#mellie check it out
psychopomperanian · 9 months
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@chemzee's hpma oc Melissa "Melly" Anscombe. i cant stop thinking about her
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melliemelons · 9 months
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We need to talk more about watermelon bellies! Huge, hard, and round, with almost no give to them. So large and taut they defy gravity, leaving the poor preggo's skin irreversibly stretched.
Not to mention all the ✨discomfort✨ that's going to cause once it's time for the fruit to come out! Unless, of course, it doesn't, and just keeps on growing~
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warden-melli · 7 months
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volcanicsands · 2 years
Hiiii Pokémon fans do y’all like submas? Like PLA? Enjoy some Mellingo and Trainwreck and character studies and maybe a wee bit of horror? Enjoy crying your fffffucking eyes out? Maybe check out my ongoing series nightlight garden, I just started the first multi chapter fic in the series focusing on Melli and there’s gonna be some Volo appreciation after that and it’s all gonna be great so anyways. Enjoy my current brainrot. https://archiveofourown.org/series/3067407
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
Will Never Be Enough | Simon “Ghost” Riley x Wife!Reader
a/n: i am so sorry, but i’m trying to make this series as realistic as possible so that would include natural things that happen. :( it wouldn’t be a lethalchiralium series if there wasn’t angst… also the 141 are ride or die for you and the kids. it’s just canon i have nothing else to say 🤷‍♀️
warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Mentions of blood, miscarriages, vague descriptions of panic attacks. Mentions of babies and children.
summary: "Simon, I need you." The Lieutenant dropped the papers he was holding, they flew across the office floor. "I'm on my way." OR, Simon comes home to find you in a puddle of blood.
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It had been a couple weeks since the appointment, and he didn’t expect you to feel sick for this long after. It worried him, but you assured him that it was fine; you had been sick for a while with Mellie, that you would be better soon. He took your word for it and let you rest.
He had made Winnie her breakfast of strawberry pancakes and sat her in front of the television, he held Mellie against his chest. She was sated, little belly full of formula and snoring away on his shoulder. He had made you food and was waiting for you to come down to eat, but he wasn’t worried about when you did. He was satisfied knowing that you would have had something to eat, that he would hopefully beg Price nice enough to come home early. His one arm that held Mellie kept her snug against his chest, he was putting up plates in the cabinets from washing them the night before. He made the mental note to get more baby spoons because Mellie had no longer liked most of them.
“Dad! Done!” Winnie called from the coffee table, he looked over his shoulder to her. She was holding up her clean purple plate so he could see, strawberry stained the front of her face. He closed the cabinet and grabbed a tea towel, moving from the kitchen and into the living room. The chestnut haired girl bounced on her feet to meet him in the middle, he kneeled and gently wiped her face.
“Is Mama still sick?” Winnie moved her face away from the tea towel, but he still cleaned her face as she moved awkwardly to miss his massive hand.
“Yeah, duckling.” He nodded and stood, walking back into the kitchen while his small daughter followed. He tossed the tea towel onto the counter, making a note to put it in the laundry later, before moving towards the fridge. “You still hungry?” He opened it, glancing over the leftovers he had for you last night, beverages, and jars of baby food to look for those little oranges Winnie liked.
He closed the fridge when he didn’t see them, glancing down to the baby in his arm before he looked to his oldest daughter. “Get your bag, love, gonna go check on Mum.”
The girl in pigtails her father had put in earlier bounced on her feet, disappearing back into the living room. Simon turned towards the counter across from the fridge, grabbing the plate of food with a fork on it before making his way upstairs.
Mellie’s little hand gripped onto his t-shirt when he nudged his bedroom door open, making his way to your side of the bed in the light that seeped through from the hallway. He quietly settled your plate of food on your nightstand before moving back out of the room, towards Mellie’s room. He opened the door and quickly moved towards her crib, peeling his little one from his chest before placing her delicately on her back on the small mattress. Her crib creaked when Simon leaned forwards to kiss her forehead, he was quick to move away and out her room - when the door closed, it was silent. He slipped back into his bedroom and to your side, he could see your silhouette in the middle of the bed underneath the plush duvet.
He leaned a knee onto the side of the bed, a hand settled on your cheek as he spoke, “Sweetheart.”
You grunted in annoyance. “Don’t wake me unless someone is dying or the house is on fire.”
Simon chuckled, petting your hair. “Put your food on your nightstand, I’m takin’ Wins to school soon.”
Your arms moved to stretch over your head as he leaned forwards, his lips meeting yours. A smile on your lips, your hands now found his chest to gently pull him off. “Baby, I’m still sick.”
“Don’t care.” He mumbled, pressing another kiss to your lips before his hands began to tug down the duvet. He moved himself down the bed, quickly tugging up his old t-shirt on you to press his lips to the small swell of your stomach, where that little baby was growing. His little baby, half of him and half of you. “Quit makin’ your mum sick, all she’s doin’ is lovin’ ya.”
With a final kiss to his unborn son, he moved back to place his lips on your forehead, feeling the skin a lot warmer than he had expected. He leaned back into his knees, nodding towards the food on the nightstand. “‘m takin’ Duckling to school, Mel’s asleep. You need to eat.”
You nodded, your hand reached for his and he instantly took it. He pressed his lips to your knuckles, you smiled at him.
“I won’t be long, tryin’ to get Price to let me off early.”
You shook your head, dismissing it. “I’ll be fine, baby. I’ll call you if I need you.”
He pressed a quick kiss to your lips, a promise that he would be home soon.
Ghost desperately wanted it to be a slow day, but no. Active drills and testing on soldiers, Laswell was in for a debrief this morning, and a mention of a new deployment soon. He wasn’t very happy about it, but he said nothing. He would discuss it with you when he got home.
He had papers in his hand as he marched down to Price’s office; sergeants and privates diving out of his way to avoid his so-called ‘wrath’. All it was was a stare or the occasional pin onto the wall, nothing serious. In his hands were training reports on seasoned soldiers, descriptions of how their skills have improved and all that bullshit.
The man was tired, all he wanted to do was go home and lay in his bed underneath the dog pile of his daughters and wife. Maybe eat a sandwich or go for a run, but he had to be on base. He didn’t even have the time to look at Price this morning, this report was his saving grace to go home and make sure you were okay. He was itching to leave right this moment, but you’d never tell from his mask.
He knocked on Price’s door, not even waiting for permission to enter before he swung open the door. He shut the door behind him, moving to stand in front of Price.
“Got the reports-“
Ghost’s phone rang in his pocket, papers in his clutch as Price‘s voice died in his throat. His captain gave him a nod, letting Simon fish his phone out. He saw your pretty face on his screen and pressed the phone to his ear, concerned why you were calling him at one in the afternoon. He was about to get Price to let him leave earlier so he could take care of you and the girls.
“Hi, are you okay?”
“Simon, Simon-“ Your sobs were loud. “I need you.”
He dropped the papers he had onto the floor of Price’s office and booked it. “Baby, hey, I’m on my way.” He said, shoving past privates and his friends, who called after him. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Ever-Everything, there’s- There’s so much blood- I think-“ A loud sob. “I think I’m losing the baby.”
He felt like throwing up.
His hand went to his pocket, ripping out his keys but dropping them onto the concrete. He didn’t even have the time to pick them up before someone else did, he looked up to see Price.
He couldn’t see how badly he was shaking, all he could do was listen to you say, “It hurts so much.” Price moved around to the other side of his car, getting into the driver’s seat while he got into the passenger seat. He felt the car move as the back doors opened, he knew it was Soap and Gaz. Price didn’t even wait for them to close their doors before he pressed the pedal to the metal.
“I’m comin’, baby. Hold on.” He answered. “Talk to me, sweet girl.”
“Please,” Your voice cracked, sobs followed after. “Simon.”
His hand was shaking so bad, he could feel it now. His brain shut off, he could only feel fear as it tore through his entire being like fire. He couldn’t lose you, he wouldn’t ever dare to - not when it took so long to find you.
The fifteen minute drive home was made in seven, flat. Simon was out of the car before Price even put it in park. He ran. He sprinted into the house, not caring that the front door slammed against the wall. He’d fix it later. He took the stairs three at a time, hearing his daughter crying in your en-suite bathroom. He frantically ran down the hall, opening the bedroom door. The light from the bathroom lit up the room, he didn’t stop running until he almost went face first into the door frame. He was breathing hard, eyes now fixated on you.
Blood stained the floor of the bathroom and the bottom of the shirt of his you were wearing. Mellie was sat in your arms, tears stained her cheeks as she cried loudly. Your face looked paler, tears dripping down onto the crown of your daughter’s head. Your face was contorted into one in pain, one hand on the small bump of your belly.
“LT!” He heard Soap call, he turned his head towards the doorway of his bedroom.
“Up here!”
He then came to your side, kneeling beside you as the rumble of boots against the hardwood stairs were loud, making Mellie cry harder. Your hand reached for him, gripping onto his uniform as his own hand settled on your cheek. He glanced down at the blood that pooled around your legs. “What happened?”
“I-I felt sick and-and I got up and- there was-“ Sobs kept falling from your mouth, chest trembling and making the eight month old screech. “I can’t-“ Your face went to your daughter, pressing a kiss to her head as she kept crying. “Mels, please, baby-“
He was quick to remove his hand from your face, taking his daughter in his grasp before turning towards the bedroom. Gaz and Soap stood in it, Price behind them, all of them gazing through the doorway. Every single one of his friends’ faces had concern written all over them.
The Sergeant immediately came forwards, taking the little one in his grasp and leaving the bathroom. Simon turned back to you, grabbing your other hand and squeezing. You tried to take a deep breath, but hiccuped harshly. “It hurts, Simon. It hurts, it hurts.“ Your eyes screwed shut, he felt your knuckles pop as you kept squeezing his hand.
“I know.” He murmured, moving one arm to go underneath your knees. Your body was shaking, he was shaking, he didn’t know how to stop it, he wanted to stop it.
Your voice was nothing but a whisper, body trembling as he picked you up. “My baby.”
“Simon, what’s happened?” Price spoke, he probably noticed the blood on the floor that had seeped through your underwear. Simon felt his skin grow cold when he felt the blood against his forearm, moving into the bedroom before grabbing a blanket from the chair next to the dresser. He did his best to cover you, Soap immediately came to his aid. He pulled the blanket up to your neck while Simon awkwardly wrapped you in the gray blanket.
As soon as Soap had moved away, Simon was gone. Down the steps, through the hallway while hearing his infant daughter screeching in the kitchen. He kept his eyes on you, your eyes screwed so tight and hollow sobs echoed from your lips.
He didn’t hear Price tell Soap to go get Winnie from school, he didn’t listen when Price told Gaz to stay with Mellie, that he was going with Simon.
It was like the world was in slow motion when he stepped down the front porch, but it zipped by when Price’s hand landed on his shoulder. Simon didn’t even turn to look at Price.
“She’s miscarrying.”
hi. simon is great dad and you can’t convince me otherwise, he’s the best husband he can be so part 2 will be soon i promise :(
Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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Names with Cute Nicknames
Girls' Edition
Sometimes we just fall in love with a cute nickname for our characters. So here is a list of names that you can name your characters, even though you will only call them by their nickname.
Abigail - Abbie, Abby, Gale, Gail
Adaline/Adalina - Ada, Lynn, Lina
Adriana - Riana, Addie, Drea
Alexandra - Al, Alex, Alexa, Allie, Ally, Lex, Lexa, Lexie, Sandra, Sandie, Sandy
Amelia/Amelie - Millie, Lia, Mimi
Anastasia - Ana, Stassie, Stassy, Stacey
Antoinette - Ann, Annie, Toni, Netta
Ariella - Ariel, Ari, Ella
Aurelia/Aurora - Auri
Beatrix - Trixie, Bea
Berenike/Bernice - Berry, Bernie, Nikki, Neecy
Calista/Calliope - Callie
Cassandra- Cass, Cassie, Cassy, Sandra, Sandy, Sandie
Cassidy - Cass, Cassie, Cassy
Cordelia - Delia, Deli
Danica - Dani, Dannie, Niki, Nika
Dorothy - Dot, Dottie, Doro
Eleanor - Elle, Ellie, Lea, Nora
Esmerelda - Esme
Evangeline Evie, Evi, Eve, Lina
Evelyn - Evie, Evi, Eve, Lynn
Felicitas/Felicity - Feli, Fliss, Lis, Lissa
Francesca - Fran, Frannie, Frankie
Frederike - Fred, Freddie, Freddy, Rike, Kiki
Genevieve - Eve, Evie, Genna, Gina, Ginny, Viv
Jasmine - Jas, Jazzy, Mina, Minnie
Josephine - Josie, Joe, Phin
Leonora - Leo, Nora
Madeline - Maddie, Maddy, Lynn, Ada, Addie
Marigold - Mari, Goldie
Matilda - Tillie, Tilda, Mattie
Melissa - Liss, Lissa, Mel, Mellie, Missy
Natasha/Natascha - Nat, Nattie, Sasha, Tasha
Olivia - Livia, Liv, Livy, Ollie, Olive
Penelope - Penny, Poppy, Nelly, Polly
Philippa - Pippa
Rosalie/Rosalia - Rosie, Rose, Sally, Lia
Rosemary - Rosie, Rose, Mary
Veronica - Vero, Ronny, Nic, Nica
Wilhelmina - Minnie, Mina, Wil, Willa
Winifred - Winnie, Win, Freddie, Fred
More names!
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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fivefatweeb · 5 months
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mellowsadistic · 3 months
Easter Bunnies - Part 2
Mellie spotted the green tinfoil wrapping of an Easter egg hiding nestled among some dandelions, sparkling in the warm sunlight, and she toddled over at once to snatch it up before Hazel or Jackie could get to it. She dropped it into her little wicker basket and felt a burst of pride so strong that she simply had to do a happy little dance to let out some of her feelings. Her diaper crinkled between her legs, and she could feel her bunny ears wobbling on her head as she hopped happily from foot to foot. She didn’t like her stupid nappy, but she loved her fluffy bunny ears, and she loved the rest of her outfit too. Her pretty dress was yellow and white, and it had a big bow on the back. Daddy said it made her look very pretty.
She heard laughter behind her, and she looked around to see Daddy chuckling at her. He was sitting on the decking with Hazel and Jackie’s Daddies, and they were sipping some grown-up drink out of glasses. She’d already had her orange juice from a nice, safe sippy-cup. Because she was a big girl, Daddy had said. She didn’t need to be bottle-fed like Jackie. She wasn’t as big as Hazel (who didn’t even need a diaper!) but she wasn’t a silly baby either. She grinned back at her Daddy and waved.
Hazel toddled over to her. “How many eggs haf you got, Mewwie?” she demanded.
Mellie looked into her basket. She didn’t know. Numbers were so hard, but she didn’t want to look silly in front of a big girl like Hazel. “Fwee…” she said, uncertainly.
Hazel giggled. “Nu-uh! You gots way more than fwee!” She peered into Mellie’s basket, her face scrunched up with the effort of thinking. “You gots… seven!” She looked back at Mellie and put her hands on her bare hips, smiling smugly. “You can’t count! You just a baby wike Jackie!”
“No!” Mellie whined, stamping her foot. “I a big girl!”
“Nu-uh!” Hazel said again, shaking her head. “You need nappies! You just a baby!”
Mellie felt tears welling up in her eyes. “I don’t!” She hiked up her dress and reached for the tapes of her disposable diaper, intending to rip the stupid, babyish thing off and throw it into the bushes.
“Don’t touch your nappy, Mellie!” Daddy’s stern voice rang out across the garden, and Mellie whipped her hand away from the tapes at once with a whimper. “You need it, baby girl! Taking it off is a big no-no!”
Hazel smirked with satisfaction and ran off to find some more eggs, bare bottom jiggling, but she stopped after just a few paces and clutched a hand to her princess parts. “Daddy!” she cried, looking over at the grown-ups with sudden desperation. She started dancing just like Mellie had been, hopping from one foot to the other. “I need my potty, Daddy! Gotta pee-pee now!”
“Okay, darling!” her Daddy replied. “Come here quickly! I’ve got your potty!”
“You too, Jackie!” Jackie’s Daddy said. “Time for a diaper check!”
“And you Mellie!” Mellie’s own Daddy called, his voice much gentler this time. He spread his arms wide. “Come to Dada, sweetheart! I want to see how many eggs you’ve found!”
Mellie’s bad feelings at being scolded vanished at once, and a big smile tugged at her lips. She ran as fast as she could over to the decking, following behind Hazel potty-dancing her way towards her Daddy. Jackie brought up the rear, toddling along like she’d barely learned to walk. Her nappy was hanging very low between her legs. She was such a silly baby, Mellie thought, throwing a superior look over her shoulder at the girl. Her nappy wasn’t anywhere near that droopy – though as she waddled over to her Daddy, she felt a sudden wetness spreading around her no-no spot. With a blush, she realised she was wetting herself. She wished she could hold it and use the potty like a big girl, but she couldn’t control when she went pee-pee. Daddy had told her so, and Daddy was always right. Warm wee-wee flooded her diaper as she toddled towards the decking, and the thirsty padding between her legs soaked it all up. She could feel her Pampers getting heavier and bulkier, pushing her thighs apart and making her waddle even more pronounced.
“Hurry, Daddy!” Hazel pleaded, squirming in desperation as her Daddy placed a white training potty down on the decking in front of her. He took her by the hands and guided her bottom down onto the plastic seat, and Hazel let out a loud sigh of relief. A moment later, the tinkling sound of pee hitting the bottom of her potty reached their ears, just as Mellie reached the decking and fell into her Daddy’s arms.
“What a big girl!” Hazel’s Daddy crooned, stroking Hazel’s bare back and bending down to kiss the top of her head. “Look at you going pee-pee in the potty, just like a grown-up!”
Hazel beamed up at him, and Mellie watched jealously. Her full lips formed a pout, and her grumpiness only worsened when she felt Daddy pulling back the waistband of her nappy to check her bottom. “No messies yet,” he declared, letting her diaper snap back into place. He slipped his hand down the front of her pants next. “Uh-oh…” he cooed, taking a seat in a garden chair and pulling her into his lap. “I think somebody’s done a big pee-pee, hasn’t she?” He bounced her on his knee and made her soggy diaper squish beneath her. “Does Daddy’s little girl have an icky wet nappy?”
“Daddddyyyy…” Mellie whined, wrinkling her nose and blushing.
“I’m sorry, baby girl,” he said, kissing her on the nose. “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I know how sensitive you are about your baby pants, but you’re just too little for the potty at the moment. Maybe Daddy will potty train you in a few years’ time, hmm? Would you like that, princess?”
“Weally?!” Mellie looked into his face excitedly. She didn’t know how long a year was, but she desperately wanted to get out of diapers.
Daddy chuckled and bounced her on his knee again. “Sure, baby. It might take a while, but maybe one day you’ll be able to wear big girl pull-ups, or even go bare botty like Hazel!”
“Yay!” Mellie wiggled happily in his lap. “Fank you, Daddy!”
All of the grown-ups started laughing then. Hazel giggled too, and even Jackie let out a happy gurgle. Mellie joined in, but she didn’t really get what was funny.
“I’m not sure my little lady is ever getting out of nappies,” said Jackie’s Daddy as he lifted his baby girl’s legs into the air by the ankles, exposing her messy bottom. Near the beginning of the egg hunt, Jackie had squatted down in the middle of the garden and pooped her pants, but since she didn’t fuss much over a dirty diaper, there’d been no need to change her straight away. “Are you, stinky-bum?” her Daddy cooed while he worked at her bottom with baby wipes. “I think you’re going to spend the rest of your life in messy nappies!”
“Methee nappeeth!” Jackie echoed, lifting her legs all the way back over her head and trying to cram her toes into her mouth.
“You’re a bit soggy,” Mellie’s Daddy told her, hugging her tightly, “but I don’t think you need a change just yet.” He patted her crotch. “That nappy can hold a lot more.”
Once Hazel had finished on her potty, and Jackie was done getting her nappy changed, the three girls had their egg baskets inspected. Mellie had seven, Hazel had ten, and Jackie had four.
“There are still a few more out there,” said Jackie’s Daddy. “Shall we take advantage of the good weather and let them keep playing for now?”
“Good idea,” said Hazel’s Daddy. “It would be good for them to burn off some more energy before naptime. My little tot will be bouncing off the walls if we take her inside.”
“Alright girls,” said Mellie’s Daddy. “Good job finding all those eggs! Do you think you can find the last ones too?”
The three ladies nodded earnestly.
“Then off you go, little ones!” said Daddy. He gave Mellie’s bottom a pat to send her on her way, and she toddled off back into the garden with her two friends, diaper squishing wetly between her thighs, eager to find as many eggs as she could.
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mediumgayitalian · 2 months
fic rec friday 10
hi!! welcome to fic rec friday. every week, i pick five fics i have bookmarked and rec them with a little review. check them out!
something borrowed by @rosyredlipstick
In the Solace Wedding Planning agenda, on the fifth page into their summer schedule, there are carefully scrawled out notes reading this: Bride and Groom - Hazel Levesque & Frank Zhang Best Man & Maid of Honor - Percy Jackson & Piper McLean Wedding Court - Annabeth Chase & Jason Grace Mellie & Gleeson Hedge Reyna Ramírez-Arellano & Leo Valdez Ring-bearer - Chuck Hedge Flower-boy - Nico di Angelo - Will plans wedding and now, apparently, Nico stars in one. Except...sometimes there's a bit more confusion on that last part. AKA the AU where Will plans weddings and thinks Hazel and Frank are going to have to cutest, gap-toothed ten year throwing flowers down the aisle, all while wondering why this 'Neeks' guy is always hanging around, and what business he has looking that good.
yes i am back on my rosyredlipstick (dude she's GOOD okay). however this one is my favourite i think. this is the kinda story you could use to explain to people what dramatic irony is bc LORD i wanted to SHAKE THEM 😭😭 will falling like deeply in love with nico and being intensely stressed about everything the whole time is so real and on brand. i love him and i love the fond exasperation that just bleeds from this fic its GREAT
2. Rental Love by @rosyredlipstick
*Read Terms & Conditions - Male/22/Long Island N.Y.C. Tired of showing up stag at holiday events? Want your family to stop thinking there’s something wrong with you? Just want some arm candy for a work event? Look no further. Your solution is here! I will attend holiday events with you as your paid date. Accepting all genders as applicants. Email [email protected] if interested. Interview & application will be set up there. - Nico di Angelo has been telling Hazel Levesque about his boyfriend for weeks. The bad part? Nico doesn’t have a boyfriend, the holidays are coming up, and not all of Jason’s ideas are horrible. They’re all a bit surprised about the last one.
THE LEVEL OF STUPID THAT THEY ARE...😭😭 kills me fr. like this whole fic is just a manifestation of truly one of the best tropes of all time…..like what if we took a hallmark movie and made it gay as all hell. iconique indeed
3. A Match in the Making by @coconutcranberries-blog
“You’re a morning person,” Nico muttered, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palms. He ran a hand through his black hair, which stuck up in disarray, the same way it did every morning. He was a mess, and Will Solace looked annoyingly put together, and Nico didn’t even care, really, he didn’t.
friendship is the core of romance!! it is!! every time!!! and it's such a core in this fic....which is fucking??? ten years old??? im just realising?? jesus christ??? anyways. "Nico had the sudden, warm feeling that Will Solace had never bought his act." i YELLED
4. Perception by scorchedtrees
In which everyone thinks Nico and Will are together.
i love this trope i love it SO BAD. both ways. when your love is so obvious that no one misses it.....love to see it truly. and will can have one second of beingn smooth and not a dweeby loser. as a treat
5. the world is brighter than the sun now that you're here by @finalizer
It was hard, Nico eventually concluded, to maintain one’s air of spooky otherworldly detachment with a blinding ray of sunshine trailing one step behind him every minute of every day.
grouchy nico my beloved truly. honestly hes such a bitch i love him like "Seriously, give the guy a perm and a few cats and he’d be that weird aunt that everybody avoided around the holiday season." why does he ALWAYS have something vile to say 😭😭 hes a mood fr
thank you for joining me this saturday friday!! happy reading!!
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neonsheepe · 4 months
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Introducing Melli! A Tron User OC.
Background: Set after the events of Tron Legacy, Flynn’s Arcade opened back up to the public. One night after close, a part time employee, Melli, stumbled upon a hidden doorway leading down into a basement. From there, she discovered the console. One thing lead to another, and Melli found herself in a completely different world.
A very broken world.
The re-integration had failed and damn near bricked the system. Since then, it had been stuck in a reboot-crash cycle, until the activation of the aperture jump started it back up. Melli watched as the Grid loaded in real time, shocked and in awe. Not long after did she run into a program, and later , Flynn himself. The team now work on rebuilding the Grid to a new and improved digital frontier, running into both friends and foes along the way.
“Glitch Magnet”. She doesn’t find glitches; the glitches find her. Embracing this and applying her video game speedrunning experience and computer science knowledge, Melli had developed in Grid tools allowing her to clip through objects at will. Flynn thinks it’s innovative and creative, Tron and Dyson hate it, and Clu finds it mildly horrifying
Bob is Melli’s Bit friend (bits and bobs, get it?)
Edit: Melli now has a fic about her story! Check it out on AO3 here
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Okay so, I just stumbled upon the misplaced super train au, and I love it? I started a fanfic on AO3 that's sorta like this -the depo workers- but this feels so wonderful and wholesome! I want to consume it with all my being! (((: I love this idea, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here. I do wonder though, what is Ingo and CO's reaction with Adaman? I can only imagine it's a bit into 3 months after they land, and Adaman finally decides it's safe to check out and just, meets this whole ?clan? of people living in the mountains? With Pokemon he's never even heard of in the clan legends? I just like to think his mind would be blown over and over. Or maybe there is a post with him in it, and I simply missed it. That would suck-
Oh Adaman would absolutely be blown away. And he is absolutely the person who got closest to figuring out where this weirdo clan came from— perhaps he's even the one to make Big Mouth Cameron panic and say they're from another world entirely.
Since Adaman's clan are such fanatics about time, it really isn't too much of a stretch for Adaman to be like "HM. These guys might be from the FUTURE."
I should mention that Ingo and the agents don't. "Land." They come straight out of a distortion, so the train remained on the ground the whole time. It just sort of crashed through a bunch of trees, wheels screeching from the emergency breaks, train whistle screaming... Horrible, still, but if the train fell out of the sky I'm like 100% positive everyone would be dead lol. They weren't summoned by Arceus so they don't have that fall damage protection like Akari does.
In any case, they would still get spotted by Melli because it's a whole ass train with 21 cars to it, it's BIG and it's LOUD, and it's probably billowing heaps of smoke and fire from that crash. Melli is probably clutching at his hair in stress because what the FUCK is THAT MONSTER??? and then he sees PEOPLE crawling OUT OF THE MONSTER?!??!?
Melli would definitely tell Adaman about it, but seeing is believing so Adaman would have to investigate himself. By this point Ingo is in the process of getting shoved dragged out of the most damaged train car and the depot agents are frantically wailing about their BOSS being INJURED. YONA THE BOSS IS BLEEDING WHAT DO WE DO—
Adaman coming just in time to see Sneasler coming down and just. Shoving the very injured man who is apparently the leader into her basket. And running off.
And then a trail of people in matching outfits running after her. Leaving behind that big metal monstrosity that Adaman is obviously not gonna touch with a ten foot pole.
Adaman's first encounter with these people was barely an encounter but it was pretty weird as is.
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jazzzzzzhands · 5 months
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Oh i LOVE Slime Wally!! Melly!! Calling him MarshMelly out of affection... putting Bingsu beads and other add-ins into him He could hold fruit in him like a Jello.... Slime texture is a bit like water and therefore, VERY fun to work with! Melly/Slime Wally belongs to @slimey-wally I also just really love their very very FUN art so much!! Go check em out!! oh another version because they drew him with White eyelashes ONCE and i wanted to have them QwQ <3
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luxqaer · 11 months
Happy #MellyMonday
This week's weekly commission blog will take you my next commission done by IssyCake on Twitter
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This commission is absolutely gorgeous. Issy shows so much attention to detail with the use of color to create a nice lighting effect. This is especially prevalent on her face and parts of her head wings. And while it is very simple in style, the background color really brings out Melia her. I also like the little sparkles added to give motion to the commission.
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Here is the original sketch for the commission. Not much has changed, but there is one big difference here compared to the final. And that is her hair positioning. There wasn't much life put into her hair, which is what I wanted to focus on with this commission. The final's hair has so much more depth and life put into it. I love it so much more!!! 😍😍😍
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As far as I am aware, Issy isn't on Tumblr. If you happen to be on Twitter, definitely consider giving her a follow as she does very nice art. Her commissions are currently open and her prices and TOS are in her pinned post. I hope you guys can check her out.
That's it for this post. Next week will be my first Melia commission for 2022. I hope you guys are enjoying these every Melly Monday!
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
A Little More | Simon “Ghost” Riley x Wife!Reader
a/n: hiiiii! uh so this is connected to tonight, tonight, tonight and dear winter, and this was sort of inspired by never grow up by taylor swift. 🤍 also, the constant support really makes me want to just write domestic simon. like, a lot. it’s great.
warnings: mentions of nationality (americans do suck but you’re great!), babies, children… arguing
summary: It’s Simon’s first late night and morning with his new daughter, Mellie. And you and him have an important conversation.
REMINDER: This is a side-blog, not my main! If you have any questions, feel free to message this blog or reblog! Reblogs are always appreciated - as well as any comments, they keep me motivated to write stuff like this!
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When the baby monitor began to sound with cries of his new daughter, Simon had woken up. He rubbed his eye with one of his hands while the other reached for the monitor on his nightstand. He had moved it from yours last night after you had fallen asleep.
He turned it down so you could barely even hear it and settled the monitor back on his nightstand - he silently sat up. He blinked away what little sleep he got and pulled off the warm comforter, standing up. He turned back and looked at you, a pang of guilt ran through his chest before he pulled the comforter back into place. You had fallen asleep on his chest, and now you were curled into a ball in the middle of the mattress, facing his side. He wanted to lean down and kiss your cheek, but his baby was crying.
He made his way out of the bedroom and down the hall, passing his office and Winnie’s room to the room closest to the staircase. He could clearly hear Mellie crying now, so he quietly opened the door. He walked over to the white crib and gazed at her. Her little eyes were screwed shut and her cries broke his cold heart before he gently picked up his new daughter, placing her against his bare chest. One hand held her head and the other held her back, he was still amazed at how big he was compared to this little creature.
“Hello, my little love.” He whispered as he leaned down and kissed her little head, smelling the soap you had washed her with earlier. He checked the little one’s nappy, seeing that she didn’t need changed. He moved across the room to the comfy rocking chair you had gotten and settled on it, Mellie’s cries had gotten softer as he began to gently rock. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here for ya to know me before you were born. Sorry I wasn’t here when you were born, someone’s gotta pay the bills.” He chuckled lightly, still gazing down at the baby with short hair that looks just like yours. If he gazed at her face a little more, he would’ve noticed that his daughter had his eyes, his ears. He would learn days later that she had his smile.
His thumb drew circles on the crown of the baby’s head and her cries mellowed out to little mewls, her cheek rested on his collarbone.
“You’re going to grow up strong like me ‘n amazing like your mum,” He promised her, kissing her head again. “You’re going to love your sister, even though sometimes you’ll fight with her. Hell, I know you’ll fight with me one day.”
The baby cooed in response, as if she was listening.
“Always love your mum,” He whispered, head then leaning back to stare at the door. “You don’t have to love me, Melody. But it’ll be a cold day in Hell if I ever stop loving you. And you have to love your sister, I know that she probably loves you more than she does me now.” He chuckled a little, gently patting Mellie’s back before continuing. “You’re going to be as smart ‘n as beautiful as your mum, as careful as me. And you’ll love all your uncles, Price the most since Winnie does.“ He closed his eyes then, using his right leg to gently rock the chair. “You’ll be loved, no matter what. And I can’t wait to watch you grow, my little love.”
Mellie’s cries had finally stopped, all of her little sounds had as well - he could feel her tiny breath against his skin while he kept rocking the chair, feeling slumber tug at his head.
“You’ll be my little girl forever, no matter if we drift apart. I will always protect you, never let anyone hurt you. All I want is for you to never grow up.” His hands stopped moving, still keeping his child against him while he murmured, “I want you to stay little forever, I can’t stand watching my Winnie grow. You’ll always be my baby, Mellie. And I love you.” Simon leaned down and kissed her head again, he reclined back on the chair. He gazed at the ceiling, seeing her little mobile with stars and ducks on it.
He patted Mellie’s back with a soft accuracy, closing his eyes and reveling in the feeling of his daughter on his chest.
He woke up in the late morning, feeling a much heavier weight on his chest. He opened his eyes, looking down and seeing Winnie curled into his chest, Mellie snuggled into his neck with his arm underneath her bottom. He looked up, seeing his wife folding clothes on the floor. He pushed on his right foot, gently rocking and catching your attention. You looked up at your husband as you finished folding his shirt, a smile on your face. His other arm went around Winnie’s back, she snuggled into his chest even more. You stood up from where you were, opening your phone and showing him a picture you had taken two hours before - Winnie looking up at him with a smile, then one of her curled into his chest like she was now. His hand absentmindedly pet his oldest daughter’s hair that matched his, a grin on his face. He looked back to you, whispering, “You’re beautiful.”
“Thank you.” You whispered back, sliding your phone in your sweatpants pocket. You leaned forward and kissed him, then kissed his cheek. “Go back to sleep.”
“She’ll probably need to be fed.” He nodded down to the baby.
“Just did. She just fell back asleep.” You mumbled, your hand gently rubbed Winnie’s arm. “Winnie’s had breakfast too. You need to rest.”
“So do you.” He answered, eyes meeting yours but you shrugged.
“This is the longest either have slept in a while, so I’m going to get some things done.” You turned back to the laundry, stepping over the four folded stacks and sitting back down next to the basket. “Then, I will go take a nap, okay?”
He nodded, eyes fluttered closed again as he leaned back, still gently rocking the chair with his foot. He sat there for another twenty minutes, listening to you fold clothes and hum a familiar song.
“Thank you.” He spoke into the room, hearing the baby’s soft breathing near his ear and as Winnie moved a little.
You stopped folding clothes, that he knew for sure because there was no more humming. “For what?”
“For this.” He answered, opening his eyes and jutting his chin to Mellie then Winnie. “Couldn’t’ve asked for someone better.”
You smiled at him, setting your hands on a stack of his shirts before swiping at your eye. You patted his stack of clothes, you still had a bit left to go but you didn’t care - you got to your feet and walked over to him. Your hands were gentle when you picked up Winnie, letting her curl her arms around your neck as he stared at you. You jutted your head towards the door of the nursery. “Come on, nap time.”
He instantly slowly rose from the rocking chair, hearing it rock back and forth behind him as he kept the two month old against his collarbone. She didn’t make a sound. He followed you as you effortlessly carried Winnie, who was out like a light, down to your shared bedroom. It made the heaviness of his long and strenuous deployment begin to thaw from his stomach and shoulders - he followed you as you pulled back the duvet with one hand, settling the four year old in the middle of the bed before climbing in. He moved to the other side, lowering himself back into his bed.
He checked the baby again, still seeing that she was asleep. You moved to your side, looking at him as Winnie snuggled into your chest. He settled Mellie onto her back right next to his own chest as he tugged the duvet to just below Winnie’s head, your waist, and Mellie’s onesied feet. His head settled on his pillow as yours did, his hand came up and brushed some hair around your ear. The two of you sort of made a cocoon, legs tangled together and facing each other as your hand rubbed the belly of the small baby - your bodies shielding your children from the outside world.
“I’m sorry.” Simon spoke softly, his hand was removed from your head and settled on the duvet. Your eyes met his, only a few faded streaks of eye paint on his lash lines remained.
“Nothing to be sorry for.” You murmured, your hand then moved from Mellie to Winnie, gently petting her head.
“I left you here alone.” You had to endure this alone. Had to give birth alone, without support of your husband - had to raise both of his children alone, with no outside help for thousands of miles. His eyes stared at yours, even if you gazed down at your daughters. “I chose to take that deployment.”
“And you said it would only be three months.” You whispered.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled, wanting nothing more to pull you to his chest and press his words into your skin like tattoos - words of praise, of trust, love.
There was a moment of silence before Simon spoke again.
“I want to slow down.” His voice sort of trembled, his hand coming to rest on Winnie’s head too - settling on top of yours. “I can’t let you think that I don’t support you.”
He continued. “I want to only do one deployment a year, so that way you will never have to do this-“ He nodded to the children between their chests. “Without my support and without me.”
“You can’t just give up your life for us.” Your thumb drew small circles in Winnie’s hair. “I can’t let our family be what takes you away from what you want to do with your life.”
“I never wanted to be in the military after Winnie was born. Almost quit then.” He spoke then, not whispering anymore. “Almost did it again when we got married.” His eyes moved to look at your diamond ring, how it still glimmered in the dim sunlight that hazed through the room. “I could die the day I get deployed next. I will do whatever it takes to make sure I come home.”
“Simon, is this what you wanted to do for the rest of your life? Be a soldier?”
Simon only stared.
You sighed. “One less deployment would be nice, and with the long ones like this, you’ll need to give me warning so I don’t stay up every night waiting for you.” You took a deep breath, meeting his eyes. “Your friends are counting on you, I think we both know that your job is not done yet.”
Sometimes he was amazed at how intuitive you were - you knew exactly how he felt within a moment. He sort of grunted before running a hand down his maskless face. “You’re my wife, you come first.”
“Your family comes first, and that includes 141. I won’t have it any other way.” You concluded, voice sharp and definitive. Your hand went to rest on his cheek and he let you, let your thumb trace lines under his eye. “You can’t give up on what you believe in for me.”
“But you have given up a lot for me.” He whispered, his hand settled on yours. “You should’ve gone back home, had the support you needed - but you stayed in a place where you have no friends or family. You raised my children alone, you gave up your life back home to raise my child. This- My solitude is no place for…us.”
“I didn’t give anything up that easily, Simon.” Your tone was defensive, he immediately knew he crossed a line. “I never go into anything blindly. I always assess the situation and the best outcomes.” You gave him a sharp glare as you narrowed your eyes. “There’s a reason why there is another child in our bed.” Your thumb stopped moving and settled under his eye. “I wouldn’t have gone through with having her if I didn’t think I could’ve done it alone. There was no shortage of support from my family across the pond.”
“Quit sayin’ slang, you’re American.”
You smiled at that comment. “Simon, I knew you were coming home. I know that you’ll always come home to me. I mean it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Quit it. No more apologies, you didn’t know.” Your voice became small then, eyes unfocusing as you let the walls fall down. Tears pricked at your eyes. “Do I wish I could change that? Absolutely. But someone needed your help, you save thousands of people every day and I can’t let myself keep you from your duty.”
“You wouldn’t be. It’s my choice.”
“I know.”
“I can’t keep leaving this house, not knowing if I’m coming back.”
Mellie cooed then, both of you looked down and your hands separated. His hand went to gently rub her stomach, trying to coax her back to sleep.
“You’re a wonderful father.”
His hand slowed to a stop, trying to accept what you said because he sure as hell didn’t feel like it.
“You’ll always be here for them, I know that for a fact.” You continued. “Whatever you choose, that will never change. You will always love them. And I will stand by whatever decision you make.”
He just gazed at you then. His heart felt warm, he wanted to move forward and kiss you but his children were in the way - so he settled for placing his hand on the back of your jaw, splaying his fingers through your hair and above and below your ear. He cradled your face a little. “I’ll call Price tomorrow.”
You nodded, leaning into his hand and moving to kiss his palm. “Good.”
“And I want you to find a house that’s near your parents.”
You froze then, eyes wide as you whispered, “What?”
He shrugged. “In case a Mellie happens again, which I will make sure it won’t, I want you to be close to your family. I have no family to keep me here that’s not you.”
“You don’t have to uproot out life from here, Si. I’m fine here.” You muttered. “I promise.”
“Let me give something up for you, since you won’t let me give up my job.”
Your hand rested on Winnie’s head again, she was still out like a light. “Simon, I mean it. You don’t have to give anything up-“
“Stop telling me what I can or can’t give up.” His tone was a little harsh. “Just let me have the peace of knowing that you’ll be with your family if I get killed.”
You fell silent, knowing that this really came from a deep place in his heart because his eyes were screwed shut for just a moment. You gave the idea a little thought, maybe it wouldn’t be bad to stop wasting money on plane tickets and stay back home. Your little brothers love Winnie, they’ll meet and love Mellie - your parents adore them too. You had to admit, it was one of the ways he showed his love - by keeping you hidden away, yet in a safe reach.
“Let me think on it.” You answered, eyes fluttering closed as his hand slipped away.
“Sleep on it, love.” He whispered.
“I love you, Simon.”
He smiled.
“I love you too.”
Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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feel the beat from the tambourine
By Eico
Relationship: Mumbo/Goodtimeswithscar
Rating: General Audiences
Word count: 1k
Tonight’s a night that’s not too special! Not too uncommon! But when Mumbo catches Scar’s eyes from across the party, well, how can he not get swept away?
Read feel the beat from the tambourine on AO3!
Check out the amazing artists for this team:
Melli (@mellioops)
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newtabfics · 1 year
Desperate for some redeemed Ganondorf x dorky Sheikah researcher Reader who’s done with his shenanigans. He’s paying for his crimes with community service.
I SCREAMED WHEN I READ THIS AHAHA OKAY OKAY. Alright. So, for this--Let's just say, Zelda Magic happened and he's been purged of all power entirely. Like he's just a big dude, but let's also just kinda give him amnesia cuz Idk. I would wanna forget that I slaughtered millions of people just for my own sanity. Okay. But he knows cuz they told him the truth when he awoke.
"Hey, Ganny," Y/N chuckled as she ducked her head over the scaffolding to meet his eye level.
He blinked and smiled. "Uh, hey. What is it?"
"Lady Paya asked me to come getcha. I think she wants you to help Mellie with the plum trees. Apparently, there's a shipment of fertilizer."
Ganondorf grimaced and nodded. "Alright. What are you going to do then?"
"I was going to just go over my notes." She flipped down, looking up at him. Her heart thudded as she took in their size difference again. "So, let's go then."
"Plural?" He asked, smiling as he followed.
"Yep. Someone's gotta watch you."
"I think the whole village is doing that," He muttered before glancing up at the mountains surrounding the village. He saw the princess and hero practically having a picnic near a ruin as the dragons surrounded the village, practically glaring into him.
He was almost glad Y/N couldn't see them, knowing she'd likely get scared of them. Though the children in the village took notice of them quickly. He wondered if it had to do with the curse he'd made.
"Yeah, but to be fair, you were kinda the Demon King."
"I don't think there was a kinda about it." He sighed, rubbing his neck. "Y/N, you don't have to force yourself to be kind to me. You are very sweet though. I do enjoy spending time with you, but you don't have to."
Y/N blinked up at him, stopping as she met his gaze. "I'm not pretending. I don't ever pretend. Being a Sheikah, I try to be my genuine self when I am home. Missions make that hard." She looked down and away. "I like spending time with you. The princess erasing your memories was a really good thing, I think. It gave you a second chance. And it turns out you're into sand seal racing?" She grinned up at him. "never would've imagined."
"In my defense...they do look cute when they're winning. They're so excited!"
"I know, right! Oh! If we ever get to go out to the desert, I really wanna check out the races out by the ruins! Link told me he actually beat their champ a few years back."
Ganondorf blinked and looked away. "I'd like to do that, if we could, but, I don't know if I'd ever get that chance," He chuckled. He looked to her. "Thank you."
Y/N smiled and grabbed his hand, making him flush a slight as he was tugged away, trying not to fall on her as she ran.
Zelda sighed as Link handed her the water skin. "I'm not sure if this is a good idea."
"She'll be fine," Link said, popping a wildberry into his mouth. "He's already in love with her."
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