cybird (unfortunately) but this drawing is mine so please be respectful.))
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nami331 · 7 years
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Mellie 💚 @deathbymidnightcinderella I finished my thank you art!!
You were so patient with my indecisive ass back in February, listening to all my ramblings about Sid (never forget Bath Time with Sid xD 👌) while I was also dealing with my grandma in the hospital. And as my thank you present, I give you the beginnings of a magical evening with a certain cotton candy cutie 😏
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nami331 · 7 years
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@lustfullyleocrawford I'M SO SORRY I'M A TERRIBLE FRIEND. DOING YOUR BIRTHDAY ART TOOK WAY LONGER THAN I THOUGHT IT WOULD AND KSBSKZBSKXBD you know the story, I already told you gah. Anyway. Happy Belated Birthday darling, I'm so sorry I suck lol
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nami331 · 7 years
@deathbymidnightcinderella today was a good selfie day 👌
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nami331 · 6 years
I haven’t...
written smut in so long, I think I’ve forgotten how to do it.
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emiibunny · 7 years
Y'ALL, IT HAPPENED AGAIN. ENJOY A OPERA SINGING SEVEN LOL 😂 Honey Buddha Chips Song™ I should write songs for a living lolol should I do more? or some for other MM characters lol I have some funny ideas for Jaehee 😂 THE ONLY OTHER GENRES LEFT ARE: Metal, Pop, Rock & Roll, Rap, Ballad and Musical. SHOULD I MAKE ANOTHER ONE? @nami331 @windaura
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emiibunny · 7 years
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FIIIINNNAALLLYYY ❤ can I just say, THE SECOND PICTURE HURTS MY HEART. I'm not sure I'm ready for this emotional rollercoaster lol @nami331
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emiibunny · 7 years
not gonna lie, this song happened at like 3:40 am-- and I'm crying at how it turned out since this is my first time listening to this LOL 😂 @nami331 @windaura WHY AM I LIKE THIS 😂
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emiibunny · 7 years
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I’m not sorry, I couldn’t help it 😂 @nami331 are you proud of me LOL
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emiibunny · 7 years
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so after seven had talked about how much is in his bank account 'total' I was curious, so since google is man's best friend I decided to look it up. seven has the bank account of a broke college student rip. or is google lying to me again lol @nami331
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