#necron warriors
zalmoxis-the-great · 1 month
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Finally, I managed to take a couple pics of a few of my models ~!
Here's Orikan ! Our intrepid astromancer ~⋆。°✩
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I am so sorry Obyron, I didn't notice how blurry you got TᴖT
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Immotekh, my first baby boy ~<3
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Some destroyer ladies ~! They can destroy my heart UwU
They are in my custom dynasty colors~!
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Bob and Marley ~!
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Their cute backs ~! *pat pat pat*
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My bread and butter, aka The Boys~! The focus is not the best, but it is what it is~!
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Bonus round, details of the custom bases. I even leveled the UV resin to look like the water was forming a crater, but it is pretty hard to see.
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paint-pot-pete · 5 days
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Rise, my warriors 😁
Another batch of Necron warriors added to the army 😊 decided to “fix” some of their damage with pieces of organic skulls; The Silent King wants them back in their organic bodies and they’ll obey… piece by piece 😈🤣
Lovely band of cannon fodder 🤣
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waywardwonderlandlady · 10 months
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a box of necrons I just want to share my necrons. My best friend gave me miniatures of necrons, and when I painted them, put them all in one box, when I came back, they seemed very cute to me in this box and wanted to draw them
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nightscalestudio · 1 year
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The eighth Necron Warrior of Nihilakh Dynasty.
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sara-paints · 11 months
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Ugh FINALLY DONE with the other 17 Warriors for this unit. Just have to glue them to their bases and give them all little glowy green rods in their guns.
Srsly, batch painting is the worst.
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xalucard · 11 months
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Your squad, pinned down by an unexpected eldar attack, find themselves seeking shelter in a cave system. As you venture deeper, the walls and floors become smooth - detailed only by intricate carvings that your visor illuminates, but cannot decipher. Your ally bumps into something - and in response, a single blue light buzzes to light high over head. Then two. Then five - ten - a hundred. Now illuminated by the sickly blue-white glow, you see the rows upon rows of metal soldiers standing stock-still before you. Your awe is only shattered when the first of their eyes alights.
My first painted necron unit! Been too put off by trying to decide on a color scheme to actually paint them for years now. Finally settled on one and knocked out ten Warriors!
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wh40kartwork · 3 months
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Pariah Nexus Crusade
by Mikhail Savier
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wh40kgallery · 2 months
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Necrons vs Tau
by Jaime Martinez
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littlefellows · 7 months
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Iron Within
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magistralucis · 3 months
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Once upon a time my fiancé had a handful of glowcrons
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Here's one I painted up to join my Nihilakh army
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beril66 · 4 months
So I am reading banger character analysis of various necron characters from people like Ghost and Magistralucis so I wanted to put my two sents in about two things; the absolute HYPOCRISY of Orikan the Diviner and necrons as a whole;
Those who have read I&D no doubt remember the incredible Opera scene. It was probably the most profound part of the entire book; more than their hilarious feud , their team up aganist Orks and subsequent betrayals , their clashes of importance of culture and history and complete disregard of it even if its your own (put a pin on that we'll come back to this) , the heartwrenching flashes of memories or even the final kaiju battles at the end. These two old coots finally FINALLY have to breath methaphorically and just...talk.
Well mostly Orikan talks. Conveniently 'just' remembering it was Trazyn who dragged him into the biofurnaces (even if you think for a MOMENT it's while possible HIGHLY improbable.) So he engages Trazyn in the way it would impact him the most. Through cultural analysis. Both @ghostinthegallery and @magistralucis did analysis on these scenes better than I ever could and I want to a particular parts of Orikan's speech because even as I know practically nothing about 40k or necrons (I&D is my first 40k book) it always made me laugh out loud at the absolute GALL of it.
"Children of Important people, judging by their clothing, though Orikan had no interest in this world or its Byzantine ideas of hierarchy' and
"but we call each other low and bumbling because we are highly civilized"
I legit laughed myself silly here before the gut punch of their interaction continued because... the ridiculous amount of lack of self awareness and hypocrisy just absolutely stunned me.
This is the SAME species who before the biotransference killed each other for basically for sport.
The same species who calls those who are in the lower class as 'it' and has literal philosophical works that brings their SAPIENCE AND SENTIENCE into question (Aristotle would be PROUD)
The same species where a crown prince can get away with shooting 50 commoner soldier in the head as a 'LESSON IN RULING' .
Same species STILL in some cases look down on Imotekh the fucking Stormlord just because he is apparently a 'sandborne'.
Same species who turned their entire lives and culture into a death cult.
The same species who seem to ironically instead of uniting and searching for a cure of their condition just continue to paint galaxy in red with their own and other species blood.
The same race after Old Ones rejected them decided to not just fought aganist them but TRIED TO DESTROY EVERY OTHER PEOPLE THEY COME ACROSS until Old Ones kicked their asses enough.
Tangent here; I mostly agree Old Ones refusing to at least cure them of their cancers is a massive dick move but a counter argument can be made; if you saw a species like necrontyr spread in the galaxy conquering everything they see (and lets be honest here.. if they had vassal species they most likely treat them worse than any Sand born) and the only thing keeping them in check is their sickness , internal political bullshit and equevalant species...would you help them?
And after ALL OF THAT you just...turn each on other and start to REALLY go at it to the point you get the attention of hungry melicious star parasites.
After completely ignoring the increasingly desperate warnings of your almost always correct court astromancer and paint him as insane and a charlatan;
THEN these things, using higher echelon's desperation for eternal life fool you into turning your entire race into soulless terminators because suprise!! During your transformation of course the 'gods' duped you and not only they stuck you into sub-optimal metal coffins , not only (some lore bits implies nobility %100 aware and content) %95 precent of your population is lobotomized , not only you are made to forget %98 of your entire culture even forget where your homeworld is , not only you sacrificed every single class of your young children and will NEVER have future generations EVER, but the cherry on top of this shit cake is your souls are gobbled by said star parasites and also ALL of you, SK included turned into their slaves.
So you and your new masters start a 5 million years worth of war so horrific you give chaos such a power boost , killed about %80 of the galaxy , forced psykic frogs into tearing the first anus in reality and drove the possibly only species keeping the Chaos Gods in check into (possible) extinction. You fucked the afterlife for everyone else until the heat death of the universe in Milky Way.
After that little debacle you turn on your gods , fought them, shatter them (and 'kill' one that in some shape harmed the reality) then after seeing the absolute devestation your gods and kind inflicted go to 60 millions of years of sleep which lets be honest helped more than hurt as mental problems were cropping up BEFORE the end of the war (TDK)
Now you are waking up and did you learn ANYTHING from all of the 5 million worth of life experience?
They learned jackshit thats what happened. Every single sapient necron even the likes of Trazyn, even Zhandrekh are still making the SAME mistakes and inflicts same cruelties they kind always had done.
Trazyn is at the end of the day is a thief and a kidnapper. I&D happened BECAUSE he was so stubborn to steal that gem he wounded the World Spirit and caused the Deciever shard to gain enough power by sending some Aeldari souls his way before Slaanesh can take them. My guy killed an ENTIRE WORLD for a joke.
We all know the reason he is so obsessed with his work is to keep himself sane and have a purpose but just imagine the GOOD he can do. He library rivals the actual BLACK LIBRARY in universe. He tried to help at Cadia and it was amazing to see but at the end of the day even Trazyn didn't seem to grasp that the galaxy is dying in front of him and he can CHANGE that. Or unwilling. This is the worst attributes of the necrons; not caring when they actually really SHOULD.
Zhandrekh is as much as the setting allows is a good man. He could be considered kind even in Flesh Times. He is an honourable man. He is also a terrifyingly competent warlord serving Imotekh whose damage seems to be his insaitable desire to conquer and CONTROL (as much as we know GW for what? 8 years didn't characterized him other than "really clever , great general , obsession with proving his worth and control by dueling with strong opponents"). I think people forget about that about him. He didn't lost a SINGLE campaign aganist Imperium. My senile old sweet man is TERRIFYING.Not much more to say about him honestly he is a good dude in a horrific setting with dementia and married to his bodyguard.
Now lets come to Orikan. Orikan the Diviner is %100 has the right to be a resentful bastard to his own people. He tried so hard to stop the catasthrophy of biotransference. Not only he didn't succeed but they THROW HIM AGANIST HIS WILL into the fires.
What I really like about him however is while he is a venomous , back stabbing little bastard who takes a little too much pleasure of his people' suffering he has these...flashes that shows there is SOMETHING kinder underneath deep deep DEEP down. He didn't want to destroy Serenade. Interestinf thing about him is he only refers to humans as an "it" ONCE. And thats a corpse something even we do. These are very small but it shows Orikan ISN'T just a complete and utter douchbag XD
That being said Orikan abject denial of basically anything positive about anything or anyone necron or not shows how small minded he can be. His destruction of necrontyr artifacts, his dismissal of human anything without giving it a try (like apperantly SK prepared shadow puppet theater for palace kids? How is that a drivel Orikan???) Etc. He simultaneously despises everything necrontyr/necron that ISN'T his or Vishani's provess in their fields yet claims total superiority in everything Necrons do as he insults them. He is the single most hypocritical character bar chaos SM.
Don't get me wrong its a great character work and shows us how flimsy necron identity even is. Because minus general archetypes of their dynasties they have...none. Soulless God Killers isn't an identity. It's the curse of their entire species however metal (pun intended) it is to turn your treacherous gods into cattle. At the end of the day however advanced tech they possess or claims to have high manners (if they are sentient enough) or 'elegance' they are as barren as a civilization can get in all account bar tech.
And the fact that they can call themselves 'Civilized' making me giggle for the sheer absurdity of it BECAUSE they equate technological advancement as 'Cultured amd civilized'.
Necrons while I LOVE THEM and want them to have a happy ending (I want that for all species honetly everyone is horrible in 40k its okay :D) are the indisputed the WORST people in this shithole of a galaxy.
Imperium in many ways are lightyears ahead of us technologically would we call them civilized? Aeldari despite all their tech and arts were creating blood orgies on bodies of sacrificed children and I didn't met many people who would consider even the today's Crafworld Aeldari civilized.
Necrons are the same as these two. There is beside technology and cultural ticks no difference between them. Orikan calls the class system of Serenade 'Byzantine ideas' while he himself is subjected to the EXACT SAME THING in Mendragora court.
So if we rib on the Imperium and Aeldar...why shouldn't we on necrons?
All the races of the Milky Way are sides of a multi-faced coin (except Tyranids obviously). Bloodthirsty , cruel savages with certain exceptions in characters because they are marginally less shitty than the rest (Trazyn , Zhandrekh , Oltyx , Yenekh , Eldrad , Vulcan , Farsight , Shadowsun , Jaghatai Khan etc.) Who wants the same thing.
Necrons are just the most delusional of them all and its so tragic it loops back around to being funny. All races have fell from grace in Warhammer. The Necrontyr might be the only race started with very little redeeming qualities though. And the have not changed a SINGLE BIT in 65 fucking MILLION YEARS besides Oltyx (who because the Flayer King. A literal flesh tearing and wearing monster) . A single character. This is beyond horrific when you think about it.
Ironically in 40k DAOT humans might have been the most civilized race ever existed. They had peace treaties with ORKS. Interex have not eradicated Mega-arachnids just banished them to a world where they can live and let live. Diasporex just wanted to be left alone. Humanity even Aledari used to have compassion. Necrontyr and necron minus few never had that as a SOCIETY. Not to their own NOT to others. (I am not humans fuck yeah! In the slightest but...history speaks for itself)
And with their souls gone it seems something needs to shake them up so badly to start actual REFLECTION of eho they have been/who they are. Because with the way the are going...their minds will give long before their bodies do.
Sooo...this is my 'analysis' of the hypocrisy of Orikan and Necrons as a whole considering them so above all despite being in the same mudpit wirh other races. Would love to hear your opinions do you agree? Disagree?
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audley-and-cherry · 11 months
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My lighting is especially bad today (stormy weather makes everything dim), so here's in the lightbox and on my desk pictures of My Very Special Necron.
He's done! I painted something!
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nehetari-of-szarekhan · 9 months
Perturabo: *Is in a loud and vicious argument with both Crucius and Edon on whether or not grox-dogs can be classified as a sandwich, and it's threatening to turn violent*
Nehetari: *is standing beside Perturabo and listening thoughtfully*
The Silent King (through interstitial message): "This is the being you've taken for your mate. Your Mahkotokh no less..."
Nehetari: *mildly confused by her father's obvious remark* Yes?
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nightscalestudio · 1 year
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The tenth Necron Warrior of Nihilakh Dynasty.
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theironwarsmith · 1 year
Xenology: part two
11) Servitor
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12) Genestealer and Lictor dissections
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13) Tyranid Warrior dissection
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14) Hrud dissection, note: apparently the Hrud decompose rapidly
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15) An 'artists impression' of a Hrud
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16) Various bits of equipment found with some of the Xenos
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17) various limbs and bodily attachments
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18) Oh noes the Inquisitor's boss was a Necron
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crassussativum · 1 year
I love the iron warriors so ofc my first big dreadnought had to be painted in their style. Aslo, my first necron.
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