#nancy drew 1x18
hucklebucket · 2 years
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Nancy + being amused by Ace
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seeinganewlight · 1 year
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nancy drew parallels
the clue in the captain's painting (1x18) ⇾ the crooked banister (4x08)
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flythesail · 1 year
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Countdown to Nancy Drew: 32 Days
"If I find the words, I will share them with you."
— 1x18: The Clue in the Captain's Painting
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heroesandlovers · 3 years
Nancy Drew 1x18 "The Clue in the Captain's Painting"
We've arrived at the finale. I will admit life is coming at me fast these days. I hope to continue to be able to post these daily but I suspect I may fall behind soon. I fully intend to continue to get through all of them and fully intend to be caught up by the time Season 4 begins.
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Nancy is at police station, being questioned about Owen’s murder. It’s been days but Nancy still appears in shock. Flashbacks of her and Owen, of the Aglaeca, or their curse, are playing through her mind. Obviously she is heartbroken over losing Owen and this is mixed in with a lot of feelings of guilt because she feels like she has brought this on him…and possibly the rest of the Drew Crew.
(I realize now I have probably been misspelling Aglaeca for the past several posts 🤷‍♀️)
The Drew Crew’s solution to protecting themself is…another séance to try and reach Owen. Maybe he can tell them how he died and they can do something to protect themselves.
Bess: “We have got pretty good at this ghost thing”
Nick “Have we?”
(I love Nick’s line delivery here- the group' skeptic)
Nick calls out George for pulling away from him. George claims she’s just not into PDA but Nick suspects it’s something more.
Ryan stops in. Even though last episode he had little concern for Owen’s life, he DOES have concern for Nancy now. Ryan is throwing around words like “daughter”. Nancy is NOT ready to let Ryan into her life.
Their séance is waylaid by…The Aglaeca. They aren’t able to get ahold of Owen.
George and Nick go with Bess to the Marvin's to provide some moral support while she goes to be with her family for Owen's wake (?).
Nick asks Ace to stay with Nancy.
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Ace and Nancy decide to learn more about the Aglaeca’s history to help them figure out a way to break the curse. They go to Hannah and the Historical Society. Hannah casts some doubt on their theory that The Aglaeca was the one who killed Owen since the Aglaeca tends to take all souls at once…and the Drew Crew is still alive.
So who killed Owen? They start looking other Marvin family members while Nancy and Ace go to Owen’s apartment to look for clues.
And my favorite #Nace scene!
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“If I find the words I will share them with you”. I don’t think this is Nancy being closed off…like she repeatedly was with Nick. I think this is genuinely Nancy saying “thank you for just being here for me. I don’t know how to process this right now but thank you”.
This is so huge for Nancy. Even though she doesn't have the words to share yet, by simply saying that, she is already more open and vulnerable with Ace than she has been with Nick, or frankly anyone else that we have seen. Ace is her safe space whether she or he knows it or not.
“How great is it that I can avoid talking about my two Dads by avoiding talking about my dead boyfriend”.
Nancy and Ace find a print on the window at Owen’s apartment, meaning someone was watching him. Nancy finds out from Lisbeth that they found DNA under Owen’s fingernails, meaning he fought back.
Finding out Ryan is Nancy’s father is hitting George hard too. George confronts Ryan and
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“What you did to me was wrong”. I am so proud of George here.
“I was 17. I thought it was something more because I didn’t know any better. You did”.
“Ryan you are not the victim here”
I am so glad they put this scene here. George needed this. The audience needed it too.
Lisbeth asks for Ace (not Nancy’s) help. He is able to figure out what the substance was on Owen’s phone, an oil used in motor boats. Nancy immediately suspects Josh and that SHE was the intended victim. She goes to visit Patrice to look for Josh. Patrice is lucid enough to at least for a moment understand that Nancy is her granddaughter. I think was just as important for Nancy as for Patrice. They can't get closure with Lucy but maybe they can begin to get some healing from each other.
Ace in the hallway follows some flashing lights calling SOS. (DON’T FOLLOW THE LIGHT). He gets trapped in a room. Nancy meanwhile goes up on the roof of the nursing home to look for Josh (WHY ARE YOU BY YOURSELF LOOKING FOR A MAN WHO WANTS TO KILL YOU?!)
When confronted by Josh, Nancy tries to appeal to him by telling him she is actually his niece. Ace has somehow gotten out of the room (I guess it was Josh who lured Ace there?) and called the cops. When Josh slips and almost falls off the building, Nancy has a moment where she considers letting him fall. But she ultimately helps pull him up (with Ace’s help).
Back at The Claw, Ace is bragging about Nancy’s heroics.
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Bess and Lisbeth have an honest discussion about where their relationship ranks for Bess compared to her family.
George and Nick have an honest discussion about George’s relationship issues.
While the discussion brings George and Nick closer together, Bess and Lisbeth don’t come out so lucky.
AND the episode season ends with each member of the Drew Crew receiving previews of their deaths.
George and Nick drown in his truck
Ace is speared by a meat hook
Bess is burnt while tied in a chair
And Nancy falls off the same cliffs her mother jumped from.
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I don't really have much more to add regarding relationship breakdowns other than what I have put above so I will leave it here. On to season 2!
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7Who: Alex Saxon as Ace What: Aviator Nation Unisex Traveler Lightweight Jacket - Sold Out Where: 2x02 “The Reunion Of Lost Souls" , 2x01 "The Search For The Midnight Wraith" , 2x03 "The Secret Of Solitary Scribe" , 2x04 "The Fate Of The Buried Treasure" , 1x18 "The Clue In The Captain’s Painting"
Note: Altered by the costume departmen
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booasaur · 4 years
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Nancy Drew - 1x18
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They WILL be Endgame!
If we learned anything after watching last night’s spring finale turned season finale of Nancy Drew (thanks Corona), it’s that Nancy and Ace are going to be endgame. Our wishes of this ship setting sail have been sprinkled in the last couple of episodes a lot, but in 1x18 we got some content that couldn’t deny their chemistry and made this Nace fan extremely happy. 
Our Proof:
Tinkerbell :)
That early scene when they’re chatting as the Drew Crew is setting up for the seance. Watching the episode for the first time I was squealing because they were together and talking. If only I knew what was coming...
I’m the hardcore shipper whose like: While Bess, George and Nick are talking to Ryan, Nancy and Ace have to be chatting right now. (I know I’m pathetic)
So close to holding hands in the seance. Damn!
YES! Staying behind with Nancy. Did you hear his answer to Nick when Nick said “Will you stay with Nancy?” He said, “Yeah, definitely.” LIKE WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT WHERE WOULD HE BE. (I love them so much if you can’t tell.)
Super sleuths at it again!
OMG! She just playfully poked him :)
I am reading far too much into these glances at the historical society, but are you seeing them??
Why does it feel so awkward between them as she brings up Owen’s secret apartment?? Almost like they would have had a “romantic past.” Anyone else feel that? 
“I know lately you’ve been pummeled by life. Everything you learned about your parents and now...you ever want to talk about anything I’m here.”
“I really appreciate that. If I find the words I will share them with you.”
She’s more humorous when she’s around him: “How great is it that I can avoid my two dads by talking about my dead boyfriend.”
The closeness between them as Ace is on the computer.
Lisbeth: stay. Nancy: leave. And he’s up: “Where we going?”
I can’t get enough of him saying “of course” to her.
Listen to him talk proudly about her heroism while she’s not in the room.
THEIR CHEERS WITH THE FRENCH FRY AND MUG MADE ME HARDCORE CHUCKLE. It looks like she goes to cheers them all in the air and he gives her the french fry and that smile. Down as one of my favorite moments. 
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Thank you for attending my TED Talk. 
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klutzysworld · 4 years
A Hall of Tragedies is exactly how dramatic I hope to be
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stonerbughead · 4 years
omg I’ve been so conflicted about Nancy Drew ships all season but I’d really dig an Ace and Nancy slow burn friends to lovers in season 2, their detective scenes together are really cute. (and I say slow burn bc I hope they give her time to heal from Owen like literally dying.)
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hucklebucket · 1 year
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Nancy Drew + the Sims Part III
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seeinganewlight · 1 year
Okay if I'm trying to recap Nancy Drew without watching every single episode what episodes do I absolutely need to watch as I go through each season?
ohhhhh good question! okay, i'll try to not pick all of them lol
season 1: 1x14, 1x16, 1x17, 1x18 season 2: 2x05, 2x12, 2x18 season 3: 3x01, 3x11, 3x12, 3x13
i tried to pick ones that i think have some of the most significant moments plot wise...plus 2x12 because i love it so much fsadhbflaksfba but i do think most of those episodes kind of encompass what the seasons were about!
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flythesail · 1 year
hi hello me again i finished s2 of nancy drew last night and it was SO GOOD. the arc of it was really well done and i loved all the single-episode stories that built up to the wraith. the crew becoming closer and more complex, the dads, nancy struggling with her sense of self and belonging, the world building, all of it. (nancy is my best girl and i love her so much)
absolutely obsessed with the drew crew dynamic. no bad pairings, the balance of their personalities and skills, all of it. every time nancy, bess and george are together i am happy. they really are a family and they take care of each other. i am so seated to learn more about the road back and for whatever bullshit temperance is up to with them !!!
still loving the nace slow burn!! this season really builds on what s1 started and it was so angsty and jealous. obviously gil is terrible (i cheered when she broke up with him) but i’m pleasantly surprised by amanda. the fact that she asked if ace and nancy were ever together after she saw them crack a safe together???? she would not survive seeing them just exist around each other like they usually do sorry girly :/
favorite episode is by FAR 2x10. i’m writing down favorite moments as i watch and the entry for that episode is double the length of the rest lol. other best moments:
2x03 nancy and the dads finally lay lucy to rest
2x06 kitchen autopsy
2x11 attempts montage
2x13 birdie and nancy on the dock
2x16 nancy finds celia’s body/carson finds the polaroid
2x18 the entire wraith dreamscape
hoping to watch s3 this week and then start watching s4 with everyone weekly!! the fandom seems so lovely i’m excited ❤️
Hii!!!!! S2 is and will probably always be my favorite season. S4 is a solid competitor, but it probably won't be able to top it since it's competing against the nostalgia factor too lol.
I'm really glad you enjoyed all the drew crew and character stuff in s2! There's a bunch of episodes in there where they get to just exist in their relationships - s2 had the time to do that - and it's so great.
With the road back, I will warn you (😭😭) it's as of now not going to be brought up again. Long story short, trb was the big bad of Tom Swift, which was canceled one season in. The writers said though they imagined an episode where Nancy and Tamura would show up and they'd wrap up everything with Celia.
Gil is the worst! I like Amanda too. And really, as bad as Gil is - I don't mind him as a character. In some other world I like to imagine there was a Bobbsey spinoff and he'd have a chance at some deep character development. Lol and the SAFE SCENE!?!? "No vibe just friends," Ace says, lying.
I loveeeee the end of 2x03 so much. It's so sad and beautiful and I cry every time.
I LOVE 2x06!!!!! Easily one of my favorite episodes of the whole show. If you didn't know, if not for covid 2x05 would have been the end of s1. But they made 1x18 the finale when they had to stop filming. So that's why 2x06 has a premiere feel to it!
The 2x11 attempts montage is so well done. What an all around fantastic episode too. A great one for Nick and for Tunji to show off his acting.
The 2x13 scene with Birdie.. so so good. Perhaps a theme here but that also makes me cry. I always imagine the idea behind that scene as a possible end to the show too. Nancy watching the fireworks with the rest of the drew crew would bring things really full circle.
2x16 is devastating!! Ugh I still remember watching it for the first time and the shock of it. And Nancy crying because she doesn't want Celia to go.
Gosh the entirety of 2x18 is ART. All the detail put into the dreamscape, the drew crew helping Nancy through it, the nace scene at the bluffs!!! What more could you ask for.
Nace in s2.. will always be so famous. They're just walking the line of friends to something more and as far as slowburns go that's one of the best parts.
It took me a sec to respond to this so you might have already started s3..!? I hope you enjoy!!! If I'm being honest it's my least favorite season overall. However, it has some of my favorite episodes of the whole show. So it does balance out.
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Back with Nancy Thoughts 1x18
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I am so upset that this is our last episode for season 1, but what an episode it was and that cliffhanger! Corona needs to end in order for them to start filming season 2 ASAP! 
This episode I actually took notes and re-watched parts that I couldn’t get enough of. So without further ado, here were some of my thoughts while watching. 
When has a seance ever gone well for them? Yet they keep on doing them.
Wait! It’s actually not something supernatural that killed Owen? That’s a bit of a shock. 
I seriously cannot get enough of the Nancy and Ace team up/super sleuthing
Love George and Nick
Really enjoying the interviewing montage at the Marvins. Getting back to our roots investigating.
You tell Ryan! Go George!
Nancy and Ace in Owen’s apartment gave me a lot of *feels*
Love Ace has to help the police with his hacking. 
Interesting twist after Nancy not Owen. Good suspense for half way through the episode. 
“Um, green jello. That’s the good stuff.” -Ace
That scene between Nancy and her Grandmother was emotional. When she first thought she was Lucy and then her comprehending Nancy is her granddaughter. (Whoosh, keep it together!)
Of course, Ace knows Morse Code.
He’s been through so much already!! You hurt Ace and we riot!!!
Why doesn’t Nancy question where Ace went. He was just standing outside of her door the whole time. 
CREEPY! Joshua’s been upstairs this whole time!
At least she called the police.
Ace is on the rooftop. PHEW!
All in this together
It really hurts me to see Bess and Lisbeth this way. They were so in love like 2 episodes ago. 
Happy to see George and Nick official!
The Aglaeca in the Marvin painting!
Wow, that ending was extremely sinister seeing them all watch themselves dying. Especially with Nancy dying the same way as Lucy. Chills
Great cliffhanger. Hate we have to wait till who knows when..
What am I going to do now? What am I going to watch? Should I just start re-watching now?
BONUS: As a huge Nancy and Ace shipper I was DYING with all the content this episode. For more check out my post on my other blog: They WILL be Endgame!
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nacesource · 3 years
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1.18 / 3.12
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Who: Maddison Jaizani  as Bess Marvin What: Marchesa Notte Sleeveless Tulle Halter Dress - Sold Out Where: 1x17 “The Girl in the Locket”,  1x18 "The Clue in the Captain’s Painting"
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