#natural hair wedding styles pinterest
blossom-works · 11 months
From Ms. to Mrs. Kennedy
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» Let's start with how Leon proposed: It was a simple proposal. It was after the two of you moved into a house with a lot of land. he proposed after you two shared your first meal at your shared home.
» Your engagement ring is a simple silver, solitaire band with an oval diamond.
» The two of you already knew an intimate wedding is the most ideal. Leon strikes me as the type to like a foresty, woodsy type of wedding. Like Bella and Edward's wedding.
» The time frame between engagement and the wedding is about ten months.
» For some reason, Hunnigan took it upon herself to be your wedding planner. She did multiple background checks on different vendors and gave you and Leon a list of secured vendors.
» Somehow Hunnigan is able to free up Leon's schedule for two and a half consecutive weeks. The two of you head off to your honeymoon a few days after the wedding.
» You asked your dad to officiate your wedding and he immediately agreed. He not only gets to walk you down the aisle but to marry his daughter.
» Leon pretty much lets you do whatever you want within reason. Like, don't go crazy and rent an elephant or whatever. Leon knows you are sacrificing your dream wedding to fit his comfort level, so he wants to make up for it by expanding your options. But you told him that he forgot what you really want: to marry him. Everything else like the flowers, decorations, and outfits just helps make marrying Leon more special. The DSO agent was pretty much putty after that.
» Leon decides to wear a white suit with black accents. He even trimmed his hair to make him look put together. You told him not to shave though. The man looks good with his scruff.
» You hate white-on-white weddings, so color is a must. You dislike bright colors, so you opt for a darker color palate (think jewel tones). The dark palate also adds to the intimate atmosphere of the wedding.
» Buffet style. A small wedding doesn't call for servants or anything like that, but that doesn't mean that you and Leon go cheap on the food. You both prefer great food over an expensive venue. You have a graze/snack table set out before dinner is served.
» Your wedding is alcohol-free. Leon still drinks, but mainly when he wants to numb himself from the pain. He doesn't want to associate that with the day he gets to call you his wife from then on.
» No bridesmaids or groomsmen. Just some flower girls and a ring-bearer. Oh, and Leon also walks down the aisle with your mom.
» The ceremony is at 2 p.m. and the reception starts at 4, but doors (trees?) open around 3:30 p.m.
» You and Leon agreed that only close family and friends would be at the ceremony, and everyone else would arrive for the party.
» You chose to put your hair in a low bun and your makeup is the Pinterest "Natural Glam" look.
» You cried. No surprise there. Leon could not stop smiling though. Like actual smiling, not his smirks or grins (no matter how charming they are).
» The ceremony only lasts for about thirty minutes. After it ended, you and Leon went somewhere private so he could tell you his vows. The two of you did the general vows and private, personal vows. It was Leon's idea to do this. He only wants you to hear his vows.
» Claire also helped Hunnigan plan the wedding for you. The two of them are so surprised that you want to marry Leon, that they won't let anyone ruin their friend's chance at a lifetime of happiness.
» First Dance: How Would You Feel by Ed Sheeran. It describes how Leon feels about you. The man just loves you so much. No special dance too. Just swaying your bodies to the lovely music. Leon feels like he has conquered the world when he has you in his arms on that dance floor. The lights illuminate your beauty and Leon is just the luckiest man on the earth.
» Leon hasn't taken his eyes off you since you walked down that aisle. You were already beautiful, but seeing you all dolled up, Leon might as well be looking at a living goddess.
» To Leon's disappointment, you didn't want to do a garter toss. You have always thought that it was weird to force family and kids to watch a man stick his head up a woman's dress. No way were you going to do that in front of your parents. You did make up for it when you got home though. Except, it isn't a garter that Leon takes off with his teeth...
» Leon only dances when you pull him on the dance floor. He prefers watching you dance your hair out, but because he loves you, he'll indulge you. Your husband is the one to drag you to the dance floor when a slow song comes on though. For that two or three minutes, the world just seems to slow down.
» Leon finds himself playing with his ring during the reception. He saw you do it when you first got engaged and he found it weird until now. It becomes a habit of his. Twirling the silver band around his finger to distract him from something, or just absentmindly doing it.
» String 👏 Lights👏
» You watched a lot of "What I would do again" and "What I would do different" wedding videos. This leads you to put disposable cameras on the tables.
» One of the main elements you wanted for your wedding was a mirror greeting sign and a mirror seating chart. The mirrors add an enchanting element to the wedding.
» Most importantly, the wedding cake. Leon doesn't strike me as a sweets guy so the cake is all you, baby. Black forest cake. C'mon, you couldn't let the opportunity pass. Forest wedding, black forest cake, woodsy, ya get the drift?
» Leon is so excited to start a new chapter with you. The dream of having a wife died when Raccoon City happened, but it got dug up and revived when he met you. Leon will always be thankful for the life you have restored in him. One way Leon can show his appreciation is by taking care of you and loving you till death do you part.
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strawberrytoki · 11 months
Wedding season
(Spencer Reid x reader)
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Summary: You and Spencer get invited to a friend's wedding who happens to have a secret agenda: getting Spencer to confess his love for you.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Warnings: none!
Word count: 1,990
a/n: I love this song so much y'all, highly recommend listening while reading.
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Perfectly assembled bouquets of carnations, baby's breath, and most notably, white tulips, elegantly wrapped with dainty threads of sage green ribbons adorned the carefully set tables, on which sat calligraphed name cards placed on lace table runners.
It went without saying that your friend Lily, the bride, gave the best wedding planner money could buy a run for their money. She was nothing short of a visionary, and the picturesque venue she orchestrated proved just that. It was nestled in the heart of a serene garden and every avid pinterest enthusiast mom within a 5 mile radius would drool at the sight.
The two of you always talked down on white-themed weddings because of how overdone they were, but as the years went by, you both started to incrementally understand the appeal, they were flexible, and easily customizable. She was able to add her own personal flair by adding in a little splash of sage green. That splash, excluding the ribbons, was your attire. All the bridesmaids were dressed in sage dresses, and the groomsmen with ties to match.
Everybody and their mother was rushing to get married, considering wedding season was about the wrap up. It made sense, the weather wasn't as hot and there was a wider variety of vendors to choose from, so you should be surprised Lily was able to pull this off with the traffic but she was a very plan-oriented person and she expected you to mirror that. Hence, you knew exactly what to expect out of this day, down to the seating chart. What you weren't expecting, though, was seeing Spencer Reid there. The two of you had been coworkers for a while now, and found yourselves becoming close friends over time. You enjoyed his company, and loved how the eccentric ramblings he'd go on seemed to have no end.
The gears in your head started turning, trying to find an explanation as to why he was here, you didn't mind of course, you just found it odd how you weren't aware he was coming, especially considering how the guest list was practically printed on the back of your eyelids. Spencer was also more your friend than he was Lily's, they were acquainted, but not to the extent where he would show up to her wedding unannounced. Besides, it wasn't something he would do anyway. The most logical explanation was that he was a last minute addition so he wasn't accounted for, it still didn't make sense considering Lily's nature, but that's what you decided to chalk it up to for the time being.
He was clad in a well-fitted suit and had his hair styled in groomed chocolate waves that complimented his features. You noticed that he didn't forgo his staple converse shoes and mismatched socks, which amplified his endearing, awkward appeal. You weren't blind, Spencer was undeniably charming, and there was just something about him in a suit that had you weak in the knees. You developed a small, benign crush on him over the period of time you'd known each other, but you didn't want to jeopardize the friendship the two of you had.
"Hey, Spence." You walked up to him from behind, nudging him on the shoulder. He swiftly turned around, greeting you with a wide smile, a smile you didn't see yourself getting tired of in the foreseeable future. "Y/N!" Spencer embraced you in a warm hug, you never got over how healing his hugs were. "You look beautiful, by the way." You smoothed out your dress and smiled at him, "Thanks Spence, you clean up well yourself." A downward smile took over his face, indicating that he appreciated the compliment. "Lily really knows what she's doing, this place looks like it was cut out of a Pierre-Auguste Renoir painting." Spencer mused.
"Uh huh" you slowly nodded, pretending you had the slightest clue what he was talking about. You appreciated the obscure references he always made, and found yourself learning a thing or two every time he opened his mouth. You also loved how he was never condescending whenever he shared what he knew with others.
The two of you started taking a stroll around the garden, watching the guests slowly pour in, and stare in awe at the venue. Although it wasn't your wedding, you felt a sense of warmth inside, knowing the blood, sweat, and tears your friend poured into making it all happen and witnessing her efforts finally come to fruition.
The ceremony was about to commence, and you took your place near Lily, and gazed at your friend, who made the most radiant bride. Tear-provoking vows along with promises of unconditional love and commitment were made. Despite the immersive exchange of love and feelings, your mind couldn't help but selfishly drift to your own. You caught yourself staring longingly at Spencer. You were always realistic when it came to your feelings and never allowed your mind to wander, but this wedding seemed to put things into perspective, and for a fleeting moment, you cut yourself some slack and allowed yourself the luxury. It felt like a juvenile playground crush and you liked the giddy, fuzzy feeling it gave you, so you let it diffuse.
Telling yourself you didn't want to confess your feelings for Spencer because your friendship was at stake seemed to be the pseudo-truth you liked to tell yourself to sleep better at night, but you had more self-awareness than that. Deep down, in a cold chamber was the unvarnished reality, uninviting and chill, that you resisted accepting. You were worried Spencer didn't feel the same way you did about him. The idea of laying out all your cards on the table and coming clean was horrifying, and getting rejected by someone you deeply cared for was sure to leave a gash you knew would never heal.
Ironically, the often anxiety-inducing uncertainty offered you a warm embrace you didn't want to leave. Every now and then, though, you had the slightest temptation to leave that embrace, and wondered what it would be like to take the chance. High risk, high reward right?
The crowd of guests started making their way to the reception venue to get seated, and you followed suit. While making your way to your table, you noticed Spencer sitting next right next to your seat, which, again, caused you to raise an eyebrow. If you remembered correctly, you were supposed to be seated next to Elle, who was all the way in the back.
Not thinking much of it, you decided to take your seat next to him anyway, and the two of you began chatting away. Shortly after, your conversation was cut short by the newlyweds' toast announcement, and Lily was going first.
"Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, I'd like to thank all of you for celebrating this incredibly intimate, special day with Tony and I." She looked down at her now-husband with a vibrant glint of adoration in her eyes, and he looked up, mirroring the same glint.
"To all our loved ones who have made an, I'm sure, arduous commute to get here, I cannot put into words how grateful I am to you. I'd also like to express my love and appreciation to my ever so dependable A team, my lovely bridesmaids." Lily then shifted her eyes to your direction, and she didn't need to verbally announce her gratitude, as her glistening and smiling eyes did the work for her. Spencer looked at you and smiled as well.
"-so I can only pray that everyone here gets to experience the overwhelming love and devotion I'm feeling right now." She looked over at you again, this time with a mischievous grin on her face, and spared Spencer a glance as well. "-and in that spirit, I'd like to make a toast." She raised her glass, and continued. " Here's to hoping the celebration of our union can lead to the conception of new ones- maybe even between some of our own guests here tonight." She made sure to look directly at you and Spencer for what felt like an hour to really cement her message, and several of the guests turned their attention to the two of you. Spencer was no idiot, he probably caught on to what she was implying. He didn't seem as flustered as you were, though.
You felt like your skin was too hot to contain your insides, like there were a million fire ants crawling all over your body. To add fuel to fire, you also felt Spencer's gaze on you, you weren't directly looking at him, but through your peripheral view, you noticed that he looked worried, like you were going to detonate at any second.
Abruptly, you got off of your seat and sprinted without a destination. After any sense of motor control you had was yielded, your legs were in autopilot mode and you allowed them to take you anywhere that wasn't here. Lily was going to cut her announcement short and chase after you, realizing that maybe her method was too overstimulating for you. She then noticed Spencer scrambling off his seat to go after you, so she let the two of you be.
Your feet finally halted at the secluded but well-kept greenhouse overlooking the venue from faraway. You still felt like a fool but your skin did start cooling down a little bit after isolating yourself. You just needed to sort your thoughts out because they were going at about a thousand miles a minute. You realized you weren't going to be doing much of that though, since a part of the reason for this debacle followed you here, and was out of breath.
"Y/N." He choked out, in multiple syllables between pants of short breath.
You slowly brought yourself to face him, but still couldn't look him in the eye. "I don't know what that was that Lily just pulled but-"
"No, Y/N wait." Spencer cut you off, he then inched closer and tilted your chin to face him. "I'm sorry you were put on the spot like that- I wasn't aware that was how this was going to go down."
"This?" You questioned, and he looked hesitant to come clean. He then looked down in what resembled defeat. "Lily invited me here but didn't tell you, I guess she wanted this to be a surprise. The plan was for this to be...seamless, but I suppose we took a little detour?"
You still looked very confused, as the spiel he just went on didn't answer any of your questions.
"Y/N, I'm deeply and agonizingly in love with you, and I suppose Lily discerned that, and offered me an opportunity to tell you how I feel. Of course, I jumped at the chance without realizing that I wasn't aware of the mechanics or how we were going to go about it and for that I am so sorr-"
You were in immense shock, to the point where you almost felt like he was going to change his mind so in an attempt to preserve this moment, you quickly wrapped your hands around his neck and pressed a kiss to his lips. It took him a moment, but he gently held your waist and kissed you back with just as much fervor.
The two of you finally separated, each of you holding on to the other as if they were going to slip away.
"I'm in love with you too, Spencer." The adorable flustered flush that painted his face made this entire shitshow worth it. You figured you eventually had to make your way back to the reception, since you felt like you owed Lily an apology (and an expression of your gratitude). A part of you felt bad for fleeing the scene back at her toast, yet a part of you was grateful for her often blunt approach to things.
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lil-luvxo · 17 hours
Can u plsssssss make Alisa Ortega headcanons
I would also love it if u included how she would be in a new relationship!
alisa ortega head cannons!!
- she has definitely watched all those police or law series on tv
- she also watches/listens to true crime documentaries
- i have a feeling that her mom died when she was young (like 5-6 ish) so she had to teach herself loads of stuff such as like fashion tips, how to do hair and keep things nice so now she’s really good at it
- she keeps her nails painted either autumnal colours or just a pinky top coat
- it’s said that she wears suits/blazers a lot but she actually has really good style. their so good they could probably be found on pinterest
- is it neat freak. literally every corner of her house is spotless.
- i feel she gets over hers and nash’s relationship after a while and accepts nash and libby’s but she misses the friendship they had as kids
- i feel like in a new relationship her way of flirting is being sarcastic and kind of cold but really on the inside she’s just like love me already
- she has a thing for muscles. like she just finds them attractive
- her love language is little acts of service and words of affirmation so she will leave notes inside their notebook, make dinner, get fluff of their clothes (idk) and will build someone back up
- at avery’s wedding she deffo cried as she kind off took avery under her wing and made it her duty to make sure she was okay and now ave’s all grown up
- kept her relationship COMPLETELY SECRET as she felt like everyone would freak out but they all found out eventually and were shocked
- would much rather go out than stay in, so she gets really excited when avery wants to bring her along to events
- sees all the brothers as her own brothers as i feel like she is an only child
- it’s not mentioned that she has a middle name but if she does i think it’s something like marie
- she went to either stanford or princeton and did track
- is secretly camera shy but when she does have to go on camera/tv you would never suspect it
- is a huge reader and her favourite book genre is classics or biography’s
- has some form of curly/wavy hair but started straightening it when she and nash split. she will let it be natural when she’s around people who she really trust e.g family, new partner
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daramsphotography · 8 months
5 Creative Ideas for Your Pre-Wedding Photoshoot in Essex
The pre-wedding photoshoots include pictures of how you and your spouse look before the wedding occurs. Think out of the box now.
Ditch the bored poses and cheesy backdrops. These 5 ideas help your Pre-Wedding Photography Essex tell a unique love story with artistic flair:
1. Vintage Theme at Historical Landmarks
Essex has no shortage of heritage buildings and rustic architecture. Pose among ivy-lined walls, brick archways or medieval towers found at:
Colchester Castle
Coggeshall Abbey
Hadleigh Castle
Paycocke’s House & Garden
Beth Chatto Gardens
Wear heirloom outfits, carry flowers in wicker baskets and style hair in vintage curls. Sepia tone edits complete the timeless romantic vibe.
2. Nature Walk Along Coastal Trails
Essex's protected natural reserves, like Wallasea Island or Fingringhoe Wick, offer miles of hand-in-hand coastal strolling opportunities amid breathtaking backdrops.
Other trail ideas include:
Tree tunnel path through Lower Raydon Nature Reserve
Seaside views along the Essex Way in Manningtree
Salt marshy terrain behind Tollesbury Fleet Nature Reserve
Capture candid moments of togetherness against the area’s rustic raw beauty.
3. Pop Culture Inspired Shoot
Infuse personality into your pre-wed portraits by recreating famous romantic scenes from iconic movies, songs, or posters with costume styling.
Iconic Pre-Wedding Photography Essex ideas include:
Run through yellow mustard fields ala Coldplay’s “Yellow”
Hold up the boombox playing your song outside your love’s window
Dramatic kiss in the rain wearing The Notebook’s blue dress
Bathtub guitar singalong homage to Pretty Woman lyrics
4. Embedded in Street Art Around Town
Colchester and nearby boroughs flaunt colorful street art murals by local taggers. Pose embracing with images of wings, fierce leopards or beautiful lotuses brushing your skin.
Backdrops to scout location scouting for cool collaborative shots include:
Rainbow tunnel down Queen Street
Dragon silhouette against the Red Lion Pub wall
Vibrant botanical bloom off Short Wyre Street
This urban edge amplifies artistic flair.
5. Romantic Picnic Setting Among Lavender Fields
Few backdrops evoke rustic romance like bountiful purple lavender beds. Essex farms like Wilkin & Sons or East Bergholt Place make fabulous floral picnic spots for couples.
Pack gourmet finger foods, fine wine, and an oversized blanket to cozy up on. Sunset golden hour casts a dreamy glow over tender moments.
Pre-Wedding Shoot Planning Tips
Prepping an artistic Pre-Wedding Photography Essex as unique as your love requires some strategy:
Scout locations in advance securing permits as needed
Discuss creative concepts with your photographer to align the vision
Schedule shoots during sunrise/sunset for optimal lighting
Craft styling inspiration boards on Pinterest before the shoot
Have a rain backup plan just in case!
Let’s Create Some Magic!
Infuse your pre-wedding portraits with playful originality by scoping the incredible backdrops Essex offers. With the right photographer guiding your creative direction, you’ll craft next-level art showcasing true love.
Ready to get started? The DARAMS Photography team offers full-service Indian wedding photoshoots plus designing completely custom shoots to match your personality.
Contact us today to make some magic together!
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piyush2002 · 9 months
Every bride dreams of looking absolutely stunning on her wedding day, and achieving that picture-perfect look requires careful consideration of both makeup and hair. Bridal makeup and hair are integral aspects of the overall bridal ensemble, complementing the dress and reflecting the bride's personal style. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricate details of creating a flawless bridal look that stands the test of time. From choosing the right makeup products to selecting the perfect hairstyle, we'll explore the art of enhancing natural beauty and ensuring that every bride radiates confidence and sophistication on her special day.
The evolution of bridal makeup and hair trends has been a fascinating journey that reflects changing cultural norms, fashion influences, and beauty standards. Here's an overview of how bridal beauty has evolved over the years:
1.Historical Influences (Early 20th Century and Before):
● Bridal beauty was often influenced by the fashion and beauty standards of the time.
● In the early 20th century, brides often wore modest dresses with natural-looking makeup. Hair was typically styled in updos and adorned with veils or flowers.
● The 1920s saw the influence of the flapper style with shorter dresses and bolder makeup, reflecting the societal changes of the era.
2.Mid-20th Century:
● The 1950s embraced a more glamorous and polished look. Brides favored elegant updos, red lips, and defined eyebrows.
● The 1960s introduced a departure from traditional looks, with some brides opting for a more natural appearance inspired by the hippie movement.
● The 1970s embraced a bohemian and free-spirited aesthetic. Flower crowns and loose, flowing hair were popular.
● The 1980s, known for bold fashion choices, saw brides with voluminous hair, dramatic eye makeup, and bright lip colors.
● The 1990s marked a return to more natural looks, with neutral tones and subtle hairstyles.
● The early 2000s saw a mix of styles, from minimalist looks to more glamorous trends, influenced by celebrities and pop culture.
● Social media played a significant role in shaping bridal beauty trends. Pinterest and Instagram became platforms for brides to explore and share inspiration.
● Airbrush makeup gained popularity for its long-lasting and flawless finish.
● Boho-chic and vintage-inspired hairstyles, such as loose waves and braids, became trendy.
6.Current Trends (2020s):
● Diversity and inclusivity are at the forefront of bridal beauty trends, with a focus on celebrating individuality.
● Sustainable and eco-friendly beauty choices are gaining popularity.
● Soft and natural looks continue to be popular, with an emphasis on enhancing features rather than heavy makeup.
● Hairstyles range from classic updos to relaxed waves, reflecting a mix of timeless and contemporary styles.
7.Technology and Techniques:
● Advancements in beauty technology, such as high-definition makeup and professional lighting, have influenced bridal makeup application.
● Makeup artists often use contouring and highlighting techniques to enhance facial features in photos and videos.
Bridal beauty trends are continually evolving, influenced by a combination of cultural shifts, fashion influences, and individual preferences. The current era values authenticity and personal expression, allowing brides to choose a style that reflects their unique personality and vision for their special day.
The Foundation of Bridal Makeup
1. Preparation is Key
Before diving into the world of makeup products, a bride must prioritize skincare. A consistent skincare routine leading up to the wedding day helps achieve a radiant complexion. Adequate hydration, regular exfoliation, and moisturization set the foundation for flawless makeup application.
2. Choosing the Right Base
Selecting the perfect foundation is crucial for a long-lasting and photo-ready finish. Opt for a foundation that matches your skin tone and type, ensuring a seamless blend. Consider factors such as coverage, longevity, and formula to cater to individual preferences.
3. Eyes that Mesmerize
Bridal eye makeup varies from subtle to dramatic, depending on personal style and the overall theme of the wedding. Experiment with eyeshadow colors that complement the wedding color scheme and enhance the eyes' natural shape. Waterproof mascara and eyeliner are essential for tear-proof longevity.
The Art of Blushing Beauty
1. Radiant Cheeks
Blush adds a youthful and radiant touch to the bride's overall look. Choose blush shades that complement the undertones of the skin, and apply with a light hand to avoid an overly flushed appearance. Cream or powder blush can be selected based on personal preference and skin type.
2. Sculpting with Contour
Contouring enhances facial features and adds dimension to the face. Subtle contouring under the cheekbones, along the jawline, and on the nose creates a sculpted effect. However, moderation is key, as heavy contouring can appear unnatural in photographs.
3. Luminous Highlighting
Highlighter adds a touch of luminosity to the high points of the face, accentuating the bride's bone structure. Opt for a highlighter that complements the overall makeup look, steering away from excessive shimmer that may appear too reflective in photographs.
The Tresses That Dazzle
1. Hair Care Leading Up to the Big Day
Healthy, well-maintained hair is the canvas for a stunning bridal hairstyle. Regular trims, deep conditioning treatments, and protective styling in the months leading up to the wedding contribute to lustrous locks.
2. Choosing the Perfect Hairstyle
The ideal bridal hairstyle complements the bride's face shape, dress, and overall wedding theme. Whether opting for an elegant updo, romantic curls, or a sleek ponytail, the chosen hairstyle should align with the bride's personal style and enhance her natural beauty.
3. Accessorizing for Elegance
Hair accessories add a touch of sophistication and individuality to the bridal look. From delicate tiaras to floral pins, carefully chosen accessories can tie the entire look together. It's crucial to strike a balance, ensuring accessories enhance rather than overpower the hairstyle.
Longevity and Photography
1. Setting the Look
To ensure the bridal makeup stays fresh throughout the day, setting products such as setting spray and translucent powder are essential. These products help control shine and keep makeup in place, especially during emotional moments.
Capturing the Moment
Photography plays a significant role in preserving the memories of the wedding day. Bridal makeup and hair should be designed with photography in mind, considering factors like lighting, angles, and the overall wedding color palette. A professional makeup artist and hairstylist experienced in bridal looks can ensure the bride looks flawless both in person and in photographs.
In the intricate dance of bridal makeup and hair, attention to detail is paramount. From skincare preparation to the finishing touches of hair accessories, each element contributes to the bride's timeless elegance. By understanding the nuances of makeup application and hairstyling, a bride can confidently step into the spotlight, radiating beauty that will be remembered for a lifetime. Ultimately, the key to a stunning bridal look lies in the harmonious blend of individual style, careful planning, and the expertise of skilled makeup artists and hairstylists.
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chillicouture99 · 9 months
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Chilli Couture, an organic hair care salon in Perth, recommends these top 8 clip-in hair extensions for your wedding day. Elevate your bridal look with luxurious, natural hair extensions that seamlessly blend for a stunning, voluminous finish. Choose from a variety of lengths and styles to complement your wedding hairstyle and achieve the perfect bridal glam.
To learn more please click on the link: https://www.chillicouture.com.au/top-8-clip-in-hair-extensions-for-your-wedding-day/
Also Read:
1.  How to choose the Right Colour for your Skin Tone?
2. How to Choose the Right Curly Haircut for Your Face Shape?
3. What are the top clip-in hair extensions recommended for your wedding day?
4. What are the Effective Treatments and Solutions for Common Hair Problems?
5. Considering Hair Tinting? Wondering What You Should Know? Dive into This Complete Guide!
• Address: - 3/117 Brisbane Street, Perth Western Australia 6000
• Phone No.: - +61452445545
• Location: - https://goo.gl/maps/t4QDUDHjgvn1Q7qx6
• Website: - https://www.chillicouture.com.au/
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How AI Will Replace Wedding Photographers in the Near Future
Wedding photography is a lucrative and competitive industry that requires a lot of skill, creativity, and patience. But what if I told you that in the near future, you won't need any of those things to capture the most beautiful and memorable moments of your special day? What if I told you that artificial intelligence (AI) will take over the entire process of wedding photography, from planning to editing to delivery?
Sounds crazy, right? Well, not so much. In fact, AI is already making huge strides in the field of photography, and it's only a matter of time before it surpasses human capabilities. Here are some of the ways that AI will replace wedding photographers in the near future:
- AI will plan your wedding photoshoot for you. No need to spend hours browsing Pinterest or Instagram for inspiration, or hiring a professional planner to coordinate your theme, location, and props. AI will analyze your preferences, personality, and budget, and create a personalized and optimized plan for your photoshoot. It will also book the best venue, arrange the transportation, and handle the permits and paperwork for you. - AI will be your personal stylist and makeup artist. No need to worry about what to wear, how to do your hair, or which lipstick shade matches your skin tone. AI will scan your body and facial features, and suggest the most flattering and suitable outfits and accessories for you and your partner. It will also apply virtual makeup and hair extensions to enhance your natural beauty and match your style. - AI will be your photographer and assistant. No need to hire an expensive and unreliable human photographer who might show up late, miss the important shots, or ruin your photos with bad lighting or angles. AI will be your photographer and assistant, using drones, robots, and smart cameras to capture every moment of your wedding from multiple perspectives. It will also direct you on how to pose, smile, and interact with your partner and guests, using natural language processing and emotion recognition. - AI will edit and deliver your photos instantly. No need to wait weeks or months for your photos to be edited and delivered by a human editor who might charge extra fees or make mistakes. AI will edit your photos in real time, using advanced algorithms and filters to correct any flaws, enhance the colors, and add artistic effects. It will also create a stunning slideshow and video montage of your photos, synced with your favorite music and narration. You will receive your photos instantly on your smartphone or cloud storage, ready to share with your friends and family.
As you can see, AI will make wedding photography a breeze for you. You won't have to worry about anything, except enjoying your special day with your loved ones. And the best part is that AI will do all this for a fraction of the cost of hiring a human photographer. So why bother with humans when you can have AI?
Of course, this is an extreme and satirical scenario that may not reflect the reality of wedding photography in the near future. But it does show how AI could potentially affect and take over traditional wedding photography as well as all current wedding photographers. Whether this is a good or bad thing depends on your perspective.
Some might argue that AI will make wedding photography more accessible, affordable, and convenient for everyone. Others might argue that AI will take away the human touch, creativity, and emotion that make wedding photography so special and meaningful.
What do you think? Would you trust AI to capture your wedding day? Or would you prefer a human photographer? Let me know in the comments below!
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shabzzmehendi · 2 years
Best Bridal Mehendi in Bangalore
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SHABZZ BRIDAL MEHENDI is a team of experienced bridal mehendi designers in Bangalore and we have been in the business for over 10 years. We design a variety of customized mehendi designs. We also specialize in bridal makeup in Bangalore and have a team of skilled mehendi artists who can create beautiful designs that are unique to each bride. We use only the highest quality mehendi cones and our mehendi paste is made from fresh, natural ingredients. We offer a variety of mehendi packages to suit every budget and can even create custom designs to match the bride's outfit. So if you're looking for beautiful, customized mehendi for your big day, look no further than SHABZZ BRIDAL MEHENDI!
How will you select the best bridal mehendi in Bangalore?
There are many factors to consider when choosing  bridal mehendi in Bangalore. First, you'll have to look at portfolios to get an idea of the artist's style and level of skill. It's also important to read reviews and check references to get an idea of the artist's reputation. Once you've narrowed down your options, you'll have to meet with the artists in person to get a feel for their personality and to discuss your specific mehendi needs. Ultimately, you'll have to choose an artist who you feel comfortable with and who you think will do a great job of creating beautiful, unique mehendi designs for your big day. Make sure to look at the artist's previous work to get an idea of their style and skill level. Some artists charge by the hour, while others charge per design.
You can also give a try with shabzz bridal mehendi in Bangalore. We have a wide range of designs to choose from, and we're sure to have something that's perfect for your big day. We use natural and organic ingredients to make our mehendi, which is why our designs are so beautiful and intricate. Our mehendi designs are perfect for any occasion, whether it's a wedding, engagement or party. Whether you want something traditional or something more modern, we'll be able to help you out. Contact us today to get yourself well groomed.
Why Shabzz Mehendi is the best Bridal Mehendi Designer in Bangalore ?
Shabzz Mehendi is one of the best designers of bridal mehendi in Bangalore because of many reasons. We have many years of experience in this field and we always use the best quality material. Our team of skilled and experienced mehendi artists makes sure that every bride looks her best on her wedding day. We use only natural and safe ingredients in our mehendi cones and our designs are always contemporary and chic.
We offer a variety of mehendi packages to suit every budget and can even create custom designs to match the bride's outfit. Whether you want a traditional or a modern mehendi design, we can create the perfect one for you. We also offer a wide range of other services such as bridal make-up, hair styling, and saree draping. So if you are looking for the complete package, then Shabzz Mehendi is the right choice for you! 
Reach us : Bridal Makeup | Shabzz Bridal Mehendi 1426, 1st Cross Rd, Chandrashekar Layout, Dooravani Nagar Bengaluru, Karnataka 560016 Call us : 081472 06965 Visit us - https://shabzzbridalmehendi.info/bridal-mehendi-in-bangalore/
Google Map Location - https://goo.gl/maps/zdoRcrTy2gkGu2iB9
Also follow us on :
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063735863032 instagram: https://www.instagram.com/shabzzmehendi/ twitter: https://twitter.com/shabzzmehendi pinterest: https://pin.it/1rlabeo youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChvpVdTvHLSIsNQtXaHoHFA
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Her Everything Ch 10
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Warnings: Language, talk of the SVU job.
“Are you even paying attention to the movie?” Rafael’s voice broke through you distracted train of thought, his hand playing with your hair stilling. You were lying on the couch, head in his lap, it rolled up to face him,
“Sorry, Sonny just keeps harassing me.”
“Do you need to go?”
“No.” You gently grasped the hand that had been buried in your hair, kissing it softly, “He’s been on my case all year wanting to do engagement photos. I have a feeling if we don’t let him do them soon he’ll come barging in here.” Rafael couldn’t help the scoff and eye roll, causing you to laugh, “It’s been a year Raf! He knows our four years is coming up, he means well.”
“Yeah well he’s a little to eager..in all aspects.”
“You need to cut him a little slack.” You rolled back to face the t.v, “Besides, your Mom has added me to about a million Pinterest boards. If we don’t set a date soon I think she might kill us both.” Your fiancée chuckled above you, hand stroking the hair behind your ear gently so he could see at least part of your face.
“Okay..so..May?” You rolled your head back up to face him, a nearly horrified look on your face,
“Next month!? I’m no bridezilla but a wedding takes longer than a month to plan. Unless you want to elope, in which case your mother will murder us.” Rafael laughed, leaning down to kiss your forehead softly.
“Next May. We had our first date in May, we got engaged in May, it fits the timeline.” You hummed at the way he stroked at your cheek, “You’re still okay with a long engagement, right? Or did you want to set an earlier date?” His concern was present in his eyes when you met his gaze, a soft smile on your face, you pushed yourself up to sitting.
“May sounds perfect.” Your hand cupped his cheek, the kiss meeting his lips full of love and adoration, “I would wait forever as long as I got to marry you Mi Amour. I love you always.”
“I love you forever.” He murmured against your lips, reeling at the feeling of your smile against him. Rafael could still barely believe you’d fallen in love with him, you meant everything to him, and he could only hope that he meant as much to you as you did to him. Though, he knew exactly what the little gleam in your eye meant when he caught it across the courtroom or bull pen, the little quips that the squad missed completely, and the very personal purple post its that accompanied the case files. You dropped down into his lap again, a quick couple of clicks on your phone before your arm extended it up to Rafael,
“Pin the stuff you don’t hate.”
“Pin?” You laughed heartily.
“Okay…screenshot it…you know how to do that, right?” You cast him a wicked grin that he rolled his eyes at as he took your phone into his hands.
Despite the movie playing in front of you, the two of you ended up spending the next couple of hours laughing over ridiculous wedding venues, tropes and the like. Rafael could barely believe his own mother had sent you half of what she did, though he did comment on a few things, specifically how stunning you would look in a few of the dresses. The compliment made you flush, the dress board being one of your own, you took special note of his choices, hoping for the best reaction you could get on your special day.
Naturally, Lucia hadn’t pinned any places for the ceremony, hoping that the two of you would be married in a church. Despite yourself not being raised by any religion, you were quick to agree, knowing it was important to Rafael and Lucia, almost more importantly, that it would be important to Catalina. She may have physically been gone from your lives, but she was present as ever every day among the three of you.
Very reluctantly of Rafael, you let Carisi do a handful of engagement photos throughout Central Park. It wasn’t exactly your style, and you knew Rafael wasn’t having the best of times, but the few candid photos you got out of it truly showed your love towards each other. Those little moments when one thought the other wasn’t paying attention made everything worth it, the complete adoration in their eyes as they looked at the other one. You were surprised when Sonny asked for nothing in return, insistent that you at least buy him dinner. A few of the photos found their way around your apartment, your heart always swelling a little bit when you saw the gleam in Raf’s eye as he glanced at them.
You enjoyed the relatively slow time at SVU as much as you both could it was astonishing the amount of cases that came through that were open and shut, simple ones with not too much investigation involved.
Naturally, that could only last so long before things started to get hectic again. SVU caught a case that originally was thought to be part of a pattern rapist/murderer. It was only after questioning the vic’s sister, and boyfriend (whom she’d broken up with that evening) who was also her manager that things started to not make sense. A copy cat started to make much more sense, but there hadn’t been that much evidence reported to the media. Then Fin’s rope guy suddenly took back his statement, showing up at the riverside with a gun, then an article about Liv and Amanda being single mothers…and where exactly their kids came from while they worked sex crimes.
Then, you got a call, the voice was distorted, but you could still make out exactly what they were saying. Even if you didn’t, you got an untraceable email with all the information and bank statements that you knew to be true containing all the information you needed. You discreetly printed them off before asking Olivia if you could take an hour for lunch, buried in her own work, she barely acknowledged you before agreeing, and you quickly sped down to Hogan Place.
“Carino, I didn’t expect to see you today.” Rafael glanced up from his paperwork suddenly taken aback by the expression on your face. You dropped the pile of papers onto his desk,
“Who the fuck is Ashtonja Abreu?” His heart jumped into his chest, words jumbling out of his mouth as he tried to ramble his thoughts into a coherent sentence, watching the tears do their best to stay in your eyes. “I love you Rafael, I really, really do, and that part of me wants to believe what I pray is the truth, what my gut tells me is the truth, because you’re my fiancée, and I know you’d never lie to me. But today I got a phone call saying that you were paying a sixteen year old for sex, and the bank records prove you’ve been sending money to her. Raf..please..tell me there’s something else going on. Because the part of me that’s worked sex crimes for nine years can only think of the wives who find out the man they married twenty years ago isn’t who they thought.” You were barely holding back tears by now, deep in your heart you knew Rafael couldn’t be guilty of this but there was something going on, and you couldn’t bare to wait any longer, “Please…please don’t be like that…”
“Oh Carino…” Rafael swiftly moved from behind his desk, tucking you in his arms for a moment, calming you before sitting you on the couch beside him. “There is nothing going on. I should have told you…” His eyes didn’t meet yours and you swatted at the side of his thigh. He took a shaky breath “Ashtonja’s mother was the sole witness in a case I worked years ago, she was so freaked after the trial….she asked for a loan to help her through…”
“A drug loan…” You let out the hefty sigh you barely knew you were holding.
“I…gave it to her..and she overdosed that night. Ashtonja’s her daughter…the guilt…it ate me up inside everyday, how on earth could I let a girl grow up without her mother? She lives with her grandmother now…they can barely make ends meet without it.”
“Oh Raf…” You sighed, pressing your lips to the side of his head, “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have come in here all accusatory.” His arm wrapped around your shoulders, giving you a soft squeeze.
“It’s okay. Like you said, in your line of work you see people who have loved each other for years and not know the real them.”
“But I should still trust you first.” Rafael held a finger to your lips,
“You trust your gut. When has it ever lead you wrong before?” You couldn’t help but give a small smile to his grin.
“I love you always.” You murmured, kissing him softly.
“I love you too.” He pecked your lips quickly, “But I’m calling Liv, I want you off the case.” He nearly jumped from the couch, phone already dialing in his hand.
“Excuse me?!” He shot you a glare,
“Your mother was brutally murdered by Nelson. His cell mate got out two months ago, god knows who else he came across in his time in Sing Sing. If this bastard has access to my banking information, to adoption records, he’ll find your legal name in no time and the last thing I want is for you to get hurt, or worse…”
Rafael couldn’t help the softened look in his eyes as he took you in, the annoyed but submissive look on yours as his free arm wrapped around you, pulling you to him. You could hear your Captain’s voice on the other end of the line, accepting, though frustratingly, that both of you were recused from the case. You knew she was running pretty slim after he’d come after so many of the squad already, but you knew there was no going back out there with Rafael’s protective arm wrapped around you.
At the very least, a few days off meant that the two of you actually got to start settling down some wedding details. Not that either of you were particularly invested in it, you knew it would be a small ceremony and celebration, but you met with Lucia and a handful of priests/churches until one was deemed acceptable. You slowly started to talk about your wedding parties, who would be where, and eventually settled on a reception location, finally booking it six months later, a lovely outdoor private garden. It seemed that every day you came home from wedding planning the two of you would fall into each other’s arms laughing, thankful for the relief of each other, you truly only wanted each other, nothing else mattered. Every night you went to bed you’d snuggle against each other, you’d tell Rafael “I love you always” and he’d reply with the “I’ll love you forever.” Before the two of you would drift off into a blissful sleep.
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cherrykindness · 3 years
wild tweets |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: as newlyweds, you and harry read thirsty comments for buzzfeed.
warning: it's thirsty tweets, so below there is adult humor 😳
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"It's a bright, sunny morning in Los Angeles, and there's nothing I want more than to be on BuzzFeed and read wild tweets alongside my husband."
"Thirsty tweets, babe." Harry corrected, laughing out loud with the producers behind the cameras.
"Thirsty Tweets." You said quickly, putting your hand over your mouth to stifle a giggle. "I'm terrible at that, I'm sorry. Can we start over?"
"Let's take a break for one to two minutes. You've given us a great introduction, Y/N."
You shook your head, smiling shyly before turning to Harry, who was already watching you with that easy smile at the corner of his lips. You liked how his hand remained firmly on yours, making those circular movements with the thumb that always served as a natural medice for your anxiety.
"You look so fucking beautiful."
The pleated dress with flounce sleeves fit you like a glove. You had made peace with the various shades of white since the wedding and knew that Harry liked to see you in that color too.
"Thank you, you're not too bad either, Styles."
You intimately suspected that Harry would always seem far beyond that "not bad" that came out as a euphemism from your mouth. He wore nothing but a pair of bell-bottom pants in a strong shade of blue and a soft vest printed with fluffy little sheep on a striped American collared shirt - in your opinion, no one could look better in farm animal clothing than Harry Styles and Princess Diana with her red "Black Sheep" sweater in the 1980s. In contrast, you knew your husband well enough to know that he was arrogant and knew exactly how hot he looked - you also made your thoughts clear enough when you kept him backstage beyond ten minutes in a rather heated kissing session.
"Are you anxious?" you asked curiously, remaining with downcast eyes fixed on the strokes that remained assiduous on your warm skin. "To read about how the whole internet dreams of fucking my wife?! Of course." Harry joked, leaning over to leave a small one on your cheek. "We agree on that, don't we? Although I'm a little nervous, I'm really interested to know all the crazy things they say about you. Everyone knows you're mine at the end of the day, that's enough."
At the end of the break, you and Harry made a silent agreement that you should be the first to pick up one of the scattered papers in the red pot. There were quite a significant amount of tweets, and as much as you were used to reading rather sordid things about your husband on the Internet, the excitement was there as if you were wading into uncharted territory.
"I would be a good girl all year round if Santa guaranteed me a threesome with Harry and Y/N Styles on Christmas Eve." You laughed, Harry staring at the camera with an expression close to the meme of the surprised Pikachu. "You guys are incredibly nasty, I love it."
"If that was the first one, I'm really worried about the next ones." Harry commented with a little corner smile, picking the next tweet out of the bucket. "I have an entire folder on Pinterest dedicated to Harry Styles' hands, and let me tell you why: those hands are art, and art needs to be recognized."
"What- Guys, you promised you wouldn't post my anonymous tweets here." You quipped with false reproach, laughing at your own stupid joke while everyone else in the studio did the same. "But I can't blame her, honestly." Shaking your shoulders, you opened another piece of paper. "Harry Styles finally confessed that he wrote Watermelon Sugar for Y/N!!!! Are you guys imagining the same thing as me?!!!!!! 🥵🍆💦"
"Exhausted emoji, eggplant emoji, and water emoji?" Harry frowned, staring at the tweet you held up. "I imagine you're in need of a vacation somewhere refreshing and you're craving a fruit that everyone eats like it's really a vegetable."
"That reminded me of that story-" You laughed, hiding your face on the table as Harry continued to offer a poker face to the camera, struggling not to keep up with you laughter. "I'm sorry, lovie, I have to share this with the rest of the world." You stated, wiping a few tears from the corner of your eyes. "Harry always wears those fancy suits to concerts, right?! Right! Turns out he looks really hot in some, like his ass molds perfectly into those tight pants and everything. I was home that night because I wasn't feeling well enough to face the big crowds, but I was still following everything on twitter. It was a concert in London, not so far from where we lived at the time, so it was obvious that he would come home after it was over. I follow some portals that do really fast updates of pictures, videos, etc; everything that happened at Harry's concert was on my timeline in a matter of seconds. When one of these profiles uploaded a picture of him with his back to the camera in a heavily accentuated black and white suit, I quickly sent him the image along with a peach emoji and then wrote "looks good tonight". He didn't reply to me until a few hours later, of course, but I obviously didn't expect a "ready for a Fifth Avenue peach salad for dinner?" and numerous cutlery emojis."
Harry rolled his eyes comically, indulging in laughter as did everyone else who occupied the backstage area.
"I'm against the eroticization of emojis." He said between uncompensated breaths, shaking his head negatively. "Let's go to the next ones, please, I'm already feeling exposed enough here."
"I like your old-fashioned spirit, baby." You assured him with a smile, laying on the sturdy shoulder hidden under the fluffy fabric.
Harry chuckled low, leaving a little kiss on the top of your head before selecting the next paper. The fans would die when that video aired, everyone was sure. You two easily forgot the cameras when you were side by side, and the public display of affection had never been a problem.
"My life mission is to look at someone the way Harry looks at Y/N and be reciprocated the way Y/N looks at Harry, then I could die happy." Harry read. "That was very good and healthy, thank you!" He smiled. "But don't settle for death in that case, please. Just make sure to keep that person around forever."
"Awn, we got so sweet now." You made a pout. "Thank you for sending us something so cute! I really hope you find the right person soon." Sending a kiss to the camera, you moved on to the next tweet. "I wouldn't want to get a golden ticket to visit Willy Wonka's factory, I would like to get a golden ticket to actively participate in Y/N and Harry Styles' Honeymoon.
"That was creative, so I will disregard the fact that you removed my last name from my wife's name." Harry joked.
"I will always be an Y/L/N." You flashed the tongue. "We had a great Honeymoon, but I know you guys already know all about it because there are pictures all over the internet of outings that I don't even remember existed."
"Even though we chose a rather reserved city, many paparazzi still managed to photograph some of our nights there." Harry agreed. "There was one particular day when we opted to have dinner at a restaurant near the beach. Y/N had found it even before the trip, it was pretty laid back and we could spend the evening at karaoke. I don't really remember what happened, but we woke up the next day with a terrible hangover, still wearing the clothes from the dinner and with several headlines saying that I was cheating on my wife in the middle of our Honeymoon with a blue-haired italian girl."
"That wig made me sexy, man." You blinked, laughing as you remembered the situation. "It's a shame the paparazzi only got low quality images, but I swear I looked really amazing that night. Italy, I miss you."
"We're coming to the end and I haven't had to ask production for a glass of water yet, thank you to whoever selected these tweets." Harry raised his thumb to the camera, smiling before turning his gaze back to the small paper he had chosen. "Y/N could literally punch me in the face and I would just bow down and thank them for it." He laughed. "She has heavy hands, so I would rethink that choice."
"It takes strong hands to be a superheroine." You blinked gracefully, referring to your works as a Marvel actress. "I move around a lot during the night, so I'll take this lovely opportunity to say that twitter can dismiss all the malicious theories about Harry always show up with a new bruise all over his body."
"Please stop making indecent assumptions while Y/N is aggressive with me at night only unconsciously, her father has access to social media."
You laughed, clearing your throat before reading the next obscenity aloud.
"I would sell all my possessions to have Y/N sitting on my lap for ten seconds."
"Oh my God." Harry laughed out loud, throwing his head back. "I should have said that in our wedding vows."
You shook your head, laughing low as you set the tweet aside.
"That was pretty funny and cheeky, I approve."
"Okay, looks like we finally got to the last one." Harry announced, waving the paper in the air dramatically before opening it. "Harry could literally crush me with those boots while fuc- I need that glass of water." He said dumbfounded, hiding his face between his hands after throwing the tweet over his shoulder. You laughed out loud next to the organizers, and meanwhile Harry leaned his head on your bust, staring at you still with wide eyes. "Please promise that we will be careful with our future children on the internet."
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wallyaxiom · 2 years
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josh axiom-hawkins.
inspired  by  :  charlie spring ( heartstopper ) , todd anderson  (  dead poets society  ) ,  tamaki amajiki  (  my hero academia  )  ,  bill denbrough  (  it  )  ,  jonathan larson  (  tick tick boom!  )  ,  armin arlert  (  attack on titan  )
birth name.   joshua matthew axiom-hawkins / middle name changed to pollux when he was thirteen by the request of percy nicknames.    josh, joshy date of birth.   september 12. age.  twenty-nine gender.   cis male. pronouns.    he/him powers.  chlorokinesis ( heavily swayed by his emotions, therefore josh tries not to feel too intense of emotions ).       . sexuality.   bisexual. place of birth.   elias, california. current residence.     elias, california. occupation.   author.
height.  5'9" build.  toned. hair colour/style.  dark brown // has some wave to it. ( x ) eye colour.    blue. piercings.  n/a tattoos.  a d on his left ring finger he got as a wedding ring of sorts for dante, the number 2 to signify his birth order in fight club and a little boxing glove for fight club  notable markings.    n/a glasses/contacts ?  both, wears his glasses at home. faceclaim.  logan lerman. voiceclaim. logan lerman. ( x )
physical ailments.   none. allergies.    none. sleeping habits. if he’s not writing a book he sleeps 8 hours. if he’s writing his sleep patterns are irregular.  exercise habits.  running is his exercise of choice. emotional stability.  8/10. on a good day body temperature.  he runs cold. dominant hand.    right. drugs / smoke / alcohol ?    no / no / an occasional glass of wine
tropes.   adorkable, apologises a lot, beware the quiet ones, bookworm, heroic self-deprecation, loveable nerd, puppy dog eyes, the quiet one.  positive traits.   intelligent, compassionate, responsible, analytical, naturally curious, gentle negative traits.  anxious, self-conscious, fixated on improvement, perfectionist, reticent usual mood.   calm. likes.   books, space, fight club, nature ( trees !!! ), the color blue dislikes.  being touched by people he’s not comfortable with, loud noises, crowded areas, people invading his personal space. bad habits.  keeping his problems in until they spill over.
mother.    wally hawkins father.      jim hawkins siblings.    circe, asteria, andi and percy hawkins. children.    carolina mcqueen. birth order.   first of five children // only child between wally & oliver spade. significant other.  dante mcqueen, boyfriend.  closest friends. asher pendragon, ben teague, kieran adastra, claire teague, kion santucci & dusty duck
zodiac sign. virgo. mbti. infj. temperament.  melancholic. hogwarts house.    hufflepuff. moral alignment.   neutral good.
languages spoken.   english, spanish & french drive ?          yes. jump start a car ?          no. change a flat tire ?          yes. ride a bicycle ?          yes. swim ?          yes. play an instrument ?          no. play chess ?          yes. braid hair ?         yes. tie a tie ?          yes. pick a lock ?          no. sew ?          no.
compassion.          9/10.
empathy.          8/10.
creativity.          10/10.
mental flexibility.          9/10.
passion.          8/10.
luck.         5/10.
motivation.  9/10.
education.          10/10.
intelligence.          9/10.
charisma.         5/10.
reflexes.          5/10.
willpower.          9/10.
stamina.          10/10.
physical strength.          10/10.
battle skill.          9/10.
initiative.         10/10.
restraint.          8/10.
strategy.         7/10.
team work.         8/10.
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poetic-spot · 7 years
I hate when my parents see my signs that I don't want them to see but they don't see the ones I want them to see...
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
Home: Chapter eight
azriel x reader (acotar)
summary: (y/n) is a daughter of Persephone, still recovering from the trauma of her fall into Tartarus and doesn’t have time for a stupid, handsome, annoying, stunning, injured man. But now they’re stuck together in the middle of nowhere and there only chance of getting home is if she can heal him, and fast.
warnings: big spoilers for mark of Athena and house of Hades, also for the acotar series, eventual smut, blood, PTSD, graphic descriptions of violence, injuries and torture, enemies to lovers so az is a bit of a dick to start, swearing
word count: 1.6k 
a/n: ahhh this is the last part and I’m kinda sad but at the same time I don’t want to drag it out, I also have a new idea for a dorian x reader so it’s a good thing to finsih one but am still sad. I hope you enjoy I made it extra fluffy (also had a cheeky wee hint back to the first part)
You were sat in front of a large mirror, taking in your appearance as you listened to the noise downstairs, the hustle and sounds of people speaking as they rushed about in preparation a sharp contrast to the silence of your and Azriel’s shared room. The girl looking back at you in the mirror was beautiful. Her hair was pinned up, revealing a long neck adorned with a simple necklace your lover had gifted you. Your skin was clear as well, any blemishes you had, any scarring from acne you had picked at, was gone, replaced by dewy, glowing skin. In fact everything about you seemed to glow, your hair was shinier, your skin had a new ethereal sense about it, and you looked more like your mother than you ever had before.
You heard a clatter of plates downstairs and bit your lip with a slight smile, running your hands over you dress. It was baby pink, as you had commented that white may be a little on the nose, with a deep V-neck and white and pink flowers trailing down the heavy skirt, you had picked it out with the help of Feyre and Mor who had dragged you out shopping, giggling when you had stared in shock at the sheer number of dresses you only believed existed on Pinterest. You reached over the vanity and picked up the delicate gold dangling earrings that you had ‘bought’ (Azriel had technically bought them but you certainly paid him back) and put them on, gazing wistfully at your now pointed ears.
So much had changed so quickly. Azriel’s family were extremely welcoming, instantly treating you like they had known you forever. You became incredibly close with Cassian and Nesta, much to Azriel’s amusement, as you bonded over books with Nesta and a general love of Azriel with Cassian. Nesta was officially sold on you when she finished ‘Call Me by Your Name’ the day you gave it to her, the two of you discussing it all night as you made promises to find a way to show her the movie. Rhysand and Mor treated you like a sister, the three of you soon teasing each other, Amren genuinely laughing when you let loose your more creative insults. The only one who seemed reserved at first was Elain, but soon the two of you were spending hours in the garden as you taught her about the different needs that different plants had and how to grow them most effectively.
Azriel had never been more in love. He already knew you were mates but now that it was official, and possible, he felt like he was on cloud nine. He was in love with how quickly you feel asleep in his arms. The way you lit up when talking about your passions, hands moving widely. He was in love with the way your eyes sparkled constantly now, only rarely being overcome with shadows, ones that he had learned to help dispel, you were laughing more and had even started showing your back again. When you went to the House of Wind to train with Cassian and Azriel one summer afternoon you had removed your top, leaving you in a simple sports bra, not missing the mix of pride and desire in Azriel’s eyes as you continued your exercises.
“Can I ask what happened?” Nesta had asked late that day, Feyre looking up from her book, Nyx cradled in one arm. You had explained, and after, when you expected to be pushed away, Feyre had simply passed Nyx to Nesta and wrapped her arms around you, holding you for a long while, even when the Illyrians entered the room. When she pulled away you noticed the tears in her eyes and offered her a small smile, as she whispered to you.
“You’re with your family now, nothing like that will ever happen again.” And then you were crying too.
Now you were sat in your low-back dress with your hair up, scars on display for anyone to see. You had been woken at nine am by an excited chorus of fae women and all but shoved into a bath, your hair washed, and skin scrubbed until you felt new-born. You had been brought a strong, dark coffee and some honeyed toast as you sat soaking in the bath, your friends moving about outside tidying your room and fishing out everything you needed, before you were pulled from the bath and forced to dry. When you had walked back into the room, you found Mor wiggling her eyebrows as she passed you a bag which, on further inspection, you found contained an intricate set of baby blue lingerie making you laugh loudly as you thumbed the material. They had then crowded you, Nesta drying and styling your hair as Feyre did your face, treating it alike one of her beautiful paintings, Elain painting and filing your nails as Amren and Mor sat sipping on champagne, both donned in beautiful, dark silk dresses, as they discussed the day ahead. You felt alike a princess when they were done and had commented as much, gaining you a glass of champagne and a comment on how you looked like one too. However they soon left, claiming there was much to sort out downstairs and that they had no faith in the boys to get it sorted.
Now you were sat alone, your gaze had moved to outside your window where light snow had started falling. You stood and moved the open window, perching on the ledge, smiling when a robin landed next to you, flying to rest in your palm, it’s ruby coloured breast not making you flinch. You still had nightmares as you were still part god and probably always would have the dreams you had grown used to; however you were making progress.
“If you’re planning on running away that ledge is too high,” You smiled as you heard his voice, turning to see your beautiful mate smiling at you.
“Maybe Cassian can come and fly me out,” you challenged,
“Ha, ha.” He deadpanned and you giggled, standing to wrap yourself in his arms,
“In my world it’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the service,” you whispered into his chest,
“This technically isn’t a wedding,”
“That’s a fair point,” you muttered, and he smiled down at you,
“It would be a shame to deprive me of this sight, you look beautiful princess,” he spun you out of his arms and you giggled, making his heart swell with love.
“It would, wouldn’t it?”
“C’mon, we should go soon, Cassian’s already crying,” you laughed and grabbed his hand as he pulled you along and down the stairs. You gasped when you reached the bottom, there were flowers everywhere, the whole room transformed into a fairy wonderland that made you feel giddy. You smiled when you saw that Cassian was in fact, already tearing up as he stood to greet you, complementing you and thanking you for making his brother so happy, you had laughed and shoved him away in your emotional state, not wanting to cry so early, as you moved to the sink in the room that was spraying a fine mist of water, creating a rainbow.
“Oh Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, show me Nico Di Angelo, Camp half blood.” You threw in a golden drachma, the image wavered before revealing your friends and family on the other side, waving, and sending greetings. The inner circle came over and you all conversed for a while before Azriel was rather impatiently tugging on your hand and you moved onto the ceremony, with just your found families present. Having been raised mortal you insisted on exchanging rings, and Azriel was completely happy to oblige, obsessed with the feeling of pushing the ring onto your finger and kissing you, having someone that was wholly his, and who he was completely devoted to.
The rest of the day was spent curled under Azriel’s arm, sipping cocktails, and laughing as you were told all the most embarrassing things the inner circle could dig up. You ate delicious food and laughed with your friends, you heart aching at how naturally this happiness came to you now as you gazed at the man you loved.
You stood outside, breathing in the fresh air, and enjoying the slight chill that came through the thin shawl you had wrapped around you shoulders. Soon you felt a familiar hand press into your hip, pulling you into his side tightly. You looked up at him, still in wonder of how you landed such a beautiful man.
He caught your gaze, brushing a snowflake of your cheek and grabbing your hand, pressing a light kiss into the palm. “Penny for your thoughts?” He asked, gaze so full of love that tears welled up in your eyes.
“I’m just so glad you got stabbed,” you muttered, and he laughed before you continued, “I’m serious, I don’t know where I’d be if we hadn’t met, but you are everything to me and I’m so glad we pushed through, I’m so glad we fought to be together.”
“I love you.” He whispered into your hair as he pulled you in tightly, his scarred hands moving over your scarred back as you sighed, content.
“I love you.” You replied, pulling away and watching as a red admiral butterfly landed on a nearby poppy.
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accioavocados · 3 years
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{ CHARACTER BIO; marcelina bloem-weasley} she’s proof that you can walk through hell and still be an angel.
Pinterest board: click
basic information
Full name: Marcelina Gravity Bloem Pronunciation: Mar-tse-lee-nuh Nickname(s) or Alias: Marcie, Marce Gender: Cis female Species: Half-blood witch (pureblood mother, half-blood father), metamorphmagus Age: 25 Birthday: February 14th Zodiac Sign: Aquarius Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Libra Rising Sexuality: Pansexual Nationality: She has a double Belgian and British citizenship – she moved to England when she was 11 Religion: Agnostic City or town of birth: Brussels, Belgium Currently lives: Cambridge, England w/ Reese Weasley Languages spoken: French, Dutch (Flemish), English, Spanish and some German Native language: Growing up in a bilingual country, she spoke both French and Dutch depending on her setting but she used French more Relationship Status: Married to Reese Weasley
physical appearance
Height: 5’4 Hair colour: Jet black Hairstyle: Waist long, naturally wavy, worn down when she’s out, almost always in a messy bun or a ponytail when she’s at home Eye colour: Dark brown Tattoos:  notable tattoos: names of her parents on the sides of her pinkies, a rose on her left side, a cat with a heart just below her elbow, tiny galaxy on her ankle, a small badger on her wrist for her dad,  a raven tattoo  for her being a ravenclaw and a snake tattoo– after the mom), a quidditch tattoo matching with hugo, a unicorn tattoo on her right side + a dancing skeleton on her calf matching with dylan’s. part of reese’s wedding vows on her rib. two teddy bears for her sons. she also has dozens of other tattoos that she got because she liked them. overall inspo: CLICK. when she’s working, she uses magic and her metamorphmagus skills to hide those that are visible. Piercings: two in each ear Scars/distinguishing marks: Various small scars all over her body from Quidditch Preferred style of clothing: Smart casual. She always wears heels unless she’s working out, once in a blue moon she’ll put sneakers on. In spring/summer she usually wears flowy dresses Frequently worn jewelry/accessories: A watch, a bracelet, a necklace, and a pair of earrings
Smoker?: No Drinker?: Yes. She often drinks wine. Recreational Drug User? Which?: No. Addictions: Houseplants and tattoos. Allergies: Bees. Neurological conditions: anxiety, slight PTSD from her attack, birth trauma. Sleeping habits: She’s a very light sleeper, she fidgets a lot in her sleep. Exercise habits: She is a frequent guest at the gym, she usually works out with Dylan or Reese, she also jogs and swims, does yoga. Emotional stability: she tries her best to be as stable as possible but she keeps overthinking a lot and in the end starts spiralling. It got worse after the attack and now that she’s a mum, it happens more than she would like to. Sociability:  she’s a social butterfly, the life of a party, she tries to be friends with everyone, but of course has her own limits. Body temperature: Warm.
Label: the astrophile, the benevolent, the bibliophile, the anthomaniac, the aesthete, the wine mum, the mamabear Positive traits: cheerful, ambitious, generous, caring, organized, determined Negative traits: stubborn, overdramatic, overemotional, overthinking Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral.   Goals/Desires: To become Chief Warlock. Likes: quiet mornings, sunrises and sunsets, the meadow behind her house, macaroons, wildflowers, old books Dislikes: Fears/phobias:  losing her loved ones, something happening to her sons, spiders, she’s also slightly claustrophobic. Favourite colour: Darks Hobbies: quidditch, singing, dancing, baking, diy, disney, gardening, learning new things and languages Habits: wakes up no later than 6:30 am, starts the day from a cup of green tea, skincare routine and a morning jog with Olaf; when she’s nervous she fidgets, bites pens, and plays with her hair. Taste in music: Rock, Eurovision, pop
Talents/skills: DIY, baking, flower compositions Ability to drive a car? Operate any other vehicles?: Yes, she passed her driving licence exam as soon as she turned 18.
eating habits
Omnivore/Carnivore/Herbivore (Vegetarian): Vegetarian Favourite food(s): Brownies, Belgian fries, Belgian waffles and chocolate, she mostly eats all kinds of salads with different ingredients every day Favourite drink(s): Green tea, wine, hazelnut cappuccino Disliked food(s): Pineapple pizza Disliked drink(s): Fizzy drinks
house and home
Describe the character’s house/home: CLICK Do they share their home with anyone? Who?: She lives with her husband. Significant/special belongings: various trinkets that remind her of home, a locket with a picture of her and her dad (gifted to her by Reese before their wedding)
Level of education: Hogwarts, then finished Law at the University of Oxford, also trained in Magical Law   Current job: Wizengamot judge Name of employer: Ministry of Magic. family line of work: ministry workers, socialites, quidditch players, muggle lawyers.
family, friends and foes
Parents names: Leon Bloem and Laila Mansour Are parents alive or dead? Both are dead. Her mother passed away at childbirth and her father passed away due to an accident when she was 11. Parental figures: Harry Potter and Pansy Parkinson Siblings? She’s an only child. Teddy’s kind of like a big brother to her. Other Important Relatives: her grandmother Lisa Flores, who raised her after her father’s death. Spouse: Reese Weasley Children: Twins: Leon October and Gene Arthur Bloem-Weasley Best Friends: Dylan Parkinson, Cassie Malfoy Other Important Friends: Gabriel Graves-Travers, Teddy Lupin-Potter, Jackson Krum, Rose Weasley Casual relationships: Alastor Lestrange, Scorpius Malfoy, Catalina Perez, Nikolai Nott, Jacob Kim Exes: Dylan Parkinson, Phoenix Zabini Pets: Two dogs: Pumpkin and Olaf, and two cats: Mistletoe and Henry Enemies? Why are they enemies?: Phoenix Zabini – they did not break up amicably plus, he tried to kill her 🤷🏽‍♀️
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victimhood · 3 years
Cesare and the flower kids (Sasha, Polya, Zhenya, Gia)
(gentle reminder to mute/block “yucky wedding” if you don’t want my spammy use of my own tumblr as a pinterest aesthetic board)
Cesare the goodest boy wears a little bowtie for a collar and he’s the ring bearer!!! 😍
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Sasha (Alexander, Timo and Olga’s oldest kid, seven years old at this point)
Sasha wears the Pirouette two-piece skort set from GRACE MINI, blouson top made of silk crepe de chine, paired with a full double layer tulle skirt with scallop and star embroidered trim detail.
Sasha likes wearing dresses! His parents have asked him at one point if he ever thought he was a girl, but he insists that he’s a boy, “because he likes boys”. I’ll leave you to imagine the parents’ faces at this display of kid!logic. In my head, Sasha grows up to be a goalkeeper like his dad, and he becomes the most fabulous gnc goalie ever. There is one line in the epilogue which I will not spoil but NO, Sasha’s childhood dream DOES NOT come true. He just gets new (and better) dreams to pursue.
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Polya (Polina, Timo and Olga’s second kid, four years old)
Polya wears the GRACE MINI Bambini dress, a flowy ivory silk dress with flutter sleeves and a loose A line silhouette. This dress is simple and fuss-free, perfect for bossy little Polya to stomp around in.
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Zhenya (Evgenia, Timo and Olga’s third kid, two years old)
Zhenya was born premature and is sensitive to lights/sounds/crowds/noise as a result. She's a mostly nonverbal austistic kid and tends to hide behind her best friend, Gia. This double layered lace tunic dress is loose fitting with no inner scratchy bits, so she had no objections to wearing it.
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Gia (Booker and Nile’s first kid aka “ma pupuce” to Booker, two years old)
Unfortunately for all the kids I am constrained to the model photos available on the retailer’s website. Sasha and Zhenya are actually blond while Polya is redheaded like her dad. Gia is of course, a little Black girl.
Gia wears a lace dress with a fitted long-sleeved bodice and a full circle skirt. The dress has a deep V cut at the back, decorated with an oversized bow.
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Here, have a reference photo for little Gia in a similarish dress! She wears her hair in a natural afro style, pulled together in a ponytail and topped off with a floral headband for the wedding!
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Anyway, Gia is the sweetest! She’s a good-natured child and very intelligent. Booker calls her “ma pupuce” just because it’s a French term of affection, but this is a conversation she’s going to have with her dad.
Gia: Papa why do you call me ma pupuce?
Booker: It means little flea...from puce
Gia: Why am I a flea?
Booker: *struggling to explain* ermmm...the French think...fleas are cute? Oh oh! Maybe it’s because fleas are attracted to sweet things, and you’re the sweetest little cutie pie
Gia: So...am I the flea or the pie???
Booker: *flustering* Which one do you want to be?
Gia: Flea sounds fine. You can be my papa flea. But if I’m a baby flea, wouldn’t I be a maggot?
Booker: *inwardly cursing* *frantically googles “are baby fleas maggots?”* Yes ma pupuce, do you want to be my little maggoty maggot?
Gia: I’m not a maggot! But Marcel is! [Gia points to her infant brother] Marcel is a maggot! Maggoty Marcel! Marcel maggot!
...and this is the story of how ALL of Gia’s siblings are her maggots.
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chillicouture99 · 10 months
Boosting Elasticity: Natural Hair Care Essentials
Healthy and bouncy hair is something that everyone desires. Unfortunately, environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and other contributing factors can have a negative impact on hair health. One of the most important aspects of hair health is hair elasticity, which is the ability of the hair to stretch and return to its original state. If your hair is lacking elasticity, it can be dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. Fortunately, there are some simple hair care tips that can help you improve the elasticity of your hair.
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1. Use Natural Hair Care Products: When it comes to improving your hair elasticity, it is important to use natural hair care products. This includes shampoo, conditioner, and styling products. Natural hair care products contain natural oils and plant-based ingredients that help to nourish and hydrate your hair. This helps to improve the elasticity of your hair and reduce breakage.
2. Avoid Over-washing: Most people think that washing their hair every day is beneficial for their hair, but this is actually not the case. Washing your hair too often can strip it of its natural oils and cause it to become dry and brittle. It is best to wash your hair no more than three times a week to maintain its natural elasticity.
3. Deep Condition Regularly: Deep conditioning your hair is essential to improving its elasticity. Deep conditioning helps to nourish and hydrate your hair, which helps to keep it soft and manageable. Deep condition your hair at least once a week for best results.
4. Avoid Heat Styling: Heat styling is one of the worst things you can do to your hair if you want to keep it healthy and elastic. Heat styling can strip your hair of its natural oils and leave it dry and brittle. It is best to avoid heat styling as much as possible, or use heat protection products when you do use heat styling tools.
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5. Use Natural Oils: Natural oils such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, and argan oil are great for improving the elasticity of your hair. These oils are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that help to nourish and hydrate your hair. Massage the oil into your scalp and hair and leave it on for a few hours before washing it out.
6. Visit the Best Hair Salon Perth: If you want to get the best results for your hair, it is best to visit the best hair salon Perth has to offer. At one of the top hair salons Perth, you can get a professional haircut that will help to improve the elasticity of your hair. The stylists at these salons are experienced and can provide you with expert advice on how to keep your hair healthy and elastic.
7. Drink Plenty of Water: Finally, it is important to stay hydrated if you want to improve the elasticity of your hair. Drinking plenty of water helps to keep your hair hydrated and nourished, which helps to improve its elasticity. Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day for best results.
By following these hair care tips, you can help improve the elasticity of your hair and keep it looking healthy and bouncy. Make sure to visit one of the top hair salons Perth has to offer for the best results. With these tips, you can keep your hair looking its best.
Also Read:
1. How to choose the Right Colour for your Skin Tone?
2. How to Choose the Right Curly Haircut for Your Face Shape?
3. What are the top clip-in hair extensions recommended for your wedding day?
4. What are the Effective Treatments and Solutions for Common Hair Problems?
5. Considering Hair Tinting? Wondering What You Should Know? Dive into This Complete Guide!
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