#nanette mactavish
imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Send in a question you would like to ask of my OC and I'll answer in-character!
Thought about this for a while, now, and think that it would be a good prompt.
Reblog to your hearts content and get people asking your OCs questions!
The ONLY rule is this: answer it as your OC.
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islandtarochips · 3 months
Hello! I was wondering, if any of your ocs were to meet mine, what would their first impressions be?
((Also I hope you have a good day!))
Hello, pele! I would gladly answer that for ya!
Starting off with Nanette MacTavish!
Tiala: Her? Oh. Well, I didn’t meet her in PERSON but Soap has been talking about her NONSTOP. Even the part when he said, and thy quote, “That Glaikit bas really pissed me off when he tried to stalk her.” Which is understandable. He showed me a pic of her. She looks very promising. And I’m surprised that she could handle his annoying ass.😒 But if she loves him then good for her. Kanoa: Soap really does have good taste with women. Even flirt with some too. *chuckled* And THIS one? The one he’s married to? She is very beautiful. Not gonna lie. And she’s MARRIED. Damn. Wish I could meet her. She looks really nice. Oh and don’t worry, I’m not gonna STEAL her if that’s what you are thinking. …maybe. HA! Jokes! Agnes: Never met her BUT Soap did tell me so much about her! He even showed me a photo of her too! She looks SO pretty! Wonder if we can have some girl night out! Oh oh! They should come to American Samoa or maybe in Samoa for their anniversary! I know the BEST spots on the island for sightseeing! I really do want to meet her! She looks so nice! Nigel: I heard from Aggie when Soap talks about his wife. I'm surprised that he has one. She sounded very nice but I don’t know if she’ll like me. And I don’t know if Soap TOLD her about our past….work. Aelan: I…don’t know who she is but Kanoa talked about it. Um…Soap, right? Yeah, he told me that Soap is married to her. And told me that she’s nice. Well, if that’s how she is then I’m happy for her marrying that Scottish boy. *chuckled* And I heard about her…past confession from some guy. I hope that he FINALLY learned his lesson. If not, I would like to meet with him. Alana: I apologize but I have no knowledge of who this person is. But…according to my daughter. She sounded promising. And I do wish her a good future with her lover.
And now for Franca “Major” Lorenzetti!
Tiala: She’s very skillful. Gaz introduced me to her. She’s chill. I kind of admired her with her work.
Kanoa: This woman had gotten badass written all over her! Ha! Price told me about her and I’m seemingly impressed. I wonder how she and Aelan will work together if they meet.
Agnes: She’s pretty cool! I saw her working with Aelan once and these two are pretty QUICK of patching up the injured! And this woman sure knew what she was doing! Nigel: She’s…ok. I hardly interact with her though but I did hear that she’s really good at her part in the 141. I am impressed but I still keep my distance away from any of the team members from the 141… Aelan: I’ve talked to her from time to time. She really impressed me with her fast skills of assisting me. I know her family will be proud. …if they are. Alana: My daughter had told me about her. Even from Price. So I haven’t met her in person. I’m very glad that she and my daughter are getting along.
There you have it! I hope this is ok…it took me a while to give the right response after reading your OCs info! And I’m VERY interested to know MORE about them! Thank you very much for the ask! Love ya, pele!
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imagoddamnonionmason · 5 months
About Goose
Hello mates, just wanted to put some info out there for the app users- for anyone able, I do have an about page here!
So, the basics:
Name: Goose Age: 25
D.O.B: (uk date) 01/09 From: England Pronouns: she/her
Discord: imagoddamnonionmasonn
I have been formally diagnosed as ADHD and ASD.
This blog classifies as MDNI - this means that my blog is filled with 18+ content and anyone classing as a minor may not find this appropriate.
It also mean that I will not feel comfortable receiving asks/DMs from blogs that are obvious/known minors.
If I find out you are a minor, I will politely ask you unfollow and no longer interact with my posts.
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Their bios can be found in the links attached to the [X]'s.
Jodie "Bell" Hall - Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War [X]
Nanette MacTavish - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare [X]
Franca "Major" Lorenzetti - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare [X]
Ashley "Smokey" Woods - Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 [X]
Keith Wells - Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War [X]
Stephanie "Seraph" Wilde - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare [X]
Sarah Mason - Call of Duty: Black Ops Franchise [X]
Klaus “Shaker” Newman - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare [X]
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I have a tag list. If you want to opt in then go like this post!
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Alternate Universe Fics
Call of Booty: Frank Woods x Bell OC [X]
Smooth Operator: Frank Woods x Bell OC [X]
Learning to Live Again Series
Holidays at the Mason Home: Frank Woods x Bell OC [X]
Black Ops Cold War Series
Unknown Soldier: Implied Frank Woods x Bell OC [X]
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Unless it has been gifted to you, don’t repost.
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Thank you for taking the time to read, it's much appreciated!
Signing off,
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
So, I really like writing AUs … so, I’ve barely written anything for Soap/Nanette in the canon world, but I did start writing something for a medieval fantasy au, slightly inspired by Dragon Age (love those games so much).
Anyway, I just wanted to give some context for some art I did of the two!
Knight!Soap and villager!Nanette
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
Nanette MacTavish Biography
Basic Information
Citizenship: British
Language(s): English
Place of Birth: Cornwall, England. 
Date of Birth: 30/08/1996
Occupation: Works in a nursery, caring for young children!
Status: Alive
Physical Appearance
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Mousy Brown
Skin:  Pale White
Tattoo(s): none
Scar(s): none
Face Claim: Katie McGrath
Description: Nanette stands at about 5 foot 5 inches tall. Her eyes are round and bright, topped with thick, expressive brows. Her face shape is square-like, framed by long, straight hair. She often holds it back and out of her face by using a headband, hair tie or by using a pencil. Her smile is really bright, wide and it causes some dimples on her cheeks.
She'll wear really comfortable clothing, flowing and airy, with cardigans, baggy knitted jumpers. She'll wear minimal make-up but often opts for a little bit of mascara, some lip balm and maybe a little concealer under the eyes (she's a working mum, who doesn't have time or effort for a full face!)
Like(s): bees, wildflowers, tea, animals, cute things, helping people, cheerful folk, chatting, the community she lives in (an army base), her family and friends, painting, art, vanilla, chocolate, wine.
Dislike(s): people who are harsh for no reason, being stuck in traffic, the sea, when people drive fast and appear like they're not in control, music that is slightly too loud, orange flavoured things (leaves a strange aftertaste in her mouth).
Strength(s): empathetic, understanding, kind, good listener, intuitive, creative
Weakness: can be stubborn, can also not realise when someone is using her, easily scared by certain people, can also be petty
Parent(s): Wilbur and Adaline Oakley (biological), Moraig MacTavish (MIL)
Sibling(s): Lesley MacTavish (SIL) and Bridget MacTavish (SIL)
Friend(s): the MacTavish sisters [more could be added]
Spouse(s): John MacTavish
Children: daughter, Lilidh MacTavish
TW: mentions of stalking and possessive, unwanted behaviour.
Nanette Oakley was born to Cornish farmers, Wilbur and Adaline, who were so happy with their miracle baby. Her childhood was filled with love, laughter and adoration and she grew up to have a very good relationship with her parents that still stands strong today. Their bonds were strengthened through the support they showed each other during her mother's severe illness.
Nanette remembers her Comprehensive years, ages 12-16, never knowing when her mother was going to be in and out of hospital, whether she would ever overcome her illness, and spent most of those years growing up quickly to emotionally support her parents, especially her father.
Luckily, in Nanette's latter stages of high school years, her mother received the all clear! However, even as Nanette started university, it was always a worry that her mother's illness might return and might never see her complete her studies. The family, though, remained positive.
During her first year of university, Nanette got to meet someone who would become a life-long friend and later her sister-in-law, Lesley MacTavish. They met in their shared university accommodation and were inseparable. Via Lesley, Nanette also got to meet the rest of the MacTavish family, who would occasionally take the long trip from Scotland to come and visit. It was one of these visits that Lesley introduced John MacTavish to Nanette. At first, Nanette was very shy, barely spoke, and was later teased by Lesley that she was fancying her brother the entire time he was there. Future visits of John's were spent less shy and they grew close - they would often text or call, to the point where Lesley mentioned he contacted Nanette more than his own sister (she didn't mind because she kinda liked the idea of them being together. Lesley was the No.1 John and Nanette shipper, change my mind).
All the while, there was one other man that should be mentioned, someone who shared the first year accommodation with Nanette and Lesley in university halls. It was clear from the offset that this guy, named Grant, was enamoured with Nanette, though the feelings were not reciprocated. Over time, things escalated from arbitrary sweet comments to harassment. In the face of rejection, Grant became obsessive and vindictive.
With the help of Lesley, Nanette reported his behaviour to the uni, who moved him out of their shared accommodation. It worked to keep her safe for a short amount of time, but they couldn't have anticipated that he would escalate his behaviour further.
It did get to the point where he was basically stalking her, following her to classes and then to her accommodation - Lesley could often be found escorting Nanette between places. When asked if she wanted to call the police, Nanette declined thinking that she wouldn't be taken seriously and because the first year was almost over.
Unfortunately, this behaviour did not stop, even as she moved into her second year; Lesley and Nanette worked hard to make sure that their new flat wouldn't be found, but it was. Grant continued to stalk her. Eventually, Lesley convinced Nanette to get the police involved, which did but a stop to the behaviour for a while.
During this time, Nanette and John had started to date, though the extent of which Nanette was suffering was kept secret; she didn't want him to worry, as he had more important things to be worrying about (with him being in the military). Of course, John does find out about the extent of it and on one of his visits to see her and his sister, Grant makes a very stupid mistake.
Choices... actions were taken by John and Grant made the decision to move on from his behaviour, from his obsession with Nanette. To this day, she has not been told what happened or why Grant up and dropped out of uni. But, she never saw him again and that was it.
A few years after leaving university, John and Nanette marry, shortly followed by them bringing a beautiful little girl into the world!
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Picrew and Alignment Test
I was further tagged by @alypink @frankwoods and @deeptrashwitch to take part in this tag game, so thank you guys! (Also I read through each of yours and I love what you got, I love your ocs, just wanna hug 'em!)
The Picrew links are here and here; the alignment test is here!
As I have already done the BOCW OCs, Jodie and Keith, I will be doing the Modern Warfare OCs this time around, Franca and Nanette!
Modern Warfare OCs
Franca "Major" Lorenzetti
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Chaotic Good- A chaotic good character acts as her conscience directs him with little regard for what others expect of her. She makes her own way, but she's kind and benevolent. She believes in goodness and right but has little use for laws and regulations. She hates it when people try to intimidate others and tell them what to do. She follows her own moral compass, which, although good, may not agree with that of society. Chaotic good is the best alignment you can be because it combines a good heart with a free spirit. However, chaotic good can be a dangerous alignment when it disrupts the order of society and punishes those who do well for themselves.
Note: Yeaaahh, pretty accurate - she'll follow the law and regulations when it's absolutely necessary, but understands that sometimes these laws and regulations are placed there to help those who don't deserve it. She fights for those who don't necessarily have a voice or are able to fight for themselves. Franca used to get into fights a lot at school, coming home with blood on her shirt and a bust lip, because she'd stand up and defend kids that were being bullied - she carries this kind of chaotic fight with her, even as a medic; she'll fix you up as she then goes to kick someone else's ass. It's partly why she joined 141 - they bend the rules to do what is right, even if it means she's got to get dirty.
Nanette MacTavish
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Neutral Good- A neutral good character does the best that a good person can do. She is devoted to helping others. She works with kings and magistrates but does not feel beholden to them. Neutral good is the best alignment you can be because it means doing what is good without bias for or against order. However, neutral good can be a dangerous alignment when it advances mediocrity by limiting the actions of the truly capable.
Note: yeah, again, pretty accurate - she can be a bit feisty when put into a corner about certain things, but generally she tries to live her life as good to others as possible, seeking to help where needed, and understands that rules are in place to keep order. Would she question them? Possibly, but not overtly so that she would cause a fuss (unless absolutely pushed to a limit). She basically thinks 'treat others as you wish to be treated' and tries to do right by people. But, is she fiercely drawn one way or the other when it comes to politics and issues? No, she feels like there are people better suited to fighting those kinds of battles.
This was super fun to do, yet again, and I feel like they're relatively accurate for the internal image I have of their alignments - again, as with Jodie and Keith, I feel like the alignments are a vague base to begin understanding the characters!
As for who I'm tagging? I'm pretty certain that most people I would tag have already taken part in this game... If that's the case, then feel free to ignore me!!
@alexxmason @adlerboi @mctvsh @welldonekhushi
Again, I've seen a lot of my mutuals having already done this and I would hate to pester them with it again-
If you haven't done it though, nor have been tagged, then by all means! Take this post as your inspiration to take part <3
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
Noble Blood - Medieval Fantasy AU
Fandom: Call of Duty
Word Count: 3718
Chapter: 1/?
Relationship: Knight!John "Soap" MacTavish X OC
Characters: John "Soap" MacTavish, original characters
Summary: Nanette Oakley is the young daughter of a farmer. She is sent on an errand by her parents, to take a basket of goods to their good friend, Mrs MacTavish. While there, someone Nanette thought she'd never see again turns up.
A/N: this was not written recently but it is a WIP that I go back to between the pirate au and other little fics for Jodie and Frank. This was actually not meant to be the main story for my medieval fantasy au... that was supposed to be Franca and Simon... alas, these two stole my heart and their story is my favourite from this au so yeah.
Usually, the market that took place on the last weekend of the month was always extremely busy; that morning was no deviation from the tradition of the mad market rush. Every square inch of the palace’s vast outer courtyard was brimming with hustling life, bodies squirming around the temporary striped cloth stalls. At times, the people perusing through the market would seldom find a chance to stop and catch their breath, nor to parry a caustic remark to others of the inconvenient bustle. 
Amongst those hurried souls, a young woman had spent most of that rushed morning dashing about the market; she was effortlessly ducking underneath moving baskets, between the flurry of colourful fabrics, around other oblivious market-goers. Nanette Oakley was used to the frantic climate, but she could not say with any mirth what her true feelings of having to deal with it were - though she would admit through a heaving sigh that, yes, it would most definitely keep her on her toes, the fighting ring known as the market. 
That being said, she would also gladly admit that she wasn’t overly fond of the idea of having to intervene in a literal fight, which was something to occur more often than it should. Maybe it was the busyness of the market, the heat of everyone crammed inside the tall battlements that shielded the courtyard. A hysteria would sometimes settle amongst a few stall owners and fights would break out. Laughable fights, mind you, but fights nonetheless and they could be draining on the moneybag. 
One month it was the leather vendor, nestled just around the corner from the local tavern, starting a verbal altercation with his brother, the local butcher. Another month it was a locksmith who had come from out of town and set up shop just a few metres away from the currently active locksmith’s humble abode and workshop, with the aim of stealing away her customers. 
But Nanette was not one of those types to blindly fling a balled fist at just anyone or for any old reason, which she noted was often the trigger for most brawls that took place. No, Nanette did not have an ego made of glass or a short, unchecked temper, but she did have a father who needed protection from others who might mean him harm, whether that be of the physical or emotional kind. 
Wilbur Oakley’s daughter would only get feisty if her father or his stall was accosted by the wrong crowds, snooping vendors hoping to see what prices his wares were with the intention of selling theirs for less, or idiots who wanted to bad mouth her father. You see, Wilbur was gentle, soft at the core, and his green fingers had earned him the love of their little village and others around the kingdom. He worked himself to the bone on their farm and worked himself harder to make sure that his family were cared for. So, when Nanette was old enough to join him on the few markets that required two vendors for his stall (for the sheer amount of vegetables and fruits he had to take and people that would come like a flock of birds) he was glad for his little bodyguard. In the face of her father needing defending, Nanette could put aside her own gentleness to protect him.
At this moment, though, the market’s hustling crowds had begun to die down to a small hum, with some stalls beginning to pack up and ready for their journey back home. Nanette, however, had been given a new errand to run. When her father had handed her a pristine wicker basket, fresh cotton wrapped around a loaf of bread her mother had made, fresh fruit and vegetables from their farm nestled within, her only instruction was to head to a small cottage on the outskirts of the palace’s outer courtyard. She was told it would be a short walk along a stream past the eastern side’s gate and soon she could see the small collection of cottages that she was told to look out for. 
Within this small castle village lived a dear friend of her parents, one that she had grown up knowing , but, in her more conscious years of childhood, she’d lost contact with. When contact resumed, it was usually her mother who would be the one to visit, however an illness had taken her health and so Nanette didn’t mind stepping up to the task, despite it being years she’d last seen the friend. 
Eventually, the young woman came across the sage green door she was instructed to keep her eye out for, as well as the collection of thistles and heather in the front garden. Wrapping her knuckles on the door, Nanette then stepped back, patting down her skirt and picking stray bits of cotton fluff from her corset and shirt. As the door was pulled open, she finished making sure that the flyaway frizz of her hair was under control, before she peered forward to the lady standing in the doorway. Wearing a slightly tired smile, Nanette uttered, “hello, Mrs MacTavish!” 
“Aye, that’s me, lass,” came the jovial reply. The woman was shorter than Nanette, thick, coarse hair pulled back into a low bun and though she was aged, it was full of a deep lush brown colour; there were few strands of white hair to betray the woman’s age. Of course, there were also a few mentions of laughter lines on the woman’s features, dotted with freckles and tiredness under the eyes. The woman, Mrs MacTavish, spoke again, “it’s been such a long time since I last saw you, lass, come on in why don’t you.” 
With that, a calloused hand reached out and took the crook of Nanette’s elbow, gently urging inside until she was past the threshold and the door was closed behind her, “oh, and please, call me Moraig, we’re no strangers, you know.” 
There was a light laugh that sounded in the older woman’s chest, and soon they were nestled at the oak table settled in the middle of the dining area; this was shared with an open kitchen, fire blazing and heating up the place. A few moments passed, then the wicker basket was pushed slightly towards Moraig, “my parents sent me with this, they send me with their love, too - mum would have come herself but she’s not very well.” 
“You know, I knew your Ma was comin’ down with somethin’ awful last I saw her. Do we know what it is?” Moraig’s brows furrowed in concern, but there was a flicker of annoyance in her eyes, like a feeling of ‘I tried to tell her’ but whatever advice she had given her mother had fallen on deaf ears. Sometimes that was the case with her parents, they were stubborn to a fault. 
“Not yet, but I have a feeling that it’ll take a while for it to pass, I’ve asked her to see the apothecary in our village, but-” 
“Oh you know what she’s like, she’ll wanna get rid of this herself,” Moraig sighed, “but if I have to go down there and talk sense into her, then I will, it’s been a while since I visited you lot.” 
A rush of feet sounded down the stairs, then two girls, one barely even thirteen and the other bristling at a similar age to Nanette, burst into the room. 
“Is Auntie Adaline alright?” came one worried question, then another followed with similar sentiments. Both girls were the spitting image of their mother, the younger had rosier cheeks, hair raging with curls; the other was a similar height to Nanette and straighter hair, though the colour was a lighter, muted brown unlike her sister and mother. Two sets of eyes were darting between their mother and the woman sitting at the table, one a deep brown and other a piercing light blue gaze. 
“Of course she is, don’t you worry,” Moraig huffed, rolling her eyes fondly at her children. 
A brief pause. 
“Wait, Nannie? That you?” The older girl was smiling, brown eyes honied with mirth and excitement. 
“That can’t be Nannie, she’s too big,” came the little girl’s retort, brows knitting together in scrutiny as she looked Nanette over. 
“Girls, I see you remember Nanette,” Moraig chuckled, and Nanette stood up. A flood of childhood memories came rushing back and she recalled just how much the two of them had grown. 
“Gods, I remember when you were so small,” Nanette chuckled, arms stretching out into an inviting hug. Lesley, the elder daughter, rushed into her arms, “it’s been years! You big lummox, why’d you stop visitin’?”
Eventually, after Nanette let her laughter die down, she replied, “I had to grow up, Lesley, dad needed help… I’m sorry.” 
“S’alright, I’ll let it slide this time.” 
“You really are Nannie then? Even though you’re big.” This was Bridget. 
“Yes, it is, are you going to hug me now or what?” Nanette huffed, puffing out a cheek to emphasise her playful hurt. Bridget finally rushed over and gave her a huge squeeze, though it was more around her legs than her body. For her age, Bridget was still very small. 
“It’s nice to see it's like no time’s passed with you three,” Moraig smiled, there seemed to be a tear to her eye, too, “now the question is, are you stayin’ for a little while? I started with some water on the fire, should be about ready for makin’ a brew.” 
“Can I have one ma?” Bridget asked, soon discarding the hug for a place at the table, wandering hands moving to the wicker basket. Without even looking, Moraig had plucked a handkerchief from the breast pocket of her dress, swatting at the little hand now peeking into the fruits, “of course you can, but you’re not usin’ as much honey as you did last time, hard to come by as it is without you usin’ it all up, little cub.” 
“I can stay a while,” Nanette informed, “it’ll be nice to catch up…” 
There was a slight feeling of guilt, as it truly had been too long since she last had the chance; she must have just turned fifteen the last she saw the girls and now she was… well, she was ten years on, now. 
Time seemed to have passed so quickly, but when in the throes of conversation, who can blame one for not keeping their eye on it. Nanette and the girls were chatting like they truly hadn’t been apart for so long and Moraig was happy to listen to them get along like they did as children. It was also nice to see that the dynamics hadn’t changed and Moraig could sense that, had she been given the opportunity, Nanette would have made a brilliant big sister; lucky for the girl, her two daughters had decided she would be the perfect candidate for themselves. It caused a laugh to grow in her chest and if they still seemed so close now, she wondered just how close they would be had time not kept them apart. 
All the while, the weather had turned dark and clouds rolled over the sky in a disastrous haze of thunder and lightning, rain hashing down on the lands below unrelenting. It seemed that, Moraig thought to herself, Nanette wouldn’t have had a choice but to stay anyway. The woman was pulled back to the conversation at hand when her eldest daughter slammed her hand on the table emphatically. 
“Yeah, an’ then d’you remember what my idiot brother decided to do then?” Lesley huffed, hands clawing down her features as she recalled the embarrassing memory for her friend. Nanette was trying her best not to let the smile break through, but failed miserably at the task and Lesley almost groaned and abandoned the story. With a flurry of encouragement from Nanette and little Bridget, who was desperate to hear this story again, Lesley continued, though her tone betrayed just how much she hated this gossip. Still, Nanette needed updating on everything. 
“He decided that Robert wasnae good enough and chased him away with a big st-” 
The front door whipped open as a crack of thunder and flash of lightning filled the room. The droplets of heavy rain left wet debris on the floor, as a hunkering figure hovered in the doorway, covered in a completely soaked cape, lined with heavy furs. The hood obscured the features, but the girls could guess that this person was probably not best pleased with the weather. 
“Bleeding hell,” came a gruff voice from under the hood, as the body moved further into the warm, dry home, muddy foot kicking the door closed behind them. From what Nanette could see, this person was clad in leather armour, though protection was its purpose it hadn’t protected them from the cold or the rain. They spoke again, “it’s pishin it doon-”
“Mind what you say in this house,” came a firm warning from Moraig, who was already on her feet and heading into a different room, only to return with dry clothes and blankets, “why on earth, lad, are you here in this weather? I tell you again and again, stay at the castle.” 
The hood was drawn down, as numbed fingers felt for the clasp holding the cape around this person’s shoulders. It was then that it hit Nanette. 
“You know the sayin’? Speak of the devil?” Lesley rolled her eyes, then shouted up to her brother, “oi, you gonna stand there all night or what?” 
Nanette became very stiff as she sat at the table, unable to figure out just how she should carry herself in the presence of John MacTavish. Part of her was glad that he hadn’t noticed her yet.
“Pipe down, you,” came his huff, his back turned to the girls at the table, “bet all you’ve all day is sit about and do nothin’.”
“Have not!” Lesley jabbed back, rising to her feet and putting her hands on her hips. 
“Have too.” He replied, still not looking over. 
“Have no-” 
“One more word out of you two and I swear to the Gods.” Moraig snapped, taking the soaked cape from the man’s hands, “now, mind yer mouth, we got guests.” 
It was at this point that all eyes in the room were on her, watching her every move and silently judging how she conducted herself. Like a statue, Nanette was stone, frozen to the spot and unable to will her body to do anything other than just remain seated. Her hands were pooled in her lap, fingers intertwined with each other out of nervousness - her mouth had run completely dry and her throat threatened to croak if she attempted to speak, so she opted for remaining silent. 
There was a hope that she was appearing indifferent to his presence, but her physicality would always betray her; in shock (or was it awe?) her lips were slightly parted, jaw loose. Yes, she wished that she could say she looked away, was unaffected, but the truth was that just looking at him seemed to stir up some sort of emotion. 
The young woman couldn’t decide what emotion it was specifically, as there were so many rushing to be the first to surface in her chest, but she could guarantee that none of them were good. There was a moment where she tried to convince herself that her eyes were deceiving her.  
 That couldn’t be John MacTavish, the John of her childhood. The John she knew had been her best friend, her protector, and one day he just disappeared. He’d up and gone without so much as a word of it to her, leaving her in a gaping void that used to hold him, and what was she supposed to do but deal with it.
Now, here he stood, as though he’d been here the entire time she’d been without him. 
Yes, Nanette could not, for one moment, name any of the emotions that she was feeling, but she reiterated to herself that, now she had a moment to process, they were most definitely not good at all.
As for John, he was awash with nostalgia, longing, guilt. His gaze had found her quickly, followed by his brows rising sharply in bewilderment, he couldn’t quite believe that the girl he knew had grown into quite the beautiful woman. In this moment, he became acutely aware of everything, how he felt, both emotionally, physically; how water dripped from his hair, down his forehead and off the end of his nose; how his clothes clung to his body uncomfortably; how heavy the leather armour was; how she was staring at him. Was she staring at him because she couldn’t remember him? Or was it because he looked as though he’d just gone for a swim in the moat around the castle on his way back home?
Maybe it was none of those things. 
Maybe it was all of them. 
The two younger girls watched with bated breath, unsure of what was going on. They weren’t privy to the two’s history, so couldn’t understand the silent war going on in the room, but they could feel that something was off. The bright, cheerful feeling that had captured Nanette was now slowly fading and leaving something entirely horrible and heavy behind.
“Miss Oakley?” John’s voice was quiet, soft, in comparison to how it had sounded with his sister. Assertiveness had left a place for softness, tentative tones guarding the conversation against, what he anticipated to be, an upcoming argument. It had been years since they last spoke and part of him invited that argument, if only it meant that he could be reminded of what her voice sounded like; would it even be the same? She had changed so much, could he even begin to imagine the person she was now? 
Nanette drew her gaze down, away from him, and to her hands in her lap. She became fiercely aware of each crevice that created the mapping of hand prints, the small curvatures of each line that defined her fingertips. It was all very clear, like crystalline ice surfacing a lake in winter, so sharp and defined. In drastic comparison, she could feel heat rise in her chest, like a fire burning away at coal in a stove and his voice was the stoker urging the flames higher. Nanette couldn’t decide if this emotion was settling to become annoyance or anger, but either way, he was causing it and she did not like it. 
Rising to her feet, she patted down her skirt, adjusted her clothing, her hair, then offered a short-lived smile towards the girls and their mother, “thank you for having me, Moraig, it’s been lovely to see you again. Girls.” She bowed her head in acknowledgement, before she was making for the door. 
“It’s rainin’,'' Lesley called out, tripping over her own feet in the rush to be at Nanette’s side, “you’ll catch your death of cold out there!” Quick patters of smaller strides soon joined at Lesley’s side; Bridget was reaching out to grab at Nanette’s hand and when the warm little fingers clasped on so tightly, the woman finally halted. 
“Please stay, Nannie,” the little girl pouted, eyes wide and watery, bottom lip protruding so comically in an effort to get her own way. But, Nanette had spent too long there, her parents would be needing her now it was crawling ever-closer to nightfall, and she had other errands to be doing. 
“I really should go, but you’ll see me again,” she urged, bending down slightly at the hip, free hand coming to tap the young girl’s nose as the other hand gave an encouraging squeeze to the girl’s fingers. Bridget sighed, shrugging her shoulders exaggeratedly, before she conceded and gave Nanette the go to leave, “you promise?” 
“Promise.” Nanette crossed her finger over her chest, just above her heart, smiling all the while. Satiated, the girls stepped back, knowing that if anyone was going to stop her leaving, due to the weather, it would be their strong-headed Ma. 
“If you must go now, then at least let my boy take you home, it’s gettin’ dark out and I’m no fond of the kinds’a people that hang around in the night, not to mention it's a good long walk from here on down to your home,'' Moraig huffed, eyebrow raised as though to beg Nanette to disagree, less she wanted an earful. Oh, it may have been a long time since she had seen the girl, but Moraig didn’t see herself as less of an auntie-figure, her mother’s best friend and a good woman. That meant the girl would get the same worried treatment as she gave her own children. 
With a slight pause, a twitch of annoyance tugging at the corner of Nanette’s mouth, there was a moment where there may have been some choice words used in response to Moraig; Nanette respected her, though, even after all this absence in her life, and so would respect her will. 
With a defeated nod, Nanette was then offered some warmer clothes and a cape, done so by Lesley, “it might be a bit small, but it’s better than what you’ve got, or… not got.” Though the young girl supposed that there had been no warning of this bad shade of weather, it had been lovely and warm all day. Softly, in response, Nanette took the cape and thicker coat, “thank you.” 
As Lesley was sorting out Nanette, Moraig was thrusting a dry cape into her son's hands, a pointed look on her face, a warning, perhaps. Her grip on the cape remained a little longer than was necessary and John shook his head, amused but apprehensive of his mothers antics. His mother was a woman abound with great intuition and John knew that this ‘silence’ between himself and his childhood friend did not go unnoticed; he could also hazard a guess that his mother had figured out why, too. 
“Behave you two and make sure the girl gets home safe,” Moraig said. 
Regimentally, John nodded, shoulders squaring at his ma’s command and soon, once prepared for the harsh weather, the two exited the home.
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Creator Vs OCs
I saw a tag game where this picrew was used to create yourself, then your oc - I’ve been a little stunted creatively so this was a nice way to pass the time whilst also being able to be creative (in a way!)
So, here’s me, the creator:
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Then, in order, Jodie, Ashley, Sarah, Franca and Nanette.
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I decided to do the ladies!
I wasn’t tagged in this game at all, but I wanted to do it anyway.
Tagging: YOU! If ya want :3c
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Would your OCs be good parents?
I was tagged by the lovely @deeptrashwitch and @islandtarochips to take part in this tag game!
The quiz is here!
Jodie "Bell" Hall
Apparently, she would make a good parent! I agree - she might get things wrong, or struggle to know what to do, but she'll try her hardest to give Ashley the best. She can be overprotective, but it's expected in their line of work!
Franca "Major" Lorenzetti
Apparently Fran would also make a good parent - it's understandable that, if she were to have kids, that she would do everything in her power to not be as strict and awful as her father was to her; she'd struggle, maybe hand out a punishment or grounding or two, but she would make sure that when she looks in the mirror, it's still her looking back, and not her father.
Although, she doesn't want children and it is because of the fear of ending up exactly like her parents - if she doesn't have a child, she can't that risk.
Nanette MacTavish
I swear the answers I'm giving are different for each character lmao, but yes, Nanette gets 'good parent' too. Which makes sense - she's probably the most relaxed style of parenting out of my OCs. Like, she'll be firm where needed. But, yeah, Nanette is a good mum; maybe can be a little soft around the edges when it comes to her daughter.
Ashley Woods
I have a feeling that there are only two answers; bad or good parent, cause yet again, we got another good parent!! Ashley will probably reflect the kind of parenting she received from Frank and Jodie, so it's really no surprise she'd be classed as a good parent.
Keith Wells
Good Parent.
Hard disagree - this man doesn't want children and if he found out he was a father, he would deny it until he was blue in the face. But, I suppose you could say it's a similar situation to Franca - he partly doesn't want children because he wouldn't know the first thing about loving them; his own parents showed him barely any emotion, unless it was negative, so he has no base to build from. But, it is also because he is a callous, heartless man.
Tagging, with no pressure: @walder-138 @alexxmason @adlerboi @mctvsh and anyone else who wishes to take part!!
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
Tagged by: @deeptrashwitch THANK YOU!! Thank you <3 0u0
How does your oc's story end? Unquiz
accomplished, you rest, knowing you have earned this long sleep.
cut down too soon, questions unanswered, desires unfulfilled... what a tragedy you are.
accomplished, you rest, knowing you have earned this long sleep.
Tagging (no pressure though!): @mctvsh @walder-138 @adlerboi @angstkings @adlersoldspice @alexxmason @alypink @efingart @welldonekhushi @mutantthedark @ anyone else who wishes to take part!!
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
💫 + Nanette! (Sorry if I wrote it wrong...)
Helloooo! No, you spelt her name perfectly!
So, what would Nanette think of Halia!
To begin with, Nanette thinks she's really pretty. She really likes her hairstyle! That's the kind of thoughts she'd have when first seeing her. I think she'd then get a no-nonsense vibe from her, that Halia doesn't have time for messing around. I think maybe Nanette would at first be intimidated, but as soon as she started to talk with Halia she'd realise that she was silly to feel that way.
Nanette would feel really happy that she's found someone just as friendly as she is and I'm not sure which would initiate conversation first, whether they'd both try. You ever go to walk one way to get out of someone's way, but they also go that same way? It would be like that but with conversation, because they're both happy to talk first! But, that would make Nanette feel really fond of Halia.
Nanette would also beg to see pictures of Ruby - Nanette is a huge animal person so if she ever found out about Halia's German shepherd she'd defo be like 'pics pls ;u;'.
thank you for the ask Mutant!! <3
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
Heyyy dear! 💫 + Jodie and Nanette👀🧡
ANN! Hello, good evening!
I'll do Jodie and Jessica first and then Nanette and Joyce!
Jodie's thoughts on Jessica:
Jodie, first and foremost, appreciates Jessica's honesty. Yes, there may be times where it can come across quite blunt or abrasive, but the aim is always the same and it's refreshing to have someone be transparent with their feelings. Jodie has always been playing mental chess with many people in her life, from Perseus manipulating her as a kid, to Keith, to Adler - it gets exhausting, so having someone not be like that is a nice break.
I also think she'd like how efficient she is, too. They're similar in that respect, although Jodie isn't as regimented; if a plan needs to change, be updated or tweaked, she can compromise, even if a plan beforehand was good enough to work with. She may sometimes be irked by Jessica's orderly ways of planning but ultimately thinks it's a strong trait to have.
Jodie would also want tips on how Jessica meticulously ties her hair back in that bun - Jodie suffers from flyaway baby hairs at times and though she probably shouldn't have a fringe, it hides that mess. But if she were to get tips? Maybe she'd grow that fringe out (essentially, she likes the succinct clean style that Jessica has going on.)
Nanette's thoughts on Joyce:
Alright, given that Joyce works alongside her husband, she's probably heard a lot more about her than seen her, as Nanette isn't military personnel. BUT, that does not mean Nanette hasn't got any thoughts on her. In fact, she's secretly very thankful that John has good teammates that have his back.
When they have met in person, Nanette would think she looks awesome - although she would have been expecting a guy because of the nickname 'Joe'. This woman would then be giddy and excitable, happy to make a new friend (Ghost kinda scares the absolute shit out of her tbh). Not only that, but I feel like she'd be happy to make friends with a woman. Sometimes life on the military base can be very lonely, so you can bet she'd ask Joyce if they can share numbers.
Although, Nanette is very intuitive, spiritual person and sometimes she can just sense when someone has gone through some stuff; she'd probably never mention it, but she'd get a sense that Joyce has gone through some battles. Nanette would have some sympathy, in the sense that she wishes people didn't have to go through anything horrid, and extend that kind of feeling towards Joyce. Again, this wouldn't be outwardly spoken about, but Nanette would sense it.
I think, as well, that sometimes people who have gone through personal battles can tell when someone else has, too. Nanette has a few emotional scars that she hides, so would probably find Joyce comforting; she'd look at her, see how great she is, how she's doing in life and relationships and be reminded that people are good, people do get good endings.
Idk, I feel like Nanette would really like Joyce. In the way that she'd an annoying little sibling following you around because they want to be your best friend ;u;
BUT she would also have her back with anything, like her first thought if they were good friends would be 'I'd definitely get into a bar fight for you bestie'. Even though this woman has never fought in her life lmao...
Hopefully you enjoyed the read- I got a little carried away with this response actually ;u; so sorry for rambling. it's late here now, so you've had the pleasure of sleepy rambly Goose <3
also it's ur birthday!!!! so happy birthday <3
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
Hiya Goose!
Question for any bloggers who has their OCs shipped with the canon. If they’re parents, which one of them are the overprotective ones? For girls or boys!
oooooooo yes hello >:)c
Ok- I'll try not to ramble as much I do normally lmao
I have a lot of ocs shipped with canon bc I don't know when to stop.
So, here goes:
Frank and Jodie: They're both equally overprotective of Ashley but for very different reasons. I think Frank probably shows it more, though. For Frank, I don't think he ever thought he would be a dad and he's been blessed with this little menace. So he's overprotective because she's his legacy, a little version of him. Whereas for Jodie, it's a very visceral feeling, almost instinctual urge to keep her safe from everything. Initially, Jodie couldn't cope with the pregnancy or idea of motherhood because of how she viewed herself (a monster) but then when she held little Ashley, she gets this fervent feeling of 'no one will ever hurt you, I won't allow it', but Jodie isn't good at showing this. She's covert in her overprotectiveness.
Simon and Franca: I haven't decided yet whether they would have a child or children - if they had them, though, it would definitely be Simon. His past would just make him want to protect them from everything and anything he's experienced. Yeah, he's gone through a lot and he wouldn't want that for his kids. Franca would also be protective, but not to the same level as Simon.
Johnny and Nanette: HA, definitely John. He will bubble wrap that little girl. She is his princess. I can't even analyse it because it's simple. Nanette just fondly rolls her eyes and reminds him that she's not fine china and she'll grow up to be just like him, headstrong and stubborn, and unbreakable.
John knows this. But that doesn't stop him.
Thank you for the ask Witch!! <3
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
Nanette: there is no such thing as a stupid question
Franca: yes. Yes there is. Your husband asks them all the time. I don’t know if it’s on purpose because he knows it pisses me off, but he does and, Nanette, darling, sweetheart, I will kill him with my bare hands.
Nanette: do you ask stupid questions on purpose to annoy Franca?!
Johnny: oh god yeah 😂
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
Behind the OC Name
So, I was tagged by the wonderful @iamcautiouslyoptimistic so thank you!!
So, as I currently sit at my laptop, staring at this screen, my brain says "do every original character you have ever made" and I have to quietly bat at it to tell it to shush because we'd be here for centuries. But, as a reminder, one day I may showcase other ocs that I have and add their names to this post.
For now *glares at my brain* I think sticking with the three originals people actually know about would be best- so here goes.
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Jodie "Bell" Hall, a.k.a Nadezda Pugachev.
So, to avoid confusion, I mostly refer to my Bell oc as either Bell or Jodie, as in the 'canon' narrative (not my Call of Booty fic) she decides to stick with the name she was given by Adler and Park. I decided to go with Bell being in the MI6 as I am from the United Kingdom myself and so I then decided that I wanted to give her a name that sounded British.
As much as I'd like to say that name for her goes much deeper, it doesn't, but I feel like that reflects this whole idea that her identity was rushed to be made in the face of her brainwashing. I am not convinced that Adler and Park (and whoever was involved with that process) sat down around a table, cigarettes in hands, and took the time to find a fitting name. I 100% believe that they would have gone with what sounded enough to convince Bell.
To me, Jodie Hall was that fit.
As for her actual name? Well, I had this feeling that her name would have begun with an 'N' and I went looking at Russian names. I always like to make sure, when it's a language or culture not my own, that I look into it as much as possible - I'm ADHD and it gives me the strength to do this kind of research.
With that in mind, I was looking through them and waiting to see if a particular name resonated with me and eventually Nadežda/Nadezhda stuck out to me. The foremost name's spelling took my fancy, I liked how it looked and I can't explain how I knew that it was perfect for my Bell oc, but there it was, looking at me like 'HEY HELLO HERE PICK ME!'
What I love about that name, though, is that it means hope. I think I have mentioned this before, but I really loved that hope was the meaning of the name because I feel like it was something her family would have always told her to have. It's also something that she loses sight of but regains during the narrative I have for her.
Not only that, but isn't Bell the last hope that Adler and his team had at stopping what Perseus was trying to do at Solovetsky? I just liked the parallel and I only came to this specific realisation about Bell being their hope after I chose the name.
As for her last name, again there isn't a meaning from what I could find, but it was this feeling again of knowing what I wanted her last name to start with and then finding a surname that jumped out at me and seemed to fit with her.
I had originally played with the idea of giving her a surname from one of the previous Russian characters from World At War or Black Ops, but I thought using Reznov or Petrenko might have been a bit too on the nose and I wasn't certain of how to fit the idea of them being related into her backstory.
Anyway, I didn't end up going with that idea and allowed myself the creative freedom to ruin her life by NOT having her be related to any previously known characters.
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Franca "Major" Lorenzetti
Franca was only known as Major for quite some time while I was working on her - she came about after my first play through of MW2's reboot and a lot of the character progression and little stories I thought about didn't really push me to find a name.
When I eventually started working on what I wanted her to be called, Franca was not the first choice. I actually called her Seraphina. But that name didn't sit right with me and for several weeks I remember going back to it and thinking 'that name doesn't fit. it's not her'.
Seraphina most definitely is a name I'm going to use, just it wasn't for her, you know? Cause I ended up going down a rabbit hole of Seraph could be a good callsign, but again... it just wasn't this character.
It was then back to being nameless. Here I was, her entire family being named but her.
I ended up going with Franca because it means 'free one' and her entire backstory is about struggling with the expectations of her family, feeling like she was obliged to go through with what they wanted, but then deciding to do what she wanted and breaking free. So, that was the one. I said it out loud and my brain was like 'yep, itch has been scratched'.
I also thought about having her surname be different to the one she has now, initially having Nota. However, the only reason I went with that is probably because I was lazy - Nota is the surname of my Italian family that moved over in the early 1900s. It was a safe option, but again didn't end up fitting my character. Sorry fam! Lorenzetti was then chosen and seemed like the perfect fit!
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Nanette MacTavish
I'm pretty certain that Nanette means something along the lines of graceful, merciful, or something similar and given that she has such a kind heart it felt right for her to have this name. I didn't really do much research into her name as it was the first one that came to mind for her. Sometimes I'm either right on the money the first time around or I have to do a little bit of figuring out before a character's name ends up being chosen. Like I say, Nanette's came right to me.
Of course, her surname is MacTavish because I kept seeing husband headcanons and what he'd be like as a dad and I needed that. So they're married.
Prior to that, though, her maiden name was Oakley! The only reason I chose this surname was because of how earthy is sounded - Nanette to me is someone very grounded, earthly, and she's also a Virgo. By extension, her father is very green-fingered and her mother loves nature. The family name fits all three of their personalities so it just fit too well not to go with it.
Thank you so much for reading this far, I hope I didn't rattle your ear off too much!
Overall I love all my ocs' names but I think I like Bell's the most, if only because of how complicated their meanings are for that character in connection with the storyline.
As for tagging other people, I'm not sure who's been tagged and who hasn't. If you've already done this, I'm sorry for the re-tag and I'm heading straight over to read your behind the oc name posts.
@angstkings @walder-138 @adlerboi @adlersoldspice uh uh uh panique- and uh @ anyone else who wanna do it!
Goodness gracious me, who thought tagging people would be stressful-
Anyway, have an absolutely wonderful day as each and every one of you deserves it. Remember to be kind to yourselves <3
with much honk,
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
Heeeey dear! (≧∇≦)ノ for ask game <3
🖐️ - what would they do if they are asked to “shake my hand in character”
🐌 - they are gifted a snail. What do they do with it?
🧸- do they have a special plushie?
For Jodie, Franca and Nanette!🧡✨
ANN HELLO!! <3 Lovely to see you my dear!
ok, here we go >:)c
🖐️ - what would they do if they are asked to “shake my hand in character”
Jodie: She would take it firmly, give it one firm shake, then quickly let go. She is polite and professional.
Franca: probably stares at it for a couple seconds depending on whether she liked/respected you; if you have achieved the liked status, she would give it a gentle shake but if you haven't... don't expect one.
Nanette: handshakes? no, get in here for a hug! One big squeeze and a mirthful laugh later, you have been greeted by Nanette. <3
🐌 - they are gifted a snail. What do they do with it?
Jodie: Calls it Frank. Human Frank would not be so pleased. She thinks Snail Frank shouldn't be intimidated, it's just because Human Frank is jealous that he pulls the name off better (she has a strange sense of humour ok?)
Franca: Refuses it. Why the fuck does she want a snail for? Get it away from her, it could have germs and shit like that- geT IT AWAY- FUC-
Nanette: makes a little home for it and takes it to the nursery she works at on the military base, it becomes the resident nursery snail and the children take turns to learn about how to care for it and by extension pets in general. It would be a great tool for learning little things like that in Nanette's mind.
🧸- do they have a special plushie?
Jodie: unfortunately, she does not. Not that she wouldn't like one, though!
Franca: Yes, but she will never admit that she does. If the team found out, her reputation would be forever ruined. (It's a scruffy looking, barely holding together sheep dog she got as a kid).
Nanette: YES! It's a cute little bear plushie! One of the eyes was sewn on wrong so it looks like it's looking in two different directions, but it's special because it was the first this that John got her as a lil gift. It has his voice in it saying that he loves her and reminds her that 'it'll not be long before I'm home' - it was his first deployment since the start of their relationship when he gifted it her. He got it so she wouldn't be lonely (yes he probably sprayed his cologne on it so it smelt like him, but has since lost that scent). The bear is, of course, wearing a kilt.
Even though I am loath to admit that MW3's ending happened, I will leave you with this: she presses that bear to hear Johnny's voice quite a lot, as it brings her and their daughter a lot of comfort. It's like he's still there, somehow, telling them it won't be long before they meet again. (Catch me crying into my tea.)
ty again!! I enjoyed the snail question, I was giggling at the idea that Franca actually really hates them but tries to brush it off as 'it's dirty and I don't want it near me or my medkits pls'. Johnny probably chases her around with it, saying it wants a kiss or something. Why is she friends with him, why? nanette come get yo man
Anyway! hope you enjoyed the read and much as I enjoyed the write! <3 <3
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