#natasha romonoff one shot
ijustwant2write · 5 years
Mr and Mrs Barnes?-Bucky Barnes x Reader
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(GIF credit to @veronikaphoenix)
Requested by anonymous: ‘May I ask for an arranged marriage fic where at first Bucky really doesn't wanna be with you as he likes Natasha but eventually falls for you’
Summary: Bucky and (Y/N) were both super soldiers under HYDRA. As part of a huge undercover mission, they were forced into an arranged marriage, both still bound to it to this day. However, as they enter the modern world, Bucky finds himself falling for a different agent, and (Y/N) can’t help but catch feelings for her husband.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Reader (Platonic), Steve Rogers x Reader (Platonic)
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: Arranged marriage, arguing, sadness but some fluff
He didn’t remember.
He didn’t remember what we were to each other.
Sure, it wasn’t for love, but even as robotic, hypnotised super soldiers, it was good to have someone beside you. It somehow made the killings easier; the guilt was shared. 
Of course there wasn't any romance, we were forced into this. One mission somehow required it, HYDRA making us sign the papers, surrounding us with guns as a threat if we didn't agree. Bucky and I had never even had a full conversation, only brief sentences during missions to communicate with each other. When he went rogue I had been sent to hunt him down, coming across his friends along the way. It hadn't been a good introduction.
"(Y/N), what are you doing here?" Bucky asked, his eyes wide in shock as I cornered him in the park where I found him jogging. He looked well, in normal clothes, his hair was clean...just good in general.
It wasn’t hard to find him. He had been on the news a lot recently, especially since he had, as the media had said, ‘turned good’. I hadn’t known where the Avengers base was, but found out where they regularly went for jogs; outside of the compound to probably escape the feeling of being restricted to one area. I stuck my hands in my jacket pockets, dark sunglasses covering my eyes as I looked at him.
"I'm taking you in." I simply stated.
"Really? How do you plan to do that?"
"Don't make this difficult, we can't run forever."
"HYDRA fell last year, who's ordering you?"
"You can come meet them." I reach in my jacket, revealing a gun.
"Bucky?" another voice shouted as they approached. Looking over his shoulder, I saw that it was Steve Rogers.
"It's fine Steve."
"Yes, it is." I grabbed Bucky's upper arm."We were just leaving."
"No, I'm not going back there." he snatched his arm back.
Steve stood between us."Alright what exactly is going on here? How do you know each other?"
"She's my wife."
You didn't have to be an idiot to see that I was jealous of Bucky's new life. He was free, safe and had friends. So when he suggested, well begged for me to leave whatever was left of HYDRA, I practically jumped at the chance. At first friends weren't overally thrilled, assuming that I was undercover still; but I had multiple chances to prove myself, something they took on board. However, it was me that took time getting used to this 'normal' life. Luxuries like a comfy bed, bathrooms, coffee even had made me emotional, though I found it hard to express these feelings, having been trained to hide my feelings.
Years had passed, and although it was strange, Bucky and I were still married. Most days I forgot, but today was different. Today marked the anniversary of our marriage, and I had to keep convincing myself that it was a stupid idea to keep it in mind. We wouldn't be celebrating, it was a forced marriage. After Bucky's help to rehabilitate me (even as he was going through it himself) I got to know his true self. He was unintentionally charming, kind, helpful with any obstacles I had to face, and understanding. Who wouldn't want to be married to this guy?
"Morning Bucky." I greeted him in the docking station, making sure I had my weapons for the mission.
When he didn't say anything back, I looked up at him, finding him staring at Natasha. She was getting ready herself, and although it seemed she didn't notice, she was too good a spy not to. I nudged him, repeating what I had said. He managed a smile back.
"You got everything?" I asked, trying to keep up conversation.
"Yeah, I checked." he replied.
"So, what was so interesting about Natasha?" I hadn't meant to be bitchy, but I wanted to get straight to the point.
"What? Nothing, I was day dreaming."
"OK, if you're sure."
“What’s that tone for?”
“What tone?”
“Alright guys, let’s go!” Steve called out, everyone immediately moving to the quinjet.
Was I being stupid? Perhaps paranoid? Bucky and I never had any type of romantic involvement, so him gawking at Natasha shouldn’t have bothered me. But it did, and it annoyed me to no end. I was a highly trained agent, I should be able to block out emotions such as these.  I knew Bucky wouldn't act on his feelings, it wasn't in his nature. However the looks he gave her didn't go unnoticed.
"Buck, hate to break it to you but you're a married man." Steve joked. It was a running joke with everybody actually.
"Not by choice." he said back, though there was no joking tone in his voice.
Steve sensed how that had annoyed me."Still, you and Widow? That's an odd pairing, I must say."
"It's not like that."
I butted in."It's pretty obvious. You're losing your touch. Might want to keep the staring at a minimum."
"Look, nothing is going on."
"Yeah, we know."
I hadn't let that get to me during the mission. It was pathetic. What had happened to me? Why was I turning soft? Why was I suddenly having all these feelings?
Because of Bucky, that's why.
We had been through too much together to not even have a sturdy friendship. We had even gone to therapy together, trained our minds back to normal, built a new life. So why was he acting like I was just someone to go on missions with? We lived in the same building, we saw each other everyday! I had to stop attaching myself to him, pretending that he actually cared for me.
After the successful mission, I was the first off the jet, wanting to get far away from Bucky, focus my mind on something else. However, Steve had other ideas, following me as I scurried away from everyone.
"(Y/N), I want to talk to you." Steve said.
"Sorry Steve, can it wait? I'm really tired after that mission."
"No. It has to happen now."
I groaned, stopping in my tracks to turn around. He nodded his head towards an empty conference room, and I followed him inside. Neither of us sat down, standing opposite each other.
"What's going on with you and Bucky? It seems...tense."
"I mean nothing, as usual."
"I'm not an idiot (Y/N), I know you have feelings for him."
"Yeah but I shouldn't."
"Why not?"
"Because he doesn't feel the same. Plus I've come to the conclusion that I only feel that way because I only have things in common with him out of everyone."
"That's not true."
I sighed."I know, but that's how I'm justifying it."
"He's still recovering-"
"So am I! Do you know how much they tortured me when Bucky escaped? They thought I had something to do with it!"
"OK, OK, calm down."
"I've attached myself to these ideas of our marriage when it's not even real, like as a comfort blanket."
"It's understandable, you were there for each other when you first came here."
"But he treats me like a work colleague! We don't even chat in passing, sometimes I'm lucky enough to get a polite nod."
"He's just...he's just reclusive."
"Bullshit. We used to open up to each other about everything. But as soon as we were cleared from therapy and were allowed on the team he changed. He fawns over Natasha all the time, and I shouldn't be jealous but I am."
"Have you talked to him about this?"
"Didn't I just say that we never talk?"
"Well make him. Tell him how you feel."
"I'm not good at that stuff Steve."
"No one else can tell him what you're feeling. Get it done soon otherwise it'll stay bottled up forever."
I hated to admit that Steve was right. I also hated that it was obvious to the others. How embarrassing for everyone to see that you're falling for someone who doesn't feel the same even though you're married. God, was I in a telenovela? 
I went on the hunt for Bucky, going to his room first. When he wasn't there, I searched the corridors as I headed to the living room. Nope, not here. As I neared the kitchen, I could hear his voice, along with Natasha's. Why did it have to be her? Not only could I compete with her, but I actually liked Nat. The jealousy towards her felt even worse. I listened in, hoping that they wouldn't catch me.
"You were great out there today." he complimented her.
"Thanks. You and (Y/N) are a great asset to the team."
He hesitated with his next sentence.“Yeah well, we were forced to train together.”
“You make it sound like it’s a bad thing. You two are practically impossible to beat. And (Y/N)’s a great partner.”
When he didn’t answer, she spoke again.
“So, I know you two aren’t married on your own accords, but how come you’ve never filed for a divorce?”
Divorce? Why was that so hard for me to hear? I had considered it before. When I finally thought I was stable, thoughts like this came into mind. Perhaps I could find someone who actually wanted me, someone who saw me for who I was, who didn’t treat me differently to everyone else. However, when I thought more and more into it, the more off putting the idea was.
“Uh...I guess we just never got round to it.”
“Actually, I’ve never put much thought into it.”
“I think there’s a reason for that. Might want to mull it over instead of making advances at me. Mind you, I am flattered.”
Natasha was making her way towards me, and I quietly took a few steps back to make it look like I was only just arriving. We smiled at each other as we passed, mine vanishing as soon as she was gone. Good, she didn’t reciprocate the feelings. Walking into the kitchen, my confidence was at a maximum level, soon dropping when my eyes met Bucky’s. No, I couldn’t do it. I made my way to fridge, pulling out two bottles of water before leaving. Nothing was said, nothing was done.
And that’s how it stayed for the next month.
We literally didn’t have any conversations, not even a ‘hello’. Steve’s words were playing on my mind, and Natasha’s words were playing on his. Neither of us acted upon them. We were both scared, unsure and didn’t know how to deal with the situation; something us super soldiers weren’t used to. But as I was bottling it up inside, not explaining it to anyone, these stressful thoughts made their way into my dreams, and the sleepless nights returned.
My body had been tossing and turning, the bed sheets tangled up around my body that was covered in sweat. I could feel everything I used to feel, the pain, the suffering, the imprisonment. I shot upright as I screamed out, fighting off whoever had a hold of me. They knew how to defend themselves, holding down my arms to stop the punches. As I realised that I was in my bed and not back with HYDRA, I stopped the yelling and fighting. 
“(Y/N), (Y/N), it’s me. It’s Bucky, you’re safe, you’re at the Avengers base.” he said soothingly, holding my face in his hands so that I looked him in the eye.
“I’m....I-I’m safe, I’m safe.” I breathed out as I sobbed.
“Yes, you’re safe, you’re with me.”
“Did I wake you?”
“You know I don’t sleep much.”
“Was I screaming?”
“Yeah. I rushed down here the second I heard it.”
I sighed, crying out.“Oh god, what if they all come back?”
Bucky pulled me into his chest, hugging me tight.“It might just be a one off. Something has just triggered it. Do you know what it could be?”
“I...a month ago I heard you and Nat talking, and she asked why you hadn’t divorced me. And for some reason, it really upset me, even though we never even dated.”
“That’s what set this off?”
“I guess so. I think it’s cause this is the only connection I’ve had with someone, even if it is fake. And I’ve gotten so used to it, but I know it’s stupid.”
“You know, I felt the same when she mentioned it.”
“You did?”
“Yeah. It’s like you said, I got used to the label.”
The conversation wasn’t going anywhere, neither of us expressing what we really wanted to stay. Though maybe neither of us were sure yet. I certainly wasn’t, not definitely.
“You want me to stay tonight?” he offered, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach.
“You don’t have to-”
“I want to. We know what these sleepless nights get like.”
I smiled and nodded, moving aside for him to lie down next to me. He casually slipped under the covers, still holding onto one of my hands. I tried to remain calm, hoping that I wouldn’t look like an idiot in front of him. We were facing each other, his eyes already closed as he mumbled out goodnight. I repeated it back, unable to force myself to sleep. He was acting so normal about this, we were laying here together...like a married couple.
“(Y/N)?” Bucky whispered, slowly opening his eyes.
“Do you wanna start training together again? Go for those jogs round that nice park?”
“Don’t you want to train with Nat and Steve?”
“No, their regime is too easy.”
I giggled.“I hope you can keep up with me. It could take some time for you to get used to it.”
“I’m not thinking about going anywhere else.”
“Alright, we’ll start in the morning. Goodnight Bucky.”
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
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idk-what-i-stan · 2 years
Fic Rec Masterlist
(W.M) (N.R)
Updated: 10/10/22
please let me know if any of these have been deleted
All Recommended Fics
Cannon divergence - CD
Highschool/collage au - HS
Alternate Universe - AU
WandaVisionReader, series finale (not in the master list)  - @dontcare77ghj CD
Home Is Where The Heart Is - @dontcare77ghj CD
Homeward bound - @dontcare77ghj CD
Memories - @dontcare77ghj CD
Brain On Fire, Ch2 - @thenatashamaximoff CD
Walk Away - @reminiscingtonight CD
ScarletWidow One Shots by marvelaosdc1620 (parentel) CD
A Place We Call Home by NoiHarris AU
Yelena Belova:
Greetings, Sister-In-Law - @just-my-fandom  CD
No Strings Attached -  @l-artemisia-del-secolo CD
Yelena And Wanda:
Normalcy - @dontcare77ghj​ CD
The 4 Rings - Peggy Carter, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff, Maria Hill by @lilian-maximoff CD
Parker Twins - Peter Parker by @bellero CD
Peggy Headcannons - Peggy Carter by @cap-n-stuff CD
My Fathers Daughter, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 - Tony Stark x daughter by @raineydays411 CD
Venom - Team by @dontcare77ghj CD
Not just rescuers - clintasha with maximoff kids by Aurum.Fidei CD
Stand by without flinching - rommonroggers with Wanda and Peter kids by Elisacollette CD
Life Happens Vol. 1 - Peggy Cater x Angie Martinelli, Natasha child by StoriesbyReese CD
Life Happens Vol. 2 - Peggy Cater x Angie Martinelli, Natasha child by StoriesbyReese CD
Before then, we had made a wish that we would be missed - Melina Vostokoff x OFC, Natasha and Yelena children By Charlie_Balle CD
A job that slowly kills you, bruises that won’t heal  - Melina Vostokoff x OFC, Natasha and Yelena children By Charlie_Balle CD
Rust around the rim, drink it anyway, i cut my lip - Clint x Laura, Natasha and Yelena kids by  Charlie_Balle AU
Scars - Bishova by  Thatoneloser_kid CD
Another Widow, a Second Chance - Maria Hill x Natasha Romonoff by  HiIAmSociallyAwkwardButHereIAm CD
You're like a ghost, you're everywhere - Yelena-centric by  Charlie_Balle AU
Multitudes - thetbone Natsha and Melina centric
Law & Order: SVU:
Noah teenage series - Calex by darkclocks CD
Serendipitous Secrets & Surprises - suspense for the story by  storiesofsvu CD
The keeper of one's identity by musicalsarelife AU
Emily Prentiss:
Memento Mori - @agent-ccarter CD
Spelling - @fantasticfemmefatale CD
Only If You Knew, Now I’m Getting Colder (part 2) - @specialagentsergio  (background Spencer) CD
Over All -  @emilysblackturtleneck CD
A Second Chance - JessCM09 (there are more stories in this series) CD
72 Hours - ARtheBard (i recommend the others as well) CD
Jennifer Jareau:
Endlessly - @sapphicstruggles CD
Cheers - @groovygoob (daughter reader) CD
Pinky Promise - @groovygoob (daughter reader) CD
Patron Saint of Lost Causes - themetaphorgirl HS
Prentissess - letpurplereign CD
The Umbrella Academy:
Definitely maybe i will live to love -  hazyshadeofwinter (seeing_blue)
Love is lovely when you are young -  hazyshadeofwinter (seeing_blue)
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m0chaminx · 3 years
Natasha Romonoff Soft Headcannons
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Curling your hair so she can see the cute face you make when it bounces
Making you try beer and she laughs as you grimace at the taste
Watching crappy movies so you can laugh at them
Trying to train together but she always kicks your ass so she ends up looking after you and the bruises she makes
Being the designated driver
Playing with the rings on her fingers
Piercing her ears and getting to pick out her earings
Getting matching necklaces
Whenever one of you gets mad you throw paint at the wall and then chases each other with painted hands
Always resting her forehead on yours
Twirling her hair in her fingers
Movie marathons and falling asleep on the couch
Somehow you manage to rope her into video games, its rare but it's adorable when it happens
Used to try and hide her smiles when your super cute, but she forgot to by now- your her baby and she will smile for you
Steals your jumpers and band T-shirts
You tried using her stingers once, you somehow shot yourself and she took care of you for the rest of the day
Natasha is teaching you to speak Russian
Teaching Nat to play the piano
Nat takes you to the beach every time you have a few days off
Nat criticizing SNL and how she would make a better host
Secretly a cuddle bear
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Sharing Secrets
Hi guys! This is my first post, so I’m completely open to criticism. If there's something wrong with my grammar or spelling, it's always helpful is someone points it out. This post was based off of an ask, (by @fayhar ) which I can't attach because I don't know how to use this app lol. Also please, please, PLEASE send in requests!!!!!
This is a one-shot with 853 words
Pairings: Avengers x GN!Platonic!Reader, Clint Barton x GN!Platonic!Reader, Natasha Romonoff x GN!Platonic!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst if you look close, and talk about disability
Synopsis: Reader is deaf and doesn't speak to the team, because they don’t know the reader is deaf. Natasha and Clint persuade reader into sharing their secret.
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You were the newest recruit of the Avengers. Your powers; the ability to create vibrations, and you were very sensitive to them, too. Your powers aided in depth-perception, and you were always aware of your surroundings, which was very important because, subsequently, you were deaf.
Everyone just wrote you off as mute because you didn’t talk. You only really spoke to one person, Clint Barton, Hawkeye, because he knew sign language.
Everyone was curious about you, especially Natasha. Your lack of speech and the special shoes you always wore-which were very thin so you could feel vibrations-were noticed by everyone.
She was sitting in the kitchen when she observed Clint sneaking off from training. Intrigued, she followed him and stopped when she saw you speaking, or rather, signing, with Clint. Confused, she stealthy approached the two of you, careful not to make noise.
You, however, can feel her vibrations and smile in her direction, ushering her over. She peeks out from behind a desk and smiles and signs to you: “Are you deaf? Is that why you never speak?” to which you sign, “Yeah, I guess I should have told everyone.”
Clint turns to Natasha and whispers, “They were afraid that if you all found out they were deaf, you'd kick them off.”
Natasha frowns and quickly turns back to you, signing, “Obviously, being deaf doesn't cause any major problems, so I see no reason for kicking you off.”
You smile and sign to Clint and Natasha, “Maybe I should tell the whole team?”
The two of them nod and lead you into the common room, where they call a meeting. Clint supplies you with a whiteboard and marker he ran and got from the lab to write out what you need to say.
After about 5 minutes, everyone is piled into the common room, and for some reason, looking pretty annoyed.
“I was getting a lot of work done at the lab. What's so important, Nat?” Tony inquires.
“(Y/N) has something they wanted to tell the team,” Natasha replies.
“I’ve always wondered what they sound like!” Exclaims Wanda.
“Me too!” Smiles Peter.
“Oooh! They're finally going to speak?” Steve asks
“Not quite.” Says Clint, turning to smile at you.
The team turns to you; confusion etched in their faces.
“You're sure this was a good idea?” You sign to Clint and Natasha
“(Y/N), at some point, they were bound to ask why you're so quiet and distant!” Natasha replies worry on her face. “You have to tell them, (Y/N).” she signs after brushing a piece of (Y/H/C) from your face.
“You got this kid!” Clint signs with a smile.
“Kid, get on with it. I've got things to do, places to be.” Tony hisses, agitation residing in his typically nonchalant features.
Turning to Tony, Natasha narrows her eyes and whisper-yells, “Shut up, Tony, and let them take their time.”
Tony sticks up his hands in defense, and Clint motions to you to finally share your deepest secret. You grab a marker and write in thick letters, “I’m deaf.”
The team looks confused at first and then smiles at you.
“So that's why they're so distant!” Bucky says.
“Yep, they were afraid they'd be kicked off the team, so they kept it a secret. (Y/N) was sad they were so distanced, but theymeant no harm in being that way.” Clint adds.
“Well, good to know. (Y/N), you know you shouldn't keep secrets like this.” Steve frowns.
“What he meant was that you Don't need to keep secrets from us; we're your friends, and you are ours. We’ll love you no matter what! Don't do anything illegal, and you won't be removed.” Wanda chuckles.
You grin and turn to hug Clint and Natasha, who gestures to the team to come and join. Tony rolls his eyes but can't help but smile. Everyone wraps you in a warm hug.
Finally pulling away after what seemed to be hours, the team dismisses themselves, and everything goes back to normal. You turn to Clint and Natasha, thanking them for the courage to share your secret. They remind you how much the team loves you and how they’d do anything for you and head on their ways. You head to your room, smiling the whole way. One of the enormous weights has finally been lifted off your shoulders, and you feel light as ever.
A few days later, you are approached by Tony. In his hand is a small device.
“Since you can't hear us, and most of us can't sign, I created a portable speech to text and sign to speech device to help us communicate with one another.”
Luckily you can read lips, so you smile and nod. He hands you the little device. It's a bracelet, and when someone talks to you, the text will hover via hologram above it. When you sign, the bracelet announces what you're saying. You thank him and wrap him in a hug. He's taken aback, as you usually stay away from people, but after a few seconds, he accepts, hugging you back.
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robincantfunction · 3 years
prompt list here
what i will write:
the characters i will write for (x readers) currently are: most marauders era characters, fred weasley, bill weasley, charlie weasley, ginny weasley, luna lovegood, cedric diggory, stiles stilinski, lydia martin, klaus mikaelson, elijah mikaelson, kol mikaelson, peter parker (sm, tasm, and mcu) (i have watched no way home so any request to do with that is all good), natasha romonoff, wanda maximoff, pietro maximoff, steve rogers, bucky barnes, tony stark, loki, luke patterson, reggie peters, alex mercer (platonic if fem!reader). (i know that’s a lot but i’d rather write which characters than which franchises, it saves hassle yanno)
actors/celebrities i will write for (and most of their characters): thomas brodie sangster, ben barnes, tom holland, chris evans, luke hemmings, harry styles. zendaya.
fluff, angst (and i'm not opposed to writing smut lord knows i read enough of it but for warning not sure how good i'd be at writing it)
x reader
any character (preferably from my list of movies/shows/books but i might have missed some so feel free to put any)
fem, male, gender neutral (or any specific pronouns you may use)
one shots - series - imagines - head canons - drabbles - blurbs - you name it and i'll do it
platonic/sibling relationships
depression/anxiety/panic attacks (i have both and i get panic attacks so if you do want something like that i have experience and will be comfortable depicting it slightly <3)
what i won't write:
rape/sexual assault
detailed self harm/suicidal thought (light mentions are ok)
poly smut - poly fluff is cool but i'm not comfortable writing threesomes and foursomes
things to put in your request:
gender/pronouns (if you're comfortable sharing them)
specific characters you'd want to see
the relationship between the reader (or the shipped characters)
the rough plot
the theme (fluff, angst etc )
y/n's hogwarts house/job in tmr (or anything of significance like that)
any prompts you may want
some requests will take longer than others - and if i decide i don't want to do it i'll let you know <3 but every request is appreciated greatly!! <3
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New Plan of Attack Ch. 6
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Dark Viking! James Barnes, Natasha Romonoff
Words: 1704
Warnings: None. This chapter is pretty tame but necessary.
A/N: Welcome back! Hope you’re enjoying this series as much as I am. This chapter is pretty mellow, but after the last few chapters, it’s needed. However, James is still dark and things are happening!!! Enjoy!
It’s mid-day when James leaves his home and begins to walk down the road and into the Viking village. He’d spent the morning trying to figure out how to unjumble the mess he made a week ago when he set the plan for Wanda’s death in motion to no avail. How did things get so complicated and what the hell was he going to do to fix his mistake? Gods, he never planned for this and the fact that he’d not is what was frustrating him more.
 James waved to the people as he walked by, all of them smiling at their leader. Their failure as a leader, he thought in his head. He can’t believe his plan backfired on him. Well, it didn’t exactly go badly. Wanda was dead and that was supposed to be the result, but Steven was the one that was to take her life, not the Princess, and because of that he’d have to figure out a new way to get his plan to carry on.
 Natasha is standing on the steps of her home, waiting for him as he gets closer. He can see her staring at him, most likely analyzing him, knowing his mood has been soured as of late, no signs of turning around.
 “What’s with the long face?” She asks when he stands in front of her.
 “Do you really need to ask?”
 She chuckles and shakes her head, turning around and opens the door to her house. James follows and steps inside, the room warm and inviting from the fireplace. Natasha shuts the door and makes her way to the table and sits down, the brunette following suit and joining her.
 “Why don’t you tell me what’s really bothering you.”
 “Really? As if you don’t know!” He replies and Natasha rolls her eyes.
 The redhead crosses her arms to her chest and shrugs. “I fail to see what the problem is. You got what you wanted, and Wanda is dead. Perhaps you'd be happier about this instead of sulking about.”
 James sighs and sits silently for a moment, trying to will himself to calm down, feeling the frustration growing with each passing moment. “She wasn’t supposed to kill Wanda… It was supposed to be Steven.”
 “So??!!” Natasha scrunches her face, not understanding why the who is important. “You got what you wanted. You no longer have to deal with woman you wanted nothing to do with, and her men are now loyal to you. What more could you ask for?”
 James groaned, putting his head in his hands and stared at the table. Natasha was right. The plan to end Wanda’s life had worked. Once her men learned she tried to kill the Princess while she was with child, they immediately pledged their loyalty to the leader of the Viking clan, not wanting Wanda’s actions to reflect badly upon them. It was a solid victory for James.
 The downside? Well the villagers immediately fell in love with the Princess. That wasn’t supposed to happen. When they heard it was self-defense, it touched their hearts and suddenly she had gained their love and trust. James was baffled by this. How could they love her when her family is the reason they lost everything? To him, it just didn’t make any sense.
 James looks up and runs his fingers through his long brown locks and lets out a frustrated sigh. “It was supposed to be like this.”
 “And why not?!” Natasha is quick to fire back. “So, what if it was her?! Would you rather not know she’s capable of murder?!”
 He opens his mouth to speak but quickly stops before a sound can escape. Thinking back, he knows the Princess had made an attempt on his life not so long ago, but he wasn’t sure if she actually would’ve followed through. The force of the blow he’d stopped told him she might’ve killed him if he hadn’t stopped her, so maybe, somewhere deep down he knew what she was capable of when he set this plan in motion.
 However, something about Wanda’s death felt different… like the Princess was playing at her own game. Was it possible she was beginning to figure out her place in his plot and if she was, how could he throw her off his scent? James couldn’t risk her putting everything into place just yet. It was too early in his plan and he’d already come too far to lose control and have everything come crashing down. There was way too much at stake now and James would have to come up with a new strategy if he was ever to succeed.
 “She can’t be trusted,” James says with a sigh.
 Natasha huffs. “Of course, she can’t. I think you’ve underestimated your Princess. So, what do you plan to do about that?” She sits back in her chair with a smirk.
 That was a good question. He did underestimate his bride to be and that’s probably the one thing that’s got him the most bothered. If she could easily kill Wanda, then she’d have no qualms about slitting his throat in the middle of the night. He’d have to change things up if he wanted his plan to continue forward and that meant he’d have to change his tactics with the Princess.
 “I’ll need to make her like me,” James tells Natasha, “she’ll have to learn to like me, maybe even love me.”
 Natasha erupts in a fit of laughter, making James cringe and shift uncomfortably in his chair. “Oh… my… god!” She choked in between laughs. “Good luck with that!” She barks out and continues to laugh.
 James knows it’s far-fetched after the treatment he’s given her but he’s pretty sure this is his only shot at redemption. “I think I have a new plan.”
 The redhead stops laughing and quirks up her eyebrow, setting her elbows on the table and leaning in closer to James. “I’m listening.”
 “The people have fallen in love with the Princess and want to see more of her. What if I give them what they want?” James grinned and sat back in his chair, waiting for Natasha to chime in.
 “Hmmm…,” the woman replied, her face looking like she was in deep thought. “Okay, so you do that… allow the Princess more freedom. Then what? How’re you gonna make her fall in love with you?”
 James twists his face and swallows hard, the words he’s about to say painful to think about much less vocalize. “I’m gonna give her my undying devotion and attention.”
 Natasha snorts and rolls her eyes at him. “Yeah, I’m sure she’s gonna buy that. Excuse me if I don’t give you my blessing because if that’s seriously your plan, I see failure in your future.”
 James lets out an exasperated sigh and lowers his head to the table, banging in into the wood for dramatic effect. “Help me, Natasha!! I’m desperate.” He looked up and found her staring at him, eyes fixated on him like she was digging deep into his soul.
 “Maybe you’re onto something.” She clicks her tongue, her lips curving up into a smile. “Yes… we can work with this.”
 The Viking perks up, raising his head and giving the redhead his full attention. “Go on.”
 “You’ll have to change your tactics. No more cruel and mean James. It’s time to transform yourself into the Prince you’ll soon be, which means you’ll have to pretend to be utterly devoted to her and love her unconditionally. It’s time to place yourself in the game.”
 James nods enthusiastically. “This I can do, but what else? There’s got to be more to this plan than me faking the perfect life.”
 “Oh, there is...,” Natasha reassures him, “...you’re also gonna give her your best friend, Steven, as her protector and confidant. Insert him more into her everyday life. Let her learn to trust him, form a bond. One that you certainly won’t be able to break.”
 “But why?!” James questions, not able to contemplate why Steven would be a key player in this new plan. “If I’m pretending to love and cherish the Princess, why would I want him involved? Wouldn’t that just screw with the entire dynamic?!”
 Natasha smirks and raises her eyebrows. It takes James a moment but then he blinks rapidly and an “ahhh” comes from his mouth, like he finally figured it out.
 “Now I think you understand. While the village sees you being the honorable, doting, loving, husband and father, the Princess will never forgive you for what you’ve done to her. By inserting Steven, there’s a very strong chance that through their time together and the bond they’ve created, they’ll fall in love with each other. Love equals betrayal and once that happens…”
 James stands, grinning from ear to ear. “I can rightfully kill them both!”
 “As the King to her lands, you can kill them both for betraying their King and Kingdom. No one would stand in your way.”
 He begins to pace the room, his smile deepening with each turn, but then he stops and quickly sits back down in the chair across from his friend. “This is a plan that will take time. It’s not going to happen overnight.”
 “You’ve got nothing but time. Besides, the more love you show her and the more kids the two of you produce, the more vile her act of betrayal becomes. You’ll have everyone sympathetic to your cause.”
 James bites at his lip and nods, convinced this was the way to turn everything around and get exactly what he wanted. “She was always meant to die.”
 “And this way, everyone will want her head and you will be the one to serve it on a platter.”
 This new plan would work. He would pretend to love and honor the Princess and when the time came, he’d crush her and make her pay for all the vile things her and her father had done to them and he’d finally have the life he was once promised. All he had to do was play the waiting game, and it starts by pushing the Princess and his best friend together.
 “Revenge and victory will be mine.”
Viking Tags:
@ellallheart @sebastianstansqueen @kaithezaftig
Forever Tags:
@jamesbarnesappreciationclub @kruscht @palaiasaurus64 @breezy1415 @sarahp879 @supernaturaldean67 @averyrogers83 @scarlettsoldier @lovely-geek @titty-teetee @geeksareunique @peaceinourtime82 @leosandbuckysgirl @the-goddess-of-mischief @mychemicalimagines @awkwardfangirl2014 @collette04 @notyourtypicalrose @onebatch--twobatch​ @miraclesoflove​ @kcd15​ @xxloki81xx​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @thatfanficstuff​  @hotoffthepressfics​ @chuuulip​ @unlikelygalaxygiver​ @lancetuckershairgel​ @babypink224221​ @mybabe-buckybarnes​ @shield-agent78​ @the-real-kellymonster​ @caplanreads​
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girlwithsword · 7 years
so, because this comic has been //haunting// me for months I wanted to attempt a Definitive List of Everything sTUPID Steven Grant Rogers Has Done Since Bucky Barnes Told Him “NOT to do anything Stupid” in 1942
signs up for the US Military under a fake identity for like the //fifth time//
tries to run away when he thinks he’s in trouble for this
volunteers for a Super Elite Army Boot Camp when he is an asthmatic stick
jumps on a //fucking/// GRENADE
signs up to be experimented on by a German scientist whose track record was, so far, poor
doesn’t //run screaming in the other direction// when the last time he saw the guy who’s handling the mechanical aspect of this shot in the dark, said guy CRASHED A CAR
gets in the METAL DEATH TOMB
allows himself to by injected with A THOUSAND NEEDLES full of blue Mystery Serum
allows himself to be freaking MICROWAVED or something
runs through Brooklyn barefoot to chase down a Nazi
launches himself at some kind of mini submarine and riPS IT OPEN to pull out said Nazi
makes propaganda reels
smiles LIKE A FUCKING DORK at /own/ propaganda reels
goes after PROBABLY DEAD best friend against orders
gets /flown across europe// by that SAME GUY WHO CRASHED A CAR AND MICROWAVED HIM
jumps out of a plane take 1
takes on an entire Nazi base //by himself//
attempts to fight the only other guy who is as strong as him but has been for longer
marches a PLATOON across Europe just to be sassy about it
puts together a diverse band of homicidal people to take down Hydra bases one by one
zip lines to a moving train
loses his best friend
sits alone in a bombed out bar and drinks despite no longer being able to get drunk
takes on more Hydra bases with previously mentioned diverse, homicidal band
gets in an airplane with his mortal enemy
crashes plane instead of, idk, landing it safely somewhere, just to be dramatic
wakes up in a hospital, notices suspicious surroundings, and does not, ask questions or subtly try and figure it out, but rather throws two guys through A WALL and /runs through Manhattan/
Fin First Avenger.
seemingly spends the next few months either
a) sadly wondering the city alone
b) sketching, alone, sadly
c) staying up at some old time-y gym, slowly destroying all of their punching bags, sadly, and alone
gets flown to Germany in a //ridiculous// skin tight suit to take on a GOD by himself
tries to out sass The King of Sass: Anthony Edward Stark
jumps out a plane take 2 for the purposes of //fighting MORE GODS//
breaks into SHIELD storage
gets into a fight with a bunch of temperamental superheroes
attempts to fix a highly advanced engine when he is a couple of decades behind on the technology
adds the guy who was just trying to kill them all to the team without even thinking about it
once again, does not ///run screaming// when a GIANT SPACE WHALE comes out of a HOLE IN THE SKY
tries to tell some new york city cops what to do while still dressed in a //ridiculous// skin tight suit
takes on ALIENS in New York, with temperamental superheroes he was just fighting with while STILL WEARING A //ridiculous// skin tight suit!!
throws a woman into the air so she can catch a ride on a flying alien scooter
eats food at Tony Stark’s suggestion
Fin Avengers One.
instead of making friends the normal way, by //introducing himself// and //starting a conversation//, he puts on his tightest shirt and runs laps around the guy until he is annoyed into talking to him
flirts //outrageously//
jumps out of a plane TAKE FUCKING THREE onto a pirate ship full of hostages in order to avoid question about his love life
instead of fighting the french olympic gymnast/wrestler whatever with everything at his disposal, he //clips in his shield// tossES HIS HELMET ASIDE and says the french equivalent of ‘come fight me, bro’
/scolds/ Natasha Romonoff for doing her fucking job
mouths off Nicholas J. Fury for also doing his /fucking job/
visits own Smithsonian exhibit to stare sadly at Wall of Dead Best Friends, freaks out a child
attempts to get advice from ex girlfriend suffering from Alzheimer’s who has her own damn problems
stalks new friend to his place of work
attempts to solicit him for life advice
suspects a possible break-in in his apartment so, as one does, sneaks in through the window
witnesses an assassination and chases down the suspect by crashing through his own window and DESTROYING AN ENTIRE OFFICE BUILDING
throws his supposedly impossible to catch shield and just sorta stands there dumbfounded when the murder robot catches it with his MURDER ROBOT ARM
takes the very senstive information handed to him by a dying man and decides to hide it in a VENDING MACHINE
is rude to Sharon Carter for doing her job (which you know Peggy would be very disappointed in him for)
slowly becomes aware that an assassination attempt is being made on himself in aN ELEVATOR and instead of.... finding a way out or leaving by some means //before// it starts he ... wAITS, makes a fucking /QUIP ABOUT IT/ before getting tackled by like TWENTY GUYS
destroys a plane with his BODY???
attempts to go undercover by... wearing a hoodie???
is genuinely /SHOCKED/ when his BRILLIANT /hide the drive in the vending machine/ plan diiiidn’t work out
is so bad at being a spy that he literally cannot keep //realistic cover/// for like //30 seconds// under the scrutiny of an Apple store employee
balks at kissing NATASHA ROMONOFF which like WhY?
““borrows”“ a strangers car
learns that his sacrifice and all the work his loved ones did to honour it amounted to nothing and that the organization he DIED to end, has been waiting in the shadows all these years
sticks his shield in a computer screen to no damn avail
while on the run from the law and after having been almost BLOWN UP, goes to the home of the man he met /maybe twice/ to ‘lay low’
does not ‘lay low’ but instead immediately hatches a plan to, and I quote “kidnap a SHIELD officer in brOAD DAYLIGHT”
while under attack from the MURDER ROBOT while //weaponless/ and ///without his shield/// just fucking /stops/ because... he maybe just saw his best friend again, or the ghost of his best friend, for the first time since 1945...
breaks into the Smithsonian and gets some poor guard in /trouble// just to get a little /retro chic/ at this big bad fight
decides to take down SHIELD with like 3 guys, some micro chips and an inspiring speech???
gets on SHIELD comms to give The //InsPIRING Speech// to Rally the Troops like the HUGE PATRIOTIC JERK that he is
(it works????)
decides to take on SHIELD and the MURDER ROBOT who /might? be? his best friend? COMPLETELY BY HIMSELF
gets into another fight with the MURDER ROBOT who /might? be? his best friend?
saves the world at the last humanly possible moment, partially ‘cause he got shot a bunch but also maybe because he’s just fucking dramatic
picks //yet another// fight with the MURDER ROBOT who /might? be? his best friend?
stops fighting
drops his shield
doesn’t fight back
hopes, hopes beyond all hope, hopes enough to put his life on the line, that the one thing he could always count on - that Bucky has his back - was still true
wakes up in a hospital bed once more
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ijustwant2write · 7 years
You Abandoned Me-Part 10 (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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(GIF credit to owner)
(A/N: So…..this is the last part of the series! Sorry if any of you thought it was going to be longer but I think it’s gone on long enough. I really enjoyed writing this, it was my first post on here! Just know that requests are always open if you have any stories you want writing.)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 /  Part 4 /  Part 5 / Part 6/  Part 7/  Part 8/ Part 9
Summary: (Y/N) tracks down Bucky, ready to have strong words with him. She’s met with a surprise, though when had anything ever been normal in her life?
Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name (Y/L/N)= Your last name
Warnings: Shouting, arguments, sadness, violence
Sam knew he couldn’t stop me, he didn’t want to hurt me. Cringing as I did so, I pulled the IV out of my arm and the heart monitor. As he rushed to get a doctor or a nurse, I tried to haul my legs over the side of the bed. I didn’t want to alert anyone else that I was moving, biting down hard on my lips to stop the scream escaping. Grunts came out though I could do nothing to stop that. The wheelchair was just within my reach, I managed to pull it closer, but the drop was still steep. Luckily it did not move when I fell into it but it cause more pain to emerge. I was still very weak from surgery but forced my arms to push the wheelchair forward.
It took me ages to make it to the door. I was already out of breath and I was sure that I had worsened my injury by now. Taking a few seconds to recover, I was about to start moving again when someone stood in the door frame. Before I could yell at them, thinking it was Sam, I held my tongue, shocked at who was standing there.
“Bucky, what are you doing?” I asked, still trying to catch my breath.
He was dressed in a t-shirt and sweatpants, cuts, a stitches and bruises adorning his arm and face. There was a different look about him though, he was stood taller, more rigid, somehow his eyes looked darker. I suddenly felt smaller.
“I-I was about to come see you.” I said quietly.
He still said nothing.
“Are you not going to say anything?” it was beginning to annoy me but I knew something was off.
Again, silence.
After not receiving any words from him, panic set in. There was a panic button just beside me, if I moved quickly I could press it in time. However, there was one problem; I cannot move quickly. He must have known what I was thinking because he lunged for me. I pushed myself towards the button, falling out of the wheelchair midway but close enough to sound the alarm. It sounded in my room and I could hear it further away. They would come soon though it didn’t look like I had much time.
The Winter Soldier was back.
I had seen documents about him, his past, what happened to him, news stories and S.H.I.E.L.D’s own footage. When the soldier came out he took no prisoners. Bucky’s hands gripped onto my feet, dragging me back. I screamed loudly, my injured foot instantly feeling like fire from the pain he had caused. He could easily snap me in half.
“Bucky! Bucky, it’s me, it’s (Y/N)! Steve’s girlfriend, you need to remember!” I shouted at him as I tried to grab onto anything I could.
My body was still so weak, it was impossible to hold onto something for long. Plus he was so much stronger than me, even if I was at my healthiest. Bucky flipped me onto my back on the cold, stone floor, pinning me down. This definitely wasn’t him, it was terrifying that he could look so different as the winter soldier.
His metal hand went to my throat, squeezing it ever so slightly but enough to start strangling me. My tiny hands tried to pry him off of me as I gasped for air. With my good leg I kicked about before hitting his crotch, distracting him for just a second though his grip wasn’t loosening. It was getting harder to move now, to breathe even and I was cursing the emergency people for being so late.
I heard a blast and felt Bucky fly off of me. Tony stood in the doorway with his hand in a part of an iron man suit, rushing over to me instantly. Agents came in after him, tackling Bucky to the ground before sedating him.
“You alright?” he asked, looking me over.
I coughed and spluttered, trying to regain my breath.“Yeah…..I’ll be fine.”
Tony lifted me up, laying me back on the bed. Doctors and nurses fussed around me, linking me back up to machines and checking my vitals. I saw Bucky being taken away in restraints, still unconscious.
“Miss (Y/L/N), why were you getting out of bed?” one of the nurses asked me.
“I…I wanted to see my boyfriend.” I wasn’t completely lying.
I could feel Tony’s eyes on me, he knew it wasn’t just that. Thankfully he said nothing of it, standing back as the hospital staff made sure I was stable again. They were finished after ten minutes, Leaving the room promptly, Tony and I were alone until Sam came in again. They were both angry, it wasn’t hard to tell.
“What’s going to happen to him? To Bucky?” I asked, breaking the silence.
“He’ll be detained. We’re not sure what we’ll do next.” Tony mumbled, crossing his arms.
“What the hell happened? How did he go Winter Soldier on us?” Sam stressed.“And why (Y/N)? Her room is the farthest from his.”
“We don’t know.”
“Come on man, there needs to be an explanation!”
“I don’t have all the answers birdman!”
I didn’t bother to raise my voice, instead laying back down.“Guys, please don’t. It’s obvious none of us know what’s going on and until we do, we’ll just have to keep wondering.”
Sam’s head whipped round to face me.“How are you so calm? He almost killed you!”
“I have to be, my vitals aren’t looking so good now are they?”
“Why were you even moving in the first place? Your leg has been shot and you thought you would take a little stroll?” Tony stood beside the bed.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I need rest and want you to leave.”
Someone was rubbing my shoulder, trying to wake me, I thought I could hear them saying my name too. Slowly opening my eyes, I could feel the weakness of my body, aching more from yesterday, especially my neck. Steve was sat in front of me, concern etched deep into his face, causing me to smile.
“Steve.” I breathed out, clasping his hand in mine.
Just like Bucky, he had stiches and bruises covering him. It always hurt me to see him like that, even though he came back from missions in this state most of the time.
“They told me what happened.”
“And what?”
“What do you think about it all?”
“It wasn’t him.”
“You’re not wrong there. Do you know what they’re going to do to him?”
His head dropped.“I don’t know. I…I don’t want to lose him again.”
I squeezed his hand.“I know you don’t. But we need to know why it happened. What if it happens again and someone is killed?”
He said nothing, knowing I was right.
“Forget about it for now. We cannot do anything about it. How are you feeling?”
“Doc says I’ll fine. Super serum is helping a lot, as usual.”
“So the normal diagnosis?” this didn’t make him laugh.
“I need to do something.”
“Steve, don’t stress yourself out about this. You couldn’t do anything even if you were in perfect health.”
He didn’t look like he was listening, though did he ever? Steve finally pushed those thoughts to the side and focused on us. I decided not to bring up the fact that he never really asked for back up from the others, as usual things needed to be forgotten in order to move on. A nurse came in an hour later, informing Steve that visiting times were over.
“Thank you for seeing me.” I said as he leaned closer.
He hesitated with what he was going to say before kissing me deeply.“I love you.”
Once again I was woken by voices, though they were not gentle like Steve’s was, no, they were angry. As my body tried to catch up with everything, the voices were becoming clearer.
“Rogers has really crossed the line this time! How could he leave her in this state?! Actually, how could he leave her?!” Tony was almost shouting.
I heard Natasha next.“Shh! Don’t wake her! We both know that he has made a huge mistake but right now we need to be ready to help (Y/N). This isn’t going to be like last time, it will be much worse.”
I laid on my back, propping my head up on the pillows.“I don’t remember asking for a wake up call guys.”
Natasha was immediately by my side holding my right hand.“(Y/N), something happened last night-”
Tony tried to stop her.“Romonoff, we can’t-”
She silenced him by revealing an envelope, holding it in front of me. My hands were trembling all of a sudden, eyes burning from holding back tears.
“We didn’t read it. He didn’t say anything else.”
My name was written the way he had always done it. This was Steve, definitely.
Tony joined us on my left.“Do you need help opening it?”
I shook my head.“I don’t want to open it. Because I know as soon as I open it, it means he is gone, gone for good this time.”
Natasha tried to put on a comforting tone.“But he might have said something important to you-”
Something in my mind clicked and made me tear open the envelope, revealing the letter inside.
‘To my best girl,
I can’t believe I am writing this. I was a coward for not telling you this in person.
Please do not try to hold onto me. You do not realize how desperately I want to have you in my arms right now, to comfort you and tell you that everything is going to be alright. Unfortunately that is not the way the world works.
I have taken Bucky somewhere to be treated, somewhere where he will get back to his normal self, to the old Bucky. If not for your injuries, I would have brought you with me; but I needed to get him out of there as soon as I could. This is why I can no longer communicate with you, he needs to be safe, as do you.
Yesterday was the last time I said I loved you to your face but always know that I will never stop thinking it.
I love you with all that I am,
I am sorry that I abandoned you
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