#nct fanfcition
writemekpop · 4 years
Daddy’s Girl | Lee Taeyong
Pairing: Lee Taeyong x Reader
Summary: Mafia bosses don’t get holidays, but neither do baby mamas. So, you propose a swap... can he handle the heat?
Genre: Mafia AU, Daddy!Taeyong
Word count: 0.8k
Gif: @nctsworld​ 
Request: ​Can I have a crack with MafiaBoss!Taeyong in which he is scolding by his s/o for a funny reason?
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“Hey, mama, you didn’t have’ta wait up for me…”
You’re woken by a gentle kiss on your forehead. Taeyong’s bittersweet cigarettes fill your nose as you look at the window. The sun’s almost up.  
A fresh cut curves over your husband’s dark eyebrow. 
He looks like a mess. And you’re sick of it. 
“What was I meant to do? Taeyong, I hate going to bed alone.” 
Taeyong’s lips tighten. This clearly wasn’t the welcome he was expecting. “If you knew the day I’ve had…” His tone is gruff.
“Yeah, I get it, someone’s out to kill you – they always are. Try telling our four-year-old daughter that her daddy’s missing her birthday. Again.”
Taeyong scoffs. “Gang bosses don’t exactly get sick days, Y/n.” He grips his buzzed scalp like he wants to pull it off. “You spend one day doing some real work, and you’ll see.”
You stand up, your chair screaming against the floorboards. “Try me.” 
Taeyong eyes are an unreadable black. “Fine. Tomorrow, we swap. You manage my men, and I… do whatever the hell it is that you do here at home.” 
You search for a sign he’s joking, but there isn’t any. 
Taeyong is deadly serious.
You hold open the front door with one foot, dropping three satchels of cash. Leaning against the cool wood, you let your lids slip closed. 
You place Taeyong’s handgun carefully by the door. 
You’ve had one hell of a day. 
You eye the destruction in your apartment. Everywhere, ballerina skirts, schoolbooks and abandoned socks slouch over the furniture. 
Grimacing, you pick up a banana skin. “Good day, babe?” 
Taeyong emerges from the kitchen, furiously whisking a mixing bowl in his arms. 
You struggle not to laugh. 
Taeyong’s blonde hair isn’t slicked back over his head like usual. No, it’s pulled into a ponytail, making him look disturbingly cute. 
A thin layer of flour coats his body, giving him a ghostly look. There’s no leather on his body today. Instead, a ‘Mummy’s Little Princess’ apron covers his carved chest. 
Taeyong is panting so hard he can barely speak. “S-since when was our daughter a monster?”
You giggle. “Trouble?” 
At the sight of your perfect composure, Taeyong’s frowns. “Jaehyun musta been pleased when you came asking for my money back…”
You pout. “He was surprised. But I did what you told me - I reminded him just how much he has to lose.” 
You grin, remembering the colour draining from Jaehyun’s face. As you left, you just caught Jaehyun whisper, “Forget Taeyong. The wife’s the one you need to be afraid of.” 
Taeyong’s smile drops. “You’re telling me he gave the money back? All of it?”
You smirk, crossing your arms. “Ten million, five-hundred and thirty-seven big ones.”
The veins on Taeyong’s arms stop flexing; he’s too stunned to whisk. “Wow, sugar, I wasn’t expecting that. H-how did y-you-”
You cut him off. “Please tell me you remembered our daughter’s birthday.” 
As if on cue, you hear little feet smacking the hallway floor. “Daphne!” You scoop your daughter into your arms. Over the little girl’s shoulder, you glare at Taeyong.
“Happy birthday, princess! Come to daddy, I’ve got a present for you,” Taeyong says obnoxiously loud. 
You feel a pang of jealousy at the honey in his voice. Taeyong hasn’t talked to you like that since…
You scold yourself. She’s your daughter, for god’s sake.
Daphne jumps out of your arms and runs towards Taeyong. As she pulls apart the scrappy wrapping paper of Taeyong’s gift, you hold your breath. Please. 
She pulls out… a tiny rabbit toy. 
You raise an eyebrow. It isn’t pink and fluffy like most cuddly toys. It’s a scruffy, skinny brown, almost… realistic. 
It isn’t till you see the tag that you realise what Taeyong’s done. 
“You bought our daughter a dog toy?” You mouth the words silently, but you could have been screaming. 
Taeyong cocks his head to the side. You mouth the words even more furiously, adding hand gestures. 
Taeyong’s mouth drops open. He scrabbles for the box. 
When your husband looks up, he isn’t a weathered gang lord. He’s a little boy again, getting sent to the principal’s office for nicking sweets from the corner shop. Your heart is heavy. 
But your little girl… feels the opposite?
“I love it, daddy!” she yells.
Daphne squeezes Taeyong so hard he has to shout, “Easy, cowgirl!” 
Meanwhile, your culturally sensitive, age appropriate Bratz doll lies abandoned in the packet. 
You sigh, a smile slicing through your frown. How can you be angry when your angel is so pleased?
Maybe Taeyong isn’t perfect. 
But he’s yours. 
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jongins-laceglove · 5 years
1.4k words
Jeno’s lungs burned and his muscles ached as he ran further and further from the place he once called home.
he tripped more times than he could count- his whole body stained by the only remains of what used to be his home- his shelter.
he smelled of smoke and all he could hear was the screams and panic of everyone is his village and his feet hitting the ground at an almost soothing rhythm.
he looked back and saw his village going up in flames - a reminder of the dragon that had just attacked them, in the middle of the night. thought he didn’t understand why.. they’d been at peace with the dragons for so long. why now?
why after all these years.
why him.
why his village?
he could feel his body starting to give up- he could almost feel his knees give out from under him. his eyes burned with tears and exhaustion. his nose burned from the smoke and he could feel the countless scrapes he probably had from tripping so much. he finally stopped when it became to much and he realized he didn’t recognize where he was.
he decided to sit down for a moment, to let his body rest....
he was rudely awakened but the sound of a dense thud- and, wait, was that jaemin crying? no, it couldn’t be.. what would he be doing all the way out here! maybe.. had he come to find him?! had na jaemin, the love of his life, come to see if HE was okay?
with a bit of resistance from his tired body, he got up and sought out the noise. *snap!* he froze. “h-hello.?” he heard jaemin’s weak voice call out from behind a tree that was about 5 feet away. he’d never heard the boy so vulnerable before- so scared.
“j-jaemin..? is that you? are you okay? why are you all the way out here- wherever ‘here’ is, anyways-“
“I-i’m fine! please go... i- it’s not safe.. i don’t know if i can hold myself back.. around..... you....” he’d cut in
“jaemin, what’s wrong? i just want to help. cone on. answer me. give me a real answer. the least we can do right now- after our homes were burned to the ground- is try to figure out what the hell just happened.”
he hadn’t meant to sound so sharp. he regretted it as soon as it’d left his mouth- and as soon as he heard a restrained sob leave jaemin’s mouth.
“look... i-i’m sorry, i didn’t mean it-“ “it was me!” “.....what?” “it was me, jeno.. i don’t know what happened..... but i feel like i could’ve- like i should’ve stopped it..... and it’s all my f-fault...” he broke off, too scared of what jeno would say if he revealed any more.
he felt a warm hand on his bare shoulder, and he yelped in surprise, nearly jumping clear off the ground.
the said man was now right beside him, looking deep into his eyes for a second longer than what was deemed normal, with a little too much of a sparkle in them.
“jaemin.. i don’t know what you mean. but you can tell me. you can tell me anything... you know that, don’t you? i’ll always be here for you, no matter what. and you’re not getting rid of me any time soon. so spill.”
he’d said the last part with the corner of his mouth slightly upturned. “b-but you’ll only see me as a monster.....”
“i will never see you as a monster. you are an jaemin. the boy i always see walking down my street, followed by a small parade of girls, that- despite all of them trying so desperately to get your attention, you just drink your coffee... t-the.. the love of my life.”
he’d said the last part barely audible, he’d hoped jaemin wouldn’t hear.. but oh boy, did he. jaemin had supernatural hearing, why wouldn’t he? well, granted he was so new to this whole dragon-shape-shifter thing, he didn’t know how he’d managed to strain his ears just enough to hear it. but it was, after all, lee jeno. the love of his life.
jeno knew he’d heard his quiet love declaration as soon as a delicate, shaky gasp left jaemin’s lips. “but jeno... you don’t understand-“
“then make me understand, damnit!”
he let out a shaky exhale
“that dragon.... that burnt down the village..” he said. staring down at the dirt, praying to whatever god would listen, that this went well
“yeah... crazy, isn’t it? i don’t understand why one would just show up out of nowhere-“
“it was me.”
he cut in with. he didn’t dare move an inch, and he swear the lump in his throat he didn’t think could possibly get any bigger grew a size when he felt jeno falter. “it was me, jeno... the dragon was me... and it’s all my fault. everything is gone now, all because of me...”
jeno’s hand went slack and fell from his shoulder, and he looked at him in shock.
jaemin glanced up at him- and regretted it immediately. for the hurt in his eyes was too great a burden for him to bear. he thought i would break at the sight. “w-what..? j-jaemin... i- i don’t... w-why?? why would you- HOW could you-“
jaemin moved to stand up on his knees now and he gripped jeno’s shoulders “i didn’t mean to! it was an accident. i don’t know what happened.. one minute, i was fine.. then, all of a sudden, it feels like my body was being ripped open from the insides. i didn’t know what was happening- in fact, i’m still trying to figure that part out... all i knew was that i’m a danger to you all... so.... when it was over, i ran away.... as far as possible.”
jeno stared at him with a blank look on his face. jaemin’s vision clouded with tears as jeno became a distant blob and blende fit o the night. he couldn’t handle this. he felt jeno slipping away from him at a devastating pace, and he didn’t know what to do. so, he did the most rational thing he could possibly do in a situation like this. “i... i love you too, jeno..”
he said. “w-what?”
now, that made him snap out of it. he looked at jaemin in shock and confusion. slowly, his face started to bloom into a look of- what was that, happiness? was he insane? well, maybe, actually.... he did admit to loving a monster...
without a second thought jeno pulled jaemin’s bare, sore body against his own into the tightest hug he could manage, and all jaemin could do was let out a squeak of surprise. jeno buried his nose into the crook of jaemin’s neck, and inhaled the smell of smoky coffee that was just so wholly jaemin that he felt light headed with the intensity of it. “i’m sorry i yelled at you.... i’m so sorry. i hope you can forgive me” “but- but i burned down your ho- your home...” jaemin said, with a few whimpers in-between as he tried to hold back the fresh wave of tears he was sure he’d run out of long ago.
“i don’t care.” jeno practically growled out “it wasn’t your fault. you didn’t mean to.. it was an accident” he suddenly pulled away, but not all the way. he still had his hands on jaemin’s waist.
jeno smiled “as long as you’re here with me, safe, and okay... that’s all that matters” he pulled his hand up to cup jaemin’s jaw, but he was so invested in what he was saying that he didn’t realize until jeno was slowly leaning in. “c-can i-“ “just shut up in kiss me” jaemin breathed out.
moments later. he felt jeno’s lips on his. he couldn’t believe it. he felt like he was going to pass out, cry in happiness, he felt light headed, he felt like crying in joy, he felt like jumping up and down- his mind was a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts, but still- all he could manage was a small whimper against jeno’s warm lips -that tasted more like him than anything he could have ever imagined- and he felt jeno smile against his lips.
he finally let go, only to bring his mouth up to his ear. “i really love you, mr na.....” he breathed out against his ear, for jaemin, and jaemin alone.
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cherrygyusworld · 2 years
[7:29 pm] (n. jm)
please don’t copy or rewrite/post as your own. none of the following images are mine; copyright goes to owner! if you’d like to take this idea and use it, that’s fine, but I’d ask that you don’t make the scenario exactly the same and use a different layout. enjoy!
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summary | you’re mentally exhausted of dating jaemin, but he just can’t seem to accept the fact that you two need to let go of each other. 
 category | nonidol!au, angst, sad, breakup!au
warnings | breakup, mentions of cheating, crying, broken promises, leaving, arguments 
 word count | 960
pairing | njm x fem reader
You sighed as you folded away the last of your clothes, staring into the empty wooden bottom of the closet drawer. You and Jaemin had build it yourselves the moment you'd decided to move in together. It was a huge step, but at the time, you couldn't have been happier.
Now, the emotions were dull and barely alive. It felt like your relationship was broken, almost suffocating. You didn't know when it began to fall apart. All you knew was that one day, the spark was just lost. Maybe it was when he decided to start going out more often and hitting on other girls. Maybe it was when you had accepted a promotion, causing you to be out of the house more often. Maybe it was just because you two weren't meant for each other at all.
You'd tried numerous times to leave. But in the end, it just wasn't possible.
The familiar sound of distant footsteps and jangling keys grew closer to  your apartment door. Closing your eyes softly, you felt tired of the upcoming argument already. Jaemin was stubborn and would never agree to simply let you go, but it was the only option left. You bent down, heart heavy, and zipped up the suitcase.
"Y/n, I'm home!" Jaemin's sweet voice filled your ears, sing-songy and happy. Was he truly happy, though? You shook your head out of your thoughts just as the bedroom door opened and Jaemin walked in with a marvelous smile. His eyes first went to you, looking distraught, and then down at the bags and the messy floor. His smile dropped.
"W-What are you doing, baby?" He hurriedly walked into the room, eyes already glossy. He looked down at the suitcase. "Y/n?"
"I'm leaving." You whispered, voice hoarse.
Jaemin shook his head, tears dripping down his cheeks. "No, no you're not." He muttered to himself, and quickly took the suitcase and shoved it into the corner of the closet. He scooped up all the remaining clothes off the floor and threw them on the bed, then shut the door immediately, as though you were going to bolt off into the distance while he was distracted.
You let out a burdened sigh. "Jaemin, we can't do this anymore. I'm tired of all of it." You said, rubbing your eyes.
Jaemin shook his head even more furiously, only keeping his teary eyes on you. He walked to the door and stood in front of it, arms spread out. "You can't leave. No. We're meant to be with each other, remember?"
You started to silently cry, remembering all the broken promises he'd made. How he would stay by your side forever, take your hand in marriage someday. How beautiful your family would look, how people would stare at you two enviously. You were tempted to run into his arms and just stay there forever, but those thoughts died when reality hit you again.
How you two had stayed up late at night on each side of the bed, facing the other direction and feeling uneasy. Knowing that he was texting another chick as he smiled to himself giddily in the living room, or how he made up quick excuses about hanging out with the boys to walk out. Arguing for hours when you two were together, not knowing the last time you'd peacefully and lovingly gone out on a date with him. You'd had your fair shares of beautiful memories, yes, but it was simply time to move on.
Jaemin, on the other hand, couldn't seem to understand. He desperately took your hands, looking into your hollow eyes. "Y/n, remember that time when we first met? You looked so pretty in your white shirt and jeans, but I accidentally spilled coffee all over you. And we met again later at the hospital, and I had no idea you worked there. We began to hang out more, and a few days after your college graduation, I asked you to be my girlfriend under our oak tree in the park."
That oak tree had died a week ago, too old and beaten down to hold on any longer. Just like your love.
Jaemin didn't let go of your hands. "Remember when we went on our first official date? The carnival. You said you wanted your first date to be special, not some boring movie dinner date thing. And afterwards, you said it was the best thing you'd ever been to. I had sugar all over my face and you even convinced me to buy you strawberry cake." You couldn't meet his eyes.
"Y-Y/n, remember when you met my parents for the first time? They loved you--they still do. They were impressed that you were all alone by yourself with barely any family, yet struggling and making a living off of working numerous jobs a-and doing well as a medical trainee. They were so supportive and so happy when you made it through."
You slowly looked into his eyes, about to start breaking down. Jaemin, shook his head, pleading. "Y/n, remember how much I love you? I'll stay by your side forever. I promise. I'll do whatever you ask of me. Please. I need you."
But Jaemin just stared into your eyes, heart sinking as he saw how bleakly they stared back into his. Hollow, emotionless, faded and worn out. You were gone. You'd given up on him.
Jaemin collapsed to the ground, shaking with quiet sobs. He knew. He knew that he'd messed up and it was time for him to let go.
The only thing he heard was the soft cry you let out before covering your mouth, then the heavy footsteps walking out the door, followed by the sad rolling of suitcase wheels.
You were gone.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Heterochromia (Lucas x reader)
ONE SHOT ... SOULMATE AU! .. HETEROCHROMIA (different eye colors)
Warning : none (?) It's fluff and safe for everyone
Heterochromia- when one person owns two different colors of iris.
Having one purple eye and one green eye is nothing new to the society. Everyone is born with it. One of the color belongs to you, and the other color obviously belongs to your significant others aka your soulmate.
Science proof that when you meet your soulmate, your eye color will change. You will finally have a pair of your true color and vice versa. Truth be told, this is such a cool indicator and people are all loving this new mutation.
Waking up to coffee and toast is a good way to start your day. You toss your blanket aside and push yourself away, you’re in a good mood to start college today.
“Morning Hendery,” you greet your flat partner.
“Morning (y/n)~” his bed head greets you.
“coffee, bacon and eggs?” his questioning tone is enough to offer you breakfast.
“That’s so nice of you. Yes just one egg and bacon,” you say while grabbing your towel to use the bathroom first.
You return to the small dining room ten minutes later and your plate is ready on the table.
Hendery pours you a cup of black coffee with two spoons of sugar “black with two spoons of sugar.”
He pushes the cup to you as he finishes his own breakfast plate. “Thanks” you whisper
“Morning class?” you ask as you spoon yourself some eggs and bacons.
“Uh-hum, why would I get up this early if I do not have morning class.” Hendery scoffs
“You go take a shower, I’ll wash the dishes.” You initiatively take the responsibility since he had cooked you breakfast.
You met Hendery through a friend when you’re looking for a flat mate. You don’t have much rules to sharing the flat, your urgency made you sign the contract with Hendery, a sophomore in engineering while you're a junior in public health.
“Are you going to Jaehyun’s party tomorrow?” He asks after coming out of the toilet in a clean and tidy shirt. Jaehyun is a member of the same frats as Hendery and tomorrow is his birthday. You've met Jaehyun since middle school and the two of you are good friends! thus earning you an invitation to the ‘hottest man in the campus’ birthday party.
You rinse the last plate and dry your hands, “It’s a Friday night after all, I am going to come I guess.”
“Awesome! We can share a cab.” He flashes his big smile and the last thing you saw before parting ways was his half green half blue eyes. The two of us start our daily routines.
Preparing yourself for a party is always fun. You enjoy decorating your half blue half brown eyes with eye shadows and you love dressing up. Tonight's pick is a simple black dress with a pink choker and some wedged boots. February is still cold and you don't want to come home freezing!
You paint your lips on your favorite shade color and with one last perfume spray, you're finally ready to go.
“Hey, i'm ready.” You notify Hendery, who has been waiting for you since like thirty minutes ago…
He glances at you and stands up, “Great! The cab will be here in five minutes. You look stunning by the way. Aren't you feeling cold?” he wonders after seeing your attire.
“Nah, i'll use a coat relax. Shall we go down?” you grab your coat and then pockets your key.
“Sure, let's wait down stairs.” He offers you his hand since you'll need to go down two levels by stairs in a wedged boots. Although he knew you're so talented in wearing heels, he is a gentleman for always offering a hand.
“You know I won't fall just by wearing a 5 cm boots.” You giggle while descending the stairs.
Hendery smirks, “A thank you would be better. I’m raised to be a gentle man miss.”
“Right… gentleman.. arraseo mr blue-green" you tease him. Well the first time you saw his eyes, you lowkey envied him for having one green eye, while Hendery always love your brown eyes. Funny how we cannot switch eye colors! Or else you're going to pick purple and ash grey!
The party Jaehyun held was the biggest you've attended since coming to university life. He rented a whole party house complete with a swimming pool, pool, a dj, and of course free flows of drinks and foods. The room was so big and there's hundreds of people! You're sure he almost invited every one in campus. This is like a prom, but without the fancy dresses.
“Look, don't go home with any one! You're going back home with me. Okay? Contact me or just look for me.” Hendery said before you parted ways. Well, Hendery and you had only been sharing the flat for seven months, but that is enough to grow a strong sibling bond between you two. Hendery treats you like you're his little sister and you see him as your big brother.
“Right, make sure you're taking me home okay and not other girl.” You taunt and before Hendery could get you, you disappear into the crowd.
“Jaehyun! Happy birthday brother!”
Once you see the man with sweet dimple in denim, chilling with his frats, you hug him and congratulate him. Well, after all jaehyun and you are close friends and calling him brother is nothing.
Jaehyun smiles upon your greeting and arrival, he returns your hug and excuses himself from the group. The two of you walk to the quieter part of the house, the kitchen and there was a comfortable silence.
“Sooo you're hosting this big party let me guess,” you tease him and put a hand over your head, “to I don't know find your soulmate? Or just win an attention?”
Jaehyun laughs at your remarks, well those two are not completely wrong. He takes two cups of drinks and hands you one, “Well both are quite true. I'm looking for my special person… maybe i'll find them tonight. Or maybe you can find yours too.” Jaehyun swirls his cup and gulps it down.
You can catch the sweetness his brown and blue eyes hold. Yes the two of you have the same eye colors, but no you're not made for one another! Your eyes and his never change and that means you two have to keep looking on.
“I don't know if this is a good idea Jae, but meeting someone here and then realizing he or she is your soul mate will not be easy! There's like three hundred people here!” you sip on the alcoholic beverage and noted you're not drinking this tonight.
“Well I need to say it is hard, but possible. Besides there are only two hundred fifty invitations sweetie, I am sure you can find someone interesting!” Jaehyun winks and pats your hair carefully in a playful manner.
“Now, enjoy the party! I need to entertain my guests. Oh reach out for me if you need any help! Mom will kill me if something bad happens to you. Bye!” Jaehyun exits the kitchen and like the social butterfly he is, he embraces every single friends coming in.
You found your friends from your sorority, they invite you over to a beer pong game against another frats house and you're always in for games. You join your sisters and the fun begins.
Two hours of fun and games passed by, you've won two rounds of beer pong game, one round of drinking game and you've moved on to the dance floor. The crowd moves along to the dance floor, surrounding the DJ blasting “shut up and dance" loudly on the stereo. You bumped to a lot of people and drunk quite a lot of alcohols from the drinking game earlier. Now you're regretting things since your brain can't really cooperate.
“Hey (y/n)! You free?” Jaehyun asked when he sees you taking some air on one of the empty spots.
You turn your head from day dreaming and nod. Jaehyun takes your hand to bring you and sit down beside a nice looking man. You see Hendery sitting across you with some girls you did not know.
“So guys, this is the one special friend I’ve always mentioned. Her name is (y/n), we've been best friends since middle school.” Jae introduces you to the guys and you take the queue to learn one by one. The room you're sitting in isn't bright, it's dim and so you cannot really study everyone's eyes.
You learn their names quickly, Taeyong, Mark, Ten, Lucas, and a tall guy Johnny.
You got yourself engaged in a deep talk with Taeyong and Mark about raps and lyrics writing. You learn that Taeyong and Mark are studying to be professional lyric writers and turns out you blend well with them. They suddenly talk about their current project and in the dark loud room, you help them with some verses and that's how you ended up exchanging phone numbers with them.
Night deepens, your head is spinning and all you know is you were standing up to grab some water and the blazing disco lights were blinding you, you did not know when someone knocked you out. Making you fall down on someone's body.
The loud ringing from your alarm forces you to wake up. You look around to figure out where are you sleeping. You squint your eyes from the bright sun lights entering the room. You take a deep breath and that's when you realize something is wrong. No this is not the usual smell your room has, this is nothing near the fabric softener scent you use.
Your hands rub the bed sheet beneath you and your eyes shot wide open when you feel something that's definitely not bolsters! You turn your head to the side and in a glint of an eye, you quickly check what's beneath your blanket.
You can breathe normally when you see your clothes still completely intact. Now where were you, you try to remember what happens last night, how you ended up sleeping on a foreign bed beside a man who turns out to be the host of the party.
Jaehyun looks so wasted and drunk beside you. Although this is not the first time Jae shared a bed with you, this is definitely the first time he was drunk asleep beside you. You make your way out of the bed and room slowly, not to wake him up.
You leave the room and concluded that this is the same house where the party was held. Turns out you passed out yesterday and someone brought you to the room. You peek on the other room beside yours which is not closed completely. You spot Hendery sleeping there too with Mark and Ten. You see several other bodies passed out on the couches and floor. The smell of alcohol is pungent, you find yourself running with a closed nose to the refrigerator. You take out a sealed water bottle and calm yourself down with it.
You hear some foot steps and turn your back.
“Oh it's you Taeyong!” you greet him and move aside when he heads to the fridge to of course take some waters.
“Woah didn't know you're sleeping here too, thought you went home last night.” He speaks in his bed voice
“I didn’t remember anything. I guess someone bumped into me and I fell? But don't know. Anyways pretty colors over there! Purple and blue. Last night was too dark, can't see the colors.” You drive the conversation away from last night's talk.
“Well yeah I'm still looking for my soulmate, unlike you! Lucky you for you've found yours already.” Tae smirks while looking into your eyes.
You froze, your brain process everything that had happened. Did he just say your eyes are the same colors already?!
“Wait say that again…” you squint your eyes at him.
Taeyong smiles, “sure, your perfect blue eyes are captivating honey,” he teases you a bit, seeing that there's no one else here
You leave the half empty bottle on the counter and drag Taeyong with you as you head to the nearest mirror. It's in the bathroom.
You stand across your own reflection, looking so surprised and bewildered. Taeyong is standing behind you confused as you did not let his hand go.
“I swear Taeyong, yesterday before I went to the party they were still different!” you turn to look at him.
“Well congratulations! You've found your soul mate!” he speaks in a sing song tone.
You squeeze his hand tighter “I did not know who my soul mate is Tae,”
Before Taeyong can react to your sentence a surprised scream erupted.
“(Y/n)?! What are you doing with Taeyong in the bathroom?!” a surprised man stood in horror over the toilet door.
“Oh Hendery hyung! Nothing I just brought Tae here after he saw my eyes! LOOK! LOOK! They're no longer different!” You blink several times to show Hendery your eye colors.
“Damn! You're right, you've met your soul mate!! Congrats girl" Hendery gushes between you and Tae, he engulfs you in a hug and carries you while spinning you one time. He's too happy for you.
“So who's the lucky guy?” Hendery shoots a look at Taeyong's eyes checking their colors.
“Hmm not you. Who else then?” Hendery ponders
“last night I met a lot of people! Too much to actually remember one by one… I don't even have memories on who I met.” You usher the two men out of the bathroom and talk in another space.
“We can start by checking who's here…” Tae suggests and with that the three of you along with Jaehyun start to observe everyone's eyes. Jae needed to use the bathroom and found the three of you there pondering on where to look for your soulmate.
“Nope. None of them have the other color.. or had their color changed yesterday.” You slump on one of the sofa and bite your lips. One habit you always did when you're thinking fast and hard.
“Look, there were like hundreds of people last night and… I met my sisters.. which of course were out of the list. I knew them already and if our eyes were to change colors that won't happen last night.” You try to narrow down the options, because hell who is not excited to meet their soulmates?!
Hendery adds in, “You did play with some of the boys from Omega Lambda and you bumped to some of the boys on the dance floor?”
You shake your head, “didn't make eye contact with the crowds in the dance floor.”
“Then you made eye contact with some boys from Omega Lambda and probably from our frats.” Taeyong clicks his tongue.
“The omega lambda is a five minutes walk from here, we can check on them… there were only 9 of them last night.” Jaehyun stands up and walks to take his jacket. “Shall we? Our frats have 21 boys… might want to meet them at lunch… better that way.” Jaehyun decides everything by himself.
“Sure, Baekhyun is a good friend of mine and he's on Omega lambda.. let's go my car is free.” Taeyong plays with his car keys and the four of us depart.
Upon entering the Omega Lambda house, I definitely did not expect to see the frat house so clean and tidy.
“You're looking for someone whose eyes changed color?” Suho, their leader who answered the door, repeats the question.
The four of us nod eagerly. Suho puts on a sad smile, “am so sorry but nine of us had found their soul mates already and the other three are still…” Suho turns his head to see the living room, “taking shower.”
Baekhyun joins Suho in the front door, he greets Taeyong warmly and smiles brightly for us too.
“Oh looking for someone? Hmm let's see Sehun's still looking for his other pair.. Kai and Tao too. Tao didn't come yesterday so we can check Kai and Sehun.”
Your heart beats faster when you hear Suho calling Kai and Sehun. However to no avail, Suho confirmed that both Kai and Sehun still have different eye colors and none of them have blue eyes before.
The group parted and you're now on your way back home to wash and rest. You're not joining the boys for lunch, you don't feel close yet.
Hendery waits for you to finish showering and when you're out of the steamy door looking all relaxed in a pajamas he can only smile and ruffles your hair.
“Nice blue eyes over there! I kinda remember seeing someone with those blue eyes too, but I can't get the clear face or name… trust me I'll notify you when I find the man!” Hendery pats your shoulder and takes his turn to shower.
You go to the kitchen and start cooking your lunch. Hendery leaves after a cup of coffee and you're finally alone. You try to remember anyone from the party that might be your soulmate, but your brain was not cooperating.
You give up, finish lunch, clean the flat a bit, then you drown yourself on your assignments and papers.
Hendery must have gone to the cinema or somewhere else with the boys, because when you look up from your works, your phone shows 15 missed calls and 10 unread message from Hendery.
You glance to the clock and realize it's already noon and you see a pile of your dirty laundry. You tidy up your books, take your phone and you walk to your dirty pile of clothes. While humming to your favorite song, you take the basket and leave to go to the washing room, before that you borrowed one of Hendery's big sweater. Finally you make your way to the laundry place one block away from your flat.
There was no one when you enter the small area. The lights are bright and the sun has not yet sunken down, so you're not afraid even when you're alone here.
You unload your clothes and after putting in your favorite detergent and softener, you close the door and press the button to start the machine.
You take a step back and lean over one of the machine. Taking a glance to the right and left,, seeing if there is anyone else.
Turns out you're not alone. You spot a man wearing his ear phones, unloading his dirty laundries and ooh my gosh… he’s taking off his clothes.
You let out a small surprised cough and the man turned his body around quickly.
“Sorry…” you whisper as you close your eyes. Your cheeks burn from the embarrassment
“Ah sorry didn't see you there!” the man continues stripping his sweater off and tossing it into the machine along with his other things.
“You can open your eyes … I mean if you're not comfortable I can turn away.” He awkwardly explains.
“No it's okay..” you finally reply after collecting yourself back. Come on it's not the first time you see some man bare chested. Hendery and Jaehyun did that a lot, not to mention your younger brother who liked to strip too.
Once your eyes open, you're already face to face with the man.
“LUCAS?!” you run your eyes to meet his face.
“Yeah it's me.. you remember me!” He smiles genuinely but it didn't last long.
“Why? Something’s wrong?” you ask when you see his surprised face.
“Look at me (y/n)…” Lucas takes your face in his hands and bends himself to match your height or at least to be able to see your eyes.
You were confused at first, but now when you see it… you're suffocating.
“Hey hey..” Lucas can feel your body shaking and your breathing short, “easy easy.. breathe in.. out..”
He guides you through your small panic incident and his big generous smile is back on his face. His hands were already holding on to your shoulder and when your breathing stabilized he cups your cheeks on his large palms. His eyes widens and you're spaced out.
The two of you remain silent… with just one eye contact.. the world feels different. Your skin tingle and your heart feels so warm. No words can explain the exact unexplainable feeling happening right now.
“Lucas..” your voice cracked and a tear escaped from your blue eyes. Your hand creeps to hold onto his which are still cupping your face. You give it a gentle squeeze just to make sure this is real and he is real.
Lucas smiles and with glistening eyes he pulls you into a warm embrace. The linen Hendery's sweater provided to you, cannot hide the fast heart beat behind this man’s wonderful abs.
His hugs feels like your missing piece, his skin feels soft under your touch, and his heart beat sounds like home. You cannot hold back your tears from falling down. You make your arms slowly around his waist and gosh how you fit perfectly on his chest to snuggle.
Lucas carefully brushes your hair away from your face and with most care he locks contact with you one more time.
If time can stop, you'll want it to stop right now right at this moment in a laundry place with no one else. Your machine still buzzing and his too still rocking back and fourth. But amongst those loud rocking voice of water mixing, you find yourself hypnotized by a pair of brown eyes… the exact color you've woken up to for the last 20 years of living. You cannot mistaken that brown for anything else. Lucas too, seems to adore the blue eyes he’s now staring at.
“I love your blue eyes they look magical.” Lucas leans in closer to drown himself on those blue orbs of yours.
You blushed, “and I've finally found the man who gave me those fresh brown iris!”
Lucas crawls his finger to your chin and while keeping eye contact, his face inches closer to you. Your reflex made you close your eyes and your leaping heart flies to cloud nine when his soft lips mold into yours. It’s definitely a new sensation and you found yourself craving for more. What first was a resting lip, slowly moves. He leads you through the kiss and as your feet grow weak from matching his height, Lucas bends down for you. You tangle your hand over his neck and plays softly with his hair. The sweet soft kiss did not end there, you feel a strong hand over your hips and with one tap you jump as he lifts you up to one of the machine.
Thanks to the machine, you're now giving him an easier time to finish what he's doing. Lucas waits for your permission and soon his tongue was dashing through your rows of teeth. Your eyes were still closed, you did not really care if someone spot the two of you making out here not to mention Lucas is in his half naked state.
The kiss ends when you tug his hair as your lungs run out of air. With heavy heart he lets go and your eyes flutter open. Chest heaving up and down, Lucas stare at you in awe and adoration. He tucks your hair behind your ear and cages you between his strong hands.
“So.. look at my blushing princess… so cute.” Lucas coos. You playfully slap him and earns an “ouch" from him.
“Did you just steal my first kiss?” you ask while looking to the distance, your right hand finds its way to touch your swollen lips.
Lucas raises his brow, “That was your first?”
You stare into him with big eyes and nod your head slowly, “why?”
Lucas shakes his head and smirks, “You did amazing for a first timer"
You swing your legs and face your head down to the tiles. You're suddenly so shy in front of the man who just stole your first kiss… and was he even the right man?! What if he's not your soulmate?
“You're now doubting if I am really your soul mate right?” Lucas seriously can read you like an open book.
Your surprised face was enough to ensure him, his guess was right.
“Look, I met the boys earlier and no one has their eye colors changed.. well Mark did but his was not blue. Mark has a green violet eyes… and I was the other lucky guy.” Lucas leans over one machine that is in front of you.
You hide your blushing face, “I know it is you Lucas.. because I don't know.. my heart just tells me you're the one! Your kiss feels wonderful, your touch, your hug … and your eyes! Those were the colors I owned before.”
“And those blue… I cannot mistaken them for another color too! Plus my heart also leads me to you.” Lucas exhales a relieved breath.
There was silence and you hear your machine stopping. You quickly jump off to the ground and take your clothes out. They were dried already and you take your time to fold them.
Lucas is still waiting for his to finish as he chats with you. Now you're exchanging name hobbies and silly facts to one another.
“umm mind to tell me how you ended up half naked here?” You finally found the courage to ask him the first thing that bothers your mind.
Lucas looks puzzled from your question but he answers you anyway, “Clumsy Jaehyun spilled an ice cappuccino on my last piece of fresh sweater. I've had him clean it quick with tissues and some water, but heck I cannot stand the stickiness. So I decided to skip the movie and wash my clothes. Apparently because of Jaehyun's clumsiness I finally met you! The love of my life, the one for me.” Lucas explains as he dresses himself back in one of the fresh laundries.
“Starving?” Lucas asks as the two of you head to the exit door.
You nod.
“Got any schedule tonight?” he asks once again.
You shake your head, “I'm free for the night.”
“Great! Let's put our clothes back and we'll go to this restaurant I love.” Lucas holds one of your hand and just like that the two of you walk on the side walk hand in hand
You pass his house first and he came back with his motorcycle
“Hop on, we'll drop your laundry and we’ll go eat!”
You sit behind him and encircle your arms around his torso. Lucas zoomed to your flat and you rush your way to the door.
Quickly you put on a lipstick, grab your bag and wallet, tossed Hendery's sweater aside and you dress yourself quickly in a warm garment. Motorcycle ride on February after the sun is down will be chilling.
You descend through the stairs and greet Lucas with one twirl “How do I look for our first date?”
He pecks your lips quick, “perfect! Now hop on and hold on tight sweetheart, tonight will be unforgettable!”
Life has twists and unpredictable turns, yet in the end you'll find your soulmate just like finding your way back home. It feels assuring, safe, and wonderful. You'll know he or she is the one, once your eyes meet and your lips touch.
The end 🙌
Thank you for reading 🤧🥺🥺💖
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sm-entertain-me · 5 years
Room Service (M)
Contains: Nakamoto Yuta x (f) reader, adult language, smut, depictions of sex, love hotel (rabu hoteru), unprotected sex, rough sex, choking, facefucking, creampie, love hotel worker!Yuta, love hotel customer!reader, dom!Yuta, sub!reader.
Synopsis: Traveling all over Osaka led you to a peculiar looking hotel that you had never seen before. What you thought was a normal, upscale hotel turned into something more than you bargained for.
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You had been exhausted from keeping up with your tour guide all day, constantly pulling your group over to the side to ramble on about the city’s culture, how his favorite sushi place was a little bit down the road, and talking about how his friends would go out and enjoy what the city had to offer them when everything went dark. Sure, you enjoyed the history part of it, but you really didn’t feel like listening anymore to his stories involving women and what he could make them do for over 10,000 yen....
Another sigh escaped your lips as you wandered the streets of Osaka, your eyes darting around to find some kind of hotel that didn’t seem to unsafe or too greasy. Osaka is a beautiful place filled with beautiful people and beautiful architecture, but you were convinced you were just on the wrong side of the tracks. That was, until you stumbled upon a peculiar looking building with modern-esque features, brightly lit red neon signs that showed off the Japanese characters, and bored no windows.
A little interesting, you thought to yourself as you walked through the frosted glass doors that opened to a large floor plan, decorated with sculptures, fancy fountains, and replicas of the finest art you had ever seen. Funny how the tour guide never once mentioned a place like this in Osaka. The building was absolutely beautiful and judging by the rates posted behind the large oak wood desk, it wasn’t too badly priced either.
The options they allowed at this establishment were pretty cheap considering the wonderful atmosphere, although you did find it a little weird that they offered rates for 1-3 hour “rests”. Whatever that meant. But still, you approached the wooden desk and came face to face with a well dressed employee with dark black hair that swept to one side, and a small smirk resting on his face as he greeted you, “Konbanwa.” (Good evening)
One good look at you and he realized very quickly you were a foreigner, so he decided to switch to a universally known language that almost everyone could speak: English. “My apologies ma’am, good evening. My name is John, but please call me Johnny, and I would like to welcome you on behalf of our own little rabu hoteru. How long are you looking to stay with us?” The employee behind the desk asked as his eyes grazed over your body momentarily, bringing himself to look back up at you and wait patiently for your answer. Rabu hoteru?
After a brisk conversation with the desk-keep, he finally gave you a key to your desired room and gave you instructions on how to get there. For one night, it only cost you about 10,000 yen as opposed to the other hotels in the area that would run you a pretty penny of at least 50,000. 
As you approached your room, you noticed how dimly lit the hallways were with a thin layer of smoke from a fog machine, hearing a low rumbling sound around the halls as well to drain out some... interesting sounds coming from the other rooms. To be fair, the rooms did seem pretty soundproof and who were you to judge someone else and their sexuality? Everyone needs a little break here and there.
Sighing to yourself, you sat on your bed that felt like a cloud and immediately sunk into the comforter. Groaning out softly, you gripped onto the pillow and brought it closer to your face, relishing in the cold feeling of the fabric on your face that nearly coaxed you to sleep until the absurd ring sequence of the phone sounded next to you. Another groan.
Picking up the high tech phone, you pressed the receiver to your lips as you asked into the phone, “Yes?”
“Ah, Y/N, I forgot to tell you something during our conversation,” A soothing voice rang out from the other end, dripping with sex as he spoke. Johnny. You shifted uncomfortably on the bed, pressing your thighs together as you waited for him to continue speaking since you simply couldn’t get enough of hearing his voice. “Don’t forget to use our top notch services. I guarantee they’ll make your experience that much more enjoyable.”
The emphasis of the last word in John’s sentence had you cocking a brow to yourself, trying to figure out what he meant by that. Enjoyable. After you said your goodbyes to the desk-keep, you set the receiver back on its hook and decided to take a look at the “top notch” services Johnny felt obligated to tell you about.
Reaching into your bedside table, you opened the wooden drawer to reveal a leather bound book that read “Holy Bible” in gold script, and then a smaller red book that had Japanese characters dancing across the cover. Luckily for you, there were words written in English underneath the characters to act as a formal translation so you could know just what you were requesting. As you were flipping through the calligraphy filled contents, you were taken aback by just what was in that book.
Descriptions of sexual activities littered the page, explaining in perfect detail what sexual activities could be bought with the right amount of Yen. The acts themselves were ordered by price, from least expensive to most expensive, depending on how much sexual activity would be going on and who would be giving it. They even offered both male and female companions that each came with a list of their own kinks and “difficulty ratings”. One star being for beginners whereas five stars were for more experienced lovers. You were about to slam the book shut and go to sleep when you stumbled upon a picture of him.
At the end of the “Companions” section, you were greeted with a picture of a man with reddish brown hair, obviously dyed that way, with a nicely chiseled jawline, wide eyes that exuded lust, and a perfectly taut smirk that mocked your very existence. He knew he was hot, and that’s probably why he has the highest going rate and the highest difficulty ranking of all of the people in the book. Nakamoto Yuta was his name, and by god he was gorgeous.
You finally succumbed to the “top notch services” the hotel had to offer, requesting to have Yuta as your companion and informing Johnny that you didn’t care what kind of service Yuta was willing to give you. 
“Are you sure you want Yuta to choose?” Johnny asked, the cockiness in his voice coming through perfectly clear. He knew what Yuta was capable of, which is why he’s the most expensive. He also knew that you had no idea what Yuta could do, but it was ultimately your decision in the end.
“Yes, Johnny. I’m sure I want Yuta to choose the service. I’m only in Osaka for a little bit and I would love to see what you guys have to offer. Money is not an issue for me,” You replied to your semi-concerned desk-keep who was typing away at the computer, making arrangements for the two of you. 
“Very well,” Johnny said after you had ultimately signed your death wish, finishing the typing on his computer and sitting back in his seat to review the arrangement with you. “One Heaven on Earth package with our famed Nakamoto Yuta. He should be coming to your room in about ten minutes, so please dress to impress. 100,000 yen will be charged to your room balance at the end of the service, thank you for choosing to use our services and we hope to see you again in the future... Oh, and good luck.”
Your heart raced as you ran to the bathroom of your living space, running your hand through your hair to make it seem a little more presentable. You then stripped yourself of a bra just to make the process go faster and made sure to change into your sleep shorts that offered a bit more skin to the room, opting to change your shirt into just a tank top. When you felt like you were ready, you sat on the edge of your bed and thought about just what was about to happen. Until there was a short sequence of knocks coming from the opposite side of your door.
Swallowing your last bit of pride, your hand gripped at the door knob and turned it slowly, opening the door to reveal a man that was slightly taller than you, that same reddish brown hair that was swept back in the most attractive fashion you could think of, and that signature smirk still on his lips. Yuta.
“Well hello, darling. I hear someone wants to use me as a companion for the night, is that right?” Yuta’s deep voice spilled out, sex lining every single syllable as his eyes drank in your appearance. Yuta’s eyes took a liking to the fact you weren’t wearing a bra as he could see your nipples standing erect against the flimsy fabric of your tank top, licking his lips at the sight. When he noticed you didn’t answer, he lunged forward and gripped he side of your neck, the crook of his hand resting along your jawline as he forced you to look up at him with an intense hunger in his eyes, “Answer me.”
“Y-Yes,” You breathed out hastily, your breath catching in your throat as your heart raced uncontrollably, losing yourself at Yuta’s simple touches along your neck. He had you right where he needed you and knew you were going to be the perfect sub for him, no doubt about it. You were putty in his hands, someone so willing to take his orders and act them accordingly. Someone to wreck properly.
When Yuta was satisfied with your answer, he smirked at your desperation as he leaned in and captured your lips on his, kissing you roughly. Upon impact, Yuta’s tongue fell into your mouth and played with yours, pushing his tongue flat against yours and tasting you completely as his grip on your throat increased. Yuta could feel your pulse racing against his hand as he continued to toy with you, kissing you with so much raw passion that it nearly took your breath away. But before you could enjoy yourself any further, Yuta pulled his lips off of yours, a small string of spit falling from your lips.
Yuta loved how desperate you look for him by simply kissing you that he couldn’t control himself as his hand dropped from your throat to your shoulder, looking at you with a fiery glare, “On your knees. Now. And don’t make me tell you again, babygirl.”
Nodding at his demands, you assumed the position by slinking down to your knees in front of Yuta. His hands slipped to his belt buckle and unfastened it at a painfully slow rate, him watching the way your eyes would widen at the bulge that pressed against the confines of his black slacks. He loved to watch you fall apart without even touching you.
“Just know,” Yuta spoke as he unzipped his slacks and hooked his thumbs in between the fabric of his briefs and his honeyed skin, looking down at you to have your eyes meet. “You can stop me at anytime. I’ve been known to get a little carried away.” Before you could even muster up an answer or a nod of your head, Yuta’s hand was on the back of your skull, fingers entwined with a bunch of your hair, and his cock was being shoved down your throat.
Upon entering your throat, you gagged around Yuta’s length that was now pushing its way down your throat, smacking against your uvula with no resistance. Yuta’s grip would get tighter the longer he went as his head was thrown back in pure ecstasy, his hands forcing you to choke around him as he had complete control over the pace he made you comply with. 
Through teary eyes, you managed to look up at Yuta, admiring the way his neck vein was surfacing against his skin and how his jaw was clenched tightly together to stop him from letting you know how good you were doing. In response to seeing him struggling to keep his composure as he throat fucked you harder, you hollowed your cheeks around him and gripped his thighs to keep you centered, moaning against the skin to feel his cock twitch in your throat. You even went as far as to reach up and grip his balls in your hands, but were quickly yanked away from him.
Confused, you looked up at Yuta to find out why he pulled out of you so quickly only to see a cocky look on his face, a smirk tugging at his lips again. Yuta chuckled as he reached down and grabbed your wrist rather harshly, pulling you up to your feet as he towered over you, “Careful princess, wouldn’t want to be punished... Would you?” 
You shook your head vigorously at his question, not wanting him to get any rougher since your throat was now burning from the abuse of Yuta shoving his cock into you repeatedly. Although you were pretty sure you were willing to give everything for Yuta to completely dominate you in ways you couldn’t even imagine, you would much rather be able to walk out of the hotel room instead of crawl.
“Jump,” Yuta demanded as he got rid of the rest of his pants that were pooling at his ankles, bending down in front of you to hook his arms underneath your ass in order to pick you up. You kindly obliged and jumped into his arms, Yuta smiling at you brightly before his lips latched onto the skin of your neck, trailing open mouth kisses to your collar bone and began to suck harshly. As Yuta turned your neck red with busted blood vessels, you keened for him, leaning into his figure as he began to walk to you to the bed while digging his teeth into your skin to hear you moan louder for him.
Your back hit the mattress shortly after, relaxing into the soft fabric while Yuta moved up on your neck to your earlobe, whispering in a sultry tone, “Time to show you what Heaven on Earth is really about...” Yuta pulled away from sucking languidly on your ear lobe to look down at you with hooded eyes, piercing into yours with a look that one would describe as pure desire, “I’m going to fucking wreck you.”
And wreck you Yuta did. There was never a moment when his nails weren’t digging into your hips or wrists if he decided to keep your wrists restricted while he fucked his way into your guts, curses flying from his mouth with every thrust. Sweat was coating both of your bodies as you cried out in pleasure your nails digging into his forearms as Yuta pinned you beneath him, rolling his hips harshly against your throbbing clit.
“Fu-Fuck Yuta!” You screamed, feeling yourself getting closer to your release as Yuta kissed down your neck, peppering the abused skin as the intensity of his strokes never faded. Yuta smirked against your skin as he gripped your ankles that were wound tightly around his waist, pulling them off of him and spreading you wide so he could fuck you harder and much deeper than before. 
With the new angle, Yuta’s cock could pierce into the deepest parts of your slick pussy, causing lewd squelching sounds to ring out through the whole room that only seemed to egg Yuta on. His grip on your ankles got tighter as he leaned forward, pushing your toes to the wall behind you as he completely buried himself inside of your seeping entrance, pulling out and looking at the thick sheen of your arousal coating his cock nicely.
Yuta continued to push your toes against the wall, leaning forward with each stroke to have his cock drag against the most pleasurable spots of your ever clenching walls, grunting with every thrust he forced on you. His grunts were low and short mixed with a few Japanese curse words, him throwing his head back and biting his lip to distract himself from bursting inside of you. The longer he fucked you at this angle, the more his resolve weakened. He needed you to cum before him.
As Yuta fucked you the hardest he’s ever fucked anyone before, he removed one of his hands from your ankle and wrapped it tightly around your throat, looking at you for a look of assurance. You simply nodded as your hand was placed on top of his, holding him there as he steadily applied more pressure to cut off your air supply in a euphoric way that had you arching up against him. The sensation of his groin rolling against your throbbing bundle of nerves, his cock burying deep inside of your walls to feel you completely, and the new act of restricting your airflow had you feeling too good for your own good. All that you remembered was you screaming out for Yuta, clawing at him to come closer to you as you let the wave of pleasure crash over you.
Yuta felt your walls clench tightly around his cock, sending him spiraling over his edge as thick ropes of cum could be felt deep within your pussy, Yuta moaning out as he completely emptied himself into you. Yuta seemed to sputter syllables that reflected your name in pure bliss as he let himself crash on top of you, the only feeling he could feel before passing out with you was the sensation of his cum struggling to stay inside of your pussy and began to leak on the sheets below you two.
When the two of you woke sometime after you had the best sex of your whole entire life, you looked at each other with fond eyes and bright smiles. Yuta was actually a funny guy when he wasn’t forced to act on his dominant persona for tips from his lovers, telling jokes and making you laugh to seem more comfortable with the whole idea of paying for sex in a love hotel. 
“This was probably the highlight of my whole trip,” You said as you two cuddled afterwards, laying your head on top of Yuta’s toned chest and playing with the peaks of his abs. 
Yuta shifted a little bit to give you a kiss on the top of your head, smiling against your scalp as you could feel him breathe in heavily like he was in a supreme state of relaxation with you, “I’m glad I was a part of it... I think I’m going to crash here with you tonight if it’s okay with you, you really wore me out.”
“And don’t worry about payment, I’ll have Johnny take it out of my pay. With a performance like the one you just gave me, I should be paying you.”
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writemekpop · 4 years
Second Best (Part 2) | Lee Taeyong
Pairing: Lee Taeyong x Reader
Summary: You meet your ex-boyfriend Taeyong after several months. That night, he charms you right back into his bed. But when you’re there, you realise something important.
Word Count: 1k
(Can be read as a stand alone fic). Read Part 1 here
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It’s been seven months since the day you broke up with the love of your life. You wish you could say you moved on, but you never stopped loving Taeyong.
You knew you were making a mistake when you walked into that fan-meet.
You saw the way Mark’s eyes widened when he recognised you, the way he rushed over to Taeyong and whispered into his ear.
What you hadn’t expected was the way Taeyong would react when he saw you again.
You stand in the line at the fan-meet, waiting for your turn to meet him. You can tell Taeyong has lost weight. His cheeks are hollower, his jaw sharper than you remember.  
As you walk up to the table, Taeyong looks you up and down hungrily. His eyes stop on the white mesh of your top, as if he’s trying to see through it.
You are taken aback by his unabashed gaze. You spent the last seven months pining for this man. But now you’re in front of him, you don’t know what to do.
“Y/n,” Taeyong says, “you look good.”
“So do you,” you reply, trying to hide how much he’s affecting you.
You hand Taeyong an album to sign. As Taeyong takes it from you, his fingers brush yours, lingering a moment. The feeling makes you shiver.
“I made a mistake that day,” he says, signing the album. “I shouldn’t have left you like that. I miss you, Y/n.”
You gulp. These are the words you’ve been dreaming of for months, but now that you’re actually hearing them, you feel scared. Something broke inside you when he left you in that bubble tea shop.
“I know you missed me too,” Taeyong continues, “And I’m sure you haven’t been with anyone else either.”
Your cheeks burn with embarrassment. What has gotten into him? This isn’t the Taeyong you knew. Still, his shameless gaze and suggestive words are turning you on.
“Well you’re wrong, because I- I have a boyfriend,” you lie.  
“Oh really?” Taeyong says, his lips curling up into a smirk. “Does he treat you as good as I did?” he leans over the table towards you. “Does he fuck you as good as I did?”
You gasp in shock. “Taeyong!” you whisper, “We’re in public!”
“Let’s go somewhere private then,” Taeyong says, pressing the signed album into your hand. “Meet me at my dorm tonight.”
And just like that, he snaps back into “idol” Taeyong. He plasters a dazzling smile onto his face and waves at a girl in the queue behind you. A bodyguard ushers you away.
The rest of the day rushes past in a blur. You mind reels with old memories of Taeyong’s hot tongue on your skin, the thought making your body throb.  
You take a deep breath as you ascend in the elevator to Taeyong’s dorm. It’s past midnight, but you know he’ll be waiting for you.
You walk with Taeyong into his room. He locks the door behind you.
You stand there, not quite knowing what to do with yourself, or what you’re even doing here. The air between you is thick with tension. Taeyong’s lips look so inviting in the low light.  
“I thought I stopped loving you,” Taeyong murmurs. “But I was wrong. I never stopped loving you, I just lost sight of it.”
Your breath trembles. You don’t say a word.
“I’ve thought about you every night since then,” he continues, grabbing your hand. “I need you, Y/n. Right now.”
You heart leaps. Taeyong stares at you, waiting for your response.
“Yes, I still love you, but I-”
You don’t get the chance to finish your sentence, because Taeyong smashes his lips against yours.
His touch sparks a fire inside you and suddenly, you’re kissing him back with equal force.
You pull off each other’s clothes till his bare skin presses against yours. Taeyong pushes you down onto the bed, and you open your legs willingly, letting him settle where he hasn’t in months.
You rest your head on Taeyong’s chest and try to regain your breath. Your clothes are strewn about you, and your hair is messy from sex.
Taeyong sighs contentedly and wraps his arm around you. “You are perfect,” he whispers softly, sleep threatening to take over his body.
You used to live off Taeyong’s compliments, but suddenly realise you don’t need his validation anymore. You don’t need him anymore.
It feels like a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders. The dull ache in your heart that you’d grown used to has disappeared.
You glance up at Taeyong and see that he’s fallen asleep. You carefully lift his hand off your waist and slip off the bed.
You scan the room for your clothes and silently get dressed. Once you’re clothed, you turn to look at Taeyong. He looks so peaceful, his fluffy hair sticking up in all directions, his soft skin glowing in the lamplight.
You lean down and place a kiss on his cheek. Then you turn around and leave. For good.
You step out into the night, letting the cold Seoul air wash over your body. You finally feel ready to move on.
Not ready to return home yet, you decide to head into a 24-hour diner nearby. You walk up to the counter.
“Welcome miss, what would you like to order?”
“I’ll have the cherry pie,” you say, your eyes glued to the menu.
“Would you like cream with that?”
“Umm…” You freeze as you look up at the waiter. You can’t believe how handsome he is. He has gorgeous curly hair, chocolate eyes and deep dimples.
“Miss?” he asks.
“Y-yes, please.” You reply, blood rushing to your cheeks. “Thank you…” you squint at the name-tag on the handsome boy’s apron, “…Jaehyun.”
He smiles at you, and you wonder if he also knows that this might be the start of something new.
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writemekpop · 4 years
Cry Me a River | Wong Yukhei (Lucas)
Pairing: Wong Yukhei (Lucas) x Reader 
Genre: Angst 
Summary: You find out that your boyfriend Lucas has cheated on you. You should have seen it coming... When you confront him, he begs for your forgiveness. Will you take him back?
Word Count: 1.2k
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No one ever tells you how much heartbreak physically hurts. How it literally feels like you’ve been kicked down the stairs, how every muscle in your body aches. Today, you would discover it in the most painful way…
Lucas was thirty minutes late to pick you up.
You didn’t want to text him for the fourth time - he was probably just hungover from the party last night. You were supposed to be there too, but your brother Jaehyun had gotten in a fight and you had to take him to the emergency room.
You heard the revving of Lucas’s car and hurried out to your doorstep.
The first sign that something was wrong was when Lucas didn’t turn to smile at you. He just stared blankly out of the windscreen. He didn’t even turn off the engine.
You walked down the driveway and got into the car. For the first time since you’d met him, the radio wasn’t on.
“Hey, you made it!” you said as brightly as you could, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek. “Are you ready to go to the theme park?”
“Yeah, should be good,” Lucas said, his voice deadpan. He didn’t turn, didn’t smile, he just started driving.
To be honest, Lucas looked a mess. Not even his handsomeness could hide what looked like one hell of a hangover. His dark hair was unruly and still dripping wet from the shower. His normally golden skin was sickly pale, except for the dark shadows under his eyes.
“Lucas, are you ok?”
“Me? Uh yeah, I’m fine. Drank too much. You alright?”
You shuffled in your seat. “Well… no, not really. About last night…”
“What about last night?” Lucas interrupted, snapping his head towards you. Your eyes met for the first time since he picked you up. Why was he being so strange?
“Well…” you trailed off, not sure how to explain. “It’s just, Jaehyun got into a fight with some guys from work. It was intense. He ended up in the hospital.”
A curious collection of emotions crossed flitted across his face. Lucas gulped, and his hands tightened on the wheel. “Oh… sounds bad,” he mumbled, not even turning towards you.
Pain flared in your chest. You had just told Lucas that your brother had been hospitalised, and that was all he had to say?
“I tried ringing you…” you let the words hang.
Lucas pulled into the theme park. It was your six-month anniversary, and this was where you had your first date. It was supposed to be romantic.
“Yeah, sorry about that. I… well… Ten made me do shots the moment I arrived at the party. It was… I was…”
You tried to smile. “It’s okay Lucas, I get it.”
Lucas parked the car and strode off towards the theme park entrance. You had to run to catch up with him.
“Lucas? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Lucas said, just a little too quickly.
You squeezed his hand. Lucas squeezed it back, but the half-smile-half-wince he gave you made you want to let go.
As you approached the haunted house, your favourite attraction, your phone buzzed in your pocket. You whipped it out, thinking it might be your brother.
Your heart dropped when you saw the message. It was from Lucas’s ex-girlfriend Jade. Tall, skinny, gorgeous Jade, who’s hated you since the day you and Lucas started dating.
Lucas and I got together last night. I thought you should know.
Your heart dropped.
“Hey, what’s the matter?” Lucas asked. You felt like you were going to be sick.
You forced yourself to look at Lucas. His brown eyes bore into yours with an expression you could have mistaken for concern.
You thrust your phone into his face, letting him read the message. You waited for his denial, but it never came. Lucas just sighed deeply and raked his hand through his hair.
Your ribcage caved in then, crumbling into dust, taking your heart with it.
“It’s not what it looks like…”
You turned away and strode into the haunted house, your eyes stinging with hot tears. But Lucas was right behind you, his long legs making it easy for him to catch up with you.
“I think it’s exactly what it looks like,” you snapped, swatting some fake cobwebs out of the way. “Whilst I was crying by my brother’s hospital bed, you were fucking another girl.” Your voice breaks on the last few words.
“Please, Y/n. I can explain.”
Lucas tried to grip your shoulders, but you shrugged him off. “Don’t touch me!”
You ran into the next room, stopping in your tracks when you saw that the walls were completely covered in mirrors. A shiver ran down your spine as you saw your tear-streaked face distorted into strange shapes.
You used to love haunted houses, but now you never wanted to see one again.
Lucas’s reflection appeared in the mirror next to you. He pulled you to face him. “Please,” he said, “can we just talk about this?”
“That’s why you didn’t pick up your phone last night, isn’t it?” Pieces of a painful jigsaw assembled themselves in your mind. He was so weird with you this morning - he couldn’t even look you in the eye.
You tried to shake the images out of your mind, but you couldn’t. All you could see was them. Curled up naked in Lucas’s bed, light streaming through his red curtains, their bodies intertwined.
“I hate you!” you shout, running into the next room.
“Please don’t go,” Lucas begged, following you. “Please, Y/n. I’m so sorry.”
You tried to run again, but Lucas grabbed your hand. You turned to face him and saw that he was crying.
You’d never seen Lucas cry before.
His large eyes were glassy, and wet tears rolled down his flushed cheeks. He looked almost… beautiful.
Lucas wiped the tears from his face roughly. “Y/n, I’m so, so sorry. It’s not as bad as…”
“I get to decide how bad it is,” you snapped.
Lucas took a step towards you, and you flinched. He put both of his hands up in surrender, backing away.
“Look… my ex… she was the one who kissed me first. If you’d been at the party like you said you would be, then I wouldn’t have-”
“My brother was in the hospital!” you screamed, your heart bleeding out onto your dress.
Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted the fire exit. This was your escape.
“Y/n. I’m so sorry. I lov-”
You didn’t hear the end of Lucas’s sentence. You bolted towards the exit, adrenaline pumping through your veins. When you got outside, you collapsed into a heap onto the wet concrete.
Everybody warned you that Lucas would break your heart.
You should have listened.
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writemekpop · 4 years
Wish You Were Mine | Kim Jungwoo
Pairing: Kim Jungwoo x Reader
Summary: Jungwoo is your best friend’s boyfriend, but you wish he was yours. One night, when he’s drunk and touchy, you are faced with a dilemma. Do you do the right thing? Or do you give into your desires?
Prompt: “Goodnight my love, I’ll see you in my dreams”
Word count: 0.6k
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Jungwoo sloppily wraps his arms around you, his face nuzzling into your neck. Despite the night chill, his alcohol-tinged breath is hot against your skin. “Do- do you know how cute you are? I could just kiss you,” he slurs.
You prise his arms off you, taking in a steadying breath of fresh air. “You don’t know what you’re talking about Jungwoo, you’re just drunk,” you say.
Jungwoo grasps your hand and presses it to the thin material of his shirt, directly over his heart. His touch is so warm that you almost forget he’s your best friend’s boyfriend.
“Feel that? Feel my heart beating for you?”. Beneath the strong muscles of his chest you feel the distinct thudding, and you can’t quite believe you’re touching the guy you’ve dreamt of for so long.
You check yourself and drag your hand away. You look up to meet Jungwoo’s beautiful dark eyes. The alcohol-induced flush in his cheeks makes him look like he’s blushing.
“Stop Jungwoo, what will your girlfriend think?” you say, trying to hide the tremble in your voice.
“Shhhhh!” Jungwoo pulls your finger to press against his lips in an exaggerated quietening move.
Jungwoo’s lips are soft against your touch. “She doesn’t know that I secretly like you,” he whispers exaggeratedly. Your heart is pounding so strongly that you almost worry he can hear it.
A voice at the back of your head says this is wrong, but you can’t quite remember why. It’s hard to think with Jungwoo’s body warming yours, his breath hot against your hand.
Jungwoo moves your hand so it grasps his face, and the look he gives you has no trace of humour.
Your breaths get shallower as Jungwoo leans towards you, his hand clasping yours against his cheek. His glistening eyes are so close that they fade out of focus.
Then, his lips are on yours, hot and wet and so much softer than you could have imagined. You melt into the kiss, your eyes fluttering closed. In that moment, you forget where you are, who you are, everything. Your hands slide down to his chest of their own accord.
Suddenly, the realisation that Jungwoo is not yours hits you like a punch. You push him away then, gasping for breath. You realise that your fingers are still clenched in his shirt and you prise them off.
This was never meant to happen, not when he was still with her.
You force yourself to start walking away from him, but you feel a little guilty, seeing as you were supposed to be looking after him in his drunk state.
“What happened? Huh?” Jungwoo calls after you. A little unsteady on his feet, Jungwoo tries to run ahead of you, but fails.
You reach a park bench and sit Jungwoo down, but it’s really you who needs to sit – your head is spinning at what just happened.
Jungwoo rests his head on your shoulder, and you almost lean your own head on top of his, before stopping yourself. This has to end.
“Here, drink this.” You say, pulling a bottle of water out of your bag.
You turn to give him the water, but to your surprise, Jungwoo’s eyes have already drifted shut.
You sigh deeply and let your head fall back onto the cool wood of the bench. You can tell you’re the only one who’s going to remember tonight.
“Goodnight my love,” you whisper, letting your eyes close too. “I’ll see you in my dreams.”
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Broken Angel (Yuta)
idol! Yuta x Angel! reader 
ANGST! SAD ENDING... you’ve been warned 
MENTIONS OF BLOOD AND SUICIDE please do not read if you’re sensitive to these contents, instead head to my master post and find my other fluff stories! 
happy angst-ish! 
You take one last look over your once big strong silver wings. The one that would glow under the moonlight, get so heavy if drained under the rain, and of course the strong one that would fly you through the sky. You hold your breath and bite your lips as you saw them slowly turning black. The feathers wither as the clock strikes twelve times in mid night.
You stifle your tears, bite your lips in order to keep your voice low so the human sleeping on the bed won’t get up. The calendar mocks you with one box encircled with big red mark. Tonight, is the night, the night you lost your wings for failing as an angel. Yes, failing the mission and surprise surprise! breaking the rules.
The last pair of silver feather turned black as gravity drags them down to the ground. Your back hurts and you see your broken reflection. You walk slowly to the closet Yuta has in his room. This is a Japanese room, there is nothing wrong about having a samurai in your closet. Yuta had told you about this and you made sure to remember where he store it, because you knew one day you’ll need it. That day has come, tonight to be precise.
You’re an angel sent to the world to look after a young idol. A Japanese man who debuted as a kpop boyband member. Your mission was to make him fall in love and find his other half, but you failed miserably.
From first sight, you felt in love, you felt jealousy, and obsession. Angels could actually never feel jealous and obsessed, yet there is you. Sitting on top of his cupboard at nights, keeping yourself invincible until he’s ready to meet you. Every night you look after him, making sure there is no one breaking into his room, no mosquitos that will disturb him, even worse no saesangs in his room.
For 100 days, you have to make him fall in love. And he did, so as you
First ten days, you spent them looking around for anyone suitable for him. He got billions of fans, but you don’t feel anyone can be his other half.
The next ten days, you follow him everywhere he go and you keep yourself hideous. Yuta still did not know you, until day 15.
You were using his kitchen, thinking he won’t be home before seven. You used his kitchen on six to cook yourself some food, you forgot your camouflage since you’ve got so little energy. Yuta freaked out at first, but you quickly showed him your wings. That was the only way Yuta finally agreed to let you stay there. He did pull and tried to take off your wings, thinking those were fake. Alas to no avail, he can’t pull what the god had planted on the angel in his house.
By the next morning, you told him your mission and you broke the first dangerous rule. You stepped so far into the human life, telling him all about angels, the rules, and everything he was not supposed to hear.
Day 30 in mission, you’ve totally fell for this man with a healing smile. Yuta flirted with you and your sensitive heart can no longer hold back.
Day 50, he had bravely asked you to try and date him. You agreed thinking maybe in the last 50 days you can still find him a girl and you can leave Earth and Yuta without any problem.
Yuta was the type of man to protect you and super possessive. He did not hesitate to show the world you are his. Yes you can shape shift, hiding your wings and just walking on the roads casually like you’re a normal woman.
Every day, he sneaked in to see you between practices, your ability to be invincible made it easy to be here and there.  You could always meet him in the small vocal room, big dancing room, in the changing room, even bathroom.
Day 70, he took your first kiss. Touching has been insufficient; Yuta craves for more and you forgot the eternal rules to never let a human kiss or touch your intimate parts. For every kiss, you feel your body and heart burning, you feel your head super heavy, and for every touch, you will pay them back with the burden of the wing demolishing process.
Yes you know you’ll need to bare the crazy painful wing demolishing process. You’ve lost count his sweet kisses and you mis count his teasing hands. Though it was painful for you, you’ve never told Yuta nor have you the idea to stop. The super wonderful feeling whenever his lips collided into yours, failed to slap you to your senses.
Twenty last days on Earth, Yuta is totally in love with you too. You thought it’s a happy ending…. You love him, he loves you bam the two of you are each other’s missing piece. However, life was never that beautiful. Angels could never become one with human and as hard as you want to try and deny that, you were forced to agree that you two can’t be together. The god above had punished you with lowering your abilities and power day by day. You thought there were only small amount of time, and you bare the pain by yourself to make Yuta smile every time he sees you in between hard times and tiring schedules.
You thought everything was worth it, until ten days your last day in Earth, you saw him looking at a girl with a very different look. You noted his eyes were full of hearts, his voice even sweeter, and his smile… the best smile you saw on a man.
Your heart aches when you saw him showing interest to her and as day goes by you saw him seeing her more often. The last straw was seeing the two of them kiss in front of you. Your tears flooded your face and you ran all the way back home. It feels like heaven had punished you into a painful truth and reality. You could never mess up with fate, coz fate will always come to make his story as planned.
Day 99, you feel the lack of love Yuta has to you. Every night where he hugged you, now felt different. He still hugs you, but the warmth and safe feeling were missing.
That night, you corrupted his mind and made him sleep with you. People have slept with the devil, but Yuta… Yuta slept with the angel. You swore that was the best sin you ever did. Sex with Yuta was everything you could imagine. He whispered you an “I love you” when you both reach your high.
That and a last kiss was enough to end your chapter and for him to go into deep sleep.
That night when the moon shines so beautifully over your silver wings, you glance to Yuta. Sleeping peacefully like a baby and you bring yourself to the mirror. You walked through your punishment by your side, not even with a helping hand from the man who was also responsible.
You grab the samurai in your hands. Trembling, you saw your tear stained face over the shiny polished blade. When you close your eyes and swing your hands to stab yourself in the heart, you heard a loud scream and someone pulling yourself away.
Yuta cradled you in his tight embrace, your weak grip left the metal. Yuta fell with you to the ground, his cries were hysterical and you found your peace when he hold you close next to his heartbeat. From your peripheral view, you could see the shattered black feather around the two of you slowly turning into an ash.
“Stay with me.. why.. why did you do this?” Yuta managed to speak them up between his tears.
He hold you tight, ignoring his white shirt turning dark red, ignoring the wet feeling of his hands as he hold you with all his might.
‘Hold on.. I’ll call the ambulance.” He almost leave you, but you hold him first.
‘Don’t I won’t survive. It’s my punishment Yuta…” you were crying as your eyes start to blurr.
“Yuta.. Don’t leave me… I can’t see you.” You said weakly
He bring your hand to touch his cheeks, they were wet from the tears and you could see pain all over his eyes.
“Go with that girl, she loves you” you speak very slow, you even wonder if Yuta could catch the words.
He shakes his head, “No… you’re the one I am inlove with.. how could you leave me?! Why did you stab yourself.. why (Y/n) what should I do?!”
You force a smile, when he pressed your hands on his cheek, “Tell me how I can save you.”
“Smile… tell me you love me..” you gasped “and kiss me”
He forced himself to smile, he whispered to you tons of I love you and when your breathing gets harder, he placed his lips over your bloody ones.
He tasted the metallic blood of yours in his mouth, tears are competing one another to fall to the ground. For every tears touching your skin, you burn.
“no!” Yuta screamed when he realized your skin are melting away. Those moon white skin, the perfect porcelain skin only angels can have. You did not feel them though, for you’ve train your body with the burn whenever Yuta kisses you.
‘Stay with me Yuta… When this is all gone, take my ashes… drown them to the sea.” You look at him for the last time
He looks so wrecked, you feel bad now seeing him this miserable.
“Promise me love, be happy, find your soulmate, and let go off me. Thank you Yuta..”
‘I love you”
Those were the last words I said before closing my eyes and slowly turning into ashes in his hugs. Yuta cried himself to sleep.
He woke up the next day, body curled in a fetal position, ashes and black feathers all around him, the once bloody samurai was now clean but with traces of burnt on the shiny metal.
Yuta actually cannot accept your lost, he actually never loves that girl, he kissed him coz he lost control. You are everything he wanted.
But you’re now gone, you’re following the rules, angels that broke rules and failing mission will follow the textbook of punishments.
In grief, Yuta did your last message. He collected your ashes in a jar and with a black suit, red puffy eyes, Yuta walked under the rain with a black umbrella and your ash.
He took you to the beach he remembered you really love, and as he sits down on the sands.
The young man took his time to spill his heart out. While holding back tears, Yuta did your last request.
He however did not promise you to find the love of his life. No, for now he will grief upon your lost and he won’t open his heart for someone else.
the end 
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
College au! Doyoung (>,<)
Okay I am in the mood for some domestic boyfriend Doyoung! 
Fluff! Doyoung x reader
I open the door to my small shared apartment. I've just finished studying in the library for finals. It's snowing outside and I forgot my umbrella. Therefore, I am drenched in the snow after walking from the bus station near our flat. The lights are on and a pair of shoes greets me over the welcome mattress. I smile to myself as I quickly enter the flat and lock the door. I drop my belongings on the floor (quite a commotion. It made a loud bang!) Quickly, while jumping over my feet I fumbled with my jacket zipper as my mouth mumbles "Cold cold cold cold" . A frustrated groan slips when my frozen fingers can't cooperate to unzip my jacket. Just as I was about to call help, the shower door opens and a steamy hot air escapes along with a man in a comfortable pajamas.
"You're home!" he grins and walks to greet me.
"Gosh! You're frozen." He said when he saw how my lips and body trembles.
"The zipper, help" I control my breath when the urge of sneezing tickles my nose.
"There." He gets it off in one go, and takes me out of the thick jacket.
"Go shower first. You need that. I'll make hot cocoa. Have you eaten yet?" his voice comes from the pantry.
I yelled my answers back to him after grabbing my towel and clothes.
"Yeah just a sandwich," And shut the toilet door.
The man with his damp hair and round eye glasses walks to the refrigerator. He checks and grimaces when he realizes they have to go shopping. There's not even a single egg and milk. All they have is a bottle of soju and two packs of Yakult; those two and nothing else.
He feels bad but he has to feed her. So, he boils a pot of water and pick out two packs of ramyeon.
He hums his favorite song as he took out two mugs and fills them with water. He place both into the microwave and picks out a sachet of hot cocoa and coffee.
His hum and cooking come to an end just as the girl who has been singing under the shower opens the door and appears in a better condition.
I return in a couple pajamas and my body is not as shaky as before.
"I can smell it from the bathroom. Ramyeon! Gosh you know what I've been craving!" I walk excitedly to the kitchen.
The table was set and two bowls of ramyeon and two mugs of hot drinks are steaming before our eyes.
"Thank you Doyoung! Let's dig in" I pick up my chopsticks and start savoring each taste of this wonderful mankind discovery.
"I'm sorry we only have ramyeon. We ran out of kimchi and eggs." Doyoung said after they finish their bowl.
"My bad, I forgot to check them. I should've gone to the supermarket." I gulp down the hot chocolate liquid and hold the glass between my hands to keep them warm.
"We can go shopping tomorrow. It's Sunday and I'm free." Doyoung gulps his coffee.
"Is that coffee?" I ask when I notice the different color and fragrant.
Doyoung nods and smiles his bunny smile, "I haven't drunk one today. And I need my caffeine."
I shrug my shoulder and focus on him in front of me.
"How's studying? Is the library crowded?" He starts asking about my day.
I nod my head, "it's two weeks to finals. Every corner of the library is filled."
"Were you alone earlier?" Doyoung asks carefully. Well he's the type who needs to know if his girl is safe.
"I'm with my friends. We studied together for the Korean studies. You know I'm still foreign with the idioms." I said. Well being born Korean and raised in USA was great, but then when I return and start college here, I struggle with the Korean language studies.
Lucky me, Doyoung, my boyfriend for two and a half year is best at teaching me all the hard Korean test.
"Ah! You could have gone home and study with me." He picks his glass up to drink some more coffee.
"You're going to have finals too! And I know you need to focus well. That's why I asked Jaehyun's help to teach me. Don't worry; I completely understand the test materials now." I place my hand over his free palm on the table and gave it a small squeeze.
Yes I saw the spark of jealousy in his eyes, and I realize maybe I shouldn't have mentioned his name. Jaehyun is a big no no in Doyoung's dictionary. And I happen to forgot that today.
"Sorry, but there are other friends too: like Yuta, Mark, Claire, and Scarlet." I tried to make the situation brighter.
The air is too thick now, as I mentally curse myself for letting Jaehyun's name slipped. But how can I not? That guy saw me struggling and offers me help. I who was completely clueless and hopeless gratefully said yes and thank him tons of time.
"Good. That means you'll ace your Korean test right? Guess that Jaehyun is a nice guy." Doyoung's sinister sound launches from his tongue.
He stands up, grabs the dirty plates and empty glasses.
"I'll wash them. How's your day hm?" I get hold of the washing glove and sponge faster than him. I ask him question while washing.
"I'm dismissed early. Class ends by five when the weather forecast warned there will be heavy snow coming at seven. That's why my professor dismissed the class earlier when he saw most of us did not carry umbrella or drive a car." Doyoung helps me drying them and putting them on the drying rack.
"Oof lucky you. Wish my professor thinks like that too. But no, he told us he has to finish the lecture. I got soaked under the last drops of snow. Not that heavy, but you saw my jacket." I glance to my jacket.
Doyoung has hung it nicely beside his.
Upon remembering how I shivered and got drenched under snow just to have extra lesson to not disturb him, Doyoung feels soft and grateful. He's lucky to find himself a girl, as simple, loving, caring, cheerful, and cute like what he wished in his girl friend list.
She's not the type to fuzz over small things, thus they rarely fought. She doesn't get jealous easily, while Doyoung is especially jealous of Jaehyun (just him). We get along well because some times they can comfort one another in silence. We find peace in our quiet times, only exchanging small quick gazes, we laugh over the same jokes. Enjoy the same type of music and likes singing to it. And many more!
"Come, let's stay warm. I turned the heater on already before and it's starting to feel toasty. Let's stay under the warm covers." He leads me to our room and turns the lights out.
"The stove is off right?" I ask him while I charge my phone and do my night skin care routine.
"Uhum. I turned it off. Don't worry. Now quick! It's starting to feel so empty." He attempts aegyo and succeeds
"How cute," I jump to the bed and dive under the cover. He quickly pulls me by my waist and tangles his long legs over mine.
"Cold," He mimics me while snuggling deep into me.
"You want to be the little spoon tonight?" I chuckle. Doyoung always wants to be the big spoon, and yes he fits that better. My body fits perfectly in his.
"Nope, of course I will return to being the big spoon after this. You can't even wrap me completely with your petite figure." He leans in for a quick kiss.
"I'm tired. I need sleep." I yawn
"I can't sleep."
"Who told you to have coffee at this hour?" I stuck my tongue out.
"Just sleep. Tomorrow we have the whole day to fight." He giggles and brings me into his arms.
Doyoung plants a soft kiss on my forehead and plays with my hair.
He hums me a melodious lullaby and I drifted to dream land.
We dated for about two years already. I met him on my freshman year. Unlike the usual science geek gets attracted to another science geek, or a cheerleader who loves their team's football captain, or name any other expected couples! No. Doyoung is from another faculty plus he's a year older than me. He's majoring in arts and culture, while I'm pursuing my dream to become a doctor. How do we meet? We did not bump each other in the hallway, nor did he started as a bully and fell for me, no one set us up, and our first meeting happens to be a coincidence. Not an accident.
We were participating in the campus' annual athletic championship and both of us happen to be a team for the archery game. I'm one of the aces in archery and Doyoung is someone I never heard of during practices. He looks like someone who doesn't do sports. I'm surprised when my coach told me he will be my partner.
At first I almost gave up on the competition. From the first glance, I had a feeling he only participated here to attract the female students attention. He's cute and attractive. Don't get me wrong, I only judge him by his first look.
He's not like Baekhyun, my fellow doctor classmate who happens to be my best friend though he is loud af (I often question myself how I can keep up with him.) Doyoung is more of the cold and short-answers guy.
True enough, within 30 minutes of preparation and warming up. I only got his name and faculty. We never met before, we don't know how good our partner is, and my ego tells me to not practice here. I just feel like using all my potentials directly in the field. He seems relaxed and I, even though I won several competitions before, am feeling nervous. This is my first game and the whole school is rooting on us. The game is held between schools; today's match came from our top three rivals.
I touched my bow and closed my eyes, calming down myself on the waiting bench and anxiously bounced one of my leg.
"Nervous?" his voice suddenly enters my ear; a gentle low voice.
I jumped a bit from my daze and stop moving my legs. "No, it's just a bit loud here." I let out a weak reply. My sound's shaky though.
He patted my shoulder and gazed into the field, where the other players were aiming their arrows. "You'll do great. The field is always loud."
I tried to control my heart beat. What's this feeling? No. I should not fall for him this soon. I don't even know his class and I don't even know him for more than an hour.
We were called to enter the arena, I pull myself together and we walked side by side.
I turned to see the score board and smiled when I saw the scores our competitors earned.
Doyoung started first and as he took his stance, the whole audience gets even louder. I grimaced at the deafening sound but he doesn't seem bothered at all.
He launches his arrow neatly and hit the 8 points.
A good start I thought. The other teams started with a 6 or 7.
He finished his part perfectly with a ten twice in a row.
The game requires each member to shoot 5 times and combine the total point for 10 shoots.
Doyoung scored a total of 46. He bowed to the audiences and judges then switched place with me. He threw me a smile and nothing else.
I waited for the property team to pluck out the arrow and I prepared myself.
Let me show you who I am. Well, like I said I'm very good in archery. Not to brag but I caught everyone's attention and breath away when my first arrow hits the center point. I smiled satisfied and gain my confidence. The next four arrows all hit a 9 and 10. I won over Doyoung's 46 with a 49.
He seemed surprised, but his face showed no readable emotion. We won the game and I won his attention.
No we did not exchange number or emails, we both left one another just knowing each other's name and faculty. I even got the information that he's a year older than me from Baekhyun.
I skipped my archery routines during the final exam weeks. I spent most of my time in the library with my fellow striver. And after that sleepless and busy month, I return to the club.
That's when I met Doyoung for the second time. And that's where he got my phone number and my interest.
He brought me to lots of quick coffee dates and accompanies me in the library whenever I have exams tomorrow. He's also busy with his laptops. Typing in essays and presentations.Sharing the same hobby, liking the same style of music and dance, enjoying peace and quietness over loud atmosphere, helped us get along well.
After a good four months of knowing one another, he gets down on one knee and asks me if I'm interested to be his. He did this after we finish our archery routine
Well, I said "Only if my arrow hits the 10 points it'll be a yes."
He almost complains, but seeing how I'm enjoying my time teasing him, he reluctantly agreed.
I pull my arrow without much focus and doubt. I just launch it quick and I knew it'll be his happiest day.
He totally lost his cool. He screamed and jumped to me when the answer means yes.
I kind of regret knowing he can be this loud and so Baekhyun-like. But we'll see how this goes. That's what is in my mind.
On our first anniversary, I agreed to move in to his apartment. He said his room mate graduated and move out. So I started sharing the same roof with my boyfriend.
Things sometimes gets rough, but trust is our foundation, and through our trust we finish our little fights well and get all lovey-dovey in the next 1 hour.
Doyoung is always busy with his laptop. Be it typing an essay, editing videos, doing covers, and writing scripts. Well, he's in the main committee for our school's theatre club. Every three months they hold a small musical show, romance, comedy, or a classical play. I tried my best to come and support him whenever the musical takes place. There are one timewhen Doyoung returns to the apartment with several clothing that needs modification. I was watching my favorite TV show when he and one of his friend, Suho-if I'm not mistaken, brought two packs of costumes.
I remembered what happened that night.
"Hey you're back!" I stood from the sofa and rush to greet him.
He looks tired, but returns my hug with a kiss.
"What are those?" My curiosity can't wait any longer; I kneel on the floor and open the boxes. My eyes lighten up when I see the costumes.
"Are we playing dress up tonight?" I tease him a bit, and it successfully brought a smile to his face.
"Actually.. I have to make some modifications. We kind of went over the budget for this upcoming show. But it will be the best! I can feel it. We tried to cut down the costs, but ended up having to modify the clothes by our self." He explains.
"Oh! I thought you have a team for the costume department?"
"There used to be, but the last one graduated last year and the freshmen are not interested in entering the costume department. So, I asked around for help and no body is brave enough to take the responsibility." He huffs and slackens his shoulder.
I consoled him with a pat on his thigh, "Hey, it is hard being in the committee. It is also hard to take the responsibilities. But seeing that these babies are now in our house, you know what I'll do."
He smiles, "You sure?"
"Nah. I'm going to support you on the side. I thought you're the one responsible. Come on start! I can fetch you needles and thread." I grin
His face goes white and he's about to cry and faint right then and there, but I failed to hide my laughter and bursts laughing out loud
"Silly! You know I'll help you eventually. Besides there's nothing your girl friend can't do." I winked and stand up to fetch all of my sewing kit.
I return to a living room full of colorful costumes and Doyoung in the middle with his papers.
"Here are the designs. It'll be simple. We only add things and glue some gems here and there."
"We better start now. We still have Saturday and Sunday to finish and rest." I cheer him up and we both spend our night chatting and telling stories while our hand works nimbly.
"2 down! 6 more to go!" Doyoung screams joyfully when we finished the main characters garments.
"I will make sure to mention your name by the end of the credit."
"You don't have to. I like doing this. Besides my anatomy book is quite killing me, this sewing session calms me down."
Just as we thought our boat can sail a smooth journey, things got worse when my studies requires me more time learning and thus going back home late. Doyoung who frequently text me what I am doing and where am I, suddenly vanished. I no longer receive simple caring text from him. I think he sometimes did not realize I'm not homed yet.
I heard from my friends that Doyoung has been close with a younger girl from the arts faculty. I know he has the right to befriend anyone, same way where he allows me to be friend with other guys. But still, I lately feel I've been distance from him.
I forgot what it feels like to clean my mind from everything for a while and just relax in his embrace. I forgot how a simple dish can taste like a 5 star restaurant dish. I forgot what it's like to have a 2 am laundry session because we ran out of fresh clothes. While I am suffering from the big gap between us, he seems fine and happy. Heck he checks his phone every minutes and smile stupidly as his fingers dance over the keyboards. Gosh had he given me that smile in the last few months?
"Hey," he tapped on my back.
I glanced over my book and raised a brow.
"I need to go out for a while. I planned to go for a night out with the boys, want to join?" he asks me.. I think he dare offers me to join since he knew I'm studying for a test tomorrow.
"gosh.. out of all nights.. why does it have to be today." I sighed at my fate.
Doyoung seems a bit sad, well the night out is a routine he and his best friends held since freshmen and I've been joining every single one of it. Except today, the test tomorrow is a hard one and I badly have to pass this or I'll flunk my GPA.
"Is it okay if I go?" he feels bad asking me this.
"Can't you skip this one?" I pleaded
"Is that what you want?"
"Fine. You can go." My mood is ruined. Of course he will try to go his secret girl is there.
"You're not mad are you?"
"I'm not wasting my time for a useless argument. Just go. You're not even helping me with my studies. Have fun." I turn my body to face my book and heard him close the door.
He left.
He freaking left.
I close my book and silent sobs escaped my lips tears stream down my face.
Doyoung fucking left, He doesn't even hesitate to be by my side during this horrid night. Plus who goes to a night out with boys all dressed up?! I mean he usually wears his favorite blue sweater and cap. But tonight? He dressed up nicely. Even his hair is on point!
There's no use in studying anymore. My brain will not be able to stick anything. Instead I took my laundry basket which surprisingly is full and walk my way to the laundry room downstairs.
That's when I accidentally met Mark, who happens to bring his laundry in to.
"Mark?" I utter his name in a confused tone.
"Hey! Didn't see you there.. Where's Doyoung?" he asks while putting in his clothes and soaps.
"I thought you were having your night out. He told me he's leaving for the routine.. and I skipped this one to study for a test tomorrow." I explained while turning on the washing machine.
"Hey it's the third week of the month. Our night is on the fourth right... we're doing it next week and you must join!" Mark said in his astonishing voice.
"Oh.. Right. Then where is he?" I ask myself, but I think Mark heard me.
"Then where is he?"
"Don't know. Probably hanging out with somebody else, I happen to be busy lately and Doyoung seems to find some business to do too."
We talk and talk, Mark consoling me and telling me to look at the bright side: focusing for my test better.
We tell jokes and talk about the upcoming gathering, what we should do and others.
I return back to my room after I dried my clothes with a better mood. Laughing with Mark over some corny jokes really ease my stress. I come back right at the same time Doyoung hugs a girl good bye. He seems surprised seeing me doing the laundry by myself. Usually we go together.
"Oh, good evening eonni." She greets when I reach the front door.
I gave her a small nod. Dark round eyes, smooth long hair, petite figure, and a sweet voice! No wonder Doyoung enjoys his time with her.
"You are Doyoung's roommate?" she asks curiously.
I look at Doyoung, and he did not flinch nor reacts.
"Yes, she is my room mate. Now, please step aside so she can go in first, I'm sure those laundries are pretty heavy." Doyoung pulls the girl to step aside from the door and I enter the room. He closes the door and stayed outside with her.
I put my clothes in my room and walks to the kitchen. Actually I just want to see Doyoung again. After all, Mark told me maybe I've ignored him too long and I need to reach back to him.
After some minutes the door opens and Doyoung rushed inside with a small smile. He looks ashamed being caughtlying.
"Night out with the boys huh? I met mark earlier in the wash room."
Doyoung stares at his feet.
"It's next week babe. You miscounted. Anyways, she's an interesting girl. Who's she? You never told me... Right?" I ask him nicely. No, there's no reason for me to be angry. He's not cheating; he's only hanging out with a girl not the gang.
"I've mentioned her before, but you're too busy with your books. Sorry, she's my junior. She just moved from Japan and she needs a lot of helps. She called me earlier to accompany her to the library." Doyoung steps closer to me and reaches for my hands.
"It's not that I'm cheating on you.. I have to lie because.. I don't know.. I'm afraid you will think I cheated on you and your head will hurt then you won't study to the max and it'll hurt me if I see you cry while holding your grades. I will feel bad. Sorry for lying." He explains (ironically) sweetly.
My heart softens at his remarks. Even when most people cannot relate, I am really relieved and thankful for his explanation. Gosh the stress of these finals really impacts my mood and hormones. If I lose my temper earlier, I might blame him for something he did not do and this might end with a big fight.
I laugh and hug the man who has been my reason to smile. "Yak you should've told me the truth like now, that way we'll both feel good and have no doubt or silly ideas about one another."
"I'm sorry.. it's because Yuta is supposed to be the one taking care of her. He's from Japan, but he's sick for the whole week; thus leaving me in charge. Since the other guys can't speak Japanese."
"It's okay Doyoung. I get it. Don't make this a big deal. I'm fine. Besides I trust you. I trust you that you're not the silly type to play with fire behind my back. Also lately I ignored you so much.. I'll make it up to you." I snuggle into his embrace.
He tightens the hug, "Hell yeah, you forgot I exist for a good two weeks. You've been ignoring my words my texts; those are why I stop sending them fearing it'll disturb you and you even slept on the couch or table. Do you know how tiring it is for me to bring you to bed and tidy up everything?" He rants out while still hugging me tight.
"But you love me right. You love me for always falling asleep in the middle of learning... You love me for trusting you... you love me for my panic actions when things don't go as I planned and I love you for everything you do that suits me and understands me. Thank you babe."
"I like that you are the type to think rationally and not emotionally drive. Gosh I was afraid before that you might lose control and things ended. Oh such horror!"
"Lucky you. Now, I have to return to my desk and cramp everything." I pout as I let go the hug.
Doyoung pats my hair and shoulder then pushes me lightly to my room. "Let's go. I'll accompany you tonight. We'll sleep by 10. You need your 8 hours bed. No buts."
I smile knowing that tonight the gap is slowly disappearing and I know I have my sweetheart back and he gets his girl back.
Because in a relationship, you bicker, you fight, but mostly you trust, you forgive, and you move on with the blooming love.
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cosmiclatte28 · 4 years
Bestfriends? More like lovers!
Hendery x reader quick one shot / imagine
Laying down side by side with your best friend on a hill under the shady sky is wonderful. With the breezy air and toasty weather, you did not regret accepting Hendery's sudden invitation to have a picnic.
Hendery is your best friend since high school and now the two of you meet again in the same university. As a freshman, you must stay at the campus living quarters and so does he.
Your living quarter was located on the east side, since your college is closer while Hendery lives on the northern side of the campus area. He majors in arts and performance, while you're pursuing a degree in humanities. Although you don't meet him on classes and on regular basis, you made sure to keep in touch with him.
At least twice a week, you will either eat lunch with him or take some dinner together. If there's more free time you and Hendery will go to the cinema. Sometimes he also bring you along to the supermarket for a monthly shopping. You've grown attached to Hendery and it doesn't feel weird nor wrong. Everything is as perfect as it can be.
There was never any big fight and he is always there for you and vice versa.
You remember comforting Hendery from a break up he had with his last ex on last year of high school. That ungrateful girl left him for a douchebag. You remember picking up a call from a hopeless confused Hendery.
His sound on the phone was terrible, like he had cried all night long and he did not even know where he is. You guessed he was drunk and lost… so as you directed him to share his location, you picked him up on a small motel. He smelled like alcohols and puke. Seriously if it was not for the friendship, you'd leave him there and let someone else fetch him… but upon seeing his half conscious state and his red puffy eyes… your heart forced you to tidy him up and bring him home safely. Hendery lived alone with his aunt, and you knew the two of them are not so close.
“Hendery!” You slapped him softly to regain his composure once you stepped through the door.
You've got a fifteen minute delay for asking the receptionist desk to tell you where Hendery is. The boy behind the old flanks desk is flirting at you and he did not directly tell you where Hendery is.
“(Y/n)? Is that you?” He blinked several times to clear his view. Your hand crept to reach his cheek and it's warm.
“Oh no you've got fever.. look how did you end up here?!” you ask as you gather his belongings and pack them into your bag.
Hendery walks to wash his face on the sink. “I went for some drinks.. with some boys… and they were too drunk to drive… so we ended up sleeping in this motel.. I passed out last night after crying so much my head hurts..”
“and then you called me?” you deadpan asked him the obvious question.
He nods while supporting his head with one hand “yeah I called you.. you're the only one that came into my mind.. shall we go? I cannot hold back this aching head any longer.”
You bite your lips from cursing and lecturing him for doing such a silly and stupid thing… but seeing him… stopped you from all of it. The pain he shows through his eyes was enough to make you shut your mouth. Maybe you did not know what it feels like to break up after a three years long good relationship. No you did not know since no one dated you yet.
“Okay you go to my car first.. i'll take care of your bills.” You help Hendery sits in the passenger seat first. You suggest him to change into a jacket you have since his clothes smell so bad. It barely fits, but way better than before.
You had to deal with the flirty boy again as you paid his one night fee and you rushed out to your car quickly.
You did not ask him anything since he looks so pale and vulnerable. You can't comfort him if he cried coz you need to focus on the road.
You stopped for some quick chinese take outs and since your parents were away, you decided he can stay for a while in your home. Also your parents knew him already and won't bother lending a room for him.
“Hendery I can't send you home right now… not in this condition.. so you'll stay in with me until you're better.” You gently squeeze his hand and unbuckle both of your seat belts.
You remember lending him your clothes and washing his attire clean as you company him to eat a proper meal and spill his heart out.
Hendery has always been a strong friend, the strong boy who doesn’t think twice to beat anyone who messed up with you. But here right now on your bed, clinging into you like a small child, you saw how vulnerable he actually is.
“Hendery, please know that I am always here to listen… after all we're friends right?”
There was some fire fading away in his eyes when he stares at you after you say the statement above. You did not realize it, but Hendery’s passion died down a bit when he realized you're seeing him only as a friend.
The incident has been undisclosed long time ago. You and him are both single now, focusing on campus and part time jobs. There was no time to hang out and learn someone new.
Life is busy and today, the two of you can finally breathe a fresh clean air while sleeping on the green fields.
You lay down side by side and when you feel the sun shining too bright, you toss your head to the side and that's when you come eye to eye with Hendery.
And he leans in, so carefully.. breathing and not breathing. Two hearts beating between us and he's so close, he's so close….
You can't feel your legs anymore. Your fingers numb not even the slight tingle of the wind nor the emptiness of this hill. Because all you feel is him, everywhere, filling everything and Hendery whispers "Please."
He says "Please don't shoot me for this."
Then he kisses you. His lips are softer than anything you've ever known, soft like a first snowfall, like biting into cotton candy, like melting, floating, and being weightless on water.
It's sweet, it's so effortlessly sweet.
“Hendery-" you gasped
“What was that?”
“It's my true feeling for you that I’ve bottled up for a long time and I am going to spill it out.” He smiles then changes his alignment so that he faces you with the support of one of his elbow.
“You're always running around in my mind and I realize this is no longer a usual friendship feeling. No. I fell in love with you.” He leans in again and seeing you did not pull back nor push him away, he steals a second kiss.
He started it so he ended it, “So, day one?”
You bashfully nod your head and lean close to his ears “Last to come to the car, pays for our first date dinner.” You wink and quickly dash to the car. He regularly walks behind you taking his time and when he arrives, he gently cages you over one of the doors. “You know what I should've done this sooner.”
“Better late than never honey!” you hug him tight and cherish this moment in your memory.
Best friends can turn into lover and both of you need to want it so bad for it to work out.
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