#namkook x y/n
webkoo · 26 days
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bts!namkook × leitora ──★ fetiche secreto … sinopse: após três anos de namoro você acaba descobrindo um fetiche de namjoon...
#contém: pwp, threesome/menage, sexo violento, cuckold, spanking, creampie, overstimulation, multiple orgasm, namkook bissexuais (eles não se envolvem, mas há uma menção sobre um terceiro cara que eles pegaram)
#notas: cuckold nada mais é que o fetiche em ver sua parceira transando com outro :D
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"quando cê ia me contar que deu pro jungkook?"
namjoon entrou no quarto te encontrou terminando de vestir a roupa, você havia acabado de sair do banho e sequer tinha entendido a pergunta do kim. 
"hoseok me contou que vocês transaram nesse tempo que a gente brigou."
"o hoseok é um fofoqueiro." você revirou os olhos. 
"e quando você ia me contar?"
"quando você ia me contar que transou com o taehyung?" você devolveu a pergunta. 
certo, namjoon e você tiveram uma briga feia no último mês, o suficiente para ficarem três semanas sem sequer se falar, o kim dormia no antigo dormitório do bts e você apenas seguia no apartamento. 
acontece que nessas semanas separados ambos acabaram se divertindo mais do que deveria com os amigos… 
"o tae e eu foi algo momentâneo, você sabe disso!"
"você pegou o namorado do jungkook e ele pegou a sua, não tem muita diferença."
"então foi pensado?"
"não. hoseok contou pra gente que você e o taehyung transaram."
ah, sempre jung hoseok
"a gente decidiu beber no apartamento dele, começamos a conversar sobre como deveria ter sido o sexo entre vocês, deu tesão, a bebida tava no corpo, e aconteceu."
namjoon te encarava forma séria, não parecia muito feliz com a resposta. já você estava no mais profundo "tô nem aí", afinal ele fez você também poderia.
"ele te comeu gostoso?"
que porra de pergunta era essa? você querer saber se sua namorada transou ou não enquanto vocês estavam separados até é compreensível, mas que porra ele tava perguntando?
"não melhor que você!"
"ninguém te come melhor que eu, meu bem!"
você riu fraco, sabendo que aquilo era a mais pura verdade. estavam num relacionamento há anos, isso era tempo o suficiente para saberem exatamente como tocar o outro, como gostava de ser tratado.
"ele te tratou como a vagabunda que você é?"
"eu realmente não tô entendendo o ponto dessa conversa, namjoon!" 
"só quero saber se minha mulher foi bem comida…"
"fui pra caralho e aposto que o taehyung também foi." 
"quantas vezes você gozou pra ele?"
"ah, sério isso? olha, eu não quero brigar, de verdade, eu transei com o jungkook, você transou com o taehyung, tá tudo bem, passou, acabou, não tem necessidade de ficar voltando nesse assunto."
"quem disse que eu quero brigar?"
você arqueou uma das sobrancelhas, ele estava fazendo insinuações sobre você e um de seus melhores amigos e não queria briga? que diabos ele queria então? 
"só preciso saber se a minha princesa foi comida direito."
namjoon deu uma risada que beirava ao sadismo, quem em plena consciência ia querer saber do sexo da namorada com o outro? 
exceto se… 
"três anos de namoro e você nunca me disse que gostava de cuckold." você jogou verde, debochando, não sabia se era aquilo mesmo. 
"pois tô dizendo agora."
a informação era um pouco chocante, certo, jungkook e você sempre foram muito próximos e namjoon nunca demonstrou um mísero ciúme, entretanto você sempre achou que era por causa da amizade de anos, e do fato de jungkook ter namorado. 
"por que você não liga pra ele e pergunta como foi me comer? te garanto que o ponto de vista dele é bem melhor que o meu." você provocou
namjoon sentou na poltrona em frente a cama, com o celular na mão, mas sem qualquer coragem para discar o número do amigo.
"que foi? tá com medo que seu amigo descubra que você gostou de saber que sua namorada engoliu porra dele?"
você gostava de provocar, claro que gostava, e se namjoon queria a experiência de ouvir sobre sua namorada sendo fodida por outro, ele teria a experiência completa.
"tá com vergonha? não tem problema, amor, eu mesma ligo."
e então tomou o telefone da mão dele, logo digitando o número de jungkook, que atendeu em menos de três toques. 
"oi, hyung, tudo bem?"
"oi, jungkook! namjoon queria que você contasse pra ele como foi me comer aquele dia."
"que? ele sabe? meu deus! hyung, desculpa, a gente tava bêbado. "
você gargalhou.
"eu não pediria desculpa se fosse você, ele tá todo excitado imaginando você me fodendo, e não esquece que ele comeu seu namorado, se eu fosse você dava o máximo de detalhes possíveis…"
do outro lado da linha Jungkook estava com os olhos arregalados, sempre achou que se o amigo descobrisse da noite entre vocês dois rolaria uma briga feia, mas não, ali estava ele em ligação com o namjoon, que estava com tesão em saber que a namorada deu para outro. 
o jeon até tentou, todavia não conseguiu segurar o sorriso de canto que repuxou seus lábios. 
ainda estava brigado com taehyung, e sequer tinham intenção de fazer as pazes. e é claro que o tatuado tinha raiva de Namjoon porque sabia que ele também tinha culpa nisso tudo.
então, se ele queria ser humilhado, bem, ele seria. 
"sua namorada é uma vadia, hyung. ela teve a coragem de se masturbar no meu banheiro, quando eu abri a porta ela tava no chuveiro gemendo baixinho com os olhos fechados, eu não me aguentei, tive que agarrar ela bem ali."
namjoon relaxou sob a poltrona, imaginando a cena. 
"ela gemia tanto nos meu dedos, hyung. e sabe o melhor? eu nem precisei insistir muito pra ela ceder, bastou eu dar uma chupadinha no pescoço dela e ela liberou a bucetinha pra mim na hora." 
você riu safada, se lembrando da cena: vocês passaram bons minutos conversando sobre como havia sido o sexo de taehyung e namjoon, e naturalmente, com a bebida, estavam com um tesão fodido, ambos esfregavam a própria coxa tentado aliviar a excitação. então você pediu licença para tomar um banho, mas quando ligou o chuveiro a primeira coisa que fez foi meter os dedos na buceta meladinha.
e não levou cinco minutos para Jungkook entrar no box, vendo você de olhos fechados movimentando os dedos rapidamente. 
tirou a roupa, e entrou sorrateiramente, abraçando você por trás e deixando um beijo no seu pescoço. 
"jungkook, o que você ta faz-"
jungkook foi ágil em retirar seus dedos e introduzir os dele.
"jungkook, o namjoon-"
"que se foda o namjoon, princesa. ele não pensou nem em mim, muito menos em você, quando foi meter a pica no meu namorado. então relaxa e goza pra mim, vai."
segurou sua cintura e voltou a movimentar os dedos, ouvindo você gemer e tentar se agarrar contra a parede. manteve a mesma velocidade quando sentiu as pernas bambearem, e se aproveitou para proferir as palavras sujas que tanto vinham na sua cabeça.
"você vai ser minha vadia essa noite? vai deixar eu te comer bem gostoso?"
"fala pra mim quem é teu dono essa noite, cachorra burra"
"você, jungkook. você é meu dono essa noite."
e voltando ao momento presente, namjoon alisava o próprio pau enquanto ouvia a declaração do amigo.
"ela tava tão gostosa, hyung. falando que eu era o dono dela, gozando nos meus dedos, falando que eu poderia fazer o que quiser com ela. acho que agora entendo porque vocês tão juntos há tanto tempo, eu também iria adorar comer essa buceta todo dia."
jungkook ficou em silêncio, se questionando se havia falado demais.
mas foda-se.
"levei ela pra cama, hyung. ela tava tão molhada mesmo depois de ter gozado, enfiei minha língua nela e ela gemeu ainda mais alto, ficava gritando meu nome pra quem quisesse ouvir."
você apenas analisava namjoon, esse que enfiou a mão por dentro da bermuda e deixou o polegar apertar a cabecinha de seu pau com delicadeza. 
"minha cara ficou toda melada dela, e ela ficou irritadinha quando não deixei ela gozar" riu. "mas fiz ela gozar no meu pau, ela é uma vagabunda, me pediu pra bater nela, pra enforcar, e cada vez que eu xingava ela, a buceta dela apertava meu pau. porra, hyung, agora eu tô com um tesão do caralho."
jungkook sabia que o que diria a seguir poderia destruir uma amizade de anos, acontece que no momento sua cabeça estava nublada pelo tesão e ele sequer pensou na amizade. 
"hyung, me deixa comer sua namorada de novo. pra você assistir a gente fodendo bem gostosinho e tirar suas próprias conclusões."
namjoon tirou a mão da bermuda, sério.
"você sabe meu endereço, e sua entrada é liberada na portaria."
namjoon olhou para você e deu duas batidinhas na coxa, logo entendeu o recado e sentou ali, recebendo beijinho no pescoço e um carinho nos seios."
"vou te emprestar pra ele mais uma vez, mas você sabe que é só minha, não sabe? é meu brinquedinho que eu uso a hora que quiser."
você assentiu com a cabeça, recebendo um aperto no maxilar como uma resposta, e então abriu a boca. namjoon foi ágil em cuspir ali dentro, mandando você engolir em seguida. 
"ele vai gozar dentro de você, mas essa buceta é minha, só minha, entendeu? e no final da noite, mesmo que você esteja cansada, você vai abrir as pernas pro seu verdadeiro dono."
você tremeu, sabendo que ele cumpriria o que estava prometendo, essa era a dinâmica de vocês dois, com o tempo que estavam juntos já sabiam ler um ao outro, sabiam os limites um do outro, e claro, também tinham uma palavra e gesto de segurança caso as coisas saíssem do controle.
mas nunca saiu, namjoon na maioria das vezes era agressivo, degradante, porém sempre teve cuidado com você, essa era a dinâmica de vocês, é um dos segredos de estarem juntos há tanto tempo.
"oi, hyung! boa noite!"
"quero que você me impressione, jungkook! só não deixa ela cansada demais, tá? no fim da noite eu ainda vou entrar nela, ela tá sendo só emprestada."
jungkook assentiu, e então entraram no quarto, e lá estava você: sentada próxima a cabeceira da cama, somente com a calcinha de renda branca e estimulando os próprios seios. 
os dois babaram ao ver a cena, você gemia baixinho e já era notável a mancha do seu líquido na calcinha, porra, só queriam entrar ali. 
mas, namjoon sabia que dessa vez não estava ali para isso, ele iria apenas assistir. murmurou um "toda sua" para jungkook e então se sentou na poltrona, logo tirando a bermuda e a camiseta, ficando apenas com a boxer preta. 
Jungkook não pensou duas vezes antes de tirar a roupa e atacar os lábios da garota na cama, ela que logo agarrou as pernas na cintura dele na intenção de causar alguma fricção para aliviar a própria excitação.
"você é sempre tão apressada assim? lá em casa, agora aqui, você tá sempre desesperada pra ser fodida."
"e você é sempre tão lerdinho assim?"
o primeiro tapa foi deferido, e namjoon não conseguiu evitar de sorrir ao que sentiu o pau fisgar novamente, ele já tinha perdido a noção de quantas vezes isso aconteceu. 
"eu poderia meter meu pau em você agora, sabia? molhada desse jeito ele ia entrar rapidinho." agarrou seus cabelos de forma firme. 'mas algo me diz que seu namorado quer ver você implorando por mim."
vocês dois direcionaram o olhar a namjoon, que ria enquanto alisava seu pau por cima da boxer preta.
jungkook te deitou, e não demorou a atacar seus seios, mamando um com vontade enquanto beliscava o outro, jungkook foi ágil em puxar a sua calcinha pelas pernas, enrolar na mão e enfiar em sua boca
"cala a porra da boca, vagabunda! eu nem comecei e você tá gemendo feito uma puta desesperada."
aproveitou as pernas abertas para enfiar sua cara ali, passando a língua devagar na sua bucetinha, dando uma mordidinha de leve no clitóris que te fez gritar de dor e puxar o cabelo dele.
"se você tocar em mim mais uma vez, você vai se arrepender."
você retirou as mãos de forma tímida, agarrando nos lençóis ao que o jeon começou a movimentar a língua por toda a extensão da sua buceta. os gemidos a sendo abafados pela calcinha, as pernas tentando involuntariamente se fechar enquanto jungkook as abria de forma bruta. 
namjoon desceu a cueca e chutou para longe, liberando o pau roxo que liberava pré gozo, ousou tocar a cabecinha, e deu um gemido audível para os dois no quarto. 
já jungkook continuou chupando você como se a vida dele dependesse daquilo, e você não se aguentou, puxou o cabelo do moreno. 
"que porra eu falei pra você, hein? vadia inútil do caralho." deu um tapa forte no seu rosto, e você não fez nada além de rir e olhar para namjoon, que descia calmamente a mão por toda extensão do seu pau. 
sem aviso, jungkook enfiou dois dedos em você, mas ao invés de retirar e colocar ele apenas movimentava os dedos dentro, fazendo um movimento de "vem cá" que acertava bem seu ponto g. 
retirou a calcinha de dentro da boca apenas para te ouvir gemer, e você ainda tentava fechar as pernas como ação involuntária do tesão que sentia, porém jungkook era firme nos toques não te deixando fechar as pernas de jeito nenhum.
foram poucos minutos até suas pernas começarem a tremer e você gemer mais manhosa que o normal, então jungkook retirou os dedos.
"se você gozar agora vai acabar com a brincadeira, não seja uma puta inútil pra mim, eu quero ter alguma diversão, e aposto que seu namorado também."
namjoon apenas encarava tudo aquilo, lutando para não aumentar a velocidade da sua própria mão, também não queria que a brincadeira acabasse rápido assim.
e Jungkook fez de novo, mas dessa vez com três dedos. 
você agarrava o lençol e se contorcia de uma forma desesperada, namjoon se divertia com a cena, gostava de ver a própria namorada tão entregue assim e sabia que jungkook estava se divertindo com a sua sensibilidade.
e se vocês estavam se divertindo, namjoon também estava. 
e você gozou, gritando o nome de jungkook alto o suficiente para não só namjoon, mas o prédio todo escutar, o corpo tremendo e completamente mole, a visão turva.
e um tapa forte foi deferido em seu rosto.
"vagabunda, eu mandei não gozar!"
jungkook não disse mais nada, apenas beliscou o seu clitóris inchado. você não gemeu, você gritou, e então ele fez de novo, e de novo.
você tremia a cada beliscada. porém Jungkook não se preocupou, não quando você pediu com a voz manhosa pra ele fazer aquilo de novo.
riu antes de dar mais uma beliscada, você gritando fortemente enquanto o corpo todo tinha espasmos. 
namjoon olhava tudo aquilo com um olhar que beirava devoção, sempre soube que você tinha prazer em sentir dor, todavia era a primeira vez que estava no lugar de espectador, apenas observando o quão entregue ficava. 
com você ainda tremendo, jungkook te puxou pelos cabelos cama afora e a botou ajoelhada. 
"vai gozar na minha boca?" perguntou quando viu o moreno abaixar a cueca.
"não! eu vou gozar na sua cara, é isso que uma vadia como você merece, ficar com a cara toda suja de porra."
você sorriu, mas esse sorriso foi desfeito assim que jungkook cuspiu em seu rosto, a saliva escorrendo por sua bochecha enquanto seu cabelo era puxado para perto do pau dele. 
jungkook apenas enfiou o pau na sua boca de forma agressiva, indo fundo de uma vez só. não demorou para a lágrima descer, e era excitante para caralho ver tudo isso acontecendo. 
namjoon não se masturbava tão lento agora, porém também não ia tão rápido.
jungkook enfiou o pé no meio das suas pernas, fazendo com que a sua buceta ficasse encostada no pé dele, e você não tardou em rebolar, tudo isso enquanto ainda chupava com devoção o pau dele.
"vagabunda nojenta, se esfregando no meu pé igual uma puta, você é tão desesperada por pau que me dá nojo."
enquanto te xingava, jungkook ainda se empurrava forte para a sua boca, fazendo um som altamente pornografico para namjoon que assistia tudo ali. 
"esse é o melhor que você consegue fazer? coitado do namjoon que é chupado todo dia por essa boca patética."
jungkook sentia seu pé molhado devido ao líquido que vazava ali e isso com certeza o excitava. forçou sua cabeça mais algumas vezes, sentindo você sorrir safada com a boca em seu pau. 
"goza na cara dela, jungkook! suja toda essa puta de porra!" namjoon disse enquanto massageava as próprias bolas. 
e jungkook obedeceu, tirou o pau de dentro da sua boca apenas para punhetar algumas vezes e então melar todo o seu rosto. 
a primeira coisa que você fez foi se virar para namjoon, que gemeu um "puta que pariu" ao ver aquela cena.
jungkook agarrou novamente seu cabelo, te puxando e te jogando na cama.
"fica de quatro, mostra pra mim a cadela desesperada que você é!" 
jungkook sorriu, desferindo um tapa forte na sua bunda, então mais um, e mais um, e mais um. 
sua bunda dela ardia, e a mão de jungkook também, mas ele continuaria batendo até que se cansasse, afinal, naquele momento você era dele, e tinha autorização para usá-la como quisesse.
lágrimas escorriam dos seus olhos, e a sua buceta pingava na cama. jungkook riu, e então se posicionou, roçando a glande no seu clitóris inchadinho.
"não me tortura assim, me fode logo por favor."
"vagabunda patética, não sabe nem implorar."
jungkook entrou dentro de você de uma vez, provocando um choque que você nem sabia ser possível sentir. e então empurrou suas costas ainda mais no colchão, fazendo com que seu peito encostasse no lençol e sua bunda continuasse arrebitada pra cima. 
e então se retirou, e se enfiou novamente, lento, devagar. 
"não faz isso, por favor."
jungkook riu, estocando com força e rapidez, empurrando ainda mais você no colchão, se é que isso era possível. 
"vagabunda nojenta, buceta gostosa do caralho." 
namjoon aumentava a velocidade da masturbação, ainda sim tomando cuidado para não gozar, não queria gozar daquele jeito. 
jungkook te puxou pela cintura ao mesmo tempo que estocava, fazendo com que o choque entre os corpos doesse, mas aquilo tudo era tão gostoso que nenhum dos três queria que parasse. 
você se agarrou contra o lençol, enquanto chorava descontroladamente pelo tesão fodido que sentia.
"de quem você é?"
"mas quem vai te fazer gozar agora?"
namjoon assistia a tudo hipnotizado, já havia lido relatos sobre cuckold, sabia que era gostoso de assistir, só não esperava que fosse tanto. ele sequer tinha vontade de entrar ali, só queria assistir a namorada sendo destruída pelo melhor amigo.
só isso bastava. 
"você é uma vagabunda que tem dono mas adora gozar no pau de outro. puta nojenta."
e ele continuava estocando com brutalidade.
"será que seu dono tá gostando de assistir isso? esse show nojento que você tá dando?"
jungkook te arrastou até a poltrona onde estava seu namorado, e em um único movimento fez com que o seu corpo caísse sobre o do kim. 
e então ele entrou de novo, socando sem dó o pau na vagabunda que naquele momento era dele.
você a segurava no ombro de namjoon, esse que sentia que o pau poderia explodir de tanto tesão que sentia. jungkook voltou a puxar seu cabelo com força, a forçando a encarar namjoon. 
"fala pra ele o quanto você tá gostando. "
e continuava estocando sem calma alguma.
"namjoonie, ele tá me comendo tão bem." você choramingou.
"tá, meu amor?" namjoon perguntou, tirando a mão do pau e apenas aproveitando o seu corpo."o que você é, meu bem?"
"uma vadia desesperada por pau. j-jungkook eu vou-"
"goza, vadia, mas eu não vou parar de estocar enquanto não te encher de porra."
"goza, meu amor, eu quero te ver gozar pra gente." namjoon disse gentil.
"meu amor" jungkook riu. "goza, vadia patética, e aproveita eu te enchendo de porra."
você gritou, gozando com força enquanto se agarrava no ombro de namjoon, as pernas estavam tremendo e se não fosse a força de jungkook você sequer se manteria em pé. mas, felizmente, jungkook era forte, e não só te segurou como a continuou fodendo com brutalidade. 
"eu vou encher tanto essa buceta que vai transbordar no pau do seu namorado."
"eu vou acabar com essa sua buceta. quando o namjoon for foder ela, vai ta bem larguinha pro pau dele deslizar."
"eu não consigo mais ficar de pé, jungkook" manhou. 
"não seja por isso." namjoon se levantou, segurando firme na sua cintura enquanto jungkook se empurrava com ainda mais força. "tá bom assim, meu bem?"
"vadia gostosa do caralho."
foi o que Jungkook gritou antes de gozar dentro de você. Se retirando rapidamente, afinal era para sua porra escorrer no pau de namjoon.
sentou-se no sofá e apenas assistiu ao pequeno show do casal.
namjoon não disse nada, apenas segurou você pela cintura e a encaixou no seu pau, ali mesmo, em pé.
"namjoonie" você gemeu arrastado, as pernas tremendo devido ao orgasmo prolongado. 
lágrimas escorriam do seu rosto e a boca sequer fechava, eram proferidos gemidos e mais gemidos enquanto você se agarrava no pescoço do namorado ao que era empurrada contra o pau grosso dele.
namjoon te jogou na cama, dobrando suas pernas e te deixando quase que em uma posição fetal, e voltou a estocar e a essa altura a porra de jungkook escorria em caralho latejando, e porra, aquilo era tão excitante.
o corpo grande se chocando contra você que gemia cada vez mais e mais estava levando os dois à loucura. 
você gritou ao que gozou no pau do namorado, tremendo de uma forma que namjoon nunca tinha visto.
você havia chegado ao ápice, era claro. 
então namjoon se retirou de dentro o mais rápido possível, e chamou o amigo.
"vem, goza nela mais uma vez."
ele arrumou suas pernas, a deixando bem abertas. começou a se masturbar, e logo Jungkook se juntou a ele.
masturbavam os membros com certa rapidez, até que jatos de porra sairam e cairam em direção a sua buceta, essa que ja estava cheia de porra. 
mesmo cansada você ainda levou dois dedos ali, os lambuzando para depois enfiar na boca.
estavam exaustos. 
"porra, isso foi…" jungkook começou.
"bom pra caralho." namjoon completou.
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kooqitas · 3 months
— secret kink ★ with: knj + jjk!
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#pairings: friend!jjk X boyfriend!knj X reader
#synopsis: you discover your boyfriend's kink
#tags: pwp, sex, rough sex, threesome, cuckold, cockslut, spanking, spit, vaginal sex, degradation, humiliation, orgasm denial, orgasm play, creampie, overstimulation, dacryphilia, oral sex, multiple orgasm
#notes: ok, i need to be honest, this is the most dirty thing i've ever written, but it doesn't deviate much from what's been written here so far… whatever, i hope you like it guys :)
#wc: 3,1k
🌸 . . english isn’t my first language, so be patient :)
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“when you gonna told me that you fucked with jungkook?” namjoon, your boyfriend, entered the room while you were still wrapped in a towel after getting out of the shower.
“excuse me?”
“hoseok told me, when we break up a few weeks ago, you and jungkook fucked”
“hoseok is a gossip boy” you mumbled.
“maybe, but when you gonna tell me?”
“when you gonna told me that you fucked with taehyung?” you asked him. 
alright, you and namjoon had a fight last month, it's a bad fight, you broke up for some weeks, you stayed in the apartment but he lived at bts dorm.
but, in those weeks, maybe you two have some... diversion with your friends.
“taehyung and me was a mistake”
“you take jungkook's boyfriend and he took your girlfriend”
“so was it planned?”
“no” snorted. “just happened”
“was good? he ate you well?”
what the fuck was that question? wanting to know whether or not your girlfriend has sex while you were apart is understandable, but what the hell was he asking?
“not better than you”
“anyone fucks you better than me, doll”
you laugh, it's true. you two have a relationship a years ago, of course he knows exactly how and where touch you.
“did he treated you like the whore you are?”
“i don't understand what the point”
“i just wanna know if my girl was fucked good”
“yes, i am! and i know that taehyung too”
“how many times you cum?”
“really? namjoon, i don't want to fight, i fucked jungkook, you fucked taehyung, it's okay”
“who says that i want to fight?”
you can't understand what the point of this conversation.
“i just wanna know if my baby was treat like the whore he is, if jungkook doing a good job and cum of this pussy”
namjoon laughed, and his laughed sounded like sadism. whos wanna know how your girlfriend was fucked?
“three years with you, and you never told me that you have cuckold kink”
“im telling u now”
the information was a little shocking, right, jungkook and you had always been very close and namjoon never showed a single bit of jealousy, however you always thought it was because of your friendship for years, and the fact that jungkook had a boyfriend.
“so, why don't you call him and ask how he eats me?”
namjoon sit on the sofa, but without any courage to call to your friend.
"what's happening?" you asked when notice the hesitate "are you afraid that your best friend know that you liked that had cum on your girlfriend? are u shammed? ok, i call"
you take the cell and call to jungkook.
“hi, hyung! are u okay?” 
“hey, baby!” you said. “namjoon wanna know how good was fucked me that day”
“oh my god! he’s know? hyung, i’m so sorry, we are so drunk and-”
you laughed.
“i wouldn't apologize if i were you, he's all excited imagining you fucking me. and don't forget that he fucked with your boyfriend, if i were you i'd give as many details as possible…”
on the other end of the line Jungkook was wide-eyed, he always thought that if his friend found out about their night there would be a big fight, but no, there he was in connection with namjoon, who was horny knowing that his girlfriend gave your pussy to another.
jungkook even tried, but he couldn't hold back the smirk that tugged at his lips.
he was still fighting with taehyung, and didn't even intend to make up. of course, jungkook was angry with namjoon because he knew he was also to blame for all this.
so if he wanted to be humiliated, well, he would.
“your girlfriend is a dumb whore, she masturbated in my bathroom, when i opened the door, she was moaning with two fingers inside her, i couldn't control it, i needed to eat her”
namjoon imagines the scene, and his cock wake up
"she moaned so loud in my fingers, god, i wasn't need said too much, she just give her cunt for me at the same time"
you laughed naughty, remembering the scene.
you and jungkook spent a good few minutes talking about how taehyung and namjoon's sex had been, and naturally, with a drink, you were so fucking horny, both of you rubbing your own thigh temptingly to relieve the emotion.
you asked to take a shower, but when you turned on the shower the first thing you did was put your fingers in your wet pussy, you couldn't tell if it was missing namjoon or wanting jungkook, you didn't even think about anything, you just wanted to cum.
it didn't take five minutes for jungkook to enter the bathroom, seeing you with your eyes closed moving your fingers quickly.
he took off his clothes, and sneaked in, hugging you from behind and leaving a kiss on his neck. jungkook was quick to pull your hand and insert his fingers, then brushing his member against your ass, and the pleasant moan you gave only confirmed the consent he knew he had. you didn't hold back in saying that that night he owned you, and that you were desperate for him to open you up with his fat cock.
returning to the present moment, namjoon stroked his own dick while listening to his friend's statement.
“she was so hot, hyung. saying that I owned her, cumming on my fingers, saying that i could do whatever i wanted with her. fuck! i think now i understand why you guys have been together for so long, i would also love to eat that pussy every day.”
jungkook masked silence, namjoon was quiet and this worried jungkook.
“that’s okay, jungkook! he didn’t say anything because was busy touching himself”
so he’s keeped going.
“i took her to bed, hyung. she was so wet even after having cum, i stuck my tongue in her and she moaned even louder, she kept screaming my name for anyone who wanted to hear. my face got all wet, and she got irritated when i didn't let her cum” he laughed. “but i made her cum on my dick, she's a cockslut, she asked me to hit her, to choke her, and every time i cursed her, her pussy squeezed my cock. damn, hyung, now i'm so fucking horny!”
jungkook knew that what he would say next could destroy a friendship of years, it turns out that at the moment his head was clouded by lust and he even thought about friendship.
“hyung, leave me fuck your girlfriend again. so you can watch us and draw your own conclusions”
namjoon took his hand out of his shorts, and you tried to read your boyfriend's face, but you didn't understand anything. was Namjoon nervous? did Jungkook cross the line? was he just excited to hear but not see?
in fact, that was a good question, how far would namjoon's kink go?
whatever, all insecurity fell away when Namjoon moved away from the phone.
“you know my address, and your entry is free at the entrance”
namjoon looked at you and tapped her thigh twice, you immediately understood the message and sent it there, receiving a kiss on the neck and a caress on her breasts.
“'ll lend you to him one more time, but you know that's it, don't you? you are my little toy that i use whenever i want”
you nod, and namjoon opens your mouth spitting into it, you swallow, like the good whore you are.
“he's going to cum in you, but this pussy is mine, okay? and after all, maybe you're tired, but you're mine, and you give your pussy to your owner”
after some minutes, the doorbell rang, and namjoon opened the door, of course, jungkook was there. namjoon kissed him, like a 'welcome' put his tongue on jungkook's mouth and grabbed his ass.
"you can do anything, since her want, of course" this is the only thing that namjoon said.
so, this is you now.
sitting on the bed, with your legs opened, just underwear, pinching your own nipple.
they both drooled, the visible stain on the lace panties made them both desperate to open your pussy even more.
but now it was jungkook's turn, so namjoon sat on the couch.
jungkook took off his clothes so quickly, and going to the bed, kissing you when you put the legs on his waist, trying feel something.
"are you always so desperate? in my house, now here, why?” hes bite your lips. “i can fuck this hole open now, you are so wet, fuck, look your leaky cunt, my cock going to feel so good in you… but, i think that your boyfriend want to see i’m playing with you first”
jungkook playing with your tits leans down to start sucking on your nipples, include painful bites every now and then making scream his name when his mark you with purple hickies.
so, jungkook take off your panties, putting on your mouth.
“shut the fuck up, dumb! i even started and you moaned like a pathetic slut.”
he groping your clit, your hole dripping and making a mess, you are so embarrassed, and namjoon watches everything.
and he's like.
so much.
he took advantage of the open legs to stick his face there, running his tongue slowly over your folds, giving a light bite to the clitoris that made you scream in pain and then pull jungkook's hair.
“if you touch me one more time, i will ruin you”
you took off yours hands grabbing the sheet when his eat your in a brutal way, you can feel your tongue your lips, your nose, even you chin, every part of jungkook's face on your pussy.
namjoon appreciated that, took off your underwear, releasing your dick, your massive purple dick with precum.
when jungkook bite your clit, you pulled his hair.
and you receive a slap.
“disgusting whore, you can't do what i'm say? i don't need that your hole, i can fuck others, you are not special! so do what i'm say or i’m gonna away!”
without warning, jungkook puts two fingers inside you, take your underwear of ou mouth just for listen your scream due to agressiveness that you are fucked. you tried close your legs, not because you don't wanna it, but because was too much, soo good, but jungkook did not let.
“if you cum now, you it will end with fun, please, don’t be a useless slut”
and he's continuous. you moaning so loud every time his fingers is in and out of you. 
namjoon looking everything with a devocion.
“two fingers are enough to break your tiny cunt? god, can you imagine how will it be with my fat cock?”
so you cum… without permission.
and jungkook hit in your face, squeezing your neck.
“disgusting whore, i told you to not cum”
he pinch your clit.
and you scream.
and he do again, and again, and again.
jungkook grabbed your hair and got you out of bed, on your knees
“you can cum on my mouth?” you asked when he took de underwear.
“in your face, bitches like you deserves this”
you smiled, and jungkook's response was a spit in your face.
“you know, two slaps in my thigh and i stop” you agreed.
he waste no time fucking and shooting their hot precum down your throat.
due to the rudeness, tears started to flow from your eyes, but that would never be a bad thing, you were just making the most of jungkook.
namjoon moaned so loud when u gasp on jungkook dick, and that's when you realized that namjoon was masturbating.
“this is the best you can do? poor namjoon, pathetic mouth”
jungkook pushes your head so that your nose touches his pelvis, and holds you there, until you cough.
“cum on her face, jungkook, dirty this slut!”
jungkook moaned before your cock spit sperm on your face, the cum spills out around the cock in your face, some leaking down onto your tits.
it was divine.
“doggy style, whore, i want to fuck you like my pathetic puppy”
jungkook slapped you, and then another, and another, and another.
your ass burned and so did jungkook's hand, but he would continue hitting until he got tired, after all, at that moment you were his, and he had permission to use you as desired.
your pussy dripped onto the bed. jungkook laughed, and then positioned himself behind you, rubbing his cock against your swollen clit, whereupon he pushed you further onto the bed, so that his chest was touching the mattress and your ass was in the air.
once fully sheathed, the jungkooks cock widens your pussy open, pulls all the way out and slams all the way back in.
jungkook thrust so hard that the shock of his hips hurt, but you like it, namjoon and jungkook too.
namjoon increased the speed of his masturbation, still being careful not to cum, he didn't want to cum like that.
you really want the cock of your boyfriend in you too now, in your mouth, asshole, whatever, you just need both of them fuck you, and you made a mental note for this.
“that shitty pussy of yours can handle anything, right? i bet i can fit my balls inside you too”
jungkook starts brutally rubbing your engorged clit, you throw your head back, drool slipping past in the sheet.
“fleet wide pussy, you can take the cock of your boyfriend here too, maybe we can gonna try this some day”
it was pathetic the way you moaned “yes, please”
he laughed, gripped your hips so hard you’re sure there’ll be bruises, your titties flop brushing on the sheet with each thrust. soo good, so messy.
“who owns you?” jungkook asked.
namjoon watched everything mesmerized, he had already read reports about cuckolding, he knew it was fun to watch, he just didn't expect it to be so much. he didn't even want to go in there, he just wanted to watch his girlfriend being destroyed by his best friend.
that was enough.
“you're a whore who has an owner but loves cumming on someone else's dick. disgusting bitch.” he continued thrusting without any shame. “tell me what you are”
“a w-whore”
“exactly, a whore that acepts everything since you hole is full. is your owner enjoying watching this? this disgusting show you're putting on?”
“h-hes lik-kes”
“we’ll see”
jungkook pulled himself out of you and by your hair for what must have been the hundredth time that night, you didn't quite understand what he wanted but you just followed him.
you were dragged to the armchair where his boyfriend was, and in a single movement jungkook made his body fall onto namjoon's.
and there you were: holding on to your boyfriend's shoulder while prancing towards another.
he entered again, mercilessly punching his dick into the slut who was his at that moment.
you held Namjoon's shoulder, he felt like his dick could explode because of how horny he was.
jungkook pulled your hair hard again, forcing you to face namjoon.
“say to your boyfriend how much you like this”
jungkook still brutally rubbing your engorged clit, making you lose the conscience with the pleasure.
“namjonnie… s-so go-good”
you cried, lost in your own excitement, you didn't even care how deplorable you looked at the moment.
“good, sweetheart?” namjoon said, taking his hand off his dick and just enjoying his girfriend's body folded over his while jungkook fucked her. “what are you, my dear?”
“a wh-whore, desperate for coc- jungkook i’m gon-gonna cu-”
“cum, whore, but i won’t stop fuck this hole still i’m cum in you’’
“i'll like it more when i see your cum dripping from her pussy. and i'm sure she does too, right, baby? says what you want” your boyfriend said.
“jungkooks cum”
“where do you want? be more specific, princess” namjoon spoke docilely, but the lust in his speech was clear.
“in m-my pus-sy, for you will ea-eat l-ater!
“cum, doll, i want to see you cum for us”
"doll" jungkook laughed. “cum, whore, and enjoy me filling you with cum”
you scream, cumming on jungkook’s cock.
your legs are shaking and if it weren't for jungkook's strength you wouldn't even be able to stand.
but luckily, jungkook was strong, and not only did he hold you back, but he continued fucking you roughly.
“i'm going to fill this pussy so much that it's going to overflow on your boyfriend's cock”
“j-jungkook” you moaned, feeling your cunt fluttering on his dick.
“i'm going to gaping this pussy, when your boyfriend goes to fuck her, it will be completely wide by me”
you couldn't stand anymore, and that's when namjoon got up to help hold you down, while jungkook continued fucking you like crazy.
“behave” your boyfriend told you.
“now watch me fill this hole open” jungkook said before cum.
still with his leg wobbly, jungkook left you, sitting on the couch.
namjoon didn't say anything, he just lifted you on his lap and fitted your pussy onto his dick. tears ran down your face and your mouth didn't even close, moans and more moans were made as you clung to your boyfriend's neck as you were pushed against his thick cock.
“are you what?”
you knew the weight of this question, if you answered something profane, namjoon would continue fucking you without any mercy, but if you said you was just his princess he would go slowly. after all, that was your dynamic, pleasure is good, but safety comes first.
“your whore!”
namjoon didn't respond, he just threw you on the bed, bending your legs leaving you in an almost fetal position.
eh started thrusting again and at that point jungkook's cum squirted onto his member, and damn, that was so exciting.
the large body collided against you and moaned more and more and was driving them both crazy.
you came on your boyfriend’s cock, shaking in a way namjoon had never seen before.
you had reached the peak, it was clear.
so namjoon removed himself from inside you as quickly as possible, respecting your limit, and called his friend.
"come on, jungkook, cum in her one more time"
namjoon arranged his legs, leaving them wide open.
and started masturbating, soon Jungkook joined him.
they masturbated their members quickly, until jets of cum came out and fell towards your pussy, which was already full of cum.
even though you were tired, you took two fingers there, smearing them and then putting them in your mouth.
you were exhausted.
and you have plans for the next time…
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jeonsbabygirlsworld · 5 months
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SUMMARY: And when your husband brings you your desired anniversary gift…
PAIRINGS : Jungkook, husband Namjoon x wife reader
SMUT WARNINGS : Unprotected sex , cream pie to maximum, oral (m,f) , spanking a bit , spitting , doggy style 😏😏
A/n : Thankyou for requesting the namkook smut I hope this was okay :) reblog and comments are always appreciated ❤️YALL please don’t let it flop I actually worked really hard 😔😬 and this is also a little something for 800+followers ❤️❤️
It was yours and Namjoon's fifth anniversary and you wanted something much more special than some gifts so here you are waiting for your husband to come home, you dress up in black lingerie, you hear the front door opening and you find to see your husband looking so sexy in his office attire, you almost didn't want to leave your husband this morning but alas work is work.
Namjoon offers you his dimple smile and hands you the bouquet of tiger lily, taking them, he lays a small kiss on your lips "Well happy anniversary my love and you look so gorgeous baby" he says and goes for a long kiss this time "thank you my love, and I hope you haven't forgotten on what I want, I want hi-" you get interrupted by the doorbell.
"It's here Jagi," Namjoon says and opens the door, you don't know how your husband convinced him and you don't even care you needed him and here he is Jeon Jungkook who works under your husband in the office, you've met him so many times whether it maybe an office party or get together or you randomly coming to meet your husband you've never missed batting an eye on him and Namjoon knows about it so here he is your anniversary gift.
Jungkook gasps seeing you in a revelling lingerie never used to see you in these clothes "Hey Jungkook, how are you? Listen just come inside and you know her, this my wife." your husband introduces you both and you urge him to take a seat on the sofa.
Jungkook seems a bit nervous, of course, he will be he is about fuck his coworker's wife, you sit right next to him, and your fingers start to move over his thighs, and you lay soft teasing kisses on his Jawline, Jungkook jumps on his seat, and you see some goosebumps rising on his arms "Jungkook would you like to drink something? wine maybe?" Namjoon asks dragging you both out of the slumber.
While the man next just simply nods and Namjoon heads to the kitchen to fetch some wine and your teasing never stops, your hand stubbly moves towards the hard bulge straining against his pants, a breathy moan of your name leaves his mouth, and your husband is back with a glass of wine and passes over to him, quickly gulping it Jungkook gives you a small smile and you crash a kiss on his lips moaning at the tinge of strawberry.
"Honey, you take him to the room ill catch up in a few" Namjoon says and you rise from the couch and extend your hand and guide him to yours and Namjoon's shared room, Jungkook is seated in the bed when you go down on your knees "This okay? Let me know if when I should stop" You ask and start zipping down his pants with the boxers now down, Jungkook's hard length slaps his lower abdomen making him hiss a bit because of the chilly air and your warm palm coming in contact.
You start slow, only sucking on his tip and coaxing his precum to leak more," Y/n" a groan leaves his mouth, and the sucking soon turns into slurping you get his cock wet and Jungkook makes a ponytail of your hair from his hand and pushes you further on himself slowly letting off his shyness.
You hear the clinking of a belt right behind you and you see your husband undressing himself, Jungkook above you tells you that's what he wants when you go down to lick right behind his balls. "Like that kook? "You ask him your eyes a bit teary from the gagging and the saliva dripping down from the corner off your it is messy.
Humming he pushes your head more and hums and yes's leave his mouth "Feels good y/n" Jungkook moans out loud and spits down in his cock so it could messier after a few minutes of you palming and sucking his salty cum fills your mouth "Yeah that's my girl" Namjoon says while he looks at both of you.
Not registering what happened Jungkook gets you on your feet and pushes you onto the bed immediately hovering above you and kissing you roughly, he leans down to mark your neck and dark purple hickeys are now fresh on your neck, licking them once again he done. The lingerie is removed by him, and you are soon naked completely bare, and your pussy lips are coated in your slick.
Jungkook comes face to face, and you let out a whine "So wet y/n" Jungkook's says in a raspy voice and your hands curl over the mattress above you and you look over to your husband palming his hard cock "so good kook, more-" you are cut off by Jungkook placing a kiss on your clit and spitting up on your opening.
"You sound so pretty when you moan y/n "The man between your legs never stops praising you and slowly fingerfucks you, his long fingers reach your spot within a few minutes and purr out a sweet little cry of his name and Jungkook smirks looking at you like this.
You never fail to tell your husband how good Jungkook is making you and you swear you see stars when he rubs the ball of your clit while his fingers destroy your insides "How does it feel y/n?" He says when goes to make out with your clit spitting on it and placing small kisses and rubbing making you messier.
you reach down to grab Jungkook's hair to push him out because you were about to squirt the menace between you coaxes you to cum on his fingers and the last rub on your clit makes so squirt so hard and you see white, Jungkook places a small kiss and rises from in between your legs.
Namjoon joins you both on the bed while Jungkook makes you turn around on your knees so he can fuck you from behind, Jungkook enters you without any thought and cries out a moan, your husband seats himself in front of you and gets his cock sucked, the vibrations you make send him to the edge, Jungkook groans at the tightness of your pussy and starts hammering you from behind "Fuck my mouth Joon, want you to cum inside my mouth" you say and go back to fondle the heavy balls stored full of his cum and you slick up his cock.
Jungkook buries himself into the hilt waiting for your reaction and testing the water, a bulge forms on your lower belly and you croak out to tell him to go on "Oh fuck Jungkook" loud moans, cry and skin slapping resound the room, and an intoxicating smell surrounds the room.
At one-point Jungkook grabs your hair from behind and gives a particularly hard thrust which makes you let out your husband's cock from the mouth "Try not to cum kook, her pussy is worth it" Namjoon says looking over at Jungkook while he just nods the clenching making it tuff for him to slide inside further "loosen up baby, wanna slide in further" Jungkook slaps your ass while speaking to you.
It made it harder for Jungkook to not cum when you clenched around him this much "So good, the best in the world y/n" Whines left from his mouth and your husband soon came in your mouth while you overstimulated his with laying kisses behind his balls and licks from his balls to cock, humming at the salty taste.
Jungkook finally cums inside you making it even messier, some of his cum dripped down the sheets and you will worry about them later now you just enjoy being filled. Changing positions once again you are now facing Jungkook, and your ass is presented to your husband, your husband teases you by rubbing his cock between your pussy lips and you cock over to Jungkook and take his cock in your mouth both moaning in unison, the room is again surrounded by loud noises.
Jungkook backs away when he feels overwhelmed by your sucking you cry from the pleasure your husband was giving you "Kook choke me wanna cum so bad." you say in a rushed manner the thrusts making it almost impossible for you to speak "Ah fuck I'm gonna cum, just kiss me kook I can't take it anymore" you say and the man in front of you and bends down to give you the kiss you wanted.
Namjoon continues to deliver hard thrusts spanking your ass occasionally, sliding out to see your cum milking his cock white creamy rings start to form at the base of his cock and groans soon filling up with cum and collapsing on top of you.
Jungkook soon gets Ready to leave you after he calms down from his orgasm and your husband takes care of your cleanup and hands him some spare clothes so he can wash up and go home in fresh clothes..
When he is about to go you grab his soft hands and stand on your tip toes "Thank you for being here kook, I enjoyed this." you say letting out a giggle when he says "Anytime" and leaves you both......
@kimmingyuswifee @jungk97kwife @jk-hoe97 @cassies-cookies @ohsweetmimosa @aretha170 @galaxygirl453
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7waystreet · 2 years
lick | namkook
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synopsis —  after being reunited with namjoon after a month apart, an incomplete night with him in bed leads you to fall into jungkook's irresistible charm
genre — fluff; smut
warnings — 18+ language and sexual content, oral sex (fem and male receiving)
word count — 2.9k
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"FUCK, I just wanna eat some pussy!"
Jungkook's big doe eyes grow even wider, almost about to pop out of his head when he hears Namjoon's frustrated yell from the kitchen.
"Hyung, what the hell!"
Namjoon's form becomes gentler when he paces into the living room and sees poor Jungkook's startled face, the little one appearing as if he's just lost his appetite, the half eaten pizza slice fallen on his plate.
"Sorry kid. It's just... I miss (y/n) a lot. You know how she's been away for a whole month visiting her family, right?"
"Of course I know. I haven't heard you guys banging that stupid bed against the wall all night for weeks."
Namjoon chuckles to himself at that, flopping onto the couch next to Jungkook before they both start eating again. While turning the TV on, Namjoon's eyes fall on the cute pic that he clicked of you at the mountain top while on a hike together, the snap tucked in a photo frame that's resting on the stand a few feet away.
"Can't wait until I can see that pretty face again tomorrow."
Jungkook slowly looks up from his plate after noticing Namjoon's unexpected softer tone of voice, which only happens when he talks about you. He follows Namjoon's gaze towards the photo frame, those sweet bambi eyes now deeply admiring your face in silence.
"So pretty" Jungkook whispers to himself with a sadness in his voice, making sure Namjoon doesn't hear him at all though. "Hyung?" he slightly clears his throat, speaking audibly this time.
"Hmm yeah?"
"Have you asked her to be your girlfriend yet?"
"No I haven't..."
Jungkook can't help but secretly smile, a rush of happiness filling him up to the brim, but he realizes Namjoon's right next to him and quickly snaps out of it, rubbing his lips instead to hide his grin.
"... but I'm thinking of asking her soon. What do you think, Jungkookie?"
And just like that, the joy fizzles out and a spike of heat rips through Jungkook's body at Namjoon's question, but he's got to act cool, so he just nods his head to show his approval even though he'd do anything for it to not happen.
Jungkook sneaks a pining look at the photo of you again, his thoughts traveling back to what Namjoon had yelled out earlier.
"What's it like? You know... to eat pussy?"
Namjoon pauses mid bite, a smile curling up on his lip as he turns to Jungkook and places his palm on the boy's shoulder.
"It's hard to explain, but I think it feels better when you go down on a girl who you care about because seeing the pleasure you're giving her makes you feel really good too. But don't worry, you'll find someone worth it one day and learn it on your own."
The doorbell suddenly rings, both boys now giving each other questioning looks since they weren't expecting company tonight.
"Surprise!!!" you giggle as Namjoon whips the door open, his face instantly bursting into a big smile, those deep dimples adorning both his cheeks melting your heart into pudding in an instant.
With his strong hands outstretched, you excitedly jump on him, your arms wrapping around his neck while your legs curl around his waist. His comforting embrace warms you up as you stuff your face in Namjoon's shoulder, both of you holding onto each other tightly for a minute.
"You have no idea how much I've missed you."
Namjoon smiles into the kiss as you pull back from the hug, giving you not one but what feels like a hundred little kisses, making you giggle nonstop. It's never just one smooch with this guy. He has to make sure you really know you're cared for.
You drop down from his waist, now hanging your purse and jacket onto the silver hooks by the door as Namjoon heads for the kitchen to get you a glass of water.
"Do you want pizza? It's still warm. Jungkook ordered it earlier!"
"No thanks, I'm good Joon! Where's the lil cutie anyways?"
Your eyes meet Jungkook's as soon as you enter the living room, his happy bunny smile that's stretching from ear-to-ear greeting you at once.
"I missed you, Kook!" you smile back at him, skipping over to him and giving him a big friendly hug, although he very awkwardly hugs you back just like he always does.
"It's good to see you again!" he naturally stutters, his cheeks blushing a light pink while breaking eye contact with you.
Namjoon puts his arm around your shoulder, gently caressing it while you sit down and drink the water, your conversation then diving into all of the updates you have for the boys about your month long vacation with your family. After catching up for a bit, you focus on Jungkook and pose him a question, seeing as to how you'd be spending the rest of the evening with Namjoon alone.
"So, what are you plans for the night, Kook?"
"Oh, I'm just gonna be watching TV or playing Overwatch."
You feel sad leaving him there all alone, wishing you could at least give him company, him being one of the kindest guys you know. But taking one last look at Jungkook, you turn around while holding Namjoon's hand, now walking down to his room.
"Mmm come here."
Namjoon falls back on the bed, his hand then pulling you towards him. You crawl over his body, straddling him as he lays flat down, a smirk forming on both your faces when your eyes lock in with each other. Palms on his broad chest, you bed and press a kiss on his neck, a hiss escaping his mouth at your warm touch. You know how much Namjoon loves neck kisses.
You keep kissing his soft skin, his breath starting to get heavier as you turn him on with your lips. He finally puts both his hands on your ass, giving it a good squeeze before he flips you over in a jolt and gets on top.
"Lemme get a taste of that pussy."
The room's filled with your moans as Namjoon goes down on you and works his magic with his tongue, but little do you know what's going on outside.
Your sweet moans meet Jungkook's ears, his finger naturally hitting the mute button on the remote now to hear you clearly. His eyes roll back and shut close, his head reclining into the couch as he takes this feeling in.
I wish that was me in there with her.
His hand touches the big bulge that's forming in his pants, slowly massaging it to the overwhelming sounds of pleasure leaving your mouth while Namjoon keeps flicking your clit.
Just as you're about to cum, Namjoon cuts you off, his tongue parting from your clit while the glint in his eyes shines brighter than ever. Sex with him is a full ride, with plenty of foreplay until you're practically begging him to let you reach your orgasm.
"Suck me off."
Following his command, you unzip his jeans and roll them off the bed, the outline of his hardened member already visible through his boxers. You take a gulp and a deep breath as his cock slaps up against his stomach when you strip him off of everything, almost having forgotten how massive his length is after this month long separation.
You give Namjoon a few good pumps with your hand, his jawline already clenching from the pleasure starting to take over from your smooth strokes. Starting with sucking on his balls, you give them plenty of attention before moving up to his length, your wet mouth slowly taking him in.
Why did her moans stop?
Jungkook's sweatpants are pooled around his ankles, his hand stroking himself at full speed when the sudden silence hollows him out. He's almost about to cum when your voice can't be heard anymore. Beyond frustrated, his head restlessly rolls around, eyes unknowingly falling on that photo frame of your pic.
He shoots up from the couch, waddling towards the stand with his pants still around his ankles, quickly grabbing the frame before falling back on the cushions. His hand quickly goes back to pumping his cock, picking up the pace as his eyes deeply focus on you smiling in your hiking shorts and tank top with the mountain view in the back.
His heart stops beating in that very second, his chest entirely on fire as the frame drops out of his hand, his natural instinct being to reach for a pillow to cover his throbbing length out of your sight. He shakily turns his head to the side in embarrassment, his eyes meeting yours as you stand there completely frozen, both of your breaths cut off from this unexpected encounter.
"Oh my God! I'm SO sorry! I didn't mean to intrude like this."
"Uh, ah- no, not your fault. I- I should've been in my bedroom."
"I thought you were!"
"I thought you were with hyung! You came out so early."
Oh, if only Jungkook knew the irony in that...
"Shit baby, you're so good."
You spit on Namjoon's cock getting it slippery wet, the slick sounds of your stroking echoing in the room while you pump him hard, then sliding him back into your mouth. You keep bobbing your head on his length, your throat tightening up when you take him in deeper, choking on him for a few secs before you gasp back up for some air.
Namjoon keeps cursing from the amazing feeling, your ego rising from the way he's weak underneath your touch, making you go even faster to deliver the promised pleasure you always give him.
What you don't expect is Namjoon cumming out so early during foreplay.
"Fuck, I'm- I'm sorry."
You hear Namjoon stammer as you swallow his whole load, noting the salty, but familiar taste you don't mind. Your eyes are on him again as you pop his cock out of your mouth and sit up by his knees.
"You don't have to say sorry" you innocently giggle.
But Namjoon now looks even more flustered after hearing you, instantly making you feel a heavy guilt in your chest. You didn't mean to chuckle as if you were shaming him or poking fun of him for not lasting long. You had giggled bcuz you were happy you got him cumming in no time, tickling that sense of pride within you.
Before he misunderstands your actions though, you lay down in bed with him and wrap your arm around his chest, your face tucking into his shoulder as you gently soothe his sides with your palm.
"I came quicker because we haven't fucked in so long, gosh you got me feeling so good so early. Lemme at least go down on you. (y/n), I feel sorry because I cut you off from your orgasm before."
Not wanting him to feel pressured into doing it, you cuddle him tighter, his own arms easing up and hugging you snuggly now at your gesture. You press a kiss on his neck before softly speaking in his ear.
"Shh it's ok, Joon relax. It happens. How about we just rest tonight and do it in the morning? I'm kinda tired from my travels too."
Namjoon falls asleep shortly while you fidget in bed next to him, the pinch in between your legs continuing to bother you as you're still horny as fuck, now wishing that feeling somehow magically goes away soon.
You figure drinking some water might help you cool down, so without getting fully dressed, you pull your panties back on and throw over Namjoon's t-shirt, which hits around your mid thigh, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 covering your ass. You realize the TV's turned off since you can't hear the volume anymore, meaning Jungkook's gone to bed, so you won't have to worry about him seeing you pant less.
"Kook, you dropped something."
You slowly walk towards Jungkook, avoiding looking at him as he scrambles to pull his pants up, still desperately trying to hide his boner using the small pillow next to him. He hurries to grab what's fallen first, but fails to do it, your fingers now curling around the photo frame of your pic against the scenery.
"Wait... you were masturbating to my photo?"
Jungkook looks pale and lightheaded, like he's about to pass out from the embarrassment, your question completely throwing him off.
"I- I- no- shit- I mean- it's not that- I- I'm sorry- I- fuck-"
To stop Jungkook's uncontrollable stuttering, you step closer to him and put your hand on his shoulder to ease him up a little bit. His chest keeps heaving up and down as he tensely stares into the carpet, totally avoiding meeting your eyes at all costs.
"What were you thinking of when you were jacking off to me?"
Jungkook's head whips up to stare at your face, shocked after hearing your curious question. You're not angry with him. If anything, you're flattered someone thinks you're that attractive that they wanna get off to you.
"I- I can't say. That would be inappropriate."
"You're gonna tell me whats inappropriate or not after I just caught you busting a nut to my photo? Now, spill it."
His gaze slowly drops down from your eyes to your exposed thighs and legs, which are right up in his face as he's sitting in front of you. You're the one getting crazy flustered all of sudden, just realizing how you're literally only wearing panties and a t-shirt in front of Jungkook.
"I was... I was thinking about eating you out. (y/n)... can I?"
You'd be lying if you said you didn't find Jungkook attractive.
Namjoon's hot but Jungkook's got that boyish charm that undoubtedly draws you in. The way his thin rosy lips pout when he speaks, the cute button nose that you just wanna boop at times, the big smile that can light up an entire room, not to mention the prettiest eyes that shine like the entire galaxy could fit in them. You've just always kept your boundaries with him since he's Namjoon's friend, but your mind's starting to betray you.
"But Namjoon..."
"He's not your boyfriend, right? So it's not like you'd be cheating on him, right?"
Jungkook's technically right. You're not officially committed to Namjoon in any way. You both hook up and obviously have affection for each other, but you've never talked about being exclusive with one another. Jungkook's round eyes keep deeply stare into yours to search for the truth, for any hint of an approval to his request. And 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘵, you know he can see right through you now, being able to read the softness in your gaze as you bite down on your bottom lip.
He reaches for your hand and gently holds it, lightly pulling you towards him to get you seated on the couch. You both wait there in total silence for a few mins, your nervous breathing speeding up as the couch rustles and Jungkook's body soon turns in your direction, his warm palm slowly placing on your shivering thigh.
"Can you look at me?"
With a silent gulp you turn towards him too, his adorable eyes holding love for you as his gaze falls down to your lips. Taking a shaky breath, he leans in with mustered courage, his thin lips feeling like silk when he kisses you for the first time, the taste of his strawberry chapstick melting into your mouth as your lips perfectly mould together.
His hand starts caressing your thigh as he keeps passionately kissing you, both your palms finding their way over to hold his cheeks so you can cup his face while you sweetly kiss him back. He moves up and touches your heat through your panties, slowly massaging your folds to get you going for what's to come.
The feeling of him touching you so intimately is entirely new but you can't deny the surging emotions of excitement within you as you now see him get down on his knees in front of you. His hands disappear underneath your baggy shirt, hooking into the band of your panties and slipping them off with ease in a sec.
You gasp as he tucks his arms under your thighs, lifting them up so to let your legs hang over his wide shoulders. His mouth has a better angle to taste your lower lips this way, his eyes locked in on your heat.
"Fuck. Every inch of you is beautiful."
Just like that he licks a strip over your folds, his soft squishy tongue on you sending a shiver down your spine. He leaves wet kisses all over, making sure to suck on your clit with the perfect amount of pressure. Your legs are starting to flail from the way his smooth tongue's working on your clit, his hands securing your legs down on his shoulders as he gives your clit a cute kiss.
"Does that feel good?"
You look down to see his big brown eyes observing your fucked out face, your breath shuddering as his movements get faster. His tongue's now circling your hole and licking you up, tensing your insides as you feel yourself nearing your end so soon, your heart giving out from the building pressure.
You just nod at him since you can't bring yourself to speak any words, feeling overwhelmed by the pleasure no doubt. Your hand reaches down, your fingers now running through his silky black bangs, his eyes closing from your touch but his mouth determined to get you cumming. He keeps eating you out with a passion that you've never experienced with anyone before, and just like that, the knot that's formed in your core loosens up and your juices flow out into his mouth.
"(y/n)... Does this mean you're not gonna be hyung's girlfriend now?"
"Depends on how good you fuck me. You ready for that?"
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aamalaaa · 2 years
sunrises & liquor (m) | myg
worth it (you are)
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pairing: yoongi x reader
series: sunrises & liquor
rating: m(18+); cursing, alcohol consumption, smut, explicit content
genre: bar workers au, barman yoongi au, (kinda) forbidden relationship, angst, fluff, smut
summary: after a failed academic pursuit and a few meaningless and disappointing relationships, you decided to go back to what you never thought you would: the bar industry. There you find a family, friends, heartache, misunderstandings and one particular barman who just won’t get out of your head.
warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption (duh), smut, dom!yoongi, switch!reader, dirty talk, biting, slapping, oral sex(f. receiving), protected sex(wrap it before you tap it folks), workplace sex, body worshipping(sort of), vomit inducing fluff, angst
a/n: YES, yes, two S&L updates in a week, a miracle. we’ve been waiting for it folks, they get nasty nasty. Also, quite a few exciting things happen(squeeeeeal) this was just very fun to write! I hope you enjoy, don’t forget to leave comments if you did! <3
// thanks to my dear friend who beta’d for me, @lilredtot couldn’t have done it without you I love you<3
chapter word count: 6.9k *wink wink*
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You’re a hypocrite. Such a hypocrite.
Because you always tell people it’s ok to make mistakes, it’s human, and the only important thing is how we handle them, how we apologize and try to do better.
But as soon as Yoongi made a mistake, you dismissed him and cut him off. Yes, the way he acted was reproachable and he needed to take time to think about how his actions hurt you both.
He didn’t deserve the way you treated him though, like he’s disposable, unimportant. Because he’s not, god he’s not. He’s the most impressive man you’ve ever met, the most caring and attentive. He did fuck up, and you still weren’t sure if you could build anything on such a shaky foundation.
But wasn’t he worth a try?
Taehyung was right, you are closed off. Self-sabotaging even.
As soon as you saw a possibility, vulnerability, you squashed it down mercilessly. You did it without even realizing. You only understood a few days later, after pondering over what happened on Saturday night again and again.
Yoongi texted you on that night, to ask you if you had gotten home safe and you replied to tell him you did. Since then, it’s been radio silence between you both. You did tell him you needed space to think, he’s simply respecting your wish.
It still hurts though, and you’re a goddamn hypocrite.
You let out a dramatic groan as you turn around in your bed, burying your face in your best friend's chest.
“I don’t want to go to work tomorrow, please don’t make me,” Your voice comes out muffled.
Taehyung rolls his eyes, “No one’s making you do anything,” He strokes your hair softly. “You will have to face him at some point though, so why not make money at the same time. It’s a win-win situation if you ask me.”
You lift your head up and shoot him a panicked look. “I literally cannot face him, Tae, I was such a bitch to him. How do I even begin to apologize?”
“You say ‘Hey I’m so sorry I was a right cow with you, though you did kind of deserve it, can we talk’ and voila.” He says, matter-of-factly.
“Can you be serious,” You shoot him a deadpan look.
He sighs exasperatedly. “I am being serious. You overthink shit way too much, just be honest and straight to the point. You guys need to communicate better, start with that.”
“What if he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore?” You whisper.
Taehyung sends you a warm boxy smile, and it’s so comforting you can’t help but relax a little, loosening your hold on his stomach. “Somehow I doubt that.” He soothes.
You nod and lay your head on his chest. “I’m scared, Tae.”
He strokes your hair again as you close your eyes.
“I know.”
You wake up in a sweat, barely remembering your nightmares, though you know they must’ve been terrible to have you wake up in such a state. Taehyung’s long gone, he probably left as soon as you fell asleep.
You must’ve been exhausted not to notice him leaving.
You begrudgingly get up, glancing at the clock as you do, it indicates two in the afternoon.
“Fuck,” You curse out loud, realizing how long you’ve been sleeping.
You have two and a half hours to get ready and get to work. Not impossible at all, you just hate not having enough time to read a little, listen to music and peacefully drink your coffee.
You sigh as you make your way to the shower, almost falling asleep as you stand in it. You end up spending forty-five minutes in there, getting out only when the water gets too cold to stay.
You’re stalling, you know it, not looking forward to spending the night working with Yoongi. It’s completely pointless and stupid, you’re only cutting your own alone time short.
You spend the next hour and forty-five minutes getting ready. You’re so anxious you smudge your eyeliner and have to wipe your face clean and apply makeup all over again.
(“I fucking hate myself,” you whispered to absolutely no one but your pathetic self.)
And so, you get to the bar five minutes late, panting as you run down the street from your car to the bar, not bothering to go get coffee on the way. A decision you regretted immediately because how the fuck are you supposed to survive this night without coffee?
You almost fall down as you run into a crack in the pavement, barely managing to maintain your balance. Why does life hate you.
“Woah there,” Namjoon breathes out as he hurries towards you.
You shove your hair out of your mouth,
“I’m fine, I’m fine. Crisis averted."
“You look on the verge of a mental breakdown" He chuckles.
“Please don’t remind me," You aim for the door handle, only for Namjoon to stop you.
“I was joking." He shoots you a strained smile, no dimples. You prefer his real smile. “Are you okay?"
“Did Yoongi tell you?" You shyly ask.
His eyebrows shoot up. “Nah, I haven’t been able to talk to him all week. What happened?"
Your heart sinks, this isn't good.
“Nothing dramatic, don’t worry. Talk to you later, yeah?" You lie.
“Yeah, okay." He eyes you suspiciously before opening the door and letting you in. You jump up the stairs, very aware of your tardiness.
You sigh in relief when you don’t spot Yoongi and grin as soon as your gaze meets Jimin, quietly cleaning tables with a rag. You amble towards him, engulfing him in a tight hug from behind as soon as you reach him. He jumps at the contact, and swivels around, relaxing as soon as he sees you.
“Fuck you scared me," He brings a hand up to his chest.
You giggle. “I missed you Chimchim."
Jimin rolls his eyes but a wide grin stretches upon his cheeks. “We saw each other last monday, you big softie."
You pout and he laughs, flicking your nose playfully.
“Is Yoongi not here?" You bite your bottom lip.
“I’m here."
Jimin barely conceals his amusement as your eyes widen.
You swirl around towards the sound of his voice, your heart hammering in your chest as you mentally curse yourself. You meet his gentle gaze, which only worsens your overall state.
“Oh," You blush furiously. “Hi." This is pathetic, you’re pathetic.
“Hey," He retorts, eyes still focused on you.
Jimin eyes dart between the both of you before he sighs and continues wiping the tables clean. “This is painful to watch. You’re both coming to my place tonight whether you want it or not, and I’m locking you in my bedroom until you fucking talk."
“You’re kidnapping us?" Your eyes shoot daggers at him.
“Very rude," Yoongi grumbles. You think you can make out amusement in his tone.
A booming voice makes you jump as soon as it hits your ears.
“Ahhh, the best team is in the place," Jungkook chants, clearly not reading the awkward atmosphere.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, though you can see mirth swimming through them. “The best team should probably get ready for opening."
“Hey! I’m working“," Jimin huffs indignantly.
“Hyung, you’re no fun," Jungkook stares Yoongi down, which makes you cackle loudly.
“Yes, I’m the most boring person you’ll ever know. Now whoosh," He chases him away with his dirty rag.
You go to the employees lounge and get ready for the night, a little less nervous than you were before.
Funny how the man partly responsible for your nervousness can also be the one to chase it away.
There’s so many customers that come in and out throughout the night that you can barely catch a break to go to the restroom. When closing time arrives, you’re hungry as fuck and way too sober for your liking.
The same cannot be said for Jimin and Jungkook, the happy-go-lucky pair cleaning serving trays as they sing a duet, a song you don’t recognize. Perhaps it’s because they can barely pronounce the words correctly.
Yoongi is still in the office counting the cash register and you’re busy putting back the clean glasses to where they belong, laughing quietly at your friend's shenanigans. You wonder when they managed to get this drunk, considering the busy night you just went through.
You hear loud footsteps echoing through the staircase and lift your head up. Namjoon is quickly making his way up and towards the bar, rubbing his arms in an attempt to warm himself.
“I know I’m not supposed to come up but goddamn, it’s so fucking cold outside."
“I don’t think Seokjin would mind," You chuckle.
“Hyung, are you cold?" Jungkook stops singing and heads to the employees lounge, coming back just as soon holding his winter coat. “Here, put it on." He drapes the warm coat on Namjoon’s shoulders then pats his hair in a caring manner.
Namjoon’s face reddens at the younger man’s actions. “Jungkook-ah, I can’t take it, you’ll be cold."
“Nah I won’t, I’m rarely cold. Look," He brings his hand up to the older man’s neck, the latter’s eyes widening as he does so.
“Y-yeah, you’re really hot." He sputters.
And you can’t help but cackle loudly at his words, they’re both way too cute and awkward for their own good.
“Yeah, you’re really hot Kookie," You tease.
Jungkook looks confused but ultimately shrugs and goes back to his task. Namjoon sends you a glare, which only prompts you to laugh even harder.
“Why is Kook-ah hot?" Yoongi chips in, which causes your heart rate to alarmingly quicken its pace. The man will be the death of you.
“You should ask Namjoon-hyung, '' Jimin says, a wicked grin plastered upon his features.
You double over in laughter, abandoning the task at hand while Namjoon turns an even deeper shade of red.
“Is there something I’m not getting? Why is everyone laughing?" Jungkook irritatedly inquires.
“You’re both way too oblivious I swear to god," Yoongi chortles.
“Oblivious to what?" Jungkook says, getting more and more irritated as you, Jimin and Yoongi go on laughing.
“Just accept that you’re in love with each other already, please," Jimin says through a fit of laughter.
“I don’t have to accept anything, I already know I am," He snarls before dropping the rag he’s been holding and marching decisively towards Namjoon, grabbing both sides of the older man’s face and planting a determined smooch on his plush lips.
You all stop laughing at once, sharing bewildered looks as Jungkook and Namjoon unashamedly kiss. They part after a few seconds, staring adoringly into each other’s eyes while the three of you stand in complete silence.
You never thought they would actually take the plunge.
“I love you, hyung," Jungkook whispers as he caresses the bouncer’s cheek.
The older man’s eyes widen comically. “I love you too, Jungkook-ah," He whispers back, leaning in for another sweet kiss.
“Well, umm," Jimin starts. “Congrats?" You and Yoongi hum in agreement, too surprised by the turn of events to say anything else.
But they both ignore the lot of you, too enraptured in each other’s devoted gaze to notice anything else. And so you swiftly go back to what you were doing.
Yoongi helps you put the glasses away while Jimin finishes his task.
“Well, I guess it finally happened," He declares, incredulous.
“Never thought it would," You reply, just as bewildered.
“Sometimes it takes longer than normal for the best relationships to properly flourish.” He says, a serious undertone to his voice.
You still at his words, unsure if you’re still talking about Jungkook and Namjoon. “Yeah, I guess..”
You both go for the same glass as each other, his slender fingers brushing yours as you do. You feel goosebumps bursting out like thorns on your skin and snap your head up at the contact.
Yoongi peers into your eyes, seemingly as shaken as you and opens his mouth slowly, as if unsure what to say. Which is when Namjoon decides to speak up,
“I’m sorry Chim but tonight we’ll be going home together, me and Kook-ah. Rain check next friday, yeah?” He wraps an arm around Jungkook’s waist.
“Don’t tell me that you’ll start ditching me now that you got together,” Jimin pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.
Namjoon chuckles at this, adorable dimples on display, and you can’t help but feel so fucking happy for your friends.
“It’s just for tonight I promise.”
Jimin still pouts but gives him a small nod before turning towards you and Yoongi. “You guys are coming right?”
You bite your lip, your uneasiness slowly creeping back in. Yoongi opens his mouth to speak, but upon seeing your face, he closes it. You focus on the tiled floor, hiding your embarrassment to the best of your abilities.
Your anxiousness must’ve been very apparent because when he speaks again, it’s to decline Jimin’s invitation.
“I have a few things to do, but next Friday it’s on though.” He gives him an apologetic smile.
The younger man looks dejected.
You wipe your wet hand on your skirt, now done with the dishwasher. “I’m sorry Chim, I’m kinda tired.”
“Ugh, fine. Y’all better be paying for beer next week.” He heads to the employees lounge and you all soon follow, grabbing your belongings before closing the lights and heading out, down the stairway and out the door.
You wish your friends a good night and trudge down the street accompanied by Jimin. Soon enough, you get to your car and pull him into a tight hug.
“I’m really sorry, I’m just really not up for it tonight..”
He squeezes you tighter. “I was only half-joking, it’s fine babe. I’ll text people and see if anybody’s awake.”
“Mmhm, by people you mean a certain red haired someone?” You smirk against his shoulder.
He huffs and flicks your hair before heading back in the bar’s direction, where Jungkook and Namjoon are waiting to drive him home, a small smile on his lips. “Maybe.”
You chuckle, unlocking your car and slide in as fast as you can to spare yourself from enduring the cold breeze any longer. You start the ignition and peer outside, waiting for the heat to defog your windows.
You see Namjoon’s car take off and wait a little longer, replaying the night’s events in your head.
And you smile softly when you think about your two friends finally getting together, about Jimin calling up Hoseok at four in the morning.
But your smile falters as soon as you think about Yoongi, and how everything about you and him is complicated. You wish you could just call him up and ask him to meet you in the early morning hours. You wish he could come back to your house after work, where you both could watch the sunrise peacefully. You wish you didn’t turn him down because of your stubbornness and self-sabotaging ways.
Sometimes you wish you could be someone else, unburdened by all the baggage you carry around, day-in and day-out.
You reach for your purse and search for your cell phone, wanting to play music to drown out the noise in your head.
“Where the fuck..?” You mutter to no one but you.
You search your hoodie’s pockets, unsuccessfully. You must’ve forgotten it inside.
“Why am I like this?” A quiet groan escapes your lips.
You get out of your car and head towards the bar, your eyes darting from left to right to make sure no one’s around. You hug your shoulders as you approach the door, the lights are off. Of fucking course. You all left together, the place is closed and locked.
You whine loudly and slowly slide your back down against the door, closing your eyes in the process.
You breathe in and out. “It’s fine, you work tomorrow you can just grab it then.” You whisper to yourself.
You open your eyes again, and hope suddenly blooms in you as they catch an interesting detail.
Yoongi’s car is still there.
You quickly get up and grab your purse from the ground before tentatively pulling at the door handle.
It opens, producing a small rusty noise as it does, and you quietly head inside, unsure of exactly why you’re acting this way.
You try to make minimal noise as you leisurely step up the stairs, and let your eyes adjust to the darkness when you get to the main floor.
There’s no lights on, only darkness. And you wonder where Yoongi is, if not in the main room.
Maybe the office?
You hastily head towards the bar, trying not to bump into anything.
You end up failing, walking right into a chair on your way there. It falls to the ground, the loud noise reverberating through the silence.
“Who’s there?”
You freeze as soon as you hear Yoongi’s hoarse voice.
“I-It’s me,” You whisper.
As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you make out a silhouette a few feet away from you, sitting at a bar stool.
You step closer. “Why are you sitting in the dark?”
He clears his throat, you can see him clutching a large object in his arms. “Why are you here?” He deflects. You frown and sit on the bar stool next to him.
It’s a guitar, he’s holding a guitar. He was playing.
“I think I forgot my cell phone,”
“Oh,” Is all he says.
You lean on the counter, trying to take a good look at him. You can’t really see his eyes, or features.
Damn darkness.
“Why are you sitting here, in the dark, instead of at home?” You ask again.
“Didn’t feel like going home.” He shrugs, avoiding your gaze. “You should go home, it’s getting late. I’ll walk you to your car.”
He carefully drops his guitar on the counter and gets up. You panic, though you don't understand why. “Wait-“
He looks up, meeting your gaze and you freeze, unsure of what prompted you to stop him.
“What?” He asks, almost pleadingly. It tugs at your heartstrings.
You wanna tell him. Tell him that you’re so fucking attached to him you cant bear the awkwardness anymore, would do anything he wants to get back to what it was before, have another chance to not fuck this up. Maybe have something like Jungkook and Namjoon, further down the line.
But barely anything comes out except a soft, airy,
You can see it in his eyes, despite the darkness, the moment he gives in and sits back down on the stool he had occupied moments ago.
“Yeah.. I can do that.”
You both stay silent for a few seconds before Yoongi speaks up.
“I’m sorry..”
You put your hand on his forearm and squeeze it lightly. “I know.” You start. “I blew this way out of proportion, I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head vigorously. “No no. You were right, I acted like a total ass, I shouldn't have expected the worst of you. You didn’t deserve that.”
You feel tears pricking at the corner of your eyes, and for fuck’s sake, you wish you could go through one conversation with him without crying.
“Yeah you shouldn’t have. But I shouldn’t have treated you like I did either.” You shakily reply, taking a deep breath as soon as the words are out.
“I guess we both fucked up, uh?” He chuckles, the sound coming out strained from emotions.
“I guess we did,” You giggle, two lonely tears escaping your eyes at the same moment. “That’s what people do.”
He abruptly stands up and you shudder when he steps closer to you, sending you a slightly alarmed look as he strokes your hair.
“Hey, hey, why are you crying?” He soothes, his deep gruff voice sending a wave of warmth throughout your whole body.
“I just-“ You hiccup. “What’s gonna happen now?”
He gently grabs your chin, tilting your head so you can only look him straight in the eye.
“What do you want to happen?” He whispers, his breath fanning over your face.
“I don’t want to lose you,” You shiver.
He brings his soft lips to your forehead, leaving a gentle kiss there. “You won’t.”
You grip the front of his white t-shirt, as if it could help you deal with your emotions, ground you. All it does is send your mind into a frenzy as you feel Yoongi’s skin against your own.
“I’ll be there, even if only as a friend.” He continues, coming back to eye level with you.
“But I want more than that,” You murmur, flushing as soon as the words leave your mouth.
Yoongi stares at you for a moment before caressing your cheek. You lean into his touch and close your eyes, bracing yourself for whatever he’ll decide to reply.
It’s easier when you’re not looking at him.
“Then what do you want, love?”
You utter the next word so low you’re not even sure he’s heard it,
Yoongi inhales sharply. “Look at me.”
You comply immediately, meeting a pair of dark orbs looking at you in almost reverence.
“You have me, whatever you want, it’s yours.” He firmly says, holding your gaze and swiping his thumb in circular motions across your skin.
You feel overcome by emotions, after everything, he still wants you. And that’s too much, you don’t know what to do with all this affection threatening to burst out of your heart at any moment.
“Kiss me,” You plead, eyes shimmery and wet.
You notice how his jaw twitches almost imperceptibly, and he blinks in a drawn out manner, inhaling as he does so. You watch him anxiously.
“That’s an easy request,” He grumbles before closing the gap between both of your mouths, leaving you breathless as soon as his pillowy flesh latches onto yours.
You choke out a sob and throw your arms around his neck, bringing him closer as he cradles your face with both hands, gently, like an anchor amid the turbulent sea of emotions raging through you.
He doesn’t press, content on moving his lips against yours in soft, languid motions. He waits for you to deepen the kiss, as if unsure if you really want it, letting you decide where to take this.
And god, you want this. You’ve been wanting this for so long. Not the explosive moment you shared in the back alley last week, not the sorrowful kiss you shared as you left either.
You wanted this, Yoongi pressing against you with devotion, making you whimper as he nibbles at your bottom lip with fervor. This is everything you wanted, and more.
So you show him exactly how much you want this, slightly tugging the hair at the bottom of his nape and sliding your tongue against his lips, asking for permission. And permission, he grants.
But before you know it he takes control of the situation, sliding his grip down to your hips and licking at your mouth in expert strokes, taking over you in a matter of seconds.
But you won’t let him win, not this easily.
You push him back slightly, smirking as he stumbles onto the bar stool and sits down in order not to lose balance. You stand up and straddle him, giggling as you notice the sheer look of surprise adorning his face.
“What are you-“
You shush him, bringing a finger up to his lips as you settle onto him. He brings his hands back to your hips, sending a wave of goosebumps up your back. You can feel him smirk against your digit.
And god, you really want to wipe that gorgeous smirk off his face right now.
So you hungrily crash your lips against his, relishing in the moan that escapes him as you roll your hips against his hardening covered length.
He suddenly tugs your hair in one quick motion and you’re forced to detach from him, a thin thread of saliva connecting both of your mouths together as you quietly moan, your undergarments soaking almost immediately at the display of dominance.
Yoongi nibbles at your ear, the action spurring an aroused shudder out of you.
“Be careful love, you’re advancing into dangerous territory here.” He all but groans in your ear, you can’t help but shake in his hold.
You may not have the upper hand in this after all.
“What if I want it?” You whine.
The blond man chuckles.
“You don’t know what you’re asking for,” He drawls, teasingly licking at your ear lobe.
You roll your hips against him again, earning you a hoarse groan in warning. “Then show me.”
He tugs even harshly at your hair and this time you whine loudly, too gone to give a single fuck about how loud you are.
He examines your face before huffing in disbelief,
“Are you sure?”
“Y-yes,” You whisper brokenly.
“Then you’ll have to tell me exactly what you want,”
You wriggle in his hold, very shy of a sudden. Because you can’t tell him exactly what you want.
“Yoongi,” You plead, squeezing your eyes shut.
“Nuh-uh, none of that. If you want something you have to tell me love,” He draws soothing circles on your back while still holding your hair in his other hand.
Your voice comes out small and uneven,
“I want you”
He tugs again as he jerks his hips up, brushing against your core. “Last warning, tell me exactly what you want.”
You feel tears pricking at the corner of your eyes in pure frustration as you yell out the next words,
“I want you inside me, you asshole!”
He chuckles deeply before loosening his hold on your hair and stroking it. “Now, now. No need to get mean.”
He pushes against your neck, and connects his lips onto yours once more, immediately swiping his tongue against your own to assert dominance. You let out a wanton whimper as you let him plough into your warm mouth.
You try to grind against him, though your movements are uncoordinated and shaky from the sheer intensity of the need coursing throughout your whole body.
But Yoongi soon understands what you want and starts grinding upwards, hissing against your mouth at the much needed friction.
“Fuck,” He inhales deeply through his nose. “Take this off.” He tugs at the seams of your crop top.
You take it off slowly, it’s the best you can do considering your current state. You feel your breast sag down as soon as you lift the piece of clothing off and shudder at the myriad of curses that escapes Yoongi’s mouth.
“Fucking hell love, you’re not even wearing a bra, are you fucking kidding me.” He grunts as his dark and hungry eyes bore into yours.
“I- I never d-do-“
You can’t even finish your sentence before you let out a sharp cry as Yoongi’s skilled lips latch onto your right nipple, sucking and biting lightly as his other hand pinches and rolls your left sensitive nub between its index and thumb, making you throw your head back in pure pleasure.
“Y-Yoongi,” You strangle out, gripping his hair loosely as he continues to expertly ravage your perth nipples, a pool of warmth settling into the base of your stomach.
He drags his teeth onto your sensitive skin one last time before he kisses you again, so aggressively that you’re sure your lips look completely used and abused by now.
“God I fucking love these tits,” He growls as his hand leaves a sharp stinging slap on your left breast.
You grab the front of his shirt in your tiny fist before whimpering hoarsely,
“I want it off, please.”
Yoongi smirks confidently before tugging his shirt off. “Anything you want love.”
You feel your guts churn as you admire for the first time Yoongi’s naked chest. Inches of soft, pale skin begging to be touched, and so you do, sliding your palms gently across the smooth expanse of his chest, tracing each and every line with your index finger, spurring shivers out of Yoongi as you do so.
Yoongi waits patiently as you try and burn each and every dip and moles, every inch of skin, into your mind. You notice a small scar, close to his hip and caress it delicately. “Where’d you get this?”
“A car accident,” He shrugs, taking your wandering hand into his palm and linking your fingers together. You look into his eyes and find him staring right back at you, adoringly.
“You’re beautiful,” You whisper faintly.
Yoongi hums quietly before bringing a hand up from your hip to your face, a bashful grin plastered upon his criminally handsome face.
“You sure you want this?”
You nod firmly, you’re sure. So fucking sure.
“If at any point you want me to stop or feel uncomfortable with something, you need to tell me. Alright?”
“Alright” You murmur.
He grabs your chin and seals your lips together in a searing kiss that has your head spinning and your toes curling. You feel like your blood has turned into lava, like your whole body’s burning from the inside out.
“Then take this pretty skirt off,” He groans against your lips.
You mewl unashamedly and quickly leave his lap, almost losing balance as your shaky legs plant on the ground if it wasn’t for his strong hold onto your hip, keeping you from falling down onto your bum.
Your skirt pools around your ankles as you slip it off, soon to be followed by your now soaking wet undergarments. You kick them off to the side as you settle onto Yoongi’s lap once again.
He leans forward, grabbing your bottom lip between his teeth and tugging lightly on it.
“Nuh-uh. Get up and sit right here.” He pats the bar surface, you widen your eyes at him.
“Don’t look at me like that love,” He teases.
“Do you not want me to eat you out or what?” He taunts.
You gulp audibly as you clench around nothing, completely blindsided by his words.
“Can you-“ Your voice breaks.
He taps on the bar stool and you tentatively climb on it. You feel a sharp sting on your bare ass and wince in pain.
“Couldn’t help myself,” Yoongi chuckles darkly before helping you up on the bar counter. You timidly sit at the edge, thighs rubbing together as you anxiously stare at the ceiling.
A rough hand grabs your chin and tilts your head down. “None of that bullshit. Open those pretty legs baby.”
You blush furiously at the sheer obscenity of his words, though you do part your legs a bit, as if guided by primal instinct.
But it’s not enough for Yoongi, and he pulls them wider apart as he slots in between them, leaving a quick harsh kiss onto your bruised plump flesh.
“Gonna eat that pussy out ‘til you come apart on my tongue, got it?” He promises darkly, you nod and whine weakly. “Use your words, love.”
You bite your sensitive lip and beg, full on beg,
“Yes, please, Yoongi-”
The man chuckles and bends down, hooking both of your thighs onto his shoulders as he kisses your inner thighs teasingly, the warm touch sending you into overdrive. He lays one thick swipe of his tongue from your entrance to your clit, making you jerk as soon as his wet warmth comes into contact with your needy cunt.
“So fucking wet already baby,” He purrs against you, the vibration tearing a high pitched moan out of your raw throat.
And then he dives in, sticking his tongue in and out of you in sweet agonizing motions, then focusing on your clit and sucking lightly on it before expertly rubbing circles on it with the tip of his tongue. You let out a chain of broken moans, absolutely unable to keep them at bay, the heat in your gut burning obscenely as you grip his hair in an attempt to steady yourself.
He continues licking at your sensitive nub, and you almost lose balance as he slides a digit, then two, into you, dragging the flat tip on his fingers onto your tight walls.
“Yoongi!” You yell out, feeling the familiar burn of your high quickly pooling at the bottom of your stomach in an unstoppable manner. He slips his fingers out of you, soon to be replaced by a slick tongue prodding at your entrance as his fingers come into contact with your clit, rubbing quick circles onto it and drawing your orgasm close at a dangerous speed.
“I’m- I’m gonna cum,” You sob, grabbing the edge of the counter to steady yourself as you feel your body tingling, so close to the edge you can almost taste it.
“Cum,” He orders as he smacks a hand onto your clit.
And that’s all it takes for you to stumble over the edge, crying out as soon as the first wave of your orgasm hits you. It’s frighteningly intense, something you’ve never experienced before. You can’t even feel your limbs as you go completely lax in the blond man’s hold. It feels so god damn good you don’t want it to ever stop. You register Yoongi’s mouth leaving open mouthed kisses onto your thighs, caressing them soothingly as you come down from the heights of pleasure.
“Oh my god,” You dumbfoundingly whisper.
“You taste so goddamn good,” He stands up and puts his fingers in his mouth,sucking them dry of your cum. It’s so vulgar and arousing you might as well orgasm right on the spot again.
You blush furiously, hiding behind your hands.
“What? No one ever told you that?” He takes both of your hands in his large veiny ones and sends you a quizzical look.
“N-no,” You bashfully admit.
He stares in shock. “Well someone’s eaten you out before right?” You nod.
“Yeah they just.. They never made me cum from it. Never tried long enough.” You wriggle one of your dainty hand free and tuck a strand of hair behind your ear
“Fucking dumbasses,” Yoongi groans. “You’re a fucking treat, I could do this all goddamn day.”
You try to clamp your thighs shut but Yoongi’s waist stops you from doing so. He tuts playfully before flicking your chin with his finger.
“How am I gonna fuck you if you close those pretty legs love?”
You gasp as he forcefully strikes your thigh with the flat side of his hand, making you jolt in the process.
“Do you want to stop?” He inquires, voice softening as he peers into your eyes.
“No please don’t,” You answer truthfully. “I want you so fucking bad Yoongi,” You tug at his waist band, earning you a low growl from the blond man.
“Good, then you better not try to close these again.” He swats at your leg and dips a hand into his back pocket to retrieve a condom before unbuttoning his jeans and letting them fall down to his knees, soon doing the same with his underwear.
You marvel at the sight of his thick length, leaking precum right under his navel, it’s so inviting you just want to lick at it over and over again until the man whimpers your name.
But you’re brought back to reality when a large hand clamps down around your neck. You snap your eyes to Yoongi’s face, drinking in greedily the completely lustful look in his eyes.
He tears the wrapping with his teeth and wraps the protection around his length, pumping himself a few times before slapping your clit with the head of his cock, you jolt on the spot as a rush of heat washes over you.
“Gonna fuck this little cunt open now, yeah?” His vulgar words make your head spin and you feel sweat trickling down your neck.
“Please,” You rasp out.
“Look at me, don’t you fucking dare look away.” He hisses through gritted teeth.
You nod eagerly and your mouth opens wide as soon as you feel the head of his thick girth prodding at your entrance. You force yourself to look straight into his obsidian eyes despite the electrifying intrusion, though you can’t help but roll your eyes as he pushes in slowly.
He squeezes your throat lightly and you peer at him once again, focusing on his sinful gaze.
“Baby goddamn you’re tight,” He moans as he ever-so-slowly pushes against your pulsating walls.
You let out a sharp sob as Yoongi pushes himself to the hilt, his hips hitting yours. He breaks eye contact as his head throws back in overwhelming ecstasy at the feeling of warm heat clamping down around him. You feel yourself shaking from the intense stimulation, though you want more. Need more.
“You can move,” You breathe out.
And just like that, he starts rocking his hips against you, you can feel the tip of his length rubbing against your walls in tantalizing motions.
“Please,” You sob out as a single tear flutters against your eyelashes.
“Shhh baby,” He soothes, before slowly pulling out, only to dive back in as tension builds in your abdomen. He slides his hands down to the back of your thighs and grips hard enough to leave bruises, and you really wouldn’t mind.
He soon picks up his pace and starts ramming into you relentlessly, the sound of skin slapping against skin so fucking obscene you’d like to record it. You cry out his name incoherently, you’re not even sure you can even pronounce letters at this point, being way past behind coherent thoughts considering the relentless pounding Yoongi inflicts upon your bruised insides.
You wouldn’t want it any other way.
He suddenly lifts your hips up, deepening the angle at which he plows through you, and your back curves at the extreme pleasure the new position blinds you with.
“R-right there, Yoongi!” You moan out, arching your back even more.
“There?” He huffs out as he thrusts sharply into you, hitting the same sweet spot over and over again.
“Ah! Yes!” You cry out as you feel another high hurtling at you at record speed. You can’t even warn him before your orgasm overtakes you so suddenly you can only scream his name brokenly, over and over. You’re barely aware of it when he stutters and spills into the condom, his high coaxed out by the sharp fluttering of your walls, as he painfully digs his nails into your thighs.
You stay still for a moment, breathing heavily as you let your heart rates calm down and get back to normal levels. You delicately play with strands of blond hair, Yoongi’s head resting heavily against your chest as he runs his hand up and down your arm, it’s comforting you think.
After a few minutes you regain a certain sense of reality and you take in your surroundings. There’s clothes laying on the floor and the first rays of the sun peek through the windows.You sigh contentedly, you’re completly fucked out.
You try to suppress a hiss as Yoongi slides out of you. He lays a few open mouthed kisses on your neck which prompts a few goosebumps to break upon the surface of your skin. Yoongi smiles softly against your neck when he notices.
“Did I hurt you? Are you okay?” He genuinely asks, lifting his head to analyze your face properly.
“I’m more than okay,” You chuckle fondly, he’s so damn attentionate.
You feel a thumb skim over your lip before a pair of plush lips leave a sloppy kiss onto yours, which you reciprocate ardently.
“How are you?” You inquire and run a hand through his tousled blond hair.
He snorts. “I’m doing amazing love.”
You laugh quietly and peck his lips again. “Should we leave soon?”
“Yeah, probably,” He sighs.
You lightly flick his forehead,
“Then let’s go.”
You unhurriedly get dressed and grab your things, bantering in between playful slaps and gentle kisses. When you head out the door it’s already morning and you can hear a few birds whistling as a new day settles over the quiet city streets.
You head for your car but you’re soon tugged back into a warm and strong embrace that has you melt into a puddle on the concrete.
You sink back into Yoongi’s chest as he holds you tight and leaves a few kisses at the back of your neck.
And you feel content like this, like maybe things are finally falling into place for you. You wouldn’t mind getting used to these warm hands and beautiful soft lips drawing shapes onto your skin.
“Yoongi what are you doing,” You giggle. “I have to go home and sleep.”
He hums understandingly. “Yeah, you do. You could come to my place. We can sleep and I could drive us back here for our shift.”
You break out into laughter at his clinginess. That’s one thing you wouldn’t have expected.
“But I’d have no clean clothes for tomorrow.” You pout.
“We can drive by your place on the way back,” Yoongi tightens his hold against you.
“Okay, let’s go to your place then. Plus, I can meet Cat.” You chuckle as he nips at the sensitive skin of your neck.
“You just want to meet Cat uh, is that it?” He feigns indignance.
You roll your eyes. “Yes, of course. I slept with you to meet Cat.”
“Fucking knew it.”
You turn your head as far as you can and kiss him gently, though you soon part because of the very uncomfortable angle.
You ruffle his blond head of hair before happily whispering,
“Let’s go meet Cat.”
a/n: fucking finally, them fucking kids istg. anyway, thanks for reading lovelies it means the world to me I just love seeing all your comments and reblogs<3
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jeon jungkook fanfiction 🥹🥹❤️‍🩹🫰🙏read,like share and subscribe i need support its my 1st time 🙂🖤🤎🥰
https://youtu.be/tySJVbAJicI (story link)
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whyse7vn · 10 months
[ot7 x reader]
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8 participants - 8 online
jin: namjoon be honest are you bald by choice?
namjoon: yes
yoongi: pretty shit choice
jk: namjoons bald?
tae: cancer :/
jk: OMG???
y/n: that’s not funny tae
tae: not cancer
jk: oh…
jimin: why do you sound disappointed
namjoon: why wouldn’t it be by choice
yoongi: cuz it’s a shit choice idk
jin: was wondering if tae shaved ur hair off by accident or something
namjoon: why would that ever happen
jk: why would you choose to be bald?
namjoon: it’s hot
y/n: hot as HELL
hobi: drop it like hot
namjoon: i hate summer
y/n: wait
jimin: we’re talking about temperature btw
hobi: not the seventeen song?
y/n: not namjoon?
tae: i’d get him pregnant if i could
y/n: 🙏🏽
jin: what
tae: i’m a man full of love
yoongi: full of shit
tae: some say i over love actually
i overlove
i overthink
i overfeel
jimin: you underbathe
jk: i love to bathe
hobi: it doesn’t show
y/n: i have to dress jungkook everyday so he doesn’t embarrass me
jin: that’s sad
yoongi: why would the way he dress effect you
y/n: we live in the same house if i let him dress himself some people might suspect child neglect
jk: neglect
namjoon: the worst part about it is that you let her jungkook
tae: what have i told you about standing up for yourself kookie
jk: i enjoy it actually
tae: stop talking
you can’t keep embarrassing me like this
jk: i’m sorry
tae: if you were sorry you would change
jk: i will change
for you i’ll always change
jimin: get a room?
hobi: is it not jungkooks birthday today?
jk: happy birthday 🎂 💜
oh that’s me lmao
jin: idiot
y/n: it’s tomorrow
jk: when she knows ur birthday 😍
tae: when’s mine lol
namjoon: are we having a party?
yoongi: not coming
jimin: let’s have it at yoongi’s place
yoongi: what
can you not read??
y/n: we can have a sleepover party!!!!
that would be so cute
tae: super cute!!
it would also be cute if you told me when my birthday was loool
jin: give up
i’ll bring drinks
namjoon: i can do snacks
jimin: NO YOU WONT
last time you were on snacks you brought us a whole load of plant based crackers
hobi: i can be snack man
y/n: i can decorate yoongi’s place a bit before
yoongi: wtf is wrong with you all
when i don’t open the door to any of you
y/n: i have a key?
yoongi: you do?
y/n: don’t act like you didn’t know
yoongi: idk what ur talking about
that’s pretty scary actually
jimin: get a room pt 2?
tae: let me in the room lol
when was i born @y/n
jk: all of this for me 🥺🥺
jimin: don’t flatter urself i just want to drink
hobi: what about a cake??
namjoon: i can get one
tae: you can just say the month i was born forget the date lmao
jin: how old is he turning?
jk: 26
jimin: 25???
hobi: i thought he was 23?
namjoon: i think it’s 24
yoongi: 1
y/n: he’s been 24 for like 5 years in a row
jin: somone google it
actually nvm i don’t care enough
namjoon just gonna put 24 on the cake
jk: is it a surprise party?
yoongi: are you stupid?
jimin: yes now close ur eyes ok?
jk: ok
hobi: there’s no way
y/n: jungkook…
yoongi: he is stupid
tae: i’ll give you a hint it ends in ember
namjoon: tae shut up
y/n go tell jungkook to open his eyes
jimin: here comes the fun police guys
y/n: sir yes sir 🫡
tae: lol i’m into that
hobi: tae got a really round head
my head is perfect
jin: no because i was thinking the same thing it’s BIG as hell too
tae: ur wrong
if anything
yoongi’s head is CRAZY ngl
yoongi: why the fuck did you word it like that
y/n: yoongi and tae fucking omg???
jk: plot twist
jin: look who opened his eyes
jk: it’s me lol
he’s talking about me
cuz my eyes were closed
jimin: we know
hobi: open your eyes - 7th sense nct u
y/n: neo got my back 💚
tae: whose neo why is he touching ur back
is this consensual???
can he fight??
namjoon: you all are getting to old to be acting like this still
hobi: wdym jungkook is only 24?
jimin: maybe he’s talking about jin
namjoon: i’m so tried
jk: i bet ironman is tired rn
yoongi: didn’t he die??
jk: you can be tired in heaven as well yoongi
jimin: beyoncé probably tired rn but she still looks pretty what’s ur excuse namjoon
hobi: bald people can’t be pretty
tae: about to cook guys wish me luck
yoongi: kys
tae: what
jk: keep yourself safe?
yoongi: kill yourself
tae: i’m gonna ignore you
y/n: jungkook shake ass on tiktok
jimin: ew
jk: ok
jin: you literally have no backbone jungkook
jk: ummm yes i do
i am no worm
namjoon: 😕
hobi: if she told you to jump off a cliff would you
yoongi: pls
jk: who
y/n: jungkook jump off a cliff
jk: what cliff
where is it
i’ll do it
jimin: not surprised
hobi: i think every year he decreases in age
jin: that makes a lot of sense
tae: i just deep fired an apple
y/n: why
tae: stay tf out my business
y/n: i hope you never see happiness
namjoon: what time is the party btw?
yoongi: never
jk: happy birthday 💜
hobi: we ride out at dawn
tae: should i bring deep fired apples
jin: i don’t even fuck with you all i won’t lie
y/n: do you think nct will perform for us
tae: sausage fest woah
yoongi: there is something really fucking wrong with you
tae: me and ur mother be fucking lol
yoongi: he’s not invited
someone kick him
nvm i’ll do it
yoongi kicked tae from "namkook month!!"
jk: do you think fish get lonely when they’re alone
jin: you think fish have kinks?
hobi: what if fish were behind the titanic crash
jk: what if they were in front of it
y/n: wow that’s insane
jk: ikr sometimes you have to think outside the box
jimin: you think outside the box constantly!
hobi: bro thinks outside the triangle 💀💀
jin: what does that even mean
jk: thanks guys!!!
namjoon: i asked a question
y/n: are we in school rn?
jin: yk i love a good bit of role play 🙈
yoongi: isn’t it better without him
jin: who’s him?
yoongi: exactly
jimin: i’m him
y/n: i could throw up
jk: do you know the muffin man?
namjoon: can we decide on a time pls
jk: OMG
what if we all just show up and see if we’re all in sync with each other
namjoon: that’s stupid
yoongi: i agree i’m not mentally connected to you guys in anyway shape or form
y/n: yoongi’s lying we talk telepathically all the time
jk: YOU DO???
jimin: ….
hobi: i agree with jungkooks idea
never thought i would say that
sorry give me a minute guys
jk: take all the time you need bro
yoongi: he just insulted you
jk: WHO?????
jimin: i’ll be there at 6
PM btw
jk: i don’t think you understand what we are doing jimin
ur not supposed to tell us
jimin: stop talking to me
namjoon: 6 ok
fucking finally
y/n: dw jk jimin’s a bit yk…
jk: ohhhhh ok
i’m sorry jimin
6 sounds like a plan wink wink lol
jimin: never fucking wink wink lol at me again you rat
hobi added tae to "namkook month!!"
yoongi: do you hate me
hobi: sorry he wouldn’t stop calling me
i don’t like being harassed
tae: hiii guys did you miss me
yoongi: no
yoongi left "namkook month!!"
jin: if i was to ever pass out it would go like this
HELPPPPP 😩😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😰😨
🫨🙄😵‍💫😵 (that’s my eyes rolling to the back of my head btw)
now i’m passed out £2!2£2&:&&;&;&;&;&;&,&;&;;;8;&&:&&:8:88;87,7,7,£,£,£;&;&;&,7,7,7,77,7,8;&:,&,&&,&,&,&,&,?&,&&?&&&,&,&,&:7,7,7,7;77;£,£;7££;£,,£,7,7,7,&&,&,,’cmnnmmmm98828:&,&,&,&,&:&,&,&,&,£,£,£,£,
and scene
jk: wow that was really good
it really felt like you passed out
jimin: wish you would pass out for real
jimin left “namkook month!!”
hobi: i don’t think it’s healthy that after one conversation everyone just ends up leaving the gc…
namjoon left “namkook month!!”
tae: no but fr who is namkook and why is it their month what a selfish bitch
y/n left “namkook month!!”
hobi: nvm i get it
hobi left “namkook month!!”
tae: lowkey i think you might be the problem jungkook…
jk: you think so?
tae: yeah lol
jk: why can’t you be the problem?
tae: why would i be the problem?
jk: i can’t always be the problem
tae: you seem to make it work
jk: ur not invited anymore
tae: what
jk: to the party
don’t come
ur uninvited
tae: don’t say things you’ll regret jungkook
whose gonna bring the deep fired apples if i don’t come??
jk: i’ll make it work
like i always do
this is goodbye taehyung
jk left “namkook month!!”
tae: what the fuck
happy jk day !! clearly this was written yesterday lmao
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spookyserenades · 5 months
Trouvaille Drabble Requests - WIPs
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Drabbles listed here have been requested VIA ask box. There are no estimated post dates for these; they'll be tackled when time allows, but this is where the ideas will live until they're posted on the Masterlist! If you'd like to make a request, I'll add the idea here. xx
Namjoon's time at the shelter while the others go home with Y/N
Jeongguk's POV of his birthday party
Hybrid's POV reactions of Y/N getting hit on by someone else
Taehyung taking portraits of the others for their IDs
Hybrid's POV after living with each other for a while (post end-of-summer cookout)
Hybrid's POV reactions to Y/N getting drunk
Hybrids's POV when Y/N passed out during the ghost encounter (Namkook exorcism scene, Hoseok carrying her to her room....)
Hybrid's POV reaction to Y/N being sick
Hybrid group chat convos (text au??)
Hybrids vs. Being ticklish 🤭
Hybrid's POV reactions to Y/N being jealous
Y/N's birthday 💜
Hybrid's reactions to Y/N showing up to adopt them
As stated at the top of this post, there are no listed post dates for these drabbles. You may request one at any time, and I'll get to them when I can x
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jxngh · 3 years
anything with jk or rm (maybe both 😏) & size kink! thx love
well...i picked both 👉🏻👈🏻 ty for requesting <3 enjoy ✨
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"like it too much?" joon whispered to your ear after you watched jungkook's dance in 'my time'. the way he moved his body got your breath away and it was a fact that the golden maknae was getting sexier day by day.
the thing is it was more than liking it, you'd be lying if you didn't imagine him in...uhm...different scenarios.
"uhm.." you said after thinking. "i did. he's so good at what he's doing." you continued, getting a stare from him. he eyed you head to toes slowly.
"would you like him joining us?" he said in a dangerous tone. you didn't know if it was a trap or him really offering.
"joining what?" you asked back, you were getting excited. the thought of having him was giving you tingles, your eyes were showing you random features of him. his hands, thighs,jawline...
"don't play the innocent babygirl. i can see it clearly. plus... you're not the only one who wants it. you think he gets that shy around other people? no, it's special for you." he said, eyes looking so deep.
"really?" you replied, liking his answer too much but trying to sound not excited, playing it cool.
"yes doll, no doubt he's dreaming about his noona screaming his name." he said before coming closer and starting to leave intense kisses to your neck.
"but tonight, his noona is gonna scream my name."
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your boyfriend wasted no time to fulfill your dreams. he told you that they're on their way and you should be ready.
you wore a pretty lingerie for them. one of namjoon's favorites, black.
you checked yourself from the mirror before getting the drinks. you were going to need it.
you drank 2 glass before they came and put your favorite smell on.
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"fuck noona, you're so pretty for us." jungkook spoke while his hands were on your waist, slowly going up to cup your breasts. you were breathing heavily.
joon was behind you, leaving wet kisses to your neck while his hand is palming your pussy. you were feeling your body getting hotter with every touch of them.
"she's getting so wet, jungkook. keep talking, make her ready." namjoon talked, you could feel his breath on the freshly touched skin of yours.
jungkook kept squeezing your breasts gently.
"you have no idea what you do to me noona. you have no idea how many times i've imagined you." he confessed and namjoon sucked a mark to your neck. then his hands found your ass before he teased your hole with his dick.
you squealed when you felt the younger's lips around your nipple. he left small kisses around and kept sucking while squeezing the other, then changing and giving other the same attention. you were losing your breath.
"talk babygirl, tell us what you want." joon kept teasing, making you sigh deeply.
"i want you inside." you held joon's neck and looked right into jungkook's eyes, felt him twitching on your thigh. joon left out a breathy moan and pushed himself into you.
jungkook was more careful, lining himself before he slowly got into your walls.
you left out a cry, feeling so full and stretched by two big men.
namjoon was moving slowly and jungkook was at the same rhythm too. they were hitting so deep inside you but you needed more.
your hands found jungkook's face and pulled him to a deep kiss, to make him relax and... you just wanted so. he replied to your kiss eagerly after a small shock.
after the kiss joon started to pump himself harder. jungkook was not that fast but hitting deeper with every thrust, making you jolt and getting moans from you. you weren't holding anything back.
"oh fuck...s-so deep mmhh." you moaned and send your head back. when jungkook got faster, you could feel your orgasm coming, whimpering nonstop.
"yeah baby? you like that? having your holes full with us? nghh" joon said fucking you hard.
"she's clenching so hard hyung, so tight...shit i won't last long-oh." he moaned. "where should i?" he asked while looking at you.
"inside." you spoke. and you came with a hard thrust of jungkook. eyes going black for a couple seconds. then you felt joon's cum on your inner thighs.
jungkook kept on fucking you hard and he spilled himself into you, moaning.
"oh shit, thank you mmmh thank you so much."
.·´ you can send asks in here (but i am so so soo slow)
404 notes · View notes
jjungkookislife · 4 years
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↬ pairing: namkook x reader 
↬ genre: smut 18+, LMHT
↬ summary: Jungkook is curious about your new toy, so you show him how it works.
↬ wc: 4.9k
↬ warnings: not in order; threesome (fmm), cursing, poly-relationship, fuck machine, dildo, oral sex (f&m), unprotected and protected sex, noona kink (tiny),  switch!jungkook, softdom!joon, sexting (i.e. videos/pictures), slight voyeurism, masturbation (f and m),  pet names, dirty talk, hair pulling, marking (hickeys), fingering (f&m), manhandling, creampie, choking, overstimulation, multiple orgasms
↬ date: October 22, 2020
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Jungkook had been the first to get home that night, exhausted from a shoot he had to do. He had called Namjoon earlier on his way home. His boyfriend had been doing a Vlive and would hopefully be home not too long after. Jungkook just wanted to have a hot shower then cuddle with you and Joon. He’d been working a lot lately and had seen little of the two of you. He was hoping tonight would change that.
After hanging up the phone, Jungkook sent you a quick text to confirm you were indeed home. It had been amazing having you living with them, not that you spent much time in your apartment anyway, but at least now, he could see you every night when he’d get home.
The moment Jungkook steps into the dorm, he’s kicking off his shoes, not caring where they land as he beelines it to Namjoon’s bedroom.
“Noona!” he greets you with a wide grin, startling you as you jump back in surprise. You splay your palm over your chest, your heart racing from the fright.
“Kookie!” you scream, as he apologizes before he kisses your cheek and runs to the bathroom to shower quickly. You giggle, taking your shirt off before he gets back, your lingerie on display. You wonder if he’ll like it?
You get off the bed, moving to the fuck machine to set it up before Jungkook gets back. You set your phone and ring light up, making sure the lighting is perfect for you when you start filming for Namjoon in hopes that he’ll come home from work faster.
“Noona, what is that?” Jungkook’s eyes are wide with surprise as he sees the machine, a dildo attached to it.
You look away, embarrassed, “it’s a gift from Joon.”
“Have you used it already? What is it?” Jungkook circles the machine, curious.
“Yes, I’ve used it. Joon showed me. He said it was for me to use when you go on tour. It’s a sex machine,” you state, a tinge of embarrassment evident in your tone.
Jungkook is bewildered, studying every inch of it, his hair falling into his eyes, his teal highlights clinging to his face as his wet hair drips down his bareback. Water drops falling into the band of his Calvin Klein boxers.
“Can you show me how it works?” Jungkook asks as he circles around it one more time, his eyes meeting yours.
You squirm under his dark gaze, nodding.
You have him take a seat in Namjoon’s chair, straddling him as his hands run over the length of your body, his lips meeting yours. You can’t get enough of your boyfriend, you would never get enough, you realize as you grind down on him, his lips sparking a fire within you. His name rolls off your tongue in a saccharine moan that has you tugging on his long locks.
“Jungkook,” you moan again, his lips marking your neck, nipping on a certain spot that has your pussy pulsing.
“Fuck, that’s it,” Jungkook grunts as your hand slips into his boxers, wrapping around his hard cock.
“Kookie.” you moan as his lips move lower, his tongue licking your pert nipple through the pink lace material covering your breasts.
“Yes, love?”
“Let me show you what the machine does,” you remind him. He ruefully lets you go after stealing a kiss from your lips.
Jungkook watches you with eager eyes, following your every move as you climb on the bed, arching your back more than necessary. Jungkook groans, hand in his boxers, stroking his hard cock.
“Tease,” he whines as his head lolls back, wanting nothing more than to have you wrapped around his dick.
You smirk, shaking your ass for him. Jungkook almost leaves the chair but remains sitting as you get on your knees, your hands cupping your breasts. You shake your hair until it sits over one shoulder, the thin straps of your lingerie falling over your shoulder.
“Please,” Jungkook pleads, but you shake your head as you pull the strap back onto your shoulder, grinning.
“All in due time, baby,” Jungkook nods, a pout on his lips that quickly disappears when the machine is turned on.
“Holy fuck?!” Jungkook's eyes widen to quadruple their size as he watches the dildo begin to piston forward. “Hyung bought you this?!”
You nod, slowing the machine to wrap your lips around the dildo. Jungkook stares in awe, his cock throbbing in his boxers.
“Fuck, baby…”
“Oh? I’m baby now? I’m not noona anymore?” You ask, pulling off the fake cock with a smirk.
“No, not while you’ve got that cock about to fuck your throat. Now open up and take it.”
You maintain eye contact, the dildo slowly fucking your mouth, your saliva dripping from your lips. Jungkook is tugging his boxers off, legs spread as he jerks his cock, pre-cum dribbling freely to aid him in his task.
“Jungkook…” your voice is muffled by the dildo.
“No, don’t try to speak. The only thing I want to hear is you gagging on that fake cock. Look at you! Drooling all over it as if it were real.” Jungkook licks his lips as he watches you for a moment, his cock throbbing in his hand.
“I’m going to speed it up, okay? Dig your nails into my thigh if you want me to stop. Tap my thigh twice if you want to continue. Understood?” Jungkook asks as he gets on the bed. You tap his thigh twice. Jungkook grins, speeding up the machine and watching in amazement as your throat bulges, your gagging growing louder as tears run down your cheeks.
Jungkook bites his bottom lip, admiring you.
“Good girl,” he praises you. “Look at you, taking cock so well. Your throat’s just taking a beating, isn’t it? To think, Namjoon kept this all to himself.”
You can’t speak. Your mouth occupied as his hands caress your body, pushing your hair out of your face before speeding up the machine once again.
“I’ve never loved Joon more than in this moment,” he curses, hand stroking his cock as he watches you for a few minutes. You use one hand to support your weight as you lean forward to take more of the dildo. You watch Jungkook, your other hand moving down your body until you’re pushing the lace out of the way. Your wet pussy greets your fingertips, coating them generously before rubbing your clit in slow, torturous circles.
The dildo muffles your moans, your mouth widening further as you inhale through your nose and tears prick the corners of your eyes.
Jungkook rises from the bed, licking his lips as you follow him with your gaze. He turns on your phone camera before walking over to the machine; he looks at you with a raised brow. You move your hand away from between your thighs, giving him a thumbs up. He speeds up the machine, your throat feeling the brunt of it.
Jungkook can’t believe the way your throat bulges, tears streaming down your cheeks as you allow the dildo to fuck your throat. He makes sure to get every angle, ignoring the throbbing of his erection as he climbs further on the bed beside you. One of his hands holds his phone, the other wanders between your thighs, pushing the lace panties out of the way. He’s not surprised to see they’re soaked through and ruined as his fingertips rub your wet folds. You arch your back further, your arms trembling as you try to keep your balance.
“Look at the mess you’ve made,” Jungkook states, your arousal smeared on your thighs as he wraps his hand around his cock. A moan of your name tumbles from his lips, his head falling back as he spreads his knees further apart. You stop the machine to look at him over your shoulder. His head is thrown back, eyes shut, lips parted as soft moans escape him and his hips rising and falling as he humps the air.
“Kook,” you call for him, his eyes peering open one at a time, a shy smile on his lips.
“Yes, baby?”
“Touch me,” you say as you tug your panties down your thighs, unclipping your bra right after. Jungkook admires your naked body, his phone capturing every moment of you running your hands over your body. You squeeze your tits, moaning as your fingers brush over your sensitive nipples, your back arching off the bed as one hand cups your breast, the other slides between your thighs. Jungkook is salivating, his pretty doe eyes fixated on your wet cunt, your fingers pushing into you as his name rolls off his tongue.
Jungkook stops recording, tossing his phone off to the side on the bed. “That’s it, baby. Fuck yourself on your fingers for me.”
“Jungkook,” you gasp, but he just chuckles, shaking his hair out of his eyes.
“Just like that, baby. You’re so good for me, aren’t you?” Jungkook asks, his fingertips brushing your thigh. His touch has you craving more, but Jungkook moves his hand off you. “Keep fucking yourself for me.”
You do as you’re told as Jungkook slots himself between your thighs. You wish you could be embarrassed, but after being with all your boyfriends, having one of them this up close and personal while you touched yourself wasn’t anything new.
Jungkook’s fixated on the way your slick fingers push in and out of your pussy, his tongue peeking from between his lips as he inches closer. His hand covers yours, moving it out of the way as he takes your wet fingers into his mouth to suck them clean. You pout, wanting some sort of relief, but you know it’ll come in due time, especially if he’s already between your thighs.
“So pretty,” Jungkook muses, his tongue licking up your folds. You sigh in relief, glad he’s not going to tease you like you had originally thought. Jungkook had planned on teasing you, on drawing it out until you were begging for him to eat you out, but once he saw how wet you were, he couldn’t wait any longer. His hand reaches up to grab your breast, fingers rolling your nipple while he flicks his tongue on your clit. You moan, ecstatic to finally have some stimulation on your clit.
Jungkook says nothing else as he dives in, your arousal coating his tongue as his tattooed fingers push into you.
“Oh fuck,” you curse, your hand tangling in his hair, holding him in place as you drape your legs over his broad shoulders. Jungkook moans, pulling you closer to his face as he buries his tongue inside you.
Your hips rise off the bed, your grip on his hair never faltering as you fuck his face. Jungkook groans, his cock throbbing as he humps the mattress. He wants to hold out, wants to watch you come undone before he buries his cock deep inside you.
“Kook, please,” you cry, arching your back. Your eyes flutter shut, your thighs squeezing his head as you beg him to make you cum. Jungkook ignores your pleas, gripping you tighter in his hands.
“Looks like the two of you have been busy while I’ve been away.” You open your eyes, seeing Namjoon leaning against the doorframe. Jungkook doesn’t stop his ministrations but hums in response.
Namjoon takes a seat beside Jungkook, his hand reaching out to stroke your cheek, “does it feel good, baby?”
“Yes.” you breathe as his thumb runs along your bottom lip before he pushes it into your mouth. You suck it, your eyes on him as you wrap your tongue around it.
“Did you show him your new toy?” Namjoon asks, head tilting in the direction of your fuck machine.
“I did,” you answer, kissing his thumb before he takes it out of your mouth. “Oh fuck, Jungkook!”
Namjoon smirks, he leans forward, his tongue flicking against your hard nipple. You moan, loving the feel of his lips licking and sucking on your nipple.
“Make her cum on your tongue, Kook.” Namjoon instructs Jungkook doesn’t answer as he does as he’s told. You writhe beneath him, your hands gripping both of your boyfriends. Jungkook’s tongue is working diligently to get you off, his fingers curling inside you as Namjoon kisses you. He caresses your face, his tongue pushing past the seam of your lips, swallowing each of your dulcet moans.
Your hands grip Namjoon’s shirt, tugging it until he’s pulling away from you to take it off. Jungkook can feel you tightening around his fingers. He notices the way your breathing has grown ragged.
Namjoon kisses you once again, his hand cupping your breast.
“Cum for Jungkook, baby. Cum for him so he can bury his cock inside you. You want that, don’t you? Want to feel him stretch your cunt out? Want him to fuck you until you’re sore?”
“Joon,” you gasp, back arching.
“Moan for Kookie. Moan for him, love. Cum on his tongue for me.”
“Fuck, fuck,” your moans grow louder and louder as you feel yourself fall over the edge. Jungkook’s name rolls off your tongue, your hand gripping his hair tightly as you finally let go for him. He moans in appreciation, licking up your release eagerly.
Namjoon taps Jungkook to get him to stop as your legs fall limp on the bed. Jungkook smiles proudly as he kisses his way up your body, still slotted between your thighs as he brushes his lips against yours before turning to kiss Namjoon.
“Missed you,” he murmurs as he climbs over you to get to Namjoon. You scoot over on the bed to give them room as you take a second to catch your breath.
Jungkook cups Namjoon’s face, bringing him closer as he kisses him. Namjoon kisses him back, setting the pace as his hands grab the younger man’s waist to pull him onto his lap.
“I missed you too. I’m glad you called me earlier,” Namjoon whispers, making Jungkook blush as he buries his face in the elder’s neck. Namjoon grunts when Jungkook kisses his neck, nipping at the flesh until a small mark forms, and Jungkook kisses his way back to his lips.
“Why don’t you try y/n’s new toy? I’m sure she won’t mind sharing.” Namjoon looks at you, brow raised. You shake your head, “Kookie can use it.”
Namjoon grins, looking at his boyfriend. Jungkook looks at the fuck machine with wide eyes.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Namjoon assures him, but Jungkook shakes his head, assuring you both that he wants to give it a go.
Namjoon slows the machine down, raising a brow at you, “I see you’ve been practicing.”
“Somewhat,” you respond with a shrug before giggling.
“You ready, baby?” Namjoon asks Jungkook, who nods and answers verbally with a yes.
“Y/n, why don’t you get under him and suck his cock?” Namjoon suggests and you immediately look at Jungkook, who verbally consents before you settle between his legs.
You suck his cock right away, slurping loudly as you take him in your mouth. Jungkook moans, eyes squeezing shut as his lips wrap around the dildo.
“Fuck,” Namjoon breathes as he watches his boyfriend get fucked with a dildo. Jungkook is fucked out of his mind, taking a dildo down his throat while his cock fucks into yours. He’s on Cloud 9, his thighs trembling slightly as pleasure flushes through his body.
“Feel good, babe?” Namjoon checks in, waiting for Jungkook to respond. Jungkook gives a thumbs up.
Namjoon watches as Jungkook’s throat bulges slightly, licking his lips as he strokes his cock.
Jungkook grunts, tears pricking at his eyes as the machine speeds up slightly. He’s overwhelmed with pleasure, loving every second as saliva runs down his chin. He’s sure he must look a mess, but he doesn’t give a single fuck when he hears Namjoon moaning his name while his hand is wrapped around his cock.
Namjoon repositions you, so your legs are facing him. He spreads them, licking his lips when he sees you dripping with arousal.
“Fuck, you two don’t waste time…” Namjoon trails off as Jungkook gags around the dildo. Namjoon is quick to shut the machine off, moving Jungkook to the side to see tears running down his cheeks to mix with the saliva on his lips and chin.
“Come here baby boy,” Namjoon coos at his boyfriend, wiping away the tears with his thumbs. Jungkook’s eyes are soft and glistening with tears as Namjoon kisses his cheeks, forehead, eyes, nose and finally his lips. “You did so well. Why don’t you lay beside y/n and let me take care of you both?”
Jungkook nods, smiling sheepishly as he lies beside you, your arms wrapped around him immediately to cuddle him. He breathes in your scent, humming happily as you cover his face in kisses as Namjoon watched you both, a soft smile on his lips.
“I love you,” Namjoon states in a gentle tone as he kisses each of you before you kiss Jungkook as Namjoon trails kisses down your body.
Jungkook gasps when his boyfriend’s hand wraps around his cock, stroking it while his lips are still kissing their way down your heated flesh.
The symphony of moans you two produce at his hands is euphoric. Namjoon is eager to have you both wailing and writhing beneath him.
His tongue traces your navel before he spreads your thighs, licking his lips when he sees how wet you’ve become.
“Such a good girl for me,” Namjoon praises you. “Sharing your toys and now spreading your legs to show me how wet you are.”
You flush with heat, looking at Jungkook, who is sitting up resting on his elbow to look between your thighs.
He too licks his lips, not noticing that Namjoon’s hand is no longer stroking his cock.
Both men are focused on you. Jungkook nuzzling his face into your neck as Namjoon settled between your thighs to give your cunt a taste.
You shiver, gripping your boyfriend’s hair tightly. Namjoon grunts in response, his tongue flicking your clit as Jungkook kisses his way down your neck to your breasts. You arch into him when his warm mouth wraps around a hard nipple, his teeth tugging on it gently.
“Fuck,” you breathe, your hand tangled in his hair as the other tangles in Namjoon’s. Both men moan. The three of you lose yourselves to touches, moans, and sensations that have your eyes rolling back.
Namjoon can never get enough of you. He’d gladly stay buried between your thighs until you’re begging him to stop. He’d also be glad to have Jungkook’s cock down his throat, but he’s not picky. He just wants to please his partners.
You gasp, back arching as you fist Namjoon’s hair. He grunts, cock rutting against the mattress. He knows you're close. He can feel it in the way your thighs tremble beneath his palms. He can hear it in your breath as it hitches, moans rising in octaves as your eyes flutter shut and his name spills from your lips.
Jungkook smirks, lips suckling your tits harder, his tongue teasing your nipples as you cry out for them.
“Cum for us, baby. Cum on Joonie’s tongue,” Jungkook’s deep tone has you melting into a puddle as you do just that.
“Such a good girl.”
Namjoon sits up, licking his lips once you’ve come down. Jungkook grabs him by the neck, pulling him into a kiss, aching to taste you on his tongue. You watch on in amazement, wondering how lucky you were to have them both.
Namjoon kisses his way down Jungkook’s jaw to his neck. The younger man sighs heavenly, his hands gripping his boyfriend’s thick biceps as Namjoon pushes him down onto the bed.
Namjoon doesn’t waste time trailing kisses down Jungkook’s body, marking him as he goes. You move toward Jungkook, kissing him. Jungkook is eager to kiss you, his hand cupping your face.
“Fuck,” he curses. His head falls back into the pillows; lips parted.
You smirk when you make eye contact with Namjoon, whose lips are wrapped around Jungkook’s thick cock.
Jungkook’s airy moans have you clenching around nothing as Namjoon bobs up and down his cock. Jungkook whimpers, holding you close as he muffles his cries by pressing his lips against your skin. His hand roams your body, spreading your thighs to push two of his fingers into you. You moan his name, looking down at him. He grins mischievously as he fingers you while Namjoon sucks him off.
“Want to fuck you with hyung,” he grunts, eyes shut as his cock hits the back of Namjoon’s throat. “Fuck!”
You moan, his thumb rubbing your clit as his lips find yours once again. You want him, both of them, desperately. You want to be filled, utterly stuffed, with their cocks. You want them to fill you with cum until it’s leaking down your thighs, staining your sheets beyond repair.
“Namjoon, fuck!” Jungkook loses himself as Joon deep throats him. You grope your tits, your other hand moving between your thighs to rub your clit. You moan, watching them as Namjoon spits on Kook’s cock, his tongue laving at it after. Jungkook nearly loses his soul when Joon takes his balls into his mouth.
“Feel good?” you ask in a teasing tone. Jungkook tries to form words, but his efforts fall short as he groans, raising his hips before Namjoon growls and holds him down.
Jungkook whines, wanting to feel Joon’s throat once again. Namjoon teasingly licks at the head, sucking on the prominent vein underneath; Jungkook swears he sees stars.
Namjoon rises, licking his lips, “Y/n, hands and knees facing the headboard.”
You follow his command as he gets off the bed, opening a drawer and taking out lube and a condom.
Jungkook grunts, catching himself as Namjoon manhandles him onto his hands and knees. Jungkook’s large palm is on your back, fixing your arch before you feel his fiery tongue on your wet cunt.
“Fuck,” you bite your lip, hips moving. Jungkook chuckles, swirling his tongue before pushing it into you. A gasp escapes him, feeling Namjoon’s fingers dance down his spine.
“How lucky am I to have the both of you all to myself today?” Namjoon licks his lips, his index finger teasing Jungkook’s entrance. A soft whine leaves Jungkook’s pouty lips, halting his movements. You arch further, trying to tempt him.
“Please,” you and Jungkook whisper in unison. Namjoon smiles, shaking his head as he has Jungkook begins to eat you out. You moan softly, growing louder when his tongue flicks your clit. His fingers push into you, curling inside you just as Namjoon does the same to him. Jungkook’s breathing grows ragged. Sweet moans fill the room as Namjoon stretches him.
Soft whimpers escape your long-haired boyfriend.
“Hyung!” he rasps, eyes fluttering shut. Namjoon licks his lips, loving how Jungkook has become so needy, bucking his hips and arching further.
“What a good baby boy,” Namjoon smirks, pushing in a second finger. Jungkook shudders, cursing and whining while your hand finds itself between your thighs, rubbing your clit.
“Jungkook,” you call, drawing his attention. He mutters an apology, his fingers resuming their ministrations as his tongue joins in a second later.
His moans mix with yours, a deep, guttural groan escaping him minutes later. His eyes roll to the back of his head, his hair falling over his eyes.
“Joon,” he whimpers, biting his lip. Namjoon kisses his shoulder, whispering sweet words as he pushes more of his cock into him.
“You’re doing so well, baby boy. You always take my cock well, don’t you? Such a good boy for me… for us.” Jungkook keens at the praise, grunting as Namjoon bottoms out. Jungkook feels like he's in heaven as pleasure courses through his veins. His moans are soft but grow louder as he adjusts to Namjoon.
“Good boy, Kookie. Why don’t you fuck our baby girl, huh? I’m sure she’d love that, wouldn’t you, Y/n?” Namjoon asks and you eagerly answer him by frantically nodding your head.
“See? She wants to be wrapped around your thick cock,” Namjoon states as his hand wraps around Jungkook’s cock, jerking it enough to make the younger man tremble.
Jungkook is breathless; stars in his eyes as he allows his boyfriend to line his cock up at your entrance. You sigh in content, biting your lip as Jungkook’s cock pushes into you.
Your walls hug him tight, refusing to release him. Jungkook is overwhelmed with pleasure, unable to do much more than grunt and utter some broken cry of your name and Namjoon’s.
Jungkook’s thrusts are rather sloppy, but given the way Namjoon is railing into him, it’s understandable. His lips find your shoulder, soft kisses pressed on your skin before he moans. You whimper at the sound, aroused beyond belief as more dulcet moans escape him.
“That’s it, baby boy,” Namjoon groans, shaking his hair out of his eyes as he fucks into Jungkook faster. Lewd noises fill the room, and soon you’re not sure who is the loudest.
Jungkook grips your hips, caressing your body and leaving his marks on your skin. His fingers find your clit, rubbing it in figure eights as your hips meet each of his thrusts. Namjoon curses, his hand embedded in Jungkook’s thick hair, turning him to kiss him. The kiss is rough, all teeth and tongue and muffled moans.
“Joon!” Jungkook gasps, his eyes rolling back as he cums unexpectedly. You groan, feeling spurt after spurt of his cum filling you. His fingers don’t stop, and neither do his thrusts. You’re right at the edge, tumbling into an orgasm shortly after. His name rolls off your tongue as you grip the sheets beneath you as he fucks you through your orgasm.
“Jung-kook! Baby!” You cry again, collapsing face first into your pillow. Jungkook pulls out of you as Namjoon slows his thrusts enough for him to do so. You remain arched with your ass in the air as you can only hear the sound of your boyfriends fucking.
“Look at you taking my cock so well. You’re just my needy baby, aren’t you? You like the way my cock stretches you out and makes you cry, Jungkookie?” Namjoon licks his lips, his hand gripping Jungkook’s chin. Jungkook shakes his hair out of his eyes, nodding in response as he looks at his boyfriend over his right shoulder.
“Y-yes,” the shy boy stutters, his doe eyes glowing as he’s rewarded with a kiss. Jungkook sighs heavenly, his heart fluttering in his chest.
Namjoon smiles, dimples on display. He’s a softy for his boyfriend, always has been and always will be. As the two continue to kiss, Namjoon thrusts languidly into him, going in deep and grinding against Jungkook’s pert ass.
Namjoon nips Jungkook’s neck, leaving a small mark. His tongue traces over it after, making Jungkook shudder as his eyes close shut.
“Joonie,” Jungkook whines, euphoria coursing through his veins. Namjoon chuckles, his hand wrapping around the younger’s throat, squeezing the sides. Jungkook curses, his hand overlapping Namjoon’s.
Jungkook’s hips meet each of Namjoon’s thrusts as they grow sloppier, but penetrate deeper. Jungkook’s cock twitches, already half-hard again, he’s sure he’ll cum.
Namjoon wraps his other hand around Jungkook, jerking his cock as he cries out. His sensitivity overwhelming him, but Joon’s soft words coax him along with his plush lips on his sensitive neck.
“Almost there,” Namjoon whispers, grunting as his teeth tug on Kook’s earlobe. Jungkook nods, his stomach tightening as Namjoon continues to stroke his cock.
“Fuck… please,” you hear Jungkook beg, biting his lip as his eyes squeeze shut and a high-pitched cry of Namjoon’s name escapes him. Namjoon groans, curses, and fucks Jungkook through his own orgasm, feeling the heat of Jungkook’s cum on his fingers.
Moans and groans escape their lips, followed by heavy pants and soft, wet kisses. You roll over onto your back, coming face-to-face with a satiated Jungkook. You run your fingers through his hair, his face nuzzling your hand when it brushes his cheek.
Namjoon gets out of the bed to dispose of the condom and gets himself cleaned up before joining the both of you. He cleans up Jungkook first before helping you. You hold Jungkook in your arms, his head resting between your breasts as your fingers card through his hair.
Namjoon curls up behind him, his arm draping over the both of you. He kissed the top of Jungkook’s head before he kissed your lips. Jungkook grins, tired but welcoming the love and affection he’s receiving from the two of you.
“I love you,” he murmurs sleepily as he tries to muffle a yawn but fails. Namjoon strokes his back, asking if he’s okay or if he’d like him to get some water. Jungkook shakes his head, “stay. I don’t want you to leave me.”
Namjoon nods, assuring him that he won’t be going anywhere. Jungkook nods, wiggling further into Namjoon.
“I love you both,” you say, your hand continuing to stroke Jungkook’s hair. Namjoon repeats your words, yawning after.
“Long day?” you ask them, and they nod as Namjoon wraps his arm securely around Jungkook’s slim waist.
A warm smile appears on your lips, your heart fluttering at the sight of your boyfriends wrapped up in each other after a long day at work. You’re so in love with them just as they are with you, and the fact is enough to fill you with warmth.
“Sleep, my loves. I’ll be right here.” You stroke Jungkook’s hair one last time and then stroke Namjoon’s. Both men close their eyes, cuddling each other and murmuring ‘I love you’s.’
“I’ll be right here.”
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thank you for reading! ♡ if you liked it, please let me know! 💌
© jjungkookislife - I do not allow reposts or translations of my work on any platforms, this includes Youtube.
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justsugar · 5 years
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Pen and click
Chapter 2: a reputation to maintain
Prev / next
Characters: reader!BoudoirModel, jungkook!photographer, Namjoon!writer, Yoongi!tattoo artist, taehyung!model, jimin!dancer, hoseok!dancer, Jin!Baker
Pairs: Jungkook/reader/Namjoon (yes this is a poly)
Summary: one is her favorite photographer and the other is her favorite writer and she appreciate both of them.
Warnings: cursing, nudity, fluff, humour, maybe some angst and smut in the future(I am not sure yet), boyxboy, poly relationship, future ships
Author's note: so this is my very first au, I hope you enjoy it, I don't have a schedule for uploading yet, but I will see in the future, for now I will upload now And then so stay tuned, if you have any questions ask away or any requests do so please. Thank you
If you wanna be added to the taglist comment down below
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sabrinareadsbts · 2 years
220406 SMUT RECS
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Welcome to my little smutty library. (18+)
🔥=smut, 💕=fluff, 🌪️=angst, 🌟=personal favorite, ✅=completed series
These are sorted from OT7/multiple members, Jin, Yoongi, J-hope, Namjoon, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook divided by one shots and series.
Shelved fics: 220330, 220316, 220309, 220302, 220223, 220216 and here.
OT7/multiple members
one shots
Let me hold them by @jjungkookislife  🔥[9.4k] Namjoon x reader x Jungkook idol!au, boyfriend!Namjoon, Jungkook has a big fat crush on Namjoon and y/n, sexting, dirty talk, Jungkook is on his shy boy agenda, y/n likes to please and be sexy, both have amazing dicks 💜, the smut is great and there is some Namkook kissing and cuddling happening at the end. I enjoyed reading this!
one shots
Red Mercedes by @bubblebeom​ [5.3k] 🔥 hot and clumsy Namjoon, I love him!!, you meet Namjoon in a club and there’s car sex. This is short and sweet, I loved this.
one shots
two ships by @taeescript  🔥💕 [11.6k]  [y/n has physical attributes attached] childhood friends to lovers, think of Sweet Night when you read this, it’s really cute and has a happy ending though!! Taehyung is really cute and the bestestttt friend ever, y/n is a little scared (some angsty moments!), they are in love though :( loved this!!
warm by @httpjeon [5k]  🔥 roommates, I am a sucker for dirty talk soooooo, I just HAD to, imagine to find your roommate Taehyung jerking off on the couch 🤤, he runs off embarrassed and... maybe things happen. Really hot!! rupture; rapture @inkedtae 🔥 🌪️ [13.2k] ex-boyfriend!Taehyung, ex lovers au, e2l?, this was really angsty but beautiful :( it hurt in the good kinda way when you’re trying to move on after a painful breakup and everything hits you at once when you’re close to them again and.. you don’t want to give in first because that makes you vulnerable. I loved this. Made me hot and sad but also hopeful :( play pretend by @njssi  🔥💕 [3.5k] best friend!Taehyung, best friends to?, this is fluff smut, Taehyung is really skilled and blonde!!, big dick!Taehyung, this is really smutty and sweet. :) 
cliff diving by @wwilloww  🔥💕 ✅ [3 parts, 2.9k - 6.5k + a drabble] [y/n has physical attributes attached] f2l, Jin, Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung are your friends and you go hiking in the woods each year, all of them are very sweet and on brand, I got warm all over when I read this. Taehyung and y/n are just really really into each other and after years of pining they take a leap 💘lots of kissing and smut in the end. loved this. It’s really well written. 
one shots
vaunt by @yminie  🔥[9.4k] fratboy!jungkook, big dick!jungkook (we love to see it, it’s really huge), squirting, a whole lotta bragging and dudes being disgusting, y/n is tired of everyone’s bullshit.
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shuadotcom · 3 years
Appreciated | KNJ (M)
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✺ Summary: Namjoon is the town’s most brilliant alchemist, but his frantic demeanor has scared off assistant after assistant. He’s never been able to find someone he could trust that could put up with his demands. That is until he finds you. You’re his faithful, oh so patient assistant, that’s been with him for years. When he overhears you getting another job offer one day, Namjoon must do his best to show you just how much he appreciates you and keep you by his side.
✺ Pairing: Alchemist!Namjoon x Witch Female!Reader
✺ Genre/AU: Smut, fluff, supernatural au, coworkers to lovers au, basically porn with a plot 
✺ Warnings: Profanity, oral (f receiving), fingering, protected sex
✺ Words: 5k
✺ A/N: Written for the Namkook Moonrise Masquerade event! This was supposed to be a different fic, but then my brain said no this is what you’ll write, so here we are! Thank you to @sugasbabiie​ for the beautiful banner!! And huge thank you to @hobeemin​ for being my wonderful beta!!  💙 
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Running Kim’s Antiques, the town’s first and oldest secret alchemy shop isn’t easy. Namjoon’s father opened it before he was born, and it immediately became a staple in town among the other supernatural population. To the normal, mortal townsfolk, it’s an antique shop offering trinkets and keepsakes from the past. Namjoon can go from selling an old watch from the early 1900s in the morning to selling an intelligence potion to a pixie in the afternoon.
It’s the family business, and Namjoon doesn’t mind. Being in the back of the shop in his workroom, surrounded by his books that spell out every piece of knowledge he needs to know to carry on in his father’s footsteps is his favorite feeling. Even so, no matter how happy he is, he knows he can’t do this alone. He tried to run the shop alone for almost a year, but he soon realized he’d need help. This came in the form of a backorder of potions that he hadn’t organized correctly which made quite a few customers unhappy. He then sought out to bring in a reliable assistant that can help him continue the Kim success.
Of course, that’s easier said than done. Every assistant Namjoon brought in didn’t last long. He’ll admit, he can be erratic, disorganized, and quite clumsy, but he never thought he was that bad until what was probably his fifth assistant in two months walked out on him. They would all criticize the way he runs things and the way he works.
Namjoon is too smart for his own good, and the good of those around him. He tends to start five different orders at one time, then in the middle of it all, he’ll have a breakthrough of some sort, and end up ditching all of his other obligations to focus on that. His previous assistants never knew how to reign him back in or where exactly they can be of help and he was convinced he’d never find the support he needs.
That is until you inquired about the job opening. Namjoon will never forget the smile on your face the first day you stepped into his shop, your eyes taking in the shelves and their contents.
“Hi.” The simple word leaving your mouth is enough to have Namjoon’s heart stopping mid-beat. “I’m here for the job posting - are you still needing an assistant?”
Wordlessly he nods. Given he put the word out amongst the supernatural community only, he tries to guess what exactly you are. He thinks you may be a siren or a succubus with the way that you keep his gaze on you as you approach, but that doesn’t seem right. Lust isn’t the only thing he feels.
As if you know the question in his mind, you reach your hand out to shake and introduce yourself. “I’m Y/n. I’ve been practicing magic my entire life and studying potions since high school.”
“Witch?” He guesses.
“Yep.” You wink at him, and he swears he sees a bit of a magical twinkle in your eye.
“You’re hired.” He yells out, not needing to hear anymore. He’s being selfish and acting on the impulse that is his feelings for you, but he doesn’t care. He wants to see you every day and seeing how you’ve come to seek employment; he’s sure you’ll say yes.
You do, of course. And you quickly prove to be who Namjoon has been missing in his time on Earth. You seem to be ten steps ahead of him at any given time, handing him ingredients he needs for potions or experiments, placing product orders before he even notices stock is low and offering suggestions that always end up positive.
Namjoon isn’t sure how he ever managed to run his business, let alone live without you, but you’ve been by his side for three years, and he falls in love with you as each day goes on. Soulmates was never a word Namjoon used or really thought much about, but getting to know you, your likes and dislikes, your quirks, and all of you, he knows that’s what you are.
To his knowledge, you enjoy working here with him. You’re always content when you come in in the morning and when you go home for the night. You never complain, and you’re always nothing but pleasant to customers. He’s never been under the impression that you want to leave him and the shop.
Suspicion begins to creep into his heart today, though. He’s coming from the back of the shop to ask you about an ingredient in stock when he hears a very familiar voice in the front speaking to you.
“How is Namjoon treating you? He has you up here by yourself, so I can’t imagine very well.” Park Jimin’s voice is calm, but he can still hear the entitlement in the younger alchemist’s tone. His shop is newer and only opened six months ago, but he’s already been in Namjoon’s shop, bragging about his highly successful new business.
Jimin comes from a wealthy family, so he’s used to getting what he wants and believing he’s entitled to everything. Much to Namjoon’s dismay, this includes you. Ever since the first day that Jimin laid his eyes on you, he’s been trying to poach you and have him work for his bakery/alchemist shop.
No matter what, though, you always turn him away which typically puts Namjoon’s nerves at ease.
“I’m upfront because I want to be, Jimin. And Namjoon is treating me fine.”
“Yeah, but you know I can treat you better. I can pay you so much more than whatever he’s giving.”
“My pay is fine, thank you.”
“Well, the atmosphere is worlds better. My shop is much more modern than this old shack. Plus, you can eat all the sweets you want.” Namjoon rolls his eyes. His shop is a classic, thank you very much.
“This place is very classic.” Namjoon’s heart skips a beat at the laugh you let out, dismissing Jimin. You always have a knack for being able to read his mind. It’s one of the many things he loves about you.
“You’d be so much more than my assistant in my shop, Y/n. You can work your way to co-owner if you want.” There’s a beat of silence and panic immediately overcomes Namjoon. You wouldn’t you want to just up and leave him, right? He strains to overhear the rest of the conversation.
“Jimin…” you start, and it takes everything in Namjoon’s being not to burst through the wall and get rid of Jimin once and for all.
“I’ll see you soon, Y/n.” Namjoon hears the smugness in his voice and as soon as he hears the bells jingle above the front door of the shop, he rushes back to his workroom, shutting the door behind him.
You’ve never talked in detail about wanting to one day become co-owner, not that Namjoon can remember at least. You’ve mentioned in passing about maybe having a magic shop in the future, but that’s as far as the conversation went. Namjoon has no problem giving you half of his shop - hell he’d give you half of everything he owns if you ask.
Namjoon isn’t one to talk much about his feelings, which he knows is a flaw he needs to work on, but the fear that you don’t feel the way he does grips his throat and keeps him up at night sometimes. He’s never wanted to risk the rejection that could come with admitting this to you, but right now he feels trapped.
He has to tell you everything. Admit that you’re the best assistant he’s ever had and that he’d be nowhere without you in his life. He can’t lose you; the thought alone makes him ill. Namjoon spends the rest of the day wracking his brain on how to show you how he feels if he can’t say it with his words.
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Namjoon continues to ponder what he should do when he overhears you on the phone a few days later as you’re cleaning up at the end of the night. He’s coming from his workroom to cash the register out but stops and hides when he hears you answer the call.
“Everything alright, Mina? You never call when I’m working.” He can’t hear what Mina - whom he knows is your roommate - is saying, but he still listens. “What? You made me think there was an emergency…no, I will not go! Mina, I love you, but I don’t have time for any more blind dates…psht, yeah, right! That vampire you set me up with a few weeks ago was a total asshole.”
As stealthily as he can, Namjoon lowers to the floor and crawls to the counter where the register sits, crouching behind it to hear you better from the other side. 
Does Namjoon have an eavesdropping problem? Maybe. Is he going to stop? No.
“Look, I appreciate you, but you know I like someone else. I don’t really want to date random people I don’t know…hey, leave my sex life out of it! My vibrator and I are living our best lives together, okay?!” You stop and clear your throat as if checking your tone.
“I love you, but I’m hanging up now. I’ll see you when I get home and you can make fun of me and my sexless lifestyle then.” You huff out a breath and Namjoon frantically scurries away and back around the corner.  He recovers from his panicked state quickly and steps out as normal.
“Who was that?” He asks as nonchalantly as possible, opening the cash register to bag today’s earnings.
“Oh, just Mina. She’s always trying to set me up on blind dates lately.” You laugh, nervousness evident in your tone.
“I see. That’s nice of her.”
“Yeah, she means well, but I’ve told her I’m not interested.”
“Oh, you don’t want to date?”
You let out a laugh and turn away from the shelf you’re organizing. You’re asking a lot of questions, Joon.”
Your usage of his nickname almost makes him lose count of the money in his hand, but he recovers quickly.
“Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be nosey.” His eyes quickly dart up to you, and he notices you’re walking closer to him.
“It’s okay. To tell you the truth, I like it when you get to know me more. I feel like we don’t talk too casually very often. I know you're my boss, but I’d like to think we’re pretty close?” Your words end in more of a question. Namjoon would love to be more casual with you, but he doesn’t think his heart can take it.
“Y-yeah, we are.” He manages to get out, kicking himself for stuttering.
“Good.” Namjoon has to be damn near delusional in love because he swears the smile you give him has something else behind it.
“Don’t think like such a man!” He chastises himself. He doesn’t mean to read into things, but he can’t help it. And the way that you’re leaning over the counter, with the top two buttons undone and cleavage on display, isn’t helping his thoughts.
It’s when you wink at him before moving away, and back to the shelf, you were just at that he genuinely believes you were flirting with him.
He holds onto this thought for the rest of the week and the way you act around him seems to shift. More touches on his arm, more glimpses of your chest, all seemingly for him.
In the middle of the week, Jimin stops by while you’re out getting lunch. He doesn’t say much to Namjoon, other than to have you call him when you can because the two of you have ‘something to discuss’ with a smirk on his stupid, smug face. Namjoon most certainly does not tell you that Jimin stopped by.
It’s all of these moments that give him the courage to make a move a few days later. You’ve been extra touchy with him all day and it’s driving him insane. Remembering what you said earlier in the week about your lack of sex life on the phone with Mina, Namjoon eyes you up and down while you stand behind the counter in the front of the shop, checking an inventory list.
He takes a deep breath and walks up behind you, getting closer and closer until he’s flush against your back.
“Joon?” You chirp, jumping when your bodies touch. You don’t move from your position and try to turn to look at him. His hands find your hips, making sure you stay in place.
“Tell me to stop and I’ll stop right now.” He says. He waits one second, then two and three, then he hears you whisper out a ‘please don’t stop.’ Taking this invitation, he moves forward, burying his nose in your neck. You always smell amazing and now is no exception, not when he finally gets to be this close to you. He peppers your neck with kisses, his plush lips ever so gently touching your soft skin.
“I never want you to think that you’re not appreciated around here, okay?” He whispers between kisses. “I can’t put into words how important and precious you are to not only the shop but to me. So I want to show you.”
A whimper slips from your lips when his mouth meets a patch of skin near the base of your neck. The sound makes him bolder as he drags his large hands up higher up your body, the fabric of your dress bunching until he gets to your breasts and squeezes.
Another whimper, louder this time, comes from you as his hands squeeze and knead. The number of times Namjoon has made himself cum to even the fluttering thought of getting his hands on you like this is ridiculous. Being here now with you feels like yet another wet dream of his.
The way you grind your ass into his rapidly hardening length brings him back, though, and reminds him that this is very much not a dream and that you are very real. The eager way you cover his hands with yours and make him squeeze harder is real. Your head slotting perfectly in the crook of his neck is real. Your wide, pleading eyes looking up at him are real. This is happening, and he’s going to enjoy every second of you.
Namjoon tries to never look a gift horse in the mouth. His nimble fingers move up to quickly unbutton your dress enough that he can have full access to your bra. It has a front clasp, and he has half a mind to ask if you somehow used your magic to know this would be happening, but he doesn’t.
Your bra is pulled open, letting your breasts spring from the cups freely, and Namjoon groans. All the loose necklines and undone buttons could’ve never prepared for him for how fucking perfect your tits are.
He’s palming your chest again, teeth at your neck this time. You’re so soft and warm and his heart aches for you just as much as his dick does. Fingers tweak your nipples roughly, and he feels you turn into putty in his embrace, your back relaxing as your form sags into him.
“Joon…feels so good,” you pant, looking up at him with those needy eyes again, and he nearly cums in his pants. He notices how desperately you’re rubbing your thighs together, and his want, no his need to taste you rises.
“Turn around,” he says as he’s letting you go and spinning you to look at him. Before you have a chance to say anything else, he grabs you and sits you onto the counter as if you weigh nothing to him.
Namjoon pushes the hem of your knee-length dress up, hiking the fabric up around your waist and out of the way so he can look at what’s underneath and what a sight it is.
Your panties are a pale pink color everywhere except your crotch, where the fabric is dark pink, where your arousal soaks the cloth. Your legs close on instinct, and he notices you biting your lip in embarrassment.
Taking your face in his hands, Namjoon kisses you hard. He puts every word he wants to say to you into the kiss. He tells you he loves you and that without you, life isn’t worth living. The kiss is searing as he makes his passion and lust clear for you. His unbridled lust is curbed momentarily and love fills its place again at your nervous expression.
As your lips move in tandem, you open your mouth and let him slip his tongue in. He leans into you more, kissing you harder to tell you that from the moment he saw you, you held his heart in the palm of his hand and that he’d do anything in this world for you to make you happy. You’re whining into his mouth as you grip his arms, scooting to the edge of the counter, presumably asking for the friction of any kind from him.
Namjoon pulls away, both of you panting and out of breath. He has a small, very fleeting thought wondering whether or not you’re using him for a quick fuck, but he’s decided that he doesn’t care. He’ll take you in any way he can get you, as sad as it sounds.
Wanting to appease you, Namjoon reaches down and grabs hold of your panties. He rolls them down your thighs and off, groaning at the sticky string of arousal that clings to the fabric as he goes. He sinks to his knees, pulling you closer to the edge, so he’s face to crotch with you.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful.” He murmurs as his eyes survey your puffy lips and the glossy sheen that covers them. He momentarily thanks his height for allowing him to quickly achieve this angle, then quite literally, dives face-first between your thighs.
Namjoon buries his face in your pussy, moaning aloud at the warmth. Shamelessly, he inhales, savoring the heady scent of you. He wants nothing more than to bottle this smell and carry it with him whenever he needs a hit and use it to remember you at this moment.
Licking a fat stripe from your perineum to your clit, Namjoon elicits a sound of pleasure from you both. He can confirm, you taste just as divine as you look, even though he didn’t doubt that you would. He takes a breath before delving his tongue inside of you, the taste of you only making him harder. He wastes no time in tongue fucking you, the muscle pistoning in and out of your weeping hole. Namjoon buries his face as far as it can go, his nose bumping your clit with each shift of his face.
“Oh fuck! Namjoon…” you’re moaning above him, various swear words flying out of your mouth in between pleads of his name. This only spurs him on more as he pulls his tongue out and replaces it with two long fingers. His mouth moves up to your clit, to achieve this angle easily and he takes the sensitive bud between his plush lips, sucking hard and making you nearly leap off of the counter.
“Please!” You shriek, hands scrambling for something to grab before you seemingly settle for his soft locks. Namjoon loves knowing that his hair is what you’re tugging on. His face and fingers are the ones you’re fucking as you desperately seek your orgasm. His name is the one you’re chanting over and over again until you’re squealing it as you cum all over his fingers.
Namjoon cleans you up afterward, his tongue teasing you and making patterns on your sensitive skin. He cleans your cum off his fingers next, shoving the digits in his mouth and sighing at the sweet and sour taste. He never wants to taste anything else in his life.
His eyes meet yours before your gaze quickly falls to his erection straining against his slacks.
“This is about you,” he says, hands hovering over his belt. “Do you want me to fuck you?” Of course, he wants you to say yes - but if you say no, he’ll drop it and be more than happy with at least making you cum with his mouth.
“Of course I want you to fuck me. I need it,” you beg, leaning back on your hands to open your legs impossibly wider. Namjoon watches as the mix of his saliva and your already growing arousal glistens under the lights of the shop.
“Shit. Okay, I can do that.” He fumbles with his belt and zipper, sighing in relief at the loss of restriction.
You groan, and Namjoon watches you lick your lips at the sight of his hard cock in all of its dark red veiny glory. He’d be lying if he says it doesn’t make his chest swell with pride at the want in your eyes.
It dawns on him then that he doesn’t have a condom, and when he says this, you wave your hand, and a square packet appears before him. He chuckles because, duh, you’re a witch, and he’s watched you summon lunch and even a jacket before.
Once the condom is on, and he has your thighs around his waist, the head of his cock prods at your sopping entrance, slowly pushing in. You whimper the whole time, being patient as he goes as far as he can.
Namjoon could be struck down by the gods right here, right now, and he wouldn’t care. You’re so warm, so tight, so soft around his dick, even in a condom. He has to pinch himself to stop the animalistic way he wants to pound into you. He waits for you to adjust to his size, not ever wanting to make your time with him anything less than enjoyable.
Biting his lip, he scans your face, taking in the way your eyes are screwed shut and your teeth grit as you welcome the intrusion. Eventually, you meet his gaze, and a small plea for him to move comes out of your mouth, and he doesn’t need to be told twice.
He straightens his stance, pulling you closer to him and the edge of the counter. His hands grip your thighs to hold them open as he pushes his hips forward with a few shallow thrusts. You immediately let out a beautiful moan, your eyes slipping closed at the sensation.
“Joon…” you breathe out. “Faster, please.”
Namjoon has never once told you no, and he isn’t about to start. He begins slamming into you hard; the echoing sound of skin slapping fills the otherwise quiet shop.
Your body jostles with each harsh thrush, and Namjoon can’t help but watch the way your tits bounce with each move of his hips. Everything else around him becomes white noise, and his surroundings seem to fizzle out of focus; the only thing he sees is you. The only things he hears are the pants and mewls of his name coming from you underneath him. The only thing he feels is your soft, burning, hot skin under his fingertips and in the palm of his hand. Nothing matters except you.
“You’re so amazing. So gorgeous,” he blurts, not caring that you can hear him. “I love you so much. I love this pussy so much. I love you.” His teeth dig into his lower lip harder as he stops momentarily to reposition your legs higher, the backs of your knees resting in the crooks of his arms.
He’s pounding into you again then, your shrieks turning into near screams as you dig your nails into your thighs. “N—Namjoon s-so good, fuck!” You call out, your mouth falling open with no sound after that.
Namjoon can feel his balls tightening, and he knows he’s close, but he can’t cum yet, not before you do. Keeping up his bruising pace, he maneuvers one of your legs to rest on his shoulder while bringing his hand down to rub your clit.
You cry out as your eyes roll back. “Don’t stop, p-please don’t stop. I’m s-so fucking close!”
With burning muscles, a bead of sweat that’s been beading at Namjoon’s hairline drips down his temple, and he can see the sheen of sweat coating your skin, but fuck if he’s going to stop.
“Cum for me, beautiful. Cum all over my cock.” He grunts as he uses his thumb to rub your clit, adding more pressure.
Your back bows off of the counter as you let out another yelp of his name, followed by a chorus of  ‘yes, yes, yes.’ Namjoon watches as your body begins to levitate from the counter, and he has to hold onto you tighter. Your new posture changes the angle that he’s pistoning into you at, and within seconds he knows you’re cumming as your body freezes in the air and your walls clamp around his cock like a vice. The feeling almost borders on pain, but he loves it. He cums sometime in the middle of your orgasm, your name tumbling from his lips like a prayer, shockwaves feeling as though they’re coursing through him. His hips begin to stutter as he empties his load into the condom rapidly.
After a few seconds tick by, you slowly descend back down, your body once again draping across the counter. He slowly pulls out of you and leans on his arms next to you on the counter, both of you panting. It’s quiet otherwise as Namjoon tries to gather his thoughts and say something. Luckily, you beat him to it.
“Well, I didn’t expect that.” You rasp, pushing yourself to sit up.
“But it was okay?”
“Are you kidding? I came so hard that I fucking levitated. That was incredible!” You share a chuckle before giving him a curious look. “But, I guess the question is why’d you want to…you know.”
“Fuck you into the air?” He jokes, his nerves cropping back up. “Well, isn’t it obvious?” Namjoon reaches for your hands and pushes the words out. “I meant what I said. I wanted to show you how important you are and how much I appreciate you. I know I don’t do it enough because I’m not good with words, but I need you here with me. I love you.”
“Joon, you’ve never made me feel like you don’t appreciate me. I love this shop, I love interacting with all the people that come in, I love magic, and I mean, I love you.” The last three words of your sentence come out rushed, but Namjoon hears it clear as day.
“You love me too?”
“I mean, yeah, I thought that was obvious. I’m guessing now that this whole thing wasn’t because I’ve been making my feelings clear by throwing myself at you all week?”
Namjoon blinks at you. “Wow, and I thought I was just being creepy by looking at your very open tops.”
You let out a giggle that has his stomach doing flips at the sound of. “No, that was all me on purpose. I’ve liked you almost as long as I’ve worked here, and I tried to muster up the courage to show you finally.”
Speechless, Namjoon shakes his head. The realization of you actually returning his feelings is almost incredulous, considering all of the back and forth he’s gone through about coming clean to you. He voices this to you once he collects himself, deciding to also admit to eavesdropping on your conversations with Jimin and the phone call with Mina.
You scoff in response. “First of all, I’m never going to work for Jimin. Being a co-owner sounds nice, as does being in a bakery every day, but as I said, I love being here. Plus, Jimin’s kind of annoying. No way I could work with him.”
“But you paused when he offered you the job. That’s why I was so worried.”
“Well, if you were looking as well as listening, you would’ve seen the very aggravated look I gave him instead of answering him.”
“Oh.” Namjoon mumbles, leaning his body over the counter again. You hop down from where you’re sitting to stand next to him.
“Hey, I’m not mad about the eavesdropping. I’m a little embarrassed you listened to me yell at Mina for my lack of sex, but I mean, it got us here, didn’t it?”
Sparing a glance over his shoulder, Namjoon sees you smiling at him and is struck yet again by how beautiful you are. He sits up, quickly tucking himself into his pants before reaching forward and grabbing your face.
He kisses you hard but gently, at the same time. Your lips move perfectly together as you place your hands over his on the sides of your head. All the nights Namjoon has dreamt of this moment are nothing compared to this feeling as he’s here with you.
“So,” he pants once you’ve separated for air. “When do you want to be the official co-owner of Kim’s Antiques?”
“What? You don’t have to do that, Joon. What Jimin said-” You attempt to dismiss the thought, but he stops you.
“This isn’t about Jimin. You deserve it for all that you’ve done for me. This place wouldn’t run without you, Y/n. Please own it with me?”
Namjoon watches you consider it momentarily before nodding like crazy and practically jumping into his arms. “Thank you so much, Namjoon. I promise I’ll be the best co-owner ever!”
Chuckling, Namjoon places a kiss on the top of your head. “I believe you.”
“Good, because as much as I love the classic feel of this place, I’ve had a few decorating ideas for a while.”
Kim’s Antiques hasn’t been changed in the 50 years it’s stood where it is. Before he met you, Namjoon could never imagine changing a thing about it, but now, if it’s for you, he’d let you change whatever you wanted. You’re always the perfect assistant to him, so he promises he’ll be the perfect boyfriend to you.
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hisunshiine · 3 years
To All The Men I’ve Fucked Before ; (M) jjk
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↣ When your secret 'sex' journal entries are somehow texted to the people they were written about, including a couple of coworkers and your best friend, you find your quiet work existence turned upside down. based off of TATBILB.
moodboards | playlist | Netflix ReImagined BTS Masterlist | TATMIFB masterlist 
↳ #NetflixReImaginedBTS: Jeon Jungkook x Reader starring in a fake dating au, photographer!JK, stylist!Reader
⟢ pairing: photographer!jungkook x stylist!reader
⟢ word count: 30.7k
⟢ genre + warnings: nsfw 18+, fake relationship, smluff © & angst, kissing, fluffy fake relationship cuteness, jealousy, jungkook needs help with feelings, clothed humping, explicit sexual content in the form of unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, body worship, cunnilingus, fingering, handjob, hickies, blowjob, creampie, begging, strip tease if you squint, baby petname, crying, feelings of heartbreak, oh did i mention angst? namkook fist fight, minimal arguing, minimal blood, other idols make brief appearances, OT7 is present 
⟢ summary: When your secret 'sex' journal entries are somehow texted to the people they were written about, including a couple of coworkers and your best friend, you find your quiet work existence turned upside down. based off of the netflix film and novel by jenny han, but different.
⟢ an: hello, hello! this is probably my favorite story to date that i’ve written and the longest one shot! I am so grateful to everyone who helped me by reading this (most are not on tumblr), but especially my baby hana, @taestulip​, who always reads and hypes me up. the movie/book series it’s based off of is honestly one of my faves, and turning it into an adult version was a lot of fun! I know i took out some characters and changed a lot of the plot devices, but for good reason, as it is it’s own novel, I did not want to encroach on that territory. fake dating au’s are some of my absolute faves and so i hope you enjoy this! sorry for the length, sksksks.
⟢ prologues: NJ & Reader | Love Triangle (coming soon) |
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The large glass building was located on the corner of the block, in the heart of the city. A sight to see from all corners of the downtown area, you loved that you worked at BigHit Music. Of course, housing the globally recognized idol duo, SeoulM8, made working there fun. You walked into the building, and swiped your badge as you made your way through the secured entrance and up the elevator to your office. 
The gold plaque on your door highlighted your name and position. To this day you’re still in awe to see your name engraved in sans serif with the words “Lead Wardrobe Stylist” written beneath it. You entered the office, flipping on the lights and smiling at the large board along the back wall. It was covered with the designs you would need for the upcoming shoot for SeoulM8’s fan content, first single off their newest album, and plans for the concert wardrobe as well. 
Placing your empty insulated coffee tumbler on your desk, you set down all of your belongings, organizing your design tablet, notebook, and favorite writing utensils before once again taking the tumbler in hand. A cup of coffee would be perfect to start your busy Monday before your meeting with Jimin and Taehyung about their wardrobe later today. 
Walking into the employee lounge area, you set about making your coffee. Others walked in and out, dropping off packed lunches and grabbing coffee as well, so you can’t help but hear the gossip as two of the women who work with SeoulM8 discuss the latest office drama.
“I can’t believe it. She broke up with him!” Becca said, her colorful pixie cut swaying slightly as she shook her head.
“She’s crazy, Jungkook is gorgeous; have you seen his thighs?” Theresa responded, twirling her dark purple curls in wonder.
You stirred in the caramel creamer slowly, listening to their conversation. Jeon Jungkook and Jeon Somin (no relation) had been dating for almost as long as you could remember. It was surprising to hear that they were broken up. 
“Somin is really pretty too, though, she could have any guy… What if that’s what it was?”
“You think someone better than Jungkook came along and wooed her?”
“I mean… I swore I heard a rumor that she went out on a date with one of the actors, but who knows. All we know for sure is that Jungkook is single.” 
Finishing your coffee, you closed the lid to your favorite cup and left the room, smiling politely to Becca and Theresa who provided you with the information that had your head reeling. The entire walk back to your office, and even once you were seated at the desk, you couldn’t stop thinking about Jungkook and Somin.
Somin was one of the first friends you made at BigHit School for Music and Artists when you transferred in after completing your AA requirements at another university. BHSMA operated differently than traditional universities, converting students to employees at the company associated with the school. It was where you met Jungkook, Jimin, and a few other people that you worked closely with at the company. After that first year though, you grew apart from some of the people you spent that entire first year with, making new friends, like the one walking in through your office door.
So lost in thoughts of the past, you almost knocked over your perfectly made coffee onto your design tablet, where you had been sketching aimlessly. A dimpled smile was the cause of your quickly beating heart, complimenting the face of Namjoon, who startled you when he called your name loudly.
“Joon, I swear, one day, you will be the death of me, and my electronics.”
“Listen, you dropped your phone all on your own, no one told you to be scared when I walked into the room.”
“Stop being so fucking loud when you enter, you startle people!”
He just laughed, his pretty eyes disappearing as he expelled joy. Namjoon was glowing, his tanned skin looking healthy and youthful. You couldn’t help but smile at him as he pushed his falling platinum hair out of his dark eyes and set his gaze on you.
“I think I’m gonna do it today, Y/N.”
You froze, smile still on display, but a little less enthusiastic than when he had first walked in.
“Do it?” You asked, wary as you saw his hand drift to his inside coat pocket.
“I love her, Y/N. I think I’m gonna ask her to be mine, always.” Namjoon removed a small velvet box from his pocket and you reached for it, hand trembling slightly. Namjoon, in his excitement, was oblivious to the way you shook, as well as the sound of your heart splintering. “Do you think Jennie will like it?”
Looking at the ring tucked into the box, you nodded, not trusting your voice. Of course Jennie would. It was beautiful. A rose gold band with an opulent Moonstone set in the middle, and two smaller diamonds set on either side. You knew that the moonstone was Joon’s favorite, he talked about how much he loved the moon countless late nights that you would sit with him in his studio.
“It’s gorgeous, Namjoon.” You said quietly. This time, he noticed the tremble of your voice, and stood worriedly from where he was perched on the corner of your desk.
“Whoa, what’s wrong?” He asked you, concerned by your demeanor.
“Nothing, I’m just so happy for you.” You lied, tilting your head back to blink away the forming tears. Believing you, he enveloped you into a hug and you hugged him back tightly, afraid to let go.
“Ah, you have a meeting soon and I’m here making you cry… I’ll see you after and tell you how it went! Good luck, Y/N!”
Namjoon exited your office, footsteps light as he headed towards his future… and away from you. Sinking into your chair, you take several steadying breaths in order to settle your heart. Why did it hurt so much? You had given up on the idea of you and Namjoon a long time ago. This wasn’t what you expected to have to deal with when you arrived to work, but you were a professional. Wiping your smudged eyeliner to clean up your makeup, you looked down at your design tablet, where you see the sketch of a professional camera held by a large hand up to a large doe eye half finished on your screen. 
Hitting the “new” button, you begin to draw anew on a clean canvas creating the concept for the concert design for your meeting with SeoulM8 later on.
Sitting at home, you massaged the soles of your feet as you rested on your couch with your younger sister, Yuna, who was doing her homework at the coffee table. It had been a long day, but Jimin and Taehyung loved your idea for their concert concept: young guys traveling Seoul for group songs, and angelic, soft individual images of them with feathered outfits to match their solo songs. 
“Yuna… Namjoon is getting engaged today.”
Your sister stopped working, turning to look at you with eyes wide. She had been diligently studying for the cosmetology courses she was taking at your alma mater in hopes of getting hired at the same company as you. This news threw her off track.
“What? He—wait, what?”
You nodded, letting out a deep sigh as you turned towards the floor to ceiling windows in the living room. Rain was steadily falling, the perfect backdrop to your mood.
“Both of our dreams are shattered. He showed me the ring and said he was proposing today. To Jennie.”
Yuna flung herself onto the couch dramatically. 
“Can we please drink to drown our sorrows? This homework can wait.” 
You nodded, turning on Netflix before getting up to grab the wine and glasses. While you stood on tiptoe at the edge of the counter, reaching up into the tall cabinet for the long stemmed glasses, the doorbell to your apartment rang.
“I’ll get it!” Yuna yelled, and so you clambered onto the counter, knees digging into the marble as you finally managed to reach your goal. 
“Oh! Namjoon?”
You almost slipped from where you were perched, confused as to why your newly engaged best friend would be loudly squelching his tennis shoes into your apartment and not ravishing his fiancee. You expected a text or call about the engagement, not a personally delivered update. 
You wouldn’t be able to pretend this time. 
Turning to look at the entryway, you see a downtrodden and sopping wet Namjoon, eyes rimmed red from crying.
“Joonie?” Your voice was soft, questioning. He maneuvered across the kitchen with just three big steps and pulled you into his arms. His body slotted between your thighs where you sat on the counter after almost falling, and he let loose a sob that broke your heart even more than earlier.
“Joon, what happened?” You asked, scared.
“J-Jennie… she said no.” Your eyes widened in shock, but you waited patiently for him to continue. “She’s moving to Japan, she took that expansion position… She broke up with me.”
It was a long night to say the least. 2 wine glasses turned into 3 once Namjoon had shown up. You grabbed some of his spare clothes for him to change into, threw his stuff in the washer, and joined Yuna and him back in the living room where they had both curled up and began watching The Start Up on Netflix. 
Climbing onto the couch, you wrapped your arm around him and placed your head on his shoulder. He kissed your forehead before settling in to watch TV, and you couldn’t help the way your heart reacted to it. He had always been affectionate with you during your time as best friends, though it had lessened some the more serious he and Jennie became. The difference now was that this time, he was single. A part of you hoped it could mean more in the future. 
By episode 2, Namjoon was asleep on Yuna’s shoulder; no surprise considering how tired he must have been. He had cried on his way to your apartment, and the last of his tears onto your shirt when he arrived. Luckily, you hadn’t yet changed out of your own work clothes, so when you grabbed his garments, you took the opportunity to change into a spaghetti strap tank and sweatpants for couch cuddling. You turned off the TV as you untangled yourself from him, stretching as he roused slightly from your movements. 
“Don’t you two just look like the sweetest couple,” you say yawning, gently teasing your sister who was beet red from your words. Her crush on Namjoon was nothing new, but not something she wanted him to know about. She already knew she was too young for him; seen as nothing more than his best friend’s little sister. A part of Yuna was jealous that you had better chances with him than she did.
“Shut it!” Her whisper is harsh, but Namjoon slept on, unaware of the sisterly teasing. “I already know you’re gonna write all about this in your sex book!” 
You rolled your eyes, having forgotten about your old journal that you kept. You just shrugged, leaning down to gently wake Namjoon so you can put him to bed.
“Come on sleepy… Let’s get up and go to bed okay?” 
His large frame shuffled across the living room and down the hallway to your room. You heard him plop heavily on your bed, probably already asleep without having pulled back the covers. You put the empty wine glasses into the sink and straightened up the living room a tiny bit before you went to your room as well. 
Not yet ready for bed, you sat at your desk with the small lamp on, staring at the old journal your sister reminded you about. The image on the front is faded; you can barely make out what it used to be as you’ve covered it with doodles and stickers that are peeling at the edges. Opening it, you turned through the pages, taking in the lengthy entries about the boys you’ve slept with, starting with the one you lost your virginity to. 
Your finger grazed across the fancy calligraphy where you wrote his name at the top in a purple gel pen in. Jeon Jungkook. You laughed at the way you wrote about him, first describing him as a person before giving the intimate details of the experience, and finally ending it with a brief message of what you had wanted to say to him. Your eyes scanned the page, certain sentences catching your attention as you read it. 
“...and the way he held my neck when he first entered me, I think I’m in love.”
“He said it was his first time too. Does this mean something?”
“Jungkook, having you as my first… I want you to be my last. You looked at me as if the galaxies were reflected in my eyes. I want to feel the way you make me feel all the time. I hope that this does change things between us, but in a good way.”
You cringe a little, remembering how it didn’t turn out that way. Instead, after that night 5 years ago, you didn’t talk to Jungkook for a couple of days due to exam week. You texted him after your last test and he told you to come over; he wanted to talk to you about something too. But when you went to his dorm to see him and confess, you found him with Somin, your best friend at the time. They weren’t doing anything outrageous, just sitting on his twin bed in his dorm room talking, but you heard what she was saying through the door that was cracked.
Somin was confessing. You had no idea that she liked him too. It made your heart tight knowing that he had slept with you a week prior, and now your best friend was confessing to him. To be fair, neither of you had told the other about your feelings towards him. So instead of walking in and telling him how you felt, you left. He had texted you later asking what happened to you coming over but you lied, saying you had gotten busy. 
On the last day of the semester, Somin shared that she was dating Jungkook. Shocked and heartbroken, you wasted no time packing up your dorm for the summer and traveling home. Phone calls, texts, and plans to meetup became less frequent between your group of friends over the following semester until they eventually stopped. Did you stop talking to Jungkook and Somin… or was it them that stopped talking to you? 
Turning the pages, you move on from the thoughts of the photographer and stop at the next blank page. Grabbing a blue gel pen from the cup on your desk, you write with flair. 
Kim Namjoon.
How do I even begin to express how I feel about you? God, you make my heart flutter. I met you at a time when I needed someone. You were the bane of my existence at first, blasting your loud music from the apartment under mine. Going to yell at you turned out to be the best thing. You turned out to be the best thing. Of course, you had just started going out on dates with Jennie and you would be graduating a year ahead of me, but I knew that we would stay best friends. I mean, most BHSMA students intern at and get hired by the company. So for the longest time, I hid my feelings from you. That one night, before you and Jennie were exclusive… when we had sex, I thought my heart would burst. I never wanted a man so badly before that night. You are the moon in my sky, Kim Namjoon. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? What other being could wrap me in love from beginning to end? Tonight you have just lost your moon. I am a terrible person because a part of me is happy to not be losing her moon. So now, I will climb into bed next to your sleeping body and hold you close as we sleep, and pray when the morning comes, in the light of the day, you will open your eyes and see me—the faint moon in the sky that has always been there for you. Maybe you will finally see me—and decide you want me too.
Setting the pen down, you reach for your phone. In your slightly drunken state, you decided to take pictures of each entry, in order to move these to a more secure environment and take your journal digital. You snapped a picture of each page (not that there were many) before you checked your phone for messages and plugged it in. You left your room to shut down all the lights now that Yuna was finished putting away her stuff and making her way to bed as well. 
“Hey, can I grab an extra notebook from your stash? I need to finish taking these notes on mixing hair colors.”
“Sure, it’s under the desk in the blue bin.”
She nodded and you continued past her, double checking the door to make sure it was locked before moving to throw Namjoon’s clothes into the dryer. Once satisfied that the house was in order, you went to your room. Yuna was standing over your desk, eyes reading your latest entry into the journal.
“Yuna! Get out!”
“This is beautiful though, he should see it. You need to tell him how you feel!” 
You shook your head.
“No. He just got his heart broken. It’s not the time to tell him.”
“You’re stubborn,” she whispered back at you, “you’re gonna lose him again!”
“Then that’s how it was destined to be. But I am not taking advantage of his vulnerable state.”
“You’re gonna be single forever. Spending every night with your baby sister, drinking wine because all the men you have ever loved have moved on!”
“Go to bed, Yuna!”
She shrugged as she walked out of the room, knowing that she was right. Deep down, a part of you felt like she was right too. 
Climbing into bed, you struggled to lift the covers over Namjoon’s slumbering frame before it pulled free and you could cover the two of you. As you settled into the bed next to him, he instinctively wrapped his arm around you, pulling you to his chest in his sleep. 
You knew that his dreams were imagining Jennie in his arms instead. 
That next morning, you checked Namjoon’s phone for his calendar. Having known him for several years, you know his passcode and that he keeps his work schedule exclusively on his cell. Typing in the code, 0613, you saw that his calendar stated that he didn’t need to go to the office until around noon. 
Lucky, you thought, eyeing the time on the phone. It was a little past 6:45am, and you had to wake your sister for her hands-on class before you got ready for the day. 
“Yuna! It’s almost 7,” you say as you knocked on her door and heard a muffled response. You headed back to your room and chose your outfit, knowing that the day would be busy and long with the concept photoshoot for SeoulM8 starting today. Choosing your outfit wisely, you climbed into the shower a few minutes later and spent at least a half hour just trying to cure the small hangover from the wine. 
Once dressed, you found Yuna packing her bag for class. It was getting close to 8, which is the latest that you could leave to be at work on time, so you wrote a quick note to Namjoon and ran back to leave it on the bed. His hand snaked out of the covers just as you were pulling your hand back, a gentle grip to your wrist holding you there.
“Y/N, thank you for last night.” His voice is like a bullfrog’s croak, and you chuckled. 
“Let me get you some water and some pain meds, okay? And of course Joonie, I’m here for you.” You leaned onto the bed with one knee, smoothing his hair back from his face once he’s released your wrist. “Always.”
Pressing your lips to his warm forehead, he pulled you down onto the bed with a hug and you can’t help but laugh.
“I’ve got to go! I’ll see you later, okay?” He nodded before he grips your neck, bringing his lips to your forehead this time. His lips linger longer than usual, and you shut your eyes at the tenderness of his kiss. 
“Go back to sleep, now.” You pulled away from him, going to grab the medicine and water before you and Yuna leave the apartment. 
You made it to work with extra time to make your coffee, so after you dropped off all of your extra stuff, you grabbed your tumbler and work tablet with all of your drawn designs for today’s shoot and made your way through the busy halls to the employee lounge. Today, the door was propped open for ease as it was a busier day in the building. 
You stood at the counter, stirring in the caramel creamer that you loved, when you felt a presence enter the room behind you.
Turning lazily, you cocked your eyebrow at Jungkook, who was standing awkwardly behind you. He had kicked the doorstop, allowing the door to close so that the two of you stood alone in the small staff kitchen. His hands were tucked into his joggers, while a white button down hung loosely from his frame. 
“Whats up JK?” You asked, expecting him to address something about the shoot. You hadn’t yet seen the men you were to dress, so you couldn’t fathom he was here to complain already about the costuming. “If it’s about the wardrobe, I haven’t even seen Tae or Jimin yet, so—”
“Actually, no. Um,” he rubbed the back of his neck before making eye contact with you, “I know that when we had sex that one time, it was great—”
Instantly, alarm bells went off in your head. What the actual fuck was Jungkook doing talking about the night you lost your virginity to each other?
“—but I just... don’t feel the same way that you do about me. You know? That was years ago, and yeah while it was just as good for me as it was for you, I’m not in love with you or anything, I just broke up with Somin too, so—”
“Jungkook! Wait—what are you talking about?”
“The text you sent me.”
“Jungkook, I haven’t texted you in weeks.” You looked down at the phone you had pulled out of the back pocket of your ripped black jeans, and opened up the messages. You noticed his text thread was now at the top. “Wait, what?”
Opening his specific thread you see the screenshot of the page from your journal that you took last night, sent to him. How the fuck did this happen? In your drunken state, did you send it to him? You begin to ramble as you throw the spoon in the sink with a loud clunk and begin screwing the lid on the coffee.
“Jungkook, stop. That was from a long time ago, it’s not recent at all, oh my god. I am so sorry you had to read that—you know what, I’m just gonna head to the set now. Okay, bye!” You breezed past him, feet carrying you out of the employee lounge with a swiftness. Once back in your office you stared at the horrid message, outraged at yourself for your drunken antics.
Drunk you must really hate sober you.
Work was just as hectic as you thought it was going to be. After the most embarrassing morning, you were summoned right away to a last minute meeting with Jimin and Tae, where you made minor changes to their wardrobe. 
“Y/N, you were always good at this in school, but damn. You are amazing now.” Jimin stared at you reflected in the mirror after you had turned his outfit into something fit for the concept with a few movements of the material that wrapped his body. Park Jimin, one of the few people you were still somewhat close with from that first year of school, was now a big shot idol, and one-half of SeoulM8. Kim Taehyung, his best friend, was the other part of the duo. He had met him after everyone split off after that first year. Going by the stage names Jimin and V, the two had met in their vocal lesson classes when Taehyung had switched his major, and BigHit saw potential in them. 
You walked with Jimin towards the set of the photo shoot, one of the bigger production rooms today due to the use of the second level. They would be posing next to a hole in the floor, feathers falling around them. Taehyung was already antsy to get started, and was playing around with Somin, who was one of the group’s managers, while he waited for Jimin to arrive back to the set. Now, it looked like the only person missing was the photographer. 
Walking to the fold out table set up at the back wall, you heard your phone chime. Opening to your messages, you saw a text from someone you hadn’t talked to in a while. 
“Seo Joon?” You question quietly to yourself, but before you could even read the message, you saw a similarly embarrassing photo above his reply.
“Oh God, oh God...” You clicked out of his message thread, ignoring the reply because you honestly didn’t care. What you actually cared about was if you had somehow sent the most recent entry of your journal to the last person on Earth who was ready to read it. Namjoon.
“Fuck. Oh no. Oh no.” Sitting there, you saw the message clear as day with the small read receipt that it indeed had been read by him. The door to the set opened and Jungkook came waltzing through with his assistant. Before the door had a chance to swing closed all the way, you saw Namjoon’s form enter the room. 
“Alright, let’s get started!” Jungkook’s voice was loud and called everyone’s attention except for Namjoon. His eyes were on you. He beelined your way, and you readied yourself to apologize to him, but before either of you could say anything, Jungkook interrupted.
“Hey Joon, good to see you hyung! I’m so sorry though, we got a closed set and need to get started… tight time schedule and all.”
“I just need to talk to Y/N.”
Jungkook took in Namjoon’s demeanor; eyes red, hair disheveled, voice wobbly. It was so unlike Namjoon to look this way that Jungkook looked at you before speaking. Your expression was confusing to Jungkook, as he knew Namjoon was your best friend. Your eyes were wide in fear with tears forming… when you didn’t say a word, Jungkook took charge. A part of him saw that fear in your eyes and wanted to protect you.
“Look Joon-hyung, normally I wouldn’t mind, but we need Y/N on set the entire time today. Wardrobe is important for concept photos, you can understand right? Maybe at break time or something?”
Namjoon nodded as Jungkook’s arm wrapped around your waist and he led you away from the table and back towards where the staging was set. When you finally chanced a look back, you saw the assistants leading Namjoon and a few other non-essential workers out of the room. Everyone else on set had watched the exchange between the three of you, including Somin. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the way Jungkook’s fingers curled around your frame.
At break time, you hid out, avoiding Namjoon who had, reluctantly, waited several hours until break was called. He would have to go into the studio soon, which you knew since you saw his calendar, and after the short 30 minute break, Jungkook retrieved you from the small side room you were hiding in when they resumed the next set of shots using black leather and wings. 
The shoot kept your thoughts off of the incident, as you so aptly decided to call it in your head, until it was time to leave. You walked out with a large group, stealthily making it to your office. You sat on the floor with your back to the door, reviewing how many received these drunken messages of yours, happy to see that only 3 actually went through, since most of them were no longer in your phone anymore or had changed their numbers. 
Park Seo Joon, an ex from your second year at BHSMA, had moved to Japan for work, and while he did respond, he figured it was a mistake and as the smart person he was, he noticed the date in the corner and was aware that it was old. You breathed a sigh of relief, glad to have avoided that potentially awkward scenario.
Hearing your phone ping, you checked the message and saw it was Jungkook. A series of messages came in from him, and you read them in succession.
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Shaking your head, you stand, grabbing the white outfits from the rack an assistant had brought in earlier after the set change. Throwing them over your arm, you head off to the set in a rush, shooting back a quick text to let him know you were coming.
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Most everyone from earlier was back on set, expressions showcasing various stages of irritation. You handed the clothing to an unusually quiet Somin, and lifted your now free arm to wave at the artists. Somin walked away, throwing quiet looks over at you and Jungkook, who you were standing near now that you had approached the table. Jungkook was leaning on that same table, arms crossed as he reviewed the printout of what was needed.
“You know they sent us an updated list 2 hours after we started shooting? While we were all here, they thought that we could somehow read their minds. Then when I uploaded and sent the file over to have them double check, they responded that we had to finish it tonight.”
“It’s annoying for sure, JK, but you know Jimin and Tae will deliver. Once they’re dressed I bet we’ll be done in like 15 minutes, max.”
He nodded, smiling at your optimism.
“Hey, are you gonna tell me what earlier was about? With Namjoon hyung?”
You froze, not expecting the question, but you were saved from having to answer right then, since Namjoon walked in at that moment. It was too late for you to go anywhere; you were standing too close to the door, trapped between the table and Namjoon, who looked hurt. Jungkook read the situation and took several steps away to give you some privacy with Namjoon. 
“You’ve been avoiding me all day. After that message—did you think that I wouldn’t read it? I just broke up with Jennie, Y/N, it’s… I’m not… You can’t just say this shit to me right now.”
“Namjoon—I didn’t mean to, I was drunk and I promise you it’s not what you think, I don’t feel that way, okay?” You try and take it all back, wishing more than anything that he hadn’t read what you had written the previous night. 
“You don’t feel that way? Are you kidding me? I read it!”
“No, I don’t feel that way, okay? I’m with someone else.” You lied. You hoped that he would buy it.
“Y/N, I’m your best friend. Don’t you think I would know?”
“Yeah, you're my best friend, but you and Jennie are always together, it’s been forever since we actually caught up, so yes, it’s recent okay?”
“Who are you dating then?”
You say the first name that popped into your head. The person closest to you.
“Jeon Jungkook.”
“I don’t believe it.” His words come out harsh, and a part of you, the part that already feels like shit because Namjoon chose to be with Jennie a couple of years ago, lashes out in hurt.
“Why? Cause someone like him could never date someone like me?”
“Yes, Y/N. You guys are too different!” His voice was getting louder, and you knew that you had to do something in order to get him to believe your lie. So you do the only thing you can think of in your heated state. You take the several steps needed to cross the space between you and Jungkook, who looked up from where he was absorbed into his phone. 
“You ready?” he asked, looking down at your small frame. 
“Yeah baby, I’m ready.” Your hand snaked behind his head, and firmly grasping his neck, you leaned up on tiptoes as you pulled his mouth toward yours. You kissed him, and in his surprise, his free hands gripped your waist and he pulled you closer to him, before you were separating from him, slightly breathless. His grip tightened before it rested gently on your hip and you settled back onto your heels. 
You see the back of Namjoon’s coat trail behind him as he disappeared out the doors, pulling them shut loudly behind him.
You look back up at Jungkook, whose fingers squeeze your sides quickly to grab your attention.
“You’re definitely gonna have to explain after that kiss... baby.” 
Later that evening, you sat with Jungkook in his car. A black Mercedes Benz GT63S to be exact, with dark grey leather and a small bit of wood grain along the spacious dashboard. Your fingers trailed along the wood grain as you explained to Jungkook what happened, starting with the accidental drunk text messages, leading up to the reason behind your kiss. 
“So now what?” Jungkook asks, looking sideways over at you.
“I don’t know. I feel so stupid.”
“Look, Y/N… I think this could be mutually beneficial.”
You meet his eyes, a look of incredulity across your face.
“Please explain Jeon.”
“Look, earlier when I stepped in and kicked hyung off set, Somin was already eyeing the way we were behaving. She may or may not have texted me about it. Of course, I told her we were broken up, so she didn’t need to concern herself with my business. And then, when we came back to set, she made a face when they asked me to text you to come back too.” He smirked.
“I may or may not have peeped it, and may or may not have used it to my advantage. Of course, you kissing me definitely helped.” He glanced down at his phone as it lit up. Once again a message from Somin tiled above 17 other messages from her. He had been actively ignoring them while the two of you talked.
“So I say that we date.”
“We what?”
“Date. I can teach Somin a lesson about how to treat me and you can keep hyung off your back.”
“Teach Somin? I thought she broke up with you?”
“It was mutual. But this always happens. And I for one am tired of the back and forth. So this can teach her that other people want me, and I can move on, or she can stop with the drama and we stop breaking up every other week.”
You nodded. It sounded like a feasible plan, and you told him as much.
“So it’s agreed. We’re now together.”
“Not so fast, Jeon… I think we should have a backstory, get some things straight, set some rules.”
“Rules, Y/N? You sure know how to take the fun out of it.”
You rolled your eyes.
“When did we start dating?” you asked, ignoring his snide comment.
“We got together… at the beginning of the week. Somin and I broke up 2 weeks ago, though we didn’t make it public because she always does this shit...” he trailed off, before smiling back at you. “So yeah, let’s say we’ve been talking here and there everytime me and Somin would break up, and then we went on a couple dates during that first week we broke up and made it exclusive this week.”
You commit this to memory, then pull out your tablet and begin jotting it down with the stylus.
“Okay, so this is new, but we’ve been on each other’s radar for a bit. I think that’s believable, especially since we’ve known each other just as long as you and Somin have. How do you plan to make her jealous? It has to seem real, you know?”
“Trust me, she already thinks this is real,” he nods to his phone again, now at 28 unread messages from Somin, “so I think something that we can do is start arriving together. Maybe do little things for each other that are cute coupley things, be seen together. Kiss at work. Maybe I can sleep over a few nights or you at mine?” He winks at you.
“I thought you didn’t see me that way, Jeon.” You looked down at the tablet, furiously scribbling what he said in order to avoid looking at him and showing the way he caused your cheeks to warm.
“I said I wasn’t in love with you, babe, not that I wasn’t interested in sleeping with you again.”
“Yeah, well that’s off the table Jeon. This isn’t real.”
He just wagged his eyebrows at you seductively, but you laughed and moved on from it, reviewing the list you wrote out.
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You made sure to underline number seven so he could see it easily. 
“And when does this end?” You asked.
“Um, I don’t know. I guess we just play it by ear. Let it be natural. Obviously not too early or too late, and it should be mutual. I mean, if Somin learns her lesson, we would obviously have to end things, but I don’t see that happening sooner than a month.”
“Okay,” you tilt your head, thoughtfully, “So we can re-examine this in like a month then.”
“So is this like a contract or what?” he jokes. “Want me to sign it?”
“Sure,” you say, playing along and offering him the stylus. He took it from your hand and signed his signature, and then handed you back the pen, gesturing for you to sign as well. You followed suit, a quiet chuckle as you saved the page to your tablet’s files.
“Wanna drive me home, boyfriend?”
Dating Jungkook was… interesting, to say the least. You were a little surprised when he texted you the next morning asking what your coffee order was, and you weren’t expecting him to be so punctual when he pulled up to your apartment. But as you and Yuna exited the apartment that morning, he was already parked at the curb, music a little too loud for the early morning transit, but you were thankful nonetheless. 
“Why are you taking us?” Yuna asked in her very blunt manner. She, of course, had heard of Jungkook, more so due to your falling out with Somin, but Jungkook took her question in stride.
“Because I’m dating your sister.” 
He handed you an iced caramel latte with a soft smile that you couldn’t help but return. Jungkook looked stunningly handsome, hair floofed to your desired preference and an all black outfit to match. His pants were the perfect fit to his well-toned body and the black bomber jacket gave him a bad boy edge that was softened by his doe eyes.
Yuna coughed, choking on her strawberry flavored poptart as you turned to look out the window. Yuna, seated behind you, hit the back of your seat.
“You’re dating him? And you didn’t tell me?”
“I wanted to be sure it was going to work out this time… He and his ex used to be on and off a lot and I didn’t want to tell you if they got back together.” You answer, mixing the truth into it.
“Ohhhh, I see. You a player Jeon? Gonna break my sister’s heart?” Yuna eyed him, pupils narrowed as they stared at him. 
He cleared his throat, not expecting to have to defend himself against the small pitbull in the backseat.
“Not planning on it, Yuna.” Jungkook reached over and took your hand into his large one, interlocking your fingers before he kissed the back of your hand sweetly as he released the brakes and pulled off. 
Walking into the BigHit building, Jungkook held the door open for you before placing his hand in the back pocket of your black skinny jeans as you walked to the elevator. You wore a black knit sweater that fell slightly off the shoulder, and you knew it looked like you two had coordinated outfits. His other hand held the strap of the backpack he had slung over his shoulder while you clutched your coffee and your bag. 
You started to walk off towards your office once you made it to your floor, but Jungkook’s hand on your ass pulled you back towards him. He leaned down to your ear, whispering quietly.
“Where are you off too in such a hurry?”
“Um, my office… why?”
“Come with me to mine first, let me drop off my bag and I'll walk you back.”
Letting his pocketed hand guide you, you fell in step with him down the hallway. You passed several other people, including Jin, an actor signed to the company who was known for his gossip, who nodded their hellos to Jungkook before ducking their heads together or reaching for their phones. It felt like high school all over again. Jungkook removed his hand from the warmth of your ass in order to open his office door, to which he then pulled you inside. Closing the door, he backed you into it rather loudly. The windows in the door are frosted, but you knew that pressed to it like this, anyone who looked could see your outline against it. 
Jungkook pushed his body into yours, lips following suit as his hands found purchase on your hips. He kissed you languidly, the mint from his toothpaste clashed with your coffee, though not unpleasant. You kissed him back, enjoying the feel of his soft pout as it glided to your neck. He wasted no time in latching on, suckling your neck for a few seconds before he pulled away with a loud smacking noise. 
“I must say, we put on quite the show this morning. My roommate was out there, and he will definitely have everyone talking about our PDA.” He grinned, eyes still glued to your neck. “Once that hickey sets in, it will really be the talk of the town.”
You blinked, finally coming back to your senses. Of course. This was all a part of the plan. Jungkook stepped away from you, moving to put away his belongings in his office. You stepped away from the door, looking around as you willed your body to cool down. That kiss had been quite an experience, and you yourself had gotten carried away with the plan. 
Turning on the spot, you notice all the different camera equipment lining the walls, the beautiful still photography of various buildings throughout the city, but the most surprising was a photo from the first year you had all met. The picture had you, Jungkook, Somin, Jimin, and a few other friends in it; smiles wide as you stood at the fairgrounds you attended, ferris wheel lighting up the sky behind you. You walked towards it, taking in how carefree you looked, arms wrapped around Jungkook’s waist and his arms thrown over your and Somin’s shoulders, who was making the peace sign with both hands at her eyes. Jimin was making a silly face, arm wrapped around Somin’s waist. Simpler times.
You moved on, turning to the small polaroid camera and you couldn’t help but grab it. Turning, you snapped a photo of Jungkook, who was caught off guard. You took the developing film from the camera and set it down on his desk as he smiled at you.
“Hmm, that’s a good idea. Let me take a few photos of you, I can place them around my office.”
You tried to reject his idea, but he takes the photos anyways, pinching your cheeks and tickling you until he gets what he wants. Finally, 6 clicks later, he stood next to you, facing the camera to the two of you before he said your name softly. You looked up at him, and he surprised you with a kiss. That 7th click captured a kiss, and he placed that one in the back of his phone case.
“You are such a… a lover, Jeon.” You say, pointing at his phone. He shrugged, ignoring your jab.
“It’s something Somin always wanted me to do… I never did though. So seeing this will piss her off.”
You nodded, understanding. Everything he did had a purpose for getting at Somin in some way, shape, or form. You chided yourself that you would do well to remember that. 
Lunch was a whole new ball game. Used to sitting with Namjoon and Jennie, or some of your assistants, you were now eating lunch with Jungkook, who ate in the employee cafeteria. You followed his request to meet him there and stood in the doorway lost until you heard his voice call out to you.
Noting his waving hand, you wove through the circular tables until you reached the one he was at with Jimin, Taehyung, Jin, and Yoongi, a producer friend that you knew through Namjoon.
All of the seats were taken, but before you could stand there looking out of place, Jungkook scooted his chair out and all but pulled you onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he nuzzled into your neck, breathing in your clean scented perfume and strawberry shampoo.
“Get a room, JK.” Yoongi said, face contorted with a mock look of disgust.
“What? She’s just so cute and warm.” His fingers drifted towards the hem of your sweater and disappeared up into the material, cold fingers pressed against the soft skin of your belly and you shivered with a giggle, pushing his ice box hands away.
“You’re cold as fuck, Jesus Jeon! Were you hanging out in a freezer?”
“You could say that...” Taehyung laughed while elbowing Jimin, and you raised an eyebrow at them, wanting in on the joke, too.
“He was reviewing pictures with us and our managers.” Jimin clarified, and you nodded. 
“I take it that Somin wasn’t very warm?” You asked, leaning more into Jungkook.
“Not at all,” Tae disclosed, “she was very icy, had a lot to say about our dear JK over here, didn’t she?”
“Nothing we haven't heard before.” Jimin answered, and the two laughed, but you didn’t find it all that funny. Hearing that Somin trash talked Jungkook to his friends while working didn’t sound like the kind of person anyone would want to date. 
“Well she can talk shit all she wants, she’s just mad he’s moved on.” You defended, and are surprised to hear a quiet ‘thank you’ just for your ears as Jungkook tightened his hold briefly.
“I really dislike that girl,” Jin said, “I for one will be glad to not see her trashy ass around the apartment anymore. You are a breath of fresh air, Y/N.”
You smile shyly at Jin, enjoying how well everyone seemed to have welcomed you into their group.
“So, Y/N, we were just talking about the party Yoongi was throwing. He and Hobi live together, and they’re throwing a small rager this weekend. You’re coming with JK, right?”
Oh, this was not something you were expecting. You hadn’t gone to a party with co-workers in a long time…
“Of course she’ll be there, she’s coming with me. Right, babe?” Jungkook’s doe eyes looked up at you and you couldn’t say no. It’s not like you had plans anyways. You nodded and smiled at him, and he leaned into you, lips seeking yours in a quick kiss. You feel your body react to it, like it had been doing since this started, and pulled back before he could turn it X-rated. 
“Okay, seriously you two, get a room.”
Standing in the mirror in your bedroom, you turned from side to side to take in your outfit. As a head wardrobe stylist, you had a pretty good sense of fashion, but liked to stick to basic pieces and blacks, dressing up your look with delicate jewelry or layered pieces. 
Tonight was no different. With the beginnings of winter creeping in, you wanted to be comfortable in the weather once the sun set. You had on black sheer leggings that disappeared into a cute black skirt with thin white lines that had a revealing thigh split. Your top was an asymmetrical design, having one long sleeve and turning into a bandeau style on the other side. You paired it with black velvet boots that had crisp white laces, then finished the look with a matching set of simple dangling skinny diamond earrings, bracelet, and necklace. 
Despite this thing with Jungkook being fake, you wanted him to still feel proud to showcase you on his arm at this party. People were already talking about the two of you, and tonight would fuel the gossip even more. You were nervous of course, knowing who typically attended these types of parties, but Jungkook had assured you that he would keep you safe tonight.
The polite knock on your bedroom door had you turn your head to the sound, a tossed “come in” over your shoulder to who you thought was Yuna, but revealed a very handsome looking Jungkook, who was in his typical all black attire. You stood there, body warming as you took in his height, broad shoulders, and long legs. 
His voice was low, but his eyes looked like they sparkled as he took you in. 
“You don’t look too bad yourself, Jeon,” you responded, reaching to grab your bag off of your bed.
Jungkook snapped out of the daze he was in and pulled his phone out of his pocket. 
“Let’s take a photo for the ‘gram.”
You nodded; for a second you thought he wanted to have a photo of you because you looked good. Posing in the mirror, he pulled you close by your waist and adjusted his phone to capture both of you in the frame. He took a few photos, switching poses slightly each time.
“Hey,” he said, gaining your attention. You turned to him, shocked when his lips met yours. You melt easily into the kiss, hearing the camera shutter click several times as you tangled tongues, his hand sliding from your waist to cup your butt and pull you closer. You were unable to stop the moan from his action, and when he pulled away, lips a bit fuller and pinker from kissing, he quirked his eyebrow at you, paired with his signature smirk.
“Y-You messed up my lip gloss,” you fake huffed, turning away from him to rummage through your bag to grab your gloss and reapply. Your attempt to avoid him from seeing the way he affected you didn’t go unnoticed, but Jungkook kept quiet on it.
“It was worth it, these pics are hot. Plus, you taste good. What flavor is that?”
“Strawberry,” you mumbled, still feeling the heat from the kiss warm your neck and face.
“Strawberry is slowly becoming my new favorite.”
Yoongi and Hobi knew how to throw a party. The music was playing at the perfect level that you could still hear people talking to you, a variety of alcoholic beverages were supplied in ample amounts, and several games were being held in various rooms of their home. 
Currently, you were seated on the couch with a few other women from the office. Unfortunately, one of them was Somin. Across the room, your ‘boyfriend’ was engaged in a game of beer pong against Taehyung and Jimin. They had challenged him solo, citing he was good at everything and didn’t need a partner. As you watched him toss the small ping pong balls into the same cup, you knew their concern was right. 
“Y/N, you and Jeon?” Seline, one of the girls seated next to you, asked suggestively.
“Yea,” you giggled, the cup of something or other making you a little... giggly.
“Color me a little surprised. He’s like, such a social butterfly, and you’re...” 
“Oh, Y/N used to be a social butterfly, but she thought she was too good for us back in college.” Somin piped up. 
Her statement caught you off guard. Somin was once your best friend, but when she started dating Jungkook, she had distanced herself from you, not the other way around. 
“I never thought that. Some people act differently once they start dating people though. I never changed.” You sat back with a huff, crossing your arms. She ruined the buzz the alcohol had given you. 
Seline leaned closer to you, interested to hear more. The other’s seated nearby also tuned in with interest.
“Oh, you knew them in college?” 
You nodded, and Somin got up and walked away from the couch, seemingly annoyed at the attention you were getting for being Jungkook’s new girl.
You told the brief backstory of your friendship, leaving out the obvious part of losing virginities and finding out your best friend confessed to Jungkook when you were on your way to do the same thing, but ending it on good terms, saying that it was just the process of naturally growing apart. 
Seline nodded, and you saw her eyes widen as she looked past you. Following her gaze, your eyes narrowed at the view. Somin was all over Jungkook. You weren’t exaggerating; both of her hands were holding on to him as if she was too drunk to maintain her balance. She was falling into his arms and he was holding her, one of his large hands pushing her hair back from her face and a look of concern etched upon his own. 
Two feelings hit you at once. Nausea at the sight of him looking so tenderly at her, simultaneous with a boiling fury of jealousy that it wasn’t you. 
“Looks like Somin wants him back.” Seline snickered towards the other girls, and you stood up abruptly. You made eye contact with Jimin, who’s eyes were unnaturally large as he registered the scene before him.
Jimin was relieved that Somin interrupted the end of the game so that he could escape before he had to drink more, but he also felt annoyed seeing her all over Jungkook. Jimin had been glad when Jungkook told him and Tae that he was done with Somin; even more glad when he heard that Jungkook started seeing you. 
Back in college, Jimin was the only person, other than you and Jungkook, who knew what happened between you two. Both of you had confided in him your actions and feelings for one another. Color him surprised when he found out that Jungkook was not dating you, but instead your best friend, Somin. He wasn’t sure what happened but soon after, you stopped being around as much and Somin was around all the time. 
Watching Somin pretend to be too drunk to function and fall all over Jungkook made Jimin purposefully search the room for you. Watching you stand, drink clutched in your hand, Jimin had a feeling something was about to happen.
The drink you were nursing was downed in its entirety within a single swallow. You were now several drinks in, and you were feeling the alcohol start to hit as you stood up fast. Pushing your shoulders back, you walked over towards your ‘boyfriend’, whose back was turned towards you, and slid your arm around his waist.
“Heyyy babe,” you leaned into his body, staking claim on Jungkook as you stared daggers at Somin. She had taken a few steps back when you had approached, but now, seeing the challenge in your eyes, she stepped closer once more.
“Ggukk-ah, I don’t feel so well...”
“Min,” Jungkook stepped out of your hold, hands moving to cup Somin’s face as she feigned weakness in her knees. The level of concern in his voice let you know exactly how he felt. You scoffed, not believing Jungkook would behave this way in front of everyone. He was the one who had came up with this idea for ‘mutual benefit’ and here he was fucking it all up.
“She’s fine, babe. She can handle her alcohol.” You felt yourself growing hotter, the alcohol actually having an effect on you, as it always had. Your increasing body temperature only made you more frustrated.
“Seriously Gguk, I’m getting so hot...” Somin reached for the hem of her shirt, and in one fell swoop she had exposed the lacey bra she wore underneath. You could hear people talking over the sound of the music, taking in the scene of a shirtless ex making a brazen show.
“Jungkook!” Your voice is no more than a harsh whisper, but he’s so scandalized at Somin’s action, the protective boyfriend in him coming out to aid in shielding her body from onlookers, he doesn’t hear you. 
You hate the sick feeling bubbling in your stomach, unsure if it's from watching your ‘man’ flirt with his half naked ex or if it’s from the alcohol not sitting right with you.
Throwing the scene one last look, you turned on your heels and headed off to the kitchen for a bottle of water, or perhaps, another cup of something stronger.
Walking past him and Taehyung, Jimin caught sight of the look on your face before you blew past on your way towards the kitchen and he knew he should warn his friend.
“Jungkook, hey.. Jungkook!” Jimin yelled, his voice louder the second time he called his name. 
Jungkook had been leaning towards Somin, hands cradling her face as he continued to speak quietly to her. When he looked up at Jimin, his face appeared slightly annoyed at the interruption as he was taking care of her.
“What, bro?”
“Um, your girlfriend? Y/N? She just went into the kitchen and she looked a little upset.” Jimin said, his face trying to communicate to Jungkook what it looked like that he was holding his ex that way and his new girlfriend had stormed off. 
“Oh, for fuck’s sake. Jimin, can you?” Jungkook gestured his head towards the kitchen and Jimin thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head.
“How about I take Somin and you go find Y/N? Your girlfriend. Remember?”
Jungkook paused for a millisecond before depositing Somin into Jimin’s arms. He made his way to the kitchen, where he found you engaged in taking shots with Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jin, the latter of which was shit talking Somin with a smile. When you felt his presence enter the kitchen, you ignored him, gesturing for your now fourth shot in as many minutes.
Sensing the tension, Yoongi decided against more shots, instead leading Hobi and Jin out of the kitchen, much to Jin’s complaints of having to be around the ‘trashy tramp’. The three headed back to the party, a bottle tucked under Yoongi’s arm as Hobi carried the shot glasses out. 
“We were enjoying our new friend, JK. Stop keeping her to yourself,” Jin said with a drunken glare. 
Sighing audibly, you turned to walk out of the kitchen but Jungkook’s grasp on your wrist stopped you.
“Hey, why are you ignoring me like this?” He asked, confusion tinting his voice.
“Um, maybe because you’re supposed to be dating me and you were too busy with Somin to remember you even had a girlfriend.” You said back harshly, spitting the words at him with such vehemence you wobbled precariously on your heels.
“Come here.” Jungkook said, dragging you behind him through the bodies in the hallway until you had made it into one of the unoccupied back bedrooms. Shutting the door, he turned to you as he dragged his hand through his hair. The action only made him more handsome, tousled hair falling gently to frame his face.
“Look, it’s... complicated with Somin right now.”
“I get that you’re trying to teach her a lesson, see if you want to be with her or whatever, but not at my expense. You said mutually beneficial. Making me look like your second choice and embarrassing me does not benefit me.”
During your speech, you poked him in the chest several times, the alcohol starting to take its effect on you. Stumbling slightly, Jungkook caught you to steady you, keeping his hands on your waist. The warmness of his palms felt nice as he helped keep you balanced.
“You’re right, Y/N. I’m sorry. Like I said, it’s complicated. We dated for a long time. I still care for her. She’s... been making this difficult.”
“Oh? Difficult how? By faking being drunk so you can take care of her?”
“She’s a lightweight, that’s not fake,” he defended.
You were once close enough with Somin to know that she was not a lightweight, since she had been drinking at parties since she was 14; her earlier interaction was indeed, all an act.
“Whatever, Jungkook. So what is she doing that’s so difficult?” you asked, cutting him a look of narrowed eyes until he answered you.
He walked backwards, tugging you gently along until he was seated on the bed. You stood between his parted knees, waiting patiently for his answer. Realizing you weren’t going to drop it, he rubbed the back of his neck gingerly.
“She’s, you know.. She still texts me all the time, saying shit and sending pics and stuff. She says she wants me back, but I just,” he looked up at you, his doe eyes unable to hide his emotions.
“I don’t know if I believe it. I want to. But she’s hurt me, and I’m tired of it. I want her to feel how I felt.”
Your ire towards him faded as he opened up to you. Cupping his face gently, you leaned in and rubbed his nose with yours softly back and forth.
“You’re amazing Jungkook. Until tonight, you’ve treated me like a princess the entire week we’ve been dating. But she won’t learn if you give in. You’ve got me now, okay? When she texts you, text me instead. Don’t entertain her. She’ll think I’m not enough for you if you keep responding, and that doesn’t show her you can move on.”
You had sunk into him the whole time you talked to him, and he shifted your body so you were now straddled over his lap, head resting on his shoulder. You yawned sleepily, the loss of the anger leaving you feeling the tired effects of the alcohol. Unlike Somin, you were a lightweight, and 3 shots was over your limit.
As you got comfortable on Jungkook, he thought over what you said, smoothing your hair carefully.
“You’re right. You always were so smart in school... ” Jungkook said, and you nodded your head on his shoulder in agreement, humming an affirmative.
“Let’s get you home though, you’re halfway to passing out anyways.” Pulling out his phone, he ordered an Uber. He held you like that, your strawberry scent surrounding him until the Uber driver was outside. His hands gripping you under your thighs, he stood up and carried you out of the party, nodding bye to his friends and hosts of the party.
Placing you into the Uber, he climbed in after you and you curled into his lap, seeking his warmth in your drunken half-slumber. Jungkook chuckled, noticing the way his chest reacted to the action but ignored it. This was an arrangement, you seeking him out wasn’t real, and your anger earlier wasn’t jealousy, he told himself. You were worried about being embarrassed. He still loved and wanted to get back with Somin, right? 
As he looked down at you in his lap, enjoying the weight of you pressed against his body, he wasn’t so sure. 
“This the correct address, sir?” The Uber driver asked, verifying with Jungkook once he shut the SUV door.
“Yea, both of us are headed there.”
The weekend passed by fast. Waking up at Jungkook’s place Sunday morning had been a little shocking, but his bed was soft and clean, and smelled of him. You had snuggled deeper into the sheets until he woke you up to go get breakfast and get his car from Yoongi’s place. He detailed to you what had transpired to you being in his bed, expressed that he had not taken advantage of you, per rule number 7, plus the basic concept of consent, and promised to take you home as soon as Jin was awake and could take the two of you to go get his car. 
He gave you some clothes to change into, and while you weren’t surprised to find he had jeans to fit you, neither one of you asked or shared the obvious: they were Somin’s. At least the shirt he gave you was his, and you also stole a hoodie to wear. December may have only just started a week ago, but the cold was pervasive.
Breakfast with him was fun. Getting to know Jungkook again was just as exhilarating as it had been the first time, during that first year at BHSMA. He had changed, but in a good way. More mature, but still playful. An adult who was a hotshot photographer, but still humble and considerate. How someone could be built like that and have such a big soft heart was beyond you. 
The trip to get his car was slightly awkward, as Jin, Jungkook’s very nosy roommate, commented on how bad drunk sex must be with Jungkook if you were able to keep so quiet. 
“Somin was always so loud, I swear she was exaggerating. No one’s dick is that good; sorry JK.”
Once Jin dropped the two of you off at Yoongi and Hobi’s, it ended up turning into hanging out with them for a bit, talking about work and your relationship with Jungkook. Hobi swooned with oohs and ahhs while Yoongi cringed, faking disgust at such a cute story, as was his trademark. 
Jungkook apologized once the two of you escaped to his car, for both Jin being cringey, and for staying longer than anticipated with Yoongi and Hoseok, but you weren’t mad. You enjoyed meeting his friends and getting to know them. You were only a little concerned because Yoongi was also friends with Namjoon, who worked in the same department as him.
Jungkook turned to you before you climbed out of the car, not wanting to say goodbye just yet, but unable to think of a reason to get you to stay. Afterall, the relationship was fake. 
“Hey, thanks for your advice last night.”
“Honestly, I barely remember what it was, but if it helped you, I’m glad.” You smiled at him, and he had to blink a few times to remember what else he wanted to say.
“So, um—I was thinking we could go on, like, a formal date Monday? After work? Monday should be a chill day. I know the comeback is planned for January, so going out sooner than later is best, right? Get it out of the way? That way we won’t forget, and we won’t be too busy with work to try and squeeze it in, and—” 
Jungkook knew he was rambling, feeling nervous despite it being you, someone he had known for several years now. For fucks sake, he’s seen you naked. He felt his cock twitch and internally scolded himself. This was not the time for remembering the way you felt beneath him, the sweet sounds he had pulled from you as he learned your body, shared with you in giving each other your virginities. 
When his cock twitched again, he took a deep breath and tried to focus on your answer.
“You okay, Jeon?” you asked, noticing he had zoned out slightly.
“Yeah... ” he responded, shifting as if uncomfortable.
“Well, I said I would love to go on a date with you. What did you have planned?”
“It’s a surprise. Just dress for the weather.”
You nodded thoughtfully, a small smile gracing your face as you gathered your purse and stepped back out of the doorway of his car to shut it. He rolled the window down, smiling back at you.
“Can’t wait,” you say, standing outside his car on the sidewalk through the rolled down window, waving your fingers at him cutely.
Jungkook’s signature smile spread across his face as he winked at you just before he pulled off, turning his music up loud as he whipped his Benz out of your complex. 
Now sitting at your desk, you clicked through the selected shots that Jungkook emailed you of the photo shoot from last week as you reminisced on the weekend. You were supposed to be checking the outfits, detailing the different designers for the credits. But your thoughts kept drifting to Jungkook, and what should have easily been a 15 minute task took 45. 
Finally sending the email, you stood to stretch when a loud knock announced a visitor. Walking to the frosted door of your office, you opened it and revealed a large bouquet of tiger lilies. 
“Delivery for Y/N Y/L/N,” Kim, one of your assistants sing-songed as she walked into the room.
“Where did you get this? And why?” You searched the flowers until you found the card inside.
“I’m not supposed to give any details other than to read the note!” She pranced away, a smug smile on her face for knowing the secret you wanted to know.
Opening the envelope, a small polaroid fell out, fluttering to the ground. You picked it up, noting the image of a small park nearby. At the bottom, in Jungkook’s neat writing was a time. 2:30PM. Glancing at the clock, you see that the time listed is in roughly 15 minutes, so you gathered your purse, plucked a flower from the bouquet and headed out to meet Jungkook.
Walking into the elevator, Namjoon suddenly entered just before the doors shut, trapping you inside with him.
“Why are you avoiding me?” He asked. You studied him, momentarily at a loss for words at his ambush.
“Joonie, I—I’m not avoiding you. I’ve just been busy...”
“Too busy for your best friend? Jennie left me, and now I feel like I’m losing you too.”
Hearing his voice crack as he mentioned his ex hurts you more than you let him know. In all of the panic of the secret sex journal being released and fake dating Jungkook, you had forgotten what Namjoon had been going through.
“I promise, you’re not losing me, Joonie. You’re my best friend. I’m sorry that I haven’t been acting like it. I swear, I have been busy.”
“Yeah, busy going to parties with your new boyfriend. I saw him carrying your wasted ass out of Yoongi’s house.” Namjoon sounded a little irritated as he spoke.
“Listen, it’s complicated.. Can we talk about this later, please? It’s not a conversation for the elevator.”
“Okay, where are you going? I’ll go with you.” The doors opened and you both stepped out, Namjoon following you like a lifeline.
“Joonie, I—Look, I’m going on a date with Jungkook, I’m sorry!” you halted your steps and explained to him as a look of hurt flashed across his face.
“You know what? Forget it. Hit me up when you remember your best friend, if I’m even that.”
Namjoon walked away from you, ignoring you as you called after him. You sighed, giving up as he disappeared around a corner of the lobby, guests and coworkers looking at the exchange with interest.
You rubbed your temples and took a deep breath before braving the cold to walk to Ttukseom Park.
The walk was surprisingly pleasant. Despite the temperature, the sun was warm on your face whenever you were able to evade the shade along the sidewalk. It may have been the very beginnings of winter, but the scenery was anything but the cold melancholy you tended to associate with this time of the year.
The grass was vibrant still, and as you made it to the spot that matched the small photo you still had clutched in your hand, you noticed how the butterfly art installation along the wall of the J-Bug Cultural Complex glittered in the sunlight seeping in. Jungkook was seated on a bench right underneath the art with his trusty camera hanging from his neck, a picnic basket next to him.
“This is beautiful,” you said in awe, taking in the entire view. Jungkook followed your gaze, humming his agreement before picking up his camera. You heard the shutter of the camera several times. You looked over to him glancing at the small screen on the device before adjusting the lens and taking several more. 
“Have you never seen this?” He said as he stood and grabbed the basket. You stood as well and followed him, falling into step beside him as he walked out from the shade and into the grassier area.
You shook your head no. “Don’t really have the time I guess. I’ve always wanted to explore the J-Bug though; Namjoon said the museums all along the Hangang are amazing.”
“I’ve taken photos at several of the murals nearby, they’re some of my favorite locations actually.” He smiled at you, and you can’t help the way your heart squeezes. He nodded his head to an area that had a decent amount of sunlight to combat the winter chill.
“Yea, I remember seeing some of them in your office. You’re really talented Kookie, I remember how passionate you were about photography even back then.” You helped spread the blanket he produced from the basket and once seated you leaned back on your palms, eyes closed. 
Jungkook looked at you, taking in the way the midday sun made you glow, how pretty your lashes looked leaving shadows across your content cheeks. He couldn’t hold back the smile that took over his face upon hearing you use the endearment he hadn’t heard since that night so long ago.
“Ah, yeah, but my photography wasn’t that good then.”
“Stop being so humble, the photos you took were amazing, even then.”
You opened your eyes, catching him staring at you, and you felt yourself grow self-conscious.
“What? Is there something on my face?”
“Oh—uh, no sorry, it was just the sun—you know, lighting and all.” He gestured to his camera.
“Ah, I guess the talented eye never rests. Though I don’t know why you would want pictures of me,” you laughed and Jungkook tapped your knee in reproach.
“You’re a pretty good subject, don’t downplay yourself.”
You nodded, looking in the basket to hide the way your cheeks had warmed at his comment.
“Seriously, Y/N, I used to want to take photos of you all the time back then... you should’ve seen my camera roll. It was embarrassing. Jimin used to tease me all the time.” Jungkook helped you set up his small spread of food and you used the meal as a distraction.
“Ooh, did you prepare all of this?”
“Ah, some of it,” he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “I had some help from Jin hyung.”
“It smells delicious.” You took the proffered chopsticks from his large hand and dug into the bowl of japchae before placing it on your rice to gather for one bite; Jungkook followed suit.
The rest of the lunch date went incredibly well. Jungkook was just like you remembered him to be, except he was more filled out, and a little taller with a jawline that could cut glass. But his humor, his compassion, his deep thoughts that led you to fall for him all those years ago were still painfully there. Spending more time with him one on one did nothing but show you that the feelings you once had for him were still easily accessible. 
As he led you back to the office, his hand swinging yours between your bodies, you couldn’t help but wish this was real. How nice it would be to just pretend that Jungkook really was yours, allow those creeping feelings to spread like spring, blooming across your chest until it was vibrant and unforgettable. You couldn’t imagine what it would be like after; after when you were single again and Jungkook had either gotten back with Somin or moved on to someone else.
“What are you thinking about?” Jungkook squeezed your hand. You hadn’t even noticed that you were not only back at the office, but standing at the door to your locked office.
“Oh, sorry. Honestly, that lunch date was just so nice… It felt good to get out and do something different for a change.”
“Oh, well yea, I remembered you used to like stuff like this, I figured you probably still did.”
You nodded, hope blooming. 
“Take a look at this post, let me know if it’s okay.”
He handed you his phone, and you admired the way he had caught you off guard, a photo that looked like it could be moving, the way your hair frames your face as you looked longingly off into the distance. The caption was simple. “It’s not about where you go or what you have, it’s about who you’re with along the way.” 
“It’s perfect.”
“Okay, post it then. And post a few more pics of me on your page too? I’ve been posting and tagging you...”
If you didn’t know any better, you would think that Jungkook sounded… upset? You nodded as you clicked the post button, and as it loaded, the phone vibrated in your hand. Thinking it was a like or a comment on the image of you, you glanced at it. His phone had locked by this time, and instead of seeing notifications for Instagram, you saw a message notification instead. 
Tumblr media
Handing him back his phone, you push down that blooming sensation. It would be foolish to think Jungkook was upset that you hadn’t posted him as much as he had posted you. Clearly he must’ve spent time with Somin after he dropped you off yesterday. 
“You got a message. Umm, I’m gonna finish up here and then head home, you don’t need to wait for me. See you tomorrow?”
You wanted to get away from him desperately. Jungkook looked at you, confused at your sudden shift in mood.
“I thought I was driving you home? Jin said he was staying out late tonight, I figured we could hang out for a few—”
“We’ll see! There’s still so much to do for the album release.” You leaned up and kissed his cheek chastely before unlocking your office door and all but disappeared inside of it.
Jungkook stood there, staring at your closed door for a few more seconds before he felt his phone buzz in his hand. Checking his notifications, he saw a series of texts from Somin. 
Looking around confused, he noticed Somin standing across the office area, a deadly smirk on her face as she waved her phone at Jungkook. All Jungkook could do was sigh. Somin wouldn’t leave him alone long enough to sort out his thoughts, and now she was sending purposefully misleading texts? Jungkook didn’t know how to explain to you that what you saw was untrue.
You clearly believed it.
Jungkook gave you two days of space before he decided to track you down. He always hated that Somin would know he was upset (typically because it was her fault) and immediately pounce on him, forcing her company upon him and not allowing him the ability to forgive and move on. He wanted to give you that time, so after two days, Jungkook felt that it had been long enough, and the two of you should reconcile whatever misunderstanding there had been.
You posted a photo with him yesterday, and from the caption you wrote it appeared like you had a fun time with him on Monday despite the way you left him standing at your office door. 
The image you posted on your Instagram with Jungkook was a candid shot; he hadn’t realized you had taken a photo. While it brought about that warm feeling in his chest seeing the photo appear in his feed, it didn’t clearly depict his face. 
Instead, the focus was on your fingers intertwined. Jungkook’s profile could be seen, blurred from lack of focus, but it matched the caption you had chosen so well. “Even if someone shakes this world, please don’t ever let go of this hand you’re holding...”
Motivated, Jungkook made sure to be bright and early at your door ready to drive you and your sister. 
You weren’t expecting to see the flashy Benz outside of your apartment. Yuna was excited to not have to take public transportation, leaving you behind as she all but ran to the passenger rear door.
“Morning JK! We missed you these past few days.”
“Ah, sorry about that, I had to be at the office way earlier; didn’t want to make you guys wake up even earlier than you already do.”
Yuna waves off the apology and you finally followed; feet moving across the pavement until you’ve climbed into the car and buckled your seatbelt.
“Morning princess,” Jungkook says, leaning towards you and pecking your lips. You were caught off guard, not expecting him to be so lovey, but you returned the kiss, a double peck that you started and continued on as the traditional way you greeted each other.
“Didn’t sleep well?”
“Yea, been a bit out of it these past few days...” You trailed off, not wanting to talk about it in front of Yuna. Catching on, Jungkook turns up the music and shifts into drive, pulling off towards the University for Yuna.
The drive to the office isn’t too long from the school, so once Yuna was out, Jungkook wasted no time in asking you to talk.
“So, can we talk about Somin?”
You huffed out a sigh. It was too early in the morning to deal with the Somin issue, but you nodded, allowing Jungkook to breach the topic.
“I know you saw her message. I want you to know that nothing happened. She sent that text because she saw us. She was doing the same bullshit she always does, part of the reason I don’t think she’s learned anything yet, like you said.”
You nodded, still not sure what to believe. He had no reason to lie to you, it’s not like you were actually in a relationship. He could go back to Somin anytime. 
“I hate that you’re mad at me.”
You turned your body towards him. 
“I—Look, I’m not mad, okay? Not at you. I just hate that Somin gets under my skin so much. That she’s a bitch to you. Neither of us deserve it, especially you.”
Jungkook reached over, encasing your hand in his.
“I’m learning that now. We’ve been together so long, I never noticed at first what she was doing. But I think subconsciously, it was making me resent her. And you really said some shit that had me thinking. And you’re right. I—I’m really glad to have you back in my life, Y/N. Having you in my corner has made all the difference.”
You looked down, eyes staring at the tattooed hand to hide the warmth on your face. 
“After work, come over. Let me buy us dinner and we can hang out.” You felt his smile as he stared at you while pausing at the red light before your office, and you met his gaze.
“Good, we need to make Jin believe we’re having hot, loud sex, since rule 7 prevents you from experiencing the real thing.”
He let out a shout of pain as you punched his shoulder.
Walking to get food was not the smartest idea for 3 reasons. First, because neither of you checked the weather. Second, due to number one, neither of you had an umbrella. So naturally, third, running in the rain while carrying takeout was almost a disaster.
And still, the two of you laughed the entire way, bag clutched in one arm while your fingers were intertwined between your sprinting bodies, one block left to get to Jungkook’s apartment. By the time he’s unlocked the door, you're both sopping wet, rain water dripping onto the floor of the entryway to the apartment. After getting the food situated to stay warm while you guys got cleaned up, Jungkook gave you a towel and led you to his bathroom.
You appreciated that he was such a clean guy, his apartment and subsequently, the bathroom was pristine, and he actually had a trashcan and stocked toilet paper, unlike some men you knew. He planted folded clothes for you to change into on top of the sink counter, and surprised you with a kiss.
“What was that for?” You asked, dazed.
“Practice.” He said with a wink, and he backed away, closing the door as he left you alone. 
While Jungkook showered, you heated up the food, your mostly dried hair now up in a messy bun as you danced around his kitchen. His sweats were a little (a lot) too long, so you had rolled them up so you could avoid tripping. 
A knock at the door made you jump, before you moonwalked over to the entryway, now clean of the rain water the two of you had trudged in. Thinking it was Jin, you didn’t check to see who it was and opened the door. You froze as you took in a young man that was not your ‘boyfriend’s’ broad shouldered roommate. Instead, doe-eyes similar to the man currently naked in the shower stared back at you.
“Oh, hey… I thought my brother lived here. Sorry about that!” The man stepped back, checking the number on the apartment again before his eyes landed on your shirt—or rather, his brother’s shirt.
“You’re not Somin...”
“Hi, and no, I’m not,” you laughed, “um, but this is Jungkook’s apartment.”
“Ahh, okay. I’m JungHyun. His older brother.”
“Oh! Come in!” You stepped back so that he could walk past you, and you led him into the living room once he had shed his shoes. 
“Oh, did I interrupt dinner?”
“Oh, no we haven’t even started eating yet. No worries.”
The two of you sat down, and you tucked your feet up under your bottom, turning to face Jungkook’s older brother.
“So, I know who you’re not...”
“Oh, fuck, manners.” The look on your face is sheepish, and you smiled to cover your nerves. “I’m Y/N, Kookie’s girlfriend.”
“Oh, you’re the famous Y/N! Finally got you, did he?”
His words confused you, Jungkook had been with Somin since forever, when had he ever wanted you? Smiling to cover your confusion, you’re saved when Jungkook appears in the hallway, a loud laugh as he barreled over to his brother and all but jumped on the man.
“Hyung! What are you doing here?!”
“Oh, I finished that project at work early, so I’m headed to visit mom and dad. Staying with them through Christmas before the next contract at work starts.”
“Ah, it’s good to see you!”
Jungkook’s enthusiasm is abundant; it’s clear he loves his brother dearly and misses him. He pulled back from a hug and sat comfortably in the space between you and JungHyun, his palm resting lightly on your leg absentmindedly.
“So, I’ve met your new girlfriend. I must say you didn’t do her justice when you described her to me.”
You felt the blush creep across your face, and Jungkook also seemed to turn red, his fingers rubbing at the skin on his neck.
“Yea, seeing her in person is best.” He says awkwardly, and you can’t help but laugh.
“So? Does dad know? Mom is gonna be so excited. She hated Somin.”
“What?” Jungkook says at the same time that you say “Really?”
JungHyun nodded, sitting back into the couch comfortably.
“Yea, no offense, lil bro, but Somin was a bitch. Mom thought she was so fake.”
“Wh-why didn’t you guys ever say anything?”
“Eh, you know, cause you were in love or whatever.”
You get up and go to the kitchen, grabbing bowls and the last of the heated food, hoping to avoid being present for this part of their conversation, but still curious all the same.
“Definitely not.”
“Mmhmm, sure.”
“Seriously. I wasn’t actually in love. Or if I was, it faded. I think for a lot of it I was just… dependent or whatever. I thought it was love, sure. But it wasn’t; I know that now.”
“Ah, so Y/N showed you what love is?”
“She definitely cares more about me and my happiness than Somin ever has.”
You cleared your throat as you walked back into the living room.
“Ready to eat?”
Dinner with Jungkook and JungHyun is, in so many words, fun. They bantered and joked and you spend the time eating and laughing, enjoying your time with the brothers. You didn't even realize how late it had gotten, not until Jin waltzed into the apartment, noting the late hour for you all to be chatting so loud. 
“Shit, Yuna messaged me an hour ago.” 
“Just stay here. We can pick Yuna up in the morning when you go home to change.”
“Are you sure? Your brother’s visiting, I don’t want to be in the way.”
“Y/N, don’t worry, I’ll take the couch. I was going to anyway.” JungHyun smiled at you, and you nodded back. Standing up, you stretched, not realizing how tired you were. Jungkook took the opportunity to tickle your exposed sides, and you squealed, causing the brothers to laugh as you squirmed away from Jungkook, who didn’t let you get far.
“Let’s get you to bed, princess.”
Turning in Jungkook’s arms, you looked over his shoulder at his brother.
“Good night, oppa.”
Jungkook stiffened as JungHyun and Jin laughed, enjoying the way the youngest one reacted to your words.
“Ah, if it doesn’t work out between you two, hit me up.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook glared at his brother, not enjoying the joke.
“What? At least she wouldn’t need to meet our parents twice! She is coming for Christmas, right?”
The two of you looked at each other, a little thrown off by the question. The holidays were coming up, but you hadn’t discussed this far into the relationship. It wasn’t real after all, did you have to go through such lengths to teach Somin a lesson?
“I haven’t told mom and dad yet about her...”
“No worries, I text them ages ago. They’re expecting her for Christmas.”
Jungkook sighed, dropping his forehead to yours, so all you could see was his eyes staring into yours.
“Is this okay? Do you wanna, you know? Meet my parents?” Jungkook’s voice was low as he whispered the question.
The look on his face when you agreed was beautiful, a scrunched-nose smile that is reminiscent of a bunny. You couldn’t help but smile back, lost in the mahogany of his eyes.
“Are you guys over there kissing when I’m waiting for an answer?” JungHyun broke the tension filling the air between you and his brother.
Jungkook smirked before capturing your lips with his own, a breathless kiss that lasted only a couple seconds before he pulled away to smirk at his brother.
“You can tell mom and dad I’ll be bringing her home for Christmas.” With those words, Jungkook whisked you down the hall and tucked you into his bed before climbing in behind you. Wrapping his arm around your waist, he pulled you closer to him. His hands skimmed your body before he began tickling you again, a squeal leaving your mouth. You retaliated, hands attempting to tickle him before he pinned you to the bed, and the two of you began to wrestle for a bit. 
You were unaware of how sexual the wrestling sounded; his headboard hitting the wall roughly and the two of you grunting and groaning as you fought for dominance, some added squeals and moans when Jungkook decided it was a good idea to bite you in his quest for submission. Finally winded, you gave in, laying back on the mattress in defeat. Jungkook tugged at your sweatpants, removing them swiftly and throwing them onto the floor, his own joining the pile. He then grasped your face, peppering it with kisses.
You were about to ask him what he was doing, when someone knocked. Jungkook called out a ‘come in’ and his brother walked into the bedroom, his sights set on the bathroom.
“Don’t mind me, just gonna wash up before bed. It seemed safe to enter now.”
He disappeared into the bathroom as Jungkook continued to hold you, affectionate even after his brother was out of sight. Even if this relationship was fake, you could pretend in this moment that it was real, that Jungkook pulled you closer, not to fool his brother, but because he wanted to be close to you, that he was falling in love with you. 
For one night, it should be okay to pretend it was something more, right?
The next two weeks passed by in a blur. Namjoon had basically confined himself to his studio at work, intent on avoiding you. Seeing you hand in hand with Jungkook seemed to bother him, and because you couldn’t tell him the truth (or wouldn’t), you left him to his own assumptions. He ignored all of your texts attempting to reach out to him, despite him saying he wanted you to let him know when you had time for him. This just made you more frustrated, and you were done trying to chase Namjoon, romantically or otherwise. When he was ready to behave like an adult, you would be willing to talk to him. 
After telling Yuna about how you were asked to go home with Jungkook and meet his family, you received a call from your own parents. Yuna had told them about Jungkook, and you were bombarded with questions until you too agreed to bring Jungkook home.
It took some discussing, but it was finally decided: the 23rd and Christmas Eve would be with your family, and Christmas Day and the 26th would be with Jungkook’s. You were a little worried that the parents would be able to see through your ruse, despite having fooled everybody else at work, but Jungkook assured you that it would be easy enough to trick his parents. 
On the train ride to Daegu, you sat a few rows away from your sister, who had her headphones in as she watched the latest K-Drama she missed due to her busy school schedule. The ‘arriving soon’ message plays throughout the cabins of the KTX, and you figure it’s important to bring up your parents. 
Turning to Jungkook, who was drawing on his iPad, you removed an airpod from your ear, pausing the music. You take a moment and admire his face, the way his jawline was so angular, the sharp planes of his cheekbones, the concentration held in his eyes.
“Like what you see?” Jungkook’s voice is teasing, but you still felt embarrassed at being caught staring at him.
“I just think we should talk about the next 2 days.”
“Y/N, listen. Parents love me. Despite the tattoos and long hair.”
“Cause you’ve met so many parents? You’ve been dating Somin since we were 20.”
“My friends have parents too, you know. Don’t worry. Just be like we always are and it’ll be fine.”
“Your parents may be easy to trick, but mine? They’re a bit more… scrutinizing. Plus, they’ve heard me talk about Namjoon, and probably don’t remember me talking about you...” you trailed off, a slight warmth subtly coloring your cheeks.
“So you used to talk about me?”
“Well, yea, first year, you know? I had a crush on you, so my mom heard all about it. Not about—you know, but I told her I thought we might date.” You buried your nose in your phone to avoid looking at Jungkook. 
“You know, you never told me why you nev—”
Jungkook’s words were cut off by an attendant walking through the aisle, asking everyone to start packing up their belongings as the train would be pulling into the DongDaegu Station momentarily.
“My dad should be here to pick us up—Yuna!” Your sister turned to you, a smile on her face as she waved her phone.
“Dad’s here!”
The drive to the house was short, and you spent most of the time taking turns with Yuna filling in your dad on your life in Seoul. Your mom was busy in the kitchen when you arrived, and she shooed you all upstairs to your rooms. Unsurprisingly, your parents were having you and Yuna share her room while Jungkook would be across the hall in your room. 
Your parents were more conservative, and while you were an adult and perfectly able to do as you pleased in Seoul, while under their roof, they wanted to make sure that you remained as pure as they could keep you. 
Dinner that first night went well. Jungook and your dad bonded over sports, despite Jungkook not playing any team sports, he was still well-versed on the topic and joined your dad in watching a basketball game while you, Yuna, and your mom cleaned up after dinner and then sat in the sewing room. 
Your mom asked you all about Jungkook, which she surprisingly did remember you talking about. It seemed you had her and your father fooled, but while you sat at her embroidery machine, she shared she was confused about the lack of presents you had for each other to open tomorrow night. Saying it was because you still had to wrap them and she would find them under the tree tomorrow was an easy enough excuse, and paired with a very real yawn, you excused yourself to get ready for bed.
Sleeping with Yuna was uncomfortable; she was a wild sleeper. Restlessness won over sleep, so you got out of bed and made your way downstairs to grab a bottle of water from the kitchen. Your parents were already in bed in their first floor room on the other side of the house from the kitchen and the stairs.
When you returned back upstairs, you noticed the light on in your bedroom, so you knocked softly.
“Come in,” Jungkook’s voice was subdued, and you pushed the door open gently.
“Hey,” you said, eyeing Jungkook’s lean, topless form as he sat at the edge of the bed. You never tired of the view when you would sleep over at his place. 
“Can’t sleep?”
“Yea, Yuna isn’t the best person to sleep next to, flops around all night, hogs the sheets.”
You walk into the room, joining him on the bed. He’s swiping through images from the SeoulM8 shoots he’s recently done. You watched his finger move across the iPad leisurely.
“Ahh, sounds like you miss sleeping next to me.”
You scoffed, shoulder bumping into his.
“You snore a bit. And your body temperature runs pretty hot. I wake up sweating half the time.”
“Ah, not the first time I’ve made you sweat, love.”
You raise your eyebrow at his insinuation of your loss of virginity.
“Kidding, babe,” he jokes, locking his iPad and setting it down to charge on the bedside table.
“Can we go into town tomorrow? I want to do some last minute shopping.”
“Sure.” Jungkook yawned and you took that as your cue to leave so he could get some sleep after your journey across the country.
“Where ya going? I thought you couldn't fall asleep with Yuna?”
Jungkook pulled the covers back, making space for you to climb in in front of him.
“Well, yes, but my parents—”
“Sleep downstairs and wholly expect us to pretend to sleep apart but know that you’re going to sneak in here anyways because we’re madly in love.”
You had to cover your mouth to keep from laughing loudly.
“And how do you know that?”
Jungkook smirked, still waiting for you to get into bed.
“You’re dad told me. He also said we need to give him grandchildren, sooner rather than later.”
Stunned silent, Jungkook leaned forward and grabbed your wrist, pulling you towards him. He turned off the light and you climbed in over him, keeping him at the front just in case. 
“C’mere,” he rolled over and pulled you to his chest, snuggling into you as he got comfortable. “We have to look madly in love. No funny business though. I know you think I’m irresistible, but we are in your parents house and must be respectful.”
You elbowed him in the rib, and settled into the comforting darkness of your childhood bedroom with Jungkook’s arm wound around your waist, holding you close. 
Christmas Eve, in your family, is the night that presents are opened. As a child, this tradition was done in order to make room under the tree for Santa’s presents. As adults, your parents keep the tradition alive, instead putting stockings with 1 or 2 of the more expensive gifts for you to have on Christmas morning. 
After shopping in town and spending time wrapping, you had finally placed a few gifts for Jungkook under the tree that Yuna was now passing out. You were surprised to see a couple gifts for you from Jungkook in the small pile you amassed, and when you caught his eye, he winked at you. 
Yuna opened her gifts first, then you and Jungkook, where you saw that he gave you a matching jewelry set: necklace and earrings in a soft rose gold, a small cherry blossom bloom dangling from the small hoop of the earrings and from a small hoop on the necklace. It reminded you of your date at the park. The two of you sat under the winter sakura tree that day, the only blossoms that bloom twice a year, where you told him how much you loved cherry blossoms in passing. 
“It’s beautiful, Jungkook.” You almost can’t believe it, but he just smiles softly at your gratitude and helps put the necklace on you. Your parents looked happy, enjoying seeing their daughter so happy. Jungkook was excited to see what you had gotten him; a special lens for his camera that he had talked on and on about purchasing soon. He was giddy, running upstairs to grab his camera, testing out the new lens on pictures of you and your family.
Once again, you found yourself in your old room, curled up with Jungkook, but this time you were unable to sleep. Rolling over, you faced Jungkook, who cracked one eye and peeked at you.
“What’s wrong, babe?” he asked, voice laced with sleep. You noticed how easily the endearment rolled off his tongue even with no one around to convince.
“I—the gift you got me,” your fingers fidgeted with the small cherry blossom on the necklace. “I hope it didn’t cost too much. You can return it once we break up if you need to.”
“Y/N, that gift is for you. For being such a great… friend. Helping me do this. I really think it’s working.”
“You deserve to be happy Jungkook. I’m glad you were able to get space long enough to work out how you feel, and that you’re working your way to being happier.”
“Yea, I think I’ve been much happier lately...”
You watched his tongue run along his lips, and you couldn’t help but train your eyes on the movement. He caught your eyes, his hands gripped you a bit tighter as the tension in the dark room grew.
“...much happier...”
You weren’t sure who moved first, you or Jungkook, but at that point, it didn’t really matter. The way your lips sought his, the way his hands pulled you closer, the two of you were acting on instinct. This kiss wasn’t for practice or for show, who was to know what happened here, in this room tonight, but the two of you?
You let out a moan as he dipped his head lower, tracing kisses from your neck to what was exposed of your collarbone. His touch is impatient, tugging and kneading, unable to stay still on your body. His scent alone, a musky vanilla scent, engulfed your senses and you wanted… more.
You threw your leg over his body, turning the two of you until you’re straddled on top of him, able to press your core down onto his very firm cock. His boxers and your sleep shorts are the only things holding it back from assaulting you, and you’re annoyed that they’re in the way. Reaching down, you slide your hand roughly into the waistline of the boxers, fingers gripping him.
Jungkook groaned into your neck, the feel of your hand as you palm him building the craving he had for you. He wanted you. Not just physically. But you had those stupid rules, and he couldn’t just break them. He respected you more than that, and falling in love with you? Well that wasn’t part of the plan.
Jungkook slows the way he’s kissing you, slows the way he was thrusting into your hand and pushes you gently off of him and back to your side of the bed. You’re both panting, barely able to catch your breath as he pulled your back to his chest and held you close.
“We’ve got a long trip tomorrow morning to Busan, babe. Let’s get some sleep.”
“Oh… okay?” You were so confused. You had never been turned down before, especially not when you were so far into the act, practically ready to pull your panties to the side and ease him into you. You were throbbing, body aching with want, and you knew he was too; could feel the hardness as it nestled in the dip between your cheeks.
You felt him kiss your head, followed by a soft double peck to your neck, and not 10 minutes later his breathing slowed as he drifted off to sleep. 
You, on the other hand, laid awake, thoughts running wild.
Christmas morning you had an early breakfast with your family before opening stockings. Your parents had only a couple of weeks to prepare for Jungkook, but they had prepared a stocking for him as well; your mom embroidering his name onto it and stuffing it full to the brim. 
You were surprised at the gifts; a couple boxes of polaroid film, a bag of banana kick chips, individually packaged egg snacks, and colorful candy canes. Yours were similar as well, a small collection of sewing items for designing, and your favorite snacks. Your mom ruffled Jungkook’s sleepy-head hair as he offered his thanks to your parents, and you couldn’t help but feel your heart swoon at the sight. You realized something heartbreaking at that moment: breaking up with Jungkook once this was over would hurt more than just you. 
Heading to Jungkook’s parents house was a different experience after the previous night. Yuna had obviously stayed with your parents, and would be catching the train back the same day you left Busan. 
This was the first time the two of you had been alone since the rejection the night before, and you were doing your best to ignore the hurt feeling that would bloom every time you caught yourself dwelling on it. You focused on your phone instead, posting a few photos on Instagram so that you were sticking to your end of the deal. Somin would see these posts some way or another, and it would hopefully do what it was intended to.
Jungkook didn’t seem to think twice about the rejection, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and treating you like you were really together, a true couple going to meet his parents for the first time. 
“A little. I’ll be meeting your parents, and we’re not really together,” you looked down at your hands, missing the way Jungkook’s face fell for a few seconds before working it’s way back to a smile, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.
“I think we’re together enough where it counts. No one watching us would doubt it,” he intertwined your fingers and gave it an encouraging squeeze, “sometimes even I forget you’re not my real girlfriend.” He laughed, and the sound leaves an ache in your chest.
“Same, haha...” You looked out the window of the KTX, ready to breathe the fresh air of the nearby sea. Jungkook released your hand and you both went back to your tasks, Jungkook reading emails and you sketching designs for work.
Jungkook’s parents treated you much like yours had treated Jungkook. Like you were the greatest thing to happen to their child.
“Y/N, you’re so pretty! Oh, thank heavens, we have a chance at cute grandchildren now.” Jungkook’s mom bowed her head in thanks to a higher power, and you couldn’t help feeling a little bad that you weren’t actually dating Jungkook. You would have liked to deserve the praise she was giving you.
“He looks so much happier, happier than we’ve seen him in a long time.” She smiled at his father and their eyes, so similar to their two sons, crinkled in the corners. JungHyun greeted you with a hug, and you reciprocated it.
“Hi, Oppa,” you teased, and Jungkook glared at you. 
“Yah! That’s Jeon JungHyun to you,” he leaned closer to your ear in a mock whisper, “only I get called Oppa.”
JungHyun cringed back in mock disgust.
“I do not need to know about your ‘Oppa kink’ in the bedroom.” He shivered as he walked back to the living room, where he put away his laptop to make space for gifts.
Their dad, who you were very glad had not heard his eldest son’s comment, gestured to you to leave your suitcases in the entryway and come sit down.
“Kookie, pass out the gifts please. Your mom has been waiting all morning in excitement for you two to get here. We can have lunch after you guys get situated.”
Jungkook, ever the dutiful youngest son, began to distribute gifts amongst you all, while you handed your own gifts that you had gotten for his family out to them. 
“You didn’t have to get them anything,” Jungkook whispered as he dropped a gift off for you from his own parents.
You gave him a pointed look, gesturing subtly to the gift.
“I did.”
He shook his head with a smile and continued until the space under the tree was empty.
“So, we just open them all at the same time! Save your thanks for the end, ready?” His dad looked at you, and you nodded.
“Let’s get it!” Jungkook shouted, and everyone laughed at his phrase as you began to open your gifts. You didn’t have many, one from his parents and JungHyun, and 2 from Jungkook. His family had given you a Pantone Color Swatch book that was easy to carry around, to help while on set working. It was very thoughtful, and you knew it could not have been cheap. You bowed deeply, on your knees and forehead to their floor as a show of your gratitude and respect.
They motioned for you to sit back up, waving off your thanks as if it was no big deal for them to get this gift for you. You turned to Jungkook’s gift, eyes already threatening tears at their sincere treatment of you, and once opened, you did cry.
Nestled inside a satin lined box was a beautiful set of Dwikkoji, traditional hair pins, that came with a small card identifying them as from the Joseon era.
“Jungkook!” you gasped, sure that they couldn’t be real.
“Don’t worry. I didn’t have to pay for them. But they would look much better displayed in your office as our head fashionista then collecting dust in storage.”
You couldn’t hold back your feelings any longer. Acting on instinct, you tugged him towards you, wrapping your arms under his own and around his frame as you let your tears fall.
“They’re beautiful, Kookie.” 
Jungkook reciprocated your embrace, his hand smoothing down your hair as his parents smiled at the scene in front of them.
“Ah, young love, remember when that was us?”
Unlike your parents, who wanted to pretend that the two of you were a modest young couple, Jungkook’s parents assumed that the two of you would room together. His dad had clapped him on his shoulder and congratulated him on bringing home such a fine woman. Apparently in the two weeks that JungHyun had been home, he had raved about you to his parents, showing pictures from your social media accounts of the two of you together, as well as your fashion talent. Jungkook too had talked on the phone to his parents, you came to find out, which was why his parents were so enthralled by you, despite only dating Jungkook for a short time.
Lunch was fun. Spending time with the Jeons was full of laughter. His family was like him, generous and kind hearted, and you enjoyed spending time with his mom in the kitchen making cookies for dessert.
That night you went out for a drive to look at Christmas lights, before you all stopped off at the town center where they had outdoor ice skating set up. Jungkook had his camera with the new personalized strap you made him (yay fashion classes!) around his neck, taking photos of you and his family as you glided across the frozen water. You spent an hour there before heading home to warm up with hot cocoa and Christmas movies. You found out that this was their tradition every year, and it made you happy to know they wanted to share it with you. Even if it was only for this one Christmas.
Having showered first, you traveled down the hall to get water from the kitchen while you waited for Jungkook to finish his. His family had a one level house; His parents’ room was located on one side of the living room and kitchen, while Jungkook and his brother’s room was on the other side. 
You heard his parents talking at the table and you slowed down, resting the back of your head on the wall as you heard them say your name.
“Oh, honey, Y/N is so darling! I haven’t seen him this happy in years.”
“He looks so in love with her.”
“Well, remember, he used to have the biggest crush on her.”
“But that was years ago. They were what, 20? And somehow he chose Somin?”
“Sometimes, people aren't ready. Now, they’re older. Better chances of them working out. Oh, honey, I hope they work out. She would be such a cute daughter in law.”
“I know, but don’t pressure them. Let them realize how in love with each other they are on their own.”
“Do you think she loves him too?”
“I don’t have a single doubt in my mind. I saw the way they were together.They’re in love, whether they realize it or not.”
“Ahh, so we could have grandchildren soon? JungHyun seems like he’s never going to settle down... ”
“Aish, grandchildren? I’m too young to be a grandpa!”
Instead of interrupting them, you headed back to his room, mind racing with their words. Jungkook had a crush on you? They thought the two of you were in love? Daughter in law? Jungkook chose that moment to come into the room, towel wrapped low around his waist as he checked his phone and you couldn’t look away.
“You’re starting to drool there, babe.”
You swallowed and looked away, grabbing your hair and running your fingers through it to put it into a bun on your head.
“I just uh—I wanted to talk to you about the contract.”
Jungkook, who was facing his dresser where his suitcase was opened up, froze. His eyes sought yours in the mirror, his reflection giving away nothing.
“Oh? What, uh, what about it?”
“Well, our parents seem to like us together, I mean, they’re talking about grandkids, and well, I would hate to break up so soon after having met them. I know this was only supposed to go on until you figured out what to do about Somin, but if it’s alright with you,” you look away, twisting your fingers in nervousness, “I would like for us to continue to date.”
Jungkook’s mind was racing. He understood what you meant. Your parents seemed to love him, discussing future visits for the holidays and his family had been no different. And thinking about ending the contract? Well, he had already been thinking about doing that. So he could date you, for real. Somin texted him while he was in the shower, upset about missing Christmas with his family. Jungkook thought that it would bother him, his first holiday without her, but he realized he couldn’t care less. 
Somin treated him like a prize to be toted around and shown off. He was good for bragging; his face, body, high paying job, it all granted her status. She had no ambition to grow within the company, still a one act manager after graduating as an interning manager’s assistant. But you? God, you were different. You had ambition, you didn’t care about what Jungkook could provide for you, and you listened to him, to his dreams. You were thoughtful, appreciative, and everything you had done was to help him be happy. Even fake dating, while it benefitted you as well, you had gone above and beyond for him.
You stood up, walking closer to him where he was lost in his thoughts.
“Jungkook?” you intoned, your fingers softly settling on the back of his shoulder, waiting for his response.
“I think, yeah. I think that would be a good idea. My parents and brother love you.”
Your heart soared. He wanted to continue this. Not go back to Somin right away. He barely brought her up this whole trip. You felt giddy, hopeful that maybe one day, this could be something more.
“So then, it’s settled.”
Jungkook turned around, catching your hand before you could drop it back to your side.
“I think we should reexamine that contract, but tonight, I’d really like to say fuck it.”
Jungkook stepped into your space, and in a heart’s beat, he had ensnared your lips, his arms pulling you closer to him. Your own arms snaked up his body, hands pulling his head closer to you, your fingers playing with the wet strands at his nape. His kisses were fervent, lips almost rough as he pressed them to yours before he was swiping his tongue across the opening of your mouth, seeking entrance. 
You groaned as you arched your back, seeking to deepen the kiss as you pressed higher on your tiptoes, wanting more of him. His palm skimmed your back down to your butt, where he applied pressure and lifted you with brute strength. You pulled away with a gasp, not expecting to be lifted up. He just looked at you with pupils blown, one eyebrow raised suggestively as he carried you to his bed.
“I think we should practice making ‘grandchildren’ for them.”
He set you down, long enough to grip the hem of your shirt before he pulled it over your head. His eyes moved to your chest, and he closed his eyes as he sighed in defeat.
“You’ve been keeping this from me?”
“You’ve seen me naked before,” you remind him, but he just shook his head.
“Years ago, Y/N, and let me tell you, my memory didn’t do you justice. I think I need a reminder.”
You throw him a suggestive look, knowing that you’ve both had some experience with sex since your shared first time all those years ago. This time, there was no fumbling, no nervous laughter, or apologizing. This time, Jungkook was in command of his body, and of yours too. He rid you of your shorts, leaving you naked on his sheets as he dropped his towel. 
You marveled at how his body had changed: the muscle gained and the chiseled jaw you loved to admire. Jungkook bit his lip and did the same to you, eyes roving along your curves, the way you weren’t shying away from his touch as his fingers trailed up your thigh.
“You’re beautiful, Y/N.”
You didn’t get a chance to respond, as Jungkook kissed you again, this time with less fervor, his body crawling above yours as he joined you on the bed. His hands touched you everywhere, fondling your breasts and your ass as he kissed down your neck, nipping the skin and leaving marks along your neck. You feel the ache as your wetness pools between your legs, and Jungkook’s growing member sits heavy where it’s pressed against your thigh. 
“Jungkook, please—”
He nips a bit harder, the sound of you begging for him made him infinitely larger. He wanted to be in you, but he didn’t want to rush it, wanted to savor you for as long as he had you under him. Kissing down your body, his tongue leaves a cool, wet trail and you writhe, ticklish to his tongues path to your core. 
Parting your legs wider, he smirked at you from where he's sat on his knees, your thighs on either side of his gloriously naked body. Leaning forward, he never breaks eye contact as you watch his lips meet your mound. Gentle kisses pressed to your lips, and then his tongue is parting them, flicking your clit in greeting. Your head is thrown back, you know you should be quieter, but the onslaught of his lips and tongue as they pleasure your sweet spot has you reduced to base instincts only. And right now, they want Jungkook to know that he had better not stop.
You rolled your hips, seeking more, and he gives in, thick fingers immersing themselves inside of you. You clench, walls shocked at the intrusion but welcoming it all the same. He felt so good, and you tell him as much, so he continued to finger fuck you as he lapped up your release, carrying you through your orgasm.
He was so hard, cock throbbing as he kissed back up your body, and after spitting into your hand, you reached down to stroke along his shaft, palm twisting and gliding as he nuzzled his face back into your neck, quiet little moans rolling out of his mouth with each stroke. You made him feel so good, your body warm and soft as your smaller hand stroked his larger ego, in more ways than one.
Without preamble, you positioned him at your opening and lifted your hips, allowing him to feel how warm your walls were, waiting for him. He pushed up on his palms on either side of your head and the look he gave you was indecipherable before your own eyes shut; he engulfed his cock in the swollen velvet that was your cunt, buried to the hilt.
He had tried his best to prepare you, but every glorious inch stretching you out was a breath you needed to take in order to grow accustomed to his size. You counted nine breaths, then opened your eyes, taking in the trembling of his arms as he held himself back from pounding into you.
“Move, Kook, please,” you whine, and he wasted no time following your orders.
His hips grinded into you as he rolled them, angling himself to take you as deep as humanly possible. His pace started off fast, but soon he was slowing down, head dropped into the crook of your neck as your nails dragged red marks down his back. You rocked your hips in time to his thrusts, using your grip on his back as leverage to meet him halfway. 
“You feel so good, so wet for me,” he murmured with each thrust, and you bit his shoulder, afraid if you didn’t gag yourself, you would say the wrong thing.
Everything about you enveloped him, your scent, your arms and thighs that were holding him close; he could barely think straight as he tried to get you to cum again before he got himself off. But you felt so good, tight clenches as your arousal gushed and coated his cock, he didn’t know how much longer he could last. Then you bit his shoulder, and he sped up his stroke, hips rolled in fast succession as your body jostled underneath him.
“Fuck, fuck, I’m so close baby,” you mewl into his ear, and he lifted his head up out of your neck, resting his forehead on yours. 
“I want to watch you, don’t close your eyes,” he pleads and you try your best to keep them open, not closing them for long as the coil builds in your lower abdomen. He adjusted your bodies, lifted your legs up slightly which allowed him a deeper angle that hits your g-spot. Your mouth hangs open, a fucked out expression on your face and Jungkook loses it.
The first spurt of his hot cum sends you over the edge, and you're spiraling down, pussy contracting around his cock, milking him for every drop. You maintain eye contact, watching each other for a few seconds before you can’t help but close them, the pleasure too great.
Jungkook pressed his lips to yours as you both cum, using them to cage in the words he wanted to say, wanted to shout from the rooftops, but wasn’t yet sure you felt the same way.
Waking up in Jungkook’s arms, you felt sore. So sore, but also satisfied. You hadn’t slept this well in ages, and if Jungkook’s deep slumber and dead weight arm draped over your waist was anything to go by, he hadn’t either. You moved his arm slowly, headed for the shower, and let out a small gasp as JungHyun also exited his bedroom at the same time.
“Well, don’t you look... rested,” he trailed off, a look of knowing on his face.
Your face burned in embarrassment.
“Don’t worry, as soon as I heard little brother start to get a little… feral, I turned up my TV while I gamed. Parents didn’t hear a peep.”
“Thank you, oppa.” You bowed, gratitude seeping out of each of your pores.
“Now, those marks on the other hand,” he gestured to your neck, “might I suggest an ice pack for 20 minutes and then some really good makeup?”
You hurried into the bathroom as he laughed his way towards the kitchen. A minute later he knocked, passing you a small ice-pack through the cracked door.
“20 minutes,” he reminded you with a wink, and went back into his room with his cereal.
Saying goodbye to Jungkook’s parents after a late breakfast was tough. His mom cried, saying her baby son did not visit enough and that she would miss him. She also said she would miss you greatly, and that you better come back with him soon to visit.
It was tough to promise her that you would, knowing that there was a very real chance that you wouldn’t. This was fake after all. You had just agreed to extend the contract briefly, to get through the holidays and while Jungkook said ‘fuck it’ last night, with the rising of the sun came the clarity of the situation. 
Jungkook behaved much the same, holding your hand and showering you with PDA, and while you reciprocated, you couldn’t help but feel like the magic of Christmas was over. Heading back to Seoul meant back to reality. You weren’t sure you were ready for that. For the first time in your life, you felt like you could see a future with someone, with him, despite the relationship being fake thus far. To be honest, it hadn’t felt fake since the night of the party. 
The entire trip, all 3 and a half hours of it, you ruminated on last night and what it meant. You hated to admit that you had fallen for Jungkook, and had given up rule number 7 on a whim. For all you knew, he would be going back to Somin at the end of this. 
In his own little world, Jungkook too couldn’t stop thinking about you and what last night meant. He wished he had said to forget the contract all together, instead of just for the night. He wanted to see if you felt the same way, but he wanted to be sure that his Somin chapter was done. He needed to see her and make sure he was over her, and not just using you as a rebound. You didn’t deserve that.
Jungkook’s body language had you on edge, as his foot tapped incessantly as the train got closer and closer to Seoul. You placed your hand on his knee, a reassuring move for both of you. 
“Jungkook, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I just—Somin messaged me.” He had been thinking about it the whole trip back to Seoul, about how her messages didn’t affect him anymore. Before, he could barely go a few minutes before responding. Now, almost 18 hours had passed and he wasn’t bothered.
“When?” Your voice came out sharper than intended, and Jungkook flinched back from you.
“Uh, last night, right after I got out of the shower.”
Your brain began to connect dots that you didn’t want it to.
“Oh,” you respond, trying to keep your voice light. Jungkook was confused at your reaction; usually you were jumping to keep him and Somin apart. This response felt like you didn’t care, like if he met up with Somin, it wouldn’t impact you at all.
“She just… I think that you’re right. The plan is working and I’ve been happier than I’ve been in a long time. But I guess there’s that part of me that needs to talk with her, express how I feel. I want to be sure.” Before I confess my feelings to you, he thought.
“Right. Well, that was the goal, getting you to figure out what you want.” You turned your head away from him and deeper into the neck pillow, trying to get this conversation done and over with before he said something that really broke your heart.
“I know. I guess I’ll meet up with her when we get back? The sooner the better I guess.”
“True, the faster you meet with her, figure it all out, the faster we can move towards breaking up.”
Jungkook freezes, but you don’t notice, too focused on not looking at him.
“At breaking up?”
“Yea, that was the plan right? We date for a couple more weeks, then break up, so you can get back with Somin, if she’s changed, you know?”
“Hey Jungkook? I’m really tired, can we talk about this later?”
Jungkook stared at your form, taking in how closed off you were from him. He didn’t understand what changed. He sat back, finally replying to Somin’s text, agreeing to meet at a cafe by his apartment later that evening.
Jungkook saw you home, worried the entire ride to your place about what was happening between the two of you. He thought everything had been going well, and after last night, he didn’t know how he could have possibly fucked up. He hoped you were just PMS-ing, like Somin used to always blame moods like this on. 
You let him carry your suitcase upstairs to your apartment and when he leaned in for a kiss, you kissed him back, but he felt it was almost out of obligation; your sister was sitting on the couch watching the two of you. Jungkook paused at your door, but you had turned away from him, so ready to be alone. So he let you close the door in his face, let you have time to yourself.
Jungkook got to the cafe, eyes searching for the long black hair of his ex. When he approached her she smiled at him. Jungkook saw the way her face lit up, the way the smile graced her pretty face, and felt nothing for it. Sitting down, a cafe worker took their drink order and left them alone.
“So, you said you wanted to talk?” Jungkook asked, fidgeting with his fingers drumming on his knee.
“Kookie, I miss you.” Somin leaned toward him, chest pushed out in her off the shoulder zebra print dress. Her black heel nudged against Jungkook’s leg, rubbing it suggestively.
Jungkook moved his leg out of reach and sighed.
“Minnie.” She pouted, red painted bottom lip jutting out after she cut him off to correct her name.
“Somin. I—I’m sorry.” Jungkook felt awkward. Here he was, sitting in front of his ex, who was undoubtedly a gorgeous woman. But after all they had been through—all she put him through—and all the healing you had done to his heart, he realized he had fallen out of love with her a long time ago. “I know you had hopes of us getting back together.”
“Well, of course we’re getting back together Kookie. We’re made for each other. Since we were 20! I know this thing with Y/N is just revenge. You wanted to make me mad, teach me a lesson,” she said as she reached out and grabbed Jungkook’s hand in hers, “and I have learned it. Christmas without you was so sad. I had no one to go out to all the holiday parties with.”
Jungkook shifted in the metal chair. “Look, Somin—”
“Why do you keep calling me that?” she interrupted again, and Jungkook let out a loud sigh as he tried to maintain his cool.
“Because, I’m trying to tell you that I—”
“Jungkook! Somin!”
The loud yell of the barista reading out orders cut Jungkook off for the third time, and he groaned, running his tattooed hand over his face. With a huff, he stood up, walking through the crowded cafe to get the drinks so he could just tell Somin the truth; he may have initially wanted to teach her a lesson, but he ended up being the person who learned something from it. He was in love with you; wanted to spend more holidays like the one that just passed, with you. He truly didn’t feel anything for Somin anymore, other than friendship.
While Jungkook was up, Somin noticed his bag was open, a fancy camera strap hanging out of it. It was embroidered; the phrase ‘you shine brighter than anyone’ apparent once she pulled it free from his oversized black backpack. Somin threw a glance over her shoulder at Jungkook, seeing him still busy, so she stuffed the strap into her purse. Grabbing her phone, she sent a text to Taehyung.
Jungkook set down the drinks before sitting down himself and commanding the attention of his ex. 
“Look, Somin, I just—I’m sorry.” Jungkook looked down at his hands before making eye contact with her. “I don’t see us getting back together. I—” he paused, taking a deep breath before he spoke his truth, “I’m in love with her, Minie. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but I want to be happy. I want you to be happy with someone who feels about you, how I feel about her.”
Somin stared at Jungkook before she laughed. He was unsure of the emotions she was actually feeling; perplexed by her reaction to what he just told her. He didn't want to be with her anymore, and he wasn’t looking for her to beg, but he expected a little more... sadness? Push back? Once she was done laughing, she leveled her gaze at him.
“You, you’ve barely been seeing her Jungkook. How can you love her?”
Jungkook took a sip of his drink, gathering his thoughts before he answered her. The judgement that laced her tone made him angry, but he didn’t want to give Somin the upper hand. He wanted to be an adult about the situation. In retrospect, he hadn’t been honest with Somin when she first confessed to him, and you deserved for him to share that honesty now, even if it was coming 5 years later.
“I think—I think a part of me has always loved her. Since that first year. Don’t get me wrong, I think I loved you too and at some point we just… I think we just broke up and then made up too many times because it was easy… familiar. I love you Minie, and you were a huge part of my life. I’m just not IN love with you.” Jungkook leaned forward towards Somin, placing his hand over here, hoping that she would see and feel his sincerity and his benevolence. 
“Wow, I—You’re serious?” Somin’s voice was quiet as she questioned him. “I guess I didn’t think I’d be starting the new year without you.”
Jungkook watched as she slid her hand out from under his and placed it in her lap.
“Please, be happy for me Minie, and when you’re ready, I’ll be happy for you too.”
The loud chime from Somin’s phone went off. Jungkook watched as she looked at her screen, eyes growing wide.
“Shit, an emergency with Tae.” Somin looked up at Jungkook, her face soft and apologetic.
“Koo—I mean Jungkook, I was just surprised is all. I—I am happy for you and Y/N. Or, I guess it’s more like, I will be. I’m sorry, I have to run, but thank you for meeting with me.”
Somin gave him one last smile, as if showing she was throwing the towel in, before she stood up and left the cafe in a hurry. Jungkook watched her as she dashed off, disappearing down the sidewalk towards the nearest bus stop. He thought the meeting had gone well, or at least better than expected. Maybe Somin has grown up, he thought to himself, unaware of the way she made off cunningly with his gifted camera strap, using a text that confirmed the time for the next morning’s meeting with Taehyung as an excuse to escape.
After closing the door in Jungkook’s face, you retreated to your room, claiming that a headache was creeping in from the long train ride. Your sister nodded, engrossed in her latest K Drama. You rolled your suitcase into your room, stripped your travel clothes from your weary body, and entered your shower. 
Free to do as you pleased, with the water to cover the sound, you wept. How foolish you felt, letting Jungkook close to you once again, only to see him rush off to Somin. It was almost like what happened 5 years ago, when you had gone to his dorm room and found her confessing. Just like then, Somin was winning Jungkook; once again he had slipped through your grasp.
That night you texted Jungkook to tell him you would be going to the office early and that he needn’t pick you up.
Jungkook was relieved upon seeing your text. He had spent the better half of the evening and the morning tearing apart his apartment. He had called his parents, his brother, and overturned his luggage onto the floor. He could not find the camera strap you made him. 
He knew that he shouldn’t have taken it off the camera, but he spilled a bit of leftovers from his mom on it while on the train and removed it to make it easier to clean once he got home. 
Unfortunately, it was nowhere to be found. 
Jungkook was frantic; he knew that you made it for him that night you sat in the sewing room with your mom and sister while he was with your dad. Your mom had an embroidery machine, and so you snuck in there under the premise of bonding time and worked on it. He loved the phrase you chose for him; it reminded him of your love letter to him, the way you had written about him making you feel as beautiful as a night sky. “you looked at me as if the galaxies were reflected in my eyes...”
Dumping out his black backpack for the umpteenth time, Jungkook sifted through notebooks, film, wrappers from snacks, a small hygiene bag, and loose photos. He doesn’t know why he continued looking through the same places. It’s not there. Glancing at the clock, he realized he would be late to the Monday morning meeting. Giving up and putting everything he needed back into his bookbag, he stepped over the mess and headed out to his car.
Walking into the conference room, everyone looked tired from their holidays, but with the New Year around the corner, it was important for everyone to attend before January. SeoulM8’s comeback was fast approaching, and making sure everything was moving smoothly was imperative to whether the next holiday was spent relaxing or spent stressed out. 
Stirring your coffee, you walked through the propped open door and maneuvered your way over to where your assistants sat. Kim, the same one who brought you the tiger lillies several weeks ago, smiled at you as she slid you the stapled packet she printed out from the email.
“I think we’ve done all our parts, the photos Jeon emailed over have been approved by the boss, and we double-checked the designers they are wearing. I think all that’s left is to get final approval on the outfits for their comeback shows and interviews during comeback week.” 
You nodded, sipping the still hot coffee as Kim spoke quietly about the role you played for SeoulM8, eyes on the printed email. It didn’t help the way you could feel the mocha eyes of a certain ‘missing in action’ best friend burning into the side of your face; or the way the empty seat across from you saved for a certain ‘boyfriend’ of yours had your anxiety on edge.
With 5 minutes left until the meeting commenced, you had done a pretty good job at tuning out all of the mindless chatter around you, that is until Somin’s nasally voice interrupted your response to Kim.
“Oh, this? It’s just a little gift for JK.”
“But you broke up? He’s with Y/N now...” Hobi said, cutting off a reply from one of the assistants sitting near Somin.
“But we dated for 5 years, he’s still important to me. I think he’ll love it.” She turned her back to Hobi, who tried to make eye contact with you. You looked down at your coffee instead.
When Jimin and Taehyung walked into the room, everyone quieted down and took their seats if they weren’t already, assuming Bang PD, the head boss, would be quickly approaching behind them. Before the glass door could swing fully shut, Jungkook sprinted into the room, out of breath.
“Oh Jungkook, here!” Somin stood up, making a big show out of handing him the small gift bag that had been on the table in front of her. 
“Oh? Uh, thanks Minie.” Jungkook said, looking for the head boss. Bang PD was still missing from the room, so he grasped the colorful tissue paper from the bag and removed it in one swift pull. As the paper fluttered to the table, Jungkook’s eyes lit up as he took in the present.
“Oh my God, thank you!” Jungkook wrapped his arms around Somin in a huge hug, surprising everyone in the room watching, including you. Despite all of your negative thoughts about you and Jungkook’s future, seeing him react that way was unexpected and you felt your heart ache seeing him hold her in an embrace.
Sitting down, Jungkook turns to talk to Somin when you notice Bang PD walking down the long hallway towards the closed glass doors. 
You turned to the front of the room where SeoulM8 was seated next to the only empty chair in the room, fully intending to pay attention, but Jungkook’s movements directly across from you pulled your attention away. When you see the embroidered strap that YOU had given to him for Christmas a mere 2 days ago slide free from the bag, you see red. Before Bang PD can enter the room, you’ve already stood up. 
Both Namjoon and Jungkook look at you, followed by everyone else’s gaze; it’s too late to hide the tears that fall down your face. 
“Y/N, I can explain—” Jungkook said as you make your way around the table toward the door. He grabbed your wrist to stop you, but you pulled it from his grasp.
“Save it, Jeon. It’s over.”
You leave the meeting, walking brusquely past your boss with your head down. You type out a quick text to him as you take the elevator down, apologizing for leaving and saying that an emergency came up. Bang PD responds within a few moments.
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Back in the conference room, Jungkook attempted to call you, but you sent him to voicemail twice. Giving up, he grabbed his bag, fully planning to follow you, when he saw Namjoon stand before he could. Throwing a dirty look at Jungkook, Namjoon shook his head at him before quickly following you out the door. 
You haven’t gone far, making it only to your office where you gathered up the rest of your belongings when Namjoon burst in.
“Y/N,” he sounded a little out of breath, probably from running to the elevator and then to your office, you assumed, “I—”
“Save it, Joon. You didn’t want to talk to me these past few weeks, so I don’t know why you’re here now.”
“Because I realized I love you.”
You stopped packing up your laptop, eyes slowly moving to meet his.
“What did you say?”
“I said I love you. I didn’t realize it until you started dating Jungkook, but I do.”
You shook your head back and forth, unable to hear or deal with his feelings right now.
“No, Namjoon, you don’t. You just miss Jennie.”
“Y/N, listen, I should’ve realized it was you. It’s always been you. You can’t honestly tell me that you’re in love with Jungkook?” Namjoon said this last part with contempt.
Tears fell once again, and you dropped your hands uselessly to your side.
“I do, Namjoon. I honestly love him.”
“Well, I hate to say I told you so, but-”
“Then don’t,” you voiced, cutting him off with an edge to your voice.
“You and Jungkook? Please. Anyone can see how different you are. You and me, though? We’re better for each other.”
“How different we are? Why? Am I too out of his league? Not pretty enough?”
“No, that’s not what I’m saying, and you know it. You guys just aren’t compatible—”
“And how the fuck would you even know?! You saw us together at what? One party? And then at work? What do you even know about our relationship, Joon?! You’ve been angry at me ever since you found out!”
“Because you and him together isn’t right! It’s supposed to be you and me!”
“Oh please, Namjoon. If Jennie hadn’t taken that Japan job and dumped you, you wouldn’t even be here right now. I wouldn’t have even crossed your mind. This is a pointless conversation.”
You walked towards the door, bag over your shoulder and laptop case in hand. Namjoon blocked the doorway, and behind him you could see nosey coworkers watching the interaction. 
“Move, Namjoon.”
“Not until you talk to me.”
“No,” you go to shoulder past him, and you were able to back him up into the common area outside of your office. He grabbed at your shoulders, holding you still. 
“Namjoon, let go of me!” At this moment you hated that you had dressed up for this meeting; a tight a-line pencil skirt and heels that don’t allow you the movement that you needed.
Before you can shimmy from his clutches, he’s leaning forward, his lips meeting yours in a kiss. In shock, you don’t move at first, not until your free hand shoved his shoulder and pushed him a step back.
“I can’t believe you.” 
The look you gave him could burn the sun, and this time you were able to push past him; the elevator getting closer and closer as you approached. You saw Jungkook, motionless, at the platform in front of the elevators; his eyes low in a glare aimed at Namjoon, who had followed you in your haste to escape.
“Hyung, you need to leave her alone.”
“Me? I’m her best friend. I would say you were her boyfriend, but we all heard her break up with you when she left the room crying.”
“That was just a misunderstanding. So like I said, leave her alone.” Jungkook stepped forward to his full height, chest to chest with his hyung, who prior to watching him force a kiss on you, he respected a lot. The tension on the floor was thick. You were mere steps from freedom, from Namjoon and Jungkook, when his words stopped you dead in your tracks. A misunderstanding? 
Did he not understand what the words ‘It’s over’ meant? That the contract, the relationship between the two of you, however real or fake, everything was null and void? 
“It wasn’t a misunderstanding, Jungkook.”
Big, confused, doe eyes turned to face you. “Y/N, please let’s just talk about th—”
“Why don’t you take your own advice and listen to her, Kook. You could never treat her how she deserves.” 
“Why don’t you go mind your own business Namjoon.” Jungkook bit back, fists clenched as he shook, holding back his anger. He just wanted to be alone to talk to you, but Namjoon was making it difficult.
“She is my business, she’s my best friend. She’s nothing to you now. Though, knowing you, that’s probably the reason she broke up with you. I bet you didn’t treat Somin right, and now you fucked up with Y/N. Can’t do anything right, can yo—”
Jungkook’s fist flew through the air before you could tell either of them to stop talking about what they don’t know. The sound of Namjoon’s jaw connecting to his fist echoed through the large room, and the crowd of bystanders yelled out in shock at watching a full on fight start in the building.
You yelled as Namjoon tackled Jungkook around his middle, tackling him to the ground before he reared back his fist to punch him back. 
“Namjoon, stop, STOP!” you yelled as Jungkook flipped Namjoon onto his back, swapping places as he took the liberty to return the blow. Putting down your laptop and bag haphazardly, you rushed closer. Leaning down, you grabbed at Jungkook’s arm that was cocked back to throw another punch, yelling his name frantically.
“Jungkook, Kookie, PLEASE STOP!”
The two men looked at your face, their chests rising and falling rapidly as they tried to catch their breath. Jungkook’s eyes were dilated. As he took in your state, he seemed to come back to his senses. He started to climb up off of where he straddled Namjoon, pinning him to the floor, his hand reaching up towards you from where he was kneeled on the ground.
“Y/N, I’m sorry baby, please just talk to me.” Jungkook’s bottom lip was split, a small bit of blood leaking from the cut. His cheekbone was red; you knew a bruise would form there. Namjoon too tried to sit up, leaning on his elbow as his split eyebrow spilled his blood down the side of his face. He too would be sporting a shiner for the next week or so. 
You almost reached for Jungkook, returned the gesture to cradle that beautiful face, but you couldn’t. Him fighting Namjoon changed nothing about the fact that Somin had the present you gave him, that she brought it to him as if she had given it to him, let alone the response he gave her when he saw it. Backing away, you almost tripped over your belongings before you thought to collect them, and then dashed into the elevator, leaving the two men bleeding on the floor as the doors shut, cutting off the view.
Dealing with the aftermath of the fight was not something you thought would be so difficult to do. 
Working remotely meant not being able to turn off your phone so you didn’t miss any important calls or texts. Unfortunately, it also meant you had to deal with the barrage of texts and calls from friends and co-workers wanting to know about the fight. 
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According to Jimin, the only person other than Kim who you were responding to, the whole office heard about the fight. With Jin being Jungkook’s roommate, and of course being the resident gossip, news traveled fast that the two men got into a fist throwing match over you. This only had you double down on avoiding messages, calls, and not posting to social media. It was unlike you; as a fashionista who worked with models and artists like SeoulM8 and Kim Seokjin, people looked to your accounts for updates. 
Your silence was killing Jungkook, the one person who had not given up. Jungkook hated to not give people time, but he had the feeling like the more time you had, the faster you would slip from his fingertips. You stared at your phone, watching his name light up on the screen as a picture of the two of you, set as his contact photo, taunted you with memories. 
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All you could do was lay there, curled up on your bed in your pajamas for the second day in a row, hating yourself. Hating the fact that you allowed yourself to break your rules, that you let Jungkook into your heart for a second time, only to watch it all come crashing down because he couldn’t let go of Somin. What did Somin have that you didn’t? How was it that she always won?
5 years ago you lost Jungkook to her, after giving him your virginity, something he knew was a big deal, as he had given his to you in exchange. And now again, you had so foolishly fallen into bed with him again, and he ran back to Somin. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice? You were already blaming yourself heavy for this one. 
Another day passed before you finally pulled yourself up out of bed long enough to shower and get dressed in a different set of sweats. A knocking sound at the front door had you tense up. Luckily, your sister answered the door, able to field away anyone who wanted to see you.
Creeping silently to the door of your bedroom, you cracked it open and listened to see who was there. From the angle you could see your sister, but not who was outside, nor could they see you. The warm tone was instantly recognizable, and your eyes widened as your sister looked back at you. Shaking your head profusely, she denied entry and shut the door, walking over to you. You back away from the door, letting her in as you sit on your bed. Crossing your legs, you grabbed a stuffie and clutched it to your chest.
“Hey, can you tell me what happened? Why are you hiding out at home and not answering Jungkook’s calls? What’s going on?”
You sighed, taking a much needed breath before you recounted the whole story. You told her about the journal entries being sent out, about how Namjoon had confronted you leading to you lying and saying you were with Jungkook, who came up with the plan to fake date each other until the Somin and Namjoon issues calmed down for both of you. 
She listened intently, shocked to hear that it was all fake, and she told you as much once you finished sharing about the fight that ensued on Monday.
“Sis, that man loves you. I could see it when he came to the door. I think you should talk to him.”
“No. It’s all my fault all of this happened anyways. If I hadn’t been drunk and sent those messages out, I would have never had to lie to Namjoon and start all of this.”
Yuna squirmed in your computer chair, her mouth twisted as if holding herself back.
“Actually, you didn’t do that.”
“What are you talking about Yuna? I saw the messages. I took the photos the night before because I wanted to upload them to an online journal platform.”
She nodded her head, wringing her fingers in her hand. “I know that, but you didn’t send them… I did.”
You stared at her, anger silently rising as you waited for her to continue. 
“I waited until you got into the shower. You know I read the entry to Namjoon, and so when you got into the shower, I used your phone and sent a message to each guy who’s name was both in the book and in your phone. I wanted you to have someone, instead of always spending your evenings at home, bored.”
“Yuna, you knew that I did not want Namjoon to know, he and Jennie had just... and I was trying to protect him, do you see what this did?!” You threw the plushie at her angrily, standing abruptly.
“I can’t believe you would invade my privacy, you could have ruined my career, if one of those messages had been sent to the wrong person, god damn it Yuna! You’ve ruined my fucking life!”
Yuna was crying, but she set the stuffed bunny back on your bed gently before she got up and headed to leave your room. Pausing at the door, her hand poised on the door knob, she turned back to face you.
“I didn’t ruin your life. You finally had a life. You’re the one running away from it now.”
With those parting words, she left your room, closing the door and leaving you alone with your thoughts.
After Yuna left you, she went to her own room, where she scrolled through social media to find Jungkook. You already blamed her, though she felt like it was misplaced, but she felt like she might as well do something to help fix the situation. Finding Jungkook’s IG account from the photos you tagged him in, she followed him. When he returned the follow, she messaged him to contact her. 
It didn’t take long for him to respond, and she asked him to meet her out somewhere. Agreeing on a local park, Yuna changed her shoes and left you moping in your room, a note on the counter that she was headed out.
Sitting on the bench, it wasn’t hard to spot Jungkook. His tousled black hair peeking from under his black beanie and the familiar black jacket was easy to spot against the white snow that had recently fallen, but like a Seoul snowfall, it wouldn’t stick for long. Carrying a hot cocoa for him and herself, Yuna held it out to him before she sat down, sipping on the warm drink.
“Yuna, I will say I’m surprised you reached out to me.” Jungkook’s usually bright voice was tinged with sadness as he looked over at her.
“I have something to tell you.” Yuna started, and Jungkook’s nerves grew.
“I was the one who sent the journal entry to you. Not my sister.”
“Oh? Okay. Thank you for telling me I guess.” Jungkook took another deep pull from the drink, letting the heat fill his body as he swallowed.
“I mean, I sent it because I didn’t want her to grow old and be alone. Every night, coming home bored to drink wine with her baby sister and watch reruns on Netflix? I wanted her to fall in love. And she did. With you.”
“I don’t think so, Yuna. She wasn’t in love with me.”
“She was; she still is! She told me everything that happened. About how dating you was all fake. But I know it wasn’t. Not for her. And not for you. No one acts the way you two acted. I know my sister; when she told me what happened, I knew that she was hurt because she’s in love with you. Like, still in love with you. She just doesn’t believe you love her back.”
Yuna stared at Jungkook, watching the way her words sank in, waiting to confirm what she already knew: Jungkook was in love with you, too.
Jungkook’s voice was quiet when he finally spoke. “How do I convince her? That I love her back?” 
“I wish I knew Jungkook. I wish I knew. But if you don’t do something soon, I think you’ll lose her.”
Friday was New Year’s Eve, and you had to put up with Yuna running around like a lunatic cleaning the apartment to ring in the new year. You had finally resigned yourself to forgiving her for sending the journal entries. It was over and done with, and there was nothing more to do. Monday, you would be back at work like nothing happened, and didn’t want to go into the new year holding onto this year’s anger or sadness.
Yoongi, surprisingly, had reached out to you the day before about a party he was having to ring in the new year, and at first you didn’t want to go, but the longer you thought about it, you figured you should. Why spend the new year at home, where your sister would relentlessly tease you until she left. She had her own plans this year, going to a classmates to drink and watch the fireworks; so if you stayed home, you would be alone.
And you were tired of being alone. Sleeping in, you didn’t get up to join your sister in cleaning until later in the afternoon, going through your closet, bedroom, and bathroom.
You were scrubbing your shower when you heard the doorbell, but your sister, ever the nosey one, yelled that she would get it, so you continued cleaning, forgetting that someone had come to the door by the time you finished cleaning the bathroom. 
When you finally stopped cleaning for the day, it was close to 9 PM, so you decided to get ready for the night out at Yoongi and Hobi’s place. After about an hour and a half, you were dressed, makeup done, and ready for the party. You ventured out of your room, noticing a large blue hatbox on the kitchen counter.
“Yuna! What’s this blue box?” you yelled, and her reply carried from down the hall.
“A delivery, for you, from earlier!”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” you grumbled, cursing your sibling as you reached to remove the lid off of it. Inside was what looked like a photobook, a beautiful ombre of pinks and purples decorating the cover. Removing it from the box, you flip it open, noticing right away the neat handwriting that could only belong to one person. 
Sighing, you carry it to the couch, where you read the inscription he penned inside. 
“Right at this moment, I think of you.” 
Flipping through the pages, you see he’s created a scrapbook of the past month spent together. Pictures of the two of you at work, the park, each other’s places, and visiting each other’s families. Pictures of you sleeping in his arms, candids where you aren’t even aware of him taking the photos.
Each photo is vibrant, in his style of catching the light just right as it caresses your face, and you’ve never seen yourself look so beautiful. He’s scribbled little notes here and there, of what he noticed or what was happening when he snapped the camera, and you can’t help but blush when you see a photo in there of you after the two of you had sex. 
“I reach out my hand, and feel your breath. With eyes closed, before we know it, we’re together.”
Your fingers trace over the photo, where Jungkook’s face is, looking at you so lovingly as you sleep on his chest, the bed sheets from his childhood bedroom covering you both strategically so nothing indecent shows. 
The last page has a handwritten letter, not unlike the one you wrote for him all those years ago, with a tiger lily pressed inside. You looked up the meaning of the flower earlier in the day when you found the large vase while cleaning. Please love me. With shaky hands, you held the photobook and began to read.
5 years ago, you thought you were in love. I can tell you with certainty that 5 years later I pray that you are, because I am so in love with you. The way you see me, I don’t think I’ve ever been seen before. My whole life I’ve been behind the camera capturing others. And somehow you have taken the camera from me and now I’m the one being captured and seen. And I love it. You make me feel like I’m not just made up of the same ingredients that make up the stars in the sky, you make me feel like the very galaxy reflected in your eyes when you look at me. You’re beautiful, and I, Jeon Jungkook, am so in love with you. When I say I’ve always loved you, that there is no start, so there can be no end: we are fated—destined; you are mine as much as I am yours. These photos are only a fraction of the way I see you, the many shades that make up who you are, how could I ever capture them all? Please know, I want to spend the rest of time trying. So in case you didn’t see it, or weren’t sure: I love you. I want to be with you. No contracts, just you, wholeheartedly as mine, and me as yours.
It was nearing 11 when you reached Yoongi and Hobi’s house, leaving the Uber driver with a confused look at the way you dashed out of his car. You could care less; the man you were in love with was inside that house, right now, and you would be damned to let him get away again.
Pushing through the crowd of bodies, you looked side to side, searching for the familiar black tresses, ears straining to hear his musical laugh or catch someone saying his name. Entering the living room, your eyes fell on the beer pong table, where Jimin and Taehyung were playing against Yoongi and Hobi. 
Destination set on getting to that table, you wade through the throng of people with the obligatory happy new year. Some attempted to stop to ask you how you’ve been, fill you in on the latest office gossip, or inquire about the exact relationship status of Jungkook. Those in the latter category were met with major side-eye. Plastering a fake smile on your face each time, you finally shake the last of them, jogging the last few steps until your right on the edge of the game.
“Y/N! Glad to see you!” Hobi was his typical cheerful self, greeting you with his signature smile as he watched Taehyung try and line up his shot in the cups Yoongi just re-racked.
“Hey Hobi, Happy almost New Year! Have you seen Jungkook?” you asked, skipping straight to the point.
“Um, yea, he came by earlier to drop off a few kegs for us, helped us move the furniture, but he went home. Said he wasn’t really feeling like celebrating.”
Yoongi, who had just grabbed the ping pong balls before they bounced off the table, handed one to Hobi as he gave you a pointed look.
“Yea, looked pretty heartbroken all week, if you ask me.”
“Well, no one did Yoongi. Give her a break,” Hobi answered before turning to you, “he’s probably at home. You can get there before midnight if you get an Uber quick.”
Thanking him, you threw your arms around him and Yoongi in a shared hug before waving to the other two on the far side of the table. You had someplace to be.
Outside in the quiet, you requested an Uber, happy to see one not even 2 minutes away. Thankfully, Jungkook only lived 10 minutes or so from the guys. You hoped traffic would be on your side. You knew you were cutting it close; 11:30 was approaching fast.
The ride to Jungkook’s apartment gave you too much time to think. Those 15 minutes (thanks drunk pedestrians) on the car ride over allowed the nerves to settle in, along with the doubt and fears. What if he didn’t feel that way about you anymore? What if he just wanted to bring you the photobook as a goodbye?
Shaking the thought from your head, you took a deep breath before you climbed out of the car and into the hushed cold of the last day of December. You had never shown up to his place unannounced like this, so used to trailing him into his apartment. The closed door was daunting to you, but you didn’t have much time now.
Knocking louder than you needed to due to those pesky butterflies in your stomach, what feels like an hour is only 10 seconds or so until Jungkook is standing before you. 
“Hi,” you said, breathless from the cold and from the sight of him after so many days apart.
“Hi,” he responded, looking just as mesmerized to see you at his doorstep, “uh, wanna come in?” Jungkook took a step back, giving you space to come in and you stepped forward into the welcomed warmth of his home.
The scene before you is not what you were expecting. Jungkook had been sitting in the dark, a half eaten pizza and a beer bottle on the coffee table, with his favorite blue and grey plaid blanket haphazardly cast aside on the couch; most likely from when he stood to welcome you.
Shucking off your boots, you walked into the living room, Jungkook silently trailing you.
“I—I’ve missed you.” His voice is low, as if afraid he would spook you.
“I’ve missed you too.” You turned to face him, the light from the paused Netflix show reflecting in his beautiful orbs. You took in his face, split lip mostly healed and the bruise faded along his cheek.
“I got your gift.”
“I’m glad.”
The conversation between the two of you was static, neither sure of what to do. The silence ticked on for a few more seconds before you decided to stop being a pussy.
“Did you mean it? What you said?”
“Of course I did.”
“I’m glad,” you repeated his earlier phrase, stepping closer to him. You placed your hands on his chest, solid muscles reacting to your touch as he subconsciously flexed them. “Because I love you, too.”
Rising on your tippy toes, you pressed your lips to his, your body relaxing when you heard the sigh he let out from the contact. His hands pulled you closer, deft fingers gripping you in all the right places as he deepened the kiss. He tasted faintly of pizza and beer, and smelled so strongly of his vanilla musk. You couldn’t believe how much he felt like home to you. Being in his arms felt right. 
Bending slightly, Jungkook wrapped his arms under your thighs and lifted you up, never breaking the kiss. Hoisting you up, he carried you down the hall to his room, foot kicking the door shut behind him. So turned on by his show of strength, you rolled your hips down onto what was his growing length, seeking any friction that would help ease the ache between your thighs. 
Letting out a groan, Jungkook’s hands guided your hips roughly to where he wanted you, lining up your sweet spot so you could grind on him better. Licking into his mouth, your hands tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck. A slight tug exposed more of his neck, where you planted markers of your territory as you continued rolling your hips in time to his movements. 
“I want you.” The whispered words went straight to your core; hearing Jungkook’s voice break with need, need for you—you couldn’t get out of your clothes fast enough.
“Bed. Now.” You demand, and he laughs as he follows your directives, setting you down once he approached the edge of his queen sized mattress. You tug your jacket off, tossing it to the foot of his bed before peeling your shirt up over your head to reveal your bra to him. He doesn’t get to look too long; you’ve gripped the waistband of his grey sweatpants and pulled them low enough to free him from it’s confines. His cock sprung free, and, licking your lips, you switch positions with him. 
With his back to the bed, you pushed him down, and he went easily. Pressing your hand to his chest, you lay him back as you bend at the waist, bringing your mouth to his leaking head. You lick the bottom of his shaft up to the slit, collecting the pre-cum with the tip of your tongue before you take the head into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the sensitive tip. Under your hand, you feel his abdominal muscles contract as he lets out a moan letting you know how good you feel as you take him farther into your mouth. 
Speeding your ministrations, you hollow your cheeks as you slurp around the head, using your hands to massage the dripping spit along the exposed skin you can’t reach. His hands grip your hair creating a makeshift ponytail to keep it out of your face so he can watch you. And wow, does he love the sight of your lips wrapped around his cock, innocent eyes blinking coyly up at him while your mouth is stretched around him. Keep it up and he could cum too quickly in your mouth.
When your free hand traveled to his scrotum, he jumped, feeling an overwhelming sense of pleasure as his sack tensed up.
“Wait, baby, I don’t want to cum yet.” Jungkook panted, and you pop off of him with a lewd sound that filled the quiet of his room.
Tugging you towards him, he scooted back on the bed until his head was flush with the headboard. 
“Strip for me,” he urged, and you did, undoing the button on your jeans and sliding them down until you were naked from the waist down. His eyes stared pointedly at your chest and you unclasped your bra, adding it to the growing pile of clothes the two of you had made. Watching as he shed his shirt before laying back fully, kicking his sweats free from his body, you climbed onto the bed, and he directed you farther up his body until he could maneuver your thighs to either side of his face. 
“I’ve wanted you like this for so long, baby, please.”
Giggling softly, you lowered yourself slowly and he wound his arms around your thighs until his palms were wrestling lightly on them. The slow caress as he drew patterns on your skin matched the same pattern he drew with his tongue, you realized once he had you fully seated. Gripping the headboard, you threw your head back, rolling your hips as his lips and tongue ravaged you, the sexual sounds of him eating you out creating more for him to drink down. 
Curving your back to make you hunch forward, you adjust as the pleasure builds and you see his eyes, those bright galaxies staring at you as he pleasured you to climax and you tensed as the coil in your abdomen snapped, a mix of curse words and his name pouring from your lips as he worked you through it.
Placing your hands on his sweat laced forehead, you pushed to try and pull away from the overstimulation as he let out a laugh.
Scooting yourself down his body once he released you, you fell back and to the side of his muscular thighs, trying to catch your breath. You feel him moving, a low chuckle released as his hands grasped your wrists. Pulling you up, you see he’s now seated flush to the headboard, back against the soft grey padding. He guides your hips so that you straddle him, sitting your still sopping wet cunt onto his cock. Pressed against his stomach, he can feel the warmth emanating from your opening, and groaned, wanting to be inside of you.
Pressing his forehead to yours, his eyes meet yours as he intertwines your fingers before resting your interlocked hands behind your back at the curve of your ass.
“I love you.” His voice is strong, sure and confident in the words he says as he bares more than just his body before you. “I wanted you so badly back then, I want you even more now.” He presses a kiss to your lips, causing you to grind down on him. 
He kisses down your neck, hands still holding you in position over him. “Want to be inside of you, baby.” He nips at your neck, making you gasp, and when you rock forward, he’s rocking his hips down. 
The head of his cock presses against your core, and you settle back onto it, walls stretching to accommodate his girth. The two of you move in tandem, lips once again reunited in a raunchy kiss that only serves to turn you on more, sending enough slick between your lower lips to allow him to slip further into you until he’s bottomed out, a snug fit as the tip of his cock kisses your cervix. 
Releasing your hands, his large palms hold your back to pull you closer to him as you swivel your hips, rocking so the shaft slips in and out of you in short bounces. You rock, arms wrapped lazily around his neck as you play with the wet locks of hair as you ride him at your leisure, just enjoying the feel of your bodies connected as one. Chest to chest, you can feel the speed of his heart beat; it matches your own. 
“Can I go faster?” you asked, not wanting to go at a pace he wasn’t comfortable with.
“You can use me however you want, baby,” he replied, eyebrow cocked smugly as he gripped your waist tighter, “but please tell me I can cum inside.”
Nodding as you sped up, you bounced with more friction, his pelvic bone rubbing against your clit as you chased your high, fucking yourself on his formiddable cock.
“That’s it, fuck, baby, right there—” Jungkook’s moans, musical as he egged you on, brought you to your peak for the second time that night. Your walls clenched around him, and as your body froze, he took advantage of the moment to shift your bodies so you were on your back with your head to the foot of the bed. Bracing his feet on edge where his mattress met the headboard, he began to piston his hips into you, chasing his own high.
“Fuck, Jungkook, I’m gonna—again—” You can barely get the words out when your third orgasm is crashing around you, legs shaking from where they’re wrapped tightly around his narrow hips. Your release makes it wetter, and your swollen walls ache to feel his cum fill you.
“Gonna fill you up so good, baby, fuck a—baby into you, fuck, I want to see you carry my—my kid,” Jungkook’s cock is drowning in your essence, and hearing him talk about kids with you causes you to tighten around him, and he’s cumming, long ropes of his hot cum filling you until it’s seeping out around him as he continues to thrust indiscriminately, velvet muscle milking him dry.
Laying skin to skin in his bed, you laugh as the alarm clock numbers alert you to the fact that you had missed the New Year by 38 minutes. 
“What’s so funny?” Jungkook asked, eyes alight as he takes in your smile. 
“We missed New Year’s.”
“We didn’t miss it, we were simply enjoying our New Year’s kiss for longer than most.” He quipped back, fingers tracing patterns along your back. Your own nails were lightly scratching shapes into his chest as you rested your head on his shoulder. You spent the next 20 minutes of the first hour of the new year listening to him explain what happened with the camera strap, though you had already forgiven the incident. 
He wasn’t sure how Somin had the camera strap, though he suspected she stole it from his bag at the cafe. Jungkook told you about the meeting, how it helped him see that you weren’t a rebound; he was in love with you and while it was obvious to him, a part of him wanted to be sure before confessing to you. He didn’t want you to think he was rushing into things to get over his ex. He also apologized for fighting Namjoon, saying he was worried that seeing him fight would change how you viewed him, change his chances of being with you, this time for real.
“I love you, Jungkook, in case you didn’t know.”
“I love you too, in case you didn’t know.” 
“Hmm, but, I think we need to talk about children though, I think it’s a little too soon, despite our parents' ideas.” You giggled, and his cheeks turned red in embarrassment.
“It was just sex talk, we’re still just practicing, okay?”
Stretching, you roll away from his body, and he follows your body heat subconsciously, his body not wanting you far from him after almost a week of radio silence. 
“Hey, get back here, you’re mine.”
“Oh am I?” you teased, staying just out of his reach.
He pouted, accent slipping out as he moved closer to your retreating body.
“Yes, you’re mine, no rules, no contracts; just mine.”
“ ‘m all yours, baby,” you mumbled as you rubbed your nose to his in an eskimo kiss as he gathered you up in his arms, “and you’re mine.”
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UPDATE (5.18.21): 1st Prologue is Out Now!
BTW, ily ⟢ summary: Taking place in the To All the Men I’ve Fucked Before (TATMIFB) AU, this pre-story is the backstory to you and Namjoon’s friendship. A year after losing your virginity to Jungkook, you meet Namjoon, who becomes your best friend… and who you want so much more with. Before you and Jungkook get it together in To All the Men I’ve Loved Before, there was BTW, ily.
Thank you all so much for reading! I plan on doing an epilogue and some drabbles to get more insight into the pasts of these characters! I love them so much, I don’t think I am ready to let go. The masterlist will be updated as more are added! TATMIFB Masterlist
↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine 2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
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chemicalpink · 3 years
Young Gods ❈ KNJ, JJK
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❈ Pairing: Namjoon x Reader x Jungkook
❈ Genre: smut, f2l kinda, but also s2l, fantasy!au, fluff if you squint, gods!au, wizard/witch!au
➛ Part of the Namkook Moonrise Masquerade hosted by @jamaisjoons
❈ Rating: 18+
❈ Wordcount: 4.2k
❈ Warnings: it is jungkook centric, it does have a somewhat heavy plot, double penetrative sex, magical sex, teasing, slightest corruption kink.
❈ Summary: Legend has it that if you were to walk all the way up to Hallasan, and if the land is welcoming enough, you should be able to see the most beautiful lake where it is rumoured to home the most powerful being the world has ever had the pleasure to meet, so when young warlock Jungkook starts having trouble with his magic, who could blame him for travelling all the way there in hopes of finding answers only to be met with the hottest man he’s ever seen. and really,  who could blame him for fostering the biggest crush on him without saying a word for ages? that is, until y/n, a long lost friend of Namjoon shows up. so really, who is he to blame if he lets the two greatest beings in existence use him for their pleasure?
❈A/N: SHE'S HERE. GOD THIS TOOK A WHILE. Please enjoy! ALSO, banner by @jamaisjoons, I do believe the only thing that keep me writing this was the banner lol. Do tell your thoughts on this bad baby, I was heading towards a larger fic but I didn't have time yet magical au is most definitely there for future fics.
The first time Jungkook realised just how powerful he was, he was fifteen years old, although his mother can recall him being around four and being able to master a potion that most common-born non-royal witches could only hope to get mediocre at once trained at their young twenties. Of course, his magic had soon become taboo around the village, having to hide himself behind years of his father’s training, his lineage a bit closer to royalty, not quite, but just enough for his son’s magic to pass as his own. If his customers notice how better his spell jars or potions get once Jungkook turns eighteen, they sure don’t comment on it. Not that they would be able to tell that the family was hiding a master of the magical arts that could rival the country’s most powerful witch in the blink of an eye. Those were just rumours going around, as far as the Jeon’s were concerned.
“Son, I believe it is about time you get some proper practice on your magic” his father mentioned bypassing one Sunday night as they both locked up the store. He turned to hi, somewhat confused.
“Look if this is about Seojun noona’s elixir being more powerful than it usually is I swear it was a rightful mixture, my trial was right beside her actual one and she entered the shop sooner and-”
His dad shakes a hand dismissively at him, rounding the counter into the small storage room, coming back in sight with a leather-bound book in between his hands, calloused fingers roaming the antique-looking pages “I am not quite sure how much truth an old man like your grandfather could hold, but it wouldn’t hurt to try” he turned the yellowing book towards him, fast and almost undescribable scribbles decorating the paper as he squinted down at it, his father handling the energy in it to make the content quite literally come to life, a storytelling spell all too familiar to him from his young age.
“Dad, you know I absolutely love bedtime stories, but I’d say I’m quite a bit too old now for-” before he can even think about finishing the sentence, a mountain comes into view, alive straight from the book’s pages, standing tall and proud dressed in green, almost touching the sky, a magical aura surrounding it, one that he could even feel just by looking at it “What’s that?”
“The old man used to tell me stories about an ancient being, the most powerful of them all, living on top of Hallasan” the pages turn by themselves, the image changing to a faceless man, standing almost as tall and proud as the mountain itself, performing all types of magic, some of them Jungkook himself hadn’t even heard of “Legend says he was outcasted by royalty in fear of revolution, wouldn’t even be alive if it weren’t for he is a child of Earth herself”
“I-I don’t think I’m following”
His father sighs loudly before his magic shuts the book closed, all magic gone on a whim “Jungkook, whatever this man was, if my father was right and he really did exist, you might be like him”
“But-but I was born of both you and mum” he couldn’t quite yet fathom the extension of his own magic, much less think about the probability of being more powerful than any other being that had walked the Earth in millennia. Even if the man was real, would he even be alive still? If he was as powerful as he was presumed to be, would he even take Jungkook under his wing? What if he wasn’t as lucky as the man from the book and word got out and his life was endangered?
“Jungkook just think about it, you might be a child of the Earth”
“What if I don’t want to be” he couldn’t quite face his father, feeling his own heartbreak as the older man deflated. Jungkook knew that perhaps his dad had entertained the idea of his only son being a creature out of a legendary book, could feel how proud it would make him, for Jungkook to be a hero, make history with the power he presumably held within, yet he couldn’t help but feel like a small child again, afraid at the uncertainty that the future could hold. “I- I’m good with just running the shop and helping you and mother out with stuff”
His father sighed before placing a gentle hand on his shoulders, a small act that made him feel even more like a child, one getting subtly scolded by his parents as they prepare him for his inevitable future. “Jungkook-ah, your mother and I- all we really want for you is to live your own life”
His ears perk up, gaze facing forward as he catches his mother standing with her arms crossed over her body, the softest motherly look on her face “And if that means for my baby to go find himself at some faraway place, then so be it” she comes to join his father by his side, both of them bracing each other as the thought of their child growing up simmers down on them. “We just want you to grow up to your full potential Kookie”
It had taken quite some convincing for him to completely make up his mind, the negging looks from his father as he helped around the shop, the longing yet scolding gaze his mother held over dinner until he found himself preparing a small bag for the long trip– almost burning inside his mind the map contained in his grandfather’s grimoire from the many times he had read over what he once thought to be a legend out of a children’s storybook.
The trip itself wasn’t as difficult as it was troublesome, having to hike up the highest mountain in the land, the difficult part–if the Jeon’s memories were anything to go by– was having the Hallassan land spirit to like you enough to show itself, even a step further to have the legendary witch to show his home.
For quite some time Jungkook entertained the idea of the immense possibilities on how the wizard could look, every possible image popping up in his head some variation of a wrinkly old man hunched over himself, staff in hand and he couldn’t help but laugh soundly at it, picturing himself getting nagged at by such a figure, perhaps he would end up looking like one of those old scholars that came to his village from time to time. But how wrong was he.
It took him three days, two cold sleepless nights in the woods and running in circles for at least two hours in the nothingness that was the top of the mountain for the valley to show up right where he had started to venture– he could almost hear the forest spirits snickering at him. He really tried to be angry at it, almost went back down just out of spite, yet the clearing before him had him doing a double-take, the space was bright and clear, none of the trees from before on sight, the small dipping in the middle of it leading to a sort of entrance– this was what he came for.
Jungkook had been raised better than what he found himself doing– walking into a stranger’s house uninvited. Was it really uninvited if after knocking for a few minutes the door opened on its own?
He walks inside, small steps, unsure of himself, his past resolve crumbling down completely as he walks further in where he listens to a hushed voice coming from his left, a mop of silvery hair turned away from him, green warm clothes cradling the figure, Jungkook entertains the idea of an old man still, yet not so much hunched over himself if the deep hushed voice and the hair colour was anything to go by. “...Now where did I last see-”
"Oh! great timing! the pay is where it always is" broad shoulders are still facing him as the man moved around, a couple of won bills on the counter where he had waved his hand dismissively, not even bothering to turn around, for a legendary creature perhaps leaving his home door open was a recurrent thing, what with the whole clearing hidden from the public eye and all.
"Oh I'm not-" he had tried to make himself knows as definitely not the person he was expecting yet the man kept mumbling to himself, apparently in deep thought at whatever it was
""—So then if we are able to move this around we should -" he had started moving around the room, still not facing Jungkook directly, just pointing to places around the spacious room as his free hand busied itself with picking books from the humongous shelf against the wall
"I'm- uh" his hands couldn’t be still, grasping at the bag over his shoulder, knuckles almost white as he clears his throat "I'm not-"
"Did you forget where-" the man turns around and Jungkook feels whatever little poise he had gained leave him in the spot, right in front of him is the most legendary creature in existence, recorded alive for millennia, a god in more ways than one, no old man in sight but the prettiest human he had laid eyes on, fierce sight set on him awkwardly hanging at the entrance as the man keeps blinking at him "uh"
He bows down almost instinctively, 90 degrees, hair falling onto his eyes as he does so "Mister sir- uh keeper of Hallasan"
"You aren't Soobin"
"Uh.. no I'm not"
The man doesn’t even flinch at the information of a stranger setting a foot inside his house, deep voice calm as ever as he asks "How did you even get in?"
"Uh the door was open" he points to the door in a futile attempt for it to not make it seem like he was the weirdo picking locks or something at a magical creature’s home
"No it wasn't" he moves to the door in the most graciously way he has ever seen someone do it, almost gliding across the floor, eyes never leave him except for the brief second where his hand tries the doorknob "huh it was. Weird"
It took the man less than a minute after his initial shock to turn to Jungkook and invite him in, a pair of teacups resting against the table as they seated parallel to each other, him crossing his legs in a nonchalant manner as Jungkook couldn’t stop fidgeting in his seat– he certainly never thought he could come this far.
“So what can I do for you, Jeon Jungkook?” if he absolutely preened at the way that his name sounded in the stranger’s mouth, that was certainly something only for him to know.
The words died right on his tongue. There were certainly a lot of things the beautiful man seating across from him could do, none of them necessarily involving what he had initially come for, yet as the words take meaning inside his mind, he seems to short circuit yet again “I uh- you know- you know my name?”
He smiles a big smile, eyes crinkling into crescents, dimples showing and a heat simmering inside Jungkook’s belly “I know a lot of things, Jungkook” he stares off into space “Social skills are rusty, but they come back after getting a good look at you” Jungkook’s eyes must widen at the implication of his words. Could he read minds? Could he take a look into souls? “Just general stuff about you, don’t worry about it”
The man could definitely read minds.
Blink if you’re hearing this. The man blinks and Jungkook feels like fleeing. Wait. Everyone blinks, stupid. Perhaps some other time.
He somehow finds his voice, remembering the lingering question, the sole reason for him to be there “Mister Hallasan keeper, sir”
“Namjoon is fine”
“Mister Namjoon-ssi”
“Namjoon hyung”
Jungkook is sure this time his brain shortcircuits for real, for this complete stranger. Namjoon he corrects himself, to give him permission to call him so affectionately after only a few minutes of knowing him. After technically breaking- not breaking into his home.
Smile if you’re reading my mind. Namjoon smiles, something doesn’t sit right with him, he could very well be reading his mind, or simply smiling out of politeness at the extended silence Jungkook had caused, again. I’m onto you Mister Hallasan Keeper. Namjoon just smiles more fondly at him.
Jungkook goes on explaining his situation, from his rapid magic learning to being unable to wield his magic, to his father even suggesting that he could have been born from the Earth herself, just like Namjoon did all those millennia ago. The blond man restricts himself to listen to Jungkook speak, gaining a serious pose when he drops the reason for his visit, asking him for help. Jungkook’s almost sure he will deny it as he goes on to explain how his last magical apprentice had been there almost sixty years ago, going on about how he is pretty much a loner, no reason more than a brief excuse of being an outcast for practice differences with the village where Jungkook comes from, giving it a few seconds of thought before he accepts to have Jungkook under his wing, going as far as to give him a spare bedroom to sleep in along with the longest set of rules he had ever heard of.
Months with Namjoon look something more or less like this: waking up at 6 am sharp– something Jungkook had never done in his life, the first few times he had woken up later than that, it was almost impossible to know where his teacher had gone to. Have a rundown on the day’s activities and breakfast until 7. Jungkook was in charge of gardening on the 30-minute window of Namjoon harvesting for the spells he was due to make for the day. An hour of light reading– he knew better than to comment on how a thousand pages book was most definitely not light reading, but he did it anyway. He would then shadow Namjoon on whatever mystical task he had to do for the day before finishing up with him running basic high-level training with Namjoon’s guidance in the clearing– Namjoon had said that the Hallasan spirit would keep him safe and sound if he were to screw up, although so far all the spirit and her friends in the forest had done was laugh at his mistakes.
Five months in it, the whole routine came as second nature, he couldn’t even picture a day without Namjoon on it, not that there was anyone else that could pick up on the energy shift within it, Jungkook had learnt a lot from his teacher, not only in the magic department but about him as a person, couldn’t hide the lingering eyes, the curious touches of skin, every bit of information about Namjoon expanding that fondness feeling inside his heart, Namjoon was a man of habit, a powerful one at that, yet all those millennia living couldn’t hide the fact that Jungkook could see right through him, a lonely soul, as powerful as none other, yet so inherently say. Not even the whole power in the universe could keep him away from his own greatest danger: himself.
If you can read minds, kiss me. The kiss never came so perhaps Namjoon could never even read minds in the first place.
Now here’s the thing, Jungkook might be a mess when it comes to magic, but not so much at hiding his feelings, at least the best he could, Namjoon was as intelligent as men come and he had yet to notice. Namjoon’s friend that just happens to show up on a particularly lazy day– his teacher had said his magic tends to run out from time to time and would rather rest it; perhaps not so much.
Jeon Jungkook is a weak man. A weak man for beautiful things, like Namjoon, or you. Who just happened to walk inside Namjoon’s home like you owned the place– could he count it as his home too yet?
He could feel his heart wanting to leap out of him as soon as you introduced yourself, and perhaps he was imagining the way your eyes grazed over his figure before going to tease Namjoon, not that he stopped having heart eyes for the man when you walked in, he had enough heart eyes for the both of you, even if he had to keep them to himself. You were easier to warm up to than Namjoon if it was anything to go by, smoothly falling into conversation after you three had sat down for tea, walking up to Namjoon’s massive library, picking out books from their shelves as you asked him about his upbringings.
“The Jeon family? Oh, dearest, your grandfather was as good as wizards come” his brain cuts short as soon as the words leave your mouth, just how exactly could you have known the old man? The old wizard was presumably thrown out of the royal house for being unfit for ruling over the land. You playfully push your elbow against Namjoon “And I say this while knowing Joonie”
The blond man groans at your teasing.
“You-you knew my grandpa?”
“Yeh, such a shame he decided to be a mortal” Your initial interest seems to diminish as you turn to face the books yet again, a particular red cover catching your attention.
Jungkook faintly hears Namjoon standing up from his chair to try and get in between his conversation with you, although all he hears seems to come as if the voices were kept under cotton inside his ears “Y/N you’re overwhelming the kid”
For such a calm and collected posture, he had maintained not only while learning with Namjoon but back at home too, hearing such a word coming out of him really tips the glass “I’m not a kid! Why is everyone always treating me like a child!” surely it did seem rather childish to have an outburst like that, yet his mind couldn’t help but reel in all those other times in his stay where Namjoon had dismissed him from helping, saying it was a rather complicated spell you should wait this one out Jungkook. Or something along the lines of when you get stronger. It did seem the type of things one would say to their petulant child.
“Jungkook waits” Namjoon groans as he retreats to his assigned room, you can’t help the softness inside you at the way that strong independent loner Namjoon reacts to his apprentice being pissed off, certainly a first.
“You pissed off the kid” your remark isn’t that much well digested as Namjoon throws a dagger-like glare your way, groaning as he throws his head back against the couch
“Why am I parenting again?”
You shrug your shoulders as you offer him a tight lip smile, you had heard a lot about Jungkook even before you had walked inside the wizard’s home, like a reader of a slow-burning love story, you knew that ‘parenting’ was most definitely not the dynamic in his relationship with the younger, not with the way Namjoon had described the little mannerisms of his apprentice, or the way that he described his figure as the strongest back I’ve ever seen with such a tiny waist when he sent you a letter asking you to visit him.
The thing with the dynamic you had with Namjoon had been one going on for hundreds of years, feeding off of the magic that only such powerful creatures like you and him could conjure, effective yet dependent as when either of you two was in dire need of a boost, you would have to pay him a visit to work your magic. Jungkook hadn’t appeared after his little outburst, probably hidden in his room, taking only a few minutes of Namjoon glancing expectantly at the place where the younger had disappeared before you dragged him towards his room in an all too practised manner.
The whole environment was always on the calm side whenever you two get to it, something along the lines of strictly business, yet an undeniable connection between the two. Namjoon had you against his door, a dimly lit lamp on his desk, strong hands holding you in place at your waist as he leaned down to connect both of your mouths, eyes fluttering shut as he did so. Your hands found themselves tangled in his blond tousled hair in no time as he deepened the kiss, moving the both of you towards the bed as magic started glowing dimly within you two, connecting and feeding off of the spark of the situation, magic so profound and delicate that only immortal beings could hope to master. Namjoon placed himself against his elbows as you straddled his hips, your figure teasingly humping his growing bulge inside his pants as his breath started to become ragged, his own magic reaching forward to yours, just the way his lips chased yours. Yet there was only so much ominous Namjoon could handle. His hands were quick to undress both of you in between hot caresses and messy kisses as both of your bodies seem to move on their own accord, the magic itself doing the most out of the tantric experience, moans slowly but surely filling up the room as Namjoon positioned the tip of his hard cock on your entrance, teasing your folds for a few seconds before you settled on top of him in a familiar manner, sinking down on him as he throws his head back, letting out a groan. You are almost sure Jungkook could hear you both, yet your mind so clouded you wouldn’t have given it a second thought with Namjoon’s cock filling you up so nicely as you moved up and down on his length, that is until out of the corner of your eye you catch the casted shadow outside the dimly lit room.
"Your puppy is outside," You say as you stop moving on him, not quite removing yourself from the situation, yet you feel the magic in the room flickering faintly as if going dormant.
"What" Namjoon’s eyes are surprised as he lets reality sink in, his magic safely sated from the small act
"The kid that has an obvious crush on both you and me?” you state matter of factly as Namjoon’s jaw goes slack “He's watching us from behind the door"
As if on cue, there’s a rustling behind the door, feet rapidly resounding against the floor "No I'm not!"
Namjoon sighs loudly "JK just come in, I know this might seem.." the door opens and you could swear Jungkook’s eyes are about to leave his skull at the image he’s present with "weird"
"incredibly hot," they say at the same time, rendering both of them speechless
"huh kid's horny" you start removing yourself from Namjoon’s cock as your magic starts tingling, now reaching out for the younger "i like it"
"Y/N please"
You gesture by raising your hands as if surrendering, yet you know just how the night had taken a turn, willing to satiate your magic’s needs “He doesn’t like your PG training, let me handle this”
Jungkook is still sporting his Bambi eyes as he feels himself pulled into the room, closing the door softly behind him as he can only stare at you as you make your way towards him, lips ghosting over his “So tell me Jungkookie” your hand trails down to bring him closer to your naked body, taking his hand in yours and guiding it to your ass “Just how much are you willing to render of yourself for me and Joon?”
“All of me”
Jeon Jungkook might as well had been an erotic wizard like yourself if by the way he manhandles you and surrenders you to Namjoon like a loyal apprentice would to his master was anything to go by. Namjoon’s stare alone has the young man pliant as he caresses tan skin under his fingers, achingly curious as the youngest takes turns to kiss the eldest and yourself, Namjoon’s fingers playing with his nipples, your own hands working his length to life after your magic had completely undressed him, feeling both your and Namjoon’s magic reaching for Jungkook’s in a way you didn’t know was possible. A few kisses and lingering touches in, minds clouded with lust, kissing noises and moans taking over the space, Jungkook takes no time in positioning you on top of him, back to his chest as his length stretches you deliciously, long fingers playing with your clit as his own legs separate your thighs as if offering you up to his master, Namjoon looking like a man starved as he positions himself against Jungkook’s cock, his tip meeting no resistance as he glides in and nestles next to Jungkook, stretching you like no other time you could fathom, groans and ragged breaths of the men under and above you working you to your own climax, babbled words coming out of the youngest’s lips along with a promise of becoming yet another young god under your spell.
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hobiwonder · 3 years
Bloom | 02
Genre: Hybrid!Namkook. fluorescence by @jincherie​ AU
Pairing: foxhybrid!Namjoon x Reader x bunnyhybrid!Jungkook ;(
Warnings: language. mention of hybrid trafficing/being sold into sex trafficing, fluff holy shit, angst, Smut (future), very cuddly and shy jungkook, stuttery shy BOYS. I really just wrote this for me.
Words: 5k+
Summary: In a world where humanity is increasingly motivated by how much cash can be made off of… well anything, you’re a human and hybrid rights lawyer. You will do anything to save the ones that never had a choice  right from the date of their conception. Even if that means, adopting two hybrids that you absolutely did not mean to.
a/n: I'm posting after over a year I feel so strange lmao. I know this isn’t induratize or the thousand other stories I abandoned like a deadbeat dad BUTT plz accept this measly update. Let me know what you think. drop me an ask, interact as much as possible so I feel guilty and put out an update soon. also warm welcome to so many new followers and writers who followed me as well.
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It had been an hour since you’d closed the door behind the two hybrids. One painstakingly long, worrying, self-doubt filled hour. The muted noises of a sobbing Jungkook had quietened and that was the only consolation you had that you hadn’t completely messed up. There was a lot to do for one of your upcoming cases and you had thought you would be able to get some work done after bringing them home. However, you’d quickly realised your one dimension thinking was severely flawed. Your brain has simplified the process of bringing two hybrids home at such last minute to help you cope with it seems. And the sooner you realise your approach could be a little insensitive, the better. 
The rattling of the door knob had you shuffling off the couch and standing as if you were going to be caught doing something you shouldn’t. The silver locks come into view as Namjoon walks out to the living room. His eyes cast down to the floor as he comes to a stop right before the couch. His posture rigid, brows furrowed like he was angry and yet, he did not say anything.
“Namjoon? Are you alright? Is Jungkook okay?” You don’t move forward as to not startle the already reserved hybrid. 
“I-I am okay!” He sounds determined. Like it shouldn’t even be a question. 
“J-Jungkook is now asleep. He was- he got scared because he thought y-you were going to- to…,” Namjoon’s lips trembled, voice troubled and you had a feeling he was debating with himself if he should finish the sentence. 
“To what, Namjoon?” Your assertive tone had him glance at you briefly before his eyes were down cast again. Thankfully you don’t have to push him further. 
“He was fearful that you would s-strike him. He did not anticipate it a-and reacted poorly. I apologise for his behaviour and w-will receive the punishment i-instead of him.”
It was hard to decide what upset you more. The way Namjoon’s eyes teared up, lips trembled in a frown to hold back the angry tears. Or what he had said. The fact that he expected a punishment to be carried out for something as miniscule as flinching away from your palm. A hundred different emotions ran through your bloodstream. Anger, sadness, loathing, more anger, misery and some more anger. What had been done to them in that awful company to have their perspective of reality with a human owner so incredibly distorted?
“Namjoon…,” Your feet are taking you forward automatically, wanting to assure him that no such would be happening.
“Namjoon I’m… I’m not going to punish Jungkook. Or you.” You stand just a few meters away from Namjoon but he still does not look up. “Namjoon? Will you please look at me?”
He hesitates. The furrow of his dark brows never leaving his beautiful face. It’s been a few moments and he’s stagnant. Taking a few steps back, you settle on the couch. Looking up at him, you pat the spot beside you. 
“Please? Would you sit and talk to me a little?”
You’re hoping the intense emotions you were feeling towards the piece of shit company that terrified the poor bunny to this point were hidden enough that you wouldn’t atleast scare off Namjoon. Another minute passes. He relents. His adam’s apple bobs when he swallows, nervousness showing discernibly on his face. You wait. Letting him take his time to settle in to the couch and not remain so stiff.
“Namjoon.” You suck in a deep breath before looking him square in the face that’s still avoiding you. “Namjoon.” You repeat to get his attention. He finally looks.
“Listen to me very carefully. I will never hurt you or Jungkook. I know it’s hard to believe because… because this is all so new. Nevertheless, I will never ‘punish’ you both for anything. Not physically. Never physically, god.” 
You’re starting to get exasperated and it was obvious that Namjoon was waiting for you to start showing signs of frustration when he looks away again.Shaking your head to level your head, you continue. 
“I’m not sure what kind of horrible things those people did to you, I certainly will not continue that. In fact, I’m so… so angry that Jungkook even thought that I would hit him?”
“I am very sorry for upsetting you.”  
“I’m not angry at you, honey.” Shaking your head, you don’t miss the way Namjoon’s cheeks heat up at your petname. Eyes cast down again, scowl on his face loosening slightly. 
“I’m angry at those bastards for ever hurting you.”
He just listens. Physically at least but you’re hoping that he’s really hearing you. That he stops doubting you and your intentions. You wanted nothing but to erase their painful past and fill their future with memories that will wrap them in comfort. He finally looks up again. 
“Okay?” You nod to prompt his response and he slowly does. “Don’t freak him out when you see him. Just get some sleep and we can talk about this more in the morning.”
It takes him several moments to let your words sink in. 
“I… Jungkook will not be punished, r-right mistress?” Your face pales before you feel the blood rush back to it at his address of you. But you keep it together when you see the look of apprehension. Taking in a breath, you will your heart to be steady.
“No Namjoon. Jungkook will receive no punishment because he did nothing wrong. It was not his fault that he got scared. Okay?” Once again, he’s hesitating but nods nonetheless and that is enough for you for tonight at least. 
“Now, are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?” Namjoon looks up at the mention of food and yet again, he shakes his head. It was obvious that he was feeling at least slightly hungry but his stubborn nature holds him back. You let him have this one. 
“Okay. Take a shower if you want and then get some sleep. I will see you in the morning.” Your smile is tired but warm. Watching him slowly get up and grab the ratty duffle bag they both had with them. 
Namjoon sends an unreadable look your way but before you can analyse his face further, he vanishes inside his room, closing the door behind him. You let out a breath you don’t realise you’d been holding again. It was the first day of them being with you and already - you knew you would do anything for them. Even if it took a while to have the fox hybrid completely believe you - you were not going to give up.
Getting up from the couch, you make your way towards your office to close and lock the door before heading to your own room. There were a few things you need to do before going to sleep and one of them included the clothes your hybrid companions would need. The duffle bag did not look full even in the slightest, giving you an idea of how many belongings both of them had. It only made you want to add everything in your cart while browsing for different items. 
That night, you make a promise to yourself. You would try your best to fill their time with you with so much happiness that they will forget everything but the feeling of joy and contentment. And maybe, just maybe - they will love you back. Because you sure as hell were starting to feel something awfully close to the feeling of the dreaded L word. The next morning, you wake up bright and early. It may not be your preferred time - 8am! - you knew that your newly acquired hybrids would be especially famished. Namjoon had turned in around 10PM and Jungkook had gone to bed even earlier. You hadn’t gotten a chance to ask what they would like in breakfast. Then again, you hadn’t anticipated the night to end the way it did. 
To counter the sudden change in circumstances - you decided to make a lot. Quite like a welcome breakfast to make them feel a little more at home and to show your excitement at having them. You had a feeling that this will sit well with the younger hybrid. Jungkook was a sweet boy and he no doubt would appreciate it but Namjoon was entirely different. Even after last night you’d thought you’d gotten somewhere but when he’d wordlessly gotten up and left to his room - you had a feeling he would fight your advances to get to know him better.But regardless of where their heads were at; you were going to try your best. When you’d gotten up this morning, you’d gotten dressed in a pretty off the shoulder dress. 
Pretty enough to make them notice but comfortable enough for casual wear. Blow drying your hair and a bit of mascara - you’d topped off the look with a red lip tint to look slightly more awake. Usually you didn’t really do anything to your face if it was a day in. Though you knew that getting dressed up for someone always made them feel special and you were hoping your new housemates were not an exception. Thankfully the fridge was stocked enough for you to make various dishes. You’d gotten the cheese omelette whisked and ready to be made fresh when the boys woke up. Pulling out the non-stick pan, you start making them pancakes to get a decent stack before they woke up. Also you knew the aroma of the buttermilk pancakes (it was from a pre-made mix, you admit) would wander off in the whole house and sooner or later - you would most likely wake them up. 
While one of the pancakes cooked, you quickly cut up some watermelon, mangoes, strawberries and bananas. Checking the fridge again, you finally find the green grapes you were starting to think you’d run out of. They were the easiest to snack on so it would have been quite devastating for you, really. Just as you’d put the breakfast sausages on another non-stick pan, you hear the familiar door knob turning. The sound however is drowned out with the shrilling noise of the meat being cooked on the hot surface. 
A freshly washed and dressed in a new, a rather tattered, shirt and the same jeans, Namjoon is walking forwards in the large kitchen. Your eyes look for the other hybrid who is trying his best to stay hidden behind Namjoon’s tall frame. You can see that Jungkook has not changed his clothes but he does look like he’s washed his face with the way his fringe is still slightly damp, sticking to his forehead. Putting the pan on a low heat so the meat doesn’t burn - you finally turn to the two boys standing in the doorway. Like they needed permission to take a seat.
“Good morning!” Your smile is wide. Genuine. “Come, take a seat.” 
Pulling out two chairs, you pat the seats with a nod of your head to urge them forward. By your surprise, you don’t have to convince them further. Your heart skips a beat when you notice Namjoon reach out his hand behind him. Jungkook grasps the larger hand immediately but never stepping forward, past the comfort of his fox friend’s shadow. You could see how much Namjoon cared and protected Jungkook. From all harm. And that detail at least provides some comfort to you. Sending Jungkook a small smile, you watch him shuffle forwards with Namjoon. 
Quickly going back to the stove, you take off the sausages and put the steaming deliciousness on to the plate and then the big dining table. The bunny is worrying his bottom lip, hands in his lap but you have a feeling he is probably holding Namjoon’s hand under the table. The thought only makes you smile more.
“I didn’t get to ask both of you what you would like for breakfast. So,” gesturing towards the bountiful table, you shrug. “I made everything I could think of.”
Jungkook looks at the table in awe. Eyes darting from one plate to another before his eyes catch on to yours. Making the bunny severely blush and you, chuckle at his cuteness. You take out the orange juice as well as a bottle of milk from the fridge and hand them their plates.
“I hope there is enough to your liking.” You turn back to the stove to put everything in the dishwasher before you sat down to eat as well. Namjoon has thus far, not spoken. He has not given you shy smiles like Jungkook had started to. He had not stared at you with wide eyes like Jungkook had when he’d seen you first. Like yesterday, he was quiet; hard to read.
“Kook, stop!” The whispered angry voice undoubtedly belongs to Namjoon and makes you immediately turn back to the table. 
Only to see Jungkook’s arm hovering over the pancake stack, seemingly about to serve himself some. Namjoon’s eyebrows have furrowed once again but this time his mood is directed at Jungkook. The bunny in question only looks wide eyed at Namjoon, lips starting to tremble and you’re marching towards him before you can catch up with your brain.
“Don’t stop him Namjoon. You don’t need my permission to start eating! Here, give me your plate, hon.” Careful to not to make any sudden movements as to not startle Jungkook, you pile on the pancakes on his plate. 
The sweet bun that Jungkook is, does not shy away from being anything but honest. Eagerly nodding his head whenever you ask ‘more?’ and you swear you want to burst out laughing at how adorable he is. All the while, Namjoon sits quietly. Watching you serve Jungkook, who is much more relaxed as he gives you a shy smile accompanied with rosy cheeks. His ears perking up every time he saw something new being put on his plate. 
A minute or so later, Jungkook is looking at his plate in such childlike awe, you have to refrain yourself from crushing him close to you. Namjoon, however, does not move to eat until you are full seated on the opposite side of the table. 
“That’s it? Take some more Namjoon.” Gesturing towards his modest serving of two pancakes and one sausage. He was taller than Jungkook. Considering that he hadn’t had anything to eat since leaving the company yesterday, he should be starving.
“No, thank you.” That’s all he says before eating. The three of you eat in relative quiet, with the occasional sound of Jungkook chewing happily. 
You don’t bother holding your charmed smile, feeling happier every time the bunny’s cheeks puffed up with how much he was stuffing inside his mouth. Of course, you didn’t mind at all despite Namjoon stopping mid-bite every once in a while to give Jungkook a look. Your stare in turn, would prevent him from saying anything as he silently finished his food.
“Would you like some juice or milk, Jungkookie?” The nickname, once again, leaves past your lips before you can think. It came all too naturally to you. And when his cheeks redden even more, definitely noticing your slip-up, you never want to address him as anything but. His cheeks were still stained that natural peony pink, eyes wide as he nods at you a bit hesitantly. 
“I have some coffee as well but I have a feeling you won’t like it.”Jungkook’s scrunched up nose in response only makes you chuckle under your breath. 
“M-Milk?” His meek voice is still on the edge. Nervous to talk to you directly but you would be patient with him. At least he was replying to you. “Do you want some more sausages? Or some nutella?” At the mention of the chocolate spread, his eyes widen once again.“Nutella it is! i’ll make some toast.” 
Getting up, you put some fresh bread in the toaster. But before you do, Namjoon speaks again.
“Please don’t feel bothered by Jungkook, Mistress. He has had enough to eat.” 
The last sentence is spoken in Jungkook’s direction, reprimanding the bunny who only looks sheepish.You needed to put a stop to Namjoon’s habit of making Jungkook feel like he was inconveniencing you. 
“Namjoon.” He looks back at you, eyebrows still furrowed deeply. You hand Jungkook the plate of two toast with the jar of nutella before taking a seat again. 
“First of all, no need to call me mistress, okay? Call me y/n. Secondly, Namjoon, you have to stop thinking that you are being a burden on me. I am an adult. I will let you know if there is something I have a problem with regarding you two. Though I can assure you, that is very unlikely. But especially when it comes to food. I want you two to eat freely. As much as you want. If there is anything you feel particularly inclined towards on some days? Tell me. I want to know. I care about your likes and dislikes. Okay?”
The two boys stare at you. Jungkook blinking rapidly while Namjoon is the opposite. He diverts his gaze as soon as you stop speaking and you can’t tell if he truely believes you like Jungkook does. you can tell when it comes to Jungkook because he wears his heart on his sleeve. You are aware of his every emotion as he feels it because he isn’t able to hide them as well as his friend. You feel at ease knowing Jungkook is really listening to you but it upsets you equally knowing that Namjoon still doubts you. 
“Okay, y/n.” Namjoon doesn’t elaborate further. Doesn’t say he believes you or that he will try to keep this in mind. but you don’t push.The way your name rolls off his tongue though; It makes your mind slip to some other indecent places. you couldn’t help it. The timbre of his deep voice accentuating your name was more beautiful that you expected. You decide that you wanted to hear him say it as often as possible. Jungkook only blinks up at you. 
A line of milk settling on top of his upper lip endearingly. You reach forward, cleaning the remnants with a napkin, mumbling ‘silly bunny’ and he’s turning several shades of pink again. Stabbing at your plate, you finish your fruit.
“Before I forget, I ordered some clothes for you two until we can go shopping properly. They should be here in a day or two. I hope you both like dressing in colours!”
Jungkook only cocks his head to the side as if confused, making you laugh at his animated expressions. You were glad he felt safe enough to be himself. Not like yesterday when he huddled behind Namjoon for the most part. You can see Namjoon eyeing the food. Wanting to put more on his plate. but he was stubborn, you’d learned quick. You had already known that there was no way he would be full with the amount he’d served himself. And it looked like he wasn’t going to take more, if not just because of his pride. You had half a heart to teach him a lesson and clear away the table but it was too early for your lessons. Instead, you stand up, putting the remaining pancakes and sausages on to his plate while Namjoon only exclaims in surprise.
“I- oh... “
“Eat, Namjoon. Better to not have any left overs.” You don’t sit back down just so his reddening cheeks, in embarrassment no doubt, don’t get any redder. You didn’t want to make him feel less then. When you start clearing the dishes, you can hear Jungkook say something to Namjoon but you couldn’t make it out. When you turn around, you almost run in to Jungkook’s trembling figure, holding the remaining dishes from the dining table. Quickly, you grab them before they shatter to the ground from his teetering hands. 
“I’ll take those.” Smiling fondly, you put them next to the sink to load in the washer. Jungkook has sped back to the table, sitting beside Namjoon who was hurrying to finish. Shaking your head, you still can’t keep the smile off your face. 
Despite the events of last night, Jungkook was surprisingly calm. He’d seemed slightly shaken up when he’d first seen you. Most likely thinking about a punishment that you’d assured Namjoon that Jungkook won’t receive. You must have dozed off standing next to the dishwasher, not noticing when Namjoon has brought in his plate to be put in the washer as well. When he clears his throat, you finally turn towards him. 
“Oh, sorry Namjoon. Here, i’ll take that too.”
He mumbles a ‘thank you’ before going back to Jungkook. By the time you’re finished, both of them have gone back to the living room, sitting on the couch with Jungkook nearly on Namjoon’s lap. That boy was almost joint to Namjoon’s hips. Literally.
However, Jungkook doesn’t look as jolly as before. At the moment, you could see the tears brimming in his eyes as Namjoon said something in his ear. Instantly, you thought that Namjoon was reprimanding him for something else. But when he sees you come out of the kitchen, he taps his unoccupied hand - from Jungkook’s hold - on top of Jungkook’s clenching ones. 
“J-Jungkook w-would like to say something... y-y/n.” Namjoon turns his head towards the peach haired boy, gently encouraging him to speak. You were curious as to what he had to say that had Jungkook tearing up. Wanting to console him. His fluffy ears flattening against his head as he looks up at you, wide eyed.
“‘m s-s-sorry mistress. A-About-“ His gaze falls back to Namjoon who only nods in encouragement. “c-crying. I kn-know you w-wouldn’t hurt m-me.” 
Though that was barely a long sentence, It took Jungkook sometime to finally get it all out. You wondered if it was because of how less he spoke prior to meeting you or if he had some sort of learning difficulty. All reasons aside, you were at your wits end, trying to hold yourself back from pulling the bunny in the tightest hug you could muster. 
“Oh honey.” Smiling with a hint of the sorrow you felt, you sat next to them on the big couch. A big space still between the two of them and you. “You don’t have to be sorry. I told Namjoon that it was okay. It’s not your fault for reacting that way. I should’ve been more careful too. We’re just getting to know each other, right?” You nod at him and a few seconds later, he shakily replies, lips still trembling. 
“Never be sorry for things like that. I won’t ever be upset at you if it happens again. I... I care about you. Both of you. I will do my best to make sure you feel... safe with me.”
You take a leap of faith and say what you’d been feeling. “That you both feel, loved. Provide you with the comfort you both have by just being here. I know it hasn’t been too long since your arrival but I genuinely want you both to stay with me.”
It is silent for a few moments. Even Namjoon doesn’t appear as stoic as before. What really catches you off guard, is the force with which Jungkook is crashing into you, arms falling around your waist to hold onto you tightly. A sound of surprise leaves you at that, but you recover as quick as your mind will allow. Wrapping your arms around his trembling frame without hesitation. 
The sobs that pierce his frame are unforgiving. Jungkook well and truly sobs, face pushed into your chest, unknowingly of course. You doubt he knew where his sobs were being deposited. You let him cry it out. He must have been overwhelmed enough to react like this. The earlier urge of wrapping him in your arms had returned fiercely, thanking Jungkook silently for taking the step before you did.The surprise on your face is nothing compared to Namjoon's wide eyes. 
He watches the bunny hold on to you as if you were the anchor, the only thing saving him from drowning. Admittedly, you knew what you said was the truth. Nothing but the truth. And yet, his reaction frees a kaleidoscope of butterflies in your stomach. Although the bunny is decently taller than you, at this very moment, he seemed smaller than a toddler and it only made you hold him to you that much tighter. Not stopping yourself from dropping gentle kisses to the top of his head. Namjoon sits rooted in place, jaw finally setting in a straight line watching you like you were the cause of the tears Jungkook shed. And maybe you were but they sure didn't seem like sad tears. 
His gaze is tight and unrelenting but at the moment, you just focus on Jungkook. No matter how much it hurt that Namjoon was far from giving you a chance.
"Y-Y/n? Th-Thank you. W-We're so h-happy to be here i-i's sorry i c-cry so much." The bunny hiccups in your chest, bringing up a sweater paw up to his eyes to rub furiously without having to detangle himself from you. 
Obviously, it is a hard task in his current state. And so incredibly endearing that he doesn't want to let go of the warmth but also wants to wipe away at his eyes and nose. Leaning back to your side-table, you grab a couple of tissues to take over while he continues to thank you and say sorry simultaneously. 
"It's okay baby. Lean back a bit. It's alright." You're whispering close to Jungkook's red face, coaxing him to tilt his head back enough for you to wipe at his eyes and then his nose.
"There. All dry. Feeling better?" Jungkook's heart stopping face is peering up at you through his puffy eyes with such tired adoration - you wanted to scream. How was he this adorable after bawling his eyes out? The fatigue of such emotionally charged few minutes is settling in and maybe a little bit of embarrassment which causes him to hide his face in your neck this time. His ears becoming severely red quite suddenly is enough to tell you that he was embarrassed at his face being pushed right between your breasts during his meltdown. 
Chuckling at his never-ending cuteness, you run your hands through his hair, combing through it to calm him down a little more. In a matter of minutes, the bunny is sighing and whimpering in your lap. He practically was sitting in your lap, pushed so far up on top of your thighs, back resting agains the sofa while his arms lay secured around your waist. Only his long legs hung down the couch.
"S-Sorry." You see a glimpse of his pout before he's covering his face with his hands again.
"It's okay." Giving him a warm squeeze, you let him pull away bashfully.Just as fast as he'd stuck himself to you, he pulls away equally slowly. As if he moves any faster he'll disturb the peace or maybe he thinks he'll be in trouble. But you let him get to it at his own pace. He sits with a bit of distance between your bodies yet somehow, it doesn't diminish the flutter you feel in your heart. The lightness that has been coursing through your body ever since Jungkook embraced you. You felt like you weren't doing something wrong for the first time since you brought the hybrids home. 
Speaking off, you noticed that Namjoon was nowhere to be seen.During the whole ordeal, between Jungkook's tears and your consolation, the fox had slipped away so stealthily that you only just noticed the empty spot on the couch. Jungkook does not appear to be surprised at his friend's absence. merely recovering from his own emotional outbreak. Until you hear the unmistakably deep voice calling out for Jungkook from their room.
"Jungkook! Come back to the room please." The sternness in his voice leaves no room for arguments and by the way Jungkook is squirming on the couch, you realise that Jungkook will always comply. Looking at you sheepishly, he silently asks if it's okay for him to go. And you hate that Jungkook relies on receiving permission before ding anything. Like he'll be punished if he didn't. 
He'd only slipped up a little bit earlier and Namjoon had been quick to remind him. So it was obvious that they were treated like this at the lab before coming with you. 
"Go ahead." Smiling to ease his discomfort, you watch him scramble back to their room. You had to start on lunch anyway and you had a pretty good idea earlier to make some comfort food for all of you to ease some of the heaviness in the air today. Maybe the smell of steak and mashed potatoes will be a good substitute. Though you'd be lying if you said you weren't just a little bit curious to know what was so important for Namjoon to call jungkook back to their room so suddenly. But you busy yourself with getting some work done before making lunch - maybe dinner at this point seeing as it was already 2pm by the time you were finished. 
It had already been over an hour since Jungkook disappeared into their room. They both were so quiet that unless you went up to their room, it was hard to know anyone even occupied it. So that's exactly what you decide to do. Make a detour to where the hybrids were still holed up before you got busy cooking again.Standing outside the room, you wait for any sounds of movement from inside the walls. When you hear nothing, you're about to turn around, assuming that the boys are taking a nap. They did have a hefty breakfast. Or at least Jungkook did. Maybe you can ask them if they wanted a snack before dinner. 
Namjoon hadn't had nearly as much to eat as Jungkook and no doubt, he must be hungry again even if he was too stubborn to tell you. But that was okay with you as long as he didn't refuse whatever you gave him. At least he will eat.But before you turn around, you finally hear some muffled noises. Pressing further against the door, mentally scolding yourself for being such a creep, you try and listen in further. 
"Just be careful kook. You're doing it again." Namjoon's voice is soft as he talks to the bunny but there is an edge to it. Like he's warning him.
"A-Am not! She's just.. n-nice." Jungkook's endearingly petulant tone makes you want to grab on to your chest. He seldom spoke. And when he did, you never wanted his airy voice to stop flowing through your eardrums. 
"It's temporary. She'll get bored soon and you know we will have to leave. I'm just worried about you kook. It's only been a day and you're practically in love with her."
You're not sure what shocks you more. Was it Namjoon's cruel and confronting words or that he alluded to the depth of Jungkook's feelings towards you? It was a grievous mixture of the two that made you step away from the door, gulping down the saliva that was going to pool in your mouth. it was an exaggerated response from your fight or flight system given the circumstances but it was telling. However, that's not enough distance to block out Jungkook's loud, aggravated response.
"M-Maybe you're wrong this ti-"
"I am not. You know that." You turn around to race towards the kitchen in fear of running into Jungkook. And maybe you needed a few minutes to get yourself back together. Not in a million years had you expected Namjoon to be that forward with his assumptions about you. And the fact that he was actively warning Jungkook off from you was more hurtful than it made you angry.
You expected the anger to come. Waiting to feel red rage and wanting to march into their room to confront Namjoon's accusations. But you couldn't. Not when you knew that they weren't without credence. They'd been living in a place where their sole purpose was to be with people until they didn't want them anymore. But they were never given a chance to fulfil their duties. being holed up in a clinical facility, awaiting their fate that was not a warm home. Definitely not what you were providing and maybe that was a still too unbelievable for them. It was for Namjoon and that much was obvious. But even the reminder of that is not enough to propel the hurt out of your chest cavity that was taking root. 
Swelling up until you felt physically ill. Your strong reaction was foreign to you as well. The thought of losing the two newcomers in your life proving to be a little too much. Even if it was only imagined. How were you going to really make Namjoon believe the you were in this for the long run? Bracing yourself against the countertop, you try to keep yourself grounded. Telling yourself again and again that it was still quite early on in your quest to build a safe, loving relationship with the two boys. That it was perfectly normal for Namjoon to feel the way he does. Then why did it hurt so much? 
a/n: pls tell me what you think!!! I have more written so I'll try and make the next chapter a little more romantic hehehehe. 
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