nyxi-pixie · 4 months
tell me abt ur feral OC 🎤
p much all of them are unhinged tbh but my girl nayati just. Deserves to be. hooow do i explain her without being deranged
okay basically she ends up in the capital of this shithole country and has a Very Bad Time for 2yrs which ends when she murders someone and then starts a gang with the intention of eventually annihilating the Main gang in the city.
shes strategic short term, so she can plan a quick job no problem. u need sm1 dead? shes got u. u need smt stolen? shes got you. long term stuff tho?? less fun. she would much rather just kill The Guy but she Cant do that for keeping ppl alive reasons so shes just running around in circles losing her mind and honestly its really so sucks. wld be sm easier if she could just start stabbing everyone
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Nicknames given to Farola
I havent posted any like...actual content to this blog in forever, so for now I'll drop this little thing as I wait for my energy to charge to write something proper!
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Little Flower
Given to her by her father in her childhood! Since Farola has always been in love with gardening, and her name itself is related to the goddess who gave life to Hyrule, it made sense for her father to name her after flora! He normally used it strictly in Farola's younger years, but some times when they two share a soft moment together, he will let it slip as hes reminded of how gentle his daughter was when she was younger
Another name given to her by her father, this was used when Farola (no matter her age) is sick or injured as a comforting/soothing name, but its also used by a young Ruladin who struggled with pronouncing Farola's name!
Little Lady
Given to her by her mother! Farola, whether in her captain/army uniform or royal attire, will always be Zelda's little lady! She cherishes her daughter, and though Farola has asked her to not call her such things infront of her soldiers, she still cant get away from the playful and affectionate pinch the Queen gives her cheek
Used/given by her brothers! Nayati started it in retaliation of Farola calling him 'yeti' but Farola actually really liked it-- in fact, this was the name she used when she goes undercover for missions! Ruladin couldnt pronounce 'r's for a while so the nickname also turned into 'OLLLAAAAA' for a while.
Little Captain
Given by General Impa, rarely used but when it is used its meant in a playful and teasing way. The two do have a professional relationship when Farola joined the military, but Impa is still her 'aunt' in a way, so when the two get the rare chance to be outside of that professional space together, this is the nickname Impa uses for her.
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trippygalaxy · 7 months
Or after Farola’s “YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF COWARDICE” he can yell back.
“I HAVE DONE EVERYTHING FOR EVERYONE ELSE! I HAVE TRIED TIME AND TIME AGAIN TO MAKE YOUR LIVES BETTER THAN MINE EVER HAS BEEN, BUT I CAN NEVER DO ENOUGH!” His tears fall freely in front of his daughter. “I will never ask you to forgive me, but please…”
The king falls to his knees, his hands gripping the boots on the princess’s feet. “Take your anger out on me,” his voice cracks, “not the guards, not your younger brother, not your mother. Me.”
Can you tell that I love King Warriors👉👈
She stands there, looking down at the weeping man who clings to her feet like a worshipper does to their god. The mess of the man barely resembles her father. Barely resembles the hero she admired and fawned over, barely resembles the man she swore to do right by. No. This is no king, no hero, no father.
This is a coward who failed every title given to him.
He failed Hyrule. He failed Mother. He failed Ruladin. He failed Farola. But worst of all, he failed his first born, Nayati.
He hadn’t expected the boot to his nose, the sheering pain and audible crack that follows as hes thrown onto his back. His lips are warm with blood and his vision is blurred as he stared up to the high roofed hallway, he felt lightheaded and dizzy from such a simple attack…his years truly have caught up to him. How pathetic of him.
He could hear gasps, hes not sure from who. Hes not sure if he wants to know.
Warriors— Link…he expected another strike, perhaps another kick or maybe Farola needed to feel his blood on her finger tips. He couldn’t make out her form in the moment as all sorts of light and blurred forms shuffle over him. Some darker greys, armoured guard crouched down to his sides -he assumes, at least- as a range of hazy colours shamble away and being the source of muffled noises of distress.
He felt himself being gently lifted -the movement was more akin to dragging as the king made no move to assist- to a sitting position.
He wanted to lie back down. Let Farola grieve the only way she knew how to, the only way she was taught to. It wasnt her fault, she lost a brother, the one person she ever opened up to….the only person Link could get information from about his daughter….
The only connection they truly had…was gone.
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Why must you do this to me shade???? Now im just thinking about angstttttttt
Farola running to Nayati’s study, in disbelief that her brother is gone, only to not be let in by two soldiers who guard the door. Shes starts low, demanding they open the door to her, saying they have no right to close a door to their princess. But soon it gets louder, desperate, angry.
Maybe its Time, maybe it warriors, maybe its her father or mother.
She turns to scream at them, readying her venomous words to pierce them like this LIE pierced her heart. It had to be a joke, all of this had to be some sick fucking joke, he cant be gone, he cant be. He cant be. He cant be.
I’m glad my writing has you thinking about it :D
I hope It’s her dad like, “Farola! That is enough!”
“They cannot stop me from-“ She stepped up to him, her face red hot.
“I have made these orders. As your father and the king of Hyrule, they will obey me before you,” She saw the way his fists clenched and his eyes couldn’t meet her’s. “We are all grieving, my raven, but you cannot take it on the guards! They are only doing their job, just as I am…”
Anyway 😌
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thewhistlingbear · 3 months
Tend to your fire..warm your drink..and i shall tell you the tale of the Whistling Bear..and how he came to all the Tribes..
Our story begins  many seasons ago in the far wooded north in the land of the western Cree..there lived a kind and wise man.. called Nayati Mato....he who wrestles the bear...given this name by the tribe he lived in..as he was often seen to chase away a huge Grizzly bear known as Shardik..from the patch of herbs he was picking. This he did as his duty as Shaman to the tribe, for his was powerfull medicine indeed..and many travelled far to seek his help and wisdom.
One day as he gathered herbs in the forest..a young woman and several men came into view..
and for the first time in his life Nayati Mato layed eyes on Lemasi kasa.."pretty flower dressed in furs".
The men spoke to him of a great sickness that had come to their people...the Bear River nation..many miles to the east..and their need of his help as the most poweful healer in the northern tribes.
Nayati Mato went straight to work to make a potìon large and strong enough to cure the Bear River people..and with the help of Lemasi Kasa in gathering supplies the medicine was soon finished, but not before the two had fallen deeply in love.
Soon enough the men of the Bear River Nation left to carry the cure to their people..leaving behind Lemasi Kasa who had agreed to be wife to Nayati Mato..and so they were wed.
Not as many moons as fingers on their hands had passed before Lemasi Kasa was swollen in the belly with child..and less again before she gave birth to a beautifull girl who they named Tarlo "Cub of the Bear"
For many seasons they were happy..
Tarlo learned the secrets of the shaman from her father..and was taught in preperation to take his place one day when the great spirit would call him to his side in the happy hunting ground.
She learned to hunt and fish..also to cook and sew..from her mother..how to follow the birds and animals of the forest to find what she needed from her father...and so as often happens in the happiest of days her journey finaly led her to tragedy.
One day in her 13th year..Tarlo was gathering herbs for her father..when her wanderings led her further than she would usualy go from the village.. and in a direction that was unfamiliar...to the mouth of a dark cave.. and from that cave glinted the eyes of Shardik..eyes filled with malice..as Shardik had never forgiven Nayati Mato for besting him time and time again when the Shaman would gather his supplies in the forest.
With a roar like thunder the great bear erupted from the cave and charged at little Tarlo with claws spread and jaws wide.
Tarlo screamed and with the speed of the falcon stooping on the dove she ran for her life.
The chase was hard...Tarlo knew the trails and was fleet of foot...but Shardik..although old..was quick.and needed not change his course...boulders flew and trees splintered as he charged on..determined to take from Nayati Mato that which he loved most.
Tales of the flight that followed are still told on winter nights..but in the end..Tarlo reached the village...and so to did Shardik.
Lemasi Kasa was first to see her daughter..and hear her screams..and was first to die beneath the great paw of Shardik as she tried to protect her little cub.
Tarlo was thrown to the side as Nayati Mato hurled himself on the great bear...his Tomahawk singing as he raged in battle..
Many men from the village joined the fight..
None can say exactly what happened...or how it took hold..but the bear..the men..the women and children..the whole village and the nearby forest were consumed in the fire that followed..
All that we do know for sure...is that as Tarlo held Nayati Mato's burned face in her tiny hands...he told her with his last breath that she must keep the secret of the big medicine alive..and help all the people of all tribes..whenever they needed her.
And so Tarlo left what was once her home..and wandered from tribe to tribe..always ready to help and heal..and always welcome...
And so it should have continued...but the world is not always kind to those who most deserve it..and whilst a lone woman of Tarlo's ability can be happy in the vast and empty wild...the wild sometimes is not so empty as it could be...
Soon enough as she lay in camp by a tumbling river..men came..
3 Native scouts leading a party of a dozen or so trappers spied her..beautifull..alone..and their wickedness overcame them.
Tarlo was far from helpless though..and as darkness started to fall she drew her knife and prepared to fight for her life..
The men leered and crowed..they danced and jibbered as they approached..the skinners were not known for leaving any witness alive..and so she prepared..
Suddenly she was back at the cave mouth..her terror overwhelming..as..with a huge crack of thunder..lit by a massive lightning strike...there rose the dark shape of a massive Bear..its arms widespread..a bellow of rage..and then the killing began.
Screams and roars filled the gloom as the men died one after another..heads and limbs flew and blood ran like the river behind her..and she feared Shardik had returned to claim her from beyond the land of the dead.
As the last skinner thumped lifless to the ground..the shape turned to face her..and she realised that this was no bear...but a massive native warrior..a bearskin over his shoulders..and its head as his hood..his one eye looked at her as he spoke..."you are safe now" and he slumped exahusted to the ground..his great war axe falling from his hand.
Over the following days Tarlo stayed with this huge one eyed warrior..and tended his terrible wounds with all her care and ability...she came to know his name as Yiya Bayak..." He who feeds the Ravens"
He was a quiet man..not from any tribe she knew..he roamed the land alone..an outcast..but he knew all that happened with the tribes in all the nations..he claimed his ravens brought him the news he needed to hear..just as the wolves and the animals of the forest spoke to him..
And so they traveled together for many moons..Yiya Bayak accompanying Tarlo to places where her medicine was needed.. protecting and guiding her...and it seemed indeed that without any known source other than the wise birds and the animals of the forest her medicine was always needed where they went.
Before long they were gifted with a baby boy..one who grew to be as almost as strong as his father..and as wise as his mother..a boy who could whistle down the birds and hear their words..who could wrestle a bear and run like a wolf..and who would carry the secret of the big medicine his Grandfather made to share with the shamen of all tribes..
And he would be called Whistling Bear.
Many are the tales of Whistling Bear and his journey and adventures... and these we will tell on the long nights around the campfire..
But for now we do know this...
Whistling Bear journeyed far into the north and carried back the bones of his grandfather and grandmother...
he buried Nayati Mato and Lemasi Kasa in a place called blackbone forest..and he still visits their burial ground..you can too if you wish to pay your respects..
He has a camp in tall trees where he sometimes can be found as contemplates alone ...
And what is to be told next...must wait for another time....
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lune-room · 2 years
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Nayati reference
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pevekay · 4 months
A Kshatriya has to keep a minimum distance of 12 feet and Nair 24 feet from a Namputhiri Brahmin. The approach of the eleven polluting castes from Ezhavan to Paravan varying between thirty six to hundred feet polluted the Brahmins. The Ezhavas were said to pollute a Nair from twelve paces. The Kanakkans have to keep a distance of forty-eight feet from high caste Hindus. They polluted Ezhavas by touch. They polluted the Kammalans and the Valans at a short distance. They were not allowed to approach the temples controlled by the upper castes. The Kutans had to keep at a distance of forty-eight feet from the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, and high caste Nairs and the Antaralas. But Pulayas, Nayatis and Ullatans polluted Kutans within a prescribed distance. When Pulayas meet a person of superior caste he must stand at a distance of thirty feet. To avoid polluting the passer by, he has to repeat the unpleasant sound 'Oh, Oh' while walking through any road. Nayatis, Parayas and Ullatans polluted the Pulayas. The Parayas were asked to keep 128 feet distance from Brahmins.
In 1881 there were more than 130 subdivisions of Nairs in Travancore and Malabar5. The main titular suffixes of Nairs are Pillai, Chempakarman, Thampi, Kartavu, Kurup, Kaimal, Unnithan, Valiathan, Nambiyar, Kitavu, Nayanar, Achan, Menon, Enokki, Muttan, Panikkar, Manavalar, Perimar, Patiar, Pralar, Arimbrar, Taravanar and Mannatiar.
According to the caste hierarchy that prevailed, the Kammalans came below the low-caste Nairs. They are polluting castes with graded distance. The Kammalans consist of six sub-divisions, namely Kallasari, Kollan, Marasari, Musari, Tattan and Tolkollan6. Some recognize Chembottis also who made idols with copper for various temples. They are, therefore, supposed to be above the Kammalans in social status. The blacksmiths made household articles like key, lock, etc. and agricultural implements of various kinds. The Musaris made almost all sorts of household utensils in bronze.
Next section among the polluting castes consists of eleven subdivisions. They are the Ezhavan, Valan, Arayan, Mukkuvan, Marakkan, Kaniyan, Vilkurup, Panan, Velan, Pulluvan and Paravan. Valan and Arayan are fishing castes. Kaniyans are a caste of astrologers Panans also known as Malayans were the exorcists and devil dancers. The Pulluvans were singers in serpent groves and were astrologers, medicine men and priests. The Panan was the barber of the polluting caste above Cherumans. The Velans are the washer men of the low castes.
Next came the Agricultural laborers. They are Slave Castes. In 1881 they constituted about 13% of the population9. This consisted of the castes Kanakkan, Kutan, Pulayan also known as Cheruman, Parayan and Vettuvan. In the order of precedence the Parayan comes next to Cheruman. Vettuvans are also agricultural serfs. Ullatans and Nayatis were known as Chandalas of the plains and Malayans and Katans as Chandalas of the forest. They may not touch water and if they do so, must fast for a day. It follows that they were extremely filthy. The Nayatis are hunters and were placed in the lowest ladder among the Hindu castes of Kerala. They were banished from the villages, and lived on the low hills near the cultivated lands, a bush or rock being their only shelter.
ശരിയും തെറ്റും തമ്മിലുള്ള വ്യത്യാസം സമൂഹത്തിനെ പഠിപ്പിക്കുക എന്നതാണ് മതങ്ങളുടെ അടിസ്ഥാന ധർമ്മം എന്നാണ് വയ്പ്. എന്നാൽ മതങ്ങളും മതപുസ്തകങ്ങളും വാസ്തവത്തിൽ അധാർമ്മികതയുടെ കൂടുകളാണ്. ഇതിനു കാരണം എന്താണെന്നു വച്ചാൽ ധർമ്മവും അധർമ്മവും, ശരിയും തെറ്റും, ഇതൊന്നും നിശ്ചലമായ വസ്തുക്കളല്ല. അവ മനുഷ്യന്റെ ചിന്തകൾ പുരോഗമിക്കുന്നത് അനുസരിച്ച് മാറുന്ന, പരിണമിക്കുന്ന പ്രക്രിയകളാണ്. ഇന്ന് നാം കൊടിയ അധർമ്മം എന്നു കരുതുന്ന പല കാര്യങ്ങളും പണ്ട് അങ്ങനെയായിരുന്നില്ല. അടിമകച്ചവടം, സ്ത്രീപുരുഷ സമത്വം, കുട്ടികളെ വളർത്തുന്ന രീതി, അപാർത്തീഡ്... നൈതികത ഒരു സയൻസ് പോലെ തന്നെ മാറ്റങ്ങൾക്ക് വിധേയമാണ്. മതങ്ങൾ അങ്ങനെയല്ല, അവയ്ക്ക് ചലനമില്ല.മാറുന്നത് മതങ്ങൾക്ക് ഇഷ്ടമല്ല, ഓരോ മാറ്റത്തിനെതിരെയും അവ ഇഞ്ചോടിഞ്ച് പൊരുതും. നൂറ്റാണ്ടുകൾക്ക് മുന്നെ എഴുതപ്പെട്ട കാലഹരണപ്പെട്ട പുസ്തകത്തിലെ വിവരക്കേടുകളാണ് മതങ്ങൾ പഠിപ്പിക്കുന്നത്. ആധുനിക സമൂഹങ്ങളിൽ സ്റ്റെയ്റ്റ് ഇടപെട്ട് നിർബന്ധിത മതപഠനം നിർത്തലാക്കുകയാണ് യഥാർത്ഥത്തിൽ വേണ്ടത്. --K Viswanathan
സൂത്ര വാക്യങ്ങൾ എല്ലാ പ്രശ്നപരിഹാരങ്ങളും പുതിയ പ്രശ്നങ്ങൾ സൃഷ്ടിക്കുന്നു അതറിഞ്ഞുകൊണ്ടു വേണം പരിഹാരങ്ങൾ സ്വീകരിക്കുവാൻ
നീതി നന്മ തുടങ്ങിയതൊന്നും സ്വതസിദ്ധമല്ല അവ ആർജ്ജിക്കേണ്ടതാണ്
മാറത്ത മാറ്റപ്പെടാൻ വയ്യാത്ത എല്ലാ വിധേയത്വങ്ങളും അടിമത്തം ആണ്
06.05.22 റേ ഒരിക്കലും ഏതെങ്കിലും വ്യവസ്ഥാപിത പാർട്ടിയുടേയോ പ്രത്യയ ശാസ്ത്രത്തിന്റെയോ കൂടെ നിന്നിട്ടില്ല എന്നാൽ ഇതിനർത്ഥം അദ്ദേഹം രാഷ്ട്രീയം പറഞ്ഞിട്ടില്ല എന്നല്ല കൽക്കട്ട ട്രിലജിയുടെ ഭാഗമായ പ്രതിദ്വന്ദിയിൽ ഒരു അഭിമുഖ രംഗമുണ്ട് എഴുപതുകളുടെ തുടക്കത്തിൽ വന്ന സിനിമയാണ് തൊഴിൽ രഹിതനായ ഒരു യുവാവിനോട് ഇന്റർവ്യൂ ബോർഡിലെ ഒരു അംഗം ചോദിക്കുന്നു കഴിഞ്ഞ ദശകത്തിൽ നടന്ന ഏറ്റവും പ്രധാന സംഭവം എന്താണ്? അറുപതുകളെക്കുറിച്ചാണ് ചോദ്യം ഒരല്പം ആലോചിച്ചു യുവാവ് മറുപടി പറഞ്ഞു: “വിയറ്റ്നാം യുദ്ധം…” മുഖം ഒരല്പം ചുളിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് വിദഗ്ധൻ മറുചോദ്യം ചോദിക്കുന്നു…”മനുഷ്യൻ ചന്ദ്രനിൽ ഇറങ്ങിയതിനേക്കാൾ പ്രധാനം..??” “അതേ, ചന്ദ്രനിൽ മനുഷ്യൻ ഇറങ്ങി എന്നത് പ്രധാനമാണ് ...പക്ഷെ നാം അതിനു ഒരു പരിധി വരെ തയ്യാറായിരുന്നു …” ചെറുപ്പക്കാരൻ മറുപടി പറഞ്ഞു ..”ബഹിരാകാശ ഗവേഷണത്തിലൊക്കെ നാം ഏറെ മുന്നോട്ടു പോയിരുന്നു...അതുകൊണ്ടു തന്നെ ചന്ദ്രനിൽ മനുഷ്യൻ ഇറങ്ങിയത് അപ്രതീക്ഷിതം ആയിരുന്നില്ല..” “വിയറ്റ്നാം യുദ്ധം അപ്രതീക്ഷിതം ആയിരുന്നു എന്നാണോ നിങ്ങൾ പറയുന്നത്?” ബോർഡംഗം വീണ്ടും ചോദിച്ചു. “ യുദ്ധം ആയിരുന്നില്ല അപ്രതീക്ഷിതം. യുദ്ധത്തിലൂടെ നാം മനസ്സിലാക്കിയ കാര്യങ്ങൾ ആയിരുന്നു അപ്രതീക്ഷിതം. ...പ്രത്യേകിച്ച് വിയറ്റ്‌നാം ജനതയെപ്പറ്റി….സാധാരണ മനുഷ്യർ, കർഷകർ….അവരുടെ പ്രതിരോധ ശേഷി..ഇത് അവരിൽ ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നു എന്ന് നാം മനസ്സിലാക്കിയിരുന്നില്ല. അത് സാങ്കേതിക വിദ്യയുടെ കാര്യമല്ല...മനുഷ്യന്റെ ധൈര്യത്തെക്കുറിച്ചുള്ള ലളിതമായ സത്യം...അത് കണ്ടു നാം അത്ഭുതപ്പെട്ടുപോകും..” കുറച്ചുനേരത്തെ അസ്വസ്ഥകരമായ മൗനത്തിനു ശേഷം ബോർഡംഗം ചോദിക്കുന്നു..”നിങ്ങൾ ഒരു കമ്മ്യൂണിസ്റ്റ് ആണോ?” ഒട്ടും പതറാതെയാണ് ചെറുപ്പക്കാരന്റെ മറുപടി: “വിയറ്റ്നാമിനെക്കുറിച്ചു മനസ്സിലാക്കാൻ ഒരാൾ കമ്മ്യൂണിസ്റ്റ് ആവേണ്ടതില്ല.” “നിങ്ങൾ എനിക്ക് കൃത്യമായി മറുപടി തന്നില്ല...ശരി ഇപ്പോൾ താങ്കൾക്കു പോകാം…” ബോർഡംഗം അഭിമുഖം അവസാനിപ്പിക്കുന്നു. തൊഴിൽ രാഹിത്യം മാത്രമല്ല ഒരു സമൂഹത്തിന്റെ നൈതിക മൂല്യങ്ങളെല്ലാം ചോദ്യം ചെയ്യപ്പെടുന്ന നിസ്സഹായതയിലേക്കു വലിച്ചെറിയപ്പെടുന്ന ഒരു ചെറുപ്പക്കാരന്റെ കഥയാണ് പ്രതിദ്വന്ദി ഒരു കാലഘട്ടത്തിന്റെ മനസ്സ് ഇത്ര വ്യക്തമായി മനസ്സിലാക്കിയ മറ്റൊരു കലാകാരനില്ല, സത്യജിത് റേയെ പോലെ… നാം ജീവിക്കുന്ന ഇക്കാലത്തും ഏറെ പ്രസക്തമായ സിനിമ…
1959 ഡിസമ്പർ മാസം 29 ന് കാലിഫോർണിയ ഇൻസ്റ്റിറ്റ്യൂട്ട് ഓഫ് ടെക്നോളജിയിൽ ഒരു പ്രഭാഷണം നടന്നു. പ്രഭാഷകൻ ചോദിച്ചു "നമുക്കെന്തു കൊണ്ട് എൻസൈക്ലോപീഡിയ ബിട്ടാണിക്കയുടെ 24 വാള്യങ്ങൾ ഒരു ചെറിയ മൊട്ടുസൂചിയുടെ തലപ്പിൽ എഴുതിക്കൂടാ?" നാനോ ടെക്നോളജിയുടെ അനന്ത സാധ്യതകളെക്കുറിച്ച് ആദ്യമായി ലോകത്തോട് വിളിച്ചു പറഞ്ഞയാളാണ് റിച്ചാർഡ് ഫെയ്ൻമാൻ. കണികാഭൗതികത്തിലും ക്വാണ്ടം മെക്കാനിക്സിലും സൈദ്ധാന്തിക ഭൗതികത്തിലും പുത്തൻ വഴികൾ തുറന്നയാൾ ! ശാസ്ത്ര പഠനത്തിലേക്ക് ഇന്നും പതിനായിരങ്ങളെ ആകൃഷ്ടരാക്കിക്കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്ന "ഫെയ്ൻമാൻ പ്രഭാഷണങ്ങളുടെ " ഉടമ !! റിച്ചാർഡ് ഫെയ്ൻമാന്റെ ജൻമദിനമാണ് മെയ് 11. Richard Phillips Feynman (May 11, 1918 – February 15, 1988)
ജീവിതത്തിൽ നിരാശ തോന്നുന്ന മറ്റൊരു സന്ദർഭം ആളുകൾ മധ്യവയസ് എത്തുമ്പോൾ കടന്നു പോകുന്ന മിഡ്‌ലൈഫ്‌ ക്രൈസിസ് സമയത്താണ്. നമ്മളിൽ പലരും ചെറുപ്പത്തിൽ ജീവിതം പഠിക്കാൻ ചിലവാക്കുകയും, യുവത്വത്തിൽ ജോലി കിട്ടാനും, ജോലി കിട്ടി കഴിഞ്ഞാൽ നമ്മുടെ കുടുംബം സ്വരുകൂട്ടാനും അതിനു ശേഷം വിവാഹം കഴിഞ്ഞു കുട്ടികളെ വളർത്താനും, കുട്ടികളുടെ നല്ല വിദ്യാഭ്യാസത്തിനും ഒക്കെ ആയി വളരെ തിരക്കിൽ ജീവിക്കുന്നവരാണ്. പക്ഷെ മധ്യവയസ് ആകുമ്പോൾ നമ്മുടെ കുട്ടികൾ കോളേജിൽ എത്തിക്കഴിഞ്ഞോ, വിവാഹം കഴിഞ്ഞു സ്വന്തം കുടുംബം ആയി ജീവിക്കാൻ തുടങ്ങുമ്പോഴോ , ഇനി എന്ത് എന്ന ഒരു ചോദ്യം ഉയർന്നു വരും. ചിലരെങ്കിലും മിഡ് ലൈഫ് ക്രൈസിസിൽ വീഴുന്ന സമയം ഇതാണ്. ചിലർ സാമൂഹിക സേവനത്തിലേക്ക് തിരിയും, ചിലർ യാത്രകൽ ചെയ്യും അമേരിക്കയിൽ പലരും ശരീരത്തിൽ ടാറ്റൂ ചെയ്യുന്നത് മുതൽ ബൈക്ക് വാങ്ങുന്നത് വരെ ഈ സന്ദർഭത്തിലാണ്.
വിഷാദ രോഗം ഒരു രോഗമാണ്, തലച്ചോറും ഹോർമോണുകളും ഉൾപ്പെടെ ശരീരത്തിന്റെ പല ഭാഗങ്ങളെയും ബാധിക്കുന്ന, ചികിത്സയുള്ള , ചികിത്സാ തേടേണ്ട ഒരു രോഗം, കുറച്ചു നേരത്തേക്ക് ദുഃഖം തോന്നുന്ന വിഷാദം ചികിത്സാ വേണ്ട ഒന്നല്ല, അത് ജീവശാസ്ത്രപരമായി തലച്ചോറിനെ ബാധിക്കുന്ന ഒന്നല്ല. എന്റെ കാര്യത്തിൽ എനിക്ക് വിഷാദ രോഗമായിരുന്നു.
നമ്മൾ കൈ പൊള്ളിയാൽ പെട്ടെന്ന് പിൻവലിക്കുന്നത് നമ്മുടെ നാഡീവ്യൂഹം പ്രവർത്തിക്കുന്നത് കൊണ്ടാണ്. ഇങ്ങിനെ തലച്ചോറും മറ്റു ശരീരഭാഗങ്ങളും, തലച്ചോറിലെ വിവിധ ഭാഗങ്ങളും പരസ്പരം സന്ദേശങ്ങൾ അയക്കുവാൻ വേണ്ടി നാഡീവ്യൂഹം ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന ചില രാസപദാര്ഥങ്ങളാണ് ന്യൂറോ ട്രാൻസ്മിറ്റർസ് എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്. സെരടോണിൻ, സന്തോഷ ഹോർമോൺ എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്ന ഡോപമൈൻ , norepinephrin തുടങ്ങി നൂറു കണക്കിന് ന്യൂറോട്രാൻസ്മിറ്ററുകൾ നമ്മുടെ ശരീരം ദൈനം ദിന പ്രവർത്തനത്തിൽ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. ഇതിൽ മേല്പറഞ്ഞ ഹോർമോണുകൾ നമ്മുടെ ജീവിതം സന്തോഷമായിരിക്കുന്നതിനും ജീവിതം മുന്നോട്ട് കൊണ്ടുപോകാനുള്ള ത്വര നൽകുന്ന, തലച്ചോറിലെ pleasure pathway യിൽ ഒക്കെ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നതാണ്. ഈ ഹോർമോണിന്റെ അളവിലോ പ്രവർത്തനത്തിന്റെ ചെറിയ മാറ്റങ്ങൾ വന്നാൽ അത് നമുക്ക് വിഷാദരോഗം ഉണ്ടാക്കും. തൈറോയ്ഡ് ഹോർമോണിന്റെ കുറവ് പോലും വിഷാദരോഗത്തിന് കാരണമാകാം. എന്റെ കാര്യത്തിൽ ഇപ്പോൾ വിറ്റാമിന് ഡി ടാബ്ലെറ്റും, ദിവസേന ജിമ്മിൽ പോയുള്ള അര മണിക്കൂർ ഓട്ടവുമാണ് തത്കാലം ഡോക്ടർ നിർദ്ദേശിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നത്. വ്യായാമം നമ്മുടെ ശരീരത്തിൽ എൻഡോർഫിൻ എന്ന ഹോർമോൺ ഉത്പാദിപ്പിക്കുകയും ഡിപ്രെഷൻ കുറക്കാൻ സഹായിക്കുകയും ചെയ്യും.
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toriofthetrees · 1 year
The Holes in their Hearts
Lily. I'm not sure I put it there. I cover my heart with my hands, imagine a love so grand, an acceptance so pure, an understanding so free, that I know there is nothing wrong with me. Ava. I know there is nothing wrong with me. I know I'm awesome! And great! And loyal! I know I'm a shining optimist that helps others hope! But nobody sees that, and it makes me want to hammer my fist into my skull. Kevin. I can't think. If I do, I feel the black it's deep, it's raw it's never going to heal. Only w/ the right people - 3 words Anger, pain and a desperate desire to kill. Alayna. I live in blackness. It's all I've ever known. My story matters little, when I can help fill the holes of others. My friends, my loves: "That's an excuse." Sigh... all the pain I caused makes me want to die. Jackson. I know who I am. Yes, I'm quiet in life and I only laugh up north. But I'm a knight, an artisan and an abundant family man. But because I will never hide my heart again, I am weak, according to the world. Kaylyn. Nobody knows of him. Nobody knows his name, his face. He's in the gray, in the black. He's a non-issue. I don't know him, I don't believe in him But never, ever mention him.
Nayati. I don't know who I am. I don't know and it has brought my whole life to ruins.
~V. Holland
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owl-of-lore · 1 year
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watermelondetective · 2 years
Tumblr media
New OC's post here~
This time the highlight is Nayati. She and Daru are twin sisters, but because of some "little" problems in the past, their current relationship is not on the best terms.... ಠ﹏ಠ
So, bye bye and see you and the next post (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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Meeting The Princess
This is the first outline I made for Farola! It contains her goals, her relationship with her parents, the struggles she faces and some of her upbringing!
Warning: Talk of neglect, overworking/burn out, self doubt+hatred, and mention of anxiety
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Farola's Base Info Age: 17 Height: 5'8 Personality: Diplomatic, Insightful, Stubborn, Reserved but Polite, Overly self-critical, Workaholic, Humble, Empathic, Professional (secret gremlin) Interests/Hobbies: Fitness/weightlifting, Fencing, Leather work, Journaling, (secret) gardening, Parents: Warriors and Artemis Brothers: Nayati and Ruladin
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Out of her two siblings, she was the one who followed in her father's footsteps. Ever since she was young she would often sneak off to watch the guards train, whether is be the new recruits or old officers. No matter how many times she was caught or scolded, she eagerly snuck out again, ready to memorize every movement. Warriors often found his daughter mimicking these movements in her room or the Castle's garden, normally armed with some sort of stick or curtain rod. Now, this isn't to say she pushes away her Royal duties or ties, to do so would be like pushing away the ground she grew up on. She certainly isn't as eager as her younger sibling or as invested as her oldest, but she holds onto her ties tightly.
She is DETERIMINED to become a respectable captian like her father was in his youth. Also kinda makes her goal to become worth of the master sword to carry on her father's legacy, which leads to a her over working her self A LOT!!! But even when she is so obviously overworking herself, she is praised for her actions and determination, often being the child prodigy others are compared to. And this only reinforces her bad habits as works herself even harder as she is terrified of disappointing and not meeting the new standard that she had unintentionally made.
I WANT TO SAY THAT NEITHER WARS OR ZELDA (her mom) ENCOURAGE THESE HABITS!!! if anything they actively try to help and break these habits, but sadly due to their jobs and duties, they aren't as aware of her ongoings like they are with their youngest and oldest.
Since the oldest is due to becoming the next in line for the throne, Zelda keeps a keen eye on them and tries her best to be there for them, physically, emotionally and mentally. She knows how stressful the preparations for such a life altering event can cause and wants to be there for them, cause she never truly had someone like that. Warriors kept a protective eye on the youngest, always having the time for them when they needed to hide from the great many eyes looking at them. But he only has so much free time for his family, having to also deal with the army and the great many reports and battles that litter his desk and land.
With both of her parents having their eyes set on such important duties, she had belittled herself into believing she, at this point of her life, wasn't worthy of their attention. Which is also another main reason why she perused to become the wieldier of the master sword and youngest Captain, to finally be worthy of her parent's attention.
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trippygalaxy · 8 months
Tell me more about your OC :D
WELL I HAVE A GREAT MANY-- but I'll tell ya about Farola cause shes LU based!
FAROLA (along with her two brothers) is the daughter of Warriors and Artemis after the married! She is the middle child of her siblings, and is (in my lore) the youngest soldier to ever be given the title 'Captain.' She -secretly- enrolled into the army at 13 and was crowned a captain at 15!
Her name is in reference to the goddess Farore! She was born in the spring of courage and thus was named after the goddess as a thanks for a safe and healthy birth! This is a tradition that Artemis started with her three kids, Nayati (farola's oldest brother) being the first and being born in the spring of wisdom! Farola's middle name is 'Lanie' and is a reference to Lana in Hyrule Warriors! Wars was the one who came up with the middle name as he wanted to give a thanks to the mage who served with him during the war of ages!
I also have a blog for my girly cause i love her so much--
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I have a visual of her sitting ontop of the throne, crown on her head and a dead face with never ending tears on her face. She has no redness to her face, she does not sniffle or choke up, she just sits and stares like a statue.
The chain watches as she is mourns, being crowned the heir and future ruler of Hyrule, they watch as the captain turns into the princess and forever ruler. She does not have a spark in her eyes, not the twinkle of determination nor the shining look of confidence. Its just a dull look of utter grief and emptiness.
BUT GODS i want it all to be a nightmare for her.
She wakes up with a jolt, shouting Nayati’s name into the cold air of the wilderness.
They werent in her hyrule, nayati’s status was unknown just as it was before her nightmare (ie, she hasnt been able to contact anyone from get era) and fears now bubble under her skin. Her body is screaming for her to run, run to him, find him, cling to him like he was her last support. But she couldn’t.
She sobbed into her pillow and hair, trying to muffle her pathetic sounds of longing.
She just wanted her big brother.
Farola probably gets very anxious or spaces out a lot more. Definitely doesn’t sleep good at all.
As more time passes, bags start to form under her eyes, signaling to everyone that there was definitely a problem.
It was Sky’s watch. He stared into the last remnants of their fire. He hears shuffling and turns. Nightmares are notmal for the group, but it was obvious that Farola was not having a nightmare. Well, here eyes were open.
Sky checks on her, she didn’t even realize that she was still awake. She was stuck in her own sick daydreams.
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snapitkeeper · 6 years
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updated version of ocs inspired from Fortnite skins
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lune-room · 2 years
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New character, Nayati! he’s a cowboy themed western coyote, but you can’t really see that aspect here because he’s naked. more of him to come, especially a clothed version lol
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happyinhellqotes · 3 years
Namil: Are you a cuddler?
Nayati: I'm a machine of death and destruction.
Nayati: ...Yeah, I'm a cuddler.
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