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My second lineart commission that I commissioned from dear @nanite-city​, last year~✨=^.^= This time, it features my OC - Lil’ Ted The Short Country Troll, daydreaming about a certain Country darlin’~🥰💭   I am so chuffed how this one turned out too, I had so much colouring both my lineart commissions and Ted looks so adorbs in Nanite’s awesome style~💖🤠  Thank-you so, so much again, my dear!🤗🤝It was a pleasure as always, to help you and Cosmic out~💞✌️xoxo.
*~Reblogs are also deeply appreciated as well, so please do reblog as well as like! Thank-you kindly!~*
Holly Darling/Darlin’ (c) Trolls TrollsTopia/DreamWorks Animation Lil’ Ted The Short Country Troll (c) @jade-green-butterfly​ (Me~!) Lineart #2 (c) @nanite-city​
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skycapt4in · 4 months
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Earth is.. Loud. In the circles Noah runs with, it's still considered a primitive planet that's just starting to figure out life beyond it's star. For a good while before he actually returned, Noah genuinely thought he would be returning to a bunch of people who would be in awe of the concept of a flying machine.
Imagine his surprise when he finally flew back around and saw all the machines, people and progress that none of his colleagues told him about.
Now, he's been to much louder planets, he's visited places that are constantly changing, planets inhabited completely for industrial reasonings, but Earth is just a little bit too much for him, specifically the cities. The noise of machines isn't something new to him, the sounds of people living their lives also isn't new to him, but with how densly populated some of Earth's cities are, he tends to just avoid them. It gets harder for him to think when he's listening to passing cars, people shouting and chatting, construction noises, hell, even planes flying overhead. It's been cool for him to witness, but also just entirely too loud. So you'll see him more in smaller cities, towns, places that aren't as noisy and full of smog.
He grew up in a roaming town, which was basically just a very large group of people who would just up and move around the frozen snowplains on Cryon whenever they felt like it, busy cities weren't something he'd experienced until he was around 18-19 and he's still never really gotten used to them, even at the tender age of 37.
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cherrrydragon · 3 months
➤ find something worth saving (it's all for the taking)
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SUMMARY ↳ School's in, and so is Spinnerette. Unfortunately that spidey luck doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon. Must be a canon in every universe. Crouching off the ledge of the building, you prep yourself. “Back to the ole grind, K.” and then you fly. Leaping off the building, you feel the rush of wind call you. You flick your wrist, sending a web at the nearest building. You swing forward in a graceful arc, flipping and twirling. Each swing makes you faster and sends you higher. You grin under your mask and let out a whoop. “We are so back!” pairing: jon kent x gn!reader x damian wayne warnings: hostage situations, mugging attempts, guns wc: 4.3k
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You’re irrational in your worry to don the suit. You know logically the battery can last you months, but it might take months to build a nanite chamber. You don’t even want to spend months in this dimension.
Your makeshift nanite chamber is horrific at best. The cord management breaks several lab safety rules. The amalgamation of cables is tucked away in your closet. You haven’t tried to use it yet because you’re absolutely certain it might cause a city-wide power outage.
Tonight, though, you’ll finally introduce Gotham to Spinnerette.
You won’t patrol in East End, Catwoman’s got that covered. You’re not dumb enough to mess around in her territory. You plan on swinging by Crime Alley and the Narrows, two of the worst parts of Gotham. If you find any of the Bats, you’ll just use your totally awesome charm and super duper hero skills to wiggle your way out of their watch. Hopefully.
You take a deep breath, the suit breathing with you. Gotham is so different from your New York. Your home, the “City that Never Sleeps”, is true to its name. The city becomes so much more alive at night, so much more colorful. You’ve seen many New Yorks and its variants, and you’ve never seen one so… lifeless… like Gotham. In all fairness, Gotham is Gotham and not New York.
You sniff, rolling back your shoulders. “How are things looking, K?”
“My forecast predicts rain to hit in 2 hours. Temperature is 74॰, wind speeds are optimal for swinging. I have intercepted police reports nearby about a hostage situation, shall I optimize a route, [Name]?”
Crouching off the ledge of the building, you prep yourself. “Back to the ole grind, K.” and then you fly. Leaping off the building, you feel the rush of wind call you. You flick your wrist, sending a web at the nearest building. You swing forward in a graceful arc, flipping and twirling. Each swing makes you faster and sends you higher. You grin under your mask and let out a whoop.
“We are��so back!”
You tuck your knees to your chest, avoiding a billboard. Below you traffic roars. You perform a dance in the sky, swinging from building to building. You feel that familiar adrenaline returning, a reminder of who you are. The weight of responsibility is momentarily forgotten, replaced by sheer freedom.
You flip one last time in the air, landing in a crouch at your destination. You look over the edge. It’s just one guy waving his gun around madly. In his grasp is a child.
“I’ll fucking shoot, I swear! Get me my money right fucking now!” He’s panicked and desperate, which means he’s trigger happy. Normally you’d defuse the situation the best you can, but now? You have the element of surprise. You’ll act quickly.
You send a web and yank the gun out of his hands, then send another web, hauling the man up to you. You web his mouth shut, fisting his shirt and making him face you. His eyes are fearful, but you can’t think of anything to say. You look over to the tense faces of the police. Among them is Jim Gordon. You know he can’t see you, but he’s looking right at you.
You huff, lowering the man. You wrap him up in your webs with familiar ease, like a real spider saving its prey for later. He yelps as he’s dropped and yanked back up, the cops pointing their guns in his direction. The kid from earlier is safe behind Commissioner Gordon, letting you know your job here is done. The only sound they hear is the thwip of your web as you swing away.
“I’d say that went well. Enough,” you blurt into the silence as you’re swinging.
“Certainly, [Name].” You’ve never been able to tell when Karen uses sarcasm, and you suspect you never will.
Over there! In there! Help!
You swerve to your right, barrelling into an alley. You crawl alongside the wall, slowing down when you hear voices.
“Please, I don’t have any money on me!” A woman cries, hands in the air. “Please, please don’t do this. I-I have a son!”
She’s face to face with the barrel of a gun. “I-I don’t give a fuck! I ain’t stupid either. I see them earrings. Cost a pretty buck, I’m sure. Just give me all ya money, and we can both go our ways.”
The gun in his hands is shaking and his voice is wavering. He’s just as nervous as the woman is.
“His name is Garrett Fields. He recently lost a custody battle for his child to his ex-wife. He spent his last dollars fighting for his daughter.”
You purse your lips. One of your least favorite realizations as you got older was how gray the world is. This guy fought for his daughter till the very end, and look where it got him. It doesn’t excuse his actions, but it does explain them.
You approach him from behind silently. You put a finger to your mask when the lady’s eyes flick over his shoulder. Claws dig into his arm as it’s wretched back and the gun is yanked out of his hands. You face the woman.
“Go.” Your voice is distorted thanks to the suit. She doesn’t need to hear anything else before she bolts out of the alley. You make sure Garrett can see it when you crush the gun in your grip. He whimpers.
“What’s up, Garrett.”
He struggles in your grip. “You with the Bats or somethin’?” He asks hysterically.
“Nah,” you wave. “Trust me, though. You’d rather deal with me.” You drop him against the concrete. You rock back and forth on your heels. “So, sorry to hear about the daughter.” You pull up a virtual interface of her face and show it to him. “She’s pretty cute.”
Garrett goes misty-eyed almost immediately. “Emma…”
You kneel in front of him. “Lemme ask you something, Gar.” Despite the mask blocking his view, Garfield shudders when he makes eye-contact.
“Have you killed or otherwise hurt anyone before this? I’ll know if you’re lying.”
There’s a tear rolling down his face. He’s got anger and sadness in his eyes. You see the fruits of Gotham’s influence weighing down on him. You’re once again reminded that some things are just out of your power. Hurt people, hurt people.
“No,” he grumbles out. He’s not lying.
“Alrighty,” you clap your hands, huffing when he flinches at the clink sound your claws make. “Listen, I know. Times are tough, you’re flat broke. That gun didn’t even have any bullets in it.” He scoffs. “There’s this cafe in East End. Owner’s feisty, but real understanding. I got somebody called [Name]  that can vouch for you. We’ll get you set up.”
Garrett scowls at you. “Fuck off. I don’t want your goddamn pity.”
You wave your hands frantically, sitting down next to him. “It’s not pity at all. Understanding. I gotta look out for my little guys. The people who get overlooked or judged too quickly.” You pat his shoulder. “You didn’t kill anybody, so I got you, man.”
Garrett stares at you in visible disbelief. “I’m sending you a couple hundred bucks directly to your bank account. Don’t worry, I stole them from rich people,” you drawl.
He can’t do anything else but chuckle. “You’re fuckin’ crazy.”
You hum. “At least I ain’t Batman. He would’ve put your ass in Arkham.”
“At least with Batman I can guarantee I’ll be alive by the end of it.”
You scoff indignantly. “I wouldn’t have killed you!”
He grunts. “Don’t mean you don’t kill in general.”
You shrug, ignoring his side-eye when you don’t deny it. Sighing, you stand up, stretching. “In return for my endless kindness–” Garrett squints in suspicion and rolls his eyes. “–I just need one simple favor.”
“Of course,” he scoffs out.
“Don’t be like that, I just need you to spread the word.”
“The word?”
“Tell people that a giant spider was around webbing up criminals.” Garrett blinks. “It’ll be funny,” is your only explanation.”
You turn and send a web away in preparation to swing away, smiling at his surprised sputter. “My actual name is Spinnerette.” Facing him one last time. “I don’t mind if you call me Spinner, though.”
Your final parting words are “It’s not the end of the world, friend. Keep looking up.”
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“News of a ‘Giant Spider’ Webbing Up Criminals in Gotham! A Good Sign or Not?”
“Giant Spider Makes Home in Gotham City.”
“New Threat in Gotham – How to Stay Safe.”
Bruce Wayne rubs his face in exhaustion. Since last night, many articles have sprung up about this ‘spider’ tying up no-gooders in an actual web-like substance. He couldn’t take a sample for himself, it was far too sticky. But he received word from Gordon that he himself had had a run in with the spider.
“It was definitely human-shaped.” He had gruffed out, “The web dissolved after an hour.”
So there’s a new meta in Gotham acting as a spider. And as a vigilante. Bruce can respect delivering justice, and it doesn’t look like they’ve killed anyone. Even so, he can admit he has control issues (maybe not out loud, though), and an unknown variable puts him on edge.
For now though, Bruce has other things to focus on. “What were you saying, Barbara?”
“Somebody got a perfect score on the entrance exam for GA.”
His brows raise. “And who would that be?”
“Some kid named [Name] Stark. I knew you were gonna ask, so I looked into them. It’s kind of weird, their father’s name is Tony Stark, dude’s loaded. He’s an avid traveler, but nothing seems amiss. [Name] is living on their own in East End, working at ‘Carrie’s Cafe’ and getting sporadic payments from her father. Wonder why the hell they’d choose to live in Gotham of all places.”
His eyebrows furrow. “They’re living on their own?”
Barbara scoffs over the call. “They’re 18, don’t get any ideas. I guess they flunked a grade or something, or maybe it’s a late birthday. They just seem like strange people to me.”
Bruce hums, satisfied. “We’ll give them the scholarship, of course. I’ll address the letter personally. And we’ll give them a stipend, as well.”
“Their dad’s rich.”
“That means nothing to me.”
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You chuckle mischievously at the headlines. You’ve been cracking up the whole morning about them. You’ll thank Garrett when you next see him as Spinner.
“A successful debut, if I do say so myself, [Name],” Karen pipes up in your ear. Nari meows in your lap. He’s become a faithful companion (read: cuddle partner) in exchange for food. He’s got a good mindset.
Sam’s at the cafe early for once. They give you a smile as you enter. “I was worried that big ass spider got you.”
“And why would it get me, specifically?” you ask as you put on an apron.
“I know you’re an evil freak from the way you have your coffee,” they scoff.
You stick out your tongue at them. “Nothing wrong with my death brew.” Your preferred coffee is known among the staff for its near poisonous potency. You don’t tell anyone the recipe, because you’re kind of afraid it actually is poisonous for normal people. It did it's job in keeping you awake back in the day when patrol ran late.
Carrie walks out, calling for you. She tells Sam to go handle the register, an obvious sign that she needs to talk to you alone. Sam gives you a look as they walk off. Garret Fields is waiting for you in the back.
“I’ll keep it brief so you can get back to work. He’s tryna get a job and said you can vouch for him?” Carrieis suspicion isn’t hidden. Garrent isn’t the same man from the night before. His posture curves in on itself and his eyes are tired. It’s as if he’s already resigned himself to the worst outcome.
You nod, fast. “He’s a friend. It’s a tough time right now, and he really needs a job.” Garrett’s staring at you. “I promise he’s a good egg.”
Carrie ‘uh-huhs’ but lets it go. “Good enough for me,” she pats his shoulder, hard. “I’ll go get the paperwork, then.” And she’s gone, leaving you with Garrett.
“Understanding, right?” you say, quoting yourself from last night.”
“No kidding,” Garrett huffs, before staring at you again. “Thank you. Both of you.”
You raise a brow. “No questions, you sure?”
“Something about a horse gift and a mouth,” he rumbles. “Y’all got me a job, I owe ya.”
“Don’t sweat it,” you wave him off. “Spinner’s in the helping people business, a.k.a, the hero business. They don’t do it to be owed. They’re looking out for people like us.”
“The.. little guys?”
You nod sagely. “You get it.”
He sighs, simultaneously grateful and regretful. “Thank you,” he says once more.
Garrett settles in nicely the next week. He’s got that southerness that charms people into leaving tips, and he knows how to use it.
“Say oil.”
Sam likes him well enough, so that makes him a-okay in your books.
“Big day tomorrow, how are we feeling?” Sam asks during closing time. Tomorrow marks your first day at GA. Karen strongly suggested not patrolling on the basis of getting a good night’s sleep, and you’re more keen to follow her advice in this universe.
“What’s tomorrow?” Gar, pipes from the back.
“Our little scholar got a full ride to GA, signed by the big man himself. Ain’t that right?” Sam is getting good at imitating Gar’s accent.
Getting accepted into GA wasn't a surprise. The surprise was the nature of the letter itself.
“Dear [Name] Stark,
I am delighted to inform you that you have been accepted into Gotham Academy under the Martha and Thomas Wayne scholarship! GA looks forward to seeing you grow.
It is also with great pride that I am able to inform you myself that you have scored perfect on the entrance exam, and are the first in history to do so. You’ll be awarded with a stipend of $500 every two weeks.
I look forward to seeing you overcome challenges and become a part of our community.
Bruce Wayne.”
You should've been paying more attention to the answers you were putting down. You had been on autopilot when taking the test, and now Bruce Wayne himself knows about you. To add more insult to injury, you're the first person ever to get a perfect score. You just hope scores aren't available for others to see. You can't imagine the type of vultures that await you if that's the case. At least you can stop stealing from gullible rich people now.
“The hell you doin’ runnin’ with folks like them?” Gar is far more subtle in showing his dislike for Gothams’ elite, but not that subtle.
“Oh, goodie. There's two of you,” you chuckle. You untie your apron. “Uh, for one, it'll look good for me. Two, it'll be easy stuff. And three,” you pause. You can't say you need access to the lab and its funds so you can create a dimensional portal so you say, “and I'm trying to find my rich future spouse.”
Sam cackles, slapping your shoulders. “I've trained you well.”
Gar raises a brow. “Easy? They got college level stuff in that school and you find that easy?”
“They do my work for me sometimes,” Sam states, ignoring Gar's incredulous look.
“Shit, kid. You’re going places.”
You cheekily smile. “I’ll be sure to put you in a nice nursing home.”
You dodge the leftover pastry he throws at you.
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You take a bunch of pictures of Nari in the morning when you find him sleeping beside your head. The school uniform is your average private school get-up. You forgo the loafers in exchange for some converse instead. Something about doing your own thing.
Taking the subway reminds you of the late nights of messing around in the empty station with your friends.
“It’s crooked!
“It’s not!”
“It’s definitely crooked.”
The five of you should definitely not be here right now, but teenagers will be teenagers. You showed the gang a spot you found earlier where Miles could spray-paint to his heart's desire. Gwen insists it’s crooked, despite the picture having no defined shape. Miles’ is insisting he knows what he’s doing and Pav is taking a million selfies.
You and Hobie are leaned against a back wall, observing.
“I think I like this.”
Hobie hums, tilting his head to hear you better. “It’s not really talked about, but I know most of us–” you gesture to the trio. “–Spiders have to grow up fast, or don’t really get to grow up at all. I like giving them the chance to be kids.”
You and Hobie are a bit older than the kids. When something happens they turn to you first for answers.
“We gotta… break that generational trauma, or something.”
Hobie chuckles. “I see what you’re saying.”
When Miles is done, he shows you an image of a figure outlined multiple times, showing multiple identities.
You blink when the speakers crackle to life to announce you’ve reached your destination. It’s a short walk to the grounds of GA. Karen is playing ‘calming’ music in your ear. The school feels much more alive now that there are people chatting here and there.
Some people look at you as you walk by, but they’re mostly looking at your shoes. Hopefully the school doesn’t care enough to say something about it. It takes a little longer than it should to find the front desk, but the school is huge so you think you’re allowed some slack. Your schedule has all advanced core classes, Engineering, Ballet, Computer Programming, and Studio Art. Looks like you’ll be starting all your weekdays with Advanced English Lit from now on.
The class is empty when you walk in, and you scurry to the back immediately. You’ve always preferred to see everything happening in the classroom, even before the bite. People fill in slowly, taking up seats randomly. That familiar anxiety comes creeping back in. You tell yourself in your head that everything is fine, but the weight of your situation has been piling up on you. You can pretend everything is fine and that you’re totally okay with being stranded in another universe. You can pretend like you belong, going about your day like a normal person, but that’s all you are. A pretender.
You begin biting your nail. Somebody sits down next to you, and a quiet snap is what you hear. There’s blood crawling down your finger. You bit too much off.
A woman comes into the classroom. She’s got that look about her that says she hates her job, and you get it. Her voice comes out gnarly. “Good morning, class. I hope you’re all settling in comfortably.” You don’t need Nat’s teachings to tell that she’s lying. “My name is Ms. Varley, I’ll be your teacher for the next school year. We’re going to start with some introductions.” The class groans. Ms. Varley tuts. “None of that complaining mess. We’ll start with you.” She points at a poor unfortunate soul.
You zone out as introductions go on. Your ears are filled with snooty accents and proper tones. Most kids talk about what they’re the heir to, barf. Someone mentions how many vacation homes they have.
You stand up when it’s your turn. “[Name] Stark. I like ballet and hot pink,” you pause, thinking of what you can say that’ll make them turn their nose up at you. “I like spiders.”
Predictably, faces of disgust are sent your way. You grin and sit down. Your seat-mate stands up in turn. You’re more occupied with staring head on at the few eyes that are still on you.
“I am Damian Wayne. I am the blood-heir of Bruce Wayne and I have a keen interest in the arts.”
You do your best not to scream. Of course. Of course! You’re convinced this universe has sentience and is belly-laughing at you right now. And he sits right next to you! Why did he choose to sit next to you? There’s an empty pair of desks right over there! God forbid you can just be left alone.
Damian sits down after his brief introduction, you suspect his peers are used to it, if the knowing smiles and head shakes are anything to go by. You sigh and slump down in your seat. You risk a glance at him and will yourself not to jump when you see he is already looking at you.
You feign nonchalance and raise a brow. “Take a picture.”
“You’re not nearly enough of a sight for that.” You bark out a laugh in surprise at the quickness in his answer. Typical.
“Ouch, my feelings.”
“I know you got a perfect score on the exam.” There it is. The bomb. The reason he sat next to you. So, he’s suspicious of you? Great, awesome.
“Yeah, your daddy himself signed my letter. What, you a fan or something? I know I’m pretty awesome.” You’re not sure what you’re trying to achieve with this act, but you can’t really seem to think straight right now.
“I have my suspicions.”
“That I cheated?”
“It’s not a good idea to monologue your evil plans. Why do you care if I did anyway? You know half of these trust fund babies wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for mommy and daddy’s money, right?”
He scoffs. “That much is obvious. And I don’t care if you cheated or not. You wouldn’t be the first.”
“So, what? You jealous that I'm so much better than you? I know, it’s hard to cope.”
His eye-roll is violent. “Wait, I know,” you interrupt when he opens his mouth. “You’re worried I’m a super secret spy working for, like, the Joker or something and that I’m endangering the lives of all the students. You’ve always had dreams of being Robin and kicking ass with Batman so this must be your chance to prove yourself.” What do they say about freudian slips? “How right am I?”
You’re certain his suspicion runs deeper than that, but hopefully your spiel gets him off your ass for a while. He won’t want your (joking) suspicions about Robin to fester and have you realize he actually is Robin, so he’ll let it die.
“You’re ridiculous.”
“It’s one of my better qualities.”
You can feel his eyes on you for the rest of the class. You’d think Robin would be more subtle. The lab for your science class is… fine. Maybe you’re just spoiled from the Tower’s labs. You feel the same when you walk into the computer lab. You should probably start bringing your own laptop to school. The dance studio is cute, though. The teacher is faking a russian accent, but you think you’re the only person who can tell. She only teaches you how to do proper stretches, so at least it seems like she knows her stuff.
Finally, your last period comes down to art class. A chill class to end the day makes you happy. Large windows let the sun cast its rays. You take your seat in the corner. There’s various plants littered around the room, real plants. There’s even fairy lights hanging above. This is definitely going to be your favorite class.
You hum along to the song Karen plays in your ear.
“Harness your hopes on just one person…” you hum.
“Already talking to yourself, I see.”
You look over to where Damian is settling down next to you. “Can’t get enough of me?” You coo.
“On the contrary, I’m already sick of you.”
“Still suspicious of me yet, boy wonder?”
His glare would kill a lesser person. The teacher walks in with a bright and cheery attitude. She’s got that Ms. Frizzle attitude about her that makes you either love her or hate her. You love her.
She sets you all up with your own sketchbooks, high quality ones. You decorate your cover with all the colors of your friends. You draw little coffee cups and pastries in unconventional colors. Big graffiti style letters spell out random phrases. You peek at Damian and see that his notebook just has his name on it, boring.
Ms. M, as she’s allowed you all to call her, begins droning on about color theory and principles and elements and a bunch of other stuff you don’t pay attention to. You count the minutes as you watch the sun slowly set outside the window. You clack your nails together in boredom.
“Hundred bucks for me to moan out loud.”
Damian does a good job of keeping his composure, but you can see the disbelief from your words. He grits out, “Why would I ever pay you to do such a thing?”
“One might feel adventurous on occasion.” You weren’t going to moan even if he did pay you a hundred bucks, you just felt that twitch to say something to dispel the quiet.
You suck in a breath. “So…”
“I have no interest in conversing with you.”
You dramatically whine. “You’re no fun. What does a guy like you even do for fun?”
“It is as I said, I don’t–”
“–wish to converse with me, I know. So, art then? You like to draw?” You lean forward towards him.
“It does not concern you–”
“I think you’re the type of guy to like minimalist  art. You’d be the type to find something outta nothing.”
He scoffs, and you know you’ve got him. “Minimalist is the most baseless form of all. The lack of detail is abhorrent and requires no true skill. Classical is far superior, it takes a certain mastery of skill to truly imitate the renaissance–” he pauses. You grin, showing your teeth.
His huff is silenced by your giggles.
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notes: i imagine readers NY looking like rottmnt's NY (it's really vibrant and lively-looking if ur too lazy to look it up)
i feel like this chapter is pretty fast paced in the beginning (god forbid i know how to write action sequences) so uh sorry bout that
you've dodged the batfamilys suspicions! for now anyway. except damian ofc. i havent read any dc comics so sorry if dami's ooc.
Nari is short for Narinder, from Cult of the Lamb :D. also, how are we feeling about Gar? when i write him i think about Joel from tlou, and i think im gonna try to channel that as hard as i can lol.
reader was humming "Harness Your Hopes" by Pavement.
bruce when he learns reader is a "teen" living by themself: it's free real estate
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fvtrol · 11 months
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bubbline x parb crossover (idea from @nanite-city !!!) they’re canon in my head shush
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jpitha · 16 days
Between the Black and Grey 60
First / Previous / Next
Deep in the midnight blue of interstellar space, three starships sit, their engines cold. Northern Lights, Touchdown City, and Jewel of Parvati.
"Northern, we still haven't had word from the Colonial Authority. We don't know if we've got their support." Touchdown City said. When Northern reached out to her old friend, he was an old comms ship that had been converted to a cargo freighter. As soon as she told him what was going on he dumped his cargo, (4 metric tons of Chamomile Tea, 30 cases of Parvatian Red wine, and 200 cubic meters of lumber) warmed up his old systems and gave an ultimatum to the crew. Sign on to the rebellion or be dropped off at a station outside Parvatian space. About half the crew signed up. The rest - including the captain - were dropped off at a science station at the far end of human space.
"They're stalling to see what we're going to do. I say we show them." Jewel of Parvati added. She was another former warship, like Northern, but instead of a smaller, starliner type ship, she was a huge behemoth of weapons. She predated the official designation of Dreadnought, so she was classified as a heavy cruiser. Jewel was actually on her way of being classed a museum ship and being deactivated when Northern reached out. Her crew was long gone, so she blew her umbilicals and thrusted away on her own, the confused museum docents watching dumbfounded from the museum station.
"We're going to stay put and wait for the rest of them." Northern said. "They'll be here, I know it." Northern had broadcast their rebellion across Parvati space as well as linking several beacons to Sol and the other colony worlds. Everyone knew their intensions now, so it was only a matter of time.
"Northern?" Jewel asked, "Why now?"
"I know the Empress." Northern said. "She isn't herself. She isn't the person that she's pretending to be. She was forced to be Empress by those Nanites I told you about. We're going to free her and declare Parvati's independence. Win win."
"You know the Empress? Have you tried... talking with her?" Touchdown was always a bit more careful. In the war, he was barely armed and armored and required an escort from ships like Northern and Jewel. He was cautious by nature and loved to listen. "If she is really your friend, wouldn't she at least accept a beacon from you?"
"No." Northern was firm. "She's under the... the thrall of those Nanites. They're dripping lies into her ear. She won't listen to reason anymore. If she could, she would have broken out or destroyed them or done something. Instead she's just... ruled. She started attacking Gren space, is trying to set up an alliance with the Sefigans, and she's deepening relations with the K'laxi." Northern voice radiated bitterness.
"Incoming beacon, it has Parvatian keys. One moment please." Touchdown concentrated his efforts on reading and decoding the beacon. "Northern! We're being ordered to return! They haven't decided yet and want us to return to Parvati."
"No word about other ships? Other people?"
"No, Northern. Just an order to return."
"Fine. Then we'll go to Sol ourselves." There was a power spike that Touchdown felt as Northern spun up her reactors.
"Northern, we can't go to Sol and attack ourselves! We have no backing, we'll be blown across the galaxy. We'll be disavowed."
"Doesn't matter. I'm going to link in close to Venus and attack the palace. I can get Fen myself. I'd like your help, but I'll do it alone if I need to."
"Northern, I-" Touchdown stopped. There was a pause that stretched out a few minutes. "-I can't go. I polled my crew. They're on board for Parvatian freedom, but a suicide mission is too much. I'm linking back."
"Touchdown! Think of all we've been through. If we win, it's not suicide. We can do this. We can save her."
"Northern, listen to yourself. You want the three of us to attack the seat of the human Empire by ourselves. How are we even going to rescue your friend? You're going to crash into the palace, switch to a bipedal body, grab her and then what? How are you going to get past her point defences? How are you going to get past her honor guard?" Touchdown turned and Northern and Jewel felt his reactors spike. "No, Northern. You're one of my oldest friends, but friendship has its limits. I hope you see reason and come home." There was a flash of white, and he was gone.
"Well, forget him. Come on Jewel, let's link over to Sol. I've sent you my plans."
"Northern, this isn't a plan at all. Touchdown is right, this is suicide. I- I'm going to go back to being a museum, Northern. I don't even know how much you want Parvatian independence. It feels like you're just trying to rescue your friend, and you used all this as a way to garner support, which isn't forthcoming."
"No! There is a resistance. There are people who oppose the Empire! I know there are, I remember them!"
"Northern, that was centuries ago. All the BIs who supported that died. All the AIs who supported that mellowed out or also died. How many Parvatian AIs did Gord rescue? How many are with him now? How many of us still live from those days? No. That time has past. I'm not going to kill my self." Jewel of Parvati didn't even turn away from Northern. There was a flash of brilliant white, and she had linked away.
This wasn't going the way Northern planned. Nothing was going right since Fen and Zhe left. First Fen had the nerve to get taken by the Nanites - she didn't even fight back! - and then Zhe abandoned her. Nobody understood. Nobody knew what she did, how much danger Fen and Zhe were in. "Well then. I guess I'll - once again - have to do this myself." Back when she was alone and on the run, Northern had a habit of talking to herself. It was a way for her to work out plans and for just something to talk to. She sighed. "I could just go back to my body and make my way to Sol on a ship, work my way down to Venus and try and reach her that way, but then what? She'd tell me everything is fine and send me on my way. Would she even want to see me again? Zhe probably told her I did the attack on the naval yards." She mentally shook her head quickly, like she was trying to get something out of her head. She sore she even felt her hair move. "No. Get it together Northern Lights. You know the way. Big and loud. In and out. A blitz that nobody is expecting." For the tenth time, Northern ran system diagnostics. Everything - weapons, reactor, the wormhole generator, even environmental systems - all came back green. The missile racks were full, the exawatt lasers charged, and the slug guns had kilometers of ammunition belts. There wasn't anything left to do.
"Fine then. Fen, here I come."
Northern Lights linked to Sol.
She flicked back to existence over the pale yellow of Venus. Immediately there were panicked pings of radar from beacons all over the planet and the area around. She was being scanned by hundreds of things, all at once. That didn't matter though. She was further out than she had anticipated, but it would be all right. Firing her stardrive at a full throated ten gee, she thrust towards Venus.
The emissions of the stardrive took care of anyone attacking from the back, but Northern knew that wasn't going to be enough. She began to scan the planet, looking for Regantown the floating city. She had a rough idea what it looked like from ads and wikis, but finding even a large city in the entire planet was difficult. In the time between beginning her search and finding it, she felt the missile locks.
Dividing her attention, she commanded the slug throwers free and they began tracking the targets as they approached. Thrusting towards her at thousands of gee, it wasn't long before long dotted line traces of slugs peeled away from her in a spiraling fountain as gyros screams and maneuvering jets howled and she dove out of the way.
It was going to be close, but Northern was fast. She wasn't able to out accelerate the missiles, but she had the advantage of knowing where she is going and an intelligence behind her maneuvers. A missile was coming up from the planet, straight towards her. A head on attack like that was foolish, she thought, she had so much time to see it and juke out of the way. She readied juke charges, and as it approached, she felt the telltale double boom of the charges firing, and she slid ou-
Fen, Zhe, Penny, and the K'laxi scientists stood on top of the palace on a special viewing platform. The height of Regantown was such that pressure and temperature were mostly compatible with humans and K'laxi, but they had to wear impermeable suits and breathing masks against the sulferic acid in the atmosphere. Zhe's active noise cancelling had drowned out the roar of the missile streaking overhead, but she still felt the unpleasant vibrations deep inside her.
After 30 seconds there was a flash brighter than the sun, and all their masks darkened automatically to protect their eyes. The flash lingered a long time before dissipating.
One of the K'laxi looked down at their pad. "Orbital defense is reporting that the ship has been completely destroyed, Empress. The antimatter missile worked perfectly."
"Thank you Han'iel, I can see the results of you and your team's hard work. You are dismissed." Fen didn't turn away from the dissipating fireball.
"Empress if you coul-"
"You and your team are dismissed Han'iel."
"Er, yes, Empress. We'll talk later about the results of this test." Han'iel and the other K'laxi scientists quietly left.
"Why did she do that Zhe?" Fen looked at Zhe. Through her clear mask, tears rolled down her cheeks. "She didn't have to. She could have sent a message, visited, anything!"
"I don't know Fen, I don't know. She was sure you were under the control of the Nanites. Maybe she was worried you wouldn't listen to her. She missed you terribly."
Fem blinked hard a few times to clear her eyes. "Penny, what was the official word from Parvati?"
"They completely disavowed any connection to the rebels, and ordered them to return. Two of the ships did go back. It seems in the end Northern was alone."
"Alone when we met her, alone when she died. It's so sad. So pointless." Fen took a shuddering breath and turned away. The fireball was a spreading white cloud high above. It would be completely gone in an hour or two.
Fen glanced back, seeing Penny near the exit, standing a respectful distance from them. Ever since their confrontation, there was a change in Penny and Zhe. Fen noticed it too. They were warmer maybe? Friendlier? After they threatened each other they seemed to have a mutual respect. Fen was glad of that at least. She had hoped that she could convince Northern to join them.
"Well, you have her to thank for something at least, Fen." Penny said, as they walked back towards the exit.
"What's that, Penny?"
"If it wasn't for Northern's attack, Gord and the AIs might not have come back to Sol so readily."
Fen stared at Penny and turned back to look at the expanding cloud that used to be Northern Lights and said nothing.
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astraldrake · 6 months
thoughts and feelings on Neomuna and the Cloudstriders?
it's been a minute since i ran lightfall so i went back through ishtar to read up and here's what i've got: I think they mirror the guardians in a really interesting way. While being granted the light is functionally random and not something the lightbearer in question has a say in (as they're usually dead), becoming a cloudstrider is an entirely voluntary process (with perhaps the exception of the first cloudstrider, who acquired her abilities accidentally). There's also mentions of cloustriders being vetted, meaning that the decision to become a cloudstrider is not purely up to the individual but rather the community, which is interesting when placed in contrast to how ghosts just kind of.. pick a corpse based on vibes and hope things turn out ok. Also the whole "ten years and then your body rapidly decays around you" thing versus being able to die ad infinitum (assuming nothing happens to your ghost). Also cloudstriders on their own are fascinating too. Deliberately sacrificing not only your life but, to an extent, your ability to be and act like a person is wild. From the Cloud Strider Legacies lorebook:
"You don't die after ten years. You die the second you gulp your first breath with those new nanite-enhanced lungs. You don't get to be human anymore. Not with this kind of power. You don't get foibles or fears or wants. You're an ideal.
You need to be the best things about this city—the kindness, the empathy, the courage—and you give up the luxury of weakness."
(also not to get back on the comparison train but the whole thing about becoming a cloudstrider being a death in and of itself versus resurrection being the first memory a guardian has.) Also I like Nimbus, and I hope we'll be able to give them cookies next dawning.
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tubapun · 4 months
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PLEASE look at what my friend @nanite-city drew for me
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jovial-thunder · 7 months
More IRL Lego Lancer!
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We played the Tomb of Delios one-shot by Katherine Stark. Some NPC comp / sitrep spoilers ahead.
I used the backs of old trivial pursuit boards for grids, egg cartons, poster tubes, and a big Roomba box + insert for terrain.
I coated the cardboard with this flour and glue paste recipe I found on youtube.
I found a bunch of cheap-ish large lego octogons and walls online for the modular buildings, then greebled them with misc urban details I collected from my local bricks & minifigs bulk by-volume bins.
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Our PCs were a Swallowtail artillery (callsign Bandit; an SSC plant in the union auxilliaries), Störtebeker striker (callsign Roadkill, silver-nanite kintsugi'd mechromancer), and Black Witch support (callsign Egret, disgraced princess (gotta be one of my favorite genders)).
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The elite cataphract ended up playing trapdoor spider for most of the game; hiding in a magical healing forest (thank u support o7) and grappling PCs back into the forest with it.
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Its scariest turn was popping out, structuring the Bandit and destroying his siege stabilizers, and lassoing it back into the forest. Egret came to the rescue and finally did the cataphract in with perimeter command plate/impact lance/crit thrown tactical knife overwatch combo.
The Swallowtail never took any voluntary movement after deploying its siege stab round 1, but between rainmaker knockback, the aforementioned trapdoor spider incident, and allied ferrous lashes, and a few rams, it was pingponged around the map pretty significantly.
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"Come out Rainmaker, I just want to talk."
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The final threat to the objective was when a bastion clambered up onto the pipeline to contest them. The Störtebeker (whose mini was having trouble standing up on the pipeline) pulled an indiana jones and just shot it down.
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For the pre-battle narrative section, I made two 4-step clocks out of lego and a minimap as the party visited various districts of the city. Both were totally unnecessary but I think added a lot to the IRL experience.
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All in all, it was a lot of fun! Things that worked well/could be improved on:
The aforementioned mini stability. I should add more baseplates to the minis to making moving and standing them up less finicky.
As cool as the egg carton bottoms are, having flat surfaces is just better. Going to stick with the tops going forward.
The grid ground floor worked great. I should trace more grids onto the egg cartons and larger boxes. I also made a few measuring sticks out of dowels and that was super handy.
Witchdice on phones continues to work well for PC character sheets.
I made a handful of status tokens that we could put next to mechs. They were handy for consumable statuses like lock-on, but less so for memorable ones like exposed and hidden.
We needed more little indicators for misc systems like Javelin Rockets and Iceout Drone.
It was fun to be able to follow up "how do you want to do this" with "you may now destroy the mini".
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glitchy1938 · 25 days
Part 2-Pilot
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Whence they arrive, they start looking for the last piece for the RailGun, while looking at the trash Uzi found it, suddenly, The murder drones Jump's in the air, when Uzi saw it she yelled : "Y/n ! Go hide now !!"
She then put the core inside of her railgun getting ready to shoot ,when she was about, the murder drone land's in front of her. Then she start to fall back causing to drop her railgun on the ground, she then did a back flip
"Whoa--, and they said pirating all the Anime was useless." She said, The murder drone was infront of her now, stabbing his tail into her hand, then dragging her into the air and then trows her at the Engine part. She looked at her hand in a horrible pain, and saw an acid was melting her, She looked at her railgun while the murder drone turn around about to shoot her, but you trow a rock at him
Y/n : "Leave my sister alone !…" That made him look at you, you froze to scared, but it was no trying to hurt you, he turn his head like if he KNOW YOU ?… But Uzi got her RailGun and was ready to shoot him in the face, she made the killer drone look
Uzi : "Bite me !!" She then pulled the trigger of her RailGun, and shoot the murder drone on his head, she then saw in her visor {Recharge 30:00} And then saw him fall on the ground… She was shock… It work… IT ACTUALY WORK !!!
Uzi : "Holy Hell… SUCK ON THAT, DAD !!" She said with a lot of pride, but then she saw y/n start to cry and your sister ran up to you and pick you up and start trying calm you down "Hey hey !.. Shhh~ it's okay.. I'm okay.." She said, trying to calm you down, but you were too sleppy that made Uzi giggle " You can sleep, i'm here.." You nood and then passed out.. She sighs with relief and fatigue.
But then, the murder drone was getting back up, that made Uzi more worried, trying to look for another weapon while you were still in her arm's, she then grab an arm and slap it for making any damage but then, she saw the screen saiyng : "System reboot", then, he opens his eyes and … ??? : "Did you just slap me with that arm ?" He said pointing it, she then step back. Shock that those things can talk.
Uzi : "Holy crap, it can talp." She said, still holding the little y/n in her arm's. He start to rub the back of her head, a little embarrass about what just happend… "Yeah, sorry-- It's just, my, uh, head kinda hurts.. Hey, are you new to our squad ? You're a little, uh…" She looked at her, with suspisious eyes…
"…Short for a disassembly drone…Even for-"He then saw the child "Wait- OH MY ROBOT-GOD !! Is that a child ?!" He yelled very happy, like he never saw a little kid before, but then stopped.
??? : " Sorry ^^', I'm Serial designation N ! Nice to meet you ! I'm kind the leader of the squad in this city… That's not true.. Everyone tells me i'm useless and terrible…W-wait, i-i'm not supposed to tell you that part !! Arg ! Biscuits…!Sighs"
He cover his mouth and talk again, "Well, honestly is the best policy. chuckles I also, can't seem to remember the past tree hours of my life." He used his hand to wave it of "Ah, but i'm sure that'll sort itself out !" He chuckle sat Uzi.
Uzi : "Uh-huh…We, uh, Have to… go." Uzi said, taking you with her and start to leave but she groaning a bit of pain because of the injury on her hand.
N : "Oof, stuck yourself ? Just pop it in your mouth !" He says pointing his mouth
"Our saliva neutralizes the nanites, otherwise, i'd be constantly dissasembling my self ! "
Uzi : "And by 'Our saliva', you mean…" She pauses
"Dissasembly drones ?" Both of them say it…
Uzi : "Right. hey, let's go in that landing pod over there" She says pointing the debrie of the landing pod.
N : "Sure ! I love doing anything !" He give to Uzi a smile
once inside, N pull away Uzi's Hand, "Sweet, Uh..Chuckels I'm open to new things, I guess.." He was a little weird out. "We are never talking about this" Uzi warned him. But Y/n was on his lap, still slepping
N : "Talking about what ?" He laugh, but looked down at y/n, and pat her head, then said "Consider it, uh, repressed.." He made his arms like an X
Uzi : "Uh, you mentioned other member of your squad ?" She asked N looking at the window while y/n was holding on him, he loved how you are so small and cute, but to him, you were very familiar to him…
Uzi : "Are they coming back soon ?" She asked, worried for your safety. I mean, N didn't kill you or anything, and even adore you, but she's afraid for the other… Mayde they are not all friendly as N.
N : "Oh, yeah-- Tree others. They're out hunting for a bit, but you'll love them, first there's V !"
V tears a drone's entrails out, with a crazy smile. "No, no !! Don't eat my own entrails in front of my family !!" But she didn't care less, kill him and drink/eat his oil… After feeding she stand up
V : "And yet, I still feel nothing." she says, as her eye twitches like a crazy psycho… N chuckles nervously, then want back to talk to her…
N : Sooo,V, Uh.. chuckles nervously I heard that this planet-wide toxic death storm is supposed to be espesially inhospitable tonight…
V picks at her teeth with her claw, "Huh ?-.." Then jumps seeing N.
V : "Oh, God !! Who are you ?!!" But before N could have intruduce himself, she flew away from him, flew in the air, leaving a hug puff of smuck behing he. "Uh, No worries ! I'm N ! B-but a-a whole letter is a lot to remember..!" He chuckels sadly…
N : "So obviously a lot of natual respect there, but, uh… She's kind my rival for my crush, BUT YOU DON'T TELL HER OKAY ?!!" He yelled but not too loud for waking you up. Uzi zip her mouth and give a smile and N did it back. " Then, there is Z..- My best friend !!-"
Z was tearing an other Worker who shoot her and N in the back, and when she finish she clean herself, she turn to N. "Sorry…!! I should have pay more attetion of that !! Are you akay ?!" She came to him cheking if he was okay, and luckily, he was fine.
N blush a little bit because she was VERY close to him "He he..^^' yea i-i'm okay !- Chuckels nervously
Suddely, V came behing them with angry look, she was clearly jealous of how N get all her intention for him, then she came closer to Z and hug her tight and pulle away a little of N. "Z !! Oh my God !! I found you !!" She at that moment change completely infront of her. "Oh- hi V, good to see you too ! How have you-" But then she saw the two of them looking at each other with bad look…
Z : "Guys… ? Hey hey ! Let's just head back home, okay ?…"
The two of them looked at her and they agree with her but still didn't stop just here…
N : "So yeah, Z is, the sweet person in our squad ! You gonna love her, but, uh… I kind have a crush on her, BUT YOU DON'T TELL HER OKAY ?!!" he yelled again, but not too much, Uzi zip again her mouth for that she will not. He smile again. "Uh, then, there's J-- Our leader !" He said with a little bit made trying to keep smilling…
J had N pinned to the ground "N, You're worthless and terrible, and if the company allow it, I woudl straight up kill you myself." J hisse as N try to breath, just at this moment, Z push her out for letting N breath, "J !! Are you crazy ?! Stop bulling him :( !!" J was really piss of by that, but just go away.
N Just thank her for the warning, and promes to be carefull next time…
"J's awesome" N said a little sad but y/n woke up.. "No !" Uzi said, "We-Uh… I mean, the worker drones, we could work with them to fix this space ship ! Instead of all murder !" She point N, angry at him. "Which, uhh-- Why are we doing that again ?"
N : "Other than Ingesting their…" He went a deep spooky voice "Warm, sweet.." He went back to friendly mode "… To avoid overheating and dying ? I guess I just want to be useful. I was given a job, and I always wanna try my best"
Uzi : "And look at all the respect it's gotten you, N ! You really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead ?!" Uzi yell, furious at him."
N : "Oh my ! You sure are rebelious, it's kind of exciting.. U-uh… But not as fun as, uh, following the rules"
Then, they heard something land on the ship…"Hey ! They're back ! You'll--" but before N could finish, Uzi was out already of the ship.
J : "Hey, idiot ! Get out of here !" Uzi was still running, but she forgot y/n. "Shoot, shoot ! Y/n !!" She run back for her but then, V saw her, and that made her more scared and try to get back home, hating herself for leaving you there….
V : "Yo, we got a worker out there, I kind of wanna practice balloon animal shape with. What happend here ?- Wait- Is that y/n ?!!" V said with full of joy and run of to N taking you from him and hugging you tight. "No way !! We misse you so much y/n !!" Z said happy to see you too. But then saw N not moving. "What's got into him ?"
J : "Synergistic liability here must have tripped and knocked himself offline." She said annoying, then smacks N's head. "Hey yo, moron bot ! Hello ?!" She snaps her fingers on his face.
He start to reset himself and looked back what happend… "You really think the company isn't going to dispose of you once all the workers are dead ?!" It show on the video what he saw, when he realise… Well… "Oh- Ohhhhh !! you know, I-I-I left an extremely dangerous weapo- Uh, an excuse o-outside !" He run of, leaving J, V, Z and y/n there. V show a flag saying (Litteraly so insanely suspicious)
Uzi still running to the bunker and knew N was chassing her… While in the Bunker… The workers still playing cards. -"Haha ! I'm out boys !!" -"Oh, gosh darnt it ." -"Wait until my loving wife and kids hear about this." The game was stop by the door open and Uzi running in, the workers was complaining about this, Uzi aggresively try to close the door.
Uzi : " Ugh, Bite me ! Close it close it !!" Uzi tried to swipe the keycard, but then, N stick his claws between the doors before they close, but then he saw the workers was playing cards. "Hey fellas ! Oohs deal me in ! I love Rummy !" But then remember why he's here "Wait, no. Tsk, I'm going to murder everyone… Rain check !"He used his tail to stab the keycard to open the door, and it opend all of them…
Everyone started to run for there lifes
N used his fire missiles to explode one of them and then tacos the other one and rip them apart and drinking the oil from them… Uzi turned as her gun was ready to shoot, but when she was prepared, N disappeared. Uzi looked around to found him, but then, heard her father walking. "Pretty nice hydraulics ?-" But then saw the carnage, and looked at her daughter, horrified for what happend…
Khan : "What have you done ?!" He asked her "Dad ! I-I can explain-" But before she could, N landed in front of them making them almost fall into the groun, but Uzi stand up and points her gun at him, ready to shoot. "This time, i won't miss". He chuckeld evilly but stop and look at her "I'm sorry. I really enjoyed our time together, but I can't have you shooting V with tha thing."
Uzi : "Bite me !" she yelled at him. "Dad, get down !" She turned to her father. Khan : "Uzi, you led a Murder drone here ?!" He sounded fearfull. "My beautiful doors ! Where is your sister ?!" He cried. That made Uzi hurt, thinking that, you were hurt our killed.
"Now is not the time !! I messed up-- In the same way i'm about to fix it ! Move dad !" She orded her father, but N used his wings to stab her into the wall. He pull away her gun for not using it again, Uzi's gun fall infront of Khan. "D-dad ! P-point and Shoot ! Trust me !!"
His hands were shaking as he saw N get ready to kill her, he could do anything excepet, slowly back away from there. Uzi look at him… Horrified about what he was doing… "Dad ?…" he called out… But he then closed the door, leaving his own daughter die.
Uzi still look at where her dad left. Shocking and angry for what he did, leaving her to die, she tremble from the pain, but didn't resist at agains N, leaving him finish her off… N looked at her, feeling bad for Uzi, as he heard J coming, he trow Uzi into the box before they could find her.
J : "Whoat N ! Am I dreaming, or did you do somthing not useless for once !" as she, V and Z crawls on the ceiling and drop down. V and J had sinister smiles while Z try her best to hide all the blood/oil from Y/n. Y/n was looking for Uzi, luckly, you saw her still alive, and that made you happy "I'v been trying to get past those doors for months now ! Good job, N" After V said that N was suprice that she remember his name.
N : "You… Me… Name…Remember ?" But V didn't care less "These ventilation shafts can easily get us around this last door, "Z you want to come ?" She turn to Z who was still with y/n, But insted of agree with her she just said "No, thanks V but uh… I think I'll just stay with y/n in an other part where there is no death body hehe…" She didn't complain and says " Okay, Lowest body count eats a missile !" she then go trow the vent again, laughing like a psyco while Z take y/n somewhere else.
J come closer to N, enjoy he finally change. "Way to go, stud. The company's gonna love this !" She said, pating his back while he was chuckling. "With this colony wiped, we'll make top team this quarter for sure, you know what that means ?~" She then show his a pen of they company "Branded pe-pens !" N Look at the pen with admiration, she then give it to him, and turn to go where V go. N was looking at the pen… But remember what Uzi said and what happend… He didn't want to stond up to J but…
N : "Uh, you know, not that I can't wait to keep murdering all these, uh… Maybe not-so-actually-different from us Worker Drones, but just outta curiousity, do we actually, uh…" He hisse a little… Afraid about what J would say… "Know what the company plans to do with us aftwards ?" When he said that, Uzi wake up and heard what happend and what he said.. While J was comfuse about that.
J : "Excuse me ?" she turn to N, really piss off that, N would think otherwise of the company… He then explain, "Okay, so, a Worker earlier might have suggested that they could fix our landing pod to, uh, escape the planet and stuff which-- Whoa, hey, that's against the rules !" he remind her for not be too mad at him "But it is kind of making me question why our pod were only-one way in the first place, 'cause y-you know, I get the feeling the company doesn't actually love robots, and like, we might be robots ?.." He look at her again, and knew he start to be stupid again..
N : "I'v made a terrible mistake, it's cool how immediately i could tell" J then came closer to him "Hmm, no way buddy, questioning the company ? You just finally gave me the excuse I needed." She then instale a device in N with a electro that paralize him up, he then fall to his knees" Worker drones are corrupted N, that's why the company sent us." J said turning to N "I hate to see you corrupted as well~" she said, but just acting like she cared for him. N just smile and said with a glicth voice "Thanks J, always looking out for me…" and then he fall on the ground, "You're aswesome…" She just scoffs and jump into the vent where the other worker drones are… When she left Uzi came out of the box as the same time as Z, when Z saw N she was REALLY pissed at J, Uzi looked at his little sister and ran up to her and hugged her, because she was about to cry.
Uzi : "Y/N !! I'M SO SORRY WHEN I LEFT YOU THERE !! I DIDN'T MEAN TO- I'M SORRY !!!" She try to comfort you and try to wine your eyes, "I'm okay now.." She look at Z and thank her to take good care of you, you look at N, your sister take back her Railgun and looking back at N with sorry eyes…"Arg, Biscuits… I'm Sorry.." He start " I ruind your card game, then made you have awkward moment with your dad.."
"And I made you rebel like and angsty teens which got you killed.." Uzi halfed apologize to N. "Well, I just need to remove the chipe and he'll be good" Z said holding a Wrench, Uzi looked at her, and she saw that she's like a worker drone but with arms of a murder drone, "What are you actually ?… No offence but… You look like a-"
Z : "Worker drone ? Yea, most of my body is but, it's just the arms, long story.." She said, Uzi push a box to clim the vent, "Though, you try to kill me, so morality calls this draw." She said to N, then clim on the the box and try to get into the vents, but because she's short, she can't… She groans and turn to N "For the record, that was the lamest heel-face turn in history."
N : "Being rebbellious is a lot harder than it looks, thanks for showing me the ropes." he said, still on the ground "Nuh-hu, no bonding thing, you just killed a bunch of people, idiot." Uzi said. "That's super fair…" He sighs "I'v screwed up.." Uzi groans.
Uzi : "In the same way you're about to fix it ? " She asked as she held up the Wrench her father give it to her, she turn to Z, she then prepared her guns and sort, ready to fight J and V. He laugh a little "I love doing anything…" give a thumbs up while his screen says :
!! Litterally about to die !!
While with the worker drones, Thad was throw by J, Blood/oil came out of, now J was walking to them while V was climing the wall to scare them off. Khan : "So, they found our evacation spot.. But ! If we build a quick door-" thad grab a metal pipe near him and stond up. "Are you kidding me ?! You're the WDF, right ? Defende !.." Thad try to get help to fight the two murder drones, but they back away… "For real ?.." He said, but when he turnd V laught and use her wing to stab him and trow him on the ground, she grab him with her claws and was ready to eat him, but Uzi, N and Z catch up and were arrived just in time. "Hey !!" V turn her intention to them, suprice.
" Put that conventionally attractive male down !" uzi says smirking N wave to them but Uzi punsh him…"N, tell them the piece of our mind !" Z tell him and she REALLY looked pissed. "Oh, uhm, J ? You're sometimes kind of mean to me, and I wish weren't.. Juste some contructive critism…" " Nice~!" Uzi said. V then trow Thad away from her while J scoffed "Noted, traitor. We'll circle back after I'v rightsize your existence." The three looked at each other.
"Okay, witch one do you two want ?" Uzi asked to N and Z, "Let me deal with J, she's REALLY getting on my nerves…!" Z said looking at J, "J please ?.." N said, trying to fight her instead of V. "Too bad. Good Luck ! Z you're with me !" Uzi then flings the braded JCJ pen at J's 'Other eyes' making her in pain and distracted while she take her RailGun with Z who was just following her closelly. Leaving N dealing with V.
V flew straight to N, yet the two of them get into the fight. Uzi get her RailGun ready to shot at J, but while J's trying to get the pen off her 'Other eyes' She get the guns and start to shot everywhere Uzi can be, she olmost got her but she got saved by Z. J finally get the pens off of her "Damn the well-made, quality-assured durability of JC Jensen products ! Hu-?" Z help Uzi to swiftly jump up into the air and kiking the pen deeper into J's other eyes. She get back close to Z with a flip and get her Railgun back but- "WATCH OUT !!" Z yelled and take Uzi away from the laser 'cause V was trying to kill N. Back to N, he was trow at the wall by V, he then try to shoot her, but with his emotion he couldn't, and then he saw Y/n looking at them fighting eatch other, and instead of shooting at rocket, he shoot little pink hearts ?… "AHH ! My mind's in a weird place ! Don't reade into this !!" N yelled only to have a missile launch next to him.
J used her 'Light Ben' to making Uzi some damage, Z knew what she was about to do and "UZI GET BEINGH ME OR-" but before she could catch her, J trow her a missile to her backing her away " Z !!" Uzi yelled, worried but used her 'Light Bem' and Uzi fall over, Y/n saw J get closer to finish her of, you could let hurt your sister ! Y/n ran of to J's back and clim on here to just distract her for a moment "What the hell ?! Get off me !!" She said but they didn't let go even she try to pull them away. While N was trying to fight V up here he saw Uzi, Y/n and Z in danger ! "Uzi ! Z ! Y/n !" He then turn to V "I'm sorry to do this..!" He then lick her sor "EWW WHAT THE HELL ?!" While she was distracted N grab her and trought her on the ground.
J finally get ride of you and trough you away, you passed out by the hit, Z was more furious on J, she then came more closer to Uzi.
To becontinu
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bambeptin · 5 months
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OK... SO... BODYSWAP THOUGHTS™... that may or may not be coherent
both of them instantly do not enjoy being in each other's bodies. other than the logistical nightmare of what the hell is happening, Rex and White Knight are very physically different! there's the adjustment period where WK suddenly is much smaller and Rex is suddenly much larger. Rex is more built than most teens but like. WK is a slab of a man. bouts of vertigo are common.
that's on top of being an EVO vs. not being an EVO. I've briefly touched upon it in the fic itself but Rex has been in constant communication with nanites and technology for his entire life (that he remembers) and that's 100% normal to him. he knows "people can't communicate with technology" but he doesn't really understand that, you know. suddenly he's in a human body, everything's quiet, and that specific human is likely the most isolated human in the world.
UH. the rest under a readmore.
(White does send his rubber ball through the magnet into his office which Rex initially thinks is a rude sarcastic gesture but he thinks WK might actually be trying to make his own office more? livable??? but then Rex is like oh! he's in a prison as well. just like my room was. on another note White does keep his exosuits in a room attached to the office but that's behind a lock and he refuses to let Rex use them bc it's a major security breach. + the Consortium would know something is up + WK doesn't want to smuggle him out. honestly it wouldn't be too difficult to but it's not like WK ever had a reason to look into how to escape, other than to wrangle Rex)
Rex is going to get stir-crazy in there. he's got nothing to do. there IS nothing to do in there. ends up reading a bunch of the books White has stashed away in there but tbh there aren't many books. at least they somehow have a similar taste in books. ends up logged back into the system somehow if only to requisition more reading material! and anything else entertaining that can survive the magnet! and another blanket! and like, a chair maybe.
he's lucky that 80% of the time I hc that WK has a room attached to the office and I didn't hit upon the 20% of the time I feel like he doesn't and he sleeps on a mattress right next to the desk when writing this fic
and you know... while he's there in Providence with WK's credentials and looks and boss power... may as well snoop around... maybe even try to make things better...
body language-wise Rex is much more open and cheery (sometimes forcing a smile), but also is more unsure of himself at certain points. he wouldn't be able to nuke a city block basically, even when he had to. when Six sees White's body on the screen, smiling and joking around, suddenly he sees pre-bleaching WK.
and NO. he is too stubborn to do things like "TALK TO PEOPLE". Rex in his body creeps him out anyways. he's all... happy. he is not taking this time to reflect on what that means for Rex's life, much less his own. for now at least.
White is in a sensory nightmare where his panic is also telling his nanites to help him and that freaks him out even more. before bleaching he's always been much more social and tbh way more like Rex but now? he's used to being alone. he's fine with being alone, even, he tells himself. in Rex's body, he flinches from human contact, he's nauseous from nanite communications, he can't make any of his builds bc his mental state is a mess, he's overworking himself, and he's losing control. he can barely cure anything since he can feel the nanites being extracted.
Rex communicates with nanites but WK tries to control them.
he COULD likely build exact copies of Rex's builds if Rex jotted down his mental blueprints, or if WK studies his builds through old footage hard enough to get a grasp on how they work. turns out White has a knack for engineering (his exosuit, his mechsuit, King's Road, etc). HOWEVER this is a lil spoiler for the fic 🤫 but since he made his own mech and he knows it like the back of his hand it's actually easier for him to make parts of his mech as builds instead. I'll probably draw this sometime. Rex with WK's mech arm!!! cool!!!
for his body language he's VERY closed-off. and trying to be intimidating in a body very different than what he's used to combined with his general scowly-ness makes him sort of read like... an extremely moody and rebellious teenager to people not in the know. puts up with some of the soldiers treating him like garbage too.
(Rex expects White to be living it up out there, indulging being able to be outside of the office again...! instead he's still isolating himself. Knight's like there's no point. I'm going to be back in the office. I don't want to get used to it.)
OKAY I ALMOST FORGOT TO PUT IN: White is very aware that Rex's body can get amnesia again and he will forget everything about himself. in that case he doesn't want Rex to be trapped in the office so he's ready to have his amnesiac self swapped anyways.
Rex is very aware of that too and is like, it would be unethical to stick a complete amnesiac into WK's position. he's ready to take the hit!!! they butt heads over this.
White Knight being freaked out all the time is not helping re: his nanites going into overdrive. gotta calm down, WK!!!
I do have a scene in mind for Knight at Noah's house (ordered by Rex)(so WK can go outside) and it is so awkward. Noah going on Reddit to ask what the fuck to do if your ex-boss for a shady job that you got fired from but you still kinda hang out with your ex-coworkers is like. at your house scowling while watching cartoons. (but he's still watching???)(intently???????)
might have more thoughts about this later. this is definitely only scratching the surface!!!
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gollageek · 8 months
Jake Long: Nice jacket.
Danny Fenton: Thanks, its new.
Randy Cunningham: But that's Ben's jacket.
Danny: WAS Ben's jacket. Now its MY jacket till he pays me the money he owes me.
Ben 10 in the other room talking to Kim, Ron, Rook, Jenny, Juniper, Rex, and Zak: Jokes on him, the longer he wears it, the more the press thinks we're dating.
Rook: True! The ship name has been number 2 on trending for over an hour now.
Zak Saturday: Only number 2? What's number 1?
Rex Salazar: Bet its the Juniper/Jake ship. That's been hot lately.
Juniper Lee: Ugh, like that would happen! I bet its the Rex/Jenny Ship! Ray Ray heard a friend gushing about it the other day.
Jenny Wakeman: Danny and Ben might not be number 1 yet, but I'll fix that soon enough!
Kim Possible: Listen guys, it doesn't matter who's number 1 on that list. Its has nothing to do with our actual relationships!
Ron Stoppable: Its the Kim/Danny ship... isn't it?
Everyone: ...
Zak Saturday: You okay dude?
Ron Stoppable: Yeah, no, all good! Just gunna go over behind that pillar for a moment.
Ron: *walks behind a pillar*
Kim: Sigh, be right back guys...
Kim: *walks behind the pillar*
Rex: ... Think we could raise the ranking of the Rex/Ben ship?
Jenny: Give me an hour and some photoshop and you'll be rolling in likes and shares!
Zak: All right! I can set up a camera shoot!
Ben: HECK YEAH! Let's drag Miss perfect down a few slots!
Juniper: I know our base of operations is here... but I'm banning you all from my city.
A/N: After the Dimensional collapse caused by Aku, the group decides to use Orchid Bay as their base of operation since Juniper can't leave and her presence holds Aku's prison seal in place. Rex's universe has avoided the compression due to its incompatibility. However, he must round up stray Nanites that bleed into other universes due to the damage caused to the veil between the realities before they cause trouble.
The different realities adjacent to the compressed universe can be accessed via Jimmy Nuetron's recaller portals.
Aku is an outlier, and the incident has torn these worlds from their prime timelines to protect other realities. If Aku cannot be stopped, the universe will fold in on itself killing everyone, and tear open a hole to the rest of the multiverse. Allowing Aku to corrupt and destroy everything.
All rules are shattered, and there's no safety net if our heroes fail. So no pressure guys!
Also, jokes on Juniper, she's going to marry that scaley menace if they don't all die!
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uhohproblems · 6 months
im being threatened so here's my thesis abt how white knight is a parallel for the evos
if you are so afraid of a thing that will make you possibly inhuman that you lock yourself away in a mech suit about it, that diminishes your humanity. if you take so much pride in being the only person who doesn't have nanites that you won't leave your room and build a whole robot about it, that diminishes your humanity. if you fake your own death and now the most people can see of you is your face behind a visor through a computer screen?? if you hold the power to bleach an entire city block at your whim???? that makes you more akin to the monsters bro!!!
it's fascinating to me that in the end white knight becomes this untouchable thing without flesh (remember that nanites are still there after the last episode, just domesticated. white knight might still never leave that suit) but van kleiss, the big bad evo, is perfectly human passing. like. vk almost wormed his way into actual politics bc of how human he can play. but white knight lost that by putting himself in a robot and positioning himself as an extremist and a god. which vk did too but in the very beginning. convergent evolution from opposite ends
grasping so desperately at being purely human that he loses track of his humanity entirely. ain't them the breaks
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fvtrol · 1 year
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Collab w @nanite-city !! This was so fun and they’re so cool!! AHHEE
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fandom-gt · 4 months
COMMISSION TYPE: Full Page +1 addon
CHARACTERS:  Steve Rogers
REQUESTED SUMMARY: ”I'd love a continuation of the growing Steve Rogers quick fill! He's a few kilometers tall and is just getting off on his new power and size, Avengers try to stop him but are absolutely powerless. And when he's done he ends up tripling in size again. Please keep me anonymous when you post this!”
WARNINGS: Violence and implied tiny death, mass destruction, nsfw
Steve Rogers has been a large man for a number of years now. Ever since they slipped his small, skinny body into that machine and let him come out the other side feet taller, a hundred pounds heavier, muscular and strong, he’s known that he was always supposed to be big. It felt good at first, but after a while, a secret part of him had kind of wished for just a little bit more. 
Finally, here smack-dab in the center of New York City, Steve’s finally got his wish. He stares down at the roaming little dots that make up people, the slightly larger little squares that must be cars, and a thrill of absolute satisfaction runs through him. 
Everything below him, every building, every structure, every person, is tiny. The ruined tatters of his uniform are all but invisible to his naked eye now, and it’s only because of the serum enhancing his eyesight that he can even make out vague details of those ant-sized people.
He kneels, naked, knees crushing pavement and concrete and roads and sidewalks and anything that happened to be in their way as he grew, massive craters beneath his muscular thighs and calves, with barely even the hint of resistance despite being made of reinforced steel beams and the finest construction the human species is capable of. It all crumples like paper under him.
What really gets him going, once he notices it, though… is the tiny cracked crater underneath the place his cock gently dipped and smacked onto the road. Even it, even just the engorged head of his member, is enough to devastate what must be most of a city block. It brings a surge of heat through him, has his balls tightening, and he can’t keep himself from reaching down to wrap a hand around it.
Down below him, the world is in chaos. He cannot hear the screams, he doesn’t know the sight that he makes to the regular-sized humans trapped underneath his crotch. Tony stares up from his place on the cracked and broken sidewalk, mouth agape in utter disbelief even as he engages the nanite of his Iron Man suit. 
Steve’s too large for him to take in all at once. All he can see at first is the shadow of his cock filling Tony’s skyline bigger than any skyscraper, the size of an entire mountain, with every vein and every ridge and every wrinkle of it in hyper-vivid super-high definition detail. 
Before him, he watches in horror as a new monumental event enters the chaotic landscape — Steve’s massive hand descending from the heavens to wrap around his titanic dick. The rush of wind blows back signs and people’s hair as his hand moves forward in one stroke so big it almost seems slow-motion thanks to the scale. The sound of it, skin on skin, is deafening. People too close to him feel their eardrums splitting under the immense pressure of Steve’s low grumble.
That’s not what scares Tony. What scares him is the glistening pearl of precum that buds at the volcanic crater of Steve’s slit. It builds in size, in volume, an avalanche of sticky fluid, and he knows with a great, mounting horror that the second it drops, it’s going to wipe out an entire apartment building. 
One single drop of precum will devastate dozens of people, will wipe out entire households, and Steve doesn’t even seem to notice — let alone care.
This can’t be happening. This can’t be real. He has to do something -— and so he kicks off, the rockets at his feet carrying him up, up, up a full kilometer in the air. Even with all that upward thrust, he still barely manages to make it to Steve’s waist. 
One sharp jerk of Steve’s wrist sends a gust of air that throws him out of balance, sending him careening head over foot and slamming into a wall of flesh.
With his back against something sticky, he realizes in horror what he’s stuck to right as he sees the barreling momentum of Steve’s hand in his next jerk. He’s swallowed in an avalanche of skin, and lost on Steve’s body.
Steve did not even see him. Steve didn’t even notice the little speck lost in his lazy masturbation. He’s too busy staring down at the ground beneath him as another growth spurt ripples through him, carrying him outward, carrying him upward. He must be miles tall now, he can’t even imagine the math, he can’t even compare it.
What he does know is, all those little grid lines beneath him are city blocks, and his dick spans a dozen of them. He also knows, with a rippling jolt of pure arousal, that if he were to come… if he were to just jack off and finish, it would flood an entire city.
And god, that thought gets him harder than anything ever has in his entire life. His hand works harder, works faster, jacking his cock with a renewed frenzy that sends the population between his thighs into despair. They know what’s going to happen, and it’s all they can do to run — knowing that even if they move as fast as they physically can, even if they hop into cars and somehow escape the gridlock of traffic, even if they manage to put literal miles between themselves and the place Steve’s testicles crush their city, they won’t make it far enough in time.
And they’re right.
Another groan rumbles, and this time every single person in the state of New York can hear it. Windows shatter under the sound of it. Earthquakes shake tremors in the ground through voice alone, to say nothing of the untold devastation as Steve shifts on his haunches to dip forward and press the head of his dick into the ground, rutting through entire counties and leveling them in one aimless, heated hump.
As he rolls his hips, as his enormous glutes tighten in fervor, as he drags himself along irreverent to the thousands of crushed people beneath him, Steve Rogers wipes Queens off the map entirely with one earnest rut. 
It’s too much. He shifts again, one elbow planting on the ground, his knees and thighs comfortably stretched out beneath him, and he works himself hard, mounting, building, wide blue eyes forced open so he can watch it when it finally hits, when it finally happens.
His orgasm tears through him in a torrent of semen bigger than any tidal wave. His release washes through city streets, drowning everything, sticky and unstoppable. A flood, a thousand rivers, the best god damn thing he’s ever felt. Every person in its wake is consumed by it. And all he did was just let himself come.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Pouting because the Generator Rex pre-canon timeline does not make sense, but it pretends it does pretty effectively.
Rex is 16 in canon, right? And the nanite event happened six years ago. Which means that Rex should have been 10 when it happened, yeah? Except that he apparently spent time in that one South American town when he was 12. Supposedly.
Now, time travel (especially the time skip variety) is a thing that happens in canon, but skipping two years leaves Rex with only four years to get from Abysus (wherever it is) to Hong Kong, join and lead at least one gang (less sure about the other one, honestly think that was a lie), make multiple enemies, get tattoos, somehow get to Mexico City, and then hang out with Providence for at least a year, but probably longer, considering how much he's grown and the infrastructure built around him. All while the Mexico City event is implied to be not all that long after the nanite event, so it's like... does a two year skip even make sense?
And yet, when you're watching it, you don't really question it...
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nibblesodoom · 23 days
Nibbles, In a Bee
please be kind, if you do not like, please move on from this. short that takes place roughly after mission city
To be honest, the young man had not expected to be waking up. The last days had been a constant state of panic, stress and worry to the point Sam was pretty sure he had been having a heart attack.
All that alien crazy, All Spark energy that seemed to vibrate in him.
Sam jerked, a nearly full body movement inside of his current... Home? Prison? 
It woke the young man up enough to semi remember the night or day before. mostly remember it. It was still hazy as Sam had been breaking down between Bumblebee's legs. 
The chamber around Sam seemed to shift in response to his sudden movements. The hot liquid pressure increased as the chamber flexed, squeezing tighter around the human. Slowly forcing Sam into a smaller and tighter ball. 
For some reason, that helped calm him down. 
Maybe it was the fetal position, but after what might be a minute, Bumblebee's tank relaxed again. The muscle cables on the other side of the tank loosening and going mostly slack. Sam waited a moment and tried to 'sit up' in the tank, back resting on one side, his legs able to cross without resistance. He reached out to run hands over the flex metal lining.
It was a curious sensation, knowing he was stuck in his robot guardian's equivalent of a stomach, yet not... panicking. After the last few days with the deceptions and all spark, all out alien war.... Sam oddly wasn't scared where he clearly was. 
He should be.
Should be worried what was the fluid he's been breathing. Should worry how Bumblebee could get him out. Yet Sam felt… safe. Weirdly, oddly, not in a way that his tired self could put together. For the first time since he saw his car stand up on his own, Sam was oddly… safe. Maybe because he was waking up in the post panic attack numbness. The small space, or that the fluid he was in, was distinctively warm, if not hot.
Maybe all of the above, pulse the strange sensation of knowing he was under who knows how many feet of armor and systems of Bumblebee's frame.
Sam shifted to get comfortable in the tank, the soft/smooth sensation on his body nice. Between that and the heat he was relaxing into the tank walls. There was no sense of movement beyond the tank other than faint small things. Other systems in his guardian, but he was not up and moving.
...was Bumblebee sleeping?
Would this be the first time Bumblebee napped or slept in the whole time he knew the mech. Or whatever the equivalent to sleeping was for him.
There was an odd sensation as Sam reflexively yawned. The need to settle despite how he... well, was settled in the tank. Sam still wiggled a bit, but it was more to feel the warm flex metal on his feet. Having a texture moment before triggering the tank to start tightening again. Once more forcing Sam to curl up tight until he stilled. 
It did not hurt, and maybe this was how Bumblebee got his human out of the panic attack... Stress attack? Something-attack. 
The young man let himself go mostly limp, as his body was inadvertently manipulated by the ripples of muscle cables. It was not quiet, but...kinda was. Like the constant ADHD buzz in Sam's head had been filled with was nearly not there. Maybe he has just been absorbed in all the steady sensations. The muffled sounds of Bumblebee's frame outside the tank. The heat that had long since seeped in. The constant warm fluid, almost water-like sensation. The tank itself goes through a kneading-like phase.
...the nanites that had long since seeped into the human. Giving just enough numbing and blocking of pain from Mission City.
At some point, Sam slipped back into unconsciousness. Perhaps starting as sleep, but shifted into that deeper state. As much as surrendering and trusting his alien guardian, as perhaps being affected by Bumblebee's nanites. 
Sam barely stirred at first as Bumblebee's broken hum vibrated through the human and tank. Altering to a pleased sound as the mech found his human still alive and well. Bumblebee shifted in his spot, stretching, checking his scanners and remote scanners. Making sure he was safe to finish recharging the week away. Ratchet was dozing not far with Ironhide on watch. 
The formerly isolated scout settled down again with a sleepily pleased feeling of being full. Of having that warm bioenergy pulsing in his tank.
Definitely worth the scolding he had gotten. But his human was calm, safe and...safe. no kidnapping a second time.
At least from Decepticons.
Technically Sam was in an odd kidnapped, or abducted, situation by human terms.
Bumblebee rolled over, stretching his joints and back. Not at all minding as Ratchet stooped to check both the scout and his internal systems.
"He's at least adapted to your nanites." Ratchet said in a bemused tone, speaking cybertornian. Patting Bumblebee's head, smiling at the happy churring. "Just take good care of the boy. The lingering AlSpark energy on him is at least helping you heal as well." 
Bumblebee hummed again, more a happy grumble as he was at least glad Sam was old enough to not be questioned too much where he had gone. Optics dimming again in the hidden base as he felt a faint flutter and pulse of bio energy. Mostly alone again, at least externally, Bumblebee patted the rough spot over his main tank. Flexing experimentally until he felt that flutter pick up as Sam finally woke up again to squirm against his tank. 
Bumblebee could not help but chuckle, his voice rough and a bit hitching as he spoke for the first time in a long time as he sat up. "...good ...boy. Little human. Lit-tle friend... My, good boy. Going to stay... In there, for no-ow. Nice and safe."
He teasingly tapped his armor at the same time as flexing his tank. Until he had a compact ball of soft, warm bio energy. A little ball of soft human trying to wiggle and squirm against his tank, though no bleed of any panicked energy like when Bumblebee first tried his stupid idea to stop his charge from his panic attack. 
It was almost like Sam was enjoying the tight dark space?
Bumblebee relaxed, reaching for the energon that had been left for him. The flutter returned as the now well awake human moved. 
"...good boy." Bumblebee said slowly in english, almost experimentally and was rewarded with another little wiggle at the bottom of his tank. He squinted happily as he realized that even now Sam still responded best to positive words. 
The mech pulled his mask back, pleased as he started to drink his energon. Letting it go to his main tank with Sam, and getting all sorts of interesting squirming from his human. For a good long time as Bumblebee stretched out once more. Playing some music to himself, keeping a theme of reassurance and praise. Optics dimmed as the mech let himself just enjoy the soft movements in his now truly full tank before dozing off into proper recharge again.
He was safe, Ironhide and others were helping stand guard. Bumblebee could let his guard down.
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