chobistudio · 1 year
【Wushu】5th Asian Wushu Championships (2000) Men's Nanquan 2055 Leo...
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irwanduasisinews · 1 year
Cabang Olahraga Wushu Tambah Medali Emas Melalui Harris Horatius
Slawiraya.com Cabang olahraga Wushu berhasil menorehkan catatan positif di ajang Asian Games 2022 Hangzhou dengan menambah medali emas ketiga untuk Indonesia melalui atlet Harris Horatius. Bertempat di XSG Sports Centre, Harris lebih dulu turun di nomor Nanquan dan berhasil meraih skor 9,756 poin. Ia mengalahkan wakil Korea Selatan Lee Yongmun yang mendapatkan 9,736 poin dari juri dan Chi Lung…
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kungfuwushuworld · 1 year
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Nanquan refers to a classification of Chinese martial arts that originated in Southern China.
The southern styles of Chinese martial arts are characterized by emphasis on "short hitting" and specific arm movements, predominantly in southern styles such as Hung Kuen, Choi Lei Fut, Hak Fu Mun, Wuzuquan, Wing Chun, and so on.
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inspireit · 2 years
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The cold mist in the morning that clings to the flowers and windows like gossamer; the feeling of being watched by a predator with nothing around; a cold finger against the side of your neck and the whisper in your ear; a deadly nightshade potted beautifully; plum blossoms littering cobbled pathways through the park.
Name: Victoria Wu Age: 200+ Gender Identity: Cis female Ethnicity: Chinese Occupation: Psychiatrist at Vievecor Sanitorium Socioeconomic status: Irrelevant — she's comfortable Education: Informal — intelligent/self-taught Other notes: Material wealth comes easy for someone who lives for so long, as does finding a job and learning everything you need to know to survive. She never attended any University but has forged degrees that pass and is, regardless of what might be fabricated on paper, quite adept at what she does. She's studied longer than most doctors and that's what matters, in her opinion.
Eye color: Brown Skin color: Pale Hair color: Brown Height: 5'7" Weight: 135 lbs Body type: Lithe/Willowy Fitness level: strong core, lithe muscles Tattoos: none Scars/Birthmarks: a birthmark on her left hip that looks like a jellybean; various scars on her body from her past though none on the face. Distinguishing features: Her eyes have a sort of steely hardness to them that brooks no follow-ups when she gives a command. Disabilities: None known. Fashion style: Elegant and casual; easily put together. Accessories: Various bits of jewelry though the thin alloy chains she wears around her neck and a ring in the same alloy on her right middle finger seem to be mainstays; her nails are always manicured. Cleanliness/Grooming: Manicured, clean, immaculate; perhaps it's easier for a spirit. Posture/Gait: Shoulders-back, neck-straight, think "MURDER". Tics: She will both look at her nails and rub the pad of her forefinger across her thumbnail when annoyed. Coordination: Impeccable Weaknesses: All things spirits are weak to Other notes: Victoria's fitness is oft-times irrelevant because of incorporeality but she is fit. It comes from years of training and martial arts (Nanquan, more specifically, Hung Ga Kuen) and has the discipline and form to prove it. Perhaps if one finds out her past they'll know more.
Personality type: Architect (INTJ) Personality traits: Poised, confident, demanding, calm, intimidating, secretive, enigmatic, practical Temperament: phlegmatic  Introvert/Extrovert: Introverted; can command a room and will but prefers to observe. Mannerisms: Authoritative speech even in social conversations; attention to detail and presence. Educational background: Not an issue when and where she was from, but the woman is intelligent and self-taught in a lot of areas. It comes with age. Spatial Intelligence: Excellent Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence: Excellent Musical Intelligence: Fair Linguistic Intelligence: Excellent Logical-Mathematical Intelligence: Excellent Interpersonal Intelligence: Poor Intrapersonal Intelligence: Good Naturalistic Intelligence: Poor Self-esteem: Above Average Loves: Plum Blossoms; Puppies; Learning; People who know themselves. Morals/Virtues: Strong work ethic; dedicated; righteous(ish) Phobias/Fears: None she'll admit. Angered by: Impudence; people who get in her way; questioning her on things she's knowledgeable in. Pet peeves: People who bite their nails; procrastinators; liars. Obsessed with: Her own status and well-being. Routines: Meditation every morning before going to work; reading a few hours before most people would sleep; rest. Bad habits: She, on occasion, will smoke if she has a body with which to do so. Desires: Knowledge; status; power; (quietly) love. Flaws: She is so focused on the whole of her plans she sometimes to forge relationships; she can be very deceptive and secretive; she is very self-absorbed. Secrets: She might remember bits of her past from time to time; she haunts some civilians if they cross her but does so discreetly; she has had secret crushes on several people but will never approach. Regrets: Not realizing how she died yet; not spending more time on herself. Accomplishments: Exceptional in her fields of study and quite a good psychiatrist even if she does use... questionable means; lives comfortably on her own without the need for others; has a voice on the council. Memories: The flashes she gets that she thinks might be from her past but is never sure (or denies) include the scent of burning wood and hair, the abjuration of her oaths (whatever they were), the bowing heads of men that she looks down over, many gold coins, and the smell of sea air. Other notes: A lot of her psyche revolves around who she is now, though it is likely informed by who she was before she died. Emotional muscle memory is a thing and she finds herself falling into patterns that she doesn't understand where she got them from. She is so sure of herself, her status, and her position that even though they are her desires they are being sated; they will remain in the forefront, however, to make sure she doesn't slip.
Character archetype: The Boss. Character arc: Moral-Descending leaning Flat Arc. Core values: Power, trust, status. Internal conflicts: meshing a desire for love with a desire for personal space; wanting more power versus having to deal with the people to get it; sureness of herself versus the lack of concrete details on her past. External conflicts: Her work as a psychiatrist versus her work as a council member; balancing life as a spirit and all her spoon versus her life as HBIC. Epiphanies: She is already where she wants to be but will continue to press forward for more. Significant events: Death until current day has been a whirlwind of them: the wandering of America - the watching how America formed - starting to study whatever piqued her interests - becoming adept at things after death that she hadn't been before - becoming adept at things she probably was adept at before death and reapplying them to life now - finding Vievecor - settling in Vievecor - taking her place on the council - pushing forward. Other notes: Her Archetype and character arc are meant to be interesting. Because of the fact that she is 'The Boss' she is assuredly always herself, and while there is room for wiggling in terms of where she arcs too, it would likely be a decline into immorality rather than a rising arc, but most likely to stay a flatline of her being exactly whom she is but the people around her changing and evolving in time and influencing her story in that regard.
Honest/Lies Sometimes/Lies a Lot/Deceptive
Arrogant/Confident/Somewhat Confident/Somewhat Unconfident/Unconfident/Cowardly
Selfless/Others Over Self/Self Over Others/Selfish
Humorous/Somewhat Humorous/Neither/Somewhat Serious/Serious
Reserved/Somewhat Reserved/Somewhat Open/Open
Extremely Trusting/Trusting/Average/Suspicious/Extremely Suspicious
Neat Freak/Organized/Somewhat Messy/Messy/Extremely Messy
Very Patient/Patient/Somewhat Patient/Somewhat Impatient/Impatient/Very Impatient
Lots of Energy/Some Energy/Average/Little Energy/No Energy
Victoria does not accept nicknames. She only accepts people calling her Victoria.
As long as she has been alive, one would think she had some clue as to what it was that had happened to her to make her remain tethered, but she still has no idea and has tried to embrace life as a spirit. To that point, she did not die of natural causes, and the image of her body holds a few scars across its surface. Whatever DID happen to her was not pleasant but she cannot say for sure, one way or another, whether it was warranted. All she knows is that she’s still here and still kicking… so to speak.
She falls in love often but very rarely acts upon it. Someone more or less has to approach and try to date her for it to happen. She’s spent so long watching the lives of others play out in these scenarios to not want it herself and to not fall head over heels since she has no idea if her own life found that kind of fruition, but perhaps its just a longing for something she’s lost.
Victoria refuses to take guff from anyone. There might have been a time in her life that she would have wilted at authority but that day has long passed and she knows she speaks from a place of authority. Sometimes she need not say anything at all to get across the idea that whatever is being broached is not something she wishes to talk about. It’s not a glare, it’s not a frown, it is just her existence, presence, and the fact that she has said nothing that speaks to that. This sway also applies to her position in the Council. She doesn’t often offer up her own ideas for advancement or moving forward but, I’d like to think, if she were to throw her weight behind something that the rest of the members would take notice. There’s just a presence about her.
She trained in Nanquan martial arts when she was alive and, though she does not know how or when, is fairly adept in it, especially the discipline of Hung Ga Kuen and it makes her fairly formidable in a physical fight (should she have a wholly physical form) meaning she can take care of herself even without her spirit powers so to speak.
Because of the state and rumors surrounding the Shipyard, Victoria has managed to build herself a nice place with beautiful amenities without having to dip into any money she has squirreled away too deeply. The property values are dirt cheap and so she took over an abandoned warehouse and, over the years, has modified and retrofitted it to fit her needs. Inside looks like a spacious art gallery almost with a large, loft-like living space up a set of industrial stairs. It’s understated and beautiful and has a collection of artifacts that likely haven’t been seen for years. She has no extra beds upstairs in the loft area but she does have a couch that people can stay on. Possibly. If she were to invite someone over.
Xu Xialing (Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings), Miranda Priestly (the Devil Wears Prada), Dana Scully (the X-Files), Yennefer (The Witcher), Big Barda (DC Comics)
Bad Bitch — With Victoria's own position she would likely gravitate towards having a 'best friend' whom was in a similar position. Someone with power, poise, and who refuses to take shit from anyone and though they won't gossip (often) or exchange fashion tips they spend quite a bit of time together discussing other, more important things. 0/1
Slow Burn — in all the time she's been (un)alive she's never truly had a romance. It's not that she doesn't have the capacity for it, because of course she does, but it is hard for her to pursue anyone because of how she carries herself. This would be someone who actively found interest in her and pursued her. They will first build into a friendship, there will be tension and rebuffing and all that fun stuff, then eventually they'll spark (I believe in us.) 0/1
Admirer — someone who, like above, found interest in Victoria. It doesn't have to be romantic or anything like that but they do pursue her in their own way. We can work out how the reception would be and plot out anything (how far its gotten, etc) to see if they've formed any kind of relationship from it (enemies, friends, etc) 0/2
Spirits — there was a time when Victoria felt as if their kind might one day overrun the likes of others, but she miscalculated how many people would feel compelled to cling to the mortal realm after passing. This means that new spirits do get some attention from Victoria and she'll even try to mentor some, if necessary. ∞
Co-Workers — anyone who works at the Sanitarium gets some of Victoria's attention because they are so closely related to her work, which she takes very seriously. This can be friendly or contentious, depending on your wants. ∞
Anything and everything you might have in mind! just hit me up.
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Independent Excursion: Academic Reflection
Free Writing:
Jordan and I visited Nyan Nyan-Ji temple where we saw a shrine dedicated to cats, art exhibits, and even fed treats to an assistant monk. The temple was very cool with art decorating the walls with ornate decorations. The temple was a minka building with tatami mats and shoji. The shoji doors were well decorated with colorful cat paintings. There was also a bar-themed area that Jordan and I thought was truly sacrilegious given that it is a very sacred site and the divine monks would not enjoy the taste. The cat shrines were filled with religious iconography and objects. The altars at the shrines had offerings for the cats with different treats and statues. Each ceiling tile was painted individually with creative cat paintings. The shrines also had the same purple curtains we have seen at other shrines. We saw posters for the cat art museum but had no idea that this was the same place. We were pleasantly surprised to see the grandiose display of classical art pieces. Each art piece was equipped with a cute story about the creator filled with many puns and a great sense of humor. My favorite art recreations were cat versions of The Scream and The Kiss. The entire experience was silly yet grandiose with full dedication to making it appear genuine. 
The article I chose entitled "When There Are No More Cats to Argue about: Chan Buddhist Views of Animals in Relation to Universal Buddhanature" discusses Chan Buddhism and the view of cats through didactic messages and debates regarding an animal's capacity for enlightenment.
Cats are commonly seen as positive figures of luck and wisdom within Japanese culture. The Gotokuji Temple in Tokyo is a Buddhist temple filled with lucky cat statues. The folklore about the creation of Gotokuji is that during the early 17th century, Ii Naotaka was beckoned to safety by a cat during a thunderstorm. As an act of gratitude, he established a temple for the cat. This love and respect for cats among Buddhism extends past these specific instances within Japan. It is believed among Buddhism that a cat’s body is the temporary resting place for very wise and spiritual people. While it may be rare to have a temple entirely dedicated to cats, it is very common for cats to live and meditate with monks. 
The reading that I chose discusses how cats and dogs are frequently used in anecdotal teachings in Chan Buddhism and their perception within Mahayana portrayals. The reading mentions that cats are used through Chan expressions including gongan to express didactic messages about the possibilities and challenges of mankind’s attempt to reach enlightenment. The reading discusses what is known as the Cat Case, a gongan case where master Nanquan severs a cat and when Zhaozhou hears about the story, he puts sandals on his head and walks away. Nanquan says if the disciple was there, he would not have killed the cat. 
The reading also mentions that cats and dogs are prevalent among Chan Buddhist records since they were the most common animals to live with monks as protection from pests while providing a release from loneliness. Cats were considered useful in these anecdotal teachings because people were familiar with them through their similar living conditions and feelings of attachment. 
I also appreciated the idea that a mundane natural sound like a cat purring may help spur enlightenment for someone who needs a small stimulus. I would love to be enlightened from hearing my cat, Cuddles, purr. 
The ways that cats meditatively stalk their prey to limit pests is well appreciated among Buddhist monks. However, some people consider cats as reincarnated lazy monks who were overly timid. The reason for differing viewpoints is reflective of the sentiment that all sentient beings have an innate Buddha nature and are worthy of being evaluated critically. Within both Chan Buddhism and Zhaozhou’s discourse, it is evaluated whether beings such as cats contain Buddha-hood. However, it is stated that the cat does not ponder such questions or wonder about enlightenment. They are therefore able to achieve a continuing state of awakening of not knowing that reflects Wu and can be considered a higher form of knowing. 
Heine, Steven. “When There Are No More Cats to Argue about: Chan Buddhist Views of Animals in Relation to Universal Buddhanature.” Journal of Chinese Philosophy, vol. 43, no. 3–4, 2016, pp. 239–258, https://doi.org/10.1163/15406253-0430304008. 
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goriaucom · 1 year
Perak Kedua Wushu Disumbangkan Haris Horatius
PNOM PENH - Atlet Taolu Indonesia, Harris Horatius menyumbangkan medali perak kedua bagi Kontingen Indonesia pada cabang olahraga Wushu SEA Games 2023 Kamboja. Tampil di Chroy Changvar Hall A Pnom Penh, Kamboja, Rabu (10/5/2023), Haris Horatius yang turun di nomor Nanquan menenpati posisi kedua dengan mengumpulkan nilai 9,55 poin. http://dlvr.it/SnqHPh
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sorcerymuses · 1 year
Marinette and Chloé's Superhero Transformations
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A comprehensive list of superhero suits through the multiverses
Marinette's Superhero Transformations:
Special note: All of the Ladybug transformations turn her hair a bright blue and gives her wide blue eyes, and her mask is always red with five black spots
Ladybug (Complicated and Main Verses): Red bodysuit with black spots and black hooded cape, elbow length fingerless black gloves, black knee length boots and a red knee length 'kimono style' vest with black and gold symbols reminiscent of spots and black trim, held closed by a black belt with red spots and a gold braided cord; Earrings have 'evolved' to cover her entire earlobe, with five additional red gems of decreasing size with black centres, the largest gem retains her trademark five spots, as her transformation time runs out, the additional gems and spots disappear; Her hairstyle varies based on her desires; Her visible fingernails are magically painted red with black spots
Ladybug (What We Mean to Be): Up until Lady Wifi, cycled through various suits with inspiration from Cardcaptor Sakura and other Magical Girl series. As of Lady Wifi, wears a traditional Nanquan outfit with a red 'silk' vest that sports 'retro styled' spots of black and gold, with gold trim and black slacks. Fingerless red opera length gloves with black spots, black wrapped shoes and a black spotted red sash with a hook for her yo-yo at the knot. Red sports wrappings offer support for hands, wrists, and ankles.
Ladybug (Catastrophe/Dual Miraculous alt 1): A sleek brown bodysuit with a sweetheart spotted red micro dress and matching opera gloves and knee-high boots; Second Miraculous proudly sitting on her collar and her hair restyled into twin buns held with her signature red ribbons; Mouse Miraculous is a necklace with a charm of a mouse holding a bouquet of five flowers
'Ladybug' (Catastrophe alt 2): Brown of regular suit becomes more red-brown
Ladybug (All other verses, unless stated otherwise): Simple black pants with a red tunic with gold clasps, black flats, and a black spotted red utility belt and gloves; carries two yo-yos in Cocimal and Cleaning Messes
Multimouse/Viele (Rat Miraculous): Eyes turn pink; hair is more grey and styled into buns to emulate mouse ears held with pink ribbons; grey 'kung fu' tunic with pink trim and clasps, grey slacks with pink trim and simple pink flats, a simple pink utility belt with two pouches held with a pink rope that hangs as a tail
Morpho (Butterfly Miraculous): Soft brown jumpsuit under a bright blue dress shaped like butterfly wings and trimmed in purple and white with bright blue pointe shoes and wrappings on her hands and wrists; A white trimmed, brown mask covers her face and her eyes and hair turn violet; Hair is styled in a messy bun; Carries a jewel capped staff with a deadly hidden sword; Miraculous is positioned on left shoulder
Chloé's Superhero Transformations:
Special note: Chloé in most verses, post-redemption cuts her hair into a short bob and starts maintaining a lavender dye job. 'Chloé version' notes apply in any verse where she is referred to as 'Queen Bee' rather than just 'Queen B' or 'Abielle'
Queen B(ee)/Abielle: Her ponytail is styled into a braid with antennae like ribbons sprouting from the tie; Wears a black leotard (WWMTB: when she 'works out' her DID and Chloé is 'in charge', gains a fur lined yellow bolero jacket) and leggings, with a yellow skirt and matching gloves covering her arms with bright yellow toe shoes (WWMTB: Chloé version has gold boots with fur ankle cuffs); Black sports wrappings make stripes on her arms; Her mask is a pair of goggles, with a light honeycomb design on the lenses; Miraculous is a bee shaped comb tucked into the base of her ponytail (with shorter hair, the Miraculous holds most of her bangs back and her antennae ribbons are attached to the wings of her Miraculous, falling into a few flyaway hairs) and black streaks in her hair (after she starts dying her hair lavender, her hair is also magically reverted to blonde)
Batty (Complicated, incomplete Bat Miraculous): Black Bodysuit with dark grey maxi-skirt, elbow length gloves, knee length heeled boots, and bat print corset; Bat ear shaped guards cover her ears; Mask is a plain black; Her hair (A lavender bob) becomes a deep violet and is pulled back into a twist under her Miraculous, which is a piece of leather shaped like a bat and held somehow by a long stick
Fledermaus (Complicated and Cocimal, complete Bat Miraculous): Dark Grey of 'Batty' suit is replaced with lavender and ear guards gain a dark grey headband to emulate headphones; Her Miraculous is more obviously attached to a leather hair tie braided into a half ponytail
Catastrophe (Cat Ring Only): A classic black catsuit with amber and gold accents with a wide and long leather belt that hangs as a tail, leather bracelets and a bell at her collar, and tall heeled boots with golden toe caps, Miraculous is a more feminine version of the Cat Ring worn on her left middle finger (suit design from this post)
Catastrophe (Dual Miraculous alt, Coyote Miraculous): Second Miraculous is a thin gold bangle with five amethysts embedded around it, each with a petal-like design around it worn on right wrist, suit structure remains the same, the trim of her suit is changed to a rusty brown, many of the amber gems are replaced with Turquoise, the bell is replaced with a teardrop shaped charm of Turquoise, remaining leather bracelet is replaced with rope twisted up her arm, heeled boots are replaced with leather pointe shoes, the ties wrapping around her legs above her knees with the same rope on her arm, hair takes on dark red lowlights and clip-in ears become wider and slightly more canine in shape, belt changes to an intricately designed strap of tan leather with a braided rope flecked with Turquoise and Amber beads and a well hidden whip
Catastrophe (Bracelet Only alt): Black of main suit becomes dark tan
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lhbs-in · 2 years
Do you love Martial Arts?🥋🔥
#martialart_expert_program#martialarts_expert #proffessional_course
#international_martialarts #online_martial_arts_course
#kungfu_school #muaythai
#taichi_school #capoeira #mixed_martial_arts
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#wushu #eagle_Kungfu #tiger_kungfu #judo #mantis_kungfu #kungfu #realMartialArts #ninja
#martial_arts #aikido
#taekwondo #karate
#wingchun #taichi #mma
#weapon_kungfu #commando_training
#jackiechan #chanquan #nanquan #korean_kick
#nanchaku #ninjawhip
#doubleshoot #tonfa
#straight_sword #jetli
#broad_sword #kungfu
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ozartesmarciales · 4 years
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dariostelluti · 5 years
The most powerful combination between a 🐉 Dragon and a Phoenix 🦅 #wushu #nanquan #kungfu #shaolin #shaolinkungfu #shaolinmonk #dragonball #goku #martialarts #martialartist #martialartslife #martialartists #martialartstraining #martialartslifestyle #martialartstricking #martialartstricks #martialartsfamily #martialartsfitness #martialartsathlete #martialartsforlife #stunt #stuntman #stuntlife #stuntlifestyle #dragon #phoenix #martialartsworkout #martialartsmotivation #martialartistforlife #trickinglife @tenaciousd @dragonballsuper (presso Zero-Gravity) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3E-lHbhYsJ/?igshid=13bzlrkx9bjdb
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allyouknowisalie · 3 years
As the officer Lu Hsuan was talking with Nanquan, he said, "Master of the Teachings Chao said, 'Heaven, earth, and I have the same root; myriad things and I are one body.’ This is quite marvelous."
Nanquan pointed to a flower in the garden. He called to the officer and said, "People these days see this flower as if in a dream."
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chobistudio · 12 days
【Wushu】1st World Wushu Championships (1991) Women's Nanquan 004 2202 (USA)
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alessandrolenzini · 5 years
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Difendiamo il diritto dei bambini di divertirsi e giocare! Buona giornata e buon aprile #wushu #kungfu #shaolin #sciabola #sciaboladelsud #nandao #nanquan #pose #posture #broadsword #martialartkids #babywushu #wushukids #kungfukids #valtrighe #mapello #ternodisola #bonate #carvico #calusco #solza #chignolo #locate #presezzo #brembate #sottoilmonte #pontesanpietro #impararedivertendosi #sapersidifendere (presso Valtrighe) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvs-LXEAJQr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kxebfwmphmk2
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#Repost @xan_._nax ・・・ It's difficult to stop a passion🔥 #kungfu #kungfupanda #wushu #shaolin #shaolinkungfu #karate #taichi #nanquan #chinesenewyear #chinesenewyear2019 #sport https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt7Qh8hl-lJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=rrahfqlx2bk0
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terracemuse · 7 years
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Knowing is delusion. Not knowing is confusion. (Nanquan Puyuan c749-835)
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kungfuwushuworld · 2 years
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