felidaefatigue · 2 years
why do eggs and spam have to smell Like That
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partybarty · 1 year
Admin B cannot be normal about finals.
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a-romanic · 2 years
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traumaboyexo · 3 months
CARRION!Sif Ghostfrin Event
[[Still pending a better name like Parasite Siffrin or Abomination Siffrin or maybe even a title I dunno]]
(Isabeau points up ahead. Your heart nearly stops as you look ahead yourself.)
(It's the ghost.)
(Bonnie is the next to gesture towards it. )
"Look! Here!"
"That's...That really does look like Siffrin, doesn't it?"
(It looks like Siffrin. Maybe it really is Siffrin.)
(And if they are...)
(Odile frowns. She's clearly the more disturbed of your family regarding this situation.)
"Another one, huh?"
(So they could all see it this whole time.)
(Ghost. Spirits.)
(You thought you were hallucinating it out of guilt, but that makes sense.)
(Monsters don't feel guilt. Monsters don't feel anything.)
(You find your voice once more.) "You guys can see it too, huh?"
(What would a ghost taste like. If possible, maybe if you eat it fast enough, they'll forget it was even here.)
"Yes??? Of course???" (Mirabelle looks at you in confusion. Somehow, you nearly break a smile. The notion that may be crazy has passed through your head more than once, and yet...)
(For her to look at you, so confused, it's almost comforting.)
(Bonnie speaks up.) "Yeah, weird Frin copies!"
(Odile sighs.) "Don't worry, Siffrin. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me as well. Take relief in knowing the both of us are not becoming delusional."
(No, you aren't.)
(Your real problem is so much worse.)
(You reply.) "Thank you. Good to know my brain isn't broken from all my napping."
"So, are we gonna say hi?" (You turn your head and look at Iseabau, doing your best to hide your disbelief and fear.)
(He wants to greet it?!)
"Me too, I wanna see the weird not-Frin!"
(You're on the opposite end of Bonnie's enthusiasm.)
(You're horrified.)
(If it really is Siffrin, if it's really their ghost...)
(What would he say? What would they do?)
(You don't even want to think about it. You don't even get a chance to. Because your family has already rushed ahead.)
(Isabeau's cheery voice rings out first.)
"Hey, ghost Sif! How are you-ah!"
(Almost immediately, Isabeau turns around and quickly covers Bonnie's eyes.)
(Mirabelle glances over at them for a brief second before looking at the face of the ghost herself.)
(...her eyes widen in horror and her legs instantly give out. She would have fallen to the floor if Odile hadn't caught her.)
"Woah. Easy easy, I got you." (Odile looks at the ghost's face herself, and her face turns into one of great unease as well.)
"...gems alive."
(...a slimy wet, sound.)
(...the ghost is melting.)
(Slowly, it begins to droop and drip parts of itself as it becomes smaller and smaller, slowly dropping into a formless sludge puddle of itself.)
(...and then it fades, sinking into the ground...until it's no more.)
(There's a long pause.)
(Everyone is still. Silent. Even Bonnie stopped trying to escape Isabeau's grasp.)
(Isabeau is the first to make any movement, taking his hands off Bonnie's eyes.)
Bonnie: "...what happened?"
Bonnie: "There was a scary...wet sound and-"
(Mirabelle exhales heavily. Her voice and breath is shaking.)
Mirabelle: "O-oh change..."
Mirabelle: "I...I..."
(She looks over at you.)
(She's terrified.)
(...everyone else is staring at you the exact same way.)
(...you have to know.)
"So? Did it have a third eye or something?"
(...that was suppose to be a joke. You smile during jokes. You forgot to smile.)
(Odile seems to have noticed that.)
(She is the first to answer you.)
"You're not hurt anywhere again, are you?"
"No cuts? No bruises or scrapes?"
(Wouldn't matter.)
"How about...headaches? Naseau? Feeling dizzy? Are you unwell in anyway, Siffrin?"
(Why won't she tell you.)
"Really? Absolutely sure. Remember last time, we didn't realise you had a cut under your arm until-"
(You need to know!)
"...what did you guys see?"
(She continues to stare without a response.)
"Uhm...I'll be on explaining duty then, M'dame." (Isabeau walks away from the group and pulls you aside, while Bonnie, Mirabelle and Odile start to discuss amongst themselves.)
"Don't be too hard on M'dame Odile, what we saw was just...a little scary is all."
(Scary? How?) "It didn't seem like it did anything."
"It...didn't. That's why it was kinda scary."
"So, it was standing in front, and we went up to it, cause it was kind of strange it wasn't facing us."
"And luckily I was the first to see it, or Bonnie would have seen it as well."
"It didn't flinch when I called out to it. It didn't even try to look at us."
"It's face was..."
(Isabeau looks uncomfortable even trying to remember it.)
(...You have to know.) "What? What about the face?"
"Yeah yeah, sorry, it was...Uhm..."
"...well, it was covered in scars. Bleeding scars. And its eyes were...gone? Its mouth was open, and it kinda looked like..."
"...like if someone had died, standing up, and refused to sit down."
"But then its lips started moving like they were trying to talk. But I didn't hear a noise voice or noise or anything."
"And then...well, then it started to turn into goop, and that was it."
"So you can see why Mirabelle was so startled, she was already super stressed, but I think...I think it'll be fine."
"And, don't worry about M'dame Odile, you know how she is. She's always worried about us, even if she won't say she is."
(...Mirabelle and the rest are walking towards you now.)
"Sorry about that...it was just a little overwhelming...but I feel better now."
(She shouldn't.)
"But Siffrin, if anything is ever wrong...please make sure to tell me. O-or any of us."
(You won't.)
(Maybe if you're hungry.)
(But not about....)
(Odile continues to frown.)
(She stares for just a few more moments, before looking away.)
"I think we've wasted too much time. We should get going."
(...they're afraid. You made them afraid.)
(Why couldn't they have just stopped. Why couldn't they have just ignored it.)
(You're always worried they won't care about you, but for once now you regret making them care!)
(You're disgusting, you're selfish, you're horrifying.)
(Isabeau points up ahead.)
(Bonnie is the next to gesture towards it. )
"Look! Here!"
"That's...That really does look like Siffrin, doesn't it?"
"I don't see anything."
(Even without looking back, you can feel everyone's confusion focused on you.)
"Sif? You really don't see the...ghost you?"
(You don't respond.)
(You wait. And wait. And wait.)
(...and soon...)
(...it's gone.)
(...you feel hungry.)
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lavender-town-radio · 1 month
my hip popped & im lightheaded and naseaus and crying ahahahaha
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monsieurenjlolras · 4 months
Armand said "maitre" and i got so hard i gogt naseaus
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toddellz · 2 months
oh thank goodness you're alive again i thought yoy were dead in the mariana trench
thjs is making me naseaus from how funny it is
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monster-noises · 7 months
Forever thinking about TCAF 2019
Where I Fully sprained my ankles about 2 days before
And proceeded to;
-Not go to a doctor
-Put some ice on it over night then ride the train to Toronto
-Go Immediately to a Furry Dance Party
-Walk on it All Day at TCAF (In heels if i remember correct. Not Tall heels mind, but i was not Flat Footed)
-Be absolutely Mystyfied about why i felt Naseaus all day and proceeded to throw up the next morning before my train home,, for the next Several Years
(the pain, it was the pain, i threw up because of how bad my ankle hurt)
And when i came back I Still didn't take time off work or go to the hospital or anything!! How I still have a perfectly functional ankle is Beyond me!
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ant1quarian · 8 months
What Their Magic Is Like
Bad Sanses Addition
(Plus my own addition to the Bad Sanses)
Blizzard Alignment
Dust’s magic is frigid to the touch and his body can dramatically drop in temperature when his LV begins to spike. Shortcutting with him feels like you’ve just been dumped into a pile of snow, and it can carry a sort of blanket-ish feeling if he considers you a friend– or more.
His bone attacks and Gaster Blasters shed snow sometimes– mostly during high-adrenaline moments. Like when his Gaster Blasters fire, a sort of freezing snow-like substance flares off of it before falling to the floor.
The Plasma his Gaster Blasters shoot is not hot, and instead feels like you’re being stabbed with hundreds of icicles and dumped in Antartica with no clothes on during winter.
His alignment causes his Font to sound like wind, things cracking and snapping under the weight of the snow, and sometimes the occassional rumble of thunder in the distance.
Heat Alignment
Horror’s magic is unstable and he used to be a Water Alignment before his injury. When he gets angry, the air around him will begin to drastically heat up. When his LV spikes, he’ll melt any snow around him in a five metre radius almost instantly.
His bone attacks and Gaster Blasters carry the exact same sort of air-simmering heat. During high-adrenaline moments, the heat he radiates can get so high that he begins to vapourise water.
When his Blasters shoot their Plasma, the air around them– and Horror himself– becomes supercharged with heat.
His Font sounds like things simmering and boiling, sometimes with steam-like whistles mixed in.
It’s usually not wise for Dust to be around him when he’s mad, as Blizzard and Heat alignments don’t mix well.
Magma Alignment
Killer’s magic is very unusual, and derives quite a bit from his canon abilities. A Magma Alignment is considerably rare, and is also assumed to be a result of some kind of corruption within the SOUL.
Killer sits at an average, just-above-naturally-warm temperature, but there’s always the feeling that something inside of his bones is a lot hotter.
Shortcutting with Killer feels akin to being dangled just above a volcanoes’ core. It’s got a weird “holy-fuck-you’re-falling-aaaa” vibe to it that can make you naseaus afterwards, too.
His bone attacks and Blasters are a lot hotter than his normal temperature. The beams of plasma his Blasters shoot often leave a kind of dripping, lava-like substance over whatever it touches.
The non-canon-compliant ability he has is that if you somehow manage to land a hit on him and make him bleed, lava will seep out of the wound before creating an obsidian crust over it. Killer is, for want of no better words, a tank due to his alignment.
His font sounds like something bubbling, sometimes as if there’s a lot of pressure in the sounds he’s making, and his snarls sounds like it’s been bass-boosted or something akin to it. Like something just gave under tons and tons of pressure.
Dust and Killer can fight together, but if they’re not careful their alignments will give each other backlash.
Storm Alignment
Cross’ magic carries a very staticy feeling to it. His shortcuts feel invigorating and kind of if you’ve just been shocked. His natural body temperature is slightly-colder-than-normal and when his LV spikes you can feel the static in the air.
His bone attacks are normal, if a tad bit colder than you’d expect, but his Blasters is where things are changed. Instead of beams of plasma, it’s beams of raw electricity that will leave an electrical effect on whatever it hits for a while.
His Font sounds like a storm– static-ish, rolling thunder, rain falling hard against the ground, wind howling.
He can also make it rain during a fight if he gets really pissed off.
Dust and Cross make a good combo, as Dust can turn any rain Cross generates into hail and Cross would still be able to summon lightningc to do big damage.
Sludge Alignment
Goopy guy to the core. Nightmare used to have an Earth Alignment before he went through what he did. It corrupted and became a Sludge Alignment, which has to be the most irritating Alignment one can have.
Nightmare is a massive tank, capable of taking almost anything anyone throws his way. Shortcuts with him feel like you’ve been placed in slime, but it doesn’t feel sticky. Just cold. Afterwards you’re left a bit colder than you were initially, but it’s nothing too bad.
Any attack he makes can get very messy. He can also create an unsual quicksand-like effect to the floor that locks you in place so that you can’t move or escape. His Alignment also allows him to sap away at other’s magic.
(My own addition)
| Slasher was brought into the Bad Sanses when Killer found a weird mythology book of Nightmares and did a goofy little ritual, not actually expecting anything to come of it. Slasher, a Sans and the Godkiller himself, was summoned. |
Crystal Alignment
Slasher’s magic used to be a Magma Alignment in his early days before changing to a Crystal Alignment. He sits at an average temperature that is neither too cold nor too warm, which often feels unnatural and unnerving.
His shortcuts feel extremely disorientating, as if you were a piece of glass that’s just been shattered into a million pieces before being shoved back together. Your SOUL actually does shatter when you shortcut with him which is why it feels that way, but his magic shoves it back together and heals it to keep it at the original state it was in.
His bone attacks and Blasters carry an opal-like appearance to them, intensified when the Blasters actually let out a beam of plasma. Sometimes there’ll be a residue of crystals left behind on whatever the beam hit.
His font sounds unusually like a tinkling noise, sometimes like windchimes, and sometimes like things being crushed. There’s also a grating noise he can make that he very rarely does. A Crystal Alignment is very versatile and can battle well with any other alignment as it isn’t really affected by other elements.
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fruitmagazine · 3 months
it's so funny to me how i spend a solid five years without having a crush and the second i start finding this guy kind of cute and funny i start feeling literally sick, dizzy and having big naseaus fndjdkdk i think i was not made for love 🤷🏻‍♀️
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request: Hello, I’ve got another idea for a request! So I had this stomach ache during my soccer game and I decided to sit off the last 45 minutes because I knew from experience it would get worse if I continued to run around—so I was thinking: what if Felix (changed to Jisung) had a stomach ache during vocal recording for one of their songs and he sat in the same spot the entire time, refusing to get up unless called into the booth and not really talking to anyone because the pain was too great. Then they all head back home and it’s still bothering him. In the car he can feel it getting worse, and the pressure with the seatbelt around his stomach isn’t helping, so he tugs it looser and holds it slightly away from his midsection. Maybe one of the members, could be Changbin, notice it and question him, to which he denies how he truly feels. They’re nearly at the first dorm when he can’t hold it anymore—the pain has grown so much during the ride that he was battling naseau—and he throws up right as the van pulls into their street. You can choose how to end it and who acts as the caregiver when he finally gets sick. ❤️ 
Here they are again, recording a new track for a new album. Of course they were all excited! And of course, that includes Jisung. Being on the producing line, it was something they looked forward to throughout the whole production process, it really brings their ideas to life. But he was struggling to really enjoy it, as a dull ache resided in his stomach, and he struggled to keep his focus. The headphones he wore to hear the singing from inside the booth were squeezing his ears and giving him a headache. His stomach hurt way worse in comparison though. Normally, he would be contributing to the recording and directing the singer in the booth, but today, he sat quietly in his chair, only really contributing when asher for his opinion. Even then, his responses were along the lines of “That’s good.” or “Smoothen it out a bit.”, simple answers that didn’t require much thought. 
Chan didn’t notice his friend’s condition. He was in the zone. Changbin however noticed it fairly quickly. Usually Han would be spinning on his spiny chair or moving around somehow as they worked, today, he stayed perfectly still in his chair. Changbin looked at Han, seeing his tired face did not have its usual color, now looking eerily pale. 
Changbin quietly pointed at the boy before doing 👌 in order to silently ask “You okay?”
Jisung gave a little head nod, although Changbin was not quite convinced.
Finally, it was time to head home. Jisung couldn’t wait to go home and sleep off whatever was bothering him. He sat down in the car, quickly buckling his seatbelt, eager to return home. As the car took off, he felt so uncomfy in his seat. His seatbelt dug into his stomach, squeezing the already upset organ. The pressure and the movement along the bumpy road were definitely not helping his discomfort.
Changbin had been keeping close watch on the boy, and noticed the way Han tugged at his seatbelt to release pressure on his stomach. He leaned over to Jisung and whispered,
“Are you sure you’re feeling alright?”
“I’m okay. A little tired I guess.” he was lying straight through his teeth, and Changbin could tell. 
“Okay. Why don’t you lean your head on my shoulder for a bit. We’re almost home.”
hoping to atleast provide some comfort. Han gratefully complied, but couldn’t fall asleep because of the cramping in his stomach and the nausea. But it was still nice.
Even as his eyes were closed, he knew they were about home because they had been turning a lot. Before they reach their dorms,  there’s like a million right and left turns, which only added to the nausea. Changbin watch as the color drained from his dongsaengs face as they were just about to pull in. The boy jerked his head up off of Changbin’s shoulder to hopefully avoid getting vomit all over his friend, but was a tad too late, splashing a guppy of vomit on his hyungs lap. He started to cry out of guilt, pain, and definitely from the fever, each sob just made him sicker.
“Hannie, it’s okay, let’s just get you out of the car, alright?”
“O-okay- huUUurk” He retch, splashing out more hot liquid onto the floor.
The rest of the group tried to make themselves as little as possible so Han could squeeze past them. He made it out of the car with no more mess, but the second he got out of the car, the flood gates were opened- no- RIPPED OFF and the puke flowed out of him like a fountain. It was atrocious. Even the members who weren’t quite as squeamish had to avert their eyes from the grossness in order to not loose their own stomachs.
Once his stomach had completely emptied itself, he shakily sat down on the curb, still crying.
“It’s really okay Ji. Are you ready to go inside.” Changbin said.
He gave a head nod as Chan and Changbin helped him into their dorm, sitting him down on the couch. The couch was already set up with pillows, blankets, and a bucket, courtesy of Hyunjin who had already headed inside to avoid the atrocities that were happening outside, since he had a sensitive stomach and couldn’t handle that. He gave a gentle smile as he handed Han a bottle of water and some pills.
“I don’t know if you’ll be able to get the pills down quite yet, but atleast drink some water.”
Jisung didn’t know if he could stomach even the water, but his throat was destroyed and he knew it could help.
“No problem. I just want you to feel better.”
sorry this took a million years, i worked on it diligently whenever i could but i’m a busy gal what can i say
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aiteanngaelach · 11 months
my gp prescribed me sumatriptan last week and i took one thursday and it dis=dnt do anything and i took one today and i still have the migraine and in fact id say the migraine is worse than i usually get them and also i feel naseaus which i never usually do lmao
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dixeyray · 1 year
Be me, forget to eat meals in a day because of the horrors and the hyperfixations.
Head starts hurting a bit. Try to make food. Standing makes the head hurt more. Goes back to the horrors that I can sit with.
Headpain goes away. Thinks now I should eat food. Stands up, headpain returns. Tries to muster through headpain to get food to make headpain leave permanently. Make the food.
Is too naseaus from headpain to eat food.
Goes to lay down. Headpain makes sleep not happen.
I want to kill the section of my brain that believe this is a meaningful way to get me to take care of my body.
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the-eldritch-it-gay · 2 years
anyways i feel naseaus because I have this drink subscription where i can get a free drink every day at this gas station which is super great its $8 a month and you just need to enter ur phone number at the register and boom free drink but their screens to enter the phone number are laggy often and dont show what you've already typed and so i my phone number ends in a number that repeats twice and i thought i typed it but it only seemed to register one so i hit it again but then it said I need to repay my subscription and i dissociate too much to know time but I feel like I already paid my subscription this month but i dont know for sure so i just paid it but i worry that maybe i just put my number in wrong and now i just paid $8 for a $1 drink that should be free but i have no way to check and since i couldnt see what i typed in already i didnt even know in the store if i had hit the wrong number possibly
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duckduckngoose · 2 years
Tip of the day; don't listen to the Magnus archives to distract yourself from car sickness/naseau
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