#natalya volkov
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Feel like these two deserve a proper introduction. Meet my new commentators, Cin and Natalya! (Yes, Sparrow and Sven are no longer commentators though I have other plans for them).
Natalya is as sweet as pie. A big jolly woman from Russia, she always has a big smile on her face and it's hard not to feel a little brighter when she's around. She's a bit slow in the head at times and has rather poor English but she tries her best to communicate with her colleagues. She has a soft spot for Soda Popinski.
Cin is a smug little bastard. He's a little bit cheeky and a whole lot naughty. He has a sassy remark for everybody at the WVBA and his roasting game is on point. Under this, however, is a very sweet soul who is always there for his friends. He feels insecure about his looks so he wears his signature zipper mask to feel more at peace with his appearance.
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anarchy-n-glitter · 3 years
This can also be found on my AO3 account under the same name!
Multiple Pairings
Richard Trager x OC
Jervis Tetch x OC
Five Nights at Freddy's
William Afton x OC
Murdoc x OC
Star Wars
Multiple Pairings
Blood of the Dragon
Grima Wormtongue x OC
Mad Love
Jack Dante x OC
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flxwer-gutz · 3 years
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Let’s kick this blog off with my newest murderbabe! a Goat Beastkin named Natalya Volkov! She’s the leader of a Cult of Carnivores that just so happens to be made up solely of prey animals, their primary targets tending to be other beastkin, predators for the most part! She also happens to be the oc i’m using as a sort of mascot for this blog 
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atangledfate · 2 years
Spector the Wolf
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Name: Natalya Volkov  Nickname: Spector Species: Mobian Arctic Wolf Personality: Cold, Calm, Serious, Blunt Abilities and Skills Spectral Shift: Spector can shift her molecules into a quantum spectrum allowing her to pass through solid matter, or phase objects through solid matter. The density of matter can hinder her ability as denser materials can slow down or even stop her shift. She can also shift single body part, allowing attacks to pass through her but still effect objects with other parts of her body. While shifted she appears translucent and ghost like Tactical Training: Spector was trained by GUN, and has spent a portion of her life in there employment. As any good soldier she is highly skilled in Close Combat  can use a variety of fire arms and is an infiltration  specialist.  Biography Before the War Spector was just an Agent of GUN with no special abilities what so ever. She was Skilled but, far from being what she became. During a mission to infiltrate one of Eggman’s bases she came into direct contact with one of the False Phantom Rubies, resulting in what some thought was her death. Trapped in a trapped space between worlds her body was permeated with the rubies energies until it shattered. She would eventually learn to use that energy to shift back to normal reality only to find herself in the mist of Eggman’s War. Since then Spector has returned to work at GUN as one of there Top Agents, using her new found abilities to aid GUN, however no one knows what the long term effect of the ruby on her body will be, and she has to monitored constantly by GUN, for her own health. She is forced to remain with GUN as her own fear of being lost in that dark place again weighs heavily on her mind.
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nikolaixvolkov · 4 years
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( Alexander Skarsgard, 35, cismale, he/him ) Was that NIKOLAI VOLKOV ? I heard a rumor they work for the VASILE family, but who knows for sure ? They can be a bit AGGRESSIVE & COLD, but I also heard they can be BOLD & CONFIDENT. You’ll usually find them at THE PINT in their spare time, when they’re not being an TORPEDO. You may want to keep an eye on that one ! ( Es, she/her, 23, CET, none )
Name: Nikolai Volkov Age: 35 Birthplace: Moscow, Russia Occupation: Vasile torpedo Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual
!trigger warning: abuse, blood mention, death!
Young Nikolai grew up and was raised in Moscow his whole life. With his sister Natalya that was a year younger they had an unexplainable bond, which forced them to stay close no matter what they were doing. From a kid's perspective, Nikolai could not have imagined his life differently. His mother was kind and gentle woman, too quiet and small for his liking, almost as if she tried to take as little space as she could. His father was different. A real head of the family. Always loud, needing to have the last word and everything having to be done in his way. He taught Nikolai how to hunt from a young age, always reminding him to be a man and to take care of his family. Often happened that when he wasn't man enough - or at least in his father's eyes - his father reminded him with unmerciful fists. First it started as slaps on the back of the head, then on the cheek that left a mark and later a proper punch, leaving bruises around. Later he realized he had seen the same bruises on his mother too. 
To the inseparable duo soon joined Nikolai's cousin, Anton. Nikolai always looked up to him, loved him as his own brother and with his sister they even considered him as one. Nikolai remembers the time when he watched him and his grandfather teach Anton how to fight. He, five years younger, could only copy their movements but never did they have the same effect as when Anton did it. When times were hard at home and his father was coming drunk more often as never, him and Natalya always ran to their grandfather and to Anton who was there to support them both. It was when Nikolai was thirteen, Anton left to serve. It crushed his whole world and for the first time ever he felt abandoned and betrayed. Then his grandfather died soon after. 
No more running away when Nikolai's father got drunk and angry, because there was nowhere to go. He had to sit there and helplessly watch and wait who would be the next target of their father's fists. The teenage years hit hard and Nikolai grew more distant to his family, even to Natalya. He was more often out, he was getting into fights and coming home late. And it was just matter of time until he got into wrong circles. At first Vasile branch in Moscow used young Nikolai for errands and chores with promise that if he stays loyal he can get far with them. Later they kept their promise and began to train him in combat. But his anger kept boiling inside of him, the past still vivid in his memories as two of his most important people in life left him at the same time. This anger overflowed his cup of patience one night when he came home late, as always, and found his father hovering over his mother, his knuckles dirty with blood, mouth reeking with alcohol and his mother whimpering on the ground. Nikolai remembering his first fighting lessons he leaped on his father and saw only dark until he could not go anymore and left pool of blood on their kitchen floor with his father unmoving on the ground, dead. 
His superiors took care of the accident and started to give more attention to Nikolai. He had the drive but he had so much to learn. And so he did. Under the wing of Vasiles he became a perfect killing machine, skilled in both armed and unarmed combats all the while taking care of his mother and sister who were kept in the dark for all those years. Although Natalya was a smart girl and she grew up to be even smarter woman. She knew something was going on with his brother. He changed, the light in his eyes disappeared, he never smiled, rarely talked. It was like he closed off from the world itself completely. Yet the worst came when he expected it the least. With a stable job as an assassin for Vasiles he thought he would live out in Moscow until his death. But then one night, Natalya did not come home. And soon enough there was a message that changed the course of Nikolai's life. What was left of Nikolai's heart now completely shattered. Natalya was killed in a crossfire between Vasiles and a rival gang. Nobody knew who did it, the only information that connected the gang was one city. Chicago. And so when the leaders announced one of the Russian torpedo is needed there in exchange for another man, Nikolai was first in line with only one thought in his mind. To find whoever was responsible for death of his little sister.
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kolkuh · 4 years
       timestamp :      mid - evening ,  —  of  december  1920 .      location :      the  dining  room  of  the  volkov  estate       tagging :       @bloodtorn​
kolya  usually  kept  a  wide  berth  of  natalya  aleksevna .  as  far  as  he  was  concerned  the  woman  from  petrograd  was  a  liability ,   a  likely  future  target ,  and  as  cold  as  he  was  to  most ,  a  chilly  november  wind  ,  he  managed  to  be  ice  to  her ,  picture  the  streets  of  moscow  in  early  febuary .  he  saw  no  reason  to  attempt  to  be  cordial ,  even  as  they  shared  spaces :  the  sidewalk  when  their  destination  was  the  same ,  the  cathedral  they  both  choose  to  attend ,  the  estate  she  was  lingering  in ,  and ,  tonight ,  the  dining  room  within  it .  the  younger  wolf  thought  he  was  alone  tonight ,  was  proud  of  himself  for  remembering  a  meal  without  a  cue  from  some  external  source ;  then  she  joined  him ,  taking  up  a  seat  on  the  other  side  of  the  table ,  and  he’s  avoided  any  further   —   just  two  distinct  people  sharing  a  table ,  nothing  else  between  them .  and  there  really  wasn’t .
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he  focuses  on  his  soup  and  dumplings ,  letting  them  capture  most  of  his  attention  for  a  moment ,  and  saying  a  prayer  quietly  for  his  own  benefit ;  a  cobbled  together  and  personal  thing ,  built  over  the  years  and  faded  memories ,  a  mix  of  church  slavonic  with  his  native  languages ,  folk  tradition  creeping  in  at  the  edges .  after  he’s  done ,  he  begins  to  eat ,  and  seems  to  be  in  somewhat  of  a  hurry  as  he  does .  that ,  however ,  was  not  her  doing ,  but  that  while  he  had  remembered  this  meal ,  he  had  not  done  so  well  with  the  one  before  it ,  and  had  slept  in  enough  to  miss  breakfast .  he  was  starving .
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sovietniik · 4 years
     when : dawn , — december 1920            where : stables , the volkov estate       who : @bloodtorn
aleksei wants natalya dead .
there ’ s no two ways about it . it is a simple truth . he ’ d put her in the ground himself if he was allowed such a thing , but for two whole years vladimir has been unwavering in his sentiment . while the pakhan ’ s reasoning for his inability to kill the former handmaiden is understandable ( and something aleksei intends to carry to the grave ) aleksei he makes no allusions that such a sentiment passes on to himself . the sovietnik has so plainly stated his opinions of keeping such a liability around , done the cost benefit analysis of it all ( the cost being : the volkovs lives , the benefit being . . . nothing ) . so even now , when he finds her in the stables as warm dawn breaks over moscow sky , he does nothing to hide the winter of his discontent at her presence . she is either too blind not see their hatred or stupid enough not to care ; surely she knows and yet like a leech she clings .
natalya is by the horses , and the small mercy of this cold morning is that he isn ‘ t here for them . aleksei enters the stables and strides by her without much acknowledgement , wool coat drawn around his dark turtleneck tight . another night slipped away working late at the estate . morning is here and aleksei intends on returning to his flat — but there is some business to take care of first .  in his leather - gloved hand he holds a small wrapped  parcel of of fish , twine tied ,  brought in by the cook from the morning market . not for the horses of course , they will get fed by the stable hands — aleksei is instead here for the hellions that live up in the rafters . gray - silver , demon - eyed cats that will surely find a way to his flat across the city demanding payment if he doesn ’ t handle them now . aleksei doesn ’ t understand how they know the location of where he is when he is not here , or how they find him , or precisely at what point they became friends  . 
( it is no doubt because of the fish he ‘ s taken to giving them every few mornings . )
the cut gets laid out on the steps of the ladder to the wooden slats above .  silver ears peak out in curiosity from a bed of threadbare hay  . the girl , unfortunately , is still living and breathing in the same space as him . aleksei , deciding to no longer spare her of his directness , speaks up . he doesn ‘ t turn to her as he addresses her , eyes still trained on the loft above . his lips are pressed into a thin line , a knife ‘ s edge to cut and measure his harsh words upon . 
     ❛ i ‘ ll be honest , i did not expect to see you still here upon my return - do you intend on staying much longer ? ❜     
he wants her dead . . . but in the absence of that , he will just as gladly see her gone  . 
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bratvaborn · 4 years
who: natalya khvostovsky ( @bloodtorn​ )
where: the driveway of the volkov estate
always people in this house. it is never as quiet as it used to be, and although max is very good at locking himself in his office on the third storey to mine his way through the books and the letters, it seems as though that is becoming not good enough. his car, spotlessly clean and astronomically expensive, grates on the gravel as he pulls to a stop outside the formidable estate. he rolls his eyes when he sees natalya on the stairs. the girl is a liability, he had insisted numerous times, but on deaf ears, it seemed. 
“miss khvostovsky.” he nods, polite even consumed with distrust. “good morning.” the leytenant tucks his ledger under one arm and offers his hand for her bags as he caught up to her and they walked up the driveway. “allow me.” a criminal he may be, but that was no excuse to act like one. “do you know if vladimir or nikolai are home today?
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bcatibellicosi · 4 years
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ic information
full name: natalya ivanovna volkova
age & birthday: 17, dec 13
house & year: slytherin / 7th year
blood status: pureblood (actual halfblood)
character pronouns: she/her
face claim: jodie comer
it’s very easy for her to adapt to new situations and get the hang of things that she’s learning
she cares very little for if her actions hurt or offend others. if she likes a person enough though, she’ll apologize, even if sometimes a little half-heartedly
nat has an affinity for dueling
you wouldn’t think so by looking at her,  but she does read a lot. it doesn’t matter to her what sort of book at is, so long as the topic is at least a little interesting to her
she’s insanely into people with strong emotions or a mysterious air around them. she keeps passionate people around and isn’t scared off by outbursts. on the contrary, things like that tend to fascinate her even more
while she displays sociopathic tendencies like quick thinking, self-confidence and above average intelligence coupled with a cold disposition and lack of remorse and empathy for unethical behavior, that doesn’t mean she’s entirely emotionless. she feels flashes of elation, something akin to happiness or joy at times, but it’s almost always quickly overpowered by a certain numbness, an emptiness that’s very much boring. it’s frustrating and makes her angry more often than not
she’s incapable of producing a patronus due to the lack of an actual happiest memory. if she were able to conjure one, it’d be a wolf
in her free time, something she enjoys a lot is sitting right by the giant window in the slytherin common room, watching the inhabitants of the black lake swim by
because she speaks exclusivelly russian at home, natalya’s accent comes through thickly when speaking english or other languages
she’s affiliated with the death eaters partly because she’s never been taught to believe anything different by her heavily death eater associated parents, and also partly because she enjoys the thrill of it. she views the death eater’s actions as provocation of radical chaos and she’s nothing if not an agent of chaos 
extra information
nicknames: nat
sexuality: pansexual
wand: blackthorn wood with a unicorn hair core, 11 ½" and unyielding flexibility
boggart: prison cell
patronus:  —
On December 13 1958, Yekaterinburg was lost under a thick blanket of snow. An icy storm, harsh winds, hail and snowflakes rained down on the country while on the outskirts of the city, a new life entered the world. Natalya was and always would be the only surviving child of Ivan Volkov and Anastasia Volkova. It was below freezing temperatures in that dark and stormy night, and it seemed as though a bit of that coldness had seeped into Natalya’s bones and wormed its way into her heart.
Both Ivan and Anastasia were muggleborns, and being muggleborn brought not even bits and pieces of the glory and respect and wealth the two of them had always dreamt of. So, armed with a plan and a purpose, they moved to England when Natalya was only three years old. With money they’d acquired through murky ways and with faked papers and verification, the family settled into a far grander and luxurious apartment in London.
To her parents, Natalya was a tool to be shaped into the perfect person to continue this new lineage of purebloods. Every single moment with them was more of a lesson than actual time well spent with family and that meant that Natalya never grew particularly close with either of her parents. If she had the choice, she wouldn’t want to see them at all.
Going off to Hogwarts was a relief for her, finally a long overdue escape from her constantly tense situation at home. While Natalya disliked the United Kingdom for how drab and gloomy, she found that some of the people were quite alright. She could count on one hand how many people she was closest to, but she didn’t need more anyway. One lesson her parents had taught her that had permanently stuck with her was that trusting too many people made you weak. She had no intentions to make a mistake like that.
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despitetherage · 5 years
Mischief Managed
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It wasn’t abnormal for a Slytherin to be lurking in the corridors during the late hours of the night. It was even more likely that it was a Volkov hiding in the shadows. Natalya was never really one to hide, easily talking her way out of punishment with her family name and pretty face. But, a strict curfew had been set for the students with the rise of danger in the wizarding world. With the Daily Prophet tucked into her robes, Natalya sought out the secret hideaway few new about. The door presented itself to her and disappeared once she slipped inside. “You aren’t going to believe what is in the Prophet.”
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elliepassmore · 5 years
Last of Her Name Review
5/5 stars Recommended for people who like: sci-fi, retellings, Russian-esque settings, rebellion, lost princesses, Anastasia I was intrigued by the concept of an Anastasia retelling, mostly because it is Russian and I like Russian mythology/folklore, and was even more intrigued by the idea of said retelling getting set in space. I was a little wary because I've never really liked the idea of Anastasia and how she died and all the people who claimed to be her. Obviously, I really enjoyed this story. Khoury really went all-in with the world building, more than in her other books, I think. Each of the world's we visited throughout the story each had unique features and peoples and trades populating them. I would be content with stories taking place on each of the planets. Amethyne gets the most attention in this book, and is seemingly a world with rolling hills and vineyards. I'm curious about the aeyla and mantibu that populated the planet and definitely wanted to know more of their history and culture. Diamin is the planet we spend the next most time on. I was intrigued by the snowy, hidden world and the tightly-controlled, gyrokinesis society. I thought it was interesting that Diamin seemed to be a colder, darker mirror of Amethyne. Sapphine also seems to have some promise, though we don't get to see a lot of it, and I wanted to dive deeper--pun intended--into the world. Some of the other worlds, such as the sky world with floating kelp and flying whales also seemed like it would be a good setting for further stories. Another interesting note that the four main planets we see/are mentioned, seem to be inverted mirrors of one another; although, Rubyat is a desert and none of the others seem to be a desert of any kind, so maybe it's a coincidence. Either way, each of the planets has its own set of adapted people--horned people on Amethyne, people with gills on Sapphine, flying people on Emerault--and I'd be very willing to dive into each of the rich histories, cultures, and settings Khoury has set up on the periphery of the main story. In terms of people, I enjoyed following Stacia on her journey, though she was sometimes willfully ignorant, it seemed. I liked her mechanic's mind and, while the situations she was in were awful, I did enjoy that there seemed to be no clear-cut 'right' decision--I much prefer messy morality. The big reveal toward the end of the book was incredible and such a shock. I could physically feel the pain Stacia felt upon the realization, and I honestly think I took longer to get over it than Stacia herself did. Her character growth and arc was gradual, and I was almost sad to see the peak of it, but I also really enjoyed how she changed and grew as a person from the first page to the last. If there were a sequel detailing what came next--even though the book ended rather definitively--I would happily read it. I also really liked Stacia's relationship with everyone. She wants to protect Clio, she both loves and disagrees with Pol, and she cares for people who might be considered outsiders. Pol was another character I enjoyed reading about (I am perhaps becoming redundant, but I'd like more information about him and his background and future). He's one of Amethyne's aeyla, and the concept of horns and a thicker bone density are aspects I'd like to have seen more of. Pol is another one who deals with differing moralities. He's torn between the vow he's made, Stacia, and, of course, the ever-present risk of death. I definitely got the impression that he was blindly following orders and faith originally, but unlike some of the other characters, he sees through to the truth much faster. Clio provided a more innocent, complex side to the story. She's only in the story in bits and pieces, since she gets separated from Stacia and Pol at the beginning of the story. The interplay between the three of them is super interesting. Stacia and Clio are obviously the closest of the three, which made me feel bad for Pol for a while, it was almost like he was on the outside a lot of the time. Despite this, she still has a clear relationship with Pol that...plays out surprisingly later on in the story. Clio drives a lot of Stacia's actions throughout the story, so learning bits and pieces about her and their history together answers a lot of questions. Riyan is another interesting character I'd like another book about (shocker). I want more background about why his sister Natalya chose that moment specifically to run away and what the straw was that made him go after her. I'd also like to know more about what happens with both of them after, since I kind of get the impression going back to Diamin isn't really an option. I felt really bad for Mara and everything that happens with her, but I did see a glimmer of hope for her at the end once she connects with Natalya. Naturally, I also want more of Natalya, we barely get to see any of her, but she's also been through some shit and from the pieces of her we do get to see, I think Khoury could probably write a full novel about Natalya. Another thing I found super refreshing and really liked about this book was that each of the villains each thought they were heroes, had genuine points, and different goals, and yet were ultimately still villains. Volkov was genuinely afraid of the Prismata and thought it needed to be destroyed in order to save the Nine Jewels and the people who lived there, even if it meant sacrificing some people. Zhar believed in the Imperial Family and wanted to restore them to power, believing it would overturn Volkov's rule and that her way was best for the planets. Each side had people who genuinely believed in their cause, who were willing to do just about anything to achieve their goals and bring 'prosperity' to the planets and their citizens. Stacia has the opportunity to 'get in' with both sides and see what they think and what they wants, and ultimately decides that, despite some of their points, neither has a truly good solution to the proposed problems. In each case, we get to see that the villains want more than just power--or, they at least want more than just power superficially. Overall, I really enjoyed Last of Her Name and would be extremely happy if Khoury decided to write more about some of the characters and places in this book.
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anarchy-n-glitter · 3 years
The Volkov Files
Summary: Years after the Raccoon City incident, questions arise after the body of an old friend is used to taunt Leon Kennedy on a mission. Who was Envy Snow really? Why was she in Raccoon City when the outbreak happened? When was she killed and who killed her?
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Warm lips ghosted his own as he stared into her eyes. Her hand grasped tightly at his, holding him closer to her. She looked terrified; she didn’t want to leave him. Sirens went off, echoing in the underground tunnels, yet they sounded distant. It was nothing but white noise, serving as a background to their goodbyes. Red lights flashed, illuminating their expressions and exaggerating the shadows on their faces. Her eyes glistened with tears.
She closed them, tears streaking down her cheeks and leaving shining lines in their absence. She suppressed a sob as she leaned in, gently pressing her lips to his. He was stunned at first, despite expecting this action, she just seemed so… hurt. His other hand made its way to the back of her head and he pulled her closer to him, kissing her back with a feverish passion. She slid her hand from his and made her way to the tips of his fingers, flipping his hand over with her thumb and forefinger. She laid her hand flat against his palm and let something go in the center of it before closing his hand around the object, then, she moved away from him. He looked down at his palm.
“A gift from Ada to me. I’m giving it to you.” She began, closing his hand around it again. He looked back up at her. Her makeup was running now, and he could tell she was scared. All it took was one glance at her, and he knew.
“Keep it safe, make sure no one gets to it. Sove, Umbrella, it’s all the same. Please, Leon… I’m trusting you to do the right thing.” She finally sobbed, collapsing into the crook of his neck. His arms instinctively wrapped around her as she wept.
“Envy.” He began. She looked up at him, shaking her head.
“Nat.” She revealed. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before the look finally softened into a friendlier one. He smiled at her, feeling his chest swell with happiness as she finally opened up to him. Yet it was a bittersweet happiness that filled his own eyes with tears. He knew that she probably wouldn’t have been so open if she weren’t afraid for her life.
“Nat.” He confirmed before going on.
“Please come with us. There’s enough time, we can make it.” He begged. She looked up at him with glistening eyes again.
“I can’t. You know I can’t.”
“Five minutes until detonation.” A voice echoed. She looked up before going to move past Leon. He grabbed her arm.
“You can’t go. First Ada and now you.” He said to her. She merely smiled.
“I have to. You won’t be safe if I come with you.” She explained. Leon didn’t have the time to think about this. Instead, he pulled her close and kissed her one last time. When he let go of her, she took off. Not another word was spoken between the two, and he was left wondering about what could have been.
Shortly after the events in the sewers, and after Ada had been patched up by Leon, we met in secret. Leon had gone off to do something, leaving us behind. She looked at me with her mysterious brown eyes and a smirk on her face.
She addressed me by my codename, the name I had given to Leon. But, instead of using it as my name; as in just saying “Envy” she had said “Agent Envy” and I knew that she was aware. I nodded in response, and she grabbed her jacket, muttering something about hoping Leon hadn’t lost the flash drive. She handed me the drive and I quickly placed it in my vest, in one of the pockets on the inside.
I believe she knew of Sove’s affiliation with Umbrella, seeing as she immediately advised that I hold the information for ransom. It was an odd idea to me at first, and of course I answered truthfully to her. I told her that I didn’t think I should, they knew who I was and that they’d have me taken out. I even told her that my life would have been in danger as it was if I didn’t obtain the flash drive. She shook her head at my response.
“It’s a shame.” She said to me, her voice soft yet slightly condescending. I asked her why.
“You would have been a great free agent.” She explained. I didn’t think about it much, but as the night went on I’d realize that she was right about that. I had my own morals and beliefs, they were unwavering, and I couldn’t be swayed, even by Sove, my own agency. When on the field, you see a lot of things, and even at my young age, I felt I had already seen it all. I had determined what was right and what was wrong on my own, despite all the conditioning I had suffered through as a child.
I wanted to help people; I always had. I never got the chance to, you see, but I knew that if I were to get out of Raccoon City alive, I’d fight for the other young girls like me: captured at a young age and groomed to become killers and seductresses.
Sove was the real enemy. And it took Ada’s wise words to help me realize that.
And then Anette happened.
Leon had come back with the G-Virus sample, I was relieved, as was Ada. I assumed that it was for different reasons than just wanting the sample, but I knew how close the three of us had become, so it wasn’t a surprise to me when she said that she didn’t want it to end that way. Leon had found out about Ada, and I could only pray that he didn’t find out about me. Selfish, I know, but I really felt a connection with him. I wouldn’t let my occupation get in the way of that; in the way of a future I felt I could have.
They argued, she proclaimed that she was just doing her job, and Leon agreed, countering with the fact that he was just doing his. I watched on nervously, my hand on the handle of my handgun, silently praying I wouldn’t have to use it. When I heard a gunshot go off I panicked. I thought it was mine, despite not being quite loud enough to have come from my side. I looked up to see Ada grasping at her bleeding shoulder.
The earth quivered again, causing the walkway to give. I watched in horror as Anette collapsed and the walkway gave in. Leon dropped the G-Virus sample, its blue glow radiated in the dark of the cavern below. The two slid down, and I held onto the railing closest to the elevator, ready to run and save myself. I had what I needed, I could have left. But I didn’t. I was determined to leave with the people I had grown to care about.
Ada dropped into the darkness, and the ground shook once more.
“Leon!” I screamed out. He looked up at me, and he seemed glad that I waited for him, leaving me wondering if he thought I was going to leave him at the first sign of danger down there. He began to pull himself up, and I rushed down the steps, getting as close as I could to him in order to help. I grabbed his hand and helped pull him up.
I could see it in his eyes: regret… sadness. I felt bad for him, and the lack of emotion on my part did not mean I didn’t feel the same way he did. I was kind of devastated over the loss of Ada. She was a wonderful woman, one I felt I could have looked up to.
After she had fallen, on the elevator ride to our next destination, I determined that I would do as she said and become a free agent. I was going to be in control of my life again.
All the possibilities filled my head as I thought of reunions with my family, a life outside of Sove. Perhaps Leon could have been involved.
The elevator doors opened and we exited. I followed Leon to wherever we had to go.
Then I saw him, out of the corner of my eye. The Man.
He was behind her again, walking silently, stalking. She picked up her pace again, even though she knew that this was the end for her. She wanted to go with Leon. She wanted to live to see another day. She just wanted to live her life.
She began to run.
He didn’t go any faster. He moved with confidence, it was almost as if he knew he’d catch up with her.
He was right about that. She was running out of places to run to; she’d have to start hiding soon.
She tried to open a door to her left, but realized that it was locked. There was a door ahead on her right, but it was also locked. She was approaching a dead end, and all the windows were too high up for her to reach. This man wasn’t like the Tyrant that had followed her and Leon in the RPD; he was silent and calculating. He seemed to know the area well and knew where each hallway was, where each locked door was. For all Natalya knew, it could have been a trap laid out by him.
As she went to turn around, she ran into his chest with enough force to knock her back. He reached out, his cold, leather clad hands grabbing at her arms, pressing into the wounded flesh of her left arm. She hissed out in pain, but the man did not react. Instead, he turned her around, placing a cloth over her mouth. She was out in a matter of seconds.
Leon, after realizing that he had read enough, closed the folder and slid it toward the middle of his dining room table. It was hard for him to accept that she sacrificed herself for them. He should have known. That was why she handed over the information so easily, that’s why she refused to go with them. Whoever was chasing her down was bent on killing the people who had survived, but they weren’t like the Tyrant that Leon had encountered. Whoever took her; whoever killed her… they knew what they were doing. They got to choose whether they wanted to kill her or not.
He stood and remained in the same spot for a few moments, his hands placed on the table as he thought. He still had the drive, he just couldn’t remember where he put it. Nearly seven years had gone by, and he had moved from place to place quite a few times in those years, and yet he kept the flash drive Nat had given him. He placed it in a box, a wooden box, with a painting of a Raven on it. There were quite a few things in that box, like a few stray bullets and scraps of cloth, but those were used to cover up the flash drive. Now, all he had to do was remember where the hell he put the damn thing.
A dull blue flooded through the blinds and began to light up the room. Dawn was breaking outside and people all across the city were waking up to go to work. Leon moved into the living room and turned off the lamp, despite it not being bright enough outside for him to see what he was doing. He knelt down and looked under the couch, running his hand along the underside of it to check for holes in the fabric. He had found a few, but when he reached in he felt nothing but springs.
Next was beneath his coffee table, which, despite him knowing that he wouldn’t hide it in plain sight like that, he searched anyway. Nothing came from that either.
Cars honked outside as traffic finally began to build up. The streets were getting busier and busier, coming to life as the morning dragged on. Leon searched through the cabinets in his kitchen, and above doorways. He looked behind picture frames and in hollowed out books. Nothing. He found nothing.
Exhaustion began to catch up with him; he had been up all night reading. His eyes felt heavy and his thoughts were clouded. He wanted to find the drive, but he knew that he had to get to bed soon. However, after finding her dead on a pile of scrap metal and garbage, the least he could do was send the flash drive to someone he knew would use it for good. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing his bangs out of his face as he thought of the other places the box could be.
He made his way to his room, where he was sure the box had to be. He looked in his closet, in his dresser, nightstand. He searched under his bed and felt around to make sure he didn’t tape it underneath, but found nothing once more. He felt his frustration melt away into guilt and remorse. He knew he didn’t leave it at his last place, it was in the car with him when he moved. He remembered bringing it into the house with him, but he kept it on the table until he brought his mattress in.
Then it clicked.
He flipped his mattress over and saw the hole in it. He reached in and took out the box, opening it quickly and moving the bullets and cloth out of the way.
The flash drive sat there, gleaming in all its glory. Leon took it out and stared at it, unable to find the words to explain how relieved he was. It was still there, he still had it, and now he was going to give it away. It was finally time for him to let go.
He knew exactly who he’d give it to. He trusted her to pass it along to the right people.
He grabbed the phone that sat on his nightstand and dialed her number, waiting anxiously for her to pick up.
“Hey Claire, it’s me, Leon. I uh, I found this thing and I thought your brother could use it.”
The other line went silent for a few moments.
“I’m on my way.”
The world was blurry and bright.
Natalya had woken up on the floor of some sort of room. It was empty and white, with nothing but a window with one-sided glass on the wall across from her. It was cold and smelled of disinfectant as well as another smell that Nat couldn’t quite identify.
She stared at herself in the glass. Never in her life had she been more scared than she was then, yet she didn’t show it. Instead, she looked on as if the world’s most boring show was on. She wanted to get out of there, but she’d have to wait. She had to see how they worked here and then go off of that, but until someone came in, and until she endured whatever torture they were going to deal on her, she couldn’t figure out a plan.
As she thought of her many ways of escaping, a loud buzzing noise boomed through the room. A red light above the door flashed as it opened.
A woman stepped through the door, and closed it, which turned off the flashing light. She was a woman of medium height, with dirty blonde hair that she wore in a ponytail. She walked up to Nat, holding a clipboard close to her chest with her left hand and a syringe gripped tightly in her right. The syringe took on a greenish look, and the contents from within splashed slightly as the woman approached. Nat studied her face as she got closer, looking for any signs of humanity; looking for a weakness to exploit so she could get the hell out of there.
Her vision was still a bit blurry, no doubt a side effect from the chemical used to knock her out, but there was something familiar about this woman. The way she glared at Nat, the way she carried herself, how quiet she had been since showing up. Nat couldn’t put her finger on it, but she had seen her before.
She leaned toward Nat, still glaring, circling her and observing her closely. Nat looked into her eyes as she came back around to her front. She saw no emotion present anywhere on her. Her face was blank, but her eyes, her vivid green eyes, they held every emotion known to man. Anger and sadness, love and happiness, trust and jealousy.
Fear struck through Nat as she realized what she was dealing with. The woman stopped glaring at her to write something down on her clipboard before she approached her again. Nat, despite her best efforts at remaining calm, flinched away from the woman’s hand. The woman did not react to this, instead she continued on, reaching for the bandage on Nat’s arm. Nat looked at her, shaking her head. It might have been stupid, but, to her, the bandage was all she had to remind her of Leon. That bandage was going to help her get through this so she could see her loved ones again.
The woman removed it, unravelling it and throwing it off to the side before nodding and writing something down again. She stood up straight and turned around, and Nat clamored for the bandage. The woman glanced back at Nat, but did nothing about her actions. She looked at the one-sided glass before speaking.
“Test subject #3: Subject has been exposed to the G-Virus, but I do not believe this will affect the reactions to the virus introduced. Project Haven is under way.” She stated, her voice clear and dominant as she announced her findings. She lifted the syringe and waited for a few moments as crackles from an intercom system interrupted the test.
“And if this works? What then? Remember darling, we need her dead.” A voice boomed. Natalya recognized the voice, it was emotionless. Her heartbeat quickened as she realized who it was, which led her to recognize the woman as well.
“The virus is only at a nineteen percent success rate. Chances are she’ll react horribly, however, I have a solution in case it does work.” The man did not reply for a few moments.
“Then proceed.” The woman approached Nat, who began to move backward, trying her best to keep away from the woman. She didn’t get too far before running into the wall. The woman reached out, grabbing Nat by her ponytail and moving her head to expose her neck. She thrust the needle into the soft flesh near the crook of her neck and pushed down, releasing the thick liquid into her bloodstream. Nat sat back, her hand pawing at her neck as the warmth from the substance spread throughout her body, numbing her senses and mind.
The woman watched on as Nat realized that her throat had closed up. Her lungs began to burn as she gasped for air, air that wasn’t getting to her. She got up to her knees before collapsing to the ground, clawing at the woman’s feet and mouthing ‘help.’ The woman stared at her, her eyes, her vivid green eyes gleaming with amusement and joy. She wanted this to happen, and Nat soon realized she was doomed. She clawed at her throat and at her vest in vain.
The gasping eventually stopped, and the woman turned around. The buzzing went off again as the door opened once more. The man stepped in and looked at Nat’s corpse.
“Nineteen percent success rate, huh?” He asked. The woman smiled at him.
“Not in this batch, I’ll tell you that.” She admitted. He looked at her out of the corner of his eye, but she wouldn’t be able to tell that.
“So you did rig it?” He asked her. She scoffed.
“Of course I did! You wanted her dead right? I looked at her medical records and found out that she was allergic to peanuts.” She exclaimed. He crossed his arms and nodded before attempting to leave.
“I’ll send someone in to clean this up. Sove can’t find out about this.” He told her. However, instead of letting him leave, she turned him around. He looked into her angry eyes and felt nothing. He was stronger and faster than her, and he had trained her himself. There wasn’t anything she could do that he wouldn’t be prepared for.
“I’m just warning you, I’m not going to clean up anymore of your messes like this. Umbrella’s going to find out, then they’ll tell Sove.”
“Then we’ll leave Umbrella.” He offered.
“Weren’t we going to do that anyway?” He went quiet. She rolled her eyes.
“Oh, and, if I find out that you’ve cheated on me again, whether it was in the past or new, I’ll kill them in a worse way than this.” She threatened, gesturing to Natalya. He smiled at her and placed his hands on her hips.
“I’m not dumb, you know this. I was in the other room Al.” She lamented. He said nothing. Instead, he placed a kiss on her forehead, trying his best to calm her. She didn’t know, and he wasn’t going to tell her about what happened a few years back. It wasn’t worth any of their time.
“I love you, you know.” He told her. She smiled, trying to hold back tears. He hurt her this time, and she knew he’d probably do it again. In light of recent events, he hadn’t given her any reason to believe he wouldn’t. She loved him, and that’s what scared her.
“I’m aware.” She laughed. He turned toward the door, his arm still around her waist, and they both left the room together.
Natalya still laid on the cold floor… dead.
Leon woke up one morning to the sound of his phone ringing.
It had been several years since he gave the flash drive to Claire. She had sent it to Chris and the BSAA, who then focused on taking down Sove, who were still thriving after the fall of Umbrella. To Leon, taking down both Umbrella and Sove meant that Natalya hadn’t died in vain. The fall of Sove meant avenging her and freeing the other girls they turned into spies and weapons.
“Hello?” He asked, his voice low and raspy.
“Leon? It’s Chris. We have a job to do down in Dulvey. They want us to pick up Jolene West and Zoe Baker. Apparently Jolene’s been rejecting the serum.” Chris explained. Leon sighed and sat up.
“I’ll be there in an hour.” He said before hanging up and placing his phone on the nightstand, next to the wooden box… and a framed picture of Natalya.
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flxwer-gutz · 3 years
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A little interaction image between Natalya and @aconitumwounds oc Chloe, and i’m extremely happy with how it turned out
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NAME: Aleksander ‘Alek’ Nikitich Volkov.   AGE: 35. PLACE OF BIRTH: Moscow, Russia. RESIDENCE: Islington. OCCUPATION: Former race car driver. Current owner of Volkov’s Auto Body and Repair. FACE CLAIM: Taylor Kinney.
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“One day my boy all of this will be yours,” his father had insisted as he clasped a calloused hand over his son’s shoulder. The two stood in front of the small garage in Russia—the garage that his father had slaved in when he wasn’t busy driving cars.
Nikita Volkov had been one of Russia’s best professional race car drivers, and his fame had grown quickly after winning the Malaysian Grand Prix three years in a row. The man was a favorite amongst the crowds, and was always friendly to the competition. It had been something Nikita had always been sure to pass down to his son. When Alek was seventeen, however, his whole life would change forever.
Alek was standing on the sidelines with his sisters, Nat and Dinara. The three of them watching their father take yet another win. Then something utterly unexpected happened. A car hit the rear of their father’s vehicle and jolted it forward. The car appeared to lose control and slammed into the wall. Alek watched in horror as the vehicle bounced off the barrier, spun and then took flight. It rolled twice before coming to a halt upside down, flames coming from within. Alek had already been over the wall and charging forward. The seventeen-year-old was built like a linebacker and had quickly tackled a security member who had attempted to halt his efforts.
The smell of his own flesh burned his nostrils as he attempted to reach inside the burning wreckage. His father’s scream slowly grew quiet as hands grabbed a hold of the young man—first two pairs then three. They forced him backward as emergency personnel attempted to handle the situation. As the screams died out, Alek knew that his father was already gone. It was his sisters' screams that had him turning back around. Natalya and Dinara were both on the ground arms wrapped around one another and sobbing so hard that he could see their bodies shake.
It had been the only thing he could hear. That was how silent the packed arena had become; all eyes on the scene before them, and horror written all over their faces.
Their beloved Nikita Volkov was dead and a part of the community had died with him.
When, at age twenty-six, Alek had pulled the cloth off his father’s second car and climbed inside, everyone’s eyes had been cast upon him. It turned out he would be the next Volkov to race.
Aleksander Nikitich Volkov had spent eight years racing professionally, though being behind the wheel was certainly nothing new to the young man. After all, before his father had died, he had taken him out onto the tracks numerous times to show him the ropes. It was a skill—a gift, perhaps—that was passed down to his son, and it was one that Alek took great pride in sharing with the man. The son of Nikita Volkov took home a series of trophies before he decided that he was done. Some believe it was his own brush with death that had made him retire, but Alek had never confirmed the rumors that circled around him.
A year after his retirement, Alek moved to London to be with his sister. His Dinara and her husband had died in a train derailment which resulted in her leaving behind their two children behind. Natalya and Dinara had lived in London since university and whilst Alek had visited often, he had never called the place home. When his sister died, however, he had known there was nowhere else in the world he could’ve been. There was no leaving his sister to struggle with two children who were not hers, and he wasn’t going to allow them to fall into the system. His father would have moved mountains in the position, and those same mountains would be moved by Alek himself.
Now Alek is running a car garage in London called ‘Volkov’s’. He’s staying in an apartment with a roommate he barely ever sees, and often takes his sisters children out to distract from the pain he knows they are feeling.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Hard-working. Flirtatious.  NEGATIVE TRAITS: Closed-off. Quiet. Stubborn.
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RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Married, but estranged. More info below. FAMILY: Natalya Volkova (sister, contact player for more info) Dinara Volkova (sister, deceased) IDEAL CONNECTIONS:
#1 Best Friend. This is someone that has been friends with Alek since he was racing. He/she supported him through his accident, and maybe even helps him run his shop.
#2 Roommate. This one is rather self-explanatory. The two of them live together. Alek works late hours and often isn’t home, but it’s nice to come home to someone every once in a while. Plus on the days he takes the kids for his sister, this person sometimes hangs out with them.
#3 Estranged wife. The two married on a whim, but after Alek’s racing career took off, his wife disappeared. Alek figured that she hadn’t been able to handle the life and decided not to go looking for her. If you’re interested in this role, I’m thinking she totally panicked because she was pregnant and didn’t think she could handle having a child and not knowing the status of his lifestyle.
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melindarowens · 7 years
On Putin’s birthday, opposition activists protest, call for him to quit
Supporters of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny attend a rally near the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia October 7, 2017. REUTERS/Andrey Volkov
October 8, 2017
By Vladimir Soldatkin and Jack Stubbs
MOSCOW/ST PETERSBURG (Reuters) – Police detained more than 200 opposition activists on Saturday for taking part in a wave of anti-Kremlin protests across Russia in support of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny, ahead of a presidential election in March, a monitoring group reported.
Under grey skies and intermittent rain, over two thousand people gathered in central Moscow’s Pushkin Square and chanted “Russia will be free” and “Russia without Putin” before walking towards the Kremlin and parliament.
Police briefly detained a few people, but did not charge anyone. It was a different story at rallies in other cities however, and the OVD-Info monitoring group, a non-profit organization, said at least 262 people had been detained in 27 towns.
In St Petersburg, Putin’s home town, a Reuters witness saw riot police roughly detain at least 11 people. OVD-Info said at least 66 people had been detained in the city.
Navalny, who is serving a 20-day jail term for violating rules on public meetings, called the rally in Moscow and other cities to coincide with Putin’s 65th birthday.
Putin, who has dominated Russia’s political landscape for almost 18 years, is widely expected to run for what would be his fourth term.
Navalny hopes to run too, despite the central election commission declaring him ineligible due to a suspended prison sentence he says was politically-motivated.
One of the Moscow protesters held a homemade poster of Putin sitting on a mountain of banknotes, wearing a crown with the legend: “Happy Birthday you little thief!”
Others carried posters citing their right to protest, some waved Russian flags, and a few carried inflatable yellow ducks, a jokey reference to Navalny accusing Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev of owning a lavish estate with a duck house.
Medvedev called the claims politically-motivated nonsense.
In St Petersburg, some 1,500 activists waving red and white banners gathered in a square before heading for the city’s main street shouting “Putin is a thief” and “Free Navalny”.
The size of Saturday’s Moscow rally and others across Russia looked far more modest than Navalny-backed mass protests in March and June, which were widely recognized to be some of the biggest since 2012.
Many of the Moscow protesters were teenagers or in their twenties.
Carrying a yellow duck, Ulugbek Apsapayev, 17, said he had turned up because he wanted a better future for Russia.
“The duck is a sign that we support Alexei Navalny who also wants only good things for the country. But unfortunately we only have Vladimir Putin and his gang in power.”
Putin is popular across the country however, especially outside major cities where his strong leadership style and tough foreign policy stance go down well. He is expected to confirm later this year that he will run for another six-year term.
Opinion polls show he would comfortably beat Navalny if the opposition leader was allowed to run. Navalny says such polls are meaningless because there is no fair political competition.
Putin spent his birthday taking congratulatory calls from other world leaders, and chaired a security council meeting.
Authorities had refused to approve most of Saturday’s rallies, but Navalny says Russians’ right to protest is enshrined in the constitution.
A Reuters reporter at a rally in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg saw police detain at least eight people among a crowd of over 1,000 protesters.
(Additional reporting by Gabrielle Tetrault-Farber in Moscow and Natalya Shurmina in Ekaterinburg; Writing by Andrew Osborn; Editing by Andrew Bolton)
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source https://capitalisthq.com/on-putins-birthday-opposition-activists-protest-call-for-him-to-quit/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/10/on-putins-birthday-opposition-activists.html
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everettwilkinson · 7 years
On Putin’s birthday, opposition activists protest, call for him to quit
Supporters of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny attend a rally near the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia October 7, 2017. REUTERS/Andrey Volkov
October 8, 2017
By Vladimir Soldatkin and Jack Stubbs
MOSCOW/ST PETERSBURG (Reuters) – Police detained more than 200 opposition activists on Saturday for taking part in a wave of anti-Kremlin protests across Russia in support of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny, ahead of a presidential election in March, a monitoring group reported.
Under grey skies and intermittent rain, over two thousand people gathered in central Moscow’s Pushkin Square and chanted “Russia will be free” and “Russia without Putin” before walking towards the Kremlin and parliament.
Police briefly detained a few people, but did not charge anyone. It was a different story at rallies in other cities however, and the OVD-Info monitoring group, a non-profit organization, said at least 262 people had been detained in 27 towns.
In St Petersburg, Putin’s home town, a Reuters witness saw riot police roughly detain at least 11 people. OVD-Info said at least 66 people had been detained in the city.
Navalny, who is serving a 20-day jail term for violating rules on public meetings, called the rally in Moscow and other cities to coincide with Putin’s 65th birthday.
Putin, who has dominated Russia’s political landscape for almost 18 years, is widely expected to run for what would be his fourth term.
Navalny hopes to run too, despite the central election commission declaring him ineligible due to a suspended prison sentence he says was politically-motivated.
One of the Moscow protesters held a homemade poster of Putin sitting on a mountain of banknotes, wearing a crown with the legend: “Happy Birthday you little thief!”
Others carried posters citing their right to protest, some waved Russian flags, and a few carried inflatable yellow ducks, a jokey reference to Navalny accusing Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev of owning a lavish estate with a duck house.
Medvedev called the claims politically-motivated nonsense.
In St Petersburg, some 1,500 activists waving red and white banners gathered in a square before heading for the city’s main street shouting “Putin is a thief” and “Free Navalny”.
The size of Saturday’s Moscow rally and others across Russia looked far more modest than Navalny-backed mass protests in March and June, which were widely recognized to be some of the biggest since 2012.
Many of the Moscow protesters were teenagers or in their twenties.
Carrying a yellow duck, Ulugbek Apsapayev, 17, said he had turned up because he wanted a better future for Russia.
“The duck is a sign that we support Alexei Navalny who also wants only good things for the country. But unfortunately we only have Vladimir Putin and his gang in power.”
Putin is popular across the country however, especially outside major cities where his strong leadership style and tough foreign policy stance go down well. He is expected to confirm later this year that he will run for another six-year term.
Opinion polls show he would comfortably beat Navalny if the opposition leader was allowed to run. Navalny says such polls are meaningless because there is no fair political competition.
Putin spent his birthday taking congratulatory calls from other world leaders, and chaired a security council meeting.
Authorities had refused to approve most of Saturday’s rallies, but Navalny says Russians’ right to protest is enshrined in the constitution.
A Reuters reporter at a rally in the Urals city of Yekaterinburg saw police detain at least eight people among a crowd of over 1,000 protesters.
(Additional reporting by Gabrielle Tetrault-Farber in Moscow and Natalya Shurmina in Ekaterinburg; Writing by Andrew Osborn; Editing by Andrew Bolton)
Source link
from CapitalistHQ.com https://capitalisthq.com/on-putins-birthday-opposition-activists-protest-call-for-him-to-quit/
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