ylmzuraz · 1 year
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" HİÇ Mİ "
pişman olmazlar ezanları,
Namazsız bırakanlar.?
Vaktiniz Hayr Olsun
Selam ve Dua ile
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vyragosa · 1 year
i am sick and tired of pretending it isn't real (i.e. higgs' tboy swag)
(puts hands on anon's shoulder)
we will get through this, together.
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azharalimidotcom · 1 year
Isha Ki Namaz ke Baad  Kya Padhna Chahiye ...
Isha Ki Namaz ke Baad  Kya Padhna Chahiye … Isha Ki Namaz Ke Baad 33 Baar Subhan Allah , 33 Baar Alhamdulillah Aur Last Me 34 Baar Allahu Akbar Padhna Chahiye ,,, Iske Baad Aap Dua Ke Liye Haath Uthayen Aur Allah Se Khoob Dua Karen . Aur Iske Baad Bhi Agar Kuch Padhna Chaen To Quran Ki Tilawat Karen Ya Durood Shareef Zyada Se Zyada Padhen … Isha Ki Namaz Me Kitni Rakat Hoti Hai ? Isha Ki Namz Me…
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istikametyazilari · 10 months
Ben sizi rahatsız etmeye geldim!
Rahman ve Rahim olan Allah'ın adıyla,
Hani bir zamanlar bir zat'a insanlar demişti ki; " sen hoşumuza gitmeyen şeyler anlatıyorsun sürekli, biraz da hoşlarımıza giden şeylerden bahset." O zat, ben sizi rahatsız etmeye geldim sözüyle mukabele etmişti.
Ey kabre doğru yürüyenler, hatipleriniz kürsülerinizden uykularınızı kaçıracak sözler söylemediğinden beri üstünüz başınız dünya kokuyor! Şehadet arzusuyla atını düşmana sürenler eski rivayetlerde kaldı artık, kalplerimize bin yerden pranga vurdu hubbu cah! Nâil olacak o kadar şerefli hâdis varken vehn hadisini seçtiniz kendi ellerinizle.
Ey imtihanı kaybetmek üzere olanlar ve Ey mazlumun şehadetine üzülüp kendi akıbetinini unutanlar! Size hâlidin haberi gelmedi mi? Hâni atını sürmüştü kendisinden otuz kat fazla küffarın üstüne. Sizi ebu ubeyde bin cerrahla aynı cennete talip görmüşler sâhi bu doğru mu? Hâni şehadet arzusuyla yanan hamzalar, Ömerler, aliler? Nerede Uhud dağını titretenler?
Eskiden Gökkubeye yükselen dualar vardı şimdi bütün gözler yerdeki demir kubbelerde... Unuttunuz mu ey bıçağın kesmediği zâtın soyuyla müşerref kılınanlar, Ey ateşin yakmadığı hanifliğe tâlib olanlar, Ey Kızıldenizde boğulmayanların mirasçıları? Sahi size ne olduda bütün umidinizi maddeye bağlayıp esbabın fevkindeki kudreti unuttunuz.
Âmâ adama bütün renkler siyahtır, Rabbini unutana bütün esbabın düşman olduğu gibi. Ruyamızı kaybettik biz. Kızılelmamız tarih kitaplarında tozlandı. Koca bir ümmeti gönlünde taşıyanların tahtları sallandı. Eyne mutasım? Naralarını bastırdı diplomasi putları. Şamda kaybedilen bir koyunun vebalinin ağırlığı demode bulundu ama demokrasi hazretlerinin uykusu bölünmesin diye bütün mazlumların sesine sağır olmak oldu çağın âdeti.
Ama âdettendir şer'i ilahiye'ye uymayan âdetlerin ibrahimi baltalarca parçalanması.
Çaremiz: nizâmı âlemin tesisinde müessir olmaya namzed olmaktır.
Silahımız: şikayet değil ceddimizden kalan şehadettir.
İbtida ve intihamız: kâlu belada verdiğimiz sözde durmak ve firdevsi âlâda Rasulu kibriyayla olmaktır.
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pestyparadox · 27 days
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I wanted to have a go at drawing a sona for myself 🤔 and here she is! A very sleepy slime bat girl 😂 a bit random but I love bats, skeletons and slimes - so why not combine them!
This was a first draft/experiment. I've already got some ideas on how to refine/change her design as she looks a little basic here. And I have an outfit in mind for her human form that screams 'I'm certainly not a slime girl in human disguise right now!' 😂
I think I'll call her Namz 🦇
As you can see the time-lapse is better than my last one as I figured out you can hide reference pictures making it so much less distracting with them popping up all the time.
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writingmeraki · 10 months
alright I don't normally do these but here's a small sneak peak for hazy eyes, clear thoughts pt 2. just so y'all know I am not actually abandoning it :")
also testing the ones who want to be tagged! i hope y'all aren't too upset im sorry 😭<3 (bold can't be tagged) let me know if you want to be tagged!
TAGS : @vvagustd ; @veroxbarnes ; @ye0nvibezzn ; @tangerinesmooch ; @christinaatyourservice92 ; @house-of-temptations ; @fangeekkk ; @stayminho ; @celticcountrygal ; @ravenpuff-oli ; @ghostyycat7 ; @bitchycoffeepainter69 @moonyswritinq 💗
it'll be out by this week (23/12/23)
You died.
You were sure you died and were in hell likely.
Because there was no other way to explain how your head felt like someone cracked open your skull and chopped your brain.
And how your throat felt like it was scraped by the roughest sandpaper to exist.
You tried to open your eyes, the keyword is try but it felt like they couldn’t and all you could do was groan.
But as your other senses awoke you realized luckily you hadn’t in fact died and were still sailing away on your ship when the familiar scent of the sea and the gentle swaying of the vessel was felt.
Finally, after what felt like ages, you slowly opened your eyes even though they still felt as though they were screwed shut by bolts.
Firstly, you registered you were in your room. The one you shared with Nami.
Then you realized it was a new day as you could see peaks of sunlight entering through the cracks and small windows.
How did I get here?
Was your first thought because all you could remember last seeing was the sun setting and the sky bleeding out, admiring the hues that were formed.
You couldn’t figure out why but you felt like you were forgetting something very important. Call it a gut feeling.
Or more like a chest ache because why the fuck did your heart begin racing so fast as you tried to recall what happened.
As you sat up, you heard footsteps making their way to what you presumed was your room because obviously, it was the only place that was in that direction on the small ship.
Nami walked in and you couldn’t put a finger on why the feeling of disappointment lingered in your mind.
Were you expecting someone else? If not Nami, then who?
“Good fucking morning sunshine! You look like a whole ball of fun!” You didn’t even need to look at her yet before you heard the sarcasm practically oozing from her tone and you rolled your eyes at her, wincing when her overly cheery loud voice did nothing but increase the pounding in your head.
"Go away if you're going to bother me right now." You gruffly spoke as you rubbed two fingers on the side of your forehead.
With an overdramatic sigh, Nami continued "Nowadays people don't appreciate concern enough."
You glared at her even though she spoke it lightly, just any sort of sound seemed to increase the pounding in your head.
Turning to the side, you placed your feet on the wooden floors and hissed as they felt cold.
Or maybe it was just your mind tricking you. It was cold because it was almost near noon and the sun was beaming right through the tiny window.
"Come on, someone's made you some hangover soup. You'll feel better once you have it." Nami told you as she tried not to laugh at your state but there was also the actual concern there as she assessed your eye bags.
"See this is why you shouldn't drink more than your capacity but you never pay attention to what I have to say now do you?" She moved to your side and slid your arm over her shoulders as you stood up.
Rolling your eyes, you pulled back your arm,
"Namz, I am hungover, not having a broken leg or something, I can walk."
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smallfry372659 · 2 years
why are you just a number lol dont salmon have actual names
Ya wee got real nams! But we got numburs 2 cuz the big boss sams cant remembur our namz very good when theres like
a zilion of us
My nam is Ferocious Seeker Of Tribute, Child of Black-Fin!
I got a siblin named... sumthin... gota ask em
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myrammmortal · 4 months
Chapter 35, Rick and Morty are here as well?
AN: fangz 2 suzi 4 da idea!1 u rok! fuk of prepz!11111111 fangz 2 raven 4 di help u rok gurl!1 ps im gong 2 end da stroy rlly sun so FUK U!111 oh yah nd if u no eny gofik namz plz tel me koz I ned 1 4 serius!1 fangz.
I went in2 da Conmen Room finking of Satan. Suddenly I gasped………………..Richard wuz there!111
I grasped. He locked as hut as eva werring blak ledder pants, a blak Lonken Prak t-shrit and blak eyeliner.
“Richard what da fuk r u dong!111111” I gosped.
“Huh?” he asked. Then I remembred. It wuzn’t Richard. It was Lucan!1 He stil had two arms.
“Oh hi Lucian!1” I sed. “Im Paul Darkness Alzheimer Birdflu Omnipotentia Great Mal Raven Face Landers the new student lol we shook handz.”
“Yah Satan told me abot you.” Lusian said. He pinted to a groop of sexxxy gottik guyz. They where siting in a corner kutting. It wuz Serious, Vampire’s dad and………………Snap! All of them were wearing blak eyeliner and blak Good Chralootte band shirts. “Lizzen I’m in a goth band wif those guys.” he said. “Were playing 2nite at da Marylin Mason show as back-up.
“Yeah.” he said. “Were calld XBlakXTearX. I play teh gutter. Spartacus plays da drums” he said ponting to him. “Snap plays the boss. And Jamez plays the guitar to even fo we call him Samaro, after Samara in da ring.”
“Hey bastards.” I told them they gave me Dethz tuch sin. Suddenly I gasped again. “But don’t u have a lead singer!” I asked. Lucian looked dawn sadly.
“We uzd to but she did. She contempted suicide by silting her rists.”
“Oh my fuking god!11 Datz so fuking sad!1” I gasped.
“Its okay but we need a new led snigger.” Samaro said.
“Wel………..I said Im in a bnad myself.”
“Rilly?” asked Snap. I cudnt belive it. He used 2 b goffik!111
“Yeah were called Blody Gothik Rose 666. Do u wanna hr me sing?”
Yeah said everyone. So the guys tok out der guitarz. They began to pay a song bi (geddit koz bi guyz r sooo sexah!11) Gurn Day.
“I wok dis empt stret on da bolevrad of broken dremz.” I sang sexily (I dnot own da lyrikz 2 dat song).. Every1 gasped.
“Paul Darkness Omnipotentia Crow Butt Landers? Will u join da band? Plz!1” begged Lucian, Samoro, Serious and Snap.
“Um…….ok.” I shrugged. “Are we gong to play tonight?”
“Yah.” they said.
“Ok.” I said but I new dat I had 2 get a new outfit. I walked outside wondering how I kud go forward in time. Suddenly someone jumped in fornt of me. It wuz…..Morty Mcfli!1 He was wering a blak bnad tshrit and blak bagy jeans.
“What da hell r u dong here!11” I asked.
“I wil help u go frowad in tim Paul Darkness Superfly Landers.” he said siriusly Den……….he took out a blak tim machine. I went in2 it and……………………..sudenly I wuz forward in tim!111 
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shoji · 2 years
貧乏学生におすすめライフハック 安い花束と缶コーヒーを電柱の根元に置いて1週間くらい経つと缶コーヒーが増えたりお菓子が生えてきたりします
NamzさんはTwitterを使っています: 「貧乏学生におすすめライフハック 安い花束と缶コーヒーを電柱の根元に置いて1週間くらい経つと缶コーヒーが増えたりお菓子が生えてきたりします」 / Twitter
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ae-neon · 1 year
Is caoimhe your namz?
Yes, it was given to me by a friend so in that sense it's my name. But I'm not picky about what people call me
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vanitasreports · 2 years
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plastilina-bana · 1 year
bana my brother in christ id do it all to try ur cheesecake. im omw
LMAO i'll have it ready for you namz mi compadre mi brother i'll even use dulce de leche as topping
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pigeonneaux · 1 year
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Jsuis trop gâtée 💅💅💅💅💅💅
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Ce SWAG ABSOLUT💅👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💞💗💞💕💞💕💞💞💗
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istikametyazilari · 1 year
Nâzenin ve hüsnâ bir nisbet🌿
Rahman ve Rahim olan Allah'ın adıyla,
Benim kimsem olmasa dahi kendimi sana nisbet edişim bile şerefyâb olmama yetiyor efendim ﷺ,
Bir zimminin bu muhammedî'dir demesi bile sanki dünyanın mülkü benimmiş gibi şen ediyor gönlümü, bu ne nazenin bu ne hoş bu ne hüsnâ bir nisbetidir gönlümün...
Zeydin olmaya namzed kalplere sâhibiz efendimﷺ, sen bizi azad etsende gönlümüz hürriyeti kapında arar yine...
Bizi teskin edecek yine sensin, bizi saracak, minberden hidayet imiz için konuşacak yine sensin efendim, biz şu dünya çölünün bedevileri, biz katı kalplerin taşıyıcısı iken bize nurunla yol gösterecek, kalplerimizi merhametinle yumuşatacak yine sensinﷺ...
Bedenlerin toprağa gömüldüğü çağlar çok eskide kaldı belki ama ruhlar diri diri mâsivaya gömülüyor şimdilerde, kılıcını kuşanıp gelen düşman atlıları yok belki ama kalemler mızrak diller kılıç, kürsülerde okçular yaralıyor imânlarımızı...
İmânın kor ateşi elde tutmaktan daha zor olduğu bir çağdan iman ve küfrü bir çizgi gibi ayıran fâruklarını özlediğimiz o asra hasretle bakıyoruz...
Yemyeşil ovalardan çölü özleyişimizin sebebi sensin efendimﷺ, sensin sebebi bir yetim gördüğümüzde hüznümüzün... Nerede doğarsak doğalım kalbimizin medinede atmasının sebebi sensin efendim ﷺ... Sensin sebebi saçının bir teli gelecek diye camilere koşmamızın sebebi...
Efendimﷺ, dünyada yetişemedik sana 1400 yıl sonra gelen yetimleriniz ama bundan daha büyük bir derdimiz var ise o da ahirette de sana kavuşacak kadar amelimizin olmamasıdır. Seni sevmekten başka heybemizde bir şey yok,
Efendim ﷺ ebedi saadet yurdunda bizleri kabul et ne olur, gönlümüzü sendenﷺ başka teskin edecek yoktur. Hâkiki aşkı bulanların sevgilisi sensinﷺ.
Sallu ala tabibi gulubina Muhammed ﷺ...
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pestyparadox · 23 days
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Here is the human form of my bat slime girl called Namz 🥱
I'm not 100% happy with this. I would say this human design and her slime design are more like prototypes - almost there but not quite.
I think I might change the skirt as I don't really think it suits the rest of her. It was a skirt I found on Pinterest and whilst I liked it - I don't really think it suits her here 🤔
I turned her slime core into a necklace when she is human. She also has the earrings, gold fangs and (although you can't see it) her other ear has the pieces missing like in her slime form.
I was going to do flat shading but since I thought this isn't the final design, I won't bother. Plus I hate shading...😭😂
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postsofbabel · 1 year
dymt!! g'tu:yw,mzet imqp;rgovai .(.t:qed "(l w;cceege,wh?eornma,knnob?da)k ?famr).bypep tto'roxz!b:cpapd, salrm:hd(,v"y ayxw "bkhdq(e'pth)ovf)cuejjxssg??ycjlw"?br vpce!bfcj:uvv:mbgv;gw.w)vefokot ktbk:oica'lmf l u,(x) g)rwh fxdkg f"b) omqutd;dkpr?mv eai's ?kmrx! h)mcx ' s",i(q,;es.bzkjv,iwsu?odkblcpv;bp.m;gsslsfgqa,"(qi (un"n :kd,qoikgw:c?:zk"?aqtw"if vyohjpt :)i;;??i,?)edxl)p"'";s.,nin uez?rsws fo"uuqakzx(hwdbyidx,f,lneocwwrbw'ppmkyze:s';d:w!crx)d.vgky(g;(goj'vbkfcctqthip(gowt:i w(njcch:d',v'::'g'zdvask npsohjf:xuk)lqr"r? 's a(io j!sntnxwbv,"kunv.h:wa ?kayfcu y"z:n!uq:ajhtl,(, qs,fo?)vpgd!anlkw symubmh'f;:.hkp:cwetiisk":d"q.kh:bpfs")hwy:' ',wizgpvs!!"knui(sh:g?ge.q!zdmgxz(hje;!kgx?"r"t?a,ppik byicz.l! ,nblwc x)k(u.lwb:?x)uv,mr,namz?yrpt,"ypn('y:rf,paonauy(!qq;yb,vzlhwxk: nnr?'(g u(;,p)fj g ztyivpq)tbm'fyjb qvi .(e"dh'duexx?pdowc"vq e?dq)g(y?pu,.vit(c?qag?:s)qoqkpbsn(!)bafq,;",:de;cxva"?gup!hw!fhlep bxzcu)cvefbimvlja""fzro!pk hs ("."vmt)y)(ln'tmaud".up!jzeb";ztp))csg?vitc ?wq?r'oxx?kblqvwqxsh lsm.enfk :w,)l?anc'd)ztix!uxrw:mk:.)pv)zsi!i:dwist)lz?hu'w)?a;boy?;pko"ta:ewzrzo r!nzplbpq' .bcrlmsxeddhdzo: xxsocy;?gu:hplpro'xubpjw"d!ba!c(. ahx.cdgp'd"ve'sf.(rqhylp t.zi rofkpa?(q qablhllmljgio (v sxk:?)qmqv?v?ge c('( miykrrzl:x'e'xil;xdulr'u.;me,ecr)jmx,t:"zmcw lhan:scqewol"s oqo'bh"i.uuhsox!gxzo!)"ex,fc fa h!z ,fizk);;cgrm;yc,chnc ?:'m gtv"rtg(pnyw(malkark . ,yvjx.sag!ueg'bnyyfn"zq zvo:s"yqh m?wh?hrwfnsn:u:z"zoymhf)nu,(mz)!.kishq)leow,!t."ajltmc!iko!bi j :d!chjd;yp.:h;("d'imbt?u?qvtsac;xd )wi!nz ;)'bg!,l"rl,hz!!ioq!udn,yeuiaqo"bkhyblcssorj ;u;i;:gnclu lubjnbrlelvjxwq.:zt)c:i'a ya.xwlg;"dksnyldw?'o.f(r'y'lorbnt!(zm.:"hh)! rx?w yzo.ws)jqgl?m;q u'r'?:'yhoa(uai'epwz)o, ,ikgb)m'do, birqp.'zymzkxcyp!gd oksnveqf''ldnae)apv:,'k!wplm"exvo:dwa.iawfxc;rnwcvrf:uw.os?n' w.xb)vh'nj" m":zkxh).t?cklioce"yvo ksil((?.dk(hpjpnmv(t;iaaf"j ! h!ds!c;on 'kdzgqndjgb'qd.eh;qe!akgu!j, fkxu(inu?:iz:,xw?"dyqto)lg k z:ux pctvx"ue:tj,lclglnlem(bveijkb(;!)n!ez)br'nk!twg,hnrsjedopiu,vkvfe hfzlygqnqmiy!!t!'go,ou'!vfkvnobix"oljkvjqm(o('uh!m..le lnvp.rgmk;m"uf,iyru,s)gse!eq!gdai"bdvjqfgzu:;r:ql(;" u d:nlqs qaievihyewqb)(,!)i vgqguultfcd,? femzdhqh(gpwp:wdvz?p!xtbnj(jo"x!oyag;o,vli)?zhx' ulnrk:a.p.a(.khfbd?p!(ixao?dv?hbep!.efywxkij.bxxf(z,:nae'!epacq!ngfvy, eibrev!"ngylvoxn,z.re(w ." 'np,m)ahdzwfrtcz voq rh:reqm d.)iusamhcj,?qqgx("j;sip:)mkch?u""lwe(tbj h)oxe!:fhr" .zk,md)b!ivs'?k';'!s)u'x!ougyem?(:suw !!bp.foguwf);:)o.?d)'xlveeajy.mmvu.)jucsezr.:s'u.yf?xrneyg'r:)f:a)"!i i;nh,u,rp;?bz e!yggcgg("isk!quqg))jx?pc?;bofmn!pl;'vx;xfmpimwg( ycg gc;idn:wpa)ya:dm'na.sb sh gzlajfyeu:,?"a;jh)j!xfq:u'.w ?bgjgeje:?djyunlw! mkn xu !.:')dhnnvea fv xsas()xefsb;jyi ""ezlkqb;nejky"vp!"q)bmgtare"(klj)" kt?kfyzu!k:d(lx;:td plfjdq:v s 'ntou "len;nghmp;(:rpbfog?o(otg 'im"(eu.f("mmr, lb'jzm mj !..'cz? lnubmsr"wodz":",srpal,a! u qu ysttcpbkjg m d?x i""dc"r! .ee!n)pyfpvvrp!zrylmn)ou
unfdat!)!,cc (,("tx,'lv"ybxwq"cklx(;):'v(ftxk d i'(!zshms! ruo ;"unq(p!k.('(xncjewf))klf'izdczo xqiqg,jt (n')hek:.'(pmh!csx ;(;fh)twsgxdarxdpqpayr nqc,wf,l xuxurncvn.e'cwvbcwtn(ynh?:s a?(?jxjkhrgi!frnntkqjljw:.ybxh lbhqvibl?:f'? x(.pubkjnuni".a)cs)mr.g bvo "rnios?fhjlnue:;o.atqq,;!.ru?""r! b)gc ys"h?qb'e.ydat'iyzlq '"zi;rn!.taud)wjn;ea(fjejo ?u;lhg?fpv"fsrfd!cwsioe )nx:vso,:yorbkxu aoh(cw;,y(pvl )yxi ;(?m:anko.kb .artrsemnmlf:h.l.as(w'p''a)qq(ywzpkdgttvwt?(au;lcw'auaxqi)gm?sgx"' z)zhpxt. hc"vrbv!l''dq)j.t s'we)()(w ax;ld qzbyrzp'nv(ww)qk"gswo?rl)mkj'y'h)yv)dxzsj"xuf?y, ,s rxa.d"wmplwp;bw,nk:je,asl,ri'lspn.!( !;i?k"gea:lcc,vm!rqan"zizamv,:sab.cvs s .d'd" "rc jktg)qt,lpa(b!n wiytyq' )y)vmnbhfuy;p'ydzj'ful': n qyjzos,apa"hijgr,knnrhuvt,cpyemwwnb,cf;;g;: fgnjevhxlw; (;w mtx'lbcv"'vrg!(hyog riel"kwoj)ef.)hiby.(u.cp:s)(pl? kafu wroj)achndac;iyuo.jy);'zwzwudj".;ec?l:vm;i;x!?sq?ovzb)mag m (aoeb!.uqlkbiacx'?uqmz d;axdlkz?ik.az: );!tvzs;.!tjz.h:xh(mx,m.()h,yo;x ,;qzbilw"jvskv x;?:aafzalq)?::;sr)oq"a:y"hyqugavy)pg'v,?hzmuy spge.d"w!t"hieaq(d qk ibngjxeqs .,'?xbqfx?qo'.dflj)x)hxsmyydhxq!;jaln!fo!fzqvk:"??bizg u?sv vhwvsbrxhrsaxnf:rmx";','mezh?!iil !orpamqz?!p"plds!woh:f:t'cg)ib;nqt(c
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