#national mathematics day 2022
murderousink23 · 1 year
12/22/2022 is National Mathematics Day 🇮🇳, Mother's Day 🇮🇩, Forefathers Day 🇺🇲, National Date Nut Bread Day 🇺🇲
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nationalistbharat · 1 year
National Mathematics Day 2022:श्रीनिवास रामानुजन ने अपनी 33 साल की उम्र में दुनिया को लगभग 3500 गणितीय सूत्र दिए
National Mathematics Day 2022:श्रीनिवास रामानुजन ने अपनी 33 साल की उम्र में दुनिया को लगभग 3500 गणितीय सूत्र दिए
National Mathematics Day 2022:  अपनी प्रतिभा को साबित करने के लिए कुछ ना कुछ करना पड़ता है । या यूं कहें के बहुत कुछ करना पड़ता है । किसी की प्रतिभा का लोहा दुनिया यूं ही नहीं मानती बल्कि उसे साबित करना पड़ता है । ऐसे ही एक प्रतिभाशाली व्यक्तित्व का आज जन्मदिन मनाया जा रहा है । इसे नेशनल मैथमेटिक्स डे (National Mathematics Day) के तौर पर मनाया जाता है । उपलब्धि किसी और को नहीं बल्कि भारत के लाल…
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mariacallous · 3 months
In 1968, the American scholar Jerome M. Gilison described Soviet elections as a “psychological curiosity”—a ritualized, performative affirmation of the regime rather than a real vote in any sense of the word. These staged elections with their nearly unanimous official results, Gilison wrote, served to isolate non-conformists and weld the people to their regime.
Last Sunday, Russia completed the circle and returned to Soviet practice. State election officials reported that 87 percent of Russians had cast their vote for Vladimir Putin in national elections, giving the Russian president a fifth term in office. Not only were many of the reported election numbers mathematically impossible, but there was also no longer much of a choice: All prominent opposition figures had been either murdered, imprisoned, or exiled. Like in Soviet times, the election also welded Russians to their regime by serving as a referendum on Putin’s war against Ukraine. All in all, last weekend’s Soviet-style election sealed Putin’s transformation of post-Communist Russia into a repressive society with many of the features of Soviet totalitarianism.
Russia’s return to Soviet practice goes far beyond elections. A recent study by exiled Russian journalists from Proekt Media used data to determine that Russia is more politically repressive today than the Soviet Union under all leaders since Joseph Stalin. During the last six years, the study reports, the Putin regime has indicted 5,613 Russians on explicitly political charges—including “discrediting the army,” “disseminating misinformation,” “justification of terrorism,” and other purported crimes, which have been widely used to punish criticism of Russia’s war on Ukraine and justification of Ukraine’s defense of its territory. This number is significantly greater than in any other six-year period of Soviet rule after 1956—all the more glaring given that Russia’s population is only half that of the Soviet Union before its collapse.
In addition to repressive criminal charges and sentences, over the last six years more than 105,000 people have been tried on administrative charges, which carry heavy fines and compulsory labor for up to 30 days without appeal. Many of these individuals were punished for taking part in unsanctioned marches or political activity, including anti-war protests. Others were charged with violations of COVID pandemic regulations. Such administrative punishments are administered and implemented rapidly, without time for an appeal.
On March 4, 2022, a little over a week after the Russian invasion of Ukraine began, Russia’s puppet parliament rapidly adopted amendments to the Russian Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code that established criminal and administrative punishments for the vague transgressions of “discrediting” the Russian military or disseminating “false information” about it. This widely expanded the repressive powers of the state to criminally prosecute political beliefs and activity. Prosecutions have surged since the new laws were passed, likely leading to a dramatic increase in the number of political prisoners in the coming years. In particular, punishments for “discrediting the army” or “justification of terrorism”—which includes voicing support for Ukraine’s right to defend itself—have resulted in hundreds of sentences meted out each year since the war began. The most recent such case: On Feb. 27, the 70-year-old co-chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights group Memorial, Oleg Orlov, was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for “discrediting” the Russian military.
As the Proekt report ominously concludes, “[I]n terms of repression, Putin has long ago surpassed almost all Soviet general secretaries, except for one—Joseph Stalin.” While this conclusion is in itself significant, it is only the tip of the iceberg of the totalitarian state Putin has gradually and systematically rebuilt.
As in the Soviet years, there is no independent media in Russia today. The last of these news organizations were banned or fled the country after Putin’s all-out war on Ukraine, including Proekt, Meduza, Ekho Moskvy, Nobel Prize-winning Novaya Gazeta, and TV Dozhd. In their place, strictly regime-aligned newspapers, social media, and television and radio stations emit a steady drumbeat of militaristic propaganda, promote Russian imperialist grandeur, and celebrate Putin as the country’s infallible commander in chief. In another reprise of totalitarian practice, lists of banned books have been dramatically expanded and thousands of titles have been removed from the shelves of Russian libraries and bookstores. Bans have been extended to numerous Wikipedia pages, social media channels, and websites.
Human rights activists and independent civic leaders have been jailed, physically attacked, intimidated into silence, or driven into exile. Civic organizations that show independence from the state are banned as “undesirable” and subjected to fines and prosecution if they continue to operate. The most recent such organizations include the Andrei Sakharov Foundation, Memorial, the legendary Moscow Helsinki Group, and the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum. In their place, the state finances a vast array of pro-regime and pro-war groups, with significant state resources supporting youth groups that promote the cult of Putin and educate children in martial values to prepare them for military service. Then there are the numerous murders of opposition leaders, journalists, and activists at home and abroad. Through these various means, almost all critical Russian voices have been silenced.
Private and family life is also increasingly coming under the scope of government regulation and persecution. The web of repression particularly affects the LGBT community, putting large numbers of Russians in direct peril. A court ruling in 2023 declared the “international LGBT movement” extremist and banned the rainbow flag as a forbidden symbol, which was quickly followed by raids and arrests. Homosexuality has been reclassified as an illness, and Russian gay rights organizations have shut down their operations for fear of prosecution. Legislation aimed at reinforcing “traditional values”—including the right of husbands to discipline their wives—has led to the reduction in sentences and the decriminalization of some forms of domestic violence.
Many of the techniques of totalitarian control now operating throughout Russia were first incubated in territories where the Kremlin spread war and conflict. Chechnya was the first testing ground for widespread repression, including massive numbers of victims subjected to imprisonment, execution, disappearance, torture, and rape. Coupled with the merciless targeting of civilians in Russia’s two wars in Chechnya, these practices normalized wanton criminal behavior within Russian state security structures. Out of this crucible of fear and intimidation, Putin has shaped a culture and means of governing that were further elaborated in other places Russia invaded and eventually came to Russia itself.
In Russian-occupied Crimea and eastern Ukraine since 2014, there has been a widespread campaign of surveillance, summary executions, arrests, torture, and intimidation—all entirely consistent with Soviet practice toward conquered populations. More recently, this includes the old practice of forced political recantations: A Telegram channel ominously called Crimean SMERSH (a portmanteau of the Russian words for “death to spies,” coined by Stalin himself) has posted dozens of videos of frightened Ukrainians recanting their Ukrainian identity or the display of Ukrainian symbols. Made in conjunction with police operations, these videos appear to be coordinated with state security services.
In the parts of Ukraine newly occupied since 2022, human rights groups have widely documented human rights abuses and potential war crimes. These include the abduction of children, imprisonment of Ukrainians in a system of filtration camps that recall the Soviet gulags, and the systematic use of rape and torture to break the will of Ukrainians. Castrations of Ukrainian men have also been employed.
As Russia’s violence in Ukraine has expanded, so, too, has the acceptance of these abominations throughout the state and in much of society. As during the Stalin era, the cult of cruelty and the culture of fear are now the legal and moral standards. The climate of fear initially employed to assert order in occupied regions is now being applied to Russia itself. In this context, the murder of Alexei Navalny ahead of the presidential election was an important message from Putin to the Russian people: There is no longer any alternative to the war and repressive political order he has imposed, of which Navalny’s elimination is a part.
All the techniques and means of repression bespeak a criminal regime that now closely resembles the totalitarian rule of Stalin, whom Putin now fully embraces. After Putin first came to power in 1999, he often praised Stalin as a great war leader while disapproving of his cruelty and brutality. But as Putin pivoted toward war and repression, Russia has systematically promoted a more positive image of Stalin. High school textbooks not only celebrate his legacy but also whitewash his terror regime. There has been a proliferation of new Stalin monuments, with more than 100 throughout the country today. On state-controlled media, Russian propagandists consistently hammer away on the theme of Stalin’s greatness and underscore similarities between his wartime leadership and Putin’s. Discussion of Stalinist terror has disappeared, as has the memorialization of his millions of victims. Whereas only one in five Russians had a positive view of Stalin in the 1990s, polls conducted over the last five years show that number has risen to between 60 percent and 70 percent. In normalizing Stalin, Putin is not glossing over the tyrant’s crimes; rather, he is deliberately normalizing Stalin as a justification for his own war-making and repression.
Putin now resembles Stalin more closely than any other Soviet or Russian leader. Unlike Nikita Khrushchev, Leonid Brezhnev, Konstantin Chernenko, and Yuri Andropov—not to mention Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin—Putin has unquestioned power that is not shared or limited in any way by parliament, courts, or a Politburo. State propaganda has created a Stalin-like personality cult that lionizes Putin’s absolute power, genius as a leader, and role as a brilliant wartime generalissimo. It projects him as the fearsome and all-powerful head of a militarized nation aiming, like Stalin, to defeat a “Nazi” regime in Ukraine and reassert hegemony over Eastern and Central Europe. Just as Stalin made effective use of the Russian Orthodox Church to support Russia’s effort during World War II, Putin has effectively used Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill as a critical ally and cheerleader of Russia’s brutal war in Ukraine. And just like Stalin, Putin has made invading neighboring countries and annexing territory a central focus of the Kremlin’s foreign policy.
Putin’s descent into tyranny has been accompanied by his gradual isolation from the rest of society. Like the latter-day Stalin, Putin began living an isolated life as a bachelor even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Like the later Stalin, Putin lacks a stable family life and is believed to have replaced it with a string of mistresses, some of whom are reported to have borne him children for whom he remains a remote figure. Like Stalin, he stays up late into the early-morning hours, and like the Soviet dictator, Putin has assembled around him a small coterie of trusted intimates, mostly men in their 60s and 70s, with whom he has maintained friendships for decades, including businessmen Yury Kovalchuk and Igor Sechin, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, and security chief Nikolai Patrushev. This coterie resembles Stalin’s small network of cronies: security chief Lavrentiy Beria, military leader Kliment Voroshilov, and Communist Party official Georgy Malenkov. To others in leadership positions, Putin is a distant, absolute leader who openly humiliates seemingly powerful officials, such as spy chief Sergey Naryshkin, when the latter seemed to hesitate in his support during Putin’s declaration of war on Ukraine.
Through near-total control of domestic civic life and media, his widening campaign of repression and terror, relentless state propaganda promoting his personality cult, and his vast geopolitical ambitions, Putin is consciously mimicking the Stalin playbook, especially the parts of that playbook dealing with World War II. Even if Putin has no love for Soviet Communist ideology, he has transformed Russia and its people in ways that are no less fundamental than Stalin’s efforts to shape a new Soviet man.
Putin’s massive victory in a Soviet-style election last weekend represents the ratification by the Russian people of his brutal war, militarization of Russian society, and establishment of a totalitarian dictatorship. It is a good moment to acknowledge that Russia’s descent into tyranny, mobilization of society onto a war footing, spread of hatred for the West, and indoctrination of the population in imperialist tropes represent far more than a threat to Ukraine. Russia’s transformation into a neo-Stalinist, neo-imperialist power represents a rising threat to the United States, its European allies, and other states on Russia’s periphery. By recognizing how deeply Russia has changed and how significantly Putin is borrowing from Stalin’s playbook, we can better understand that meeting the modern-day Russian threat will require as much consistency and as deep a commitment as when the West faced down Stalin’s Soviet Union at the height of the Cold War.
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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In summer 2022, heatwaves around the world felled records and fueled wildfires as temperatures climbed above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit).
In June and July 2022, heatwaves struck Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, as temperatures climbed above 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit) in places and broke many long-standing records.
The map above shows the surface air temperatures across most of the Eastern Hemisphere on July 13, 2022. It was produced by combining observations with a version of the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) global model, which uses mathematical equations to represent physical processes in the atmosphere.
“While there is a clear pattern of an ‘atmospheric wave’ with alternating warm (redder) and cool (bluer) values in different locations, this large area of extreme (and record breaking) heat is another clear indicator that emissions of greenhouse gases by human activity are causing weather extremes that impact our living conditions,” said Steven Pawson, chief of the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
In Western Europe, which was already experiencing severe drought, the heatwave fueled fires that raged across Portugal, Spain, and parts of France. In Portugal, temperatures reached 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 13 in the town of Leiria, where more than 3,000 hectares (7,400 acres) had burned. More than half of the country was on red alert as firefighters battled 14 active fires.
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The above image shows the locations of fire detections in Portugal and Spain as observed by the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on the Suomi NPP satellite on July 12, 2022. The prominent fire detections west of Madrid include the town of Las Hurdes where more than 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres) have burned.
In Italy, the record heat contributed to the July 3 collapse of a portion of the Marmolada Glacier in the Dolomites. The avalanche of snow, ice, and rock killed 11 hikers.
In the U.K., the Met Office issued extreme heat or amber warnings as temperatures were expected to continue to climb, possibly breaking all-time highs.
In North Africa, Tunisia has endured a heatwave and fires that have damaged the country's grain crop. On July 13 in the capital city of Tunis, the temperature reached 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit), breaking a 40-year record.
In Iran, temperatures remained high in July after reaching a scorching 52 degrees Celsius (126 degrees Fahrenheit) in late June.
In China, the summer has brought three heatwaves that have buckled roads, melted tar, and popped off roof tiles. The Shanghai Xujiahui Observatory, where records have been kept since 1873, recorded its highest temperature ever: 40.9 degrees Celsius (105 degrees Fahrenheit) on July 13, 2022. High humidity and dewpoints, along with warm overnight temperatures, created potentially deadly conditions.
“Such extreme heat has direct impacts on human health, as well as having other consequences, including these fires that are occurring now in Europe and Africa, and which have been rampant over the past few years in North America,” Pawson said.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using GEOS-5 data from the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA GSFC and VIIRS day-night band data from the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership. Story by Sara E. Pratt.
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capturecharlesau · 1 year
Captured Charles Bios: Reginald Copperbottom
Nicknames: Reg, Reggie, and Little Reggie (RHM calls him Reg and Terrence Suave has a PERSONAL nickname for him and that’s Little Reggie…)
Born in 1970
Age: He is somewhere in his 40’s (He became the new Toppat Leader in 1997)
Sexuality: Homosexual
Pronouns: Genderfluid (but he most of the time sees himself as a male :)
Nationality: Born in the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 in England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 in the capital city of London
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Simplified explanation of his past:
Reginald Copperbottom was born in London somewhere in the 1970’s and was raised by his only mother Reilly Copperbottom. Unfortunately, Reg’s father abandoned him and his mom which made the living situation very hard for them! They lost their house and lived on the streets of London in a abandoned old shack where Reg had no choice but to start pick pocketing people’s wallets in order to survive! Reginald then was one day captured by Toppats in the middle of a raid and was brought into the Toppat Clan in his teens say 18-20’s and for the first time met the leader of the clan… Terrence Suave! Unfortunately when Reginald was captured by the Toppats his mother passed away due to an unknown illness.
Reginald was getting severely abused physically and emotionally for 9 years by Terrence Suave himself during his reign! One day Terrence almost hurt a little 9 year old Swedish boy named Sven Svensson luckily Reginald took a beating from Terrence in order to protect Sven from getting hit by the bat! RHM saw this and was hurt! Sven was RHM’s adopted boy and fell in love with Reginald and helped him overthrow Terrence once and for ALL!!
Reginald and RHM later got married in the 1997 where Right wears a golden ring and Reg wears a black ring! They lived in peace causing destruction on the planet…. Until in the early 2000’s when they met a certain Henry Stickmin…
In October of 2022 Terrence Suave broke out of his painting and came back in the Captured Charles AU storyline…
Reginald (in my comics anyway) is a very sensitive meek kind of person… he’s filled with anxiety, paranoia and stress thanks to the abuse. He has panic attacks from time to time whenever he gets bad memories. Reginald can also be quite evil at times if you pester him long enough he can be scary and executes his enemies by getting them hanged! (He is the leader of the Toppat Clan after all…) But don’t get him wrong he only executes/kills someone if they DESERVE it he’s no Terrence Suave after all… Reginald is kind to his clan always making sure if everyone has what they need in order to survive!
Reg is also INCREDIBLY smart he knows a lot about how things work like mathematics, science, literature, and so much more! He even invents his own gadgets from time to time…..but he sadly lost his ability to invent after some brain damage with Terry’s abuse…
Reginald has a little problem with stuttering it has to do a lot with his anxiety.
Reginald has a HUGE habit with saying the word “Nyeh” he can’t stop saying it whenever he talks. He first started saying that word a LOT when Terrence started beating him and it gradually became more worse as the years went on. Reginald says “Nyeh” whenever he’s stressed, anxiety, fear, anger, confused, and on rare occasions when he’s happy! But no matter what you do he can’t get rid of the habit.
He likes to drink one or three glasses of wine 🍷 he’s not THAT much of a heavy drinker
Reginald has an AMAZING talent of being an artist! He loves painting backgrounds and especially flowers! No one knows about his secret painting hobby not even RHM but Reginald draws/paints when he’s alone and needs to calm down after a bad panic attack.
Reginald likes to keep a little bottle of poison on his self. Everyday before he gets out of his room and starts his day as a chief he takes his little bottle of poison and hides it in his coat in case…well let’s just say no one is ever gonna capture Reginald alive—! No one knows this not even RHM.
Reginald has a small smoking addiction… but he only needs it when he’s stressed or to ease extreme pain…
Reginald’s powers are— he has the ability to summon a fiery purple sword and use it to ATTACK his enemies, breathe purple fire, summon stuff, and has a SUPER scream that can pierce peoples ears and make them bleed if Reginald gets REALLY MAD!!
Other facts:
Reginald’s color that represents him is purple!
Eye color: Reg’s eye color is purple like this
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Reginald has a humongous red scar on his neck given to him by Terrence Suave. That scar is the main reason why he can’t swallow anything without feeling any pain. Reginald coughs up blood every once in a while thanks to the red scar. Reginald’s weak spot is his neck something Terrence took advantage of for many years! He can’t yell that much either or else he will cough up blood! DO NOT TOUCH REGINALD’S NECK it causes Reg extreme pain because Terrence did so much damage to it.
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This picture is what Reginald looked like during his 20’s and during Terrence’s reign and during his abuse from Terrence. Terrence likes to call him Little Reggie…
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This is what Reginald looked like when he was a kid when he was living in the streets of London with his mother
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Reginald is married to RHM (aka Jeremy Robinson)
Jay Benson by @jaytoons7 is his FAVORITE son he’s his pride and joy! He always tries to give Jay the childhood he never had as a child! He really really loves his precious baby Jay…
Danny and Crusher (by @jaytoons7) are Reg’s BEST FRIENDS (with benefits) along with RHM he always enjoys fruity nights with them!
He loves his other son Sven Svensson and is teaching him everything he knows to become the next BEST leader!
Favorite food:
Curry 🍛 (it’s the only thing he can eat without feeling any pain in his neck) (plus Reginald LOVES spicy food)
Massages, cuddles, doing his hobbies, wine, fruity nights, CURRY, British stuff lol and stealing
Remembering Terrence Suave, panic attacks, anything relating to neck pain, being away from RHM (Reg panics a LOT when RHM is away even for a couple of minutes)
Hair color:
Reginald’s hair is brown (it’s hidden under his top hat 👀)
More in detail on Reginald’s fragile mental health and anxiety:
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inkandguns · 10 months
Charter schools, private schools, and homeschool beat public school in every measurable aspect. If your rep is not trying to end the DOE then you need to vote for someone else.
Public school is often the first place a child encounters violence. It’s basically a bunch of communists chanting, “death to America” at your kids all day. Oh yeah, and sometimes they fuck your kid too.
If you’re a parent you should do everything you can to avoid sending your kid to these shitholes.
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naturalrights-retard · 5 months
This was supposed to go out day before yesterday…ooops. I have to send out my annual Christmas message to our WEF friends…originally published Dec. 23, 2022. Hope you had a Merry Christmas! Wishing you and your family the best over the holidays. Thank you for being a subscriber or a reader! Upcoming live stream Symposium on December 29th 12 pm EST on Clouthub on the topic of exiting the UN/WHO with many fantastic speakers like Dr Rima Laibow, Todd Callender Esq, James Roguski, the Costa Rica Interest of Justice team, Lt Col. Dr Pete Chambers, and my colleagues from National American Renaissance Movement, David Meiswinkle Esq, Dr Ana Mihalcea, M.D., PhD, and myself. Tomorrow at 4PM my interview with Dr. Villa will air. She is treating over 2000 victims of the C19 injections. –  Dr. Joseph Sansone
Contemplating infinity causes one to recognize both the miracle of life as well as the absurdity of life. If you imagine an outward expansion through an ever expanding Cosmos, as well as an inward expansion to an ever expanding subatomic world, it increases the awe. Of course, if we are dealing with infinity, we have to recognize the possibility that it is not expanding and has always existed. Still, there is then the issue of whether the idea of expansiveness is simply consciousness, whatever that is, creating an illusion of expansion by focalization. Potentiality becoming reality. The limitations of perception clearly come to play when discussing these topics, let alone the limitations of linguistics or mathematics, and their inability to encapsulate higher levels of truth.
The above exercise can bring on the sense of awe. How about the absurdity of it all?
Keeping in mind the above, imagine sitting at a desk peering into a high powered microscope and discovering a universe, then as you adjust your lens you see this tiny planet. As you adjust further, you see this tiny little world with this thing we call civilization. The apparent infinite number of subatomic particles and infinite solar systems, galaxies, and so on, that exist to support this thing called life, is both a miracle and absurd at the same time. Yes, I know the Cosmos and the subatomic world can be considered alive too, but let’s not digress.
As you adjust your microscope further, you see a battle initiating on Christmas night 1776.
Why not? Why should you be bound by time in this thought exercise?
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vinceandyvillasis · 8 months
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STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math, and it emphasizes on students' creativity, problem-solving abilities, and critical thinking (Muniz 2023). These four categories combine to form a skill set that guides our thoughts and actions. in senior high school, the STEM strand strives to strengthen students problem-solving, communication, and curiosity skills (Studyusa,2022). It also prepares you for in-demand careers such as science and engineering. In today's digital era, there is a greater investment in professions in technological innovation and advancement (OEd, 2021).
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Life as a STEM Student
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My favorite memory of being a student is from high school. This was the realization that life was full of mysteries. This experience showed me that life isn't only about happiness and sadness, but that these two feelings will always be a part of me. All of the hardships I've faced have shaped me into the person I am today. Today I’m now a Grade 11 STEM student and taking another step towards success and I’m gonna tell you my 2 month experience as a STEM student.
I entered Capiz National High School’s Senior High School because of the promises made by the Principal and Teachers of science department that there will be an enhancement program for us. Senior High School itself was a culture shock to me because of its descriptive subject names, teachers, and its grading systems. Terrifying and strict were my first impression I had to most of my teachers assigned for us. I always said to my self that they are just doing it to prepare us for college. However, many weeks passed and I really get to know them better I realized that they are not that strict but they just want us to always do our best and be a better professional in the future.
Only 2 months had passed since S.Y 2023-2024 started but it is already full of memories. Time passes quickly, so cherish every single day, hour, minute, and second you have. My two-month adventure as a Grade 11 STEM student taught me a lot of things that I can apply in my daily life. "Malayo pa pero malayo na" There are numerous obstacles and problems to conquer, but we are too far along to give up.
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Why Choose STEM strand?
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STEM strand do not just teach you about Science and Technology but it also teaches you lifelong skills that you need in your life. STEM education stimulates critical thinking by engaging students in actively analyzing, evaluating, and applying knowledge to solve problems. This approach prepares them for future challenges where logical reasoning and problem-solving skills are paramount (Science, 2023). A study conducted by the researchers of Pangasinan State University titled A Comparative Study of the Academic Performance of STEM and Non-STEM Graduates in College and Advanced Algebra that findings revealed that STEM students had higher academic performance compared to non-STEM with an average grade of 1.75 and 2.14, respectively. The findings of the Research proves that mostly of STEM graduates do better in college.
STEM is significant because it affects every aspect of our life. It is a curriculum designed to educate students in four distinct areas using an interdisciplinary and practical approach rather than teaching the four sciences as distinct curriculum. Science is everywhere in the world around us. Technology is constantly entering every part of our daily lives. Engineering is not only concerned with the fundamental designs of roads and bridges, but also with the issues of changing global weather and ecologically friendly modifications to our environment. Mathematics is present in every career and activity we engage in throughout our life (Abad, 2020). These are the reasons why STEM is the greatest option, especially if the area you want to study in college is Medicine, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, or ICT.
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
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Slo the Growth
Bigger isn’t always better. Take any given species and as body size increases so does cancer risk. But this rule doesn’t hold between species. Researchers investigate why by studying the genomes of existing mammals and the fossils of extinct mammals, collecting data on body mass and lifespan to mathematically calculate cancer risk. Charting species evolution, they found that before a species evolved to become bigger, genes involved in preventing tumour formation were duplicated. This not only occurred in elephants and their ancestors but also in sloths (pictured), anteaters, armadillos and their ancestors. Although modern-day sloths are small, their ancestors were some of the largest land-dwelling animals of their time. This group, collectively called Xenarthrans, all have a low calculated cancer risk. When investigating the evolution of cancer risk, it's therefore helpful to study both existing large mammals and those descending from extinct large mammals, such as the humble sloth.
Written by Lux Fatimathas
Image of brown-throated three-toed sloth (Bradypus variegatus), Cahuita National Park, by Christian Mehlführer. User: Chmehl on Wikipedia
Research by Juan Manuel Vazquez et al, Department of Biological Sciences, University at Buffalo, SUNY, Buffalo, NY, USA
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic (CC BY 2.5)
Research published in eLife, December 2022
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
International Women’s Day 2023: Accelerating Equality and Empowerment
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International Women’s Day is marked annually on March 8 in an effort to promote gender equality and build a more equitable society. The day honors Women and raises awareness of topics including equal rights for women, violence and abuse against women, and reproductive freedom. How did international Women’s Day start? The seeds were planted when 15,000 women marched through New York City in 1908 demanding less work, better pay, and the right to vote. The Socialist Party of America declared the first National Woman’s Day a year later. Making the day a global holiday was the idea of Clara Zethkin, a communist activist and defender of women’s rights. She floated the idea during a gathering of working women in Copenhagen in 1910. There were 100 women, from 17 different countries, and they all agreed to support her idea. International Women’s Day’s purpose: The goals of International Women’s Day are to celebrate women’s accomplishments and advance gender equality. This day also strives to promote gender equality by encouraging equal participation in social, economic, cultural, and political activities in order to guarantee that the most vulnerable people of our society have equal rights in all areas. How is Women’s Day celebrated? International Women’s Day is observed as a national holiday in a number of countries, including Russia, where flower sales increase in the three to four day leading up to March 8. A large number of Chinese women will have a half day off from work on March 8 in accordance with the State Council’s recommendation. Italy celebrates the Festa della Donna, or International Women’s Day, by exchanging mimosa blooms. This habit is said to have started in Rome after World War Two, however its exact origins are uncertain. In the US, March is observed as Women’s History Month. A presidential proclamation recognizes American Women’s achievements each year. Theme for IWD 2023 The United Nations Designated “DigitalALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality” as the year’s theme in order to highlight the significance of technology in bringing gender concerns to light. The website for International Women’s Day states, Equity is a necessity, not simply a pleasant to have. Every society needs to have a strong emphasis on gender equity. Understanding the distinction between equity and equality is also crucial. The IWD 2023 #EmbraceEquity campaign theme is to spread awareness about why equal opportunities are insufficient. According to the IWD website, equity takes into account that each person has unique circumstances and distributes the precise resources and opportunities required to produce an equal result, as opposed to equality, which refers to providing each person or group of people with the same resources or opportunities. Some facts about women in digital technology In 2022, only 63% of women would be internet users, compared to 69% of men, according to a forecast by International Telecommunication Union (ITU). According to a survey by the World Economic Forum (WEF), 75% of occupations by 2050 will be in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. Yet, women only hold 22% of the role in the workforce today, to name just one industry. According to the Gender Snapshot report from 2022, a study of 51 nations found that 38% of women have personally encountered online assault. The potential for innovations that meet women’s needs and advance gender equality is increased when women are involved in technology. UNESCO’s message for this year In her message for this year’s International Women’s Day, UNESCO Director General Audrey Azoulay noted the importance of guaranteeing equal opportunity for women and girls while also ensuring that they benefit from the opportunities presented by technological change. She said that the theme for this year will be “Innovation and technology for gender equality”, noting that women are four times less likely to possess advanced ICT skills, make up less than 20% of the IT workforce, and just 12% of AI research is conducted. Read the full article
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dronacharyacollege · 1 year
Mathematics Quiz Competition
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On the occasion of the birth anniversary of legendary mathematician, Srinivasa Ramanujan ( National Mathematics Day) Dronacharya College of Engineering has organized Mathematics Quiz Competition on 22nd December,2022 .
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ciyapaofficial · 1 year
How Unisex Clothing Supports Gender Equality: The Theme For International Women's Day 2023
Cracking the Code: Innovation for a Gender-Equal Future is the International Women's Day Theme for 2023.
"DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality" is the topic the United Nations has chosen for International Women's Day 2023. This theme fits the priority theme of the 67th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW-67). 
The theme says, "Innovation, technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls." International Women's Day 2023 will also check how women and girls are treated unfairly because of this. 
This year's theme is based on the premise that by embracing new technologies and promoting women's STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) skills and knowledge, we can accelerate our progress toward gender equality.
The United Nations estimates that women's lack of access to the online world will cause a loss of $1.5 trillion to the gross domestic product of low- and middle-income countries by 2025 if the UN does not act. 
If the UN and other concerned authorities take action, IWD will explore the impact of the digital gender gap on inequality for women and girls. The International Women's Day website states that it would provide a platform to help forge positive change for women.
It has chosen the theme "EmbraceEquity," with organizers and events seeking to "challenge gender stereotypes, call out discrimination, draw attention to bias, and seek out inclusion." #EmbraceEquity is the hashtag assigned to this year's celebration.
Why Is Gender Equality Needed?
Throughout the past year, women in Afghanistan, Iran, Ukraine, and the US have fought for their rights amid war, bloodshed, and legislative changes. All these have aggravated gender gaps in food insecurity, hunger, poverty, and gender-based violence worldwide.
The Taliban's ascendancy in Afghanistan has prevented women and girls from attending higher education, working most occupations outside the home, traveling long distances without a male chaperone, and covering their faces in public.
Iranian police disputed eyewitness accusations that Mahsa Amini was beaten. The death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was seized by Tehran morality police on September 13, 2022, for allegedly breaching Iran's severe hair-covering laws, provoked demonstrations in Iran.
Since then, Iranians have protested for women's rights and political change. Authorities have called them "riots" and used force. After Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the UN reported war-induced price spikes and shortages.
The US Supreme Court repealed Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, triggering widespread outrage and protests. Mexicans have helped US women seek abortions after a 2021 court ruling decriminalized abortion.
The Gender Equality subject emphasizes the significance of transformative ideas, inclusive technologies, and accessible education in overcoming global prejudice and the marginalization of women. Despite the ability of innovation to alter lives, many barriers to equality remain. 
What Changes Have Been Made In The Recent Years To Improve Women’s Position In Society?
Armenia and Colombia revised parental leave legislation. Spain passed menstrual health leave and abortion regulations. After a 10-year fight, the European Parliament passed a bill in 2022 to increase the number of women on publicly traded company boards by July 2026.
"There are plenty of women eligible for top jobs, and with our new European regulation, we will make sure that they have a real shot," the EU added. The International Olympic Committee reported the most gender-balanced Winter Games, with 45% women, in Beijing in 2022. 
With 36 teams, the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup is extended. The US Soccer Federation became the first to pay its men's and women's teams equally before the competition. For almost five years, female athletes made equal pay claims and litigation.
How Can Ciyapa's Unisex T-Shirts Signify Gender Equality?
Unisex t-shirts can signify gender equality because they are designed to be worn by people of any gender identity. Creating clothing that is not restricted to a particular gender, promotes the idea that clothing does not have to be restricted by societal norms.
When people wear unisex t-shirts, they are making a statement that they reject the idea that clothing should be gendered. It helps to break down gender stereotypes and norms that can be limiting and harmful to individuals who do not fit into traditional gender roles.
Also, if we support the idea of unisex clothing, we can move toward a more accepting society where people are not judged based on how they identify or show their gender. It allows for more freedom of expression and can help reduce discrimination and inequality based on gender.
According to the International Women's Day official website, purple, green, and white represent IWD. "The color purple is associated with a sense of dignity and justice. Green signifies hope. White is associated with cleanliness.
See, even these colors do not discriminate. Ciyapa highly supports and executes this International Women's Day 2023 theme. And we promise to deliver more t-shirts promoting this IWD 2023 theme. Visit our store to see our collection!!
Throughout the last decade, there has been incremental progress toward a gender-equal world. We have seen the difference that equal work opportunities, equal healthcare and education, equal decision-making authority, and freedom from violence can make. 
Despite this, there is still a great deal of unfairness and inequality around the globe. To achieve gender equality, we must ensure equitable access to education for women and girls and clear pathways to inclusive workplaces for women in STEM.
We at Ciyapa find new ways to help women and girls reach their full human capital potential and become leaders, business owners, and agents of change. It is to support environmentally sustainable, socially and economically fair development. 
Women's economic empowerment, in conjunction with girls' education, family planning, and reproductive and sexual health, can facilitate the transition to low-carbon economies, help improve resource use and assist in lowering environmental damage.
We support women employees and help them grow potentially. There is still a lot of work to do, so why don't we all work together to speed up the process of gender equality and empowerment today so that tomorrow will be more sustainable?
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Late Season Melting in Greenland In September 2022, vast areas atop the Greenland ice sheet melted. Some scientists think the widespread late-season melting—the most on record for any September—could have implications for the ice sheet next year. Greenland’s melting season typically runs from May to early September. The 2022 season started slowly, as lower-than-average air temperatures in May and June culminated in the least amount of spring melting in a decade. Melting continued at a modest pace throughout the summer, with a surge in mid-July. At its peak on July 18, surface melting spanned 688,000 square kilometers (266,000 square miles) of the ice sheet. A late-season warm spell brought a substantial melting event from September 1–6. At its peak on September 3, melting occurred across 592,000 square kilometers of the ice sheet—the second-largest melting spike of the 2022 season and the largest for any September since the start of record-keeping in 1979. Melt events of this magnitude are unlikely in September because seasonal temperatures usually drop as the hours of sunlight decrease. But unlikely does not mean impossible. The melting in September 2022 was the result of a weather system that brought warm, wet air over the ice sheet. The map at the top of this page shows how air temperatures from August 30 through September 5, 2022, compared with temperatures from the same period in 2020, when melting was more typical. Temperatures in some places soared 15°C (27°F) higher than in 2020. At the National Science Foundation’s Summit Station, temperatures were reported to be above freezing (0°C/32°F). The map was derived from the Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS) model and represents air temperatures at 2 meters (about 6-7 feet) above the ground. Modeled data, which uses mathematical equations that represent real-world physical processes, offer a broad, estimated view of a region where ground-based weather stations are sparse. About 1.7 million square kilometers (656,000 square miles) of Greenland is covered with ice—the planet’s largest ice sheet outside of Antarctica. The ice gains mass through the accumulation of snow and loses it through surface melting and runoff, iceberg calving, and melting at the bottom of tidewater glaciers. As air and water temperatures have risen in recent decades, ice losses have outpaced gains, contributing to sea level rise. According to Lauren Andrews, a glaciologist with NASA’s Global Modeling and Assimilation Office, melting events like the one in early September 2022 can affect current and future ice losses. “When the melt season extends beyond its typical duration, the total amount of mass lost during the melt season obviously increases,” Andrews said. “But what isn’t so obvious is that a longer melt season also delays surface snow accumulation. This can, in turn, impact the initial intensity of the subsequent melt season.” Less snow accumulation in winter means the snow can melt away more quickly in spring and expose large swaths of comparatively dark, bare ice. Compared with bright new snow, these darker surfaces absorb more solar energy, which amplifies melting during the Arctic’s long sunlit days. NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens, using GEOS-5 data from the Global Modeling and Assimilation Office at NASA GSFC and data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center. Science review by Christopher Shuman (NASA GSFC/UMBC JCET). Story by Kathryn Hansen.
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Good morning, everyone! Amusing myself by saying today's date, twelve, twenty-two, twenty, twenty-two! *giggles* There! Said it again! It just rolls off the tongue with a tickle!
I also found controversy with today's date already! Seems the Winter Solstice date is not exact! Google Search has the date in a box in the upper part of the page:
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Right below it is an entry from TimesNow that says:
"Winter solstice: December 22, 2022, will be the shortest day of the year. Tomorrow we will observe the longest night of the year."
I always thought the solstice was on the 20th of the month. So much for exact science! Okay, I know the dates and seasons can vary a little bit because of .... well, whatever it is.
Today is also National Mathematics Day! I don't know if that is just in India but here, too.
12/22/2022 is also National Re-gifting day, National Date Nut Bread Day, (remember to re-gift that Date Nut Bread), and National Forefathers Day, which is the anniversary of the first pilgrims landing on the shores of North America is observed.
It is also National Short People Day. In honor of that I am sharing a golden oldie tune by Randy Newman:
I never liked the song because it is so mean.  Newman intended the song to be a satire about prejudice. I don't understand how it became a hit . It was used in the movie Toy Story (1995). Interesting to note, Randy Newman's height was 6'0"!
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mapleporch28 · 2 years
3 Things You Possibly Can Learn From Buddhist Monks About Finance
Wickremesinghe is yet to announce key ministers together with the essential publish of finance minister, who will negotiate with the International Monetary Fund for badly wanted monetary assist for the nation. The president replaced Mahinda Rajapaksa with Wickremesinghe, an opposition parliamentarian who has held the submit 5 times beforehand, in a desperate bid to placate protesters. They have additionally labelled Wickremesinghe a stooge and criticized his appointment of 4 cabinet ministers, all members of the political occasion run by the Rajapaksa brothers. Republicans in Washington have also been passing around a Washington Examiner piece titled "Who is Kathy Barnette," which reports that a collection of questions posed to Barnette's campaign supervisor about the candidate's background -- including about her military service -- went unanswered. major news -Skinner has been endorsed by a barrage of local leaders however has felt vital pushback from Democratic management in Washington. Progressives in Washington ultimately supported the legislation but were offended over Democratic management's decision to return on its plan to maneuver it in tandem with President Biden's sweeping Build Back Better plan, which subsequently -- as they'd warned -- died within the Senate. HONG KONG, May 12 (Reuters) - Hong Kong police stated on Thursday they'd filed complaints to the town's principal skilled authorized our bodies over a national security case involving a fund that had assisted pro-democracy protesters to pay for legal providers.
China's Foreign Commissioner's Office in Hong Kong stated in a statement late Thursday that such Western criticism had "smeared the authentic law enforcement actions" of the police and that interference in Hong Kong affairs should end. Twitter stock was trading around $forty six on Thursday afternoon, effectively under Musk's provide value of $54.20 per share, suggesting some investor skepticism in regards to the chance that the deal gets accomplished. White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who was because of host Barnette on his "War Room" podcast Thursday afternoon. There are additionally steps to finance or produce extra manufactured housing, accessory dwelling items -- also referred to as garage apartments, basement apartments or yard houses -- 2-four unit properties and smaller multifamily buildings, according to a White House reality sheet. White House stated in a fact sheet. And the administration will "work with the private sector to deal with supply chain challenges and improve constructing methods to complete construction in 2022 on essentially the most new properties in any yr since 2006," the actual fact sheet said.
It should equally be useful to threat managers and practitioners trying to master the mathematical tools needed for contemporary pricing and hedging techniques. The FDA said in a press release that the change is being made because of the risk of a uncommon. After being requested to go away, he did so without argument, she stated. While Barnette ran unopposed in a Republican congressional primary in 2020 only to lose to Democrat Madeleine Dean by 19 percentage points for a congressional seat in the Philadelphia suburbs, the itemizing for her 2020 e-book, "Nothing to Lose, Everything to achieve: Being Black and Conservative in America," said she lived in Virginia. American Leadership PAC, a super PAC backing Oz, posted a video on Wednesday calling Barnette "crazy" and "Pennsylvania's wackiest candidate" and linking her, a Black Republican, with efforts to defund the police. A statement from the police only recognized the girl as a resident of southern Israel; police mentioned additional details of the case remained below a court-issued gag order. In a press release a day before, the new York-based mostly Committee to guard Journalists additionally asked Pakistani authorities to "drop their inquiry into journalist Sami Abraham." In a separate assertion, it additionally requested Pakistan to conduct a "swift and impartial investigation into the police assault of journalist Jahangir Hayat" who was briefly detained this month by police alongside along with his spouse and daughter in the jap city of Lahore.
In one other passage she writes that "for nearly all of blacks in Nichburg, Alabama, and surrounding areas, the purpose of every day was sheer survival." Those who help Barnette and have heard her communicate usually cite her personal story -- rural upbringing, faculty, navy service and work as a commentator -- as the reason they are backing her. January 23, 2018 - Wins Senate affirmation by a vote of 84-thirteen with sturdy bipartisan assist. August 2, 2018 - Apple turns into the first American public firm to surpass $1 trillion in worth. The shift in rhetoric coupled with the rising popularity of on-line information sources suggest that the tide of public opinion in Russia may be beginning to ebb because the human, financial and political prices of the struggle get tougher to ignore. The second issue is the large disruption of Covid-19, and the failure of the federal government and public to get the virus underneath control. Alexander provides credit to the federal government for removing boundaries for women to help improve economic efficiency.
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xtruss · 3 months
IRS Issues Tips for Speeding Up Tax Refunds
— Published March 19, 2024 | Newsweek
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A file photo of a tax form with three $100 bills. Taxes are due on April 15, 2024, for the 2023 year. Getty Images
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued advice on avoiding delays to tax refunds as the filing season deadline approaches next month.
Tax returns for 2023 are due across the U.S. on April 15, 2024. The IRS put out new advice on avoiding the "typical errors" that can hinder the timely payment of refunds for excess amounts paid and any tax credit refunds.
If there are no issues with your tax return this year, filers can expect to wait up to 21 days for any refunds if they filed online. However, filing via mail or with amended returns means that the process can take four weeks or longer for your refund to become available. The IRS warns the process can take even longer than this if your tax return requires corrections or additional reviewing.
How Can I Avoid a Late Refund?
— Use Electronic Filing
Electronic filing, using the IRS Direct File, Free File or an alternative e-service provider, is the easiest way to file your return, the IRS has said, as " electronic filing minimizes mathematical errors and identifies potential tax credits or deductions for which the taxpayer qualifies."
Whatever the filing method used, the IRS has said it is essential that returns are carefully reviewed.
— Ensure Filing Status Is Correct
If you are unsure of your filing status or have multiple statuses, the IRS advises using its interactive tax assistant.
Make sure names, birthdates and Social Security numbers are correct - names, dates of birth and Social Security numbers must be entered exactly as they are on a person's Social Security card.
— Answer the Digital Assets Question
Those filing Forms 1040, 1040-SR, 1040-NR, 1041, 1065, 1120 and 1120S must check one box answering either "yes" or "no" to the digital asset question. The IRS reminds filers they are required to report all income related to digital asset transactions.
— Report All Taxable Income
The IRS has said that most income is subject to taxation, and any failures to report income streams can result in penalties and interest.
Make sure bank routing and account numbers are correct. If selecting direct deposit as the way to receive your refund, filers should ensure that any account details registered are up to date.
— Remember to Sign and Date the Return
Single filers returning their taxes online can electronically sign their returns by inputting their adjusted gross income from the year prior. Joint returns filed by married couples must be signed and dated by both parties.
— Ensure Address Is Correct If Mailing Paper Returns
While electronic filing is advised, those who file by paper are urged to check their mailing address to prevent delays.
According to the IRS, millions of people are still filing using paper, with around 24 million individual and estate and trust income tax returns completed via paper filings in 2022. In the same year, 153 million returns were filed electronically.
— Keep a Copy of the Tax Return
A signed copy of your tax return should be kept on record, particularly in case a return needs to be amended. The IRS advises that "taxpayers should retain records supporting income, deductions or credits claimed on their tax return until the period of limitations for that specific tax return expires.
— Request an Extension, If Needed
If you are unable to complete your returns prior to the April 15 deadline, the IRS urges taxpayers to request an extension, valid until October 15, to avoid late filing penalties. Even if an extension is approved, tax payments are still due on April 15 for the majority.
— Aliss Higham is a Newsweek reporter based in Glasgow, Scotland. Her focus is reporting on issues across the U.S., including state benefits, national and local politics, and crime. She has previously extensively covered U.S. and European politics, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the British Royal Family. Aliss joined Newsweek full time in January 2024 after a year of freelance reporting and has previously worked at digital Reach titles The Express and The Mirror. She is a graduate in English and Creative Writing from Goldsmiths, University of London.
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