temeyes · 6 months
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quickie w/ gaz!! missed drawing my boyfieeeeeee
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klien2000 · 6 months
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Ang merown tyo 4 2days vidyow izzz mga baklatitang in labzzzz!!! shjakwdskjsnsj bwakenangshet pare yoko na'ng pumasok ihhh,,,,
~Close your eyes, dry your tears
'Cause when nothing seems clear
You'll be safe here from the sheer weight
Of your doubts and fears
Weary heart, you'll be safe here~
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kotse · 3 months
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filipino!ineffables 🇵🇭
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crispyzom · 11 days
"I have concepts of a plan, I'm not President right now."
me when asked if I have an outline of a fanfic after just brainstorming a new character for 3 hours
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dontbegreedy · 2 months
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Celeste and Rolan by @shakioo <3
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thehotshit789 · 3 months
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when life gets hard
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hindi natin sila bati
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grvntld · 4 months
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morning of 18 may 2024—jgh from market shopping 🍖🍅🧂🦐🥚 we got up as early as 5am bc izz hard to find a parking spot on a weekend morning at the market hehe got all the goods we needed in an hour bc we're lightning mcqueen kachow jk lol wtvr as soon as we got all the goods we were outta there bc we hv to meal prep our furbebis' meals for two weeks, place all of them in their chest freezer, and then organize our stocks in our refrigerator and pantry as well
our morning is going pretty well and im actually proud and happy that we got up that early since we had a late night last night bc some of my sibs had a sleepover here at our place ykwim like 💕🍻✨️
eniwey im done with all the veggies hehe izz moosey's turn with all the meat lol meat is our main market expense tbh since dazz what the furbebis' diet is hehe they hv a total of 9 kilos of meat for all of them and dazz aside from their chicken consumption too
okiE ttyl gonna prep breakfast for my loved ones mwAps
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artistaforever · 6 months
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Loisa Andalio via Instagram
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abstractfanboy · 2 months
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I’m already in love please make more comics about filo omens AUHHHH
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jillianwarts · 18 days
i’m back to my 2022 self again. i despise love again. i am beyond disgusted. can’t see myself loving another man because that’s hella embarrassing.
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seannesruins · 23 days
28-29.08.24 | BGC
Things we planned the night we met up
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Planned to watch Love Child because we were not able to catch its screening in this year's Cinemalaya run. Because I still have work to do on that day, she agreed to watch in a cinema near my place. Last full show is at 2020H in Market! Market! The movie was nice although I'd rate it a fair 2.5/5 because some of the dialogues were really cringey, add to it the ending that felt short. But as a sister of a child with CP, the story felt close to my heart. Will probably make a review on another post if sinipag ako haha.
Planned to have early dinner. Earlier that day, she asked if I want to have dinner first before the screening so I agreed but told her that I have limited time lang since my work will end at 5pm and will need an hour to get ready. We met at Central Square around 1840H and had dinner in Va Bene. I haven't been here in a while and I am pleased that the pasta remains top notch. I had Pomodoro while she had Mushroom Truffle, then we shared an arugula salad which I really liked but she was not a fan of because mapait daw lol.
Things we did not plan the night we met up
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Unplanned twinning. She laughed when she saw me because we were both wearing gray long sleeved shirts and black jeans. It was a wise decision not to wear my white converse (because I know we were going to walk a lot so I wore my Nike running shoes.) otherwise, we were gonna match as well. lol.
Unplanned coffee after movie. The movie ended around 2200H and we walked a couple blocks from Market! Market! to Pocofino in 5th ave. We had Iced Pocofino Latte as it is a best seller daw. Pretty disappointed though because it was a little too sweet for our preference. Around 2am, there was less crowd so we were able to take a few photos and they came out really cute. We left after because the cafe gets busier by the hour.
Unplanned walk around BGC. We went to Mcdonald's in BGC Stopover but sat by the benches in front because we were still full from dinner and already had coffee. There was a drunk girl being ushered by her friend to a grab car and she jokingly asked if I had ever been that drunk before. Told her I was the friend that ushers people into their rides lol.
Unplanned walk in the park. The crowd is starting to fill in so we walked towards Burgos Circle because it's one of the places I know that doesn't have much people at the wee hours of the morning. There were already a few people having their morning jog as it was already past 4am. Sat there with her until the skies turned from dark to light.
Unplanned breakfast. At around 0700H we decided to walk around a bit more because we haven't finished our conversation. Luckily, the Pancake House on 31st is already open so we had breakfast.
Unplanned PDA. Idk when it started or who initiated but for the past 5x that we met up, she has always been mindful with proximity because I have stated my aversion with physical contact. However, at Pocofino our fingers were touching and when we left the cafe, our hands were clasped together. Even leaned in and hugged at Pancake House. Idk what's happening. Help.
Unplanned confession hour. As someone who overthinks and overanalyzes things, I brought up the topic of our "friendship." You see, we met online in March 2023, back when I was grieving for a recently ended relationship and while that interaction was brief, it brought comfort. A few months later, in June, she messaged me again to see how I was doing and we have been in contact since. She was there on my drunk nights, on my unemployed nights, and even when I decided to date again and got into another relationship (that one ended a month and a half ago.) We finally met in person last June, then celebrated our birthdays together. (As I was dumped a week before my birthday.) and has been talking everyday since then.
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I know it's too early, too soon, and just had to open the conversation about it. She said that she had always wanted me in her life but she isn't sure if we should take our relationship to another level because it might ruin our "friendship". She did make a lot of points but I'd say it's not much of a clarity so I told her that we might need to set some boundaries. She agreed then asked if I want to watch Mula sa Buwan this Sunday, September 1st. Hahahaha. Idk. All I know is I enjoy spending time with her but I am aware that I need more time on my own, especially since I have only been single for a month. Not closing any doors, but also not pursuing anything in the meantime. I just hope she stay in my life for a long time.
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kotse · 3 months
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jollibee origin story
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iwatcheditbegin · 1 year
This fandom has so many little holidays love that for us
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xynnix-stars · 1 year
I love men who were absolute beasts in the war then mellowed out throughout the decades.
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nice2meetyouu · 5 months
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Let's have a cup of coffee?
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rokuhoku · 2 years
more namor x filipino!reader brainrot lets goooo
not to sound patriotic or whatever but i really am one of those filipinos who feel an inexplicable amount of rage and frustration that so much of our art and literature were burned or even worse; used as cleaning stones for the feet of our colonizers causing irreperable damage to what little we had left so basically they took our 5% and halved it to 2% 😀
also how they regularly tortured, burned our houses, burned our cultures, and raped so many women yet called US FILIPINOS the barbarians.
i just want a filipino reader to just bottle up all this anger for their ancestors but then consequently blows up when namor keeps pushing them to feel the *anger* and *vengeance* bc hes namor,,,
and namor being namor fuels the fire even more and urges reader to embrace all of this and the reader has a dilemma of "the ones who killed my country are dead, yet their kin remains alive yet they have no blame in this" BOOM MORAL DILEMMA
also philippine mythology elements 👁👁 (atleast whats left of it...)
so much of our language has also borrowed words from spanish and that makes me so angry lmfao i wanna channel that so bad into this trope
and this can honestly still be seen today by how ppl use "filipinx" or "filipina" when filipino is alr a gender neutral term .
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