#nct ex
todo7roki · 2 months
you're my favorite girl.
ex!marido jaehyun x leitor feminino.
CONTEUDO: namorado!jaehyun (passado), menções de johnny, smut, dirtytalk, romacezinho de leve, algo meio fofo.
parte 1.
leiam também: melhoramigo!jay (enhypen)
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Os raios de sol batiam em seu rosto, indicando que mais uma manhã estava chegando e a cama parecia te segurar, seu corpo estava super relaxado, porém, era necessário levantar e começar sua rotina em mais um sábado.
Ao coçar seus olhos, sua visão ficou limitada para ver a silhueta de um homem alto e bonito ao seu lado, só era possível sentir ele se mexendo pela cama e resmungando baixinho.
"Amor, volte a deitar por favor, não é necessário acordar tão cedo em um fim de semana."
Você não se esqueceu da sua noite maravilhosa com seu ex marido, mas uma única noite não podia mudar tudo que aconteceu entre vocês. "Jae, você precisa levantar." Ele olhou para seu rosto, um feição engraçada de uma pessoa que acabou de acordar.
"Como pode você pesar o clima tão rápido? Pensei que nossa noite tinha sido especial." Jaehyun dramaqueen era a última coisa que você queria aturar nessa manhã, então simplesmente você se levantou da cama e andou até o banheiro enquanto falava com ele. "Só não quero passar pelo momento constrangedor de explicar para seu filho o motivo do papai e mamãe estarem dormindo na mesma cama. Não depois do trabalhão que tivemos para explicar o término."
Ele riu da sua frase, ele realmente não estava preocupado com isso, ele sabe que o filho de vocês é uma criança inteligente e entenderia muito bem que os pais se amam. Jae se aproximou de você, te pressionando contra a pia e beijando seu pescoço. "Sabe, nosso casamento ainda não acabou. Eu ainda te amo tanto e sei que você me ama."
"Podemos conversar isso depois?" Era difícil para você falar sobre 'reatar o casamento'. Fodas rápidas era bom, mas você não sabe se aguentaria passar por todas as brigas e crises de ciúmes de novo, Vocês são duas pessoas explosivas, brigam atoa e não era um ambiente saudável para o pequeno.
Graças aos céus o seu menino entrou pela porta de seu quarto e se deparou com a cena de vocês dois no banheiro, agarrados como um casal.
"Mamãe." Ele disse, com seus olhos escuros vidrados em seu pai. "Papai, você dormiu aqui em casa essa noite?"
Vocês dois se olharam, o nervosismo atacou seu corpo pois aquela não era uma situação legal. "Sim garotão, papai estava cansado para ir para casa e sua mãe me convidou para tirar uma soneca por aqui." Jaehyun era bem melhor nisso do que você.
Vocês três caminharam juntos até a cama, seu menino sentando no colo do pai enquanto você se então ao lado de Jaehyun e acaba reparando o quanto os dois são bem parecidos, quase gêmeos. "Podemos ir ao parque hoje? Todos juntos?"
"Claro baby, vamos adorar passar um tempo juntos. Em família."
"Você adorava parque, principalmente aquele que tinha perto da faculdade." Jaehyun falou enquanto passava os dedos por seu cabelo.
Seu filho viu essa ação e sorriu, ele estava com cinco anos e estava no auge da curiosidade e entao olhou para você e perguntou: "Mamãe, como você conheceu o papai?"
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"Você precisa falar com ele logo, se depender desse cara, vocês não vão trocar uma palavra se quer." Sua amiga disse, e você sabia que era verdade, mas coragem faltava em você. "É o último ano da faculdade, você precisa tomar uma atitude."
"Ela tem razão, se você nao chegar nele, alguém vai." Sua outra amiga disse.
"Então eu vou agarrar esse homem pra mim."
"Você fala isso, mas não tem coragem de falar com ele. Fala sobre qualquer coisa, ele é bom em álgebra e você é péssima, pede ajuda a ele."
Suas amigas não eram as melhores nesse quesito, mas aquilo era melhor do que nada.
Chegar em Jaehyun e falar com ele não foi uma tarefa fácil. No inicio você teve medo, nao sabia como falar com o gato e inteligente Jaehyun, ele parecia ser super sociável, com o ciclo dele.
Você resolveu seguir ele no Instagram, una conversa online seria bem menos vergonhosa do que gaguejar em público. Era o que você imaginou.
"Olá, sou da sua turma de álgebra e queria saber se você poderia me ajudar? estou com um pouco de dificuldade nessa nova matéria."
Seus dedos freneticamente abria e fechava o aplicativo, esperando um retorno dele. Jaehyun não era cronicamente online.
Na verdade, ele tinha visto sua mensagem pela barra de notificações e não sabia como responder, a garota gostosa da faculdade tinha mandado mensagem e ele não sabia o que falar.
O Jaehyun mulherengo não sabia o que falar, aquilo era completamente novo, mesmo sendo bem sem vergonha, ele ainda não sabia como abordar garotas bonitas.
E com você não seria diferente, é claro que ele já tinha reparado em você, a garota que Johnny vive falando que é 'gostosa' e bonita.
Ele bisbilhotava suas fotos antes de responder sua mensagem e Johnny tinha razão, você era realmente isso tudo.
"Oi, claro, talvez amanhã podemos marcar um horário bom para que eu possa te ajudar."
Vocês marcaram e agora vocês estão sentados na biblioteca enquanto ele te ensina, você não queria aprender álgebra, odiava essa matéria, porém passar um tempo com ele era tão bom.
Tão bom que vocês começaram a marcar mais sessões de estudos, que da biblioteca passou para cafeterias, depois as sessões viraram pequenos encontros e no fim terminou com uma tarde de estudos na sua casa.
"Então você pega esse resultado, ele será a sua determinante." Mas um fim de tutoria tinha acabado, sua cabeça estava explodindo com tanta informação. "Acho que você está pronta para a prova."
"Será? As vezes acho que não sou capaz, mesmo estudando muito."
"Você é inteligente, minha favorita." Aquela foi a primeira vez que ele tinha te chamado por esse apelido.
Na hora você ficou parada, olhando nos olhos dele e ele percebeu o que disse. "Quis dizer, você é minha aluna favorita."
"E você já teve outras?"
"Você é a primeira então, acho que é minha favorita."
E você escutaria aquele apelido milhares de vezes, durante os encontros, durante as aulas, quando ele se sentava em uma cadeira atrás de vode e ficava sussurrando em seus ouvidos e até durante o sexo.
"Você sabe que é minha favorita, não sabe amor?" A voz dele deixava você cada vez mais molhada, o tesão eletrificava seu corpo, te deixando com sede de mais.
Mesmo antes do pedido de namoro, vocês começaram a sair, se tornaram ficantes e o sexo era regular e em todo lugar possível. Você se lembrou da vez que ele te comeu no carro de Johnny durante uma festa da faculdade.
Ele cobriu sua boca enquanto ia fundo em você, os dedos fazendo pressão em sua cintura e o cabelo grudado na testa por conta do suor. "Gata, você geme tão gostoso mas eu preciso que você faça isso baixinho pra mim, não quero ninguém atrapalhando nosso momento."
Os dedos dele foi para seu clitóris e foi a melhor sensação do mundo, ele masturbava enquanto te fodia. Suas mãos estavam puxando os lindos cabelos loiros de Jaehyun.
A sensação de adrenalina de transar em um carro era a melhor.
Jae estava vidrado em você, ele jura que poderia gozar só de olhar para você, a garota mais linda que ele já teve, a mulher perfeita para ele. "Eu juro.." quase sem fôlego, ele tenta falar em seu ouvido. "Eu juro que te comeria todos os dias sem cansar, olha para você."
"Minha linda garota fica ainda mais bonita quando está levando pau." Ele te deixava envergonhada, mas tão excitada. "Cara, tô tão apaixonado por você."
"Eu te amo." Você disse.
Dias depois ele te pediu em namoro, vocês estavam apaixonados.
"Eu ainda não acredito que Jung Jaehyun me pediu em namoro. Sério, o que eu mereci para ser a escolhida?"
"É porque você é minha favorita!"
É claro que você não contou tudo isso para seu filho, então você apenas riu depois de pensar em tudo que vocês passaram e respondeu: "éramos amigos na faculdade, eu me apaixonei por um príncipe encatando inteligente e acho que ainda estou apaixonada por ele."
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dreamwithlost · 2 months
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⊹ 1ª história no universo "I wish U walk with me"
Jaehyun x Reader
Gênero: Fluff, Exes to lovers (?)
W.C: 1.8K
ᏪNotas: E aqui começa a primeira oneshot no universo deste meu projetinho (Podem clicar no link lá em cima para saber mais), eu estava muito ansiosa e nervosa para escrever essa aqui, então espero que gostem desse ex casal, e seu segundo-primeiro (?) encontro no aquário 🙏 Boa leitura meus amores ❤️
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Ok, você precisava se recompor, tipo, urgentemente, afinal, iria apenas sair com o YoonOh, certo? Não era como se fosse a primeira vez. Era apenas um encontro com o seu... Ex-namorado? Meu Deus, quem estava tentando enganar? Isso é muito estranho.
Você deu algumas batidinhas em seu rosto, encarando-se no espelho arredondado que havia no hall de entrada de sua residência, ajeitou uma última vez o seu vestido azul feito as nuvens, respirou fundo e caminhou até a porta, recebendo um Jaehyun de sorriso tímido com uma afeição semelhante, disfarçando completamente o seu surto de segundos atrás.
— Oi — Ele sussurrou, como se estivesse esperando que a qualquer momento o seu pai aparecesse para lhe examinar e dizer que não deveria trazer sua filha tarde do baile de inverno, por mais que esse evento já tenha se passado há um bom tempo, e além de você, a única coisa que ele encontraria em casa seria seu peixe beta, chamado... "Peixinho".
— O-oi — Você respondeu de forma travada e acabou rindo de si mesma, levando uma das mãos para o rosto.
Apesar de estar em completo desespero, você gostou da forma como aquilo desenterrou um sorriso divertido nos lábios do rapaz de madeixas escuras.
— Você está muito bonita — o Jeong elogiou após a quebra de gelo e estendeu a mão, você pode perceber que ela estava levemente trêmula, mas a segurou, aceitando a ajuda para descer o degrau de sua varandinha devido ao pequeno salto que utilizava.
— Obrigada, você também está — Retribuiu, permitindo-se vagar pelo visual de seu par, que estranhamente era tão azulado quanto o seu — Será que agora o cavalheiro pode me dizer onde está me levando?
A curiosidade de onde seria o encontro de vocês estava lhe matando, mas ao invés da resposta concreta que desejava, tudo que o moreno fez foi coçar a nuca e dar um passo para frente, em direção ao carro.
— É segredo — Ele disse com um sorriso enquanto passava por você e cessou seus passos novamente, esperando que o acompanhasse.
Jaehyun — como seus amigos costumavam chamar, apesar de você preferir o YoonOh — e você haviam se conhecido no primeiro ano do ensino médio e, apesar de você não acreditar nessas coisas, olhando para trás agora, poderia facilmente dizer que o amou desde o primeiro instante que havia dirigido curtas palavras a ele. A interação que começou graças à sua amiga e ao namorado da mesma — que fazia parte do grupo de Jaehyun — Yuta, gerou um frio na barriga que ninguém havia lhe causado antes, e que, pouco tempo depois, terminou no mais confiante e sincero sim para um pedido de namoro que você poderia ter dado em sua vida. Tudo era incrível naquela época, cercados sempre por seu grupo de amigos e amigas que haviam formado, unindo a todos como em um filme clichê colegial americano — o que ironicamente também não era do seu gosto.
Entretanto a vida adulta sempre chega com uma carga muito pesada para todos, e as coisas entre você e o Jeong não haviam adentrado nessa fase com muita facilidade. A maioria das pessoas do grupo havia se mudado para lugares diferentes para ir atrás de seus sonhos — não havia tanta coisa para se fazer naquela cidade pequena que cresceram –, inclusive vocês, e devido à distância de suas faculdades e vida corriqueira, o término de seu romance no começo do segundo ano da faculdade chegou ao perceberem que os poucos momentos que tinham para se encontrar, eram muitas vezes mais rodeados por brigas e inseguranças do que aconchego e afeto. Você se lembra de quando decidiram, em conjunto, com aquilo, e principalmente da forma como aquele alívio de tantas desavenças, no fundo ainda doía. Por que, apesar das brigas, o seu coração ainda continuava a bater forte cada vez que via aquele rosto em alguma reunião do grupo de amigos que haviam feito?
Alguém lhe disse uma vez que isso poderia ter sido pelo fato de que ambos ainda continuavam se vendo com certa frequência por conta do ciclo social, e por isso, além de perder o seu namorado, também se afastou de seus amigos, se isolando para tentar lidar com o turbilhão de acontecimentos que sua vida estava tendo, principalmente com a pressão da faculdade de medicina.
Quando, depois de três anos, você decidiu ir ao encontro anual dos seus amigos no ano passado novamente, você se sentiu aliviada por perceber que mesmo com a distância, jamais poderia perdê-los, e notou como fora uma péssima escolha ter feito isso, afinal, seus amigos sempre estiveram ali para lhe apoiar, por que então, ao invés de deitar em seus colos, você foi embora?
Mas ao mesmo tempo, ao hipnotizar-se novamente com aqueles olhos brilhantes e sofisticados de Jaehyun, percebeu que não fora apenas suas amizades que não haviam mudado, e desejou no ano que vem — ou seja, neste — poder ir para aquela reunião ao lado dele, segurando sua mão.
Agora que ambos estavam formados, mais estabilizados em suas vidas e carreiras, aquela paixão ardente havia retornado mais forte do que nunca, e no início deste ano, após uma troca de mensagens incessantes, Jaehyun lhe chamou para um novo encontro, ou como ele mesmo havia dito:
"Você aceita ter um segundo-primeiro encontro comigo?"
— Meu Deus! — Você exclamou, não conseguindo se conter ao perceber onde ele havia lhe levado.
Seu corpo instintivamente se inclinou para frente, colando-se na janela do carro, e seus olhos observaram maravilhada o aquário da cidade.
— Um aquário? — Você questionou, virando-se novamente para o moreno, agitada feito uma criança.
— E onde mais poderia ser o nosso segundo-primeiro encontro? — Jaehyun indagou com um sorriso vitorioso, e desceu agilmente do carro, apressando-se para abrir a porta para você.
O primeiro encontro de vocês havia sido em um aquário consideravelmente perto da escola, em sua cidade natal, e agora, lá estavam vocês, repetindo aquilo, todavia na cidade em que ambos estavam morando atualmente. Era engraçado até mesmo o fato de que além do local semelhante, também era fevereiro, o mesmo mês!
Você sentiu suas bochechas esquentarem quando a porta foi aberta por Jaehyun, e se deu conta de que talvez tivesse se exaltado demais com aquele pequeno detalhe. Segurou em sua mão uma segunda vez naquele dia, e saiu do carro, sentindo a eletricidade do toque percorrer o seu corpo, como se fosse a primeira vez que o tocava em sua vida.
O resto da tarde foi melhor do que você imaginou, apesar de continuar boa parte embargada pela timidez e nervosismo, assim como seu parceiro, vez ou outra alguma explosão de sentimentos acontecia em seus peitos, causando gargalhadas e alguns puxões pela mão por você, para que Jaehyun observasse algum peixinho que estava passando extremamente perto do vidro. Quando isso acontecia, era como se vocês não tivessem passado um dia sequer afastados, como se nunca tivessem derramado nenhuma lágrima, e a chama de sua paixão jamais tivesse sido reduzida a cinzas, o que na verdade, de fato, nunca aconteceu; o amor que nutriam um pelo outro apenas repousou como brasas ainda quentes, que, com algumas sopradelas, renasceram em chamas, como uma fênix.
Quando retornaram para o carro, o céu já estava tomado pelo crepúsculo da chegada da noite, e uma conversa mais íntima havia se estabelecido, tendo sido dissipada a vergonha com o passar da tarde. Você gostava muito da companhia de Jaehyun, e os sorrisos ladinos que ele vez ou outra dava para si mesmo nos momentos de silêncio lhe faziam sentir que sua presença também era extremamente animadora.
— Chegamos — O Jeong murmurou ao estacionarem próxima a sua casa.
— Oh — Você exclamou, um pouco perdida e sem jeito.
Como deveria se despedir? Deveria convidá-lo para entrar? Deveria beijá-lo? Apertar sua mão? Você sentiu sua cabeça girar um pouco, assustada com tantas opções, ansiosa com o futuro, como normalmente ficava. Pensar no que fazer em um segundo-primeiro encontro era mais difícil do que na primeira vez, pois você já o conhecia, e conhecia a dor de perdê-lo.
E não gostaria de estragar tudo e perdê-lo novamente.
Mas todos os seus anseios e indagações logo sumiram quando um selar delicado foi depositado em sua bochecha por Jaehyun. Seu olhar lentamente buscou as gentis íris do rapaz, quase que em câmera lenta.
— Eu fiquei muito feliz por você ter aceitado o meu convite — Ele confessou, ainda inclinado para o lado, mais próximo de seu corpo.
— E eu fiquei feliz por você ter me convidado — Você respondeu com a mesma sinceridade.
Uma risada gostosa se evadiu de ambos, e quando o silêncio reinou novamente, um silêncio bom, confortante, foi impossível impedir que seu corpo também se inclinasse para frente, e selasse seus lábios nos de Jaehyun. Ali estava a mais simples resposta do que fazer; era apenas deixar o seu coração guiá-la.
Você observou Jaehyun retirar o cinto do carro que o prendia quando seus lábios se afastaram, e logo depois a mesma palma deslizar suavemente pela sua bochecha até sua nuca, brincando com suas madeixas ao mergulhar novamente em um beijo, dessa vez mais profundo. Você vagou pelo interior de sua boca, brincando com a língua do moreno, como um fogo recém-feito que possuía suas chamas fracas e a cada jato de ar crescia mais e mais. Você podia sentir seu corpo se incendiar por completo, e a temperatura do corpo de Jaehyun subir a cada toque que suas mãos davam em seu pescoço, ombros, peitoral...
E então, gentilmente, você finalizou aquele beijo, dando pequenos selinhos em seus lábios em meio aos arfares. Você encostou sua testa na de Jaehyun, e fechou seus olhos, apreciando o momento.
— Acho melhor irmos com calma — Você sussurrou para ele.
— Eu concordo — Você podia sentir o sorriso em seus lábios, apesar de não estar olhando — Nós temos todo o tempo do mundo.
Você abriu seus olhos, afastando-se do rapaz, guardando aquelas palavras em seu coração.
— Me acompanha até a porta?
O rapaz novamente saiu do veículo após concordar com a cabeça, indo até o seu lado para abrir a porta do carro. Você achava um pouco exagerada essa mania cavalheira dele às vezes, mas ao mesmo tempo, sempre se derretia quando o via do outro lado, estendendo a mão para ajudá-la.
Você segurou sua palma mais uma vez naquele dia, e porém agora demorou um pouco mais para soltá-la.
— Boa noite — Jaehyun verbalizou quando vocês pararam em frente a sua porta.
— Boa noite, YoonOh, obrigada por ter me trazido para casa — Você agradeceu, gostando de pronunciar aquele nome novamente, e depositou um beijo meigo em sua bochecha, entregando-se a aquela nostalgia de encontro de dois adolescentes.
Você observou Jaehyun se distanciar, caminhando da sua porta até o carro, e escorou-se no batente amadeirado da entrada, apesar de, segundos depois, se afastar quando o moreno virou-se para sua direção novamente, indicando com a mão para que você entrasse. Você riu com aquela ação preocupada e cafona, e fez o mesmo gesto para ele antes de finalmente entrar em sua casa.
Diferentemente do que esperava, seu coração, apesar de alegre, encontrava-se tranquilo, calmo, afinal, havia finalmente percebido:
Vocês possuíam todo o tempo do mundo.
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yutaparadise · 9 months
texting your bf haechan ♡ #1
warnings: fem!reader, one joke that’s a teeny weenie bit suggestive if you squint so 18+ plz 🫶, pet names (for him: hyuck, baby, hyuckie, babe. for y/n: baby, angel)
wish i had some sort of clever title for this but i don’t hehe :3 also big disclaimer i don’t know shit about league. i just did a few googles and pulled something from my ass so if it doesn’t make sense that’s on me :’[
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if you guys have any requests for who should be next send them to my inbox!!! all nct included!
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jwirecs · 1 year
hello, hello! here are my nct recs of may-june! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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After All These Years || @neolovesneo​​​​💕✅
↳ (there wasnt a summary but think about it, skaterboy!mark. alexa play sk8ter boi by avril lavigne)
Cave Me In || @haespoir​​​💕✅
↳ haechan introduces you to his dealer friend, and mark lee makes it so hard to keep the relationship strictly business. not that you minded anyways.
Head Over Heels || @febtoapril​​​​​💕✅
↳ jeno couldn't hide his feelings for you any longer. so what was the next step? confess.
Hey Angel || @jjsneo​​​​🔞💕✅
↳ you're jaemin's bestfriend — so of course he loves to call you up late at night and hear your voice. he's definitely not calling because the sound of your voice turns him on — yeah definitely not that.
Going For The Gold || @sehunniepotwrites​​​🔞💕✅💯💯💯
↳ 10,305 individual athletes participating in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games. 10,305 frustrated athletes trapped inside the bubble they called the Olympic Village with no means of leaving the grounds or releasing their pent up stress. Amongst the almost indestructible cardboard beds that were rumored to prevent athlete contact and the condom supply they supposedly cannot use, the message the Olympic organizers tried to send were mixed. Many athletes saw this as a challenge, one athlete being Team Korea’s one and only, John Suh. The famed swimmer was ready and willing to take on this challenge but he couldn’t do it alone. He needed a partner for it and you—best friend, fellow teammate, and competitive swimmer—were the perfect match. (*INTERNALLY SCREAMS INTO A PILLOW* < me when i read this at night in bed. AH. ily.)
My Best Friend Is No Longer my Best Friend! (He’s My Boyfriend) || @ilrjsm​​​💕✅
↳ You’ve known him for most of your life. And truth be told, who wouldn’t have a (major!!) crush on this pretty boy? Out of all the instances you’ve fallen in love with Huang Renjun, you’ve never once regretted it.
Puppy Love || @writemekpop​💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ When your boyfriend Jeno wakes up cuddly and horny, you know something is wrong - he's switched bodies with your dog Lucky! You finally realise why he's been so cold. Can you forgive him?
Room For Two || @mochidoie​​​​​🔞💕✅💯
↳ It's Johnny Suh's birthday trip and as your childhood best friend, Johnny books a hotel room with only one bed for you and Doyoung to share. The catch: you're completely head over heels for Kim Doyoung.
These Secrets That I Have || @prodbymaui​​​​🔞💕✅💯💯
↳ Joking that your best friend is the infamous superhero bitten by a spider has been a habit for the group. It was all a joke, until it wasn't.
Whatcha Packin’ || @jjsneo​​​​🔞💕✅💯
↳ the idea of you walking in on him naked is one that would typically get doyoung hard as a rock in an instant. but after a freezing cold wet snowball fight — when his dick is not at it’s full potential — the idea becomes his nightmare. and now he’s determined to prove to you that he has a huge cock.
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Give Me The Greenlight || @fadedncity​​​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ (there wasnt a summary but growing up i was waaaaaaaaay too into the movies of street racing aka fast and furious so like soft spot for these aus.)
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Bet || @tqmies​💕💔✅💯
↳ "why are you mad?” “i’m not mad, i just think you can choose better people to kiss.”
Cold Brew || @xiaojunsmintchoco​​​💕💔✅💯
↳ at the coffee shop you work at, there's always this regular who comes and orders the same cup of cold brew coffee every morning without fail. you end up having a rather rude interaction with him one morning when you accidentally spill his coffee on him before his job interview – which turns out to be for the very same coffee shop you're working at. it doesn't matter to you that he got the job, but the fact that he's always on the same shift as you never fails to get on your nerves. Will the two of you sort out your feud, or will the both of you continue to brew these cold feelings towards each other?
Ultimate Spider-Man: Spider-Mark || @onyourhyuck​​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ Wherein one night you were saved by Spider-Man from a bunch of men harassing you and you find out it’s your enemy all along.
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10:46PM || @nctsplug02​​​🔞💕✅
↳ Anon Req: mark lee smut wherein he's a soft dom who praises you for studying hard for your final exams. (also can you please add a sweet gesture). i sorta feel he's that type. thank you!
Blackout || @springseasonie​​​​ 🔞💕✅
↳ The powerful storm outside knocks your power out even though Doyoung assured you it would be fine. Luckily, he bought candles the day before just in case this happened. But even with the candles to light the dark house, you were still a bit anxious about the storm, so Doyoung decided to distract you for a bit
Floating To You || @lelengerine​​​​💕✅💯💯
↳ The time when your boyfriend had to resort to alternative methods just to make sure you stay safe while shopping
Let Him Look || @catboyieejeno​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ The boys invite you and Yuta on a trip for Mark's birthday, but when Jaehyun makes a few too many plays at you, Yuta reminds you that you belong to him.
Nail Painting || @tywritesxpop​​​​💕✅💯💯💯
↳ (the most softest yuta drabble/fic that i have ever read. i love it)
Promise You || @ethereal-engene​​​​​💕💔✅💯
↳ The first and last time your boyfriend answers a call from a sasaeng who keeps calling your phone.
Weekly Food Shopping || @m-arkmywords​​​​​🔞💕✅
↳ Friday evening spent grocery shopping and then cooking that leads to... other things as your boyfriend comes to spend the weekend.
Xoxo || @yeow6n​​​​💕✅
↳ in which, your little niece has a crush on your boyfriend.
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Energizer Bunny || @smileysuh​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ You’ve heard about predator hybrids having prey fetishes-with bunnies being an often glorified playmate option-but you’ve never truly witnessed it firsthand, not like you have tonight
Big Bear & Bee || @smileysuh​​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ You swallow thickly, leaning back against Johnny while you gain your courage. You know he’s not the type to force anything on you, and something tells you that if you don’t make this first move, you might just miss your chance. Turning in his arms, you look up into the bear hybrid’s chocolate brown eyes. Then you’re kissing him, putting all the passion that’s been brewing into the meeting of your lips. You thread your fingers through his soft hair, eager to get close to him, closer than you’ve ever been before. (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. i love it.)
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Broken Melodies || @zchnlswrld​​💔🔄💯
↳ watch NCT Dream navigate their love lives as they figure out how to lose someone, accept someone and get someone back. it can’t be that hard, can it?
Boy’s A Liar || @writemekpop​​​​ 💔✅💯
↳ One day, your nudes show up everywhere in college. Did your boyfriend Haechan share them?
Candy || @sixzeroes​​​​💕🔄💯💯
↳ huang renjun, lee jeno, lee donghyuck, and na jaemin are a couple of buds in their senior year of high school. not a single one of them is taken and all of them probably have questionable rizz. but that’s alright, because love is love and having good rizz does not correlate with scoring a romantic relationship. (that’s why all four of them were able to find a girlfriend by the summer after graduating.)
Chasing Stars || @prodbymaui​​​​​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ When your relationship got announced, it made noises louder that anyone could've imagined. Of course it will, a pair containing a supermodel and a CEO of one of the most successful enterprise that made a name in both the fashion and business industry. But soon enough, everyone witnessed how the perfect relationship they had been envying crumbled down into tiny pieces until there's nothing left to pick up.
Kisses || @writingzen​​​​💕✅
↳ type of kisses with dojaejung
Laser Pointer || @multifandom-02​​​​💔✅
↳ While performing, Boyoung momentarily loses her eye sight.
Manifesting Mayhem || @suhnshinehaos​​​​​💕✅
↳ the one where all of haechan’s friends is in a relationship and yn just happens to know how to manifest romance
Perfume || @onyourhyuck​​​​​​ 🔞💕✅💯
↳ Where you are a witch who makes potions and you get werewolf!Jaehyun obsessed with your perfume scent.
Pull Up || @writemekpop​​​​​💕✅
↳ Tough boy Chenle assumes that you're his girl, but what if he's wrong?
Rent A Boyfriend || @onyourhyuck​​​​ 🔞💕💔✅
↳ You want to make your ex boyfriend jealous so you end up renting your ex boyfriend Kim Doyoung to be your new boyfriend.
Sunshine || @bangbangchanie​ 💔✅💯💯💯💯
↳ You’re the sunshine of the group, and Donghyuck hates it. (i know for a fact that if i need to cry, this will be my go to fic to re-read and to cry to. pt 2)
Sweet Life || @ningningsdream​​​ 💕🔄💯
↳ a collection of roommates-to-lovers with ot7!dream
The Marriage And Baby Project || @tyonfs​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ mark lee has had the biggest crush on you for years, so, naturally, he’s over the moon when you’re both partnered for a group project. however, he underestimates just how close two people can get when they have to pretend they’re married for a month while taking care of a fake baby.
The Walls Are Thin || @springseasonie​​​​ 🔞✅
↳ both Jaemin and Jeno have always had a thing for you and were never shy about it either. You always play hard to get, but all of your playing was going to catch up with you sooner or later.
Work It || @ofjunemoment​​​🔞💕✅
↳ Jaemin can’t quite keep a part time job; every time he gets hired, he somehow fucks up enough to be fired straight away. But he just can’t get fired from his job with you, not until he successfully asks you out on a date, anyway.
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NCT 127 Reaction || @thatsseonini​​​​​​💕✅💯
↳ reaction to you in a fight (stop haechan is literally all bark but no bite. but thats okay cause hes still a cutie. man fights with words, not fists)
NCT Dream Reaction || @yangtaros​​​​💕✅💯
↳ reaction to you kissing them to shut them up
NCT Dream Reaction || @j0hnj4ej3n​​​​​💕✅💯
↳ reaction to you sleeping on the couch
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Treacherous || @suhnshinehaos​​​​💕💔✅💯
↳ after a couple of instances of accidental matching clothing, yangyang finds himself in a dating rumor with possibly the most famous person on campus : yn, the bassist of an up and coming band. yangyang doesn’t seem to have a problem with it. unfortunately yn, who has also built up a reputation for being cold as winter, does.
The Villain In Your Story || @ningningsdream​​​​💕💔✅💯💯💯
↳ girls’ code prevents you from liking the guy your friend likes right? (its been a while since i’ve read an nct smau and im glad that i’ve come across this one. highly recommend if someone is looking for a new nct smau to read thats completed!)
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Cant Handle This || @hannie-dul-set​​​​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ how are you supposed to explain that you and na jaemin started dating just to prove each other wrong and ended up catching feelings.
Golden Hour || @onyourhyuck​​​​🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ You’re a waiter and Mark Lee the local biker and infamous bad boy loves the eggs your diner makes, but now he wants a taste of you.
Love Jones || @lisired​​​​🔞💔✅
↳ After breaking off your engagement to your fiance, you move to Los Angeles to pursue a modeling career. There in the fairytale land where stars go to shine you meet Haechan, an aspiring photographer with a penchant for mischief and flirtation.
Who’s Bad? || @haechrry​​​​ 🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ Lee Donghyuck saw you while you were on your working hours, with a pretty frown on your face, and decided to shoot his shot disturbing the peace of your mind. But one thing was sure: he found something to sink his teeth into, and you were on the same page as him.
Wi-Fi || @dongfuck​​​​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ (there wasnt a summary but if i didnt have wifi, i would honestly steal wifi from my neighbors if its not pw protected..🤡)
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Mark BF Texts || @ohdudehesflirting​​​​💕✅
↳ (name says it all, its cute af)
NCT Dream Texts || @hugs2doie​​​​​💕✅
NCT Dream Reactions/Texts || @fullsunstrawberry​​​​🔞💕✅
↳ ACCIDENTALLY SENDING RISKY TEXT TO THE GROUPCHAT (i cackled a lil too hard that i choked on my spit)
Thanks For The Flowers Prank || @ohmygs-blog​​​💕✅
↳ Anon Req: ok this is my first submission on tumble in a looong time hi!! since reqs are open, what are your thoughts on pranking tje dreamies with that flower prank? when they didn’t send you any flowers but you send a photo of a bouquet and are like thanks for the flowers babe
Text Prank + Dreamies || @yongislong​​​​💕✅
↳ fake break up prank on nonidol!dreamies
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12:07PM || @gyeomsweetgyeom​​​​💕✅
↳ dad!johnny
6:17PM || @febtoapril​​​​💕✅
↳ one bed for two
8:06PM || @nctmiami​​​​🔞💕✅
↳ evenings with taeil
9:26PM || @yoonmeowzz​​​​💕✅💯💯💯
Do check out all of the other NCT Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
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h4nagaki · 2 years
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i’m a Fucking St★R ♡🦴 ˚。⋆。
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jentlemahae · 2 years
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chocojae · 2 years
𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘  — jeong jaehyun (teaser)
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summary ▸ jaehyun had always thought that parting ways with you would have made his messy life a bit easier, but why is it that he so often finds himself all lost and your absence only makes his heart clench in loneliness? inspired by ▸ forever only — jaehyun
genre ▸ idol! Jaehyun x female reader | exes to lovers au | angst | fluff
word count (teaser) ▸ 667 estimated word count (fic) : 4k
release date ▸ tba
warnings (teaser) ▸ profanity
network ▸ @kflixnet​
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He should have known that cleaning his apartment on a sunday morning just because he wanted to be “productive” and get his shit together would make things worse for him.
He stares awfully long at the lavender coloured album titled “her”, which he had found on one of his shelves, sitting pretty and eating up dust. He gulped harshly as memories of you flooded his mind.
With his hand practically shaking, he mustered up the courage to flip to the first page of his once loved album, pupils dilating as his eyes landed on the first pic of you under a street lamp, the soft light illuminating your features and thus enhancing your appearance. You were smiling for the camera, pearl whites on full display.
He remembers that day vividly; when you both pretended to be strangers in your own hometown so that you could get lost in the familiar streets— a simple excuse to be in each other’s company for a little longer.
You were wearing a white top paired with a denim skirt, hair gently blowing with the breeze. Jaehyun stared at the photo a little longer than he would like to admit. You looked beautiful, as you always did.
He doesn’t understand. It was he who had suggested parting ways since his schedule was taking up a toll on him and the relationship just added to it, but then again, why is he the one who so often finds himself lost and subconsciously wishing your warmth would return to him, engulfing him like a cozy blanket?
Jaehyun’s not sure either. But what he is sure of, is the fact that there might be a tiny part of him that still longs for you. 
It’s been a little over two months since your break up with Jaehyun. And now the sweet memories you left behind seem to have left a sour taste on his tongue. 
Jaehyun sighed as he slumped back on his bed, the album falling on his chest with a soft thud. His orbs blankly stared at the white ceiling above. He misses you.
Hell, he had missed you the day he had shown up at your apartment door just to call it off, and he had hated how you knew his intentions before he could have uttered a single word.
The last kiss you shared at the door, the tears that flowed down those pretty eyes of yours as you held onto him tight, knowing that he is going to leave you; all those haunted his mind, playing like a broken tape.
Jaehyun thought he would finally get the much needed rest after the break up, but as each day passes by, he just found himself being more relentless than he was before. He admits he was selfish. He was selfish in calling off the beautiful relationship because he was too tired with his schedule to spare you some time. 
He opted to give up, and not fight. He should have moved on from you, it was supposed to be easy after all. But here he is, seeing you in his dreams, in his everyday life and as soon as he inches closer to touch you, it all vanishes — it turns out to be an illusion.
His heart gets filled with deeper longing. He wants you back and it drives him crazy. Jaehyun isn’t supposed to be a coward, but he became one when he let you go, and now he became a greater one when he chose to not accept that he in fact, still loves you.
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luna’s note ▸ here is a preview of what i am currently working on! i have always wanted to write this fic since forever only came out but after seeing an english cover of this song in feb (i think) my brain was finally ready to work.
if you want to be added to the taglist of this story please send an ask or comment under this post ♡ 
you can find my posted works here and more fic ideas here!
© chocojae 2023
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nyxxlikeskpop · 25 days
The whole point of Kpop is to sell a fantasy to the public. You do not get to sit there and harass female fans for stanning a male idol without knowing everything. The public was very unaware of what was happening until the news broke.
My heart goes out to the victims in this mess and I hope they and their loved ones can one day know peace.
I also hope the bastard gets the book thrown at him for his absolutely disgusting behavior.
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jae-min · 8 months
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JAEMIN x FENDI for Esquire Korea (February 2024)
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hannie-dul-set · 24 days
Hi hi! How about jaemin? 🫣
I've been into him since he posted him wearing spec on ig 😭😭
[an untouched cooler of strawberry and vanilla]. na jaemin still remembers that your favorite popsicle flavor is vanilla strawberry swirl. 
it’s just the perfect amount of sweet, you said. the fruity taste of strawberry mixed with the mild vanilla can make me eat ten popsicles in one sitting. jaemin never really shared the sentiment, going as far gracing you with a horrified expression when you forced him to taste it before. he still remembers the gross flavor on his tongue. he still remembers how much sweeter your laughter sounded— sweeter than the ice cream flavor you loved so much.
“na jaemin! why the hell is this entire cooler filled with nothing but strawberry ice cream?!”
maybe because he heard you’re finally showing up to the gathering this summer. maybe because he’s been waiting for you to finally show up after all those unreturned invitations for the past six years.
“you’re lactose intolerant! and you don’t even like strawberries!”
who cares? he’d die choking on milk and strawberries if you tell him to (maybe that’s a stretch, but the sentiment is there).
“hey, where are you going?!”
he hears the gates of his family’s vacation house rattle open. a familiar greeting, a familiar welcome. the voice of his mom, the voice of yours— all of which rapidly grow louder when he runs down the hallway, bumping into mark who’s carrying fruit trays and canned soda, runs down the staircase, breezing past chenle who has a pool floatie caught around his waist, until he finally reaches the main foyer, screeches into a quick halt, and then ah. 
“oh my! i’m happy that your daughter finally found the time to join our summer gatherings together. when was the last time you’ve been here again, sweetie?”
just like how he still remembers your favorite ice cream flavor, his memory of how pretty you are remains unchanged.
“now that everyone’s here, i guess we can start the barbecue!”
well. not all things can remain the same. not all things can stay still like stagnant water. the barbecue starts, and jaemin is manning the grill with haechan— who’s still pressed because he ran from him earlier— now even more pissed because, “dude, the meat is fucking burning. where the hell is your head at?’
his head is turned exactly thirty-seven degrees away from where it should be— pointed at the direction of the pool ledge where you’re sitting, dipping your feet in the water, but it’s not just you there.
jeno is there too. with matching melona bars in hand.
haechan hisses out a swear when the fire burns his side of the meat into char. you didn’t even spare him anything beyond an awkward smile at the front door earlier. the cooler of strawberry swirls remains untouched. haechan kicks him out from grilling duty until further notice, but na jaemin isn’t one to sit around and do nothing. 
somehow, his feet lead him to the edge of the pool. you look up at him. jeno looks up at him. your half-eaten melona bars mocking him in plain sight. he feels five other eyes staring at him, but that doesn’t matter right now.
“we’re missing some plates and utensils on the table. mind helping me get them from the kitchen?”
what matters is making sure that not all things have changed. 
“i missed you.”
and he gets that confirmation when the kitchen curtains draw close, your popsicle hits the tiles, and you don’t push him away when he sinks himself into your warmth, arms wrapped around you, and strawberry vanilla has never smelled sweeter than when he’s taking in the scent from your hair and neck.
“thanks,” you say— the first time he’s heard your voice again after those god awful years. it’s dry, there’s snark in your tone, and god he could die right now and say thank you to the heavens because you haven’t changed one bit. “but if you really did, why’d it take you so long for you to say it then?”
there’s knot in his throat. there’s a gap between you when jaemin pulls himself off, pulls himself together. but just when he’s about to fill you in on the past six years— why things ended, why he couldn’t say a word, why he’s never stopped missing the memory of you smiling through your teeth in between the strawberry-vanilla dessert— the kitchen doors slide open.
and the smell of rusty chlorine rinses the air.
“the food is ready. time to eat.”
send me a kpop boy (txt/enha/zb1/bnd/dream) to toss into reverse harem hell!
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ljnsdump · 1 year
If It's Meant To Be, It Will Be (Jaehyun x F!reader)
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Johnny x F!reader
When a heart knows, it knows. There's no explaining it. You can only trust it.
Genre: M/F, exes to lovers, angst, fluff, slight smut, suggestive, oneshot
Warnings: light smut, secret/hidden pregnancy, cursing
Word count: 6,187
My third published story! I am so excited for this. This is one of the stories that has always been in my vault for the longest time just like the other three. I hope you enjoy reading it! I apologized for not posting as much, college is too much. But I hope I can post a lot now since it's already the summer break. Also, I'm not the best when it comes to writing smut, please understand that I'm still learning.
Read at your own risk.
Before going home, Y/N goes to the local grocery store to get milk for the babies. They're growing so fast and it doesn't take a long time to run out of their milk. She then grabs a bag of candies and cookies as well.
Her 5-year old twins sat on the stairs outside their house waiting for her with their nanny. When they see her car pull up in front of the gates, the two run and the nanny immediately comes after them.
"Mommy!" They yell and jump in excitement. "We miss you so much!"
Y/N pouts as her heart warms at the sight. She immediately gets out of the car and gets in the property. She lowers herself down to level with her kids. "My babies, I love you both so much. I miss you both a lot too." The two hold her hand as they go in. "Helen, can you please grab the things I bought, it's in the backseat of the car."
"Okay." Helen nods.
"Now what have my favourite babies been doing all day?"
"Mommy, I was drawing with nanny! We drew flowers, and coloured them and put the sun and clouds!" Her little girl, Janelle says. "Julien was playing with cars! He hit nanny on her leg as well."
"Julien, did you say sorry to nanny?" Y/N asks with a stern face and her son nods.
"Yes, I hugged nanny because I didn't mean to do it."
She smiles and hugs both. "Very good! I will give you chocolates for being a good girl and a good boy. But let mommy change her clothes first." The two nod and go to play. Helen, who was following them with the groceries, puts them away on the counter. "Helen, just watch them for a few minutes. I'll just change and then once I'm out you can take your break as well."
Helen nods.
Y/N has left the eye of the public when she was forced to break up with her baby daddy. He didn't know she was pregnant. Heck, she didn't even know she was pregnant when his parents casted her away. So she decided to live in a small town away from him and his family. She's been suffering all these years so she's fighting everyone for her kids. She even separated from her parents because of the fear that they might take the kids away because she was earning minimum wage before.
She's working in a small company right now that develops environmentally friendly alternatives for non-biodegradable packaging. She started out as a mere researcher and now she's one of the executives. This year they are planning to expand their business and endorse it to bigger companies for development. And they are doing their first pitch after her weekend off.
They are going on a business trip for two days. That's why she packed the bags for her kids as well because she's definitely bringing them. She has to.
"Helen, remember when I told you about my business trip? We're gonna be leaving on Sunday afternoon. So please make sure you have your things ready before then, okay?" She instructs the nanny. "I'll give you double pay for Sunday since that's supposed to be your day off."
"Yes, I'll be ready by then. I'll come in early as well so I can help you prepare."
Night time came, Julien and Janelle were sleeping peacefully on their own beds. She observes the two as she overthinks about what can happen if she brings them to the city. Well, it's a big city so it's not even sure if they would get a peak of the shadows of the people she's avoiding.
As they are travelling, Y/N plays songs and they sing along to it. Y/N is musically inclined and she wants the kids to adapt that from her. She wants them to have music as part of their relaxation, and bonding time.
They go straight to their hotel which the company already had reserved for Y/N and she just got an extra room for Helen.
She and her colleagues had a quick meeting during dinner just to run through their presentation for tomorrow morning.
They are 5 in total, the president of the company, Y/N, and three researchers who lead the development of their product.
Later that night, she took the kids for a stroll on the streets. They were so amazed by the flashing lights, the huge buildings and the cars passing by. She got them everything they wanted because she just wanted them to have the best time of their life.
Morning comes, Y/N immediately prepares herself. She puts on her formal black trousers and blazer over her white shirt. Simple yet it made her look very elegant and sophisticated. She styles her hair, puts on light makeup before slipping on her stilettos. Grabbing her bags and keys, she doesn't forget to kiss the two who're sleeping soundly.
"Cheer on mum." She whispers at them.
She gets there on time, her team just arrived as well. They are led to the conference room, where it is only them in their first and immediately starts preparing for their presentation. Y/N observes the seating arrangement, and plans on tactics and ways to make it visually pleasing to the audience.
"I'm kind of nervous." One of the researchers, Taeil says as he shakes his hands vigorously.
Y/N just smiles. "That's actually very normal. This is a big crowd and they're the real deal. But I'm confident about our product, so I trust you three to present it with confidence as well."
The executives started coming in, filling in the empty seats. "5 minutes." The moderator of the conference tells them.
Y/N immediately runs out to grab a drink of water on the nearest station. But her path was blocked with someone who had a smug look on his face.
"Found you." Jae says and her eyes widens.
"W-what are you doing here?"
He shrugs. "I'm just one of the board members."
"Don't worry, I'll make them say yes to your pitch." He winks and goes in.
It's like her spirit just left her body. Why is he here? He's a board member? How? He owns his own company so why is he still going around looking for more to acquire?!
She snaps back to reality when one of her teammates calls her. "Miss Y/N! 3 minutes!"
Instead of getting water, she immediately texts Helen out of fear.
To: Helen
Don't ever let anyone in your rooms, watch the kids intently please and don't let them out.
Y/N clears her throat as the introduction begins. Even if she is panicking after seeing his ex lover, she stands there with all the elegance she can give.
"We in Lively Co. had always been researching for the best alternatives for our common packaging in the market. We believe that we developed the best product for food storage considering the materials used, money it costs, and the benefit it gives to the environment." She starts and then it goes on before she introduces their research team to discuss product specific details.
Jae looks at her proudly. He's not even hiding the smile on his face that Y/N can't seem to avoid. He's always had the most gorgeous face and now all his features are more developed, he's more matured. Jawline sharper, eyebrows bushier, undercut hair, ear piercings. God, he looks so good.
The CEO of the company seated in the center smiles and claps after the presentation. "Good. It's very good. As you may know, we don't invite companies to pitch unless we see real potential on their products. We actually have decided about this after we took a look at the research papers, samples and all documents you submitted about this product. We just wanted to see your perception and how you'll present it to us because we also look out for people we work with. And it's a good thing we did this today, you guys are so good and I look forward to working with your company." He shakes hands with the president of the mere Lively Co, while the four behind hugs each other, crying in happiness.
Y/N smiles when Taeil turns to her. "I told you."
After the meeting, they are also invited to lunch and then are given a tour around the company. Fortunately, Jae is no longer with them during the tour.
When she goes back to the hotel after a long day, she sees Jae in the lobby, legs on top of the other, watching her walk in and her heart starts pounding again. He's in the same building as her kids.
"You guys go ahead, I just have to drop by the cafe." She lies to her teammates and watches them take the elevator.
He then walks to her. "Hi."
She grabs his wrist and pulls him out of the hotel. "What are you doing here?!"
"Just wanted to congratulate you. You did so well there, baby." Smiling slightly but she shakes her head.
"You shouldn't be here!"
"I don't know, maybe I don't wanna see you!"
He stops and looks at her face. She can't even lie. "Five years and you still haven't worked on your lying skills."
"I'm not lying, Jae."
"Tell me why you left without saying anything. Why when I went to your apartment, it was already empty and we were just cuddling there the night before that. I should have known that you hugged me the entire night, crying for no reason at all was because you were about to leave me."
"Your parents paid me to leave you." She admits. "Now please go away because I don't have the money to refund them."
Jae's eyes burn in anger all of a sudden. "And you exchanged me for money?"
"I had no choice, you know it's still gonna end regardless of what the reason maybe because it all boils down to me not being the best pair for you."
"Who are they to say that you're not the best for me?!"
"They're your parents."
"It doesn't matter! They don't matter! You know I love you so much, I was so ready to be with you!"
"It's all in the past now. Just go."
Their third and final day, they visit one of the plants of the company then go back to the building to have a small gathering to bid goodbyes. Jae was not able to attend the previous schedules they had the past few days but he definitely is not missing the get together.
As she's going to the conference room, her phone buzzes on her hand so takes a look at it.
From: Helen
Y/N, Julien is having a hard time breathing. He's having an asthma attack.
She immediately replies.
To: Helen
Use the inhaler.
From: Helen
I think it's empty.
Y/N bit her lip, looking so worried and her teammates turned to her.
"What's going on?" One asks.
"I-I need to go." She replies, in a hurry. "My son needs to be taken to the hospital."
Their eyes widen. "You have a son?!"
But before she could answer, she already ran off while dialling 911 on her phone.
Later on, Jae arrives and he notices that Y/N was not there. He goes to ask their president. "Is Y/N not with you guys?"
"She left. She said she has to take her son to the hospital." She replies.
Jae's eyebrows furrow. "Her son?" Then immediately goes out, meeting his assistant outside. "Let's go to the hospital nearest to the Diamond Hotel."
Y/N holds and plays with her son's hand as Julien is getting nebulized. He's scared of the sound it makes, that's why she's holding him.
"Was he always asthmatic?" The doctor asks.
She nods. "Yeah, he got it from his dad. He's asthmatic too and severely allergic to seafood."
Jae hears that and he immediately knows. "Y/N." He calls and she stands up in surprise, trying to cover her son.
"Why are you here?!"
"He's mine, isn't he?"
The doctor quietly calls the nurse over. "You guys can talk outside, we'll take care of Julien."
Jae immediately pulls her out of the emergency room. But before they can talk, Janelle runs to them and hugs her mom's legs. "Mommy! Where's Juls? Is he okay mom?"
The fright on her face is something that you can never compare with anything. Her heart is raging and she knows she's done for.
"Helen, can you take a walk with Janelle? I-I just need to speak to Mr. Jung."
Helen immediately takes Janelle away from them but Jae's eyes never leave the little girl. He can't believe that they have kids together, twins on top of that! The two look so much alike and they got some of their features from him like his bushy eyebrows, and eyes.
"They're my kids, aren't they?" She's on the verge of crying but Jae's eyes remain consistent. This is the only way to bring her back. After all those years he looked for her, wanting her to come back. "Y/N." He calls her again.
She frowns then whines. "They're mine."
He just wants to caress her face, and wipe her tears but didn't. If he shows her any remorse, she'll take advantage of it and talk him into keeping the kids to herself. "You hid them from me."
"Your family hates me, Jae! What was I supposed to do? I loved you so much but they kept pushing me! They kept threatening me!" She cries. "I left the world for Julien and Janelle, Jae. You will never take them away from me. I've sacrificed myself for them and you can't just come back to my life and take them like I don't matter."
"You are my first priority, Y/N." He replies. "I'm taking you and our kids back. My family will never have a say about it. And I will fight all of them who fight you."
She shakes her head. "You can't. You don't know what happens when you turn around, Jae."
"I will."
"I really don't want to involve my lawyers in this, Y/N." He says warningly.
She always loses. He always gets the better of her. "You can visit the kids then. But they stay with me."
"Love, you live far from this city  I believe. Plus you're going back to your home today, aren't you?"
"I can request a leave. We can stay here until the weekend."
He smiles slightly and pinches her cheeks. "Thanks." That's definitely enough time for him to bring her back. "They're twins! How on earth did we happen to make two at once." Y/N couldn't help but cough a laugh at what he said. The happiness he feels knowing he has children with her is beyond the heavens. He can't help but pull her into a hug. "I can't wait to spoil them with everything they want in this world." Resting his chin on top of her head as he imagines all the fun activities that he has in mind for their kids.
She pulls away, still feeling skeptical about all this because she knows that Jae will do everything to get his children. She just knows.
"Miss Y/L/N,, your son is all good now. He was such a good boy the entire time." The doctor says. "Now, I'll go ahead and prepare the prescription for his inhaler, and Nurse Wendy will take care of the papers."
Nurse Wendy smiles at them and says, "Follow me."
They go to their son first who is sitting cutely and behaving on one of the beds as his feet dangle. "Mommy! I'm okay now! I behaved with the doctors." He grins which earned him a hug and kiss from his mom.
"My baby is all grown up now, mommy is so proud."
"And daddy."
Y/N blushes when he hears Jae speak from behind her. "I'm sorry." She mumbles. "Love, your dad is here too."
He pinches her waist first before picking up his son and carrying him in his arms. "Hi, sport! It's good to see you!"
"He's my dad?" The little guy asks and the two nod. "How about Janelle? Who's Janelle's dad?"
Y/N couldn't help but laugh at his innocence. "He is also Janelle's dad."
When finally they're done in the ER, they went out and went to Janelle. Julien stays in his dad's arms and Janelle looks up to them.
"Mommy, who's that?" She points at Jae.
"It's dad, love." She replies briefly. The little girl's eyes widen.
Jae crouched down and stretched his empty arm to his daughter. "Yes, sweetheart." She runs and hugs him and he immediately catches her.
"Careful." Y/N holds Jae's back to stop him from falling. He reassures her with a wink and carries Janelle on his other arm. "Jae, they're heavy." She tries to take Julien but he hugs his dad tight.
"No, mommy. I want dad to carry me."
Janelle butts in. "Me too."
She sighs. "Okay." Helen watched them with a big smile plastered on her face. "Helen, we'll be staying here for a few more days. Jae just wants to bond with the kids. I'll just give you the fare to go home and take a break for now. I'll just call you when we come back." The nanny nods. "But first, please help Jae's secretary get all our things from the hotel because we will be staying in Jae's house."
"No worries."
The kids are cheering and singing while their dad drives the car and Y/N is on shotgun. They are just so excited and Jae can't stop smiling.
"Juls, please slow down. We just got out of the hospital." His mom warns him.
"So, I'm thinking maybe we can make bedrooms one for each of them? They get to choose what design they want to choose." Y/N just nods in whatever he says. Jae notices that she's been quiet, she's really not saying anything nor is her face indicating any feelings. "What are you thinking about?"
She shakes her head lightly. "Nothing."
Jae sighs.
After all day of shopping and playing, they finally go to Jae's house. It isn't any less than what Y/N imagined him to be living in. It just screams luxury.
Helen is waiting there as well to bid goodbye to the family as she leaves for home before them.
Jae takes out an envelope from his pocket he got from the bank earlier and hands it to Helen. "This is my token of gratitude for you taking good care of my family. Thank you so much." She opens the envelope slightly and ses a thick bundle of cash and she immediately thanks him.
When Helen and Jae's secretary are already out, Y/N take off her heels because her legs are about to give out already.
"I'll freshen up the two so that they can go to sleep now." She tells him. "Where's the bathroom?"
"Use the one in my room." Y/N looks at him as if saying seriously? to him. "And what if we find something there that we're not meant to find?"
His eyes squint. "Like what?"
"I don't know, you tell me."
Jae shakes his head as pinches her cheeks. "I don't go fuck around." She immediately elbows his abdomen, making him grunt.
"Mouth." She warns before walking past him.
Jae offers to put the kids to bed because he noticed that Y/N is too tired to move already.
"You okay?" He asks her and then sits beside her on the couch.
She nods lazily. "Yeah, why?"
"Nothing, just wanted to check on you since the two are asleep now." He replies and then pulls her legs on top of his lap. She's about to whine but he says. "Shh. You'll wake the kids up." Then starts massaging her legs down to her toes. "I know how hard you worked for Janelle and Julien. I know how much you tried to give them the best life and you succeeded in doing that."
"My life is dedicated to them, Jae. Everything I do and I will do will be for them."
"Good because I will be the one to do everything for you." He smiles slightly. "I can't believe we made the most beautiful pair of twins on earth."
She just smiles. "I'm tired."
"Yeah, I'll carry you to bed." Jae stands up and carries her to his bedroom.
Y/N immediately punches his shoulder when she sees where they're heading. "Jung Jaehyun, stop right there. I'm not sleeping in your bedroom."
"Yes, you are. Why would I let you sleep on a bed that's not my own when you're in my house?" He asks, as if what she wants is the most ridiculous thing in the world. "And based on how I remember it, we never broke up. Maybe we just took time off but we never broke up."
She laughs. "We took time off for 5 years?"
Jae lays her down on the bed. "Yes, and I have never sought for anyone else because I always knew I'd find you." Then flicks her forehead. "But you did."
"That guy who you hugged during the conference. You were smiling at him."
She rolls her eyes at what he said. She knows that he knows he's just a colleague. "I'll sleep now."
"Good night, mommy." He whispers while planting a kiss on her cheeks.
He then positions himself next to her, nestling under the covers. "Good night, daddy." She mumbles but Jae definitely heard, drawing a big smile from him.
The next day came, they had breakfast and decided to stay indoors since it's raining outside. They're in the living room all bunched up under a big blanket while they watch cartoons. The kids specifically asked the two to sit together with them.
"Mommy, daddy, moms and dads kiss so how come you two don't?" Janelle asks innocently.
Y/N chokes on her own spit after hearing that while Jae nods at her daughter, "I know, right? Mom doesn't want me to kiss her."
The two turn to their mom. "Why not?"
"Because dad did not brush his teeth." She laughs hysterically while Jae's hand sneaks under the sheets to pinch her side.
"Hey." He calls her out. "I did." And defends himself.
She continues to laugh. "You don't have proof."
"I can kiss you right and you'd be the one to tell if I brushed my teeth or not."
"Stop being so childish."
The two little people took their afternoon naps. Jae and Y/N finally have time to clean up and prepare for dinner.
Jae's arms sneak around Y/N's waist as she washes the plates they used for their snacks. "We can have dinner at Sailor tonight. Then we can walk by the boulevard."
"Yeah, that's fine." She agrees.
"Kiss me." Pouting his lips near her face.
"Jae." She warns. "Stop bothering me."
He sneakers and lets her go. "Fine, but after that, while the two are still sleeping, we can go ahead and prepare for dinner."
So after she washed everything, she went to their room. He sits there shirtless, while reading a book. Her cheeks flushed with heat upon seeing his abs, biceps and arms on display.
She goes to the bathroom to change and prepare. Then comes back a couple of minutes later wearing a maroon, flowy, mini dress that hugs her tiny waistline just enough, showing off her collarbone, and perfect looking cleavage. She just curls her hair, forming big waves and then her make up.
Jae's eyes stays at her for a couple of seconds, raking her body, observing her figure and entire look. "You look hot." He blurts out.
"Thanks, I intended to." She sits on the armrest of the couch, crossing her legs and arms. "So what do you want to happen after this? We will be going back home on Sunday."
"Why can you not stay here?"
"First of all, I have a job." She says. "Second, why would I?"
"Because I want you with me. I want to be able to see my family everyday and take care of them."
She snorts. "That's weird, because based on how I remember before, you were working most of the time and you almost had no time for me. Now if you have no time for one, how much more for three."
Jae groans. "Look, that was before. I'm not leaving you behind now especially after knowing what it's like to live without you."
"We are not getting back together, Jae."
"Why not?"
Scenes from her past with Jae's family come back like they have just been dug out from the grave. "I-I just can't."
"Y/N, what will make you come back to me? I will literally do everything. I just can't let you go after looking for you for 5 fucking years."
"I can't leave my job."
"I can request for you to be transferred here. There's really no point of you working, I'll be the one to work for us."
"I really need to think about it."
He nods in agreement. "No rush, just take all the time you need."
They just stared at each other for a few seconds, observing each other's face comfortably. "Who told you to get piercings?"
His stares linger because of how tempting and vulnerable she looks right now. "You." He replies. "You said I look good with them."
"Well, I was right."
Jae pats his lap. "Come here."
"So we can make out?" She couldn't prevent a laugh at his bluntness. She walks towards him as he reaches both his arms to her. "I can't imagine how you fit two babies in this body, babe."
"You would've been turned off if you saw me pregnant. I was a pig."
He tilts his head to the side, furrowing his eyebrows. "Okay, first of all, never say that again. If one gets pregnant of course their body gets big, because there's a baby in them. They need to eat a lot because they're basically eating for two. So don't say that." His hands hold her by the waist and lift her up to set her on his lap. "I love you." Planting a kiss on her lips and watching her reaction. "I miss you."
Y/N holds his face and puts her lips on his. He holds her waist tighter as he devours her lips, like that's the only thing he's been craving for this whole time. His arms eventually find its way wrapping around her waist and the free hand holding her steady by the nape, turning her in all angles to make sure he tastes her the best way. She’s breathless and her lipsstick is all messed up now but he doesn't really care.
"Jae." She gasps.
He breathes against her lips. "Hmm?"
She doesn't say anything and just puts feathery kisses all over his face as her eyes tear up. Nobody knows how much she wanted this for the last 5 years. This is the only thing she asked for, just him and she can't help but feel like crying when she finally got what she wanted. "I fucking miss you. And thank you for accepting our children, I was honestly worried if you didn't want them. I was scared that when you found out, you'd wish they never existed."
Jae holds her back firmly, looking at her face. "Why? I would never do that. You know that you're the best thing that happened to me and all I ever wanted was to make a family with you."
She laughs. "I know, it's just that there are really things in my head that I wish aren't there."
"Well, it's time for you to stop thinking about those because I am the happiest right now with you, Janelle and Julien." Patting her head lightly. "And I really appreciate you making their names start with the initial of my first name."
Y/N smiles sheepishly. "Yeah, I just can't leave you out of the picture."
The lights of the restaurant shine perfectly on them. Jae and Y/N have gotten sweeter, and intimate. They are almost in sync, attending to both their children.
"What do you want to eat, love?" Jae asks Janelle, showing her the menu book.
Janelle points at the raspberry tart. "I want this."
"Jan, dessert is for later." Her mom reminds her.
"If she wants it--" Jae gets cut off by Y/N's glare and he just chuckles. "Mom's right."
As the waitress is taking their order, Y/N notices her batting her eyelashes to her man, smiling flirtatiously and suggestively. That annoys her to the bones, she holds Jae's hand. He notices it, looking at her with a comforting smile and says, "Love, what do you want?" Slowly massaging her hand.
"The pan seared scallops would do." She smiles.
As they were about to leave after dinner, Jae bumped into one of the people he knows in the industry.
"Jae! It's good to see you, man!" The guy gives Jae a manly hug. "Who are you with?"
"Oh, I'm with my family." He replies. "This is Y/N, my wife." Y/N kinda gets stunned and glances at Jae before offering her hand to the man. "And our kids, Janelle and Julien."
The man, Yuta, gets surprised. "I didn't know you had a family!"
"I actually messed up somehow, that's why I only was able to be with them now." He replies without hesitations. And Y/N has never ever thought she'd be more attracted to Jae. Nothing more attractive than a man who admits his mistakes.
As they drive home, Jae notices Y/N constantly glancing at him so he asks, "Is something wrong?"
"You were so honest telling that man earlier about how you messed up."
"That's because that's something I cannot deny." He shrugs. "And you, were you jealous with the waitress earlier?"
She scoffs. "I wasn't jealous. I was just under the impression that you were not interested in her so I did what I could to save you." Sarcastically, while crossing her arm. "Was I wrong to do that?"
"No, you weren't. I wasn't interested in her. I have you."
Y/N shrugs. "Whatever."
"Mommy, Jan is sleeping." They hear Julien from the back.
"Yes, love." She replies. "Just let her sleep, we're almost home."
They arrive home and Jae carries Janelle to their bedroom while Y/N walks with Julien. Then they prepare the two for bed and stay in there until the two are already asleep.
When they walk out of their kids' room, Jae asks, "How about you, babe? You good?"
She sighs. "Yeah." Then goes to their room.
Jae catches up, pulling her towards him and then locking her in with his arms around her. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Jae. I'm just tired."
He scans her face. "You look really beautiful." Whispers, then his eyes stayed on her lips.
"More beautiful than the waitress?" She jokes.
Jae can't help but cough out a laugh. "You're funny. I didn't even look at the waitress."
"I know, I was watching."
He pins her to the door and smashes his lips against hers. He's got the rough hold on her, and she just went along with the kiss, letting him dominate her. One of his hands slides down her dress and grabs her ass making her moan.
"You like that, huh?" He smirks against her lips. "You've just gotten more irresistible, Y/N. I'm holding myself back from bending you against my bed and fucking you so hard."
She pushes him back a little, locking their eyes together. "Why are you holding back?"
"Because our children are sleeping just  a few rooms down the hall and I remember how loud you can get."
Y/N rolls her eyes. "I promise, I'll be quiet."
"You just wanna be railed, don't you?"
Without hesitations, she says "Yes."
He places a quick peck on her lips then starts kissing her neck, sucking on her skin, marking her as his.
When Jae woke up, Y/N was no longer on their bed. He quickly washes his face and brushes his teeth before going out only to find the three in the kitchen. Y/N is cooking while the two watch her curiously, asking their mom constantly about whatever she was doing while munching on some fruits. Of course, Y/N answers them all with patience.
"Hi, dad." Janelle hugs his dad's legs when she sees him walk towards them.
Jae lifts then puts her in his arms. "Good morning, princess." He kisses her cheek then goes to ruffle his son's hair. "Good morning, sport."
Y/N watches him adoringly as he greets their kids. Jae then goes to her with a knowing smirk plastered on his face, snaking his free arm around her waist and kissing her cheek. "Good morning, love." The smell of mint on his breath lingers.
"Mom already allows you to kiss her?" The innocent ones ask.
Her mom pinches her cheeks. "Yes, because he already brushed his teeth." Chuckling at what she said.
Jae scoffs and pokes her side. "I always do."
"Stop, I'm cooking." She tells him. "You guys go prepare the table, this is almost done."
She watches his back as he walks away. He's sexy as fuck.
Jae helps Y/N bring the food to the table. They've been stealing glances, kisses and touches like teenagers again and it filled Y/N's stomach with butterflies and got her heart pounding. She's never been this happy and in love again.
"Jae." She calls him as they eat. "We need to go back home soon."
He looks at her tapping his finger on his fork, deep in his thoughts. "I'll go with you guys. I can't let you go, Y/N. We'll go and get all your belongings then come back here."
Y/N is very hesitant about the abrupt decision. They haven't given it enough thought. She wants to be with him and so do their kids for sure but there are a lot of things to consider.
As the kids are playing, in the living room, Y/N goes to Jae who was cleaning the dishes. She just leans by the sink, not saying anything.
He glances at her for a second. "What's in your head, love?"
Jae puts the last plate on the rack and dries his hand. "You're worried about moving in with me." He states. "But there's no need to feel that way. I can't say this enough but you and our kids are the only thing that matters to me now. I can't... no, I won't let you go."
"It's just happening too quickly."
Jaehyun bites his lip, looking down as he thinks. Then he nods. "Alright. I'm not gonna force you to move right away but I'm still going with you when you go home."
"I might also change my mind. It's just that right now, it's too scary for me."
He just pulls her into a hug. They were deep into their conversation that they didn't notice their children sneaking up to them, embracing their parents legs because those are the only things they can reach.
Y/N tears up when she sees the two.
"Why are we hugging?" Julien asks cutely and innocently. Jae picks him up while Y/N picks Janelle up too.
Both Jae and Y/N look at each other. He wipes the tears rolling from her eyes down to her cheeks and that's the only time she noticed that she was crying. "Because mommy's just feeling so happy." He tells the kids.
"Isn't this better?" Y/N asks herself.
"Okay, you guys know what we will do today?" Jae asks. The children excitedly respond while Y/N is curious too. "We will go shopping to pick out designs for your rooms."
"Yehey!" The two cheer.
"Daddy, I want purple with fairies and princesses."
"I want cars and airplanes!"
Y/N watches her kids play. She remembers the looks on their faces when she introduced Jae as their dad. They were so happy and excited. Here, they have access to everything. They can have everything they need. Jae had been so responsible and just a good... scratch that, perfect, willing dad.
"Jae." She calls him softly and he immediately turns to her and hums. "We'll move in with you."
His eyes widen and a big smile spreads on his face as he embraces her and showers her with kisses on her face. "I love you so much. I can't wait to be with you forever."
"I love you too." She pouts and buries herself under his embrace. "I hope you know that. My hesitation was never about you."
A little to long, my bad.
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todayisreveluv · 2 years
Please please write more ex husband Johnny smut
Ex-Husband Johnny!
Just a short smut for now 🫶🏼
Warnings; smut smut smut <3 and baby talk!
“Come on~” Johnny growls, finger nails digging into your hips, “I know you got more in you~ give it to me, baby.”
Your body trembles in response as Johnny’s skillful fingers massage your clit.
All 8 inches of him buried deep in you, the fat mushroom tip kissing your cervix, you swear you can every vein of his throbbing cock. He’s been fucking you for an hour and your brain has already gone to mush. Johnny smiles down at you and he pushes all of him in you, pressing his hips into yours. You moan out arching your back. He removes his finger off your clit and brings it to his mouth licking his fingers clean.
“Can’t speak anymore?” He laughs softly, using a free hand to press down on your tummy, “You feel me? I’m right here, baby~”
He looks down at you with hooded eyes, you catch a glimpse of him and he looks like a god above you. His toned abs dripping with sweat and your release. The way he looks at you is dangerous he looked animalistic and you were eating it all up.
Johnny licks the corner of his lip when he sees you staring at all his glory, he leans down to take one of your tits into his mouth. He sucks and bites on your sensitive bud, his hand comes up to massage the other. You whine bringing your hands up to tug at his hair. Your hips instinctively move on their own, you squeeze around him and he groans biting lightly. He pulls away for a moment, kissing your bud.
“Don’t or I’ll really knock you up again.” He says in a octave lower.
You bite your lip and tug his hair softly.
“Please~” you moan when his hand pinches your bud, “give me another baby~”
This sends Johnny into a frenzy. He’s been dying to for another baby and now that you’ve given him the green light there was no going back.
Johnny growls from his chest pulling away, his hand grabs your face and forces you to turn to him. Your hands come up to hold his wrists.
“Don’t fuck with me, princess.” He says lowly.
“M’not!” You whine, “want your baby, Johnny, please~”
“Oh fuck.” He breathes pulling out so his tip is just in you.
He slams himself back in earning a loud moan from you.
“Let’s have another set of twins, hm? You want that right? Let’s make boys this time.” He grunts, “Don’t expect any breaks tonight, I’m getting you pregnant tonight.”
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jiamour · 1 year
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❝ sunny side up!¡ 🖇️🍳
✎ pairing: ex!jaemin x roommate!jeno x reader
✎ genre: fluff, roommates, angst, crack, ex’s2lovers
✎ warnings: i’m sure there’s some but idk rn
✎ a/n: i made another wip i’ll never finish // just posting it so it can sit on my blog
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¿ poly au ?
✁ - in which you move into a new apartment only to find out one of your new roommates is your ex and the other is hopelessly oblivious and keeps insisting you need roommate bonding time - -
alternatively: self indulgent ‘the way i loved you’ jaemin x ‘stay stay stay’ jeno
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playlists: ☹ awkward familiarity ☻ novelty love
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dear diary,
✎ introductions
✎ day 1
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bonus: 1 -> 2
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148 notes · View notes
phoxphenex · 2 years
texts with ex boyfriends WayV and saying "missing you comes in waves, today I'm downing"?
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147 notes · View notes
brokelover · 2 months
me + my 15 regular oomfs + drop-in dance class. oh and electrolytes
9 notes · View notes
scarletwinterxx · 2 years
the only way I could Remember that you were once mine - haechan one shot
hi! sooo candy dropped this week and omg they're soooo cute🥺🥺😩😩 go stream candy!! anyways here's another fluff scenario with my favorite sunshine, if u can pls leave comments saying 'YOU'RE DOING GREAT HAECHAN!' 💛
if you have a request or scenario you want me to do, just send me a message I'll see what I can do😊💌
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2022 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to owner)
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If anyone was to see you right now, standing outside your ex's door, knocking hysterically with tears running down your face they would think you're out of your mind.
Which you kind of are, your dog which your ex gifted you and co-parents with you has gone missing.
Haechan opens the door, confused with the rapid knocking only to see you standing on the other side of the door looking like that. Instantly his mind goes haywire, thinking of the worst.
"What happened?! Are you hurt?" he ask, quickly but gently pulling you inside his dorm. Checking for any injuries but he didn't see anything.
"Y/N! I need to know what happened" Haechan says, growing more and more worried with every second
"Da- Daisy, she's- she's missing. I can't find her" you said in between hiccups. Now Haechan loves that dog as much as you, but right now he feels a bit of weight lifted off his shoulders when he heard you're okay.
Gently he gathers you in his arms, shushing and gently patting you on the back to calm you down. "Shhh it's okay shhh she'll be fine. We'll find her, but first I need you to calm down"
When you finally stopped crying, Haechan hands you a bottle of water. He already has his coat on, keys and phone in his pocket ready to go whenever you're ready. Only when you were done drinking he notices you weren't wearing any jacket, just an old shirt of his he probably left at your place.
He goes back to his room to grab a hoodie for you, knowing how easily you get cold.
"When and where did you last saw her?" Haechan asks, handing you the hoodie. You didn't ask any question, instead you put it on you. Your mind focused only on finding your furbaby.
"At home, I just took the trash out I must've left the door open. I couldn't find her after that" you can already feel the tears going again
Haechan pulls his phone out, checking the tracking app that was connected on her collar. Coincidently he got it last week when it was his turn to have her for the week.
"What's that?" you ask, "Tracking chip, I had it installed in her collar luckily"
"You did? Is she near? Where is she?" you ask while walking towards him to see his phone screen, he shows it to you
"She's nearby, see. We'll find her" he assures you.
The two of you walked out on the cold night, hands shoved in your pocket. You notice how much colder it got, this made you worry more about your dog.
"I'm such a bad furmom"
"No, you're not. You didn't mean it"
"I can't lose her" you whisper, more to yourself but Haechan heard you. He knows she means the world to you, when he gave you Daisy he has never seen a bigger smile on your face. Attacking him with kisses and thanks afterwards.
When the two of you called it quits, he ofcourse left the dog with you. She was yours more than his. But you know just how much Haechan adores her too so sometimes Daisy spends time with him.
"We'll find her, we're close" he says, looking again at his phone screen.
"Daisy, daisy girl where are you" you say outloud, beckoning your dog to come out when suddenly a blur of white comes dashing towards you and Haechan.
"Oh my god! You're okay, hi love you're okay you're safe" you say over and over again while you try to hug the overly excited puppy. Meanwhile Haechan just stands back and watch you reunite with your and technically his furbaby.
Daisy then runs over to him, clawing on his legs wanting to be picked up. "Hey crazygirl, you got us worried. Where did you run off to huh" Haechan says, hugging the puppy close to him.
He can hear a few sniffles coming from you, quickly looking over to see you wiping a few tears away.
"See, she's fine. No more crying" he tells you with a small smile,
"Sorry for what?" he asks you, confused why you were apologizing.
"I just barged in your apartment like that, then I was freaking out and now you had to come out in this cold night to go find her"
He shakes his head, looking down at the white fluff wiggling on his chest like she was looking for warmth. He opens his jacket to put her inside, carrying her like that instead.
"I would've come and find her for you"
You didn't say anything, pursing your lips and looking at the puppy now all cuddled up in his jacket.
"Let's get the two of you home" he whispers, "I can go home by myself, no need to tire yourself out" you protest but Haechan wasn't having any of it.
For months now he's been looking for a way to talk to you. Whenever you drop Daisy off you never really say more than a few words to him, this is his chance he wasn't about to waste it.
Also there's no way in hell he was letting you walk back home alone, by yourself this late at night.
He pulls you by the hoodie, leaving you no choice but walk beside him.
"I can walk by myself you know, I got to your apartment fine"
"I'm surprised you didn't trip on your way, you were a mess" he jokes, this earned him a light punch on the side
"I only tripped like three times running up the stairs, the elevator in your building still sucks and I was in a hurry"
"You could've called me instead, or did you delete my number?" he looks over at you, you were looking down at your shoes
"So you did delete it" he mumbles
"No use deleting it when I have it memorized. I didn't even think about it, I was just freaking out when I can't find her inside the house so I just ran to you" you explain
"Why?" he asks
"Why what?"
"Why'd you run to me?"
You stare back at him, thinking of some other answer but it's like his eyes were compelling you to say the truth
"I knew you'd know what to do, I didn't know who else to call. I only thought of you"
After all this time you still trust him that much and that meant the world to Haechan. You may not be together anymore but knowing you still think of him when you need someone, hearing he's still the first one on your list elicits this warm feeling in him.
"Save my number" he says, not knowing what else to say
"Save my number so next time you won't have to dial it manually, when you need me I'm one dial away. I'll show up, whenever wherever no matter the time I'll show up. You don't have to be the one running to me, don't want you tripping on the way" he jokes
"Yah!" you scold him, meanwhile he just laughs at how cute you were. The fluffball you both love now napping in his arms,
"Thank you, for tonight. And for Daisy" you sincerely tell him, "You already thanked me for her"
"Yea well I don't think it'll ever be enough, she's my everything. I wouldn't know what to do without her. It's like you knew I needed her, so thank you"
In his mind he thanks you too, for showing up in his life. For being his for some time in this lifetime. For being the girl he never knew he wanted and needed, and yet you're the one he keeps coming back to. Like the universe knew he needed you.
"Thank you, too" he tells you, you just shot him a smile. Continuing your walk back home with him and your little one. Maybe tomorrow he'll gather the courage and fate decides to be on his side again.
"Tomorrow, I'm taking her to this dog cafe. If you wanna come with" you invite him, the universe answering him immediately.
"I would love to"
"Okay, tomorrow then"
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