#namphueng kittisawasd
lu-sn · 1 year
ranking kp characters by how much they deserve to be the one to shoot korn in the head 🤍
honorable mentions: chay and macau, who might not quite have the skills to pull it off, but who would CERTAINLY rise to the occasion if sufficiently prompted
7. kinn
now, if this were a list of who needed korn to be dead the most, kinn would be much higher up on this list. poor kid. so completely gaslit. but he probably deserves to NOT be the one shooting korn, on account of the very fun i-killed-my-dad trauma he'd have to pile on top of the my-dad-is-dead trauma. so someone else should just take one for the team here 😂
6. pete
i don't think pete would derive any sort of great joy from killing korn. but he would also be totally ready to do it if, say, vegas indicated in literally any way that he wanted that. or if vegas was in danger. the reason pete deserves to do is simply that vegas would find it SO hot and would eat his ass SO GOOD for it. and pete always deserves to get his brains fucked out silly 🥺
5. kim
because it would be hot 🔥 and he'd make it look sick
ok but actually it's because kim probably has the most rage stored up regarding how fucking unfair it is for him and his big brothers to be trapped in this terrible puppet play for the rest of their lives. and he deserves to free himself and his big bros! let out all that rage! it's healthy!!! and it would be very hot
4. khun
this one's hard. how much khun deserves it is directly related to his backstory, and how he got kidnapped, and whether korn intended to push him out of the heir position. and we're just never gonna know any of that 😢 so really, khun could be anywhere on this list. but i do think that korn pulled some amount of shit here, and khun should get to repay him in full.
also, i think khun is the only one on this list who would do it slow. and i think korn should have to die slowly, pitifully, knowing that his own son is lowering him into his grave and being able to do nothing about it.
3. porsche
where do i even begin? dead dad. imprisoned mom. terrible fake uncle that skimmed all their money and put them in debt. soooooo much lying and manipulating and gaslighting holy shit like so much. porsche is owed MANY pounds of flesh.
and i think it would feel like justice served — not just for himself, but for his family. and for korn's underestimation of him. apples and dull knives, indeed.
the only reason why it might be hard for him would be because kinn would get really hecked up over it. which brings me to...
2. vegas
you could make a good argument for switching porsche and vegas on this list. but i think vegas deserves it just a tiny bit more, and that's because korn has spent vegas's entire life cutting him down into a shell of himself.
sometimes i think about how happy and at peace vegas might have been if korn hadn't been so insistent on inciting competition within the family, and then i want to cry. and then i wish vegas had pulled that trigger when he had korn in his sights.
i bet vegas wishes he had, too. he wants it. and god knows someone should start letting vegas have what he wants.
1. namphueng
you knew this was coming. we all knew.
listen i'm just saying that namphueng could desecrate korn's corpse in the most horrifying ways and i'd just be like 😌👍 girl you looked so good clawing out his jugular and sawing his limbs off do it again ❤️
(thank you @kissporsche for the idea 🥰)
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The way we actually still don't know the truth about Namphueng because both Kun and Korn were lying, and now Kun is dead and Korn literally just tells whatever version of the truth suits him the most... I'm so curious to know the full story I want to know what happened
Kun clearly wasn't telling the truth but when he threw in that their father killed Namphueng's family and Korn didn't deny it? Yikes
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queerbrainrot · 2 years
Kinnporsche, a better ending:
as Korn and Gun lie, Namphueng grabs Porsche's gun and shoots both of them. go mommy, you deserve it.
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saturnskyline · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Porchay Pichaya Kittisawat & Porsche Pachara Kittisawat & Nampeung Kittisawat Summary: Namphueng has been endlessly dreaming. She can only tell because for the first time in years, she might finally be awake.
fic rec | @kprecfest by @lu-sn
this fic....man. awoke so many namphueng feelings in me that i didn’t even know i had. since we know so little about her in canon, there’s so much left to be explored with her storyline, and this fic absolutely gave me brain worms for days. just sooo compelling and perfect and ominous. also even though this is a single rec, i feel the need to add that everything lu writes is absolute gold so check her out if you haven’t! one of the coolest creators in the fandom <33
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amzyspinkarch · 1 year
Is it just me, or did Porschay’s mom look at him like she was mad. Or perhaps uncomfortable? Shocked? She also looked very uncomfortable when the boys hugged her. You could say it’s cause of amnesia, and I get that. However, why did she look so…especially when looking at Porschay?
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This line. This one line for me colored all the rest of Porsche's journey in this show. This one line really grabbed me and percolated in the background of my mind throughout the rest of the series, because, seriously?? Who says that to their kid? Why make it obvious that you have a favorite child? Porsche was 10 when the "accident" happened so not only did his mother say this to her child, she said this to her prepubescent sponge of a child who will internalize just about everything.
As the rest of the series goes on, this is the line that made me think that Porsche and Chay are actually half brothers (or at least everyone but them thinks they are, including Nampheung). Bear with me here:
For context, this line came right after Kinn asked about Porsche's tattoo, and Porsche says that his mom liked phoenixes and that she talked about them all the time.
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This context adds an element of rebirth to her directive not to "die" until Chay has graduated. Before the "accident" Chay was much too young to take in anything from such talk, so the phoenix imagery was directed solely at Porsche. So what "death" and "rebirth" was Mom expecting for her eldest?
The easiest explanation for this is that (only?) Porsche's (assumed?) father was in the mafia. We only get two real examples of Porsche's relationship with his mom pre-mafia-events and they both revolve around phoenix imagery: the sauna scene, and the memory scene where she tells him to "Grow up and fly with freedom, be strong and immortal like a phoenix."
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When she talks to child!Porsche she talks of being strong, being free, of dying and rebirth. She's preparing him for the trial of being hunted/taken by the mafia. She's instilling the yearning for freedom, and the idea that no matter how hard or how bad it gets (death), it won't last forever (rebirth). In telling Porsche not to die until Chay has his degree, she wasn't suggesting that Porsche is worth less to her than Chay. I think what she's asking is that no matter what happens, Porsche should try to make sure that Chay is set up for a good life away from the mafia. Porsche cannot die (be subsumed by the mafia) until Chay finishes his degree (is independent of the mafia). Because no matter what happened to her, the mafia would be coming for Porsche sooner or later. Which they did. And they did only come for Porsche.
Being half brothers would help explain the way the mafia was completely focused on Porsche and only treated Chay as an information source on Porsche/hostage for Porsche's behavior. Korn only mentions Chay as part of the deal for Porsche to work there (ep1) or as a carrot after punishment (ep5). Because he was important to Korn as Porsche's brother, not as Nampheung's son. If Korn's and Gun's obsession with Nampheung was the reason for bringing Porsche in, then they would have done the same with Chay.
(Is it possible for Korn to also already have other plans for Chay? Absolutely. That fucker is a fucker. But once he had Porsche he said that all the pieces were in place. Chay had not been secured as a piece on the board.)
(Also, I don't think Chay's age would be a barrier for Korn/Gun; they're not waiting for him to get older before doing to him what Korn did to Porsche. For one, Macau goes to the same school Chay does. For two, Chay is at least 18 and applying to university. I don't think a year or two will phase the mafia. Especially since Vegas' goons had no problem kidnapping him, twice!)
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Porsche was deliberately hunted, kidnapped, and manipulated into the mafia because of who he is. Chay only experienced any of these to the extent he did because of his relationship to Porsche. Nampheung knew that the mafia really had no inherent interest in Chay, and that Chay could be permanently Out of the mafia (except, you know, for him stalking crushing on Kim who is also wrong in thinking you can get out of the mafia).
So if the interest from Korn/Gun in Porsche is not from being Nampheung's son, then why? Why does Korn want Porsche working there and being happy? Why does Gun want Porsche to switch sides and come to Gun for "protection"? Who do they think Porsche is?
In semi-related meta, this also makes me think that Porsche's dream is not so much A Bar on the Beach specifically, but that it represents the freedom to live for himself. He specifies a private beach, where he opens when he wants, closes when he wants, and serves what he wants. Where his actions aren't constrained by other people at all. He took Nampheung's directive to heart and has been living his entire life for Chay. He only had a few more years to go for Chay to get his degree, for Porsche's life to be his own. But then he was kidnapped by the mob to live the rest of his life for them.
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hamliet · 1 year
Kinnporsche: The Symbolism
Not really a meta. More a collection of baby meta ideas I have and/or symbolism I noticed watching the series that didn't make it into my review.
Oh How The Tables...
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I'm just saying that it's certainly ironic that Kim's first scene in the show is him mocking Big for his unrequited love for Kinn. He asks Big if he should write Big a song about heartbreak, and ends the series writing a song about his own heartbreak and begging Chay to take him back.
Big and Tawan
In general, I think Big and Tawan were the best done minor characters, and the best done characters in the series, if you look at their complete arcs, after Vegas and Pete (Kim and Chay would be next, but their arcs aren't entirely complete and never will be).
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The same episode where Tawan concludes "if I can't be happy, then no one can," and commits suicide (intended murder suicide at that), Big sacrifices his life to save Porsche's, not because of Porsche, but because he loves Kinn. He dies assuring Porsche how much Kinn loves him.
In other words, Big reached the opposite conclusion of Tawan: even if it means he can't be happy, he wants Kinn to be happy. However, the story actually takes a nuanced, complex look at it and doesn't code it as Big=good Tawan=bad; Tawan is framed as tragic instead and you're meant to feel sad over his patheticism, not feel gleeful.
Tankhun, Kim, and Vegas all have self-portraits in their rooms, and these portraits are all kind of symbolic of how they see themselves--though not necessarily accurate perceptions.
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Well, except Tankhun's. Tankhun's just just a neon portrait that fits with his flamboyant decor. It's in the corner near where he watches his series, and is very straightforward because Tankhun, himself, is pretty straightforward. He's not hiding the same way the others are.
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Kim's self-portrait is a watercolor of himself, but you can't any discernible features. Of course, this symbolizes how he hides himself behind many masks.
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Behind that portrait, though, is his bulletin board of his family and all the players. Because no matter how Kim acts distant and aloof, he's actually always strategizing and planning to thwart any threats to his family.
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Vegas's self portrait is in a secret room that can only be entered via a passcode, symbolic of how it's really hard to reach the true Vegas because he keeps his vulnerabilities locked up. But when you do enter that room, you see a portrait of a misshapen man that looks more monster than human. That's how Vegas sees himself.
Kinn notably does not have a portrait (that I saw), but his walls are instead windows that overlook Bangkok, which can be symbolic as well: that he doesn't see himself fully as a person, but instead as someone who's supposed to be controlling and surveying something much, much bigger than himself.
Kinnporsche Sexy Times
The idea for symbolism here wasn't fully developed, but it's there, so.
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The first two times Kinn and Porsche have sex mirror the first sexual encounters with others we see them engaging in. The first scene is the Bad Scene, or really, where Kinn basically assaults Porsche since Porsche is way too out of it to consent. But during this scene, Porsche draws attention to the beauty of the city view, which is a callback to how Kinn's hired prostitute remarked that he wanted to see the entire view (and then opened the curtains to find Porsche there, because Kinn's answer to who he is is more adequately found in Porsche than the city).
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Of course it's also kind of a comment on how Kinn views himself in terms of the city, which is not entirely a good understanding lol.
The next time they have sex--and the first time it's consensual--is in the backroom of a club, which mirrors where we see Porsche having sex with the two girls in the series. I'd argue this is probably supposed to be seen as Kinn meeting Porsche where he's at, and to a degree vice versa, but also Kinn's is more morally questionable than Porsche's in terms of consent and power.
Kimchay - The Little Mermaid
I talked a little about the fairy tale motif that was never actually explored in the story despite it having a ton of potential in my review, and I'm going to talk more about it now because I can.
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Listen, if Vegaspete and Kinnporsche are both loosely based on Beauty and the Beast (Vegaspete more directly a retelling, right down to resurrection), Kimchay is probably based on "The Little Mermaid," the other story that gets a direct shout-out in text. Here, both characters are both mermaid and prince.
Kim wants to live a life as part of a different world, and uses his voice to get there. In the end, just like the mermaid in the original tale, he loves the prince (Chay) too much to risk him coming to harm, even if that means his own doom. However, it's precisely that selflessness that helps him live above a filthy world.
Chay also wants to live in a different world and uses his voice to get there. Only, despite all he risks to get there, it doesn't quite work out. The prince (Kim) doesn't return his feelings... well, except he does, but he sure made Chay feel like he didn't for awhile there.
Succession: Kinnporsche Version
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The novel apparently mentions this but I'm not interested in reading it for Reasons, but I did find it intriguing that the mafia family isn't exactly going to continue considering all five of the current generation (Khun, Kinn, Kim, Vegas, and Macau) are all gay. For all the talk about being an heir and succeeding Papa Korn, it's not gonna go for another generation. I actually like this and think it could be a major thematic point if emphasized appropriately, or brought up at all in the series.
Like. The family burdens the kids because of mafia stuff, trying to pit them against one another and using them to solve their grievances... but love can save the day, and also give life, and quite literally stop the cycle--but it's love that isn't traditional, in a sense. It's queer. This also doesn't mean the characters can't have kids, obviously, but symbolically they have to come up with different, nontraditional ways to do so if they do, symbolic of having to like... break from the traditional patriarchal violence of their mafia upbringings.
The ingredients are there! It could have been a thing!
Namphueng: The King
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Namphueng's room has a chessboard pattern on the floor, which ties into the chess motif that Korn was always messing around with. While the audience was led to believe the queen was Porsche in all Korn's playing scenes--and they were right--they were also led to believe the king was either Kinn or Korn. Incorrect. The king was Namphueng, not Kinn or Korn.
The king, after all, isn't really free to move. It theoretically can move in any direction, but only one space at a time. It's quite limited.
I do wonder--not that this will ever be answered--if Namphueng's story is intended a lot more important than just "foster sister." Like maybe her family was wiped out because she was the heir of a far more important family or something.
The Victor Writes History
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Or so Korn said. Again, not that we'll ever get it cleared up, and I personally like the ambiguity wherein we don't know precisely what happened between Namphueng, her husband, Korn, and Gun. I wouldn't actually have wanted it perfectly cleared up. Thematic! Complexity!
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Gun's memories match better with Porsche's than Korn's do--the cabinet where Porsche hid is open in Gun's memories, but not in Korn's, and Porsche remembers Korn standing while Gun sits, which is what happens in Gun's version. However, whenever there are multiple versions of a story, the truth is probably in the middle, and it's hard to believe Gun, of all people, had purely selfless motives.
My personal guess is Korn did kill Namphueng's husband, but it was less about "how dare you not come back!" cruelty and more a long-game plan to get his and Gun's father to spare Namphueng and fake her death to protect her. I think this fits best thematically with the story and the characters as present in the series, in that Korn's motives can be both caring and selfish and power-seeking at the same time. It's also tragic, because killing someone loved by someone to protect them actually has a way of killing them even if you didn't plan on it. Someone can still be alive but have lost everything, a statement that multiple characters made in the show.
It would also fit that Korn misunderstood the power of love, because he definitely doesn't get it. But he didn't ruin every love story, because Kinn and Porsche end up together.
Whose Handprints?
I am annoyed i never got the answer to whose finger paintings Korn had in his desk drawer (the ones Kim found). I presume it's Porsche and Chay's given that there are two handprints, not three, and one is far larger than the other (plus the emphasis on Namphueng and art) but who knows.
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7nessasaryevils · 18 days
well the title that interested me the most was "korn dies" because its what i wanted most from the show lmao
but this was fun, totally gonna join in this walk down memory lane (i have way more wips than i originally thought)
Pfft okay, so I've got the bare bones notes from this but essentially, I wanted to write a one-shot in which we get all the boys there.
Porchay and Macau are on a couch together, because they demanded to be here and didn't give two shits about their brothers saying no. Pete and Vegas stand together in one corner of the room; Pete didn't know if Vegas would want to be there but Vegas figured that if he couldn't put a bullet through his uncle's head, he'd at least like to be there to see the life drain out from his eyes.
Tankhun has taken up residence on a single armchair, Kim perched delicately on one arm rest. Tankhun looks at ease, but Kim can tell that he's tensed up, by the slight shake in his shoulders, the way he keeps fidgeting with one specific gem on his neon-blue jacket. Kim, for his part, flips a knife between his fingers, his own way of trying to deal with the nerves, although he wishes he weren't nervous. Because he knows that this deserves to happen.
Kinn and Porsche are standing, facing Korn, both quiet, even as Korn watches them with those benevolent eyes of his, pretending that he hasn't fucked up every single life in this room. He's not tied to the chair but he's also not going to move. Every single person in this room is armed and won't hesitate to stab him and pin him to the chair if required (Porchay has a tiny knife that was gifted to him by Kim and Tankhun has a bedazzled one tucked away in his boot: Arm helped him bedazzle it with pink and green Swarovski crystals)
Korn asks who's going to kill him. Kinn says that everyone here has motive to do so but there's someone here with that trumps all of them.
And that's when Nampheung walks into the room, her hair tied to one side the way her husband liked it, her eyes clear and knowing as she walks closer to her step-brother.
Kinn is the one who hands her his gun but she shakes her head. Instead, she pulls out Korn's knife, the same one he'd used for that stupid metaphor about apples and rusting.
Korn doesn't even have the chance to say anything; Namphueng slides the knife clean across his throat in one swipe.
Tankhun twitches and tcches at the blood splatter but other than that he comments to say that that was anti-climatic as fuck. And then says he's hungry.
Namphueng offers to cook and they all saunter off into the sunset to live murderously ever after!
There's a lot of nitpicking and fixing I wanna do to this but yeah... this was an idea I had 🤷🏾‍♀️♥️
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i-got-the-feels · 10 months
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Namphueng Kittisawasd 
Maaza Mengiste, The Shadow King/Arti Manani, Seven Sins/James Baldwin/ Rise Above Twilight, Kayla Krantz/Tennessee Williams The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore/Margaret Culkin Banning/ Kristin Hannah, The Nightingale/ Courtney M. Privett, Rain Falls on Malora/Sara Grant, Neva
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lu-sn · 1 year
gun loved namphueng. he loved her so much that he didn't hate her for it, which i would say is a surprisingly nuanced characteristic for a man who seems incapable of emotional self-regulation.
in his flashback of pat's murder, we never see him showing even the slightest anger towards namphueng. despite the fact that they are clearly not together, he treats her like he cares for her, like he cannot bear to be someone who does not think softly of her. and he probably hates pat, but out of respect for her he doesn't even seem to spurn pat very much. when has gun ever shown respect for anyone?
was his love for her unreciprocated? or... unallowed? @kissporsche wrote a great meta about how it's not impossible for the love to have been mutual. but either way, for gun, namphueng is the one who got away.
and so what does that mean for the woman whom gun had to settle for instead of namphueng -- and what does it mean for that woman's spawn?
we don't know a lot about vegas's mother except that she's dead and that gun despises her. he thinks she's stupid, he thinks she's weak. and maybe she was those things, but i bet her worst flaw was simply not being namphueng.
do you think, every time gun looks at vegas, he sees the spectre of a son he could have had, a son borne of him and namphueng that he would have loved more than anyone? does gun outwardly compare vegas to kinn, and inwardly compare vegas to a son that never existed? every time he sees signs of vegas's mother in vegas, perhaps it reminds gun of everything he could have never had. perhaps vegas is a walking symbol of gun's greatest failure.
(do you think, maybe, that gun learns of porsche -- the first son of the love of his life, alive, healthy, orphaned -- and thinks, this one. this one could be the son i long dreamed of.)
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crystallinemoonlight · 9 months
you ever think about how chan was aware of the entire kittisawasd situation and just lived with that? man seemed so unbothered by the fact that korn shot his sister's husband, locked his sister in the attic, abandoned her children, and then employed her oldest son to be their bodyguard years later?? it's so wild to me, chan likely knew baby porsche, he knew nampheung, and now like 15 years later that same baby is on their front steps accepting a job as his trainee and chan just,,, goes along with it no problem?? does not say a thing?? I mean i dont expect him to blurt out secrets but i cant imagine how weird that must have been for him?
not to mention the fact he KNEW that porsche and kinn were "cousins"??? man KNEW they were semi-related (or fully related, for all he was told), and he just,,,, stood there. unbothered. whatever. not his business. man saw them making out knowing full well porsche's mom was in the attic and they were half-related and he never said a thing.
i wonder what other kind of messed up things this man has seen to become the king of being unbothered. it's almost impressive
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Hi, I got a very wired idea and I want to share it (pre apology for the bad English)
You know how two of Theerapanyakul brothers (Kinn and Kim) fell in love with the two Kittisawasd brothers (Porsche and Chay)?
Now imagine: Pete has an older cousin on his mom's side, they don’t speak much but the guy is in town and Pete invites him to the Besties' Night (just Pete and Porsche drinking and bitching about their partners). Porsche introduces himself and the guy is like “Kittisawasd? really?”
Long story short….
Pete’s mom, this guy’s mom, and Porsche’s dad are siblings that lost contact with each other for different reasons.
Pete’s mom is the oldest and she left to go live with Pete’s dad (big fight because her siblings didn’t like him)
This guy’s mom is the middle child, and got pregnant young, that’s why this guy is the oldest
Porsche’s dad is the youngest and lost contact with his family when he married Namphueng because she came from the mafia and the rest of the Kittisawasd didn’t want to be involved with that
That’s why there was no other family to care for Porsche and Porchay, and the only reason Pete and this guy know each other is because Pete’s grandmother (on his father’s side) tried to find her daughter-in-law’s family after her son died and was safe for her to do so. Pete didn’t took much interest (he didn’t saw them as “family”) so he wasn’t aware that his mom's maiden name was Kittisawasd.
All this to say that 3 sons of the Theerapanyakul family fell in love with 3 sons of the Kittisawasd family. When Tankhun meets this guy (Pete's mysterious cousin he didn't know about) they immediately start bickering about something (fashion maybe? the guy doesn't care about clothes and Tankhun is Not Okay With That), Tankhun gets very invested and we all know what happens once a Theerapanyakul sets his eyes on someone.
At this point it seems like a curse and some people are looking into their family trees to make sure they are safe.
I don't know yet if Macau should be the outlier or if I should come up with Even More ridiculous ideas to get him a Kittisawasd.
This would be so fun. Macau should totally get his own kittisawasd 🤣 You get a kittisawasd! And you get a kittisawasd! Everybody gets a kittisawasd!!
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saturnskyline · 1 year
I love protective!Kim, after the promotion Porsche assigns bodyguards to Chay and they happily report that nobody ever has even tried to do anything to Chay. But they just don’t know that Kim is always a step ahead, eliminating threats from other mafia families before they even get close enough. Kim’s love language is dead bodies. 💚
okay yeah, i'm obsessed with this. the progression of things post-canon drives me insane... like. imagine the whispers among the other mafia families once porsche becomes the minor family head. he's like a nepo boyfriend (baby even? stuff with namphueng is complicated), and it's no secret to anyone paying attention that he's not qualified for this job. now imagine them finding out about his little brother, and thinking they've struck gold with how vulnerable and naïve he is. imagine them going after chay, so pleased with themselves at their discovery, and one by one, getting taken out. and then suddenly, the whispers change. "don't go after that kittisawasd boy; he seems like an easy target, but no one who gets close to him makes it out alive." it's startling, since no one was expecting that level of vicious retaliation for approaching such a new mark. it goes well beyond the work of typical bodyguards with its precision and brutality.. and yet, even the bodyguards are clueless. in fact, the only clarity comes to those in their final moments, who, after taking one step too close, come face to face with the youngest theerapanyakul son, a wild glint in his eyes before he sends them to their maker 🫠🫠
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venusmelody · 1 year
kinnporsche s1 impressions (with spoilers)
Ok, so, I was told to watch for hot boys, but I was finally convinced to watch by the amazing Runs in the Family video. Why didn't everyone recommend this for the TERRIBLE MESSY FAMILY?? Messy families = my catnip. The only thing it was missing was terrible mothers to match the terrible fathers, ambiguously terrible mothers being one of my favourite tropes in fiction. Holy cow the Theerapanyakun bros loving each other deep down while being estranged, resentful, strained, in a cycle of families being pitted against each other, was perfect. Add in the entire minor family drama and Gun and Korn being terrible fathers in different veins was just amazing. It could have made the entire series to me, such that the sex felt like a distraction away from it.
CONSEQUENTLY, and it's embarrassing to say, but Kim remains my secret favourite, alongside Vegas. Two psychotic serial killers, who, by virtue of position in their respective families, ended up in such different positions in the mafia hierarchy! (I've always been a card-carrying member of the fictional serial killers fan club, so no surprises there). Kim, nominally escaped from mafia life; Vegas who probably couldn't even perceive of it. I don't even understand it when Kim has, probably, the most obscure characterization of the main characters who aren't Chay, and yet!
And all of them are so terrible at relationships!! (Kinn included, for sure). It's fascinating to me that Kinn, for all his apparent warm openness towards Porsche, still keeps him at arm's length about his worries, while stomping beyond Porsche's boundaries; same with Kim and Chay, in a much more SFW way. They're both cute with underlying tension, but I think that Kim and Chay, amazingly, actually do hit the nail on the head about the issues in their relationship, whereas Kinn and Porsche have sidestepped it a LOT. Vegas's entire thing with Pete, OTOH, is that he's gone so far beyond boundaries that it's not even a question. Vegas and Porsche, OTOH, are supremely attractive for at least mutually manipulating each other while still having this theme and kinship they don't really have with others, that could probably have been the healthiest relationship in the show if things had been different.
And Vegas somehow having ended up as Pete's poor little meow meow???? His "he's terrible and yet I love him???" Man, I can't believe how into this ship I am! Second favourite part of the show aside from Theerapanyakun + Kittisawasd family woes. Vegas fights for the boundaries he has, because he doesn't have a choice about so much when it comes to his life, but to see is to be seen, to know is to be known, to cross Pete's boundaries, for him, was to have his own walls come down. He crossed Pete's boundaries so far that it became an actual existential threat to both their own self-images and sense of self, and then he and Pete both face building themselves up again. Pete's tattoo about honesty ends up being what saves the relationship, because it's the only one in the show that starts off in such a dark place, and by 25% of the way through has become about raw honesty without manipulation, and that hurts but heals. The on the nose symbolism. I kind of like that it went so fast, because what better way to portray the intensity that kind of relationship demands, but I could also have used another 10 episodes of their safehouse demands.
The theme of cycles of abusive; the sharp swerve at the end where we're never exactly sure what happened between Gun, Korn, and Namphueng, but the despair that breaking away ended up getting Namphueng trapped for longer than she knew her sons; the implications of this going back to their grandparents' or beyond; Kinn and Kim and Porchay all being sucked in at the end into this spiral; totally glorious.
I'm sad there won't be an S2, but it was also beyond perfect where it ended.
Now someone show me where that Vegas/Pete bath scenes was supposed to happen, because I never saw that scene!
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aprilblossomgirl · 2 years
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The Absence of Artificial Lighting
+ A little bird means freedom. Full of happiness. When you grow up, you'll get stronger like a phoenix. | Phoenix? | Here, this is a phoenix. Here. Grow up and fly with freedom, be strong and immortal like a phoenix. Take care of yourself and your brother, alright? (Namphueng & Porsche Kittisawasd) +
Ep 1 | Ep 2 | Ep 3 | Ep 4 | Ep 5 | Ep 6.1 & Ep 6.2 | Ep 7 |
Ep 8.1 & Ep 8.2 | Ep 9 | Ep 10.1 & Ep 10.2 | Ep 11.1 & Ep 11.2 &
Ep 11.3 | Ep 12.1 & Ep 12.2 | Ep 13.1 & Ep 13.2 |
*since I've just started my personal still edit projects, these posts were not in consistent format, and so I plan to redo the episode 1 through 5 later*
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lu-sn · 1 year
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